##VIDEO ID:k5vU0TReUcU## okay okay a okay okay thought it was five of us I thought it was me text me me he's here there it is I so one okay yeah we're about to get started so we can find our seats silence our cell phones Take a Hint I'm doing that as well thank you very much good evening everyone we are on the record today is Thursday the 17th day of October in the year 2024 this is a regular meeting of the Jersey City municipal Council we had a scheduled 6 PM start the clock on my cell phone is showing 6:03 p.m. may we have a roll call for the commencement of this meeting council person Ridley let's make sure our mics are on here thank you council person priner here council person bajano council person SLE here council person Solomon is not here yet council person Gilmore is not here yet council person Dees and council person Rivera have back to school night so they're going to miss a good portion of the meeting they'll try to make it but if they don't they'll be absent for the entirety of the meeting and council president Waterman here we have five members in attendance at 6:03 p.m. May we kindly rise for a moment of silence please like to dedicate this moment to silence to Father Francis Schuler thank you very much and I have council person Solomon making his way to the deis at 6:05 PM so we now have six council members present at 605 on behalf of council president wman and the members of the municipal coun in accordance with New Jersey public laws of 1975 chapter 231 the open public meetings act also known as the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by the posting on the bulletin board of the first floor of City Hall the annual notice which is the schedule of meetings and caucuses of the municipal Council for the calendar year 2024 and filed in the office of the city clerk on Thursday November 30th 2023 in addition at its time of its preparation the agenda of this meeting was similarly disseminated on Friday October 11th 2024 at 4:55 p.m. to the mayor Municipal Council business administrator Corporation Council on local newspapers and post it on the city's website so I can certify as to our total compliance with the Sunshine Law okay first order of business we'll need to add um it item 10.53 resolution 24777 to the agenda this resolution is a resolution waving the 20-day waiting period for ordinances 24- 078 and ordinance 23- 078 um motion I have a motion made by council person CLE may I have a second second by council person priner let's just make sure our mics are on because it's hard to hear on the motion to add item 10.53 resolution 24777 to the agenda council person Ridley I council person priner Hi council person bajano Hi council person SLE hi council person Solomon and council president Waterman motion carries six Zer with council members s um Gilmore de G and Rivera abson all right motion to untable the nope not yet not yet okay not yet got first first we're going to do our first reading ordinances if you would allow me to read them into the record item 3.1 city ordinance 24- 089 is an ordinance authorizing the city of Jersey City as a tenant to extend for a 2-year lease with 18 Ash Street reality as landlord for space located at 46 State Street in Jersey City item 3.2 city ordinance 24- 090 is an ordinance amending chapter 84 alcoholic beverages and cannabis article one planetary retail consumption and distribution licenses item 3.3 city ordinance 24- 091 is an ordinance supplementing chapter thir excuse me chapter 131 construction codes uniform uniform construction codes adopting the updated construction site safety manual 2024 Edition and requirements for stand pipes incorporating the safety regulations contained therein by reference into chapter 131 item 3.4 city ordinance 24- 092 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and Tra traffic Article 2 traffic regulations amending section 3325 oneway streets to convert 12th Street between mmed Street and Cole Street into a one-way Street in the eastbound Direction item 3.5 city ordinance 24- 093 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic Article 2 traffic regulations amending section sacket Street as a multi-way stop controlled intersection item 3.6 city ordinance 24- 094 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic Article 2 traffic regulations amending section 332-9703 five is an ordinance supplementing chapter 3 32 vehicles and traffic article 3 parking standing stomping amending section 332 -4.1 limited duration parking for 15minute parking zones near Mary and Roosevelt Avenue item 3.8 city ordinance 24-96 is an ordinance of the city of Jersey City municipal Council adopted revised and updated fees for chapter 345 the Land Development ordinance related to Zone zoning view applications and some applications for Planning and Zoning Board and last but not least item 3.9 city ordinance 24- 097 is a franchise ordinance granting permission to Jasco management Corp for a 5 foot 5 A2 inch by 23 foot 52 inch ramp encroachment at lot 20 in Block 204 also known as 307 pafic Avenue into the right of way Council members I'm going to be taking a vote on items 3.1 through 3.9 Sean I'd like to have 3.3 delayed car uh to a future meeting until we could sit down with them and discuss this uh most of the people in the ward SE area are tired of the lot of the construction and the change of hours and uh I think that we have to sit down and meet and uh discuss this whole issue so councilman bajano you like to make a motion to withdraw item 3.3 city ordinance 24- 091 from the agenda yes may I have a second sure second seconded by council person Solomon on the motion to withdraw item 3.3 city ordinance 24- 091 from the agenda council person Ridley hi council person priner Hi council person bajano I council person SLE I council person Solomon for me I think just want to be very clear about the rules on Saturday construction before we advance this so uh happy to withdraw and discuss in the next two weeks I and council president wman item 3.3 city ordinance 091 has been withdrawn from the agenda by vote of 60 with council members Gilmore the G and Rivera absent so council members I'm going to be taking a vote on items 3. 1 through 3.9 with the exception of 3.3 which has been withdrawn or introduction council person Ridley I for introduction council person priner I for introduction council person bajano I for introduction council person SLE I for introduction council person Solomon I for introduction and council president Waterman I for introduction items 3.1 through 3.9 with the ception of 3.3 which has been withdrawn are introduced 60 with council members Gilmore Dees and Riva absent hey council president I believe you would like to make a motion to defer yes to 10.9 10.9 yes which is resolution 24- 733 is a resolution res recognizing September 2 first as global cast Awareness Day in Jersey City so the motion was made by council president wman second seconded by council person SLE on a motion to defer the resolution 24-7 33 council person Ridley hi council person priner council person Bano hi council person SLE hi council person Solomon hi and council president wman Hi motion carries 60 with council members Gilmore de and Rivera absent to defer to resolution 24- 733 want to move right to the vote on resolution 24- 733 council president yes okay on voting on resolution 24733 council person Ridley I council person priner I council person Bano I council person CLE I council person Solomon I and council president wman I City resolution 24733 is approved 60 with council members Gilmore de and Rivera absent um I would like to take this opportunity to invite um isan come on up isan isan was an intern in our office and it was isan effort to make sure that we recognize cast awareness day and he did a program on cast Awareness Day on September the 21st he partnered with adwan and the aim Foundation to bring awareness to this because when you start to understand what cast uh awareness is it's a form of discrimination and I was just pretty much on it that you you know he brought this to my attention and he wanted to make sure he do you know he make it aware to the public so today Sean I really want to recognize you for your effort continue to do what you do you're doing a great job he gives so much back to the community his parents should be proud of him so today I wanted you to come and accept this uh resolution for a job well done well done isan well done oh on you like to say something before we um come down and take a isan would you like to say something before we come down and take a picture with you uh you said would I like to say something yes oh yeah sure I guess really quickly um well first of all I want to thank the uh city of Jersey City um I know it's a city that prided itself on its diversity and community so I thought what better what better place to hold in a day like this and I guess you know let's just get this done next year as well right yes and you have rep at Juan organization aim organization you would like to say something may sure if you can just identify yourself for the record I'm sorry for our court reporter sure I am milind UL director of edar international Mission abated as Aim so on behalf of edar international Mission I would like to express deep gratitude to the counc city council of Jersey City for supporting us in our continuous uh campaign of equality and we look forward to our continued engagement in the future thank you for everything and great job Isam we'll continue to read on this path thank you thank you let's take a picture thank you stay up there you're going to take a picture photo with you guys yeah oh no I e to cute maybe they're just doing a road trip oh oh God okay all right bless you just bless you well God bless he needs it all right on to our second reading ordinances first second reading ordinances item 4.1 city ordinance 24- 078 is an ordinance amending chapter 84 alcoholic beverage and cannabis to amend regulation of cannabis establishments and cannabis Distributors this is a public hearing on this ordinance any member of the public wishing to be heard please come up to the podium and state your name for the record just give me one second before want to make sure the camera is on you righty and if you could just state your name for the record Daniel d n i e l l e damoo d is and David apostrophe capital A D and David am o thank you whenever you're ready good evening council members and community members I'm here to speak on the proposed ordinance 24- 078 amending chapter 84 regarding the regulation of cannabis establishments and Distributors while I understand the necessity of regulating the Cannabis industry I have concerns about important issues that dis ordinance does not add address first oversaturation we have seen a rapid increase in cannabis dispensaries in our community but this ordinance does not include any clear guidelines on preventing and oversaturation of these businesses in concentrated areas this raises concerns about the PO about the balance of our local economy and the quality of life for residents second proximity to schools there are no Provisions in this ordinance about how close these cannabis establishments can be to schools this is a significant oversight as the well-being of our children should always be a priority we need regulations that considerer appropriate distances between cannabis dispensaries and places where our children learn and play lastly the ordinance lacks transparency in the in the approval process for these businesses we need more clarity about how decisions are made and what crit ceria are being used Additionally the ordinance does not address sustainability practices for cannabis businesses the implications for our environment whether it's energy usage waste disposal or water consumption must be considered as part of the conversation I urge the council to revisit these key areas before moving forward with this ordinance to ensure the long-term well-being of our community thank you thank you El with Washington my concern is what's the difference between the canist and the smoke shop and I didn't know they have alcohol in them I thought it was just the smoke so can I get some clarity John Kenny legal yeah John wants to know about the ordinance the difference because this is there should not be any alcohol at any smoke shops or any the Canabis consumption lounges they're different yes yeah it's a completely different license they should not be all the same one is selling cannabis one is selling tobacco and other products smoke shop tobacco and alcohol yeah they're not supposed to be selling any no alcohol just supposed to be smoke shop as tobacco and related products no cannabis cannabis licensees for selling cannabis and alcohol is completely different license as well should all be separate and I'm like the lady before me I was at church of on MLK and next to the church House of Prayer they open a smoke shop I'm going in the church and the church is smelling the smoke and I think it should be a regulation around the churches and the school and there was no warning and these are up and down MLK Drive and I think without our young kids out going to school and church I think it's a disgrace in our community thank you thank you LeBron this is still a public hearing on ordinance 24- 078 any member of the public wishing to be heard good evening uh council members uh my name is osbert ordun spelling on the first name o b ASM boy e RT last name o d and a uh I'm here today as a representative for the Jersey City Coalition for responsible cannabis we are against uh the passing of ordinance 24- 078 like the two previous speakers before me uh we're very concerned about the oversaturation of dispensaries in Jersey City you the city council have already approved 49 dispensaries in Jersey City in addition to to that you have a the total count of the dispensaries in your current pipeline is 70 this ordinance will allow for an additional 48 more dispensaries to potentially be licensed in Jersey City that's 118 dispensaries in Jersey City that is insane the state of New Jersey currently has 177 dispensaries across the entire State including the 16 that are open in Jersey City right now you're trying to add 118 just to Jersey City that's irresponsible that's reckless and that's going to create a market that is oversaturated which is which means that workers are going to be the first ones to suffer because by passing this ordinance you're going to ensure that the Cannabis industry in Jersey City is a poverty industry where employees can only make minimum wage because the employers will not have the ability to pay anything but that because of the oversaturation of the market I am the one and only unionized dispensary owner in Jersey City I can tell you that no one else will become a unionized dispensary in Jersey City because even if they want to do it they won't be able to afford to do it it's Reckless to oversaturate Jersey City with whether it's 70 dispensaries 118 dispensaries even the 49 that you've approved already is a astronomical number when you look at Newark for example that's twice the size of Jersey City and only has seven think about that twice the size of Jersey City they have seven dispensaries you guys have already approved 49 you're going to oversaturate and destroy the market on top of that what is that going to lead to business is closing I've had representatives from City agencies say oh that's the fair market economy no that's not that's Insanity creating a market to ensure that businesses fail will lead to people losing their jobs in Jersey City it'll lead to unemployment it'll lead to home lessness because that is the precursor to homelessness is unemployment and it'll also lead to the destabilization of our communities because you'll have more boarded up and blighted storefronts just like I passed on the way up here when I was coming up MLK just like you see in other areas besides the downtown ward council members you have a responsibility to do work on behalf of the entire city and all its residents and business owners not just those that are here in the high-rise hours of downtown I yield my time thank you before I ask for the ne before I ask for the next public speaker I just want to recognize council person Gilmore present at 6:21 p.m. so we now have seven council members present at 6:21 this is still a public hearing on this ordinance any member of the public wishing to be heard please come up to the podium and state your name for the record my name is Bill Lis I'm a resident of Jersey City so in addition to the work for Jersey City together I'm also a certified prevention specialist working for the partnership for drug-free New Jersey so the concerns of the amount of marijuana being sold in my own City certainly is a concern that uh for the first time in 20 years Drive getting on the PATH train to have someone vaping with a marijuana product on the PATH train so that's an example of a norm that we've done great work to eliminate you rarely see drinking on a PATH train you rarely see smoking on a PATH train you have to stay on the subject of the ordinance so the ordinance is what I'm saying is what you're regulating the importance of regulating this particular product is very important both in terms of marijuana and what I'd ask you to do while you're looking at regulating the marijuana industry don't let the alcohol industry off the hook they are a industry that needs to be watched as well thank you very much good evening my name is Rob hold on what's your name Rob de D is in David i p is in Peter i s is in Sam a it's Rob the first name because I couldn't hear you Robert Robert and last name again depa D is in David i p is in Peter i s is and Sam a I'm an attorney at the law firm Cole shots and I represent applicants who received approval to operate a dispensary within Jersey City I want the council to consider to consider that these are small businesses these are residents of your own Community who have made a significant financial investment in the property that they chose to operate their business and they chose that property with the understanding that it would be suitable for on-site consumption in addition many of them committed to a property that was large enough so that it could accommodate that use with the understanding that they would eventually be able to apply and receive that approval in fact when these applicants applied to the CCB their application applications included a request for approval on on-site consumption and they were instructed by the CCB to bifurcate and remove that request otherwise it would not be approved which many of them in fact all of them did based on that recommendation what I'm asking is that we just hit pause and we consider you've heard a lot of people tonight with commentary about the ordinance I'm not saying that restrictions shouldn't be put in place because they should the only thing I'm asking is for the council to pause and make sure that when we do it we get it right I don't want us to be in a position where we've put language through which necessarily hasn't been completely thought out I think that no one has ever criticized anyone for taking their time and getting it right an easy example is you know the ordinance references playgrounds what is a playground is that term defined anywhere how do we determine what constitutes a playground is it Hopscotch painted in pavement or is it an actual structure all that happens from confusing language and confusion is chaos all I'm saying is listen to the people who have come up this evening they have concerns let's pause let's take a look at the ordinance let's put restrictions in place but let's just make sure that we get it right thank you for your thank you there still a public hearing on this ordinance any member of the public wishing be heard please come up to the podium state your name for the record and please spell it for Me Hugh gardano h u g h gardano g i o r d n o council president and Council um my name is Hugh jordano I'm a union representative for the UFCW UFCW is a National Labor Union of 1.3 million hardworking people and we're the official Union of under the AFL CIO which is very important to understand um we are again with the rest of the community here worried about this ordinance and I'm going to tell you why as a union rep of 13 years who worked in this industry since day one to represent the workers in it from the medical to Au and as a rep who's traveled around this country I've seen Oklahoma I've seen Oregon I've seen Michigan real life real experience real credibility you're going to oversaturate oversaturation brings loss of jobs oversaturation makes these small business owners who were trying to open up a facility they'll lose their business that's not an MSO the people that are going to come in and and you know what and I don't want to see head shaken because I've seen it I've seen where they oversaturate a city and the big guys come in and buy everyone up and then becomes Walmart this is real and people have invested their life into this on top of that because we fight for high wages not just a minimum wage 7-Eleven job we always make sure that we get a living wage that comes with health care dental vision prescription PTO sick time though that's real that's what creates economic stability within a community especially where a community has been ravaged by the War on Drugs another thing having the only eight consumption lounges only people with de Pockets going to be able to get that let's be serious are we for the working class are we for the working person who has a small business or we for the out ofate people from Illinois and California we have a decision to make here you know oversaturation the lack of consumption lounges for these small businesses as a medical patient I'm not going to go to a dispensary that does not have a lounge I want to be able to consume my medicine safely so we have to think about that having more lounges creates safe access for people to consume their medicine the fact that you want to criminalize people on the street for smoking cannabis for consuming cannabis is a problem that's going backwards that's not Equity it's not Justice and I'm proud to stand up for that we want to have safe access we want to have stable jobs we want to have careers in Jersey City and we're going to make sure the UFCW will remember the votes we will remember these days because years to come there's going to be lots of failures thank you so much on behalf of the UFCW and the workers thank you thank you what this is still a public hearing on city ordinance 24- 078 any member of the public still wishing to be heard please come up to the podium and state your name for the record motion okay give me one second motion to close the public hearing by council president wman even though his mic is not on well council person Bano second it turn it on on the motion to close the public hearing on city ordinance 24- 078 council person Ridley I council person priner I council person ban I council person SLE I council person Solomon I council person Gilmore I council president Waterman I motion carries 70 to close the public hearing on city ordinance 24- 078 with council members the and Rivera absent Sean yes I want um corporate Council to explain this ordinance then um we're going to table it sure at uh Council president's request so just to summarize some of the changes that were made this was this was done between the council members uh the division of planning division of Commerce to try to streamline the process obviously the main changes we've talked about is putting on uh license Cap Caps for each different license the 48 cap just to clarify it would not wind up to 118 the 48 would be subsumed so the maximum it could be is the 67 or 68 that we already have and then it would later on have to fall below 48 and8 per ward in order for us to issue any additional class five licenses um the other thing we did is remove the second appearance before uh the Cannabis control board um we tried to make it uh give the CCB a little bit more control over their agenda and enumerate local licensing requirements which were factors that they uh considered before was just trying to streamline the process a little bit including taking um planning mostly out of the process the applicants could instead get a zoning determination letter instead of going before a full-blown uh planning board hearing as long as they uh met the local licensing requirements and um they could get the zoning determination letter as long as they didn't need a variance um also the consumption lounges as we've talked about it limited it to six for the entire city one per Ward and also changed hours for the consumption Lounge to 11:00 PM uh as opposed to staying open till 2: a.m. uh we did some other clarifying language and then um of course just tried to set enrollment periods for when licenses would pop up so that the CCB could hear applicants as we had licenses available um so those are the the big changes to it um planning division uh wants us to move forward we've um made all the changes that um we thought were appropriate in terms of what's going on with the State Licensing uh as that continues to change and we all continue to learn and evolve with the with the scheme so that's the the background as to all the changes made go ahead Sean so council members as discussed at the caucus and as our Corporation Council just read into the record the amendments that we were looking to make on 24- 078 um the Amendments I believe start on page [Music] four and they're in red underlined and they continue on page five six H9 and that's where it ends so would you like to take them um I'd like to make a motion to amend city ordinance 24078 all of amendments in red and underlined motion you made the motion council person s yes may I have a second second second by council president Waterman on a motion to amend city ordinance 24- 078 as spoken to um as read and to the record by Corporation councel and just for the record Corporation Council these amendments are not substantial changes correct correct not substantial okay on that on the amendment on motion to amend on city ordinance 24- 078 council person Ridley I council person priner I council person bajano I council person Cay I council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore I and council president wman hi city ordinance 24- 078 is amended 70 with council members Dees and Riva absent I believe we're making a motion to table this ordinance motion said they want to table hold on motion to table ordinance 24- 078 after the amendment and we already conducted a public hearing on this after the close of the public hearing and the amendment Council uh may I have a motion to table motion motion made by council person Cay may I have a second second second by council president Warman on the motion to table city ordinance 24- 078 after the close of the public hearing and the amendment council person Ridley I council person priner I council person bajano I council person Cay I council person Solomon I'm going to vote I let me just say three quick things or it's worth stating just for the record so the first is just to clarify you we've had both emails from the public and speakers talk about the number of dispensaries allowed my understanding we clarified the language in this ordinance that basically has a cap of eight per Ward plus you can exceed that cap if they were in the system advance of the moratorium and based on the number that was sent to us that would be a maximum of 67 but not a guarantee which is still a lot by by no means am I saying that's not a lot but I just want to make sure we're clear to the that that that what I'm saying is accurate and that that's the number you know we can all discuss moving forward just to make sure that there's no confusion there is that right that's correct yep okay great and then um the second thing is obviously we heard concerns about the distance between the dispensaries this would change that because of the cap of the eight per Ward obviously I know downtown the best we had the city challenge of determining who got to put their pin in the map first because the city struggled to determine that there are some approved within 600 feet so that's already sort of happened and obviously the eight per Ward you could have some there but but that once you hit that cap you're not going to have more coming after that so you roughly certainly for downtown in the pipeline we have more than eight I think it's nine that's in downtown so that would you know address any distance issues um I do in the next two weeks really want to dive into the consumption Lounge I understand that's a substantial change but I I want to really understand where the city intends to go on that um even if it's not coming in this one um and we move forward with a change here that is very important on my end so I just wanted to State those things and vote I to table thank you council person Gilmore um I'll vote ey the table but I think at some point we gon either have to vote this thing up or vote it down um it's I just I don't even know how we fix it to be honest with you um but at some point we got to do something um so I'll vote I to table thank you and council president wman table ordinance 24- 078 is is tabled after the close of the public hearing and Amendment 70 with council members Dees and Rivera absent okay our next second reading ordinance item 4.2 city ordinance 24- 087 is an ordinance amending chapter 188 to establish a local preference for affordable housing units created by local regulations and requirement as discussed at the Caucus meeting uh I believe council person uh Solomon is going to make a motion to carry city ordinance 24- 087 to the October 30th council meeting is that correct council person Solomon yes thank you may I have a second on the motion to carry city ordinance 24087 to the October 30th council meeting second seconded by council person CLE on the motion to carry city ordinance 24- 087 to the October 30th council meeting council person Ridley hi council person priner Hi council person Bano hi council person Cay I council person Solomon I council person Gilmore I and council president Waterman motion carry 70 with council members the and Rivera absent on to our next second reading ordinance item 4.3 city ordinance 24- 088 is an ordinance amending chapter 321 of the municipal code of the city of Jersey City as discussed at the caucus I believe I'm going to have a motion to defeat city ordinance 24088 without cond ing a public hearing and to bring back a brand new ordinance at a future council meeting date May I have a motion to Def move to defeat city ordinance 24088 without conducting a public hearing motion made by council president Waterman I have a second second I believe was made by council person CLE yes on the motion to defeat city ordinance 24 d088 without a public hearing Council person Ridley hi council person uh priner hi council person bajano Hi council person SLE I council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore and council president Waterman motion carry 70 with council members Dees and Rivera absent for defeat for the defe of ordinance 24- 088 if we're going to defeated your vote should not be in the affirmative council person Ridley no council person priner no council person Bano no council person SLE no council person Solomon no council person Gilmore no and council president um Wardman I'm sorry city ordinance 24- 088 is defeated 07 with all council members present voting no and council members Dees and Rivera absent I ask as discussed at the Caucus meeting I believe we have an intention to and if I can just get to it I apologize to remove one of the ordinances well there's going to be two of them but first one is item 11.4 city ordinance 23- 065 from the tabled agenda may I have a motion motion motion made by council person CLE may have a second sure the mics are on seconded by council person priner on the motion to remove item 11.4 city ordinance 23- 065 from the tabled agenda council person Ridley I council person Prince I council person bajano I council person SLE I council person Solomon I council person Gilmore I council president Waterman item 11.4 city ordinance 23- 065 is removed from the table agenda on the motion made by council person SL seconded by council person priner motion carries 70 with council members Dees and Rivera absent ordinance 23- 065 is an ordinance authorizing the acquisition of block 11611 lot 1.02 more commonly known by the street address of 335 Washington Street from 335 Washington realy LLC this ordinance was table after the close of the public hearing by a motion made by council person Prince AR seconded by council person SLE and council members Ridley rera and Waterman were absent this was on July 12th so we can move right on to the final consideration and Adoption of city ordinance 23065 council person Ridley hi council person priner hi hi council person bajano Hi council person SLE hi council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore I and council president wman city ordinance 23- 065 is adopted 70 with council members Dees and Rivera absent and our next second reading I'm Excuse me our next tabled ordinance that we're looking to untable as discussed at the caucus on Tuesday is 11.6 City resolution uh city ordinance my my goodness uh 23- 078 excuse me it's an ordinance adopting amendments to the Land Development ordinance regarding definition section 345-6417 it was made motion was made by Council president Waterman seconded by council person CLE it was the motion was approved 80 with council person Riva absent so may I have a motion to remove city ordinance 23- 078 from the table agenda motion motion was made by council person Cay may I have a second second by council president Waterman John yes before we vote on it we can't vote on it if we're not passing that's what I that's what I thought but I it was insisting that we do the motion by the council yeah we can't vote on it because it has to be this is contingent upon 84 because that's what planning reviewed and made the zoning uh recommendations based on the chapter 84 amendments okay so are we going to withdraw that motion to remove the ordinance 23 send the motion motion it's going to be motion to resend the motion motion to resend the motion to remove the ordinance 23- 078 from the tabled agenda M the motion was made by council person s may have a second second second by council person priner on the motion to resend that motion to remove city ordinance 23 Day 078 from the table agenda council person Ridley I council person priner council person bajano I council person Cay I council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore hi and council president Waterman motion carry 70 with council members Dees and Rivera absent so with that being said we are now moving on to our public speaking portion of the meeting please play co close attention to your agenda I'm going to be calling the speaker number and the first name let me just adjust my camera so I can have the camera exactly on the speaker with that being said our first Speaker 5.1 leverne I think she left oh no I oh uh City councel I just want to thank you for what you're doing in our community because if you come up and down Al main streets in Jersey City with a lot of young people are hanging on corners and smoking and drinking this or some of these orders that you are freezing up they need to be looked into because today out here I can ride up and down the Avenues in my community and see 10 and 12 year old kids smoking weed and drinking I'm rather a nonprofit this summer I had about 70 kids in my Camp I run a free camp for years like next month I'll be giving out brand new coats have been doing for years and turkeys to families and to see these babies out here doing what they do and we not showing enough concern it's a disgrace it's a disgrace that all we can worry about is Housing Development and nobody's watching the store these babies are out there just like I was talking to my boy from the boys club and he does for years what I do I learned from our council president she can tell you what we had on air Street and Pacific When We Were Young we had a boys club there and Girls Club that we can go and play and free and ju now and her brothers and her family and us the webs we don't have that no more you know and I thank God for him bringing it down here and doing transportation for the kids that he do but there's a lot of kids up on the other side are not getting down here and we need more affordable housing can't talk about that one enough and I'm going to get back to that at the next counsel me but I want you to focus on our children on our babies did you see them little babies how he had them in here we got another thousand them up on the other side of Grand Street going up in Greenville that ain't getting that attention we need your help we need your support on the 22nd I'll be giving out two or 300 free brand new coats and I'll be doing my turkey giveaway and I'm appreciate any support and help you guys can get me but I need you to focus on our children and some more a school programs and Outreach for them cuz everything I do is free I don't get no grant money nothing I hustle my money out here with these developers because I'm a developer and I thank you and I appreciate you God bless you thank you our next speaker 5.2 Tina Justice for drill Justice for Drew I just wanted to say um Salomon I really appreciate you coming to the fashion show um that meant a lot cuz I don't ask you for nothing I actually do look over you I really had to Google and see that you ran independent you didn't run under the mail that's what's up y'all that's dope dope so I just want to thank you for that because you actually helped a couple of families get in the fashion show you don't know what that meant to me I've been giving our free clothes for 28 years of my community my own pocket my own money so many people promised me Stu that they was going to help me they was going to send me a check they was going to donate they didn't even do none of that but now I know God bring different things and different people around you to show you who you need to make sure you so I got your back when you when you run I got you congratulations on your running I want to say thank you for Jerry Walker I want to say thank you for Education G on that mean a lot to me I have good news Community treasure finally got a safe spot now that we'll be having for 4 years guys thank God like this been a long path but I thank God for the people who bought around me to help me out not only that this not even about me it's about my community I'm not even from here I keep telling people that I'm from Alabama Birmingham when my bathroom was on the side of my house I've been in this community for 28 years letting people know about I'm the best Outreach right Erica Walker thank you I'm the best for um the Outreach for Jersey City the reason why because I'm in the community I'm walking with my boots I'm talking to the people they trust me we also been helping with seniors housing TR all that now I realize we all loow in housing I realize we don't have enough housing for our family and the people that's living in our community I realize that it is a gap and we are suffering you know why we suffering because we worry about the wrong thing we don't worry about the community you don't worry about where you came from because half of y'all grew up here in Jersey City so y should know how to do better but apparently y don't y don't know how to work together and help each other out but that's all right Justice for Drew y'all thank you our next speaker 5.3 Edward thank you so much Tina of community treasures and you know why we suffering because shame on you for vote for that museum right just blindly voting for it not knowing how much that damn thing going to cost and we come up here week by week month by month year by year stressing our grievances to you highlighting all the social ills and yet you go forth and do that that's it you spit right in our face how dare you come to us for support don't look to us for support those of you who turn your noses up at us and you're backs at us or towards us I see the boys and girls club here I saw them here shame on you shame on you the lack of funding throughout our city for programs like the boys and girls club I'm sure that's an enriching program for our youth and many more employing people just so much that you missed the mark on yet again and I'm here to mind you it's not enough housing out here for us it's cold now it's more people on food drive lines and Cat Drive Lines people need we need more housing we need more housing Justice for Drew Justice for Drew October 22nd the national day against police brutality the national day of protest we will be out in the streets we will be we want to highlight the injustice that we have to suffer through and you know what this city can make a difference this city can finally make a change you can reach out to the antiviolence Coalition of Hudson County that's right Pamela Johnson and you can begin to build a relationship so we can figure out the best way to move forward with our Mental Health Community crisis response it's a real thing we didn't we got very little support from theity thank God for the state arrive together we'll be coming here now public safety director sh said what well we just want the public to know that okay indeed police officers still will be coupled with whoever whatever Specialists or providers will be there okay but it's about deescalation tactics it's about a more culturally competent program a more culturally competent response don't allow our police officers to to kill us to look at us give us a 100 chances before you decide to take our life from us okay some Community input start to give a damn about us our next speaker 5.4 Gina good evening Gina Davidson WF please pardon my appearance tonight I've been out all day doing an animal rescue thanks to the amazing support of director Stacy Flanigan and the Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services and thank you to our shelter director Mark Burns as always I want to thank those who represent the people Council persons bajano Solomon and Gilmore we appreciate your time attention respect and advocacy to the mayor six these past three weeks I have been sick to my stomach on September 25th you gave the Kushner family a 30-year tax abat abatement to wreak havoc on Jersey City's Journal Square the K Group holds over $3 billion in capital Investments they do not need a tax break on the contrary we need their tax dollars if they are to develop here and benefit from this city property tax is guaranteed income this so-called 100,000 square feet asset that the city stands to gain in this deal holds absolutely no guarantees of paying off it is clearly an excuse for you that you are all using in order to cover up what you are really doing which is to support step phli in his misguided run for governor your community wants to know in exchange for this 30-year tax ABY what kind of campaign contributions and backdoor support will the kushers give mayor FIP in his run for governor to my fellow community members make no mistake the New Jersey based cushioners are looking to install their new development happy friend Stephen Trump excuse me stepen fulli as the next governor of New Jersey I will remind the mayor 6 gentrification is not progress you have compromised your legacies for short short-term personal gain and I'm curious what positions step is promising each of you in exchange for your blind support you are actually doing mayor flop flop a huge disservice he has lost his way and the six of you are all too afraid to check him he's about to be the next Chris Christie an egomaniac who will eventually be turned into nothing more than pathetic internet memes ridiculed and universally despised yall are Pawns in an effort that smacks of Mayor kot's deals with Donald Trump in the 70s which ultimately cost New York City over $800 million in tax revenue you're part of the problem if you do not vote with the people you are not of the people the worst part is This is distracting from all the issues we absolutely need to fix in this city for example the issue of Mental Health crisis and response Justice for Drew and shame on all of you next speaker 5.5 Gary hello everyone I'm Gary Greenberg executive director of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Hudson County I'm here tonight to I guess um clear up a couple of comments that were made at the last meeting I would just like to respond to the comments that were made uh the comment was I love the Boys and Girls Club but I remind you that this is the same Boys and Girls Club that kids from the Southside can no longer go to this is the same Boys and Girls Club that send staff that sends staff to the schools because they don't want you people down here so my response to that is uh starting from the south end of the city at the Bayon City Line these are the following schools that were represented here tonight the kids had to leave because they get dropped off at home at 6:45 so Soaring Heights 40 30 20 Jersey City Community Charter 34 38 15 41 29 14 24 empowerment 33 12 171 23 this year golden door Cordo five beloved 22 Lena Edwards 163 and four so let's also like to clear this up is you know number one 96% of the children that we serve are minorities 4% are white 87% of the kids don't pay anything only 133% of their families pay those 133% that do pay only get charged $13 a day or $65 a week hold on wait we have to call your name okay you finished Gary you done Gary you finished Gary okay next speaker 5.6 Jordan all good evening my name is Jordan Thomas I'm the unit director for the boys and girls club in Jersey City um I'm here tonight um as Mr Gary said our some of our staff and our members left but I brought here tonight um my staff and a lot of our boys and girls club members um just to highlight the work that we're doing across the city the Boys and Girls Club is open to all youth and we're proud to offer a safe supportive space for them to learn grow and Thrive as Mr Gary said our buses cover nearly every school in Jersey City this year we added more schools including 23 um and 33 School our drop off points are going down ocean Garfield Kennedy Bergen Marin Montgomery and Westside Avenue right we've made it a priority to reach out to as many youth as possible and I personally visit many of the schools in Jersey City just to promote our programs okay so we're not going to schools telling people not to come we're trying to get more kids from every school in Jersey City uh we're deeply committed to serving all youth across um our community uh particularly those that need us the most we're here today to share how our efforts continue to reach every corner of our city thank you thank you our next speaker 5.7 Moses is Moses here no 5.8 Danielle good evening again members of the city council Community leaders and fellow residents with the defeat of ordinance 24-0 88 we now have an opportunity to be clear about what's needed the protection of mature trees on private property while the administration May oppose additional requirements for property owners this ordinance is crucial in stopping developers and others for removing mature trees that are vital to our community and environment I became aware of a conversation with other fellow activists with a homeowner who cut down the oak trees their children once played under to build a shed sadly this isn't an isolated case others have proudly removed trees without realizing the long-term environmental harm we need a culture shift in Jersey City but in the meantime we need safeguards to prevent these uninformed decisions this isn't just about development it's about preserving the natural beauty and Wildlife that sustains us all mature trees offer benefits that Lings can't replace such as shade air purification and habitat support these trees take decades to grow and they value and their value to our community is immense as we move forward I urge the council to include specific language in the next ordinance that protects these trees on private property I propose clear notification and Reporting requirements written notification must be provided at least 30 days before the removal of any tree with details sent to the division of Forestry the ward council person and the city clerk the notification should include the trees's location approximate age reason for removal and any replacement plans if removal is for health and safety concerns notification should be given as soon as possible any tree removal request must be backed by a professional report confirming no alternative preservation option are possible by including these measures we can find a balance between development and the need to protect our mature trees ensuring their environmental and Community benefits are safeguarded thank you for your time let's work together to protect our trees our City's mature trees and build a Greener future for Jersey City our next speaker 5.9 Amry and Marina zaro Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Ward F and Jersey City together good evening Council and good evening community members Jane Goodall who's 90 this year Exquisite Communicator with a number of species including humans wrote the cumulative effect of thousands of ethical actions can help save and improve our world for future Generations Jersey City together believes in thousands of actions saving our world we've seen the fruits of our actions firstly the drinking fountains in the Jersey City public schools are now safe to be used secondly a Bayfront project that will have Myriad housing units will have 35% I repeat 35% affordable units in our city the 955 home buyers years ago will now get a decent return on their homes that they've been the stewards of for over 20 years this is all through advocacy by Jersey City together by council members and by members of our community other action groups we are here tonight bill and I as the public health Public Safety Committee members of Jersey City together we applaud Pam Johnson and the antiviolence Coalition they achieved SE Brook's Drew Washington funding to make a behavioral response for mentally challenged or addiction challenged individuals in our community we also finally reluctantly see that Jersey city has accepted arrive together from the state we are going to be watchdogging and safeguarding the implementation of these two programs and by the way we're still waiting for and we ask the council we will follow up after this meeting there's 1.2 million budgeted budgeted in our City's budget 1.2 million for an effective behavioral response by our police and Behavioral Health Outreach workers in mental or addiction crises we want to see that money very well deployed for the purpose we've been asking for as Jersey City together since 2021 it's 2024 let's do this together we will work with you we will follow up after this meeting thank you our next speaker 5.10 Dania da she left she she left out with Gary in okay thank you next speaker 5.11 Manu council members council president good evening uh my name is Emanuel Morgan and I reside at 164 Harrison in WBY I'm here on behalf of myself my family the Safe Streets community and to support the residents of the heights who are here tonight to ask the city council to please move forward with an ordinance that would change both Franklin Street and Manhattan Avenue from two ways to one ways as demonstrated during the June and July temporary project this summer when these streets were converted to one ways for 30 days approximately I I and many others experienced and the City observed significant traffic calming results the city reported that survey respondents said the project made them feel safer in the Heights two-thirds of trips are on foot or by bicycle or scooter the vast majority of survey respondents who walk in bike supported the project by contrast 80% of respondents who mostly Drive did not support the project but by this we can infer the people who opposed the project did so for reasons of convenience and speed not safety speed continues to kill more than 44,000 Americans every year and here in New Jersey in 2024 thus far there's been a 14% increase in traffic fatalities and a 30% increase in pedestrian deaths I support this project because it aligns with our Collective City County and state vision zero goals by prioritizing a group that has historically been deprioritized vulnerable Travelers people who walk and bike this project will make our streets safer for all Road users in a high Injury Network that needs traffic calming bike Lanes curb extensions one ways are all proven counter measures to reduce crashes and injuries for all travelers including drivers in addition to being a Jersey City resident who supports this project for safety I am also one of the many Advocates working with Hudson County on a vision zero initiative my mission is complete compl streets streets where anyone can feel safe no matter what age they are or what mode they use we advocate for safe Equitable and sustainable Transportation infrastructure that would help to connect Hudson County municipalities for people walking biking and taking Transit hudco Street supports our bike JC colleagues in advocating for the Manhattan Avenue and Franklin Street project because it will connect Heights residents to other municipalities in the county including Hoboken and the West Hudson communities of Carney Harrison and tacus through multiple multiple potential routes including the straight the state's Greenway I'm almost done can I thank you time is up very much our next speaker 5.12 Tony thank you Tony burelli vice president of bike JC and a Jersey City resident for 27 years I'd like to thank the hundreds and hundreds of people so far who have publicly supported the protected bike lane project which as you all know has already been entirely funded by a grant of 2third of a million dollars in order to form the first East West leg of a safe bike Network in the Heights and to make strides in remediating our current deadly unhealthful polluting climate destroying and woefully inefficient transportation system but I'd also like to thank several people who have surfaced a few specific concerns during and after the one-month pilot of this project that's one of the main reasons to do a pilot a beta test to work out the bugs and just as happens with basically every other similar project when we drill down into such concerns as we should we generally find some fairly obvious Solutions the kind routinely implemented by the city's talented Transportation professionals on many similar projects as far as we can tell that's the kind of thing we're looking at with this project for example there was a concern that some car traffic would inappropriately use little how we think way as an alternate route when really it's more of a driveway for a park a playground so forth well how think already just got a speed HP and other traffic caling and can get plenty more especially with the pedestrian traffic to the reservoir it probably should anyway there was a worry about Vehicles getting in and out of the stoping shop the management has told us they're good with the bike lane as long as there's a couple of tweaks made to parking right outside their entrances which sounds reasonable details the Cardiology office could get maybe a wider entrance between barricades ballards Etc these are again things that our professionals solve in any such Project without cancelling it or substituting something radically different and we've seen no reason why they can't do the same for this wonderful badly needed fully funded project we strongly urge you to let them do just that with all possible speed and vigor thank you our next speaker 5.13 beus hi um thank you for allowing me to come and speak with you tonight um I'm with bike JC I'm I'm a trustee and an officer I'm also a resident of the Heights and um we help to secure a grant to implement the demonstration project that um my colleague just mentioned when we were helping to install that demonstration project there were neighbors that were skeptical about what was going on and some people like without even seeing what was going on were just like nope um and then a a few weeks later we went to Canvas the neighborhood to get petitions to see how things were going and the same people that were skeptical or were against it were talking about how great it was how calm the street was how much they loved it and these are people that live on it both in Council in uh Ward D and Ward C so it wasn't just um Ward D residence there were um still a few who weren't totally convinced and when speaking with them a lot of the problems were that it was inconvenient to them there was you know maybe they would have to travel an extra block um but for me it's not about inconvenience I choose to travel primarily by bicycle as a lot of other people do for many reasons um and my life is at risk and I would like to have a safe way to travel through my neighborhood um I know that there is other neighbors with you know it connects two schools uh sorry two parks and a school and people want to have the option to take their children biking and they say they're afraid to it's it's too dangerous um this would help I know in the future there is a bigger plan we know that the north south connector is very important and we also know that Jersey City already has an $8 million Grant to address that north south connector Summit so we're going to need to get in more than just one direction this is this is a very important piece of the puzzle and as my colleague mentioned there's just tweaks that need to happen to to the project it doesn't need to be uh we don't have to throw out the baby with the bath water the surveys showed that people found the street to be safer so we know that it worked there have been 10 accidents on this Corridor vehicle crashes not accidents I'm sorry 10 vehicle crashes resulting in injury and seven of the 10 were involved pedestrians and cyclists the Federal Highway Administration has stated that protective bike lanes are a proven safety countermeasure and the demonstration project showed that it worked earlier uh or last year council person C and his his team surveyed the Heights and there was a 70% support for protected bike Lanes in the Heights let's make it happen thank you our next speaker 5.14 Gil uh he Council people um I am a Heights resident I'm a dad in the Heights I'm in w d um sorry first time doing this so bear with with me um so I'm speaking in support of this protected bike lane um and and in particular I'm doing so as a walker a biker a driver in the neighborhood um my family personally has witnessed a lot of traffic violence on our streets um my wife saw uh a car hit a scooter um Rider you know just around the block from us um and we welcomed a daughter into the world in May and and uh walking around in with a stroller in the Heights um we've had a lot of Clos calls it's it's scary um our streets are not built right now for pedestrians and not for bikers and and frankly not for driver safety either um and I really feel like this is a public health and safety issue and I don't mean this sarcastically or in a demeaning way at all but if it's more palatable to think of this as a safety Lane I would encourage you to do that the research shows that protected bike LAN uh protect not only cyclists but also Walkers and drivers um from injuries and and death um only 36% of the trips in our neighborhood and this is from our own Department of infrastructure only 36% of our trips happen by car um that means that people who drive are more vulnerable when they walk some people only walk some people scoot some people bike and that's when they're at their most vulnerable um and I think that our infrastructure structure and our city council should be protecting them at that time um our neighborhood has zero protected bike lanes and is behind frankly a lot of Jersey City in this infrastructure uh numbers wise as you heard after the pilot 93% of cyclists 68% of Walkers uh supported making this Lane permanent and and as you just heard that's most of the trips in our neighborhood so I do think that you have support from from your constituents um and as you also heard 70% of councilman s's own residents by his own Ser uh survey support a protected bike lane they might not be sure where it should be but this Lane has been planned since 2019 with the Jersey City bike uh master plan it's been funded since 2022 um and I truly believe that every delay in uh passing an ordinance to make this protected bike lane possible is is a choice and it's a choice to maintain the status of our streets um I think that's unacceptable and I think it's a choice to allow these dangerous conditions to continue um so so please build this bike lane help us um and and help make it safer for us and our children in the Heights thank you thank you our next speaker 5.15 Dana uh good evening my name is Dana h and I'm a current resident in the Heights in wart D my husband and I decided to live in the Heights because of all the great Parks being close to friends and the somewhat walkable nature of the neighborhood um I'm here to advocate for the protected bike lane along Franklin and Manhattan Avenues it makes our streets safer and connects the eastern and western parts of the heights walking and biking in the Heights can be incredibly dangerous due to the lack of visibility at corners from often illegally parked cars and drivers going too fast down narrow Urban streets I often go to Ping field to walk run and enjoy the park when the pbl was in place I felt so much safer crossing the street due to how much more invisibility there was at the intersection of Manhattan and Summit additionally as one of your residents and constituents that doesn't own a car I was able to easily get to stores and restaurants near Riverview Park from persing field by bike every time I biked back my first thought when I reached the pbl was I'm going to make it home without the pbl don't feel comfortable biking to Palisade in Points East instead I walk to Hoboken um I walk to the elevator that is and bike in Hoboken and that's where I feel safe I'd really like to feel safe in my city furthermore a key part of this is that the elevator has to function U the elevator outage last week really points to not only the importance of the East West Corridor for residents of the heights but also the need for more options and redundancies I urge city council and especially my council person uh to implement the protected bike lane as soon as possible on Franklin and Manhattan Avenues um to give your constituents Safe Streets and transportation options thank you thank you our next speaker 5.16 evern elyn here okay 5.17 Rochelle good evening council members good evening community members my name is Roselle Hoffman I am the director and co-founder of Weare movement which is a community faith-based organization here in the great city of Jersey City we can movement Inc drink less live more initiative aims to encourage responsible drinking habits and forer a healthy healthier and happy Society we provided handouts to each council member to show the current health warning labels that's in existence and our amended draft that we would like to see go forward so our research has led to the finding of a total of eight liquor stores from Montella Avenue down on Mont Luther King Drive from Steven Stevens to Warner within Stevens and Warner there's two liquor stores within a half a block radius I'm not here to just talk about the number of liquor stores in each in such a short distance from each other I'm here to discuss the urgent need to have the current warning labels amended and also share some statistics on how alcohol is deeply ing gred in many cultures and the darkest side to alcohol consumption that goes unnoticed excessive drinking has become a silent epidemic Reckoning havoc and undeserved overlook communities wreck and havoc and public health wreck and havoc on family structures and economic productivity according to the National Institute of Health on alcohol consumption over three million deaths each year result from harmful use of alcohol that accounts for nearly 6% of all deaths worldwide in United States one in six adults Ben strink each year excessive drinking leads to approximately 88 deaths clear to home close to home one in five adult the m to drinking more than they should which in some cases result in negative consequences poor decision making DUIs and the destruction of personal relationship excessive alcohol and the misuse impact on health liver disease like liver cancer heart disease and hypertension a various form of cancers mouth throat and breast mental health disorder such as depression and anxiety a call a change we thank councilman mayor Prince for heeding our call for change working toward TS increas in public awareness through our drink less live more initiative and hope to gain from support from other council members with the resolution amending the current warning labels which only highlights the D the danger of drinking alcohol while being pregnant the drink less live more initiative call to action is for all we all have a role to play and reducing the harmful cause by excessive drinking drinking less isn't about restricting enjoyment as about living more thank you have a good night thank you okay our next speaker 5.18 Bill name is Bill Lis I live in Jersey City member of our Lady of Soros church and a member of the Jersey City together health and safety committee as council members know since before George Floyd died we have been advocating waiting for the hiring of Outreach workers to go out on emergency calls involving individuals who are experiencing a mental health Andor substance abuse issue as my fellow Jersey City together member anarie noted earlier we acknowledge that some progress has been made a grant submitted by the state by the Hudson County antiviolence Coalition is now in the process of being put together we applaud that initiative second the city now has signed on to be a part of arrive together we applaud the city for doing this and we look very much forward to seeing the program getting put in place I would love to get a date when that particular program is actually going to start we know both of these programs are positive steps forward but we also realize that both for Progress to take place input from the community needs to take place so as to serve our citizens as best they can it did not Escape notice of the committee that there was no public ceremony promoting arve together the announcement came from the Attorney General's office and director Shay offered some cautionary comments about how the program will be implemented it's clear to us at Jersey City together that other municipalities throughout the state have successfully put this program in place we are way behind and the needs of the public health and the mental health of our city need to be addressed by this particular program we at Jersey City go on record that we will continue to advocate for the needs of these residents we will continue to push for programs to eventually put in a place put in place programs seven days a week 24 hours a day that to me should be the standard we're looking for we certainly commend the council people we worked with to move things forward even though the RFP didn't work out the way we wanted we also want to support every possible way that the needs of the Washington family can be met they we know that family is advocating for a good program to be in place myself and Boris Franklin we serve on that working group with the city and we know that $1.2 million is devoted to the issue is not being spent we'd be happy to look at how we could spend that money for the best interest of the city thank you very much our next speaker 5.19 Paul okay thank you our next speaker 5.20 Julie sorry dead on accident it's okay good evening my name is Julie Kyrie mon a Jersey City native and I'm here in attempt to convey some of the collective grief rage and disgust for what our city and Country have become the United States of Israel of all the years I've lived here I never I've never never seen or experience the level of dehumanization towards Arabs and Muslims as I have this year from local businesses to countless community members we have all received our fair share of vile comments messages hatred harassment and have seen public displays of racism and terrorism such as celebrating dancing and singing online to the news of pagers exploding and killing innocent civilians captioned with phrases like mazeltov and shabbat shalom to name a few that should really concern any one who cares about public safety especially during these times of crisis when one in five American adults live with mental illness gun laws are weaker than ever and all of our us ta tax dollars continue to fund a modern-day Holocaust we have spent over a year Watching mass murder in 4k people carrying their children's charred human flesh remains in literal plastic bags and shoe boxes can you fathom that Mr Solomon can you fathom carrying Noel or AA in pieces in a banned plastic grocery bag this past Sunday I watched countless innocent civilians literally burned to death including a 19-year-old boy still connected to the IV drip at the hospital treating him for previous injury inflicted by the IDF this week was the death anniversary of a six-year-old palestinian-american boy who was brutally murdered when he was stabbed 26 times and his mother 12 by their landlord as he shouted you Muslims must die just a few months later a woman attempted to drown a three-year-old palestinian-american child at a community pool and a teacher threatened to Slit a seventh grade Muslim student's throat and just this week a 73 year old 73-year-old man stabbed and slashed the neck of a seven-year-old yemeni American Muslim girl all on us soil a lot of you politicians like to Gaslight us into thinking that we don't understand politics or your jobs but we understand politics very well because we have been sub subjected to live with the consequences of politicians and their actions and Corruption and refusal to listen to us and respect the people and respect our rights dignity and Humanity you can't march in a Columbus State parade and then publish an empty indigenous people's post you can't be for the people while protecting the powerful that continue to harm and erase us you can't be the villain and the victim where were you when hundreds of people gathered around city hall and audition for for your Humanity in these very Chambers earlier this year when Andrew Washington was murdered in his home every single one of your actions or lack of have contributed to the dehumanization of our lives near and far and for that you should feel deeply ashamed thank you thank you our next speaker 5.21 Kevin good evening Council just about two years ago I stood here and told you about my July 27th 2022 petition the petition that Dina henden told me to file by phone and in writing right after she told me both buildings are subject to Ren control and why now I'm back with a tale of deja vu so absurd it would be laughable if it wasn't so deeply troubling on September 19th 2024 exactly two years to the day after Dina hen's notorious determination I personally witnessed director Richardson inspect our buildings I saw him photograph bare walls where certificates should have been displayed I heard him inform our landlord of their non-compliance I even heard our property manager tell him find me if you want and is the intention that I'm supposed to be a Kinkos she went on to explain that even if she did follow the law tenants would probably just remove the posted certificate you'd think this was a clear-cut case of non-compliance right wrong director Richardson has echoed Dina hendon's actions despite everything he observed and stated that day in front of witnesses some behind me he deslar he declared our landlord is in compliance with 26-3 J Let Me Be unequivocal 26-3 J demands full compliance with the landlord identity disclosure law full compliance not partial not nearly full New Jersey Law so I ask you Council how does an outdated certificate listing individuals who no longer work at either building constitute full compliance how does a complete absence of required emergency contact information including the name address and phone number of our super equate to full compliance how does outright refusal to post mandated information align with full compliance and how can director Richardson claim full compliance when he himself attached a lease to his letter that lacked the required Reg registration certificate I'm not merely stunned or shocked I'm profoundly Disturbed that director Richardson would take such action this isn't just a violation of city ordinance it's a blatant disregard for New Jersey state law Council I implore you to take immediate steps to rectify this egregious error the clock is ticking will you stand for justice or will you be complicit in the this mockery of law I call upon the city to issue a correction without delay failing that I urge this Council to initiate a thorough investigation to under to uncover how such a glaring oversight could occur thank you thank you our our next speaker 5.22 Suzanne good evening Council I speak to you tonight as a fully frustrated and disappointed constituent of yours when I became attendant at Portside Towers I was provided the truth and renting statement the landlord identity disclosure provision in the truth and renting statement States the landlord certificate of registration must be in a visible area for tenants to see and reference unfortunately there is no certificate of registration in the East or West Tower at Portside I learned that director Richardson came to Portside Towers this is a little repetitive but I'm going to say anyway um a few weeks ago and saw the blatant non-compliance by Equity with his own eyes that there is no certificate of registration in plain view in our buildings that is compliant in any regard there was apparently an old one as Kevin mentioned um that was also out of compliance director Richardson asked if the name address and phone number of our super was on the certificate it was not the landlord identity disclosure provision contained in the truth and renting statement claims the the registration statement must be given in writing to each tenant and posted in a place in the building where it can be easily seen this is clearly not happening and hasn't happened director Richardson told our building manager the building was violating the ordinance he was met with sarcasm and no intent to rectify the issue what a surprise director Richardson returned the next day where he was denied access to the Clos in locked office not even the old non-compliant certificate was available to be viewed the C eest part is as Kevin just mentioned director Richardson then continued to issue his determination that our landlord was in compliance with 26-3 J which requires full compliance full compliance with the New Jersey landlord identity law why is this important the ordinance says this the landlord shall provide to each tenant a copy of the truth and renting statement and subsequent amendments to set statement and be in full compliance with the landlord identity disclosure provision contained with the within the statement in order to qualify for any rental increase because the city is attempting to give our landlord a pass on full compliance with the landlord identity disclosure provision the current recalculation gives our landlord credit for increases during the six-year look back period wow this is continued conspiring from the city against us the non-compliance is in plain view and yet the city continues used to allow Equity to raise rents and carry out other illegal activities I have never seen the certificate of registration where it can be easily seen and I have never seen any copy of it is it not obvious that our rents are legally inflated I am paying an illegal rent every month to a corrupt landlord backed by a corrupt city who will willfully conspire against us can you negate anything I am saying when is this investigation happening any answer from you guys over here thank you lawyers anyone our next speaker 5.23 Tom good evening Council I stand before you today as a tenant of Portside Towers but I speak for thousands of Jersey City residents who have fallen victim to a pervasive fraud that strikes at the very heart of our community community on Sunday September 29th the TV news program 60 Minutes aired a fascinating segment titled whistleblowers claim insurance company short changeed some Florida homeowners after Hurricane Ian it highlighted widespread insurance fraud in Florida where adjusters reports were systematically altered to Short Change homeowners after Hurricane Ian license adjusters testified that insurance companies deliberately change damage estimates leaving families on unable to repair their homes this fraud mirrors the situation we face right here in Jersey City with Equity residential a multi-billion dollar Reit that owns Portside towers for decades Equity has fraudulently claimed that our buildings are exempt from rent control overcharging tenants by thousands of dollars each year the parallels are striking in Florida insurance companies manipulated reports to avoid paying legitimate claims here Equity is stipulated its filings with the city to avoid complying with rent control laws that protect tenants in Florida adjusters were pressured to leave damage off reports here Equity has systematically omitted required information from landlord registration statements and rent rolles in direct violation of Jersey City's rent control ordinance in Florida homeowners were told to sue if they wanted fair treatment here Equity is forcing tenants into costly legal battles to enforce their basic rights under the law but the most disturbing parallel is the lack of enforcement by those sworn to protect us for the past two years the Florida homeowners have been fighting with their insurance companies for what they're legally do similarly similarly for the past two years Jersey City's government has turned a blind eye to equity's blatant violations leaving tenants unprotected and needing to fight for their rights our rent Control Ordinance is clear it requires landlords to file annual registration statements and rent Wills to qualify for any rental increase an upto-date and accurate landlord identity certificate must be given to tenants and a copy placed in a conspicuous location within each building Equity has failed to do these things for decades the law states that any rent increase imposed without meeting these requirements quote is hereby declared to be null and void and such excess rent shall be refunded or credited by the landlord forthwith yet when confronted with evidence of equities non compliance or rent leveling board and City officials have bent over backwards to protect this corporate giant at the expense of ordinary citizens this is not a matter of honest disagreement or simple oversight it is a systemat it's a systemic failure of governance and a betrayal of public trust we call on our city leaders to enforce the laws written hold Equity accountable for its years of illegal rent increases launch a full in investigation to how this fraud was allowed to persist for so long thank you our next speaker 5.24 Joel good evening council members on September 25th despite T tremendous public opinion against it six of you voted to pass ordinance 24- 086 to authorize two separate pilot agreements with the Kushner Real Estate Group council members bajano Solomon and Gilmore thank you for voting no and support supporting your city Jersey city has been willing to enter into pilot agreements for decades current pilot payments are about $100 million annually 2019 pfk O Conor Davies audit revealed potential annual losses of over $41 million from just 19 out of 179 pilot agreements do the math according to this audit the city collected approximately $100 million in Pilot payments but it should have collected about $140 million the city's budget was about $680 million in 2020 thus the city failed to collect 6% of Revenue due I've not been able to determine whether the city has changed its practices and collect what it is Du under these agreements but you have the power to do so six of you voted to reduce the property taxes for the Kushner Real Estate Group I demand that you actually all of you act as a public stewards of public money you must especially real estate tax and pilot Revenue you must ensure that regular audits of all pilot Agreements are conducted you must identify cheaters and terminate their agreements if possible or enforce the maximum penalties allowed against these cheaters finally make these results public this is transparent governance in other news chapter 26-3 identifies allowable increases of rent controlled dwellings chapter 26-3 J States the landlord shall provide to each tenant a copy of the truth and renting statement and subsequent amendments and be in full compliance with the landlord identity disclosure provision contained within the statements in order to qualify for any rental increase I have never seen any certificate of registration with the name address and phone number of my building's superintendent and I think that's been repeated by Dr by Pastor Richardson and we might hear about some more tonight please enforce our next speaker 5.25 Brendan good evening counil now before I start I would like to sayate that I was a full volunteer firefighter for about 10 years since I was 16 now let me tell you a story about a home it was a lovely home in Jersey City with flashing neon signs saying no smoke detectors inside every day the fire department would go past the home to various fires eventually the fire and but they did nothing the Fire Marshall came to inspect he saw the sign went in to inspect and saw that there were no fire detectors the owner replied find me if you want I'm not putting any in so he went so the Marshall went back to the station and a week later he filed a report finding that this the house magically had fired fire detectors sounds like an outrageous story and it is what we are living in right now in Jersey City as we sorry as we know director Richardson went to the building was meed with SAR ASM and rudeness and yet there was no yet no actual compliance with the landlord tenant law and magically after he went home through some through the power of belief in equity's employees he magically found them to be in compliance I'm not sure if it was pixie dust or he or there was something else that happened but it suddenly became in compliance yet I as a resident have never actually seen seen any contact information for a for the super would have been rather helpful when I came home to no door to my apartment would be rather lovely actually and was told to wait till morning and I put up a sheet and that's just it we have no compliance if this was in Jersey City and I parked my car over a cyclist in a bike lane I can't go out and tell the cop it doesn't matter the city's going to be making this into a road anyway fortunately the city is probably going to do that anyway no matter what I do but it appears that if you're a landlord you can just get your building to be in compliant while not being in compliance I look forward to a few more fires as we saw with the love with that um restaurant down the block about four blocks from here was might not have been compliance and they burnt down and left a bunch of people homeless lovely I am look forward to the next fire in the city so are the laws in the city just a mere suggestion for the rich well it traps the rest of us inside there's a bureaucracy we H we cannot comprehend like some satirical British comedy I do not know I'd personally like a city that actually followed the laws it wrote we wrote them for a reason let's actually enforce them thank you very much our next speaker 5.26 David to quote a favorite TV show The West Wing everyone is stupid in an election year no no everyone is treated like they're stupid in an election year I'll follow my neighbors's lead and draw some lines for you to show that being treated as stupid is not quite the same thing as being stupid some months ago many of us were pleased to feain our optimism over the Apparently Hollow rectification in the form of an erroneous base rate recalculation at Portside I'm here tonight to say that I'm quite finished feigning anything I feel we have all been adopting the posture of Educators or reporters trying to teach you about ongoing injustices that surely you must have been aware of we do this to allow you all the space to pretend you're simply in the process of discovering the truth hard truth Portside is not the only bad guy in this story you are too director Richardson was recently disingenuous in an official determination as you've just heard before that his office under your watch knowingly I believe incorrectly completed the mandated recalculation were I a Gambling Man I might wager that that's what he was told to do but that's a story for another day here are some facts following the fire import side Richardson investigated and stated before Witnesses having found both East and West Tower to not be in compliance with 2603 J Richardson then made the official determination that they were in compliance curious a landlord does not qualify for any rent increase if they are not in compliance with any measure of 260 yes including 26-3 J the recalculation is in fact incorrect because it allows for increases over the real legal base rate that would have only been permissible if Portside were in total compliance these are not the actions of equity residential they are your actions and inactions of course Richardson's official determination after the fire had to be that Portside Towers were in compliance how could he possibly issue a recalculation that could only possibly add up if Portside was in compliance and then a month later acknowledge that they were not in compliance and we're supposed to believe you didn't know two months of discussions between lawyers and what we're supposed to believe it was a simple mistake enough I'm calling you out this is not Equity this is you you the mayor you think you're fooling us you think you're fooling the voters you're not you think we're stupid we're not and elections are not far off hey before I call the next speaker um security just notified us that there's a Jeep Cherokee license plate number S as in Sam 42 p as in Peter f as in Frank X as in x-ray um that has uh it's in the city lot across the street and it's running with no one in the car does anybody um own that vehicle that's in this room hearing none just figured I'd mention it okay next speaker 5.20 27 Mark good evening city council we meet again um while signing my most recent lease with Portside Towers I noticed that the landlord registration statement was missing from the lease it's a required document that forms part of the lease itself I sent an email to equity residential requesting the missing landlord registration for 155 Washington to complete my lease couple of days later a Brandon Castro of equity replied sending me a new Jersey state document titled life Hazard use certificate um it was also dated August 2000 um it was also for the wrong building anyway after I pointed out that this was not the right document I received a new jerse excuse me I apologize I received uh the New Jersey state certificate of registration for my building it was dated May of the 25th 2011 now bear in mind this was this year in February um it was obviously out of date listing a superintendent who left many years ago and a building manager who left even before that um New Jersey certificates must be amended within 20 days of a change of person and and each tenant must be notified within a further seven days so since I know never received one and it's changed I'm sure they're not in compliance with New Jersey state law also both of the documents the fire one and the registration State on the front in capitals the law requires that this certificate of registration would be posted in a conspicuous location in the registered premises since I received it fact the next day I went down and looked I couldn't find either of them posted in our buildings they weren't in the lobbies they weren't in the mail areas they weren't in the laundry they weren't in the residence Lounge they weren't in the hallways and not even in the children's playroom so recently a few days ago I was told that director Richardson came to our building almost a month ago you've already heard this one of the things he did was look for a display of the registration documents but didn't find them a few days later Rich issued a determination Equity residential was in compliance with 26-3 j how can that be when 263 J requires full compliance with the New Jersey landlord identity law I have two questions for this Council and their legal advisors what is the process to impeach and remove an appointed member of the executive of this city and two is ignoring the law and lying about compliance sufficient grounds to start that impeachment process thank you next speaker 5.28 Retta good night council members uh I just want to make a parallel quick very quickly so I guess everybody knows of the Endeavors of Mayor um Eric Adams in Manhattan right and how he granted U that the building was in full compliance I think was the government of turkey or something but the building was in full compliance but the building had never even been inspected so any similarities to our case maybe anyway I want to take you on a journey through the garden of loss imagine Jersey City as a vast diverse Garden each law is a plant carefully cultivated to create a harmonious ecosystem where all residents can thrive the rent Control Ordinance that's a Mighty Oak providing shelter and instability the landlord identity disclosure act I sturd fence protecting the gardens's boundaries now in these Gardens we have gardeners our city officials tasked with nurturing This legal plants ensuring they grow strong and healthy and we the city are the flowers and vegetables relying on this ecosystem to flourish but something strange has happened in our garden a weed has taken root a weed of non-compliance is spreading rapidly choking out the carefully cultivated laws we depend on we brought this to the attention of our head Gardener director Richardson look we said this weed is tangling our plants it's violating the very design of our garden Richards came to inspect he saw the weed with his own eyes its strand wrapped around the fence of landlord identity disclosure he heard the gardeners admit that we weren attending to the plants as they should he even took pictures of the barren spots where Vital Information should have been growing and then in a twist that would make even the most imaginative Storyteller pause he declared the Garden in fullblown and perfectly maintained I wonder how much you got for it council members let us sink in the very person responsible for maintaining our legal ecosystem has essentially declared that weeds are now welcome plants that can only happen if something really really really weird is going on behind the scenes why aren you investigating our next speaker 5.29 Mimi good evening my name is Mimi and until last year I C Portside Towers my home I'm here today because my former landlord's non-compliant with your laws has priced me out of my community just over a year ago I had to leave Jersey City when my partner was called for military service in his homeland we always planned to return but now I can't afford to come home even after the rent leveling board ruled that both Portside buildings were never exempt from rent control Equity has kept raising rents illegally this weekend marks one year since the determination an equity residential is charging even more now than the inflated rates I was already overpaying let me be clear this isn't just about me it's about how this city fails its residents the facts are simple Jersey City's run Control Ordinance applies to buildings with five or more units forside Towers has over 500 units it's clearly covered the law requires landlords to register run RADS and limits annual increases Equity has ignored these rules for years your own rent leveling board confirmed last October that Port site was never exempt from rent control the board ordered rents to be recalculated but a year later nothing has changed Equity continues to ignore the law and overcharges its tenants Equity has done a disservice to the Portside and Jersey City Community by pricing out long-term residents like me this would never happen in South Korea there if law exists it's enforced period here it seems laws only matter if they benefit wealthy landlords your job is to service the people of Jersey City not corporations not compa donors we voted for you to protect our interests to enforce our laws to keep our community affordable and diverse instead greed runs unchecked forcing out residents who built their lives here I love Jersey City I want to come home but equity's awful Behavior means that I can't enforce the rent Control Ordinance and hold Equity accountable recalculate the rent in alignment with the law Equity must give tenants back money that's rightly theirs make it possible for people like me to be part of this community again thank you our next speaker 5.3 Jessica thanks Mimi you were one of the first people who filed an illegal rent petition appreciate you coming back um so I want to live in a world where laws are upheld investigations are thorough and just and wrongdoers are held accountable but here in Jersey City mayor full up the city council and city employees like director Richardson are not following the law they are evasive duplicitous and consistently Dodge calls for investigations wrongdoers continue to harm those that you pledged to protect we often discuss Port sign when we're here many of tonight's speakers live there but if we a strong and resilient tenant Union are struggling to see Justice after two years of fighting who else stands a chance this realization enrages me to the point I'm shaking and fuels my determination to make our case a shining Beacon and blueprint that I will happily share online poor others facing similar mistreatment by their landlords and who would have thought by their own municipalities instead of breaking us you are making us stronger louder better organized and more Resolute in our commitment to vote you all out for the hell you are putting us through how can you sit idly by and let this continue it has been a year since the red leveling board ruled in our favor yet when director Richardson issued his draft recalculations he made crucial errors that siphon millions of dollars from our wallets our landlord has never complied with the landlord identity disclosure provision which is required for any rental increases this law exists so that in cases of emergencies tenants have a way to reach their superintendent and landlords and you know that recently we've had fires floods yesterday and nearby water M ruptured and repairs continue until at least tomorrow emergency are not emergencies are not unlikely or rare for us they happen to us daily we can't even call our super when we rais this CR critical issue again due to this recent fire because we first told you two years ago it took months for director Richardson to conduct an inspection and when he finally did a month ago he admitted on site that he couldn't identify the required information he asked management multiple times for the information not only did they refuse stating their lawyers are aware but they even volunteered to pay a fine because they know it's ridiculous this little fine that they would have to pay yet director Richardson later wrote a letter declaring our landlord compliant are you do you understand how absurd this is how insulting it is to be lied to when we are all perfectly capable of reading local and state laws shame on you shame on all of you for allowing this fraud and theft to [Music] continue our next speaker 5.31 Alexandra good evening council members my name is Alexandra and I'm a resident of Courtside Towers our community has been talking to you at every council meeting for 2 years with over 700 plus speeches city council wide Equity set our home on fire my home equity flooded and damaged our homes and walked away Equity broke the law Equity breaks the law Equity is breaking the law your job is to enforce the law but you haven't why let me say it again so there's no confusion Equity set our home on fire Equity flooded and damaged our homes Equity broke the law Equity breaks the law Equity is breaking the law your job is to enforce the law but you haven't why no landlord identity certificate in sight for you years I'll say it again no landlord identity certificate in sight for years did you know that director Richardson saw with his own eyes that there was no landlord identity certificate at all director Richardson saw with his own eyes that there was no landlord identity certificate and then director Richardson made a report that did not state the truth shame on him he's a pastor it's between him and God now your job is to enforce the law but you haven't why rent recalculations released continue to be illegal rent recalculations released continue to be illegal rent recalculations released continue to be illegal why your job is to serve your constituents but you haven't why Equity set our home on fire Equity flooded and damaged our homes Equity broke the law Equity breaks the law Equity cons continues to be breaking the law your job is to enforce the law but you haven't why your job is to enforce the law but you haven't why thank you our next speaker 5.32 Anna hi I'm Anna Davies and usually I am here with my daughter Lucy um she is at dance class today but she sends her regards and you know it made me think about how much um Lucy has learned about democracy and about being a constituent and how crazy it is that I organized her whole after school schedule so that she could have one Wednesday night's free to come to city council like what 9-year-old has City Council on their schedule I realize that that's part of being a citizen living in a democracy and it is a privilege but it is a privilege that needs to be met with responsibility yesterday we were looking at old photos um in the time hop app and we saw a photo from two years ago when I was a volunteer coach with the jca and um councilwoman preri was our sponsor so Lucy was running around the field with councilwoman piner's name on her chest she was a advertisement for um for councilwoman preri and you know I mean that's that's great like I appreciate the sponsorship but one of the things that Lucy asked when we were looking she like zoomed in and she was like oh who's that I'm like oh you know it's a council woman she's like which one I'm like second one from the left she's like oh is she a good guy or a bad guy and the answer I don't know because this is you know as my um neighbors and colleagues have shared this is beyond just Portside this is beyond just word f this really is who is following the law who is upholding the law you heard about director Richardson coming to our building um and seeing that Portside was violating the law and call on you today not just as a tenant but as a citizen who believes in the rule of law and would like to pass that down to my daughter like how do we explain why we're here week after week month after month year after year we started when she was seven she's nine now how many more years is this going to take and I'm paying hundreds of dollars a month like I have to I woke up at 4:00 A.M today I'm going to wake up at 4 a.m. tomorrow just to do work to pay this rent I want you and this is all within your power to hold director Richardson accountable for his decision most importantly enforce your own laws the Integrity of our city government hangs in the balance will you rise to the occasion or will you let this egregious oversight stand the choice is yours but remember we're watching we're remembering and also our children are watching thank you our next speaker 5.3 3 Daniel as you all know on August 7th we had a fire in a flood at ports side Towers due to maintenance staff negligence which displaced sever several residents we even had a resident break down into tears in front of you all on August 14th because it turned her life upside down when the fire and flood happened we didn't have access to landlord identity information which is a requirement for New Jersey state law and the Jersey city ordinance September 19th shyon Richardson visited Portside Towers to inspect compliance with the New Jersey landlord identity law there was no certificate of registration with such required identification information at 100 Warren Street nor at 155 Washington Street shyron Richardson told the manager of our building this was a violation of the ordinance and as you already heard she couldn't care less director Richardson returned the next morning September 20th for a reinspection but he was denied access to a closed and locked office and no certificate of registration was provided to him then shyon Richardson issued his determination that our landlord was wait for it in compliance with 26- 26-3 J of the city ordinance which requires full compliance with the New Jersey landlord identity law I know we're not supposed to curse so what the mother effing sord is up with that I'll tell you what's up with that landlords must be in full compliance with the landlord identity disclosure provision in order to qualify for any rent increase so from my perspective what I think is going on is that chyon Richardson is trying to give Equity residential a free pass to raise rents when they don't actually have the legally author legal authority to do so and why would he do that my guess is that the mayor wants Equity residential to be able to charge excessively high rent because there is a political and financial incentive for him to do so because he is corrupt and that corrupt trickles down to chyron Richardson in many city city officials maybe even some of you when I moved to Jersey City in 2021 my mom who grew up in West Orange New Jersey and she's way smarter than me told me Hudson County is really effing corrupt she used more Cal language and as she always is my mom was right we saw it in Action a few weeks ago on the pompo museum vote that six of you voted yes for and we saw it with shyron Richardson's determination and Beyond disappointed in this city for allowing this to happen it's disgusting disgusting that this is still going on one year after a legally B binding determination that our building was rent controlled City officials are going out of their way to do everything they can to give Equity residential a free pass shame on you do better our next speaker 5.34 David good evening council members I come before you today with a heavy heart and a sense of disbelief um I'm going to tell a story that you've heard several times tonight uh director Richardson came to Portside uh was uh taunted by the property manager uh was it verified himself that there was no registration statement um that um and then went back and he filed a report that said that the building was in compliance even though he had seen that the building was not in compliance so I want to make a couple of points one is this this is important because this is not sort of like checking a box that needs to be done we need to be able to get a hold of the super especially in a building where we have fires and floods sometimes on the same day um and at least one person has you know got a a bullet through their window you need to be able to access the people who are responsible for maintaining your building um number two there's a reason for this and this is to lay the groundwork for continuing to for for putting in these retroactive rent raises which the billing is not entitled to to do which Equity is not entitled to charge because they were never in full compliance with the regulation so this is yeah it's it's not a coincidence that this is happening it's in order to lay the groundwork for for continuing to charge illegal rents number three you know how hard is it to have a certificate where you put the name and phone number of the super on it it's actually really easy and so why haven't they done it because when you let people break the law with impunity they break the law more and more it becomes a lifestyle um and you need to put a stop to it at some point or it just gets more and more absurd and the fourth thing is it takes just as much time to file uh a false report as to file a a true report this is not a case of you know somebody who's over overworked can't get to all the buildings you know this took just this took the person going seeing what happened asking questions um and then going back and filing a report that said the opposite so I'm going to leave you with a quote from a book that I read when I was a kid the party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears it was their final most essential command so it's from 198 for and um that's what we're dealing with here today in Jersey City so please look into this thank you our next speaker 5.35 Ariel hey good evening uh council members I stand here tonight as a tenant of Portside towers and as someone who has watched you sit in silence while we demand for you de for human decency you sit there barely listening knowing you have the power to change this and yet you don't you're well aware of the broken promises broken laws and neglect by our landlord's Equity residential tonight I want to do something different with you I want to remind you what it feels like when leadership fails to act and instead I want you to imagine your loved ones living in a home where the power breaker box makes a strange sound and your landlord outright denies there's a problem until nearly calling a certified electrician only to discover a loose electrical cable a mistake that could be fatal that could have caused catastrophic damage to life and property imagine the wash the washing machine leaking and with the promise that repairs would only take a few days which end up taking five weeks during which the machine is pulled from its hookup location and left in the apartment literally blocking agas out of the bedroom what if there were an emergency and your loved one needed to evacuate in a hurry try to imagine how it feels like imagine fearing for your safety day in and day and night out for weeks on end due to your landlord's neglect and because of your landlord's non-compliance with mandated landlord identity certificate we live knowing our our safety just doesn't matter and while we fight for basic safety Equity residential continues to raise rents our costs go up while quality of life goes down how can Equity justify higher rents when even the simplest problem like a broken lock that allows entrance St amenities goes unresolved this door is left broken wide open a huge security breach while Lord landlord ignores mate mandating uniform security this neglect an endanger this is neglect and endangerment and we are being exploited to pay more for Less security what if someone with heartful intentions enters the facility imagine imagine your loved ones living in such a building and if your family lived under these conditions in a in a building where Equity residential ignored life-threatening issues would you stand for it if your answer is no then why should we we've come here time again and we're met with indifference we don't need sympathy we need action you have the power to change so much so when you go home tonight look around you look at your safe comfortable space and ask yourself how much longer will you let this continue to happen for the people you're supposed to represent do better we demand it our next speaker 5.36 Sylvia good evening imagine Jersey City as a game of Monopoly the Lords are the players the tenants are the tokens and you the council are supposed to be the bankers the rule enforces but in this game some players get to ignore the rules they don't pay rent when they land on properties they collect $500 for passing go and when they break the clearly written rules the bankers say that's okay keep playing that's what director Richardson just did with our landlord he saw the rule breaking heard the admission of guilt and still declared game on Council you've heard our side 700 times you've seen the evidence you know the rules of the game so why are you letting letting some players cheat while the rest of us face bankruptcy in a closed Society where everybody's guilty the only crime is getting caught Hunter Thompson once wrote is that what Jersey city has become a closed Society where the only crime is not being powerful enough to avoid consequences it's time to flip the board it's time to rewrite the rules so everyone plays Fair because if you don't this game of Monopoly will end the way it always does with one winner and everyone else out in the cold the choice is yours Council be the bankers we need or admit you're just another player in this riged game thank you our next speaker 5.37 Shannon good evening council members it is astounding to me me and to my neighbors that we are 363 days after our determination from the rent leveling board and not one thing has changed despite that fact I refuse to be cynical and accept that Equity is so rich net worth of 20.2 billion with a B dollars that they don't have to uphold the law I refuse to live in that kind of world the only way this sort of lazy complacency ever changes is if people use their voices and refuse to be ignored we are the little guy David to their Goliath we are the factory line workers who rejected mistreatment and went on to form strong unions we are the women who won the vote in the suffrage movement you know us city council you know we will never be convinced to be quiet and go away a review of The Facts in order to legally raise rent a landlord has to comply with clearly outlined regulations we have tirelessly provided this council with example after example of violations of these regulations violations ranging from required safety information not provided to expired certificates to non-compliance with ordinance 260 in virtually every aspect possible they have never had a legal right to increase the rent yet they have been allowed to do so for years and years and not just here Jersey the lawsuits in DC and California are part of equity's illustrious history tell me what do you do when somebody breaks the rules and it negatively affects your life what do you tell your children when someone wrongs them do you repeat what is being told to us that sometimes offenders are too rich for rules do you repeat what is said to us in so many words that we should try to be nicer I'll get incredibly personal and tell you that I used to believe being nice would change abusive Behavior I used to believe I deserved to be mistreated because I wasn't interesting enough or worthy enough or smart enough I worked hard to change those things and guess what the abuse didn't stop do you want to know when it stopped when I stopped believing that I was the problem I got loud I got firm I got educated and I got myself away from the abuse I am not intimidated by money I am not afraid of the truth I don't know why equity's afraid of the truth and why is City letting them continue to abuse us we've used this microphone as a megaphone to go through the proper channels to hold Equity accountable it doesn't seem to be on tell me do you hear us what kind of megaphone should we be using whatever it is trust me we'll find it next speaker 5.38 Michelle good evening tonight I'll address tenant protections and the rule of law that has resulted in betrayal of public trust that demands immediate action director shyron Richardson entrusted with safeguarding our rank Control Ordinance has instead engaged in a pattern of behavior demonstrating a willful miscarriage of Justice I witnessed his investigation uh of equity residentials properties firsthand with my own ears I heard him inform the property manager of equity's non-compliance with our ordinance yet inexplicably his official report tells a starkly different tale Richardson's approach in both his August 7th recalculations letter and his recent landlord identity findings exposes a deeply troubling pattern he consistently prioritizes less stringent General provisions of chapter 260 over the specific robust tenant Protections in 26-3 which are specifically for building subject to rent control we all know it's not a mere oversight it's a calculated undermining of our ordinances intent his actions are akin to a traffic cop fussing over a driver's seat seat belt while ignoring their 100 mph speed through a school zone he's cherry-picking minor Provisions while turning a blind eye to flagrant Sy systemic violations that jeopardize our citizens daily the ramifications of this selective enforcement are potentially severe Richardson's actions could constitute official misconduct exposing him to criminal charges those who may have influenced this me this misrepresentation could face conspiracy charges and moreover the city itself stands vulnerable to liability for failing to enforce its own laws I implore you take immediate decisive action to ensure our laws are enforced fairly completely and without bias launch a full transparent investigation into this matter whole those responsible accountable including Equity residential the erosion of Integrity in our city government is maddening and dangerous it's how corruption metastasizes spreading from the mayor's office down through the entire hierarchy to director Richardson I say this you can do better don't allow yourself to be a pawn in this nefarious game and to you Council I'm beyond weary of being told there's nothing you can do it's time for someone to step up be a whistleblower and embody the public servant that you said you were going to be we emphasize our legal team has provided detailed feedback on Richardson's findings ask for it and read it our next speaker 5.39 Jennifer thank you who Gracie sir can I just pause for one second sure this is just more of a sort of statement for the record but um on the one of the specific things that were brought up by the uh speakers from port side was just the interpretation of two 263 J which not just applies to port side but across the whole city um and we did a little bit of research into it and and just a couple of the relevant State statutes just to quote from them one talks about the once the land owner of the or not the landowner but the owner of the multi dwelling building has a validated copy of their certificate of regation registration it says validated copy shall be posted by the owner of such hotel or multiple dwellings at all times in the lobby or other conspicuous place on the premises and that has some other language about the um manner in which it is posted and then another section referring to some of these similar information so it must be posted in at least one conspicuous area where the information is most likely to be viewed by tenants of a tenant occupied multiple dwelling and then on the internet so I mean I think that's pretty clear language as well as the language about including it in a in your in leases as well as um the necessary information being updated given that we have fires and floods I just got a report today of a water pipe burst in Liberty towers as we're in the meeting so it just seems that that this is an important provision for the city to be enforcing in all buildings and there's plain language so obviously I think you know in a council we're going to be interested in making sure that the plain language is interpreted as the plain language okay speaker 39 and 40 are not here speaker 5.41 Heather um council members and public um I'm Heather sporn I'm a board member of sustainable Jersey City and I'm their representative on the shade tree committee but um today I'm speaking on behalf of sustainable Jersey City and as a resident of Jersey City and not as a shade tree committee representative um I want to say that um I'm I'm talking about um 321 uh the uh resolution on um the model ordinance um or adapting um um the amendment to chapter 321 to include Provisions for uh reviewing removals of trees on private property um I would uh like to express first my uh I want to say that um SJC works hard to create a culture of awareness and support for the environment working with protecting our Green Space reducing heat island effect and protecting trees and educating the public about the importance of trees in an environment that is often harsh and divor of Green Space um and we would like to help remedy this and I my intent was to express my support for um this measure but I understand that it has been tabled um I urge the council members to address this issue as soon as possible we have to do a good job a much better job at protecting our tree canopy and our groundwater and permeable surfaces and creating a more livable and sustainable City I also want to thank um mention that uh I want to express my gratitude to the H Hudson County tree allies um and and Danielle damoo had earlier expressed her concerns and um we support everything she said um and we want to thank them for taking up this issue and and bringing it to the city's attention um and uh you know just to keep in mind that uh our Parcels are not one you know one acre um which is called for in the D um uh model ordinance so we have very small Parcels of you know like in the Heights it's 25 by 100 is a full lot and very few of them are that big so um we just hope that it's this ordinance stays strong and really embrace R is um really trying to support keeping as many trees as possible and that we don't lose strength in making these modifications so thank you very much our next speaker 5.42 Natalie hello I'm reading a group statement for the Hudson County tree allies I will share some issues our group has with chapter 321 for you to address um but while stating that we do urge you to waste no time in adopting the D amendment that you postponed tonight um I also second all of the comments of Danielle damoo tonight she's another valued member of our group um whose statements well represent um our group's position about this amendment um and was born out of many conversations that we've had together so I fully support everything that was already stated um the second section of chapter 321 recognizes that trees impact everything from public health to storm water management to property values so there should be mention of overarching tree canopy goals in the ordinance and Forestry standards um our friends at sustainable Jersey City's 2020 tree inventory found that we have a very sad 10% canopy that it shrunk by 6% over just a few years and that these numbers are very low compared to other cities this is disastrous in these warming times which will worsen with current High development from the heat island effect our group has formed due to a shared concern that our precious few mature trees both Street and private are at risk amidst this development boom mature trees as Danielle stated are not quickly replaceable new saplings take decades to begin providing the same amount of shade habitat and other functions of a mature tree the city of Toronto performed a study that found that mature trees remove 90 times more carbon from the air and 10 times more air pollution every time we lose a mature tree the community loses a high value ass set replaced by a very slow returning investment the tree ordinance states that the preservation of existing trees promotes the Health and Welfare of the public and the forestry standards has a very short list of circumstances that allows tree removal but all of this is undermined by the language of 3216 which allows for the removal of trees for the development of property or Improvement of sidewalk in exchange for restitution or replacement over the summer we lost an entire block of mature maple trees due to the Westside Square development on Broadway we learned in recent years or in previous years a public hearing was required before three or more trees in the public rideway could be cut why was this taken out of the ordinance while restitution money will be paid and new trees planted canopy was lost that will take more than a decade to grow back 21-6 must spell out a clear obligation to attempt to preserve trees When developing property or improving sidewalk it should adopt the language of the 2023 county executive order for the removal of County trees which states that the removal be a last resort otherwise a major developer like the one that we just saw for the Westside project um can easily foot a $100,000 bill um in restitution to replace an entire block of trees versus a greater expenditure that would be um occurred if they were to design around them so we want consideration to be given to mature trees from the very beginning of planning and approval stages and we will Lobby for these and other measures thank you our next speaker 5.43 Robert hi I'm Robert Fu um McGinley Square resident also reading a statement from our new group Hudson County tree allies our team started with residents of Jersey City and other Hudson County towns concerned with protecting trees in particular from development our Focus has expanded to acknowledge the fact that mature trees are threatened by more than private development our concern for mature trees goes for all trees including Street trees in front of residences and businesses also includes large trees on private Lots with an emphasis on Lots being cleared for large scale development our first mission as a group is to influence City policies to provide additional protections and clearly identify large mature trees as high value assets to be preserved at all cost Our concern for mature trees on private property is shared by the njde P which mandated last year that mun municipalities update their ordinances to deter Property Owners from removing them as part of storm water management deadline to comply was May 30th 2024 we're proud to say that it was our group that made the shade tree committee aware of the new requirement when we attended our first committee meeting on June 17th we know that some owners feel the requirement intrudes on property right rights but we need to recognize that a tree on one pro property benefits neighbors properties for example helping prevent basement flooding the role of trees in mitigating flooding is huge and has been measured we urge the council to recognize this in the amendment um we have asked a seat at the table to work with the shade Tre committee on amending the tree ordinance we've also proposed other ideas like joining the many cities throughout the usn NJ that have nomination based tree protection programs for landmark trees or historical trees reflecting an understanding that the oldest or most unique trees are a city's living history and mered recognition like historic buildings we had hoped that our suggestions hold on sorry we had hoped that our suggestions and initial efforts to participate and be in conversation with the committee would be met with more enthusiasm and openness however we continue attending the committee meetings are getting to know its members individually and remain hopeful that we can make a difference uh we asked the city council to encourage the shade tree committee to work with us in 2019 councilwoman Mira priner told Insider nj.com that the shade tree committee quote allows for greater cooperation between residents environmental professionals and City officials to make significant change in the city's tree canopy our group is eager to cooperate in this way but request meetings where there's opportunity for dialogue and not just the three minute rigid comment format thanks our next speaker 5.44 osbert I think he left uh next speaker 5.45 Andrea Andrea here oh next 5.46 Hugh left and 5.47 musab not here all right that concludes our public speaking portion of the meeting if I can just allow myself to get on camera and before we move forward council person Gilmore would you like to cast your vote on the introduction of the first readings items three .1 through 3.9 with the exception of 3.3 which has been withdrawn oh I for introduction thank you so now items 3.1 through 3.9 with the exception of 3.3 which has been withdrawn are introduced 70 we also defer to resolution 24- 733 would you like to cast your vote on that what number is it SE 24733 item 10.9 oh recogniz and aware I thank you very much resolution 24- 733 is now approved 70 with council members Dees and Rivera absent that catches you up Council person Gilmore and on to our petitions and Communications any questions or comments on items 6.1 through 6.47 hearing none there are no officer Communications any questions or comments on reported directors 8.1 through 8.10 on to our claims and addendums number one and number two council members be taking a vote on claims and addendums number one and number two council person Ridley council person priner Hi council person aano council person SLE I council person Solomon you stepped away council person Gilmore I and council president wman claims and addendums number one and number two are approved 60 with council members Solomon Dees and Rivera absent on to our resolutions items 10.1 through 10.15 again that's 10.1 through 10.15 with the exception of 10.9 which was approved earlier council person Ridley uh 1 through 15 uh on 10.7 I just want to say congratulations again to sing Heights on their National Blue Ribbon award and I vote I for all thank you council person priner I for all council person Bano council person SLE by for all council person person Gilmore and council president wman items 10.1 through 10.15 with the before I do that coun he votes I council person Solomon votes in the affirmative so items 10.1 through 10.15 with the exception of 10.9 which is approved earlier are approved 70 with council members the J and Rivera absent before we move on to to the rest of the resolutions council person Solomon would you like to C your vote on claims and addendums number one and number two thank you very much so now the recap that vote claims and addendums number one and number two are approved 70 with council members the G and Riva absent okay on to our next set of resolutions item hold on Sean before we go I know we um said something about pulling the public safety uh items the only thing is I know at least one of them is a grant and um Can anyone from legal or the Ba's office confirm if if this is a time sensitive Grant um especially with regards to uh 1021 because it's a grant talk about 1024 councilman no 1021 is a grant it looked like um coming from the Justice assistant Grant from the state count prosecut office office um I'm not entirely sure if it is time sensitive um what is so is publ are they coming back or this is an annual thing that we do every year so this is come up every single year it's more routine but we we have other things from Public Safety on here as well um and I know that they were supposed to come I don't know exactly what's going on so I mean I just don't I mean I just don't know what to do at this point I mean when they have items on a on the agenda they have to come and speak speak I mean everybody have to come a lot of people have recurring grants that's annually that's you know um reup or reintroduced or whatever and those directors come or at the very least send someone from from the office I'm quite I mean it's not that much work being done is it oh there's a lot of work being done cman but I Mak Ure the future they can't come here I'm not saying that I'm saying there's a lot of work being done but in the future if You' like someone I can make sure someone's available to speak about them but it looks like from I can tell these are all mostly Grant related that are annual and repetitive so I wouldn't want to potentially hold up any fund from the city in that case so you can confirm in the future that Public Safety will be here yes no you you guys ba it is though councilman it's the ba responsibility to make sure his director yeah that's what I'm saying like we don't have to re like they work under you there's no request you tell them to do their job well we will ask them to appear councilman okay the ba is respons he so on items 10.16 through 10.27 council member Ridley hi council person priner council person bajano council person SLE I council person Solomon council person Gilmore you said the 20 27 10.16 to 10. 27 I but I just really hope these these guys show up man I would hate the vote to not receive these funds but in the same breath these guys receive more money than every Department in the city and they can't come for up a council meeting Bravo I thank you and council president wman items 10.16 through 10.27 are approved 70 with council members the and rera absent on to items 10.28 through 10.37 again that's 10.28 through 10.37 council person Ridley I council person priner I council person Bano council person SLE I council person Solomon council person Gilmore I and council president wman items 10.28 through 10.37 are approved 70 with council members de J and Rivera abson on to our next set of resolutions items 10.38 through 10.49 again that's 10.38 through 10.49 council person britley council person priner I Council person bajano I cannot hear you no 47 I on the rest no one 47 yes an I on the rest okay council person SLE I for all council person Solomon this is 10.38 to 10.49 I can't hear you no 49 I on the rest no 49 and I on the rest thank you council person Gilmore I council president wman stain Fir 10.47 and ie on all arrests okay items 10.38 through 10.46 are approved 70 with council members the J and Rivera absent item 10.47 is approved five one one with council person Bano voting no and council president abstaining item 10.48 is approved 70 council members the G and Riva absent item 10.49 is approved 81 council person Solomon voting no and council person the and Rivera absent for the balance of our resolutions with the exception of 10.53 which I am assuming that the administration will be withdrawing since we did not act on the two ordinances that are mentioned in the 20-day waver is that correct that is correct thank you so much so with that being said council members on items 10.50 through 10.52 council person Ridley hi council person Prince AR hi council person bajano Hi council person Cay hi council person Solomon hi council person Gilmore hi and council president Waterman resolutions 10.50 to 10.52 are approved 70 with council members Dees and Rivera absent may I have a motion to Sean before one more thing before we go I I just want the record to reflect um I haven't seen the actual report of directors Richardson um findings of the towers um but I will say this that I was down there A lot of times and recently early as today um I did not witness any of the landlord disclosure forms hanging in this public area um in fact even in the secured area behind the I guess the glass office area they have over there they did have one which was which was outdated um I just really hope that we can can get control over this I'm also thankful that the state well that's what they did have hanging up that the state subsequently will be doing an inspection into around the 22nd or 24th and then on the 26 to the 28 or something like that um but I just really hope that if if there is a report that it reflects the current state of the building as it relates to these things that's supposed to be available for public consumption and I guess on a further point I don't know how we would rectify the issue of this document being provided to the tenants via a lease or when they sign a lease or something like that I don't know how how we will govern that actual process um but far as it hanging in the building for public consumption I think that is well within the realm of possibility to make sure we're enforcing it from that perspective my idea take a motion to adjourn at 9 p.m motion oh hold on I only held up once so the motion was made by council person seconded by council president Waterman on the motion to adjourn at 9900 p.m. all council members present by acclamation please say I I we are out of here at 900 P p.m thank you so much everyone in attendance and everyone watching at home remember Teamwork Makes the DreamWork have a great night and stay safe e