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like within the last half an hour testing so but you can you've got it here and this is the presentation it shows you the current screen next slide I think I think they're gonna be just fine I can read it okay I think it's okay Carl Craig Brian nice to meet you good luck tonight okay I hear this one working um Scott this this this mic's working well just got to lean into it just a little yeah go ahead go ahead how's this oh yeah there so yeah won't have to be that loud e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e there which is [Music] good evening the time is now 7 p.m and I'll call the order the town council meeting Tuesday June 18th we begin with an invocation followed by a Moment of Silence in the Pledge of Allegiance um and I'd ask those that are able to please stand dear God guide us tonight as we seek to do our best to serve others give us the courage and inner strength to be our true elves and to represent what the people of the Town correctly amen let's have a moment of silence pledge allegiance to the flag United States of to The Republic indivisible mam clerk may we have a roll call please mayor KY here vice mayor sunstrom here councelor Delaney here councelor for here councelor may here acting Town manager Moro here acting Our Town attorney be here okay he uh we begin tonight we have a presentation uh think by our fire chief good evening mayor council um so while some of you have had this opportunity to meet uh Stephen personally I realized that we hadn't taken an opportunity to formally introduce him to the council as well as the public and so I'd like to formly introduce you to deputy chief Steven Shaw uh with Jupiter fire rescue uh Steve began his career as a volunteer with Coral Springs Fire Department a long long time ago but eventually moved over to Fort Lauderdale fire rescue and um it's truly a testament to his dedication what he achieved there he started as a firefighter paramedic uh steadily CRI climbed the rank serving as a driver engineer a lieutenant training Captain a battalion chief of training and and uh and then on to in Special Operations and then on to assistant chief of Support Services over both training and EMS there um in all he did 25 years of service at Fort Lauderdale fire rescue uh before retiring uh not only that though he's a registered nurse he's a Hazmat technician fire instructor and uh somewhat rare and specialized role he's a board certified Community paramedic um he holds the accreditation titles of Chief training officer and Chief Fire officer as an MBA from Florida Atlantic University and um and his commitment and uh dedication is just unwavering because he's currently also enrolled in the executive Fire officer program at the National Fire Academy he's wellknown Nationwide he's an author uh he's an instructor at the largest fire service conference in the world FDIC and um he also runs a podcast on fire service leadership that's uh listened to Nationwide um he's a member of the Florida Urban search and rescue Task Force Team to this is that specialized team that gets deployed all over the world to Major disasters and um and beyond that he's just an incredible person so anyway just wanted to introduce you to Steve and give him a chance to to formally say a few words to you as well good evening uh mayor councel and all the residents and all everybody here this evening uh I just wanted to say hello to introduce myself um uh thank you for all that Chief Tado uh so it's been nine weeks so far and I can say without a doubt I have never been busier in my entire life but I love the work it is it's just rewarding being able to build the the fire department from this level incorporating not only our experiences and being part of that team but taking the the relevant and pertinent items of today for everything from EV Vehicles medical procedures what have you and putting them all into the base of what it's going to be no doubt a world-class fire department so thank you for that opportunity um I will say to the residents um the struggle I have is I want to get out there and meet more people the relationships I'm building the talks I'm having I crave them and I wish I could do more so I'm trying to balance that immense task list I have which is ridiculously large we trying to get out there as much as possible whether it's driving to somebody's house or in vly hitting a bingo meeting that I wasn't prepared to see a couple weeks ago but every chance I get to talk to somebody as an opportunity I I relish those so thank you for the opportunity and thank you for the opportunity thank you and [Applause] welcome okay moving on to Citizen comments this is the uh time for non-agenda items uh and speakers are limited to 3 minutes anyone wishing to speak is asked to State his her name and address for the record prior to addressing Town Council do we have any citizen comments yes versus Eric whites after Eric it's Lisa Reland good evening I'm Eric weit uh 230 ocean Grand Boulevard Jupiter Florida um want to talk about the firehouses you know my son's come to visit down here and I'm going to take him up on Route One to show him the new bridge and the son's going to go hey Dad look there's a firehouse on the right oh Dad look there's another one on the left that's what we want to stop this would be ridiculous to have a firehouse here and a second firehouse on the other side of the street so I wrote to and I copied you all and I wrote to um commissioner uh Marine know and uh you have the response and she writes back as for Jupiter taxpayers I just want to make sure that whoever is supplying the services the citizens are getting the best possible attention Only Time Will bear this out is very nice it means nothing it doesn't mean she's going to do anything for us so I think we need to speak up more we need to get the community to speak up um I don't I don't have a skin in the game whether uh who runs the firehouses but the last thing I want to see is another set of firehouses across the street from another firehouse and I think you're going to talk about the making some land available up by uh by the park sinz park but that's all I want to say I'm I'm here I'm I'm fired up on this this really text me off I sent you a copy of that and I wish somebody would speak up and I wish You' get the community going uh to contact these people I mean when I get a comment like this the citizens are getting the best possible attention Only Time Will bear this out means nothing means nothing to us Eric Weiss and I thank you very much I'm going to keep uh jumping on this but you can't let this go we we don't want to have multiple firehouses and the money that it takes to uh to pay for them thank you Isa freand and Cindy L good evening my name is Lisa velin and I live in the Heights I'm not a firefighter I'm not a member of the Union I don't work for the county I don't work for pom County fire rescue I'm not a paid actress I'm a concerned resident of Jupiter I'm concerned with the proposed land use change for squ Park and while it was discussed at the last Planning and Zoning meeting where the conversation was just about changing the man use and what it's for or and and what it is not and not what it it's for yet we know what it's for those comments were said it was widely known what this land use change is for and once again your town residents are upset about the choices you are making that are impacting them squez park has been identified as the site for a fire station and many of us have already told you how important this property is to the community and you quite literally want to pave paradise and put up a parking lot several residents spoke at the last Planning and Zoning meeting and quite quite frankly none of them were in support of this land use change several speakers were Carver Avenue residents who will have to endure the construction process and then have a fire station in their driveway and a permanent neighbor fire stations do not make good neighbors how is this fair to those residents how is this fair to the residents in visitors who use this space for recreation rest and relaxation and a meeting spot un fortunately they have become an afterthought in this whole mess you've created it's outrageous to me that residents continue to be dismissed when you and when you they tell you time and time again how your decisions are going to greatly impact them lastly I would like to address a few comments that were made at the May 21 council meeting since I was not able to attend the last Town council meeting at no point should a sitting member of the Town Council ever tell residents that they should be ashamed of them M themselves when they speak up residents found the official posting from December that stated squez was not an option nothing is more discouraging to someone who comes before their town government only to be spoken down to called liars and that they should be ashamed of themselves a counselor should never tell the residents that they were elected to serve that they have so had it and whoever is posting should be ashamed of ourselves I find those comments to be exceptionally distasteful and disrespectful and it has no place in this Town nothing says you aren't listening like a handful of [Applause] insults Cindy Loth then Kristen Henry hi am Cindy L still a Jupiter resident um I'm here for the dash cams for safety of citizens and officers alike the my crime was driving through an underserved neighborhood in your community I'm going to share um comments made by a high- ranking officer from one of the largest police departments in the State of Florida from last year the officers in the house will understand these commentaries better than I do along with the depot I'd like to see a stamp time stamp of the officer's radio Transmissions to see precisely what time he initially called in the traffic stop as opposed to when he ran her tag number on the computer in his car are a lot of times these aggressive young cops will fish on areas looking for people buying dope or providing them often times they will run the tag number and when the registration comes back they will run the registered owner's name for possible warrants or DL suspension then they will call in the stop dollars to Donuts no pun intended this is or in her case done before he called in the trumped up reason for the stop if this is proven and it often times is clarified by the electronic timestamp from fcic on the computer of the officer on the computer this officer is lying in other words if he saw her ran her then a minute or two later calls in the attemp to thought it proved that he's untruthful and the whole reason for the encounter is a lie as far as her not pulling over there was no safe place to do so nobody can say what she deemed to be safe and well lit it was for her safety and his the officer report States I had no active tail lights and activated them upon seeing him please sit in your car and tell me how that is done I was met with 11 cops guns dogs riot gear and arrest for driving to a safe place they refused to do a wellness check on my young daughters survival surviving a stroke after I repeatedly told them she had a stroke she was home alone and she was missing a skull plate please for the your safety call 911 if you're being pulled over by jpd as that behavior was militant and terrifying let's speak of gratitude tomorrow is my 60th birthday and I have reflected on my year my 60 years of life I realize I am blessed beyond words the tragedies and traumas I have experienced in my lifetime will never be overshadowed my my strength and ability to appreciate the beauty and experiences I have been so blessed to enjoy somehow I always managed to land on my feet better and wiser my experience with jpd is now part of my journey there is another box I can check for life experience and I will never be a j Jane do because I am now in the FBI database I am World traveled I've experienced so many different cultures and traditions I have lived in foreign countries and learned second language and I've had the the autobound dream I watched a miracle unfold in front of my eyes and saw the incredible power of prayer as with with as I witnessed my daughter raised from the dead today she's singing learning how to play keyboard and teaching again after everything I have been through I do believe most people are good and I still believe most cops are good what those cops did that night was take away my focus of gratitude that what truly mattered they took my ability to care for my daughter I pray that some day I can feel true forgiveness and have the ability to show them kindness if I see them on the street I will always stand by truth thank you for listening to my grievances these many many months with kind faces um I only wish all of you peace and prosperity as this is the last time I will speak as it is time for me to turn the page thank you everyone Kristen Henry sorry Henny good evening mayor councel um first of all congratulations um Mr Shaw there's no denying your qualifications and achievements um in your status uh council did you know that an emergency fire apparatus siren is generally 120 to 140 DB a leaf blower used to clean out the bay is 90 to 100 and chainsaw 115 to 120 that's not just the calls that go out daily but these are just some of the things that are generally checked daily at the firehouse the bright line was me was measured at 118 DB standing 10 ft from the tracks CED in the TC Palm it was compared to the 120 DB of an emergency vehicle siren according to the National Council on Aging that's enough to cause discomfort to the human hearing according to the Purdue Extension just 70 DB can feel uncomfortable for a dog 85 and up start to cause damage and 140 DB is immediate damage or loss of hearing bright line is always a popular topic and many of you have expressed deep concerns for those that have said the loud horns have affected their quality of life comparing those numbers how can you deny building a station next to a dog park at the end of a residential street will not cause concern for daily quality of life it would be a shame to back up one group only to ignore a similar concern of another we have a rescued dog we don't know his background but he can have some anxiety every single time the gardeners are outside with a leaf blower he runs to the room and shakes like one it's is it trauma or is it the noise when we first moved a few years ago our fire alarm went off just opening the oven a couple times we've since taken care of it but every time he hears the stove click on he runs into another room shaking conditioned to the loud sounds he hears it's easy to say that the sounds won't affect anyone when it isn't in your backyard fire stations do not belong in a public park or playground I live a mile and a half from station 16 and though the Sirens Don't trouble me I do hear them multiple times a day I'm sure if I shared a driveway that those Sirens would trouble me more so in the words of Joanie Mitchell don't pave paradise to put up a parking lot because you don't know what you've got till it's gone thank [Applause] you that was the last one okay uh concluding citizen comments uh Council we we have before us the minutes of the June 4th uh Town council meeting and there is some minor Corrections on the Das dis uh if there's no other Corrections I'll take a motion on what we have before us motion to approve is amended second Motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to the consent agenda this is items 3 through n on the agenda do any member of the public have a consent a agenda IEM may want to pull no mayor does any member of the council have a consent agenda to pull no okay um seeing none uh first uh member ordinance agenda item 3 ordinance 224 is quas a Judicial does council have any expart disclosures on that item no no I have none no okay seeing none I'll take a motion in a second on the consent agenda motion to approve Motion in second i' ask the town attorney Mr Barrett please read ordinance 2 24 and short title ordinance 224 in ordinance of the Town Council town of Jupiter Florida amending the town's official zoning map to rezone approximately 1.62 Acres of property located between the inter Coastal Waterway and US Highway 1 across from Bert Reynolds Park from commercial General to the US1 inter Coastal Waterway Corridor District Waterway commercial and entertainment subdistrict providing for severability providing for the repeal of laws in conflict and and providing for an effective date have a motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I motion carries unanimously moving on to the regular agenda public hearing agenda item number 10 um ordinance 1724 first reading I turn it over to staff for presentation good evening mayor members of the council my name is Martin Schneider I'm with the town's planning and zoning department I've got a brief presentation on the squez park future land use map Amendment as you're aware this subject property is the squez park property which is 13 total Acres um part of it is the dog park and part of it is a a passive Park a little background in 2008 the town acquired the 13.1 acre squez Park Subdivision parcel um 10 acres of which was purchased with open space funds which restricts um development options in that in that 10 acres three acres was purchased with General funds which allows the option for developing more active uh other active uses on that that 3 acres in 2014 um site plan Amendment uh site plan and a special exception approval was uh approved for uh passive Park and dog park in a future playground it also included food retail um on the 3 Acre uh area in the southwest corner of the property options for that 3 Acre parcel have ranged over time um Again part of it was envisioned for playground um food retail was mentioned such as a coffee shop or concession stand this is now the area proposed for um a potential fire station in the southwest corner of that property in 2016 um the future land use map was amended as part of the evaluation appraisal review um from commercial and high density residentials to Recreation that's the future land use map U designation for the entire property at this time in May um 21st uh 2024 just recently zquez Park was selected as the location for the Jupiter fire rescue Department Western station in the southwest corner of this inquest Park property uh by Town Council a contract was approved to develop the site plan which will be coming to the Planning and Zoning Commission on July 9th and the Town Council on July 16th so those will be coming to to you again the site plan and uh the special exception um this shows the uh future land use map um right now on the left is the existing which the entire thing is Recreation The Proposal tonight is to change the uh southwest corner 3 acres to public institution um on the right side is the existing Zone uh zoning map which will not change the entire uh 133 acres is currently public institution so the public institution future land use that's proposed will be consistent with the existing public institution zoning which is on the squiz park um the proposed amendment is consistent with the uh public institution policy in the comprehensive plan which is policy 1.3.7 and that's up on the screen one part I wanted to bring your attention to is some of the range of uses include government buildings facilities and operations fire and emergency rescue operation centers police stations um also the near the end it says uh public recreational facilities and sites are uses which are permitted in this land use designation so that allows your continued Park uses if there you know because um the proposed fire station May not take up the entire 3 acres so you might have room for a playground or other Park uses to remain on that location so the key findings in conclusion the public insation uh future land use designation is appropriate for the property to be consistent with the existing zoning of public institution and the proposed development of a fire station to enhance Public Safety the current zoning of Pi public institution uh allows for emergency and Public Safety service facilities including ambulatory police and fire stations as a special exception use so um those will be coming back um when you do the special exception and site plan public Recreation facilities and sites are permitted in the public institution future land use designation so that's consistent the um proposed future land use designation will not impact the the site environmentally or recreationally and the proposed um change will have no uh negative impacts on public facilities and services meaning the infrastructure that's in place in the area we we'll be able to maintain the the future proposals um the proposed land use change for subject property will result in a decrease in the potential uh average daily trips obviously any kind of use you add will add actual trips but the um land use change won't add would actually decrease what the potential uh a average daily trips could be on that property so with that the updates and next steps the future land use Amendment received recommendation from the uh for approval um from the uh local planning agency which is the same as the uh Planning and Zoning commission and the future land use map Amendment will go to the July 16th Town council meeting for adoption if approved tonight um detailed special exception and site plan fire station applications will go first to the July 9th Planning and Zoning commission meeting for their recommendation and then it will come to the Town Council along with the the future land use map Amendment on the July 16th Town Council um for your determination so with that I can take any questions thank you Council have any questions being none do we have any public comment yes we do first we have Craig mauy after Craig is Kyle nuris good evening Craig wow Greg mauy 230 block Isles Lane Jupiter um I want to return to fir first principles one of of the most important responsibilities of government any government is to provide for the Safety and Security of its citizens that includes fire and rescue without our own fire and rescue service the only way for the town government to provide for that responsibility was to contract with some other organization there weren't 20 vendors to pick from or 10 or even three for Town Jupiter size the only option we had was Palm Beach fire rescue and they knew it hence their refusal to negotiate on any of the 10 concessions that the town staff wanted the new contract hence the inclusion of the unfunded future items without a requirement to even notify the town of Jupiter before we were on the hook for new stations new staff whatever no competition no negotiation hence the decision to opt out of that honor contract Palm Beach County insisted on the 36-month termination Clause Jupiter didn't and they insisted on the wording in the contract at the end of a fiscal year by providing at least 36 months prior written notice and here we are in order for our local government to fulfill its obligation to provide Fire Rescue Services while we build our own Palm Beach County fire rescue will provide those services at whatever cost they decide in order to meet that obligation after the termination we have to build our own services to be operational no later than October 1st 2026 regardless of the outcome of the current litigation regardless of the outcome of a referendum if that's the Court's decisions we still have to be prepared so you're doing the right thing to meet your obligations to our residents please continue you have our support Kyle good evening mayor council so I just please ask you to consider an early location just even on my way over here today there was a pickup soccer game going right where the site of this Jupiter fire station is supposed to be going yesterday there was a class of about 15 individuals with their dogs doing a dog training class there's almost something going on every single day in this field at that Park this station is going to be a disservice to the Aesthetics of the park and also the physical functioning of the park as well there was a survey done years ago asking what we wanted at that location we did not want a playground or anything along along those lines we're happy with the way it is right now it's a very lovely park it's quiet you can hear birds you don't hear any engines you don't hear any silence you don't have a place of operation going on right across the street there's also an eyeglass doctor sitting right next door to my house there use a lot of that public parking sitting right there I have a feeling this fire station is going to kill that business it's a family own an operated eyeglass St and lots of people go to that as of right now and they park right across the street where that fire station supposed to be going I have yet to talk to a single neighbor of mine I live right on Carver right across the street where this is supposed to be being built I have not had one of them say that they are for this fire station I was told that we were reached out to I wasn't physically reached out to by any one of you physically I got a random text message from one of my neighbors saying hey we're going to have a little conversation about the Spy station and then when this was there with fire chief and Frank as well and they sat down and talked with us but it was not widely known there was maybe four households there off of the whole street so the public did not have much knowledge on this we haven't had any input you guys aren't listening to us you're just doing whatever you want to do so please just would you at least just listen to us it went through a four three to four vote last time at the Planning exing Commission not one person that came up here was for this that Park is is a great place people travel miles and from different counties to go to that dog park this fire station is not going to be doing that dog park service so please reconsider thank [Applause] you next we have Jack I can't reach oh all right um my name is Jack and I don't like loud noises problem is a fire station is a literal Factory of loud noises and worse I live down on Carver Avenue next to where the fire station AKA no noise Factory is going to be Bel think about it loud noises disturb you and you have to listen to them every day and to all dog owners dogs have the same thing the fire station is inconveniently built next to a dog park all your P peul per PPS turn sorry how do you pron oh your P pups turning into raging laughers thank [Applause] you Kayla after Kayla is Leanne okay number okay I don't think we should have a fire department because one my brother's an my brother is autistic and he might not be able to play with me with that his without his headphones on two it's near a dog park and it will scare the dogs three s scare me too four I have two foster kittens and a forever cat who is old and might get H scared from the sound of the machines five I want a park and do not chop down my favorite tree you can put the park near the Palm pleas because I will cuz I do not want like coconut water no I don't [Applause] guys right now is not the time for this discussion all right we'll hash it that at home guys all right so those two bundles of Joy are mine um and we live on Carver Avenue and as a family we have concerns for putting the fire station at that location um honestly I had concerns about switching from our existing fire department to begin with however um my signature on the petition was discarded for not looking enough like my signature as part of the efforts to whittle down the signatures on that particular petition um however when the um res after the park was purchased uh in resolution 3814 the council's uh document at that time specified that all 13 acres were open space even though some of them were purchased from different means I think there was a general understanding from the citizens that that Park would be used for recreational or similar usages instead of for something like a fire department um the proposed usage doesn't meet the criteria from 27176 uh section for future use amendments because um the initial Criterion uh number one uh requires that all of the services be within 2 miles of the location which according to the most recent map proposed by the fire chief um does not meet that standard of policy 1317 um for police and fire location uh the fourth Criterion requires a change to the needs and our needs for fire service hasn't changed our population is still being serviced by the existing fire department and we don't need additional stations to what we currently have um the fact that it's been decided to discontinue the current services and add new Services uh in my opinion does not meet that criteria because we do not need to take land that is not currently being used for fire services and create additional fire Services because there is not an additional need there is the same base need of fire Services which we do need to provide for and I think it's important that we do and I appreciate uh both um Deputy Shaw who seems from my conversation with him like a great guy and well-qualified but also our current fire uh Services who are servicing Jupiter um for the flum amendment uh there are several impacts that were not mentioned one uh the impact to the population um right now there is a high resident uh high density residential area um both across the street from the proposed site and on the same street as the proposed site um this population includes my son who has noise sensitivity due to autism um we also have veterans who have PTSD someone with a Who uh suffers from migraines from a recent brain injury um as well as a a lot of owners who have dogs who are sensitive to noises um there's also a potential uh environmental impact that was not noted um including voc's from the fire station as well as additional uh diesel exhaust that does not currently exist to the neighborhood um I have heard that the the new trucks will have lower emissions um and I am waiting to see the details on that to make a final judgment on that impact um but it will also uh impact the recreation and will have significant impact on the town's recreational Phil facilities to the adjacent uh Park which may affect non-reactive dogs and create a space that is either not safe or not welcoming to dogs who visit not only from Jupiter but for surrounding areas uh the impact of this will not only impact that usage and enjoyment but will Al also pack impact uh local businesses who count on the additional Revenue that they are receiving from Out of Towners or neighboring towns coming to squez park specifically because it is the best dog park within 30 miles um the traffic impacts uh I have to ask you to wrap up because you're well Way Beyond Time absolutely um I believe that there will be a traffic impact um for the emergency vehicles and based on the current uh traffic structure I am concerned that the emergency vehicles will be stuck in five backto back uh lights worth of traffic that might may not be able to clear out in time despite uh having this Advanced green light for them um but the last item that I wanted to mention and possibly one of the more important ones is that squz Park is not only a dog park it is not only our neighborhood park but it's also a historically recognized site and its significance uh was to preserve the Gathering space of Jupiter residents who were not allowed to come to Town Council meetings were not allowed to create their own meeting spaces or Services squz Park historically has provided that to the community and I think taking a location that was supposed to be honoring this um against the wishes of the neighborhood in order to build this uh a governmental building I think really kind of spits in the face of what that historical site was meant to be thank [Applause] you that was the last one but I there were four who did not wish to speak who were were not in agreement of their proposal okay thank you okay turning back to council uh any U followup questions or comments and a motion I just want to go on record and say Obviously just like last time I'm not supportive of this I can't look at my residents in the face and tell them that they bought a house next to a park to have some peace and quiet and then we're just going to put a fire station right next to where they live I just I I I would never do that to anybody in the town no matter where this is going to go um as I said before I'm very concerned about the traffic especially going westbound in the afternoons unless we're going to preempt four traffic lights at the same exact time and then who knows how long it's going to take for traffic to start moving in the direction so that the trucks can get through I just unless I see a live representation of that happening for traffic to be able to clear out so that these trucks can respond to calls especially in Jupiter country clubs Sonoma Isles which for the most part when trucks are responding there now we're actually utilizing a Palm Beach County station from Jupiter Farms because they can get there a lot quicker so I'm very concerned about the response times going Westbound from the station and just on top of it disturbing the peace and quiet of the of of the neighborhood for these these neighbors that are here I I just can't agree with it tonight [Applause] I I have similar concerns with that but we already as you know we already have a station operating at Central and Indiantown Road and you know in the future I'm sure we're going to have mutual Aid with the with the County Fire and that will still exist but you know I mean um the we're going to we're going to we're going to preempt the light system which B County doesn't do now you guys just have to plow through the traffic so I mean I believe that would equal out but you know this you know we've looked at and for everybody here we've looked at all our options and don't forget we were backed into this by Palm Beach by the county so we're reacting to a situation we're dealing with Public Safety so um you know would we do we want to put a fire station next to the dog park that I mean myself and the mayor were here in the in the and the formation and the approval of the dog park and it's you know it's sacred to us when we're not going to touch the dog Park but you know it's it's it's actually location wise with all the calls with when you analyze the calls and the uh location towards you know um areas that are most at the highest inclination for fires um it's the best location as our chief Tado has stated in the past so um it's just um it's it's it's been a very difficult situation but we have to we have to do what we have to do and in regards to the park in my opinion the grass field is going to remain we're going to level it out keep it grassy the station will go we're not talking about this the site PL tonight but it's going to be the back of the park the banon tree staying so it's going to be as least intrusive on the neighborhood as possible um there's at least a couple issue primary issues one is is the inconvenience and the the noise factor which is clearly going to be a problem um we talked about that before as well the the noise segment that we're most concerned about is from when it pulls on to the street up until Indiantown Road because the noise is going to be on Indian toown Road anyway so it's it's the intersection itself is not going to be that much different it's that segment between the fire station and the intersection and we've got a commitment to try to minimize if eliminate the use of sirens in that section so once it gets to the intersection obviously it's going to have to blow the horn at the intersection but they do that anyway um we we're going to work on that that it's an obvious problem it's a problem that bothers me I don't like the idea that neighbors are going to have to hear sirs coming out of that fire station and we need to do everything we can do to minimize or eliminate the need for using the siren while still on that street except right at the inter section um the second issue is um something that um councelor May brought up it's there are four plus intersections going westbound that are problematic that block the traffic flow um that will be a problem for westbound responses for eastbound responses that's four less intersections that have to be uh grappled with and if you look at the circles of the population that's being served by these stations the majority of it's to the east of this location so I think overall it's going to be a time saer um including the difference between the westbound lag of time and the eastbound Improvement of time so I don't think that situation as as important it's critically important that the citizens on that street are are considered in this and again we're going to work very diligently to minimize if not eliminate the use of sirens on the street except right at the intersection so I think it's important to focus on what this item is and what it is not and I know that there's a lot of interest in discussing the site plan but that is coming after and there are set number of criteria for this land use map Amendment um I do believe because the zoning has has been public institutional it makes sense to keep it consistent uh the future land use with that zoning um I'm interested in having that space remain flexible especially for recreation needs and so the fact that it doesn't preclude um more active recreational uses is important to me um I want to clarify just some on public comment I had heard population impacts and the staff um in the staff um research what that meant was just an increase in density and so if we have residential come in and there's an increase in density that would then require schools or or additional Services that's the population impact that they were talking about so a lot of what we have been discussing and what we've heard is more relevant to the site plan which will come after um but for the purpose of this future land use amendment I do understand the need um you know to maintain that consistency with the current zoning I do see that it's in the area that know we know that there is a proposed fire station going in and that um it would serve the areas around it um it does meet um according to our staff and in my opinion the the four criteria outlined here um so I I really think that that's this is kind of you know a different discussion than the site plan discussion which we are going to have and in terms of you know traffic environment sight sounds you know I look to station 16 I live near station 16 um maybe 2minute walk uh I know that a residence more or less essentially shares a fence with station 16 it's immediately adjacent to a residential property and I also know that station 18 is in a park so we have current stations with Palm Beach County fire that are in a park and are not just across the street from a residence but immediately adjacent to a residence and I haven't heard of negative impacts there so um this park is bordered by Indiantown Road one of the busiest parts of town uh our kind of modern Main Street and Center Street which is our historic Main Street it has always been a very busy somewhat loud part of town with calls and so I think um you know I do want to continue to address all of the needs that residents are sharing I do think it's important that they're shared um I know that some residents are working with staff on specific items that might help make for a better site plan for example there's a ridge in the Green Field um where soccer players can trip over this Ridge it's a pipe and so if that can be flattened out and create a more enjoyable Green Space that is something um that would be desirable as well as a number of small trees that are blocking some of that soccer play so all of that is not for tonight that's for the site plan discussion but um I do thank everyone who has come out tonight I recognize some and thank you Kyle for talking about our meeting I would like to hear more and discuss more about you know how we can make this an asset for the community and I really feel it will be so I'm going to leave my comments there the um so sorry we're not having discussions um so just I'm in I'm going to support uh this uh tonight um just so the public knows uh we are listening you know as uh the vice mayor indicated there's issues that would be addressed in sight plan which is not on the agenda tonight um and um also I have every confidence that our far Department uh going to be an extraordinarily good neighbor and uh have administrative uh uh controls in place uh to be a good neighbor I pass station 19 I probably passed literally hundreds I wouldn't be surprised if it's a thousand calls in the years that I've lived in the shores and uh they on Central Boulevard don't come out bluring the horn never have they're respectful um they come out and um they don't uh use the siren until they get the Indian toown Road um so a lot of this will be handled I'm sure with administrative controls I understand residents being concerned about the unknown but I just want to emphasize that that I know that that we're not doing it on C Count's not doing on centr Boulevard on station 19 there's no reason why we would do it you know in this uh this squz Park Station um so with that uh I'll I'll take a motion in a second on uh ordinance 1724 motion to approve second motion a second all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed no the motion carries 4 to one with counselor made desting mayor may I read the May read the ordinance read it on short title ordinance 1724 an ordinance of the Town Council of the town of Jupiter Florida amending ordinance number 5789 the comprehensive plan of the town of Jupiter providing for an amendment to the Future land use designation in the future land use map for a property of approximately 3 acres located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Indiantown Road in Carver Avenue from Recreation to public institutional providing for severability providing for the repeal of laws in conflict and providing for an effective date thank you for reminding me that um he moving on to uh agenda item 11 um 954 Old Dixie Highway this is quad judicial does council have any expart disclosures I spoke with Mr REI about it to gifted declare what about um just a reminding me of the things we discussed during my time on Planning and Zoning nothing no new material just reminding me what was previously decided okay I have no none I met with Mr REI and staff at Town Hall a few months ago discussing just in general the item its context um and that's it no disclosures okay uh okay we have uh this is a quasi judicial item I'd ask that uh member um those uh expecting to possibly give testimony at this hearing to stand and be sworn do you solemnly swear that the testimony you about to give in this hearing is the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay U the applicant uh good evening members of the Town Council I'm Brian cus I'm principal planner of I plan and design uh I'm here this evening uh representing um my client Mr uh Dan REI U the um owner of onshore construction and development and the owner of the subject property 954 North Old Dixie Highway uh Mr Rey can't be here this evening uh in hise is uh his daughter Hade REI uh who is representing the family here uh tonight um we're here uh after 3 years of site plan approval uh seeking a minor site plan Amendment it's not a complex uh ask we have one condition in our site plan approval that's holding us up for to proceed on to building permit um uh release and the condition of approval that was relevant at the time of site plan approval in 2021 is no longer relevant conditions have changed and I'm going to show you that um this evening uh we are the last commercial lot um on um North Old Dixie Highway highlighted in red uh this uh to our North is a residential property it's the church's property they use for parking to our West is residential uh properties uh and North Old Dixie Highway as well as the rail uh tracks are all under FEC control uh makes up our eastern boundary small property it's about a sixth of an acre in size um and uh the last commercial and developed property on North Old Dixie Highway this plan that I'm putting on the screen right now uh kind of tells the tale of the whole um approval back in 2021 this is the approved parking plan that was um approved as part of resolution 6721 and it runs with that development order 105 Center Street uh to control of and sort of Spearhead bringing through the majority of parking that everyone felt was required along North Old Dixie Highway to clean up the roadway and to uh to park it you know appropriately uh and without sort of various people getting agreements with FEC but doing so in a controlled manner so we implemented um on street parking parallel some Landscaping sidewalk hedge fence uh handicap accessibility um the subject property highlighted in red 95 for North O Dixie Highway at that time was owned by Mr REI as well as the property next to it 946 North North Dixie Highway which was one of their which was their family office as well as 938 North Dixie Highway the one that's um rendered uh two over from the subject lot that property was the home of onshore construction and development which we all know is a success story you know operating in Jupiter for decades small little family-owned company that grew and grew outside of its own bounds and needed to move so ultimately Dan moved onshore construction from North Old Dixie Highway over to inter Coastal um uh point which is a commercial uh property lots of parking lots of office space um with that we were approved on June 15th by this Council mayor kety was here uh council person delini was here um there's some new faces so this is a little bit of History uh to kind of catch you all up uh that our site plan was approved and we had a condition attached to it to be part of the parking uh study because onore construction was contributing to the parking out in the right away well since then we've asked for a development order extension per the Florida statute 25236 3 which um uh kept keeps our site plan active as we have been seeking to obtain building permits but condition five is holding us back and we think that condition five should be uh removed based on the following changes of conditions on North alexie Highway Mr REI has divested himself from North Old Dixie Highway he sold 938 North Old Dixie and 946 North Old Dixie properties to an office to office users and uh those uh uses comply with the parking they have no parking issue at the North End uh he did this in 2022 um in um the required construction of the offsite parking will remain if this condition is removed will remain with the 105 Center Street property which is part of uh um the approval for p the site plan pz 6721 we all know that at 9:00 in the morning on a Tuesday when you go on to north of Dixie Highway the parking's at the south end because everyone's accessing uh the commercial property at the corner the the offices at the North are pretty much um quiet now now that onshore construction is no longer active um on that Corridor uh the historic parking that we've dealt with for decades out in North Old Dixie and um sort of having parking agreements out in the RightWay um have nothing to do with the 954 North Dixie office building site they have no past they're not developed today so they have no issue today and we don't expect it in the future because their site plan complies fully with the town's code that's how it got approved in 2021 by by you all staff's report talks about the Milestones associated with our site not being met but truly those are the Milestones that should be should have been met by resolution 6721 which ran with 105 Center Street Parking has to get built in the majority for the majority user and that happens to be at the South End of the corridor with the commercial property at the corner of Center Street in North Old Dixie Highway again we're in full compliance with the code um and I think the the last item of this is that once that parking is constructed once all 22 spaces are in place there will be no future ability for people to park willy-nilly or have side agreements with FEC because the parking will effectively block any future non controlled parking and that's what I think was the heart of this issue how do we control the parking organize it to the benefit of the surrounding community and as well as for the businesses and to ensure that certain uses don't come into this Corridor that may be too heavy um in terms of intensity such as a contractor's office such as a property management company that may have multiple property managers those are heavy intense uses maybe not the right place for it here on North Old Dixie Highway uh we went to went to your uh zoning uh commission Planning and Zoning uh board um uh in May and um they recommended an alternate condition they basically piled on to the condition that staff had already sort of created or had suggested that there was a parking problem we should be able to at least supply three spaces they went ahead and said if there's a parking problem just build all 22 spaces so completely the opposite of what we're asking for understandably because there's 15 years of history and there's a 40-page staff report that goes with it and I mean you'd have to really be around for 15 years of this to understand how to sort of parse your way through it so we're seeking to modify that language of that condition we G we provided this with staff gave it to you this evening and here's sort of the E Cliff Notes version of it Town determines we have a parking problem property owner is going to have to fix it within 6 months 180 days um if um if the parking gets constructed by someone else as part of full satisfaction of resolution 6721 then this condition that we're modifying or continuing to carry forward should become null and void because there shouldn't be any additional uh burdens on this property that no other property has to suffer because of the past and if it develops as a as an office it'll continue to have no problems in the North End of the corridor we sort of know where the issue lies today so we're with that we're here to answer any questions that you may have and I would ask any remaining time be um reserved from allow me to respond to staff's presentation and or questions from you all and I thank you staff good evening mayor and Town Council for the record Peter Meyer senior planner of staff the item for consideration tonight is a site plan amendment to delete condition five of resolution 20-21 which requires the construction of 22 off-site parking spaces prior to the issuance of a CEO for the office building the applicant agreed to this condition of approval when the development order was approved by Town Council in 2021 the app is requesting to move forward with getting permits and constructing the office building at 954 North Old Dixie without insuring construction of the off-site parking lot along Old Dix the approved square footage of the proposed office building is in compliance with the town code specific the minimum parking requirements with the applicants request the deletion of condition five however the potential of creating a public safety issue is still valid as was raised in 2021 approval of the con current development order since the use is likely to result in off-site parking occurring in disorderly manner along North Old Dixie Highway if the offset parking area required by condition five is not constructed in May the plan zoning commission didn't support eliminating condition five recommended approval with a modification to the condition do not require the applicant to build parking spaces now but with the obligation to construct the 22 spaces if a parking study requires it or it's relieved if another owner takes on the responsibility constructing it as noted in Brian's presentation the applicant has issues with the modifying add condition committed by to the plan zoning commission um some background on the application uh the area the block of which the property is located was originally zoned residential prior to 1978 later a portion of that uh area is res zoned to commercial some existing homes um were converted commercial uses on smaller Lots typically small individual commercial sites experienced Peak demands are not accommodated with a single use parking lots because they differ because they um offer no flexibility for sharing like multi-tenant developments do and small dead end parking lots make it difficult for large vehicles to maneuver these characteristics result in external impact on surrounding properties specifically in the area of North Old Dixie residential neighbors have complained about the parking occurring on the east side of old dixy marketing issues in this area have occurred for about 17 years between multiple commercial Property Owners three of the owners including the applicant coordinate on a plan to resolve the issues in order to address the resident concerns in 2021 Town Council approved Resolution 67-250 Center Street where their locomotive coffee shop is located it's been an application in collaboration with onshore construction and Thomas melhorn F forly known as Christian Thomas later through the process uh Thomas melhorn no longer is part of the collaboration today it appears that Thomas melhorn has an independent lease with FC and uh and also is parking on out there in FC it's unimproved parking lot just note that 105 Center streen has no obligation to construct those spaces today they are above and beyond the requirement of the existing uh non-conforming retail building on the same night the Town Council approved the construction of twostory office building on that on 954 North Old Dixie at the time of the approval of the proposed office building this applicant also own the two adjacent Office Buildings to the South was also met the minimum parking requirement on site but frequently utilized the FEC area for additional offset parking in 2022 the applicate submitted a building permit for the approve approved office building which could not be issued since condition 5 has not been satisfied in 2022 it also sto the two existing Office Buildings were on Shore Construction was located within the same year in 2022 also the owner of 105 C Street was issued an engineering permit for the offsite parking area required to be constructed pursuant to condition 5 proceeding with the construction of the offsite parking area has not moved forward Tommy maners since the approval when the office build application was submitted it was evident based on a floor plan that at the peak marking demand would likely exceed the proposed onsite parking to address this concern condition five was the requirement of the 2021 approval to address town code site plan review criteria five regarding Public Safety the applic has not revised a floor plan or reduced the size of the building to address concerns raised and submitted this this request to limit the requirements for construction of the offsite parking in conclusion Town Council has four options to consider one accept the applicant's request to delete the condition two accept the plane zoning commission's recommended recommitted modification to the condition three propose a new modification to condition or four deny the applicat request um and then plan staff will continue to to hold off on issuing a building permit until condition five has been satisfied if the Town Council provides direction to move forward with a modification or deletion of the condition that prepare a resolution for a town Town's attorney review to be placed on the agenda for the July 16th 2024 Town council meeting like to say that made time for rebuttal thanks Council have any questions I have some questions for [Music] sta um there's a lot of moving Parts here and I was here back in 21 when we I sort of Staff spent a lot of time and effort sort of hashing out the agreement to for the local owners to you know um arrange with FC for the offsite parking was their application put in it just sort of disappeared what was the status of that if from my understanding the owner of 105 Center Street is the one that is taking control or charged to go to FC an application has not been submitted by knowledge today for that aring lot and just for and there was some delay because of bright line you know using the area for then that was a lot delay they couldn't do anything to subit the application to FC so it's weighted you know that's they were staging materials and all that yes they couldn't do anything anyway but they did to get the engineering permit meanwhile 2022 right but that's been kind of sitting there and it's been extended so still active permit it's just they have not submitted then I if I mentioned but FC according to wry has changed ownership and they have some different requirements I know that they have uh owner 105 CS worked with the town engineer and try to see if there's another alternative to still build general design of that parking on street parking area um with not the uh FC would not like to allow curbing or have like the solid improvements they want something more removable something that will they can be able to easily access any fiber optics underr anything be able to dig up easily and having like a concrete sidewalk or curbing so the I heard there is a there's a new owner of 105 no 105 is the same owner but FEC has a new ownership so what what what there but the locomotive building that was purchased a months ago there's a new owner for that correct I'm not aware of that yes John are you aware no I'm heard I heard that whole property Ralph's the coffee was was sold am I incorrect um Ralph's standup bar has just been purchased but 105 Center Street still has the same ownership oh it does that was the that was the owner from 2021 and is still the current owner today Vinnie yeah Vincent Pino is the owner yeah and Ralph stand up bar has been purchased I thought that whole I heard that whole par it's a h okay thank you um I just have i' always have concerns about removing conditions of a site plan approv and is staff I mean is there any so this blows up the whole plan of having that whole stretch repaved marked and put into Services offsite parking correct I mean is that dead in the water what we approved a while back I'm make sure you're directing your I'm sorry this is just up with staff I'm sorry the plan that was approved in you know 2021 possibly still move forward you know with alternatives to the material like using um other materials you know instead of concrete no I understand that but you said there was one owner that's already has he's he's made his own agreement with FEC correct correct so he's out of the deal so the original all the owners you know getting together and deciding to do this that's gone right yeah okay just it's Curr just Vinnie it's just Vinnie 105 Center Street that's the one okay okay I guess that's it for now so um this I got a question for you while you're still up there please um the owner of 105 is negotiating the deal on his own but is the deal still for 22 spaces correct so even though he's alone he's still seeking the 22 spaces correct okay um we're now aware that um the contractor office has moved over to a place where it's more appropriate over there where Boston Market used to be have you gotten any neighbor complaints about that area since they've moved away I have not um have you any personal knowledge or any anecdotal Knowledge from any staff that there's still a problem out there I made some observations a few times out there and there's there's parking occurring so in FC right away not as much on the north side of the um I think it's simal Avenue which is the East West Street that's north of the at building um I think it's for FL I can't remember the street name but um s thank you but there are some some properties there that exhibiting um our parking trailers in the parking lot and you know where Vehicles parking those are things that we I've observed I'm parking in the FC right away but that's all I've noticed nothing like before when onshore construction was there now the the proposed condition is if if in the future the the problem manifest itself again that they would be committed to at least picking up some of the spaces it looks like the plan own commission's condition yes if there's a parking study that requires it parking study says they need to build it do we have a time frame we would like to do that like a yearly look at it a year from now was there any kind of time associated with that in your mind we probably think to consider that I don't have a time frame but would what would you think would be reasonable a year that's a I I don't know it's once the parking C's done then they would come back maybe Council then they Council can you know but maybe it's take time to go through permitting and you know FC would imagine I just don't know a time frame to be honest okay all right thank you one follow-up question so the the agreement that 105 has with FEC is that's for all the spaces they don't have an agreement with FEC that I'm aware of they're they're they're approaching FEC for agreement right correct okay so it's for all the spaces correct so are they planning on keeping them for their own property or so if this applicant needed spaces where would he go and do we want to be in a reactive mode the 105 cry would be control of the parking spaces that was the point had one person control of them to be able to you know maintain them and share them with the other owners that' be something they' have to enter into we don't know ideal is they would share but you know nothing nothing's those spaces are above and beyond the requirements of the code so they they could not be used to be currently be used to be inre any intensity on the sites you know the one5 Center Street can use those 22 spaces to increase their intensity another airspace they're above and beyond parking I just it's still very Vivid in my memory of the residents down at lend and local residents coming to council emailing calling saying parking is a disaster there's you know deric trucks park there it was it was a mess and I don't want to go back in time I'm just want to make sure that staff is okay with this and because you know this is kind of a delicate decision I think so this was a noticed public hearing um we didn't have any public comments at the Planning and Zoning commission um I know we had one Peter had one conversation with neighbor sorry just kidding sorry no okay um continue so I mean the neighbors have the opportunity to voice their opinions there maybe some here I'm not sure if we have public comments for this hearing um but but I don't know directly whether they're satisfied um we just know that the potential of these conditions um resurfacing or occurring at the new building um are potential because of the characteristics that Peter went over in the present a when you have a small site that only parks to the minimum for the uses that are proposed there when that use Peaks there's no option but to park on someone else's property or within a public RightWay or in this case Fe area um so that's you know that's why we pointed that out the floor plan indicates occupancy could easily exceed the number of spaces that are available if vehicles are single occupied with people coming to that location for work or Services um so it has that potential um I think if we had some type of condition for the future it would be appropriate to run you know forward because as it as properties get sold or businesses change their rent um you know the the demands on those businesses or those locations change also thank you um it is rather complicated and my while I haven't dealt with FEC directly like everything we get is secondhand we don't get anything in writing so there's not much Reliance on you know what we're being told secondhand oh I know there I know I understand I understand they'd like to deal with one entity I'm sorry I'll be I'll wrap it up just back when was it 21 when we got all this handled I was it was exciting like this is going to finally get fixed and nice parking spaces repaved all that and it just sort of vanished so anyway right I think there's been a lot of changes and frustrations over that period right okay thank you I I have some questions from staff um so John could either be your um number one um so want to be careful here we want I want to stay completely grounded on this application for 954 old ground uh Old Dixie Highway because while the other is informative it's not relevant to what was committed in this application this place this area I think it's pretty clear and I'm going to say some things in ask you to confirm you agree or not it's all from your report staff report this area in large part has had parking issues for decades in large part due to the fact that it was residential allowed to be commercial everybody was underp parked well they weren't actually underp parked I mean the parking lots are just in they're very small and they're difficult to maneuver along Center Street where spaces yeah on on the front on Center Street like but the whole group is what I'm just saying so while onore onshore construction has moved and certainly they some of their vehicles were at issue the staff report is pretty clear that on two or three occasions in the last month or so the staff checked it still was parking in the FC right away correct yes and it that appears to be more associated with the 105 business to the South on the south end and then near seal that it's more associated with Thomas um me melhorn and the business that's parking um and storing trailers in their parking lot which is being dealt with separately through Code Compliance at this time once we became aware of that you know adding to the aggravation there right but the original approval of this application that the one that's before us for to consider a modification it had agreed to construct parking spaces that was very clearly known that would be used by other uh properties correct yes it was it was a shared the whole concept was to share and to have this multiple parties participate and I'm pretty sure there was a requirement that there could be no reservation of those spaces so they would be first come for serve right so it was a shared solution that came before us and each person of that shared uh solution got the conditions that they stepped up and committed to at that time yeah there was no objection to the condition when it was moving forward at that time so um the um we all know that FEC is a challenging to deal with so it's not surprising about that uh but I guess what I'm hearing from staff is you believe that there's still some ongoing dialogue I guess to get lease for that for that would enable the construction to happen correct yeah I don't know if it's sure say but if the town engineer has anything to add on that potentially related to FEC and current potentials and and I want to be careful you know I I just haven't had any conversation with them matters okay but but to the degree they were doing that I guess it seemed like there was an agreement you know years ago that well somebody's going to get the lease somebody else is going to construct it and that's what we have in this condition for the record I didn't I was the one dissenting vote on this application but my descent had nothing to do with the parking I was in agreement with bringing the parking you know to resolution staff um this thought of a fix within 6 months I'm going to just say my opinion because it's been clear for decades what his staffs that's not even practical to ever enforce it right I mean it would be challenging challenging if if where would they get the spaces right so that's the what's that's what's in Practical we burden ourselves we've done this a number of times with an impractical condition um and while I appreciate trying to find pract you know Solutions what came before us from pnz and what was is being asked in my opinion is an impractical solution because okay we have an exasperated more challenging parking problems we'd have them do a study takes months and months to do we conclude there's a shortage and There's no practical solution so the only practical solution is what's already in the condition um you know if and I just want to signal that if an appli the applicant came back for alternative design on the spaces that'd be something that would be for me something that I could potentially support I just want to kind of I know I'm still in kind of a questioning here but I just want to point that out because I've heard that but to just say that oh let's just take a leap of faith despite everything we have here that uh that there won't be parking issues you know I can't do that based on what staff gave me here you want to convince me otherwise I mean it's it's a complicated situation that's been you know went brought forward I mean that's why you know we had contemplated a scenario maybe where they wouldn't be required to provide all of the spaces because certainly it's there's not an expectation that they're themselves going to generate the need for 22 spaces but something more in line with the the actual building number of rooms and the the likely um occupancy of the building at some point in the future um and this why we'd estimated maybe three or more spaces um you know would be more in line with the amount of overflow flow parking this specific use might need and then we would need to sort out some of the the issues with the site plan approval that exist or 105 for all those spaces and whether they could build a portion of those spaces for an approval someone else has so just to clarify um for 105 there's is there any obligation or condition of approval or anything with 105 to obligate them to build those spaces no okay what obligations exist in terms of the 22 spaces we have this item before us this only this item before you so no other property has the obligation no okay um and while this property has this property ever been built on no okay um and the owner did once own the two properties immediately to the south of this property and the idea was it represented in 2021 at least that there could be shared parking among those three properties so that you know they can move parking around as it's one owner as yeah actually I think it was actually at that point it was probably four properties okay the two that were developed by onshore the subject property that we're talking about tonight um the Thomas Christian at the time um property that's just one lot um down seal to the West of Old Dixie okay and then the 105 property on Center Street and in no way can this parking meet the minimum parking requirements for any development because of its temporary nature is that right can you repeat that uh the these 22 spaces could not count in the code towards parking for a development because they are temporary in nature given the FC RightWay okay not unless there was a waiver or some type of PUD that allowed that so this is more about quality of life Public Safety but also inadequate parking can you please um explain what the code says with inadequate parking I know in 2021 it was discussed that Roger Dean for example has these 2,000 Extra Spaces because there was an observed need for additional parking um so what does the code say about inadequate parking if someone has minimum parking but there is observed inadequate parking what are the symtoms quote unquote and the remedies so and I'm going to be paraphrasing but it says essentially that if all or nearly all of the spaces on site are being used to full capacity and there's additional parking occurring on other properties or in public right of ways other areas that would be considered inadequate parking if it happened on two occasions like one week and the next week um if that observation occurred then um the planning director has the um ability to request a parking evaluation and study and recommendations by the property owner on how they can remedy that inadequate parking issue and then that's presented to the council for a decision on how to what to accept um so far as the mitigation and did the owner in 2021 of this property who is the same owner with the application tonight did he agree and accept the terms of the 22 spaces was there any objection any discussion in terms of this condition being placed on that approval no there was an objection at that time okay and he would know then if he was going to sell the property or he he had control of those of multiple properties at that point and so I mean under any foreseeable future um he he didn't raise any issues no okay okay that's all for now coun C uh May um I'm trying to actually going back through the resolution because I was here when we approved this and the you know there was supposed to be an executed lease agreement between uh FEC and 105 yes for these 22 spaces and then 105 was going to lease a portion of these spaces to the applicant I don't know the details of their side agreements of how that was going to be you know divided up or financially supported yeah I I don't I don't know that I just I'm looking back through the resolution when we were here because I was trying to jog my memory on how when the application was originally approved was because they had a a potential or lease agreement for 22 of the or some of the 22 parallel parking spaces along Old Dixie Highway is how they got this application approved correct I'm sorry can you repeat that so resolution uh 6721 in the in the minutes from the meeting when we were talking about it going back the 22 parking spaces that were approved which to answer the question that was going to be true grid um temporary um a portion of those were going to be leased to on for construction I don't recall that specifically how they were going to be I'm just I'm curious if that's if that's how this application was originally approved was because they were going to have a lease agreement for parking spaces on the 22 parallel parking spaces at the time at the time this application originally came through to get approval it was running concurrent with the application to do the on street parking spaces that 10 the owner of 105 was bringing forward we were having a lot of issues with the parking along the FC from onshore Christian Thomas potentially others as well as the 105 property I think they all realized they had an issue that they needed to deal with and everybody was working together over the years I believe actually that onshore had a lease with FEC for a period of time Thomas melhorn appears to have one currently um so there's been a history of trying to deal with this like kind of peac meal but it was never improved parking it was just on Shell Rock adjacent to the edge of road and it was always halfhazard and there were attempts to encourage people to park angled in One Direction so that when they pulled out it would be safer for the residents using that roadway to get to their their homes um so I just think everybody was working together everybody recognized and then you know with the sale of the properties I think onshore took the position that they got rid of and they dealt with their problem they didn't see this current proposed building necessarily contributing to it but for the reasons we've talked about tonight we recognize it could fall into the same pattern of all the other developments um that have these really small Lots really small parking lots and tend to have overflow needs okay um I guess that's all my questions right now just I'm trying to read back through because there's this was a huge agenda item that I remember it took us like a very long time to get get through this so um but that's all my questions right now thank you I remember I've got one followup if I could please um for you Mr sickler um the you paraph I know you're paraphrasing but you paraphrase the um the the problem parking that if it's two weeks or or multiple occasions where there's a site visit and the problems noted you then enact some policies they all sound like they're um geared towards an existing structure has this ever been used for a proposed structure this deficient parking Clause we have had applications that that indicated or there were concerns um based on the proposed uses that there wouldn't be adequate parking and the applicant in order to address that secured off-site um parking easements from neighboring properties that had the ability to share parking um so we've done it in that regard card I mean it's a little bit different um but there have been times where the council has recognized this looks to be problematic and there needs to be a solution if in fact it does become problematic and like in this one case that was bermudiana um they actually secured an agreement from a neighboring office building this is unique in that there's no neighboring parking available when you typically there's an existing parking lot that might have additional space right or even if they all shared with each other other you know in that type of scenario it would relieve some of the strain um because one business might Peak at one time another one at a different time Etc different days of week different times of year um it just the more people you have contributing and sharing a parking lot the more efficient it operates right um I didn't mention one of the reasons why like for onshore Thomas melhorn um we couldn't use that provision in the code is because they would Reserve parking space es on their property for customers and they had some of them had signs that set I think for customers only and so their employees or subcontractors or whomever would park somewhere else so when you go to do an inspection there would be spaces available in the parking lot in the required parking but yet they were parking in an overflow area bu causing a problem yeah and then there's some parking lots Behind these buildings that have narrow driveways to get back to there's some like subpar parking spaces and a lot of the the people that were working at these businesses and frequented them drove large vehicles and I think it was difficult for them to maneuver in those spaces so it was easier to park on the other side of the street right from what I've heard too historically from what I've seen um the the problem was really crunch time when they were cutting checks it's a a contractor you know I'm a contractor myself so I know how that happens you get a lot of vendors there so it was really intensive at sometimes hopefully that's all gone now and it's over in a spot where it really should we're seeing some similar things at 9:36 at the corner but again we're trying to address that issue separately um one last thing too the the proposed structure itself would be fully compliant with parking um the concern is the way it's being partitioned would indicate the potential for more cars than than what's right provided for right how many additional spaces did you say three approximately three and that would be based on the way it's partitioned right not necessarily it's square foot it's like the work areas and the individual office spaces okay all right thank you and there was an attachment um for that in your agenda item I think that provides that floor plan if you need to refer to it I've just a couple of questions to wrap up my questions or so um again we need to be very careful here and still be mindful of the only thing that's before us is uh an action on 954 Old Dixie Highway but to the degree staff did give us information that we have in the report here um I think it may be relevant to just confirm it for the record um so joh I'm looking at the app application for resolution 6721 or the staff report which is attachment C and I'm looking at uh page four the of that staff report um do you have it before you what page was it page four okay you if do you have that before you wait a minute I think I'm on the wrong one see C page four okay oh could you just read the first bullet the first bullet on page four yeah yeah the the both companies ex executed leases with FEC yeah to allow parking on the east side of North Old Dixie without site plan approval by the town onshore construction executed a lease in 2007 and Christian Thomas executed lease in 2013 which are still active for the areas north of seminal Avenue right now that's not in that that's just background information but it does suggest what had happened at the time when these joint applications came in um so then I'd ask you just to go to uh think you have attachment D um from the prior resolution yeah from the PRI from the PRI you know attachment D which is Staff report on the onshore construction application um you know which is the matter that is before for us as far as you know the what was the conditions of approval um so can you look at page four of that staff report yes second and last bullet could you just read the second and last bullet a concurrent site application site plan application has been submitted by the property owner of one05 Center Street to construct 22 on street parking spaces on FEC property located on the east side of Old Dixie between Center Street and Florida Avenue the statement of use indicates that a portion of the on street parking will be subleased to onshore construction refer to the staff report of the concurrent application for additional background okay and then just lastly I just wanted to's your question mayor May sorry yeah I just wanted to and then lastly and I think most importantly the resolution that we approved for this particular item resolution uh 2021 uh page C of that resolution can you go to that page y can you read condition for uh the conditions of approval Hein shall apply to the owner applicant and their successors and assigns yes so you know while this is a mess all we have is what the resolution is and the resolution is the commitments that were made by various parties and in the acceptance of the conditions of approval that were apply to the owner of the applicant and their successors unassign so uh um you know again I'm just going to I got my confirmation of what's on in the record from you here thank you and I just you know I don't think it's a practical solution look the other way and change that condition but uh vice mayor you had a question I believe uh not a question I'll wait for comments okay we have public comment we do not okay no public comment I'll return to council for uh discussion and a motion anybody have any comments further comments they want to make um yes I do it I I we we are in a strange territory here this is somewhat unprecedented when I asked specifically about other times this has occurred it's occurred where there was other parking that was obtainable um now there is no other parking obtainable um none none definitive um if 105 was to proceed and get the 22 spaces then it would obviously be usable for all those buildings up and down but what we're doing is potentially telling somebody they can't build anything on that property proper um it's it's a matter of how it's being partitioned not the size and the use that's driving a potential for threee additional spaces um where the need may or may not occur so it seems like it's it's Unique but it its uniqueness makes it somewhat unfair to this particular application um I I was not on the council when you guys made that prior decision but I was part of the Planning and Zoning when those decisions were made we had these conversations at length and it did seem very practical at the time because there was a huge problem out there on the Northern end but that Northern end problem seems to have dissipated if not completely gone away I heard specifically that it's still 105 things at the South End of the Street and it sounds like he's still pursuing those spaces and the spaces will be eventually there um so I I would think that a fair thing to do would be to allow the construction but still make it very clear that if a problem is developed um at at you know at the time then he has to reach out and secure the three additional spaces but it just seems unfair to me to now put that requirement on uh a single property owner when it's the property owner least causing the least amount of problems um 105 I think he recognizes it down at that end that's where they need the parking the most but he's not under any obligation to do anything anything so it just it just doesn't seem Equitable somehow um I don't see any other compromise to this there's no way we can tell them to go get other parking that's going to have to come from that pool of 22 spaces and the only way to do that is if 105 proceeds with the with the agreement which it sounds like they are definitely doing so if there if there is a future problem with parking hopefully that future problem will meet up at the same time that the parking becomes available um right now the town can't even prohibit parking on that FEC property that's FEC property and they control 100% we can't stop it we can't change it we can't require it be paved or anything of that nature that's their own private property and there's nothing we can really do about that what do we do about this one unique application it just does not seem fair to say you can't build anything there or build what you're proposing but yank some of your non-bearing partition out it's change your upstairs floor plan by removing a single wall it it just doesn't seem quite fair or Equitable doesn't seem like what we would C make everybody else in the town do and that's my Benchmark for that before before I go on regrets um I always pull out the order of quad judicial proceedings um and uh before I we go to deliberation um to the degree that the applicant rep had a reserved time you know for rebuttal closing argument Mr Mayor Mr mayor council thank you very much um counselor for you're you're you're touching on the points of the application that are salent um we recognize there a 40-page staff report here talking about 15 years of history and we know what we agreed to in 2021 we agree there was a problem in 2021 absolutely we knew that we were part of that problem we came together with the other applicants to try and solve that problem it's now in the hands of 10 105 Center Street to build 22 parking spaces they need the parking spaces everybody else has pulled away and has moved on and uh this applicant and staff has indicated and in terms of our offices the the former offices of uh onshore construction and family office they don't have a parking problem today and there won't be one in the future as soon as the parking gets constructed as I said that's going to physically prevent people from doing what has historically happened for decades so it's important that we realize in 2021 no one's contesting that we were there to agree to it by the way we didn't want to agree to those conditions of approval we would never have gotten to a site plan approval had we not agreed in some capacity have to take on the obligation of parking and also we calculate parking by sare footage that's how the code does it we meet that standard so you can count chairs offices doesn't matter it's irrelevant all of the small offices the ones that have been sold off the ones that are now occupied by developers they don't have a parking issue if a successful construction company goes in there and has project managers they're setting themselves up for failure and I think it'd be crazy to go into that Corridor thinking that they can conduct business as usual and take over the neighborhood can't be done and in this case a successful business had to move out to continue being a successful business here in Jupiter and um what's been left behind has been nothing no neighbors no one cares about this anymore because the north end is kind of quieting down John's working through issues with other users that aren't using their parking properly then code enforcement that's that's the action that's the right action I agree with it 100% where we're at right now is 2021 and 2024 two different worlds we even have an applicant that's willing to come in and build the parking for 105 I I presented this at the Planning and Zoning commission I I'm not going to talk about it tonight because it's it's irrelevant if we have to have a conditioned ride with us we'd love to have that condition as long as it sunsets once the parking's built we don't want to have an extra burden on this site for no reason for would a could have should a but meets the code built a code it should stand like every other property that develops in Jupiter and not have any additional burdens placed on it because of the fear of the unknown okay that same conversation about the residents fear of the unknown it needs code it'll be a small office they'll be able to park themselves just like everybody else and with that look forward to any recommendations of either striking the condition or modifying the condition we're willing to work with staff to modify the condition to make it work uh to everyone's satisfaction thank you are there deliberations so I remember being on Planning and Zoning in 2021 when this came before us with um councelor 4 and I don't believe it would have I mean this is you know my opinion but after rewatching the video I don't think I would have given approval and I don't know if the majority of Planning and Zoning would have given approval except for the fact that this was going to be built um I do believe you know in terms of just the operating principles of this you know kind of innocent until proven guilty um this property has not been built on there is you know we have we have a floor plan and while nothing has occurred at the property in terms of parking or um inadequate parking um there is history you know with an owner who has had inadequate parking at property south of this one who shared ownership you know with with all these properties so you know that's kind of the evidence that I see before us is kind of this track record um the environment of the small lots and the historic nature of it uh the fact that there is no additional option uh I asked about the lot to the north of this one it's residential so it can accommodate commercial parking uh so there there are limited options uh I do think this is a problem in terms of Public Safety it has been for some time and for the environment I think our hands are tied in a lot of ways because of the PC right away and you know limited options um I do think it's somewhat unfair to tie hands to 105 when there's no obligation on 105 to ever do anything um it would be nice you know but without that obligation on 105 it may I don't know what's going to come of that so I mean I certainly want I I think I want to modified condition potentially for the three spaces as you were saying uh counselor for um but open to other options I don't want to let it go I think he did agree to a condition to provide for parking um if there is inadequate parking or evidence of inadequate parking I do want to see a resolution to that in this area and I think the three spaces is kind of the fair share gives the owner the ability to kind of control their fate more than if it's tied in with um you know these informal Arrangements I'm not sure how that would pan out it's messy I agree um but that seems to me to strike a balance of sorts but that's that I'm open-minded to my colleagues I don't think we should let it go I don't think you know in terms of the four options before us I don't think we should delete the condition I'm not sure if planning and zonings is practical with the 22 um I I want to understand the wording of the modification to make sure that we're getting our desired outcomes in terms of making sure that some remedy would be um actually put in practically uh that it's not impractical as the mayor said and uh and yeah that's where I'm at right now I think that um you know again when these applic when this application came forth again I'm reading from the information in here um onore construction was property own of fre Parcels 954 946 938 so they came forth while they were just doing action on 938 in my view they were recognizing they were stepping up for multiple sites the fact that they may or may not have sold off the two ab butting sites doesn't reduce the obligation that that owner made and it and it passes on to the successors un assigns that's why I was reading that we have to do it that way in government you know in in what what we do so I I don't want to get trapped into just viewing well three spaces for 938 because staff's report represented that in inherently the other two sites might be a little bit short and while we'll all agree that 105 might be the majority of it along Old Dixie still is a parking issue as staff made very clear by the fact that when you have individual lots and you don't have sharing of parking inevitably it creates people then park somewhere else where where they don't need to go so again um and I just want to say and maybe I'd ask the town attorney to weighin I will ask this because what's unique about this one um if we were to end up denying the request it is different um and I would want to ask for guidance for Mr bar because the applicate could come back with some something more for me you'd have to come back with something committing to do something as opposed to well you know trust us there won't be a problem and then when a problem happens then we're we're we're scrambling and it's not practical in 6 months or a year or two years years or whatever um so they stepped up to this you know open to other but other real solutions to just prove that there is a solution that could be done in six months Mr bear do you want to comment on if we what what action if we were to take you know I don't believe in my view it really that twoyear you know doesn't apply because it's not an original application but that just my reading do you can you give us guidance on that well I thought you modified that provision so that if that it would apply um the applicant can choose to modify their site plan and come up with a solution they haven't built anything yet can't build anything until they address this condition one way or another one way to eliminate the condition is to build less than the full full square footage of the property create some additional parking on the on the site so my concern there is that they meet the minimum code they meet the code requirements for parking so it would be a hypothetical until then [Music] um that's that's where I struggle but we're being asked the applicant is asking us to change a condition where an obligation was made that very well influenced people to support the project the totality what they're asking so it isn't an easy thing to just say oh you can delete that because you're meeting parking your denial only goes to the the request to modify the condition so if you deny the request to modify or eliminate the condition they can address it however however they feel is appropriate I think it would certainly benefit that particular property if they could secure three spaces across the street that makes a lot of sense and I also definitely believe that those 22 spots are eventually going to be made I think 105 is going to definitely be doing something to make that happen I think we're going to see that happen all up and down Old Dixie but in particular an area where there's been a great deal of historical concern turn and expression of an attempt to to Fashion some type of agreement with FEC FEC has been clearly unable to do something until now so it's it's my belief that they're going to be doing something quickly I think it's it's too much in 105's best interest so if we could possibly recraft this to to force them to to come to the table for three of the spots when the spots are made um allow them to proceed with the application but say as soon as three spots are available you you must uh enter into a lease agreement with them or at least show a preliminary lease agreement Su leas agreement with the 105 owner that there will be uh spaces dedicated to him when the 105 spaces are built a compromise I look at this as they were approved for the two two office two-story office building with the additional spaces and to just remove them um really uh diminishes the input of the The Neighbors in the area and they were they were the impetus of why we got here in the first place with the whole Arrangement so and I'm not willing to turn this into a um reactive code enforcement situation I'm just not willing to go there so uh I'm not willing to you know delete the Extra Spaces from you know tonight's proposal if they want I I just can't do it because you I worked hand in hand with the neighbors back in the day and it's just the potential for problems down the road that we have to you know you know then follow up on and try to correct and it never gets corrected I'm just not willing to go there and it's um I wish we could do something you know more or help out the applicant but I just don't I don't see U uh an Avenue there tonight for me anyway so so practically speaking um to T so you're saying to deny the request versus a modified because that holds them is that right okay well I support that and um just to emphasize for the applicant when usually when you deny you make you send message and what the basis for denial is is I'm still struggling with number one that this property owner of three properties had agreed to these conditions so I don't it can't in my mind come back narrow down to just 938 um because this property owner also owned two other Parcels so I don't want to agonize and I don't think it's for me up here on the Das to figure out well was three the right number or is it five or what right it was being worked out before I prefer that the applicant go back with 105 and re reconstruct the agreements they had and come back if they come back with demonstration that they're going to go in the end we're going to end up with those spaces but they've passed them off or whatever I'll consider that but uh just remove them or even arbitrarily say three spaces for a condition I can't do that no no no understand that but I'm just saying that didn't come from staff as a being Planning and Zoning is and did Planning and Zoning Tak in account you know three lots three properties as opposed to one or what or well it was the way it's partitioned I it's my understanding the way it was specifically partitioned is why would they recommended three any I'm not going to be supported tonight so I just want to give my reasons okay yeah and just I just want to provide a little bit more background too on page six of the staff report of the original thing it said if the concurrent application to construct the offsite parking lot by the owner of 105 Center Street does not get approved and constructed the property owner onshore construction could submit a site plan application to construct a smaller parking lot on the portion of land east of their properties since they already had a lease from FEC which I don't know if that lease is expired or not and another permanent option under their control would be to construct a parking lot instead of an office building on the subject property at 954 Old Dixie so it's it's interesting that like I like the town attorney even said nothing has been built here yet so they could modify to meet the code however it however it needs to be so I I don't want to get into the weeds of you know modifying conditions that were approved and you know agreed upon and everything like that so I I really can't support modifying anything tonight um I think we need need to kind of go back and look at what they're really looking to construct there and make sure the parking is is adequate uh for the neighbors and and for them as well I'd agree with that they're asking us for a lot when they have more options to do whatever to change site plan whatever so I think the ask is huge I can't do it doesn't sound like you want to do it the mayor so okay okay I'll take a motion in a second on the the action item before us which was uh request to delete a condition of approval motion to not Den I second Motion in the second all in favor signify by saying I I I opposed nay uh the motion carries uh 4 to one with h councilor for dissenting okay moving on to reports Town attorney thank you mayor I just want to give you an update on uh Court proceedings we've had the busy three weeks with some very significant hearings in the uh lawsuit brought by the um political committee one um order was entered in favor of the town on the town's motion to compel the political committee to produce 64 pages of documents that they were withholding um so those are to be produced by Friday a second hearing um again on the town's motion to compel was held and an order in favor of the town was entered regarding uh request to produce from the County Fire Union documents that it was ref refusing to turn over pursuant to a subpoena so the court granted that um moot the town's motion there a third was because we had not received the documents that had been requested and had been withheld we asked to enlarge the time to extend Discovery so that we could obtain those documents and then review them to determine whether they are relevant and important for what we believe will be our motion for summary judgment and then the uh political committee filed a motion to dispense with mediation um which is something that in my 40 Years of practicing law not seen a motion to to a court asking them to the court to dispense with mediation and not surprisingly the court denied that motion and ordered the parties to meet mediate by June 28th um that's a quick turnaround it's a quick turnaround because the political committee has been pushing for a quick um hearing so that they believe they can get this to a to a ballot question uh quickly so if you're keeping score um there were four hearings 10wn uh that resulted in favor of the Town four times and in favor of the political committee zero times thank you for that update anything anything else NOP and good work uh I uh had the opportunity to listen in on a couple of the hearings and I was uh it really was an education uh and I benefited listening in even including the cases that preceded it to see how the courts work in these things but uh I felt we really were ex the representation we had was excellent thank you when's dis Discovery cut off did that get moved when is Discovery cut off um it is now I believe June 28th okay so it's imminent when does July 2 when when when does the msj have to be filed July 2nd okay excellent dispositive motions very good the political committees already filed their motion for summary judgment did we respond we're not required to respond until 40 days after the motion is filed so not yet okay so we'll be prepared all right we're still in Discovery Well the discovery really goes to our motion for summary judgment um the difference of opinion is that um and actually this was pretty surprising the uh political committee's lawyer in an attempt to keep the documents away from us argued that the documents from the union and the political committee were protected by attorney client privilege in part because she argued that the Union was an agent of the political committee so if you know something about agency law that means that legally that entity is entitled to step into your shoes and act for you so in arguing a point to try to keep documents away in essence the two the two entities were linked together through an agency relationship between the political committee and the fire Union do you anticipate taking many depositions I don't anticipate that we need to take any depositions I think we've got ample evidence that we require for our motion for summary judgment very good the documents that will be produced will just be icing on the cake perfect acting Town manager thank you mayor just a few few um announcements and and notifications uh you may have seen that we could received some good news uh after the governor signed the budget last week that we are going to be receiving State Appropriations in the amount of $2.4 million for our Western Indiantown Road Project which is part as you know of our fiveyear CIP program so we were very happy to receive that news a big award for us from State Appropriations staff will be working with the Florida Department of Transportation to get the necessary documentation and we anticipate that work will start around August uh an update on the East viiew Manor playground I know we've all been patiently awaiting one of our newest playgrounds and that's nearing completion so we expect to be getting back to you with an opening date um in July to be able to celebrate that completion uh several of us were um honored to attend an award ceremony last week for uh the north uh Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce officer Kevin sales Lopez and officer CHR Wyatt were honored with an award for the call of the year at that ceremony uh you may recall that those officers conducted um a very uh Brave and quick uh assessment of a call some time ago that resulted in prevention of a potential school shooting so they were recognized in a very moving ceremony so our congratulations go out to those officers you potential two potential yes absolutely you're right I wanted to also uh just make you aware of some merit awards some Town manager merit awards that we've recently given out we often don't get the opportunity to recognize our employees for some of these Awards so I thought it was important to point these out uh I'd like to recognize a couple of employees from The Information Systems Department Jack hun and King winman who uh LED efforts to identify and eliminate some unused phone lines that resulted in annual Savings of over $158,000 so they were honored with a town man maners merit award recently for those efforts as was Kristen oier from the finance department who was honored for her efforts to uh diligently budget and and manage the purchasing operations for the town hall construction project so congratulations to those employees and finally just a reminder tomorrow Town Hall will be closed for the recognition of juneth so um for all public and members of council might have business here we will be taking a day off that's all I have any comments Count Council four um I I love the idea of cost savings while I was at a proud Whitney they would actually um give you thinner gift certificates maybe a $50 thinner certificate some some certificate's nice but some type of U monetary recognition $158,000 annual savings that's unbelievable that's fantastic and something like that incentivizes employees to start looking everywhere for cost savings which benefits all of us our budgets are looking fantastic which we get to discuss later this week but it it would be a consideration possibly if we could find some way to give some kind of uh dinner gift certificates or something like that to employees that came up with a substantial cost savings yeah just want to um comment there was there was a comment meor earlier tonight about a counselor saying that some residents should be ashamed of themselves um the word Resident was never used and that was me and I wasn't referring to people that come up with public comments or anybody that's in the in the conversation or dialogue that's really engaged in whether they're Pro or anti jfrd or whatever I was talking about sort of like trolls online that are in intentionally trying to frighten people that don't know what's going on in the town with the fire and and they just throw all this just just negative false garbage at them and it just it just muddies the waters that was out that's what I was referring to I've said in public before and I've said in private I love it when this chamber's full I like the rockus meetings exciting I mean it's kind of breaks up the monotony I don't care if anybody's throwing spitballs at us I'll take it but uh I didn't I didn't I didn't wanted to diminish any Resident that's legitimately coming at us with their opinion I just I was talking about people that were just intentionally trying to scare especially our elderly elderly citizens because uh they don't always pay just some people don't pay attention so that was it uh just going down the line um a few things um number one I would ask uh Mr bar uh to reissue or U update I don't know that needs to be updated there was a memo you issued to Mayor and councel on September 23rd 2022 I have a copy it was the procedures governing quasi judicial hearings um attached to that so there was like four pages of guidance and then attached to that was the order of quad judicial proceedings notice tonight I heard you know specifically when you know the applicant had asked to use his time and that became deliberating once you start that you can't go back so I I corrected myself U so I want vice mayor and others to I have this in front of me usually every time we go quad additional I try to stay on track I do think it's helpful for each one of us to remember you know particularly in Quad disal so that's why I'm asking Mr be to uh resubmit that and so that was critiquing myself but I but I share because you could also help me um because In fairness he needed to say what he needed to say quite frankly before you know counselor before you even spoke right because that was his opportunity that he asked for secondly and again I'm just critiquing myself here um and you know I presiding over the meeting effectively I'm somewhat working for the council and I'm accountable to control and conduct the meeting so I want to ask two things uh I want point out a couple self- critiques I do tend to be um lenient on residence going over time I would think we all want us to right um but I think that is being abused and number two and then on their citizen comments they're talking about agenda items so I just want to share two things I'm going to ask uh for help from the town clerk on this one um number one I only noticed this tonight I don't know if it's done before uh but I've seen sometimes where when the three minutes are up it continues in the negative if that still is Cape Focus that was changed tonight and I'm not finding fault what happens is I can try to direct and people can see how far over they've gone right just you know I allowed it to really go too far I'm always a you know a few exra few seconds to wrap up because I think we want to be we we represent the public but I I realized I think you know we I went way overboard but I was looking and I didn't even know how much time i' expired so that's where the benefit of I know you may think have thought there's no value they're ready over but that's something I could have used and pointed out because I spoke to her and then you know she continued and this is not a negative to the residence I'm just saying um and then uh secondly um to some degree I think with the uh citizen comment the card says what the topic is um so uh I trust that the town clerk in receiving the citizen comments if you saw it was a genda item you tell them that right that's always been the practice uh but I think what happened tonight was while they talked about the agenda item they also talked about other items so you know it was it was fair but again I'm just critiquing here because even for them if they really were just on an agenda item it's more influential for them to talk on the agenda item um so I'm just saying that in the way of self self-critique I would ask um the um uh Town staff um on the 2.4 million dollar um Award of the town's request for Indian Town Road to do a couple things number one and I was thrilled to see that in the weekly report was one presume that when a billion dollars of line item was struck everything was struck so I was delighted to see we got that so I think we need to do some analysis of how did that one stay in there and I know staff had gotten with our legislative reps with a pitch on each project but if if there's any insight to be gotten because it's a lesson learn then you know for next year right um and then secondly I'm curious I think I know what it is but and you can put this in the weekly report what was the scope of that project because I'm always pushing at the TPA level for funding um and they want to make sure I understand you know what was approved in specifically in the budget uh what was the scope again I believe I know what it is but I'm not I'm not certain so if you could for myself and the rest of uh rest of council um and then um I do want to just comment um uh Mr Whitson that has uh spoken on a few meetings now that um with regard to responsible government on collaboratively working together in regarding the fire stations it has been the position of the town I believe it's the entirety of the council I know it's mine and our staff uh our town manager or fire uh chief that Bert Reynolds station 90% of the calls are in the town so we don't know why the county would keep it going they've said they will for 10% of the calls which is like a call a day we've offered to do those on Mutual Aid We're going to continue to offer to do those on Mutual Aid um so we would hope that at some point in time in that case the county recognizes that doesn't make sense for them to keep that operational um and uh even though we would we are proceeding with doing a station across the street up until the time that we broke around we hope that the county you know fire rescue is going to realize that let's work something out here and not have two stations across the street from one another but the County's the property owner we're going to continue to do what we think is the responsible thing on Mutual Aid so they don't have to keep a station open for one call a day but I just wanted to and yes I'm going to appreciate I appreciate your reaching now trying to get action you know on that and we we've talked personally about that before but thank you with that vice mayor so I just wanted to say thank you for bringing up the 2.4 million and that is an enormous sum um it is I mean if you look at you know the Appropriations and the history of Appropriations to municipalities and all of that it is um a really incredible thing and I would like to ask for a couple things as well I think you know appreciation goes a long way and we have three Representatives uh we have one Senator uh who um the assistant Town manager actually and myself went to visit and speak with during uh the legislative session who were responsive um and you know I think we'd always heard that that was a helpful thing uh and I think we found that it was so um especially as it was not you know during a particularly busy time I know Palm Beach County days can be a lot of voices all at once and so in in choosing not to go at that time there was more dedicated time with each of those individual ual um I think we should thank them I think we to the extent that they want to come and present before this Council we should have them I think you know potentially a press release but just it goes you know as a matter of principle just appreciation for what they've done for this town on an issue that is so important to Residents which is traffic um in terms of our quality of life so I just want to make a point there and um things I noticed you know in terms of the application for the funding it does help when we have an item as a strategic item that is asked for in the form is it a strategic item by this municipality so to the extent that we add items to a strategic plan that can help push things forward um another item is to have an independent study is there verifiable objective verifiable evidence of a need for this type of project so you know there are a couple of things there and and the governor has released his budget with a transportation summary on kind of what what he was hoping to accomplish with the budget in terms of Transportation uh the other thing I want to say is just a process thing really um we do you know our town manager has his annual evaluation his period of performance is June 1st June 1st and so and that's in his contract so to the extent that his term is you know that period of performance is now ended it is on us to make sure that we give him that evaluation especially going into our budget discussion on Thursday and Beyond um so I just wanted to to remind my colleagues of that and that's all I've got for now and thank you for that reminder and I needed to do that so bottom line between now and the next meeting uh we're all obligated individually to get with Town manager and give him feedback is that the best way to do it individually because that is yes I mean that's respect for people to do it meet with them you know individually the contract does the contract does give um kind of parameters or suggestions on on topics that should be measured uh we should go back to the contract look at the contract and the attachments um I have always written something short just to have the public record there for him um but that's my practice and it differs individually so it could be a conversation where is that contract available a staff can provide okay would you so yeah if staff would go ahead and reissue that as a reminder but it's through the period of 61 at least that's the way I had interpreted it so you know I'm in the process of doing that uh you know uh review critique and uh you know last year I also gave uh did that and then had given him you know a document that was kind of summarizing my thoughts but it's somewhat bottom line each one of us individually obligate you know would want to do that and obligated to do that uh and so one one we don't want to have everybody have to do the same thing right so but make sure you're having the discussion with them and and if you'll do it before the next meeting yeah we had delayed last year and it kind of came at an inopportune time because I think the residents wrongly Associated the timing with something but really the period of performance is set from June 1st to June 1st so for example our vote um votes after June 1st that was for this period of performance not the last one thank you councelor may uh to quick things uh just want to give a congratulations to commissioner Maria Marino who was reelected unopposed uh as of a couple days ago um and then also just remind everybody that uh as of June 1st we are in hurricane season um I wasn't here at the last meeting to you know kind of give my annual Spiel where I tell everybody make sure your hurricane supplies are up to date get your batteries make sure your generators are working water supply things like that um the waters are insanely hot right now for this time of year it's uh very very surprising actually um so I'm praying that we have a you know quiet season but just for everyone in the that's listening to be prepared make sure their hurricane kits are ready to go and they have their plans and plac as to where they're going to go in the event that we have a a hurricane hit the area so that's all I have trim your trees now do your trimming now okay the time is uh now 9:25 and I'll Jour in the meeting next I think we canel thank you e e e e e for