##VIDEO ID:Coo8OQjGy5Q## you give me I it here gave me the pictures I'm looking at the M yeah look good evening the time is now 7 pm and I'll call to order the Town Council special meeting of Wednesday September 18th and we'll begin with an invocation followed by a moment of silence and then pledge allegiance if you all that are able please join me in standing dear God thank you for letting us step forward and work for the betterment of our community amen let's have a moment of silence please join me in a pledge and we have a roll call please mayor kety here vice mayor sunstrom here councelor Delan here councelor for here councelor may here Town manager Kito here Town attorney be here okay we begin tonight uh with our public hearings on the budget and with that I'll turn it over to staff uh good evening mayor and councel Scott Reynolds I'm the uh Finance director for the town of Jupiter and uh we are here at uh the second and final reading of the of the fy2 proposed budget uh just to remind everybody what we have done so far this uh this summer we had our first operations budget workshop on June 20th uh we uh set the trim uh uh rate uh on July 16th the notice that went out to the public on the proposed millage rate also on August 14th uh we had a CIP budget workshop and any kind of updates that we had on the operating budget had our first public hearing on the 3rd of September and then here we are uh this evening on the uh the second and final reading of the budget uh that'll take effect October 1 uh the objectives uh and assumptions that were used uh over the summer in development of the budget uh was to uh maintain a mill rate of uh 23894 that's for the operating uh the avalor uh tax revenues have increased to to 4ast increases in property values that's been widely discussed uh in the media uh and the residents and we've talked about that throughout the summer as well uh there is a proposed uh water rate index of 3% as uh for the water and then a 7% rate index for storm water we've discussed that at length as well uh during the workshops also on the expenditures 5% increase for non-un uh salaried employees uh maintain the 9010 split for healthc care cost uh between the town and the employees maintain the level of HSA funding for the employees as well uh We've continued in that uh to provide those really good benefits for the employees year after year also the uh salary increases for the PD Union is per the Union contract and uh again no use of Reserves we're in the second year going into the second year of implementation of the Jupiter fire rescue we had initially anticipated we're going to use some Reserve funding uh for the operations but uh uh we are pleased to announce that we there will be no use of Reserve fundings uh being requested for FY 25 uh the property value increases we talked about this we've um over last year $1.4 million or one 1.4 billion over uh the previous year and increased values uh you can see here 8.29% is due to valuation increases and then less than 1% or 79% uh is related to new construction so we are seeing that leveling out uh we know that we're near buildout uh and so over the last few years we' we've discussed that we're starting to see that as far as a trend for new construction going forward so one of the things that we're required to discuss uh via State Statute is the roll back rate uh and that we have to do this calculation every year to say what the amount of taxes that would be collected as same amount of taxes that would be collected in the current year that we're in uh going into fy2 uh that would be just over $3 million with a roll back rate of 22103 uh that's 8 point we're what we're recommending with the current uh proposed millage rate is 8 1% higher than the roll back rate so uh overview of the budget uh We've we've talked about this uh with the town we can see that there's a $981,000 decrease over the FY 24 adopted budget uh when you look at the general fund alone it's a $6.1 million increase in the general fund that's primarily due to salary and benefits and increases for the transfer to the uh Jupiter Fire Rescue uh a $482,000 decrease in the fy2 general Community investment plan and then the uh indexes for water and storm water general fund revenues uh again a $6.1 million increase in the general fund uh you can see with the from the revenues it's a 2.6 uh 2.6 million increase uh for the assessed values that we discussed um relating to the millage uh the $247,000 increase for franchise fees intergovernmental revenues $153,000 increase uh $273,000 increases in charges for service for solid waste uh increase of $2.9 million in interest earnings over the previous year uh you saw today that the feds have started reducing the rate we've anticipated some reduction going uh into next year in fact that's going to uh fall right into the plan of what we're looking to do for the fin in of the fire station so we've anticipated some of that on the expenditure side of the house for the general fund predominantly the uh increases are related to salary and benefits along with the increases for the uh transfer for the Jupiter fire rescue you can see here the Jupiter fire rescue fund uh this is the operating fund for Jupiter fire rescue uh you can see that there is no use of Reserve funds uh to to fund the uh fire rescue the water fund itself uh again the 3% index has been requested uh increase of $1.2 million in charges for service small use of retained earnings of just over $300,000 uh the expenses are driven by the 5% increase in salaries uh there are no new positions that's been requested uh there was a reduction in debt service and also uh there was an increase in utility service cost for due to fpnl rate increases we've been experiencing that over the last few years and there's been a reduction in the chemical cost the storm water fund um 7% rate index we've talked about that there's also a use of uh retained earnings of $468,000 for the expenses of 5% salary increase uh and $170,000 increase for machinery and equipment and 114,000 for Professional Services second year of the non avalor assessment for the Jupiter River Estates vegetative trimming the building fund uh the building fund is always a very healthy fund uh you can see uh starting to level off uh in in regards to the permit Revenue we are showing a a slight increase of $50,000 over the current year uh in the permit Revenue interest earnings we show an increase there as well uh with no use of retained earnings to fund uh the building fund the health insurance fund we've uh talked at that at length over the summer uh to meet our goal of the 10 million uh at the last meeting I told the council that once we reach that 10 million after we do our state filing in January uh we'll be coming back to report back to the council where we're at and meeting our goal to come back with some possible decision points for the Council on how they want to utilize the excess funds and the CIP funding uh we've talked about this what you're adopting uh this evening is the fy2 but uh we do have a fiveyear window uh that we look at and um one of the things that came up at the last meeting I wanted to talk about um there were a number of questions relating to the CIP uh that um we did not receive action on at the last meeting uh there was an appendix that was sent out uh yesterday of those items to uh talk about and see if Council wishes to make any kind of action on these uh the first three the Indiantown Road Western Corridor project there was a request uh to move up the funding from FY uh 26 27 to fy2 uh I will tell you uh this afternoon I was informed by our engineering director Public Works director that uh he's had discussions with fdot and they are prepared to start moving on that project later in fy2 beginning into 26 so uh if the council so wish to do that uh that would be appropriate to move those funds also there was a request to uh reduce the fy2 24 carry forward for the small meter replacement project uh by $1.6 million uh we have spoken with the uh utility director and that could also be accomplished if the council so wished and then for the storm water Redevelopment grants uh if you wanted to reduce the fy2 24 carry forward uh we can also accomplish that um based on historical data uh it seems like it would be appropriate if you so wished the other uh programs uh such as the water asset maintenance program the storm water asset uh maintenance program the storm water system rehab there was a request to also reduce additional carry forwards on those we have S went back and spoke with the utility director and at this point even though those amounts are not encumbered uh they are currently in the process of doing rfps and we'll be coming to the council uh very early in the fiscal year uh to seek appropriation of those funds so those funds will be needed the rest of the items uh down below we more in line with uh clarification on uh timelines for the projects and when they were going to be completed uh reflection on uh some of the carry forward balances some of the previous year projects and when those have been implemented uh we had sent out a supplemental a few weeks back in the Friday report uh to the council to update when those items were going to be done uh also uh We've looked at managing the way that uh going forward that we may be uh reporting on some of these documents in this actual CIP uh what we do in the CIP booklet as you know we report a year of completion uh for that for a project we're now going to include not just the year but also the period for each of the elements of the project uh in addition to that we have supplied the council with a supplemental uh budgetary report towards the end that also show the encumbrances uh against some of these projects we're going to be providing that as part of the uh C IP booklet also uh one of the big things that we're looking to do uh into next year is at midyear come back with a actual Roundtable discussion to update the Council on these projects where are we at uh when are we seeking uh for these projects to be complete to give the council more data going into the actual workshops uh and at that point if the council wishes to unencumber uh some of these projects we can do that and that'll clean it up going into to the budgetary workshops as well so those are some of the changes we're looking to do going into next year and may help the council going forward but again kind of looking for action on the first three uh that was brought up at the last meeting if if the council so wished um well want to speak to the first one uh to begin with I don't know why there was push back on this one but because I had sent uh I got from staff and I sent back in to staff the fact that we have correspondence from fot dated July 15th that the project is currently adopted and has design funds in fiscal year 25 and also has construction funds in fiscal year 25 as a reminder to council this was the legislative get which is funding in fiscal year 25 then is typical you know um governments sometimes just carry forward stuff but I was insistent if the governor did earm market for 25 and we've confirmed that it ought to you know the fot funding ought to show up where the state put it in 25 um because accepting anything but that limits my influence at the TPA and with fto to push them along you know to do it um I would suggest from from a simplistic approach since the the suggestion was to move all of the funds to 25 that makes it a little bit more complicated on changing general fund usage and whatever so my suggestion would be you could leave the general funds where they are you could move the impact fees you know portion to uh 25 because it's unlikely that that fot will come to us to put our share up in 25 and if they would we would deal with it at that point in time so it was always more pushing for the fot money to be showed up in 25 because that gives us opportunities to work with fot for example the study that they've procrastinated on for years on Central B of Indian in central B of in Indian Town Road if they're not going to use all this money this year I'm going to suggest to them hey use it for that study you know so again um I think I would hope it's unanimous and I'm surprised that staff wouldn't have just Incorporated that um because that's factual it was incorrect but again simplistically don't move to General funds because that changes everything else you had here right and we recognized but we we looked at the at the cash flow to see how would impact the cash flow no understand but you are correct mayor based on the discussion that we had with fot uh as a matter of fact as late as today um it it it's exactly what you just said that that they would be willing to expend their funds first uh in 25 late it'll be late 25 most likely is what they're telling us uh but uh yeah you were exactly correct based on what we're being told today okay oh do we have a consensus on that and then then on the other two to the degree that staff agreed w002 and going more to 121 but hope there's a consensus to go with that so you're just you're just moving it into reserves from the carry forward is that right so seems pretty straightforward it's actually cancelling one of them from existence since there's been a lack of historical request the storm water Redevelopment grants is that correct stormw Redevelopment Grant I'm sorry what was the question is that the one you're speaking to okay yep and if and if uh we do have requests that come in uh that exceed what we currently have uh we can definitely we'll be bringing those back to council anyways and then if we need to appropriate funds we can do it at that point as they come up okay this way by removing it since we haven't had an application since 2019 people realize we don't have money sitting around in the bucket to come and get and we would deal with any request as an individual situation okay well thank you uh for the clarification was there any more comments on those okay um and one thing I did want to bring up uh because we do talk about the uh the the adoption of the of the millage rate uh this evening uh the we proposed the 23894 you can see there the The Debt Service rate 854 this is the last year going into the last year for the debt service so that will go away uh the residents will see a decline uh in the uh the millage based on the debt so that that will be going away after this upcoming year it's very minimal about a Debt Service because we did have some reserves built up going to help pay for some of that debt service that was accumulated over time and so that's that's a really good position to be in uh so staff is seeking approval on second reading uh of ordinance 20-24 and also uh on second reading for the community investment program for ordinance 21-24 and then uh for the resolution 10724 to adopt the towns fy2 operating budget and pay plan okay I look for a motion on ordinance 2024 on second reading still moved second second motion the second I'd ask that the uh Town attorney to read ordinance 2024 on short title an ordinance of the Town Council of town of Jupiter Florida adopting a millage rate to be levied by the town of Jupiter on taxable real and tangible personal property within the town for the fiscal year beginning October 1 2024 and ending September 30 2025 stating the rolled back mill rate stating the percent by which the millage rate exceeds if any the rolled back millage rate and leving at the lower taxes on all taxable real and tangible personal property in the town of Jupiter for the said fiscal year have a motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I motion carries unanimously okay moving on to resolution 10724 I'll take a motion in a second on resolution 10724 motion to approve resolution 10724 second motion is second all in favor signify by saying I I motion carries unanimously moving on ordinance 21-24 second reading I'll take a motion in a second motion to approve second Motion in a second uh I'd ask the town attorney to read ordinance 2124 on short title an ordinance of the Town Council of the town of Jupiter Florida amending the town's comprehensive plan to update the 5-year Community invest ment program included within the Capital Improvements element of the comprehensive plan providing for the repeal of laws in Conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date have a motion is second all in favor signify by saying I I oppose nay motion carries 4 to one with uh the mayor dissenting next um we have a presentation uh i' like to welcome Richard Radcliffe executive director of Palm Beach County League of cities welcome good evening um thank you for the opportunity of coming here it's funny because it seems like only 12 hours ago we were together and you were all working and I it's it's funny I was I come from an elected past but your citizens don't know how hard you work it's it's 12 hours you've been doing this and um being the director of the league of cities you're my heroes because you keep doing this and I have to thank maliss is on our Board of director she volunteers time for us because I work for all 39 municipalities in pond Beach County and the reason I'm here is I wanted to thank you because something came up that was an opportunity for all the cities that was very very important and you know it's hurricane season and uh our are coastal flood maps which determines the the the level of your building code it determines flood plane um flood insurance and a lot of uh all of our uh a lot of our codes and our fees are relative to those Maps they haven't been done in over 20 years and as of December 20th it will be effective the new maps are out Palm Beach County appealed them they lost their appeal and um now they're going to go hard so we got together with the league of cities FEMA the insurance industry and um Palm Beach County and we put together three days that we're going to do public Outreach this is very very important because your residents if they have a mortgage and now they are in a flood plane their mortgage company will make them get flood insurance and if they don't get it by December 20th and have it in effect by December 20th they lose the ability to have it's called a Glide path and that means you can they can only raise it 18 only 18% a year into the future and when sea level sea level rise we know what's going on but we got involved because we know that if people people will blame you because you will have to adopt an ordinance adopting the flood plane uh flood plane uh when it comes out you know as of December 20th then you're going to have to adopt it to so that all the mortgages fit into the federal guidelines but you stepped up to the plate we asked we we have three meetings we had two of them yours is the one left and I asked uh three cities three cities to put on and and have an open house for all the residents and I have to admit you were out of the box first one thanks to uh Frank and your City you were in we we got to jump on it but it's very very important for all the people that live here this is the only time it's from it's at your community center September 26 it's going to be from 5: to 8:00 and all the cities so there's going to be the county there there's going to be FEMA there there's going to be people from the insurance industry this is the only time you're going to get this together um and that's happening at your community center and if you have friends in the other cities we're going to have representatives from those cities but the north cities that are sharing your facility are North Palm Beach obviously Jupiter Jupiter and the Colony Lake Park Palm Beach Gardens Palm Beach Shores Riviera Beach Desta Juno Beach and unincorporated Palm Beach County so we'll have representatives from each of those cities will be there and FMA and the insurance industry and from the other two I can tell you there not that many people cuz it it's kind of an obscure thing but it's going to be effective for if you have a mortgage and you're in a flood plane you're going to need to get it so you want to get it on your own before your bank gets it for you and um from what we've seen so far is like West Palm Beach when actually mailed to every single resident that was in a flood plate they have maybe 40 people there Saturday we did the one with West Palm Beach and Palm Beach and Palm Beach had consistent people in all day kind of to ask some questions find out see what it is and some people were in a flood plane they're not it it it does vary from personto person but I wanted to thank you so much for making your facility available and for all the other Northern cities because there's 39 municipalities 23 of them are in FL in Coast this is Coastal flood plane zones so thank you very much for doing that and if you have any questions I'll send you to feema if you have any questions I can answer that maybe I just want to comment first of all I appreciate you coming out uh today tonight you didn't need to but thank you um and appreciate what you do um representing the league 39 municipalities you know as you witnessed this morning which you well know you know we're a tight group up here at North County so we've always made our community center available for these kind of events I mean we feel like we're blessed with the community center it's a perfect place to hold it um so there should never be any question on expecting we step up exactly and it it and we appreciate it and and it's perfect for what's going to happen because right around the cor the perimeter will be all tables for each City for FEMA and and you'll identify your house you'll identify where it is if it's in a flood plane you can go to the insurance industry you can go to FEA you can go to the county so so you have a perfect facility so right thank you for and it's most convenient for our residents so no reason why we would ever not do it but thank you very much okay thank you thank you okay uh we're moving on to the next part of the agenda citizen comments uh this is the time for non-agenda items is limited to 3 minutes wanted to make sure if there was anybody in the audience here for resolution 1324 Fisherman's worth that item has been postponed to October 1st wouldn't want anybody to be sitting around waiting for that do we have any uh citizen comments no mayor they seeing none I'll move on to the minutes uh Council we we have before us minutes with the minor uh revision on the dis if there's no other revisions I'll take a motion in a second to adopt the minutes as amended motion to approve as amended second motion is second all in favor signify by saying I I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to the consent agenda this is item six uh through 10 on the agenda is there any member of the Public Public that wanted to pull a con agenda item no mayor anybody on the Das wish to do so seeing none I'll take a motion in a second on the consent agenda so moves second with that I'd asked uh the town attorney to read ordinance 22-24 on short title in ordinance of the Town Council the town of Jupiter Florida consenting to the town's continuing participation in the Palm Beach County Jupiter mstu for fire rescue emergency medical and other related services for 2025 and providing for an effective date I have a motion in second all in favor signify by saying I I motion carries unanimously moving on to reports Town attorney um an article was distributed to you um this is just for information this is long been the law but it but it was recently questioned in Dade County regarding the city of homesteads meetings and the limitation of public comments to three minutes um that particular individual um aside from taking his three minutes was rather upset with some things that had to be removed which prompted the case but the important thing to note is that the 11th Circuit Court of Appeal in an unbun decision which means every Justice on that Court reviewed the the opinion and determined that the three minute essentially the three minute rule could be upheld now the 11th Circuit Court of Appeal for Florida and the southeast uh United States is the second highest court in the land uh the highest of course being the United States Supreme Court so when you have all of the justices of the second highest court in the land rendering an opinion it's a significant opinion and it carries a lot of weight so to the extent uh in the future you may have objections to your three minutes um you know this opinion pretty much clarifies and says that's a reasonable restriction that can be placed on on public comment and other than that we're still waiting thank you that's a great share thank you and I'd ask uh if uh Mr Radcliffe hadn't gotten a copy of that that'd be something that'd be worthwhile to share with other municipalities because we all are faced with sometimes some challenging public meetings so did you get a copy of that make sure you get one thank you um Town manager thank you mayor um only thing I wanted to put forward in my report this evening is to thank our um Finance director Scott Reynolds and assistant director Don clar Clark for all of their hard work on this budget prep um for those that don't know um this work actually starts way back in January and is continuous and um and I'll tell you they they work extremely hard and uh so I want to thank um the director the assistant director and their entire team as well as all of our directors for the work that they put in on this budget process that's my report mayor councelor May uh I got nothing except I'm going to be leaving here and going to the Jupiter police foundation Taste Of Jupiter tonight support them um it's a great event they do every year so I appreciate them reaching out and inviting I think they invited all of us but I'm going to head over there after this to help support the foundation that does a lot of lot of great things for jpd vice mayor I just want to ask one quick question the September 26th meeting that we're having in the Jupiter Community Center regarding flood maps is there a way to potentially record it for residents who aren't aable to attend is that something that's been looked at in other municipalities I I just like to look into it for those who may not be able to make it but want information um presented and I know we've done it before at JCC so just wanted to ask um and just for residents or anyone paying attention that was a lot of information we just got it is on pbcgov.org if you go to pbcgov.org and you go to the homepage and you scroll down you'll see new FEMA flood zone maps and you can find your zone so just to get um prepared you know before any meeting or as information comes out that's a good that's a good resource um and that's it coun glany yeah I always do it but I just want to thank uh the finance department again for great job uh in keeping everything seamless and concise and right to the point so thanks to uh Scott Reynolds and Don Clark and the rest of the staff councelor for yes my thanks as well to the finance department I guess they realize they could get out of here early tonight but that's excellent for them I was particularly happy to see we took a gamble 12 months ago and we just heard no no Reserve financing for the fire rescue so that was that was a a relief moment for me to see that very pleased about that um I want to make one additional point about the flood maps um you you you brought up a good point counselor about the the availability of the website the government website I recommend all citizens who aren't in a flood zone some already may be all citizens if you're not in a flood zone go to that map you can click on it on your own address or enter your address and see if you now are in a mandatory flood zone that's a very real thing and you're going to have a very real cost coming and there's no way to get out of it so if if you are not in a flood zone check it out to see if had you've been placed in one and start making plans for it because you will have to get insurance if you have a mortgage that's not optional so everybody take notice yeah more than 16,000 Parcels are going to see an increase in base flood elevation so it is a big change and it is something to pay attention to and you can enter your address to see your new status I would recomend sorry in Palm Beach County yeah yeah yeah okay and don't wait for the bank because there is always three times as more i' I'd recommend personally um I do work in Engineering in the in the floodway zone I'd recommend everybody even if they are not required to get flood insurance to seriously consider getting it um we're in an area where flooding is just a matter of time before we have it and the flood maps are still I think they were still one in 500 one one event per 500 it could happen this still this year we could get a major flood event so if you have the means get flood insurance I'm not an advocate for for that in anyway I'm not going to make any money off of it but I highly recommend you get flood insurance if you can do it just two quick items well three uh number one um likewise you know I've commented in the prior meetings I'm grateful for the work that U our finance department and staff does on the budget so good work um also want to kind of comment that um I do appreciate how our Planning and Zoning staff have uh been more mindful of uh handing off the council decisions that should be a council decision um maybe some of us up here don't realize that wasn't always the norm uh but we appreciate that because uh that leaves the decision at the council level you know so I'm appreciate that change that has been made in recent years um next item just a quick item um Center Street you know we've talked about and you know all of us continue to get feedback from the public about Center Street with the uh trash pile piled up um so recently I was driving down and I have a tendency to go down it more often I noticed something I took a picture I passed it on to staff because some of the places where the pickup was didn't seem like they would be entitled to put it on the street so want to recognize Roger Hills who went out um on the one and came up with a surprising outcome because I thought it was in front of the picture I had it was in front of a apartment complex that has dumpsters therefore it never should be out so Roger actually took them on himself to get a hold of the property owner you know to make sure they had a place where they were keeping their books up and come to find out that there was a pile from another Street in hearsay but reportedly Waste Management said it was hard for them to get down that street and they had directed residence so for years there's a spot not adjacent to a house or property where they were piling it up so the point is you know um and I just an ass so I want to just recognize take charge Mr hell for getting to the bottom of that because it's probably been that way for a long time and um I think that we ought to go into some um you know I and I pulled out the code I I think you know it's time to be a little bit more um proactive on citing people along Center Street to clean that up um our code BAS basically says it can only be in front of your own property um in fact I by the way I was driving down Center Street a few days later and I saw some guys putting some trash by that pile pulled over quickly got out and explained to them how that was you know against the town laws of doing that we're probably going to have to change Behavior so uh I would uh so number one nothing is allowed it has to be in front of your own personal property so this street which is a Street just off the Center Street which they don't know town code but they they've been in violation by not putting in in fact ironically they put their trash cans because they went down there in front of their home but bulk pickup they were putting out on Center Street um so I'm just going to ask staff um that we ought to go into some more active enforcement um and that would even include putting out uh the uh vegetative debris which is not supposed to be out days ahead of time so again because of the fact that we've been dealing with these complaints for years and I want again want to thank Roger for getting to the bottom of it we'd be more mindful um we can maybe change that road after all these years by you know following up on those items and if we need to put a no dumping sign or whatever change the behavior I think it's time to do that and I know we all agree because we just got an email again the other day right we get it all the time mayor we we have Roger on the case again and so he is coordinating with engineering and the PD and Communications to uh to make sure that we're working in conjunction with each other um you know and our Code Compliance folks and and yes we are going to be more aggressive iive in uh in ensuring we maintain compliance and I think what's happening for us we've got the pl Center Street The Dumping of trash on cry has become a habit and we've got to break the Habit right and so we're working on that thank you I had no doubt I just wanted to share it with my colleagues up here since we all get those emails now you are aware of some some actions actually being taken um and then just lastly you know Jupiter connect um every once in a while it's interesting that's a phenomenal uh program and tool that was provided for a residents but still is amazing how many people don't know of its existence so we had some street lights out in my neighborhood and um some people actually even on the HOA board had approached me they didn't know you know how to get a hold of someone to address that of course I comment well Jupiter connect and what's that so we may you know maybe and then this is just such a great tool so I go in then and and uh through Jupiter connect and listed it turned out first I had to go there at night time to see how many lights were out we have string of 24 street lights that have been out for some time apparently uh but it's a it's a great tool but I'm going to ask your staff and I did talk to Shauna about this uh put let's just maybe reach out to all the property management companies and uh in HOAs to get the word out again because it probably does filter up to an HOA board or the management company and then you know if they don't know how easy it is because it really is easy there's even a category street lights so anyway thank you for that tool but I just wanted to uh um make sure that you know we're pushing it again um because seems like some people don't know how easy and convenient that is so with that um The Time Is Now 7:43 and we'll adjourn the meeting e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e 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