okay good afternoon everyone we're about to get started so if we can silence our cell phones like I'm doing and also take your seats so we can get started okay good afternoon everyone we are on the record today is Monday the 6th day of May in the year 2024 this is a city council Caucus meeting of the Jersey City municipal Council we had a scheduled 4M start the clock on my cell phone is showing 4:05 PM may we have a roll call for the commencement of this caucus council person Ridley here council person priner here council person bajano council person SLE here council person Solomon here council person Gilmore present council person the jce is not here and council person Riva will not be here or for the council meeting and council president yeah so we have seven council members and attendance at 4:05 pm. on behalf of council president and members of the municipal Council and the coordinates with New Jersey public laws of 1975 chapter 231 the open public meetings act also known as the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by by the posting on the bulletin board of the first floor of the city hall the annual notice which is the schedule of meetings in caucuses of the municipal Council for the calendar year 2024 and file the new office of the city clerk on Thursday November 30th 2023 in addition at its time of its preparation the agenda of this meeting was similarly disseminated on Friday May 3rd 2024 at 6:35 p.m. to the mayor Municipal Council business administrative Corporation Council and the local newspapers and posted on the city's website it so I can certify as to our total compliance with the Sunshine Law council president I'm going to turn it over to you afternoon director K good afternoon president members of the council I have three items before you today resolution 24335 item 1028 resolution will you authorize Award of a contract to William J guini Incorporated to provide city-wide plumbing services through the New Jersey Co-operative purchasing Alliance for the DPW division of buildings and streets total cost of this contract is $120,000 with a temporary incumbrance of $220,000 and is covered under the DPW operating account next item 1029 reso 2 one minute one minute umini please over the street I'm sorry coun I can't hear you yeah Craig I was going to call him we have on Magnolia and other many other blocks they're digging up the streets they break the sidewalks they break the curves and they don't fix them and they pack up and they leave they got to start repairing the stuff all the damage they do to these streets we're supposed to repair them back to the original way that they will well they don't great send send me a list I'll if it's our contractors we'll follow up with all right uh 24336 1029 resolution will authorize the award of a contract to WB Mason and Company to provide copy of P for you Citywide as needed on the New Jersey state contract for the DPW division of aut administrative Services total amount of the contract is $80,000 with a temporary incumbrance of $10,000 the last is resolution 32 24341 item 1034 resolution will authorize ROV to open end contract with Lincoln Recycling services LLC for the disposal of various waste types for the DPW certification division total amount of this contract is30 ,000 which is available in the DPW sanitation account yeah great oh quick question um what happens when from a financial standpoint what happens when I know we have Regional doing a recycle um but there's been several instance when I've been actually watching us collect the recycle and sometime the garbage inhouse another um what happens in that instance do we get a reduction in a bill or is it what happens when we pick up our own trash when they miss it when you were talking about when they have to go pick up again where there's no sometimes for whatever reason I don't they miss some blocks and they miss some houses and stuff is left out there right and subsequently a lot of times I see DPW going to pick that stuff up right what if anything happens from a financial standpoint do we get a credit from Regional or what happens we notify them uh obviously what happens normally is we'll get the complaint Regional has a truck that roams the city for a period of time after the initial pickups are done but if it's something where they're gone just to get the streets clean we pick it up from DPW uh we do make a notification but as far as receiving any compensation I'm not quite sure we do it just to keep the city clean okay council president before you call the next director um if I can just Mark council person the presid at 4:07 PM we have now eight council members present thank you Danny good afternoon council president council members for your consideration I have one item it is agenda number 10.2 resolution number 24-39 it is a resolution authorizing an emergency temporary appropriation and this funding is necessary for the continuation of city services without any interruptions any questions thank you okay good evening council president council members the Department of Public Safety has one agenda item for your consideration this week it is agenda number 10.31 uh resolution 24338 it's a resolution ratifying the award of a contract to Tomahawk strategic solutions for the Tactical training of our esus sustainment and continuing education for our Jersey City police officers it's under New Jersey state contract this is a federally funded training it does not come out of City funds as already been approved by the federal government in the amount of $45,000 director can you give us a update um with regards to the the study they supposed to be do at the 911 study the 911 yeah I I'll get it for you I think that's been completed oh it's been complete been completed and toan is already um moving forward on some suggestions from that raising salaries for some of our people increasing supervisors cross training Etc uniforms I'll have her reach out to you council person all right I have several issues and I'm tired of asking for them back in January I asked your office to give me information I think and I have never heard from you tell me I how to go to the business administrator I do not have to go to the business administrator I want the questions answered over the weekend I spoke to many of the cops you have 50 cops that want to leave this job the morale is horrible you have 911 which is a mess you have the parking authority which is a mess I don't know who the heck is running the police department but I was a cop here for 36 years I've never ever ever heard of all these complaints we have about 30 guys that are going to guys and girls are going to retire because they're disgusted something has to be done you got to get out there you got to start speaking to the to these officers the Union's got to start getting more demanding I you know I'm tired of hearing all that filing lawsuits when Ronnie bonacore was the director of the uh pspa we had 200 cops sh with the demonstration I'm tired of it I'm tired of cops stopping at my house complaining because I feel sorry for them I've never ever seen the police department in such disarray as it is now and it's got to change I asked to sit down and speak to you months ago and I I'm tired of asking because I'm going after the unions now something has to be done I don't want to see 50 people leave most of them want to go to the fire department because it's so disgusted with the police department and who's it affecting us I'm tired of calling 911 and hearing this short-handed because they don't have enough personnel and I know the reason because you want to privatize it and send it over to New York I had a hell of a weekend this weekend till 10:00 last night with an in couple of incidences and I'm sick of it and director you got to start taking charge you're now here in Jersey City you got to start knowing what's going on you got to solve these problems and you got to straighten out this Police Department because I feel sorry for the men and women that are in the police department and all of them that want to leave so I I've had it I've asked the report since January I want the report I don't have to go through the business administrator to get the report the city council and I think everybody in this Council would like to see the questions I asked answered y mik you want to say here councilman I I know that you have some I apologize I had some dental work so uh have a little bit of a lisp um Kevin did knock your teeth up he's not strong enough he's not strong enough um councilman I know you have some direct concerns with your with your um area in particular so I'm happy to facilitate a meeting with yourself myself and uh director Shay's appoint appointee and the captain up there to uh evaluate some of your issues I know you have some parking concerns and stuff like that there's a lot of issues John and you know it's getting tiresome I've been asking since January I'm tired of the I feel sorry for the police officers in this city here and somebody's got to start standing up and changing things I'll work with your office to have the meeting and then we could talk about some of the data points that you requested okay Pam make sure as a schedule meeting also off off the ordinance but both for the director and the ba um it's my understanding and and please correct me if I'm wrong but that uh we have been approved through the U program for the use of off-duty police officers in the SIDS and that um at least what what I'm my understanding is the U is waiting from information from Public Safety to them be able to implement and obviously with with Summer The Unofficial start of summer in about three weeks I want to understand from your perspective where that stood or from both of you guys and what we can do to uh you know get that ready to go uh for for the start of summer yeah I'll defer to the business administrator but the pro not problem the Slowdown with uee's is almost always the funding arriving now the business administrator off no no no it's they have the funding they have the funding I was in the meeting they have the funding well then there's no something then we ba come on you better stand up now they have funding because we was in a meeting yeah what we have to do is now schedule the uh the hours with the coordination with the different U's to make sure that the funding is allocated and the Staffing is available so the holdup was information from the public safety department because of the overtime they spent last year and we want to make sure it didn't happen this year so they were waiting for calculations from the public safety department which was the director Police director that's what we're waiting for information from her for the amount of hours that are available uh for the funding source that we have available okay okay yeah I just yeah just to under just make sure we're all our lines of communication are going the right directions and you know I think on our end you know uh you know Memorial Day coming up we love to see that ready to go as soon as Memorial Day hits okay yeah well by by The End by end of week we'll have the calculations for the amount that we have thank thank you guys I have one that is actually also off of the resolution um this has to do with the off-duty ordinance as you know there we had a small Committee of council members come with questions um around that I sent that to the VA and then I also copied you it's been a month and a half maybe almost two now and I still have no respond to any of the questions I appreciate that you guys have worked something out for parades for this year but again some of the SIDS had small off-duty programs outside of uee funding and you know we're just trying to make sure that everything is sort of tied up and ready to go for this next year because it um the numbers are all over the place some of the questions that were raised by other groups that we sent over to you guys um still haven't been answered and we expect an answer yeah I think it's better that I share um a draft ordinance with the council and then we could have feedback and and go from there we just last week we just finished um drafting a proposal that we're going to present to council it wasn't available for this meeting but um it covers parades uh for the cultural events however any extracurriculars like festivals and stuff would still be covered by um The Entity I I understand that but there's an expectation that when we send these over with list of questions that they'd be answered in a timely fashion and I've sent it two times now and I still have not received any answer so whatever the protocol is it's it's not I'll have we'll have answers by wedes St Council thank you the Police director we sent the information over because I can see you may not be aware of this cuz I see it on your face like unite unite or what are they talking about so we sent it all to the Police director no the all right we just saying we're not getting no response I got it okay but we're not getting response that's what we saying we we we sending it but we're not getting no response so we just want a response that's that's all we want that's fair all right and we do want the off-duty police offic to make sure they on duty yeah this is something we've been waiting for a long time I'm I'm just per Lex as to how busy it is over there that can't get simple questions answer or responses is I mean like ongoing thing since I've been sitting up here people have been reaching out to Public Safety including myself in fact I've given up reaching out with public safety issues because you guys as a whole is just nonresponsible for whatever reason at one point somebody email address wasn't working they couldn't get access to it councilman boano has sent emails then at the Mee and request information request request request request and then when we get to these oh we're going to look into it oh we gonna like how hard is it to answer a question it's not that complicated just answer the question because when constituents come to us we have to be able to provide them answers to questions and if we can't do it it look like we're incompetent and we're not doing our job even if it's not an answer that we want to hear at least answer the question see we frust really are we frustrated because we all been reaching out we all been reaching out to the Police director and sending emails and none of us have received a response so we're frustrated at this point so hopefully we'll receive a respon within 24 hours I think that's fair because those questions been on the email for quite some time now I appreciate it is there is there a secretary or someone we should CC oh come on I know I'm just we s it I just is there someone else what's going on with these but just continue to go through the business administrator he will reach out to us with the approve we will assign the appropriate people and then we'll get it back to him to you okay that that that that procedure should be what works that's that's what I did the first time and then the second time I copied you and I copied director Moody and I still heard nothing so I I understand that you guys have a system that you have in place but the what we're saying is the system's not working so we need to figure out a better system to make sure it works that's all these outstanding audience are addressed this week and and we'll come up with a plan moving forward thank you thank you me thank you council members Haron well good afternoon council members I think today is a finance Monday um so we have a lot of items from the Department of Finance here today so I'm going to read some items into the record and then I am joined here today with uh the assistant you can't hear me can you hear me now I'm here joined here today with the assistant director Graves our budget consultants and other items and other partners from the Department of Finance so I'm here to introduce uh this year's 2024 Municipal budget and other Finance matters we are introducing a approximately $724 million budget for this year's upcoming fiscal year um with a modest increase at 1.93 the average local tax impact based on the assessment of properties of 4 475,000 800 stands at $73 um in the budget document that you got last week um it highlights everything um from the department and various areas I will preface and say as you guys can recall we had budget hearings last year throughout the Departments we will still have a budget hearing on the budget so today is just for introduction purposes we're going to go through the various items on this budget document um Council I will say uh often time finances asked about operations and performance that's not the role of finance and so I ask that the document you received last week um conveys if you have specific things about why revenues changed why items are different why things are up or down I ask that you invite those departments and directors back in so when we do schedule the um hearing on the budget additionally we will have our public hearing which I think Sean you said June 12th right um potentially so I'll take it from the top as Sean says so Kyle if you can come up um for item 3.4 an ordinance on calendar year on the c bank so that ordinance is just a standard uh item that we introduce every year with the introduction of the budget so every year there's an appropriation cap on what we can budget for departmental spending and certain things within the cap which cover health insurance uh General Insurance utilities and just Reg uh departmental spending uh we are under that cap you'll see that in the presentation that you get but that's just in the event we need to exceed that number we have um you know we we do the work with the council and make sure that Council also approves it so we can exceed it but we're not doing that this year and anything that we come under the capab can bank for next year uh 25 budget he the next item is ordinance 3.5 um this will also be associated with resolution 10.52 and resolution 10.51 I'm going to ask uh Mr Stephen Willcox if you can come up and present this item as this has been a I think a discussion we've been having since last year and this year regarding our tax liability issues what's being presented to the city um and the applications that are forthcoming good afternoon thank you um this ordinance packages the 9 plus million emergency that the council passed in December of 2023 to pay tax appeal liabilities and a temporary emergency resolution that was done last month for approximately $8 million to also pay tax appeal liabilities the ordinance allows you to take those two emergencies fund them through a refunding Bond ordinance the resolution Carmen mentioned is requesting is a authorizing an application to the local Finance board to go before them and ask them to spread out this8 plus million dollars over a number of years so that it all didn't have to get raised in the 2024 budget and they have a rule of thumb that you get one year for each $50 of tax increase to the average homeowner the application to be filed is asking them to allow the city to raise it Over a four-year period starting next year said it's a $50 tax increase it it annually or annually over a threee period so that's $50 per year correct okay correct the the Imp the impact of that $18 million if it had to go into a singular Year's budget would be $200 to the average taxpayer again just trying to use all the tools available counc that would be um the appropriation amount right so the city can get creative and find revenues offset it or or offset it by uh a reduction in another um appropriation so they look at it from how how long you have you're allowed to uh Bor it over $50 increments but doesn't necessarily translate into a guaranteed tax increase of $50 that's $50 for the it's not per month right it's like it's for the whole year okay just clarifying again as as the administrator explain when you go to local Finance board you talk about it in a vacuum what is the impact singularly for that liability obviously when you prepare a budget annually there lots that go into it so that as as he said that appropriation could be offset by some other Appropriations coming out of the budget some increased revenues or or what have you it just becomes a piece of the puzzle sorry how is this um just different than the $21 million we approved back in uh the fall of uh 20123 so this is part of that $21 million this is nine million in change of that $21 million emergency the other piece of that emergency I believe was for health insurance which is an regular operating cost which is part of the budget to be introduced got it and so we we've raised this money via bonds already or no what we when the after the emergency was passed the city borrowed short-term notes in order to have the cash to pay off the liability those short-term notes will be paid off through this refunding Bond ordinance so you're just replacing the debt you borrowed last year with new debt you'll use for this Bond ordinance and and what's the sort of assuming the local Finance board passes it what's the sort of interest rate we you think we'll be paying um the short-term rates today are somewhere in the 4% area similar to what you're paying on the $21 million emergency note that was purched that was borrowed towards the end of last year got it okay um and then the application would be then to pay it out four years starting next year that is the request okay we we may not get everything we asked for but as my grandmother used to tell me if you don't ask you don't get and and one obviously the obviously the answer would would then matter for our budget so when when would we find out uh the hearing would be uh June 12th June 12th okay local the monthly local Finance board meeting that would be in the morning right yes so our council meeting is at 6 just so we know we also get a report on the overtime um we haven't received one in a little bit that's not that this item more questions and you're asking about overtime you just got a line item 108 for the whole city um just Citywide what what's it was you don't have to now it was unrated the report the request is that don't have to answer now okay it's a request to me to get an a report for overtime City oh over so you want overtime year to date yes please so I do know that the council president has already emailed my office as we're supposed to be having our quarterly Finance um meetings um we were supposed to have one in qy1 but since we were in the middle of these items so as we're timing up the timeline of the next quarter per se we're going to have um a status a hearing on the budget public hearing and then in coordination with the request from the council president office about specific Finance so anything year to date that you'll need will will be sent over okay thank you okay and so obviously uh resolution off the ordinances is the introduction of the budget um the next item Danny 10.2 did come up and speak about item 10.3 which is the cancellation unexpended Grant balance Appropriations any questions on yeah on the grant one my recollection was um to cancel the grants one of the things we had asked for was sort of an explanation and it looks like there's like 500 pages of attached documents here but it's hard to make out you know what what you know the explanation is is there like a sort of spreadsheet or something that summarizes them Point by point so we sort of have so there is a memo in that document and so in the memo it states that um in calendar year 18 and 19 Grant have had unexpended balances mainly to three reasons Grant funds were depleted out of the current fund account and the grant funds were never reclassified to the grant account the grant dispersement was the advantage Advanced payment and the city received the funds and the grants were in advance of the Grant and the third item is the grant purpose were salary and wages that needed to be reclassified under uh salary and wages to that Grant Line item so we added a memo and then all the supporting documents and details but if you want a spreadsheet happy to give you an additional spreadsheet as a cover um with regards to um this laif grant I know last time we talked about it at lengths um and there was some reports that it was may have been an error with the numbers but is the same exact number again okay um we went back and forth with the team and the number was is what you see in the document the director of Grants isn't here today but I will verify again her staff is here in the room of the reconciliation and the information of what was sorted out as the final number with the LA so these email correspondents are inaccurate what are the dates of those emails as of when um January February most of them are in January and February in fact even an invoice numers different than the numbers discussed in the email which is subsequently different than the number that's assigned to the resolution today um Furthermore with respect to the email there's been questions on the email that haven't all been answered um for whatever reason the email Trail went Cole at the Vivian provideed her Insight um so would you like a a meeting on this specifically say that again you said it went cold right so yes people sto responding okay I will councilman as you know I am a responsive director um if something going called to my staff I will make sure that you get answers to it but this resolution was presented and prepared by the the team I reviewed it with them if you did not get the communication correspondence back I will look into that so this is this is just extremely frustrating because we talked at lengths about the numbers and the director said it was um inaccurate number the exec of the grant said it was an inacurate number and now you guys are coming back saying this is the actual number so to be clear the 839 th000 we received none of it was used is that your assessment no I'm not going to say that that's my assessment $839,000 that was used in the grant ultimately was reclassed used and they're she's doing the financial reporting for the grant reconciliation but the numbers are not adding up this is this is what's confusing on the ordinance it says 8 839 th000 x amount was awarded of that amount zero was used then in the email it said it was two grants that total up to 1.6 and 1.4 was used then there's additional information that says um yeah of the 1.6 that was used 255 was deemed um because they said you couldn't pay for police oversight but for some reason they did anyway so the state said that they wasn't refunding that amount then it was something in there where not only did you do work outside of the scope of what was supposed to be done you done work outside of the location in which it was designated and again still none of those questions have been answered councilman before I I presenting this item on behalf of my division director and when we did go over these details was communicated to me that these this was correct and if not if not councilman I will look into this and get back to you before Wednesday so that you have Clarity on on the matter if questions go unanswered that's not the expectation of my department um to our council members is uh where um Vivian is in your department right yes she's the director of Grants Dawn is in your department right yes she's an OM these are the they're they're on these cor responders with different numbers yeah so this is why and understand that again we're reconciling fixing things from 18 19 17 pulling data from employees that have retired not been here that are here and putting order and structure so that we can carry these things forward so I will get you the answers councilman I don't have anything else to to add at this moment okay okay next item um and the next item is continuing for the grants division that we're awarding a contract uh item 10.32 um to a n Grant consultant that will be working with us um for application coordination and compliance purposes um any questions on this item oh and then the last last item I'm going to have item 10.3 a resolution um authorizing the circulation of a POS statement in connection with the MUA what was that number again what you say it's a 10.53 resolution 24360 uh this is a resolution that just uh authorizes the MUA to add uh the city to its continuing disclosure under its debt require requirements uh this is a pretty standard issue one when there's a material financial transaction or any transaction that happens for the city the bond holders need that to be re reported to Emma which is the database for the debt throughout the country so this is just authorizing them to add you to their account and up all the necessary material information which is handled by a third party we just being added that's what you're saying go ahead is this um is this specific to a specific Bond ordinance or is this this I believe this is an overarching resolution for all of theirs they did this normally on their regular debt but this actually has to do with the infrastructure Bank when you are part of the way the infrastructure Bank works is they pull all of the projects together in all the debt together and once you hit a 10% threshold for each deal these reporting requirements become eligible or or required for the city so my understanding is that the MUA just became over the 10% threshold which is why this is a requirement now moving forward but we have been doing this for the other debt issuances uh for the MUA already so it's really just adding the qip numbers in the database it's it's really uh okay standard thank you council members Maggie good afternoon council president Council I'm here on item 10.19 resolution 24- 326 a resolution authorizing the division of city planning to apply to the New Jersey historic preservation office to become a certified local government the certified local government program is a federal program that establishes formal standards for historic commissions um Jersey City does meet all of those standards we just haven't applied to the program yet program does a variety of different things but the two most important things that it does for our purposes is that it gives a formalized way for local governments um that are in the program to comment and review federal and state projects and then it also opens up funding opportunities for historic preservation projects for planning purposes and also for soft cost purposes so not Capital funding but planning and soft costs um these are administered through the federal government down to the States um 10% of the historic preservation offices budget is allocated for this grant program so that can be up to $50,000 per year per municipality that is in the program um and we uh there is a math required it varies from year to year between 10 to 40% they make it known what the match requirement is going to be when they um open applications for it I'm happy to answer any additional questions would our entry into the program um have to require us to change any of our historic standards or no there's no uh standards that we have to change um I've been speaking with the uh hpo there might be one element of our um designation ordinance that we might have to amend but that was actually something that was identified by our Consultants as part of the historic preservation master plan element as something we would have to change anyway so we would be doing this application and that change simultaneously if we do have to change it thank you bigy have you uh looked at 681 Newark Avenue there's three structures there that are going to come down off the top of my head I can not visualize 681 nework Avenue but if they say they're going to come down my assumption is that they were reviewed by our office um if you would like Rich you can you or Pam can shoot me an email on that tomorrow I'll call you Bey yeah sounds good thank you thank you vinda good afternoon council president and City Council Members I just have one item before you uh resolution 24- 322 10.15 it's a resolution um authorizing the execution of aou between York Street project and the Department of Health and Human Services uh more specifically Division of Community Health and Wellness and it's just St basically uh to continue our health education and wellness that we have and continue our workshops that we're been providing with a York Street project with our health education team where is that baby any questions NOK you okay thank you good afternoon council president council members I'm here on item 10.20 2 which is resolution 24- 329 um we as a department are applying to the state for the local Recreation Improvement Grant in the hopes of obtaining $100,000 that can be used towards the resurfacing at Virginia Avenue Park said Virginia this Virginia Park we're focusing on Virginia for this ask yes yes councilman excellent all right good job bud council member afternoon council president council members I have one resolution in front of you this evening it's agenda number 10.25 resolution 24- 332 it's a resolution providing local support for vt420 LLC to operate a class 5 retail Canabis cannabis business at 840 commor Avenue it was approved by the CCB on April 10th 2023 and the planning board on April 16th 2024 is this the one this not this across from Auto Zone I believe so yes thank you thank you Dre good afternoon council president council members um myself and director Wong are here for the Department of infrastructure uh I have two items for the division of architecture resolution 24- 327 agenda number 10.20 this is um resolution authorize the division to apply for and if successful receive um a grant from the Hudson County open space trust fund for martinc and wght park remember you said 10 10.20 where is this park located uh this is uh Pam Po and old Bergen is where this park is located on Pam oh that little hey it's more open space right now than I know yeah I wouldn't classified as a over we're looking to transform back yeah I know you talk talking about any questions on this one no okay and uh resolution 24- 328 agenda number 10.21 similar scenario from the Hudson County open space trust fund this is for a grant to be used for Skinner Park located at Randolph and Wilkinson again another another space we'd like to transform from less of a park to a viable vibrant local community space so what's um with regards to well Skinner Park is that's some water app uh so what like what's the a vision what what do what do we envision doing there uh the the concept vision is to provide right now it's basically a pass through yes um basically a sidewalk through an open space we'd look to add Landscaping lighting seating just to make it a more useful community space um No Visions of any High use playgrounds or anything of that nature due to the size of it and and the real estate available but certainly we'd like to upgrade that area okay I would just ask that um you guys being in constant contact with the community that's like right there absolutely in the media area yes for sure it's about time we did something with those little walk through uh parkies anything else next one okay I'll turn it over to director Wong good afternoon council president council members I'm here to present item 3.3 ordinance 2432 this is to prohibit parking in front of the entrance to 91 Enos place um we've been in discussion with uh councilman boano on this one 33 3.3 ordinance 2432 Enos what oh that's what a dispensary is Enos this is for um the Plaza Apartments at 91 you know's place it's okay Rich down thank you Jennifer first time for everything no questions from counc moo um okay and then next one is agenda 1012 resolution 24319 uh this is to amend add and remove some loading zones on mallerie Avenue we're removing one just north of Fisk we're relocating one um between Roosevelt and Lexington just moving it further south and then we're adding one just north of clendenny good thank you good afternoon council president council members I have two items to present to you tonight first is item number 10.27 resolution 24- 334 this is a resolution awarding a short-term contract to Long View International Technology Solutions to conduct a pilot program installing and servicing kiosk that dispense harm reduction products what we spoke about uh two weeks ago sorry I would just this is the item that I addressed two weeks ago the harm reduction kiosk so this is the same one that you presented on oh well the this is now the contract yeah got it understood okay next is item number 10.18 resolution 24- 325 and this is a resolution Al authorizing the acceptance of a grant from the state of New Jersey office of local public health for strengthening local public health capacity this is a continuation of a program that we've been running at HHS for several years now questions thank you good thank you Owen good afternoon council president members of city council I have two items on the agenda tonight item number one is resolution 24323 agenda number 10.16 a resolution authorizing the execution of a memorandum of understanding with the Jersey City Housing Authority permitting the city to use the jca facilities to host senior congregate meals next item resolution 24337 agenda number 10.30 this is a resolution accepting the assignment of Jersey City's contract with arrow farms for maintenance of indoor vertical Gardens from just greens LLC aerofarms to its successor entity inspired growing uh this RFP was awarded in 2020 the service contract went into being on September 22nd onor around September 22nd 2021 and on October 25th 2023 aerofarms assigned its existing contracts for its Community farming business to a successor entity inspired growing with common ownership and management to carry on the duration of the contract has there been any um you know disruption or change in the services as aerofarms has gone through its financial difficulties uh no no D they were able to to pick it up the inspired growing okay but that mean we've never the vertical growing pilot that we did with them is has never stopped it's been continuing the whole time yes okay and how much longer does the contract uh last for uh we've spoken to the legal department and we have estimated about September so we will have to go to another RFP this is for the duration of the contract to close out this right the rest of this year okay thank you good afternoon council president members of the city council I'm here for agenda item number 10.54 resolution 24- 361 it is a resolution ratifying a Professional Services agreement between Dr Mary altamare DVM doing business as Alto veterinary services and the Jersey City Department of Health Services for 24 hours a week of inhouse veterinary services at the animal shelter the 24hour a week only in house right now we currently have four hours a week inhouse um Dr alamari will give us 24 hours a week inhouse that'll give us one one day every week of lowcost spay and neuter for our residents and also for TNR which is trap new to release for the Strays in Jersey City we had approved the I don't remember the exact term but a couple meetings ago we had approve like a vet vet of record yes and how how do these two vets interact with each other this will actually Dr alare will replace Dr Santiago as our vet of record okay got it so that um and this is not to cast any aspersions on Dr Santiago but I I come from an environment um at my previous position where there's a vet in housee on six days a week six out of seven um the facility was a lot bigger I don't know if we require that expenditure yet but I would like more hours inhouse for a vet on scene and I think the only way to do some of the things we discussed at my very first meeting with you is to have a lot more hours on scene this will increase our Veterinary hours in the building 600% mark Amy and I are both on the board when are we going to have another meeting because there's a lot of issues that have been going on Facebook and stuff we are having a meeting with our cat community on May 11th to let um all of our cat colonies through the people who are feeding and caring for the cats out there right now our first meeting with them is May 11th um at at 12:00 p.m. I'm I'm sure I could speak for the director when I say you're all invited also to attend um this is the first step in in what's needed and what I've been looking to do since the day I arrived the Mee is going to be here at City Hall it's going to be at the annex uh meeting room 2A on Jackson Square why don't you have it here at City Hall director director can you say that for the record for the record the Health and Human Services doesn't have access to computers at City Hall or printer so I'd have to figure that out and that just doesn't allow us to be able to print something up or um move forward so we're doing it where we work there's ample parking and space and where we know how to use the smartboards I was Asia good afternoon council president members of the council I'm here with resolution number 24- 330 it's agenda item number 10.23 it's a resolution requesting the municipal Council to authorize a discharge of two mortgages encumbering the property known as 103-103 and5 Van Horn Street um they received um a home Grant subsidy in the property um the first mortgage note was for $54,000 and they received a subsequent um subsidy in the amount of $1,795 um with both the restricted periods for both mortgages um being achieved um this indebtedness is a deferred payment no interest morgage and after the fifth year of signing the mortgage it shall be discharged um and forgiven in its entirety um I would like to note that this uh request for discharge takes into account $19,600 as a recapture um and that the discharge of that mortgage is contingent upon the city being in receipt of that payment questions thank you okay thank you so much Trisha good afternoon council president and council members I have two items to present agenda number 10.5 resolution 24312 it's a resolution for um an Accelerated Tax sale which is required by State Statute do we have a list of the properties that are going through that doesn't happen until after the fourth quarter which is November okay so this is just authorizing to have the sale yes okay the next item is 10.6 resolution 20 24313 this is a resolution to cancel tax sale certificate 2023 0875 which was sold in Era the refund is to trone Capital the estimated amount of the refund is $250 thank you thank you laa afternoon council members I'm here for resolution number 24- 314 item 10.7 a resolution to cancel and refund that tax sale certificate number 2021 d99 and refund the link holder pursuing a settlement enter with the city of Jersey City on blocked 103 L 27.0 for the property located at 225 Balwin Avenue 500 Avenue Mol elas file in action against the city of Jersey City the case was settled and part of the settlement agreement was to transfer the property at 225 bwin Avenue to the city of Jersey City in dep dependency of the case File and transfer the ownership the taxes remain open from 2020 to 2023 eventually sold by the tax collector at the tax cell December 13 2021 therefore SS signs the city of Jus city owns the property and requested the municipal Council to authorize the tax collector to cancel that tax Lan certificate and refund the taxes with the interest to the lean holder the amount to be redeem is $651,000 you say that again so initi so part of the settlement was the city get the property and then the lane hold the subsequently get 650,000 and no what happens is that they having a case against the City back in I give you theot the five case with the city back in August 2025 25th 2010 they took a few years to settle so they settled the case in July 25th 2012 and part of the agreement because they were challenging the ordinance 260 Redevelopment plan so part of the agreement was to transfer the property to the city so the transfer happened in March 2nd 2021 when the city took the property so we became aware of the transaction in December 5th 2023 so basically we um been charging the taxes for the property since 2022 2023 oh so has times the taxes were open for so many years it is um they sold the taxes to the link holder which is the thank you Acy good afternoon council president and Council I have two items for you the first is uh item 1014 resolution 24- 321 and this is a resolution authorizing the city of Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services to accept the award for multiple from multiple companies for the national opioid settlement and you can note this settlement is over a half a million dollars it's from seven different uh it comes during seven different times over the course of the next three years and um as that comes in what we're doing right now is granting some of that out to entities and you'll hear more about that at the end of the week when we announce the grantee recipients for the HHS mini grants and the opioid intervention RFQ uh along with the partnership grants through our partner the Clinton Foundation the next um sad but also Joy for the individual uh it is item 1044 a resolution uh commemorating Maryann Ker's dedication to the city of Jersey City um as you know um from my invite last week um Maryanne is retiring from the city of Jersey City after 28 and a half years here and we will be celebrating her retirement on Thursday morning and she'll be here at the council meeting on Wednesday evening um to receive your uh commendatory resolution she'll be receiving a proclamation from the mayor on Thursday in addition I believe it's not um I don't know how to do this Sean uh but Council president's office is doing a resolution in name to our senior of the year on May 8th but the resolution's not in yet so I don't know if it's a late item or it's just in um I forget what siarra told us the the terminology but to present to him because that day is the day of the uh senior of the Year recognition at the county okay it'll be a late item okay great question questions thanks Rachel Rachel evening everyone I'm here for the ordinance expanding the boundaries of the historic downtown sections of Maron Boulevard Mammoth Street Brunswick Street Fourth Street in norav I'm here to answer if anyone has any questions and that's item 4.2 city ordinance 24-0 to5 here just um I think two two things I just want to say but thank you for Rachel for working uh together to move this forward um the first is um there was a uh one block or half a block that was left out of the original expansion map and because it's new construction I think we didn't realize it had uh a retail space on it given all the crazy noticing requirements that this is required we don't want to delay this but the thought would be to just separately add this one block moving forward um and I can give you guys the map and show you specifically uh where it is um but we just want to say to the public you know people ask questions of why this little space was removed out because we're just stretching up a nework from 4th to 7th and we feel like it should be added it was just uh uh there so we'll work together to get that added um and then uh the second thing is obviously if any homeowners stating this for the record but the law requires us to notice all homeowners within 200 ft and so that leads to home homeowners and asking us questions about it um but if you own a purely residential property it has basically either no effect or just a positive effect right there's there's no assessment added um to you if obviously if you have retail or commercial space within the added area then you get the all the benefits of the Sid but you do have to pay the assessment as well so I just wanted to clarify that for folks uh who got that that notice in the mail because you know hundreds of homeowners there most of the phone calls were from homeowners exactly were not in the district right what about nonprofits nonprofits if they're first floor on the F first floor of brick and mortars then they are in the district they do require to be in the cation yeah sure we can we talk to Laura just left put the tax assessor on it because they may be exempt they may be they are in the district but they may be exempt from the assessment but I think it depends on the I don't know the technicalities of there so because I think it defaults to the land owner or the property owner and then they're leasing it to a nonprofit so if the property owner is a nonprofit they wouldn't pay but if it's for-profit who's leasing to a nonprofit correct if John Metro owns the property but I have an LLC yeah I pay but if say Peters University owns it think Peters University owns it correct and just for the record too um I I did uh I was reach out to to that there may be one or two duplicate um additions on the roles so I'm working with lorda to to um correct that but no property owner will receive two bills it's just that they were inadvertently tagged twice sure and let me also just say one one thing to just questions um the Sid flyed every property in business that would be affected by the assessment in January correct and then held a meeting in January um they didn't do that for the surrounding areas but the surrounding areas obviously don't have to pay the assessment so I did get a couple questions about the the Outreach and so every building that should be affected you know 3 months ago received notice there was a public meeting obviously we will answer any questions before Wednesday but wanted to to state that as well and it was also on Zoom as well so if you weren't able to attend you were able to attend it on Zoom right okay thank you thank you I was going to say while Rachel was here if there's any questions on um her budget because we're going to be introducing her budget um as as long as the ordinance gets adopted we also have a resolution waving to 20 days so then that'll allow us to introduce the budget on Wednesday night as well if any council members have any questions on the introduction of her budget will will you be able to cover the areas that will be expanded into in terms of like cleaning and all of that like will you have you taken that into account yeah we already started so we wanted to see the brick and mortars already see like what we're doing and what we're all about because some of them had questions so we already started cleaning doing flowers and you know that they see the difference for sure okay thank you thank you any other questions thank you Rachel Morgan good afternoon council president and council members I have two items for you today the first is resolution 24- 324 agenda number 10.17 it is the resolution authorizing the Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services to accept the 2024 summer food service program Grant in the amount of $313,000 59 perfect um the second reso is 24-31 agenda number 10.4 and that is a resolution authorizing the cancellation of the unexpended budget appropriation balance of the Department of Health and Human Services so essentially last year um the state awarded us 313,000 excuse me sorry $330,800 and for last year we only expended $267,300 they're allowing us to use the remaining for this year and that was $63,750 187 so in total um the grant for this year would be $377,900 46 thank you perfect thank you afternoon council president and council members uh division of immigrant Affairs have a total of six uh resolutions uh item numbers 10.44 all the way to 10.50 and all sex uh of the resolution is to reappoint S sitting members of the Immigrant Affairs uh committee members uh during the transition at the towards at the beginning of the year to the health department uh there were some paperworks that were uh slipping through the crack so right now we're just uh reappointing them and extend the already expired terms and um for 10.47 and 10.48 Ebony and Y they were actually new members new committee members uh but for some reason they inherited the already expired terms of their predecessors so right now we're just uh cleaning the paperworks and make sure they have the proper uh extended terms that they deserve thank you great question thank you thank you very much taking it from the top Council press take it from the top all right okay on to our first reading ordinances item 3.1 city ordinance 24- 030 is an ordinance granting an easement to Morris Carney Associates urban renewal LLC affecting real property owned by the city of Jersey City known as block 287 Lots 32.1 54 55 56 606 6 1.02 61.3 62 62.1 63 70 70.1 71 71.1 and 80 as shown on the official tax maps of the town of Carney John very quickly um that is the incorrect block and lot so 3.1 and 3.2 uh 3.1 should be withdrawn I apologize I didn't tell you before you started reading it all uh 3.2 has is the correct block and lot okay so 3.1 is going to be withdrawn and 3.2 is what we're going with we just want to hear you say it that's okay right and very quickly while we're at it um council president was brought to the B's attention by councilman Solomon as well there was a pilot agreement that was supposed to be submitted we're trying to find where it got lost in I Compass um it is an affordable housing project that we had done the resolution of need for a few months ago um the attorneys are here if the council has questions or we can if we're able to put it on as Elite ad we wouldn't want them losing any of their contracts or anything moving forward um we can find it for you give you the update they can either Speak now or we'll have them come back for the meeting on Wednesday if we're if we're able to add it as the ordinance um first read ordinance with the anticipation of finding in on I compus you can you can do like a draft title of the of the we'll do a draft title um Council you had uh the council had passed a resolution um for this it's called Gateway I believe and it's um we did already did an approval for that so um it would be similar but it's a Gateway project that we've been working on for the last few months thank you council president members of the council Corey Klein from the law firm of ss cumus and gross on behalf of Montgomery Gateway preservation LP uh this is a we need an application for a um a tax exemption pursuant to the um hmfa statute so um it's not uh your typical 30-year pilot pursuant to the long-term tax exemption statute um and we have negotiated that with corporate Council um a number of other departments from the city have been involved um I had spoken to Mr mckin apparently he's on vacation um about it being on the agenda for this week I understand that Mr mcne returns tomorrow and that um at least internally within the city there has been approval of the form of the agreement and um we would ask that the council add it to their agenda for consideration for her reading at this week's hearing sure because we don't have it in front of us can you just summarize you know I know it's mtom Gateway but there's there's a couple different versions so which which part of Montgomery Gateway what are you guys proposing what are you know the the summary of the you know practical effects here oh it's essentially the entirety of the Gateway uh Montgomery Gateway Apartments um these are going to be renov ations to the buildings it's a 100% affordable project um all the tenants are going to be remain at the property during the renovations so this agreement um is to um allow for the funding with hmfa to work together with an abatement from the city to get the uh to get the work done and to make improvements to the to the buildings where where will the people go while their units are being um renovated um I believe they're going to stay in their units but perhaps I should ask um a principal the company Mel afternoon council president council members my name is Mikel Abba I work with the related companies and I'm representative of the applicant montgomer Gateway preservation LP um so just to answer the question uh we'll be relocating residents to a nearby Hotel all expenses paid by the applicant by the project um the logistics around relocation are still being finalized but the renovation on a given unit is expected to take approximately 3 to four weeks which during which time they'll be relocated to a hotel how many units are being renovated 190 units and uh as Corey mentioned it's 100% affordable 100% Project based Section 8 and how many units consecutively will you will be worked on in any given time roughly 20 or so okay just so so they you they're moving offsite or they going offsite during the day or be uh relocated for the dura duration of the time that their units are going to be worked on um part of that is due to the fact that there's going to be environmental remediation taking place within the units there's a a small amount of asbest in some of the paint compounds in in the uh within the units as a result they won't be able to stay overnight um it won't be safe for them to do so is is this a new is this something that new because I remember when we met and I don't my memory is not serving me as to if this was part of the conversation uh I I believe when we met the relocation plan was still being finalized um there was always expected to be some form of of relocation required uh unfortunately due to the nature of the renovation um residents won't be able to stay in their units overnight it's possible however you bring the mic a little higher for you sure it's possible though however that uh residents will only need to be relocated um off site for a portion of the time that their unit will be renovated in other words will complete the abatement in the unit during the front end of the renovation thereby allowing them to come back to their units a little bit earlier um but we're still working out the logistics now when is work uh when when do you guys expect to start the project uh it's a little bit um to be determined at this stage only because there's a structured process we have to work through with hmfa and their board meetings but based on our current schedule we would start before the end of the year so hopefully November of this year I I would just because I know we going through this rad over and laugh yet and a lot of people have complaints because they have children they CH to go to school the school is in the area hotels typically all on one and nine a lot of parents don't have vehicles and it creates a family Dynamic um I can appreciate that so um just a couple comments on on that point uh we'll have a dedicated team that works for the property manager that will handle all relocation Logistics uh including Transportation um to and from the hotel and to scho to uh whatever School their children may be attending will be doing that in collaboration with the school district if for whatever reason there are logistical issues with securing um uh school bus transportation for residents our expectation is that we would we would bear the the cost of that okay so literally any expense that would be expected to be incurred as a result of relocation would be covered by ownership there will be some inconvenience obviously but our goal would be to minimize that as much as possible um so I do want to commend you just on a time frame because they're doing four units every six weeks so this is um this is a great time frame um I would just ask one more thing or have one more request is that we have a meeting with the residents that way they're privy to the plan and they know who to reach to when said Services is needed absolutely so um my goal was to have this meeting today and then to reach back out to you in your office to coordinate a resident meeting I was going to say is there will there be a corresponding increase in the rent as a result of this remediation or um there will be so uh one one of the things we're doing in addition to the renovation is taking advantage of a program known as the HUD chapter 15 markup to Market program so by uh undertaking a renovation above a certain threshold you're thereby allowed to raise the contract rents that the units are subject to the rents for the for the uh tenants won't be changing but the rent associated with their unit will be in other words their rent will continue to be calculated the same way it is now 30% of their adjusted income and and HUD pays the difference in uh correct and what what are the terms of the abatement um what what's the percentage that uh it'll be 30 years um following substantial completion of the construction project and there will be an 11% uh annual service charge and 11% of the gross revenues of the project um subject to vacancy of course and and the 2% admin fee so 2% of the 11% admin fee got it and this is more for the administration but um do we have to pass another ordinance to uh not an ordinance resolution to sort of dictate our our desire to share this Revenue with the public schools I know it obviously wouldn't go into effect until the construction's done we'll get an update on that for you councilman but uh we'll have that prepared much prior to um any advancement I believe that that's a requirement of your ordinance right the sharing with the uh public schools and um it's it's referenced in the agreement as well so um however it's normally done we're subject to right thank you um just want to make sure the Dignity of the residents is maintained throughout the entirety of this process and you know that they're treated with respect and Grace absolutely that is a certainly a priority uh we plan on undertaking their project with a high degree of transparency and collaboration with council member Gilmore and other community stakeholders as well um we've thus far just to be transparent we've thus far not engaged with residents to a significant extent because we don't want to be in the business of making empty promises and and getting this tax abatement was crucial for the project to be able to move forward so we've sent um Communications that are required by Hud and we've also administered a survey uh but we'll ramp up the resident communication and engagement uh very shortly and when when would you aim to start roughly speaking about 30 days after closing of the transaction which is the acquisition of the property um for which we're already under contract so uh we're projecting that we close in October in which case we'd start construction in November and you know just for what it's worth uh in addition to undertaking a comprehensive interior and exterior renovation we're planning on adding a community room a playground uh community garden um a mural as well to the exterior of one of the buildings um three of which are are designated as historic and we're working in conjunction with the relevant City departments to ensure preservation is is addressed um and that we're doing everything above board y thank you thank you thank you okay is there any other items I'm just joking okay so item 3.2 ordinance 24-31 is an ordinance granting an easement to Morris Carney Associates urban renewal LLC affecting real property owned by the city of Jersey City known as block 287 L 5 as shown as shown on the official tax maps of the town of Carney items 3.3 to 3.5 were touched on earlier item 3.6 ba would you like to address the uh Council we're going to um pull the uh Bond ordinance 3.6 and bring it back at the next meeting um we just want to present an uh that's a little more transparent in uh in what we have so um you'll see here in this craft one um the allotments that that will be um requested by the administration and these allotments will um coordinate with projects that could be done in a timely fashion over the next 18 months um but we're going to actually break out each one of those sections into projects um and coordinate with the council so this was just a preliminary draft and we're going to um you know uh put a little more depth into it bring it back to council and as we just discussed item 3.7 will be a late item a pilot agreement and uh Corporation Council you'll get that um ordinance to me in the word document because I'm going to have to advertise that in full sure absolutely thank you right on to our second reading ordinances item 4.1 city ordinance 24- 019 is an ordinance amending chapter 175 food handling establishments and chapter 242 peace and good order of the city code of ordinances of the city of Jersey City to establish regulations for third-party delivery companies and food delivery drivers so I mean I can I will send so here do this just very briefly um we continue to be working on these changes um we've made a number of them which are summarized in the memo so I just wanted to give everybody an update uh they're the most substantive ones um we're still not yet at a point where going back and forth with the app companies that they have said that you know uh it's been a collaborative process we're not at a point where they've said that uh you know there're sort of an agreement if you will on the the draft so my hope is to get there before Wednesday so that's just where we're at um I I'll outline for everybody to the the continuing uh points of concern um but I think they're uh we're working towards a better ordinance and and moving forward so I just have a question our plan with the current ordinance is to and you can finish that sentence count I mean right now it's it's on for second reading so my hope is to have an update before Wednesday but it's on for second reading okay thank you item 4.2 was touched on earlier item 4.3 city ordinance 24026 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic article 7 metered parking section 33248 B designation of parking spaces and section 3 32.75 on street parking zones and article 7 permit parking section 33258 parking regulations of residential zones for parking regulation changes in the area between Marin Boulevard and the Hudson River Waterfront item 4.4 city ordinance 24- 027 is an ordinance amending chapter 296 streets and sidewalks public rights of way to clarify the duration of time that a dumpster may be legally placed in the right of way item 4 .5 city ordinance 24- 028 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic article 9 parking for the disabled of the Jersey city code designated Reserve parking space at various locations throughout the city and last but not least item 4.6 city ordinance 24- 029 an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic Article 2 traffic regulations Section 332 d8 prohibited right turns on bread signal chapter 332 article 3 section 332-22 parking prohibited at all times and chapter 332 article 3 amending section 332 d241 limited duration parking to implement safety improvements along M Avenue and then we have our speakers right now we have 50 speakers any questions or comments on petitions and Communications 6.1 through 6.32 hearing n we have our off office Communications any questions or comments on items 7.1 through 7.5 we have a one reported director 8.1 any questions or comments we have our claims and on to our resolutions items 10.1 through 10.7 were touched on early item 10.8 resolution 24- 315 is the resolution recognizing Henry Snyder High School for the achievements of the CTE fashion design program items 10.9 and 10 were touched on earlier item 10.11 resolution 24-38 appointing Daniel Cronin as a member of the Jersey City ethical standards board item 10.12 was touched on earlier item 10.13 resolution 24- 320 is a resolution supplementing the manual of zoning excuse me loading zoning designation of the city of Jersey City designating loading zones at various locations along Second Street 1 Street Morgan Street Warren Street and Columbus Drive all days and times well and that one if I just as our office put it up we would have just withdraw it and put it up for two weeks it's just a couple of small edits we're trying to make on 1013 for the loading zones in the PowerHouse Arts District so we're going to withdraw that we'll work with the councilman to make sure the updates are included thanks okay items 10.14 through 10.23 we touched on earlier item 10.24 resolution 24- 331 is a resolution authorizing a lean against the properties listed herein for the cost of removing litter debris Etc in accordance with njsa 40 colon 48-24 and Jersey city code section 287.4 item uh 10.25 which touched on earlier item 10.20 6 resolution 24333 is a resolution authorizing the purchasing agent to sell various vehicles at public auction items 10.27 through 10.32 were touched on earlier item 10.33 resolution 24- 340 is a resolution ratifying the execution of a right of Entry agreement with the Bank of America National Association allowing the city of Jersey City to enter property owned by Bank America at 303 Central Avenue beginning on May 7th 2024 item 10.34 was touched on earlier and I'm going to turn it over to our Corporation Council for items 10.35 through 10.41 excuse me 10 43 43 yeah thank you okay thank you Sean um for 1035 to 1043 these are all the law Department's uh Professional Services where you see two for the same matter the first is uh ratifying for services that were already rendered and then the second is renewing the contract for the next year as it's continuing on we've brought a lot of our tax appeals inous but we still have some tax appeal attorneys hanging out there finishing those cases we have the port side manner which is both a federal and state litigation where we have outside Council and then various eeo investigations and some other Specialties uh and 1041 is also um will will be getting a final bill on that one that case has concluded any questions okay and items 10.44 through 10.54 were touched on earlier item 10.55 resolution 24- 362 is a resolution of the municipal Council of the city of Jersey City referring ordinance 23- 096 to the planning board to prepare an amendment or revision to the Journal Square 2060 Redevelopment plan yeah I have something to say about this Sean okay all right uh I just want to say the people are moving out of Jersey City because they can't afford the high rents in Jersey City Council Members I am proposing a resolution to the planning board to consider the affordable housing amendment that I worked on with the journ square association's affordable housing task force I want to especially thank the task force especially Michael Erman for spending almost every day communicating with me and Pam on the various proposals for affordable housing I also want to thank council members miror Prince Erie sits next to me and Yousef s for their support on throughout this process the resolution contains the draft of an amendment that we worked on together with planning planning recommendations from last October please understand understand that the task force and I never intended to give bonuses especially in the form of higher density to developers we agreed to work with planning and changed our amendment to reflect their recommendations which included their bonuses City Planning has recently made additional changes but we cannot include them at this time my office will set up separate meetings with your offices and City Planning the task force and the community Michael Irwin and Katie Brennan Bren are here if anyone has additional questions oh Sean no it goes to planning planning will bring it back to us once they decide that's it yep and then the last item 10.56 will be the senior of the year it'll be a late item which will be resolution 24- 263 that being said may I have a motion to adjourn at 5:38 motion pm made by council person CLE may I have a second second by council person Ridley all in favor of the motion to adjourn at 5:38 p.m all council members present by acclamation please say I I we are out of here at 5:38 p.m. thank you so much everyone present and everyone watching at home remember Teamwork Makes a DreamWork have a great night and stay safe I asse before 6 for