##VIDEO ID:o1W1L1oFObo## good afternoon everyone good afternoon we are on the record today is Monday the 13th day of January 2025 this is a Caucus meeting of the Jersey City municipal Council we had a scheduled 4M start my watch is showing 4:03 p.m. may we have a roll call for the commencement of the meeting council person Ridley here council person prinari here council person goano yeah council person CLE here councilman Solomon councilman Gilmore council person Dees council person Rivera here and council president Waterman we have all nine council members present at 4:03 p.m. on behalf of council president Waterman and the members of the municipal Council in accordance with the New Jersey public laws of 1975 chapter 231 the open public meeting act also known as the Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting on the bulleon board on the first floor of City Hall which is the schedule of meetings and caucuses of the municipal Council for the calendar year 2025 and was also filed in the office of the city clerk on Friday November 15 2024 4 in addition at the time of its preparation the agenda of this meeting was similarly disseminated on Friday January 10th 20125 at 5:40 p.m. to the mayor Municipal Council business administrator Corporation Council and to the local newspapers as well as posted on the city's website so I can certify as to our total compliance with the Sunshine Law uh Madame council president happy New Year and good afternoon council members uh the Department of Public Safety has one item 10-10 resolution 25-13 for your consideration this council meeting it's a resolution authorizing the city of Jersey City to apply for and then to accept funds from the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Division of Criminal Justice on behalf of the Department of Public Safety Division of police to purchase body armor using the 2024 body armor replacement program these are funds that the uh Department makes available the amount we are applying for is 58,221 188 there is no guarantee we'll get that amount that's just the amount that would cost to replace our expiring body armor this year and they will give us whatever they give us and we'll make up the difference what's the what's the lifespan for body armor if you mind me asking lifespan is fine expiration just means the company won't um guarantee it anymore uh I used to work at a range quite frankly we have tested these 20 30 years and they work fine but usual what they'll get guantee is seven years okay thank you Paige good afternoon happy New Year all I'm here today on resolution number 25-15 agenda number 10.12 um tashanda page I'm from Jersey City Municipal Court I'm representing my director Wendy rosoli I'm here um asking Council to renew our translation company's contract we've used this Con company for over 10 years they offer over 200 languages to our beautiful diverse city of Jersey City and the contract is not to exceed 880,000 thank you Happy New Year everybody sorry I don't have a big copy but one of our seniors passed away I had to go to a funeral on the way over here um 1017 the resolution 2520 a resolution for the city of Jersey City oh sorry I just lost it um division affairs to accept a gift from the Department of Health and Human Services for a gift for the senior center this is for a television for Morin CER Center and they have it it's I think it's big 40inch television okay thank you yes thank you good afternoon council president members of city council HHS food and nutrition has two items uh on the agenda this evening the first being resolution 25022 agenda number 10.19 this is a resolution of the UN the municipal Council of the city of Jersey City accepting a grant and authorizing the execution of a grant agreement with Hudson County HHS this is for our senior nutrition programming that includes congregate nutrition senior Meals on Wheels nutrition education and socialization the total initial award is $1,110,000 7367 okay next item is is resolution 25023 agenda number 10.20 this is an award from Hudson County for peer grouping uh this is the 2025 award standard 40,000 this is essentially to provide Meals on Wheels for individuals that are under 60 years of age thank you Happy New Year I'm Cynthia division director for injury prevention of HHS I'm here for resolution number 25-19 uh agenda number 10.16 it's a resolution authorizing the city of Jersey City to accept a donation of toiletries from the Oshi Farm Corporation um it has a value of about $47.68 uh for the unhoused residents and homeless shelters for Jersey City thank you afternoon everyone I have a few items for you um I'm going to start with agenda item number 10.24 resolution 25-27 um and it's a resolution for the municipal Council um to approve us awarding program year 2024 HUD entitlement funds and authorizing the contracts for the 20124 program year um the city of Jersey City was awarded 5,200,000 in Community Development block grant funds 1,853 579 in home investment partnership program funds $2,598 46 in housing opportunities for persons with um AIDS and HIV funds and $448,900 22 in emergency solution grants funds for 2024 additionally we had $222,500 9,126 and HUD grant funding to spend on program year 2024 the next agenda item I have for you is 10.25 that's resolution 25-28 um and this is a resolution authorizing the business administrator to execute the discharge of the mortgage encumbering 18 Virginia Avenue um and 2003 um the owner executed a mortgage note in favor of the city in the amount of $100,000 under the cdbg program all terms and conditions under this mortgage have been satisfied as noted in the mortgage under the borrowers Promises of 1C there is a repayment amount that will be collected in the amount of $226,300 73 the next one is agenda 10. um 26 that's resolution 25-29 um and this is to authorize the execution of the discharge of the mortgage encumbering 92- 92.5 Woodward Street in Jersey City um and this mortgage was executed in July of 1995 um where a mortgage note was signed in favor of the city for the amount of $54 $4,000 under the home program um there is a repayment clause in this mortgage as well um in the amount of $2,731 188 so the initial the for both the initial for 1026 92 the city gave 50,000 and the owner or this is one of the 955 mortgages so their repayment under this is going to be $2,731 88 per the calculation for the city or state program so this is under 955 so that is the state's rules again but because this was under a home mortgage this is the money that's coming back into the city's 955 account other one is 200,000 that is correct Jus okay um I see that you the Division of Community Development has a bunch of focus groups for believe their master plan for 2025 to 2029 yeah for our Consolidated action plan Consolidated action plan thank you for correcting me um what are some things that you could tell residents about regarding the focus groups like things that would come out of it and um you know a little more information about it and why people should participate okay um so every five years we have to discuss um us being good stewards of our Federal grant dollars um and for the residents to give us priorities on the types of activities they would like to see us engaged in and where they would like to see DCd Focus the funding um this is supposed to be a collaborative process and this community Outreach component is a requirement of this process um we have opened it up we've attempted to do one focus group at least in each ward of the city um one of them will also be hybrid so it will be on Zoom available and it really gives us a opportunity to talk about our programming um who are the beneficiaries what are the eligible activities how much total funding we have and this is also accompanied by a very detailed survey that helps us rant whether someone feels like senior housing or affordable housing or child's care um are higher up on their priorities and where we can order them um and then we put that into the Consolidated plan that we provide to HUD for the like let's say you know someone wants suest more money for the golden door program would that be something that they could put in there or like funding repairs for seniors in their homes that can't afford that is that something that all of of those things that we currently fund are topics of discussions in those focus group but it is also open-ended so if community members have ideas of unique programming that they would like to see happen um all feedback um that we receive via verbally email or through um the surveys are turned over directly to HUD awesome thank you um the next item I have is agenda item 10.27 that's resolution 25-30 and this is uh to authorize the execution of the mortgage discharge for the property uh located at 239-241 Arlington Avenue in Jersey City um this mortgage was executed in December of 1995 um in favor of the city in the amount of $45,000 there is a repayment um required on this Mortgage in the amount of 102,000 $964 75 um the next number that I have for you is agenda item 10.27 that's resolution 25 did I just read I think that was a duplicate my apologies I'm up to um agenda item 10.29 that's reso 25-31 and this is to execute the discharge for the mortgage encumbering the property at 330-332 Van Horn Street in Jersey City um this mortgage was entered into in June of 1993 in favor of the city um for the amount of $52,000 this was under the Home Investments partnership Grant all conditions have been satisfied there is a repayment amount um of $64,500 that's 1029 correct 2 28 28 rather yes that was 10.28 that's it thank you good afternoon council members I'm Laura from the Jersey City tax ass um I'm here for the resolution number 25-6 iton number 10.03 a resolution to Cel portion of the 2024 real estate taxes for the black 20502 lat five and six for the property at 7981 Williams Avenue due to the reinstatements of the prior consolidation Lads in 2024 the tax assessor combined two lats were 25 and 25 into 50 by 100 due to the Deeds meets and Bounds so after we notifi the taxpayer he requested us to re estate the prior LS to keep it as a five and six so the creation of the new lad and the deletion of the prior created a double billing so we need to cancel in amount of taxes of 8,379 thank you thank you good afternoon at Ward City Planning I'm here on two items uh ordinance uh 25-1 item 3.1 ordinance adopting amendments the moris canal Redevelopment plan including standards in the mixed UC and uh mixed UC districts uh this is going to require on-site affordable housing or encourage it and ensure public access to Open Spaces through the development of new uh public parks on private property uh at the October 22 2024 planning board meeting it was uh recommended adoption and determined to be consistent with the city's master plan uh there are a number of attachments one being the amendment language which has a yellow highlight uh if it is highlighted that's the new text if it's highlighted with a strike through that is is tech tech existing Tex to be stricken uh in the mixed use the Zone were uh incorporating an affordable housing bonus and in the mixed UC District there's more standards being uh contemplated as being added or struck struck as well as um a kind of a reassessment of what the the that zone required it once required uh some new streets in an area that's actually very uh constrained uh geographically or or physically and uh instead of some of the access roads that were considered there they're being um they are being kept as public access to the Morris Canal Greenway and then spaces along the greenway being converted into to privately owned public open spaces all with the addition of on-site affordable housing um as well Matt you may have addressed this but want be have you met with the Morris Canal CDC on the review of this yes the the petitioners there's actually two components to the this amendment petitioners have both um did do public Outreach um this has been going on um since a the the council passed a resolution in 2022 uh so it's actually some back and forth going for for some time um but yes they did conduct Outreach and what's the Sor just what's the maximum ptle out under the revisions sure in the mixed use czone it's six stories and 70 ft and in the mix use ezone it is 7 stories 75 ft and that is if they're using the affordable housing bonuses that are being contemplated okay okay the resolution uh 25-17 agenda item 10.14 resolution of the city council of the city of Jersey City directing the planning board to prepare an amendment or revision to the Liberty Harbor Redevelopment plan uh this is not to be confused with the Liberty Harbor North Redevelopment plan which is pretty much adjacent to where we are here this is um the area comprised of the industrial area behind Liberty Liberty State Park and uh Liberty National Golf Course um this uh resolution would be to uh author authoriz the planning board to review and prepare an amendment or revision to the baroh Harvey Redevelopment plan specifically the residential mix use district there is um a letter from the petitioner uh the council representing the property owner as well as a striketh through of the document and new maps that's all um just given to us and put into this resolution without any sort of uh um changes by uh staff was this um you said by over by the golf course by Liberty yes what across the street from it the uh so you know the area where in front of the the buildings on the golf course where there's that long driveway in the air yes that that area right off of um uh um right where um uh Philip Street and um uh that's in Drive of meat is that the site of the old closed Diner no across the street across the street from the closed D yes okay yeah there's the end of the resolution so the beneficial ownership form is uh fireman uh Real Estate Management LLC I'm sorry repeat is that Paul fireman or um I believe so I do not know um I don't know if there's Council here okay no I don't believe I see the council here for this item so I can't say to definitively but yes I believe so okay thank you Danny good afternoon council president council members happy New Year for your consideration I have two resolutions and these are routine resolutions we normally um present begin of the year the first one is resolution number 25-4 agenda number 10.1 it is a resolution as establishing the 2025 Arts and Cultural trust tax rate um just to give you some numbers and these numbers were derived from the tax assessor's office in 2023 our ratables were close to $44 billion in 2024 in 2023 I'm sorry was close to 44 billion 2024 45.3 billion and and in 2025 it's estimated at 46.9 billion and we're estimating the revenue to be collected here $1,174 th000 any questions that's with the zero 025 that is correct new rate right so Council what we uh decided to do a few years ago we've been continuing it is as you keep the rate stable as the rable base grows you'll receive additional funding so that's how we've been to be able to escalate it without uh negatively impacting residents right second item is resolution number 25-5 agenda number 10.2 it is a resolution establishing the calendar year 2025 open space Recreation and historic preservation trust tax rate same numbers as the previous resolution any questions thank youy New Year I have two resolutions for your consideration the first one is agenda 10.4 resolution 25-7 it is a resolution to resend the petty cash for parking enforcement um they haven't used it in a couple of years so we just um we're resending it um the second one is agenda 10.11 resolution 2514 and that is to establish a change fund for the car pound which just opened up in December and they are in need of a change fund thank you good afternoon council president members of council uh Mike manela the director of division of Transportation Planning Department of infrastructure I have four items on uh for the agenda this evening for your review uh the first is agenda item number 10. 33 resolution 25-36 this is a resolution authorizing an amendment to an agreement to with lift bikes and scooters uh for the providing the ond demand bike sharing system in the city city bike um a little bit of background in 2023 state of New Jersey awarded the city a grant to support the restart of Ferry services at Port liberte Fair terminal one of the components of the grant award was not only to help support the restart of those services but also to better connect the neighborhood surrounding the ferry terminal to the ferry in order to support it better in the long term um the grant is limited to transportation services and it has to be related to services that would serve the fery terminal one way that we've done that so far is using grant funding to provide free via trips to and from the terminal uh another way that was envisioned as part of the scope and what we're talking about uh at this meeting is uh to expand the city bike system which as you all know um serves the city very well but does not reach every neighborhood every neighborhood in the city um so this would expand the city bite system into the southern part of the city utilizing this grant funding to install uh about 21 new stations in the system um based on the current agreement that the city has with City bike uh any expansion requires identification of funding whether that be grant funding um or sponsorship funding um which city bike has worked on but has not been very successful with um so we saw an opportunity here to utilize this funding again that's dedicated to transportation services um as a way to you know not only support the ferry but also support the neighborhood um in in expanding the city bike system uh based on some data that we've seen uh provided by city bike there are already a number of trips happening in this area of the city even though there are no stations so that we know that demand is there for um having a A system that reaches more parts of the city we worked with DCA njdca to identify how far from the terminal we can theoretically expand the system um and still have it you know fall within the boundaries of the grant um and this is the first step in the expansion process um there are some long lead times on uh this equipment so we need to get the order in place and then the next step is to kick off the process with lift and the community to do a community engagement process and make sure everyone's aware of of this expansion um based on the lead times right now it looks like maybe at the earliest the end of the summer is when we will be looking at new stations um to be installed and in the meantime we'll be doing the community engagement process um to identify exactly where those stations are going um an important part of that Outreach as well will be communication to the community about the reduced Fair program uh that that City bu offers uh any residents of the Jersey City Housing Authority any residents who are eligible for SNAP benefits are able to go into a reduced Fair program with City bike and that cost uh it provides them the opportunity to have membership for $5 a month um so that'll be an important part of the Outreach to make sure that the you know the community really sees the benefit of of this expansion um that's about it any questions so Mike um with so these areas now where the study that or I don't know how y'all determine um where the station going to go with so the the city bike won't just put them there we have to pay them to put them there yeah that's right as part of the agreement there's no obligation on the part of Lyft City bike to um expand the network Beyond where it already reaches um within our agreement so you know basically the only way they've offered to expand is if we provide funding you know primarily through grants or if collectively we could find sponsorship for the program that will pay for it and that's proven to be difficult so and it oh may I jump in oh good I'm just Gathering um so essentially like we'd pay them to install the bike station bike stations um and it says that there's a 5% annual concession fee that they'll pay us for um Revenue in excess of $2 million correct and do we have an estimate as to what that you know yeah residual uh money would be yeah we do going back to the city yeah when we signed the the latest expansion of contract in 20120 um that was when it was uh set at that the city would provide a 400,000 annual operations fee to City bike to operate the program minus those revenues so when we when that started in 2020 the city was paying $400,000 a year because of the growth of the program this year 2024 was actually the first year there were over a million rides taken in the city um that number has gone down every year um so in 20 for 2024 the city paid only 156,000 1856 of that 400,000 um as part of that operations fee so over time we've been seeing that because of the success of the program and the revenue share we agreement we have the city contributions actually been less and less so that's that's 150,000 for a million trips in the city so we haven't crossed the threshold where we're Revenue generating is that what um uh Gathering not not net gener uh Revenue generating it's okay that the revenue share that they have provided has offset the subsidy got it that we pay every year so we haven't gone to the the point where the revenue the annual revenue generated has exceeded that operations fee now I will note importantly that um towards the end of this year the contract The Five-Year contract is up we'll be going back out to bid for bike sharing services and at that time we'll be able to hopefully negotiate some better terms with lft and City bike or or whoever the successful vendor is to um I have a question Mike question so the the these like platforms do do they have to go like on the street can they go on the sidewalk yeah you've been taking the complaints of the constituents that these big platforms get on the streets and they take up a lot of so we hear that you know so we want you to hear it too I definitely have heard that uh not only from residents but also from you all we are going to really prioritize working with lift to find off Street locations for all these stations um the good news is um with this equipment it's actually going to be the next generation of city bike stations so if you know right now if you look at a city bike station on the street it's a large steel platform that's connected the new equipment is actually individualized docks so we'll have a lot more flexibility in sort of the placement you know you can have one station let's say at an intersection but there might be a few docks on each of the corners versus like a long steel plate that we need to like you know carve out a lot of real estate so there is a lot of flexibility in this new equipment to hopefully do what you're talking about which is that's actually great news so will you be replacing the old docks no no so this is I wish uh this is the you know this is for new equipment for this for this new equipment um but you know there could be like I said an opportunity when comes time to negotiate the next contract is that's something we can hopefully be successful yeah hey I'm just I mean Mike I'm just a little perplexed as to um why would why why why would we be paying to install these all throughout the city um I mean if there a business and they're into getting business why won't they like in install it elsewhere or you allow other companies that come in and install it because with the way the current contract is constructed it's it's really like no competition it's just City bike and for them to be or to take the approach well you know it's not really desirable for us to implement or put anything in this area or that area and then for the city to have to turn around and say hey um we we'll install them it's one thing if we install them and we receive 50% of the revenue or or they pay us back even if it's not 50% or where you know it comes back um I don't I'm just yeah I I hear councilman um you know I think bik share is a form of public transit and generally um public transit operates at a loss like it's you know it's always required some kind of subsidy um like I said you know we're paying last year we paid 156,000 for a million trips in the city if you compare that to something like via you know we had 600,000 trips and it was a lot more than 156,000 so it is a balance and unfortunately you're right the the the market the competition the industry has really kind of been narrowed down to one provider essentially across the country so we have sort of limited leverage although that might be changing um so yeah I definitely hear you and I think that's a big part of the next negotiation how long have we had this contract in place and how long have has it stay at 5% in terms of the city receiving Revenue in excess of 2 milli ion like 5% of that Revenue would come to the city since since 2020 that's when the second contract was was that it should be 10% I agree at the very least like that's not fair um I don't know if there's a way to renegotiate this um or bring it back to them yeah I mean I think there could be an opportunity but like I said we're coming to the end of The Five-Year contract so it is coming to the time when we we could do that would do that um and yeah this is the second fiveyear contract so we've had the the program since 2015 okay next one uh next one is agenda item number 10.34 resolution 25-37 this is a resolution authorizing the city to enter into a cost reimbursement agreement with the state of New Jersey do division of local aid for the Communipaw Avenue intersection Improvement project um this one has been a long time coming uh njtpa awarded the city this grant funding in 2014 for the fiscal year 2015 local safety program for intersection improvements on Communipaw Avenue between Marcy Avenue and Park Street which is basically 440 to the junction um the entire stretch we have after 10 years have finally received authorization from the fhwa to move forward with this construction project the construction cost is $5 million $163,000 $457 or do 20 uh the construction and construction inspection is fully covered by this grant funding uh this is a cost reimbursement agreement the scope of the construction project is replacing existing curb ramps to meet meet uh ADA compliance replacing deteriorated concrete sidewalk where necessary uh providing pedestrian and other upgrades to the traffic signals uh improving drainage and then milling and Paving the entire length of the corridor um it would be the same configuration that's there today uh two lanes in each Direction uh The Next Step uh after approval of this resolution will be to sign the agreement put the project out to bid and then we'll be coming back to council to award both the Construction contract and the construction inspection contract um we anticipate construction to start hopefully later this year if everything goes according to plan any questions you said from Park Street or where's Marcy you said Marcy it's the Marcy Street is the street right 4440 basically right past the oh that little I know what you talking about come off you go right there yeah oh okay and it's all way to Park Street was pretty much just an upgrade of that whole Corridor there exactly director I know we've had some Community meetings around this in anticipation for this work that was supposed to have been done years however many years in 2014 um yeah the final design plans were submitted before I even started with the city no I know I know I know I remember one of my first quarterly meetings in 2018 was about the exciting Street skate projects we're going to have on west side of the city and now how years later but um but anyway this is very exciting news I would just ask that as we get closer to construction again to come back and do another round of meetings just so people can understand the full scope of work what it's going to look like and how the conversation has changed about how we use our roads from when the application was first submitted to now sure so they can understand what to do and also make sure that you start at the Marcy Place section first and then head up to the junction and also Mike I just have one request um if we can do something with the you know you come from uh Crescent and you come down Harrison it's like a it's a uncontrolled intersection that jumps back to communa between the hul and Harrison you talking about where the fried chicken place yes yeah are crowns because that there's no I don't know even know if a traffic light can go there or something that like no one gives way everybody here is trying to itch out these trying to inch out and other people so we can either put some some wording or something on the floor to tell the traffic to leave this area open or something like that do not block the box I that might be part of the design plans Al oh okay back to you yeah uh next item is agenda item number 10 35 it's resolution 25-38 this is authorizing the use of competitive Contracting to award a contract for consulting services in connection with the fiscal year 2023 Safe Streets and roads for all grant program um I was at council at the last meeting of last year and you all adopted a resolution to enter into agreement for this grant funding from fhwa for $940,000 this is this resolution is simply to authorize us to issue an RFP and and do competitive Contracting to to uh award a consultant contract to do this work and the final one is agenda item number 10.36 resolution 25-39 this is a resolution supporting the NJ Do's preliminary preferred alternative to improve safety and operations along Route 1 and9 tonell Avenue uh and Manhattan Avenue located in City Jersey City um NJ do conducted a concept development study for safety improvements along Tunnell Avenue 109 uh with a focus on improvements at Manhattan Avenue and Carlton Avenue intersections uh NJ doot held a virtual Public Information Center between October 14th and October 28th of the of last year uh receiv received 23 public comments on for the study almost all were in favor of the changes that NJ doot was proposing uh a presentation summarizing the alternative is included in your packet and at this time the dot is requesting a resolution of support from the council to move this project to design phase I don't believe I have an estimate yet on when they would go out to construction I want to confirm that they're going to put a left turn signal on Manhattan Avenue confirmed that is part of the preliminary uh preferred alternative is to make signal improvements at Manhattan specifically Jesus it's like it's crazy how you have to like risk your life just to make that left turn super scary super scary um but this is long overdue and I'm happy the state is doing it and thank you for bringing it for forward no problem moving forward great thank you yeah here we go action camera good a good afternoon Council I have one item for your um consideration um agenda item 10.30 resolution 25-33 that's a resolution authorizing a second amendment uh for Professional Services of suburban Consulting Engineers in connection with City Hall Park um we ran out of time with the original contract due to uh shipper requirements and archaeological uh investigations that probably all know um and so this is just extend their contract at no additional cost they just want to get the job done like us where's this park I'm sorry where's this park park is in the FR of this building and along the sides you're not taking away the parking spaces out back are you no that's out right that is out as far as I know yes be out yes sir here right Brian got a question say now this one Brian Brian we you know when has questions Brian I just want to address one thing not on the agenda but probably it's going to come back on the I don't know where you're at with this U Holiday Street engine 10 ladder 12 where where are we with that you know that that whole area is concerning because there's no fire houses understood uh you're talking about Holiday Street we're ready to go out to bid we're just waiting for financing put it out the public bed all right you got to help me out with this I'm I don't understand what that means are we going to like get it fixed I just want to know if we're going to get it fixed when are we going to get it fixed you know because this has been a long time already when the RFP I believe is ready to go out and we're identifying the capital funds that will be allocated towards it before you release a public bid you have to show that you have the funds available so we're working with Finance to get that PO secured and um we're going to have public bids um including the union trades as well so so there's no way to put like a rush on that right because it has to be like a public the only reason why I'm saying is we've had multiple fires in that area and firefighters have to come from across the city to fight those fires so what we'll do councilman when it goes out this week we could do a 20-day turnaround perfect and maybe questions that but we'll update the Council on that perfect thank you I mean I knew what it meant I just you know just to confirm what council was saying the bid would go out as soon as possible for repairs on that house or to provide reconstruction of it entirely full full renovation it's a it's a hybrid Council woman so um new slab new you know uh maybe some of the existing stairwells remain in but but basically in complete overhaul make sure there's no cracks in the foundation new windows Etc I'd like to see that on the agenda as soon as possible is there a schematic for the City Hall Park sorry just ABS absolutely you can send that around absolutely okay happy New Year good afternoon Madame council president and members of the municipal Council Happ happy New Year the division of animal care and control has three resolutions for proposal this evening the first is 25-21 a resolution ratifying a Professional Services agreement between Veterinary emergency group and Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services for emergency veterinary services the second is resolution 20 5-24 a resolution ratifying a Professional Services agreement between Adriana hordinsky doing business as the traveling vet and the Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services for supplemental Veterinary Services I received a question from a resident regarding um euthanasia services for a terminally ill dog um that they had does the city do that or um yeah the city has we have added that under our uh lowcost public Clinical Services it is not covered by Dr hordinsky insurance it's only covered by our veterinarian of record Dr altamare who gives us uh two days a week onsite she gives us seven days a week oversight and contact but she can only do it herself and in person so if someone if president want to schedule this with um the doctor how would they go about contacting you contacting contacting the front desk and alerting US of the situation okay okay my third resolution is resolution 25-25 it's a resolution ratifying a Professional Services agreement between greenfields Animal Hospital doing business as animal clinic and Hospital of Jersey City and Jersey City Department of Health and Human Services for supplemental Veterinary Care thank you good afternoon uh councilwoman Council it's good to see everybody Happy New Year I'm here from the Department of recreation Youth Development to uh for resolution number 256 it's a resolution ratifying an emergency contract award to Safeway Contracting um for emergency repair work on two roofs at the um at the Charlie Hager ice rink at persing field for the Department of recreation Youth Development can you just summarize briefly what's uh up with the roofs and what's repair you guys are doing uh so there's two roofs uh one is above the um one is above the the locker no it's not the locker the cashier booth and the other one is in the Zamboni room enclose the whole building you know why don't they just enclose the whole building and make it a professional ice ring but people go there and they freeze the wind blowing through yeah up there remember we were up there about a month ago people were complaining there there is a there is a lot of wind up there but I mean we're we're talking in time to do that councilman when that was originally constructed uh some Green Acres open space dollars were used and um in order to be compliant with those regulations it does have to be a truly open space so that's why it was designed in that manner uh as we look towards a um a new facility or or reconstruction of the facility we could definitely enclose it but that was the original idea of why it was uh uh formatt it that way 30 years ago it was to help offset the cost with the funding and the funding required that it truly be open speakers okay council president um with regard to the first reading ordinances we heard from Administration regarding ordinance 25-1 um item 3.2 ordinance 25-2 an ordinance supplementing chapter 131 construction codes uniform adopting the updated construction site safety manual 2024 Edition and requirements for stand pipes and incorporating these safety regulations contained there in by reference into chapter 131 item 3 ahead uh Council we're going to ask to bring this back at the next meeting we're going to uh defer to the next meeting I spoke with uh Mr Ray Meyer today and he wants to add additional language around um enforcement and we don't want to have a position where you may have to reintroduce it so we're just going to start clean at the next council meeting okay so to be clear we are um not introducing correct yeah item three Administration is going to pull uh the second okay um item 3.3 ordinance 25- 003 an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 23 Municipal Court section two number of judges in terms of the code of ordinances of the city of Jersey City to increase the number of part-time judges from five to six uh thank you Council so as I mentioned in my uh budget hearing uh we be bringing this forth uh essentially what this would do is mirror both the daytime and evening uh sessions so we'll have six full-time daytime six uh part-time evening with one chief judge uh administering um and we'll take a look once we have this approved if the council approves it um we have the available space we'll have to include one additional part-time prosecutor and then we're going to look at additional um oversight on the uh courts as well with regard to these second reading ordinances uh Mr Metro is there Metro with regard to the second reading ordinances uh item 4.1 ordinance 24-0 uh one4 is that yeah uh Council so we're going to continue doing some of our public uh out uh reach um we have had two meetings so far and we're scheduling one more for the stakeholders that are uh affected by this um so we're going to ask to carry this meeting while we have one more public uh we indefinitely well it's pulled for at least the two weeks councilman this this is a joke and the whole neighborhood and the area so disgusted with this uh item 4.2 ordinance 24-1 07 an ordinance amending the Westside Avenue Redevelopment plan expanding allowed uses in The Loft residential district 4.1 is going to be uh carried we're going to do another public hearing councilman and then and then the second meeting will also have a public hearing so we're just making sure we uh have ample opportunity for members to be heard okay moving on to the petitions and Communications items 6.1 through 6.14 if there are any questions on those hearing none there are no officer Communications reports of directors items 8.1 to 8.8 there any questions on those hearing none I would draw your attention to the claims agenda there any questions on those hearing none starting from the top of the resolutions we have already addressed item 10.1 through 10.3 item 10.4 resolution ution 25-7 a resolution resending petty cash funds for parking enforcement item 10.5 resolution 25-8 a resolution commemorating the life of Bradley Michael Cunningham Jr item 10.6 resolution 25-9 this is a resolution designating the Bergen Record n l especialito the official newspapers of the city of Jersey City as we all know I have a few questions about that okay um Sean no John excuse me oh John um so are these where do where are these um papers printed at is both of these in Bergen County well the Bergen Record I I'm I I can speak for exactly where it's printed sometimes the printing locations have moved um the problem that we face as of right now is that um we no longer well as of February first we will no longer have a daily paper printed in Hudson County um so the Star Ledger which is the next nearest daily will no longer be printing after February 1st that will be entirely online so um we're limited in our options that the nearest paper that is printed and circulated in Hudson County is the Bergen Record um so that's where we are sort of stuck with until the statute is completely changed and there is no longer a requirement that we publish anything in a newspaper of record so the Bergen Record is it is not published in Hudson County I I know that I don't know exactly where it's published but it is circulated in Hudson County which satisfies the statute if I'm not mistaken the Jersey Journal was no longer printed in Hudson County I believe was printed somewhere out in well it's currently printed somewhere out I believe in pic um but it is obviously at least until February 1st circulated in Hudson County the L especially I I'm not really sure again where that is um printed but again it is circulated here that is not a daily paper we have been using that as well as it is a Spanish language newspaper yeah I think that's in Union City L it's based out of Union City I don't know where exactly it's printed it it may very well be printed out of Union City but the operative issue is where it's circulated and nothing in the statute speaks to any online mechanism correct that's that right yeah they're working on it right now so we'll let you know as soon as they figure it out somebody ask me where did you put the notice look at the Bergen County newspaper it is circulated here we are working on it with on basically our website would be a great place to put it and have Public Notices and obviously we do publish things on on the website but that that alone does not satisfy the statute for notice so unfortunately a sign of the times print newspapers are becoming fewer and fewer uh can we uh so it's cost effective if we can send out like a I don't know a letter a memo when a quarterly ta bill go out to let people know you know that hey the Jersey Jan is completely obiter um because of state law we have to advertise it somewhere and these are the two venues we're looking to advertising because I mean it this this doesn't cost us anything to put the letter in but they go out one we could also take out a special ad in the last uh sessions of the Jersey Journal so so that readers could then see moving forward oh okay that's so I mean we'll do we could do both but that was an I know okay okay any further questions on that uh item agenda item 10.7 uh resolution 25-10 a resolution of the municipal Council of the city of Jersey City supporting Revolution NJ the state of New Jersey's program to commemorate the 250th annivers AR of the founding of the United States agenda item 10.8 resolution 25-11 a resolution renewing a Professional Services agreement with Brack Iker LLC to represent director of Public Safety James Shay in the matter of Kelly chestler at all versus city of Jersey City at all John very quickly that's ours this is just a renewal of a contract with outside Council for a litigation case that continues to be litigated Britney if we um if we could have a update on um the amount of contracts and The Total Money exalted uh thus far on do you mean on this specific case sure one okay any anything else on that no okay um agenda item 10.9 resolution 25-12 a resolution authorizing a lean against the properties listed herein for the cost of removing litter debris Etc in accordance with njsa 40 col 48- 2.14 and Jersey City Municipal Code section 287-4103 10.12 uh agenda item 10.13 resolution 25-16 a resolution authorizing the purchasing agent to sell various Motor Vehicles at public auction agenda item 1014 was already discussed agenda item 10.15 resolution 25-18 a resolution reappointing councilwoman Mira prary as a member of the Jersey City planning board already spoke about agenda item 10.16 through agenda items 10 point looks like we all of these all the way up to let's see it looks like the next one would be agenda item 10.31 resolution 25-34 a resol a resolution authorizing an award of a contract to York Telecom Corporation for the gov pilot annual software sub subcription under State contract for the Department of administration division of Information Technology resolution 10.32 I'm sorry agenda item 10.32 which is resolution 25-35 a resolution authorizing an award of a contract to Howard technological solutions for computer equipment under State contract for the Department of administration division of Information Technology agenda item 10.33 through 36 were already discussed agenda item 10.37 resolution 25-40 a resolution urging the appointment of Thomas best as director of recreation city of Jersey City can I ask a question on this uh I don't know who this Thomas best is I never heard of them but we have people down there that have been in Recreation for years that should be consider Ed I think we should sit down and talk about this plus the recreation has been messed up for the last three or four years and uh we got to make sure that we take care of uh a lot of this Pro the problems that have existed in the city I put this up rich she Tommy best is actually one of the gentleman's who's been down there um I don't know probably the third or fourth longest down there um Mr best's resume is attached um I mean if you want to discuss further we can discuss further I just thought it was fitting at some point there are no African-American directives in the entire city um we are the most diverse city in the country so at one point you know our department ship should reflect the diversity um of the city um and on top of that he have all of the the credentials and you know I guess the thing I hate about H the directorships and everything is like everything is like politically intertwined and connected and then you know we lose sight of really qualified and good candidates um but you know Tommy best is someone who's been down there who's been a program coordinator he's been working at Lincoln High School working at St Peters High School is very familiar with the functionality of recreation what it's supposed to be looking like um and things of that nature I like I I really like that I like Tommy best you know he uh he's been in Recreation for a while I mean but I also want to add like uh with respect to uh directors I think race should not be an issue I think it should be the most qualified person to run the department but Tommy best is top of the line I mean that's really good no I don't I'm not saying Ray should be um I'm just he shouldn't get he should not get the job because he black either you know so that's that's my whole point don't give it to him just because but don't not give it to him because uh as well I never heard of and I've been involved with Recreation for years never heard of the guy it will be it will be in good hands well I think we should sit down with other people in Recreation and uh you know discuss it as I said I don't know who he is I've never of them and I've been involved with Recreation for years if we're asked to vote on directors recommendations are great but we're not always made aware of all of the candidates available all of the resumes available and I think that that's what this resolution brings up is you know someone that we may not have thought of and I think the council should offer some feedback on what our vision is for recreation and youth services theirs the administrations um and choose and vote from there so we can vote would put our heads on the pillow at night feeling like we voted for the best person but we don't know who all of the candidates are we're not able to do that yes well unless there's any further discussion uh we have discussed all the items on the agenda for Wednesday's meeting May entertain a motion to adjourn at 510 p.m. motion by acclamation please say I I I oh sorry who second on that I motion was made by C okay council president second all in favor second any opposed any extensions okay the meeting is concluded at 510 p.m. see everyone on Wednesday at 6 pm I but the [Music] no we had that conversation back then so the