let's have a moment of silence please join me in the pledge flag may we have a roll call please mayor kety here vice mayor sunstrom here councelor Delaney here councelor for here councelor may here Town manager Kito Town attorney be okay uh a few items uh tonight of business before citizen comments uh we begin with the public hearing item number one resolution 8224 uh and turn it over to staff uh good evening mayor council uh Scott Reynolds Finance director for the town of Jupiter uh this evening we are here to present uh the truth and millage or the the trim uh for the fy2 uh budget as required by State Statute um see so we discussed some of this at our uh operations budget meeting uh last month but uh what we need to do is we need to actually notify the the citizens of what the uh anticipated trim rate will be or the millage rate uh at the first hearing uh along with any kind of debt rate uh that we anticipate and uh also what's called the roll back rate we'll talk about that this evening but first thing we want to discuss is the property value uh increases uh we've had about 99.8% increase overall uh just over $ 17 billion uh for fy2 is estimated uh you can see here on this slide new construction is uh less than 1% that's because the town is nearing buildout uh we've talked about that over the last uh few years uh the majority of the increase is related to the values of the homes um what you're going to see is uh if you look at your tax bill uh I brought this up at the operations budget and I think it's very important if you look at your tax bill you'll see your market value is still very high your taxable value is not there yet so each each year the statute allows for what's considered to be a catchup meaning that the taxable value will increase uh every year until it reaches that market value that's and that may take a number of years so there is a portion of this increase in the value that's part of that recapture so I wanted to point that out so the proposed millage rate uh is uh staying the same uh as what we're as what's being proposed uh within the first uh current fiscal year which is 2.38 N4 uh again that's no change in the millage rate uh that's being proposed for next year uh how does that relate to uh uh in relation to the roll back rate that's calculated every year if we were to take the roll back of 22103 uh related to the uh proposed millage uh you see here the avalor taxes at the 95 percentile uh which is uh takes into account the statutory uh uh rollback rate uh would be 41 milon 251 299 uh at the rollback rate it would be 38 uh million 1559 265 a different over roll a difference over roll back of just over $3 million uh like to always show this slide uh to talk about the values um in the town and the historical Trends uh it goes all the way back to 2006 uh because I think it's important to show what happened during the 2008 recession how it affect the overall values and the steady climb that's been occurring uh since that time uh to climb back to uh pre-recession levels uh and we've successfully done that over time so the setting of the trim what does that look like uh I know last year during the budget process we discussed this uh we indicated that we wanted to see what these impacts were on from not just a $500,000 home ,000 house that we were using as as our Benchmark uh to increase that to $750,000 which is a little bit more realistic for Jupiter uh and also still to continue to show how it also affect the $500,000 house uh going into FY 25 uh and this does not reflect the minimum uh the debt uh rate rate that's actually going down next year and we talked about that during the operation uh Workshop but you can see a homesteaded property with the uh proposed millage rate would be a $537 76 uh increase and that's because of the value increase that 3% that we've been talking about also the non-homesteaded property $162 annually on the $750,000 house and one that's a $500,000 house you're looking at $35.84 and $108 uh for the non-homesteaded property we always like to uh throw in commercial just to kind of show uh what the impact would be to our uh commercial properties so you can see uh with that increase in value it'd be a $216 annual increase so with that uh staff is recommending uh uh to the council uh or seeking approval of resolution 82 -24 uh which sets a flat trim rate uh to be noticed to the citizens along with a debt rate of 08 or 0855 which is again a reduction uh over the current year and just a reminder uh next year is the last year uh in relation to the uh Debt Service that we have on the books uh for the uh the land purchases and also setting the date for the first public hearing of September 3rd uh 2024 attorney of council anybody have any questions I just have a couple just more and you might have already said this but I really just wanted to get the conversation we've talked we talked about you know uh the roll back rate uh that ties to legislation how long ago on number of years ago I'm couple decades maybe I would agree with that and you take time to to produce those calculations because it's the legislative mandate right the state requires it yes yep I just really wanted to kind of have said this because you know and I was around I think when it was enacted it might have been a good idea at that point in time but it's got it just has become just an a worthless calculation I just wanted to make that we happen to have an esteemed member of the of a state legislator here and I just thought if maybe she heard this if she didn't already know this because sometimes these things they're around forever and we just do them um but um it was a concept probably two decades ago see what it is if you did this but when we're enacting the trim we're really just setting the highest we can go so you don't have to so the public knows this is the highest it will be correct right and what do we do we always at this point in time we're still in the thick of the budget dealing with how much stuff has gone up and whatever so we don't really know so typically governments enact the current rate um but we have to do this silly trim I mean this silly roll back rate and I just GE it'd be nice if would be recognized that I don't know any government anywhere pays attention to it but we report it because we're asked to I just wanted to have said that right because just maybe it could get uh you you agree with that opinion right I I do mayor we we I've been doing these calculations for a number of years uh there's a number of things that aren't taken consideration when you do the roll back which I would like to see considered inflation being one of them uh but there's a number of factors that are still hanging out there as you've indicated one of them is the state shared revenues we talked about that uh during the operations Workshop is that you know it's getting later and later and later uh when the state actually issues their estimates for next year for some of the state shared revenues which is our next largest revenues that we depend on uh to fund the operations of the of the town so uh those decisions are are being made later and later in the in the in the calendar year and when of those uh you expect to be available this year I'm I'm I'm actually expecting the first draft of those uh probably at the end of this month uh which is coincides when the the trim has to be uh broadcast to the property appraisers so and it could be as late as August right and I guess the point to that is and we're not complaining about the state we realize to to do a forecast they have to be accurate and be you know inflation being what it is I'd rather have them take the time to be accurate but just to make sure the public understands we don't have that information at this point there really only one decision to do and that's to say We'll at this point in time stick with the same rate and we have we can go down as we have done you just can't go up but again I just thought let me get this out uh do we have any members of the public that wanted to speak on this item no mayor okay uh you want to Wayne pner Sorry Sorry mayor um I didn't get a chance to fill out that card I wased to speak on this it does go does go back Way Way Back uh Wayne pner 315 Karina Drive uh good evening Council um yeah it does go back and you can't um you can go below it of course um this all comes back to the point of um where did the taxes come from and where do they actually get applied and it's very important to understand that I know the first thing on the um noticed on the first thing on the uh presentation it was about homes we have a lot of commercial property in the town of Jupiter and they do pay a fair share and they don't have the homestead rights that the towns town does and that's where we get a lot of our income for our taxes and since property values have gone way up that's where the money really comes into effect and um I hope the current Council takes in consideration to uh lower that millage rate one more time with a 99.1% increase that we was just presented to us um something that can ease the pain on on the homeowners that's all I wanted to say thank you back to council um any further com any comments or I'll take a motion in a second I'll um move to approve the resolution as written second Motion in second all in favor signify by saying I I motion carries unanimously moving on to second item on the again that we have a proclamation uh which I'll be presented to Christen George director of parks and wreck um so if you'll be prepared to come up um and accept this this is a proclamation of the town of Jupiter declaring July 2024 as Park and Recreation month whereas Parks and Recreation are an integral part of communities throughout the country in Jupiter Florida and whereas Parks and Recreation provides health and wellness improving the physical and mental health of people who live near parks and whereas Parks and Recreation promotes time spent in nature which pass positively impacts mental health by increasing cognitive performance and well-being and alleviating illnesses such as depression attention deficit disorders and alers and whereas Parks and Recreation encourages physical activities by by providing space for popular sports and fitness activities walking trails waterways open spaces and many other activities designed to promote active Lifestyles and whereas Parks and Recreation programming and education activities such as out of schooltime programming Youth Sports and Environmental Education are critical to childhood development and whereas Parks and Recreation increases a community's economic Prosperity through increased property values expansion of the local tax base and increased tourism the attraction and retention of businesses and crime reduction and whereas Parks and Recreation are fundamental to the environmental well-being of our community and whereas Parks and Recreation are essential in in adaptable infrastructure that makes our communities resilient in the face of natural disasters and climate change and whereas our parks and natural Recreation areas ensure the ecological beauty of our community and provide a place for children and adults to connect with nature and whereas the US House of Representative Representatives has designated July as Parks and Recreation month whereas the town of Jupiter recognizes the benefits derived from parks and recreation resources now therefore I Jim kety mayor of the town of Jupiter to hereby Proclaim July 2024 as Parks and Recreation month [Applause] great [Applause] good evening Council and mayor and uh Town manager I'm Kristen George for the record director of Parks and Recreation for the town of Jupiter I'm pleased to have a good number of Staff members with us here both representing the recreation programming side and our Parks maintenance uh they're the ones that are out in the field literally especially in this hot weather um cleaning bathrooms lining our Fields keeping children active during our summer camp programs and really just trying to do as much as we can to keep the public recreating and living a work life balance so we've been doing a few things throughout the month to celebrate in the community with some popup events just to let our residents know who we are what we do and we have one last event that we're going to be doing next Saturday which I'll include in the weekly update it's uh pedal pedal safe and it's at Abacoa Community Park we'll be working with our police department and hopefully our fire rescue Department as well to offer a a free program for residents to come out with their bicycles learn about bike safety do an obstacle course and also learn about the importance of staying safe and hydrated in the heat so we look forward to that we've also been celebrating our staff Friday is National Parks and Recreation Professionals Day so it's our opportunity to say thank you the best way to their hearts is through food so we started with some uh Taco Bar for our parks department today will be celebrating all of our uh Camp counselors throughout the week this week with pizza parties and then a followup uh for our community center staff on Friday so we appreciate the support of the council we've got some big projects ahead of us related to The Parks and Recreation master plan and we appreciate your support going forward so thank you on behalf of our department and our community thank you and I thank we thank you in particular for having your staff here uh because really uh you know how important parks and wrecks are to to the general public and all of us thank you okay uh next we have a presentation by The Honorable Senator Gail harell um she going to get provide us a legislative update welcome thank you also very much for having me today and it's such a delight to be here with the city the Town Council and uh Mr mayor council members I'm just delighted delighted to be here and to do a very brief legislative update I could spend three hours talking about what we did in the last legislative session but I won't bore you with all of the details I just want to give you a little bit of an overview of how important this last session was this has been uh to me one of the most productive sessions we have had in the Florida Senate and and as a healthc care professional for the amount of work we did in the healthcare arena in particular it was it was so successful uh also our budget was amazing in spite of a few vetos that I was disappointed in uh I can say that we have had an amazing year uh Florida is a very strong State the free state of Florida has done very well our economy is booming as I just heard your property values are increasing we have a a thousand people a day moving to Florida and they need roads they need schools they need Parks and Recreation they need functioning government and we are all working together as the Town Council as the state legislature to provide the services that people need and it's because of our wonderful business community that we have the resources to do that and it's our wonderful residents that are participating in government and before I get started and giving you any details first thing I want to say is thank you for the wonderful uh facilities you have here and sharing them with me as your state senator I so appreciate having my office right here in uh the building in the rec center building and it uh I am delighted to have the number of of residents from all over the county uh that come to visit us there so thank you for sharing your beautiful facility and this is gorgeous uh with us here in the legislature and I know uh representative Snider shares the same view but as I said let's let's talk about money since that's where you started with your discussion on roll back rates and all of that this year's budget was absolutely phenomenal and we made major Investments uh everything from uh really building our incredible education system we put huge resources into education we have an increase of $1.2 billion in teacher salaries highest teacher salaries increases we've had uh as far as I can ever remember our environment is so important to us especially here in South Florida I mean you look at that beautiful lighthouse you look at our beautiful rivers and our beaches that's who we are water environment that is who we are and I can tell you we have made huge investments in our environment and for us who are really part of the U comprehensive Everglades restoration plan the amount of money we are putting into really making sure we are cleaning up Lake okobe that the releases are we are stopping the releases from Lake okobi and the amount of money we're putting into that much more than the federal government is doing this is supposed to be a 50/50 match this year we're putting 72 million do into comprehensive Everglades restoration and of course our beaches are so so important we're putting $50 million into Beach renourishment I know that is a key issue for many of us who live along the coast and um also land acquisition and the amount of money we are dedicating to really continuing to acquire the wildlife Corridor and a whole variety of of property that really is to preserve the environment for the State of Florida and I think when you look at what we are doing in the environment septic toour conversion grants to local communities it is truly amazing and I was so delighted that we were actually able to get some really good money back into the Jupiter area in very special projects that focus on the environment certainly getting dollars for loggerhead uh Center was very key I think they're they do an amazing job I was just there the other day and it was just uh incredible to see what they're doing there as and bush wildlife center as well so we've got local we have money coming into local dollars and uh I was delighted to get the uh money for Indian Town Western Indian Town Road that was fantastic and that one didn't get vetoed unfortunately the other one did but we'll work we'll be back next year we'll be back next year working on that but I want to just delve a little bit more into Health and Human Services because that is my Niche I was chairman of the uh Health and Human Services Appropriations Committee and this is the largest segment of the bug budget it's 44% of the budget actually um about uh 38 million that uh billion dollars B billion dollars that we put into Health and Human Services and for me it was the most exciting year we have had we passed major legislation called live healthy and this is changing How We Do Health Care in the State of Florida and the emphasis is really on building Workforce we have a major major problem with Workforce in the healthc care Arena uh we have as I said a thousand people a day coming to Florida and they're not bringing their doctors their psychiatrist their mental health workers uh they're not bringing them with them necessarily so we are really looking at how we encourage and build our Workforce in healthcare and that was the concentration of what we did in live healthy we also have a major opioid crisis and Fentanyl crisis and Mental Health crisis in the State of Florida not just Florida but Across the Nation so we are have did major legislation to address that from a Workforce point of view in opening up compact to really partner with other states if you're licensed in another state and we have we're able to have a compact with you those people can come without going through the the rigor Ro of license your your license is good in Florida as well but we also put huge resources in into the opioid crisis and Mental Health crisis and the opioid settlement dollars are huge Palm Beach county is getting you are a designated County you are uh and you get those dollars and your county will be deciding how those dollars are spent locally and but at the state level we also have I think there're about 19 or 20 counties who get direct dollars the rest of the money is going through the state and we did major changes and are putting uh huge resources into specifically addressing the opioid crisis and um then of course when we look at um the reserves and uh how we address debt I can tell you we have never had such large reserves in the State of Florida we put over 10 billion doar into reserves that has boosted our reserves tremendously and we have to be ready I mean we're the Sunshine State but we're also the hurricane State you know so we have to be ready and we don't know where the economy is going so putting those dollars into Reserve are very very important for the State of Florida and then of course when we look at um this year we passed major legislation dealing with the gaming compact as you know the uh seminal tribe has a we have had a gaming compact with them for several years we then there were changes to it and this year we finally passed the final version of the gaming pack Compact and we will be getting significant dollars into the state from that and uh that 96% of the the dollars that will be coming in through the gaming compact will actually go to uh environmental issues and purchasing land and and um in the wildlife Corridor and area other areas that address really where we're going from an environmental point of view in the State of Florida so this is huge resources that are now designated for uh environmental cleanup for purchasing of land and really making sure that Florida is ready for whatever is coming when we talk about climate change and resiliency and things of that sort it's going to give us additional significant additional dollars to do that but um I really want to talk more about uh what we're doing for our waterways and how we're addressing those issues this year we uh I passed a bill that addressed that really put in place the rules that we started several years ago with the Clean Water Act and this year activate we now have the rules in place we had to ratify those in order to make sure that we are doing everything we can to address resiliency and address storm water runoff and a whole variety of things that are creating environmental problems for our state and um then I want to get down to a couple issues that are that we certainly are very concerned about and that is addressing the insurance issue that has been a major piece of legislation for the last four years as we have tried to deal with the increasing rates that we have in the insurance Market I know uh I just recently got kicked out of citizens I was in citizens because my rates had gone out the roof and didn't have an insurance um I wasn't able to to get insurance so as last resort I was wound up in citizens and now we are in the process of depopulating that so if you can get rates that are comparable or not greater than 20% you will be depopulated from citizens but we really wanted to say over the last four years as we've looked at this major problem we have addressed the fraud that is in that has been rampant I know my neighbor wound up having somebody come up to his house last year two years ago and say you know we just had this big storm come through a big thunderstorm and you have a leaky roof if you let me do the inspection I'll make sure your insurance company buys you a new roof that was happening rampantly across the State of Florida driving up insurance rates tremendously with the amount of fraud we then had a lot of uh uh a lot of litigation when insurance companies would not pay for that roof that really that was not their responsibility that was um really up to the homeowner to make sure that he had a a a roof that really was sufficient um and we had a lot of litigation we've addressed that now this year one of the things that I think is so important that we did is that we are trying to make sure that people are ready for those storms and we have increased and we put another 200 million ion dollar into my safe Florida home and in order to help people get ready for storms to put those storm windows in to fix that roof to get a new roof to do what you need to do to make sure that your home is ready for whatever happens as we're now into hurricane season and we also put another uh$ 500 million into property tax into Insurance relief in that we are saying when you buy that insurance policy you will not if your home is valued if that insurance policy is Val valued under $750,000 you will not pay sales tax on that so that is for property insurance as well as for flood insurance so we will be people will get it will be a savings it won't be more than $150 say from the average one but it will save you something when you buy your property insurance and we are looking for every single way we can focus on making sure that we are reducing the amount that people have to pay it's a significant problem and I know every one of us faces it so um you know what I'd like to do is just kind of open it up I there's lots of issues I'm sure that uh you all want to ask some questions about that's just a little bit of the highlights I do have and I would invite everyone here in the audience I do have a legislative update here and it's in the back and also this is uh there's several of them and if people would be happy uh go ahead and pick those up and I'm happy to answer any of your questions Council have any questions vice mayor any questions or comments uh just a quick comment I just want to thank you so much uh Senator Harold for coming it was wonderful getting to see you and tallah has and work with you thank you for being such a strong advocate for the town and for the county and this part of the State uh what you've done is truly extraordinary I see on the back list here you know projects sponsored by you legislation sponsored by you so just thank you for everything that you do and thank you for coming here and making yourself available to Residents to share some of what's happening in the state I know it's helpful to have context for for what's going on each year and as we look forward to the future so thank you thank you so very much I appreciate it and uh my door is always open I think um our city councils our town councils are such an important part of our community you are really at the Grassroots level so your concerns are our concerns and unless we hear that directly from you all uh we're not always aware so make sure that we know I know you brought up something today about um the issue on uh you know property tax and how you're you're going to work things and the roll back rate and all that so we'll we'll have some further conversations I'm sure on that but again Citizens need to know what's going on transparency but I'm happy to discuss further any other Senator uh thanks for coming tonight and I I really appreciate you setting up an office here and that just shows your access to the the residents and to us and I think that's um help beneficial for everybody and um in regards to the citizen situation I was forced on that a couple years ago so we got cancelled and um last year we were able to you know competition came in so we were able to bump off and get on with the private company so that the depopulation I guess is starting to work for that so and great work on the funding for the Everglades restoration you know keep your your foot on the pedal on that one that's uh as you know it's important everybody so thanks appreciate everything you're doing thank you thank you thank you very much and we will certainly uh make sure we continue that hard work on the Everglades restoration back in 2015 we passed the um a bill that set the precedent for putting the dollars in and said we will put at least 25% of the uh Amendment one money into Everglades restoration with priority given to stopping the releases from Lake okachobee and it started out at 225 million 250 million this year $72 million so we're you know I wish the federal government would step up to the plate and match us to the degree that the State of Florida is doing it and uh it impacts every one of us when we are water oriented communities it impacts our daily lives it impacts our economy as well as our environment so thank you we will continue the hard work yeah we have to uh chase down the feds a little harder all of us so we work on that yes definitely thank you I also want to thank you for your hard work I'm I'm looking at many of the items that you have here and we've recently had um uh a polling or um um sampling of our community feedback on items that were important to us and you've overlapped significantly with the items that many of our citizens said they were very uh interested in so I I appreciate that and I really appreciate the I guess it's a symbiotic relationship having your office here within our buildings that's great um that's very good I agree with uh councelor Delaney the Everglades project particularly personal to me um we actually used to have a house my family had a house on lman river in the middle of the Everglades and watch the decline over four Decades of just unchecked uh discharge into the Everglades and into our beaches over here as well so thank you for that effort very important um again love to see how you're overlapping with what our citizens here locally told us that they are interested in and I appreciate appreciate that thank you thank you thank you very much it's a delight to be here the same thank you for uh the update and I really appreciate when you look at this list to see that you brought almost $3 million back to the town of Jupiter for our projects you know we really appreciate that I know that residents do too to help us keep our millage rate low as as possible so uh thank you for the update and working so hard for you know the residents of Jupiter and you know Palm Beach County and Martin County so um you know I'm big ad for clean water so you know to see the amount of money coming in for you know Everglades restoration and hopefully you know stopping the discharges or slowing them down is is huge especially in this area when you see the discharges start and that brown water starts making its way South uh it it really affects a lot of the fishing and Diving and stuff in the area so we appreciate your advocacy for that thank you so much and it's such a delight to be here and once again I want to say thank you for the beautiful office and having it being able to have it here here I love love love having being having access to so many people and people stopping in and it's just wonderful this is a beautiful location I just want to add uh pretty much what uh build upon what all my colleagues said and so the public understands you know first of all having your office here has turned into mutually beneficial for public they can meet you at any time and I think this is the time that that I can recall that we've been best served on awareness of local issues um and a lot of the legislative update you gave is stuff that while it's important all of us extremely important it is over local uh and I just wanted to emphasize the grant that you were helpful in getting us um in as the town's representative on the transportation planning agency fdot's budgets are pretty much locked for five years I know you know that so when you fight for a project that goes in year six we were successful uh you know due to the good collaborations um that to get a local Road Indian toown Road recognized and 2025 budget dollars set aside for you know another phase of improvement so to me that is particularly in light of a lot of times you know vetos happen on those local projects but uh that didn't stop you from helping us to get at least local projects in there uh nor from helping us to get that one through so that's that's extraordinary thank you very much thank you thank you appreciate that and we'll continue to work and continue to to fight for the town of Jupiter and make sure we get uh some more money going to Indian toown Road I'm on that road a lot so we're going to make it make it work thank you thank you thank you okay now uh you know moving on uh to Citizen comments this is a time for non-agenda items uh and the public is limited to three minutes we have we have a clock that starts when you begin speaking uh we'd ask you begin with stating your name and address for the record prior to addressing the council do we have any citizen comments yes mayor first we have Leanne LEC after Leanne is going to be Wayne pner hi everyone um I wanted to address the uh response from the town lawyer on the current pending lawsuit regarding the ballot petition I just wanted to mention that I understand the concerns about um whether or not residents will fully understand what the ballot may or may not propose however I do believe that our residents can be knowledgeable and I believe desire to be knowledgeable about things but I also believe that they have a right to help make decisions on the future of the Town especially if uh so many residents have requested that right and I think that it would be beneficial for the town to allow people to uh either vote on the ballot as proposed or to per perhaps uh adjust the ballot or see if a compromise can be done to allow more residents to have a say in the future of the town's decision with this Wayne pner good evening again Council Wayne pner 315 Karina Drive Jupiter 33478 um want to thank the council and especially the mayor for all the hard work he put in to the TPA when he was our liaison with Indian toown Road and the traffic and a lot of that has to do with his hard work this is not a pat on a back this is recognition of what he did to help us solve our traffic situation here in Jupiter I also want to point out and this is not for me but when I was on Council a lot of the things that were approved helped pay for some of our improvements that we're going to be talking about later tonight and what we're going to be paying for for uh Town services and some of those things were um all the approvals that we had um that I I'm sure the town people that came after these approvals appreciate like um utiki and Square Grouper and Beacon and all these little developments none of them over five stories that helped bring in the tax dollars that are going to help us pay for the things that we want to do um smart Improvement and smart development is something we always should look look at there are going to be a lot of firemen coming to our town in the near future we got to really look at some opportunities to house the workers and make sure that they have availability to them to live in the town as they work here so it's you know it's not always all about um no to development you got to have Smart development in this town there's still a few pieces of land that can still be developed smartly instead of laying vacant in some cases and I can point them out that are not planted there maybe grass the waterers running into our environment which was what we were just talking about and we either should develop it or plant it and make sure the water runoff is clean one or the other but I think at this stage of the Town a little more development and we don't have very much I think it's less than 10 acres for some residential property to be developed so we can have some places for some of our workers to to come to and um my record speaks for itself there hasn't been very much since then and and maybe for a good reason but at the same time we still have availability to us to do some of that to for the citizens thank you very much Jen clever after Jen is Kristen Henry good evening Council Jen cier Riverside Drive park for almost a year I've attended these Council meetings and I've heard over and over and over again that Jupiter plans to provide residents equal or greater service than what is currently being provided by Palm Beach County fire rescue and that they will be doing it for Less what you haven't made clear to me is how the consultant hired by the town claims that starting their own fire department would cost the residents nothing in 2023 2024 and 2025 and that the residents wouldn't have to pay for the Jupiter fire department until 2026 in 2026 that cost would be $24.5 million I believe the consultant's report is misleading to Residents simply because $2.6 million have already been requested for the upcoming fiscal year to pay for staff that has already been hired not to mention the unknown cost to taxpayers for the two fire stations you plan on building prior to 2026 I have a copy of Palm Beach Gardens fire rescue annual report I found the stats in this report eye opening did you know that Palm Beach Gardens Fire Rescue Services approximately 60,000 residents which is about the same number of residents as the town of Jupiter in 2023 Palm Beach Gardens ran 10,867 calls with five stations during that same year Palm Beach County fire rescue crews responded to 9,17 calls within the town of Jupiter limits when you divide it up the five stations in Palm Beach Gardens responded to an average of 2,073 calls each keep in mind they are currently building a Sixth Station to better service their residents thankfully with our current system we have in place pbcfr has the ability to provide residents with an arsenal of resources providing extra coverage and emergency response without delay in if Jupiter fire takes over with only three stations each of those stations would be running an average of 3,000 calls a year how do you expect jup or fire department to provide the residents same or better service than what is currently provided while running almost the same amount of call as calls as Gardens with half the amount of fire stations and without the vast amount of resources currently Pro provided by pbcfr the consultant you hired stated that Palm Beach County fire rescue fiscal year 2023 adopted budget was 2 $25.8 million that same year Palm Beach Gardens fire rescue was $ 38.1 million that means last year it cost Palm Beach Gardens fire rescue $12.3 million more than Palm Beach County fire rescue to provide emergency services to nearly the same amount of residents that's also $13.6 million more than what Jupiter estimates its cost to be in 2026 the numbers promised and the level of services just don't add up to me respectfully Council I ask you who is going to be there for our community when juper fire departments uh resources are not available and additional emergency services are needed how much will it cost residents for other agencies to come in and provide necessary resources and why isn't that information being disclosed to the residents more importantly how do you PL plan to to how do you plan and why are you promising to provide so much more with so much less again for me this isn't adding up and I'd really appreciate some clarification thank you Kristen Henry and then Eric whites good evening Council mayor Kristen Henry 109 myor away um I wanted to come up to highlight to the council and the public a topic that's been stressed over and over the level of service of Palm Beach County fire rescue last night in the unfortunate event that happened at the US1 Bridge which my thoughts are with the worker and his family Special Operations along with several other County units responded to the scene a special operations team with extensive training which we are fortunate to have stationed right in our town if County decides to move Special Operations to a more central location what sort of diminished time does some someone in this situation have waiting for the closest team to arrive taking a look at the Alton fire on Donald Ross nothing against Gardens but is my understanding that Palm Beach County was first on scene in garden zone running most of the call they have the means the Personnel the brush trucks and equipment to do so right behind us in the posos trails you can see a clear path of a PM Beach County brush truck which saved a home from a fire just feet away from their roof pal Beach County responds to several Open Water calls a year when fingers are pointed at them for not handing over station 18 who responds to those calls if they are not there they have the jusys and the means for extensive training you see adding these services to Jupiter fire rescue means a bigger budget and that defeats the purpose remember that we are not only currently getting three stations like Jupiter fire rescue but a total of five which responds to our area along with the rest of the 50 plus fire stations the county is able to move up in the event of a large incident or businesses or the busyness in a town of over 60,000 residents if Gardens feels the need to size up in a mirror town why would we size down especially when call volume per year has increased nearly a thousand calls just in a few short years so when PR goes out saying the county just increased costs without adding any service these these are just some of the added Services we have been receiving all along if you take those out I'm sure they too can do it for cheaper thank you Eric good evening Eric weit 230 ocean Grand Boulevard uh in Jupiter uh good news and bad news the uh the bad news is there's supposed to be uh more covid in the area so but I'm okay folks I got protected and I'm still covering up uh the good news is Jupiter Beach was just voted the number dog beach in the country I have a dog who doesn't like the beach uh which is unfortunate uh on this fire station issue uh the the issue right now is we have uh three stations working right now and before too long we're going to have five stations uh which is ridiculous uh it's not your fault the count is not working on it and I've been writing to the County Commissioners and um they want to stay out of this but uh there going to be all kinds of people that are going to have to pay for it One Way Or Another We're going to have two extra fire stations total of five somebody has to pay for that so the money is going to be shoveled around but either way it's got to come out of somebody's pocket so I I appreciate what you're doing I just like to see the county get involved and settle this this is not the first time that a Township has opted out from the County Fire and Rescue the Questa has done that number of years ago and there operating well and uh fire departments whether they're part of the county or part of the city uh if there's a need they come to uh help each other as needed thank you that was the last one thank you okay uh councilor we had before us the minutes of the June 18th Town council meeting as well as the June 20th Council Workshop when we have some minor Corrections on the Das if there's no additional Corrections i' look for a motion in a second mayor I one unless it's not haven't seen what's on the dice but um on page three uh public hearing uh Old diie Highway uh paragraph three councilor Delany moved to not deny 954 I believe not should be deleted is this okay um it would be page 10 they're also all numbered page three so it would be page 10 okay item 11 paragraph three okay I had caught that as well you caught that as well okay y so my understanding just for clarification is we all had signaled it was a denial but just there was a wording okay issue right are we clear on that that's my understanding okay okay that was my understanding mine as well thank you okay given those changes I move to accept With The Changes Incorporated second motion is second all in favor signify by saying I I motion carries unanimously moving on to the consent agenda this is items uh five through 13 uh on the agenda is there any members of the public that want to pull a consent agenda item yes we have um item five and item seven five and seven okay uh any member of the Das wanted to pull an item no no mayor okay um five and seven being pulled I'll take a motion on the amended to approve amended consent agenda consisting of agenda item 6 uh 89 10 11 12 and 13 so moved as amended Motion in the second all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously okay moving uh to agenda item number five uh which is ordinance 7 24 and second reading uh pulled by a member of the public uh ask them to come forth and uh provide your comments about that there's two first we have Earl mallerie then lean Lebec good evening uh My Name is Earl mallerie I've been an attorney and Resident town of Jupiter for more than 30 years uh both my office and my home are located within a couple hundred yards of this area that you want to rezone this town historically fought long and hard to protect the town from overdevelopment making Indian Town Road and the terms used in this Council were to prevent it to look like North Lake Boulevard you successfully kept out a massive automobile dealership strip on our town uh you prevented a another big box store from being built on the very property that squez Park is on squez Park is a result of this Council trying to protect this area and the beauty of this area now you want to take three acres of out of that green space and put a fire station there which we don't need I want to address the public safety issue with the location of that uh fire station that proposed fire station at noon today which was off season I came out of my office it took two light changes to get to the traffic light at Central Boulevard a fir truck can't get through there any faster because the traffic is absolutely dead stopped people stop coming from cross streets they block intersections how's a fire truck was it going to go through and just push cars out of the way that's the only way to get through faster than I went through today in season it takes four or five light changes to go that far the firefighters in the room will tell you that in trauma events there's a period of time called the Golden hour and in that golden hour it's important that people get transported with care to uh a Trauma Center that includes time in the ambulance um with fire rescue if it's taking 10 minutes 15 minutes out of that golden area golden hour to even get to the uh location it's carving valuable time out it's a poor decision because of the uh congestion in the area and because of shortness of time I'm just going to point out the irony of the agenda tonight here we have Proclamation Parks and Recreation month and you're going to carve out a park and and put a fire station there the prayer tonight talked about welfare of citizens putting their lives at Jeopardy because it takes too long to get to them is is not um not watching out for their welfare thank [Applause] you Le on the back hi again sorry um so the flum amendment um for the special exception I believe requires that there be a proximity to the population served if uh the special exemption is going to be uh special exception is going to be for a fire station uh based on the current locations uh mapped out it doesn't fall within that distance category um from my understanding of the maps that I've seen um there's also already property that could be used for a fire station uh owned by lock Hatchy River District that doesn't require a spec a special update to rezoning um and I believe that with uh additional motivation and um a updated lease offer that would be a better space to be used and I believe that they could be convinced to allow us to lease that space with uh better negotiations um I also believe that the future land use uh Amendment really kind of hurts people who purchased their homes in that area with the understanding that the future use would be for recreation um and I believe that people relied on that when choosing a home um I know that my family did research what the intent was for that in the future and had we known that it would be uh institutional or governmental we likely would have purchased different home uh due to the needs of our particular family so I believe that we should try to consider um other situations where we don't need to rezone parks in order to meet the needs of the town any other comments that was that um like to just ask if staff uh could respond you know I know we have several items on the agenda this is just uh aanus map change I'm not saying I mean it is we also have a site plan Amendment we'll be going through um but if staff can share with uh U Mr mallerie uh the plans for the traffic light uh uh program that would change things in the future because uh and I guess in before that even just state that by and large um this station would be servicing the same calls that were serviced by uh Palm Beach County on from the Central Boulevard station these trips on Indian Town Road to service the public or the very same trips that are on the road already um so this uh it would seem like this station being in this very similar location but now we would be proactively trying to enhance response I know the county would be doing that perhaps as well but that would make things different can you speak to that just so that they understand that yes sir Mr Mayor darl Donado your fire chief here in the town of Jupiter um so we will be instituting a traffic preemption system system we've had these conversations in our earlier discussions about this site and um and so traffic preemption systems are widely used by uh firing EMS agencies around the nation um my past experience we used one in the community I came from um and these systems are designed to take into account uh where you are at and where you're going and to in advance of the ambulance or a fire engine getting there to turn the lights all green in the direction of your travel and then control the lights red in the all other directions and so this because it's done in advance will allow for the flushing of traffic and they can be pre-programmed out several intersections ahead and uh which would be the intent here and so again um traffic preemption systems are incredible devices they not only promote safety for the residents because we don't have uh emergency vehicles going through an intersection where other vehicles are trying to get through but but they also provide enhanced safety for the firefighters because likewise they're not uh having a conflict with another vehicle at an intersection you have total control of these intersections and the direction of travel and you have the ability to program these systems so that they flush in advance of the travel and as soon as you pass then they reset back into a normal cycle thank you yes sir sorry Chief I have one question before you leave um just with regards to lrd I know we had spoken about that and one of the constraints of course is that there another electri board but another constraint was the response time and you had spoken to this specific location being beneficial in terms of response time my my memory and looking at it was it was something like 30 seconds a half a minute which in a total response time of six or seven minutes is material is that was it 30 seconds the difference more or less so I don't have the exact number but I like you my recollection is it's approximately 30 seconds Improvement in response times average response times the Western area uh at the syquest park site as compared to the lrd site yes okay thank you yes um I have one quick comment to make about the response times as well um councelor May gave us some good examples of how some of these intersections are just blocked as well as our public comments we got that these blockages can cause a significant delay in response time but we need to realize we're moving a fire station uh two intersections to the east so all Eastern responses will be that much quicker this is only affecting Western responses well they'll now have to go two more intersections to the west but the majority of our citizens live to the east so this is a benefit to the majority of our citizens it's clearly not a benefit to the the residents of Carver and we need to spend as much time and thought as we can to minimize that impact because that is a real and legitimate impact but as far as our overall response times it's helping our response times to the east majority of citizens hurting the response time to the West the minority of citizens so we are trying to balance this and we're talking about an overall response time an average of 30 second reduction no doubt that has something to do with the fact that we're eliminating two Crossing intersections that eastbound uh responses will have to go through so I think we need to keep track of where these responses are going and how these intersections are going to affect the overall response time we had also looked at the average response time with relation to station 19 and we did see an improvement with the station for the overall response time as well so that has been modeled and shown in recent meetings or previous meetings if there's no further uh questions or comments I'll take a motion in a second on ordinance 1724 motion to approve ordinance 1724 in second reading second I'd ask the uh Town attorney to read ordinance 1724 and short title ordinance 1724 an ordinance of the Town Council of town of Jupiter Florida amending ordinance number 5789 the comprehensive plan of the town of Jupiter providing for an amendment to the Future land use designation and the future land use map for a property of approximately 3 acres located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Indiantown Road and Carver Avenue from Recreation to public institutional providing for severability providing for the repeal of laws in conflict and providing for an effective date I have a motion is second all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously moving to item number seven uh resolution 4524 uh pulled by member of the public leam LEC sorry it's uh item number eight the resolution uh 7724 that I intend to speak on um my concern here is in the documentation you pulled uh you we pulled uh we pulled the agenda 7 uh which is 4524 we've already acted upon resolution 7724 is that what I wrote you wrote 4524 o I wrote the wrong thing I had a different thing on my Note I must misstated on the okay comment and you don't have any comments on 4524 no okay thank you um with that I'll take a motion and a second on resolution Mo 4524 so mov second motion a second all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to the regular agenda uh agenda item 14 resolution 7824 uh Council this is a uh quadrated editional are there any expar disclosures none I've walked theide several times you know I I walked theide on occasion um and certainly have had had some conversation uh with the town manager in our bi-weekly meetings about the site plan um pleased to see the significant enhancements of the site plan that we didn't discuss that are now in the package um and then I did have a conversation with our fire chief uh to today uh to get a better understanding about uh the traffic splits uh the directional uh the direction of uh travel to uh the historical call areas um I had several meetings I had a one-on-one with our fire chief I've had a number of one-on ones with our town manager I met with the dog some of the dog park users in March or April I had a meeting in miday with five or six residents on Carver Avenue with um the fire chief and town manager um and I have met residents in squez park and walk to the park at multiple different times um of the day both weekend and weekday uh just received a few emails from the residents on Carver Avenue expressing their concerns okay uh with that um I would ask for members of the staff and I guess the applicant we have an applicant uh for us uh to stand and be sworn in they're expected to give testimony to stand and be sworn in do you solemly swear that the testimony you are about to give in this hearing is the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay I turn it over right I think go ahead good evening mayor Town Council Members uh Daryl Donado your fire chief here in Jupiter so let's start with why we're here tonight discussing the need for two new fire stations in the town of Jupiter about two years ago pich County came to the town and said they would not be renewing their contract with the town uh under the existing terms and that they would be doubling the cost of service for Town residents for the last 20 years the town has paid the actual cost of service and the county wanted the town to pay over twice the actual cost of service or an additional quarter of a billion dollars in new taxes over the next 10 years for the same service same fire stations same fire trucks same firefighters nothing new the Town Council wisely and bravely chose not to do that and after hiring a consultant in August of 2023 a council voted to exercise a three-year termination clause for the service from palach County to start the town of Jupiter fire rescue despite numerous attempts the county has declined to sell lease or contract with the town for the use of the two fire stations that the county owns within the town Jupiter fire rescue Will begin providing full fire and Emergency Medical Services to the town on October 1 of 2026 and building a fire station takes time that's why we're here tonight tonight seeking approval for two new fire stations the efficient deployment of fire stations is essential to the timely response to emergency calls for service the location of these fire stations is intentional and significant in our efforts to align fire rescue Resources with the greatest demand and optimized response times as we build the Jupiter fire rescue Department the safety and protection of Jupiter's residents businesses and visitors are our number one concern we've exhaustively studied the placement of fire stations within Jupiter to provide the best coverage and response times possible and based on that focus and centered on providing urgent sometimes life-saving care the research has shown That Pet Place and senquez park are the best locations for the two fire stations that we will discuss tonight I want to assure you that what we are propos closing regarding site locations is not out of the ordinary in any way and in fact it is quite normal both locally and across our nation fire stations are a part of the fabric of communities fire stations are most often located in residential areas as the greatest risk of fire and the most frequent calls for EMS services are in residential homes as part of the study and research that I performed to make recommendations for squez Park I looked at 64 fire station sites within Palm Beach County these fire stations represented every Department within the county from smaller departments such as taquesta to the largest Department Palm Beach County fire rescue of the 64 fire stations that I looked at 23 of them or more than a third are located as closer closer to residential homes than we are proposing those 23 stations represent 11 different fire rescue departments again from the largest palach county to the smaller departments such as taquesta we have listened to and considered feedback from various members of the public regarding these two station sites and we have taken proactive steps to D address the concerns that have been presented for squez Park the town is minimized the amount of property being used for the fire station the proposed station site was shifted to the southwest corner of the property abing the Indiantown Road commercial Corridor the town has aligned the station with the adjacent commercial property and the Indiantown Road commercial quarter and also shifted the station's driveway to align with the commercial property the town is adding space to the Western most dog run the town has shifted the proposed park access driveway connection on Carver Avenue to align with a multif family parking lot driveway across Ross the street the town will preserve more of and enhance the large field north of The Ficus or better known banion tree and that banion tree will remain and the town will greatly enhance the landscape along Carver Avenue around the station and along Indiantown Road with a beautiful native landscape that provides visual appeal and acts as a natural buffer from adjacent uses a fire station must support the needs of both the fire department and the community what you will see and hear about tonight are very wellth thought out site plans that address the functional requirements of fire rescue and contribute to the community's architectural landscape and minimize any impacts on the community's residents and so with that said I'm going to ask our Town's uh contracted design Engineers WGI to review the technical details beginning with SZ Park good evening mayor vice mayor and Council Doug Murray with WGI here to represent the Jupiter rescue station uh squiz station press before you tonight is a site plan application and special exception to approve the development of a fire station in syz park you can see the location map of the subject property it encompasses three affected areas of squz Park Lo located at the northeast corner of Carver in Indiantown Road here you have the feature land use map uh as you just approved the future land use change from recreational to public institutional we have also on this map you'll see in in beige here the location of the proposed fire station located as the chief said close to Indiantown Road and directly across from the commercial you have the zoning map the the site is staying the existing zoning which is public institutional and again surrounding uses part of syquest Park um located at the very Southwestern corner of the park here is a closer up view of that 3 Acre affected area oops sorry one second you can see that um a couple things my apologies for the overlap in the text here but the the existing East West Road is being shifted uh further south um within the park and locating the fire station it's is going to be a two-story just under 14,000 square ft station as part of this development there is going to be within the Indian Town Road median there's an exist there's a median cut and signalization for emergency purposes only that will be constructed there um we have 23 spaces for the fire station located just to the east of the fire station um which will basically be behind signage for indicating its dead end for uh fire rescue purposes only for employees only um so what we've done is we added the new park access road which is going to align with caror Avenue that kind of takes the place of the existing access that goes through the park another addition that's being proposed is the paved parking lot just north of the existing restrooms which is exist as it exists today it's a grass parking lot that I believe is roped off um so the intents to pave that we have the existing fikus tree that's being maintained and the the access way is actually being shifted uh further south from where it exists today giving more room around that tree and preventing any you know potential damage to um the asphal or sidewalks in that area and lastly we have have a very minor impact to the existing dog park um part of this layout is is to do a couple things to minimize any impacts to the existing dog parks as well as again locate this building as far away from the residential as possible which aligns with the existing commercial um eye care center to the West um due to the uh again it's a very minor impact to the dog park we are expanding the dog park um actually increasing the area of the do Park from what exists today here you have the proposed elevations of the fire station um we we worked very closely with staff to not only meet the code but to make sure it met the vision of the town for these new fire stations to set a new standard here you see the proposed landscape plan just uh black and white but you can see all the additional material that's being proposed not only along Carver but surrounding the fire station um as mentioned it's going to consist of all Native material um kind of a a new Royal Palms um be a little bit tropical feel in staff the requested site plan Amendment will be in compliance with the town code subject to conditions in the resolution 7824 that concludes my presentation thank you very much good evening Council for the record Garrett Watson with planning and zoning department real quick I know you all are familiar with the site but we're talking about the three acres on the southwest corner of syquest Park for the special exception and site plan before you tonight little bit of background this all started with staff after the May 21st Town council meeting uh you all selected the Western fire station site and we began working on um refining the site plan further through that process June 18th you all approved The Flume for the first reading and just approved it tonight um since that time we've also been having ongoing resident and park input Park user input that's in small groups and individual meetings as well as the numerous public comments that we've heard throughout this entire process we went back and listened to them all again to make sure we captured every single one of them uh and then we used that information to design the site plan to address that input we received so real quick what's on the screen in front of you is on the left is the May 21st plan that was when you decided that this was the Western station and on the right is the proposed plan and so at the night of the 21 we heard a few things from residents uh that night so one was a desire to maintain the tree we heard that loud and clear desire for open space and to maintain an enhanced open space in the park we heard that loud and clear there were some concerns with traffic safety on Indian toown road noise from the station operations construction impacts its proximity to Residents in the area as well as the dog park and they didn't want any impacts to the dog park size so we heard all those things and we got to work incorporating them into the site plan real quick just to cover that list of what came out of all of those public comments the idea was to minimize the amount of footprint used in that 3 acres for the fire station uh and expand the Western dog run we wanted to align the station and exit driveway with the commercial property to the extent feasible so that trck s were going out and out of the station at the commercial Corridor and not in the residential area by moving it to the southwest corner we also were able to reduce some of the noise impacts in its proximity to the residential and dog park we were able to eliminate the need for parking on the exit driveway um which would have impacted the trucks leaving the station we aligned the new park access drive that runs on the north side of the tree now with the multif family parking lot there there so creates sort of an intersection where cars are expected to be we've preserved U more and enhanced the large field north of the ficus tree that's something again we heard from the residents and we created some more separation between the use of the fire station and the use of the park real quick a couple things that aren't uh weren't covered there um we'd heard some enhancements to leveling the playing field to the north there's currently a sanitary sewer line we're working on incorporating all of that stuff in the design and construction package um so we're aware of that we're already incorporating those things into that construction package moving on to parking uh what you see before you is a table of the parking spaces provided in the park in totality the existing park has 67 parking spaces that includes the on Street spaces on Carver and yansy as well as the on Street spaces that are within the park there's also 11 spaces that is currently a grass lot just north of the bathroom building those 11 spaces have been chained off and have not been opened so they've never been available to the park so the existing conditions would not have vehicles in that area we've made numerous observations um staff has made numerous observations driving through the park counting Vehicles we've observed historical Aerials which were typically in the November to January time frame about about middle of the day and the highest demand that we found through all of that research was 32 spaces which was about 56% of the amount of spaces proposed on site and the average demand was closer to 19 and that's only 34% of what's proposed on site so as you can see on the table we have 67 existing and 57 proposed but while it's going down by 10 our our analysis shows that it's adequate for what's there um before I move on from parking I wanted to let you know that there is an opportunity to maintain that grass parking lot as the applicant noted just previous to me um that they're planning to pave that parking lot those 11 spaces but given the park existing use and existing need that may not be needed right away and the opportunity would always present itself in the future to pave those if it became necessary but the Planning and Zoning commission was very supportive of leaving those spaces as grass for for now and wanted you all to consider that tonight as well getting into some conditions really briefly um we have some architectural conditions you'll see a little bit later I'll bring some renderings um they've worked to address some of those entry features and make them more prominent water is a standard Condition it's a new building we're adding a water connection terms of the site plan there's a few things we can tweak to make things a little bit um more efficient we wanted to Main maintain as much of that North Field as possible so we have a condition to flip-flop the location of the 10 parallel or the approximately eight parallel spaces to the south side of the road and that provides parking and proximity to the tree as well as leaves as much space as possible for that field there's some realignment of the intersection um to help the East West flow function a little bit better uh and also some pedestrian amenities to be located at the station there's plenty throughout the park um but to have some near the station where the public is welcome um would be also something that would be recommended um we also have a traffic condition I wanted to let you know that we receive pom County Traffic approval yesterday so we have that approval letter in hand and it meets the standards um we have a minor signage condition that limits uh signage on site to 7 feet there's nothing currently in terms of freestanding signage proposed for the station however if it's ever proposed in the future it would be in scale with what's on Indiantown Road unless it was put as part of a public um pedestrian amenity you can see just behind the sign on the left side of your screen is the existing gazebo it's in pretty rough shape so there may be some opportunity in the future to rebuild some type of structure that would serve that Community purpose but also provide some signage for the station or for the park or for both real quickly uh as the applicant noted the site plan is going to meet the criteria with the conditions before you tonight in the resolution and staff finds that the applicant satisfied all the minimum criteria for the special exception uh just to cover those real briefly the station is consistent with the comp plan and the town code it's compatible with the character and are of the area and surrounding uses fire stations are integrated into the communities in which they serve and they're an essential part of those communities and the building as it's re been redesigned is now located fronting the commercial Corridor uh as the chief mentioned earlier it's common for fire stations to be in residential areas and also on government property shared with other uses such as Parks or other Municipal um buildings and the proposed fire station was designed to maximize the amount of Park area that was left over for anything else you want to plan in the future in terms of Park amenities on that site so um lastly just I want to cover the pnz recommendation there was a unanimous vote last Tuesday night a 7 approval of this project the commission had some input and some comments that were sent to you on Wednesday I believe afternoon but to cover those comments real briefly um there was a resident email that was forwarded to everybody related to swapping out some oak trees on Carver for palm trees um that was something that the Planning and Zoning commission wanted to wanted you all to consider tonight um they concurred as I noted earlier about leaving the 11 parking spaces north of the restroom building as not paved for now as grass and Paving them in the future if necessary they wanted you to consider that and then there was also some suggestions for signage to be oriented to indent toown Road uh and signage is something that will continue to develop as the Building Concept develop so we're we're looking into that but certainly if you support that um you can let us know tonight as well I'm going to leave you with just a few renderings we're able to get some last minute renderings in this is one that you've already seen it's the view from the dog park looking Southwest um towards the corner of Carver in Indiantown Road this next one is if you were standing on Carver and you were looking East towards the the building this is roughly the location of the um entry Drive of where the um eyeglass doctor is now and then this is a view from an internal sidewalk so just off to the left is the sidewalk for Indiantown Road this is sort of the internal sidewalk that leads to that existing gazebo and it's the view looking West along that sidewalk so I will leave you here with this picture and I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have okay turning to council um remember this is a quasi judicial hearing so we're following those uh agenda or the protocol listed um this is the time if you have any questions of uh the witnesses uh I'll start with questions only uh counselor four counselor no questions vice mayor yes I have a few oh sorry um the first little questions for staff it's um really the Landscaping so we did receive or Planning and Zoning did receive an email from a resident um with these questions but I also wanted to check you know you've done a very good job providing a buffer um along the station along Carver Avenue um and there have been a number of ations with the residents on what they'd like but the First with regards to traffic if I'm on Carver and and given the Landscaping buffer will there be a line of sight to the station to Vehicles pulling out will the the land in terms of the density of landscaping in that area um what are the requirements in terms of visibility and and turning into Carver Avenue [Music] Doug Murray with WGI again um there is no land there is a safe site Corner clip at that intersection and there is no landscape within the corner clip itself okay so none will be I know there there may be one or two sable palms that are in there but I'll have to check with staff and those can definitely be removed if they're existing but we're we're well outside of that safe site triangle at that intersection okay is the plan now too um for any trees that are moved the plan currently is to move them within the park correct okay um so line of sight issues and then I I guess I'll just provide comments later on Landscaping but that's it thank you may um for staff was it looked into or maybe the African um to align the station so that when the cars exit they're not exiting onto Carver Avenue they're exiting directly onto Indian toown Road good evening uh Thomas Fernandez director of engineering and public works so it was uh entertained in the beginning uh to look at the potential of it exiting directly on to Indiantown Road the concern about that with the East West alignment would not allow for a fire TR to come out onto Indiantown Road and then be able to also make that turn going down uh Bush Road which is a hot spot and and there's a lot of uh there's a lot of calls that would be down that that location so initially we we did look at it but given the inability to make that turn and the difficulty that uh the vehicles would need to make down that turn uh it was moved further to car ravenue okay because I'm looking at how Bush Road when it exits out was it looked at to align it so that the driveway would be directly adjacent to Bush Road so that when the trucks came out they could potentially go straight across Indi toown Road and go down Bush Road and and um we had even when we sat with the fdot Bush Road um Carver Avenue for for one thing um of course median openings and and large intersections and and large excuse me large um roadways they're as you can imagine not something they always want to allow other than in emergency purposes Bush Road was not one that fdot was was in favor of when we sat down and had the discussion with them uh there was concern that those that would come out of Bush Road uh when we had gone through some of the various scenarios that we had even thought about initially Bush Road was not one that was favored by the FDA okay I just know that currently like my my station that I work at I exit directly onto Military Trail I can go north and south and you know it's I feel better align than having to come out of the station make a left turn on to Carver and then make a right turn or a left turn onto anyt Road it's a lot of turns you know and potentially if the ladder truck is going to be at that station that's a pretty tight Corner that you're going to be having to makeing with that truck to come out and I would honestly prefer if we could really look into having these trucks exit directly onto Indiantown Road which would again also allow them to potentially start utilizing their Sirens a little sooner and not directing the siren noise directly at the at the residence on Carver Avenue so I don't know if that's something we can seriously consider again the the fdot when we sat with them they they pretty much quashed that that idea they did not like uh moving the median opening closer we we can go back and ask them but it's not likely that they will approve that yeah I would just I mean if I was responding I would prefer especially if I'm going to be jumping down Bush Road which is specifically to go to a nursing home that's where that's why the heat map looks the way it does you're going to be able to get there a lot quicker so um you know just by shooting straight out of the station straight down Bush Road so I'm not sure if that's something we can inquire about again but if I was responding to a call that's what I would prefer to [Music] do just a question from water Chief is he still here yeah um just I think I understand confirm where is the L where you're planning to put the ladder truck it's not at this location yeah no sir right now it's not where is it planned to go uh it's planned to go to the P Poli station that's because that's where the high more of the high-rises buildings are uh fits with our model yes sir okay and then secondly um this site um I appreciate that effort was made to consider going down the Bush Road as one of the many hotspots and that's certainly an improvement over the current uh difficulty from station 19 to get there um so you you I'm you were involved or you not with the sighting inclusive of um the routing of vehicles and are you confident with this end outcome as being the best that could be provided yes sir I am and and you know look there's a lot of constraints that are put upon uh um doing work along Indiantown Road right fdot is highly involved in that and uh and so we we approached a lot of different options uh this is the best option and the option that was recommended and approved by fdot um we have a directional median cut through and not a direct straight across intersection uh so if we were to put a an opening right in front of Bush Road the concern of fdot is folks misusing that uh and again so we've opted for this directional cut through that prohibits that misuse okay thank you yes sir with that I turn to the public um or is there any public comments yes first we have Earl mallerie then Kayla back again Earl mallerie uh resident Jupiter for more than 30 years uh I keep hearing staff comments about Communications with people who live on Carver Avenue I've lived on Carver Avenue a long time nobody has ever asked my opinion nobody's ever come down the street and say we want to talk to you nobody's ever put a placard in my mailbox nobody's ever put a post ing on my door I'm in the dog park every single day no staff member has ever talked to me about this stuff before I was a lawyer I was in construction and Land Development I've had to deal with a lot of Road issues a lot of parking issues I know what it takes uh to um move a big piece of equipment around the road I'm very concerned about people people the fire trucks coming out on the Carver having to make a leftand turn and then get out on Indiantown Road and make another leftand turn or make a rightand turn that's just too many turns to go to uh respond to a call if you go straight out on onto Indian Town Road they turn right they turn left it cuts a turn out of the process the um the time involved and there was discussion after I spoke before and the fire chief came up and talked about how the time difference isn't that um wasn't Germain uh the issue is which street it's on the current fire station 19 is on Central Boulevard it does not have to contend with um the West traffic that's on Indiantown Road up to Central Boulevard coming out and traffic except in the mornings is never an issue going east on Indiantown Road so the uh issue about um uh travel time to the east of current location of station 19 and this new station is a red herring this fire station doesn't belong belg in a residential neighborhood and it doesn't belong in Green Space this town fought long and hard to get thank [Applause] you Kayla and then Jack everyone my name is kayn and I'm 7 years old I with my mom and dad and my brother Jack my brother is very special to me he has autism which means he is very sensitive to loud noises I love her because it is quiet and peaceful and we have a dog park nearby where we ride our bikes and the big tree is my favorite tree but now heard that you want to build a little fire station close to our home fire stations are important and I know they help keep us safe but the loud silence and noises from the fire trucks would be very hard for my brother when he he have noises he gets very scared and upset makes him cry sometimes and can't calm down for a long time I don't know I don't want my brother to be scared all the time I want him to feel safe and happy at home just like I do please can you think about building is the fire station in a different place maybe somewhere where I won't be noisy for kids like my brother thank you for listening to me and for thinking about my brother and other kids who need a quiet place to live thank [Applause] you Jack Lebec is this thing on uh hello um so the fire station here that is going to be built um will scare me some neighbors and a lot of dogs and it'll it will also scare one of our foster kittens who can hear and is really scared of stuff so um if he gets too used to the loud no noises it will make him sad and mad that's bad yet another good line all right thank [Music] you Leanne lebe back after Leanne it's Kristen Henry hi um I don't think I mentioned earlier um but I also live on Carver Avenue and uh we are concerned about having a fire station in this residential area especially given the uh noise sensitivity that my son has and the fact that we moved from Abacoa to squis park because the residential areas of Abacoa were too noisy for him to be able to relax and to sleep and to play outside um in the current space that we are uh the section that we are is very quiet the having the dead end is very uh peaceful for us and um however even from our home on the inside we can hear fire sirens on the um eastbound traffic on Indian town roads so having ones that would be closer to our home would very much assure that we would hear every single fire siren for every single emergency in this area whereas now we only hear a fraction of them the ones that need to pass by us um off of Indian Town Road uh to Mr mallerie's point the way that the traffic flows on Indian town really creates an issue for those going westbound um there is traffic that backs up for several lights and I didn't realize he was going to speak on that but I actually took a picture when I was stopped three lights in all lights were green but no one could move and so having the traffic preemption I don't believe will be as much of a Saving Grace as the um as the software has predicted be just given the constraints of that traffic flow and given the way that cars react on that road uh they're they're not quick to move uh even when the lights are green and the traffic backup is such that even with the lights turning green they don't really clear in a quick time and I'm concerned about how that will uh affect those in responses uh the other concern that I have is um for actually uh some of the neighbors who couldn't make it here tonight but who do live closer to where this driveway will be um I'm concerned that the the new proposed location will be um less desirable for them even though it's slightly further away from my house uh I I do have concern for my neighbors in that regard um I would really like for the fire department to either be able to negotiate another site use a different site or reuse what Palm Beach county is currently using um I realized that the negotiations have been a little bit tough but I believe that um it's worth the outcome to be able to do that thank you Kristen Henry and Wayne pner you can fill out a comment Kristen Henry Jupiter resident Chief Donado and staff I appreciate that you've considered the concerns of the residents when it comes to the station builds I do have a couple questions it has been mentioned in previous meetings that the station at Rivier Beach was too large and wasteful the two renderings show two large twostory buildings um I'm wondering what their purpose what the use for the purpose of the use is for the two two-story buildings that have been proposed where is the headquarters um where many other trucks will be in and out of planned for Also regarding the community room it's a nice consideration but I am asking for clarification on how that will work when everyone at the state is called out who's responsible for the residents in the room and how will that affect insurance cost of the building with residents using a fire station how will you assure safety of the residents and the fire Personnel using a shared space I also wanted to sneak in um I will ask Mr Mayor directly um in 2023 Chamber of Commerce recognized our VAR station 16 for the highest amount of complete recoveries after cardiac arrest for any County stations the town does a great job of recognizing all our Municipal departments I am wondering will you be recognizing um our own station for that achievement thank you Wayne pner and then Eric good evening again counselor councils uh TW pner 315 Kina Drive Jupiter Florida um first comment would be I don't think the pump Beach County would negotiate giving us the uh one they already have on Central Boulevard it's very unfortunate and we really don't have a choice of where to put this thing I think they decided to put this uh fire station in the best possible place I don't know if those homes have hurricane glass but that would definitely help the sound mitigation and a lot of times the fire trucks do pass Indian toown Road a lot with the uh Sirens blasting all the time have a question about the tower height I'd like to know what how high that Tower is on the end of the building um also um I do love the architecture I was a builder for 42 years and I can comment from experience that the building fits into the town's style very well it kind of mimics a little bit the neoclassical style that the town hall has and the police station which when I was on a council I approved both of those buildings and I would definitely approve this building as well it's very welld designed um um I've been here 34 years I see a lot of people come up to the podium here and talk about how long they've been in the town of Jupiter well some of the new residents as well have their say they put their investment here they live their lives here and telling people how long you've been here it doesn't really add Credence to your position um we're all citizens I've been here 34 years years almost as long as Cam's been alive so um I I see Town Jupiter progressing very nicely um I'm glad it's not a granite Behemoth like we have in uh on Blue herin um the fire station they they did a very good job at designing this as far as the lights are concerned and and clearing the traffic I so so happen to see something on Facebook where in Germany when a when fir truck or rescue vehicle goes all the traffic pulls over and makes a center lane I don't know why we can't do that in America someday maybe we will um and um I thank the council and the design crew and and especially the new Fire Department fire chief crew came from a very well-known place I think they know what they're doing and I give them a lot of credit for their experience and as far as the uh uh County Road which is Indian toown Road is a county road we are stuck with some of the um um restrictions that they they um make us have when we build buildings and cams respect um I believe he is correct but we may be restricted because of it's a county road we have to follow their rules thank you very much Eric and then it's going to be Richard Dunning Eric Whit 230 ocean Grand Boulevard uh Jupiter a lot of great comments here from people uh tonight and a lot of them they don't want the fire station there and they don't want the one on uh P place that's right across from another fire station so I want to ask I wish there were more people here from the township uh the people you need to contact is the County Commissioners write to them call them do whatever you can there's no reason why we need to spend more money on these fire stations but if we have to we have to but I think the community also needs to get a hold of the people who are uh who want to keep those stations so we have five stations in the town it doesn't make any sense so I'm asking the public out here send emails get on the phone uh we got a commissioner I don't know where she lives here uh nearby but uh we have a commissioner that's responsible for our area write to them contact them and uh tell them to get their act going they're being very silent as far as I'm concerned I sent the emails and uh I haven't gotten a response to the last one so please folks speak up thank you Richard Dunning good evening Mr Mayor vice mayor here for the record my name is Richard Dunning I live at 1648 jupyter Co Drive um first off I'd like to thank the staff and the chief for putting together this plan for a syquest station um we're not here to argue if we need a fire department or not that's happening as they say that the train has already left the station well the fire truck has already left the station we need we're in the implementation phase the fire our Jupiter fire department needs to stand up by 2026 in October if I'm not correct I was a little surprised to hear some of the residents say that they weren't informed about this because I've been following this pretty carefully and I know that the chief has been out and talked to the residents I know that maliss has been talking to him I know cam has been talking and we took all those the town has took taken all those um recommendations and they put it into the plan for syquest station to make it better some of the things we didn't even realize but I think we did a good job the town did a good job of implementing and putting all that into place so I would really like for you know and as far as a different location I don't like it in Parks either but you know what we're we're down to the wire now I I know I've talked to the Chief and I've talked to various other folks there is no other location that will meet the time criteria that we need and fill it I mean we wouldn't be here as um Rond Mr councilman Delaney said that Palm Beach hadn't done what they had we we wouldn't be here so we have to do what we have to do for the good of all the people and so let's keep moving on it and let's go about it and let's quit go arguing whether we need a fire department or not we're going to have one let's move on and and all work together and and to make it happen let's use some of that energy that we talk about why we don't want one and put it together to make the best for Department that we can I know we have free speech in this country and and and this Council and everything and I I I think we need to have that but let's move on let's just lock our arms together and move on with a station and I think it's a great plan a lot of the recommendations that you have I think um uh need to be put into effect and uh thanks thank you for the residents that lived there and uh thank you for the staff to put for putting this together to try to make this all come together for the good of all people in the town thank you that was the last okay uh returning to council um I ask first of the uh staff if there's any followup and you know which is the applicate no follow-up comments or anything okay uh returning to the council for deliberation um I'd ask uh I'll just go go down the row and ask uh where is there's any you know followup comments uh before we move to a motion councelor May um I'll just I just want to go on the record um obviously I haven't really been in favor of a lot of things going on I have my opinions because they real life encounters um you know because I actually run emergency calls in this town uh especially specifically fire rescue so the reason I bring the things up is because I've you know had to experience real life running calls in this area and all throughout town so I'm just kind of bringing my concerns there and I'm hoping that I get proven wrong with my concerns um specifically westbound traffic from the fire station to our you know Western Community specifically Jupiter country clubs zoma Isles Rialto those areas I'm concerned about preempting traffic trying to preempt four lights at once to move traffic so it doesn't slow the apparatus down so like I said the lights could all be green and traffic could still be sitting there depending on what what time of day it is so I I still have a lot of concerns about that um I wish there was a way we could figure out how to kind of adjust this station and still have a directional median cut so that they could still come out directionally prevents traffic from making that U-turn but gives more direct access to go south directly on Bush Road so if those types of things can be looked into I would really appreciate that um and hopefully my professional opinion is taken into account on this as it was said the firet truck has left left the station on this so I would at this point just so my constituents understand I don't want to sit on the sidelines for this we have to we have to move forward and I you know I'm going to uh help to hopefully build something really good um unless someone says stop but at this point you know I'll I'll support this item tonight but I really want staff to please take me seriously when I ask you to reconsider the location or how the station is situated and doing that median cut so that the trucks can exit directly onto Indiantown Road so that they're not going on to Carver Avenue and then try to figure out if we can get some sort of live traffic study or something with you know traffic being gridlocked and then preempting those four lights at once to see how long it takes for traffic to start moving so that's my comments mayor thank you um I think for a number of us that have been following this for a long time um we watched this go through a number of iterations and you know I've been so grateful and I want to clarify too when I when I met with the residents on Carver Avenue I was invited I was invited with um the town manager and the fire chief and wherever I am invited I will certainly go um I did speak a number of people texted me called me and I tried to be as respons as I could um to all of their questions and for information um so you know I think a large a lot of changes have happened to the site plan and it's it's wonderful to see honestly to to see Planning and Zoning have the kind of meaning it did you know the first go around and get to a unanimous decision was truly incredible I mean I was surprised by it um just looking at the number of Resident comments that came came to our meetings to Planning and Zoning meetings and just the response that we saw um you know I do want to make sure we have this email that was sent to Planning and Zoning by by one of the residents that lives across from the park on Carver Avenue um he had copied uh 1 two 3 four five six seven eight people on that that also live on Carver Avenue um he he worked to build consensus on that street facing that Park um um and they've expressed a view so I have been in in touch with him and you know their focus is on the Landscaping they really care about the beauty of their neighborhood being preserved um Landscaping is something they really latched on to they were also the ones that brought up the pipe um that kind of comes out of the ground and prevents play on that soccer field it's actually like a tripping Hazard that I didn't know about and they brought to us and so I'm so grateful just for all the comments um that they brought that you staff have acted on so thank you for that um with this I want to say you know what I learned most recently in conversations with some of these residents is that you know half of Carver Avenue if you're going to have a landscaping plan that addresses Carver Avenue those homes that face the park and you want it to be consistent we have to recognize that part of that street is open space the northern part and the other half um of Carver Avenue is is the um land that we're speaking about tonight so you know we want to make sure that we're using native trees and I did um talk about the need to balance all of these priorities and so there is some reception to um the I know they wanted palm trees but like a royal palm so I I just want to share that and share that with my colleagues that it is continuing to evolve um but they certainly want the oak trees removed I know Planning and Zoning spoke about that as well um I'd like to bring that up and say I would support that that they would be moved within the park and that's to be responsive to those residents that are that are there right there on the park um so so that's one thing there's so many things trying to catch them all um let's see uh I I agree with the elevations I think they're beautiful I love the glass doors I love um the way that looks um let's see in terms of the number of of sirens or the responses on Indiantown Road or going by Indiantown Road um I remember in watching the Planning and Zoning meeting actually about Pi Park and I know that we're talking about that later the question was well how many trucks are going to be pulling out of which stations especially if we have a redundant station or two two stations and the fire chief in that meeting said you know we're still going to have however many calls are just going to be split differently among the stations so you're still going to have the same number of trucks responding to to items on Indiantown Road they're just going to be different trucks but it's the same number of calls um I want to say I like that the parking uh was flipped to the South Side we've heard about children playing soccer on that field so flattening that Ridge is going to provide more play space I'm moving the parking South I think we'll do that as well um I agree with Planning and Zoning on the grass parking I don't think we should pave it I think we should keep it as grass parking and you know we'll follow the parking demand studies over time but one commissioner had talked about you know maybe just leave it as park space if it's not even being used you know we'll make sure we have enough and if we need it it's there but try to maintain the park space as best we can so I agree with that um part of uh the road being moved South I understood there's multif family there with a kind of a parking lot in front of it and so that actually helps with any headlights that could come because they wouldn't be facing any residences and so the turning and that was thoughtful and considered so thank you um let's see uh what else was there the dog park is being expanded I'm glad to hear that that was the number one concern I had in the meeting in spring with uh residents one evening that were at the dog park they were worried that something would be taken away and what I've always heard is it would be added so thank you for meeting that request as well um let's see I think that's all I have for this moment but overall grass parking um to listen to the residents and take away the oak trees replace them with maybe a royal palm something that would work in both sections um and to continue to work with those residents I know some had talked about views of the park versus others on the clusia Hedge that was mentioned at planning and zoning so just um maybe some direction to continue to work with the residents um on that street regarding buffering and all of that so thank you we appreciate all that you've done and and all the comments you've listened to and responded to so thank you the um a few things you know this is a s plan uh approval that we have tonight um and so during that in normal uh presentation um staff would not be necessarily talking about other related projects but uh particularly to the point that I've been working on Indian Town Road Traffic you know for the entire time I've been on the council I just want to emphasize to the public that um first of all um the council for when councelor pner was on the council and before then we've been working on this so there are there is some and that's a bigger picture solution outside of the S plan of just a station um so I want to just say that um you know the trips that we're talking [Music] about are the same trips that are right now served from Palm Beach County so station 19 still has to get across Central Boulevard go east go west um same U gridlock conditions that exist uh you know at times certainly uh traffic preemption will help I understand skeptical perspectives about that from what you've observed um but that pres preemption would clear the corridor so it would go more than one um one traffic light so often times traffic is backed up either westbound with westbound because to get out of the town and to get to 95 so number one there's an Indian Town Road Project underway right now uh that is was planned by fot um and I'll call that phase one of Indian Town Road improvements you know you notice there widening the bridge to add another westbound Lane in addition to we connecting you know turn Lanes to through Lanes which improves intersection performance so so just wanted to say that that Improvement project is going to improve is it the end all be all no but it is a first phase of improvement which is outside of site planning any you know any project in this case the fire station secondly we talked earlier today I thanked uh senator herel for helping us to get a funding in 2025 that doesn't mean the project will happen in 25 but it's another phase of Indian Town Improvement improvements which will are intended to help East West movement we've we've advocated and worked towards an allenway South roadway for 15 20 years we hope we're getting closer when that happens it would take traffic out of away from Central Boulevard improving movement uh really all delays happen at intersections and then lastly there will be an Indian Town Road phase one Improvement between central and Center Street which we're working on getting funded funding for so tonight we have we have before us you know a site plan approval for just that which is within the control of the S plan but we know as the town that we've been working on these other uh things that need to happen um to to enable fire rescue vehicles whether they're driven by the town's fire department or the counties to uh to have you know greater opportunity to move quicker to meet the public um so I wanted to kind of just get that on the record is outside of the topic but yet it is I think pretty relevant to make sure that the public knows secondly I think you know from my perspective one thing I wanted to observe that what's unique about this uh site planning is you know there's no developer with any profit motive I'm not suggesting developers are you know not good people but if you look at what was before us on June 18th and now it's a radically different side plan and um because the town listened to the public and I want to thank a lot of people for that um first of all want to also say you know local we understand local government is accountable to serve the public in the town as a council as a team and I took great comfort and confidence when I knew that vice mayor sunstrom was accompanying the town manager and fire chief in meeting you know with the public um that was very very fruitful you could see that by the change from what we knew in June 18th till now uh and um so I'm I'm grateful for um the vice mayor the town manager the fire chief all the staff working on this the consultant because this is a radical this is great Improvement the Planning and Zoning commission for their review critique so um you know I don't think we've made been able to achieve as much improvements in such short order on something that's totally directed um to be able to better serve the public and uh with particular emphasis on residents in the carver area Carver Avenue area um so again I just want to extend that thanks um and with that I move down to to councelor Lany yeah I agree mayor um I was surprised to see the such a drastic change in in the well not drastic but the change in the location of the station um and you the more I was I was I wasn't shocked but I I was surprised and the more I just kind of analyzed and looked at it um it's a far better position it it it takes the station further from the park from from the from the pr uh participant at the park it moves it away from most of the res residences on the street um and I I just want to thank staff for really listening to the everybody involved and this is this is one of the better adjustments we've made over the years that I've seen it's just it's just actually fantastic so uh I'm just going to kind of go down a list there sort of random um I agree with um the mayor that the uh the it I95 Improvement will obviously help Indiantown Road uh East West to what percentage we don't know yet and it's hopefully it's the first step um uh some of the comments that have been made the banon tree banion tree was never at risk in my opinion that was sacred that wasn't never going to be harm to go anywhere so and I'm just grateful that we're able to work around that and and keep that as sort of the sort of a icon of the property down there and that's that's a it's an amazing tree I was down there today just like it's perfectly it's just healthy it's beautiful um and I also agree with some of the um with uh um um some of the the issues with uh planning and the Planning and Zoning uh they want to swap out the oak trees for for Palms I'm I'm good with that and I'm I think we should wait on Paving the parking space also because it there no to pave it it's never been in use I go down there all different times of the day there's never parking issues but it's an option we could always do you know fortified grass or what you know we've done those things before so um uh other comments made um in terms of the lrd project or um request we we we don't have time to wait around for that we have three years we're constrained by time so that's that's not an option um and also uh station 16 Palm Beach County needs that station they have a lot of uh unincorporated Pockets the north that I I don't think they could hand that over to us if if if we wanted to take that on so I think that's that was never consideration um and I think with the neighbors and the general public uh to keep working with them on on the Landscaping I want to make this property as aesthetically pleasing to everybody especially the people that live on that road um and I I think we just kind of keep working on that and keep taking in input from the residents down there um and also I I agree with former counselor PA is a greatl looking building it sort of J with the the current you know these structures that we we've approved for Town Hall and uh the uh police station um and uh spending some time that dog park is a gem it was never going to be harmed I'm glad we're expanding it a little bit but that you know that's something we can Pat ourselves in the fact that is a nice amenity of this town that's it's beautiful down there um I think let's see also there's there was something mentioned kind of deep in the details with the current zoning was available at that on the 3 acres it this removes some daily trips that will will never happen in the future if it was like a coffee shop or some sort of retail space so that's off off the board sort of a minor point but you know thought I'd throw it out there and I think that's about it um and signage on the on inding toown road is sort of a tradition for fire departments to have it on the building councelor May is that true usually they'll have it on the building and they'll have a sign out front to indicate to the public that there's a fire station there yeah okay um I'm for the signage it's it's up I that's up to the chief or whatever Council the public wants I have no real opinion on that so all all said I um I'm happy with everything thanks again to staff to really listening to the public so thank you um first I want to touch on the comments I've heard both public and from councelor May that this is a decision that's been made we've made the decision to create our own fire department so now let's put all of our energy into making this a world class fire department and I was very happy to hear that counselor May that's great and and he clearly has counselor may clearly has a skill set that should be beneficial and exploited by the town um he has an experience that none of the rest of us do I've got a construction an engineering background but he's got an ideal background for parts of this and that should be uh utilized and I thank you for that thank you very much um I was surprised to hear that there were still still some uh members of Carver uh that had not heard about this or had not been reached out I read the email that was sent to us by the residents there who were talking about how fantastic the Outreach was um maybe we should think about that a little bit more in the future about how we can ensure that we're um reaching everybody on the street and a future uh setting maybe we should look at maybe putting uh flyers in mailboxes or something to that effect that was a suggestion he he comment was he never received a flyer in the mailbox so maybe we could think of doing something like that in the future but it seemed to me that the Outreach to the um the residents on that street was fantastic and you were given um councelor um thunstrom you were given very good uh comments about your Outreach and that Outreach actually radically changed the design of the station and for the better I'm with you councelor Delany I the the changes were great and it just took a little bit of push back to to make everybody look at it a second time take a second look at it and it's a much better design much better location much better flow we'll have to um belay the the fears that counselor May has on some of the Turning but I think the chief pointed out that we have not have a ladder there and I think that was one of the comments you were making so I I think in that regard listening to the residents on the street was very beneficial to us um several of us were in the Planning and Zoning when we were looking at the Bush Road possible cut through for Bush Road not for the fire station but to leave the traffic problems on Bush Road and fdot said absolutely not we that was was a non-starter from the beginning they were not going to let us put any kind of cut through so that was taken out of our hands that was some of the things that we all suggested let's put a cut through for Bush Road not a chance so I don't think we're going to have a lot of luck trying to do that but again I appreciate your your work counselor May I'm trying to make that a reality that's good thinking and we need to all be putting our energies now into what can we do to make this world class not does it still have to happen or how can we stop this or how can we impede this what can we all do to make this a worldclass fire department and we've gotten a ton of great energy from the from the public through this um not necessarily positive public energy but that's okay it's public energy and we need the public energy and we welcome input and we need to keep getting this public input please keep coming now let's focus on what can we do to make this world class what can we all do together to make this a worldclass fire department and I think we all want that I certainly do and I think everybody up here does um going back to some of the public comments um one of them was changing the trees I'm a a oldtime Floridian oak trees are a part of Florida I'm loathed to see oak trees removed but I'm for it if it helps the residents of Carver out they they're putting up with a lot from us we're asking a lot from them I don't think it's much for us to give back to them take some of my beloved oak trees down put some palm trees up and to be fair I've got no oak trees in my yard I've got a bunch of palm trees in my yard so um I'm I'm for that I want to quickly clarify that they'll be removed not removed we make sure we're clear oak trees don't transplant very well unfortunately so we'll see how that works out but that's still a concession I'm certainly willing to make put whatever trees there they want I heard that there was a request for um coconut palms and it's it's being suggested instead of putting coconuts there we put um Royals there and I can assure you every may I have all I have uh 18 coconut palms in my yard all of my coconuts are stripped all the fruits stripped because a coconut at 120 mil hour is a cannonball literally it will go through a house so coconuts are a a weapon so that we if we can eliminate coconuts and go with maybe a royal palm I don't know if we've gotten any feedback from the Carver residents if they would accept Royal Palms they had talked about that and they're okay with Royal Palms so I'm fully behind that then move the oak trees let's put whatever trees they would like in there that are safe trees um oak trees can be messy they have a lot of stuff come off of them and storms Palms are much easier to deal with in a lot of ways in a long run they'll be cheaper to maintain than oak trees so I'm all for that again we're not touching that banion tree and that was something I think each one of us made clear from the beginning I somehow we've all synced on that the ban tree is not to be touched um the grass parking I'm for keeping it grass for several reasons let's not spend money if we don't need to Asphalt absorbs heat causes heat problems in the community let's keep it grass let's keep it natural grass scrubs CO2 there's lots of good things about keeping it GR grass nobody's asking for it to be paved so let's not spend money where we don't have to we can always readdress that we might be later on maybe have a need to put some uh pave parking in there but for now I'm good with keeping it grasp um the appearance of the the design is fantastic I love these designs and it does match the basic motif of our Our Town buildings good job very good job on that um I it's obviously I think want men's are WGI has worked with you guys carefully to cycle through some viable designs it looks good looks very good I'm very happy with that um again the location change is fantastic so I'm I'm all for it thank you good job very good job for everybody okay um i' turn to the vice mayor for a motion since you championed a lot of the collaborations with the residents not that we all didn't have some but you were the primary leader thank you want to make a a motion I would like to make a motion um to approve this item but um kind of contingent on continued staff conversations with residents um on the Landscaping piece uh with grass parking um and what was the last item was there other palm trees oh the Royal Palms and oak trees per the request of those residents um and I believe that's it I'll second that sorry second there's been a motion in a second no further discussion all in favor signify by saying I I I the motion carries unanimously moving on to uh agenda item 15 resolution 7924 this is also a quasa Judicial matter uh does council have any expart A disclosures uh starting with uh counselor for driven by there many times but nothing else councelor just driven by many times driven driven by it and like on the prior one I had uh had seen some earlier side plans uh from my bi-weekly meetings with the town manager vice mayor I've driven by the site a number of times and I have had individual meetings with uh the fire chief and town manager and planning and zoning stuff councelor May uh just driven by the site several times okay um I'd ask that uh those U members uh experts under for the town into our consultant that uh it could provide the testimony at this meeting to please stand up and be sworn in do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give in this hearing is the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay I guess I turn it over is it to the applicant or the chief good good evening again mayor vice mayor and councel Doug Murray with WGI representing the Jupiter fire station Department payot Station applications before you is for a site plan application and special exception to approve the development of a fire station project location is located on US1 north of Indiantown Road on the West Side just north of The Harborside Place development a little bit closer zoomed in view of the future land use the existing future land use of this property is commercial and also within the US1 Coastal Waterway district and Waterway commercial and entertainment sector um you'll see just to the South there's a vacant commercial property to the East and to the north um is Bert Reynolds Park recreation future land use and public institutional directly to the east for the existing Palm Beach County fire station for the zoning it's in the US1 inter Coastal Waterway Corridor district and also Waterway commercial and Entertainment District you can see within the subject property we've depicted the fire station and again surrounding uses um directly across from burs Park to the North and the West sorry to the North and the East with the existing Palm Beach County fire station directly to the East and uh again we've depicted the fire station and also if you note below um on the east side of the property there's an existing the remains of an existing parking garage from a prior uh development that was abandoned um so you'll see on the on the following slide that a majority the only real the only impact to this property is basically where that existing abandoned garage is uh the total Site Area is 4.73 Acres however we're only developing on a small portion of that and there will be no Wetland impacts at all uh for this development it will only be built on the already impacted area proposed fire station only on the south side of the development it's a two-story 13,800 ft fire station um just south of the just east of the fire station uh we have a proposed rain Garden which staff will discuss that's one of the conditions of approval um to the South we have the old Jupiter Beach Road which is currently it's undeveloped road that will be constructed to be used for egress only there will be an emergency only median break within the US One median for Northbound traffic also for emergency use only we have a a turn lane a left turn lane into the property within the US1 median and you'll note to the north we have an undeveloped area for a future potential future development of a park um with some Park amenities that uh staff will staff will discuss a little bit more in detail following my presentation and on site we have a total of 26 parking spaces here are the proposed elevations you'll you'll see um when staff displays the renderings that it's it's very similar to the forest station that was just presented to you um some slight differences in orientation you have the proposed landscape plan um we have substantial landscape proposed for the US1 Corridor as well as surrounding the fire station and then you know currently the the area you'll see to the north here is just um going to be left undeveloped for the time being there's just an open open field staff assessment is that the requested site plan amendment is in compliance with the town code and conditions have been included in resolution 7924 to address some Minor Details of the plans and future signage and that concludes my presentation thank you good evening Council for the record gett Watson with Planning and Zoning so much like the previous site plan that just came before you for squez Park the goal with developing the site plan for Patt was to leave as much of the property as available as possible for future use you'll see in your packets behind sp1 which is the site plan for the fire station there's an SP2 and that outlines what's a potential future development phase that's consistent with your adopted strategic priority to investigate or explore optional uses for the PIP Place property we wanted to leave as much of that property available for those future planning efforts uh the intent of SP2 tonight being included in your packet is to actually include some very general entitlements for a lot of those elements on that property those elements include uh Riverwalk connector Loop to to connect to the Riverwalk and plan suntrail improvements that we have along us one a potential kayak launch and Marine and environmental enhancement areas uh so we're looking for some guidance from you uh to produce those General entitlements on the property um we can discuss those items in more detail if you'd like at a future Round Table um or it could be discussed as part of the recreational master plan that's coming up if you have something more active in mind for that site but I just wanted to point your attention to that as you have in your packets tonight we have a few very minor conditions with this site plan the first um we're working on the development of a rain Garden that will capture some roof rain water and provide um some rain Garden along US Highway 1 some landscape buffering we want to just make sure that um it creates a proper rain garden and has appropriate landscape materials as Mr Murray noted during his presentation uh the the property mang gr Forest which is approximately 2 Acres is not being impacted with this site plan um there is a transitional Wetland buffer that's going to be part of this it's part of any development that AB buts a wetland and that's parts of the Upland that are taken to create a transitional buffer for the Wetland to further buffer those impacts so we have a minor condition here where we're going to work out what's being done as part of phase one with the fire station and that will be most likely the area immediately abing the fire station uh and then what will be left over for phase two planning effort as part of um what you all decide for the plans for SP2 um lastly we have the same minor signage condition as before a Max of s feet there's no signage proposed yet but in the future if we ever wanted to we wanted it to be consistent with what's in the area 7 feet is that and also wanted to leave it open for the potential for a pedestrian amenity should your future plans for that property include something that could be useful in that um real quick before I conclude here the property or the project meets the site plan criteria and the special exception criteria it's consistent with the comprehensive plan and the town code and it's compatible with the character of the area and surrounding uses it's located fronting the commercial and mixed use Corridor um and it's been designed to maximize the remainder of that property for um whatever use you decide in the future that'll conclude and I'd be happy to answer any questions thank you does uh Council have any questions councelor May uh yeah so as far as the site goes we once you demolish the underground parking garage what type of soil is there on that property and are are we going to have to mitigate the area drive like pilings into the ground to secure the foundation for this fire station similar to what they have to do out in like Bel Glade [Music] so evening again Thomas Hernandez director of engineering and Public Works uh so we have uh we're working with our geotechnical U one of our Consultants uh to actually get some preliminary borings uh currently it is planned that uh we will be uh driving pile to support the foundation for the building um just just knowing the location given that we're near mangroves and and areas uh near the the water uh we're already just telling design Builders prepare for for piles to be driven is that an added costs to the original estimates uh so those costs are are included in our current they are okay um and my other thing I guess since you're still up here was it taken into consideration when the firefighters have to leave work uh and they want to go north on US1 how are they going to do so when they leave that parking lot because they're not going to be be able to drive through the fire station and then utilize an emergency only egress point so if they want to leave this parking lot on the North side and go north on us one how is that going to be accomplished understand uh so similar to um what the last one we just talked about that a lot of this is also an fdot controlled Road uh we have to go through access management and put forward uh various um Concepts and Designs through the fd's approval process uh so for the purpose of this very similar um we were allowed in this situation two uh median openings but one in particular was only to be allowed for the Emergency erress going north uh they did not FD didn't really entertain turnout for any of the um the public or or future phases as well as our own staff to turn around and go north uh so unfortunately it would they would have to go south and then make at the I guess it would be the harbor side signal in order to turn around and can we revisit that to see if I can re we we can revisit it I don't remember us having a lot of discussion with that but I can I can certainly see what the fcot um would would be willing to allow I mean it's it's an inconvenience I mean it's minor but it is an inconvenience but so I'd like to you know some something to consider because if we have any firefighters that are working for the town that live North specifically you know steart area and stuff it would be a lot quicker for them to be able to travel down you as want and get to work and go back the same way so I'd like to be able to have that looked into if [Music] possible um and that's rest I have are just comments so Yi R mayor just one question and that is uh what the request is in terms of the elevation of the station given um where it's located and preparation for storms all of that so the the elevation the finished floor elevation is currently being set at uh it's 10 na avd um I've had some discussions or I've seen some emails from the fire chief of of potentially wanting to go a little higher than that um so I I will following up with him and if we have to make that adjustment I'll likely just put that that out in an addendum uh for some of our our of our project that's currently out to bid okay thank you councelor Delany no questions coun four questions um yes Mr herandez I've got I guess a couple for you the is there going to be runoff protection there I I heard Garrett discuss the the transitional Zone the buffer but is there anything direct consideration for any kind of runoff like when they clean the trucks what are we doing to prevent the the runoff from going into the main Groves so there are currently uh there is both of the um on the apron that are just outside there are sand it's to be connected to a sand oil separator so we don't have to worry about any sort of uh runoff going directly into what would be our our storm water system for that uh so it will be caught separated and it can be picked up later the part of that system I'm not overly familiar with those but that's the purpose of it is to catch the the uh the discharge of the the run the runoff that would be pollutant uh allow any other water to uh pass through but uh anything that's like oil or contaminants that that would be collected within the system and that could be picked up later perfect um uh the the consideration for pilings I've built a lot of homes and other structures in floodways in in Mangrove areas we generally go with auger cast you guys consider that or when you throw out pilings you say driving pilings it's what the Geotech gu is going to recommend I guess so that correct so we are still working with a geotechnical firm to get two initial borings um since we're going through the advertisement process uh we went ahead and told the um we went ahead and told the design Builders you should plan for driven pile um because it is a design designed build um it will be based off of what comes back from the geotechnical firms uh their recommendations as well as uh they the design Builders themselves will have their own Structural Engineers as well as geotechnical Engineers on how uh to move forward with it so uh we are going to be providing them two two initial piling or excuse me uh borings spt uh style borings and I think we're also doing exfiltration test um but beyond that the design Builders will be responsible for doing their own additional borings to figure out what sort of soil conditions they have in the area I predicted borings will be pretty crappy just my experience is that a flood a area the I want to say if I I I'm sworn to oath so I don't I don't know that off the top of my head I don't I do not remember that that off almost certain it's flood a that's the 10-ft driver um is in the 10t is that a um 100-year storm elevation that you're looking for No it's it's actually it's higher than that what we're setting it for so um the the way the chief has thoroughly emphasized is he wants to ensure that the the facility is set above a category five uh storm uh so any sort of guess you could say storm Sur it while you wouldn't get Direct effects from storm surge you would have some Inland uh flooding the gets pushed in beyond that so he wants to ensure that it stays above that elevation I live right around a corner and I can assure you there will be flooding I would I would say at least 10 feet at least 10 um the River Walk you said there was going to be Provisions for River Walk where would that actually go through there uh So currently that's it's still a second phase as uh Garrett had had alluded to earlier um but the the Riverwalk portion just conceptually been had looked looked at uh previously was would be to run on um really the the west side of the facility um between the Wetland buffer as well as the actual uh building that makes sense for a lot of reasons safer for pedestrians a prettier view there's a lot of reasons to do that um well I guess we could do comments I I'll do comments thank you very much I'll wait till comments just um question that Council four kind of touched on the um existing uh sub found sub Foundation was probably piles was it not I believe so yes I mean that was for a high-rise building so I I always wondered if in fact you know those piles would be adequate I get it and I accept the fact you got a goo looking at this uh but if in fact we do additional piles I mean it's it's all going to be above you know an existing you're not removing existing piles probably not removing existing piles I'd imagine that whichever uh whichever firm we end up choosing and whatever structural engineer they're not likely going to reuse that because you know whoever whoever is actually installing the building they don't know what was installed at the time and they can't guarantee much what was installed at the time you can always do the PDA but it's likely they're going to just cut off the piles below grade instead of removing the entire thing right but again I'm I'm comforted that there's going to be more than adequate Foundation to the degree that you know there was I'm sure many many piles and the Matt Foundation that I don't see us removing um so I'm comfortable in that I just wanted to point that out thank [Music] you yep okay uh with that I end of com questions I turn to public do we have any public comments Wayne pner good evening again Council Wayne pner 3:15 Karina Drive I hope you're not getting tired of seeing me tonight I haven't been here in quite a while but there's a lot to say I'm in full support and a lot of my friends and my neighbors and my community are in full support of this fire department being created and they're very happy to see this go forward and they have have complete confidence in all of you making the decision to to do this I wanted to put that out there first second I'd like to give some a little shout out to the assistant chief Shaw he's put together some good um meetings together for some uh residents to get their feedback and I hopefully that that helped helped you assistant chief Shaw um I'd like to speak about the landscape once again I I I want I'd like to see native landscape coconuts of course I've heard kill more people than lightning possibly but um I'd rather I'd like to see you know regular Landscaping native Landscaping I'm really not real happy with some of the Landscaping I've seen recently of the red trees the Australian trees they they bloom red in the only in the summer and most of the time they look like they're half dead and I'd like to stay with the palms and some and the Oaks and the things that are generally accepted in this area on on both sites um I heard one of the people speak earlier today uh tonight about the um um additional two fire stations we did we have three we have the same three for the last I don't know how many years and they've been been sufficient as far as I know but we still have those County um buildings and maybe it's a blessing in disguise that we have the county buildings I think the county will still serve um parts of um Jupiter that are in Jupiter I think I'm pretty sure and I'm not positive but I think the fire station out um west of in on Indian toown Road has come into our community when the other fire station is tied up I think there's interlocal agreement so we do have extra support from these stations that are going to remain in the town um and I think that should be helpful the one across from P place will probably service um Jonathan's Landing now in a better way because they don't have to service the town of Jupiter on the first call Jonathan Landing is going to get a big bonus from this because they're not in the town of Jupiter so we got to take in consideration of all the ancillary help that we're going to have with regards um to this I'm glad to see we're going to do something with Riverwalk I hope in the near future and um as far as grade beams are concerned and pilings I I kind of done I did a lot of that when I was a contractor we you may be able to use some of those existing pilings you could put grade beams on them which is just a stretch of of concrete between the pilings and build up from there but we'll see what happens after they give us the uh underground um geotechnical split spoon um testing thank you that was it returning to council for comments I'll start the other end uh councelor four any comments um yeah I think we just saw a perfect example of how counselor May might be able to help us that was a great point you made um people leaving work needing to travel North not a thing I thought of at all um I would tend to bet that employeers are going to do that whether they're allowed to or not um I I heard words like I heard words like emergency use only but people are people um if it's possible but I also heard what Mr Hernandez said unlike likely fdot is going to bend on that but if they did that would be a good thing to add North turn for employees that'd be very useful and there's nobody else back there to use that um there is another development that we're looking at immediately adjacent to this to the South who I I think are trying to use old Indiantown Road as part of their exit so that's going to be interesting to see how they pull that off and I don't really remember when we discussed that earlier um but their plans were for North turning traffic exiting that development we were looking at a a residential changing that to a residential commercial mix use so that would be interesting to see because if if they somehow could have some kind of cross um pathway there maybe employees could use their exit to get out of there to go north but we'll we'll cross that bridge when we get there um the idea of using rainwater is excellent It's a sistern I grew up with sistern being an old Floridian that's what we did everywhere so that's a great idea I fully support the idea of using um all natural vegetation where possible um there's no reason to use Exotics there's no reason to use anything that takes a lot of watering there's plenty of things that grow in Florida that don't need any additional water so we should really concentrate on using those natives um the the zero scaping as they call it the least amount of of irrigation as possible but otherwise I think this looks really good again the design looks fantastic it fits in really well good job um I would en enjoy and and uh entertain additional uh constructive criticisms to see if there's anything else we can do to tweak it but it looks good I'm very pleased with what I see yeah I I agree with all the comments uh we just heard um I to the sistern is always great for just you know preserving water using what you what comes naturally I like the Riverwalk Connection in the future um and I'm open to any conversation of a future sort of Park passive Park kak launch um the station itself great design um uh I'm just curious to see when we start you know demolishing the underground the the garage structure there you know if um what it entails the soil uh councelor May's you know comments about when we have to bring in for that the pilings and all that so it's kind of a waai and see but uh let's just get at it so ready to go just a few U minor comments uh one is U Mr pner we had made an effort um to approach the county a number of number of us to acquire burnt Rental Station um I still think that's a u more cost effective for all of governments we offered to serve Jonathan's Landing for them 90% of the service calls from Bert Reynold station are within the town that leaves about one call a day outside of the Town boundaries which would include Jonathan's Landing um early an earlier plan that we had here for this site just simplistically more kind of showed what could happen as a Park expansion to Bert Reynolds Park and we had the station just pictorially like tuck to the uh far south I got with and again you know our town manager our fire chief there's been a lot of conversations with County fire rescue about that um thought commissioner Marino might have been somewhat interested because and I know we hadn't talked about this as a council but you know we have our CRA plan update we really want to make sure P place um other than a forestation if we didn't get uh Bert Reynolds Park was going to you know station that it was going to be for you know kayak launches and you know that some kind of Park use so it made common sense to us that it could be an expansion you know for what exists on the with the county if that were to happen then at least that plan at least considered the fact that there would have been a connection with Bert Reynolds park on the west side and there could have been a road connection if you will perhaps right so we still we don't know as we sit here what might happen with the future development you know who knows you know maybe the county would be interested in you know expanding in in uh getting that property so all that's to be determined I just want to assure the public that you know decision to keep the Bal station open for one call a day is the county that's what they've told us they're going to do we've offered Mutual Aid we'll do it because it just doesn't seem to be cost effective but tonight this is the station given the fact that what the County's decided um and I'm in full support of it mayor uh just a number of items and actually I want to speak to a comment that was said earlier on the other item as it comes to memory here um with regards to the community rooms I did I it's funny I actually remember going to station 18 for a radio enthusiasts Gathering where they stay up over night talking to people all over the world on radios that was fascinating but um you know those stations and the community rooms and them it's very common for stations to have Gatherings I've gone to station 16 for kind of a community meeting to honor um a life that was saved um it's very common to have Community Gatherings to recognize firefighters for the work they do to maybe have a events surrounding um the work that the firefighters do um as well as the Greater Community so I just wanted to to make that point quickly and also that um as you know from Planning and Zoning commissioner 4 or counselor 4 uh we do with all of our site plans um proposed site plans that come before us have a sign posted or multiple signs posted on the property so that residents that live nearby it that drive by it that see it there's contact information given site information given that matches the Public Notices given so I just want to share that we are putting information out there so that residents know what's going on and I've seen them um and some of the responses to them um on Carver as well as this property um so I do want to say you know I'm grateful for the scenic Corridor I think it's important to think about the Riverwalk connection I'm certainly supportive of that that's something we've worked on and talked about for a long time um just maintaining the beauty of that area it's really a beautiful area for those that that bike and you know the work being done in pedestrian access I think it's wonderful so we certainly want to support that um and I want to say I agree with the passive Park uses uh just an open question do we want to wait until the recreation master plan which is which is nearing completion there's a draft you know being completed now um just so that we have the complete picture of all of our Recreation needs before going forward I'm generally supportive of everything I don't really have any plans to change any of the the kayak launch the Marine us I think that's all wonderful but we just want to make sure that we're looking at across the whole town across all Recreation that we're able to meet the needs of our residents um I think that let's see I'm glad to hear about the elevation with storm so thank you for answering that question um in terms of their elevations native Landscaping absolutely um we don't we're always removing Exotics we're never placing Exotics those are typically invasive species that the town has never sought to to use um let's see oh oh that's not there thank you for that um and let's see I think that's it for now but overall I'm very supportive I think this uh um it's pretty straightforward so thank you counc may um not I don't want to be argumentative I just want to touch on the the station 18 um and the County's responsibility so station 18 right now provides back up to Station 15 in Juno Beach station 19 here in town and often Station 14 whenever they have a house fire if they need re resources out there so the idea that the county would keep it open just for one call a day that's not the entire of the equation they still need to provide assets to their other stations in the North End of the county specifically 15 and 19 um and they also want run their water rescue resources out of that station that they have to provide for Jupiter and lit and for the county beaches so I understand that the whole one call a day kind of thing but they still need to provide back up to their other County stations and also right now Jonathan Landing is actually cut in half as far as what station 18 responds to station 16 actually responds to the south side of Jonathan's Landings station 18 responds to the north so once this goes into Play Station 18 is actually going to be responding to all they're going to be responsible for the whole thing so it could be more than one call a day but often they are responding to other stations 19 and 15 every single day they're responding to those zones so it's not just 18's response Zone primarily they're responding to other zones as well so I just wanted to put that on the record so that everyone understands you know from my understanding why the county is going to remain at station [Music] 18 just um you know the data that our perspective on station in the county has been providing us with as part of the the uh the determination how much the town pays what % of calls are in town versus so I'm just I've used one call a day from what historic had been I get it um you know it includes Mutual Aid to Beyond areas as all fire station does um but again we were just offering in L of the county keeping it up um that uh you know we could provide the mutual aid for a lot of what is out of that station and in effort to save the county money but I got that um so with that um I'll take a motion in a second on this item motion to approve resolution 7924 second Motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously okay moving on to reports Town attorney I have no report Town manager thank you mayor just a few things on my list you know we start off tonight acknowledging the work of the parks and rec staff and I just want to reiterate that again these people work extremely hard um you know we we go to events here and there they're at events every day and keeping those fields up to speed and just a remarkable group of people and if you get a chance stop by uh the community center you'll see summer camp in full swing over there and and they're doing a remarkable job with that I think most of them left because they're probably exhausted and have to dressed up for tomorrow morning um also want to remind Council we have connect with Council on the 26th Friday at 9:00 at the community center and then um a couple of other things real quick um The Quiet zones we've had a lot of conversations about quiet zones um I'd like to acknowledge the work of uh Thomas Hernandez and his team um we sent the official notice uh to the F on July 5th for The Quiet zones and um will be moving ahead with that it's a 21-day notice and so um sometime between July 26 and August 1st we'll leave a few days in there just in case something happens and um and so we should be moving to the quiet Zone uh around that time community relations is working on an Outreach and education plan to inform the public about the quiet zones and educate them on the safety um considerations likewise I do want to acknowledge again Thomas and the engineering team for the A1A roundabout if you haven't been over there recently please take a look at it it's looking really really good um they're finishing up some last minute things and um and working diligently on that um and so uh we'll have that completed to the best of our ability here uh uh very soon and then um we'll have everything ready to go for the delivery of the lights which come in August but um we can't speed up that delivery so the final uh phase will be the lights delivered in in August and then we should be good to go on that one so uh kudos to you guys for that Thomas thank you um the Deep injection well we've heard a lot about this um the uh the contractor is uh ready to complete the final equipment connections or safety checks test and we'll begin drilling uh the drilling is going to commence on the 23rd a week from today um and um we are maintaining a very close relationship with the folks over there Chasewood Apartments their POA to make sure that we're addressing whatever issues or concerns come up from that um you know that constant activity um and so we'll be paying close attention to that as well uh Roger Dean Stadium um they're getting you know they're continuing with their res uh Renovations um we receed five permit applications for the renovation of Roger Dean Stadium New Marland Player Development building new Cardinals Player Development building new Cardinals batting tunnels and a new maintenance storage uh building we are um we're working very closely with them and we should uh be uh expecting to issue the permits for their work in the next week or two so um so we're getting pretty big turnaround quick turnaround on that and then um and finally as you I always do I like to acknowledge the longterm our long uh term employees Alisa Madden from the police department celebrated 30 years of service to the town really quite remarkable um you know I'm surprised she's lasted that long she sat outside my door when I was the police chief for 13 years and she still stayed so um good for her and I just want to pass pass along congratulations and I know there's a lot of good years that she'll still be here as well and uh and that's my report mayor council for excellent news about the quiet zones that's fantastic I want to make a lot of noise that's a that's a great accomplishment thank you um I want to I failed to give appropriate feedback when the U parks and recs were here one of the biggest uh positive feedbacks we got from the survey was how much everybody loves our Parks so they're clearly doing a good job and deserve the accolades we just gave them so kudos to the park and the rec department I'm glad they got their timeing the on um I heard them mention they were having a a bicycle safety course or or gathering were they going to include anything about ebikes during that I'm not really sure I can double check on that why not while we're at it let's see if we can throw something in there about the ebike situation take care of it that's been an ongoing problem that we've been having so I'd like to see that if we could do something about that um as far as the the pilings go I just want to say one last thing about that you're not going to get anybody to own those pilings as a PR professional structural engineer there's no way I would accept ownership of existing pilings that have been in the ground for 30 years so it's unlikely any of those are going to be reusable they're going to get them out of the way as best they can and press on um I've been here 40 years now and you've used the Boat Lifts there for 40 years twice I've seen somebody being given mouth to- mouth resuscitation CPR active CPR on the low ramps I was wondering if we would consider putting an emergency call button on the ramps we're going to have a facility right next to them that can provide immediate life-saving help um since I've been here I've seen people have amputations and near amputations that would require instant help and when people come up to these boat ramps in a panic they just don't know quite what to do and we're right there but we're not right there we're close enough where somebody could hit a button we could get somebody over there quickly I was just throwing that out there to see if that was something we would consider probably at both um fire stations an emergency response box for the park SZ and the boat ramps Bert Reynolds just something to consider otherwise good job I mean sorry that's thanks Frank thank you that's all uh staff great news on the quiet zones uh good to hear that's underway and uh or coming and it's late so that's it have a good night just um a few items number one on the quiet zones in the next report um weekly report staff can find out the status of quiet zones in the gardens and in taquesta because it certainly occurs to me what's so annoying about the horns is that they're almost continuous because the speed they're going from one inter from one you know Crossing to the next um so we'll be taking care of you know that within the town but clearly um you know if the gardens hasn't done there then you know Northbound we're still going to hear it um and then the question if they haven't theirs done theirs then southbound so just to get a status on that a quick thing a word of warning to the public it's still up to the discretion of the engineer to blow that horn right okay so just everybody keep that in mind um with with regarding the section this the suggestion about um you know putting some type of uh call or button or phone or whatever at the Park that would really be the County's uh responsibility since it's their park we certainly wouldn't have any issue with that but that would be really Theirs to do not a bad suggestion um but I just want to emphasize that just lastly you know from my report out um I had asked last meeting to make sure that um everybody got as you saw fit with the town manager on his performance evaluation we're obligated as a council to have completed that um so I I did uh you know complete I know that uh Council sunstrom had vice mayor sunstrom had proded us that she had gotten hers done first um and then that prompted me at the last meeting which is a month ago now saying hey do it and then we'll talk about that um so I guess uh what I'll say is I did get with the town manager and I did put together a list of achievements um you know um wasn't difficult to to really start to list many uh achievements that the council with the town manager leadership and staff has has achieved um and I found once again that he meets or exceeds all expectations um so I'm just thrilled that uh he's our town manager and we're getting a lot of stuff done and you know he effectively continues to eff L Run town government well from an overall perspective while also helping to deliver again a long list of achievements and the most noteworthy and commendable was be was in fact um and each year when we do this you have to look at just that Year's period so this review went from you know June 1 of 23 to you know May 31st of 24 is the contract period of review and with regard the Fire Rescue Services Cost Containment you know he provided the valid cost basis opinions for two viable service provider options and implementation feasibility assessments for the Jupiter fire rescue station option without those information those that information was crucial for the council to even have considered making a policy determination which we did um and um so they and that mitigates again County Fire rescue's ultimate goal of a $250 million advol tax burden increase over 10year period I can say and we all can say that avoidance of this extraordinary adval arm tax hike would not have been possible without the leadership efforts of the Town manager um and uh certain members of his staff and we're off and running been a lot of work done some of it now we're ready now with things things we were talking about tonight were next year's you know review but we think about it is I remember well when he gave us the implementation feasibility assessment and you know I just looked at him and he expressed the confidence that October 1st 2026 we're going to be ready and he's worked hard and uh achieved a lot to make sure we'll be ready and I'm grateful for that so uh you know I'm ready to uh move to discussion about you know uh you know appropriate compensation you know recognition you know uh for that effort over the last year but you know I'll wait until make sure others are ready for that discussion but it would be retroactive just want to make clear so if we're not ready tonight um then I would say be ready for the next meeting with that I turn it over to the vice mayor for her comments uh so I'll quickly uh okay so we'll be ready for the next Mee I think that's an important thing to discuss and I've said that at the budget meeting in before um and it is specific to the period so June of last year to June of this year um just quickly the uh Florida League of cities is meeting it has its annual conference uh August 15 through 17th on the 17th they're they have a business meeting they're taking a vote and municipalities typically designate a delegate to vote in those meetings so I've recently joined the board of the league of cities I will be at the conference I'd like to ask um this body for kind of approval or direction that I be the delegate just so that staff can complete the paperwork um and file that with them yeah we're okay with that okay um so that'll just save time as that's coming up um let's see I wanted to say yeah I'm glad we talked about emergency calls them boat rants or generally but you know one thing I've been so pleased with is just all the information about fire rescue available to Residents through the discussions that we've had tonight and Beyond and one of the greatest things I love about Jupiter fire rescue is their ability to work with all of our other departments regularly in the building all the time and all that cross-pollination of ideas so for example like aeds in the Parks you know that I'm hearing about with Recreation or it's just this beginning of a number of small and big things that we can do to make efficient and effective use of town resources for the benefit of residents so that impressed me when I visited the gardens um and other Municipal stations and it continues to impress me you know our we've heard about how you know we don't often there's a disconnect with County fire right because we have Jupiter police department and pal each County fire that work with the County Commission they're separate from us and we have representation and kind of a half of a commissioner right because not all of their area is Jupiter whereas here you know it's all five of us responsible um and have to answer to Residents but there's that removal there isn't as much communication with the town you know all I see typically is a monthly pie chart a one-page pie chart and the financial information we get the expenses and that's really it so I love that we're going to have and I love that we've been having more regular conversation with our fire rescue personnel and that we can cross-pollinate across all this that our police and fire could train together for emergencies is great so I just I wanted to say that quickly um and I also just want to express um you know I never thought on fire rescue that we would get to unanimous vote let alone to tonight and I just want to express my appreciation to councelor May um for understanding council's obligation um to be ready for October 1st 2026 so I want to thank you um and it's been a great meeting and I think you've added a lot of value so thank you not sure he um so on the topic of safety I need to ask if we can research adding lightning alarms to every park within the town of Jupiter that has Sports in it it was come came to my attention uh my coach's meeting for JTA because I decided to become a football coach for my kids team um that the only Park in the town of Jupiter or maybe two that have lightning alarms is Jupiter Community Park and I think maybe Lighthouse but I'm not 100% so I know it was kind of looked in Abacoa okaya so if we can add them to all the other parks that have sports that would be great um it's very important especially when some of our sports are taking place in the late fall when we still have those afternoon thunderstorms and stuff like that I think it's pretty important that we uh look into that the cost I was told is to me nominal and it's uh you know probably pretty important we look into that especially as we're coming into budget so um and the other thing too is that I found out um which made me upset and also kind of looked at it as an opportunity was that 550 Bush Road is up for sale the one we worked so hard to figure out what to do there and give these approvals and it gave us all probably a lot of heartburn and headaches so with it being up for sale I would like to have staff to investigate the purchase of that property using open space Bond money for preservation which will calm the concerns of the residents and add more Green Space tort toown so if we can get that research that'd be great just want to add on that item because I certainly heard about that regrettably uh you know I remember when we were considering that I thought it was extraordinary how much that applicant paid for the property which made it clear to me how difficult it is to have affordable housing when you pay that much for property they now have put it on the market inclusive of the profit that one would get from putting um you know um for based on the approval that we granted for the project so at this point I'm not interested in paying such an inflated price for that I might have been open to it but that's my concern about you know that uh right now they don't have a realistic expectation of what the property is is worth because again they want to they want to get the benefit of like heyy you can build this and then you can make this money on the project many times we see applications where property owner it's an approval for an application the next day they they flip they sell it to increase is that is that happening here I yeah oh they got the entitlements and then now they want to sell it for an inflated price okay so I'm going to try to fix that with our next uh strategic prior uh plan coming up well that that could how many months ago was that when despite their claim which is why you always know that when you do a uh you grant a development order they can leave because they sure claim like that was their business model of course right he said it many times and he's bailing on it right so U it goes to show because I always do I've been here a long time is you can never rely upon that because some things could happen and it happened here okay yeah that was that was the young guy from Boker right yeah he had to bring in a local developer to get it through so I'm not too pleased about that whole situation that's why I just kind of want to buy it and preserve it almost at a Spite and what um what took him so long to throw it on the market it's odd but it's only been a couple months I think I just noticed it like a month or so ago that I saw it get popped up so I think that property bothered all of us and I think that was pretty evident but I do want to state that because it is going to be or could be purchased with taxpayer we do have to make sure that the rates are reasonable and we look at that going forward but we do understand and yeah it's frustrating yeah yeah it's FR it's frustrating for sure with that the time is now 10:21 and I'll join the meeting