##VIDEO ID:RkrUHCYhWqU## okay good morning everyone we're about to get started if you can silence your cell phones and close any doors that are open I greatly appreciate it okay we are on we are on the record today is Monday the 12th day of August 2024 this is a city council Caucus meeting of the Jersey City municipal Council we had a scheduled 10 a.m. start and the clock on my cell phone is showing 10:18 a.m. May we have a roll call for the commencement of this meeting council person priner council person bajano is absent council person SLE here council person Solomon council person Gilmore presid council person Dees is absent council person Rivera here council president Waterman is absent and council president protemp Ridley we have six council members present at 10:18 a.m. on behalf of council president Pro Temp Ridley and members of the municipal Council in the cour orance with New Jersey public laws of 1975 chapter 231 the open public meetings act also known as the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the posting on the Bolton Board of the first floor City Hall the annual notice which is the schedule of meetings and caucuses of the municipal Council for the calendar year 2024 and filed in the office of the city clerk on Thursday November 30th 2023 in addition at its time of its preparation the agenda was similarly disseminated on Friday August 9th 2024 at 6:47 p.m. to the mayor municipal coun business administrator Corporation Council and the local newspapers and posted on the city's website and so I can certify as to our total compliance with the Sunshine Law council president pro templey I'm going to turn the meeting over to you okay thanks Sean good morning uh first up we have director kce council president protm and members of the council I have eight items before you this morning first one is item 1044 resolution 24 627 resolution will authorize you roval contract with creative Outdoor Advertising of America LLC provide the city with public outdoor waste and recycling receptacles under the concession contract contractor pays the city an annual concession fee of $175 per receptacle at $5 or 5% of the contractor's gross advertising Revenue per recepticle this is the second and final option to renew this contract any questions no hearing none go ahead director next is item 1053 reso 246 resolution will authorize rejection of five bids received by the city for custodial supplies based on it their being substantially exceeding recycling division pre estimate contract will be reissued using revised bid spec specification okay next next is uh 1054 243 637 resolution will authorize the city's purchasing agent to sell various Vehicles 32 at public auction X is 1055 24 638 resolution will authorize the openend contract the guardian fence Incorporated Provine chain link material chain link fence and material and installation at the city's new Vehicle Impound facility located at 13th and Mammoth total amount of this contract is $795 and is available in a DPW capital account than next is 1056 24639 resolution will authorize Award of contract to mclusky Mechanical Contractors Incorporated for HVAC services for city-owned buildings under the Hun and County Educational commission total amount of this contract is $400,000 with a temporary encumbrance of $30,000 next is 1057 24 640 the resolution will authorize renewal of an open-end contract with tamino Towing for Towing and Recovery Services for the DPW division of automotive services total cost of this contract is not to exceed $100,000 and there's an encumbrance of $5,000 which is available in a DPW Automotive Maintenance account is this different from the public safety Towing people or is it the same same thing same thing okay that's you uh 1058 26641 resolution will authorize you Award of a contract to Rich yields M Michelle's oil company for the purchase and delivery of diesel fuel under New Jersey state contract total amount of this contract is $800,000 with a temporary incumbrance of $5,000 and the last is 10592 24642 resolution will authorize Award of contact Melle M Michelle's Rachel Michelle company for the purchase and delivery of gasoline on the New Jersey state contract total amount of this contract is $800,000 with a temporary encumbrance of $5,000 Council any questions for director GE we're good thank you director Matt Council I'm here on uh actually two two items I I think I only put down one the first is uh resolution uh 24603 item 1020 this is a resolution of the municipal Council authorizing uh the Jersey City planning board to study and prepare an amendment to the moris canal Redevelopment plan uh the scope of this uh study will focus on an industrial area along cornelis Avenue uh and we'll look into the inclusion of Supportive Housing uses and office manufacturing space all right Matt this is um for by Bishop Street right correct yes okay yeah bishop and Cornelson okay should I move on to my second second item sure uh ordinance 24- 073 agenda item 3.8 uh this is an ordinance of the municipal Council adopting the fiet Broadway Redevelopment plan uh this is a first reading ordinance uh there are uh there was a a study done and an area designated and now this is the result of uh writing a Redevelopment plan with the planning board recommendation uh it does include Provisions for mandatory affordable housing and uh mixed use um development there is uh representatives of the petitioners of this Redevelopment plan here to speak on any questions okay and okay I see it now I was asking what area this is okay you say you have somebody here to speak on it yeah okay should we invite them up yeah let's them up Mr Harrington yes good morning uh council members uh for the record Charles Harrington uh on behalf of the applicants for this uh Redevelopment plan uh as Matt mentioned there's there's been a um blate study was done which was authorized by the city council for these properties some time ago uh and it was presented uh we've been working with the community members on this uh and the count councilman boano uh and um it was presented to the planning board uh a few weeks ago for an adoption of a new plan specifically um or kind of give you an overview of of the uh area it's um the property that's uh directly adjacent to the path cut uh everybody I'm sure is familiar with the Pacini site that is currently being re redeveloped uh and uh my client's properties are to the east and west of that um one property is located uh at the dead end of Van waging um right next to the path cut where the pedestrian bridge goes over the the tracks uh and there's a there's a building a 13-story building U being constructed currently across the street uh the other building um or property is located between Giles Avenue and Wales Avenue uh to the west of the bachini site directly to the West uh and uh these um buildings uh would uh as Matt said they would have uh an affordable housing component 10% affordable housing so as uh the concept plans are now um the vanwagon and property would um result in 30 affordable units and the Giles Avenue property would result in an additional 43 uh units also as part of this Redevelopment plan uh the redevelopers would need to enter into a uh Redevelopment agreement with the jcra and we've been working with the Port Authority uh and planning uh and the city engineering uh to uh restore and rehabilitate that uh The Pedestrian uh Bridge that crosses over from van wagin over to the norc Avenue side uh so that that has been a lot of coordination uh on on the part of uh all parties I and there also um we think is a a a a nice element here too the the vanwagon and property uh extends from vanwagenen to the east up to Tunnell Avenue so if you if you're familiar with that that property it's it's uh it's vacant now um but uh my client is part of the Redevelopment would develop that as open space uh for the public to use um so we're we're going to get you know some more open space there and uh it's kind of a part of the bigger plan too because across the street eventually is supposed to be a pedestrian connection from from that part of Tunnell Avenue all the way up to joural square so it's it's kind of a nice nice little element uh there so um hey that's uh that's the you know the long and short of it uh it is um you know we're hoping that you know these These are developments consistent with the bini site and I know there's always talk about trying to get a PATH station in that area we think the the you know these types of developments will assist in in in making that argument in the future if you know if that's that's the be Chu these so these 700 new units you said 13 stories or you 13 was the one that's currently being the current one is about 1 the vanwagon in is proposed to be uh 15 stories uh 175 ft it kind of it slopes down you know from from Tunnell down towards vanwagon in uh and then uh the one on Giles Avenue um The Proposal is to have five stories in the front along Broadway for 70 feet deep right so then you step back and then 17 stories at the back end directly adjacent to the to the path Cuts true um now with regards to the affordability is that in perpetuity or is it a limit on that I guess it it's probably 30 years it's consistent with what the you know the the uh the ordinance is the local ordinance so that's that's my understanding whatever the ordinance provides and that would be similar mixed income you know uh moderate low very low and then the mix of the bedroom mix that's that's required by the ordinance okay and Chuck you said you have been in conversations with councilman borano right yeah we we've spoken to to councilman boano and Pam we've also spoken to community Representatives about it and he's spoken to to uh to the councilman about it as well okay any additional questions just my last question so I know you said you spoke to councilman bergano and you spoke did you guys do a community meeting did you actually we did yeah okay okay thanks CH thank you great director Woodson before we have director Woodson I just want a more council person to G's present at 10:26 a.m. so we now have seven council members present morning council members I have three items on the agenda first being item number 10.6 resolution 24-58 n it's a resolution rewarding a professional service agreement to ronal P mandelo PC to provide legal advice and counsel to the Jersey City cannabis control board contracts not to exceed $6,000 what what number was that again 10.6 any questions next one next is agenda number 10.60 it's it's resolution 24- 643 it's a resolution of the city council um amending the resolution 23- 853 to continue the imposition of the moratorium on accepting applications for class five canis retail licenses it's extended through October 31st you said till October 1st 31st 31st did we did we receive any applications in between the Gap from July 31st to today or actually it's it's it started the effective date is August 1st got it so we didn't have a gap all right next one the last is agenda number 10.61 resolution 24- 644 it's a resolution providing local support for the cannabis connoisseurs LLC to operate a class 5 retail cannabis business at 9912 Bergen Avenue was approved by the CCB on November 13 2023 and by the planning board on June 25th 2024 okay thank you thank you uh director Manel good morning council protm members of council Mike Manzel director of the division of Transportation Planning I have three items today to present um the first is on the behalf of traffic engineering it's agenda item number 3.5 ordinance 24-70 uh this is an ordinance to prohibit right turns on red at all times at the intersection of Montgomery and Grove um we were before Council recently to adopt no turn on Reddit several intersections along Montgomery uh we really we just missed this one um so we're just adding it in uh with the council person's office Mike uh quick question um what's the but is is this is this something that makes the the road safer the no turn on reds at certain intersections because I noticed we did it on Montgomery and I don't know if it's because of growing pains but it it looked it looked like a mess especially on what's that monell going right on mgy street is like extremely congested um so is there any data that suggests that this is a a safer yeah yeah this is part of our vision zero strategy and we can recirculate we had circulated sort of a a two-pager on why no turn on red is an important safety measure in our toolkit um Studies have shown that it's really reduced crashes for turning Vehicles particularly for pedestrians um we could send that around again but um what intersection was that that you said um monar that's it turns no it's it's monell but it turns into Jordan real quick I think that's Jordan um yeah we can take a look at what's going on there that's Jordan right yeah turns into I think that's a great intersection to do it at just cuz um a lot of people like to stand a little over the curb um when they're there and you know when the cars are turning they're hugging that corner and you know I know that there's been a few accidents um over there the last few years so okay um the next item is agenda number 3.7 it's ordinance 24-72 this is an or ordinance to authorize the extension of a lease with the njsda um for 70 eige Avenue where we have uh temporary parking for the Via Jersey City service um we first entered into a lease agreement on this property with the SDA in September of 2023 um we did one six-month extension we're uh looking to do another six-month extension to bring us to February of 25 we anticipate that this will be the last extension for this property as we are um you know this contract for the microtransit Services is coming to an end and we need to rebid the contract and as part of those negotiations we anticipate that we'll be able to have the provider um provide their own space um so we're looking again this is a no cost agreement looking to extend it another six months to get us to the end of the contract than okay last item is agenda number 10.25 it's resolution 24608 this is a resolution authorizing the city to uh enter into an agreement to install a secure bike parking facility on private property at 95 Columbus Drive um as you're aware we have a partnership with uni to to install at no cost of the city a Citywide secure bike parking Network one of the um locations in the first phase of the program was at the Grove Street PATH station obviously there's a lot of activity uh in that area and finding space is difficult um so we did identify a very suitable space on the south on the um south side of colum Columbus Drive um right in front of the PATH station uh it's partially on City RightWay but partially also on private property so we've been discussing with the property owner to make sure that they're okay with this agreement uh there'd be no exchange of uh any kind of financial information um it's really just allowing them to install the Align with the city to install to have uni install the secure bike parking facility on on that side of the street director I mentioned this to the uh the ba so he'll probably reach out but can we just make sure that we are um kind of circling up with the fire department with the bike storage facilities um because it was mentioned during the uh discussions about the ion lithium batteries yes just want to make sure that if those electric scooters and and uh bikes are being parked in there that it's safe and not um causing everything to kind of blow up no absolutely we should uh we'll have a meeting with another meeting with the fire department to discuss that all right thank you thank you Lawrence Baron morning council members Florence baring would say Economic Development I have five items this morning uh first one 10.38 resolution 24621 this is to ratify an agreement with the police police department and EDC for the administration of the off-duty police program this is a requirement of the state UE so that this agreement needs to be in place for us to distribute and disperse the funds I think uh yeah you oh I was just going to ask uh how do you plan to distribute it uh will it be distributed equally among all the SIDS um because the Central Avenue Sid is of course expressed that they'd like to have uh the uee off duty program uh reinstated we we have put it in where it's evenly distributed amongst the SIDS and working with the city uh and the off-duty police program it is also based on the availability of off-duty officers do you know how much would be allocated per Sid um two off per it's two officers per CU we have 24 actually I'm sorry it's three officers for each Sid and one floater we that's how we proposed it we're working with the police department where there is a shortage of where they can post so it's 24 officers 6 hours a day and it's supposed to be for 247 days yes okay and each Sid will essentially get two officers it's supposed to be three but yeah but based on current scheduling and availability it is lower than we anticipated okay all right um I was sent a schedule and then it was um I guess it wasn't the correct schedule so when can we expect some sort of schedule with regard to coverage for SIDS because I've had questions from McGinley square and wbsite partnership on what that's going to look like and the information keeps changing and they cannot get clear answers um from in particular the person that is evidently managing the off duty program yes we're we're having issues too we're trying to resolve that and get that going it has been an issue with um with dealing with them fortunately so so council members um I know I had a conversation with you guys over the weekend um I think there's two items here that uh deal with the off-duty U funding one is to accept the funds for that dedicated purpose the second one is to allocate it to the U uh to the um SIDS so I think it'd probably be our best effort to accept those dollars and lock them into the off-duty program and then we could have follow-up meetings up to next week uh to include what those off-duty posts look like uh for each uee uh funding source and each Sid so we' probably you know we'd look to accept those funds because we have we do have to get back to the state to let them know that we are using it for a specific purpose but the actual draw down on those dollars we should we can uh come back to council after having subcommittee meetings all right next one next one uh next item is 10.39 resolution 24- 622 this is to submit uh the proposal for U marketing phase two um I guess my my major concern with this um well there was no itemized list of expenses uh provided um I could provide it to you I could email it out so you okay that way we just could see the breakdown of it sure I'll get that to you I'll get that to the whole Council question because there's a few UE um resolutions here and I know that the EDC is planning meetings with the council to discuss U funding and strategy are all of these related to that meeting or are we just accepting the fund going to be submitted prior to those meetings and prior to the um draft of the uee 5year plan okay next one uh item number 10.40 resolution 24- 623 uh this is also another proposal for phase two of the lease subsidy Grant we are expanding the eligibility for more established businesses to to be able to partake in the program next one 10.41 resolution 24624 and this is our proposal for service support for the SIDS phase two and we are up in the upping the amount to 250,000 per Sid this is the last one 10.42 resolution 24625 and this is a uy project to retain a consultant for a ghost kitchen feasibility study for for a ghost kitchen it's a commercial kitchen commercial kitchen where businesses are caterers food trucks will be able to be be able to come to a centralized location cook their food and go back out food trucks things like that it's more mainly for Fooda food businesses so who who what what establishments will be cooking there I'm sorry what establishments will be cooking in this food food businesses if the caterers food truck owners so the service that the Jersey City Economic Development Corporation is going to provide provide like in space for commercial for commercial we work for they wouldn't be able don't have to leave Jersey City they'll be able to cook their food within Jersey City and then go back out into the community and be able to sell it at V Mark farmers markets things like that will they give out the um licensing what does it Serve Safe no okay we should think about that I see well that's part of the like part of the feasibility study would be those including those meetings with all departments with all the stakeholders all eligible businesses to see if that's what even work that's the yeah that's why we want to have the feasibility study before we move forward identify location build out if it's going to work for Jersey City I hope it work we gonna spend a quarter of a million dollars on a study is that's like the going rate for feasibility studies these days actually I've seen it based on my research it has actually gone up to like almost a half a million we're being a little conservative on that start studying things yeah can we also look into like having the incubator space like we work for like entrepreneurs not just like kitchen space but that's actually what we what we have going on at um EDC on MLK right now and we're hoping to open actually within hopefully the next month or so but we have done that small business incubator space on MLK so do we do we know the location or do we have that that would be part of the feasibility to study to identify a space that would work because we would like it to be all encompassing the goal is the vision is for like all who to go to that centralized location have parking be able to um do all they need to do in one location and not be leaving Jersey sippi love that the grass is greener where you water it so we have to make sure we help our entrepreneurs yes thank you thank you have a great day thank you so much Amanda Diamond hello good morning Council I have two resolutions to present today agenda number 1023 resolution 24- 606 this resolution is authorizing the use of competitive Contracting to purchase a tree canopy data management software the city intends to use competitive Contracting to award this contract and this will be paid for Grant by Grant funds from the usdaa urban community forestry Ira Grant uh the second one who's going to manage the software I'm sorry oh excuse me what is it going to be your office is it going to be the park uh the Forestry Department uh for forry um our office would be managing it but we be working closely with the division of Forestry and they would also be using it as well thank you all right the second agenda item is 10.24 resolution 24- 607 this is authorizing the use of competitive Contracting for the uh to con to award a contract for the service of a consultant to assist with the city's updating of the community forestry management plan the city intends to use competitive Contracting to award this contract and it will also be used or will we will also be using grant funding from the USDA urban community forestry Ira Grant okay thank you very much all gate morning Council sorry here to present item number 10.48 resolution 4631 this is a resolution authorizing Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services to accept additional Grant funds the mic up a little bit yeah sorry I missed your um the the number number sorry about that uh 1048 thank you resolution 24631 this is a resolution authorizing the Jersey City Department Department of Health and Human Services to accept additional Grant funds for uh from the New Jersey Department of Health for our 2024 eh Grant oh what is the eh Grant it's uh ending the HIV epidemic it's a funding for the it's a federal program that the new New Jersey do manages and it's we've had it but three uh this is the fourth year it's a three-month extension and $46,000 and change additional funds get us through the next three months until there's another progr that's going to replace it okay thank you thank you Mark Burns morning Council morning I'm here for item 10.49 resolution 24- 632 it's a resolution ratifying an Emergen contract award to pet serve dog Care LLC doing business as K ner Garden for additional dog housing needed until the repair of the flooring of the animal shelter intake room is completed what's oh what's the status of the floor the we've had the caging since April um the flooring has been set up for bid uh it's it's purchased and last I heard it was being installed on Wednesday what Wednesday coming up it's Wednesday yes and how long do we anticipate the I guess the repairs or even better how long do we anticipate to be paying um to house the dogs to K9 or yeah K hoping three more weeks um to be honest well we got the caging in April I I I would have guaranteed we wouldn't still be in this situation right now um I'm also actually in my sixth month right now and I thought the council the health department thought the council would like our yearly numbers and I have them all for you if you guys would like they're they're pretty impressive actually so um counc just uh just for the flooring before Wednesday's meeting we'll have a timeline as to how take to install and then we could price it out based on that I guess my next question is um so these where's this inany located ner Garden is on Newark Avenue in Jersey City oh so they're in Jersey City Jersey City business um we thought it was it it was intended to be a temporary housing situation um for the over flow um you know our as we all know our animal situation was something that wasn't properly addressed for a long time so we weren't surprised by the the amount of animals from Jersey City we were getting um the number of animals from Hoboken and Guttenberg I can count on two hands it's it's all Jersey City animals we were by the end of July we've intaking 448 animals and and our Liv release rate currently is over 92% which is more than 10% higher than the national average but it's we we anticipated having our intake room up and running by now and you know we're we're spending money to house adoptable animals until we have it set up okay can we look into cat and dog cafes um discuss other municipalities have it that's all I'm saying should we should think about it at least in terms of adoption you know for these animals someone might adopt them but um okay I'll just I'm just throwing it into the universe you don't have to respond absolutely we we also have um we are participating for our first time we're participating in clear the shelters this year which is a event sponsored by NBC uh which actively promote Universal adoptions across the board uh this is our first year as a city participating in this we're very excited about that we have the containers um from from our popup Village on MLK we have those containers coming to the campus there uh we we're doing we're doing a lot of of infrastructure with eaching out for our rescues and and our community we're doing free adoptions for veterans uh we're we're working on a lot of fronts our our current number of families hoping to surrender an animal Jersey City families is up over a 100 so we're setting up uh a pet food pantry so hopefully in the long run it's actually a lot cheaper to keep the animal in the home than it is to take responsibility for it so some of that's going to be unavoidable but we're hoping to set it up where if what's what's preventing you from keeping your animal is you just can't afford it we're hoping to be able to keep these families together which is not only going to be economically working out for us but the the proper gesture to do keep the animals in the homes Mark let me just tell you as someone who's been there I mean um you've been doing an amazing amazing job your staff is amazing aming uh the care that they give these animals is second to none man I'm very proud of that department and um you've really you know set the bar really high and um you're doing an amazing job keep up the great work I really I really appreciate that councilman and I invite the the council to come down unannounced you don't have to schedule a meeting just uh just show up at the door to be to be quite Frank and not only because she's here and she's my boss but it's director Flanigan that that pushes to make sure I have every bit of resources I need and then and then you guys improve it and it's it's the only way this happens but thank you councilman I appreciate that every every time I show up you guys are close I normally come like around 10 pm and like the lights are out and everything oh they don't oh okay what time do you us what time do you usually get in mark thank you director we're good director flan again uh good morning everyone I have three items and they're all basically the same conceptually uh item five uh 10. 51 resolution 24634 and that's a resolution authorizing the execution of a license agreement with the Wii project for use of office space located in 394 Central Avenue I'm going to go through all three of them um 10.50 a resolution authorizing the execution of a licensing agreement with the Hope Center Tabernacle Incorporated for use of office space located in 94 Central Avenue and uh 10.48 um a resolution authorizing um oh sorry uh 10.47 uh executing a licensing agreement with the Jersey City free public library for use of office space located in 394 Central Avenue uh I think you may know by now at 28 Patterson Street these were three of our key Partners uh that got us through covid uh the Wii project has been Distributing food uh at our senior center and we have invited them to have some space on the first floor of 394 um for several years and in fact I would say this was like the last thing councilman Yun asked me to do was Provide support for Hope Center Tabernacle Incorporated they host a food pantry in the Heights and don't have any place to store their food um and so we will be providing storage uh for for them uh that is not interaction with the public it's just storage and they'll come in grab their stuff when they need it uh and then we've been working with the Jersey City free public library for many years and they've had a really exciting growth in their work and so on the third floor we have added a computer center to increase their Educational Services and they're here today are Eric Trader here who's the director of Educational Services um if you have questions for him along with I think you already know Veteran Affairs and immigrant Affairs have moved into the building to really uh redefine the Human Services Hub in the Heights uh We've also added a vertical Farm uh with inspired growing in the space any questions thank you director thanks director Anderson good morning everyone um I have nine items for you today we're going to start with item 10.30 that's resolution 24- 613 and it's a resolution for municipal Council to authorize the submission of our fiscal year 25 community service block grant to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs um we are app in for approximately $976,000 um to provide services and activities that alleviate the causes and conditions of poverty in communities for example it will be employment education financial literacy Housing Programs nutrition emergency services and other health issues next all right the next item I have is 10.31 that's resolution 24 614 and it's a resolution for municipal Council to award program year 2018 home investment partnership dollar funds for our uh firsttime home buyer program we have a home buyer that has gone through all the appropriate training and underwriting um and we are allowing him to go out and start to put offers on a home the award that the city will provide is not to exceed $150,000 the final award shall be determined by DCd after performance of all required inspections underwriting and subsid Analysis to ensure that the home is eligible under all laws rules regulations that are applicable to both the golden neighborhoods home ownership program and the home grant program D you said these funds are from 2018 that is correct yeah I think we go a I mean I don't know necessarily is this a issue um that is because of you but um I think we got to challenge ourselves to try to utilize These funds because 18 this is 23 we in 24 23 24 we in 24 it's what six years that the funds haven't been there and haven't been utilized um so I just think as a whole like we we should really challenge ourselves to make these funds readily available um to be utilized a lot earlier I'm glad to see that is it's being used and someone's going to be able to obtain home ownership for their family um but I mean to see something being used in 24th that was allocated or in marked in 18 so councilman thank you very much for your feedback so uh just two points of clarification as we've been following along this firsttime home buyer program DCd did conduct a market housing analysis study where we updated what our current market trends for home ownership purchase is happening in Jersey City where we increase the amount of funds available in this program from $40,000 to $150,000 which we still find extremely challenging in this market based off of the amount that um single family homes are going for these homes also have to be moving ready and then with the income requirement for a eligible person it has to be at 80% or B of Ami so you're looking to find someone who's going to qualify for a mortgage making about $78,000 a year um and then adding our subsidy on top so it's a very fine window that we're trying to achieve here and getting individuals who are qualified and this individual is extremely qualified has amazing credit score and was able to save significant down payment of his own to add to this subsidy that we're providing to make sure that his monthly payment doesn't exceed him spending more than 30% of his take-home income and another point of clarification in reference to our grants the homeownership um the Home Investments partnership Grant has a eight-year term to spend so when we're provided These funds it's not with the automatic assumption that it will be spent on a year in year out because as you know a lot of these funds do require Advanced planning where we do our fiveyear comp plan and our annual action plan where we update how we're going to be spending this funding yes no I mean I'm I'm aware of the complexity I went through the program it took me almost 18 months to what so I know it's a challenge um I'm just saying though like we we just have to challenge ourselves to to really make sure you know we get in the funds and utilize them as soon as possible I know I know there's a challenge um I was very frustrated because you got to make this amount to qualify for the money but you got to make this amount to qualify from the loan from the bank and it's very complex um I'm just saying we just have as a worldclass city we you know we just got to challenge ourselves yeah so um on behalf of myself and the entire team at DCd and HC I mean challenge accepted and we are working extremely hard to make this happen thank you uh I also like to say we love for your feedback when we're having these plans and you can send this commentary directly to HUD that oversees and creates the framework for the program so that it can work better for a city like Jersey City yes okay um the next item that I have for you is item 10.32 that's resolution 24615 and it's a resolution authorizing Municipal Council to ex authorizing the business administrator to execute the discharge of a Mor mortgage encumbering 184 AB Dwight Street and Jersey City um the borrowers got this mortgage under the firsttime home buyer program in the amount of the next item that I have for you is 10.33 that's resolution 24616 and it is another mortgage discharge for the property at 300 Arlington Avenue in Jersey City and in uh 2008 the borrower executed in the amount of $122,200 for our home owner repair program um and this is also uh deferred paint no interest mortgage that upon the fifth year after signing it should be forgiven in its entirety right the next item that I have for you is 10.34 that's resolution 24617 um asking for authorization for the business administrator to execute the discharge of the prop mortgage encumbering the property at 334 336 Halliday Street in Jersey City and in 2013 um the borrower entered into a mortgage for the amount of $10,00 for our homeowner repair program and it is a deferred payment no interest mortgage and upon the 10th year after signing this mortgage it shall be forgiven in its entirety the next item that I have for you is 10.35 and that is resolution 24- 618 and this is a resolution um authorizing the business administrator to execute the dischar charge of the mortgage at 112 Aster place in Jersey City um in 1991 the borrowers executed uh a mortgage in the amount of $59,000 um and at the 10th year after signing the mortgage um has met all of its conditions and is eligible to be discharged okay the next item that I have for you is 10 36 that's resolution 24619 this is a resolution um requesting the approval for the sale of 78 MLK unit 1 in Jersey City and authorizing the new purchaser to assume the notes mortgages and deed restrictions that encumber the property so in 2020 um homeowners purchased this unit they are looking to sell DCd has has qualified this new purchaser um the sales going in the amount of $ 31,6 Asia I know that this was um this is at Cayenne condos right right there that is correct and it was I guess part of a affordable home ownership program so they are allowed to now sell their unit do they have to do any paybacks or how does that work so with this process is allowing the new purchaser to assume all those rules so there is no payback because they were an income qualified homeowner that remained in the unit at this time and then they are selling to another qualified moderate income purchaser okay and it's or a restricted sales price now what it's at the same rate so they brought it for 300 and they selling it for 300 or they brought it for 315 and it was in that ballpark um because again the the purchase was made in 2020 this is think van Aon right van atin MLK those build okay next one the next one I have for you is 10.37 that's resolution 24620 and it's a resolution for municipal Council to authorize the acceptance and execu ution of the grant agreement between the city of Jersey City and the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for our community services block grant for fiscal year 24 um as we receive this grant it does come in two tranches we were already in receipt of the first tranch but is requiring us to come back to council for a resolution to accept this second tranch of funding in the amount of okay and the last resolution that I have for you today is 10.43 and that is resolution 24626 and it is a resolution of Municipal Council to allow us to um amend and reprogram funds for our Hopwood grant for the year 2020 3 through 2024 um the grantee in this case is uh let's celebrate um we provided them funding for two separate lines one is for shortterm rental and utility assistance and the other Grant Line is for tenant based rental assistance what they would like to do is reduce the amount of funding we gave them for the short-term rental assistance and apply that to the tenant-based rental assistance program so there is a time frame under that short-term rental based assistance program they're only allowed to receive the subsidy for up to six months but under the tenant based rental assistance program they can receive this funding into perpetuity any questions thank you director all right thank you so much director Patel morning everyone um I am presenting on an item related to Thomas McGovern Park um so we in working with uh councilwoman Ridley have figure out a way to expedite the replacement of the playground at McGovern Park uh through a contract and also have that work be funded by estate Grant uh which director mclin helped secure director one second I feel like your mic is going in oh is that better yeah yes okay do you want me to start over yes okay sorry um okay so uh I'm here to present on um uh a resolution related to mgn park this would be for the replacement of the playground uh that currently exists at mcarn Park and the resolution would be for the purchase the delivery and the installation of a new playground replacing what is currently in place uh we would be able to do this through a state grant that was acquired uh by the recreation department by director mclin so uh I have here today with us uh Dave Rainey from uh boy which is the vendor who will be responsible for replacing the playground in case the council has any questions and if not um the item the information will be in the resolution that will be combined director if I could are we talking about resolution 1064 corre ba will clarify uh just for a little further clarification for the council um while we did receive a grant funding from the state the actual dollars have not come in yet we're working with the state entity to secure those dollars um but we did figure out a way to have an account that's called an open receivable and essentially what that means is that we can continue the procurement process without any further delay um by you by utilizing Capital dollars and then replacing them so you'll see in 1064 that it it still mentions State dollars and that's because ultimately that's what the program will uh will be paid for with this state uh dollars but we are able to uh have an open encumberment on the city Side to allow for um this resolution to proceed and for uh construction to uh begin so um item 1064 we're going to have an updated uh resolution to include the state uh Co-op vendor that uh we'll be presenting now but um I just want to clarify for the record that there will be no uh change in the funding of it it will still be a state program it's just that we're basically frontloading it uh to make sure that there's no further delays hey just wanted to comment nothing against govern Park but is there any connection with this money and Country Village Park in the playground that's the same park yep oh sorry so this will help award a contract then yeah like 101 uh basically what happened is we did receive uh a grant allocation from the state however it's been delayed uh through the state bureaucracy so essentially what we're doing is we're we're funding the encumberment on the city Side uh through our capital projects program but also just mandating that we still have to receive those dollars back from the state because we did not have a city appropriation for this project that we're still waiting on the State dollars for so there'll be no further stalling of uh uh construction will continue and we do have the vendor here to uh discuss any particular questions about the project so that that's what I just want to confirm that there's no additional steps once this is confirmed on Wednesday and yeah sorry councilman yeah so uh once we have the resolution on THS uh Wednesday we're going to update with the vendor information uh using the co-op so there'll be no additional bidding or anything like that we're using the state uh function there um the only thing that would have to do after the construction in in the time with the construction being performed is that my office will work with the state to make sure those dollars come back to the city no more surprises doubles in the ground yeah oh I just want to clarify that my Department's role and everything the ba just explained will be to contract with the vendor to over ske the contract once the work is happening and ensure that the playground is replaced in kind um the contract does also in include line items for um for the splash pad and and fixing that up as well as some concrete work around the playground um and so that is what this contract will be limited to there is you know as you all know a broader plan uh for the entire park but that is not what this contract would be covering at this moment so um in discussion with the councilwoman we did want to have the vendor here today in case you have any questions um they will be able to answer it you want to introduce yourself I'm David rainy with Boyce Recreation representing little Tes commercial playground how long do you think it would take once the money clears for you from beginning to end conservative estimate don't give me like the pine the sky estimate just give me realistically because we have weather coming in the winter and frozen ground realistically we're looking early May of 2025 2025 yes we need 50 degrees and right in to P to pour our safety surfacing end of March April early April we don't always get that we are ready to go as soon as the weather's ready but we would start the demolition and the playground installation this fall and then when the ground is unfrozen we would continue the project and have everything completed but we are starting the removal of the existing um playground and beginning what we can immediately correct we're on a 9we lead time for the playground delivery so once the sword is created it delivers 9 weeks later we would start the demolition before that accept the playground have that all installed before the winter and then when the ground's unfrozen we would continue the process there'll be a playground shade for the children like a shade um we don't have a shade structure built into there there is a lot of tree canopy around the park got it okay got to speak on I can't hear anything it's a direct replacement so got it exactly the playground that exists there now will be replaced and it will look exactly the same the reason being that that was the fastest way for us um in my department to get the vendor on board and award a contract if we were to make modifications or add other elements that would have ADD added additional time and when when I came into this project the directive was to get it started and installed as quickly as possible so we're just replacing in kind I understand and I understand and thank you for your leadership on this you and the administration and uh ba when we do update this resolution we'll include those um diagrams that director Patel provided of the park right yeah absolutely it'll be an attachment and um we'll work with Johan's office to get that uploaded today um essentially like uh director Patel said it's in kind but you know obviously uh newer equipment uh better technology for you know uh the lifespan of it and I just want to uh take the time to thank uh director Patel because I kind of put her on the spot and said can you take this ball and run with it and she didn't say no um and that is um we know that this park has been in need of repair this playground Splash Pad um and we also want to thank director mofin for applying for those funds to get it done um I think a lot of times people don't realize that we have to work with other government agencies and sometimes that cause causes a delay on our side like no slight to the state but they're dragging their feet and so we have to do what we have to do so thank you director thank you to our Recreation director and for our Ba's office for making sure that we get this done for the kids thank you very much thank you DOR dor Patel do you have uh two other my last okay so I have two other resolutions for the division of architecture and the division of engineering the first one is agenda item 10.19 resolution 24- 602 this is a resolution projecting the so bid that we received in relation to the City Hall fire suppression project um and we are rejecting it just on the basis of uh budget okay [Music] and second one is agenda item 10.26 resolution 24- 609 this is a resolution authorizing the of a contract to power concrete for the Westside AB Improvement project um through the division of engineering the total contract amount is $2.9 million this is the continuation of work that we have been doing on Westside Avenue related to Traffic Safety but also related to streetscape improvements um so this will be able to continue that work it will involve improvements in the roadway repaving of the street uh concrete repair to the sidewalk and curb extension and other improvements at intersections thank you thank you okay Sean that's all I have can we take it from the top absolutely okay first reading ordinances item 3.1 city ordinance 24- 066 is an ordinance amending chapter 160 fees and charges section one fee schedule established subsection 10 chap chapter 254 Property Maintenance the fee of schedule for lead base Hazard inspection of rental units pursuant to pamp LW 2021 c. 182 item 3.2 city ordinance 24- 067 is an ordinance amending chapter 239 parks of the municipal code John if you can't um what specifically is being changed with regards to um the park or um we can get you a memo on what's being changed in the Parks I think it's not underlined in what's in the um the agenda so we'll get you to make sure okay but there are multiple different changes throughout it okay next item 3.3 city ordinance 24- 068 is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 263 Article 4 for rental and Retail commercial premises to prohibit the distribution of plastic straws and non-reusable food and beverage accessories by Food Service establishments item 3.4 city ordinance 24- 069 is an ordinance amending chapter 332 vehicles and traffic Article 1 General provisions and article three parking standing and stopping 3.5 was touched on earlier item 3.6 city ordinance 24 de0 71 is a franchise ordinance granting permission to the number one spotting to allow number one spotting to install handicap Entrance Ramp beyond the boundary line of lot 9 block 18503 and for the benefit of lot 9 block 1853 commonly known as 539 Mont Luther King Drive we do have the attorney present right to field any questions that anyone may have does anybody have any questions on this one hearing none item 3.7 and 3.8 were touched on earlier item 3.9 city ordinance 24- 074 is an ordinance regarding the proper storage of road salt and other solid deicing materials on privately owned properties and item 3.10 city ordinance 24075 is an ordinance authorizing a lease agreement between the city of Jersey City and Verizon New Jersey Inc for the property located at 71 Madison Avenue Jersey City New Jersey next our second reading ordinance item 4.1 city ordinance 24- 060 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 Vehicles traffic Article 2 traffic regulations amending Section 3 32-9 stop intersections to designate the intersection of Van VOR Street and Marva street is stop controlled intersection item 4.2 City ordinance 24- 061 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 Vehicles traffic article 3 parking standing stomping amending section 332-4145 city ordinance 24- 062 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic article 9 parking for the disabled of the Jersey city code designated Reserve parking space at various locations throughout the city item 4.4 city ordinance 24- 063 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic article 8 permit parking amending section 332-5800 64 is an ordinance amending ordinance 23- 093 and authorizing the execution of Three Financial agreements and last but not least item 4.6 city ordinance 24- 065 is an ordinance amending excuse me an ordinance Amendment to the Journal Square 2060 Redevelopment plan regarding inclusion of a mandatory affordable housing requirement along with updates to some bulk signage and use standards amended we will then have a public hearing on the 2024 2025 General Square special improvement district assessment rle budget and then we have our public speakers we are at 22 at this point and petitions and Communications any questions or comments on item 6.1 through have quite a few 6.44 hearing none any questions or comments on office Communications 7.1 through 7.18 and any questions or comments on reported directors 8.1 through 8.12 hearing none we have our claims should be getting them today and then right on to our resolutions item 10.1 resolution 24- 584 is a resolution honoring The Life and Legacy of Christopher englis item 10.2 resolution 24- 585 is a resolution honoring The Life and Legacy of Clarence coach C Collins item 10.3 resolution 24-58 six is a resolution honoring Friendship Lodge Number 44 f andha as the lodge of the Year item 10.4 resolution 24587 is a resolution recognizing the contributions and achievements of Eddie bayas item 10.5 city city resolution 24588 is a resolution authorizing the city of Jersey City to accept the loan as a painting from Miss Anna Banu 10.6 was touched on earlier item 10.7 resolution 24590 it's a resolution authorizing a license agreement with Joseph buer owner of excuse me allowing the city of Jersey City to enter the property owned by the owner to use space on the owner's property in connection with the Jersey City mural arts program item 10.8 resolution 24- 591 is a resolution authorizing the execution of a license agreement and gift agreement between the city of Jersey City and Hamilton Park conserv to allow for upgrades and repairs to tennis court facilities at Hamilton Park item 10.9 resolution 24- 592 is a resolution introducing and and approving the 2024 2025 budget of the Westside Avenue special improvement district directing the city clerk to publicly advertise the budget and schedule a public hearing and directing the tax assessment to prepare to prepare an assessment role for properties within the district based upon the budget item 10.10 resolution 24- 593 is a resolution accepting the 2024 2025 assessment role of the Journal Square special improvement district of the city of Jersey City 10.11 resolution 24594 is a resolution adopting and ratifying the 2024 2025 budget of the Journal Square special improvement district of the city of Jersey City item 10.12 resolution 24- 595 is a resolution ifying the award professional service agreement with Murphy Orlando LLC to provide legal services in various eeo matters item 10.13 resolution 24596 is a resolution authorizing the award of a contract AAA emergency supply company for the self-contained breathing apparatus maintenance parts and supplies under State contract for the Department of Public Safety Division of fire item 10.14 resolution 24597 there a resolution authorizing the award of a contract to turnout fire and safety for personal protective equipment for fighter fighter uniforms equipment and gear through the New Jersey Cooperative purchasing Alliance Bergen County Coupe for the Department of Public Safety Division of fire item 10.15 resolution 24598 it's a resolution awarding a contract to Millennium Communications to reroute fiber uh cables at multiple locations under inter local purchasing system for the division of police item 10.16 resolution 24599 is a resolution authorizing the award of a contract to laurman supply company for the New Jersey of New Jersey excuse me for the purchas and deliver of 45 Auto 23 gr G dhp 50-20 spear ammunition on the New Jersey contract of the Department of Public Safety Division of police I believe business administrator would like to address the council SE sorry for killing your Vibe you want to roll there uh Council I know a few have reached out to me about this resolution um I will prepare a memo uh in coordination with Public Safety um just to State for the record that this is for ammunition that'll be used at the shooting range for qualification and not necessarily live ammunition that be utilized uh during services or service request so um this this is just uh police are qualified annually uh through state LA and this is to allow for that to occur John is is there any reason why Public Safety didn't come today I can follow up on that Council but um the fire I I was handling the purchase of the fire equipment and then this was the only other item that they had Okay 10.17 resolution 24- 600 is a resolution authorizing a lean against properties listed earin for the cost of remov moving litter the breeze Etc and the coordinance with njsa 40 col 482114 and Jersey city code section 2874 10.18 resolution 24-0 601 a resolution authorizing the execution of a memorandum of agreement with the corporation of national and community services that authorizes the city of Jersey City to participate in America corpse Vista program 10.19 and 20 touched on earlier 10.21 resolution 20 24604 is a resolution of the municipal Council of the city of Jersey City authorizing the acceptance of a grant from North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority and New Jersey Institute of Technology for the fiscal years 2025 2026 subregional studies programed to update the circulation element of the Jersey City's master plan item 10.22 resolution 24-65 is a resolution of the municipal Council of the city of Jersey City authorizing the city to accept fiscal year 2025 subregional Transportation Planning Grant from the north Jersey Transportation Planning Authority and the New Jersey Institute of Technology which will enable Jersey City to receive funding for future task orders 10.23 through 10.26 was touched on earlier 10.27 resolution 24610 is a resolu solution authorizing the execution um by the city of Jersey City of a notice in Li of deed notice requested by Exxon Mobile Corporation affecting a portion of the roadway and walkway of New York Avenue in Jersey City and authorizing the execution of the soil reation action permit application and related documents for the property item 10.28 resolution 24611 is a resolution author in the payment of claims submitted by Acure LLC for providing insurance coverage 10.29 resolution 24612 is a resolution of the city council of the city of Jersey City directing the planning board to prepare an amendment or revision to the Journal Square 2060 Redevelopment plan and the St John's Redevelopment plan items 10.30 through 10.44 was touched on earlier item 10.45 resolution 24-6 28 is a resolution authorizing the award of a contract to S Electric company for the purchase and installation of an overhead lighting system at Persian field throughout the New Jersey through excuse me through New Jersey Cooperative purchasing Alliance Bergen County Coupe for the Department of recreation and Youth Development item 10.46 resolution 24- 629 is a resolution authorizing the execution of interlocal governmental agreement with the H County of Hudson in connection with a Grant application for Hudson County Jersey City transitional Grant areas fiscal year 2025 funding to various programs servicing hi HIV AIDS patients items 10.47 through 10.51 were touched on earlier 10.52 resolution 24- 635 is a resolution accepting Grant funds for calendar year 2024 clean communities Grant from New Jersey Department Environmental Protection Sean did we um excuse me did we I didn't um I probably missed it um I don't think we touched on 44 oh did someone come up and speak about uh 44 with regards to the um the advertisement on the recyclables yes councilman that was uh director here that was gray you have any follow-up questions I could maybe provideed some detail yeah um because I think this this current model it just doesn't benefit the whole city because for whatever reason there's no appetite for advertisements outside of a certain area um I would really like to see these all throughout the city on these garbage recycled sepes sure just two notes on that councilman uh we could work on maybe um elevating uh Fe structure we'll take a look at that but of course there's a concession so we have to make sure we fulfill that and the other um obstacle that we could accomplish but um kind of rolling that out is because of its proximity to the street um and certain locations we have to get the uh acceptance which is basically just a letter so it' probably be best we vet those um areas sooner than later and we could submit those to theot okay okay items 10.53 through 10.61 were touched on earlier item 10.62 resolution 24- 645 is a resolution awarding a professional service agreement to Chason lamparello malan and karuso to provide defense Council Services related to work workers compensation claim petitions filed against the city of Jersey City item 10.63 resolution 24- 646 is a resolution authorizing the settlement of action entitled Betsy robski sorry for any Polish names uh my wife is half pole should be ashamed um Belin and Brian Belin versus the state of New Jersey the city of Jersey City docket number hl- 3985 D21 item 1064 was touched on earlier and last but not least 10.65 resolution 24- 648 is a resolution to redesignate reserve parking spaces in the municipal lot at 388 Central Avenue public lot four for the Joseph Connor Senior Center veterans hero first responder parking Sean yes we have uh a late entry I don't think that anyone had any questions for these but can we have director Jackson come up just in case he's here with us now he has 3.2 maybe if we can just read off his resolutions in case anybody has any questions before we adjourn sure um I'm just not aware of the items that he has no that's okay oh okay director good afternoon I have uh P points items to bring course to y'all thing is a 3.2 Park ordinance update uh 10.8 a gift for tennis court Improvement using United States T Association funds uh 10.45 contract with Persian pool overhead lights using Federal monies for project and 10.6 4 which is um thomasb govern playground and splash pad replacement using Federal monies rotted through the state and DP D confirmed that these monies are for improvements that are in the scope of work and will not affect any funding with regards to 3.2 what specific is changing if you know um well the sence were changed and we want to we had to go through the law department and get the ordinance put on the books for smoking loud music playing and stuff like that oh okay can Law Department send us a list of yeah we're send a list like we worked with director mlin she uploaded it so we're just going to make sure have the changes and then it'll be underlined so you'll see also I just heard from director McLaughlin and um evidently the police department has also sent back a few additional comments so I believe the move forward is for um this to come off the agenda for this meeting and it will be resubmitted for first read on um the first meeting in September Council and we make sure that for the September meeting everything is outlined uh underlined because yeah I've also been working with a director in regards to the signage and not necessarily the amendment changes so we're just making sure everybody's got all the same information thank you director other questions for director Jackson motion oh wait wait do we have any question question for direct ready well is is he done are you finished good right could you you're good right okay thank you director thank you feel like you share it too motion before we adjourn there is going to just very briefly there is going to be a late item resolution coming to the council we were waiting on the last bit of language um and this is regards to um bringing back the resolution to dissolve our Board of construction code appeals and move it over to the county um we made this decision in part because some of the conflicts that have come up recently and thinking it through we realized that instead of asking for resignation it was better to move it over to the county because these conflicts may arise again um any so we'll get that language to you guys if you have questions can let us know yeah and do you have anything to add breny no we'll provide it to you as soon as we can it to everybody today y okay may I have a motion to adjourn at motion 1143 a.m. by council person Prince AR and I will make the second by council person SLE so he doesn't feel slighted on the motion to adjourn at 11:43 a.m. all council members president by acclamation please say I I we are out of here at 11:4 3 a.m. thank you so much everybody present and everyone watching at home remember teamwork Mesa DreamWork have a great rest of the day stay safe everybody hello where have you been oh my God okay let me write on it so you know what it is