##VIDEO ID:I2QfJBDW5h8## signature went South improvisor going to be about yeah thank you I saw him pickup jur thomasm good evening the time is now 6:30 and I'll call to order the commun community redevelopment agency meeting of Tuesday September 3rd uh can we have a roll call please chair kety here Vice chair sunstrom here commissioner Delaney commissioner for here commissioner May executive director Kito here commission attorney be here okay uh we begin tonight we have a public hearing um on the CRA operating and Community investment program budgets and with that I'll turn it over to staff uh good evening commission um as just indicated by the chair uh we're here this evening uh over a long summer we've had budgetary workshops and uh had two on the CRA specifically um we know going forward uh this is this is the plan for uh going into the next year understanding that we're still working on the updating of the CRA plan which will be coming before the commission uh shortly uh but as the plan proceeds forward uh we have we need to adopt the budget so that's what we're here to do this evening uh you can see here uh on the front on the very first page uh a summary of the revenues and expenditures that go into this year's proposed budget the CRA increment has increased from 473 million to 515 million a total of $42 million increase approximately 879 th000 is attributable to new construction within the district um uh highlights of the operational expenditures uh we're going to be paying off the loan uh to the general fund and the CIP that happened at the last Workshop uh where the commission indicated they wanted to go ahead and pay that off uh in fy2 so that's 1.5 million also we have some uh cips which is the Riverwalk community events of $440,000 in the operating holiday decorations also there's an internship program within the CRA the uh that person will be operating out of the uh um out of the uh operating Department of the Town also uh contributions towards the holiday boat parade fireworks uh also going to continue the funding of the plan in Planning and Zoning for studies that support the implementation of the CRA plan uh and also continuing the contract with the regional planning Council uh into fy2 for the CIP uh just in summary uh the Riverwalk gravity wall uh repairs uh have been are nearing completion in fact I think it's already been uh repaired uh but now we're going to be doing some preventative measures going forward so we don't have the same accident happen again uh also living Shoreline stabilization project we've talked about that starting last year continuing on with that and then uh P Place park that's part of some of the discussion that's been happening over the last couple of months uh and now we've uh developed a CIP sheet for that going forward to have the park there so just a overall summary uh showing uh last couple of years as it compares to the proposed FY 25 uh budget uh you can see here uh the taxable value increase over the uh base year a total of 515 ,000 or $515 million uh there's a countywide millage and also the town millage that participates in the CRA uh the the county is proposed at 4.5 mills uh the town millage at 23894 uh the county avaloran piece is just uh $2.2 million uh and the town avaloran piece is 1.1 total of 3.3 million in avol taxes uh propos proposed to be collected next year overview of the community investment plan we've again we've talked about this uh during the uh workshops uh this will most likely change once the plan comes before you and the uh commission updates its plan uh but right now as it stands today uh we have uh the events uh Plaza uh the gravity wall repair which also consists of going forward dollars for uh mediation so that those type of accidents don't happen again in the future also the shoreline stabilization program which is an ongoing program uh for the living Shoreline within the district uh also the Pet Place Park uh which we'll talk about here shortly all of this funded through the CRA uh General revenues is how it's shown here on uh within the 5-year window doesn't mean that we can't apply for uh Grant funds going forward so again talking about the gravity wall the future funding of the of the project is to prevent damage to the wall and the Riverwalk through a long-term solution to address minor mitigation of the blocks and the wall and to provide a natural barrier uh you can see there we've actually had some success uh growing some of these natural barriers already uh along some of the shoreline Parks uh we're going to continue on with that along at the by the gravity wall also the shoreline stabilization uh this is we started this over the last couple of years uh and it's for the living Shoreline uh over a longterm period and then the other one is the Pet Place Park uh we've talked about that we talked about it in regards to uh a portion of that being used for a fire station uh the rest of that is going to be used for a park we've received direction from the commission on that uh We've now placing dollars into the CIP fund to fund going forward the park elements again we're going to be flushing that out through the CRA plan uh right now this is just a placeholder based on what you've already seen come uh through as the council uh and also uh coming up from staff but again this will be further refined as you get into the CRA plan with that said uh looking at the cash flow uh based on the direction that we received from the workshops which was to uh pay off the loans to the general fund and the CIP of approximately $2.5 million uh in next year also uh you have on tonight's agenda a an amendment of $1.2 million which is help fund uh the removal of the underground structure on payot uh which will be needed uh for the park that'll be constructed there along with the fire department which is funding of the majority of that uh and also um excuse me for the fy2 general operating in the CIP with that being said uh you can see a slight reduction uh from the workshop of the ending balance uh it was just over 27 million uh which was remaining last time but now we've had that amendment of $1.2 million it's now just over $26 million remaining and again that will fluctuate going forward uh based on the avalor dollar that are collected and they assess values as they grow those dollars can fluctuate with that said are there any questions any questions uh from Commissioners I had a question on the um stabil stabilization of that bank what does that look like you can go back a couple slides sure I know the living Shor line is going to be in front of where the wall was that was hit by the jet ski talking about this one the upper right is that going to be a rip wrap or what are you guys doing there there's yeah Stephanie's here yes it is it'll look like a um like a break water that's over there um further south like the DP put in put them in actually so they'll look like that but there's opportunities instead of just rip wrap of um integrating artificial Reef modules in there Mangrove pods those kinds of things so we because we found that the rip wrap doesn't always um allow for some reason some of the oysters like them but sometimes they don't so we're going to be trying different things to get more oyster um recruitment so most of it will be in the water but what about that bank what you what's going there so we'll do something close to the bank as well and then we'll have something further out okay that's right as well and then we're we're also looking at other opportunities so that we can okay we can see what else we can do along there and I love the incorporation of the living shore line wherever we can just keep that going that's fantastic so you want to grow oysters yeah thank you just to follow up uh for everybody's understanding uh so you can just clarify but it's different along the along the corridor in some cases they'll be replacing the bulkhead and then doing a living Shoreline right so it really depends what the metric conditions are you know at the location one particular Slide the bank sort ofing like like about the fall off yeah and then and I mean the other thing too is like the further south we go it depends on how much oyster recruitment versus sea grasses and and those types of things so we want to we're we're looking at that as we go further south the water is always dark up there there a lot of turbidity so it depends what can sustain life I guess correct there's always life I know mayor can I ask something real quick I got one one quick followup um have this is along the Riverwalk area but have we identified anywhere else in the town where we might be vulnerable well we're doing the vulnerability assessment the utilities department is working on that with Hazen and Sawyer so once that comes out um I'm sure um Amanda and her team will be bringing that back to you for a presentation perfect thank you just just so you know that study is set for next uh spring summerish time frame all down wide okay I think uh do we have any public comments no mayor okay seeing none um I'll take a motion in a second on uh CRA resolution 324 and then separately 424 motion to approve resolution 324 second okay motion and second on SI resolution 324 all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously uh take a motion in a second on CRA resolution 424 motion to approve resolution 424 second motion is second all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries 4 Z moving on to Citizen comments do we have any citizen comments no mayor seeing none um we have before us the minutes of the the August 14th c meeting I don't see any corrections on the Das if there's no Corrections I'll take a motion in a second to approve the minutes motion to approve second motion is second all in favor signify by saying I I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to consent um CR resolution 524 um turn it over to staff but never mind that's a consent right so it's a um do anybody need to any presentation or we can just I'll take a motion in a second so moved second Motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to reports commission attorney none executive director no report any commissioner comments none none uh the time is now 6:43 and we'll adjourn the meeting a f a bunch still reading about things got two Ferraris running a dry cleaner he's got a Ferrari he's like nobody's figured that out nobody figured it out like hey wait maybe that's how I got busted you know Ferrari coin laundry is doing real good this week is it yeah you have to request it that just show up I I took PayPal not PayPal payroll protection the BPP we shut down we didn't work how you doing what do you think he's talking about how much he's spend on gas he drives all the all all the day every day a week gas must be you could it just be a very expensive custom Hills aren't a problem for me because I live in Florida and Wisconsin 30° weather is not a problem for me either and you know that whole thing the the whole thing it wasn't that you know the media just goes crazy when they can they the stuff they beep on it because they're full like everybody else they they misl people to think that you couldn't charge your car at all remember that they were like oh you can't charge a car it's not true the battery go sounds don't drive here bet you I'll I feel okay oh yes yes frequently want reading CIP budget you know so you know here goes and um what I'm going to do is I have 15 CIP projects with requested changes I'm going to go through them quickly I don't believe Q&A with staff would be appropriate if a Town Council majority agrees with me then staff can handle it as an action item before the next meeting I think that'd be the most efficient way to handle this um so um first of all engineering projects um I have and this gives a flavor I think of improvement opportunities but you know we get one bite at the budget process and then we don't get it again for a year and so I'm kind of reluctant without getting some action on these stuff then I'm not comfortable that you know we're really going forth with the planning effort that we need and implementation efforts I've talked about this for a number of years but the first item is e project E38 which is to correct collect the roadway lighting project it's a project that was first funded beginning in 2010 on for 12 roads next year we added the 13th Road it was expected to be Implement implemented over three years beginning in 2014 in 2020s budget which is in 2019 the project fell out of the CIP plan and began to be listed as a balance carry forward project um so you know the takeaway is you know the project was and I asked about this I tried to be efficient and not tie up Council in the workshop and I and I put questions in and I'm not even sure I understand where we stand on that project although I know it's not yet done because we have care funding uh but the project was fully funded about a decade ago and it's language year after year and I've I inquired about the project every year I got a simple ask quite frankly I want it's a valid requirement if I get a majority to agree with me I want staff to provide updated planned inservice date scheduled commitments for all fully funded balanced carry forward projects and by now it ought to be able to buy quarter and year I I have two decades of project management experience and if you you're carrying over all the budget you had on the project by that time you ought to have a handle on the schedule some of them are complicated to get started so rather than we keep moving this down the road um so on this one what what road your left to do I'd like to get that clear I did get a response they talked about three maybe not being done but I'm not clear there's 13 i' just like to get that clarified before next reading and I'd like to get a commitment on that project um the next one is E90 1 which is the Jupiter Park Drive at Central Boulevard intersection improvements that's a project that uh was first funded in fiscal year 19 um you know cost we had you know budgetary cost increase through fiscal year 23 24 and 25 it's fell out of the budget book and it's carried as a balance carry forward project BAS Bas upon the balance carry forward amount that I'm that I got from Finance there's been no project management work it would appear no project management work in Fisco year 24 same valid requirement this is an important project to me I've been pushing forward for years um so you know I want to make sure this remember these are no longer in the book it's just listed as a carry forward project by year when date slips year to year I don't know do it slip the whole year has it slipped a month when is is it going to happen so I'd like I'd like to get that and know that what was that project again Jupiter did you say Jupiter what did you say it was JCP which one was that no no this is Jupiter Park Drive going oh Jupiter Park Drive okay you know the in Central Boulevard um Southern extension at Island way it's a strategic priority project for many years did May 21st 24 strategic plan is adopted had designed Target date complete of 93024 I don't see any expenditures I want to get a clear status on the engineering design work and then if it has slipped what's the commitment date for getting it done but it's a strategic party I I wasn't able to get that answer just yet um the Indian toown Road Western Carter improvements phase two which is uh Hey mayor could we go back to the last one so we were weren't we at 60% engineering on south island way uh it was supposed to go to 100% that was in the Strategic plan and they were doing aren't they working on the 30 year now that's last I heard that was the no in the uh the Strategic plan I was referring to the document that came out um it um 521 24 it was shown as being completed by Target complete by 93024 which is less than a month away right okay we still have conflicts with RightWay for that project right so the question is the there's still conflicts in terms of the RightWay and acquiring RightWay yeah but we were proceeding with engineering right and I want to know if we've finished engineering then I'll work to push on acquiring the rideway it was a strategy we had to move along a party project that uh is pretty important to the town uh e2400 which is the Indian Town Road Western Carter improvements Phase 2 this is the one where the town staff was successful and our lobbyists on getting Governor to fund it in you know know the F do piece in 25 MH um and I understand the fot maybe hedging about that and I'm going to be pushing F do hard on that because uh it was budgeted I asked and it was budgeted in fiscal year 25 it doesn't yet show that in the budget so I know there may be difference of opinion I'd like what we adopt is what we understand F Do's money is in 25 because right now for example it shows in 2627 which means we'll never get the project to get any kind of priority until they have the funding did you have an e number for the Island Way project uh the Island Way project that's uh e121 uh 1201 okay moving on um to parks and wreck just two items um our 1701 which is the rehab of beach Dune crossovers um I believe that's one where you know we funded um I believe all the works done uh you know we went through the natural up the budget to get it done that project now um starting in last year and then this year it's no longer in the CIP but it's shown having carry over refunding and it's moved to F inservice fiscal year 29 so I'm a bit puzzled by that if the project was done what are we holding on the money to do more because we're probably going to have more Dune crossovers but just strangely you know the last time it appeared in the budget book it was to be completed in 23 then it fell out but we have money we have 118,000 and uh it's showing we're holding on to it you know fiscal year 29 I think that project should be closed out or somebody explained to me why we're what are we going to be doing between now and 29 um the r222 the playground restoration what was that R 2202 playground restoration um it included on that one it included daily Park uh of 400,000 in general revenues in 26 and then uh officer Bruce St luren Park of half million revenues in 29 now g2300 which is the Community Development block grants includes those two parks you know with funding of $270,000 in C dbg funding in so just the one one question to staff is if these are the same projects can we just clarify that uh there's no budgetary funding overlap because I didn't see it in one and it could have been in fact when I saw it in the 2300 one I complimented staff for being very thorough in planning a fiveyear spending on the ctbg funds uh but it may just have been that in doing it ended up in two spots probably we don't have enough in 2300 but if it's if there's some redundancy there just you know correct that right um moving on to the utilities W uh 2007 which is the water treatment plant hardened service building that's a project that originated in 2021 as a $1.2 million project there was costs were reviewed by the design architect of April of 23 the budget was increased to 1 n 1 1.8 million we did spend $76,000 on engineering architectural services um this year we uh got a request for a $2.8 million budget budget increase so the Project's gone from 1.2 million to 4.6 million so the project costs of almost quadruple since project origination now there must be some key lessons to be learned from this project you know and this is you know and I can see how a project in an existing plant can become complicated I did this for 20 years not for the not for this the town utility what I want to ask is Staff should consider starting with the study and their preliminary engineering design phase for more complex projects this is a solution I'm proposing um before requesting in secure and implementation uh phase funding you know that's a common project management best practice fot uses it you know I use it in my uh day day job employee uh and it's just an ass so you know staff went and gave all these explanations on why cost went up but I just would like to U get to the root cause of why we encounter that and I think some of it is projects are complicated and staff done in a lot of ways they did good work on this they got some grants to pursue an additional grants so but I'm just would like to change the practices somewhat going forth so we're not we're not in this point so it's a clean thing it's a complicated it's hard to estimate it I get it ask for the study with simpl engineering funding but I'm also want to be harsh on our Consultants I think we pay we we hire consultants and I expect them to perform we had we invested $76,000 with you know which in Consultants so I don't know how they would expect they shouldn't be missing scope um project w00 02 which is a small meter replacement um so the balance carry forward in from fiscal year 24 is 2.7 million the fiscal year 25 budget is 1.4 so effectively we adopt what we have we're going to have $4.1 million the CIP page 66 says that we've got an annual cost of implementation of about 1.4 million a year um because we're going to be changing meters and whatever again you know in large part staff's done good work but you know this balance carry forward funding appears sufficient to fund two years of small meter Replacements and um therefore I think that the annual funding amounts for 25 and 26 could be reduced accordingly and in fact we been there done that before because in 2019 and 2020 made the same observations in finance working with the utility we eliminated any budgeting in 2019 and 2020 to not get so far ahead of money that's just sitting there we're just carrying it forward so I'd like you know these are just good examples of you know staff does a phenomenal job of putting the information in the package we have so it was easy for me to just identify these as possible candidates uh w290 which is the water asset maintenance program this historical project manage first of all the balance carry forward is $3.5 million fisc year 25 budget is 1.9 so then the monies we have to spend in 25 would be 6.4 million you know the balance carry forward amounts appear sufficient for Capital spends um more than sufficient for the cas spends that are identified of 3.4 million now look I'm not trying to take money away from the utility here right I understand that we have to maintain things but um it clearly seems like the annual funding amounts for 25 and 26 could be reduced based on what we've got just as a point of perspective the historical project management performance the unused balances we came out of 19 with 2.7 million we came out of 20 with 3.0 21 3.7 22 4 million 234 million 24 3 A5 million I'm just asking to me it's logical to not just keep throwing it in there you know leave it in I look at the overall fund balance of the utility and when money significant amounts of money is tucked away in individual projects um I'm expecting that if it's if it's there there's a project that they're working on so the money is legitimately needed um the uh moving on to the storm order utility uh s19 um which is storm waterotor system rehab and then s190 which is storm water asset maintenance program and um same thing if one looks from 1924 historically we've had on the first one you know a million to 1.4 million carryover and the second one again from half a million to 1.4 carryover and um I just think we're we keep funding and it keeps growing and would like to sweep the exess funds back to an the undesignated fund balance What's significant about this um if perhaps some in the council don't know but the stor utility has a 15-year loan from the water utility for CIP projects so I'm more mindful of that that was done in 2019 so I really look at the health of the stormw utility on whether or not just they got that loan because they didn't have any money but now we're looking and we have money that's may eventually be needed but it's designated as it's you know it's accounted for and uh there's not that much work to be done in the next year or two to consume all that let alone you know continue to fund it um the um the last one um is uh storm order management system Redevelopment grants which is s1201 realize some of these entries were created about a decade ago when we were trying to come up with what are all the logical areas that we might have to spend money but one area was this which was a storm waterer management system Redevelopment Grant we have $390,000 right now in budget carryover funding there's been no Grant applications for this program since 2019 so you know we have the neighborhood grants we all are familiar with and there's there's you know a lineup of those but this is one that hasn't been used so my ask is to leete the C IP project cancel this infrequently used grant program you know sweep the funds back into the undesignated fund balance because I don't think we can afford if someone were to ever come across in redeveloping and wanted something we could handle it as a one off uh but we'd have to give strong consideration to say no or yes depending on what money we had right but it was an idea when we had it um but again since it was last used in 2019 take it easy just cancel it with that um I'll turn it back to council if anybody wants to comment but these are my asks um you know for staff if there's other support to uh incorporate as they see it fit based on the comments for second reading um I'm somewhat supportive of it but I'm before I say fully what's the SC of what we're talking about you you said these are examples how many are there are we talking about oh that was that's just a policy there's no change to be done on that one no but I mean of all these that we're looking at you you brought some examples up how are we talking did you discuss about half the examples right then or no this is everything I went through everything so I gave uh our finance director the list of those projects um and those are ones that I believe adjustments you know I believe should be made in the case of for example the water treatment plant you know hardened server building there's nothing to change other than let's change the process right um so we're not getting into you know those kind of the need for those kind of budget adjustments well I guess I've got two comments one would be I look at this and the process we go through and kind of compare it against my own finances what would I do if this was my checkbook and I would not be carrying these projects through year after year on my checkbook like that so there does need to be something that's met it out um I I think just a simple reviewing of it that you're suggesting makes sense you said quarterly no what I was saying was that because some of these projects not necessarily the ones in the utility but we get asked about from the public the public when we've funded a project the public is waiting for it to happen or we get the money back out of the funding well they're waiting for it to happen so you really want it to be done but if it's being so once it goes into it's just a carryover funded project the detail is lost it's one line item you know and and many of us would want to know what is the status of it when is it going to be done in more detail and I'm just suggesting as a long-term project manager that by the time it gets to that point we should be able to to get month and year yeah because um percent complete and reason for delay yep a one sentence reason for delay it almost doesn't matter I'm not after the history I'm I'm after for edification edify us so we can make better decisions in the future always like a little feedback on why something didn't happen the way we thought it would but maybe quarterly with a very quick blurb on what what happened and what our f we do this is being worked on already so and I think when I got with uh and I'm sorry but it's being worked on I I made that comment the very beginning the town manager and his leadership team are working on this I just want to see and know the dates they may not end up in this book this year because of the complications of doing it I'm just not going to approve on second reading without knowing all these and the ones I've talked about what's the status of it this is more of a status issue your concerns if you if they seem to disappear and you don't know what's going on you'd rather pull the money out and then when the project comes back to life and reappears then you and make the request and we refund the project corre yeah yeah and basically I wouldn't be I'd be surprised if you all haven't gotten questions about these because for example I got one a month ago from a community once to know hey how did how did you get street lights in this one neighborhood I go I go to find out and send them and I'm realizing that I haven't had a real update right um so do we have funds left I'm seeing carrier funds to do another Street you know don't know right yeah everybody keeps asking me about the sidewalk on Riverside Drive yep I think at the highest level I mean if you look at the CIP and you look you know at each of the pages for the different departments you just see the carry forward balances and you know I'm grateful for it but I didn't always know you know what was included in that or how it worked and it's been the policy of this Council for many years to kind of it's been you know it has been more relaxed in previous years in fact a topic of discussion for this year specifically is how we've tightened it up so dramatically we've made this a more realistic you know this projects and this plan are not going to be um they're going to be ones that we can you know complete within the time frame they're not something we have to cover with funding it's something that we can do put in the ground so it's a better tool for us this year and there's been so much work that's gone into that so I think you know there's a lot I think we're moving in the right direction um I do get a lot of questions from residents specifically with Street lighting I think that's an excellent example so I remember you know the CIP this is what residents see this is what gets put in the ground and so for example when the heights had their street lighting that was incredible and that was something that people really noticed and I've been following you know playgrounds for example these are very visible improvements so we do get a lot of questions and I do think the quarter and the year going forward is a is a good thing to have so that this is more of a tool for us but I do want to be careful you know like the water fund utilities um I'm almost curious if we want to have our water utility director come and speak to some of these items because they are very complicated projects and the utility is you know it's um an Enterprise fund and so it's just different the way that they save for large projects multi-year projects complicated projects and water is you know it's not a playgrounds health and safety and resilience it serves a really important function we can't delay on projects that impact health and safety um so you know this is something I really want to understand better and you know we're on first reading we're at the end of the fiscal year we've looked at a lot of this I think we should continue to look at this if are amounts that we can pull um it sounds like our mayor has done a real scrub of the CIP um you know we can we can go forward and continue to improve on it but we're at the end of this fisc we need we need a plan approved by the end of this fiscal year so you know I would like to look at these 15 projects in Greater detail I think I think that's something we need to do and will help improve this plan um but I certainly don't want to hold it up tonight I wasn't suggesting that but just so you know some of these are not really projects that's the complicated thing you got we all got from the town manager Finance director status on some of those some of them are category of expenses um so I get it's more complicated which is why I took the historical perspective historically we always have carryover of a significant amount historically we spend about so much um so you know I didn't want to put anybody on staff on the spot but take it and then they can come back and provide it to whatever they're going to do provided by you know uh in time for the next reading which means whatever we get on Tuesday is it right I have a very short time frame yes yep so I understand that yeah I'd be interest taking a look at those particular items but in general um I think the budgeting that we've done over the years has been very practical and you know you never want to get to a point where you have a surprise and you need we need $20 million for something that we should have bu I mean I think the budgeting has been fantastic I I I understand your I think I understand what you're getting at with they sort of disappear and we want to know where they are and you don't um I don't know if pulling the funding out is the right thing but I would definitely take a look at it so um yeah that's it yeah I think it's also important to have some flexibility built into the system I mean some of these you know we received um a list and it's so helpful I'm so grateful um for the CIP review questions that we received with all of the input um but just some of these had to do with policy changes or Staffing shortages when we lost an engineer for a couple of years so you know there are you need flexibility in your system and and we're the right size to have that flexibility uh but and and we had never asked in the past asked for those kinds of updates right we have trust in our staff so I think we're looking for more a greater level of detail than we've asked for in the past it's a change on our end we haven't done this before so we have to allow staff the time to digest it and we do too or else we're going to have unintended consequences with moving so much around so quickly that was the numbers I gave you the projects those specific ones but my focus is when is it going to get done I don't really care about what happened it's history we can't change history I want to know when is it going to be done so we can plan on it that's they ask and that's what I believe the town manager has been working on counc May did you have any I think you guys covered it I have a one-on-one with Town manager next week so who over over it with him then Town manager would some of this dubal with your new software system for efficiency and project completion we asked um you know the mayor referred to we've actually taken many of these projects and and can't get it all done overnight and we put them into what we call the clickup software they all have tasks Milestones completion dates fundamentally we've been changing the uh culture you know to um to be able to account for these pieces and um and like for example you know with many of our projects we we started with the target date what's the completion date we're looking for and then we backtrack and put in all the multiple pieces of things that have to get done and uh and so you know and we do we do that regularly um daily uh and then if anybody's you we use the mayor's system of you know green yellow and red you know if a project is going well it's in green if there are some issues that need to be addressed that could cause problems um we move that into a yellow category almost like a traffic light and if there's anything consequential that could cause the project to fail we move it into a red category in addition every other week we have what we call CPR meetings uh not not CPR like I saw councelor May's head pop up um the critical project review and if you have a project that you're responsible for you come before the the oversight team and we go through the issues associated with your project who's who are your stakeholders where are you now whether the challenges you faced what's your timeline what can we help you with what resources do we need and uh and we're doing all of that while we're managing the budget and many other projects that are pretty heavy lifts and so um you know but we certainly will follow through on these and uh and you know incorpor that in to the many things that we're doing on project management and if I had the opportunity in one-on ones to share with you what that system looks like in the accountability pieces and I think well you've seen the reports and you've seen the outcome in the Friday reports not to mention the fact that we've also in addition to this Incorporated performance metrics that we typically include in the Friday reports as well so we're moving in the direction um you know hear clearly what the council is looking for um we're in the process of changing the culture here but you can't change culture overnight it just you know you ju you just can't and if I didn't learn that anywhere certainly learned it in the law enforcement profession it takes time and uh and we're doing it and I really to be quite honest with you I'm glad I have the opportunity because I'm really proud of this staff and what they're doing and how hard they're working and the accountability pieces so hear you loud and clear just want you to know that we're well on our way and I know um speaking to the finance director as well uh we hear you clearly on the encumbrances and associating incumbrances with points in the project and we are already planning on introducing that into next fiscal Year's process it's just a challenge to get it Incorporated in right now the um just to emphasize isn't just staffs these some of these projects include us on the council I just do by way of example Southern extension of Island Way I've worked on that one significantly there's things that are beyond staff's control um same thing with Indian to Road Western CA when it involves F do I was asking for the budget for example to match what the governor told us I know we've got to push on our hands with f do but if they've got a lump of money they can ex there's a study that we've tried to get them to do for a number of years um so there's some political aspects of this and as they designated rep on the transportation planning agency that's why I need to know the status on these things so I can effectively you know push um and some of this is with the town manager we talk about it take the extension of I and way those that don't know we all are aware that is right away that needs to be acquired we've had it lined up several times to get it we proceeded down a path let's get the engineering done when the engineering is done we know we're ready to rock and roll then we'll step up acquiring the RightWay and get that road done right so this is not we just we getting a kind of a status to where where once a year that's legitimately I want to know where the status is that's why it's just I would submit items in a strategic plan should raise to the top right those would be ones you wouldn't expect to fall back but anyway with that um I'll take a motion a second on ordinance 21 on 2124 on first reading uh motion to approve second uh can I have the ordinance read on short title ordinance 2124 an ordinance of the Town Council the town of Jupiter Florida amending the town's comprehensive plan to update the 5-year community investment program including within included within the Capital Improvements element of the comprehensive plan providing for the repeal of laws in Conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date we have a motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I opposed nay the motion carries 4 to one with uh mayor kisy dissenting moving on to Citizen comments um do we have any citizen comments yes mayor we have four first we have Paige Lewis after Paige is Lori Bailey the timer oh that's not a timer it'll turn into oh it will okay because that's good for me um my name is Paige Lewis I live at 15371 69th Drive uh in Palm Beach Gardens uh first I just want to thank you all here on the Town Council for giving me the opportunity to speak today and I also want to thank the whole town of Jupiter for showing up and voting in the primary I did very well in Jupiter so it's very exciting to see uh how that went I actually came today as more of a public service announcement because a lot of people don't realize that the School Board race has moved to the general election a lot of people thought that in the primary that that was the end but now you know I want to make sure that people know that the top two candidates in that race have moved on to the general election um please make sure that you um if you have not uh done the research on the candidates not just in my race but in all the races please make sure that you research there's so much information out there cvs2 has done interviews with candidates North County neighborhood Coalition the Sun Sentinel there's a lot of information out there and we just need to make sure that we're all voting for candidates that actually share our same values um the other thing too and this is going to sound really silly but there are 17 precincts in district one that um have the Schoolboard races on the back of the ballot which in the upcoming election will probably be close to the same and the Amendments will be there too so please make sure you turn over your Val ballot when you're voting and that you're you're not just um doing the uh races that are or voting in the races that are on the front or the on the front of the ballot but also the ones that are on the back and please make sure that you research your amendments I believe it's two three and four are going to be on there and make sure that you understand the wording uh that is used on those um again I am running for school board um I am the best candidate in that race with a background in education small business uh and mental health which helps me you know to make sure that uh I have a background in all different kinds of things that I would have to decide on the school district on the on the school board um I've done it my focus is reading and I've done it I've brought kids in um uh in the underserved communities from 177% reading on grade level to 67% and I really believe that if I can do it we can also do that in the district we just need to make make sure that we're training our teachers and reading and then also uh making sure that um that in our teaching colleges that we're doing that as well so on November 5th please remember me again thank you for everybody that already voted for me but I'm still looking for the other 70,000 people that are going to vote in the general election Paige Lewis thank you Lori Bailey after Lori it's going going to be Linda mcder hi I'm Lori Bailey I uh live at 504 North lockah hatti Drive and I'm an attorney here in Palm Beach County I just want to propose or suggest a consideration by the Town Council and the town of Jupiter that we have or Implement some type of a scanner for weapons when people come in to the town council meeting room um I don't think that there is anything like that I appreciate that police officers are here but I do wonder if uh somebody came in that was angry over one of these hot issues that we've had recently whether um the police would be able to act quickly enough to prevent anyone from getting injured or worse and I don't want to see that happen to any of my town council members or any residents that are here or speaking um we have scanners now some form of scanners at at airports cour houses schools even I saw that they were had a hand scanner at um High School football games now in certain locations so I think we need to protect all of you um the citizens Etc um and I would just add a couple of experiences that I'm aware of that I had in my profession years ago when I was practicing in Dallas Fort Worth area um they didn't have any kind of scanners going into the federal courthouse at that time and a Gentleman went in to the appell at court there was an appeals court justice sitting on the bench who had been his um judge in his divorce case that he was upset with the result and he shot and killed the judge and shot another attorney um and then I have a a personal uh situation that happened years ago I do workers compensation claims and personal injury claims and I had a client who went to the workers no he didn't go to the workers comp court but he had a workers comp case and he was concerned that he wasn't getting the attention he needed that nobody was recognizing that he was really hurt so he decided to send a package to the judge and the judge of course was concerned when she got the package they called the bomb squad out here in Palm Beach took it out into the parking lot blew it up while lo and behold it was his medications he just wanted the judge to know that he really was hurt so he sent her his medications so about 3 days later he called me and said hey Lori can I get my medications back now that I sent to the judge I just think that with some of the things that are going on and the increase in violence it's something that we ought to consider thank you L mcdermit after Linda it's going to be Karen Vincent good evening Linda mcdermit 107 chadrick Drive um before I get into what I'm going to say I do agree with the 1% for the employees but I do understand that we are now in September and it there's no way that these changes could occur before the second hearing but after October you could consider some amendments um the city that I work for gave very generous raises last year recognizing how difficult it is for some of the new employees to get housing and whatnot here so um I do believe that it's a concern of all of us um so I just want to say that anyway I'm here to give some very good kudos for um I am a Sierra Club supporter and um lover of all the things of Nature and I think we can all agree that not only Jupiter and taquesta but the people of Florida United peacefully and shared knowledge and passion for saving Jonathan Dickinson State Park from golf courses and developer takeover we shared facts concerns and put forth a mission to protect quality of life for us for wildlife and for nature thank you Cam for being out there it was hot and um being one of the first ones on scene along with Brian mass and so many others and I know all of the council were very concerned and made their mentions and thank you mise for uh at the last minute we all found out about it and at least you did mention it and I hope that we along as other municipalities are already written to Tallahassee and um we have to keep this on our radar please again a great support from everybody I'd also like to express my appreciation for their great discussion at the last meeting that I wasn't able to attend with M Waste Management uh mayor I'm so glad you focused on contractual obligations for accountability to those of us that they serve and I've been very happy with my service at my house house but healthy discussion like this keeps the vendors on their toes keeps our staff on their toes unless us know that you care about the service that we get I want to thank you so um my other comments are again some things with the budget and I do want to say that it's not only this the town that reduced the millage rate but the county reduced the millage rate on the mstu and you'll be getting to that in another item but I think it's important for the public to know that that went down 7.8% just like we reduced our millage rate the county did and if they see increases on their tax bills is because the values of their properties went up as Scott has mentioned often so thank you I just wanted to make those comments Karen hi Karen vincon 10003 Sue Street nice to see you all again haven't been here in a little while um I came up here for one purpose and that was to tell you all thank you very much for what you did for Jonathan Dickinson park getting together sending the letter mise I appreciate that cam I appreciate everything that you did Brian Mast coming over he goes to prove that doesn't matter what what side of the policies or political ground that you are on if you come together is one for United voice what you can do the only negative that I have to say about that is that I'm really sad that y'all didn't do that for our parks in the town of Jupiter because that should have been done and there should have been that much of a fight for our Parks instead of putting a fire department there or any other building that aside I'm in agreement with Cam on the raise and I feel like that it shouldn't be just blown off regardless where you are in the budget planning the town uh people that work here work very very hard they don't make very much money in this last year I believe the town manager but I don't know if he ever got his raise or not was voted one and the town attorney was they both were more than probably 1% if you go back and figure it out and I think adding an additional 1% given what the cost of living and everything else is and the prices I don't think that it would be that hard to go back and refigure the budget if you have spots that you have like you just went through with a list of projects that are not being done or are not being followed through with take that money move it over and go give them a race it's $200,000 so I think the town I think the people that work for the town deserve it thank you that was the last one thank you okay uh Council we have before us the minutes of the August 14th Town Council workshop and the a August 20th Town council meeting I don't see any corrections on the Das if there's none I'll take a motion in a second on approving sets of minutes so moved second motion and second all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously okay moving on to the consent agenda um is there any member of the public that wanted to pull a consent agenda item yes uh 5 six and 12 5 six and 12 any uh member on the Das any council member want to pull any item [Music] 12 uh and I want to pull uh seven so 5 six 7 and 12 are pulled I'll take a motion on the amended agenda the other items so moved as amended second Motion in a second uh all those in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously okay moving on to uh item five uh ordinance 1924 pulled by member of the public Linda mcder good evening again um so on this uh ordinance 1924 it is the second reading um amending the town's code setting forth the Departments of the Town within this is the first time that the Jupiter fire rescue um is truly recognized as a department in the first year that it's it's funded as such um this allows the vendor contracts and documents um to now officially have the name Jupiter fire rescue whereas before it should have just said the town of Jupiter and I've seen invoices for EMS and whatnot that only said Jupiter fire rescue and truly it was not a full-fledged apartment um this pretty much makes it proper um I'd like can I make my comment on the next ordinance rather than take another three minutes or no okay mayor also I um staff would like to pull item 11 staff wants to pull item 11 um I didn't ask staff um guess I have to go how do I unapprove what we did it's already been approved we just voted on there was a there was a note on been approved the D from I understand the reason why staff wants to approve because there was a memo on the Das that struck one phrase in the con in the uh requested easement agreement with no greater than a $5,000 deductible and that will be reflected in the document that's what I would have expected correct so I I don't think you need unless you want to go through the trouble of a motion for rehearing ETC you like a point a personal comfortable with that that that's included okay thank you for that clarification you're welcome okay uh if uh members of the council don't have comments on ordinance or questions ordinance 1924 and second reading I'll take a motion in a second motion to approve second Motion in a second I ask Town attorney to read ordinance 1924 and short title an ordinance of the Town Council town of Jupiter Florida amending article three of chapter 2 of the Jupiter code of ordinances to create new divisions setting forth the Departments of the Town providing for codification providing for the repeal of law in Conflict providing for severability providing for an effective date okay we have a motion in a second on ordinance 1924 all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously uh moving on to ordinance uh 2224 first reading pulled by member of the public lenda mcder good evening again so ordinance 22-24 um recognizes the Jupiter Municipal service taxing unit uh which finances the fire rescue services that Palm Beach County provides for us um again I want to emphasize um it's important for the public to note that the county millage rate was reduced 7.8% from 17879 Ms down to 1.64 eight8 Ms and that equates to a savings of $27.8 per 200,000 of taxable value just so the public can make some kind of a a reference in their head um a home with a taxable value of 200,000 pay paid 35758 last year and will pay 32976 this year I think it's very important as long as we spoke of the millage rate for the general fund we need to speak of the millage rate that we're going to pay for Jupiter uh services from the county thank you any other public comment that was it uh if there's no comments any questions on the Das and ordinance 222 24 I'll take uh Motion in the second so moved second Motion in the second I'd ask Town attorney to read an ordinance 2224 and short title an ordinance of the Town Council town of Jupiter Florida consenting to the town's continuing participation in the Palm Beach County Jupiter mstu for fire rescue emergency medical and other related services for 2025 and providing for an effective date have a motion the second and ordinance 2 24 all in favor signify by saying I I I the motion carries unanimously moving on to item seven resolution 9324 which I pulled um just um on this particular one um I'm not going to be supporting it tonight I appreciate um the staff efforts on this one um and I'll just explain my reasons um you know part a staff package we had a contract with um Greg Smith an Associates call it Cas for utility locating Services um basically they notified us that they would be unable to renew the contract at the current pricing due to a significant increase in the number of tickets um in our water service area over the past year primarily due to efforts by the utilities underground um first thing was I didn't realize undergrounding was going on but then I realized the utility covers more than the town um but secondly so then it was advertised um in and um the current contractor um did or of of write up for a 7% increase in the number of tickets that makes sense that's the issue they had then a 19% increase in unit pricing um and the fisc year 24 contract which was like 136,000 basically we've seen a 63% increase um there's a second bidder that you know based on the scoring was well qualified to do the work and that was uh and that was bid at $55,000 $55,000 savings versus you know Cas so I understand um that staff may have found themselves Bound by their interpretation and it may be correct I'm not debating any of this the Consultants competitive negotiation act but just doesn't stand right with me that a a contractor that we had um you know granted if the number of uh calls that they have to do have gone up that's a valid reasonable price increase but a 63% in increase overall I just it just isn't sitting right with me um I would have and I think it should have pric on this kind of contract in my opinion I was U trying to check with get an opinion from uh somebody else I wasn't able to get a hold of but um this is utility locating and I'm not diminishing the importance of that but uh but I just you know hindsight's always 2020 right but I just don't feel right about giving this contractor a 66% increase um and uh when you know there was another bidder that was evaluated fairly high was $55,000 cheaper so I'm just I just leave it at that um you know I'm not going to support it on with that is any of the comments think would it would it be a familiarity with the staff that particular um organization with the comp level actually staff actually valuated the second one fairly high that Geo Point survey yeah yeah but the Dilemma they had is they had produced a bid CR evaluation criteria that only gave 10 points to price we have staff come and speak to the item sure yeah they want good evening mayor and Town Council Amanda bar directive utilities so um utility locating Services is very important um and we're required to do it by um regulations um we're required within 48 Hours of a contractor calling in a ticket which they have to do 48 hours prior to the dig to go out and locate our utilities so um C has had the contract for the past 5 years we have we we made the decision to bid that as an RFP a request for proposals so that selection would be bed on based on qualifications because in my opinion you do not want to select a company to do this work based onow bid or you're going to have a lot of instances like we had um the unfortunate one where we got um another contractor damaged some of our utilities so it's very important to have a qualified um vendor doing that work the reason we did it was a CCNA type RFP because the majority of the of the companies that do this work not all of them but a a large majority of them are professional engineering or um professional land surveyors who fall under the CCNA now in this in this um RFP we did include C as a as a criteria where in a traditional um Consulting engineering RFP we would not we cannot by law include costs as a as a um parameter to evaluate so in this one we did and we had a selection Committee of four Town staff and we reviewed the proposals that were received individually independently did not discuss them um because we're not supposed to discuss them before we met in a public meeting we had our public selection committee meeting and that's where we shared our scores and the scores um resulted in the selection of CAS again it was a very close um it was a very close ranking between the first and second um company and there was about a $55,000 difference so um that I that but that was the selection that was the the result of the public selection committee um process so um so we brought to you what the results of that process produced for um now as far as the number of tickets the number of tickets have increased by 7% but the length so so um FPL Comcast AT&T crown castle I don't know if you notice are under undergrounding their utilities throughout the town of Jupiter and when they're doing that by horizontal directional drill well those those are long um long distances that they're undergrounding so when they call in a ticket you know for Tony Penna that's that's a lot of distance for the locating company to do under their unit price so this new contract breaks it into 500 foot in increments which is more realistic so the the additional increase was they've had to provide additional staff or assign additional staff to our contract so that is that's the history of how we ended up where we are and um do you have any questions I do yes thank you um I'm a professional engineer and a contractor so I do know how incredibly important locating underground utilities are were they on the project where they the dot cut through our pipe they were and they had everything located properly so it was located and they still did it yes um might be because I'm unfamiliar because I'm a somewhat new timer why are the contractors the vendors not burying the cost of this why is Jupiter burying this cost when AT&T comes in and says they want utilities located okay that's fine we'll locate them but you pay for it well I mean as far as as I know every utility whether we we used to locate them ourselves back in the day but it's it's just too much we can't staff we don't have the staff to do that but um FPL has their locating company um all all of those all of those contractors that have utilities buried utilities hire locating companies used to be 1800 no Cuts right it's we're pting ourselves now um that is typically borne by whoever's applying for the permit though isn't it it's the utility owner is responsible to locate their utilities so whatever by whatever means means you do that whether you do it yourself in house or you hire a company to do it so we're simply locating our utilities basically the water I guess is water um fiber optic and raw water we don't have to locate storm by um by law because you can see the man the inlets and the struct the storm drainage structures so when fpls requested to locate their stuff underground that they bear the cost of going out there and locating it locating there utilities yeah that's F then yes um do you have familiarity with the U second bid have you worked with them before I have not worked with them before um I I ranked them they they were a high score for me they they were qualified and you've seen references we we checked references all right thank you but by the way again I just want to make it clear I appreciate staff's effort on this you have a process you followed it right that's hindsight's always 2020 for a record uh our utility director scored Zer Point number one but we have a process and you know you uh um four people evaluate and it's the average of the four I'm just kind of familiar I've had I had the blessing of working in the private sector I call it the private sector and wasn't as Bound by some of this right so it never sits right with me when you know money doesn't come into an account as much um so we're entering a contract that could leave us to you know so again not finding any fault I you know I've never worked with that uh uh that uh G the the criteria that you refer about on bidding the CCNA I appreciate you sent it to me I read it I'm not I'm not an expert so I'm not finding any fault here I just wonder whether it really applied while maybe those kind companies do this work I wondered whether it applied secondly hindsight is I do think that if they're qualified then price should be matter and you just it's a 50 it just said such a high increase from last year so I get it on the scope increase right I get even a reasonable adjustment in price this is not sitting with me and I was always able to take that into account how's that my gut feel about this not too good when the person that had before is getting 66% increase in their $55,000 next to next to somebody that everybody else seemed to either not have number one or number two so it was View as a qualified company but again I'm not criticizing staff I think when they go out and they publish these things I think then you're bound by that with the way the public bidding goes correct so you went ahead and followed it I mean there is the option to just to just award it for one year and then rebid it in a year you know it does can I ask a followup how badly would this put us back if we did not approve this right now what would happen we would would not have somebody to locate our utilities unless the unless the agreed to do it at their current pricing and we extended their um contract for a period until we were able to rebid so it have a fairly immediate negative impact thank you I think that's really important context on this item um I think you know I like the idea of one year potentially but I certainly don't want to stop this item so with that I would move to approve we could give direction I mean that's open for discussion I guess do we want to have this be approved for one year and then look at it again I don't need a good balance to you know we keep a util we keep the utility located locator because otherwise we don't have one and it gives us the option to go back out to RFP in a year so and I think I mean I can't emphasize enough how important the water utility is in terms of health and safety and the importance that each of these items is we can't we can't risk gaps or poor service the quality of this is Paramount so um you know I'll look at that but I want to always prioritize you know if if the service is going to be better if it's going to be more reliable and if that's critical to the operation of something that's so important to Jupiter resident safety um you know I'm going to be more flexible with that so with that I mean if there's consensus maybe I'll make a motion to approve and give direction you know for a year and then maybe look at rebidding down the line contingent on the fact that that doesn't interrupt operations in any way but this is a contract where it's one year and then we can it's one yeah we can bring it back in we can bring it back right um yeah I mean I'm fine we they went through the process that they go through I mean there was no problem with the selection um are you mayor are you looking to change the process down the road no that's that's first of all if you're doing it for one year is that what I'm hearing yeah then I get it it's priority it's a critical service quite frankly I'm not so sure staff doesn't feel the way I do but they went out to bid and there were a time crunch and uh um we need the service so I know it's an important service that's why I point out that lesson learned from it they didn't find number two not acceptable they only gave 10 points to no I understand the price and going out in the RFP yeah okay so so moved motion approve was a motion it was it second second motion a second all in favor signify by saying I I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to number 12 I think that was was that pulled by the vice mayor it was if I could just have Chief come up and I just wanted to ask just for the benefit of the public um could you speak to what federal forfeiture funds are and what they um are used for um the different purposes what restrictions are is on that money certainly so Federal forfeiture there's two types of forfeiture funds one's State forfeiture the other's Federal forfeiture each one of them comes from the court systems so the state courts uh provide funding through the state uh and the federal court system provide federal funds those funds are typically funds that are seized during a criminal case and are um upon either a plea agreement or a disposition of guilty those funds are given to the municipality or the sheriff's office that actually received them through the court case of a a criminal investigation um otherwise known as taking drug money from drug dealers and the intent is to put those funds back into the community uh that they were taken from or the community that was affected so the state forfeiture funds coming from the state core system have a requirement that a certain amount I believe it's 20% uh go back into the community in a certain way either through education drug education or community outreach program the federal system doesn't necessarily have those but we and the the police department try to utilize as many of those funds as possible uh for public Outreach programs um the other types of uh uses that we have are if there are um one-time purchases that we could not put on the taxpayer through the general fund that we could possibly pay and Implement through the forfeiture assets that we receive and this item is being requested by Jupiter police Jupiter fire um just curious about how you came up with it it's really creative idea certainly so the the funds are managed by the by the town of Jupiter through the police department and the chief makes the recommendations to council and Council gives the approval to utilize those forfeiture funds for expenses um in this case the intent is to again do public Outreach but not just for the police department but really for many of the Departments here in the town so we envisioned that this program would be the police department's public Outreach the fire department's public Outreach we could use parks and wreck um the water department anytime we're going to get together with the community and trying to engage them in conversations um elicit information from them share things about the town or whatnot uh we could bring this trailer out uh we could set it up and we give out flavored ice to Children and Families um to to sort of create another mechanism to to engage with the community okay thank you I think it's a great idea using forfeited funds for that kind of purpose using the forfeited funds for your Outreach to the community is a great idea um one of the things that concerned me earlier when discussing of a town manager is the potential for competing with local vendors but I've been assured that this is not really the same kind of level of of some of our local vendors that sell that is exactly correct so the intention there's no intention here to make money or proceeds this we're not charging anybody we're also not going to be utilizing this in any sort of function that we currently have a vendor who possibly provides shaved ice um or food or drink uh to so it's not competing with the the private sector it's not replacing the private sector it's for different types of events perfect are you concerned about um meeting the health requirements for a mobile is it not really food or is it does it have to be cleaned a certain way does somebody have to go to certain classes to I have the the project manager behind me tennessy but yes there we will follow any rules as far as health and safety is concerned for how we either transport the ice handle the ice or provide the ice and flavor to the community as hot as it is in this community now it's a great idea to have something like that present you know either that or I played High School football in Central Florida we had buckets of ice water everywhere we went because it was so hot out there so something like that's a great idea I think and it's a good idea we're hoping it's very successful cuz then Florida you know it's hot 11 months of the year so we think there's always be an Avenue to provide ice to to kids and families hot 11 months and then warm that other month and just warmed the other yeah thank you very much yes sir one question I hope I don't step into it in asking it but I think I understand what the answer is so you did a good job I appreciate emphasizing that state and federal funds have certain purposes to be used for um if we were to have gone down a path of using outside vendors for that that has to be funded from operating budget does it not that would come through the general front like if we were to have some sort of other Town Event where we had you know food vendors that would come from general fund yes right so uniquely here using for fund you know isn't as clean as doing it in another way versus this way the other way has operating budget implications if one was to not do this and hire contractors to do it correct okay I just wanted to and I actually one more question is a followup um is do you have to use this funding within a certain time period or how does how does that work we we do accumulate the funds from the court system when they send them to us and every year there's a 20% role on the state side that we need to utilize those funds for those drug education education or community outreach programs so yes there is in some circumstances a requirement okay for a time period as well as a percentage amount thank you yes ma'am I'll take a motion and U um here we have two citizen comments for this item first we have Linda mcder and then Craig mauy again I have concerns on buying um this particular uh equipment out of forfeiture funds um just so you know ever since 1997 I have done all forfeiture reports state federal local and audited them this would be a red flag while it is allowable nothing that says that you can't because it is for a community event but my issue is this should be coming out of recreation and we should be using the asset forfeiture funds for police things that bring in the asset forfeiture fund such as um drug interaction you you know intervention um certain types of crime uh yes you have to use 20% for Community he's correct you have to make donations to events but I still can't see buying this items machine you're going to have to maintain it and police officers salary standing there doing the ice I just don't get it I have always agreed with police understand but this is one thing that I say no to forfeit your funds again heed my warning I've audited them and it is a red flag to show an ice machine well you can explain that okay it's still not the best use of forfeit your funds you can put that detection for bomb detection in here with the funds that you're going to spend over $40,000 for this ice trailer no not in my Craig maray Craig Mary 230 block ises Jupiter um I appreciate the explanation for the forfeiture funds and the use I still have one concern and this may be just a fair you know unfortunate oversight in the executive summary uh there are a list of Poss proposed uses and the first listed uses of Jupiter Jubilee this past February we had Annie's Italian Isis and cona ice as both vendors at the Jupiter Jubilee if we were to use purchase this trailer and use it at the Jupiter Jubilee would that not be direct competition with private Enterprise as long as there is some mechanism in place to ensure that we're not competing that local government is not competing with private Enterprise I'm all for it absent that I'm not all for it thank you so my understanding was that they would be separate events I know we had the ribbon cutting for a playground recently and we had Annie's ice there and that was very helpful um I mean this is very specific to community policing Community Education um regarding certain specific issues in neighborhoods um can we get some I mean we should be very careful with the Jupiter Jubilee I agree but we want to make sure that we make space for vendors we would only use it at Jupiter Jubilee if other vendors were not available and we wanted to provide that service we will not displace any businesses currently or that we would use in the future with this so that that was the thing when I put in Jupiter Jubilee in there all the other events and other events that we haven't even thought of yet that we we go out into the community engage people uh Park openings and whatnot yeah we see walk you know walk with a cop and things like that if you were to add or you know these small neighborhood events I absolutely understand but maybe just as a as direction we should say you know for the larger events we should always make sure that those vendors are approached first and given every opportunity and that'll be the mechanism by which we Ure that there's no competition with the pr this would not be a commercial size ability to compete with like an an ice or something like that for an 8 Hour event that that's not the it was described to me how small it really is and I understand that so thank you I shared Mr mallerie's concern about the the competition with local vendors and it sounds like that's been thoroughly addressed and I appreciate that um I also share Miss McDermott's concern about using the funds to bring other funds in but I see in this one instance I think it's better if we can prevent a kid from turning a crime instead of arresting him after he's committed the crime and I think part of this outreach program is specifically to do that to try to dissuade some of these kids from doing the wrong thing so if we can do that with this type of mechanism I think it's a a a valid use yeah I think outside of recreation our Police Department is one of the most public facing outward facing you know departments that we have so they know the community they spend so much time in the community they're requesting this and they're doing it specifically for Community Gatherings related to Public Safety very specifically community outreach around Public Safety so it's building that relationship that will help make a difference there and so you know after I understood that because there wasn't n too much in the in the staff report and so I did have to ask these questions and I did want to get it on the record but with that I support it we'll take a motion in a second motion to approve second Motion in second all in favor signify by saying I I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to reports Town attorney yes last Friday uh the parties in the uh lawsuit involving the referendum question submitted their proposed orders the Judge Scott um then the Labor Day weekend occurred so there's no time frame for the judge to rule but uh all he has before him is the uh motion for summary J Town's motion for summary judgment and from the week before the um political committee's motion for leave to amend their complaint I expect that he'll probably rule on both orders at the same time both proposed orders that's it thank you mayor thank you Town manager thank you mayor just a couple of things real quick um the Jupiter fire rescue department has been working closely um with parks and wreck to hand some of the safety features in our Parks um two significant uh things are we're having aeds installed in six town Parks um Jupiter Community Park Abacoa Community squez Lighthouse Maplewood and Jupiter Village if needed the AED can be accessed by calling 911 and asking for the code to open the box we are working um with Palm Beach County fire rescue and northcom and um and Palm Beach County fire rescue dispatch to set up the codes in their dispatch platform and we'll have to get all those accomplished before we can uh move ahead with launching this life safety program but it is a collaboration between all of them um as fall Sports have begun at our facilities obviously we're eager to get this program up and running um the other thing that um is significant is the town has partnered with Aiden Perry Foundation have life Rings installed at Town parks that have bodies of water the Rings and signings have been received and jfrd is working the parks and wreck on installation we've got the third round of our uh of orders for our veterans memorial brick program ended on Saturday and we um we had 88 bricks ordered on this go around these bricks will be installed by Veterans Day and we'll we'll honor these veterans at our Veterans Day ceremony on November 11 um we will reopen orders again in October um I'm sure for those that came in uh past the old police department when you came in today you saw that um the demolition of Oldtown Hall begun last week um I'm not sure why they had to start with the police department I wasn't ready for that um but they you can see it's all torn apart ironically they started with Chief England's office I don't know why and so um so we continue on that uh prior to the work uh prot Ive barriers were installed around the oak trees located around the building to make sure we protect those and uh we're anticipating that the demolition will take approximately 25 days to complete um FMA has released new flood zone maps uh pom County planning zoning and building will hold a public Outreach open house at Jupiter Community Center on Thursday September 26 to 5: to 800 p.m. to discuss the the new map um this is a pretty important meeting I would certainly suggest people might want to attend to hear what's in store um because it could impact flood insurance and a number of other things and um and then Jupiter Police Department is planning a rededication of the memorial tree planted in memory of Officer Bruce St lent uh next Monday September 9th at 9:00 a.m. that's my report mayor counc B um just real quick wanted to get some clarification for staff I had a conversation with Jeff sain from Waste Management um seemed to be some confusion as the far as the direction goes that was given at the last council meeting for them to proceed with their schedule the route uh changes the schedule change um so I just wanted to be able to talk amongst us so that staff understands what their what is expected as far as the time frame for them to be able to uh SK like change the the schedule of the the work week um and I know that we had discussed the contractual obligations uh that the mayor had brought up that you were looking for and I know we all agreed that we would like to see them to come in compliance with those contractual obligations but I was wanted to get clarification for staff is them proceeding with the schedule change ENT upon the contractual obligations that were brought up or were we telling them go ahead and work on getting the notification out that you're going to change the schedule by the date that they wanted or was it you need to come in compliance of the contract before you can move ahead with that so I just wanted to be able to have that discussion amongst us real quick this evening so that staff can get with wayte management and tell them you know what we're expecting of them well if You' spoken with them do you know when they're going to get to be in compliance well so that's a uh that's a relevant question they were standing here kind of talking like they were never going to so it was basically the the what it was given to me is it is being worked on you know getting their their their side of the system set up where they're taking you know calls and complaints and things like that to be able to merge it in with what we're taking on Jupe connect um they are working on it it was told to me that was more definitely an administrative thing that has to be done that's being worked on but it is being worked on there was no time given directly as when they'll have that up and running but I was assured that it is in process um and then as far as the reports Go I mean they could probably generate those reports at any time so I would assume that we should be getting a report from them at some point uh the reports that we were requesting as they're obligate Bound by the contract to give so it's just a matter of they were trying to get the communication out mailers things like that as to when it's going to go and I told him I said listen if you need to push this back by a week or so then that you know that's what's going to have to happen which they agreed that they understand that they just want to be able to know when they should move forward with announcing the schedule change and if it was contingent upon those those items in the contract that was brought up at the last meeting I think we need to remove uncertainty in this process I saw a Palm Beach Post article where they've already announced it to Residents and so we want to remove confusion you know remove uncertainty and so we did ask for that and they are contractually obligated to do it um I don't know the time frame I I got the impression from speaking to him today that it may take a little longer and that the timeline is adding pressure so you know I want to do it right whatever we do they do need to come into compliance but I am flexible having that move in parallel because you know we we have to be really careful and and I want it written down I I agree I love what we have from staff here on the action items update um we need to know how long it will take them to come into compliance we need a date and right and more thing you know things like that so I mean that would be my direction is let's get some specifics here to see what we're looking at let's you know they need to come into compliance that was a request that we have one system so that we can properly speak to the performance of this vendor to our residents um but I mean I don't want to I don't want to you know get held up or cause more confusion and end up you know with a mess on our hands well during Mr sabin's presentation he was just working on his hard line or his timeline of October 1st that's not our our date so he needs to come in they they need to come in full compliance um and you said the post already put they're already putting in for a while that it's going to change on the state so that's premature well that wasn't the from what I was told Waste Management did not reach out to the post that was based on the conversations that was being had at the council meeting so the post was reporting on the the council meeting and the update not necessarily anything that they didn't reach Waste Management didn't reach out to the post and say this is what's happening it's just based on our conversation so yeah I mean they they need to come in full compliance before or any date set for the TR change this is this is you know we signed a 10-year contract it's a good contract very happy with waste management but um the town the the taxpayers of town aren't going to lose anything out of the deal everything they're paying for so full compliance and we'll come up with the date when we feel everything is in place and the information so it's going to be it's going to be confusing there's going to be a lot of complaints you know you know what it's going to be so you know it has to be coordinated you know they can't I don't want any word going out oh we're changing on October 1st and it's 3 weeks later going be a mess so so we need their date in writing how long will it take for them to come into compliance and then that will be the date they need to come in compliance and then we'll set the date I think I think we set the date when we're satisfied when the people at ju are satisfied we set the date and then the advertising can be begin so okay yeah that's how I feel about it I think the highest priority is which I I believe we all kind of Express reservations about how quickly they were going to do it because I don't think there can be an effective communication plan the way they were talking I I you know so I would encourage them to get you know to finalize their communication plan because I'm a skeptic I think we all were because what's going to happen is it's not going to reach people they're going to implement it and then everybody's got a valid complaint so waste management is going to have to answer how that is if they want to proceed hastily how are they going to resolve people legitimately not even knowing about the change calling up with a complaint so I think the burden's on them um believe it or not the website update which is important um I if they really truly had a process how to manage what was coming in to take you know midcourse adjustments you know but my biggest concern was I didn't think they could communicate this effectively this is a huge change huge change I mean I've been you know talking to people that have been asking me about it and number one is bulk trash is going to sit there for days so people realize I take a few Cycles right oh it's on a different day now right um and um they'll learn through neighbors yep okay I agree with that so so we need to finalize the date with them to get the these contractually obligated you know requirements and then we set the date after and let's not rush in that order yep sounds good verify is that good direction for you Town manager um I'm I'm assuming that coming into compliance relates to the items that we've listed in this chart HOA communication signage online map website updates mailer social media contract compliance letter quarterly reports and web-based tracking system and this this was the takeaway staffs takeaway at the Roundtable yeah so am I correct in assuming that they have to come into compliance with these things yes that sounds like that's what the direction is being given yep I appreciate you clarifying that no problem for us councelor may and um and just so you know mayor we are working we providing them our resources I have no doubt about that to help them I have no doubt about expedite this Pro process but I want to tell them how to do business but I think a a good way to do it would be start to put stickers on garbage caned Lids yep and the the people would know in that that area use the blue stickers or the yellow stickers this says on these dates this is what's going to happen and great suggestion and that's the kind of thinking you'd expect to come from them You' think but I haven't seen it you know maybe the they'll be receptive to outside ideas it's going to be a mess yep ask me anything else um and just real quick on the JD State Park a staff uh great letter that you guys wrote uh to send out to uh the governor's desk and and uh just letting him know how much we oppose that um it's pretty awesome to see the community come out and uh you really support the the park uh it's funny enough I made a quick quick just social media posts because the someone created a page um protect Jonathan Dickenson State Park page and there's like 47,000 people on the page and I was like you know if everybody just donated $5 to the the tower because the tower at H Mountain has been closed for uh some time because it's just run down and I said we could generate about $236,000 to uh help repair the tower replace the tower and within like I don't know 36 hours it raised like 11 like 10 $1,000 or something like that so it's pretty cool to see everybody come together throw a quick $5 to the Friends of Jonathan Dickinson and raise that money and it's money still coming in they got a lot of pledges and stuff to you know do the the project Renovations at the bark and stuff so it's really uh encouraging to see the community kind of rally uh to protect the park so I'm glad to see that the ples were withdrawn they have to go back to the drawing board doesn't sound like anything's going to happen now but just you know keep an eye on it make sure nothing uh comes to fruition like that that would be a detriment to JD so just appreciate everybody's support on that by the way you know so much hears say when something like that happens I had heard that correct me or tell us that that process to donate was limited by how many they could do in a day so that was the other thing overwhelm the system yeah so we overwhelmed the system that night and uh I was able to get a hold of the uh president of friends of Jonathan Dickinson and late that night they were able to get their vendor to raise the limit okay um so it was that they were capped at you know whatever it was but they were able to raise the limit which was encouraging and then they were going to work on you know kind of raising the limit more um but yeah it was pretty crazy that within a few hours I'm getting people texting me going I can't donate it's locked me out they can't handle any more donations tonight so it was pretty cool that uh you know people were really taking um taking the opportunity to donate so we overwhelmed the system in a good way but they got it fixed and you know it's moving right along so it was amazing how quickly and organically that movement grew like in a day M it just blew up and it was just everybody just you know went bistic from what they from hearing that and it just it was it was incredible really cool absolutely and it it looks like that's DOA I mean that's you know hopefully well yeah it's not there's no way Mayer so yeah just to speak to jonath and Dickenson that was amazing I like that as well I liked your post I donated I was so grateful that you did that um you know and I just want to say there is some movement in the state legislature our state senator uh Gail Harold is looking to propose legislation potentially so you know this is the second time this item has come up and you know so what's to stop it from coming up again and so defining the uses in state parks could be helpful there are a number of different things being discussed she was at the league of cities meeting that we had most recently South Florida Water Management District was there and she stood up and asked you know how would this impact lockah hatchee River and it was something it was a topic of discussion of everyone in that room and so it is also a topic of discussion among you know all the electeds I don't know anyone that's for something like this um and this Council has certainly been you know consistent and protecting preserve areas we had an item a long time ago um you know with The palmwood Preserve and that was something else that we were able to do and protect so you know we're clear not just on process but on policy we're getting a number of other electeds on the record um on those things and I think we really need to be proactive in terms of making sure that that doesn't happen again um and you know it' be great if the state would pay for that power as well you know maybe we'll get some uh Appropriations this year for it yeah there it's not yeah it's not our it's not ours it's not our County but there should be something and I hope you know to see a lot of movement this legislative session and um I guess just one other item real quick is um the home Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce has a smart and connected task force um each municipality there has a representative and I'm working on that right now but one thing that they're announcing and pushing out is something focused for small businesses a resource for small businesses it's a digital resource a One-Stop shop it holds all information um you know it helps them compare municipalities uh work within each of our systems so it's a real asset they've put a lot of work into this over a number um of months I know Roger held from the town has answered a number of um questionnaires and has added his input to that system so it's going to start to go live um and something you know it's exciting to just kind of see their pivot they've really focused on connecting the northern part of our County and all the decision makers in it but to see kind of something specific for small businesses is really wonderful so um that should come come out shortly and just wanted to share that's it C ly uh just um out in the boat last weekend it's nice to see the uh the one of the bascules attached to the South yeah the South Side one of the trumans so the bridge is coming along it was pretty cool to see they were on the barges for a while yeah you know now they there's probably another one up now so I haven't bu in a day or two so I think it's still the one the South it's the Southwest span South yeah at is in so so they're getting close so what's their date November 12 everybody looks at Thomas Thomas is on that every day now In fairness I don't know you could give a date yeah they're later than they had expected so yeah it's hard it's hard they're losing a lot the extra money they could have got it that since August yeah something but that you know you look at that project that is so much just hand labor I mean they just all the rebar and that's it's tough to time you going to get bring that on bring that in I know that when it opens because there's been conversation at the transportation planning agency about that is there's going to be quite a bit of quite a few uh uh elected officials that are going to be coming there and uh we as a town hopefully haven't lost sight of what the bridge used to be um it's just incredible because you know even opening up two lanes when it opens up it's going to be with bicycle and pedestrian right you know uh does that open with The Pedestrian yeah because it's on each side it's on each side so uh in fact as I drawn by there and you look and you look at it as was being built I mean we didn't have anything and uh so it is going to be such a significant Improvement incredibly looking forward to the celebrating you know that day so do we have a celebration plan for ourselves the town doing anything well it'll be that event because it'll be a that we'll be participating in right but it just it's wider than just a town like a ceremonial jumping off the bridge like we used to do with the old the old us one Bridge like the original one we used to jump off that all the time it was awesome this one might hurt statue of limitations run out on that Chief so bungee jump anyway anything else El four um yes so I'm going to bring up Jonathan Dickinson State Park again um again it's a state park and while it is our park we like to call it our park because it's right in our neighborhood I want to point out to everybody that this is one of nine that they were preparing to adulterate and everybody that was on the bandwagon to stop this needs to get on the bandwagon to stop them in all the other eight locations as well these state parks are not meant to have pickle ball courts in it I'm I'm I'm you can't even make that up that's like a bad Saturday Night Live skit or something a pickle ball court in the middle of a state a wooded State Park it's craziness so I urge everybody while the momentum's there press on take them on let's stop this craziness in the other Parks as well thank you for everybody that stood up for jdsp think um I think a number of the other locations kicked off the similar effort from what I can gather just crazy yep still ill guid and misinformed um I wanted to thank you Town manager for the AED updates for all the our local parks that's a great idea I just got back from vacation and unfortunately while I was on vacation one of my travel mates went in the vtac and it was a situation where an AED might have made a difference if there had been one available um it's a great thing to have and it's a great idea but I also wanted to bring back one more time our discussion of uh lightning detection have we elevated that to any type of situation where we can get um quotes it's in the plan it is in the plan Direction was given so it it isn't it is in the plan I I don't have an update for you at the moment okay that's fine just as long as it's in a plan I'll make sure you get it I'll put in the Friday report perfect thank you very much that's all I have okay the time is now 9:14 we'll adjourn the meeting did e