okay everyone we're about to get started if we can close the back door and side doors whoever's closest to the side doors I greatly appreciate it and silence our cell phones as I am doing okay good afternoon everyone we are on the record today is Monday the 8th day of January in the year 2024 this is a city council Caucus meeting of the Jersey City municipal Council we had a scheduled 4M start the clock on my cell phone is showing 4:07 p.m. may we have a roll call for the commencement of this caucus council person Ridley here council person priner here council person bajano is not here okay thank you council person Cay okay council person Solomon congratulations on Pittsburgh making the play uh council person Gilmore pres council person Dees here council person River again congratulations steel is making playoffs and council president wman we have seven council members in attendance at 4:07 pm. on behalf of council president Woodman and the members of the municipal Council in the cordance with New Jersey public laws of 1975 chapter 231 the open public meetings act also known as the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting has provided by the posting on the bulletin board of the first floor of City Hall the annual notice which is the schedule of meetings in caucuses of the municipal Council for the calendar year 2024 and filed in the office of the city clerk on Thursday November 30th 2023 in addition at its time of its preparation the agenda of this meeting was similarly disseminated on Friday January 5th 2024 at 2:43 p.m. to the mayor Municipal Council business administrator Corporation Council and local newspapers and posted on the city's website so I can certify as to our total compliance with the Sunshine Law council president I'm going to turn it over to you good afternoon our first director is director Shay good afternoon Council Happy New Year to everybody uh the Department of Public Safety has three resolutions on the council agenda today the first one is agenda item 10.13 resolution 24-15 it's a resolution authorizing the award of a contract to Lawman supply for the purchase and delivery of ammunition for the police department 9 mm and it is under New Jersey state contract the same one that the State Police use uh it's in the total amount of 69,6 702 and the funds are in the operating account second resolution is item number 10.14 it's resolution 24-16 it authorizes the Department of Public safety's division of Fire to apply and accept funding to Community Affairs fiscal year 23 American Rescue plan firefighter Grant this is the uh grant that gives us $4,500 to replace contaminated gear throughout the year it's a straight Grant no matching funds and our final item number is agenda number 10.15 it's resolution 24-17 it ratifies the award of a contract to Shi International Corp for maintenance and software upgrades for the Dell Rail and isolon storage units under the state contract for the Department of Public Safety Division of communications and Technology Center it's in the uh amount of 61,63 the funds are in the operating account and this is basically the memory for our entire computer systems thank you very much council president council members good afternoon president Waterman members of the council Happy New Year I have one resolution before you today 2414 10.12 resolution authorized reward of a contract to Millennium Communications Group to repair and replace a CCTV camera located on the Hudson River Waterfront contract will include the repair and reinstall of the video camera and surveillance pole installation of an outdoor high-speed PTZ camera along with peripherals Associated cost is $ 24,48 one13 and this is funded under the 22 2022 UI Grant thank you Council and happy New Year Happy New Year I have uh two resolutions to present for you the first item number is 10.23 resolution number 24-25 this is a resolution renewing um a contract with Horizon Blue Cross bu Shield to provide Dental open um insurance for active employees and retirees the next item number is 10.24 this is resolution number 24-26 this is a a resolution authorizing the renewal of the contract with Horizon Blue course bu shield for the close to provide Dental uh close insurance for active employees and retirees thank you all Richardson good afternoon evening council members I'm here before you this is with the ordinance hearing the second reading um 15-29 4.1 ordinance 23-18 uh this is ordinance supplementing chapter 160 uh section one with the fees established subsection 10 uh establishment of fees schedule for lead based Hazard inspections and rental units pursuant to the new uh PL 2021 seed 182 and amending chapter 254 Property Maintenance to include the registration of properties for compliance under the lead Hazard control assistance act all right thank you guys have a great one good evening council members for your consideration I have one resolution it is resolution number 24-3 agenda number 10.1 it is a resolution authorizing approval of calendar year 2024 temporary budget any questions sor just want to confirm this is the the 26.5% budget for the first quarter that is correct okay and there's no deviations from it no deviations the standard routine resolution great thanks thank you afternoon good afternoon council president council members I have one item on the agenda tonight agenda 10.24 resolution 4.27 resolution authorizing an amendment to a contract for uh with ls Engineering Associates for continued Professional Services for Pavonia Mar and park improvements it's just a contract extension because their contract is about to expire 25 10.25 I'm sorry I didn't okay thank you good night council president and Council happy New Year um the first resolution 10.6 resolution 2418 it's a resolution authorizing the payment of a claim submitted by air bre and equipment for the rental of refrigerated Vans for Meals on Wheels um this this is a 2021 claim that's being paid for out of DCd funding that was recouped in 2022 and it just took so long for us to get the funds that this is a claims because it went over the year that we had to pay it um but it is completely paid for out of covid money uh number 1017 a resolution authorizing the city's Department of Health and Human Services to accept apply and accept the burn discretionary Community Project funding this is the Congressional appropriation that we've received this is $500,000 that works directly for peaceful families that's our um domestic violence program and the next is uh 1018 reso 24 020 a resolution authorizing again the city's Department of Health and Human Service to apply and accept the funds from ACF opr office of discretionary grants this is child care research Grant this is also a congressional appropriation for $500,000 that funds the facilitators for the peaceful families program are domestic violence program so this funding uh for both of these programs allow us to continue funding the program through the end of 2024 um 1019 uh resolution authorizing the city's Department of Health and Human Services to accept a donation from Stern Brethren Co to help support males on Wheels program with home delivered meals um this was a gift from a local brokerage firm that's based in Baltimore that has clients in Jersey City and every year they pick a few cities where they do business and and they offer donations and so this was a just a donation for $500 goes into the donation fund of meals on meals 1020 a resolution authorizing the city of Jersey City to accept a donation of toiletry items to Aid the health and well-being within our community from the Jersey City free public library Foundation uh this is about a around $4,000 worth of toiletries that'll go into the um health and hygiene buses across the city during the winter months um we have difficulties getting heat and and water in the buses so we make sure we are giving out more and more toiletries um toiletries aren't really covered under any of our grants and at the end of the year uh There Was You know the budget closes on the 8th so the public library has donated some toiletries for us to use over the holidays uh 1021 uh resolution 2423 a resolution authorizing an execution of an with NYU in connection with an unpaid internship for Educational Credit with the NYU School of global Public Health we have an interested intern uh that is a local resident that worked I guess summers in Recreation that is interested in uh being an intern for credit for one of their class classes and so we're trying to make that happen then I have more resolutions 10:29 oh 10:30 uh a resolution authorizing a payment of a claim submitted by the Hudson Regional Health commission for providing broad range of Environmental Health Services in 2021 pursuant to the County's environmental health act um we were charged this fee and we um I guess erroneously paid early 2022 when we were supposed to pay 2021 and then the PO was closed but we still owe Hudson Regional for the final quarter of 2021 and that was when we were having a transition of Finance officers so we just want to make Hudson Regional hold uh and we had to wait for funding to be available in our budget um and actually 1029 a resolution authorizing a shared service agreement with the town of Gutenberg um pursuant into the uniform shared service and consolidation act uh for the city of Jersey City to provide the town of Gutenberg um with services for animal control and Sheltering Gutenberg or Gutenberg um had an animal control officer on site um they do not have Sheltering services in the transition of Liberty hum um they have requested that we shelter uh animals that are abandoned from their Community uh we have a small contract uh that we presented to you based on the numbers that they had last year which was like less than two dozen animals that needed shelter so um what happened in an instance um let's say that threshold is a dozen or you said two dozen or a dozen throughout the year their Total Service needs from last year was about two dozen animals about 24 what happened in the instance if they exce that do we take the dog in or the animal in or what happens so the goal at the shelter is to get people to adopt animals or Foster animals so there would never be or our goal is to never have so many animals that we can't help and support our neighbors uh we we took on the shelter January 1st we walked in there were zero animals um alive in the shelter we have some that were waiting um and um right now we only have three cats um yes we have two dogs and four cats uh so we're kind of taking a look at how things are coming in really what we have to hold on to is Hilo cases those are the Humane uh Law Enforcement cases those are the cruelty cases so we can foster those out for support which we did this week we have one Foster going on right now that is a case that we are um investigating and other than that we really want people to come and opt animals uh we won't be ready with the vet to spay and neuter the animals in there until the 18th so after that the ones that are there there are many people that are already um you know kind of calling us interested in fostering we already have a list of about two dozen volunteer Foster and Walkers so our goal is really to not keep the shelter full and to really engage the community to adop in Foster animals okay um I do I do have another question unrelated to that particular ordinance um oh you have a question about Denise oh Denise with the with Guttenberg have we was Liberty Humane working with them before this is our very first time taking um no uh Liberty hum was not working with them they were working with another provider who is local um um and every year that provider doubled their cost and so they thought for the cost of really the needs that they had on a shelter side um it wasn't worth the the funds um just to to be um very transparent we have been communicating with all municipalities that um were not happy with their services um uh whether it be Liberty Humane or um other uh Humane Societies um in the area and we have brought this to the attention of the county executive um several years ago before we went out and uh got a vendor to do animal control we reached out to the former County Executive and we are hoping that there is a bigger Vision um to support in a more comprehensive way because you know to say we can't help Bon you know when they're right next door is really difficult right the first one of the first calls we got on January 1 was a four dog surrender and we don't service Bon at this time but Bon has an RFP out um for services uh to some people aren't happy with their current services and they have an RFP out uh we spoke to Hoboken uh last week and we'll probably present some to you on the 24th and uh so so with the because because we're just taking this back on we're we're fully staffed enough and equipped enough to now take on these other cities we don't think it'll be too much too quick with with every city there's funding attached to pay for what they ask so we are fully staffed except for I think we're still looking for one animal control officer so we still have um we're still interviewing um and the dollars that it would cost others is to add staff we're not doing that with our current staff but I mean the the county in itself is in a um let's call it like a shelter desert there's not enough space uh anywhere for the number of abandoned animals and or surrenders and that's why we're really focused on Pet Care and support and why we implemented those fees in the last several meetings to have like lowcost veterinary care because vet care is very expensive and this is one of the most primary reasons why people surrender their animals so if we can like help people keep their animals that's going to be also a a much more robust way for us to do business director um are you aware um of the what is that state the state shared service program and it's I think it's oh the share yes I understand Erica um communicated with our health officer related to this yes I don't know if Animal Control is covered but that would be up to um the agency that wants to do business with us because we still will take in the money for that added service yes um director has the um the sort of Advisory Board been set up um I just got uh some uh followup from Paul today um he had been interviewing people and asking individuals because we wanted to make sure that it was you know as diverse as possible we're still seeking um someone to represent Ward B and Ward F and so we reached out to a few people in those communities and if you have some recommendations um feel free to send them my way uh but we just because there was this a very prolific cat Community already engaged we reached out to some of them that had already sort of told us they were interested um for for the council uh you know I think um president Waterman suggested uh councilwoman mea preri and she declined that role uh and Council woman Amy Dees and she's accepted that role so um Rich boano had said a few things to us so we thought that might be a great Next Step but if there's anyone else on the council that feels that that's the role for them they can share that with us and we'll talk to her and S of connected to that um I think you know I've received a few questions about I think uh We've hired a new shelter director and that person's you know just understanding what their vision is um their vision is my vision so I'd like to make that very clear uh a shelter manager someone who manages staff the vision of Mayor FIP um is executed throughout our department in a chain of command and let our vision let me rephrase the vision of the governing body of the council um and I think there are concerns about statements that have been made and so i' love the opportunity to meet with you and her and ask those question questions and take it extremely seriously that there is a Clear Vision for how the shelter is going to be run yes and to make sure that we are doing everything we can uh to um ensure the welfare of the animals under its care I think that I would like that opportunity and as a councel we have the ability to request members of the administration come before us so I'd like to work with you on that in the next two weeks or bring a resolution before they yeah I just want no no I'm not finished director you interrupted me earlier Sor please don't do that again so I'd like to have um either the council uh bring a resolution before uh to bring the you and the shelter director to speak to us or work to set that up in the next two weeks that's great happy to do that however I'd like to make it very clear that there's a division director the shelter manager reports into a div division director and I just want to make that you know clear that there is a a a pathway and I think sometimes when um people are unhappy happy with former employees and employers things wind up in the paper that aren't essentially accurate and so I want to be respectful to the division director as well we can do it for all three folks um direct I do um just with regards I see that there's this uh resolution authorized cancellation of um unexpended budget appropriation balance and I'm looking at a lot of them um and some of them this this is um resolution 10.3 um but the thing is they have a lot of but the thing is what what I'm let me finish the thing is that when we have these all of Vivian can't speak to why each department didn't spend the allocated money so that's why we need for the directors to be to to get qu because I'm looking and I'm literally about to lose my mind I'm seeing almost a million dollars allocated somewhere that wasn't used and I'm just trying to figure out we I'm looking at Wick Services over $100,000 that wasn't used and I'm uh Municipal drug um Alliance money that wasn't used and I'm just trying to understand why it wasn't the money used so I don't know if absolutely happy to share um Wick in particular uh the money that is allocated for Wick is allocated for three bilingual nutritionists uh we are finding great difficulty uh hiring so this is a hiring issue uh we went back to HR we increased the salary but in addition um it's either not enough or the way we do work is not you know most nutritionists across the state and working for Wick uh have the ability to work from home so we're we're struggling with Wick nutritionists it's very rot and that's where most people start their nutrition career but that's not where they end their nutrition career so we see a lot of people come and they leave to do their dietetic internship they come back because they have to come back for the six months because we gave them time to leave for their dietetic internship and so we're consistently running short on nutritionists on our staff that are bilingual in the wick program so this 100,000 for the it's probably $400,000 but it speaks it's it's it a um it's a s these are for salaries they're not necessarily Services is that's what you're saying yeah salaries yeah uh Municipal drug Alliance uh it's just it's not a whole lot of money and that was due to a special Grant that we got um and when we transitioned we one we lost a staff member that person was Tama mcrel she left she went to the county um and then we gave the program over to Recreation um and when we did that they didn't approve all of the salaries at once so we had to retrain the team and we get paid per person we serve in the community and that particular program was related to in high school mental health first aid courses and you know the school system kind of kept moving around the the finish line for the Department of recreation okay and do you know what the act it says child's health CL PPP yes that's a child Le poisoning prevention program about that also there was some money there because we were looking to hire a lead um investigator in fact the lead investigator was just hired like three weeks ago so we were without a Le investigator uh full-time on that since February when Chuck Mae was promoted to director of the division the state has delays in training for the lead abatement certificate and we sent we were only able to send one staff member to that program all year that staff member is now uh manager of animal control well in an interested time I I reach out um personally just to address some of these but in the future if the administration can make sure that when when we're not spending this money at least have some type of documentation attached to give the rationale as to why it wasn't spent um just so when when people say hey we not we didn't spend this amount of money at least as elected representative will'll say hey we didn't spend it because it's hard to find a bilingual person to work with particular we looking for bilingual lead inspector um yeah these some of these Civil Service titles are very particular and very hard to fill another way that you would see money not spent and one of those examples you'll see in a like we didn't spend like $900,000 in injury prevention because we allocated money uh last year for the um 911 and we didn't go into any you know relationship with any vendor um sometimes we also put money in the budget and we hedge our bets because we're applying for Grants and sometimes times we don't know the total number of grants that we're going to get in the year and because the budget is due in November and some of our grants are not guaranteed or awarded to us until a later date which the example of these two that I presented today for a million doar um we were operating under the assumption because they told us we were getting it but we haven't gotten the actual paperwork so we can't submit that paperwork to Vivien because we didn't get the the federal required documents in place but to the councilman's point he's correct there should be some type of summary attached to why Cor in respect for your time we'll make sure in the Future Finance work department directors just to have a brief summary of those different you know expers that have been transferred AC see how long has that bilingual position been open it was open for over a year but so is it a criteria that you must be bilingual to have that well one is a criteria you must have the lead um abatement certification to be paid for out of the lead Grant and so we we didn't have anyone that was applying we could bring in an inspector but we couldn't send any more of our inspectors to training so we keep trying to get a training for all of our inspectors so we never have this problem again so that everyone gets train but then you have to take the test and then you have to get the certification so we have in the past sent staff to training and they didn't pass the test or we've sent staff to training like there's someone in our Wick program that's bilingual arabic speaking went through the program took the test passed the test but the state would not award her the title because they felt that she didn't have enough investigations in in her dossier so my question is can that position be filled with anyone other than it being bilingual because no at this at this point due to the number of people we serve that don't speak English in the the lead program which a majority of the individuals we serve or either speaking Arabic Urdu or Spanish we just need more languages so if there's like a lead contamination right and I don't think it's the inspector lead contamination different this is yeah well I mean let's so if it's a lead situation would it be the inspector engaging with the person or it be somebody else this program is for children under the age of five where we go into their house and we sit with their family and talk to them so we want someone that's speaking their language and so we have one person on our team that speaks Spanish what two people on our team that speak Spanish one person on our team that speaks to galag and um we we're really interested in an Arabic speaking lead inspection but this is my final question so is it not filled because of money no the money is there and the money will only go to an investigator that's approved by the state so this is a particular this one's very particular because it needs to be approved by the state um the state gives us all the money 100% of the money for this program up to an including all of the benefits for this individual this grant even pays for a portion of the annex rent and cleaning um but we couldn't fill the position it just took us a while to find someone in the position we tried to train someone up internally and that didn't work questions thanks stason so president before you call the next person I just want to record council person Cay present at 4:23 p.m. so we now have8 council members present thank you Vivian good evening council president and Council I'm here to present one item which is agenda 10 10.3 resolution 24005 and that's the resolution that just addressing with the cancellation of the unexpended budget um appropriation these budget Appropriations are from 2018 and 2019 and the they're still on the books so we have to go by resolution to actually cancel them off the books so our process was to you like you were gon to ask a question no I'm G wait till you finish our process was to contact the Departments ask them what was the status of the um particular Grant and they said if it was okay to keep them open or closed because some grants run more than a year some of them are multiple years um they gave us the okay to cancel them so that's why we are doing a we're doing all of we did the two years together so this is all of 20 all of 2018 and 2019 now from your suggestion in regards to um having them give us a Summary of why these balances are still on the books when we go to close out 20 um 2020 and 2021 and 2022 we will ask them to attach a summary in regards to 2023 all of the Departments will be doing this cancellation the Grants Department will not be doing this cancellation this would be the task of all of the Departments like that chain now um if you can just just I don't know these acronyms is l l l a f- MLK rway NT what does that represent right on the uez MLK shop shop parking lot okay that's um that's a traffic um and Engineering Grant oh what but what does la laif what is that can I get back to you on that the exact acronyms well what bark the you know was for the roadway so it was for probably for the repaving of the roadway I'll get back to I can oh he he just told me what it stood for so that that's I thought that's what it was I just was trying to get confirmation so there was almost a million dollar given yes to repave MLK that we didn't use they didn't use with all the with all of the repaving going on around this city and all of the complaints alone that might and this is not directed at you and all of the the the the request that my office have sent in a loan to see nearly a million dollars go to waste this is either incompetence the lack of wanting to do your job or just not caring and this this is unacceptable it makes no sense for almost a million doll to not be utilized true this is wrong on every level can I can I make a quick Su instead of us approving this I appreciate the idea that we'll get the the the the answers in the future but but for anything over say 50,000 can we get a summary before the council approves this yeah well just counts uh councilman will uh treat it as we do with the appropriation transfers we'll ask for a line item for each each one of these from each department um before we cancel anything so uh councilman Gilmore being as we're not into chaining this those dollars will stay in those funds until we decide not to then I guess so at this point we this we can't use it right because the the perod have eclipsed is the case for most of them that we can't go back and um the grant periods are over but then there's a mechanism to reallocate it for that project so we we could we could work uh Administration and the council could work with that together can we or we can't which which one is it some of them we can but for these particular ones we would have to have the Departments go in and speak with the grantor to see if they can reallocate these actual funding and some of these funds may have already been reallocated for other projects so when we get the the breakdown I guess line by line of of the money can we know which ones we can carry over and which we can't yes any more questions thank youbody we we just trying to figure out all this money we giv back and we're trying to figure out why all this money returned that's it that that is the concern of ours now um somebody got an answer might got to give an account for it that's a lot of money to be returning so council members the administration is going to withdraw a 10.3 okay you have another person to call council president mayard afternoon council president and council members I have two resolutions in front of you tonight first is agenda number 10.27 resolution 24-29 it's a resolution providing local support for hay Harvest LLC to operate a class 5 cannabis business to be located at 398 Pacific Avenue it was approved by the CCB on February 6th of 2023 planning board on September 19th of 2023 and they have three M and we also don't have any distance issues next one is agenda item number 10.28 resolution 24-30 it's also a resolution providing local support for can XA Group LLC to operate a class 5 retail cannabis business at 638 commun Par Avenue that application was approved by the CCB on March 13 2023 uh the planning board on November 14th 2023 and they also have and no distance issues 638 Comm Bo thank you thank you good evening Council how are you uh I have one item today agenda number number 10.22 resolution 24-24 this item is a request of mortgage discharge the owner of 19 Bidwell borrowed $5,784 to repair their home through the homeowner repair program they have met all the requirements of the lean and we request that this mortgage be discharged thank you have a good evening hi good evening council president members of council uh division of Transportation Planning has one resolution for consideration at the next meeting it's agenda item number 10.26 resolution 24-28 this is a resolution to authorize the acceptance of an NJ jar Grant from New Jersey Transit um to cover the cost of via transportation services this is the second year in a row um that we rewarded a grant from NJ Transit last year was the first year um it's again in the amount of $250,000 and requires that 50% match which our budget covers through the uh covering the cost of the Via system do you know um for this year how much the Via contract will be or is that still being negotiated and when should we expect to see that we'll be coming to Council in the next uh meeting or two to with the within the final renewal of the contract for the next year he council members I'm going to take it right from the top so first reading ordinance item 3.1 city ordinance 24- 001 is an ordinance to exceed the calendar year 2024 Municipal budget appropriation limits to establish a cap bank I am understand this is ordinance has been done in the past as sort of um you know perfunctory move but you know given the commitment not to go above 2% is this something that we should hold until you know the budget actually comes uh any items that haven't been represented by somebody tonight we're going to pull so um that's one uh Sean will'll keep going through and then this is a budget one I don't know yeah okay one will be withdrawn next on to our second reading ordinances item 4.1 was touched on earlier item 4.2 city ordinance 23-19 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic Article 2 traffic regulations amending section 3325 oneway streets and section table this we had a community meeting and um the residents would like to see some traffic changes implemented on Pacific Avenue first to see if that helps uh with the brim Hall side so can we table this for now so we'll we'll carry it to the next um no I don't I don't want to carry it can we put it on the tabled agenda or withdraw it the the way you would table it is if you would either hold a public hearing or you would um not hold the public hearing and table it prior to the public hearing and that would basically kill the ordinance and it would have to reintroduce an ordinance yeah I'd rather uh table it prior to the close of the public hearing yeah because I don't want to get rid of it completely because if they decide to you know go back to this i' would like us to be able to just pull it back without having to go through the whole process so I would just need a motion at the meeting to um make a motion to table prior to holding a public hearing and I need a second and we vote on the motion and then we would vote to table it okay all right all right next item 4.3 city ordinance 23-26 is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 160 fees and charges chapter 296 streets sidewalks and public rights of way article one General Provisions duties of property owners occupants enclosures excuse me article two uh closure of public ways article three within the public right way of chapter 34 5 zoning article four fees deposits and inspections any questions hearing none item 4.4 city ordinance 23127 is an ordinance supplementing chapter 332 vehicles and traffic article 9 parking for the disabled of the Jersey city code designated Reserve parking space at various locations throughout the city item 4.5 city ordinance 23-1 128 is an ordinance revising the street names in the Bayfront Redevelopment site next we have our public speaking list which is now at 38 and on to our petitions and Communications any questions for item 6.1 through 6.29 hearing none we have no officer Communications any questions or comments on report of directors 8.1 through 8.4 hearing none we have our claims and on to our resolutions item 10.1 was touched on earlier item 10.2 resolution 24-4 it's a resolution adopting the calendar year 2024 cash management plan up for the city of Jersey City item 10.3 has been withdrawn item 10.4 City resolution 24-6 is a resolution authorized in renewal of a contract with n w Financial Group LLC to provide Financial advisory Services item 10.5 resolution 24-7 is a resolution authorized in the calendar year 2024 reserve for uncollected taxes to be calculated using a three-year average Sean we're going to table that one as well okay item 10.5 has been withdrawn item 10.6 resolution 24 d008 is a resolution strongly urging the New Jersey Department of Education to delay implementing their new preschool funding guidelines until the end of 2023 to 2024 school year item 10.7 resolution 24-9 is a resolution honoring the 30th anniversary of the 14th Street Garden Center item 10.8 resolution 24- 010 is a resolution recognizing Queen Walker on her 100th birthday God bless item 10.9 resolution 24- 011 is a resolution reappointing Kelly Austin as a full-time judge of the Jersey City Municipal Court item 10.10 resolution 24- 012 is a resolution reappointing Janine Zella as a member of the Jersey City Municipal Utilities Authority Clerk and and council president on 10.10 and 10.11 um my office worked on a report um we released a couple months ago on U what are kind of generally called boat payments but basically the retirement payments um that people get for sick and vacation days just to show that they're in compliance with the state law um and what I do we saw that some of the contracts with the MUA weren't um we thought in compliance as a city we were we were actually quite good there was a couple vague language um as Jersey City goes but for um mua so I did want to out to the appointees and and ask them to see if they can do a commitment to amend those contracts in their term so I will I will try to do that Outreach to them before Wednesday um clerk I have 10.10 contact information but I don't have 10.11 so I don't know if you have an email or or someone else does that they Ava aable to share I'll be able to share that with you great thank you so 10.11 uh resolution 24- 013 is a resolution reappointing Kathleen Hardy as a member of the Jersey City Municipal Utilities Authority councilman if I don't have um an actual email address was a phone number suffice for you yeah great thanks thank you we all to distribute that to the council members or I don't see why that would be an issue First Corporation Council or the ba yeah we can absolutely do it well we just redacted so that it's not a public document but we could share with the electeds thank you items 10.2 through the rest of the agenda has been taken care of earlier so with that being said may I have a motion to adjourn at 4:58 p.m. motion motion made by council person SLE may I have a second second second by council person Ridley on the motion to adjourn at 4:58 PM council person Ridley council person priner council person s i council person Solomon council person Gilmore council person Dees council person Rivera and council president Waterman motion carries 80 to adjourn at 458m thank you so much everyone present and everyone watching at home remember Teamwork Makes it DreamWork have a great night stay safe how about yourself