##VIDEO ID:FeKY1eKVPXg## to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all all right could we have a sunshine announcement please cam yes chairman uh good evening everyone today is Tuesday October 8th in the year 2024 this is a Jersey City planning board meeting with a scheduled :30 p.m. start time and in accordance with the open public meeting act notice of this meeting has been given to the editor of the Jersey journal the Jersey City Reporter and posted with the city clerk on October 4th of this year this meeting was also posted on the Jersey City division of City Planning web page and all distribution materials made available to the board were published and made available to the public okay thanks cim could we have a roll call please yes um chairman Langston here commissioner Torres here commissioner St here commissioner Cruz yes sir commissioner green here all right we have five Commissioners present we have a quorum okay uh could we swear in the staff please Mike yes all right thank you do we have correspondence cam yes chairman okay so under new business we have item 14 that is case number p2024 DZ 0123 for a preliminary and final major site plan with C variances at address 457 Ogden Avenue requesting to carry with preservation of notice to the October 22nd meeting that is our next regularly scheduled meeting um and then in addition to that we have the very last item on the agenda under new business item 20 and that is case p2261 it's for preliminary and final major site plan address is 88 Bright Street and they've requested to carry with preservation of notice to the November 12th meeting of this year and November 12th and yes that would conclude um correspondence okay so if anybody from the public uh is here for either 457 aanav or 88 Bright Street they will not be heard tonight uh they'll be heard on those two dates listed you will not get new notice this is your notice uh so with that let's get into Old business everybody we'll call Item a under old business it's case p2024 d164 is a site plan extension for 54 Jones Street good evening uh for the record Charles Harrington of Connell Foley on behalf of the applicant uh we did provide Public Notices with regard to this uh request so I'll provide these to counsel chairman I received the Affidavit of notice proof of mailing with respect to the application here this evening does appear to be in order we can mark it as A1 for purposes of the record thank you Council okay thank you so uh before you tonight we're asking for a 2-year extension of the uh uh prior approval um but the 2-year extension is is really uh a one-year extension and I'll explain why is that um the third the third year uh would have expired on September 21st 2024 so obviously we're past that date so we are asking for um the two years to bring us to September 21st 2025 uh and the background and the reasoning behind is that uh the prior owner and and designated redeveloper by the J uh the Jersey City Redevelopment agency had uh permitting in place they um with the building department um in early of 2023 or mid 2023 um they sold uh the the property to my client uh so we went through the process with the jcra uh in the fall September through December uh of this past year and it was uh ultimately transferred with the consent of the jcra to my client um and with those those permits in place but they they were never finalized uh and then there's a snap view where the per permit applications were misplaced in the building department so nothing was was vested if you will but uh similarly at at that time uh my client entered into a Redevelopment agreement with the jcra and part of that uh Redevelopment agreement provided that they would they would develop the project that was transferred or uh a plan B a plan being B A Plan B being um envisioned that the Journal Square Redevelopment plan might be amended uh and as the this board knows it was recently amended uh so we're now working on on a new plan uh and and um and hopefully be back before this board you know within six months but at the same time we want to preserve this approval okay any questions anyone and obviously Council any variances deviations anything of the sort would be and conditions would be applied to this uh project as well yes for disapproval okay thank you uh is anybody here from the public that wants to comment anyone from the public we have a motion to close public see no public I make a motion CL public second okay we have a motion in a second to close Public public is closed uh Matt anything concerns no uh I mean this is a situation we often see designation takes a while um and uh staff recommends approval with conditions related to carrying over all previous conditions on the original uh site plan resolution okay thank you all right so I'll entertain a motion motion anyone make a motion to accept uh p2244 Johnson AV about Jon Street do I have a second second okay we have a motion made and seconded for approval right um commissioner commissioner green I commissioner lipsky lipsky oh Stato oh my I look like lipsky my apologies commissioner Stato commissioner Cruz I commissioner Torres I and chairman Langston I motion carries all in favor thank you all right let's call case p23 d83 is a preliminary and final major subdivision with variances uh for 206 vanv Street and at the same time call case p23 084 is a preliminary and final major site plan with variances for 206 vanvo Street uh Council before we start uh commissioner stamato you weren't at the last meeting where we discussed this did you have a chance to read the trans transcript somewhat Zano commissioner unfortunately it doesn't work that way you have to to read the entirety of the transcript in order to uh to vote uh that's going to cause a quarum issue we don't have apologize councel commissioner Cruz did you read the transcript this well okay all right so we will have to carry this matter is it uh do we have a physical transcript to review at a break I do have one printed um if we want uh commissioner stano if you want to read it during a break we could potentially adjourn the matter till later tonight okay okay okay thank you all right so let's move on to new business uh the review and discussion uh of certified arst Deborah Jack and Dan Wang Shirley fan uh formal action may be taken cam okay good evening board um so as usual these artists meet the criteria 1 2 3 4 and five and the artist certification board has recommended them to us to approve for the artist certified housing and um planning staff recommends approval okay thank you Cam does anybody have any questions okay thank thank you everybody is there anybody here from the public that wants to comment anyone from the public see no one from public I make a motion to close the okay motion is made and seced public is closed we have Cameron's recommendations so I'll entertain a motion chairman I'd like to make a motion to a review as approved and presented to the board tonight do we have a second second okay we have a motion and a second for approval all right commissioner green I commissioner Cruz hi commissioner Stato hi commissioner Torres I and chairman Langston I motion carries all in favor all right thank you Kim do we have a do you hear a ring this okay so let's move on to item 10 is case p2024 d91 is an interim use approval uh the address being no address Liberty har uh Liberty Har Harbor holding LLC uh block number is 15801 lot 28 good evening good evening Council Mr chairman Commissioners staff councel um I think the address is actually listed as Morris Canal um for this project um this is James McAn from the law firm of conell Foley in Jersey City on behalf of the applicant this is an interim use application and we did provide notice to the public and I do have my hard copy here for Council may I approach please thank you chairman receive the affidavit publication proof of mailing with respect to block 15801 lot 28 it does appear to be in order it does appear to be the same notice that I reviewed electronically purposes a record we can mark it as A1 thank you Council so while um while my witness sets up uh this is an interim use application it the pro property is located in the Liberty Harbor North Redevelopment plan uh this is an interim use application for a mobile concrete batching plant um and the relief requested uh specifically is the Redevelopment plan permits an interim use for a period of three years the relief requested here is that the uh if there's an approval that it be for a three-year term and then it start 150 days from the date of the adoption of a resolution that way nobody has to know when the plan opened you give us give them 150 days to open it and then that's when it starts if that's acceptable um that's the relief that we're going to ask for I think we did that on a previous one it avoided the whole when does the plant start and when does it close issue so I thought that was the best way to handle this so Council that's that's the question here when does the plant start does it have to start on a date well I guess by by making by giving them a 150-day buildout period um it doesn't matter when it starts if they don't build it out by then the three-year period starts ticking if they do build it out before then I guess they get a little bit more time but so they're allowed to operate during that 150 days that would be my thought yes okay good go ahead okay so um my first witness is uh Mr Shan Savage um he's testified before this board numerous times Mr Savage good evening uh We've qualified you in the past your license is current tonight yes it is okay thank you you're qualified Mr Savage you sorry you give and you've given tonight truuth I do Sean Savage sa v a g yeah sorry yeah so Mr Savage you've reviewed the uh Liberty Harbor North Redevelopment plan I have and you've prepared the plans that we have filed with the planning board tonight that we're asking them to consider approval of I have and in your review of the Redevelopment plan we determined that uh interim uses are permitted correct correct and we Al determined that there are no bulk requirements for an interim use correct correct okay um so can you put your plans up on the screen for us that is the question and um Council and Commissioners for the record uh Mr Savage is going to testify from his actual filed plans so I'm not going to admit them as an exhibit because they are posted on the uh planning portal tonight do not oh why ises it pop up there where is that fall on my there we go godamn it there we go sorry about that I don't know why it doesn't show not sure why it doesn't show there scre yeah yeah to the window Jesus may we go off the record for a moment and get some technical support yeah give me a second here no I'm I'm I'm get Michael or I want somebody on the staff to I yeah I I just can't get it to over the side oh I lost it there you go that was it was very hard yeah but now how do you even then uh so now Mr Savage can't see it on his computer yeah now I won't be able to well whatever all right so uh we're here for the uh interim uh concrete batch plant as mentioned this this property here uh what I'm referring to now is the title sheet of the uh set that was submitted to the city uh so the property here is block 15801 lot 28 um which is a portion of the liy Harbor North uh track uh lot 28 is approximately 3.1 Acres the area on that lot which is going to be this concrete batch plant is about 0.9 Acres a little under an acre um and so as you can see on the on the title sheet here um this site uh for the concrete batch PL sort of in the middle of of liby Harbor North um and uh let me try to get to the uh site plan before you do that Mr Savage about how far is the nearest residential uh development to this site where the concrete batching plant will be so uh the nearest building is off to the uh to the east a little bit to the Northeast there at the corner of uh South Cove in St Peters place that is about uh 400 450 ft uh the next nearish would be straight north um into the across the light rail line and we're about 650 ft uh from that location thank you get us to the next slide I'm you're trying trying okay I don't get this yeah guess I mean I just can't I can't see where to move anything because it's not on my screen there you go all right thank you thank you all right so um now I'm going to be moving moving to uh what'll be sheet uh sheet four of the set and this is the the site plan for the site so um just one quick thing what is the site currently used for uh the site is currently a uh a parking lot it's a uh various different parking areas there's some vehicle storage uh it's uh this site in particular is largely paved there is a small section of compacted gravel um as well um when you say this section in particular you mean this section plant is going to be located the 0.9 Acres where the plant is going to be and in and in this picture uh this is this site plan you can see the some of the striping of the existing um parking spaces the existing parking spaces beneath this so it kind of helps get a sense of it um and um oops so Mr Savage all the improvements that are shown on this site plan are temporary improvements correct there's nothing that is going to be actually constructed it's all just equipment corre that is going to be placed on the site correct so a lot of these you'll see here labeled a utility container there's an aggregate Hopper these are all um movable the same with the silos these will be you know they they'll have to be some uh small footings uh for some of the equipment to be placed but all the equipment is movable um that is being uh proposed on this site and if um if I can just step back and go for for in terms of site access run through that so sure the the site access for this would be it will be off of the Jersey Avenue entrance the existing entrance on Jersey Avenue um the vehicles will uh cross over the there's already an existing paved driveway Drive aisle through the site from Jersey a into this parking area the trucks will utilize that um for two-way traffic they'll circulate around this site coming in the gate here up here there's a gate on the uh let's call it the north west side and the vehicles will be able to enter in and then you know um get loaded up or drop off materials and then exit the site through one of the gates on the uh souths side and then Traverse out again through Jersey Avenue be able to go either north or south on Jersey Avenue and you have a you you have a truck turning or a truck access plan you know oops that actually is okay all right so um what sheet is that this is a one of one this is a a plan entitled the um the the truck um truck turning exhibit and so this reflects the truck coming coming in or out of the site on Jersey Avenue and then traversing to the site circulating through the actual site where the batch plan is and then and then it'll be able to leave the site the same direction um and it also indicates the bottom part of the plan shows a uh detail of a uh a typical concrete PL uh truck and so Commissioners there's there's one um caveat to this we received uh comments from traffic engineering and one of the things that they asked is so as you know the the applic the property owner here and the applicant is a developer and it's the designated developer for the Liberty heart Liberty Harbor North uh Redevelopment area it's uh LHH so they're developing two sites that have been approved by this board we commonly refer to them as block 5.1 in the Redevelopment plan and 5.5 in the Redevelopment plan so what the applicant has agreed to stipulate to is when when concrete is being being delivered to those sites they won't go on Jersey Avenue they will go straight North because the applicant owns all that property cross the light rail come out on region Street and go right to those two sites so that'll alleviate some of the traffic uh going on to Jersey Avenue and those two development sites are imminent they probably will both start um construction within the next year or sooner sites so the plant will service um any sites in Jersey City um that require that that ask and require um creete and also the Jersey City vicinity so if there are um projects outside the city of Jersey City it would serve those two as you may know in order to get concrete to a site they have to get it there pretty quick once it leaves the plan it has to be there like within an hour and a half so or or sooner so it wouldn't be too far out of the city but the the hope is that you'll approve it and allow them to be in Jersey City and the nearby vicinity of Jersey City Council I'm a little confused now um where are they going to cross the light rail tracks if they head north um they're not on Jersey they be able to cross at the Liberty View Drive uh Crossing is operational now but this is on the South Side south side of the TR there is a connection there already it's now opened yeah oh it was installed I'm not sure exactly how long ago it's it was installed but it's installed it's uh you know the the signals and striping and all that stuff is there at the Crossing okay I guess I need to get out more and and the trucks from here would Traverse over there's a additional existing parking areas that it'll be able to drive up and get to that Crossing okay Mr Ward shaking his head up and down so I'm going to take it as we're right okay all right go ahead Mr Savage anything else okay um so you know back onto the the site layout plan or the site plan here so in terms of the equipment that we kind of went through the conveyors the silos for the materials there's also going to be um on the north side of the site there's going to be an aggregate storage area this will have um like masonary walls on it um the the uh concrete plant operators here he'll discuss the heights of those and and such but it's anticipated that those will have some sort of a cover on them um in order to to keep dust uh or tool control dust um we are also proposing a number of Lights uh three of them are going to be mounted onto uh the equipment like the silos or the conveyors and one of them is going to be pole mounted on the site um the site will be fenced in we have a a 6ot chain link fence and then on the North and East sides we're proposing some uh Evergreen um shrub plantings to to to dress it up a little bit um with respect to uh storm water the you know we're not changing the the ground cover here in terms of the amount of imperious coverage and the existing parking areas out there uh we're we're not changing the grades of this area this existing area so all that water would still run off the runoff uh would still run off in the same direction which is sort of to the South and there's existing inlets in those parking areas that that it'll collect this um this runoff from this temporary uh use um there will also be some some reuse of the actual um process water will be there's a component of that's going to be reused and again the the the plant operator will discuss that in more detail um in terms of uh utilities we're going to be proposing electrical which will go to the utility container which is in the middle of the site as you can see on this exhibit um there's going to be a portion that'll be overhead up to a uh up to a new uh utility line a utility pole and then it'll go overhead to connect to an existing uh pole that's out near the intersection of St Peters and and South Cove and we're also going to be proposing a a gas line that'll run out um towards towards uh the end of Marin Street to connect to to gas eventually um that'll be utilized for heating the the water that's used in the operation of the plant um when they need it um there's no proposal for um a sanitary sewer connector and then there'll be a well that is proposed at this time to be uh utilized for the water supply um Mr Savage the the concrete delivery trucks will be parked on site when they're not in use uh my understanding I think that might be go more to sort of the pro the uh the how it's going to operate um which I think I think Joe when he comes up can talk to that but my understanding is they would be park on the site um when not use they will any employee parking will also be parked either on the site or since the whole site around it is already a parking lot they will utilize the existing parking lot I have a question on the dust control interest I'm looking at your site plan and you have some type of the device for dust control can you explain that we going to wait for Joe I I think it' be with the operator would explain how they're going to deal with that dust control um the silos are basically for the uh for actually the concrete the the the different Aggregates the concrete yeah those materials um Mr Savage the the well for the uh the Water Supply obviously that's not a traditional well uh is it a it's just an above ground tank I assume uh I mean we at this stage we haven't designed what that's going to be um so at this point it I I don't know the specifics of that I'm not anticipating that it's going to be like an above ground storage tank that's going to be utilize for it um but I'm not sure that might be something that the operator can also kind of weigh in on okay um but waterers there's no water lines being brought in yeah there's no water line there I you know we we could if it had to be that the well couldn't work I mean we could you know run an extension out and obviously get get City approval and and and uh mua approval for that that that is an option there is water out in you know South Cove and Mar and all those other streets so that that is an option if if it proves that the well is not um viable in that sense okay um hours of operation is that 6: am to 6: PM Monday through Saturday Sophia do we know what the uh noise ordinance says about starting at 6:00 a.m. I'm not aware of what the noise ordinance would say okay I mean I know that construction can start at 6: a.m. it I was just uh informed it would be 700 a.m. to 600 p.m. 7:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. yes that's the noise ordinance is it so I'll amend my answer 700 am. to 6 PM okay and that's a hard seven Council we'll have public comment Miss case in a few minutes don't worry you're reading my mind though um so I I'll make it easy if Saturday's a problem I think can it be Monday can it be Monday through Friday yes we'll stipulate to Monday through Friday okay thank you coun okay anybody else any questions all right thank you Mr Savage all right okay so I I do have a representative of the operator there are more questions for him bring please uh Joe good evening ton the truth truth but truth I do yes uh Joseph J pH the last name is vagano v g i n o you're welcome I'm sorry what was the last name again sir vigano vigano Mr vigano uh if you could please just give us your background sure I've been in the uh Ready miix industry in operations for about 17 years I currently am the operations manager for Tannis concrete um and I'm here to answer any questions you have about the concrete plant okay so uhis concrete is the proposed operator of the site yes heard is okay so this is uh we set press in at last meeting we're now qualifying anyone with experience in their field as an expert uh regardless of a degree or not so uh you're qualified sir thank you could you give some detail the of the sure com in you going mix the yeah absolutely so this would be a dry batch plant um trucks would come in with Co aggregate fine aggregate Sand and Stone and other trucks would come in with cement the cement would be delivered into the silos the course Aggregate and the fine aggregate into uh Bin Block B pins dry stack bins that are AR permanent uh they would get loaded into the plant via Hoppers and belts into a wayist scale and then from that way scale it goes directly into the truck and basically a closed loop um there is a dust reclaimer that that is right at the the batching point where the plant would discharge into the truck reclaims all the dust catches it into a vessel which we then reuse um any runoff water is again collected with whatever ex is existing at the site and then we also reuse that in our concrete we tried to use a a closed loop system as much as possible when uh there bulker trucks that have uh pneumatic pumps on them yep you connect them with hoses and uh and a way you go pry well dust no dust from that no sir yeah we we have internal haulers that we run ourselves so the controls on that are pretty stringent and we only use one other outside hauler who is best in business so anyr crushing anything like no sir no any return concrete correct yes uh Mr vigano if we could talk about the queing of trucks uh where is that going to happen that would happen on tight not on the street yeah uh ideally um I believe it it's a pull through plant so we would wrap around pull through and then pull back out in almost the same direction so sometimes that changes where you have to back into the plant but it's everything would still happen on site nothing off site okay and uh number of trucks that you anticipate queuing up I think eight is a safe number for that property understood yes so we would have eight trucks ideally if we're running our business correctly we'd get four loads for a truck yeah yeah what's the Capac uh production wise oh it depends uh The Silo capacities is usually somewhere around five loads and there about 25 tons of load and then the agre get if it's 12 high and probably about 25 loads something like that on the ground there was a problem with sure so we actually um we're going to park a sweeper and a uh water mitigation truck there um we have one already on staff that we park at a different plant and we rotate them around for this particular area we would uh station one there he would run that plant all day long keep dust down any concerns with dust for fine of course Aggregates we going to cap the the bins the aggregate bins so wind shouldn't be an answer in that uh shouldn't be an issue in that scenario um and then the the third prong of that is the dust reclaimer during production that's a high velocity high capacity reclaimer um and it takes as much as humanly possible and puts it right back into a sealed bin for reuse or disposal sure yeah absolutely yeah so the sweeper we yeah of course sure so those the the sweepers that we have actually have a a water dispersement feature on them as well that we use um street sweepers yeah they have a bar a bar attachment for lack of a better term that basically has pin holes you divert whatever water clean water you put in and you could actually drive up and down the yard and miss and keep uh dust control down sure know yeah absolutely so Council it sounds like your client agreed to that as a condition they're going to agree to that as a condition it's absolutely something we could look at the only other place that might have dust to come off it as you uh stated was be the TTT that feeds the plant those traditionally we build a corrugated steel uh cover over to eliminate dust the the mys are good um they can mess with the concrete quality a little bit and they also create more runoff so that's why we like that closed system a little bit better it contains it all it goes from the Inception of the belt at the hopper all the way into the plant so commissioner I think we should have the closed system and then if we have a problem if we have a problem then the Mis concern would be you know that immediate are something coming absolutely being familiar with that typ of operation right do you agree or have a concern with the misters and the quality of the but he was concerned about the quality of the the concrete as a result not doing oh I understand so almost around the perimeter my concern I if if thus where to be an issue that that wouldn't be something that would be insurmountable that should be a relatively easy fix Council I think it's going to be a condition I think the way the motion's going to be made possibly is going to be that the misters are conditioned on the perimeter so Mr Viano is that when he when the council says condition that's going to be a requirement for you to operate the plant is that is that something you can do I I have concerns at winter um these they will freeze they'll absolutely freeze I've had uh other systems similar that we basically turned off uh from January to March because you just cannot keep them running um I would probably defer back to ownership to to you know that's an unplanned expense that you know I haven't been approved to make um would I tell you that it's an impossibility to do no but I would tell you tell you there's a point in the year where they're going to be non-operational the matter what we do so can I ask you another question let's go back to the original the plan that you have that you described has a system do you believe the system that you're already putting in place will avoid dust being um the three-phase system that that I outlined I think is is more than any concrete company does and I I think it eliminates almost all dust so so obviously we're in the city the three-part system Does it include this what you described as the covers mhm yes that's one of the components that would be not specifically used for that but it's it's multi-pronged it would save us from rain water snow getting on the belts and it also decreases dust yes we could propose that and do that's already in that's a separate thing I think yes yeah but that is proposed yes so I think the condition we're looking at is during the months of acceptable weather I understand the freezing issue but you know from say March to November we can have the misters and then from you know I would do it by temperature when it's below 32° that's freezing right so whenever the temperature is below 32 obviously you can't run of course the misters yeah I I am not looking for them to do anything special but that as far as I'm concerned that would be perfect um the only reason why I brought it up was because there was a mention about a gas line going into he up water if that was the case that would be ideal for what they're doing you know so I don't know when that's going to take place but you know I don't have a problem with what was just being proposed Supply up there was a problem then we need to do you know I don't want to run into a situation where you have to come back to us you know we want to basically you know what put of course aary scenario so commissioner is as we all know the board can condition application so if that's a condition that this board wants then the board has the authority to condition no no I realiz the approval with that condition uh we always ask the applicant give the applicant a chance to talk about it and tell us their feeling on the condition but it's within the discretion of the board to add that condition condition if they so see fit so so the condition is is possibly mis's misters when the months of March through November weather permitting weather permitting I would say weather permitting anytime the weather is above 32 degrees the misters have to be in operation can you can you accomplish that Mr Viano I think we can yes okay thank you and uh one last question just to follow up on my water question from before is that going to be a a standalone tank that supplies water to the operation yeah so it's a holding tank um it' be anywhere from 15 to 20,000 gallons um and that's on site okay steel tank steel tank yes and how is that going to be heated um through the gas line okay that's really the the main purpose for the GU line is to heat that particular element okay um one I don't want to get carried away with the conditions here Council but I I I if water had to be run to a main in the street um you know obviously it's a an engineering issue but back flows are installed on site backflow protection Mr V you know what I'm talking about um yeah just you know standard backflow yeah water it's not a problem if if we have to go down that road that's not a problem okay I think we understand that if we if if the site needs to make a connection to the Municipal Water System they need to get approvals from the jcmua for whatever the system is and meter the water sure and you're asking for back flows too yes so back flows prevent any back siphonage back flows back into the water system that contaminate the water system it's a glorified check valve understood that's on the tank itself no that would be separate from the tank yeah that that that would be on the main waterline and it would be um it's going to be um mandatory by cold you wouldn't be able to put it in without it so you would have to if it's in the code then we'll comp yeah you would have complied by all um standard codes okay absolutely okay that's it for me anybody else I have go ahead Dave no go ahead uh stop sign where the come up last time same kind of you have was done at Target and the trucks were coming out real quickly so we definitely want a stop sign so the trucks stop out the exit remember the target the stop sign just coming out commissioner so that that's an ownership issue and I can stipulate for you that if the if this board wants a stop sign at the end of the driveway that the owner that the applicant owns we will put one there on the way Target sure you mean the driveway that accesses out to Jersey a um because that's yeah yes yes stipulated stop sign will be there I think there's one there already but yeah please sure dled I have a I have a quick question for you do when we set the trucks you got look at about eight trucks a day how many dump trucks of material those are the trucks that are taking the concrete out correct so how many trucks are we looking at with material bringing the stone the sand and stuff into the site anywhere from 15 to 20 I think is a safe estim a day yes sir so now we're looking about 20 three trucks a day going through and it out of the site yes but the trucks delivering the raw material they're coming in delivering and then exiting yeah but they just they're just about as big asck yeah yeah so um and this is going to be coming in and out of Jersey Avenue I believe which yes if any traffic study was done I was looking at it's a very busy road uh you know it's stop and go stop and go traffic on there especially in that area um question I have is I know you have 450 ft between Jersey Avenue and the entrance to the site of operation right mhm uh dirt roads and stone roads I mean uh Ash for a parking lot in between that parking area where the operation is how about when the something happens on Jersey Avenue are you want to go out there and make sure that that stays clean and dust fre absolutely the sweeper will be there it's going to be hard with all the traffic it's okay as long as you guys will allow us to pull the sweep out and help clean the street we're happy to do it no unfortunately that's not up to us that's not up to us for the maintain of because we did have our um other operations we do have where you maintain the dust control on the main roads I know this is further out you have so hopefully there isn't no dust problem there so um Mr Viano do you have a process where you clean the trucks before they actually leave the site yes so they they essentially get washed down very lightly with water um as they're mixing up and uh it cleans off any residual dust anything on the fenders any anything from batch but it's very very minimal and um commissioner the the road the driveway is a paved driveway I I could have Sean or somebody else come up and confirm that if you want but I've checked on that it's all a paav drive CU some with stone and so if it's all a paav driveway okay yeah because what what I see in other plants you have mud and you have traction on the tires coming onto the roads and then and we got to keep in mind we have a hospital sure medical Street you know uh further than so go ahead from Jersey AB it's it's much the 450 that we mentioned was from the the site of the plant to to the nearest residential at the at the corner of uh South Cove Jersey in uh St Peters we're much further than that we're more than double the distance to the Jersey a and in terms of the um you know that that area is being paved the area I mentioned as being compact to gravel was actually within the footprint of the fence area where the plant's going to be that's going to be that was is being proposed to be made pavement um but it's just that that area I was talking about was within the fence area so basically the trucks that are going in and out be on an ash for pay correct okay thank you okay anybody else any questions all right thank you sir we appreciate it Council anything else uh no that's our presentation thank you okay thank you uh is anybody here from the public that wants to comment on this application truth the TR and nothing the I do sure it's Diane last name is case k a SD K AE 192 Washington Street Jersey City um good evening I just have actually a couple of questions here um no one has talked about noise from the plant other than we're X number of feet away um and the other thing we haven't really talked about is routing because we've talked about the fact that they can um deal with any sites within Jersey City and the Jersey City vicinity that uh Jersey Avenue is one of the most well-used roads in in Jersey City at this point unfortunately and being in paulus Hook we are a no truck route from um Marin in and we have absolutely no enforcement of that you also have a historic district to the north of this and anytime you have those trucks running down your streets it is a nightmare for the homeowners in those uh residential districts those historic districts so we have to be uh we have to figure out how to deal with routing if we are going to be taking these trucks and putting them north and east um the other thing that is of note is that when we've had more than one group of buildings being built in Paul's hook we found that vacuums work far better than sweepers because what happens is that you can Mist all you want and that works Monday through Friday but it doesn't work at night and as soon as the street dries up it's particulates and it's all over the place so having the vacuums Works far far better and that's an extremely windy area so if we can get the area vacuumed um then I think we have a chance of this actually working thank you thank you Miss case Council can you address uh anything that was brought up um I probably need Mr Viano to come back up sure um as far as routing I think I can I can stipulate that the um the operator will use roadways if there's any prohibition of us using any roads or going in any particular streets the the operator will abide by those rules and regulations so we have a dispatching system where we can actually put figurative Road Blocks um and when we send out our tickets to our our drivers they could take a look at the route that we suggest and know that there's a you know light traffic no heavy traffic no truck traffic routes and and we'll comply with whatever Jersey city has in place already okay is there any way we can address um um let's while we have Mr Viano uh vacuums have you ever so we also have a vacuum truck okay um we were purchasing a sweeper with a a vacuum set up on it uh specifically for this project um so we'll have certainly have options okay certainly have options okay so you'll have a vacuum truck on site okay and uh Council any way we can address noise what's going to be the impact we have the hours of operation I know there are noise ordinances in the city of Jersey City and this applicant and this operator would not they would have to abide by whatever the noise ordinances are for whatever the activity is and I think we can stipulate that we will do that I think um Mr vigano you had explained to me that there are a couple of things that you already do in that regard can you explain those to the board so the traditional backup tone that everybody hates to hear all day long um in applications like this I've replaced them with more of static tone so it's more of a than it is a beep and it seems to be more agreeable to everybody around the tra the sound is lower decibel wise than the backup tone but still meets oosha requirements um and it it doesn't travel as far um previous employer I've done it once before in in Newport City and uh it seemed to make everybody bit more comfortable with the noise interesting okay okay thank you sir you're welcome all right is there anybody else here from the public that wants to comment on this application anyone else a motion to close public no one from public I make a move to close the P public portion of the me okay motion is made and seconded public is closed Sophie do you want to add anything yeah uh in lie of the visual assessment that is generally required for major plans can you just talk a bit about the shre placement on site um sure Sean can you come up um I think I think the uh the plans themselves showed that there were 41 shrubs to be installed on the north and east side of the site they're on the plans and I believe the particular type of shrub is also specified on the plan so that's what um that's what the applicant will install around the site um what else can I oh what's the height of the shrubs Sean I I think they're planted at I believe it's called out it's called out on the plan I think it's four to six I think is the height called out they're they're an evergreen shrub okay does that work for you Sophie yes okay thank you uh planning staff does recommend approval with conditions along with the conditions that were defined by the planning board this meeting sure all right thank you Sophia so Council conditions wise uh Monday to Friday 7:00 am. to 6: pm. hard 7 to 6 even though construction starts at 7 doesn't open until 7 that's fine we agree okay um comply with uh all noise ordinances uh in place from the city um the use of the Mist yeah we'll we'll say use of the misters uh with weather permitting as weather permits and uh council did I miss anything here so the misters are above 32 degre under shut off stop sign on the entrance Jersey AV and we're going to stipulate that there will be a vacuum truck on site and operable obviously stop sign yes stop sign correct uh all agreed to acknowledged all right thank you Council I'll entertain a motion then okay I'd like to make a motion to approve case P2 p224 91 the presentent to the board with as presented with the conditions to the board tonight okay we have a motion and a second for approval commissioner green I commissioner stamato I commissioner Cruz I commissioner Torres I and chairman Langston I all in favor motion carries okay thank you thank you Council thank you Commissioners for your time appreciate it I'll call the first one okay so let's call uh item 11 is case p2024 D68 it's a minor site plan with C variances for 31 Monitor Street hello good evening good evening Council uh members of the board Veronica schmeil from Connell Foley on behalf of the applicant um for 31 Monitor Street um we were originally listed for the September 10th meeting we carried with preservation of notice and I have that original notice with me tonight if that could be marked into evidence um so I'm gonna since I called that one application I'm going to call the next application as well it's uh it's an identical application so let's also call case p224 -69 once again it's a minor site plan would see variances for 29a Monitor Street and Veronica schme Connell Foley for that as well and as well uh 29a Monitor Street was on for the September 10th meeting and I also have that original notice with me as well thank you councilman receive the Affidavit of publication proof of mailing with respect to the application at 31 Monitor Street we're going to mark that as A1 for purposes of the record and with respect to the Affidavit of publication proof of mailing for 29a Monitor Street we're going to mark that as A2 for purposes of the record all right so yes we have uh 31 Monitor Street and 29a monitor Street these are virtually identical sister applications um the properties are virtually identical as well for each property we are proposing a three story two family home um on two pre-existing undersized lots and the witnesses will be the same I'll have Jeff Lewis and Caroline worell for both yes I do Jeffrey Lewis uh J FF r y l e w i Mr Lewis good evening we've qualified you in the past but as you know we are in the first meeting of October is your license current tonight yes sir it is okay thank you you're qualified thank you okay so I'm going to start with uh 31 Monitor and then I'll go on to 29a monitor there are just a few minor differences uh so 31 monitor is an undersized lot it's 16.67 uh ft wide by 90 ft deep uh 31 monitor is actually a corner lot it's at the corner of Lafayette and monitor Street uh there um it's a vacant lot um currently and we are proposing a new three-story two family building uh the ground the first apartment is a three-bedroom two bath apartment that is 1,587 squ ft² and the upper apartment is a 3bedroom 2 and A2 bath apartment that is 1,693 Ft uh looking to the site plan on the right here and I can go through both sites together they're basically the same uh we are proposing new concrete curbs and new concrete sidewalks there are a total of five new Street trees three sorry to interrupt you do you want to make sure they're on the screen for everybody too okay yeah I have mine up okay I have it there you go okay just for a thanks okay uh so site plan on the right now everyone can see that mhm um so we are proposing uh new concrete curbs new concrete sidewalks there's an existing de breast depressed curb that we will be also replacing we are proposing five new Street trees three along Lafayette Street and two along monitor uh moving on to our property uh the front yard we have a 15t setback that's to match the existing building to the left of us in the rear yard we have a 10-ft setback uh the front yard setback we're using uh for the stairs up to the second floor as well as some permeable PA walkways as well as planter areas to provide provide some green space uh in the backyard we're using for a little a small permeable Pap patio and then a lawn which would be enclosed with a 6ft wood fence okay here I'm looking at the ground floor to the building uh first on the outside underneath the staircase we do have our trash and recycling area uh besides that we have our entrance to the ground floor unit off of the permeable P patio area uh on the ground floor uh we have our main living dining kitchen area and then in the back we have a bedroom which has direct access to the backyard a full bath a utility closet and the staircase which goes up to the second floor uh looking at the second floor plan this is split in half the back half of the plan is part of the ground floor unit it has two additional bedrooms for three total an additional bathroom as well as a washer dryer the front half of of the second floor is on the main living space for apartment number two it's accessed from the front of the building from the main staircase uh this floor has the living dining kitchen area as well as a half bathro and stair up to the third floor this is the third floor plan this is all apartment number two there are three bathrooms two excuse me three bedrooms two full bathrooms as well as the washer dryer and a staircase which goes up to a private roof deck and here we're looking at the roof plan of 31 uh monitor we have a 500 foot private roof deck located on the back half of the roof and then just open space with air conditioning condensers on the front half of the roof here we're showing the front and rear elevations uh the front elevation on the right so I want to start there uh the ground floor the first floor of the building the main finish is a light gray uh pre-cast concrete panels above that our main finish is a smooth red brick uh at the corner of the building we have this two-story can lever uh we're finishing that with light gray fiber cement panels uh all of the windows are black aluminum frame windows and the doors are both these modern black metal doors with uh with a glazing strip along the side um looking at the rear elevation the this is a um hard coat stucco finish in same color like Ray and just to be clear this is not ephis this is just this is old school hard coat suco and here we are looking at the side elevation this is facing Lafayette Street uh we and you can see that we are using the same finishes that we used on the front of the building so the the pre-cast um concrete panels on the ground floor and brick above with the uh cancer levers finished with fiber cement siding okay so that's um 31 which is located at the corner I'm just going to Breeze into 29 the site plan stuff is all exactly the same there's no change there here we're looking at the first floor plan main difference of course is that this is not a corner lot uh so there are fewer windows we do have slightly smaller Apartments uh so the ground floor apartment the apartment number one is a still a three bedom two bath but it's down to 1,464 Ft and the upper apartment again is still three bedrooms two and a half baths but it's 1,488 Square ft now um so this ground floor is basically the same with main living dining Kitchen in the front bathroom bedroom with access to the backyard in the back and a stair up to the second floor uh the second floor is still split in half there is one major difference and that's that we needed a new light well to provide uh light and air for the second bedroom so we lose a little bit of square footage there there are still two bedrooms uh and one bathroom on this floor the front apartment uh again still access from the front still living dining kitchen and a half bath on this floor with the stair up to the third floor and this again we this this light well actually gets a tiny bit larger to reach this bedroom so again we just lose a little bit of square footage but still three bedrooms two full baths washer dryer and stare up to the roof deck and then here the roof deck is now 403 squ feet because we lost that space where the light well was and however the rest of the roof deck remains unchanged uh here we're looking at the front and rear elevation to the building again no changes with the small exception that you can see that little step in here where the light well was and then this is the left side elevation uh the darker gray shaded is the building next to us that building is built right on the property line we're going to be built right up against that building we are very slightly larger um and you can see and we do have the light well here all of this will be finished uh with a smooth stucco finish again true stucco not eus um and that would be all the differences between the two buildings I could answer any questions or we can go on to Carolyn's testimony and I'll stick around all right thank you Mr Lewis um your condenser units on the roof do they protrude above the uh no we'll have a 42in canopy and these these shouldn't be much higher than that if they are at all okay all right anybody else any questions yeah um go back to the light Wells yes um the light well starts on the second level and on the first level it's a rooftop right there there'll be a roof here at the second floor how close is the nearest window or entrance to that level basically is it is there any access to the move of where the light well is no there's only one window there's only one window facing that light well and there's no access through there to the roof so later while there's no form of keeping it nice and clean keeping it maintaining it the audio access will be down oh well they would of course they would be able to step out their window and if something was down there right and get rid they be clean up yes absolutely yeah it's a it's like two feet up it's just the regular window height okay you have one window where they can access yes there is a window that they can access it doesn't become a a pit you know it's a garbage correct it is open to the back as well yeah so you you can access it from the back as well as from the window both all right thank you all right anybody else any questions okay thank you Mr Lois thanks okay and we'll turn to our next witness uh Carolyn worell to provide a professional planning testimony truth I do it's Carolyn Rell c a r o l y n Rell w r s t l l Mr we're still good evening your license is current tonight it is okay thank you you're qualified thank you um so we're here this evening uh for these two projects they have um identical variance uh relief being requested for both of them um and it is a c uh deviations for minimum rear yard setback minimum combined front and rear yard setback and then maximum building coverage so starting off with that minimum rear yard setback the project is proposing a rear re yard setback of 10 ft where a minimum rear yard setback of 20 ft is required and then we're also requiring uh because we have this undersized rear yard setback that's triggering this need for this combined frontend rear yard setback um where we're providing 25 ft where a minimum of 35 ft is required um the project is proposing a 15ft front yard setback which is conforming and and is consistent with the adjacent uh property um and overall there's a bit of a hardship this is an undersized lot it's 90 feet where 100 feet is what is anticipated um for uh Lots within the the district um and uh we're in a bit of an unusual situation here too um because of the way that the block Frontage the block is laid out what is our the rear yard for these two properties ends up being a side yard for the adjacent um property on um on Lafayette uh which is 51 Lafayette and lot 15 um and that building has uh it extends more than 50 ft back and it has um no windows on it so essentially what is directly behind these properties is a blank wall um so there really isn't no will be no impacts to light and air to that adjacent property um because they don't have any Windows uh facing uh the the rear of these two lots um so I think overall this project does provide that um adequate light air in open space um it is still providing that 10-ft rear yard setback um which does provide for some yards um and is more than generous than when you consider it and think of it as a sidey yard setback where typically you'd expect about 3 fet um and we're not there's no going to be no impact to sort of the Interior doughnut hole as you will of a block uh because again because of the layout of the block we're isolated from that dnut hole and so we'll have no impact on um the that uh area within the block um we're also requesting maximum building coverage um so I guess 30 31 uh is proposing a building coverage of 72.2 uh percent where a maximum building coverage of 60% is permitted um and that just again has to do with the fact that we do have an undersized lot we are requesting you know we we end up with a foot building footprint that is uh more than what is contemplated because we have a smaller lot um but overall the project is still proposing that compliant lot coverage we're at 84.9% so even though we're asking for more building coverage our lot coverage is still conforming um and the overall the building footprint is consistent with what you would anticipate and to see within this R District um and we'll provide space for uh you know two uh nicely sized three-bedroom units um and promotes that diversity of housing uh options that you you want to see uh developed so I think overall um let me see uh we're looking at these both the same um okay so that was uh 31 um 29 29a um again we're we have the exact same setback conditions our lot coverage is slightly different again because we have slightly different um situation going on there that is a building coverage of 68.5 n% so it's just slightly different but essentially it's the same you know issue of we have a a building footprint that's consistent with what you would expect to see in our district on a slightly smaller lot um and again we're still maintaining that compliant lot C coverage um so I think overall the benefits of the variances being requested for both of these properties substantially outweighs any detriments um you know it's proposing a permitted use this two-bedroom or this two unit um development um in scale with the surrounding uh area in compliant with maximum Building height uh maximum lock coverage front and sidey yard setbacks um and um overall present of a building um bulk that is consistent with what you would expect to see in the r District um and it will provide for an updated streetscape along Monitor Street and lafat Street by improving the currently vacant lot with a new residential building and while providing uh new sidewalks curving and Street trees all along uh Monitor Street as well as new Landscaping in those front yards um the projects will advance the municipal land use law um including uh uh a through uh the development of uh an appropriate use um which is the two family use um it's consistent with purpose C uh it'll provide adequate light air and open space by providing appropriate setbacks that are consistent with uh the character of the area and appropriate given the the location at a corner and the uh the block layout here um it's consistent with purpose e um it also Pro promote an appropriate population density um by providing two uh two two unit dwellings um and it's consistent with purpose I um that promoting a desirable visual environment um by uh basically developing a what is currently a vacant lawn and providing for um improved streetcape I think overall uh the the granting of the deviations will not result in a substantial detriment to the public good or general welfare um you know these are currently vacant lots and they're going to be developed with a permitted three-story 2unit buildings um and we complete the streetscape at that corner of Monitor and Lafayette streets um and it um let see uh granting the requested deviations will likewise not result in a substantial impairment to the intent and purpose of the Zone plan or the zoning ordinance um they're consistent with the purpose of the residential district to protect and preserve residential character of the Lafayette neighborhood through due consideration of scale streetscape setback design and impact it also advances the Jersey City master plan by redeveloping the properties to provide unique attractive and highquality residential uses that will serve existing residents and attract new residents with a wide range of housing lifestyle choices so I think overall uh for both of these applications um that the deviations can be granted in that both the positive and negative criteria have been met and I'm happy to answer any questions all right thank you Mr worell anybody any questions anything okay thank you we appreciate it Council that's your presentation that concludes our presentation for both properties okay thank you is anybody here from the public that wants to comment on this application anyone here from public see no one from public I move to close the public portion of the meeting second it okay motion is made and seconded public is closed J anything anything you want to add yeah uh step agre to the applicants professionals testimony I would just ask the applicants to agree to the conditions in your staff report yes we are in receipt of both staff reports and we agree to those conditions okay with that stff Rec approval okay thank you I'll entertain a motion then and uh there separate motions okay I'd like to make a motion chair chairman i' like to make a motion to approve case item number 11 case P 202 24- 0068 31 mon Street as it was presented here tonight do I have a second second okay motion is made and seconded for approval commissioner green I commissioner Cruz I commissioner Stato I commissioner Tores I chairman M linston yeah I agree with Miss uh worstell's testimony uh I don't think there's any detriment and uh the diversity of housing options uh is great for that neighborhood it's not often we see those size units there so it's an eye for me motion carries all in favor chairman L I'd like to make a motion to approve case p224 d69 2 29a Monitor Street as it was presented to the board tonight second it okay we have a motion and a second for approval commissioner green commissioner Cruz hi commissioner Stato hi hi commissioner Tores hi chairman linston I'd like to uh just echo my comments from the last application uh it's a very similar application so my vote is I motion carries all in favor okay thank you thank you everybody thank you Mike break okay let's take a 10-minute break everybody it's uh 7:14 we'll be back 7:24 is okay it is okay great all right could we yeah do stuff could we come to order again everybody all right so we're going to backtrack real quick to uh case p23 d83 and case p23 d84 uh the first is a preliminary and final major subdivision with variances for 206 Van v Street second is a preliminary and final major site plan with variances once again 206 vanv Street and uh just for the record commissioner smato you have had a chance to read the transcript yes sir okay thank you okay thank you uh again Charles Harrington of conell Foley uh on behalf of the applicant um so as the board uh is aware this was uh before you in early September uh and then some uh issues and concerns were raised raised uh during the presentation uh since that time uh we've gone back and and addressed those issues uh specifically with regard to the condensers uh and the trash um and there some aesthetic issues um on the design um Nicole has been working with um the neighborhood with Diane case on on some changes that we think all of these changes tonight that we're presenting we think it makes a better project so I I I appreciate the comments at the last meeting because in sharpening our pencil I think you're what you're seeing tonight is is much better um so what we have left uh tonight is is to show you uh the changes that we've worked on and then uh we have not yet had testimony regarding the requested variances so uh kathern Gregory is here to address those after the architectural presentation okay thank you Council and I love that sharpen the pencil's Expressions one of my favorite I appreciate that exactly yes truth truth yes I do it's Nicole n o e Robertson r o b e r t s o n Miss Robertson good evening you were the uh architect of record on the last application or the last time we heard this application uh your license is current tonight it is okay thank you you're qualified okay great Nicole do we need to mark this um yes I have um prepared a PowerPoint presentation to streamline uh the the discussion so so we can I submit this okay thank you thank you Mike okay so I will um try to move efficiently through the presentation and rather than recap um everything that's been discussed um there were many very good concerns and questions raised um a few weeks ago and as um Mr Harrington explained we did go back to the drawing board sharpen our pencils and um we've created a a new design here which um spoiler alert I'm presenting the rendering first to share with you um what the new design looks like um the changes um I'm going to share with you the changes that occurred in plan um and the rendering shows um the aesthetic changes that had a lot to do with the um materials that we selected to be more um in harmony with the neighborhood so I'm going to just skip through the um contextual slides um perhaps just a reminder of where we are um adjacent to the pois hook historic district we're um in uh a kind of buffer zone uh here at the corner of vanvorst and Morris streets um a buffer between the Tidewater Basin Redevelopment plan and the PO hook historic district um and uh I'm going to just go to the ground floor plan which was an area that we studied very closely if you'll recall from my um presentation in September we had a kind of common trash room that was proposed on vanv Street um where you know the kind of question of functionality came up and we actually opted to remove that trash room and just enlarge that corner unit so that it has um a more generous uh bedroom and on Suite bathroom there um and a small kind of uh green planted area in front of that space so we no longer have that kind of common access but um we did want to address the the question of how trash would be managed um these are uh five two family um town houses attached town houses um so I don't believe we're required to uh provide a plan for management of trash but it's very important anyways to consider that in the design and so we're looking at um if I zoom in on this portion of the plan where we show the stair access to um the town housee entrances you can see that in order to comply with the base uh requirements of the um flood zone um the first floor is elevated so we have um several steps up to the landing and what that creates is actually a space underneath the landing of the stair that is quite large and accessed by um a loued um access door where um an owner could allocate trash um as a holding Place rather than keeping it in their apartment and it doesn't have to sit out on the street until collection day um so that space is tall enough to um hold trash or it could also if they wanted to use it to um store strollers or um other items there's you know we're making use of of this space that's that's necessary for um flood compliance and then you know taking advantage of that opportunity so that's what this uh diagram is showing uh to go back to um the plants you can that's where that is located and then one of the other topics that we discussed was the treatment of um the green spaces in front of the building um so we we were providing for some before um we've we've uh managed that a little bit further by providing um a kind of a 1ft tall fence around these green spaces at the front of the building we have shrubs shown there um and that's a kind of buffer between the sidewalk and the building as well as um the playground area that serves the daycare uh previously we had the fence for the daycare was it was set back um further and now we're aligning it with the front of the building so there's no longer um a kind of potential problem of inviting uh you know animals or um you know things to occupy that space so the daycare is um that that Green Space here in the the kind of square green area is part of that um outdoor space that serves the daycare and then in front of that is is um a planted a landscaped area with with bushes and then enclosed by a 1ft tall frence um another topic that we discussed um and addressed in our revised design was um the location of mechanical equipment um previously we had a plan for condensing units to be mounted to the rear of the um the rear of the building and there were a lot of questions about um you know how to service those units and the aesthetic of that um and you know so we have relocated them to the rooftop they're um enclosed by a mechanical screen and this drawing just shows them highlighted in pink so it's very clear where those are located um these these um areas serve all of the um the the triplex units um that we have on the upper floors and then the units for that serve the um first floor uh two bedroom units those are at the back of the building and if I go to that rear elevation what we've done um and the reason for this is because because these are two going to be two separate owners um you know there is a practicality to servicing the unit um so we're locating the condensing units that serve the um first floor Apartments um on a platform that's elevated above the um the design flood elevation so they won't become flooded during a storm but they can be easily accessed for maintenance so those are um the kind of uh practical matters that we addressed in the plan um the other uh main focus of our work and conversations um with uh Diane and you know the polist hook uh neighborhood association was our material selections previously we had um black metal panel and some orange um accent panels um we took another look at the neighborhood and we're proposing a kind of um almond it's the name of it is actually Sandstone so it's a kind of off-white metal panel and we are articulating the individual townhouse units using um flat metal panel um to delineate one unit and then we have um a ribbed metal panel which is shown here in this you know what you're seeing this kind of striping pattern is actually just a a shadow line created by the um ribbed uh configuration of the panel itself and that's how we Define the units and relate to you know break down the scale of of the building and relate to um you know the other um kind of smaller scale buildings in the neighborhood so we have um an almond or you know Sandstone colored metal panel we've also changed the um window frames previously it was an orange which was um I think a little too bright so we've um we're going with an anodized light bronze color for that as well as the um accent panels that we're using and then the base of the building is in a kind of orange brick previously we were using a red brick um we took another look at the belf fuse building at the corner and thought that it um well this it it appears in the rendering to be red but actually it's it's more of an orange color and I have some samples of of what we've selected as well as um a kind of cream colored um mortar so it's much more kind of in keeping with with um what's existing at the belf fuse building and then we also are proposing um a Sandstone colored um stucco at the rear rather than a gray and then this is the material board so this is the brick that we've selected which we think is more compatible and then um this is our material board which shows um this is the color of the metal panel which is a kind of almond color it's just a softer appearance and then this this is light anodized light bronze which would be the color of the window frames and then also those fins that we had the kind of accent fins it's you know when it catches the light it it's and it's outside it will um it will catch the Light nicely and not be so dark as it appears in here and then um the rear facade is this color stucko this is just for texture and this is the um the actual color itself which um matches the other features and I think that's it and I'll just actually leave with the rendering um up for you to see what the building looks like yeah good okay any questions for Miss Robertson um I just have one and it's it's regarding the condensers in the rear yard are they out of the way of the egress for those stairs yes okay yes we were very careful those are that is the second means of egress for that unit um yes it it is clear I can go to the plan to show you that so okay so you can um I don't have a measurement on there but I we we did look at this in the office that this is uh more than 3T so there's the platform that sits just below the window and then at the base of the stairs um there's a landing and clear space to um come down the stairs and an exit because we can't block it okay and there's there's legs under those correct yes there are legs legs under it so it's not um hanging off the back of the building it's on um a supported platform it's just visually when someone walks down those stairs yeah it's if there's no legs on there I'm going to hit my head every time we thought that was going to be a problem that someone could potentially walk into it so we we did want to have legs and just make it more obvious okay any other questions anybody go ahead p I think we're leaving it up to the homeowner if they want to make use of that I mean I think in a these are um two family attached tow houses so you know there's a total of 10 units yes so you know people would um if they want to utilize that area they can they can put trash under that storage space uh no they could use a container and it would fit it's it's large sanation I think that space might be good yeah it's a it's a big space I mean it's very deep um you know it could fit containers so we're leaving it a little bit open if people wanted to use it for for another use for managing trash if they'd prefer to keep it in their house until collection day but we're just trying to provide um an option for that yeah okay so these are individual Lots we're going to subdivide create individual Lots with two family houses on each lot uh so given that's the scenario you're probably going to see trash pales under there and the homeowner would then put it you know out for the collection on the curb but in theory the homeowner could keep their trash inside their house until the uh I would not put my trash in bags and put it in that area myself but they also don't have to use it they could keep their trash inside their home and then put it out when collection would take place again I take my garbage out four times a day but that's me okay any other questions yeah I have a question I want to pick it back off of uh chamman Langston's um question um I was looking at the same thing and um I just want to know if um the units even you have legs I guess you can't lower it down if you had to but it's a code compliant that's all that that that those units by the window and by the stairway become code compliant they are code compliant they are yes yes we're and I find it very close to the window but I don't know the code by heart off hand but uh uh as long as they you say they're Coke then I'm good with moving on yeah they're they're code compliant we're not blocking the egress and they're serviceable um and they're within the kind of um property of the the unit owner so it's practical for Access for them those were all of the considerations that we were thinking about yeah it's a little challenging to figure out where to put them because we have limited space in that in that yard but yeah but uh the purpose of limited space only tells me that as long as it's not a fire has uh for apparatus to go in and out of the building or people or the noise level there isn't no compliance from the window level as long as it's called compliance then um I'm okay with moving on okay okay anybody else questions good all right thank you Mr Robertson thank you okay thank you then uh my next witness will be Miss Gregory to address the requested variances juston truth the truth the truth yes I do yes Katherine k a t h r y n last name Gregory g g o r y my business address is 96 lywood Plaza number 350 in Fort Lee New Jersey Miss Gregory good evening we've qualified you in the past your license is current yes it is okay thank you you're qualified okay cther and take it away okay uh so we are here tonight for a subdivision and also site plan approval for the proposed project um I know that this project was discussed uh at length at the last hearing um so I'm just going to get right to the variances uh so as part of this I'm going to talk about the subdivision variances first um as you well know we do have an existing building on the site and then we have this parking lot and we are proposing to subdivide off the existing building and then also subdivide where the parking lot area is into uh separate Lots uh so in terms of the minimum lot size that is required the lot for the building itself does not require a variance um however uh the other uh lots that we are proposing for the uh tow houses are going to need variances from your zoning ordinance the minimum lot size required for interior Lots is 2,000 square F feet and lots 13.01 and 13.05 contain are proposed to contain 1,32 ft and lots 13.02 13.03 and 13.04 are proposed to contain 1,317 squ feet 2400 ft is required for Corner lots and our corner lot which is 30.06 is proposed at 1,521 Square ft um I believe that the minimum lot size variances are warranted particularly in this buffer District as there are many lots that are contained within the immediate area that have lot sizes that are less than 2, and the 2400 Square ft uh by way of an example when you take a look at the tax map for uh this particular block Lots 1 2 3 4 5 22 and 33 on the same block have deficient lot sizes which range excuse me which range from 700 square feet to uh 1,925 square feet and then if you take a look at Sussex on Sussex there's actually 15 lots that range from about uh 1,600 squ F feet to 1,670 square fet so there are a number of lots that are under size in this particular neighborhood so we feel that these uh undersized Lots really fit in with the character of the neighborhood um also as a result of the subdivision the ex the lot for the existing building um we are going to need a couple of variances for that building itself as a result of the subdivision a minimum front yard setback is required of 5 feet and zero feet is proposed but that's also the existing condition because the building is already there uh we also need a variance for uh the rear yard setback for the existing building 15 ft is oh sorry 15 ft is required and zero feet is proposed again that's an existing condition and we also need a maximum lot coverage variance for that building 75% is permitted and 100% is proposed but again that's also an existing condition it doesn't uh change as a result of the subdivision itself um so those would be the variances that are associated with the subdivision and I'll pop back over here I think this is a better mic okay um so uh the site plan variances with the opposed townhouse uh complex I guess you could say even though they're individual units um we do need a minimum front yard setback variants for each of the proposed Lots 5 feet is the minimum required um and while we don't meet that requirement our proposed front yard setbacks range from 4' 8 in to 4' 11 in I would say that this is a DI Minimus uh exception rather than a true variance per se um and I believe that meets the intent of the five- foot setback even though we are slightly deficient um I would also say that for the minimum rear guard setback 15 ft is required um and our setbacks range from 8 feet to 8 fo2 in we also need a maximum lot coverage for each of the Lots 75% is permitted and we are proposing 94.2% for the corner lot 97.9% % for lot 30.05 and then 97.7% for Lots 30.02 .3 and 04 um we do believe that the lot coverage variances are warranted due to the smaller lot sizes as well as the fact that when you look at the neighborhood there are greater lot coverages than the 75% um lastly we also need a variance for the number of parking spaces one space is required per unit none are proposed for any of these units um but I believe that the parking variances are warranted as um the proposed tow houses are actually one block from the light rail at Marin Boulevard five blocks from the New York Waterway three blocks from the New Jersey Transit one bus and five blocks south of the PATH station um so there are many public transportation options uh we feel like this is um a better alternative so that we can encourage walking in the historic district um in terms of the uh bulk variances we have to prove uh both the positive and the negative criteria um I would not necessarily say that we have a hardship case I think that we are rooted in the C2 where we advance the purposes of zoning I believe that we promote purposes AEI and M A talks about promotion of the public health safety and morals and general welfare um I think in this instance what we're doing is we are taking a City Corner that contains a parking lot which is really never a great thing you want to see at a city Corner because it really doesn't help identify each of the streets and we are trying to provide architecture that is in line with the character of the neighborhood um I also believe that purpose e we promote which talks about promotion of the establishment of appropriate population densities uh we are proposing uh basically two family homes in the complex sorry in the context of a townhouse um and they are permitted actually on any size lot I also believe we promote purpose ey which talks about promotion of a desirable visual environment um as I sort of indicated before we are sort of completing the streetscape at this location um which is really one of the intents um I believe of all of the districts in this area um and also uh purpose M which talks about encouraging the coordination of various public and private procedures that shape Land Development to the efficient use of land um I believe that we are making efficient use of that land here in this location in terms of the negative criteria I don't believe there's any substantial detriment to the public good by granting the variances we've proposed um I believe that the majority of the variances we're proposed are existing conditions in the neighborhood you will see them throughout the neighborhood um but I think that the benefits that we the detriment here because we are going to complete that streetscape and meet the intent of um of this area um I also believe there's no substantial impairment to the intent and purpose of your Zone plan and zoning ordinance um I think that it does the project meets the intent of both the Tidewater Basin Redevelopment plan um and also a couple of the objectives from your master plan which would include to continue efforts to enhance residential neighborhoods believe that we're doing that here um and ensure that the city's available housing is balanced and meet the needs of all current and future city residents um so with that said I think the project on balance does meet both the positive and negative criteria um and we hope that the board sees fit to Grant the variances that we proposed this evening okay thank you Miss Gregory any questions okay thank you we appreciate it thank you Council that's your presentation yes that completes our presentation okay thank you so let's open it up for public comment if anybody's here from the public that wants to comment on this application please come on up miss gase good evening you've been sworn in already tonight and um if you could just for the record sure you understand that you're still under oath yes I do okay thank you and we have three minutes for you okay um I would like to say thank you to the board members for their comments last uh at the last hearing and I would also like to say thank you to the applicants uh I think we've come a long way in the last several weeks and I think it's going to be a plus for the neighborhood so thank you all thank you okay anybody else from public anyone else from public see no one from public I move to close the public portion part of the second okay motion is made and seconded public is closed Matt do you have anything you want to add uh yes so on the subdivision application uh memo was prepared on uh July 2nd 2024 and for the site plan application a memo was uh prepared on August 27th 2024 uh there are recommended conditions in both of those amendments that we would recommend the board apply uh should you make a motion to approve these applications um has the applicant been able to review those yes and those those conditions would be acceptable okay the the subdivision application um as well as work related to the existing building as a result of the subdivision have both appear appeared before the historic preservation commission and uh they've received a certificate of appropriateness um there are also um I believe that there are there are are typically conditions that run with those certificates as well um so we would uh like to see those be complied with as well part the resolution uh that would would result from U potential approval of these projects uh staff is uh happy to see some of the changes uh uh go back um in the interim uh between the two meetings um as well as meeting some of the conditions or um requests of of the community at large um we are satisfied with the planning testimony regarding the variances staff recommends approval for both projects for both applications all right thank you Matt so I'll entertain a motion and uh again these are going to be two separate motions should I be doing um subdivision first or uh subdivision first that's the 7 C uh 7B B 23083 okay chairman I'd like to make a motion to approve case P 2024 D 083 uh uh wrong case number p23 23- 083 sorry no okay I see yes I vot all I'm sorry um start over chairman I'd like to make a motion to approve case p23 D 083 as it was presented to the board tonight and that's with staff's um recommendations conditions I second it okay we have a motion and a second for approval okay uh commissioner Torres I commissioner stamato I commissioner Cruz hi commissioner green I chairman linkston yeah I agree with uh Miss Gregory's uh testimony on the subdivision I think the uh variances um are well within reason so my vote is I motion carries all in favor on a motion approved with conditions okay chairman I'd like to make a motion to approve case p23 d84 as it was presented to the board tonight with the conditions by the staff second it okay we have a motion made and seconded for approval with conditions commissioner Torres I just um make a quick comment on this one um for the people from vanvo Park it's good to see that they uh were able to work with them we going to come up here and um to the developer and the um community that they um work together and uh for the other developers this is the way things work smoothly you know when we reach out and and uh talk to the people in the community and listen to them and um and then they listen to you too that what it goes both ways uh so with that I vote I commissioner stamato I commissioner Cruz I commissioner green I chairman linkston yeah once again I agree with Miss Gregory's uh testimony uh I think the variances are within reason and propose no detriment to the Zone plan or master plan I want to Echo commissioner Torres um you know I appreciate the applicant reaching out to uh polis hook neighborhood association and uh you know all the changes that came about with those conversations I think it's a better project for that conversation and uh my vote is I motion carries all in favor on a motion approved with conditions okay thank thank you all right let's call Item 13 is case p2023 d26 is a preliminary and final major site plan for 81 Palisade Avenue for okay just get in there okay for the record uh Charles Harrington of Connell Foley on behalf of the applicant uh uh we did provide uh Public Notices with regard to this application I have provided those to counsel thank you Council chairman I receive the Affidavit of publication proof of mailing with respect to 81 Palisade Avenue here in the city all does appear to be in order we can mark it as A1 for the record thank you Council thank you mat okay so the application we're presenting tonight uh is an as of right application in that we are not asking for uh any variances uh it is a project that is uh in the most uh recently uh introduced zone of rc2 uh District uh so it's it's the new zoning that was adopted after the master plan was adopted uh so we have um provided a project that is compliant with that uh it is a five-story building with 14 residential units and uh eight parking spaces and 16 bicycle spaces uh no for the record the the parking actually is not required uh because of the size of the lot um but but it is permitted um and the lot is almost 8,000 square ft 7,984 uh square feet uh so you know what we're presenting tonight uh is uh something that we have worked on uh extensively with staff uh with different iterations with regard to its design uh and programming uh so this is the final product as as a result of that um I have one witness uh tonight is our architect r kabado that um will present the project anytim tonight the truth the whole truth the truth I do kabado R A UL l c a b a t o Mr kabado good evening we've qualified you in the past as well uh your licensed is current tonight it is current yes sir okay thank you you're qualified okay okay um the pro as stated by Charles the project is located in rc-2 zoning District the lot is irregular shaped um the can't close the door the lot is irregularly shaped lot with an average width of 69.95 ft and an average depth of 12055 Ft the lot has an area of 7,954 squ Ft propos sh be 5 story 55t high structure uh with a total gross floor area of approximately 2817 ft we are proposing 14 dwelling units and one commercial unit also proposed are eight parking spaces as well as 16 uh bike parking spaces the the uh proposed structure shall be built to the front property line from the first through the fourth floors the fifth floor shall be set back uh 10 ft from the front property line there shall be no set back at the west side side property line and a 4' 8 in setback on the east side property line which is down here this uh setback affords an egress path from the rear of the building to Palisade Avenue at the first floor the building sh shall have an 18t rear yard setback and on the second through fifth floor so there shall be 36t rear yard setback no variances are being requested at this time we are also planting uh we are also proposing the planting of two Street trees um also proposes a sign uh approximately 7.3 ft located above the commercial um units entry doors um going to sheet a100 located on the first floor shall be various um utility meter rooms a refu area sprinkler pump room bike parking for uh 16 uh bikes and eight automobile parking spaces uh there shall be a commercial unit on the first floor which is about 753 ft in area sheet a102 and uh sheet a101 and a102 are um there's four dwelling units per floor are proposed on the second and third floors for a total of eight dwelling units these units shall each have two bedrooms and two bathrooms with laundry appliances on average a typ two-bedroom two bath unit shall be about 990 sare ft uh um referring to sheet a103 and a104 the fourth and fif fifth floor shall make up six duplex dwelling units entry shall be from the fourth floor from each for each unit there shall be two two-bedroom two B units three three-bedroom three B units and one four bedroom three B unit all the units shall have laundry appliances on average a duplex unit shall be about 1,343 Square ft in area a more detailed breakdown of the sizes of the units can be found on sheet Z 101 which is down here okay um um proposed that the roof shall be a 1,32 square foot rooftop dech which shall be an amenity space for the occupants there shall also be about 2,000 ft of green re uh green roof elements The Green Roof elements consist of self- draining plant tray this particular system was selected for its ease of installation reasonable cost and easy maintenance the modular nature of the system ensures that replacing Parts become effortless the the benefits include storm water management reduction of the heat island effect reduction of energy usage noise reduction in addition to the visual and aesthetic benefits uh details of the green roof element can be found on sheet [Music] a401 the primary facade um the primary facade fronting palad Avenue consists mainly of a red brick finish the setback portion on the fifth floor uh shall be clad with fiber cement sighting uh Windows copings as well as the cornices shall be clad in metal the window shall be casement typed with Sandstone sand tone finish details of the finishes can be found on sheet a 103 I'm sorry 83 a303 and um that's my presentation okay any questions for Mr gabado um I I don't know if this is the proper time to talk about it I wanted to get into the uh Transportation comments from the city I don't know if Council if if Mr kabat's testimony is relevant or we want to address those separately we can we can address them now while while Mr kabado is here Mr cabado is your only witness right Council that's right okay so I think Mr cabado is going to have to address it so you're in receipt of the uh letter from traffic and Engineering from the city uh we are August 26 Council August 26th okay so let's start with uh the first item 1A uh under bicycle parking uh it doesn't meet the code for an aisle or space that's at least 5 foot wide has anything been changed to compl apply with that code that that has not been changed yet but our thought was to you know reach out to to the traffic engineering and to work on on a resolution one thought was to maybe move it to the other side of of the uh garage area um where you have the handicap space uh you you have extra room there if that would be compliant uh we do exceed the the number of required parking uh um bicycle parkings uh spaces because we're only required to have seven we have 16 um so uh if if it is required to reduce them in order to comply with that uh distancing that's something that we would try to discuss with uh and work out with uh traffic and Engineering okay and there's no way we can get a physical barrier in there as well correct I could we get a physical barrier of course I mean yes we could get if we were to relocate it um to the area near the handicap parking yes we could uh install a physical barrier chairman my only problem with all of that obviously is whether or not it's going to comply with the code requirement I mean I'm looking at a memo from August 26 that specifically calls out exactly what's deficient about it sure [Music] do we need a sprinkler roap big it doesn't necessarily have to be that big it could be half the size yeah so yeah you want to propose that we could Mr chairman as an alternative I think we could also um we have a sort of oversized sprinkler room we could grab some of that space uh for the for the uh bike parking um right now we have it at 19 19' 4 Ines in length see what shirt I'm wearing here right just just for the rec he does this see the emblem on your show it's not it's okay um I I mean I would never suggest to take away from a sprinkler room but um I I mean you know it's got to comply with the code that that's the bottom line here uh reducing the number of bikes that are in that storage space doesn't make the aisle any wider um buffer yeah or provide any more buffering so if we relocate it to the other side yeah I think I I think there's room for um even even if we have to reduce the size of the the uh the trash room um in combination with part of the sprinkler room not all of it okay and it also uh also in the memo it says that the code requires a construction detail of the bike rack or facilities to be provided so obviously we're not meeting that tonight correct yeah that can be provided uh as part of the signature plans subject to their review and approval okay with that okay I'm fine with that anybody else any questions okay thank you Mr kabado we appreciate it so uh Council let's uh come to some kind of resolution on this before signature plans if we could yes and I believe one of the conditions in the staff report is to comply with the review agent comments as as is a traditional comment so that that's something we would work with staff and and Jersey City traffic on okay great thank you all right with that said that's uh your presentation you said correct correct okay is anybody here from the public that wants to comment on this application please come on up hello yep truth the truth the truth it is my name is Bart warshaw b a r t w r s ha A W home address 97 Palace Avenue good evening sir we have three minutes for you hello uh so this is uh the first application that's I think I believe has come into the new R rc2 zone within the sergeant anony Park neighborhood association area um this building did not approach the association for any comment it is it is a site that we previously had uh lots of plans for we would have appreciated that to have come to us because it is a significantly big building in our in our what was previously uh R3 you know um Zone R1 whatever the the three-story Zone um on this site was a pre was previously a large Second Empire house it was demolished uh we didn't want that of course but now we have this this um design when we see um units of this scale and this size we particularly in the association encourage there to be affordable units I don't believe there's affordable units in this particular design um couple of comments from the people I've heard uh have said that essentially they feel this is a relatively low effort design uh there are living rooms with no windows um quite a number of them there's considerable space uh devoted to parking driveway I don't think it's completely necessary um the garage uh opens out into a parking into a turn lane on Palisade Avenue at 8:00 in the morning palate Avenue is completely rammed I'm not sure if that's a consideration that you guys need to think about um the storefront entrance uh we just we think that maybe this could be a bit of a redesign on the front it feels like there's a small store that doesn't really seem to do anything perhaps it should be incorporating a lot larger part of the building um especially on that ground floor when we when we're considering this an rc2 like this is the first commercial building that's going to be put up in that zone um there's a few things I wanted to not really sure how the trash cons consideration Works people seem to be putting trash down a shoot does that door what what happens with the trash basically once it gets into the bottom bottom of that shoot um a lot of people that I've spoken to have commented on parking of course it's compliant there's eight spots may they don't need parking but um there's 14 units and people have said eight eight spots isn't enough uh one of the big issues that people have also brought up is the trees that are currently on the site there's the two of the largest trees in the Heights on that on that spot um they'll obviously have to be cut down uh for this particular design they were existing for many many maybe over 150 250 years uh there very very large oak tree we'd like to see that maintained if possible um and then of course the new trees on the sidewalk cut down I believe two trees so it seem strange that that that's that hasn't been um considered thank you sir that was your time that was your three minutes thank you counil can you address any of those things obviously the trash shoot we can knock off quickly good R you want to speak to the trash is it how it's going to function so we have a trash shoot there's going to be a compactor in the trash room and um yeah it'll be brought out through the garage yes it'll be brought through the garage okay and um as far as the trees go there's nothing being saved out front there correct I I don't believe so I think it's all new okay and there's there's no way to save those Beyond getting rid of the parking I yeah I think it way that's what's driving the whole thing is is those eight spots yeah I believe if if that that was part of the the thinking behind it um let me just see if we could show where the it's not showing the existing trees um yeah we could I guess we could look into perhaps uh relocating the uh the driveway that's well we can try to make efforts to save uh the existing tree but we can't make that commitment understood I I mean just given the location of this building I don't love the idea that it has parking I think that's a a horrible place to to try and pull in and out of um you know I know the area well but again it's uh it's compliant it's compliant with the zoning and it it as as everybody knows it has been reviewed by Jersey City traffic and engineering and they didn't bring up any objections to it yeah parking is permitted okay uh so we're in public comment is anybody else here from the public that wants to comment on this application please come on up hi how you doing you testimony tonight gonna be the truth the whole truth and nothing truth yes the truth t Moreno uh t e o f i l o m o r n o I live in 125 palisad Avenue St Paul's good evening sir we three minutes for you yes I been in the neighborhood for practically 40 years I lived in Jersey City all my life I Liv I live in the Heights all all this time I have come aware about this project uh for a couple years back I know that uh the world brought it to our attention um it's been there approximately like four or five years empty I would like to see that building go up the Aesthetics of the building complies with the building across the street they have some Condominiums right across I think it's a four story Forest four story and I think is I support this project currently I live in a four story building uh with the Statics of the community I think is is is is uh beneficial for the community and that's the only thing I have to say thank you okay thank you sir we appreciate it all right anybody else from public anyone else from public close public motion nobody else with public I make a motion close publiction part of the meeting second okay motion is made and seconded public is closed Matt do you have anything you want to add um certainly chairman um so staff submitted a memo um dated 104 2024 um containing um five staff recommended conditions um does the is the applicant able to abide by those conditions uh yes we can um and I um person to Chairman Langston's testimony I would like to um add conditions related to um relocating The Bike Rack in a way that's compliant um it sounds like Mr kabado is um considering various creative options but if all else fails um there's always the option to remove a single parking spot to create the proper clearance um so as we've established there's no parking requirement on a lot this small so SE seven spots versus eight would still be compliant yes and if that's uh an option that that the board would put out there that that that's terrific I'm fine with that I'm open to that um yeah so um since the Zone zone is so new I thought um it would be worth for the benefit of about the board and the public to talk a little bit about the zone so the rc2 Zone um is a con contextual Zone um a lot of the master plans efforts in this area around essentially re Rel legalizing the types of uses and bulks and densities that were always prevalent on this Corridor basically ever since the first street cars went up palisad Avenue um this is a five-story building but the fifth floor is set back 10 feet and as Mr kabat's rendering show it reads as a four-story building from anyone walking by in the street um the um the subtle brick facade matches many of the other brick apartment buildings in the area uh such as the one across the street um generally um you know when you have a newer building in an area full of old buildings um it's generally Our advice as professionals to not have a building necessarily call attention to itself but to just be sort of a blend into the landscape so to say and lastly I would just like to remind the board that um this was a vacant lot when this application was submitted um what was previously on the slot and that demolition is not being litigated as part of this application we're strictly looking at the change from the current condition of vacant lot to this building proposal it's as of right it meets all the RCT requirements staff recommends approval okay thank you Matt we appreciate it all right I'll entertain a motion then chairman I'd like to make a motion to approve case p2023 d26 81 P State Avenue as presented with the conditions comments to the board tonight I second it okay motion is made and seconded for approval with conditions commissioner green I commissioner Cruz I commissioner stamato I commissioner Torres I and chairman Langston um yeah it's an as of right project uh it's an i for me but I I you know the board can't require it but Council obviously we always want applicants to meet with the neighborhood associations in the area you're well aware of that but uh it is an as of right application so my vote is I motion carries all in favor okay thank you everybody let's move on to item 15 is case p2024 d016 is a site plan Amendment for 35 to 43 Cottage Street gonna do this in five minutes no opening C okay uh for the record uh Charles Harrington of Connell Foley on behalf of the applicant uh we did provide Public Notices and I gave them to councel for review chairman I receive the Affidavit of publication proof of mailing with respect to the application 35 Cottage LLC had the opportunity to review it it all does appear to be in order we going to mark it as A1 for the record thank you Council okay thank you so very briefly what we're presenting is is minor uh site plan amendments uh to to the project that has been before this board in the past it's actually currently under construction uh this is part of the Homestead Place extension um projects uh the the major item that we're doing is we're increasing the unit count from 576 units to 588 units and there's also some other you know additional slight changes that are made um like a typical project we're we're making changes uh as as we as we move along and there's a lot of back and forth with the synagogue uh that we're working with that will be put back into this project so that's that's where you're seeing some of these changes as well um as far as the presentation for the record I I have um Paul fedus uh to present as as in this case the project architect um Paul U Mr fedus is is working through a hiccup on the renewal of his of his New Jersey license but we do have um Raul cabado here as the licensed architect um for the presentation so I'd ask that rul come up and be sworn in again for this presentation and then I can hand it off to Mr fedus excellent thank you and Mr cavado you've already been sworn in tonight also qualified if you could just uh mention that you understand that you're currently under oath um yes I understand I'm currently under o okay thank you okay then with that being said I'm going to move into Mr fedus as the project AR Mr fedus good evening sir it's never easy is it hold it up we [Music] I do Paul frus p a u l f r e i t a s he Mr fedus could you walk through the changes that we're proposing tonight yes certainly so um basically as this building is being constructed uh the synagogue most of these changes are based on requirements that the synagogue has had time to kind of digest and look at and kind of reassess how they want their space to be um you know adjusted or moved or how they want it to be organized so for the bulk of this uh bulk of the changes and the changes in square footages that are associated with this change um are really just to kind of address some of their needs uh in addition of course there was a change in the number of units uh where we originally had uh let's see we had 48 one-bedroom units and that's going to be changed to 60 and we decreased the three bedroom units from 24 to 12 there was a unit increase from 576 units to 588 as far as area increases and decreases uh with respect to the building itself we decreased the retail floor area by 358 Square ft we increased the uh assembly floor area by 435 Square ft decreased the daycare area by 13 Square ft decreased the educ ational floor area by 518 ft decreased the residential floor area by 194 ft and increased our utility uh areas by 1,2 Square ft um and I'll just basically briefly walk you through the uh the drawing so you can kind of see um what i' have here is a comparative analysis drawing which reflects the before and after so you guys can kind of see uh where the changes were occurred you know where they occur and how they were represented so basically what I over here we basically just went over all the changes uh before and after um and then the residential floor area also as you can see increased slightly by um 134 Square I think it's I'm sorry 354 squ ft so the net areas increased by 354 um on the first floor we have the building being set back in additional one foot one inch so basically we've added to the public right of way by a foot along the entire length of the building along the synagogue as part of this change also we've kind of changed the way the sanctuary is organized and located uh the pantry area and the and the daycare facilities that's the original over here we also changed the lobby area increasing the width of the lobby itself uh based on requirements by the synagogue and also on the second floor included an accessory staircase connecting the first and uh first floor and the second floor uh we added some bike storage on this floor floor as well on the third floor additional bike storage in so far as that we increased the uh unit count so we had to also increase the numbers of bikes uh and they are in compliance with the requirements set forth on the fourth floor and going forward most of the changes ref are reflecting uh changes in locations of utility spaces um and and then floors uh 16 through 27 is uh where we changed uh three bedroom units to a one-bedroom and a Studio unit and again similarly we uh changed some of the uh locations of uh utility spaces uh Plumbing rooms and sprinkler rooms and and the like uh on the elevation outside of uh outside of addressing the changes to the unit types and and kind of incre uh adding windows for the newer units and kind of making them correspond with the units uh uh yeah we basically just changed the uh elevation to reflect those changes on the interior of the building so you can see what it was original and what is proposed and that's the extent of the changes okay thank you sorry any questions no all right thank you Council that's your presentation that completes our presentation okay is there anybody here from the public that wants to comment on this application anyone from public I see no one Public public part of the meeting second okay motion made and seconded public is closed um this is I should just look Matt this is yours anything you uh you want to add um Mr Harrington are you in receipt of the memo from Maggie O'Neal senior historic preservation specialist dat October 8th 2024 the historic preservation memo or like yes for this application oh I'm sorry yeah are we we're on Cottage uh 3543 Cottage oh my apologies I got mixed up sorry that's what I um but no yeah um I am in receipt of of your memo too many things at once today um great but we will we will get to that when another case opens um yeah really not much to add here um the changes don't add any new variances um um there's no density cap in the Journal Square 2060 Redevelopment plan so they change in unit count um is also within the percentage band to be an amended application as opposed to a new application um yeah they comply with everything staff recommends approval all right thanks and we would agree with the conditions and U Matt's memo dated thank you October 4th MO I'd like to make a motion to approve case p224 d0160 second okay motion made and seconded for approval commissioner green I commissioner Cruz I commissioner Stato I commissioner Torres I and chairman Langston I uh motion carries okay all in favor thank you Council all right let's call uh case uh p2024 d 0051 is a preliminary and final major site plan Amendment with C variances uh addresses being 100 Water Street 151 Yale Avenue also known as 135 Yale Avenue and 165 Yale Avenue uh good evening again everybody Jim M on behalf of the applicant uh before I start my presentation this is a notice case um Council appro notice please and thank TR see the affidavit and know proof of mailing with respect to1 Yale formerly known as 135 Yale 165 Yale and 650e 440 here in the city if I had the opportunity to review it it does appear to be in order you to mark it as A1 for purposes of the record thank you thank you Council so um the applicant is 100 100 Water Street Phase 2 LLC um the block and lots that were referenced uh in the initial announcement of the case are correct this property is in the Water Street Redevelopment plan in the split Zone District um and I'm going to wait one minute so um Council can put his slideshow up I'm sorry so Mr Stevie can thank you so just as a brief introduction just um hopefully to make this a little bit more efficient for us all um this is an existing aerial of the project site and you could see right there where it is within the yellow boundaries that is is the project site uh we've been before the board many times on this project beginning in 2017 uh it's a three-phase project and um if you look uh to the Northerly section of the yellow boundary uh there's a building there that was phase one of the project it faces Clark um phase one of the project was constructed over the past couple of years also you can see in the center of the yellow um boundaries there there are two roads uh there's an extension of Yale Avenue that now connects to Bennett and there's a new Street um to the sub uh I guess that's a southwesterly SE southeasterly section of the the yellow boundary um so that part of the project is complete and um what you may recall if you are on the board um for many years is that the phase one of the project um because of the financial markets and the lending markets and because this is still what I would call an upand cominging area it had to be separated into two phases or a subphase and it worked out we came back to the board and that building um we got permission to build it in two phases and everything worked out the building is complete it has cosos um it's it's leased and so in 2023 um the applicant was here before this board for what is phase two of the project and phase two of the project is intended to be constructed um where the interim there's an interim parking lot there and uh the applicant received an approval from this board to construct a a a building there that would be phase two of the project and then directly above where the greenery area is there's a smaller lot um that's currently an interim parking lot that that would eventually be faded three so we got our approval from this board in 2023 applicant went to the financing markets and again we thought we were over this but they were again told that that this project is too big in this area to be built in one phase two is too big to be built in built in one phase so we had to come back to the drawing board and what you're going to see tonight is effectively the building that you approved in 2023 is now going to be separated into two buildings and what we're going to ask you to do is give us an approval so that we can build the phase two of the building in two stages let's call it 2A and 2B um and the reason this isn't just a regular Amendment I'm not going to show you the 2023 approval because in order to accomplish the goal we had to basically design a new building um a lot of work lot lot of lot of stuff to do but that's what happened so we're going to present to you basically a new building we're going to ask you for an amended preliminary and Final on phase 2A and we're going to ask you a pre for a preliminary approval on phase 2B and the architect will make this clear to you as you see um and then we're going to ask you for a new interim use parking lot approval because we had to reconfigure the the interim use parking in order to accomplish that and um and Mr chairman what I'm going to ask for is an insurance use parking approval for a three-year term commencing when the resolution is adopted by this board just to get that out so I don't forget so now I'm going to turn the the presentation over to Mr Stevie who's the project architect and then I'll have um the project engineer also testify and Mr Charles hey as the planner we only have one variance or deviation all right uh Bruce give me the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do uh Bruce Stevie s IE V Mr Stevie good to see you uh your license is current tonight it is okay thank you you're qualified thank you so much Mr Stevie you're you're familiar with the Water Street Redevelopment plan yes I am including the split Zone District where this project is yes um and the presentation that you are going to make tonight it's partially your plans but it's also partially some renderings and some presentation material so we're going to mark this yes okay Council A2 our presentation A2 do we know how many slides it is uh I don't off 26 and you'll provide that at the close of yes here A2 okay Mr Stevie take it away um so thank you um we're happy to be here tonight for 135 Yale Avenue 2 and as mentioned 2 a and 2B um as was mentioned the project is located in uh the west side of Jersey City in a neighborhood that's experienced a lot of development on sites that have been largely vacant or underutilized uh the site indicated in red um is the second phase of the already completed uh first phase Agnes Redevelopment um it's it's occupied by a surface parking lot and we're going to have a civil engineer that's going to testify to the um intern parking allocation after I after my testimony um this slide is just a Google Earth view of the project from the corner of the new Street that's been uh created and um and the corner of Yale um the proposed project is in the Water Street Redevelopment plan uh the building's a six-story residential building five floors of units over one floor of parking and it has a six-story Standalone parking structure in total it would contain 312 units 571 parking spaces 86 of which will be EV charging spaces uh it has two 2,822 foot of neighborhood retail and 156 bike parking storage spaces um the phase two project as we mentioned is broken down into two subphases 2 a and 2 B on the left side of the screen you'll see um let's see if I can get this to work the the uh that's this is the 2A phase it's on the Eastern portion of the block we're asking for preliminary and final site plan approval for that and then the 2B phase is located on the western portion of the block consists of an extension of the residential building and a standalone parking structure um this diagram shows how the pro the the site will be developed so the Agnes project is in the um lower portion of the screen but you'll see phase 2A which is a c-shaped building um that's the first portion of the project to be developed then a parking structure will be constructed um on Water Street um at the same time once the parking structure is in construction they'll begin construction on the phase 2B residential building so so Bruce can you put that back just just want to clarify one thing so the garage will be built as part of phase 2B and the residential will also be built as part of phase 2B um the reason the garage has to be built first is so so the applicant continue continue to comply with his parking its parking requirements so even though it looks like I saw there's a blank wall there it looks like there's um uh there's a blank wall but it will only be there for a short time cuz the the concept here is to build the garage and phase 2B at the same time that's why it's only one phase two phases instead of three right sorry PR that's okay um you maintain the parking while Phase 2 a is happening so after we show you the AR architectural we're going to bring up uh the project civil engineer we're going to go through the interim use parking plan for you okay we'll show you then so as mentioned um we're going we're asking for a preliminary and final site plan for phase 2A so I have that uh separate um Phase 2 2A will contain 47 parking spaces um a question we didn't indicate the EV charging spaces on these plans but um uh Jersey City engineering uh asked that question and we will be providing the 15 uh 15% required electric vehicle charging uh stations per phase and complete for the project so uh in total there'll be uh seven EV charging spaces in this parking garage um this parking garage is in a concrete Podium uh residential uh will be above um there are um there are 47 parking spaces in in this portion of the building there is a bike parking uh storage room on this floor a garage access comes in in off of Claremont in this location uh residential Lobby is located on yel Avenue um and then there's a retail space at the corner of Yale and the new Street uh the lobby is in this location uh so that it is opposite uh the lobby uh for the Agnes that developed the first phase development across the street um trash comes down through the building in a trash room located in the uh this area of the project uh it's collected there and then brought out to the street on collection days um by Building Maintenance there's a series of mechanical rooms that Ser will service both um phase 2A and 2B so these mechanical spaces will be installed as part of phase 2A but they'll also service the building uh for 2B um the building is a c-shaped building uh the rooftop of the the parking garage will be used for outdoor amenity space um there are uh 125 units in Phase 2A 70 of those will be Studios 35 will be one beds 10 will be one-bedroom pluses and 10 will be two beds um the other thing you can see is that this building is being set up to uh to um transition to phase 2B the quds um Can will extend through and connect to phase 2B when that comes along and I'll show you that in a minute um this is a building rendering uh looking at uh the corner of New Street and Yale um the uh the building will stop here so this is Phase 2A and then the building beyond that is Phase 2B and the parking garage in the distance I have uh samples of the building materials on the front desk here it'll be a light color brick um that is in complement to the Agnes project which is a dark color brick across the street um there'll be a dark metal panel used on all the street facing facad so it's brick and metal panel um and then the window colors are are selected to match the uh the dark metal panel um these are building elevations um and they uh they confirm they comport with the rendering that you saw um the one thing we did want to note that um in the interim uh the West facade has been designed to have a pattern consistent with with the uh the facades of the uh rest of the buildings the street facing facades um in a scorge Stucco Material um and again that's an interterm uh solution until phase 2B building is constructed um then we're asking for preliminary site plan for phase 2B U phase 2B will be built uh adjacent to phase 2A so uh in this image you can see phase so oops sorry phase 2B is in this location so there's a another parking uh Podium under this portion of the building access for that parking will be again from Claremont Avenue um there is uh 81 parking spaces in this location with 12 electric vehicle uh charging stations and then there is a a parking structure a standalone parking structure at the western edge of the property that will contain 443 parking spaces with 67 electric vehicle charging stations in there there's also a bike parking room that'll service 2B that's located in the lower level of the parking structure uh there'll be room for at least 93 bikes in this location uh parking garage Ingress and egress for the parking structure uh was initially planned for an entrance from Claremont an entrance as an exit on Claremont and an entrance on Ingress only on Yale um we did have discussions with Jersey City Planning staff and Engineering about providing an alternate parking uh access for that garage and I'm going to show you that on the next slide um the residential Lobby for phase 2B is adjacent to the residential Lobby for phase 2A so basically what happens is the Wall comes down between those two lobbies the lobby gets extended across the front of the building and again you can see that it's connected to the lobbies for the Agnes project across the street there'll be a traffic calming uh uh table in this location uh to to again uh enhance that connection between the two projects um in addition there'll be an amenity space that will run the the rest of the the length of Yale so there'll be active Street frontages on that uh Frontage which again complement the project that was already done in Phase One um again trash comes down through the building through a trash shoot uh and gets collected on the lower level in bins and brought out to the street for uh tra trash collection on trash days um in speaking with um tra the Traffic Engineers and and the uh City Engineers the request was to eliminate the Ingress off of Yale Street and to limit the access off of claremount for service vehicles and maintenance uh vehicles only so residents will now uh come to the project and they will access the parking garage off of Water Street through an Ingress and ESS off of Water Street and again there's no uh no access any longer from Yale Street um so this is a a new exhibit that we're proposing um in addition on phase uh 2B and 2A you can see on on this diagram how the hallways extend through and connect pH 2 a and 2 B together so in in essence it becomes one continuous building um the outdoor amenity space on the roof over the podium parking is linked together as well um and there'll be act uh opportunities for activity areas outside on that roof Terrace um in Phase 2B there's uh 187 units 102 Studios 61 bedrooms 10 one-bedroom dens and 15 two-bedroom units um this is an elevation rendering of the facade along Yale Avenue um in this you can see the uh the lobby location in the center so uh in Phase One the lobby is located in here and then when it when phase 2B gets built um they connect together and the main lobby for the building will now be in the center of the block uh there'll be retail at the um at the Eastern portion of the facade and then amenity at the western side of the facade um go ahead uh building elevations again just to codify materials which I again have here on the front um and this is a rendering looking at uh Water Street and Claremont so again on this side of the building um the uh garage access points are in this location this location this will become the service entrance uh for the parking structure and there'll be a new entrance to the uh parking facility from Water Street um the parking garage is designed to complement the residential portion of the building um it it is it has its own scale and identity along Route 440 its materials are the opposite color of the uh the residential building so where the residential building has a light brick and a dark metal um in this case the brick is dark and the the metal material is light um the uh there's a decorative mesh that's installed in the openings of the park parking garage to screen um and garage openings to help screen the park cars inside and to screen the lights from views from the street levels of the surrounding uh properties and that's my presentation so Mr Stevie just one question so um you walked us through Phase 2 a and you walked us through Phase 2 B including the parking garage we're not asking for any variances in connection with your design correct it complies with the bulk and use requirements of the Redevelopment plan that's correct okay thanks okay thank you Mr Stevie uh any questions anyone sir all right thank you sir we appreciate it uh my next witness is Mr Matt Ryan ttim tonight be the truth the truth the truth I do sure uh Matthew Ryan r y an Mr Ryan good evening um I think we've qualified you in the past it's been a while it's been a while it was it was virtual but I have't qualified here okay uh your license is current tonight it is okay thank you you're qualified okay thanks um so Mr Ryan you're familiar with the requirements of the Water Street Redevelopment plan yes I am and your office and you prepared the uh civil engineering plans for this project that's correct and the the exhibits that we're going to show tonight were prepared by your office correct okay um so um Commissioners we have two things to tell you one is we're going to show we we're going to walk you through the interim use parking plan and then two we do need one temporary variance in connection with the parking and it's the same variance that we needed in 2023 when we were here um because the Redevelopment plan encourages shared parking and because it specifically allows phase development all the parking is Consolidated into that one area that you saw before after phase two is complete and before phase three is built the project will exceed the maximum parking requirement for that zone but once phase three is built the parking the project will comply with both the minimum and the maximum parking requirements so it's a temporary variance and we're providing a little more parking than we're allowed to under the Redevelopment plan so um Matt can I let you take it away with explaining the interim parking plan first yeah sure not a problem and uh so just for the record so what we're looking at here this is a colorized site plan rendering um of phase 2A um I'll just give you a brief overview um what's going on in this phase I'll try to not repeat myself a lot of it was mentioned by the project architect um but essentially in this phase um we're proposing to construct a six-story mixed use building with 125 residential units uh 2,839 ft of retail and 47 parking spaces covered within the structure um that structure has its own independent curb cut along Claremont Avenue now in addition to that in this interm phase we are proposing an atg grade surface parking lot to the west of the building that has its own independent curb cut along Claremont Avenue and then I would also just note uh that parking area has 161 spaces and it has a pedestrian access point to phase one um there's an elevated speed table uh between the phase one building and the intern parking lot um which provides elevated ACG grade crossing for for pedestrians to cross between the phase one building and the phase 2 building there's also a small bump out on the north side of Yale Avenue to allow for cars to pull in adjacent to the uh phase one building and provide uh pedestrian connectivity between um the two buildings there are ballards proposed along that sidewalk to uh to protect pedestrians but there is a crossing point in the middle which does not have ballards which allows pedestrians to uh walk freely between uh Yale Avenue um and Matt just one thing so so we already have interm use approval for that parking lot but we have to reconfigure it for this phase 2A so that's why we're asking for it to be approved again that's correct exactly and the the lot at the at the North that says 23 spaces that's already there correct correct but we're using that again correct okay and just just for the record just to correct there I believe there's a typographic lay on here it says 22 spaces there are 23 spaces in that interim lot on the northwest corner um of the property which is correctly reflected on the filed plans correct just so that I'm following Council phase one has no parking spaces within the building of phase one that's correct and those required parking spaces are being picked up in the interim parking they are the the interim parking plan will provide the required number of parking spaces for phase one and phase two way and currently the surface parking lot that is where phase two is proposed has 161 spaces no it has it has less than that okay I believe it has 117 which is the requirement from the original approvals and just by striping and reallocating they fit on yes sir so Matt so that interim use stage complies with the a as Council asked it complies with the minimum parking requirement for phase one and phase 2A that's correct and it's under the maximum requirement for phase one and Phase 2 a correct okay so we comply at this stage with the Redevelopment correct and just to reiterate in this phase we are not asking for any variances right in Phase 2 I right okay can you take us to the next phase so I'll flip to the next slide which this is the which we're calling phase 2B um which is essentially the full buildout of phase 2 um so in that phase again uh you know similar to phase 2A we're not asking for any variances from any bulk requirements we meet all the requirements for um bulk and uh landscape coverage um we are asking for as we mentioned a temporary variance because in uh when this phase is constructed the interm parking on the northwest corner of the site will still remain in place um and in that temporary phase we will exceed the maximum parking required um just in order to provide all of the parking for the the the buildings that are open so um we are asking for one temporary variance to exceed the maximum parking requirements um we do have a planner here I believe who will testify to that um but in the Final End state of the project that variance would essentially go away um so Council phase 2A has been completed now we're moving on to 2B right we're building the parking garage first yes so we'll pick up all the required parking and exceed it in that garage before we start the 2B Residential Building correct because because the parking garage is actually a separate building so it will be seed for cars so that it can then as you said become part of the I guess at that point the interim parking plan yes okay um I I don't think we have anything to yeah I think that's essentially I think we're we're over um are we over over are we over by 38 spaces temporarily um I don't have the exact figureing for me that's the number it it's 38 temporarily that's what I thought you were going with too we well I think we're done okay uh any questions anyone okay thank you sir thank you Council uh Charles height is my planner who's just going to talk quickly about the uh the temporary deviation from parking I I did say quickly do you ttim truth truth truth yes I do yes Charles height last name spelled h y DT can't believe any good evening Mr height your license is current tonight it is okay thank you you're qualified okay I'll jump right in um so this is a bulk deviation within the Redevelopment plan the maximum permitted parking is one space per unit um we are requesting testing an interm deviation from that requirement where we exceed the maximum permitted uh for the residential um we did go over the phase nature of this request or this overall project um I did want to reiterate that the Redevelopment plan itself anticipates a phase development where site plan approvals can be granted in phased uh in a phase manner um in terms of the benefits here uh we heard throughout all the profession that uh the proposed parking deck and Inter spaces um are a part of the overall phase nature so nothing would preclude the Redevelopment of this property we're still aiming to meet all the Redevelopment goals of the Redevelopment plan um that being the Water Street Redevelopment plan um in terms of uh special reasons um I would offer that this uh deviation actually advances several uh purpose a eii and H um I wanted to uh focus on H to encourage uh the location of design Transportation roou with promote the free flow of traffic while discouraging the location of such facilities in roou which can result in congestion or blight uh this board's well aware of the policy um reducing automobile oriented developments reducing the automobile parking ratios throughout the city uh in this situation um it is an interm condition through phase three we will comply but we are also designing the overall project along Yale along Water Street to have improvements for circulation limiting the egress in in uh for commercial uh service Vehicles the main entrance for residential Vehicles as well as the speed table that was mentioned earlier those all add to safety and a reduction in any sort of impact from added circulation that's the positive criteria um I do think we're also uh actually uh promoting the uh Redevelopment of the property the Redevelopment plan and the master plan so I see no impairment by the grant to this deviation um we are also uh not creating any substantial detriment the proposed parking and the deck have been integrated into the overall design um and the deviation will be in interm condition so it's my direct testimony thank you Charles okay thank you Mr he any questions anyone okay thank you we appreciate it all right chairman I I have a question though but I think it's for the staff uh clarification outside sure go ahead okay uh I think this is more better for uh the staff there and anything I'm just wondering if there is a uh number of amount of residential units when the uh trash has to be collected privately or put out in the street do we have something in the plan that way we do offand I can't recall it is in our LDL um I I cannot recall offand I'd have to look it up if so okay we got a condition that if they're over the number that they would do uh private pickup of the trash um we'll stipulate private pickup it's when it's that's how the project is going to work it's going to be a private trash holder well he he stated before that they were going to put it out to the curb uh the trash I just uh thought that it was being publicly picked up no he said it comes out of the compactor onto the curve right I just meant that it would be picked up at the at the curb but it would be by private huler oh okay so that's just wanted to be clear on that thank you okay Council that's your presentation yes and I'll just add just to be quick we have traffic engineering comments um we also have mua comments we will work with both of those agencies um in order to address whatever comments they have um I will just point out that since we're asking for a preliminary approval only on 2B we might ask that some of those conditions be deferred until we come back for a final site plan since it's a no build approval um for Phase 2 B we might okay okay all right uh is there anybody hear from public that wants to comment on this application anyone here from public see no one from public I second it all right motion is uh made and seconded for public it is closed cam what do you got for us um good evening board okay so thank you to the professional planner um for your testimony regarding the variances I couldn't find you Charles um he's correct the Redevelopment plan does cont Play Projects to be phased like this as um as annoying as it might be um this is actually how the Redevelopment plan envisioned projects to function and the interim use can be approved with three one-year interim use approvals if the board sees fit um so planning staff has no issue with that um planning staff also has no issue with the variance being proposed it was pre previously approved under the uh very similar um uh approval which was granted under P22 um- 217 um in February of last year um and that is the parking interim use parking variants for excess of um interim parking spaces and planning staff sees that there is no detriment to the zoned plan the master plan or the city ordinance or the Public's General Health welfare or well-being and um ultimately the project complies and um City staff recommends approval okay thanks cim so before we make the motion how do we want to make the Motions here well it's actually one application so I think you could just approve the whole thing okay yeah okay understood okay so then chairman I'd like to make a motion motion to approve case p2024 d 0051 as it was presented to the board tonight I second it okay motion is made and seconded for approval okay on a motion to approve with conditions uh commissioner green I commissioner Cruz I commissioner tomato hi commissioner Torres hi and chairman Langston yeah I agree with the variances I think there's no detriment to the uh Zone plan or the master plan of the city so my vote is I tonight motion carries all in favor with conditions okay thank you everybody thanks everybody good night all right we're going to take uh five minute break everybody 10 minute bre 10- minute break we have some uh things it's a lot it's a lot of notice all right we're going to call the next three items together uh case p2024 d128 it's a minor subdivision for 29 van Ren Avenue uh case p2024 d129 is a preliminary and final major site plan for 29 van Ren Avenue and case p2024 d 0130 is a preliminary and final major site plan for 608 Pavonia Avenue okay thank you uh for the record Charles Harrington of Connell Foley on behalf of the applicants with respect to all uh items just mentioned uh we did provide notice with respect to each uh agenda item and I have given them to council to the minor subdivision 2529 van ripen the preliminary and final major site plan at 2529 van ripen and the preliminary Ma major site plan at 608 and 612 Pavonia Avenue all appear to be in order they're going to be marked as A1 A2 and A3 for purposes of the record thank you Council okay thank you um so I'll just give a brief overview uh of the the project because these are really it's a comprehensive uh project uh and I'm going to hand it off to my professionals um uh but as a background um the namdar group this is the Homestead Place extension so the Namar group uh is is the developer here and what we've done oh guess I that's all right so um what they've done is they they have uh acquired additional Properties or in contract for additional properties and the idea here we have the homestead extension now we're going to have the Homestead market um the and and the idea is to take it from Homestead Place East up to Summit Avenue and that's going to be covered uh I keep using an example of like the Chelsea see um Market in the city where you you have you know retail um but it's inside um and this would be the first part of it um and you'll see we have a subdivision where we're going to carve out some some uh lot area and give it to the uh to the uh lot that front Pavonia and in between the two buildings is going to be a walkway that will be the the homestead Marketplace beginning um uh future phases and and Mr Namar and his entity have been designated by the jcra uh for these projects but future phases bring it all the way up to Summit Avenue um to complete uh the the extension and and just kind of as a a foreshadowing those projects would be subject to the new regulations of the Journal Square Redevelopment plan so you would be seeing affordable housing as part of those plans these These are U projects before you are part of the time of the application rule uh so that are not subject to those uh requirements um so I'm not going to go into the particulars of of the the projects because um I'll let the well rul is going to be uh uh um sworn in as as the licensed architect in in this instance as well but I'm going to hand it off to Joe mey is our uh civil engineer tonight and our planner um so he'll he'll talk about the subdivision there's two variances to real quick the first one is the rooftop uh height which under the prior zoning we need the relief under the new zoning you wouldn't need it but this is being submitted under the prior zoning uh and then the second one is for Relief to not have on-site loading in the projects and that's a direct result of our meetings with Jersey City traffic um and uh they believe that the uh the streets aren't wide enough uh to to prop properly have loading on site so they asked us to take that out and then we're going to work together on loading zones on the on the streets uh particularly on on Van riping uh and then you'll see as part of Van riping there's there's a unique uh provision that we are incorporating a a home into an existing home which we cannot take down into the overall development so we're attaching it and that'll be U I think a retail component but you'll see how that's attached and it's kind of creative how we we build over it so with that said I'm going to hand off to to Joe mey Mr Harrington just for everybody's edification obviously we've been dealing with the homestead now for years both in the Redevelopment uh plan aspect of it and in the various preliminary and final applications that we've seen so uh I think the board is very well aware of what's been happening in anticipation of these various projects obviously the board's very well aware of needing to subdivide and realign property lines and and property so uh I think we can get into the real meat and potatoes of it uh and I think the board can can appreciate that okay understood do you any testimony you get tonight it's going to be the truth the truth nothing the truth yes I do Joseph melee J a o s e p m l e Mr melee good evening um you're testifying as an engineer and planner tonight you're licenses are both current yes it is okay thank you you're qualified okay I'll get right into it um the there are three applications before you tonight uh but they're all part of one overall development application I'll start with the subdivision and that's uh part of the site plan and subdivision application was submitted to the board and it's uh posted on on the overhead uh currently it's a it's a plan that was um prepared by Gary marmo last revised August 15 2024 uh and and the subdivision is um obviously located in the in the Homestead market section of the Journal Square 2060 Redevelopment plan um it covers two zones in the Redevelopment plan zone three and zone four of the journal Square uh Redevelopment plan Frontage Frontage is on Pavonia Avenue and also on Van Ren Avenue so it carries all the way through and of course on the western side it fronts uh Homestead Place which is a uh public right of way that would be used for uh pedestrian purposes uh the the nature of the subdivision is basically a transfer of land from Lots uh part of lots one and two will be transferred to to Lots 14 and 16 Lots 1 and two lie on the Northern section of this overall development and about 1,001 square fet of land would be given to Lots 14 and 16 and the reason for that is to uh provide the the allowable area for um height requirements that are needed for development in this area when 14 and 16 is combined under the new lot which would be 14.01 uh the old Lots one and two would become 1.01 and then in the middle ultimately that area that is transferred will be dedicated as a as a public uh easement for a pedestrian Plaza but that would be covered in the site plan application so overall um Lots one and two would um merge and um dedicate lands which would become lot 1.0 one and lots 14 and 16 would also merge after the land is provided and become uh 14.01 14.01 would have a proposed lot area of 12534 square ft lot 1.01 would have 15,928 square ft and Ju Just for the benefit of the board that the site plan application will include new lot 1.01 plus lot three and we will consolidate those lots prior to permitting correct so that's a good segue into the site plan application so after as was just said after lot 1.01 is created lot three where that uh historic home is located would be merged with the new lot 1.01 and probably become 1.02 of course we got to coordinate the lot numbers with uh tax assessor's office but uh we imagine that would be lot 1.02 and 1.02 would then be an additional 2500 square ft uh amounting to 18,7 42 squ feet okay you said Zoom is control sorry a bigger sorry is that good enough sh correct correct correct that the historic home is is located on lot three so the reason why the subdivision doesn't include lot three is because it's not affected by this land transfer it only affects Lots one two 14 and 16 that's yes okay okay moving into then the site plan application the first of which is 29 van ripen Avenue uh 29 van ripen Avenue is actually addresses 25 through 29 van Ren Avenue and that would be designated as what Lots one two and three part of 14 and 16 are affected even though uh they're they're reduced Lots one into two are reduced given to 14 and 16 it's part of the site plan application because uh we're we're affecting those lots okay and that's obviously block 7 uh 904 uh the site occupies about a quarter of the block it has two Street frontages uh has Street frontages on Van Ren obviously and Homestead Place project area that is the project area is about 18,720 uh 42 Square ft and it's in the zone four of the uh Journal Square 2 60 Redevelopment plan uh the existing site contains some residential uh buildings and a parking lot and uh residential portions properties lie to the east of Van ripen Homestead Place pedestrian walk uh is along the western border and you have a new development that that's recently built at 619 Bonia that's on the other side of uh Homestead Place on the west of this site so the proposed conditions in general I'm sure the architect will get more into it but this is a 27 story 293 foot tall mixed use building and that that height and number of stories is compliant with the Redevelopment plan based on the bonuses and the office floors that are integrated into the plan uh we have 689 residential units this the hotel9 20 29 van ripen has has a hotel component component it does yes right I was going to get uh 24 Hotel units right and uh that hotel encompasses about Plaza that extends east and west from homestead eventually out to Summit but but under this application it lies to the south of 29 van ripen along that quarter uh behind the building so the two deviations for both site plan applications are the same we have a deviation for uh off Street loading where off Street loading is required and and none is provided and uh the floor height on the roof on a roof structure of the building so the maximum height of a structure on the roof of the building is currently 10 ft we're at we're at 15 ft and as was stated earlier the Land Development ordinance has actually been revised recently to allow 30 ft so under the new Land Development ordinance we actually comply but this is uh currently submitted under the old um Land Development ordinance under reason why the appc issues right yeah understood I think what Mr melee just said is is testimony in support of the respective variances so as you could see this development I'm I'm on uh sheet 3 point c3.0 one which is our site layout plan and we show very generous pedestrian uh accommodations along all streets and obviously the public uh pedestrian Plaza in the back you could see with the cross-hatched area uh that would extend eventually out to Summit Avenue portions of that walkway are covered which I think creates a nice attraction uh but the majority of it a good portion of is also open uh the required uh sidewalk widths are all met where 8 ft is required along Homestead and we're providing more than 8 ft in some areas and Van ripen the minimum is also 8 ft and we're providing 16.5 ft at the at the most narrow point and much more uh in other areas um the building step backs are superseded by the Homestead Place extension bonus so there are no uh step back requirements and we comply with all the building setbacks um and obviously the other uh bulk requirements such as minimum lot area uh are are complied with where the required is 20,000 Square ft and we're proposing uh for the overall development 65,66 so on Van Ren Avenue we have a 30 30 foot wide curb to curb width it's a oneway going eastbound and uh the proposed building along that Corridor does step in and out and has uh utility rooms and amenities along along that Frontage um as I said you have a 16 and 1/2t w minimum uh concrete sidewalk uh separate entrances for the hotel and residential Lobby uh New Street pavement striping and sidewalks obviously along that street Frontage uh and we M maintain that uh historical home on lot three uh where the building does gradually step over that building with sufficient clearance that was that was coordinated with um with the the Jersey City and that'll be be shown during the architectural presentation right uh along Homestead Place you have uh 100t of Frontage a 26t wide RightWay uh and obviously that's where the focus of the retail components are for this building uh it's it's not a a vehicular type Corridor it's all pedestrian so no driveway aprons or anything of that nature uh and you have the expansion of the concrete pavers that would extend all the way up to uh the building Frontage along that uh Homestead place and then of course in the back is what we were mentioning earlier where you have the Homestead market that's about 170 sare uh linear feet of Frontage along the back Corridor um and you basically is a walking Corridor to access retail that would also lie along the back quarter of the building also have accommodations for storm water management in that area we have a a pretty substantial underground detention system that accommodates a two 10 and 100-year storms for uh attenuating those type of storm uh runoff amounts for the for the new in the future Peak runoff rates and uh IT services both developments in that area lighting improvements obviously we comply with all the landscaping and lighting requirements of uh of the Jersey City uh Land Development ordinance and also so um we provide uh additional wall mounted fixtures in that area as well and as far as Landscaping uh as noted we have uh three Street trees along van ripen we will obviously comply with Jersey City uh forestry standards um touching back on utilities very briefly we have our sanitary sewer connection on Homestead uh storm water I mentioned in the plaza area underground and uh electric and Telephone Connections all overhead overhead utility poles and wires obviously will be removed from this area and just to get ahead of something uh there is a utility poll right now sitting within the homestead uh area we've agreed with planning that we are going to work with pcng which we are in conversations now to remove that uh and some of those preliminary discussions are put it underground but that will be removed as part of uh these projects okay 612 Pavonia lies obviously on the southern portion of this development fronting fronting Pavonia Homestead Place to the west and the back obviously backs into 29 van ripen um this would uh Encompass Lots 146 parts of lots 1 and two block 7904 um obviously the Lots will be Consolidated as I mentioned earlier to uh lot 14.01 this this development also occupies about a quarter of the of the block with the two Street frontages uh 12534 Square ft of area um buildings and parking lots exist in this area those will obviously be removed for the new building and uh this this development sits on the Zone 3 of the Redevelopment plan as opposed to the northern side which is in zone 4 but it's all part of the uh Homestead Place uh bonus because of the uh accumulation of land that we qualify for the Homestead Place bonus uh to the South obviously is the Journal Square PATH station just across the street uh of Pavonia and uh again 618 Pavonia is a development to the West that was recently developed on the other side of Homestead uh again same deviations as the prior application and that is um the loading birth where none is provided and that's based on division of transportation's recommendations and also the um uh the rooftop structure where 15ot High structure is provided on the rooftop 10 ft is allowed and as mentioned earlier 30 ft is actually recognized in the new in the new land development ordinance again the sidewalks uh on this plan are very generous along Pavonia and obviously a long Homestead and the back Plaza area to to accommodate this very pedestrian friendly type development no parking spaces in this in this overall development uh building step backs and setbacks are all complied with based on the Redevelopment plan and we obviously um qualify the homestead uh extension bonus just as a a quick note both projects will be dedicating part of the private property towards the uh enlargement of the Homestead Place uh extension uh there is one more that is coming in on the 22nd and on between Cottage and norc and I think that's that's it although the the there's two more up on Summit Avenue that will be part of like the Homestead market that I spoke to earlier so there's one two three maybe more coming in so the homestead mark my that's right yeah the homestead extension goes from Pavonia to norc so uh and then this Homestead market is going to go from Homestead Place East up the summit it it didn't exist it just it it was created after looking at this and the Namar group grou said maybe we can get these properties and create this so that we have you know almost like you know these little poos that walking up and down laid simar I apprciate all aspect yeah and I I think that's maybe something maybe maybe we could move on to to the architect if you'd like and and he can speak to that I know in the overall picture like the the one the projects that are going to front on on Summit Avenue or probably going to be taller because of the recent amendments um so you're going to have a a different design there uh and uh I think the the one coming in next at the next meeting uh is a little bit of a different design as well but Paul could probably speak to that because he's been the architect on just about every every project uh except for oh no still 701 nor is a different different owner but same architect and I think just uh 29 Cottage is a is a different owner and architect so um any questions on engineering no anything okay all right thank you Mr M thank you appreciate it if any of the Commissioners disagree with any of the comments yeah please speak up okay yes so similar to my application um earlier tonight I have rul cabado here as our licensed architect and then Mr frus is is going to testify as the project architect okay and uh once again just for the record Mr kabado you've been sworn in qualified already tonight if you could just state that you understand that you're still on the RO um I understand I'm still on the roath okay thank you sir Mr frus come on up hi all right I'll try to make this as painless as possible and get you guys home um 29 29 29 van ripen uh uh mixed juice building 432 Apartments uh with the basic densities that are required by uh by planning um it it comprised of a number of different uses um some very similar to what we've done in the past with respect to uh having a first floor that's basically programmed with retail uh a hotel lobby a residential Lobby Transformer vaults and of course uh our semi-historical historic building depending on how you want to view it um as you can see here uh in the massing of the of the uh project here's our our nice little house and we've uh basically taken the structure and kind of stepped it back stepped it up as it as it goes up the uh you know as it rises an elevation so that we have a a final structure at the top that kind of works uh gives the house a you know it it definitely makes the building a little different than everything else on the space uh with respect to your concerns about the design of these buildings that are coming up in the future I would say that there is a uh cohesion to them there are design elements that kind of reference each other um we try to make them each and every one of them a bit unique in the way they're they're masked or the way they're uh represented with materiality um and going forward I I would expect that to be very much the same um here's our documentation on the building itself I'll just zoom in on the first floor because I think that that really kind of explains a lot of of this building um as you'll note uh we have our 17 van ripen building it is uh part of the building but separated uh with uh fire rated uh enclosures uh fire separation uh panels it's independent but combined so uh should anything happen to one or the other there's a separation between the two buildings which was something that was required uh by I guess the historic commission is that um it was required in order to preserve the fire rating of the overall building um preserved home is a wood structure yeah so um basically we have our Transformer vaults on Van Ren a residential Lobby a hotel lobby and then retail space on Homestead Place and as you'll note we have about a 20ft wide uh Corridor that extends uh towards um uh I'm sorry towards Summit Summit Avenue uh that's about 20 feet wide it will also AB 612 Pavonia Avenue which is located directly uh over in this area um you'll also notice that on Marketplace there's a retail space and a multi-purpose room so we're trying to engage uh this new Marketplace area kind of give it a you know give give it some life uh and give it a an opp give people another opportunity to kind of Engage The these these corridors um second floor is basically second and third floors are uh Hotel uses there's 24 uh units uh for the hotel hotel amenity spaces as well as uh utility spaces uh that service the building same thing on the third floor floors four uh and six four to 27 are basically all residential uh apartment buildings uh typical to what we've been doing in the past um and theyve vary from one bed you know Studios to Studio alos one-bedroom two bedroom and three-bedroom apartments at the uh top of the building we have an amenity space which was discussed earlier that uh I know we were requesting a 15ot v uh deviation from uh planning um outside of that that's pretty much the building as far as 612 Pavonia goes it's a very similar uh similar makeup outside the only difference really being is again mixed use building uh with a uh retail residential uh on the first floors um and then office space on the second and third floors excuse me and again uh directly above us would be the extens the uh uh 29 van ripen uh again retail kind of ab budding the space here a uh residential Lobby and then an independent hotel lobby bicycle parking Transformer vaults and another retail space second floor is retail and uh yeah it's all retail I I misspoke it's retail space on second floor and uh professional offices on the third floor floors 4 through 27 again become residential uh Apartments uh uh building is 293 Square uh 293 feet in height uh with an amenity space at the top as well as far as the materiality of both of these buildings um they kind of correspond with each other there's a brick Podium with uh aluminum storefront uh aluminum and glass uh aluminum and glass windows um and then on one side of the building is a uh yeah so here well you can basically get a better view of it this is the um Homestead Place elevations that kind of describe the kind of quality of uh the elevation I wish it would up update apologies there we go and here's the uh elevations for the homestead marketplace with uh you know the retail spaces fronting fronting 29 van ripen uh parts of it are um also stucco with a water management system it's a cementitious stucco with a water management system and just getting showing the elevations for 29 R ripen this is a much larger building as you can see we have the step backs uh so you get a little uh little uh change in the massing of the building van ripen elevation with r with our lobbies and our retail on our South elevation showing all of the retail along um I'm sorry along the uh Marketplace excuse me and here's just kind of a a sample of what we expect the uh the finishes to be basically spandrel glass between floors aluminum panels and uh and again cementitious water management system stucco system that's all I have any questions all right thank you Mr frus um just one I'm sorry just one uh question that that jumps out to me um on the 608 Pavonia there's two stories of uh retail space uh on on Pavonia it's one story retail second floor third floor is office okay so I'm sorry first floor retail second floor retail yeah first floor is retail second floor is retail okay as part yeah that's which is allowed I guess by planning sure and then a commercial uh on the third floor are the retails are they two separate spaces or is it one continuous space or is that um there there are some um demising walls I mean at this juncture you know I think a lot of it's going to depend on who he you know who the developer can kind of Corral into these spaces so I think that may we may end up you know doing some sort of amendment or changes to the plan along the way to kind of satisfy whatever kind of marketing that they can kind of meet I can show you so these here's the second floor with the retail electrical room Sprinklers and then the third floor right now we're kind of just leaving it as professional office okay um the only other question I have is on 29 van ripen um with the the historic home at 17 van ripen yes are they so obviously they're connected but is there passage between them yes there's there is an actual connection I can show here I can zoom in on the plan oops apologies that's not my it day going yeah here we go it's uh was it second floor there's a basically if you'll look you'll see a set of double doors we basically kind of created a vestibule um every everything surrounding this building is uh fire rated so there is a connection to it but it's a fire rated enclosure so in the event of a any sort of Emergency the doors Clos and and it became becomes uh separated from the opposite you know opposite side of the uh the wall we kind of uh you know again the developer trying to figure out what he's going to do to program it right now it's it's been considered as retail it may end up becoming building management you know we're still kind of trying to figure that out nice museum pardon me nice museum pompo there you go you gotta get the artwork for it first um so obviously the the codes are different the building codes are different between 17 van ripen and the rest of the project correct yes um but we I mean the work we're doing on uh 17 van ripen is really more uh cosmetic uh repair roof repairs uh you know new coat of paint cleaning it up just kind of bringing it back to its Glory but it's there's fire sprinklers in there or no no there are no sprinklers it's a residential home right now so that that may need uh yeah I mean our engineer will def yes they'll have to be added of course okay good okay that's it that's it for me anybody else no all right thank you sir Council that's your presentation I don't yeah that completes our presentation cuz I believe we requested variances um okay so with that being said let's open it up for a public comment if anybody's here to comment from the public please come on up okay motion is made and second public is closed mat you want to wrap us up here um certainly um so um I'm going to be my comments here just sort of working at sort of the most General issues that apply to the whole project and then work down to the more specific and just make sure um we're clear about what's on the record and what conditions might be proposed um so staff submitted a report dated October 1st and then later revised October 7th um there wasn't a substantive difference between the two reports just a slight wording change on proposed conditions um but different sets of conditions are proposed for each relevant resolution here um the simplest would come down to the subdivision because it's an as of right application um relating to um our standard conditions related to um complying with testimony and review agent comments um with regards to the two site plans um there are several in addition to sort of the broader General conditions we usually require of our applicants several specific conditions related to the specificities of the site and the proposed amenities um first being um and Mr Harrington acknowledged the existence of above ground utilities that both adjacent to and across the site um that are not controlled by um Mr Harrington's client but by psng and other uh utility providers um the details of how those utilities would be removed um and relocated um are not present on these plans um and and um Mr Harrington could you relay why they're not present on these plans yes because that's a work in progress with our discussions with PNG as to uh how to locate them and where where to relocate them so we are in discussions now yes so I guess given the um the third party discussions that have to take place um staff has recommended um that all easements necessary be recorded about relocating utilities and that the plans um for the actual and any conduits and the like that have to be incorporated into the plans to accommodate the utilities be present on the revised signature plans um secondly um planning is very grateful that um without being required or using it to qualify for any bonus that the applicant is proposing to create a new uh public space in this um in the form of the Homestead market um Homestead market in this case would be a uh what we call in the planning world of Pops a privately owned public space and um given the fact basically so it is a public space in that um there will be Deeds of easements for access to the public but it is private in the sense that the applicant and ongoing owner will be required for the maintenance of the space and there are relevant condition to contain herin correct um lastly related to the um specifics of the historic home that we've discussed um uh historic preservation staff submitted a memo dated October 8th um detailing some small deficiencies on the plans as submitted in terms of the preservation standards of the home and the proposed restoration um has the appli um Mr Harrington have you and your professionals looked over this memo and can you comply with the proposed revisions yes yes we we agree to comply with those those are consistent with our prior meetings and discussions with your office and Miss O'Neal okay and staff also proposes that these revisions be incorporated into revised signature plans um and then lastly just addressing the um discussion about loading zones so um the division transportation and their staff report um recommended an on Street loading zone in the public right of way um designating a loading zone in the public right of way requires an active City Council therefore it is not something that this board can require of an applicant that being said um City staff and the applicant um have agreed to work together to hopefully make that happen and um there's just a condition in here related to should city council designate a loading zone um that is part of the construction of this project that all required infrastructure for that loading zone be accommodated in the public right away yes um with that being said staff commends approval with conditions for all three resolutions okay thank you Matt and just for the record the board hasn't seen historic preservations Memo from today as per our policy all uploaded materials have to be in the Friday before a meeting we do not review any material on the day of a meeting we are not full-time city employees we are volunteers we cannot be expected to review any documents during a meeting when we're supposed to be paying attention so we haven't reviewed that memo I I can't talk about what's in it you're agreeing to it I don't know what's in it so that's just an aside yeah I mean that um that request the board will certainly be relayed to City staff happy to do that um it is my professional opinion that these conditions the memo can be accommodated between site plan review and signature plans if you choose to defer to my professional judgment that is up to you I will have to because again I don't know what's in that memo I'm not going to read it at the meeting that is supposed to be in the portal for the Public's benefit for the applicant's benefit and for our benefit and we cannot continue on like this it's it's not right to the applicant for us to carry this application because that wasn't in the portal but I have no idea what's in that document so we really should be carrying this but that's on City staff and I'm I'm so tired of talking about it I'm beyond tired of talking about it it's got to change and I I know you're the messenger here I I apologize for taking it out on you but it's on the record now that the applicants agreeing to that those comments and again I have no idea what's in them so I'll I'll defer your professional opinion but this has to stop that message will be conveyed to staff okay thank you all right I'll entertain a motion then and it's three separate motions three separate motions starting you don't want to do the public first I did the public yeah I did the public there was nobody here there's still nobody to a motion to approve second it okay motion made and seconded for approval commissioner green I commissioner Cruz I commissioner Stato hi commissioner Torres hi and chairman Langston I motion carries all in favor second it okay motion made and seconded for approval commissioner green I commissioner Cruz I commissioner Stato I commissioner Torres I and chairman Langston I motion carries all in favor chairman I'd like to make a motion to approve case p2024 d 0130 as it was presented to the board toight okay motion made in uh seconded for approval commissioner green I commissioner Cruz I commissioner stamato hi commissioner Torres hi and chairman Langston I motion carries all in favor okay thank you everybody we're going to move thank you thank you we're going to move on to memorialization of resolutions I have three resolutions to read into the record and then I will that's all right I got and then uh I will entertain a motion in a second for these resolutions uh first resolution is the is a resolution of the city of Jersey City planning board applicant real shelter for all LLC for preliminary and final major site plan approval with deviations for 173 to 18316 Street 1805 Street and 619 Maron Boulevard Jersey City New Jersey block number 7103 Lots 2 through 8 and 11 that case number was p2024 D 0085 second is the resolution of the planning board of the city of Jersey City applicant mannequin temper mannequin temporary Tribeca West urban renewal LLC for the extension of a preliminary and final major site plan approval at 50-day Street Master condominium unit 1 also known as Tower 1 block 7701 lot five Tower 1 also known as qualifier c01 that case number was p2024 d014 42 and lastly I have the resolution of the planning board of the city of Jersey City applicant Universal Global Inc uh doing business as Metro Honda for signage approval with a c variance at 540 Route 440 Jersey City New Jersey block 20001 Lot 4 case number is p223 D 0020 can I have a I need a motion first okay we have a motion did we have a second we have a motion and a second on a motion to approve the memorialization of said resolutions commissioner green I commissioner Cruz I commissioner stamato commissioner Torres and chairman Langston motion carries all in favor to memorialize resolution thank you do we need Executive session anyone all right motion for adjournment from somebody and a second and we are good thank you guys