##VIDEO ID:X9WkgnqdEc8## ladies and gentlemen if we can find our seats silence our cell phones close any the back door or any side doors that'll open I greatly appreciate it we're about to get started okay good afternoon everyone we are on the record today's Monday the 9th day of September in the year 2024 this is a city council Caucus meeting of the Jersey City municipal Council a SCH 4M start clock on my cell phone is showing 403 may we have a r call for the commencement of this office council person R council person Prince council person B council person s is not here council person Solon here council person Gil here oh he is there he is council person the here council person V will not be here and council president so we have seven council members in attendance at 403 p.m. on behalf of council president wman and the members of the municipal council ordance with New Jersey public laws of 1975 chapter 2301 public meetings act also known as the sunshine La adequate notice of this meeting that has provided by the posting on the P Board of the first FL City Hall the annual notice which is the schedule of meetings and cuses of the municipal Council for the cend year 2024 and filed in the office of the city clerk on Thursday November 30th 2023 in addition at its assign its preparation the agenda of this meeting was similarly disseminated on Friday September 6 2024 at 6 p.m. to the mayor Municipal Council business administrative Corporation Council and the local newspapers and posted on the city's websit so they can certify as to our total compliance with non shine will council president I'm going to turn the over to you okay um so first of all I'm going to say so we're joined by a lot of the team here that's worked on this we've had a individual presentation with a lot of you um and being the significance of what we're asking for support um I wanted to come here and walk through it publicly and talk a little bit about more finan we answer any questions clearly among director um I I want to take you back more 10 years ago um because I think that's an important data point regards to tax abatements and how the city approached it um 10 plus years ago tax abatements were generally regarded as by right almost every project of significant size that came in front of the city council requested tax abatement tax abatement was actually factored into the land sale price the council administration were very liberal with how they granted tax AB um we came in some of you were part of that and we had a deliberate efforts to recalibrate how tax abatement were given that they should no longer be thought of as by right they should be thought of as something that is Meaningful to help a project get forward that otherwise maybe not have that benefit we us them very very Sly over the last 10 plus years similar to what we're talking about today we used a similar model to have Partnerships with the private sector to build Public Schools ps6 the annex downtown was built in a similar structure to what we're talking about today um we have a new East District on Rec construction again have a public partnership that would not be possible without us using and leveraging the city finances who create structures um today we're talking about a project that many of you have been courageous enough to support for 5 years now um it was an opportunity to bring a worldclass cultural institution that is located in some of the most significant cities in the world to have the North America location here in not an opportunity that comes around every so often um as a matter of fact I've been doing this now for8 years on the council and 10 years as mayor and this is the only opportunity like this that we have ever seen uh we started down the road with the governor and trying recognizing the great assets that this could bring to Jersey City and uh we had a partnership till that abruptly changed in the spring of 2024 um we as an administration were unwilling to walk away from the time and the opportunity that this presents to Jersey City and so we started thinking about other opportunities that get us to the same outcome that would have a meaningful impact C the city and uh to go without the state time I walk slides here just to make sure that we're on the St page and we already live streaming this as well so people can see um this first slide here dep picks kind of Journal Square from a Geographics them and and I want to highlight that we as an Administration have transformed Journal Square um in the last 10 years seen more significant change in J Square than the previous 240 years and and we're still in the early phases of that um you have the homestead walkway which is under construction currently which will replicate The nework avue Pedestrian Plaza from Cottage to the journal sore Plaza with retail on both sides we have the courthouse Park um which was is going to be a park as big as Hamilton Park located at the current location of the courthouse actually started um with your father's Administration in the county executive and partnership here um we've renovated the loans that's started the financing is Done Construction is underway um if you go there they're working every single day to bring it back to what it was in 1929 and we talked about the scale of people that we need there to energize and cafes night Liv we are well on the way to kind of achieving that when you look at kind of the landscape here this project here that we are talking about aonia which is the current um parking garage which is scheduled to come down in the next month regardless of this outcome um for a development site that has been improved on zoning preexisting this Administration um it is two phases located here directly next to the low's Speer and a short one minute walk away from location of the pathside M this gives you a little bit of a diff perspective on it not actual visibility but I want to just highlight that part of the approvals here was a artw that extends from Journal Square all the way down to M contemporary um so the project that we're talking about here is two-minute walk from the Journal Square path so geographically the same area and this Art Walk was envisioned when these initial approvals came in place long ago this kind of shows you what it would look like from the front of the lows as you all know because you've been supportive this building here which has construction issues um has been a blight on the community and uh a safy hazard is under condemnation right now to open this walkway up from a safety standpoint and this is what the entrance to the walkway that our walkway would look like coming out of the Journal Square cap going down towards what would be the S padoo culture center here in New Jersey City here is a perspective of how it would lay out similar to what you see across the river with the m the great institutions in the world residential is on top of it building um you found underneath it there would be a similar layout to this BR staircase to enter it um and there's some flexibility around this but this would constitute about 100,000 square ft of space What We Were talking about at the path side was close to 70 70,000 I read about 75,000 ft uh space this would actually be a larger building with higher ceilings and more flexibility it would not be pink this gives you a walk uh a visible uh visibility what it looks like when you're going down this walkway that I touched on a little bit earlier um you could see this Gallery space is under phase one you can see this SRA pidu building back here and uh there would be retail and entry Rays underneath here another picture size scale kind we're talking about then this one G breaks down the proposed floor plan for 100,000 s ft um any questions on any of that so what I want to do is really open it up to all of you in regards to any specific questions we have a lot of information maximize the time that you all have regards to any questions concerns terms finances um what the landscape timeline everything obviously is fair game and we want to talk through it openly it's very very important to have everything out I think that we have here that can answer question have a very clear deliberate way so turn back over to you council president and go do yeah I have a lot of issues sure all right number one I walked the neighborhood this morning those is General Square I mean notice the development of people more concerned about the traffic their taxes the streets are horrible Journal Square is a mess all this construction this morning one of the build developers had summer closed old been close for a month you know people are concerned about what's going on now I'm not against it but I people want to know what are the French be how much is going to force those tax payments who's going to pay for it and these are the questions they want to know and if Papa doesn't come in who's going to stay at this place or personel we don't have enough personel take care of the city right now so we want their people my wood C is a large board lots of people they want questions answered they want to know what's going on I spoke to Mr py no one understand Mr py but as I said I was out this morning I was out over the weekend and people they had they want to know what's them so so let's talk about a lot of different questions here first with regards to traffic patterns and construction I mean I fully recognize that construction is nuance and burden s people um state laws on when and how people can construct buildings that they own um are things that we cannot change so when somebody owns a property and they put in The Proposal they go through the proper steps um we don't impede their progress here nor could we legally and so unfortunately there is a b exr there but I also think that when it's done in a year and a half people will appreciate the fact that it didn't along for 5 six seven years we're within the legal framework that is necessary to kind of move that say second thing I would tell you is that there are plenty of independent uh data points that we have to do for the state on economic um the city will make $1 million more per year because of its cultural institution being there so from a dollars and cents standpoint we will benefit from that third um you ask about what's in it for residents so it's important to understand that if you go to any of these posts I mean we refer to it as a museum it really isn't a museum and they don't Define themselves of course they have one of the largest collections in modern Mar in all of the world that they will be sharing with Jersey City in Journal Square but if you go to Paris it is a cultural institution that is buzzing with kids with after school programs with multimedia with experts that they wouldn't have opportunities to see outside a bus ins intution and all of that is very very important to this prog and now we located the general s your fourth point about who would own this um Mike C's here and we talk to him shortly but the transaction is really that Jers City will own 100,000 square fet of space in gernal square and you can understand how valuable that is today and into the future so what we collectively as a city decide that we're not going to go partner with the SRA compy we want to go in a different direction down the road owning 100,000 square fet in general Square makes this work and it's a prudent decision by Research Unit your your final question on construction I going to go back to that for a sec okay this tax evate is it a question on whether the buildings are going to get built or not get built the approvals are there and the financing is done okay the building was scheduled to move forward absence we wanted to see if we can pursue this so if you're thinking that because you vote no or you obain or whatever the vote is that you will not see the same sort of unfortunate circumstances within the traffic and more uh development in the area that would be a poor calculation of rep because the building is coming regardless based on approvals creating our Administration and there's nothing that any of us collect we can do just based on how New Jersey memph schs work Steve I never said that was against what the people want to know was what's this on the course the tax pays and then something else I spoke to kush's people over the week the pet week we put up all these Sky DRS all these buildings now this morning I walked Jal Square I spoke to at least 50 different people they're all discussed scores and ger were horrible good stores have moved out the restaurants have gone I yes when we were told they put up these buildings going to have nice restaurants going have nice stores so far we haven't seen anything and I'm the one who's taking the beating so I'm the council person from W people want change but they want they want to be taken care they tired I'm the S against all right but they want to know what is going to cost us and the big question lot of people saying what the heck in French P are they put anyone into this it's all listen it's the same model that it is everywhere else in the world we have access to a collection that we would never have access to V access to programming that we would never have before and the entire economic model that we' outlined and Prov volence your St numerous times is predicated on the fact that you have a global institution that we could not replicate without them it is the same exact model that uh Abu Dhabi and Brussels and Shang all seem to think works and makes sense because of the fact that this is a unique opportunity to say to say that the germ square of 10 years ago is somehow a better circumstance than what it is today I be different with you and I most PR differ with you on that the fact that there aren't the restaurants want to see down there it's a fair point most of those buildings are under construction most of those buildings aren't completed yet three bu most of them but yes if you remember Rich if you remember even the restaurants downtown it takes a critical mass of development before you start seeing a restaurant and night life kind of environment that doesn't happen just when one buildings just do me a favor get the information out to the people let the residents know all the stuff you're telling the SK tonight so they get off my back okay that's all like that's I have next who next I have questions that relates to the uh financing so just to be clear this is an abatement on two separate establishments all right um do we know the actual dollar amount the city will be missing out urement if they PID regular taxes versus the taxes and the pilot and what is that number let turn it over to my there is a dollar amount Pilots versus conventional taxes there's a dollar amount that I touched on $1 million based on the econ economic impact study of having the institution here of land value impact and all of those things are very relevant to this conversation so I'm going turn it over to my cley because it's not a strict dollar for dooll sorted conversation okay he's good where he is so the the pilot that's been negotiated in CC this plan is a air distribution what pilot is wor probably on a present value basis something between 55 and $65 million we are getting asset for ourselves as wor that cost $55 million a bill of our own accord we probably close we are getting an asset in a fair trade that if it's an asset you believe in and asset you want all we're doing is giving a discounted value of cash flow as a similar value you should want to do that the question is what is the amount of Revenue the city will receive if it's a regular TX at a regular versus the Pate rate that was the answer the present value of those dollars are approximately equal to the $55 million that we're receiving in cost so the anual I just better question or redirected question the annual tax revenue from this establishment Bill tax that rular rate is what it'll be about half it'll be about double what's actually being paid I mean it's it's obviously different in different use but the you know we're going to receive approximately half are slightly less than Sly more than that of what conventional taxes what's the number let me just say before that without the tax accessor here and a completed building nobody would know that exactly what it like say in the first year where each building is stabilized we'll receive approximately $4 million we would have received 7.7 something which just not different from what I said the Precision was not enough all right I see I see that I get what you're saying and my my second issue is rather than allocating money to the affordable housing trust fund waiting for affordable housing to be built Why Can't This be implemented in set establishment at want I mean you have an ordinance and you have a building that was going to be built and they are going to make an affordable housing depend based on that ordance nothing has changed between what would have happened without this project what is happening with this project what we've done is make a a financial trade as it relates to Future cash flow and the asset that we're going to receive and it's a good fair trade in the context building affordable units and consit it will change the economics of the whole project and it's not we don't have the ability to make the developer do that and in order to do so have a tremendous cost as it always is I mean I just know for me that I typically hate to see offsite affordable units build if you want to be a fabric and a part of the community and you want to donates with the affordable hous and Trust one just put the affordable unit in there I'm sure people who don't make $100 and something th000 will love the opportunity to to to live in there and again policy call but in this particular case was made prior to this transaction and we can't fix it inside they they want something that they can put aord so so I I just want to go back the choice is really not affordable or no affordable the building is getting constructed based on zoning that existed that we all agreed upon okay or the prior Administration agreed upon without affordable housing and they didn't put in place a union requirement okay this will have a union requirement for the bottom portion which is what we are building out is the culture Parks just for the bottom portion because there's no requirement in the zoning so the part that the part that only we control that prod if you provide for this to go forward without a tax it would exist without affordable housing without a un requirement we collectively approv I mean all in all I just think for me looking at the totality of the project this establishment stands to benefit more than an actual City because with this Museum there you know to attract people that wants to live on top of this Museum from all over the world thus increasing the value of said property outside of just the pad Center and and and your asking taxpayers to front the bill for this two there have been no open dialogue as it relates to communication with the community at large letting the tax payers who's going to be fuckness have the ability to say hey we agree we disagree I feel like it's being forced down out we just had a meeting about this two weeks ago and it's right before the council to have been no Community meetings if they're so invested in understanding and helping a community what's so hard for them to do a series of community meetings just to get the input of the to stated so a couple things on that Frank first I'm going to push back on the argument that when you say there's not a financial benef because the experts here that do that say what you said is just not a true State presid value versus what we are getting it is a fair trade or a beneficial trade the economic impact for the area with regards to what we will make is war that's not even factored into this $1 million apped to the state is part of this process we've been having dialogues with the community around this program for five years five years Comm everybody this is not a to here when it's activated we had this conversation there is a there is a process there is a process for the public with regards to tax Eva for any Community effect there is a first reading there is two we process and final reading not a question on everybody in the city weighs in on whether a tax makes sense it may make sense on what the cultural programs you're the elected person on whether the finances make sense of okay so whether we have the meetings or we didn't have any meetings for five years I would argue we've been having those meetings on that so I'm not going to subscribe to that or let kind to say that it's not a true narrative and and then the final Point say that is that if you are going to do this in the heart of Journal Square which is very important because for it to be successful need to be close to mass transit with no question about that okay there aren't many properties that are available to partner that is a major obstacle this project like I said was moving forward this fall with the court now to this entity at the bottom so if you miss the window of opportunity and you delay delay the delay miss the entire opportunity of the project so there is a rationale on why this is happening now and then and one other thing because I mentioned this all to you guys individually that we will be introducing an ordinance for a special improvement district that is ATT tax on the highrise buildings who were all part of that project you were all part of that conversation that any of the buildings above a certain he will participate in a fe to subsidize the culture and arts and area because they will benefit so I mean that has been factored into it as well nobody's getting a pass than uh I have a few questions so have we done agreements like this in the past developers where essentially we would extend metal pilot and may return as a city would get some an asset the city that's the best yes the short answer is yes and the best example of that it's two blocks away the ps16 Public School annex which is constructed in a quicker manner that we probably could have done it without the partnership and it has proved to be a huge success very very simply model to what we're doing here and will this see a portion of the pilot that weend schools will receive 100% of what they are supposed to be receiving so there's no shortcoming so that whole conversation is off theable about it's part of the conversation that you all requested with word in the resolution a couple years ago so we're bu want to make sure that we're still on the same track and then hypothetically 5 years from now if the P doesn't work out then the city will have 100,000 Fe to do with what it own 100,000 ft of space part and the P side this go under our Dominion as a city cide building is a conversation collectively to figure out what the next step is for that what type of service so we can put a school we Mo we do anything that's direct Center anything um and technically we're we're still receiving tax dollars through this Arrangement tax dollars wouldn't have Reed have they not built the building because those buildings didn't exist and we're just receiving an asset kind to what the value that correct okay so looks like yeah I mean they we are going to be right now we're receiving improvment tax the project we are in the future going to receiving the number that's much higher the 2 and a half $7 million over the period of time and those are incremental values that you know that without them that's all EX such Revenue to the bud we're providing service to General Square to we have to take care of those roads we're providing police and fire every dollar that we get this development helps us provide better service to agressive tax p in C and what's happened in the past done through Pilots or through uh conventional taxes we are able to provide and I don't think anyone around here at least we don't have that service I just had two emails and people want to know where where people going to park in this place there's no Park in this they put up all these buildings in general Square my block nobody they would talk because everybody's from these big buildings that had nobody's going to have a car talk on my CL over they everything so what about talk and I would say I would say twofold on that the building uh takes into account and part of the plan for the building takes into Now parking to accommodate this and secondly if can go to their other institutions where they're vibrant with after school programs and Children Learning those are mostly people from the area so both of those two things I about cars I know you cars cars ours are will be in the building wa it's going to be parking spots in the building they put up all these giant buildings in general square and it's really no par you have maybe four five the par and you have you ask about this specific project I know with regards to the planners here with regards to but the the60 plan which we've all had a hand made at some point um had nothing to do with had very limited that was delate the only one who Obed in 2017 plan that's when I stood right here yell to lyia clone I'm running the council because she voted for it we're supposed to be knocked down in five minutes more that outside those door she promised me she was Voting against it and the 2016 plan is destroy with the lot of squ look I'm not say up against this project but I want the people to know what's going on councilman we have been we've been committed to working with you to increase arking and Journal Square that's um initiative that we've been working on for many months right we wanted it as part of the ordinance that was in front of the city council recently but then we asked to a referring resolution to send it back to for so we could do that P we're committed to that we will absolutely pass an order to put an Ord in front of you to pass that increases parking internal the meeting three months ago County to and people the sheriff's off over the street everybody County I believe your a uh put the referring resolution on the council agenda and that just happened and well we're working together right we're working with your office to get that back in front of you as soon as possible we wanted it in the last round so there's absolutely no reason why we can't do that we would like to do that heard loud and clear that that's something you want we've heard from the Coury and is Absol was something we're working on and we're happy to do I just want to rich in this building there's 327 spots there's 327 spots to accommodate what we're doing right here okay in this building separately on the parking I was in those meeting of the judge of blony the planning department in HBC took into account all those considerations you asked for a change to the ordinance at the end if you remember correctly and there was a different version of the ordinance that went I'm correct about that correct things about affordable housing and you stripped out intentionally or unintentionally in combination with the Doug you wanted so it's strange in the ask setting because you advocated for the change and now you're trying to reverse it working with your office some question that to me in my office have to do with the um the impact of resid part of it was which is also been partially addressed but the other piece of that has to do with the aity budget and whether or not that may or may not change what things might be different um City might respons can we have properties great the same document that we walk through with you guys thank you um what we tried to do was to build out a prar Runway that is very conservative okay conservative based on the independent Consultants the economic impact study based on similar side institutions so our philanthropy line is lighter than most institutions similar to this if we want it to be conservative um government RS a situation on um we didn't even factor into this that Sid tax that we touched on which hopefully will be at the next meeting not subsequent one but uh that's not even fact and you can see that the weights laid out for 10 years City's contribution is very minimal so the um City landord operating contribution is separate from the it is it's all factored factors the state tax credit you see that still there program and we discuss this um the SIP Tax is not there conservatively could be worth $2 million again it's a special mement fee on all of the new highrise buildings in the area that from we touched on this so that's not factored in until we set the exact dollar out but if you want to be conservative 1.5 milon you want be more aggressive I mean it's flexible of course the liary contribution CA the library has not through that into the budget because they are running a lot of the after school programs and the Partnerships and there's also F into Partnerships in all the satellite uh Library systems throughout ter of city as well partnership with which we both we in um see the city landlord operating Ru to 2.2 million there and that's the line that would be offset by that special Improvement tax based on what you're trying to do and then the flopy would be based on kind of construct of board and fundraising if you look at um Liberty Science in$ million they very very small um also as it relates to um so the first tower that slaves will be built um does not have the proper correct correct now what's the um perod of the structur from the first time to the second time the first one of the pictures that I showed on that artwalk uh had a gallery space that was part of the first tower that would be constructed in the first phase we would start immediately design of the floor plan if we were the SRA Padu at the Basin of Tower 2 with a plan of commencing it when then a year okay I just some quick here as it releases to the gentlemen's is basically saying um there will be a differential of about 3 million per year you were saying about 3 something 7 um so that would be 3 million times 308 in around 90 million to mil 180 million if you're figuring 3 million 30 time 30 years is is how much that's that's the total the and wait just so I get this correct I want to be the annual differential in tax revenue coming thece from a pilot versus regular tax payment is what that estimate because we might not have the actual don't know for 30 years because it's predicated on mayor and city council from tax rates change but if you're looking at the first year oh the first yes okay so he told you that number was for million roughly more than you can't extrapolate it out 30 years say that if you wanted to do that Council and you're saying 90 million you're still looking at what we are getting at as an asset over that 30 years or immediately is a larger value you're getting a $50 million buildout of a location that is probably worth significantly more than that in the heart of General square and the choice again is not whether the choice again is not whether the building gets built bu or it doesn't get built the building is getting built because the approvals and financing are there the question is whether we want to have this cultural institution at the bottom or we don't now I think the question should be is it worth to have it or not not if it is going to be or not is it worth it is it worth the bang for the B that the taxpayers are under need charge or this I mean at circling around this point something you said earlier the taxpayers AR fronting this developers taxpayers are it over time yes that they're they're not at RIS long so we're going to get our 55 60 million a day right and we are giving out future cash flows of consideration but this is if if you believe this is an important project and you want this project this is that the build taking way more of the risk than we're taking they have to build it they have to collect the revenue collect the BRS be successful we get a build and 3 million today is going to be 3 million3 years from now but the dollar value the value of the dollar will de increase and the value of that asset will increase 100% the over and and the value of their payments increase we are giving up half of the dollars we would otherwise okay so it depends how things escalated in in the future but we are giving up cash flow we're doing it with our eyes wide open we're giving up that cash flow in order to get an asset today that's not an asset that exists forever it's a it's a scarce resource right you can't put this Museum in a place that we want to put it at a price that's anywhere near this if we want to do l in the short ter and that's that's the decision that you are trying to make you have got to make a policy call around that Val no I I understand just completely what's what's you guys are trying to do here my major issue is that people have been been at of shape with the c in the tax R in Jersey City all right so as an elected official for w I have to be able to convey to my constituency why did I vote for this Ty right that's what I'm looking out for looking out for the interest of the administration and developer or whoever your interest is my interest is the represent constituency of Bo does this make financial responsibility for leing V yes for the residents of Bo so that's the decision that I and and and you're asking the right questions around that but if if the asset is valuable you're getting it at a price you can't get it anywhere else right you don't have a better solution to solve this problem and if that's important to you an excellent price it's the problem we're acquiring an asset in general square that you would never be able to acquire otherwise I and I would say that um the on the tax rate know I hear is well and and and you could appreciate as well as anybody there's a difference between the school tax and the city taxes if you look at what we collectively have done and guys have' been a huge part of that over the last 10 years the taxes have been stable seven of those years with modest increases um on some of the others one large one largely because of the decrease in covid and then offset by the Board of Education uh that is largely why it's important that we also make a decision to fund the Board of Education entirely here so that that conversation around the Board of Education impacting your taxes go off the table this will have no impact on how they budget it's not going to solve how people feel but it certainly will not open up the opportunity for you to say that there short changing Bo of education and so is there is there even a possibility to conduct at least one public VI which only the first and second week yeah yes the short answer is Council me yes um I not probably doing that in the next I just think that just just allow the residents to do some voice um we when the devel does build the museum is it a complete build out to the specs that are required so that um do can move in right away or is this a shell and we're still going to have some work to do um thank you I'm John thanks for your time I appreciate all the questions not a politician it might not be the most polished answers give you straight answers I'll be totally straight questions are good um they're fair but I just want to say one thing about the tax that that you were just referencing they're based full build out of two tablers right there's no promise we would build two luxury 1200 Towers out the cultural C base so you could also come up with one Tower and laying B onov us we're laying out $50 billion to build cultural C Museum that guarantees you two towers are going to build but they're just wanting to understand the difference follow me on that yes okay I would bet that you guys want the way in economics isn't General toity it's been tough believe me I know it looks easy but it's I think you appreciate that it's really not so easy and there's no guarantee that anything gets right this this is providing the guarantee that the ours get built the infrastructure gets built laa space gets built Cultural Center gets built your community all dep kids in the neighborhood to provide use I seems clear and as Mike explained the finances are basically the even just laying it out over time versus our upfront dollars going into I just wanted to S oh in terms of the space so we will build a box basically 100,000 square ft in total of which 15,000 people be dedicated outdoor space for the muse 85,000 ft of indoors base we have been meeting with the Consultants um Bethany and Ralph and the Consultants I guess that work at the city and Museum we will create a SCH with them starting October 1st and our Architects were actually in the room um you have questions for them but we will work directly with them to finish up plan then as soon as we complete the Box uh your team comes in that's with it's also the union labor on that piece and fits out the space so so our our contribution is is built in the box and deliver so we have a cost how much we don't know until it's built out until designed we are at the before of what we're voting on here that's owning 75,000 ft so if you got to a point in a year and a half that you said I don't want to do that you still own it the tap at 75,000 sare plus outter space um 100,000 ft sorry 100,000 sare ft in Journal Square so the cost of building it out is part what we are doing over the next8 months with this to do would do that unless unless we actually secure the space only way but it has to be like you have to have a b talk remember of how much something like this would cost depends depends on what and how aggressive you want to be in there so Gallery doors that are open are different than multimedia groups um all those things or conversations collectively speaking here so there is a build out in a big range about what you're going to do at the core of this agreement is US securing the 100,000 square Fe in order to be able to do that if you decide at some point hey that is cost prohibitive and I do not not want to do this as we said we still own 100,000 sare ft in the heart of General Square so so we we have once developer build 100,000 over to and then at that point we'll allocate whatever the necessary funds is to complete however we want that to look your position is even if we don't move forward with that we would have essentially Le 100000 100,000 Swift asset um because of the pilot which will ultimately be worth more than what we paid for correct that's that that that is correct that is absolutely correct and like I said with the uh C think that in the timeline so you start design next year to start construction of the building so a year from now right that decision itself would likely be made by subsequent Administration mayor council Etc right it's after 2025 um a lot of those decisions but there's no other way to 100,000 square feet of space that is flexible and it could be a cobal institution in Jal Square without share economic impact stud was reference so um as you as you're aware um the JC further up this project um we contracted with hrna to do an economic impact study for for us and I have some bulling points here that I have C for on um so I will just if you want I can just briefly go through some of them um firstly there's the um economic impact during construction the estimate is that'll produce 1300 construction and jobs which will result in um about 116 million in salary compensation people who don't have those jobs um there's going to be the tax revenue During the period will be about 5.2 million of which 4.6 million will go to SP about 600,000 go to the city the city's um taxation Revenue comes from parking Hotel occupancy and um it's pay state has the power of of sales so they get more and then in the long run you can still see that the city will derive about 11.1 million taxes over um over a 30y year period every year and then over a 30-year period that would be a considerable gain of 229 million um 245 new permanent jobs have being created of which 100 will be will be in the Journal Square area and that will include 15 more jobs at the Museum it'll also create about 20 jobs in Pon County and 35 jobs throughout New Jersey um so I think that you'll see I think you'll agree that these are considerable benefits it'll also increase if consider spending will increase spending in and around CH City and elsewhere so the visitors who come there will spend money and that'll help the businesses in the area and Retail and and other you know it's about cascading R effect perfect you can send this team which obviously La out Ser of estimates of the operating revenue or the to move forward but if ultimately any of these don't materialize hoping the city that's is going to be sort of responsible for meeting those operating some accurate statement that I mean said are extremely conservative as mentioned these are extremely conservative state tax credit is the program that's legislative it's there Library contribution is fairly straight forward I wouldn't see that changing uh land operting contribution the flexibility to offset that fromit which I touched on earlier um government grants we put in the million dollars here first year scaling up if you look at inake P Liberty Stein an En camp and Aquarium it's a pit compared to what they're receiving on the state Grant so it's super conservative and again if you look at similar institutions $2 million here is a very light down so um I think that the way we laid this out intentionally knowing that you guys are having question is have a very very conservative model and we are certain city few right now we in conversation stand OPP lot of it is accreditated on whether we have any space obiously an egg situation okay so the beauty of what we're doing here is that we we in 100,000 square ft in general Square regardless so whether it's a cultural center uh Global institution or it's a senior center or it's a we Center or it's a homeless shelter whatever it is flexibility down the road because the he owns the assets so walk us through the difference right because we know have that buing we know that we can't do forward with that project some you know stakeholding funding they go back so that funding was being to I guess get that building up far to in anding it it's the building's already there for us to do what we need to do I want to also put back one thing that you have mentioned because I think it's important when ask for similar projects where and I mentioned P6 the Boys and Girls Club is the best example that coincidentally ex by was a complicated project there's a better boys and girls Club um as a result of a similar situation where they built and condo out the bottom um to create a better facility which been to be very successful um question is specifically around side is great location me I think being directly ading to path s and I thought and many of you at the time thought collectively as more and more housing is getting built in joural square we wanted to make sure that we had other services such as cultural institutions that complement the loads so we secur this building with a partnership of County Executive as a matter of fact in order to try and pursue Global institution here challenges around that building is that is a very old building anybody who's renovated an old house can appreciate how difficult is versus building in new house um so through the process on that we were reinforcing steel we were uh building out elevators a place that they burn floor making it up to code reinforcing the roof there were a lot of challenges about that that made it difficult from a c standpoint that forced the state to be a partner with us in the way that it was structured before this public private partnership which we pursued subsequence the state walking away from it allowed new construction so much cheaper much more flexible space okay meaning ceilings are much higher plates are actually bigger um and and at the end of the day you need the state uh partnership because it's a true public private partnership in the sense of how we're getting to achieve this goal using symes that the city controls in order to offset what the state's cost order to having good partners at the what was actual reasons for not um good question state was state was partners with us and supported in every communication through the end of 23 and early 24 it's well documented to the point where the governor first lady hosted actual dinners in order to Garner support from their Community with regards to the philanthropic so they were 100% supportive political shifts that happen in March okay and subsequent to that the exactly week got several letters for the state asking for a lot of data around um the operating budget uh the challenge and how we've repositioned it now is that that Eda grant that you see here that we're using a lot towards operations right it's a legislative grant that allows us to use it for operations in the previous construct so the pide building we using that for construction but it was a larger building so being that we now have a situation where we're using it the abatement to help with the construction it allows us to use that gr to offset some of the operation cost and a much more efficient competitor right thing I want to address the one thing that's not happening here is you Den not taking on an obligation to subsidize this in the future like all the numbers under our performance we have to make those all work at the end of the day for you right now you're getting the opportunity to have this world class and over 100,000 squ foot space in the heart Square I've been doing this for 40 years for May this is a king to a couple projects we've worked that before it's a king to the Rock and it's a king to rles for our summer those were generational Legacy projects that required a vision and a Le of Faith um that me that only the people at the time believe in thought can make happen you you're facing the exact same Crossroads an opportunity to bring a project of that magnitude of that Economic Development opportunity uh compared to those other project we this we talked about how this was sort of even you get one said Cas it's not even close to what's happening here we're going to see going to the explain back1 million increase in taxes from the region so this is much broader and bigger than just a space for our tax it's economic as in all need government but more than anywhere else it's not learning more people downtown it's driving the economic development of this part of the city and then the GL it's bigger than the trade space for ging it's it's bigger than that it's it's a huge Ed Educational Opportunity the children of every word to experience that the problem that they would never ever otherwise to experience again it's it's bigger than just the math and I would suggest it's something that be thought about and look back upon the generations come there's no doubt I've seen it before this is the same thing it's just we're doing it again call thank you all right thank you thank you thank you for having us really appreciate apologize D president water members of council I have four items on the agenda this evening first one is item 1037 24685 resolution authoriz the award of the contract the converged Technologies LLC to provide maintenance and security equipment for various City arm buers the contract is $2,188 180 with a temporary incumbrance of $8,000 which is available in aw op second item number 1038 resolution 24686 resolution contract communication to for the purchase of installation of video surveillance cameras for the Department of Public Safety vehicle in pound facility total amount of this contract is $ 47982 48 and is available on the DPW Opera next is item 1043 resolution 24691 resolution of authoriz contract City Electric LC provide electrical supplies materials for BPW division buildings to of the contract is $ 56524 and fund is available on DPW capital account the last item is 1044 2469 2 resolution the contract Ed rotary brushes Corporation for the purchase of delivery of rooms Street wew division board motivat total amount of the contract is 00,000 with a temporary incence of $55,000 which is available the DP memb of the council D Anderson representing the Division of Community Development I have six resolutions for you today the first one is agenda item 10.27 resolution 4675 this a resolution to authorize Municipal Council to authorize a competitive Contracting to purchase hotel accommodations for Division of Community Development Community Development block grant location assistance program next item is um this is to go out for competitive Contra for us to solicit you know bids from all the local and how many commits are we looking to um we were just looking to go for an open contract for them to be on a list of available hotels for us to use based on availability occup and criteria family size thank you um is there anything to indicated these hotels are pet friendly as some people looking for relocation Services have an um that will be included in this you know RFQ um how we do that is we will include in the Avail amount that we're going to take for the hotel room an additional um agenda item 1028 is resolution 24676 and this is a resolution for the municipal Council um I came to you last week um to approve us to accept the increase in the second charge of our cspg that's our community service block grant that we get um from the state of New Jersey so this is the second followup resolutions to that this is for us to award that second CH and that if of about $9,900 and a list all the agencies with their Sr and how we Deb out that extra $10,000 that we received the next item that I have for you is point 29 that's resolution 24677 and this ISS a resolution for the council to authorize the business administrator the ex the discharge of the mortgage encumbering 334 336 H Street in J City um this home received about $52,000 in home investment partnership funds and all matters under the mortgage had been satisfied the next that I have for you is agenda it30 and that is resolution 24678 and this is a resolution for the municipal Council to approve the sale of 362 fullen Avenue Unit 3 to and uh in that you will be authorizing a new buyer to assume the mortgage de and restrictions that encumber the property so this property was originally sold in 2016 um it has a restricted period affordability period of 20 years and it's set not to turn until 2036 the next item that I have for you is 31 and that's resolution 24679 it's a resolution for municipal Council to authorize a use of competitive Contracting to a consultant to provide technical assistance and consulting services to the Division of Community Development for the management of the city's rent from the Department of Housing and curent Development D quick question um with thetion areas on these homes right and someone like this person here bought in 2016 and some just 24 so 80 years later how does that affect the value with the Restriction perod we have a calculator that we put the properties in it so there's a maximum allowable sales price that is attributed to each property so um the term that the original owner the property doesn't affect what the maximum resale price is when we evaluate the property so that number doesn't be even if they had it for um when we put this into the calculator for the particular current year it will give us what the vine will allow we price is correct po common they're not it from the same it will increase yes well I see what you saying because you said for that year so the calculation is going to differ based on the year because of the year was already afford with okay that is correct technical assistance I'm sorry back one for you and the last one that I have is 10.32 that's resolution 20 680 and it is uh res solution requesting Municipal Council to authorize the use of competitive contract and to purchase a real estate portfolio and tendency management software for the division of development so um as with all properties that have rental units that are subject to our restrictions we are required to reincom certifi the tenants on an annual basis it also requires us to inspect the properties based on um number of units in the building whether it will be on an anual basis or a section of an individual building's portfolio on a threeyear rotating basis currently I have the team doing all of these calculations and following up on all of these monitoring requests using Excel and I think it's just time for us to get the office into the next the Millennium and get some software there to assist us really like that idea just is there a grof of concept for other uh divisions development that use of software VI it yourself this is is not for us to contract for the software this is for us to go out and do competitive contrac so we will put this r&p together and based on what we receive back from all interested vendors um we'll be back to you with our valuation just wanted to7 so we have Cs on members present at time thank you count evening council president mman Council we have two items on for tonight first item is 10.21 resolution 24669 resolution ratifying of contract to Carousel technology for for the annual rewarding software licenses uh US communties Government purchasing l on you the total cost from the contract is $2,436 which is cul in the budget what's the agenda number again uh the agenda number is 10.21 thank you next item is 1022 resolution 24- 670 resolution authorizing the payment of a claim from the jurgy city of medical Center for Performing medical examinations of s uniformed employees and also applicants from employment with the city of Jersey City and ratifying the extension of a Professional Services contract with the Jersey City Medical Center on a month-to-month basis until a new contract is awarded which is a currently pending the outstanding balance is from December 7 of 2023 to May 1 of 2024 currently in the amount of 8,364 thank you for your time Council council president council president I have ask of you um my spoke before the meeting um one of the resolutions that was approved in the system did not make the agenda and I was here to ask if we would allow it to be placed on a we I had um item 10-33 resolution 24681 is the resolution renewing the contract for millennium strategies LLC to provide BR writing and consulting services for the Department of finings Division of Grant Administration I have the ium they can come up and answer any questions have regards to contract these millenum yes um what's your name hi my name is z fer I'm president president um so recently we had this um gu application for the CBR Washington Grant and I was I was disturbed by a few things um one which I don't think is necessarily in your control um the ability of setting council members on the task force not having opportunity to look at it for the submitting and then two I'm Pur ref as to how we receive um such low resps from the um again counc the opportunity to be here this evening um couple things I want to talk about you can just Rae the mic a little bit a couple things you know negative media portrayal of of Millennium in this regard I think one of the main reasons that there some the scores now one of the scores know reviewed your application very POS three did not it's a brand new program is first time has been through the process so it was a learning process for us to get an understanding who's the best applicant whatever the type of things that they are looking for and we appli I think it's very good idea to apply but no other municipalities wanted this I mean we represent the otheres that had Community organizations Community organizations were Bo theseal tracks They did not go to municial governments and it was pretty obvious by the reviewers even though they were eligible and was worth the shot to apply for this it was pretty obvious from way the reviewers comments on this that they were looking for Community organizations not for municipalities even know they were eligible city of Patterson city of C didn't have Community organization that apply to Missouri and believe there was a community organization put a new round out now and there's a organization in Jersey City that is working with the long public safy so it is an extremely collaborative process and we did submit the BR for review that we said neers or immediate trayal that we did not submit we did we submitt 5 days for that so that's a little bit I can get into out you know what we use to put that together in the collaborative process I do want to say that the department of healthy Union Services is one of your more impressive agencies one of more aggressive agencies we work with we represent over 100 communities including Urban are such as Patterson and Camden pretty much every major County and that department really is creative and aggressive and does hold our Fe to the fire they're not happy with something they let us know this situation we both was a very collaborative process we can getting a negative feedback or after so your your assessment or your position is being at the grant was specifically designated sour Community organizations that individuals who was oring it was I guess looking for that and the grades that we receive is no way indicative of your ability communication and understanding of the actual application for the grade I do feel that listen know we Brak like for example we've Ren in our 10 years here 525 of which got in almost $60 $60 million in grant funding for the state working you know excuse me for the city I do feel in this this situation was bra program we were learning what they were looking for as well municipalities were eligible under the great to apply and I do feel like know we were to do it again believe that this is a community organization that should be applied for this BR not the city that's what's happening there so one of the main areas that reviewers the two reviewers that had the most negative um take on our application they gave us Z out of 15 points on capacity and they made it very clear that there wasn't a a presentation of the that you have done this before in the past you know so getting zero out of 15 Capac is you know the city never gets that you know because the city has with different programs that it operates has an incredible capacity to do that they made it very clear they were looking at folks that have done these Community participant programs in the past now the one person that we viewed it positively you know based on our ability to run programs they gave us the benefit of doubt that we would find the people to do this program this city would that was very clear when they gave us 14 out on capacity the other two felt you had to have the experience and the people already in place in this program which is better fit for a community organization I truly feel that they are looking to F progam within the city um and remember that is applying right now what um did you guys read the application and what they were looking for of course course they made it very they made it very where we felt that it was a strong application we did for what we were looking to do and the program remember we were basing this we don't invent programs and projects we take your programs your projects and make it into a brand application the program that we were working with was based on the Jersey City Medical Center um proposal that they made to the city a few years back so we took that we made a lot of improvements to it we added more meat to the bones the main problem why C did from that 10 years back my understanding is that it didn't have enough air there it needed more it brought in partners and add that but that was the bones of the city's programing project Jersey City Medical Center proposal to the city a few years back that served so we took we take your program and project we submitted based on that we thought it was WR we knew there we knew the capacity was mission on you think you guys were guys no I think what we what happened was that they looked at this and said this is a better fit for Community organization we allow M vales to apply but no if if the city of nework city of Camy or the city of patteron had gotten this screen the city city did not then I think we would deserve some some why didn't why didur City not get this other cities got this application they did not community organiz and you know go got trans that's like I said I don't know if this is necessarily do to you to you guys but we've been streaming Community or community community like we've had 8 me the word comm was 8,000 times so that's why for me it's extremely perplexing that when this proposal was submitted that we didn't check those boxes that's that's like really was I'm to be honest I was like completely through with you like I was like really pissed off at the fact that we weren't able to secure those funds especially it was like a given should given that J be confident that we'll be went back out again and you know that you know we certainly F te to help but it was they F they know they've seen what they need to do you know from the first time through and I think they will be successful I think in the end it was very clear they didn't want fun governments this time this this I you know they made it eligible you know um that's that's our thing do you guys like when you do these proposals do you like s in for critique to the entity in which you're sub this is with a lot of different opportunities they'll do a question and answer period sometimes other than that they W speak the specific applicants prior to the application it's one if someone asks a question everyone gets the answer to they usually have specific now they were putting it out for municipality so they're not going to say Advance don't fine they made it eligible one I think they were growing in this process to and they were really kind of seeing the type of applications that they were received and it really pointed towards Community participation from ground up not from you know top down and so it was a learning process and that's what we you know that is what we do and then we would if we failed a little bit on this and it would have been challenging to do it was the first time through is we should have been able to say hey this is probably a better thing you know as the lead applicant a community organization so if this was our you know we deserve if every application we write we don't deserve all the credit we deserve a small portion of the credit it's your program it's your project same thing goes with we always have to look and understand why we don't get for example we've written J Grand this year and we have seven that are still doing so we are very busy know and we there is we gists we have my team is here today have three person team that comes to City Hall that makes themselves available in any way that we can continue to we will what would you say you guys that as a I'll be over 10 year period is a guesstimate looking at some of the numbers in the 40 to 50% range would say probably closer to 40% depends on you know some of the you know that we're you know we're applying for some all our grants we're applying for our competitive so especially when we're going after the Federal Branch you know that knocks the number down a little bit but pretty go to Hall of Fame four out of 10 you know and that's why we're you know one year we broke 67 grants and we BR as many brants as we're authorized there's no limit to you know based on our contract and for every Clow that you've spent on Millennium strategies you've received a return of $43 we're pretty confident that our our why want that we've done it strong we can always make it stronger appreciate you coming here appreciate your words um and I appreciate you reaching out to me individually and having us you know for the record in the conversation you know there were certainly issues we could brand that were on the city C right that were the city's go for properly um and certainly most concerned about the fact that your team sent to the city on Thursday my office requested and review of it on Friday did not receive it was told me we're not going to be able to receive it was in Tuesday night we be able to see it be able to CR so some St me and obviously isue on community organizations you know may or may notra um but there was you know po portion of The Narrative of the gr that focus on B vention which was not direct to what was being asked for as humanity presis prvention and that to me look you know I appreciate you guys have a great record with us for many years and that that was a pretty significant error that shouldn't been app by the Millennium team refer sub to the city certainly before was submitted on a Tuesday night and at the end of the day we can't go back and get that 1.5 million that we have a community organization doing it that that's great um you know one of the reasons the city complied was this question of ultimately people access this PR need new service and if you have an individual crisis you may know the number to call of the community organization we directly to that met Center but if you're an individual who isn't as connected isn't as engage you may one um May call the nonemergency number and that's where the city being directly involved makes a big difference in terms of being able to make sure that the individual CR is against the service ultimately you know that that's going to be different moving forward with that so for for my opin just like you know it was really important we W able to get and you know as a city that ni appreciate accept that Prett simp like we could always go back and look at some things that we've done better that with every application know that we WR not successful thank you of any municipalities do sir 110 but that includes we have 40 in New York and handful Pennsylvania as well we have an office in New York we represent some of the largest cities you know um Kansas City hon City s City and of the larger our our strength as larger Urban municipalities so where we focus on understanding extremely well every city Comm 100% understand that well that's why we have a specific theme that's here on a regular basis so we also represent the majority major populace counties in the state and when you said the numbers where you're working on this year is that for us oh of course yes we've here 17 years still wai disposition and those numbers there's another $28 million that waiting to get answer pretty confident that and hopefully over 40% VES oh thank you so much thank you cident Council pretty easy 1026 2474 authorizing the Chang for affordable house changed to sh the ccil president Council I'm not unfor she wasn't able to stay uh for the rest of the meeting so I will be filling you in on the One Division of Transportation PL item and the rest of the division of traffic ni first one is item 3.5 ordinance 24- 081 is an ordinance to designate res Reserve parking in various locations through the city these uh locations were approved for the June 12th next one three points this it's an ordinance uh related or designating the intersection of mie Avenue and Rosevelt Avenue as a multi-way stop controlled intersection uh the analysis was done based on cres history and the visibility that's present at that intersection next item is item 3.7 ordinance 24- 083 this is an ordinance to designate the intersection of Marin Boulevard and 16 Street as an always stop based on grash history and site distance and unfortunately um the death of GE R Ino last November next item is item 3.8 it's ordinance 24- 084 this is an ordinance uh amending section 332 at ps6 and at the Danford have Early Childhood Center uh to amend the no parking regulation in front those schools um right now those schools are regulated to have no parking at arrival dismissal um an analysis of the traffic conditions of those schools there is also afternoon and after school um activities that happen unfortunately there's usually uh cars park in front of those schools um so this would be uh on school modifying the regulations to make it no parking during the whole school day on school Bas appreciate being here work coun workers and just get a little more Community feedback and this F reading I just want to Absolut we'll do some Community between now second sure okay director too um last one last item 3.9 it's ordinance 24-5 uh this is an ordinance to amend uh the parking regulations on Second Street between provos and Warren to designate one side of the street as angled parking resulting in an addition of 12 okay on to resolutions first resolution is item 10.40 this is resolution 24-58 this is resolution authorizing the renewal of an openend contract with Statewide striping for Citywide traffic striping um this is the first option to renew of two uh the initial resolution was adopted last year and then this just uh to extend for another year next item is item 10.41 it's resolution 24689 this is the resolution designating a loading zone on Second Street between maren and Warren uh this is in front of the Academy of Excellence preschool and uh is in coordination with a recent redesign that was done in Second Street uh item 10.42 is resolution 24690 uh this is a resolution to accept an njhr Grant from NJ Transit for our on demand microtransit transportation services um this is third year that we've received this grant award uh I'm happy to announce that they actually uped the theyve increased the amount of the gr War just a little bit to 275,000 this year uh as we try every year to to get long dri money from NG transic for our program this this is for Via right Mike that's correct supports via offset some of the cost that the city pays for the program now how does well I guess how does this fact because V's contract is up for the new yeah so what if anything happens if we decide to go in a different direction this fund will still be gear towards whatever that Transit yeah this this Grand agreement between the city and and and Transit it's independent of the operator okay we also have the ability to recoup all the dollars before February if that's you know what needs to be done in order to get all the right money um and then last one is item 10.45 this is a resolution 24693 um to for the addition of bus stop locations along Garfield Avenue uh this would be Far Side Northbound and southbound bus stops at Gates Avenue for bus number eight do they reach out J trans it reaches out team say we like to have a bus stop here how does that go do we say like hey you have a stop here no they they do um we've added some bus stops recently because M Transit took over some of the former UMC and coach bus routes and when those independent entities run bus routes they don't always run them with bus stops but NJ Transit has found that when you designate a bus stop as a bus stop put a sign the ridership goes way up so typically when they uh take over these routes they they request uh those bus stop locations awesome like you guys are pH so we just go out and you see this problem fix which TR thanks C res city council has two items for tonight I'll be coming the first one and it the first item is 3.1 or 2477 scatter plan um so this relates to that scatter study several months ago after they last year for the plan to study um as a followup to that these designated properties designated now being added to the scatter scatter side development PL a little different from those three development plans it's not about a whole area of the city developments it's about taking individual scattered sites with proper News lies and way the rent to properties so the r properties 415 street 277th street 217 375 4th Street 392 first stre second streen 203 Third Street 54 W stre thank you forance forward um and just for all of us a couple times the first term but um just by the scattered site do that does that ad to the plan so if the current owner still wants to development all they have to do is just sign an RG with the JC and quickly but it gives us the ability to ensure that there's a timeline and now none of them would have qualified for being on the site then we're not in a condition with disr to that um so someone comes and says you know hey you this is not fair you can still bu your property tomorrow you just have to this going happen under a timeline because it's been years that it's cting making and has been in aiss UNT UNT chter 34 [Music] to the canis chap 345 I don't know we get a chance to discuss it before I got here so um we do have on for our first read um chapter 84 which is the updates canist the companion zoning is taed as a 23-0 78 it's 11 uh 11.5 so um Sean what we're going to have to do is um what we' like to do is have chapter 84 go up for the first reading and then at the next council meeting we have A4 for the second read and then also untable 345 at the same time and then have the public Hearing in the vote as to both of them they should be on the same public hearing uh um I believe we would only have one public hearing for I it's 3.2 because I believe 11.5 was tabled after the close of the public hear you can still should vote at the same time right so there'll be untable to consider adoption of that ordinance it's that minut it's been a minute since so we all can summize again sure yeah I'm going to set out m to the council but um to touch on the changes for both ordinances because AB board was referred to the planning board and then they gave us their recommendation the big changes are going to be uh the Caps we're putting on the class five Canabis license cap it's going to be 48 in total a per W like we've always talked about we're going to grandfather in anybody that's um come before we implement the caps and then um after that we'll have to wait for a new license to pop up um after the Implement uh implementation of this ordinance um we also put limits on licenses for classes 1 through four those are less likely to come about I think we have the first cultivator coming up on this meeting uh those are limited to three each for classes one through four uh we removed the second appearance before the candidas control board um it's not necessary based on the state law and the state licens and regime and so the other updates we have provide for a more robust um initial application of what a CCB more consideration um that's some of the other items we update that the CCD is empowered to control its agenda directly possibly create Windows for accepted some riew of applications once we've fulfilled the licenses we have available you know we might be able to set of times when a window would open when a new license is available so that we don't just have people applying when they don't have a chance of getting a license until one pops up um they're also um this also allow the CCB to actually prioritize applicants and not just you know okay you need the criteria you stamped it you're you're next in line here because we're going to have the cap on the CCB to consider uh all the factors and prioritize um what's important and what ones they should advance to put before the council um see here um the distancing role the six rule would be gone um they still have to the app still have to provide a list of all the other classi retailers within the 600 ft of their proposed location but it's no longer a certain uh par or in conclusion um also streamlining a bit of the process with zoning determination letters uh they're able to get a zoning determination letter to going before the planning or zoning board they can still go before the board if they variates for any reason uh and lastly the consumption lounges um now close at 11: p.m. not to a and those are the main highlights um and I'll provide this my mother house more detail for the councel have questions this is 11.4 11.5 on the table agenda so no right now 84 is 3.2 uh 11.5 11 .4 on the table there were a few changes so we've reintroduced the new ordinance as 3.2 there's no changes that have been made to 11.5 liting the consumtion one I thought I was going to beward but um happy to have the discussion mad president and members of the Jersey C Council vision of animal care and control is here evening to present item number 10.24 resolution 24-72 it's a resolution awarding the concession contract to pills pet nutrition as the exclusive supplier of animal food to Jersey City animal shelter it is a contract for 24 months that will not exceed $444,000 hi good afternoon Council pres members of council my name is C Bas stion director for injury prevention Health Department here to speak on resolution 24-3 agenda number 10.25 it's a resolution authorizing the acceptance of R award from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration uh for the amount of 125,000 uh with a budget period from September 30th 2024 to September 29 2025 how do we uh this money is for acquiring more facilitators we actually just put out an RFQ to see if we can p more people who want to be instruct um and we also have one particular person who is 100% on Sant as well before Kea haris we the prr so so explain to me this what this program is question uh basically what we do is we train people to sort of like CPR of the mind but it's sort of a CPR card CPR in the mind uh so it's to help people gain access to understanding mental health problems in so they can identify it and be the on to sent to a professional person just want to now with regards to these trainings um who's the eles com to these trainings um what we do is we put out a RFQ which asks for backgrounds um we accept people who have psychology backgrounds people who might the inan ific things of that nature people who have an interest in wom a background in other services in mental health uh so my manager uh TW Pella who a social worker uh for New Jersey and also runs the peaceful families program assesses these particular candidates and then we go ahead and interview them to make sure that they would be qualified to be instructors thank you good any other questions okay members for the office of employee benefits I'm here to present item number 1020 resolution 24- 68 this resolution is to exercise I find your option um of R contract for financial service ofer this V I'm here for two resolutions to the forance extension the first one is resolution number 24650 I the solution W exension that property 283 that7 for problem 16 100% are eligible for 100% of tax exemption on their primary residents therefore I'm requesting that c to aoriz the tax collected to refund or cancel taxes at amount of $1,166 the other property is for the extion better resolution number 24 4 61 it number 10.03 for the property located at 25 W Parkway black 2341 20 the amount of cancer is $867 88 yes regard to so how does how did pay this not the the first on right um say funding the amount yes it's Bas what the time that they apply for it let's say they apply in May they're going to be exemp June the 1st so I have to cancel that six months difference in taxes oh depending if it's a one family house and two family house if it's one Family House is% of the taxes two be 50% of the tax whatever that percentage of theice thank you good afternoon Council I have three resolutions I'm presenting today the first one is resolution 24- 682 agenda number 10 34 this is a resolution uh the execution of the work Grant agreement from the from Federal Emergency Management agency uh accepting obligations for the Bild resilient for this grant uh this rant is to build out or is funding phase one of the McGovern Park Wile project uh that is the uh the intent is to um install Subs the storage PS in the Govern Park to uh combat the maybe the damages of storm water flooding um phase one takes 14 months and entails providing surveys geotechnical analysis design best benefit and cost analysis permanating is awarding the city $ [Music] 51,52 for phase one and the city has agreed to a cast cash match of phase one of 159,000 $536 we the location yes it's going in the basketball court um right now the SP with the Riz um under the basketball court and is right now that may leave grass La basketball court uh the next resolution is resolution 24- 683 agenda number 1035 The Resolution uh accepting the grant award execution of the USDA was INF inflation act forestry this bring the toal amount of $2 million and no cash mat from the city it was dedicated to funds for planting trees with jacksonv Main Street neighborhoods um including a mark the final resolution today is the number 236 resolution 24- 64 uh this resolution is authorizing Jersey City environment commission to accept the 2024 Association of New Jersey environmental commotions uh or andj both SP stewardship gr uh toal of the grant pay $2,250 you said 35 Tre do we they are going to um they going to be within the ja neighborhoods that includes pville I just ask that um make sure put in the right trees because right now we have the issue with Owners Association purchase these condos and needing the unit issue the tree belongs to things stuff so I just hope one that whatever they KN um they communicate to said community and then they know the responsibilities that to um they're the guess the appropriate treat or I think more trees are I'm glad to hear and yes um but not made on achiev I'm talking about your treat my AEV yes um um no I um and what I will say is that there is a very very large communication aspect this brand 200 2 million is not just going to U the installation and purchasing of trees a lot of it is to with Community engagement as well so um uh I will also that I agree I want to put the right tree in the right place and where trees are going to be successful that means I think the correct species in the correct size units and taking into consideration um external factors uh and we follow the guidelines of the or we follow the standards set by the forestry standards uh pretty effectively and I think that that is increased or decrease mortality that we have seen with anes it just uh I guess like a a point of information just some of the trees P that I have seen like weren't guard properly um there's like that bag that goes around the tree supposed to be like a hole where you put the hose in and it's supposed to like sort of D the bottom I don't know exactly have the tree get B but the past some some trees were watered by watering around instead of putting the water in the plastic bag inside the hole so that it could like nourish the tree over toight uh yes we've seen a very um successful installation of those watering bags our uh new contractor that's supposed to be the B proad is using them and we're going to be required to compete them into the new bids that we will put out for all of the upcoming brands that we have for tree planting to require watering bags because we know that they um increase in success of the tree CU sometimes they Water behind the bag like you know there's like a space between the truck and the bag with there's like a specific hold that H us to go into the water you know so I just uh want to put that out there make sure understand and it also helps us with um gauging how uh frequent our contractors are actually watering IND using so it's a really helpful tool for us to manage the parante of the contract so I agree yes it's it's going in the new BAS was there question on uh agenda number 10 very much you council president council members have two resolutions first being agender number G 147 resolution 24 to 695 it's a resolution providing local support for queen of the pot as retail C bus at 497 Comm by the CCB on August 4 2023 the planning board only August 6 2023 two Us in place sna Pitt foundation and the new cry Woods the oh 250 250 I they next store on gr I think it's beow there is retail business on yes on bra okay we have agenda number 48 resolution 24- 696 it's a resolution providing low support for Blue Lagoon Farms of LLC to operate in class want cultivated canabus bues 77 farest new this is actually the first cultivated the council was approved by the planning board on August 20th 2024 was an addition appear in front of hccb back in February of this year and for we during that meeting most before so there were only two members that were able to vote and create somewh problem with also have another meeting that was SCH for August 26th of this year we didn't have a quum so we have a special meeting on Wednesday so Wednesday at starts at 5:30 going to have the applicant reappear as the first item on the agenda this application the applicant is very very sensitive for his approvals from the board because he may lose funding if he doesn't get this of the board councel so I spoke to Corporation councel I we're having a meeting at 5:30 hear right away by email and text the application a so appli he's actually here with us the back here about the business and we don't want I would think want to support so he doesn't lose yes um able to application for well you guys here Wednesday are lat on the back yeser yes yeah thank you coun president council members good evening resolution tonight for the division of engineering agenda item number 10.55 resolution 24703 is the a contract regarding the landfill and the ongoing on operations and maintenance required by and NJ successful vendor many years EP them this is just obligation site that thank you first reading wance three 1 32 which on earlier city ordinance 24079 ordinance ofing chap 287 Solid Waste aticle one storage disposal 3 it 34 questions about that the broad Strokes are the amendments that are being made um are quality like they um had some question concerns about how um the description or definition in the ordinance that they requested to change there um the other big piece of this was how Tracing Our commercial corridors we there AR use so it's presidential on top and commercial on bottom we have else fix also um with M TR that's confusion over who's responsible for what whether it's private hall or this Regional industry so that we asking businesses that have private HS to put their trash in orang bag so it's very clear and there's no to it's not going to solve our trash problems but made um some of the enforcement a little bit easier we also did a comparison of whether or not there would be a cost differential between the black bags versus an orange color bag and not we're also plan on about a thre Monon Runway to get all the educational pieces into place including um letter from the city working with our special improvement district that work directly to our businesses and then to compliance another level of Education with um I know that there was a question about um the definition of the receptical so I don't want to speak for Joe Farrow but I'm taking that back to him that for the um properties that had 10 units or more have extended that to 16 units or more because we feel like that's a little B there um but also should that not be the right number there consequences for happen policies in place but for my Cas the big part is the commercial Bo so there any other questions let me know and then I'll get back tomorrow thank item three point for of the ordinance 24 is 080 is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 3 through2 vehicles with traffic article 3 parking standing stopping menting section 24 2 parking prohibited in certain times except for vehicles of Municipal Employees in possession of a parking okay and items 3.5 3.10 we touched on mer second reading ordinances item 4.1 city ordinance 24066 it's an ordinance amending chapter 160 Fe and charges section one fee schedule established subsection 10 chapter 254 Property Maintenance be scheduled to Le base haszard inspection rental unit to Panther board 20 21 C2 I do have one question um regards to.5 in these handicap um park space what does it mean like they have um Daniel swepson j3 Williams so he's moving from the original to the place thank you just we're not add the space okay item 4.2 city ordinance 24068 an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 263 article four retail commercial premises prohibit distrib distribution of plastic straws and non-reusable food and beverage accessories by Food Service establishments item 4.3 C ordinance 24 069 an ordinance amending chck to 332 vehicles of traffic one General Provisions arle three Mar standing stop item 4.4 C ordinance 24070 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles of traffic or two traffic regulations Section 3328 prohibit Returns on red signal to prohibit Returns on red at all times at the intersection of Montgomery Street and Grove Street it 4.5 ordinance 24071 is the franchise ordinance bring permissions in the number one spot number excuse me number spot in to allow the number spot in to install handicap Entrance Ramp be the boundary line PL n blck 18503 and for the benefit of lot 9 block 1503 commonly M 539 B Drive Bain junr Drive excuse item 4.6 city ordinance 24-72 is an ordinance authoriz from the city of jur City to execute an extension of the lease with New Jersey schools Development Authority on the real property at Lo 21102 on 52 on the city's tax map located at 770 Avenue for the purpose of temporary embarking for the Comm the adjacent zes Council if I could just councilman Gilmore just to take into consideration some of your concerns and the r process we will talk about that location some of the materials the debris that's un issue there and um this gets us through the February to the renewal process so if it's via or a new entity um we'll have to be consider this a very important a quick question Who Um who owns the initi of gol is that our that was originally now they're building a Char it was originally oh okay all next I have 4.7 City ordinates 2473 ordance of the municipal Council adopting fet Broadway rment plan item 4.8 city ordinance 24074 is an ordinance regarding proper storage of Ro so and other solid encing materials and private privately owning properties item 4.9 ordinance 24 75 is ordinance with rise lease agreement between faity of Jersey City New Jersey the property located at 71 avue New Jersey City New Jersey and 40 city ordinance 20in 076 disestablishing Jersey City Municipal construction board melds uh council president their meeting is Wednesday morning prior to I I got that conf too it's prior to the council meeting not the Caucus meeting um I believe it's at 10 or 11: a.m. so we'll know more that morning prior to uh final adoption uh Wednesday night hey uh John is there um any reason with regards to .9 while the rate is I know we've been here for a while on for the um I think that's we M Council uh the rate schedu is $1,200 a month we've been able to keep that for parking parking for the uh police now just basic but we like tocl okay and we'll have a public hearing on the 2024 dis 2025 Square special improvement district assessment role and budget and we have our public speakers right now we are at 35 next Communications questionss on items 6.1 through 6 57 done any question comments on Communications 7.1 through 7.15 one report of directors the point1 questions to comments our PLS and on to our resolutions item 10.1 resolution 24- 649 is a resolution of the city of Jersey City and County paron state of New Jersey authorizing City officials to undertake certain actions in connection with the issuance and sale of not to exceed 24,4 15,000 Bond anticipation notes series 20 24d tax extent and not to exceed 12,600 th000 special learn notes series through 2024 E Federal test thank you Sean the explanation is actually shorter than the title uh Council this is not an issue of any new debt um just a reminder anytime the uh Administration or the government body want to issue new debt has be about to ordinance La um this is just a renewal of uh the notes that come due for prior debt and we have to uh designate whether the dollars are taxable or non taxable so these are just our previous notes that are being old and considered um for continuing financing items 10.2 and three were touched on earlier and 10.4 resolution 24652 is a resolution honoring the as the community leader of Excellence item 10.5 resolution 24- 653 is a resolution of bu Fusco for 45 years of educated service the Arts children the city of Jersey City Liberty again item 10.6 resolution 24654 is a resolution commemorating September 23rd 2024 as L day item 10.7 resolution 24-55 is a resolution we riseing the city of Jersey to accept a gift of sculpture door need by T Francis from The Mach Place Alliance item 10.8 resolution 24- 656 is a resolution authorized the renewal of the license and gift agreement between the city of Jersey City and Friends of Park to create Memorial plaque program item 10.9 resolution 24- 657 a resolution recogniz an honoring detective L lapse on her retirement item 10.10 resolution 24- 58 is a resolution recognizing contributions and achievements ofs item 10.11 resolution 24- 659 it's a resolution recognizing and contribution achievements Joseph Cameron it 10.12 resolution 24- 660 is the resolution honoring superar cman and sneaker room back to school BL sir thank you item 10 thirding resolution 24- 661 it's a resolution in connection with the 84 anniversary of the team Forest Massacre and the 85th Anniversary of the German Soviet invasion of Poland item 10.14 resolution 24 two it's a resolution Kim Carrero as a member of the ter City shade tree committee next item 10.15 resolution 243 is a resolution authorizing the water professional service contract at Bow and Company LLP to provide accounting and advisory Services next item 10.6 resolution 24 District 64 is resolution authorizing the lean against properties list hearing for the cost of removing litter debris Etc and coordinates with njsa 48 48-24 and Jersey city code section 2874 8 10.17 resolution 24-65 the resolution with RIS with M assistance nj.com for the support proprietary to computer hardware and Software System been funded by Department of administration vision of Information Technology item 10.8 resolution 2466 o not a great number uh resolution accepting the 2024-25 assessment role of the gley square special improvement district of the city of Jersey City 10.19 24- 67 is a resolution adopting and ratifying the 2024 2025 budget the begin Square improvement district of the city of Jersey City 10.20 through 10.22 was touched on early 10 23 resolution 24671 resolution Professional Service AG D hman to provide defense Council Services related to work compensation claim petitions filed against the city of Jersey it [Music] 10.24 through 10.38 we touched on earlier 10.39 resolution 24687 it's a resolution of the municipal Council approving the application of the 167 do with avue condom Association to participate inot program regarding block 26311 128 and commonly known as 122 items .40 through 45 we touched on earlier 10.46 resolution 24 94 is a resolution modifying Amendment to the contract and resolution with h2m Associates for the historic mend and items 10.47 through 48 what touch on earlier and can I turn it over item 10.49 resolution 24697 so resolution of rizing license agreement the city of Jersey City and City Jersey City Public Schools to Grant Jersey City Public Schools exclusive use of the southwest corner also par during select hours um items 1050 through 10504 can I turn it over to the operation Council um 1050 these are all uh actually HR related as well so 1050 we need third party hearing officers uh for any grievances disciplinary actions uh 1051 that's also outside Council providing consultation to um HR and the administration in regards to those contract negotiations we do abide Council the larger contract negotiations with the unions uh 1052 and 1053 so those are uh two separate resolutions authorizing payment to Jeffrey seran who's our outside councel for um affordable housing medication that's going on in relation to the collective the development fees is our spending per at this point so he's got some previous bills that need to be authorized and renewal the contract for thank you last 1054 also outside Council when need didn't went the conflict very much IEM 10 point was earlier it 56 I believe these are return items from the last C these items were with drawn funding items and uh our business administrator Lo address Council thank you Sean um Council um in discussion at the jend meeting with the counc president we're bringing these back um fortunately we didn't realize that Lawrence is on vacation so um the EPC will be providing AO tomorrow to the council any followup questions and if there's any concerns there'll also be at our next meeting for the fiveyear plan so there something we want to resurf is specifically for the U funding and the go as uh that is something that's before so that will be uh in writing from the EC and then we'll have F discussion that that covers items 10.56 through 10.59 which concludes our resolution listen listen I have hard enough time on Sunday game tonight so I appreciate that there's going to be many to follow unfortunately um with that being said may have a motion to re return at 6:20 p.m. motion motion was made by Council first and S they have a second second by Council person BR on the motion to adourn at 6:40 p.m. all council members president by acclamation you can stay high we get out of here at 6:20 p.m. thank you so much for everyone in attendance and everyone watching at home remember Teamwork Makes the DreamWork have a great night stay soon e