##VIDEO ID:3OfCM9Qs8xk## pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America to the repblic for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all cam could we have a sunshine announcement please yes chairman good evening everyone today is Tuesday December 10th and this is a Jersey City planning board meeting with a scheduled 5:30 p.m. start time and in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of this meeting has been given to the editor of the Jersey journal the Jersey City Reporter and posted with the city clerk on December 6th of 2024 this meeting was also posted on the Jersey City division of City Planning webpage and all distribution materials made available to the board were published and made available to the public and the notice has been marked into evidence as B1 thank you cim could we have a roll call please yes chairman um Vice chair Dr Gonzalez here commissioner gangen here councilwoman Prince AR here commissioner Torres here commissioner Stato here commissioner Dr Desai okay we have a quorum I'm here oh and chairman lik the most important um I was yeah I'm here I'm here um could we swear in the staff please Mike I see the two match R Francisco eron do you guys any testimony get tonight going to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes we do all right thank you uh do we have correspondence cam yes chairman okay so we have four items that have requested to carry to January 7th in the new year and the first item would be under old business and that is item e on the agenda case p2024 d088 D 0088 sorry address is 87 Bright Street and it's an amendment to a previous approval and they have requested to carry with preservation of notice to January 7th in the new year then under new business business we have item 13 that is case p2024 d70 for a preliminary and final major site plan Amendment and that's address 415 Palisade Avenue they've requested a carry with preservation of notice to January 7th in 2025 and then at the end of the agenda we have item 18 case p2024 d00 06 a preliminary major site plan approval with variances at 38 Cottage Street has requested to carry with preservation of notice to the uh January 7th meeting in 2025 and then the very last item on the agenda item 19 it is case p2024 d156 address is 545 Newark Avenue they um are requesting a carry with preservation of notice to January 7th in the New Year all right thank you Cam was yeah that's paliside 415 paliside the applicant is 377 Ogden okay so let's get right into Old business uh item a case p 204-3688 um Witnesses our notice was provided Witnesses sworn and we did get into some of the testimony and we'll pick up right where we left off there's just one housekeeping item I would just like to bring up um although notice was submitted and properly uh Justified uh at the hearing uh last time uh post that meeting we had a discussion with City Planning uh as well as our design team and we did point out a uh additional deviation uh although the prior Devi uh the prior notice did have a catch-all provision and we did uh believe we do believe that the deviation was properly categorized in that last notice uh we did take the opportunity since we had the time to Ren notice with that deviation the good news from the plan from your perspective nothing that you've reviewed or have looked at has changed the plans don't change you've already heard testimony as to the proposed deviation and it's the map map three of the plan shows a bright yellow line of a right of way between Fisk and carbon we cannot accommodate that because of the building that's behind us uh the plans that we've provided and the testimony that you've heard so far does bake that deviation in but we did specifically notice it as a deviation for purposes of this meeting I did upload my Affidavit of publication mailing to the portal I do have the original here and with Chairman's permission if I can approach and present it to council for his review as well sure Council anything so chairman it does sound as though that the second notice was done out of an abundance of caution so with that uh I believe we are up to A2 in terms of board markings Council or A5 A5 is it yes we power points power that we did uh admit some power points and we'll be picking up up with A4 so I'm going to Market A5 with today's date for purposes of the record and Council uh I just want to make sure for purposes of the record that beat me to it well then go ahead chairman so uh Council just before we hear any more testimony uh the only members that are on the day is tonight that were at the previous meeting were myself uh commissioner Torres and commissioner stamato so that's three we need two more doc did you have a chance to the I reviewed did you I did as well yes you I did okay Eddie's in doctor okay so we have a full board for you tonight perfect thank you guys thank you all and with that said I will call J zo who will continue his architectural testimony good evening sir I know we qualified you last time but I do have to check to make sure that your license is current tonight yes okay thank you you're still qualified thank you and you still are on their oath my God sorry okay can start now good evening board members um we'll continue my testimony here uh last time we stopped at Slide Five we were discussing about the deviation that Council just pointed out on the left it shows the right of way as highlighted in the Redevelopment plan map uh that is right in the middle of the site if you can see my mouse here um due to the fact that the 49 Fisk which is immediately to the north of our site that right away would not be visibly able to connect all the way to 4 to the Fisk Street to the north um on top of that we have also demonstrated the fact that now if we were to put I'm sorry if we were to put the right way at the current location oops sorry it will create a dead end issue um with a very narrow and long public space that is sandwiched between two 12-story buildings meaning it receives sorry I don't know why it keeps um automatically going let me just stop at the right slide please uh my apologies um it is also somewhat far away from the pedestrian traffic along westand Avenue a little bit isolated for the rest of the um pedestrian traffic that we're trying to attract here uh and also because of the configuration uh that the building actually is very close to our neighbor both to the north and also to the NJCU building to the east uh let me quickly um recapture why we want to move the plaza to the east as you can see here represented with this images to the right that the plaza is conveniently located closer for the public access um from West End Avenue and also it's also very close the existing open space that it belongs to our neighbor on the East so that really creates a bigger open space for the whole neighborhood it will be better proportioned it's going to be a little bit more wider and less shallow and in terms of the size it's also slightly bigger than what was proposed in the originally approved scheme to accommodate better public u u activities it is also receives full morning and uh uh um all the way to early afternoon sun and it will be the plaza will be able to be shaded uh in the late afternoon especially during the summer hot month so here's a quick 3D view that shows the location of the public Plaza in relation to the overall site as you can see here um it is right adjacent to the O existing open space that belongs to NJCU the building to the East and um I also want to point it out that we're also creating a long carbon Place 8 foot sidewalk widening um per the Redevelopment plan the public Plaza really has a a green space at the center uh of its design we're proposing a um rain Garden that is consist of native species we're working very closely with the sustainability um team from the city on that and it will feature a larger open space to the back um and all a lot of seeding areas along the planted areas um and also being shaded by all shadeed trees here's a view looking at the plaza from carbon Place here's a second view let me let me try to make it full screen yeah here's a second view standing in the alleyway as you're approaching to the open space you can see the building entrance in the background nicely framed by uh the trees that we're proposing here is a snapshot of the larger open space again um there will be um some terrist seating on lawns to one side and then on the other three sides will be plants plant Planters with seedings at the edge um a quick overview on the um site plan here um just a quick note that we're complying with both um f density as well as Building height um we're at 12 story with a 6.6 f um the current building propos 547 units with 276 parking spaces and um you can see the 12-story building as shaded sitting on top of a Podium uh a two-story Podium that would be also landscaped and you can see on the lower right corner would be the public Plaza want to quickly go through the plan um and um so this is first floor plan as you can see the public Plaza uh for orientation the main building entrance is located right off from um one of the access road uh access uh walkways from the plaza um coming in I also want to point out that the plaza will be surrounded by the amenity spaces with Windows overlooking the plaza really create a very welcoming space and safe space um on carbon place we have uh roughly I'd say 950 sare ft of commercial space in this case potentially a cafe or something that can be connected to the lobby to further making the experiences on the Plaza and on the sidewalk more more pedestrian friendly going west from um that retail space we are required to provide um necessary mechanical spaces including switch gear rooms um that will occupy really uh good portion of carbon place and further to the West would be the entrance to the parking garage in this case because there are 276 parking spaces uh we consider it to be prudent to provide a secondary egress only um parking entrances as demonstrated to the um further left of this plan and therefore um there is a Devas calling for additional signages in this case it will be um basically signage is calling for where the garages and we think those are the ones that we're asking for the two garage entr so if I could just stop you right there one of the deviations that we're requesting is for three signs where one is required two of those signs are going to be for the entrance and exits of the of the parking garage is that correct that's correct and the other one is for the building signage that we saw in the previous slide correct that is correct okay thankk you continue we are providing 276 parking spaces uh including 195 regular standard parking spaces and 81 compact car spaces also wanted to point out excuse me there will be a total of 42 electric charging station uh proposed 14 will be be provided uh in day one and 28 will be provided in the future and uh in addition to all of that there will be two rental car spaces provided um to reduce uh vehicle congestion the second floor is a continuation of the parking space there is a ramp right in the middle to go up there uh on top of that there will be some additional um parking that we're proposing um there will be no building above so the parking and the kind of phing the backyard uh will be um screened with a 8ot tall fence around third floor we are at the first residential level um as I mentioned before there will be three landscaped roof decks over the parking and will be surrounded by um residential amenity spaces including uh Lounge Game Room uh Club room co-working spaces um also we're starting to look at um really additional shared outdoor spaces for the residents in total there will be close to 14,000 foot of outdoor Amity space proposed for the building so here's a typical floor plan from fourth to 10th floor um it's colorcoded per unit types the purple deep purple and the light purple are the two bedrooms the greens are the one bedrooms and the salmon and the pale yellow color art studios there is a breakdown I can quickly uh um not there will be a 38% studio with the average size between 414 square feet to 557 Square ft 51% of one bedroom ranging from 575 ft to 717 Square ft 11% of two bedrooms ranging from 770 sare ft to 982 sare ft on the top of the building there will be additional setbacks to create more Tes and releves for the building massing um otherwise um I don't really need to go into too much detail still um mixture of one bedroom two bedrooms and Studios on the top of the building there will be a sky Lounge being proposed that will be connected with two outdoor roof Terraces one facing south the other part faces North the rest of the roof will be um designed as high reflectance uh EPDM roofing membrane and how about materiality uh we can quickly go to the material just want to quickly shows showing the overall building as looking from carbon's Place uh public Plaza right in the front the building will carry a very I think distinct character that is both contemporary but also relates to the contacts with you know warehouses industrial buildings uh in the neighborhood uh we can quickly take a look at some of the materials cap pass this around if you'd like oh absolutely the majority of the building will feature a warm toned metal panel accented by a darker gray metal panel the building will feature a a cementitious base that looks it's a combination of stone and man-made Stone materials and then the building would have additional setbacks and and carve outs on the very top to really give it a a little bit more charact residential character the main facade facing carbon space uh carbon place we wanted to create um some reliefs along the relatively long facade again to take the queue from a industrial building we want to treat it with a certain level of repetition but again it's broken up by uh deep recessed balconies and and the teres um to introduce some additional um scale and relief here's a quick detail view of the building as you looking up from the streets here you can see the recessed window plus um the the balconies that we're proposing overall the building is complying with the facade articulation requirement uh in fact in fact we're by far re um exceeding that there was a required 20% of facade variance we're at 35.4% and the facade material variation uh required is 10% we're at 29% there's a view of the building looking from the west and the building would carry the same look um with the same material uh all the way this is a view from the back as if looking from the Fisk Street side and uh we have or you have looked at some of the materials that we have presented so uh the majority of the facade would have a light colored warm colored metal panel with large windows that will be in the dark gray color and then the third material uh metal color we're introducing is the gold color which is going to be accent color to highlight some of these um pop outs or the balconies that we proposed here the base of the building would feature Natural Stone on the base as well as um some man-made stone that have a very pretty texture that would mimic uh stone that but it's very very much more durable um here you can see uh the retail signage being proposed the retail would feature large storefronts double height glass articulation the building entrance would feature a variety of Lights um with the canopy to really indicate the building entrance and here's a view of the streets again we're proposing both down lights and wall sces to make sure that the streets is well lit the sidewalk will be well lit at night and uh quickly going through these are the three residential signages that we're proposing the two on the top um sorry the one on the the upper left one is the one we're proposing for the uh parking garage the other sign for the parking garage would be similar to the one that we're showing here some additional views for the some of the outdoor amenities this is a third floor um featuring a pool and then we also have the rooftop amenities again here we have Barbe two stations uh outdoor seating areas and uh with that that concludes my testimony thank you okay thank you any questions that that would conclude our presentation I have a question go ahead yeah how much affordable housing you have in this building there's none zero uh none's required since we are compliant with the plan and no deviations adding additional building area uh um so we're compliant and then there's no affordable housing proposal and uh one more thing I want to ask about the flooding what uh actions have you taken for flooding if there is lot of rain and everything well we got to comply with the DP in terms of you know whatever requirements they have in terms of flood proofing and raising of of uh you know the facade but I don't believe we're in a flood area we're not in a flood area we're relatively High um however the side is designed with the rain Garden as we have shown together with the storm water detention tank that will be designed to the engineer standard hopefully we don't have those de hopefully issues uh couple questions a couple concerns um start with the concern is the the panels they look a little reflective to me they seem to have some kind of a glare a shine a glare to if if the Sun hits right um could we go with matte panels same color but matte panels just so they don't reflect so much absolutely okay no problem okay um we want to condition on that yeah let's put a condition on that uh who says this I don't even know cam we'll put a condition for mat panels instead of reflective ones um are there uh warning lights on the garage exit the two exits we talked about that and we will we did bring that up in our one of our prep calls uh just in terms of some kind of a notification or safety notification for entrance and eress of the parking because people are on their headphones all day and they don't pay attention I like to blame the cars but yeah right either way right either way um but we will we could work with staff on that and we put a warning light or I know there's flashers or no problem there and we'll happy to agree to a condition on that too okay excellent um the signage are they back lit are they Channel letters what are they they're backit okay yes um the details has been included in the S plan application package um my last concern are the electric car spaces in the garage are they all grouped together or are they spread out through the garage so here here's a first floor plan the electric charging stations are indicated with the circle the one solids are the ones that will be installed day one and the ones that are um future uh yeah the ones are Futures are are indicated otherwise so we do have them grouped in a few different locations that but they're all on the first floor uh some are along the western side of the parking garage on the first floor some are next to the uh 88 St um spaces which is closer to the entrance to the building so it's I would say group together but spread out within the first floor of the garage okay there so there's a concern it might happen down the road at some point that fire code changes for EV charging spaces and garages so you know I don't know if we should think ahead but that's on the applicant yeah I mean I know e batteries are yeah concerned um and lastly those um handicap spaces that are also EV spaces are they either or do you have to have an electric vehicle to park in that space if you have the plaque the handicap spaces are provided uh per uh ada8 requirements I believe we have the handicap spaces proportioned um to have them to be able to EV charge uh as you can see here some of these would have the EV Chargers but I'm trying to see there are handicap spaces that are that does not have EV charging station my concern is if those handicap spaces are taken that another vehicle couldn't use that handicap spot if it wasn't an EV vehicle also so if we can make sure that those are what we we yeah I I see your point and and those are you know that day one we don't want to be impeding any of course so I have no issue and and I'm sure we can probably move those proposed over so that the Ada spaces are unobstructed there's no issue that they may or may not be EV ready I'd love if they were EV ready okay but I just don't want to condition that spot on being an EV Ada spot solely that it's combined so you know and I think some of the handicap spaces or Ada spaces have to be Eevee ready true true so there are 14 provided in day one two of them as you see on the screen are for the Ada spaces so chairman to your point uh we can look at maybe just keep one and try to keep the 13 up them to be are they assigned are they assigned to unit numbers or are they first come first serve it'd be on a I would say on a more I mean listen it's a little bit further down the road but first come first serve okay I don't think there's going to be dedicated spaces for unit owners I think it just gets way too crazy okay in terms of implementing that no I'd love if they were EV as well as ADA Compliant I just don't want to limit the use that's all we can work on that and I I don't know if we have an answer right now how to fine maybe it's signage just to say so it's got to comply you got to comply obviously witha requirements you got to comply with the necessary EV both in installing as well as in future use and ready able and then chairman to your point about potential code changes uh I know a lot of the time it goes retroactive it's down the road but you know if you've you've got to move these around you should probably uh construct so that it's easy you don't need the station as I understand it the wiring versus the station the uh stations themselves are R the real big ticket goes if you start putting in all these charging stations versus wiring to be adaptable okay that was it for me anybody else that's so I have a CERN of question concerned too so um you're U moving of the um open space to the corner of the area um of on carbon the uh balconies uh you mentioned that the middle balconies are all recessed but the railings of the balconies are not recessed um they seem to be flush with the edge of the balcony uh so I'm uh my concern is that uh the toe plate of that railing we don't want it to become a bathtub holding water but we do not want it to be an open space that somebody could kick something out now you have the corner balconies in that open space area and all of them and one of your V there's a man standing underneath it when you look at your vend so you have a person standing underneath the balcony and if got for been something that fell off of that balcony by kick you know uh so that's always been one of my concerns I'm hoping that one day somebody could design something that allows the water to seep out the but nothing else um and if you could take that into consideration I think it's just a safety aspect um God forbid we don't want nobody getting hurt while they're having fun in an open SPAC area uh and I noticed that with your balconies in the middle there is uh they're recessed all the way back in but the rail it is all the way up to the front of the edge uh so uh if there's something we uh you guys could do to address that with the planet staff uh I think it would be um to the best interest of the developer and everybody that figures that that area well that's it fair question commissioner we could look at that we'll look at that we'll work with staff at there's a design or a railing that you know they think may think is better or to eliminate any the safety concerns we'll look at safety aspect yes this they're usually 4 and a half inches your to Plate yeah a lot of things could go through four and a half inch opening uh we're a little bit less I think the Cod is not more than 4 in yeah 4 in space above of the cement yeah uh just uh something to uh look into we already seen that in uh incidents happening before so let's avoid that that's all I have thank all right anybody else okay thank you sir thank you thank you my next witness is uh Dan Badgley just brief landscape architecture testimony just in terms of the species and plantings no deviation no deviations no this is just detailing what we're what all the green because we did work with ourry early on to make sure you know these are all good stuff these are all good plantings that are going to survive here in the city of [Music] correct ttim tonight going be the truth the home truth nothing truth I do spell your name yes excuse me uh my name is Daniel Badgley it's spelled b a DG l e y good evening sir we've qualified you in the past is your license current tonight yes it is okay thank you qualified Dan if you could can you please briefly go uh go through the landscaper Landscaping features of this project please and before you get before you get into it I'm going to ask if we could ENT this is an exhibit A5 this is just a selection of slide A6 excuse me thank you Council uh A6 is just a a selection of slides from the architectural plans and from the Landscaping plans that are already provided it is a what four slide deck dated uh five five slide deck dated uh October 22nd of 24 go ahead that's great thank you uh so just wanted to uh run run you through the uh exterior environments for this this project um including Hardscape landscape and sight lighting um to start on the uh West End and work our way through the streetcape uh we have uh proposed 10 Street trees within 14 I'm sorry 10 10 Street trees within eight tree pits uh two of the tree pits are uh elongated to accommodate two trees uh where the remainder of the tree pits are the standard five foot by by 10 foot the uh tree species for uh the street trees are a columnar variety of uh sweet gum uh which get to be about 50 or so feet uh tall in maturity and uh only stay about 5 to 6 feet or so uh wide in uh in maturity as well which is why we're confident we can uh propose them uh so close together uh in the combined tree pits uh the the tree pits will be filled out with a ground cover uh form of uh um um sorry fragrant sumac uh and uh each tree pit will be surrounded by uh a Jersey City approved tree guard uh which are surrounded on three sides but open uh to the street uh as we move East uh you can see the design opens up to the plaza space uh that Mr Zoo uh talked about earlier uh this Plaza space is uh 8,500 Square ft uh it is proposed to have a large rectangular uh pavement pattern pretty much throughout except for the Central Area you see here which um I I'll call an area rug of a smaller rectangular plank style uh pavement pattern so a slight pavement change there uh we have uh 16 uh wall topper uh seat benches which are along uh 358 linear feet of concrete seat wall which surround all of the landscape areas and which include a a double tier of seating which are set into the grade on the East um to get into the land landscape uh detail a little bit uh we have an existing 10in uh Oak which we are proposing will be protected and remain uh you can see 10 10 inch diameter okay 10 inch diameter yeah I'm sorry diam diameter at brast tight dbh yes very large tree um and then you can see seven proposed shade trees uh which are a seedless wheat gum so they'll have very much the same type of fall color as the street tree uh just in a you know more standard uh canopy habit uh growing to you know around 50 or so feet high but uh more standard 25 to 30 foot uh diameter canopy uh all all of the uh Islands uh landscape Islands you see in the plaza will receive I'm sorry the the two larger uh landscape islands in the plaza will receive storm water so we've uh proposed appropriate plant material for that which are you know appropriate for rain gens uh and and that type of uh situation um excuse me the um I I would say the the bulk of the the landscape is is a an attractive mix of Evergreens deciduous flowering uh plants so you know we will have yearr round interest um and uh just to give a summary we you know again we have the the one existing large Oak uh total of 17 shade trees um 107 shrubs and 895 combined uh ornamental grasses ground covers and perennials so that's it for for landscape thank you Dan any questions for the Commissioners thank you I have no questions anybody else justar the existing large Oak you point that out y it's right here can can you see my mouse and that trunk is fully within the property the trunk is not within the property but it's right on the property line it's within an existing planting bed whose tree is that well it's if it's not within our property line then it would be the adjoining property owners um I I don't have the answer to that question right now now um get the answer but if it's not within our property line then I guess it would have to be the next the neighboring owner is NJCU so it would be their tree unless it's in excuse me unless it's in the right away then it' be the city's tree but I don't think I think it's probably n jcu's tree right there well I see Westside Avenue up on the on the screen there I it's a no because I think it's further to the right uh if you follow the kind of the shading I think it's to the right of the crosswalk and it just the way the lighting looks from the can't really tell though on sure it's on the survey it's on the survey yes yeah but it's being kept so I mean I can pull the survey out on my computer right now I don't have it hard copy on me um but I can look it it's within an existing uh planting bed it's a raised planting bed that we are not touching miror you had a question also oh yeah I just um for the the plants just to um get on record to confirm that you'll be complying with the city's native plant species ordinance yes yeah okay thank you excellent thank you now this is mhm yeah so they required to have just number of trees it is outside of our line it is out I just took a look at the survey it's outside of the property line I think there's some miscon we're not counting this towards our total number of trees uh I think it's just a Dan pointed it out just to say there is an existing tree there of a 10inch diameter within a planter it's not ours we're not touching it and it will remain oh you're not touching it but if it's not yours it may not remain but we would have no impact control of that and we're not taking the benefit of that tree as it relates to our site it's just providing additional tree canopy for our site I mean we have the deviation for the number of Street trees that we're proposing already there's 14 that are required 10 are proposed right that's along the streetcape and the frontage on uh carbon there's additional trees that we're planting that don't go towards the frontage or the number of Street trees required because we're putting in a plaza area so that tree really has no significance to the project as a whole except that it's immediately adjacent to the plaza area it may provide cover it will provide additional cover and canopy to our site uh we can't control what happens with it but Our intention is to do everything we can to keep it as much as we can although we acknowledge we can't because it's not ours to keep okay all right right with that okay anybody else any questions one other question CU I I did not confirm so with the deviation going from 14 to 10 trees you'll be paying into the tree fund for the four that will not be planted absolutely and that was part of our old approval and we will continue to honor that I just want to get that on yeah no no no no for sure it's part of the we ask we got to pay yeah yeah okay thank you sir we appreciate it Council anything else nothing for Dan just finally Charles will just confirm all the deviations okay excellent no okay okay all these paper friendly professionals Charles is just going to be referring two slides from A4 not a new exhibit she's just plugging into so this is the five part of the presentation correct yes who's timing I'm just going on what you I do yes Charles height last name is spelled h e y DT Mr height good evening your license is current tonight it is okay thank you you're qualified thank you um I'll jump right to a good evening board members uh we are carrying from last meeting um I just did want to remind the board of one of the variances that was discussed at the last meeting to start off the uh application um this is with respect to the creation of a new right of-way map um we are taking the conservative position that while it doesn't say required it does reference create of new rights of way um on this property there are two frontages that are to be created one is a widening along carbon so we are still implementing that from the map it's really the the bisecting Street um that we are not providing so that's the deviation request for that portion that uh bisects this property uh you can see from this exhibit where in red on the left it's proposed and then we are shifting that to the southeast corner of the site in terms of the area and converting it from a RightWay to again a public uh asset um which is the plaza so um that's the gist of the the one request from creation of a new right of way um it is uh a bulk deviation uh and we are obviously proposing an alternative design that keeps the same square footage uh from the right of way uh that's approximately 8,500 sare ft and obviously we just saw the the concept designs uh for the the plaza itself with the Landscaping the trees the shade trees and the seating areas so um that will be uh a benefit to not only the proposal the the application but uh it will be a semi-public private area where uh members of the Greater Community can come um to to have a place to be um with respect to the other uh deviations that are being requested or variances there are three that affect the streetcape and two that affect uh really the architecture um with respect to the streetcape they're relatively straightforward just to remind the board um we heard from our civil engineer on the application um that there's the uh maximum permitted loading space along the streetcape of 30 ft what's being proposed is 75 ft and that's been coordinated um with the um review agents on the City Transportation uh planning department to give enough um area for not only loading but pick up and drop off uh really just addressing the the fact that providing the plaza will be more of an active uh location and providing a suitable uh area for on Street loading uh is preferred so again it's it's a 75t proposal where 30 FTS uh in length is permitted uh the other two we just heard about are the street trees 10 proposed 14 required uh will'll reiterate that we are providing actual additional Street trees on the subject property so there's a an increase um of total a total of seven additional trees um on the subject property um which is a benefit to the overall design uh and lastly um which uh last meeting we we heard about the details of the distance between Street trees the spacing um this is a requirement that the city has that they range anywhere from 22 to 35 ft um what's being proposed are approximately 12 feet uh and its greatest distance again we're dealing with loading zones drop off areas fire hydrants other uh Street utilities um the greatest distance is 51 uh approximately 52 ft so we are outside of those spacing distances but again we have coordinated that um with with the city uh and obviously are referencing the relief here um those are the three deviations with respect to the um the streetcape or variances with respect to the architecture the two uh that we had covered previously in testimony from from the project architect are the unenclosed rear yard parking um that's prohibited in the plan uh there's not parking permitted in the rear yard uh this is parking above the first level uh of of the structured parking that's integrated into the project um and the way we are able to mitigate that impact from the adjacent structure on uh to the north is providing that screening so we are providing a screening which will help visually uh separate um it doesn't have a roof uh so it's not part of the overall structured uh um area of the building but the the vertical screening will help block any visuals from those Vehicles there uh and we did address that with the adjacent property owner that's directly impacted by that that deviation so um that's the unenclosed structured uh parking in the rear uh and the second is with the signage um we obviously heard uh one is permitted for residential uses in in the in the district and we are proposing an additional two for the uh entrance and exits of the of the property so of the of for the vehicular access um all in all these are very relatively um uh minor deviations to request uh but we do have to address them um they also have to advance uh special reasons in the land use law um so I'll just reference uh the three that I think are appropriate um purpose a to guide appropriate development in the state of New Jersey um we did work with City agencies and have direct community uh meetings with uh several Property Owners uh within uh adjacent Property Owners within this area um since the prior site plan approval so it's been an active conversation and obviously any comments from this board we've we've tried to address as well uh purpose e is an appropriate popul establishment of appropriate population densities um this Redevelopment this new application within the Redevelopment plan does comply with all the maximum F standards and the permitted mixed use development so there's no exceedences there um lastly uh the um creation of a desirable visual environment that's purpose I um with respect to the architecture uh I did there was oh it's up thank you very much um the architecture meets all the architecture and design standards of the Redevelopment plan uh and we think that the idea to transfer the right of way to the plaza is really a benefit to all um so that's being shown here on on uh sheet seven but uh that does in my opinion create a desirable visual environment um with respect to the negative criteria my computer just froze uh just there's two prongs to the negative criteria um with respect to any substantial impairment of the Redevelopment plan and I don't think there's any uh impairment here these are as I mentioned before relatively minor and routine uh variances and deviations that are being corrected we've tried to mitigate the impact of the request with design Alternatives shown to you um we are still advancing objectives um of the Redevelopment plan really transitioning what was a recycling plant into a nice mixed use Rel residential mixed use project um so one of the objectives to provide for the orderly phase conversion of vacant land and Antiquated industrial land uses and buildings within the Redevelopment area to a modern integrated mixed use community so it it really holistically does advance the Redevelopment plan um we are also in line with the master plan um so no substantial impairment there um we are ensuring the city's available housing is balanced and meets the needs of all current and future city residents um we are also improving open space assets and connecting them to each other and into the community so this is advancing both of those objectives of the master plan um and lastly with respect to any uh detriment to the general welfare um we've taken great care to request the relief needed um the mention about the safety enhancements for vehicular access um is duly noted uh we along with the signage but also any sort of pedestrian warning signals is is part and parcel of that um we are providing additional Street trees uh which I do think is is uh mitigating the lack of uh I mean on onsite trees which mitigates the the street the lack of Street trees and uh and lastly the the the screening for the um vehicles in the rear of the property um that's my testimony um with positive and negative criteria I'd be happy to answer any questions all right thank you Mr he I have nothing anybody else okay thank you thank you chairman that'll conclude our presentation and thank you the thank you board for your time okay thank you at this time let's open it up for a public comment is anybody here from the public that wants to comment on this come on up guys good yeah how are you truth the truth I do yeah uh Brendan Deany d v a NE y I'm from Taylor Law Group uh you want my home address or law if you're a lawyer yeah 430 Mountain Avenue sweet 30 uh sweet 103 New Providence New Jersey Council are you testifying as a member of the public or an attorney right now uh I'm testifying on behalf of my client um maybe I raised my hand the wrong time I'm not sure no that's fine do you want to put your appearance on record then uh yes please oh yeah I've never done this before sorry uh Brandon Deany from Taylor Law Group here on behalf of University Academy Charter High School okay go ahead sir uh yeah so our uh our client just had one uh concern um they're the tenant on the west side of the property at 275 Westside Avenue um they're aware of the project and the scope of work and and all of that um their only concern is regarding the security and safety of their students um they're worried that without any clear delineation between property lines it'll be kind of difficult to keep students from going to the plaza and me members of the plaza from coming on to the student property um so they were just hoping that they could get some sort of fence either that be whether that be natural or you know standard fence just to kind of ease some of those security concerns in the plaza area it look like I saw a fence and a KNE wall on the rendering so we are proposing an 8ft fence along that side to ensure obviously you know students are not coming onto our side and vice versa so Council for the applicant that goes to the facade of the building at the rear of that Plaza why don't you put it back up on the screen yeah so in the rendering it looks like the wall is next to the facade of the building does it does it dead end into the facade of the building this is our new wall that's within the our property that we're constructing what we're proposing is that exist the proposed landscape including the planter Edge would then have a uh rating metal rating on top of that and the top of the rting would be 8T from the adj and that goes to the wall correct there's no space the wall there's no spacing between the fencing and okay thank you Council anything else my yeah so it I want to make sure there's no gap between the building that wall and fence on top of it so that students can't get or anybody can't get in between and through there is no Gap thank you yeah I should satisfy Our concern then okay thank you Council anybody else from public come on up hi um also an attorney representing a neighboring property owner sure do you your on record then Patrick conin from skiny Hollenbeck s c a r i n c i Hollenbeck okay um so I I represent the owner of 49 Fisk Street um not in any way opposing this application I I just wanted to ask uh Charles Heyde and Cameron to just elaborate on the eligibility for the the RightWay bonus considering that there is this deviation from the the map that's shown I just want to clarify that if that deviation is granted that the the applicant is still eligible for the bonus um I could go first but basically I'm regurgitating what Charles already said which is that they are meeting the right of way for carbon and then as an additional positive criteria they're providing the park um where the future right of way would have been but cannot be provided anymore because it would be a road to a wall so that meets the objectives of the Redevelopment plan and satisfies the bonus and so the fact that it's it's just a small portion you know that it's it's it is different it's as long as you provide some some amount of the right away if there are special reasons to to provide this deviation that it's it's still eligible for the bonus even with the deviation they are providing a right of way on carbon place all right yep thank you thank you Council okay anybody else from public truu I do Gino fi address is 33 I need a drive good evening sir we have three minutes for you unless are you an attorney also no okay I love it three minutes just a joining neighbor I own the daycare center on FIS Street which is a joint into the property where they're building this thing here and I just wanted to know what is the setback for my property from the back of the daycare center to where the building is going to go council do you want to address and I'll pause your I'll pause your time sorry I'm sorry I'll pause your time and we'll just have have Council address yeah go ahead how you doing good so G is going to testify us to that on the rear of the property it's a third it's at the ground level zero above the ground floor it's a 30 foot setback it's 30 foot set back I don't know where your building is in location to our building we're on we're on carbon right there's a building behind us on Fisk right that's what I'm talking about if that's easier I can pull it 49 Fisk no 33 Okay 33 sir yes 33 Fisk it's a daycare center I believe it's one of the properties on the eastern part of our site um what we're proposing is as Gerard has mentioned we're entitled to go up to the lot line on the first floor from the second floor the building is set back 30 ft and going up 30 ft from the lot line but my building is at the end of my property so how could you go right up against it there is no residential use and again the lot the ril yard set back it's all prescribed in the reeven plan that we're complying with uh there's no residential units or any things in that nature that requires natural light and air and the units that's above that is set back 30 ft from the lot line I'm not understanding that he's on the you you're go ahead I'll make it simple for you this is the daycare center this is your property how far you going to be to my building on this well your building is on your lot line our ground floor is 0t at the ground level on that side and then above the ground floor it goes sets back 30 ft that's the answer I still don't understand that 30 feet zero at the ground at great we're at Great correct floor MH buildings are next to each other mhm starting on the second floor their building goes back 30 ft so your building is going to be next to that wall in the drawer can you see the wall in the drawer yeah so this AB buts your building up here mhm is set back 30 ft to the tower to the residential Tower to so there will be a wall correct there'll be a wall which will be on property line that's correct correct that's right okay and how how tall is that wall that you're going to build it will be because the grade varies M about 13' 6 that will be the first floor and then on top of that we would have a parit okay about 3' six of the parit just for protection and on top of that we're proposing a screen that would screen some parking that would be on the back okay all right I don't oppose anything I just wanted to know you know where the lines are going to be there okay okay good luck thank you sir any other questions thank okay anybody else from public if you'd like to comment please come on up Mr chair seeing no more public I move to close second okay motion is made and seconded public is closed can uh yes so planning staff is satisfied with the professional planning testimony given by the uh the planner Charles uh in regards to the variance and the positive and negative criteria and how the project meets the objectives and goals of the Redevelopment plan and how it does not negatively impact our master plan um and planning staff agrees um yeah the the project is meeting the vision of the root development plan which specifically contemplates sustainable design and um you know incorporating rain guarded native species like this um it's a more efficient layout than the prior approval um and yeah um we are going to add um into the planning memo uh dated November 20th a 8th 9th 10th and 11th condition an eighth condition for the mat panels ninth for garage safety exit 10th to move one of the EV out of those Ada spaces that were right up front and then the 11th is to address the balcony design um I don't know if we need a condition for that okay just work with st it's just you know work with staff to make sure that those Ada spaces are are designed for what they're supposed to be that's all okay um well we'll keep the eighth for the map panels and the ninth for the garage design and all those conditions are acceptable including the ones in the prior the additional conditions uh and we'll work with staff on the Ada space okay thank okay um well then planning staff recommends approval and meets the objectives and goals of the Redevelopment plan and we see it as a great um asset to the neighborhood so planning staff recommends approval thank you camp Mr Char like to make a motion at this time to approve case p2024 d36 as presented to the board tonight with the conditions outlaid second okay motion is made and seconded for approval with conditions all right Vice chair Dr Gonzalez yeah I like the program I I mean the project I really do um I think it meets the objectives of the Redevelopment plan thanks for working with us it's going to be a great asset to the community I vote I commissioner gangan yeah it's um a great addition to the neighborhood very familiar with the neighborhood as well um love the Green Space the outdoor that the community will have accessibility to it as well um based on the variances I think there's no detriment to the Redevelopment plan so vote I councilwoman Prince um yeah so it's nice to see what I hope will be the final iteration of this project so there have been multiple going back almost seven years now I think if memory serves um but thank you all for taking Community concerns as it relates to um community space and open space as you've gone through multiple iterations um and I wish you best of luck I vote I commissioner Torres yeah and um yeah thanks for taking time out and showing that community space too IID like to speak on that but um as you move forward uh for the public came out um an Enlightenment today was that there's a daycare center right on the property line of the property line that us a building um so um let's have some concern for that you know we have students on one side that I didn't notice while I was looking in The Prince and I have a daycare center in the back that I didn't notice while I was looking through this um so I'm glad that they public came out um let's keep that in mind and concern one the construction um and uh and safeguard for those properties that are your neighbors look with that I'll vote on commissioner Stato I concur with my board members and I vote Yes commissioner Dr Desai yeah only thing I like is the so many parkings which is so good for the people who live there and one thing I didn't like is no affordable housing for people but I'm going to vote I and chairman Langston so yeah I agree with um Mr height testimony Cameron's wrap up uh there's no detriment to the Zone plan um it it's a good project I like the the public open space being used as opposed to a a through Street I'd always rather see pedestrian you know access to something than uh than a street um just to jump off on what commission commissioner Tor said um you know I hope the applicant knowing that there's a daycare behind that up to the property line um it's out of this board's jurisdiction but I do hope that they use uh qualified trained and safe workers to construct the building and um Council I'm sure we could point you in the right direction to help out with that anytime you need but um my vote is going to be I motion carries all in favor with conditions okay thank you appreciate it Commissioners thank you very much and thank you for your thoughts we'll definitely take that into consideration great appreciate it thank you all right let's move on to the second item tonight uh Item B case p2024 d216 uh is three oneyear extensions for uh 5 Second Street also known as 242 Hudson Street yes uh good evening um Mr chairman members of the board uh Charles Arrington of Connell Foley on behalf of the applicant so um tonight we're asking for three one-year extensions it's it's a little bit different um from what's usually put before the board because um we've already asked for a one-year extension a few years ago so you're um you're entitled to ask for up to three one-year extensions under the mlul but there's also another provision um that if you have a project that's over a 100 uh 100 units if there's econom you can consider the economic conditions and the complexity or comprehensiveness of the development um it it allows the board to Grant additional time so we are asking for that additional year um as part of this application and I I'll tell you the background of it um in in support of that request um this is is uh for the project called Plaza 8 um this is the the project that's on on the waterfront that in um is in proximity and part of that beer garden uh I was before the board uh a few months ago probably more than a few months ago for Plaza 9 which is the the second the second phase so uh Plaza 8 when we got our first extension it took us to March 10th uh 2023 right for the uh extension of the approvals and prior to that extension date uh the the project had permits for a tww uh permit a fa FFA uh permit for the flights over over the um the building and we also had a so soil erosion of permits so we had permits prior to that that March 10 2023 date uh and I had a discussion with the planning director and and she said well you you vested your approval uh you deal on a zoning determination letter uh and and quite honestly my client and and there's a uh a purchaser of the project wanted to come to this board kind of for belts and suspenders to make sure we're okay uh because we also at the time we applied for a building permit prior to that March 2023 date and we were granted the building permit in OCT October of 2023 so we're very far along but it's it's really you know the concern um quite honestly is is when we as Mr lampy could could could confirm is when we get to the uh the discussions with lenders uh down the road we we want to make sure that that everybody is is is square with this um so that's why we're asking for the three years because the two years will take us to March of 2025 uh so there's going to be an appeal period to to any extension Grant Ed uh and then probably the closing date with appeal period is probably going to come right around then so we're looking for some wiggle room uh to to make sure we we have time to uh to do that so so that's what we're asking for tonight uh I do have a client rep here tonight in the event you have any questions but uh that's that's a long and short of it Council so that I'm clear go back to March of 2023 and then run it through March of 2026 that's correct March 10th 2026 so chairman and board uh obviously we've dealt with extensions before council is correct specifically with respect to this board having discretion on large scale projects under uh section 52e of the mlul it's njsa 40 uh 55 d-52 e that allows so C allows you to go backwards in time and section e is for projects there's a commercial component of like 150,000 square feet residential of 100 units or more and one of the things you get to consider is the uh economic Challenge and the general conditions council's talking about the fact that they have to go and get a permit with respect to airplanes and a flight path that process is daunting task as you can imagine so all of that long-windedness being said uh I think it's a a appropriate request from the applicant I have no issue legally it's in the board's discretion but I think Council has given you the justification and the reason for the running it through 2026 he probably doesn't need the extension he doesn't need somebody in a windowless room on the financing end saying well we don't think this is good so we're going to hold up hundreds of millions of dollars in financing to get the project done that's as an attorney your worst nightmare okay thank you Council anybody any questions no okay is there anybody here from the public that wants to comment anyone from public seeing no public I move to close second okay motion is made and seconded public is closed Matt staff has no staff has no comment uh but if you have any questions we are here okay thank you Mr chair i' like to make a motion at this time to approve case p2024 d216 has presented to the board tonight second okay motion is made and seconded for approval uh Vice chair Dr gonal I commissioner Gaden I councilwoman preri I commissioner Torres hi commissioner stamato I commissioner Dr Desai I and chairman Lon hi motion carries all in favor okay thank you thank you councel all right let's move on to item C is case p2024 d174 is a one-year extension to a preliminary and final major site plan with deviations for 250 Academy Street good evening chairman good evening Commissioners speaking of nightmares coming through coming true my name is Gerard pillo I'm an attorney with Jova Burns uh appearing this evening on behalf of the applicant gopal G LLC dvsr D LLC owners of the properties 248 250 Academy Street blocks 12204 block 12204 Lots 1 and 30 uh here this evening requesting our third and final one-year extension of the site plan approv our preliminary and final major site plan approval with deviations that was granted under p19 166 extended by case number p2296 and then further case p23 0045 we did file this request in September uh shortly after the expiration date of August uh we are extend requesting uh for the extension to run through August of 25 uh this is the third and final uh basis for the extension uh there's just been a myriad of issues and problems with this case from day one uh demolition issues neighbor issues contractor issues partner issues uh my client's dream is to build a hotel here uh he's a longtime Jersey City resident and this is just what he wants to do this is his goal uh we are asking for this additional period of time to see if he can finally get this off the ground I understand and he understand what's at stake here on that the protection of the approval is no longer if should the board deny this application or even if we do Grant it and he's not able to move forward uh he's unprotected and not you know uh liable to uh any zoning changes but we are asking for this additional period of time to see if you can finally bring this project to fruition we understand any conditions that are part of the prior approvals continue to remain in place and we would accept that uh and happy to answer any questions the Commissioners may have uh on this but that would conclude my remarks all right thank you Council it's never an attorney's problem though it's always the neighborhood problem no it's always the attorney's problemy it's always the attorney's problem problem solvers I that's what I hear I have no questions anybody else no no all right thank you is anybody here from public that wants to comment anyone from public motion to close the public second okay motion is made and executive public is closed Matt anything you want to add uh staff has no comment uh staff advises approving the the extension okay thank you Mr J like to make a motion to approve case p2024 0174 as presented to the board tonight second all right motion is made and seconded for approval uh commission commissioner H excuse me Vice chair Dr Gonzalez hi commissioner M uh yes uh commissioner Desai hi commissioner gang I uh commissioner priner hi commissioner Torres hi and chairman Langston hi motion carries all in favor okay thank you thank you Commissioners have a great Christmas okay have a nice holiday Mike do you want to get a break in uh now the next one might be half hour okay okay uh we're going to take a 10-minute break everybody at 703 we'll be back uh 713 again please everybody yeah I got it now got it and let's call Item D is case p2024 d42 this is for conditional use at 415 Monmouth Street good evening Council um good evening uh chairman and uh Commissioners um my name is Duncan Delano of Tarter krinsky and Drogan I'm here on behalf of applicant Warrior weed LLC for case number p224 d42 um we are seeking a conditional use application and approval conditional use approval for a cannabis dispensary at 415 Mammoth Street um if you'll recall we were uh carried without notice from the uh November 12th hearing um and so we uh redid notice we got a new 200 foot list um and which included um the unit owners of the condo association as well as the condo association itself um all notices were uh timely and properly delivered um notice uh uh proof of a Affidavit of publication was also uploaded timely um and has also been delivered uh today um and so uh I will because it was carried without testimony I will bring back up uh the architect will wenman um to provide uh testimony about the minor interior renovation great thank you Council chairman we do have the new notice we're going to mark it uh for purposes of the record my notes indicate Mike you can correct me if I'm wrong but we had marked the previous notice and found a problem with it we had mark it as A1 for purposes of the record so I'm going to Mark the new notice with the transmitt date of December 2nd as A2 for purposes of the record and uh Council uh the last hearing uh exhibit A2 was the uh condo deed and and bylaws perhaps A3 A3 and for purposes of the record out of an abundance of caution because those addresses did not identify on the list uh the applicant did go ahead and include those addresses in the list and re notice so that was the purpose of that and I think as a precautionary measure we should start a new testimony yes that's right with one minor correction which is that um we actually just got a new 200 foot list and lo and behold the activism paid off all the unit owners appeared on that list the condo association also appeared on that list excellent any testimony tonight going to be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do you sp your name sure it's William wenman last name spelled w c k e n m a Ann Mr wman good evening we've qualified you countless times now uh your license is current tonight yes okay thank you you're qualified um I will be brief with my testimony um this is about as simple as um a project from an architectural perspective as uh we present to this board um project is an interior fit out only um of an existing commercial space um we have the uh existing and proposed FL plans here uh side by side for comparison purposes um again this is an interior renovation um the total square footage of the commercial space is approximately 305 Square ft um it is an existing uh dog gromer um and uh we are planning uh fit out for a a new dispensary um the uh entrance to the space and the storefront storefront will uh remain the same um when you enter the space we have the check-in and security counter immediately adjacent to the door um the public area of the dispensary is located towards the front of the space um and it is um bisected by the uh counter the POS um counter here uh with the uh merchandise display directly behind it um the back of house space we have the existing utilities as well as um Secure Storage um and a uh employee only uh restroom um the space is um very small so um only one uh one means of egress is required per code um it's it's a very shallow space it's approximately 40 40t uh 40t deep so again um this this this space meets the building code requirements for for egress the exterior improvements are very minimal and uh involve a signage a window signage which will be applied to the the existing storefront glass as well as an opaque privacy and security film which will be applied to applied to the to the glass as well um that concludes my testimony though I do have um a security plan as well as an odor mitigation plan um available if there are any questions actually yeah I was going to ask you about the uh odor mitigation and as far as security goes I don't want locations of the cameras um I just want to know that they exist yes okay all right so if we could let's go through odor mitigation sure um the space um uh uh all of the exhaust vents for the space will be equipped with charcoal filters um there'll also be air purifiers within the space to help uh again with odor mitigation um the product is prepackaged sealed this isn't loose cannabis so um the anticipated odors from the from the merchandise is expected to be extremely low okay and where is the where does the air vent to um currently advents through the roof I believe and that's just for the bath exhaust okay understood so the the charcoal filter units are just contained to the the retail space itself that's correct okay but we will apply one to the bath exhaust as well just out of an abundance of caution okay um and the windows are screened correct yes Francisco this might be a question for you so the the business name is Warrior weed is that is weed allowed in the statute to be part of the name so that is a a condition I added basically just says the applicant shall revise the logo and work with staff to come up with a new logo for the location if the signage is denied by the state so ultimately the state would have to review the signage and approve of it um so if there are any issues with the um logo the state will notify the applicant and then the applicant would have to work with staff to change it okay what about the actual city ordinance uh the city ordinance doesn't speak to anything like that okay understood that was uh that's it for me anybody else questions question I guess for Francisco too and uh the size of the space the city ordinance doesn't um have anything to say of that either no of just a small entrance door come in and out of the space uh per the ordinance I don't believe there's a limitation on the size of the square footage for this location um but other than that no there's minimum or Max yeah okay all right anybody else any questions have a question you had brought up about the uh the word weed could we um you know request that to be Chang so that's outside the jurisdiction of the board State as I understand it regulates the naming and if the state rejects it as Francisco had indicated then the applicant would have to trade under a different name uh council do you have any um as far as I know and I have looked at this previously but it's been a while um Warrior weed is a permissible name under New York or New Jersey cannabis regul ulations um and Jersey city regul ordinances which do not speak to that matter um and while there are sign restrictions any any sign that the applicant would use would be in compliance um you know if if it were deemed to be a condition of approval that you we need to you know change I don't know about changing the name um uh it's the the basis for the name is um uh the applicants the the principle of the applicants brother has served in the military and um one of the uh one of the causes that the cannabis dispensary will support will be veterans causes and so Warrior weed has some significance um and was selected uh with that in mind um but uh you know we're also realistic and flexible and if if there are conditions made we would um you know I'd talk to my client but we would consider them and and if that were a condition of approval we would seriously consider that so unless that was part of the city ordinance you know we could have that conversation but since it's not in our ordinance now it's it's not the J jurisdiction of this board then sounds good thank you anything else no no no further questions okay everybody good okay thank you sir thank you very much Council anything else um I just would like to take the opportunity to correct the record uh from last meeting I um made a comment that we we organized a zoom meeting for the residents of the condo association um and I I Rec I I misrecollection [Music] to the planning board um concerned that they had not received notice so we spoke with um um our planner and and and requested to be tabled um and immediately scheduled that that call for that evening with the condo association members um only two uh residents um joined the call and only one really spoke but just wanted to correct the record that that was um September 24th okay um and I do have if if the board will accept I have um to enter into evidence uh emails uh to the the condo association reaching out um asking for input or or concerns um on on the September 24th um November 18th uh November 21st and um finally again on December 2nd um Council we'll take the representation that you on behalf of your client uh had reached out to the other unit owners I believe when we were here back uh at the prior hearing we had uh recommended that everybody speak because those unit owners were here they were objecting to the application I am sure they are in the audience tonight we're going to hear from them shortly so I don't know if those conversations took place but I am sure they are here and are going to uh come forward when we get to the public portion which is going to be momentarily so yeah obious they did not respond uh to any of those emails um we requested the letters they had provided to the board um they did not provide those we asked for concern so we could talk about them we offered to discuss payment of the any increases in insurance um but they didn't respond to any of those emails but that's that's all the testimony we have you know I want to be very clear for everybody yourself as well as those members in in the public that uh are going to want to speak on the application and and for the board's edification with respect to this board's role on this application we do not get into Andor have any jurisdiction over any dispute between unit owners and and their rights amongst each other uh those are private disputes that are for another Forum with respect to our job as the planning board obviously we've heard a lot of these applications this is a conditional use variance that's permitted under the zoning ordinance if you meet the conditions we've gone through these conditions of the ordinance for this type of use uh I believe we are up to to somewhere in the neighborhood of almost 50 of these that have come before the board uh so the board is very well versed in what those conditions are and how this body has been interpreting those regulations so uh with that I just want to make sure everybody understands what this body's role is in the process and obviously this is not the last stop on the pack with respect to cannabis Licensing in the city uh this is just whether or not what's being proposed complies with the zoning ordinance as written so that's what our charge is and and we'll be guided accordingly thank you Council anything else Council no that's it okay so at this time let's open it up for public comment if anybody's here from the public that wants to speak come on up truth truuth I do uh my name is William Murdoch M do o c k and my address is 415 monus Street Apartment 3 good evening sir we have three minutes for you okay members of the planning board thank you for your time today as a an owner of a residential unit in 415 Mama Street I'd like to voice my concerns about Warrior weed in the manner which Miss Moran has approached approval processes other owners of residential units at 415 m in attendance today will Express their detailed concerns about how specific aspects of waterweeds application conflict with the criteria this board uses to evaluate these applications and how these issues are undoubtedly against the spirit of what these carer are seeking to protect IE making sure these dispensaries are a safe distance from our community's youth preventing oversaturation maximizing safety and ensuring Community impact and inclusiveness I have reviewed the testimonies of the other unit owners and I Echo their concerns instead of discussing these issues however I'd like to use the remainder of my time to discuss Miss and her council's lack of neighborly Behavior throughout this process Miss Moran's Council has stated the correct time for us to voice our concerns was at the Cannabis Board hearing which concluded in February 2024 unfortunately the first time we communicated with Miss Moran about the project which was a communication we initiated over text was on August 10th 2024 how could we attend the CCB meeting if we were not aware of it not informing us the owners of the units that would be most directly impacted was not very neighborly Miss Moran and her councel did not correct the fact that the other owners of 415 Monmouth were not included on the Outreach list for this planning board meeting without us prompting them the neighborly thing to do would have been to catch and correct the ER themselves instead of relying on the fact that deferring to the list was all they were legally required to do just doing the legal minimum minimum is a trend in Miss Moran's application process on the only conference call we set up with Miss Moran and her Council on September 24th 2024 some of the hoa's questions around notification and the process uh which were vetted by all four residential units in answer being asked were met with answers such as we were not legally required to notify you the tone of the call was that the plans were already approved and there was no room for changes Miss Moran barely spoke when prompted and allowed her Council to do the mo do most of the speaking the HOA did not interpret the call as one of collaboration but one of reactionary defensive postering on November 18th 2024 Miss Moran's Consul sent an email to our HOA members of the HOA found the email threatening and intimidating and we as a group elected not to engage with such an email which is why we have not responded to the council since the last meeting our experience with Miss Moran throughout this application process does not paint a picture of a business owner who will be a role model for the community we question the positive Community impact this business can have when Miss Moran has been reluctant to transparently and collegially communicate with her nearest neighbors all four res residential units of the building are here today all four units are opposed to this application thank you thank you sir okay I urge you to read the second half of the email that he submitted from no November 18th it's one of the most UN professional emails I've SE all right thank you sir is anybody else here from public that wants to comment anytim tonight truth truth Tru I do Mike childes c i l s Mike is m c ah live at 415 mom mystery unit 4 good evening sir we have three minutes for thanks for time so members of the planning board thank you for the time today as an owner of residential unit 4 and 415 Monmouth the building that Warrior weed would reside in if approve i' like to voice my concerns about Warrior weed and focus of my comments on uh that a micro business subject to class 5 canabus retailer should be at least 200 feet away from a school identified on the city's official drug-free school and park zones map pursuant to section 151-162 c 35-7 after Consulting the Cannabis FAQ standards document I reached out to the division of engineering and Lindsay scoffield senior Transportation planner Department of infrastructure Division and transportation planning provided two maps on 129 2024 on both of these Maps Riverside Early Learning Center block 11106 Lot 1 3173 street is identified as within the school buffer or drug fee school zone where we should also be aware of this is Riverside Early Learning Center is on the 200 feet notification list included in the prior planning War documents as a parent of a young child I'm appreciative of the thoughtful guidance that went into drafting these boundaries and while I may think 200 ft is en llarge enough of a distance I'm sure there's a thoughtful discussion that took place to determining that distance additionally while I do not and would not oppose any legally run business I do expect them to follow City orces and in this case I expect there's other locations do not fall within 202 200 ft of the maps provided by the division of engineering of the city so thank you as one of the residential owners of 415 Monmouth We Stand unly opposed to the approval Warrior weed as it falls within the drug free school zone maps The Jersey City provided to me yesterday and it violates our HOA bylaws I yield the rest of my time I'm happy to share uh uh copies of the email from the city uh department of engineering as well as the map the two maps that notify as well uh so we'll rather than enter something else into evidence because we'd have to have it prior to the meeting um Council can we address that so you're the Riverside Early Learning Center yes so our and and Francisco this is feel free to jump in as well so in my staff report which is on the DAT not the data portal but the portal Tyler portal um you can clearly see that the location that they're discussing is a daycare center um which does not qualify as a school under our ordinance so that's no I understand but as I read the FAQs right it points to a specific map and how to get access to those and what I'm sharing is yesterday from the division of engineering from Jersey City they provided two maps which both identify it within the uh as Drug Free Zone Francisco is that consistent so there's multiple Maps let me jump in here okay that is correct too there are multiple Maps so Francisco the map that the ordinance refers to M that's the map that you looked at and doing your analysis correct that's correct and that's also the map that the board has looked at previously for another application up the block that was approved and it's across the street from the daycare center I just personally find it a little concerning that you follow the process you ask the division engineering and you get a different map right uh if of course of course I understand but Francisco just I I want to air it out in the public that daycare centers under the ordinance are not considered as schools correct that's correct as odd as that sounds I know yeah I'm not um saying anything different than that I'm simply saying following the process of which Maps should be referred to as like what the standard is they're both identified but not identified as a daycare center so on the maps that should be used or at least provided to me yesterday it's identified as a school and one has a 500t radius the other has a 200t radius so there's no inconsistency at least on the information that the city provided me sure understood okay thank you sir okay anybody else from public please come on up I want to see the map I do Diana Ang 415 Mammoth Street Unit 1 good evening we have three minutes for you board members thank you for your time I'm an owner and uh resident of unit 1 at 415 Monmouth Street I share the ground floor with the commercial space and often get doorbell rings from their customers who frequently confuse the residential entrance for the commercial entrance even though there's a sign outside the store this is an issue that the applicant needs to address no one wants doorbell ringing at 7:00 a.m. or 11:00 p.m. I'm sure um but more importantly I'm here to voice concerns regarding the city's requirement that any cannabis establishment subject to a class 5 license be separated from one another by at least 600 ft as you know there is an 18800 square foot cannabis store planned for 270 New York AV that has full Municipal approval and that is only 250 ft away from 415 Monmouth 270 nework has not pulled permits yet but they've been actively working toward that at the November 12th planning meeting Council for 270 Newark testified that their plans for a single use building with a cannabis store on the ground floor and offices above are quote no longer in play so they're seeking an extension on their original approval for a mixed use building with a store on the ground floor and condos above they declared under oath that the only reason why 27d nework has not pulled permits yet is because their original approval for the Mixed use building expired while they changed course to the single use building plan and now they're going back to the mixed use plan I've been in active dialogue with Raj mudar who provides Management Services to 270 New York Mr mudar confirmed that they've been delayed in pulling permits because of the back and forth between the mixed use and single use plans but currently expect to submit permits in January of 2025 with construction completed by the end of 2025 I understand that the planning board's General interpretation of the 600 ft separation rule is that there isn't a pin on the map until the applicant has submitted for or pulled permits however the spirit of the 600 ft rule is to protect the community from an oversaturation of cannabis businesses within a short distance and approving yet another cannabis dispensary down the block from 20 270 New York which has been fully approved by all three Municipal agencies has been communicating with the city as of November 12th and is expecting to submit for permits next month goes act against that spirit and goes against common sense I along with all res residential owners of 415 Monmouth urged the planning board to reject the application of warrior Reid in light of all this and because it violates our buildings bylaws okay thank you appreciate it all right anybody else from public please come on up and Francisco can we confirm as of today no that other applicant hasn't pulled permits correct that is correct um I also was trying to pull up the transcript from the last meeting where the the council for the applicant for 270 norc where um he had mentioned that uh the Cannabis operators no longer intended to use the property as they were for the approval just to clarify that that is correct they could have pulled permits between that meeting and this meeting so that's that's just where I'm going with it they didn't pull permits as of this hour that's correct um and also time of application does stand for this one okay so regardless if they were to pull permits this application is before the board um it only works if um the application the prior application pulled permits and then this application would have applied to City Planning that's when it would have been the issue correct it's when the application is filed not when it gets to the board meeting yes that's correct yes okay good evening sir get you anytim truth the truth the truth yes name gives your home address yep David trabka TR bka my mailing address is 140 Bay Street Apartment 70 not 7070 um and I am the owner of unit 2 at 415 monou Street and we have three minutes for you sir thank you um thanks again for your time my name is Dave trapa again I'm the owner of unit 2 our building is made up of four residential units and one commercial unit it is a small building it is a small tight community um this project would be in violation of the bylaws governing our building and the reality is that neither the HOA nor the homeowners were informed or included at any earlier phase of this process um we've been told these points were best made prior to the canabus board but you've already heard tonight we weren't provided the opportunity to do so so um you know we've been left in the dark since the initiation of this project um but I'd like to reiterate for the record this project is in violation of Article 5 section 8h and 8G of our bylaws That Remains the case today we've previously discussed the increased risk of an allash business and introducing security that's likely armed to our property um if if you look at the map the Cannabis space you enter through this door on the white directly to the left that skinny gray strip is the entry to our front hallway to the right of the entry to the store is my fire escape and my pull down ladder to get out of there in my opinion that fects the ESS both to the whole building and unit 2 um and again I recognize that bylaws aren't the purview of this board um but Community is Outreach is collaboration is the appropriate time to collaborate with us was proactively 12 months ago not reactively two months back after we found out about it by a from a neighbor we were never contacted directly by the owner nor from her Council um and coun mentioned he did reach out I'd like to read a few excerpts from that recent Outreach these are direct quotes I don't know if you could tell but the board was not interested in addressing most of your concerns and was only interested in making sure you received notice as required by law I would caution you that an escalating legal strategy goes both ways it is unlawful in New Jersey to torturously interfere with another's business so I would think twice before pursuing a further course of action without legal justification you are hereby invited to meet us halfway I guess I'll see you at the hearing this time however I'll be better prepared and no longer feeling collaborative um that doesn't sound like somebody who's looking to collaborate um and certainly not somebody who cares about our small community in this building I'm not against cannabis I've shopped at stores like this one proposed but none of this was handled the right way um and I thank you for your time thank you sir we appreciate it anybody else from public I do sure Swati ra uh 415 mon Street uh s w a t r a o y good evening we have three minutes for you sure good evening my name is Swati ra and I'm a resident and owner of 415 Monument Street Unit 3 I urge the planning board to reject this application and will focus my comments on the timeline of this application and point five of the Cannabis business and consumption areas FAQ document dated March 7 2024 this application is in clear violation of several items listed on pages 28 and 29 of this document this application was heard by the CCB on October 16 2023 and then approved on February 26 2024 with only one minute of public comment I.E no one from the building was there no one from the neighborhood was notified and there was no Community engagement we have further checked with our neighborhood association and other similar organizations on any Outreach they may have done prior to the planning board notifications and can confirm based on the feedback we have received from the city council that the Outreach was minimal To None the council here has under has confirmed under oath that they had not engaged with anyone in the building throughout the CCB process and yet the community impact statement submitted for consideration is meant to showcase the positive impact this application will have on the community they waited to inform the residents and the owners of the building until they thought we have we would have no impact an email sent to us by the council in November 18 2024 had a threatening tone and several inaccuracies and misrepresentations the email references quote we postpone the hearing which was not the case it was the independent planning board decision on scheduling the community impact and social responsibility statement required by the planning board application process for warrior weed is a three-page statement with General comments like commitment to local community and statements such as Warrior weed will be leading initiatives around Community engagement none of this was done it is clear from the behavior demonstrated on record historically by this applicant that they have chosen to selectively use the community impact arguments while ignoring several critical members of the community Point 5A from class 5 retail dispensary licenses asks for quote description of Outreach activities of which there have been none for over a year when the crucial CCB approval was being obtained several residents in the neighborhood including 411 monit Street 413 monit Street 3273 Street 3333 Street are deeply concerned by a potential second approval in the same block we request the Board review the community impact statements and Outreach clearly in addition to taking into consideration the behavior of the applicant highlighted in this statement we are a small building and all Resident owners of 15 monit Street oppose this application thank you we appreciate it anyone else from public anyone else from public chairy no one for public I would like to close the public portion second okay motion is made and seconded uh Francisco um do you have anything you want to add uh I guess I'll I'll briefly just just mentioned that the application or the um location of the app well the application is located in the nc1 permit uh which permits retail sales of goods and services um in terms of requirements they do comply with that um in terms of Separation distances there's no schools within 200 ft of this location uh with regards to separation dist es from other class 5 retailers um the 270 nor a location was approved on May 9th 2023 and is within 600 ft but as mentioned earlier no permits have been pulled for construction of the Class 5 retail space um other than that um staff does recommend approval with conditions outlined in my staff report um and Council have you had a chance to review those conditions it's why don't we uh why don't we get you on mic on record we can have Francisco read them into the record if uh yes I see the the conditions here um let me just make sure I'm looking at the same ones Francisco why don't we read them into the record then please uh so there's seven conditions in the report the first is all materials and color selection shall be shown on final plans no change to the facade and site design including materials as well as any changes that might be required by the office of construction code shall be permitted without consultation with and approval by the planning staff uh the second one is all testimony given by the applicant and their expert witness in accordance with this application shall be binding the third is prior to the issuance of any permit the applicant shall seek and receive approval from the Cannabis control Bo board and cannabis Rec Regulatory Commission fourth is the architect of Records shall provide an affidavit confirming that development is built in accordance with the approved plans prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy the fifth is the memorialized resolution shall be recorded with the office of the county registar and made part of the deed in addition documentation of the same shall be submitted to the division of City Planning prior to the application for construction permits the six is the applicant shall comply with all conditions of approval set forth on the record by the planning board and order the division of City Planning and lastly um as was as was mentioned earlier the applicant shall revise the logo and work with staff to come up with a new logo for the location if the sign is denied by the state uh yes the applicant accepts all those conditions of approval okay thank you Council and Francisco has this gone before city council yet or no no that would be the last step okay so I don't know I don't know if I mentioned it earlier but um they did receive the Cannabis control board license on February 26 okay of this year that's the local that's that's the first step yes that's the local cannabis yes that's the local cannabis not the state license not the state license so Francisco can you just for everybody's edification go through the process uh local cannabis control board so typically it's uh first would be the local cannabis control board so would be the CCB uh the Second Step would be this step which is planning board and then the last step would be the the uh city council and then after that local support resolution oh which would be a local support resolution and then um the applicant would have full Municipal approval for the license from the state from from the city and state cuz I believe if you don't have the um I I can jump in here so once we have the assuming we get it the resolution of support from the city council that gives us what we need to submit our conditional license conversion application with the state and then it's still a you know few month waiting process to get the final license right so what's the process of the city council resolution uh I understand that we if if we are approved at the planning board we submit that through Maria who coordinates with the city council schedule agenda um and we get heard and recommended for approval with um with you know open public comment period and everything like that okay so there's a public hearing on it and yes they make application to the governing body it's a resolution for a resolution of supp support yeah so the time for public comment at a council meeting would be during the public comment portion of the meeting and not when the resolution comes before the council because they're done by consent vote okay is there notice sent out that this goes in when it goes in front of city council there's an agenda that's posted um where the notice is delivered to local residents okay understood okay thank you sir thank you all right so I could be clear no notice goes to the public residents of the for the city council meeting for the city council meeting not it's just there's to see on the agenda it's it's got to be found on the agenda there's a notice of the meeting yes generally available and that notice has the agenda and you as a city resident comeb through the agenda looking for items of interest to you at the governing body and that's true of all governing body uh actions I'm I'm not aware of any action ordinances have to be published but I'm not aware of individualized notice at the governing body level if that makes sense understand I just couldn't hear his answer clearly so I just wanted to be clear on what was being said than and and just for my own information that would be found in the resolution section of the city council agenda which is towards the bottom of the agenda after the first readings and the second readings it lists resolutions yes and that information would be found in that section of the council agenda that's correct okay thank you and chairman just because it's different in every local municipality I believe here in the city uh you can be placed on a list to speak in the public portion uh up at the council some local municipalities you show up and you're able to speak during the public some places you have to get put on the list in order to be heard so obviously that's what it is so in Jersey City you do have to call the C the city clerk and be put on a list you're afforded three minutes Joyce took my time she took that idea for me um so yeah you do have to call the city clerk sign up to speak at that meeting when you find that resolution is being heard in front of city council and you'll be afforded the time to speak okay thank you I'll entertain a motion then chair like make to make a motion to approve case p2024 d42 is presented to the board for approval okay we have a motion do we have a second second okay we have a motion and second for approval all right on a motion to approve uh Vice chair Dr Gonzalez abstain abstain uh councilwoman Prince abstain commissioner Tores um just a quick little comment on this project um I've been on the board for a little bit a couple years and um as we looked at the master plan and I see projects throughout Jersey City come situ wish and some stuff most of the time they're as a right they're allowed to be developed and allowed to be built one thing we found on since I've been on this board it's basically about 12 years now is um really helps when they communicate with the residents and the people of the community sometimes the master plan has a plan for the greater better of his community certain things don't fit in um born and raised in downtown Jersey City the bar Jin has been there since I was a little kid Eddie's Pub on the corner I think he's got a different name now abies or something has been there since I was a little kid um growing up in the neighborhood and um certain things don't fit in certain things fit in on York Avenue certain things just don't fit in in certain residential neighborhoods and I think we should keep this in mind we should keep this in mind let's when you walk around a neighborhood and you see a neighborhood I'm going to give a quick example Ocean Avenue Redevelopment plan I live up on Neptune Avenue now grew up down we don't want to see more liquor stores on Ocean Avenue I don't want to see liquor stores in my neighborhood they serve a purpose but they also bring a crowd of people in front of there that brings problems this situation doesn't do that but it just doesn't fit in the community so with that might be as a right but the process you took to do this and not talking the size of the space for the ones that we did in the beginning it's like looks so small to me but besides that just doesn't fit into that neighborhood and with that I'm going to vote a very big no for this project commissioner Gaden I just want to thank the public for coming out um this evening and voicing your concern um my vote is no commissioner Dr Desai uh thank you for uh coming out the public and uh uh giving your opinion and uh my vote is no commissioner uh stamato I vote no and chairman linkston let's make you unanimous then that's a no all right so five against and two ab ab two abstained so the motion does not carry okay so we need another motion correct Santo you can entertain another motion I can entertain a motion for denial then chair I like to make a motion to deny case p2024 d42 second it okay motion and seconded for denial and just for the board's clarity a affirmative vote is for denial okay on a motion to deny Vice chair Dr Gonzalez abstain uh councilwoman Prince aray abstain commissioner Torres yes uh commissioner gengen yes to deny commissioner Dr Desai yes so the yes would be yes I yes okay uh commissioner Stato yes and chairman Lon motion carries application is denied that's correct okay thank you everybody let's move on to new business uh item nine is the discussion of annual planning board reorganization um Matt are you still with us so let's just yeah I have a I have a hand cramp I've had one for almost 10 years you too I think I'm stepping stepping down from my deputy secretary duties I I hope the board accepts um me stepping down it's do we have to accept your your resignation no uh I don't know you have to ask your councel that was not that was not clarified no council do we have the new one new one people to serve in roles that they they can't serve in so if he'd like to step down so Matt is stepping down as deputy secretary of the board correct that is still with the planning department yes not our certainly not our jurisdiction um but Matt is stepping down is deputy secretary Cameron is our secretary so um and we will get a replace what you want we'll get a replacement in a I don't know he hasn't presented his case to us yet but uh okay so do we need a vote to withdraws Matt withdraw Matt's nomination for that position Matt has reest Matt has resigned the position so we just have to accept his resignation as deputy secretary okay do we do that with a vote or not with a vote it's not necessary okay thank you Matt thank you for your service Matt well for the record thank you m glad you're staying on board okay so that being said um I'd like to nominate Eric Beasley for uh Deputy planning secretary second congratulations second okay we have a motion and a second yes we got a we do a let Eric do the roll call yeah don't want a conflict of interest um Vice chair Dr Gonzalez big eyy commissioner gangen big councilwoman priner Matt thank you for your service Eric welcome congratulations MH well maybe congratulations commissioner torus Matt thank you for all the guidance you given us um you stepped up when you came on board very well and I I I know the same that every's going to do the same and thank you big eye commissioner stamato Matt wish you all the best thank you for everything that you've done for us we really appreciate it and welcome aboard commissioner Dr Desai okay I and chairman Langston so Matt to first of all thank you um do I have to delete your cell phone from my phone now I probably should Eric I'm going to need a cell phone from you but uh it's an i okay motion Carri all in favor Eric is deputized deputized all right no balloons so we're going to move on to item 10 is case p2024 d00 38 is a preliminary and final major site plan for 174 Martin Luther King Drive thank you sir good evening again Council good evening uh for the record Charles Harrington of conell Foley on behalf of the applicant I did provide uh Public Notices in connection with uh this application although we are not requesting any variances and I have those for Mr alamp uh to review St Mr chairman I receive the affidavit publication proof of mailing with respect to the application of Harmony househ Holdings LLC had the opportunity to review this prior to the meeting electronically the stud appear to be the original of those documents for purposes of record we're going to mark it as A1 jurisdiction is proper before the board thank you Council okay thank you uh before I hand this over to Mr Lewis uh to present the project I just want to give a little background on it this is a project that uh we've been working on for sometime uh we think it's it's a it's a great project it is uh as I I noted earlier um an as of right project because we're not asking for any deviations uh my client uh has been designated as the redeveloper of the site by the Jersey City Redevelopment agency uh they have already purchased the property from the uh the agency uh and they have a Redevelopment plan uh a Redevelopment agreement in place now it's uh it's a um five-story building uh with residential above 44 units and retail on the ground floor uh you'll see as as part of the presentation and the application we were proposing 10 affordable units now the 10 affordable units uh is not required by the Redevelopment plan but it's a result of uh the negotiations with the Jersey City Redevelopment agency and with my client's um agreement with Community Development for affordable housing trust funds so if if this were built without those agreements in place you'd only have to provide 5% of the of the units on on the Upper Floor I believe this actually yeah it's uh five stories so uh the project is is providing you know much more affordable unit unit than would otherwise be provided uh so that is a plus uh it's uh just a kind of a little Nuance here um the property is loaded in loaded is located I'm thinking about the Cannabis uh but uh it's uh located in the Jackson Hill Redevelopment plan and the turnkey uh Redevelopment plan area so when you have a split Zone uh under the red uh the Land Development ordinance uh the property with the uh greater lot area controls the zoning so in this instance that's the Jackson Hill Redevelopment plan uh so that's the the regulations and Zoning that we're we're going under with regard to this uh development uh I know for the record that my client did meet with the community as well um for this project so you know he's he's taken all the steps to get here uh and he's uh you know excited to present this and and hopefully start start soon so with that I'm going to hand it over to Mr Lewis hi yes I do uh Jeffrey Lewis JF r y l e w i Mr Lewis good evening uh We've qualified you all the time every meeting for the last 13 years 12 what I here 11 years feels that long um your your licens is current tonight yes sir it is okay thank you you're qualified thank you okay so we're looking at 174-178 MLK Drive uh this is a vacant through lot so we have Frontage both on MLK Drive that's the longer Street uh as well as stemman Street uh what we're proposing here is a five-story mixed use building we have a 1,788 ft commercial space which is facing MLK Drive uh we have 15 car parking spaces and 44 residential units uh those units break down as 12 studio apartments that average 523 ft 16 one-bedroom apartments that average 700 46 ft 12 two bedrooms that average 896 ft and four three-bedroom apartments that average 1,9 ft uh so here we're looking at the site plan we are proposing new concrete curbs and new concrete sidewalks for both Street frontages uh we do have a new 10-ft curb cut on Stegman Avenue and we're proposing three new Street trees and other than that our building uh will cover 100% of our lot so there's no uh site plan stuff for our property itself here we're looking at the first floor plan and I'm going to start at Stegman where the garage entry is so the garage Pro provides uh entrance to the parking area along the way we have our meter rooms as well as our sprinkler room as this will be a fully sprinkler building and then we have a room for bicycle storage which has a space for 25 bicycles and then lastly we enter the parking area which has space for 15 cars including one Ada spot um um the uh parking area also has direct access to the trash and compactor room here as well as to the main residential Lobby uh that main lobby goes through to MLK where the main entrance is uh and the main lobby provides uh access to the elevator to the main staircase to a parcel room uh to a 400t uh gym with an ada8 bath uh and then a smaller 321 ft office that also has an exterior door directly out to MLK Drive uh the building also has a second entrance from MLK Drive which leads directly to Stair number two and then as I mentioned we have uh this large commercial space which also has its own Ada bath and also has direct access to that uh trash and compactor room so it can use it as well uh looking at the second floor I mentioned previously that we're covering 100% of the lot at the second floor we're starting to cut away a little bit there to provide some window wells so we have two window wells at the top one here at the bottom and then a third a fourth here on the right and then lastly at the rear of the building we cut away a decent amount of section to provide for windows at the back um the space that we cut away at the rear we're using for private Terraces there are four apartments on this floor that have access to their own private Terrace um other than that we have 11 apartments on this floor uh it breaks down as three Studios four four one bedrooms three two bedrooms and one 3bedroom uh all of the apartments are Ada adaptable they all have washer dryer in the apartment and they all have Heating and Cooling uh via PTAC units uh moving on here we're looking at the upper floors the third and fourth floor these floors are exactly the same as what's below with the exception of not having the patio space in the backyard here we're looking at the roof plan so both stairs and elevators are both stairs excuse me both stairs and the elevator are going to the roof to provide access uh on the roof we have a 3,364 ft patio as well as a total of 5,750 Square ft of green roof trays we also have some raised beds uh along the side here and also along the front uh here and I'll show what that's for when we get to the elevations uh and so as you can see the the the deck is set back from both of the street frontages now we're going to move on to the front building elevation so the front elevation our main finish is a smooth light gray brick that's the main finish of the building uh all of our windows and doors have black aluminum frames and we also have black PTEC rails which will match those window frames our second U material is a cedar finished uh fiber cement panel and we're using that using that as an access between the windows on the upper levels and also in a few places as an accent uh on the ground floor uh most of the ground floor has a glass finish uh especially at the commercial space and then below that glass we have a dark gray uh brick finish um there's a sign band across the top separating the first floor from the floors above this sign band is 3T tall it's wrapped in Black aluminum and actually projects out about 2 ft at the top of the building we have a 3ft tall cornice this cornice is wrapped in Black aluminum however it is open with a cable rail system and the intent here is that we have the Planters behind uh the cable rail system and we're going to plant some Ivy and and climbing plants that will climb into the cable rails that's that's the intention here this is the left side elevation um we have a on the ground floor we have hold on I'm sorry this excuse me this is the segman Avenue elevation this is stman Avenue here so at the ground floor we have uh that black grooved metal overhead garage door shown here uh the main finish of the building is the same the same brick as we're using at the front uh however we do have some of the uh accent details are a little different uh the accents between the windows are now dark ray metal panels and then we also have a a 2ft tall dark gray cornice which is also going to be wrapped in uh metal and like I said dark gray now we're looking at the left elevation at the ground floor we're providing a smooth stucco finish which would be painted gray uh above that uh we have light gray vinyl siding black framed aluminum windows and again black PTEC reils which will match those windows and then lastly this is that long rear elevation uh same as as previously we have the smooth stucco finish painted gray at the ground floor uh light gray vinyl siding most of what's above however in in the little inset section that I mentioned at the back we're going to use fiber cement siding and we're going to use two different colors for that one would be a light gray and then we have a section that'll be a light brown just to give a little uh color to the back here um and that actually concludes my presentation of this project I can answer any questions you might have unless you have some no I have nothing that that would conclude our presentation unless you have any questions uh just a couple real quick and uh Council the first one's for you okay I know you said it on record 10 affordable units our agenda says 10 the application General application says five so just for the record we're talking about 10 we are talking about 10 that that might have been a prior application after they met with the um Community Development regarding the affordable housing development funds it got increased to 10 okay excellent excellent so the resolution whether it's approval or denial is going to say 10 that's right okay thank you uh Mr Lewis do you have a uh a unit mix of the affordable units or is that still out there I don't I don't recall the top of my head but that is that is something that we U specifically work out with the division of affordable housing because there will be an affordable housing agreement and it's all consistent with chapter 88 uh of the the ordinance okay and um I just just to confirm then then that would be the uck standards correct that's correct okay okay excellent um and I know this standard is in there but I always condition it anyway that all the affordable units have the same amenities fit and finish no different materials from the other market rate units correct that that's correct and that again is part of the ordinance now sure okay excellent um the last question question is uh is there a warning system for the garage um we we weren't showing them but we could have the flashing light there for when the garage door opens I I think it's you know safer yep so no problem we can agree to that okay excellent thank you that's it for me anybody else okay thank you Mr Lewis and Council that's your presentation all good that that's our presentation okay is anybody here from the public that wants to comment on this application anyone here from public I move to close the public second okay motion is made and seconded public is closed Eric do you have anything you want to add Mr Deputy yes upon reviewing the application uh staff has determined that the proposal does comply with the applicable standards in the Redevelopment plan the staff has also determined that the proposed development aligns with um some of the objectives in the Redevelopment plan such as providing a range of housing types with its affordable housing components um as well as developing or proposing to develop on a on vacant Lots um I did some research and seems that these lots have been vacant of principal structures for at least 17 years so um I think this development is actually a really good addition to this community um staff Rec approval contingent upon the applicant uh agreeing to comply with the conditions in the staff memo dated November 4th 2024 yes we would agree with those conditions and the conditions stated on the record than excellent thank you Council Mr chair I like to make a motion at this time to approve case p2024 d38 as presented to the board tonight with the conditions outlined second okay motion is made and seconded for approval with conditions Vice chairman Dr Dr Gonzalez I commissioner Dr Desai uh I like uh parking there and then affordable housing which is 10 so I would vote I commissioner suato hi commissioner gadan this is a great addition to the neighborhood um 12 affordable units is is um a huge complement to the to the building as well and to the neighborhood I vote I commissioner Torres yeah this is going to be great seeing these empty lots for 17 20 30 years it's like time that's goes on it but you couldn't ask for something better than this and the fact that they was started with five or four Bo it went up to 10 that's awesome so with that I vote on councilwoman Prince I chairman Lon uh yeah this an easy ey for me um my wife works right down the street at 41 school and uh you know I'm happy to see some affordable units there I'm sure she'll be happy when I get home tonight and tell her but um it's an easy eye for me good job motion carries all in favor all right thank you thanks that's fine okay let's uh call Item 11 is case p2024 d55 is a minor site plan with C variants for 68 monel app good evening everyone I don't think that's on no is it try it can can you all hear me now yes not through not through the mic who's this unauthorized guy thank you testing testing I always wanted to do that you're on good evening all crystal Wheatley on behalf of the applicant for 168 montelo Avenue we properly noticed as required I've provided the um the originals this application oh I apologize first I asked that um that it' be marked for evidence sure chairman I received the Affidavit of publication proof of mailing with respect to the application 168 monacello Avenue here in the city had the opportunity to review it it does appear to be in order going to mark it as A1 for purposes of the record all right thank you Council thank you very much Council this application is for proposed Community Center which we believe will be a welcome addition to this community the application is for primary and final major site plan approval and approval of C variants bulk deviations and also for maximum uh Building height and variances for a minimum rooftop app pertinent setback and all other variances deemed necessary by the board on tonight I have with me uh Witnesses Vincent machetto who is at the podium uh Gabrielle gorelli our engineer and Carolyn warell planner okay thank you Council any testimon truth truth truth I do yes my name is Vincent marchetto v i n c n t m a r c h tto Mr marchetto good evening we've qualified you in the past your license is current tonight that's correct okay thank you you're qualified okay great um I I should be um I have a application up on my screen here we say it no it's on our screen there it is great all right smart shadow these are the same plans that were submitted any difference no thank you all right uh good evening um this project is a minor site plan on montelo Avenue 168 montelo Avenue and it's between Gardner and Belmont Avenue and it's in the Jackson Hill Redevelopment plan and what this project is all about it's it's it's a small 20 by 80 lot so it's a very compact it's not a normal siiz lot and it currently hosts The Continuous Flow Christian Center and and this Center is looking to upgrade and expand their facilities within the current footprint of the property that they own and to do this what they would like to do is to take their current one-story structure that they have and expand it to a four-story structure this new facility is going to host two new community rooms it's going to host a commercial kitchen that can serve the community and it's also going to host office space that could house um uh the operations for the center now I'm just going to talk briefly a little bit about the front of the building and then I'll go into the plans as you can see as I said before the name of this Center is The Continuous Flow uh Christian Center and they the architectural lines on the front facade which is the only public facing part of the building um represent that Center and they flow from the sky down to the Earth um and and that represents the kind of the brand and and the real goal of this building and new facade design is to create an uplifting and new look for Montello Avenue and that's what we're all about um so now I'm going to go into the plans so as you can see I said before this building is on a 20 by 80 foot lot so it's a very narrow and long project and to accommodate a space that could host a community what we did is we push the stair elements vertical circulation to the north and to the South you could see here on this the ground floor plan you come in off Montello Avenue into a vestibule there's restrooms available and access to an an elevator so the building is ADA Compliant there's two means of egress one discharged directly to the street and one discharged through the ground floor the ground floor would host a a large community room of over of 850 s ft and then there would be a basement and in the basement it would mirror the size of that community room as well the basement also could host trash storage for the building and utilities uh hookups from Montell Avenue moving up uh on the second floor you're going to have a large commercial kitchen of around 720 ft um that kitchen will be able to make meals for the community and drop them off into this service area where uh where Messengers could come and pick up the food and bring them to where people need them and then finally above that on the third and fourth floor is the more of the office component of the building the third floor is going to have an open Office Space which have room for about 12 desks and then moving up to the top floor that would host two private offices and a large conference room and finally on the roof um you'll see there'll be a roof deck that be accessible from a stair and the elevator there are two small variances associated with this project one of them happens to come from the uh the per perance distance from the front face of the building to montelo Avenue it's a little bit too close and but the reason why we have that variance is because we're trying to push these core elements as far away as we can from each other to make a workable space in the center of the building that communities can gather in the other use um variants that we have and you see here on the front elevation is the building for this size lot the Redevelopment plan permits a 45 story building uh we have a 48 story building and the main difference is is that there's no residential in this project all of this is a office use it's a Community Kitchen it's a a gathering space and those uses typically facilitate a little bit of a higher ceiling Heights so we have 12T consistently on each floor to accommodate those uses and that adds up to a total of 48 uh feet of Building height and with that um I have two models here that show the building if you'd like to pass it around you can get a better understanding of what the facade could look like can you pass yeah that's the just the front facade blown up and then this is an overall you can kind of see the proportions and size of this of this unique project and that concludes my test in all right thank you Mr morow the out the building the the lights on the front yes uh hours of operation when are they on are they on 24/7 um the lights would conform conform with the regul ordinances of Jersey City I imagine that it wouldn't be very bright light it' be very dim just to accentuate some of the lines on the front of the building wouldn't interrupt anyone's uh night nighttime view of the of the neighborhood so um I just thought it would CU Montella Avenue is a historically it's a main street it's a Commercial Street and adding some lighting elements and help bringing that street alive again um is what I think this this project could could bring okay I guess it's not uh agreed no the Design's great Mr Marto can you bring up the picture again where of we can see it yeah yeah the interior mhm okay thank you that was my only question anybody else anyone um yeah for quick question yeah well I want to apologize for saying something when you started speaking because I was going to scream out hallelujah or something like that because this is like what what a view on Monto have in you man you know yeah it's like yeah I'm really excited here this is to drive down monello and see this um yeah it's it's it's an awesome view it's uh it's beautiful and um and a quick comment I um work in the mechanical parts of buildings and yes you do need a 12-ft ceiling when I walk into a building there's a 12ft ceiling it makes my job a lot easier and uhu so I understand that and U with that I commend you for this before you walk away to somebody else nice design thank you okay anybody else yeah I just want to ask what's the size of the lot you have it's the lot itself is around 1,700 Square ft and the dimensions are 20 ft by 80 ft so you are using the whole lot for this we're basically using the whole lot it's just a small little piece on the back but I'd say it's 99% covered by our building okay thank okay anything else else love the building absolutely love the building yeah absolutely really going to do a lot for that area all right thank you Mr Mor like the B the personally yeah I'm glad somebody actually I I think it's pretty cool I got to shut this I do uh Gabrielle gorelli g- a b r i e l l e gelli g o r n l l I miss cornelli good evening we've qualified you as well in the past your license is current yes okay thanks you're qualified thank you mine's going to be a little more boring than uh Vince's but uh so what I have on the screen is the Civil plans that were submitted um as Vince me mentioned we're a we're very narrow lot 20 20 ft of Frontage on monacell Avenue um on the screen I have our c301 sheet it's our site plan we're proposing sidewalk improvements curb improvements um a bike rack Jersey City standard bike rack for two bikes um on this plan you see we are proposing be because our site is only 20 ft of Frontage we don't have room for a tree pit with um the utilities in the bike rack so we were proposing to um upgrade a tree pit that's located to the north of our site um but in speaking with Cameron um we're going to do a payment in L instead um to to meet the ordinance on the street tree um and then on this sheet I just have my grading drainage and utility plan the site is not in a flood zone um because of the size of the lot we are not a major development for the storm waterer ordinance so storm waterer improvements are not required um and the site is serviced by Utilities in monel Avenue so we don't anticipate any need for public utility upgrades or anything so that concludes uh my engineering testimony okay thank you Mr cornelli um I have no questions anybody else no okay thank you thanks good evening good evening Tru the truth truth I do it's Carolyn c a r o l y n worell w r s t l l m worstell good evening we've qualified you also in the past uh your license is current I it is okay thanks you're qualified thank you so much uh good evening everyone so as my colleagues just represent we're explaining to you we're here this evening uh we have a a wonderful building that we're really excited about uh for Community use um and we're here to seek two uh sort of deviations from the Redevelopment plan and uh one is for that Building height um and then we're also seeking a variance for that minimum rooftop apperent setback from the Jersey City LD um as uh Vince mentioned with regard to the building height we're proposing 48 feet where 45 is the maximum permitted given uh our lot size we are a very small lot um and because of that 45 ft is the maximum we are permitted um we are proposing three additional feet of Building height um due to that 12 foot floor T floor Heights for all four stories um as you know Vince showed you with the design it really helps to create a more um uh consistent rhythm with the building facade and also helps to uh create a better layout uh interior for those uh uses on those floors um in my opinion the additional three feet uh will not have a substantial adverse impact on light or air to the joining properties um we are within a commercial District um and that additional height really isn't out of character for what could be uh here along monello Avenue if we were a slightly larger lot you can have you know uh taller uh buildings that can go up to five six stories so um that three additional feed I don't believe is going to be substantial impact and obviously again it really is helps this building function better and is really appropriate given its stature as sort of a uh communal place um and helps to create up that consistent design with the facade so I think overall uh it can be justified to grant that deviation we're also uh requesting um that variance for the a pertinence setback um as Vince mentioned uh because we have such a limited footprint we are sort of constrained as to where we can put our elevator and stair bulkheads um and so in order to create usable floor layouts um so that uh bulkhead for the um elevator which provides access access all the way you know Ada access all the way through the building up to the roof is closer to the front facade of the building than we would typically uh like to see um but I I believe that it you know the benefit here which is providing that access um outweighs that detriment of having it a little closer to the street than normal um and again um I think you know given its location here on this commercial Corridor really won't be a detriment to anyone so I think overall that granting of these DV the deviation and the variance uh will advance the purposes of the municipal land use law um it's consistent with purpose a uh promoting the general welfare by providing a use um an expansion of um an existing uh community and facility Center that really will support the community along the street um and in the neighborhood um and it's really consistent with purpose ey it's uh really creating a desirable visual environment um again it's it's a beautiful building that really is going to become a a really beautiful visual focal point for the community and for the street so I think uh it really is consistent with that purpose eye I don't see that um granting the deviation of variance would result in a substantial detriment to the public good or general welfare the massing the building is generally consistent with requirements the Redevelopment plan and the proposed height will still allow for light air and open space to adjacent buildings uh granting requested deviations and variances will likewise not result in a substantial impairment to the intent and purpose The Zone plan or the zoning ordinance um it really does promote that purpose of the Redevelopment plan um which is to continue the existing pattern of Main Street type commercial buildings um so this really is consistent with that kind of design of a commercial building um and then it creates additional employment housing education Recreation commercial and Retail opportunities for the residents of Jersey City which are best placed along this Corridor to its central location in the city so again it's I think that this is really an appropriate use and a really great location and will be an asset to uh the community and to uh montelo Avenue so I think overall that the uh uh deviation and the variance can be granted and that they meet both the positive and the negative criteria thank you thank you end of my testimony unless people have questions all right anybody any questions no okay thank you Mr W Council anything else that's all we have for tonight okay thank you so at this time let's open it up for public comment is anybody here from the public that wants to comment on this appli to close public second I don't know is Ben Juan coming up to comment I didn't think so okay so we have a motion in a second public is closed um cam do you have anything you want to add yeah just a couple things um so would the applicant's attorney just agree to the planning staff memo conditions dated December 3rd um do you find those conditions acceptable yes those conditions are acceptable okay thank you um and then planning staff agrees with the professional planner testimony regarding the variances um we don't believe that they would have any detriment to the Public's good welfare well-being and um the ask for the variance um allows for the intent of the use to be uh come to fruition so um planning staff finds that they're Justified and it would not have a detriment to the Zone plan our ordinance or our master plan um and it was great working with your team and planning staff recommends approval okay thank you Kim Mr CH I'd like to make a motion to approve case p2024 d55 as presented to the board tonight second all right motion made and seced for approval Vice chair Dr Gonzalez yeah I look we don't usually vote well we don't vote on Aesthetics ever but we can talk about them when we like a building or not and this is a beautiful building it's going to look beautiful in montelo um um and you know we don't think I've I've been on the everybody's talking about how long they've been on the board and I been here longer than any Everyone by the way uh and uh but I don't think I've ever seen a building like that like this and uh it just it's absolutely beautiful and the space that it's going to be used for is that is it's it's even better so um and the I believe the variances are di Minimus and cause no detriment to the uh to the public uh and it creates that desirable visual design element that you know we we kind of lack a little bit in Jersey City I think in terms of um uh creativity so I uh I vote I commissioner gungan I I'm very very excited and I'm excited for the community as well um the community center is so needed especially in that area as well um and I'm going to use your um your word again new and uplifting look for the neighborhood it is very very beautiful love it um I think the variance is minimal and it meets the objectives and the goals of the master plan big eye for me can't wait to see it councilwoman Prince AR yeah so I'm in agreement I think that the variances are well within the r the ask I think that it will absolutely make the project better also agree that 12 feet when you're doing community center space for whatever it's going to be gives people an opportunity to feel like they're not in a claustrophobic space which is also going to be really important to the success of this and and I applaud you all for really considering the needs of the community as well as you re-envision this space I think it's really important that um places where people come to to to congregate and you know whether it is you know Christian Center or any sort of place of worship um really keep that in mind and Forefront because it is really the service of the community that is so important here so it's nice to see that aesthetic also um echoed on the outside of the building and sort of tells that story from the moment you see it all the way through I vote I commissioner TS um the is are minimum compared to the um to the building um and uh just like the other Commissioners I could but I couldn't hold myself so I had to say while the architect was still up there um and the excitement of seeing this building uh and I and I did I I I wasn't in control um but um it's a beautiful thing it's cool so hopefully it brings the youth into that building it looks like it'll suck them in and I hope it does and your go and your dreams in this building uh it's just amazing and I just for anybody that's part of this building part of this congregation that are here in the audience my vote's going to bring a lot of prayers that nothing stops you from finishing this project hopefully you never come back to us again and the job gets done and that is going to be with my vote of yes and I do make that promise in my prayers thank you very much for bringing this building up to moner thank you commissioner Stato I can't really add on after that um I vote Yes great job great team you did a great job and um very proud of what's been done commissioner Dr Desai yeah I was wondering it was such a beautiful front thing and such a small space and then you have made four stories with so much F facilities for people and I hope you guys invite us when you have the first day of opening you know we would love to come there I vote I okay and chairman Langston so I'm going to get the legal part out of the way um I I agree with Cam's testimony Miss worell uh the detriment the the variances uh the the positive is far outweigh the detriment um Mr Mar awesome great design I love it it it's going to draw people in it's it's a statement piece and um it's an easy eye for me uh it's you know you're doing so much with that space it's it's just it's set up perfectly um so best of luck and uh congratulations my vote's I motion carries all in favor with conditions all right thank you Mike you want to get five in now uh we're going to take a five minute break now because uh I don't want to take a break in the middle of the next application so like Mr wine how are you I'm well thank you Mr TR receive the Affidavit of publication proof of mailing with respect to the property at 107 Morgan Street here in the city had the opportunity to review the electronic version this looks to be the original version that was uploaded it does appear to be in order we're going to mark it as A1 for purposes of the record thank you Council thank you um I just want to start by saying we are tremendously excited to be here this evening to uh present uh this application uh this has been a long uh process uh that has involved a lot of coordination with the city and with City Planning um just to give the brief overview before I go into a little bit of the background uh this is 107 Morgan Street it's a block 11 1612 lot one uh it is a a current uh parking lot that is bound by Morgan and Stu Morgan Street stuan Street and Warren Street it is located in the PowerHouse Arts uh Redevelopment plan area uh and specifically it is located in the highrise District uh just the specs of the building it is a 34 story mixed use development uh we are proposing 600 33 dwelling units 213 parking spaces and 19,6 35 ft of ground floor commercial uh space so um just to kind of go over how we got to uh the size and density in this building um there is uh there are three major components uh to this project uh all that deal with Community uh givebacks to the city uh some of them are required in the Redevelopment plan one of them is not uh but the most important one is that uh in order to uh obtain the uh the height and the floor area that we are proposing this evening uh we were required to uh work with the city to uh rehab 335 Washington Street also known as the boiler building and uh deed it to the city and the city uh uh would accept it um I'm happy to say that that was uh completed uh as of last week the city now owns 335 Washington Street the uh the second component here is um 95 Morgan Street which is an empty lot uh fronted on Washington Street it's currently used uh by the city excuse me by the boys and girls club uh to uh plant their Garden there that is also going to go to the city uh and it will be taken over by the um Exchange Place Sid uh who will be uh we believe uh building a uh playground there for the community uh finally there is a prop proposed uh public arcade uh for the building which will be publicly access ible uh that is 500 excuse me 5,200 ft uh that is required by the Redevelopment plan and uh it will uh compos of U multiple um art elements to it which we will work with the city uh to provide um we did meet uh uh twice with the uh with the padna community group and um we are seeking a few variances here none of them uh relate to adding additional square footage to the building they are largely uh design driven so with that said I am going to have my first witness come up who is Gabby gorelli who is our civil engineer and it follow up with um our architect okay great and just for the record if you could state that you know you're still under oath and are still qualified tonight yes okay thank you okay um so what's on the screen now this is this is just the the math which are on our civil cover sheet um our sheet g001 is just to orient you to the site um 107 Morgan Street it's fronts on three streets Morgan Street is to the North Warren Street is to the west stman to the South um to the east it's block 116 um 11612 Lot 2 it's a 13 story building there um and on the west side you'll see is where we have that 25t arcade um the site is currently a surface parking lot primarily there's minimal vegetation and minimal fencing um the site is located in the PowerHouse Arts Redevelopment plan um in the high-rise Zone and as mentioned by our attorney It generally complies with Redevelopment plan there are some variances which will be talked upon by um our planner so Council are we going to go through the slide deck and this it different and a combination of the various professional drawings that have been submitted because that's kind of how it sounded um for right now um we're just testifying to the Civil plans that were provided we do have a presentation that is um kind of a mix between our architect and our landscape engineer so when we get there I will ask that that presentation be um added as it's all oh it's all part of what I apologize then yes we will be Market is 82 it appears to be 31 slides yes I do not have 31 slides myself that's disappointing um so now what's on the screen it's our civil site plan our sheet c301 um so this this shows the the building which takes up the majority of the lot we do have that uh arcade on the west side which connects uh stuben Street to the South to Morgan Street to the north uh the landscape architect we'll we'll talk uh further on that it's a minimum of 25 ft in width um the building Lobby is on the northwest corner of the site um it's set back from from the sidewalk a little bit um there is retail along Morgan Street retail along uh Warren Street uh the majority of our back of house is along stuan street we have our um parking garage entrance then we have some utility rooms and then we have our loading dock with two um loading spaces um the arcade also has some you know uh Art Gallery space which which will be further discussed um as mentioned by the attorney um near our lobby we do have a uh 45 foot long layby Lane on Warren Street this was added after one of the community group meetings who the community group expressed concern about adding a lay by Lane by the the lobby we are anticipating the bulk of our um you know loading will be handled by the loading dock which is on stent street but you know to handle Ubers Uber Eats food drop offs things like that uh we did provide this layby Lane and we um met with division of uh transportation planning to to add that in and also show um some striping improvements on the road um it's 45 ft long it'll fit approximately two cars um as you'll hear from our planner we do have a sidewalk variance the minimum sidewalk width is um 16.5 feet we only have a variance adjacent to this layby Lane where our minimum sidewalk is almost 13 feet it's 12T uh 11 in so that variance is um a direct result of adding that lay by Lane um we do have some Street trees and Planters which will the landscape architect will discuss further um we do we are showing some rain Gardens which will be a storm water Improvement um as well along the street um the next slide this is just my circulation plan um I'll just touch briefly on this um you see in the blue um a passenger vehicle going into the the garage and you see in the red um a su3 a typical box truck um entering our loading space and as I mentioned we have two two loading uh spaces the next sheet this is my grading and drainage plan um the site is located in a flood zone um because of that our residential Lobby is required to be 1T above the base flood elevation the base flood of elevation is elevation 11 our lobby is at elevation 12 um that allowed for a you know little Plaza area to get us up to that 12 elevation the existing grades around the site are around elevation 7 um the rest of the building you know the retail spaces along Morgan and waren and our utility spaces um are at that street level to activate the the streetcape and The Pedestrian experience um these spaces will be flood proofed in accordance with the building code and um the njd uh flood Hazard rules we actually we do have a flood Hazard permit um in hand and and we're in the we are in process of applying for a modification due to some minor um interior changes to the to the layout of the building um given the size of the site it is um a major development uh for the Jersey City storm water Control Ordinance um which requires um green infrastructure as well as because we're in the flood zone we're required to meet the green area ratio uh we are complying with the ordinance we do meet the green area ratio requirements um and we do have a detention Basin uh subsurface Basin under the the uh parking garage entrance um in general the conversion of this from a surface parking lot to a building which is considered clean runoff whereas a surface parking lot is considered dirty runoff is a is a storm water benefit uh to the neighborhood um and then just to touch briefly on my other utilities using the same sheet um the building is serviced primarily by Utilities in Warren Street and stuben Street um there's W um water and gas are coming out to to Warren Street uh sanitary is coming out to Su Street and storm water as I mentioned and then we have electric Vault rooms um on our stuent street facade for for the electric service that concludes the Civil testimony unless there's any questions okay thank you I don't have any at this point anybody else I have a question on um the loading Ducks where the trucks are going to back into the um L do space on Stevens is there parking in front of that street too the cars park on Stevens there are there are no there are no spaces so if you can see the the striping of where the lane is it's it's there's no front of that area so I truck always back up without anything in the way corre thank you okay thank you Mr Corell thank you all right next up we have our architect Paul Albano the truth the truth the truth I do uh yes Paul Albano that's a lb a n o Mr Albano good evening uh your license is current tonight uh yes sir okay thank you you're qualified all right well I'm going to start with I know you have an overview of let me just zo that a second all right so starting with the starting with the overview I think it was pretty clear of the location of the site being on uh between Morgan on Morgan between stubin and uh Warren Street the building is uh 600 we're proposing 633 residential units uh made up of about 76,000 uh gross square feet that square feet is broken up into residential retail which is 19635 Ft which includes um 423 ft of gallery space I'll show you that on the next plan uh there's 79,000 ft of parking and then which houses 213 cars uh 204 of those parking spaces are for the residential and nine of those parking spaces are for retail uh within the building there's uh 329 bicycle Park parking spaces of which 3177 of them are for residential and 12 of them are for retail so I'm going to take you to the ground floor which I think is give you a summary Gabby kind of walked you through where uh the entrances so starting at the corner um the residential entrance the corner of Warren and Morgan highlighted in yellow is where the residential sequence would occur so you would enter the building for residences on that um on that corner through the sequence of ramps and stairs and then enter the building um through the elevator Lobby which has access to uh loading in the rear so the elevator lobby as shown in the as shown in the center here has um rear access for loading and and movein so there's access from the loading births as well so what's shown in yellow is residential there's mail rooms there's uh package rooms there's back of house baces to support the retail excuse me the residential uh components and then what's shown in pink is what's uh all retail all retail is Street facing all retails access from the street uh on both Warren and on Morgan and what's highlighted in blue along um Morgan end which wraps and comes on on the side of the plaza uh is the gallery space which uh is about 4,200 Square ft um sidewalk widening is as shown uh as required with the exception as as Gabby mentioned and uh all Building Services are highlighted in Gray so psng vaults um all services would come in through the rear of the building um which has uh been highlighted here in Gray so all the support services all the mechanical equipment all the all the movein uh emergency generators all the all the points of entry for the building um that summarizes the ground floor as we go to the uh Podium floor so this is a typical Podium floor which occurs on Floors 2 to five um and it's where the first levels of parking start so there's parking in the center of the building which is wrapped by residential units as you can see on all Street sides with residential units um there about 30 units on this floor um the interior space that's not residential that does not have light and air was utilized for either bicycle parking uh and or tenant storage space so on on Floors 2 and three it's bicycle parking and on Floors four and five it's tenant storage that occurs from 2 to 5 as we get to the sixth floor it's the first floor that is a setback floor so the initial setback starts on six and on that level highlighted in yellow is all of the Interior um amenity space for their residents in addition to the Interior Space there's exterior space on the Terrace and as you can see there's swimming pools outdoor lounge spaces there's Gathering spaces um there's a dog run there's some exterior Fitness space there's children's play area uh and there's even the thoughts of potentially having exterior screening of movies if possible and that occurs on the sixth floor as we get above that this is a typical Tower floor so this is the typical residential once you get above six now you're into the residential portion of the building all floors are residential from the sixth floor to the 34th floor or to the 33rd floor 34 has a combination of um amenity space as well but there's about 16,000 Square fet per floor plate on this floor and there's about 23 residential units on average on each of these floors so this is this takes you to 33 and as we get to 34 is where I mentioned a portion of the 34th floor has residential um units that face Warren Street and then there's an amenity space so when you come out of the elevators essentially if you went left out of the elevators depending on which elevator you came out You' be in a residential side and if you went to the right you would be in the ameni side which had which has access to a Terrace Facing East so very nice views from the Terrace Facing East you can see Manhattan and Jersey downtown Jersey City um so that takes us through the floor plans uh with the exception of this roof plan which is really just houses the mechanical equipment we're screening all the mechanical equipment at the roof uh there's a cooling tower at that level or the level Above This the elevator overrun Cara supply for uh supporting the residential spaces toilet exhaust um basically you know the support system for the building that's not on the ground floor would reside up on this floor on the roof plan and and above it uh as a cooling tower needs outdoor uh ventilation the building sections here show just two building sections to sort of identify the Heights and setbacks and uses of the space so everything in yellow is a residential use everything shown in pink is a retail use and then we try to highlight where they was back of house space shown in the gray tone so two sections one cut through Section number one is cut is cut through the Warren Street side and you can see it's through the leg of the high eyes and facing facing north and the other elevation is cut through the long end from Morgan to stubin and that just shows you a little bit more at the top of where the cooling tower sits and we screen the cooling tower and the rooftop units all fall below the top of the uh highest point of the of the of the roof there so sectionally um floor to floor Heights there's 9 fo8 floor to floor Heights for all the residential units that's going to net a 9-ft ceiling which is pretty common where we have offsets and transfers and mechanical and amenity space we tried to give a little more space so that'll have on a six floor a little bit more height about uh 11 7 fo8 um floor to floor which will net closer to 10 ft with all the mechanical offsets and plumbing that have to come down through that area so sectionally I think that um maximizes the section of the 350 ft we are measuring from the design flood elevation of 12 uh so the building stands at 362 ft tall so here's where we worked with uh another designer to basically design this building and make it work as um and let it fit into the neighborhood so the the thought was that it draws inspiration from the the industrial Heritage of the PowerHouse Arts District in Jersey City um we try to you know uh design it so that the facade interpret the historic elements of you know through a contemporary lens not not literal but um creating a dialogue between the past and the present the Podi as you can see in with the red brick um we chose the red because it's a material drawing on the historic Warehouse um buildings in in the area um with Arch windows that really bring us back to and pay homage to the PowerHouse building itself um so it's anchoring the design on that on that Podium level there's going to be an awning that wraps the facade at the ground floor and that awning is pretty typical of the Industrial canopies of the neighborhood that were here and still remain here um so there's there's a functionality behind it but there's also a design sensibility to it and then Rising above the podium is the tower which appears dark it's a dark tonal pallet and it extends the aesthetic uh the industrial aesthetic upward trying to connect the design to the surrounding areas while asserting a bold and contemporary presence on the skyline uh together these elements create a facade that celebrates in our opinion the PowerHouse ARS District Legacy while embracing the future um so you can see this elevation North is the elevation of Morgan Street so there's a there's a good sense of you know as it touches the ground all that archw workk which is um reminiscent of the PowerHouse building itself and the same on Warren Street what we tried not to do with the design was we tried not to have a rear of the building so essentially all the side of the building are treated equally uh except for where we needed to provide you know the mechanical systems and so on so for the most part the building is treated the same on all four sides um you could see from the material the material pallet on the left here that there's a combination of dark brick and the and the reddish brick along with um metal panel and and a decton panel which is like a porcelain T porcelain ceramic tile um and then these large these en larged elevations are just Snippets of the building to show portions of the building to show the signage where signage would meet on the ground floor so a typical retail space would all be treated pretty much the same with retail signage above the door uh retail blade signage above the door as well so for pedestrians walking down the sidewalk they'd be able to see the signage of the retail spaces that canopy that I mentioned that is reminiscent of Warehouse uh of the warehouse district is basically uh shown around all all sides of the building where there are retail space um parking is discreet but with a small parking sign um and an entrance to the parking garage while the typical upper floors are defined by that dark tonal colors of that brick and changing ch changing the coursing on the brick we felt helped a little bit too as well as pronouncing some of the um the the defining lines that kind of create a grid or or a secondary grid that help Define the the building and break up the scale of a tower that you know extends 100 feet along you know some of the streets so we felt like that gave it more of a human scale um this is an enlarged pallet drawing if you want to you know look closer it's the same as what was on the previous sheet it just identifies the do gray Soldier courses the the decton panels the brick running bond in the dark color as well as black metal window frames uh and then the brick at the base which would be that reddish brick um reminiscent of the PowerHouse so those are the those are the images of the building uh in two Dimensions so now we get to the uh the building rendering at the entrance so this is a nighttime view of the entrance at at Morgan and Warren so the entrance sequence and that uh that level change that Gabby was speaking to the 12T elevation we had to get from an elevation seven on the ground floor up to 12 so that's how we created that little that sequence here um but you could see how the tower kind of the tower itself kind of disappears from the podium which is nice because at night at least you see that the podium is you know ties into the neighborhood with with these arches that are lit and they will be lit because all of it is residential and or retail behind it so there there is no parking that would face any of this um any of the streets or any of these windows sorry about that another image pretty much the same image drawn Back From perspective wise just to show the entire facade of the building uh it's that's an overall building image um is viewed from Warren and and Morgan so it shows you how the building terminates at the top um and provides us with that uh a distinct a distinct top of the building which we're working on a pallet of some expanded metal mesh and some lighting to give us a set to give us a termination at the top of this building um and you could see it from you can see these elevations where the the arches continue to the top so it does have a a definition at the top but at the portion where the where the machine rooms and the cooling towers have to be screened is where we're considering an expanded metal mesh that would uh be illuminated at night to be able to identify the building from from a distance similar image with the illumination of the top of the building um so the bottom of the building is grounded the center is as as shown in those dark tones and then the top of the building is illuminated again a little bit lighter um and to give it a sense of uh grounding or a terminating of the building actually um actually that image concludes my architectural presentation but i' happy to answer any questions that you may have um I can't even believe the only question I have is is on the a parking warning system okay that that's it is there one so we're considering um we're considering something that isn't uh a sound but more of a a lighting element because we don't want to make the neighborhood we don't want to add noise I think that's so we're considering just some flashing light or some warning system like that okay excellent um can work with staff on it what do you got that uh I want question about the lighting at the top is that going to be is that imagined to be um daily it's going to illuminate the top or is that yeah it's it's intended to be illuminated pretty much every night okay all right to be seen to be seen yeah right thank you with the Empire State Building yeah I don't know about the color changes but maybe maybe we could work that out that's easy but lighting these days yeah I would think yeah that's so that's not for a safety purpose or just to be seen no no it's not FAA lighting it's not FAA so cuz I I noticed you have it on the bottom part not on the top it be kind of confusing yeah Mr Albano there's a requirement in the Redevelopment plan that we have a significant top to the building so that's the intent of so that was what the significance of our top was to illuminate it and to I understand separate it from the the other pallet of colors uh in the building um not to belabor the point about a flashing light for parking versus sound but for people who are visually impaired please do keep that in mind when you are working with um staff on what that doesn't have to be a loud sound but there should be um accommodation for that as well agreed um Matt you're comfortable working with the applicant on that uh yeah okay so we'll just make a condition that the applicant works with planning staff on some kind of a parking warning L uh anybody else anything questions nope is the arcade Open Sky you spoke of the arcade do we have a rendering how does that actually the next you he you'll hear the next witness awesome let's all right let's do it before before I bring uh Mr sansky up to talk about not only the Landscaping but the arcade the project I just want to put on the record that there's a requirement in the Redevelopment plan that we provide a significant public Plaza so that's what the intent of the arcade is there's going to be uh both permanent and rotating art within there which will also meet the requirements in the Redevelopment plan the intent is for that space to be a 247 publicly accessible space we'll speak to that a little bit more when we get to Matt's comments um but other than that I have Mr samansky to uh to walk you through okay thank you Council truth truth I do Timothy samansky s y m an ski good good evening sir I don't know if we've qualified you have we you never have actually okay if we could let's qualify you what what's your background your education background um so I'm associate at mow Carman I've worked actually directly under Tom Carman who's been here plenty of times sure um New Jersey licensed landscape architect since 2010 graduated from Ruckers University in 2005 um I have appeared before planning boards in New Jersey but I've not unfortunately appeared before this board perfect good thank you you're qualified my license is current yes thank you you're qualified wonderful okay okay so this evening thank you for having me uh I will provide an overview of the landscape and lighting requirements um for the public ples the streetscape as well as the exterior Recreation amen amenities proposed at the rooftops uh so the first slide we're looking at is the composite rendered landscape site plan and just to orient everybody to the site just enlarge this um Morgan Street is to the north which parallels top of the sheet Washington Street to the east which is off to the right side of the street Warren Street to the West on the left and finally Sten Street to the south on the bottom of the sheet uh for context we've included this plan um which depicts All Landscape levels to understand how the levels interact with the building footprint that includes the streetcape level with the amen rooftops layer to top of it as you just heard from the previous testimony we're very excited to be here to present this design for the parcel which completes the street skap treat treatments along the frontages as set forth by the PowerHouse Arch District Redevelopment plan and the Jersey J City forestry standards so I'm very pleased to review the streetcape level plan for 107 Morgan which has depicted at the same orientation as the composite plan you just saw I will walk you through the streetcape improvements and then focus on the creation of the Eastern public Plaza space and share a few perspective Graphics to support the public open space so just some some house items uh Street skap treatments they'll comply with the power Powerhouse Arch District uh Redevelopment plan as well as the JC streetcap treatments which provide consistency of the streetscape and pedestrian links with the neighborhood the improvements include concrete curb decorative papers colored scored concrete and sight lighting which is all in compliance with the approved Jersey City light fixture uh the plasma materials which will complement the architecture they're all appropriate for the urban environment these will include architectural pavers overhead arcade structure as well as the planter walls with integral seating which is also located in that rear arcade uh Street trees are proposed in compliance with the 2018 Jersey City forestry standards um in terms of variety planting detail as well as locational offsets to street lights intersection crosswalks garage entries and utilities on the three frontages along Morgan Street Warren Street and stuben street we have Street trees proposed uh these are these include Black Gum Willow Oaks sweet gum and again these are all in keeping with the Jersey City forestry standards beneath the street trees a mixture of planted tree pits and Rain Gardens as Miss gorelli had mentioned line the three streetscape frontages are bound by planter guards which again are all in compliance with the Jersey City forestry standards additional planting in the way of deciduous and evergreen shrubs as well as perennials and ornamental grasses are located to complement the architecture and provide a layered textural effect and all plant material is Hardy for the area and has been located based upon sun and S conditions along with several n native varieties that have been provided and then moving on to the lobby entry which Mr Albano also mentioned I have a perspective image which depicts the lobby entry which is located at the Northwestern corner of the site at the intersection of Morgan and Warren Street this includes multiple access points has ramp and stair access it will utilize materials that complement the architecture and the lobby space will include Terrace planting which will help soften The Hardscape and turning our Focus to the Eastern edge of the site which is something that everybody wanted to hear about uh a public Plaza SPAC is carved out at the site between the 107 Morgan and the adjacent Washington Commons building along the Eastern edge of the property line next two slides will depict the series of perspective views within the public Plaza so the plaza space is composed as an open space access from The Pedestrian sidewalks at either end from St Street to the South and Morgan Street to the north the open design will have an overhead door access from the adjacent Art Gallery space planter walls with integral seating run the length of the plaza this is a mechanism to help draw visitors into the space and soften the harshness of the adjacent building scale the vertical arcade structure which was mentioned uh in a previous question zigzags through the space creates a sculptural element and also provides interest and enclosure to the space this is a view from the north looking South the overall Plaza space has been designed to provide flexibility so it allows it to transform and support a variety of seasonal uses and then on a typical day pedestrians and the neighborhood can enjoy a variety of seating options within the passive space now moving up to the building sheets L10 and l11 with the the submitted site plan package uh featured render landscape plans of the exterior rooftop amenities located on the sixth floor the 11th floor and the 3 fourth floor rooftops uh Mr Albano did touch on this already but I'll just reiterate some of the elements that are within the design uh the men are include uh pool and pool Terrace Lounge seating and barbecue and Grilling opportunities private Terraces overhead shade structures a dog run and additional Garden spacin all planting is appropriate for the roof for these rooftop conditions that will utilize engineered soil along with the planter curves and walls to provide appropriate soil volumes for the health of the plant material then finally I'm pleased to say that as depicted on sheets l12 13 and 14 within the submitted landscape plans 107 Morgan is in full compliance with the green area ratio requirements for the city and that concludes the landscape testimony happy to answer any questions okay thank you sir um just quickly to to clarify you said the 2018 or 2023 forestry standards 2018 okay they're they're 2023 standards okay yeah we'll be happy to work with yeah you may have already seen them but just just to make sure that yeah you're using we've always worked off 2018 no we spent a lot of time on the 2023 yes good yeah anybody any questions I have a question the the meni is in the open space area um you were depicting a movable furniture and is that is that what's intended that's currently the the scheme will be there year round I I yeah yeah yes the arcade um I think the answer is is yes that it will be there year round um you know obviously if they need to do snow removal or things like that maybe for a little bit of time it won't be there but other than that yes the intent is for it to be there here um are there also trash cans uh in not trash cans depicted right now but we're happy to to specify them okay I think if they you're providing tables and chairs you might want to yeah consider that I believe there is a a specification for it in the in the actual uh submitted landscape plans but I don't believe there are locations okay and one thing that I would also add to Matt's point is we're going to have to enter into a plaza agreement with the city and it will specify things like having trash cans out there who will be maintaining that us as the owners so you know maybe we don't have them in a permanent place but any agreement we enter into with the city is going to require that there be receptable okay anything else M good nothing else at this time for you okay all right thank sir we appreciate it and finally Mr height will come up and briefly run through his testimony thing it's got to plug in and everything I'm low my battery I love trees so much so I don't out my man stop sucking up the board Mr height one moment okay let's just go back sorry about that I'll get you that I'll get you that I'm ready thank you thank you um I did appear before the board earlier tonight so I recognize I'm still under oath thank you okay we still qualified still qualified um we've been working on this application for a several number of years uh just in the early design phase uh understanding the zoning uh figuring out how to address certain issues and really just a really thorough program um which we are presenting before you tonight um we are in the PowerHouse Arch District in the downtown section of the city um we're specifically in the highrise Zone um this Zone does regulate uh Towers um in three main components in terms of the massing we have an overall F capacity so we're substantially below that um we also have a permitted maximum height uh as well as uh certain step backs that are required um one of them I'll I'll be addressing uh in terms of of deviation relief um but other than that it's a single parcel um it's lot one on Block 11612 it's approximately 6,116 Square ft that's 1.3 Acres so it's a substantially large parcel in the downtown uh hence allow programming and able to uh integrate a lot of the compliance with the Redevelopment plan goals and objectives um the subject property today is essentially a paved ashal lot it was primarily used um I would call it as an interim because this Redevelopment plan has been place in place for a long time um as an interim use for surface parking uh I did want to mention and I confirmed with the applicant that the surface parking today are or what SE Le a few months ago was daily parking spaces no long-term parking commitments no real dependency on providing that off street parking in other locations um so it's it's a little bit more of a transient parking um and to be quite honest uh it was substantially underutilized uh often times uh the parking lot were was closed used for trailers for any sort of events in the area uh and if you walk by the site today you'd see a stage there uh related to to filming um for again an intern purpose but um just wanted to put that on the record uh it was previously 95% impervious coverage um you can see by the design plans including the street trees um the rooftop elements and and compliance with the green area ratio we're we're transitioning that into a much more um permeable surface so uh the the project team really did detail a lot of the other aspects of the proposed applic 34 star 34 stories 634 units 210 parking spaces um I'm going to be moving into the relief needed um we are requesting seven or six deviations from the Redevelopment plan and one from the Land Development ordinance I like to try and break these deviations into um relatable or groups of relief uh I'll start at the ground floor with streetscape aspects um there are three related to the massing of the building and the rooftop um and then one is the last one would would be parking in terms of the the minimum number of parking um with resp respect to the streetscape and the frontages uh along um the uh the ground level um there's a a maximum permitted of utility Frontage uh at 177% this occurs on stuan where we're at 56% stubin is uh for all intensive purposes a back of house if you will um the main objective is to try and limit uh the amount of um what would be uh nonactive frontages along the streetscape uh here we are a property that's a cap lot um by the current standard so we have three frontages um in with respect to that uh we also are trying to still instill the um Aesthetics of the overall building along that section so aesthetically we're still um representing the overall architecture of the property um but we do have the loading um the entrance to the the parking deck uh from stuben so that creates that uh deviation in terms of the percentage um we also have a setback uh variance where the maximum setback at the ground level is 10 ft um this occurs at really that corner entrance plaza where we actually have to set back the building to accommodate the staircase the plaza and the entrance way uh it's a very common design technique to to deal with uh elevating the lobby of residential spaces above the flood plane um here in this Redevelopment plan there's just a maximum requirement that we're um exceeding so uh from Morgan it's 64 feet to measured from Warren it's 41 feet 1 in um again it creates a plaza space it elevates and it provides a Ada access so um those are the the benefits in terms of of the design um for the major vast majority of both Street frontages I think 80% uh along uh Morgan and 70% along Warren it complies with the 10-ft setback so we are setback 10t um for the majority of those Street frontages uh the last one at the ground level is the minimum sidewalk width uh we heard from Miss cornelli um with respect to the required sidewalk being 16 and 1/2 ft this deviation only occurs for the proposed loading zone which we coordinated both with the members of the community to try and uh limit the amount of double parking given the increase in unit count uh as well as the div uh division of Transportation Planning um so again the the loaning Zone length is 50 ft uh where we only have 12 approximately 12 ft of sidewalk 12 ft still substantial to accommodate a higher amount of foot traffic um but in that instance we are less than the 16 a half um that's at the ground level those are the three deviations with respect to that uh that aspect of the project when we move up to uh the upper portion of the building um which I'll get into this diagram we're dealing with step back requirements um the Redevelopment plan calls for a what I call wedding cake design meaning a tiered step back as you go it's it's very uniform um and it occurs at certain levels we prepared this exhibit uh and modified it as the design changed but this is up to-date it reflects the current elevations of the proposed project um you can see in the red where the requirements are and in the blue where the proposed structure is so um the deviation is at the upper three stories where our proposed structure does not set back 5T from the floors below um below that we comply with the minimum setbacks from the base facade um what this does is it creates a little bit more of a sleeker more modern high-rise portion of the building um the overall Aesthetics of this building have been arranged by the project team and specifically the project architect uh to have a very transitional uh architecture where there's a a good reflection of the historic nature of the PowerHouse at the base and then that modern design uh on the elevation but in terms of massing uh that's where the deviation request occurs um and again there's no increase in F we're not dealing with any sort of requests like that it's really just the massing of the building and that step back at the upper floors um the other two are with respect to the bulkhead uh this plan oddly enough requires stucco as the only material you're allowed to finish bulkhead walls um we are proposing an upgrade in terms of material for Brick and metal to match the uh the overall athetics uh and it also requires uh to not be visible um from across the street at a viewing height of five feet so you do see this uh bulkhead but uh again I think the aesthetic materials help wrap it all into uh the design uh and was mentioned earlier with the the lights it creates that cap of the building so uh you probably didn't even know that that was the uh the the um the screening for the mechanical because it does create a nice uh visual element at the top of the bu building um the last uh the other um variance from the ldo is with rooftop mechanical equipment uh that does limit 20% of the upper story to be uh mechanical we are proposing 27.8 um this is really just a function of how much square footage is needed for the mechanical equipment of this building again it's 1.3 Acres there's a lot of components to this building and most of the echanical mechanical equipment is on the upper story creating that uh that variance request um we did do a round of preliminary mechanical engineering review um to get to that uh uh coverage of 27.8% but this is early in terms of uh a final mechanical design um so we landed at at that proposed number um and the the request for the variance um lastly uh we are requ requesting a varant a deviation from the Redevelopment plan for parking um we have both commercial and residential uses we are providing sufficient number of spaces for the retail um the deviation requests come specifically for the residential so these are dedicated residential spaces um overall the requirement is 453 spaces where we're proposing the 210 spaces the residential ratio is7 spaces per unit where we are proposing from a residential component 32 so we're about half of the required um we did discuss uh just general marketing for or viability for owner uh providing off street parking spaces in a downtown setting um that was done internally we also coordinated with city planning to understand what the current um ratios that newer Redevelopment plan plans are putting in place which do range from 0.5 as a maximum to point uh .25 in that range so we fall within that kind of more contemporary parking ratio um that You' find in a in a in a newer Redevelopment plan that's in the downtown um not withstanding those two uh pieces of information we are uh within walking distance to mass transit um so hang on I had my details here for one minute just give me a moment um so we are uh within uh walking distance to uh all um all three uh mass transit options with grow stre pass station Exchange Place pass station uh and the hudsen BG and Light Rail uh Harbor Side Station uh as well as the the Waterfront Ferry um so this is a very uh supported area um we're encouraging the multimodal aspect of um downtown living um we Supply the sufficient number of bicycle spaces uh and are also activating the streetcape with the galleries the retail uh and and that component so um that's the positive criteria um with respect to the deviations I I hope I was clear because there's different odds and ends going through that um with respect to the negative criteria um well with respect to special reasons I do believe that this furthers purpose a to guide appropriate development we're consistent with the F standards we're meeting all current um requirements for flood Hazard areas uh in terms of elevating the lobby and uh providing access um I also believe we're furthering special reasons for um establishing appropriate population densities that's purpose e uh again we're compliant with the F uh and the unit count and adding more density in the downtown area uh and lastly promoting a desirable visual environment through creative development techniques I think we've tailored all of these deviation requests with appropriate ways a lot of them depend on the Aesthetics of the building um and how it's been designed so I think we're we're certainly advancing that special reason um as we move to the the the negative criteria um I don't believe that this will be a substantial detriment to the general welfare uh any of these uh variance requests are really just finely detailed aspects of the Redevelopment plan from a planner standpoint that our goals to aim for um we've cited them specifically but overall um the setback doesn't create any sort of major impacts on Shadows uh in the surrounding area um from an aesthetic standpoint point it's still consistent with what you'd find in a downtown uh area um the uh the the parking um what what we did um was to try and find the appropriate balance of providing off street parking that didn't inundate um too many vehicles in the downtown area creating more congestion on the streets so we think that ratio uh actually helps reduce automobile dependency um and uh and has a better effect uh and then um with respect to the uh ground level um the setbacks required in the sidewalk widths are still sufficient it occurs in minor spaces uh and the mechanical utility uh uh percentage along stuen um I think we discussed earlier about encourage uh working with staff to enhance the safety along stuen Avenue for any loading uh vehicles or or Vehicles entering and exiting the building um so that's really any uh detriment to the general welfare I believe we've addressed um with respect to the zoning ordinance or Zone plan um I mentioned at the top of my presentation that this is a Surface parking lot um we work routinely with clients in the downtown area that are envisioning Redevelopment um usually they're located in Redevelopment plans especially in the downtown um so this project does um help uh develop streets sidewalks public places that are safe comfortable interesting at the pedest to The Pedestrian and reflect industrial p pths uh of the district um that's one of the goals of the the Redevelopment plan um provide site improvements for the beautification of the Redevelopment area certainly the streetscape with the proposed structure as well as the uh arcade um there's more um that I can recite but I believe we are really truly meeting the intent and goal furthering the goals and objectives of the Redevelopment plan not withstanding the relief needed thank you as always um that completes my testimony everyone wants a short planner until they get into court and it's the opposite effect so I I hope I do my job well and uh Bal and ums good ran through everything so thank you very much for your time all right thank you Mr height I have no questions at this point um anybody from Mr height Mr he just um cutouts of those parking so you're saying 12' 11 in or just 12et where the cutout is and what is it is it hitting the 16 ft Mark the rest of the block yes it is so it's only for the length of the the pickup drop off loading area and then for the rest uh sidewalk 12T or 12T 11 in 12' 11 in okay yes that's okay anybody else from Mr height all right thank you council is that your presentation our presentation I just want to thank the board for uh hearing us this evening and again we're we're very excited for this project not only for the development itself but the other aspects that are going to be uh for the public use as well thank you thank you so at this point let's open it up for public comment is anybody here from the public that wants to comment please come on up okay I do yes my name is Christine c h r i s t i n e last name is Hoy H UI yes 311 Washington Street Apartment 7D in Jersey City good evening we have three minutes for you good evening thank you for your time um so I am a resident at 311 Washington and this building is on the same laot as the proposed 107 Morgan Street building an oury concern is the health of the residents specifically sorry specifically those living in the units that the three levels of pro proposed garage events would face when the issue was raised directly with the developers during a meeting on December 3rd they did not indicate that there would be any additional mechanical exhaust elsewhere however a perent email from the councilman's office I received back in May it it was communicated that the councilman's office reached out to the planning department and was specifically told if the preliminary plans show venting on only one side there must be mechanical exhaust located elsewhere none of the plans that we have seen otherwise suggest that there will be any sort of ventilation for the garage levels on the other sides of the building during the same meeting on December 3rd elor and their architect cated residents by saying that the exhaust won't be pumping constantly and that air will flow upwards however even if there is ventilation that is on the 311 side of the building and it is nominally pointed upwards I hope you understand that that doesn't avoid the problem as the neighboring 311 building rises above the podium level where the exhaust will exit elire has repeatedly said that they need to have a building that wraps around the street side however I have not seen or heard of a building of this requirement additionally walking around Jersey City there's no large apartment building that directly vents into another building from such a close proximity of about 25 ft while it may be a little more aesthetically pleasing to have a building wrap I believe this poses large Health concern for many of the residents at 311 Washington for developers that keep speaking about community and how they've donated two lots of the city to be repurposed for Community use I don't believe this is altruistic with no benefit to them as a development company specifically to their garage plan this seemingly explicitly fails to consider the community and health of their future neighbors who would be directly impacted I urge you as a planning committee to review their garage ventilation plans not just with the codes and applicable standards in mind but also with resident Health as I don't believe any of you tonight would like to live in such close proximity to carbon monoxide and other fumes entering your homes on a daily basis thank you thank you we appreciate it council do you want to address uh I can or do you want to public to finish on us address everything all at once um let's do that but let's keep a list of uh things we need to address okay anybody else Miss Moore good evening I miss the remote [Laughter] same yes uh Katherine Moore k a t h r y n m o o r e and I live at 140 Bay Street um couple housekeeping real quick um the uh 16t sidewalk is actually being subtracted from the traffic lane not from the building's um square footage so the traffic lane will be narrower just so to make that clear also on all three sides uh are power wires curious if the power wires are going to be underground or if there's anything that can be reduced because all three sides have power um power lines um is there remediation of the land um will there be a cap and can you have plant Wells with capping um so just kind of thinking about the for the Landscaping um there is parking on the stuan street um on the south side of the street so the way the trucks back in will um affect the parking that is on the south side of the street uh the residential parking um it's being reduced by a lot and um with uh the bonuses there's more units and there's even less parking um basically in the Redevelopment plan from the very beginning they wanted to have some opportunities within some of the um the the buildings that you could have um parking that could be set aside for residents for visitors for the retail um this is something that would be you know accommodated um and we're not really seeing we're running out of lots and there's really not many more out their opportunities to do it like right now there's only one building out of all the new ones that were built that can be if that's public everything else is all private um so you know they're suggesting is just like well maybe you know the people over in metrop Plaza can give us some parking but this is just another opportunity where we're missing that opportunity to add parking for all the residents because we have overdeveloped over time and we're all sort of scrutinizing the last few lots that are available so over you know 800 units were built with only 100 parking spaces so we have many buildings that don't have any parking at all so um reducing this kind of can be a problem we're just not quite sure so we're just sort of you know wondering if we can really kind of make some kind of side with that um in that also we have three theaters as well as um commercial spaces with employees so where are they going to park as well um so we're just sort of taxed as to where we can find people to um park because there is very limited and now they're narrowing the streets even more to make the sidewalk wider so that's also can cause a little bit of issues over on Morgan Street for traffic flow um within Butler Brothers Warehouse they were supposed to be able to have um to be accommodated for um additional parking um in the Redevelopment pan it's like a sha kind of thing and just sort of curious you know they have nine retail spaces for possibly the retail spaces within 107 but do you have um retail SPAC uh space for the Butler Brothers as well um to um you know have further uh parking for the retail spaces as well as the um new community center which is part of the uh Butler Brothers Warehouse complex if you could call it that and and so that's in there and yeah we need parking for the residents and the visitors so reducing it by half really does um unfortunately and not making it public uh having public accessibility um is uh is a detriment to the neighborhood um because we're not done yet we only have like two lots left after this and uh we need some parking so Municipal parking or something there's it's it's uh We've we've we've taxed ourselves um I think that's it okay thank you that was your time but thank you yep uh anybody else from public anybody else from public motion to close the public second okay motion is made and seconded public is closed Council what do you got for us yeah I just want to address a couple of the comments we got there um I'll start with my one um as to the but the uh accommodation for the Butler Building um The Butler Building was redeveloped with it with its own parking um the way this actually reads is it shall provide for the parking to accommodate Redevelopment of the Butler Brothers Warehouse it's been redeveloped the only thing that wasn't in there was their retail parking if you look on our plans we are actually providing the retail space that would have been required in the Butler Building within our building we were required four spaces excuse me we were required five spaces they were required four four so we are accommodating with it in the building um as to the um ventilation I'm going to let uh Paul speak to that and then I will let Gabby come up and deal with some of the other questions uh comments from Miss Moore okay thank you Tom all right so to address the uh items re related to the two questions I think they were broken into the wrapping of the garage with active space m that's a requirement of parking structures under um site improvements under J of the Redevelopment plan so does require you to have active space and not have parking at the at the facade so we did it on three sides that's three Street uh facing sides the exhaust requirement is uh twofold one there's um garage exhaust requirement requires that you separate from a property line 3 feet intake you would need to separate 10 feet so at the fourth floor where the first residential unit is on 311 Washington we're about 36 ft from that building the velocity of air that's coming out of that exhaust although it runs constant it runs at a slow pace it's in aligned duct so that there's um sound attenuation so it's not noisy and there's not a lot of velocity so it is our opinion and the opinion of the the engineer that the air will never get anywhere near 36 ft because it's just to exhaust air that is in the garage so it's not noxious it's environmental air that's my response okay so on a on a windy day or just a humid day there you're saying basically it would never blow I'm saying it's next question then right I feel what are the chances of making it go higher than the level that is affecting the building across the they're saying they're at the third level right is there any way of exhausting it at a different height level that does not affect the people that are that close because you're asking for a setback a minimum setback at the third level right at the well the location of the exhaust would be at levels three and four of the parking garage the parking garage um the parking garage is exhausting to the exterior if we were to bring anything up to the sixth floor you're saying like come up through the sixth floor Terrace Ro whatever it is whatever it takes the roof isn't a viable solution because it it's 34 stories you in the air so I feel like that's not viable for a parking it would require heavier equipment to get the Air 35 stories so I feel like the velocity of there in our opinion will not reach the 36t separation because the code only requires 3 feet anyway so the code does take into consideration you know requirements and neighbors and the code is written to protect the neighbors not yes yes I understand that can I answer the question will ever get to their side I can answer that positively but I could say with the best of our knowledge we don't believe it'll ever get there so okay then with that said is that any other chance of trying to make it because we're asking for a minimum setback on the garage level right on those three those two floors those floors are setback they're required SE separate sear required setback right it meets a required setback okay so basically so you're meeting that part cor right yeah there there's no variance of first back okay so I guess well we hopefully you consider some other way of getting it pumped out to a different level that doesn't affect the people there but I understand what you're saying by Co I got you I understand you asking my question okay thank you m gnell is gonna come up sure so the the two points to address are the sidewalk with and the the loading um on stubin so the sidewalk the Redevelopment plan actually has a maximum setback from the property line for the for the building and that maximum setback is 10 ft um while still requiring a 16 and 1/2t sidewalk so the Redevelopment plan is encouraging That Sidewalk to be pushed into the right of way um to to kind of push the building closer to the street because we have all that retail Frontage um and then also the loading I there is parking on the south side of stubin street I I thought your question was regards to the north side where the loading is um we will review our truck maneuvering and I I believe we can make it work such that it wouldn't be impacting the the parking on the on the southern side of the street uh what about the is there remediation being done and is it being capped what's going to happen I don't I don't know the answer to that um the answer is is yes yes so there will be remediation done at the site they will have to go through um the entire process with d they'll have to provide a cap there will be a remedial remedial remedial action plan and all the things that they'll need to do to comply with that cap and Council I guess we wouldn't know at this point we would not know at this point as to what is necessary in terms of the cap that's correct yes but obviously that goes without saying that we're going to need that permit too correct in order to get that permit we will have to go through that process forward so yes chairman as far as this board is concerned that's another governmental agency sure that has to sign off before anything that we do will be acted upon all right thank you councel thank you um Matt Matt anything yeah staff prepared a memo dated uh December 3rd 2024 um they testified briefly the beginning of the testimony um or of this this item about the bonus that they satisfied at 335 Washington Street pursuant to the Redevelopment plan that got them an extra additional of 100 ft in height and four F for this Sub sub subject site uh they are also required to do a uh significant open space uh they've located it mid block between the two two parallel streets uh it's entitled the arcade they talk to it um many times tonight uh that is uh to be publicly open a publicly accessible open space and uh staff recommends that that area not be gated um it was once proposed to be gated it is removed now and shown and and and presented tonight without Gates uh and a developers agreement uh will govern the um management and operation of that open space uh and staff will be looking to see um it open to the public 5:00 a.m. to midnight daily and at least walking through between uh midnight and 5:00 a.m. um we do have several uh staff conditions uh there is one put on the record regarding uh working with staff regarding the uh lighting of the top of the building uh but there are 10 other conditions uh that are in the memo that staff would recommend should the board make a motion to approve this application um staff does recommend approval and uh we are here if you have any questions okay thank you Matt Council yeah I think uh we also had another condition about working um with the staff on the safy BS or light warnings for the add that uh otherwise uh we agree to the conditions uh as I stated on the record we are going to have to work with the city on a plaza agreement we uh we are completely okay with the hours that uh Matt has put into his memo we would just ask the board that ask that the board acknowledge there will obviously be times when that Plaza is closed for maintenance safety reasons snow removal just so you know it's it is meant to be 247 but there will be times in L of a gate there might be a sign that says close for maintenance or something like that but no private events no private events I believe I don't so we can put that on record and our pero no private events okay okay no private events yes okay all right thank you so anybody any questions for Matt okay Mr ter I'd like to make a motion at this time to approve case p2024 d76 as presented to the board tonight with variations I mean with the um the the uh yeah conditions imposed okay motion made and seconded for approval uh Vice chair Dr Gonzalez I I like the plan I think you guys did a really good job of you know having a throwback to the power the pad um and then that modern uh kind of building on top I really like the uh open spaces for the public I think it's going to be really good I I live not too far from there but far enough that I didn't have to you know trigger an absens but it it is um I've always looked at that spot and thought when is it going to be built and what's going to go there um and I think that the guys hit and I just hope it gets done and we don't see you back again so I I vote I commissioner gon I councilwoman prer hi commissioner Torres um I um previous case earlier today I did mention that I do work in the mechanical parts of a building um for a living that's what I do but um so I do agree with the Cod of the exhaust be you know 3 feet and 10t you know um and I agree with that statement and that comment but um so for the people that came out today uh hopefully just giving them a peace of mind as the project goes over if you could find some other way of doing it and um eases easing the neighbors your neighbors um thought on it it be a nice thing um I really like the building there's a wise guy on a wise man on this uh board that uh chairman that uh stays um if you need some help with that brick work we know where to get it for you so just reach out um I think that brick work is going to be beautiful matching the powerhouse it's an architectural engineer um set in that Powerhouse so to try to match it is a challenge so like I said we do know people that can help you and um it's I like that look for the PowerHouse district and with that I'm going to vote I for this project commissioner stamato uh commissioner Dr Desai I and chairman linkon I'm a no I think I'm sorry my mic's off um I'm a no on the parking I I think if you know this is the plan the building is in if if we think the other plans are a better fit for the city let's change the plan we're we're hitting half here of what's required so I to me I think that's you know even though I'm usually The Pedestrian guy on the board and let's change the plan if we think the plan is wrong rather than go for the deviation so I I'm a no just based on the parking motion carries uh one against and 64 okay thank you everybody thank you thank you very much everyone five three three can we get you down to three do two okay so it'll be quicker than asking for an adjournment where are you 15 right yeah case okay I'm gonna call uh I swear he says five minutes tops case p2024 d009 minor subdivision for 34 Jefferson Avenue Sher good evening chairman members of the board Benjamin wine of prime toel and melli on behalf of the applicant 323 for Jefferson jcnj LLC what you see on the agenda is basically the application before you we're here this evening seeking a minor subdivision of an existing lot that measures 5,462 Square ft we're proposing to subdivide that into two separate Lots measuring approximately 2700 Square ft each we have no variances associated with the application the lot widths will uh exceed they will meet the 25 ft requirement and the overall lot area will exceed the 2500t requirement with that I have one witness this evening um I've never really done this before but I have the project surveyor because there's no site plan associated with this application and I just wanted to have some experts sworn in and put testimony on the record testimony tonight the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do it's Rolo r o d o l f o Pier p i e r r i good evening sir um I don't believe we've qualified you in the past but you're a licensed surveyor in the state of New Jersey that's correct and that license is current tonight yes it is okay thank you you're qualified then uh so Ron I'll just ask you very briefly um the survey that's on the portal this evening um you prepared that survey and that is your license and signature on that survey yes it is okay and can you just confirm for the record the proposed lot sizes affiliated with our subdivision uh yes the lot sizes are you know the original lot was 50 by approximately 100 0 and we're proposing to divide it to 225 by uh approximately 110t deep Lots all conforming to the uh zoning area Okay so Ron we're not proposing uh any actual structure as part of this application not that I know of okay and lastly just to confirm in your review of the zoning in a limited capacity to the lot area and lot width and really site Dimensions it's your opinion that they comply with the uh zoning ordinance is that correct yes they do chairman and that's really all I have on this application okay um are we talking curb cut in the future um I don't believe so I know that this board has a has a specific request that if there is going to be one it would be shared we have no issue with that um if there's obviously any zoning in effect that would prevent that we're also comfortable with that as well okay you have something so Council I think at the time you would be making an application I guess it would be a minor site plan application if uh at all uh and if you got to get a curb cut you'd have to do it then to subdivide it's an as of right subdivision uh creating the two lots but I guess when you go to develop you would have to address uh how you lay out the house and if you trigger any relief right it would either be compliant um you know with your ordinance and honestly not require any appearance before any board or it would not comply and therefore uh likely require an appearance before the zoning board assuming it's for bulk variances and if it requires site plan as well then back before this board so that's my concern is that it doesn't have to go to an approval process it's just an application and it doesn't go to a zoning board or a planning board and now we have two curb cuts on opposite sides to the properties oh no what we can do is we can condition the approval of the subdivision that that would not be the case on a single curb cut correct on one single Cur cut that's where I'm going so can we have you agree to it condition one single curb cut deed to both properties yes that's not a problem okay um chery I just want to mention that actually um off street parking is prohibited for both lot um CU in our zoning standard we said like off Street parkings prohibit an interior lot with a lot uh less than 26 ft and then this lot is 25 ft and off Street parkings not predominant so this is prohibit for B slot so in my St report I wrote existing curb cut shall be removed and sidewalk shall be fixed for future development so there shouldn't be a but I guess the condition would be if there's ever an application in the future yes that we would not permit more than one curve cut correct if you can get any correct yeah that that's where I was going with it Miss Wang it's it's yes I don't believe that were permitted curb Cuts but to the extent that there was an application in the future requesting a curb cut and a variance for that it would be limited to a single curb cut the variance request okay yeah yeah just in case this doesn't get developed and okay you know sorry if that was less than clear I'm trying to keep this relatively in case they try and Mr wine for the record will Mark the notice as A1 so thank you okay I have a question go ahead are there two curb Cuts now at that existing property uh Ron can you check the survey um no I don't what they're saying is you're going to put the sidewalk back the way it's supposed supposed to be yes when is that going to happen that is going to be part of so procedurally what would happen um is we have to perfect the subdivision assuming it's approved this evening so within 190 days from the date of the resolution we have to file the subdivision with Hudson County will require your uh your signature as well and or your Chairman's signature and uh and in at that point if there's a my belief and Mr lampy can correct me if I'm wrong if there's a condition of approval that we need to meet the conditions listed in Miss Wang's staff report as well as anything else on the record tonight um part and parcel of signing that subdivision deed will include uh confirming that that work will be done okay okay anybody else that is correct all right thank you sir thank you Council that's it that would conclude my presentation okay is there anybody here from the public that wants to comment on this application seeing no public I move to close second okay motion is made seconded public is closed genre anything um uh I don't have anything else under than that so I just want to ask the applicants to agree to the conditions yes we do and we that that forend approval okay Mr chair i' like to make a motion to approve case p2024 d009 as presented to the board tonight with the conditions outlined second okay motion made and seconded for approval Vice chair Doon Gonzalez hi commissioner genon hi commissioner Tores I Comm commissioner Stato hi commissioner Dr Desai hi councilman pres Ray hi chairman linston hi motion carries in fav thank you and I appreciate the board indulging us this evening thank you take care Mr Harrington yes I apologize no worries I didn't think that was going to go anywhere near as long as it you would be both I tried to I I thought we would be close I thought we'd be close so um take a li to yourselves that's probably true as well I tried to counsil him in the office to move along uh cam how do we look on scheduling not good um I mean you're definitely in 2025 yes and I I really I have item 14 17 and the one I previously adjourned is 18 uh they all three of them are cases that were originally listed in October so they're new they're new to us um if you know I'd really like I don't have a problem just putting them on the next agenda you know as well as I do well I don't know that might go quicker now but they the the the January 7th is probably better because January 28th there's talks of something that's probably going to end up taking a very long time going on that but January 7th has 87 bright so so they're yeah that might change if it's possible to put these before 87 bright they're all pretty quick one I mean I've got one the 14 is designated redeveloper uh with affordable housing um so that's all squared away uh the the uh 17 is just um amendments to a an pre-existing site plan that should take all of 10 minutes if that and then then the last one 18 is another one of the homestead projects which this board is you know seen so many times so none of them are are are long and complicated establish that everybody says that nothing is long and nothing is complicated and you can't get out of the block on some of these things but this time I mean it I swear I lie to you um go with the seventh keep loading them up put on the seven um 18 might be the tough one yeah I think you're going to need a little more time on 18 under understood the yeah the other two um I'll put on the record I'd rather the other two are are very very simple and you know they're they're small projects that they you know they've been kicking around I I know 18 the client wants to move forward but he's he's not going into the ground you know in the next 3 four months so that's not as urgent okay um 18 28 we'll put them on this no we'll put them on put them all on the seven okay but we'll see if we can get those those other two up a little higher okay all right we'll see what happens with uh we will other things on the agenda all right understood all right thank you Council thank you yeah we could just start staying later um we move on to resolutions Please Mr CH I like to make a motion to memorialize the following resolutions I think there's 15 um so I'll start resolution number one of the planning board of the city of Jersey City amendments to the Morris Canal Redevelopment plan case number p2024 d177 resolution number two is of the planning board of the city of Jersey City applicant 248 Erie owner LLC for preliminary major s plan approval with deviations 248 Eerie Street and 209-215 15th Street Jersey City New Jersey block 7105 Lots 1 2 and 3 case number p2024 D 0019 number three is resolution of the planning board of the city of Jersey City case p2023 D 0039 for site plan with variances applicant at 215 van vorce Development LLC address at 2115 vvor Street Jersey City New Jersey block 14205 lot 9 for the resolution the planning board of the state of Jersey City for approval and recommendation of amendments to chapter 105 Demolition and chapter 131 construction codes uniforms and chapter 160 fees and charges and chapter 345 zoning fifth resolution of the planning board of the city of Jersey City for approval and recommendation of amendments to chapter 345 zoning number six resolution of the city of Jersey City planning board case number P 23- 044 applicant 60 4 608 communa LLC address at 64-66 communa Avenue Jersey City New Jersey block 17905 Lot 24 and 25 decided on Tuesday September 24th 2024 memorialized on Tuesday December 10th 2024 application for a preliminary and final major site plan approval number seven resolution of the planning board of the city of Jersey City applicant is harmony hous Holdings LLC for a preliminary and final major site plan approval 17417 8 Martin Luther King Drive and 205 uh pardon 204 Stegman Street Jersey City New Jersey block 25001 lot 66 and 68.1 case number p2024 d38 number eight resolution of the planning board of the city of Jersey City approving minor site plan approval uh case number p2024 d003 submitted by T-Mobile Northeast LLC 412 Wht Street street block 17505 Lot 17.01 Number Nine resolution of the planning of the Jersey City planning board is applicant Plaza 8 and n Associates LLC for extensions of preliminary and final major site plan approval 32 Street rear and 242 Hudson Street block 11603 dos 22 and 27 case number p2024 D 0216 10th resolution of the planning board of the city of Jersey City is uh applicant Plaza eight and nine Associates LLC for extension of preliminary and final major s plan approval 32 Street rear and 242 Hudson Street block 11603 blots 22 and 27 case number p2024 0216 number 11 resolution of the planning board of the city of Jersey City amended preliminary and final major side plan submitted by John and MaryAnn llc at 187 Culver Avenue block 22102 lot 8.01 case number p2024 0026 number 12 resolution of the planning board of the city of Jersey City approving an application filed by Liberty Harbor North Partners LLC for a preliminary and final major site plan approval applicant Liberty Harbor North Partners LLC for a preliminary and final major site plan case number p2024 di 0118 number 13 resolution of the city of Jersey City planning board in the matter of 457 Ogden Avenue application number P2 2024 d123 decided November 12th 2024 memorialized December 10th 2024 is an application for preliminary and final major site plan approval with C variances relief number 14 resolution of the planning board of the city of Jersey City case number p2024 0176 for a one-year extension of approval of preliminary and final major site plan with C variances applicant is BJ power LLC address at 65 650 Grand Street Jersey City New Jersey block 15403 lot 12.01 final resolution of the planning board of uh Board of city of Jersey City case number p2024 d187 for a one-year extension approval for a preliminary and final major site plan applicant 241 MLK Drive LLC address 241 MLK Drive Jersey City New Jersey block 2344 lots of 30 Vice chair Dr Gonzalez hi commissioner gangen councilwoman Prince ER hi commissioner Torres hi commissioner stano commissioner Dr saai and chairman Langston motion carries all in favor to memorialize resolutions you're kidding okay uh motion to adour Second all right wer and thank you everybody than you I appreciate you here enjoy your holidays happy Holidays happy holidays everyone oh yeah of course I happy holiday just in Cas M friend merry Christmas M friend