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DAT budget there will be the only question is Central PJ cross fo Road had a green light in front of him made in front of him the other car behind on our is bright they added those lights yeah I know but I didn't it was so dark before they added them yeah but I think I feel like I've done it since they added the yeah you should have once is brighter than I remember like I think it's it's reflecting off of the for e e e e e e e e e e e all have any plans this sum yep everybody without problem talk friend for I can bance out Le bet very ni got people f it all the way hello hi know they have not had a in the time that I've been here I don't know when the last time it was thank you I'm I'm Brett I work with Tom filling in for him tonight okay how are you doing today good how are you nice good and what was what's your last name Ashley Ashley I think we you've definitely been here before maybe not when I was here probably Stephanie that was probably out on eternity okay I've covered a couple of yeah meet you yeah let me go ahead and put okay I think I think when I come before this to attorney one that's not specific Tom it's not a big deal to me hi May how you doing Tom again see you comment card I can give it to her when he would bring it up so I should okay back there I saw him in the hallway so hoping that's a good sign of course see you again we did not have one okay not a big deal we'll have one for the next time know nor would have I did yes I just saw I got um that's yes yeah was there a few of them how you doing okay well you have a good weekend did yeah how about you fun yeah it was good relaxing when did you get back from Maternity in March boy or girl girl thank you she's gonna be seven months on Saturday Saturday we got sure I don't have any myself but my older brother has one they not really position good he like two now only imagine feels like it's going fast for me we got to probably got to conclude do we have the right or the left when I have Council meetings I feel like I don't see her at all by the time I get home normally she's I was just like no I missed a whole day with her right but that was almost kind of by you do good yourself my phone charging is charging you can be a little bit off and it doesn't charge yeah e e e e so think we good evening the time is now 7 p.m. and I'll call to order the town council meeting of Tuesday June 4th we the Town Council are very fortunate to have Jupiter Police Department onor guard with us tonight night for the Pres presentation of colors before the honor guard marches in I want to take a moment to recognize officer Kevin webs officer webs began his career with the police department in December 2003 and was one of the original members of the honor guard today is Officer Webb's final day with the Jupiter Police Department as he retires after tonight's Honor Guard Duty we thank officer swbs for his service to the residents of Jupiter and wish him well in his well-deserved retirement at this time I would ask that everyone it's able to please rise for the invocation in a moment of silence followed by the presentation of colors and the Pledge of Allegiance dear God help us to be mindful of our service to our community and allow us to see that strength of Harmony and teamwork can overcome that which divides us amen let's have a moment of silence ready pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty justice for all e e right PE forward may we have a roll call please mayor kety here vice mayor sunstrom here councelor Delaney here councelor for councelor May Town manager Kito here acting Town attorney L Lashley okay uh we begin tonight um with the proclamations that I will be presenting to Mr Chris alss code enforcement supervisor a proclamation of the town of Jupiter Florida declaring the week of June 3rd through 7th 2024 as Code Compliance officers Appreciation Week whereas Code Compliance officers provide for the safety Health and Welfare of the city citizens in this community Through the enforcement of building zoning housing Forest safety environmental and other codes and ordinances and whereas Code Compliance officers are often not credited for the jobs that they do in saving lives and improving neighborhoods whereas every day assisted by support and program staff they attempt to provide quality customer service to the public for the betterment of the community and whereas too many times their efforts goes unnoticed even after Code Compliance has been accomplished due due to their efforts and expertise and whereas Code Compliance officers are dedicated well- Tred and highly responsible individuals who take their job seriously and are proud of their department and the local government within which they serve and whereas the Florida Association of code enforcement has declared the first week of June to be set aside by local government to honor and recognize their Code Compliance officers now therefore I Jim kety mayor of the town of Jupiter Florida to hereby Proclaim this Proclamation on behalf of the Town Council and do proclaim the week of June 3rd through 7th 2024 as Code Compliance officers Appreciation Week [Applause] [Applause] Chris Al's code client supervisor thank you mayor council Town manager uh we are pleased to serve this amazing community of residents and business owners uh I'd like to extend a great dead of gratitude to my staff they have a very difficult job and they make it look very easy every day they come in with a smile they leave with a smile it doesn't matter how difficult the day gets and they are true stewards of the community and we truly appreciate your continued support thank you thank you we now move to a presentation and I believe uh our police chief is going to provide this good evening mayor and Council thank you much for your time tonight uh before I start I like to just ask code officer Paul ruik and officer Le roacher to join me thank you gentlemen um so as we spoken at Council meetings before just want to take this opportunity to recognize both of these individuals for uh life- saving action that they took back in November of last year uh specifically the Jupiter Police Department received a 911 call from an individual who said that they observed another individual laying on the railroad tracks near the intersection of Fifth Street in Old Dixie Highway um aler Paul ruic was actually around the corner on Third Street conducting a code of violation inspection when he heard the call go out over the radio and officer Lewis roacho was actually dispatched to the call for service a short distance away so upon officer Paul rucks arrival that scene he saw an individual Hispanic male who was laying across a railroad tracks and he was trying to tell him to get off of the railroad tracks and just a few moments later officer roacha showed up um this was at the same time that one of the bright line trains was traveling down uh the railroad tracks so not being able to get him to um come off the railroad tracks on both of these individuals actually grabbed the individual pulled him off of the railroad tracks which with Witnesses are describing somewhere between 58 seconds before one of the right line trains came through that area and would have struck and killed the individual so after speaking with the individual who was laying across our a tracks they determined that he was actually trying to commit suicide um and if they were not in the area and if they had not responded and if they had not put themselves in danger going onto the railroad tracks and pulling them off as that train was barreling down the railroad tracks that interal would have died so I just want to take this opportunity to recognize both of them for their actions and to advise the council that they were they were awarded a life-saving citation for their courageousness in Saving that life oh thank you very much uh Chief England um thank you to council and thank you to everybody in attendance um on behalf of the code enforcement department um I'm very proud of my job um I want to thank Chief England and the rest of our Command Staff um for giving civilians like myself the tools and the confidence needed to respond to situations like this and also to my uh supervisor Chris alses who encourages going out and assisting the police department and not hesitating to Save a Life when needed thank you [Applause] sounds cliche but it's just another day another call and uh we do what we have to do out there as police officers so thank you [Applause] everyone we don't consider it another day another call we're we're most grateful for that thank you okay next we have a presentation on the town centennial celebration planning thank you mayor Town Council for the record sha Reed community relations manager and Pio for the town I'm happy to be here tonight to talk about uh an exciting time coming up in the town of Jupiter uh for those that don't know uh in February 9th of next year 2025 the town will celebrate its 100th anniversary and uh Town staff uh has been very busy planning for that event uh so again February 9th 2025 Town turns 100 uh to celebrate this momentous occasion we're planning a year-long celebration it'll start in January of 2025 and run through December of 2025 um for almost a year now our town staff has been meeting a committee of town staff has been meeting to uh Start Plan and come up with ideas for that celebration and to further that uh planning process to make sure we had a all fast it's a a broad view of uh opinions and and ideas involved we've created seven subcommittees that are made up not just of town staff but also of different residents in town uh featuring some of our different uh um uh constituencies so uh just wanted to go real quick through some of those committees and some of the planning what they're looking at uh the first committee I'll talk about is our branding committee uh we did last September put together a committee to look at The Branding uh we wanted to come up with a brand that enhanced and didn't do any harm to the town's current brand uh that committee has made up of uh 10 Town staff members as well as a member of our art committee uh all great ideas came out of it uh we did establish that brand and more importantly we have created a new logo that will be used by the town next year uh this logo will be on all Town documents anything uh that our website anything that goes out and I'm happy tonight to unveil that logo for the first time uh just to point out a couple facts about the logo first off obviously it celebrates 100 Years of Jupiter uh our tagline uniquely Jupiter that we've used for a long time time you can see we've added a couple words to it at the bottom so we're uniquely Jupiter since 1925 uh just to look at a couple other elements of the logo uh we really want it to um parken to our Coastal Community so in addition to the lighthouse which is part of the Town logo currently we have the uh navigational rope that's obviously part of boat rigging and then if you look at the uh wave on the end where it says years it's actually a wave of of water so trying to pull in our Co Community environment in that um you'll start seeing this logo a lot uh starting with the budget Workshop coming up our um since we're looking at next year's budget there the finance department wanted to go on and start using it so they'll be the first ones using it a couple other of our committees that we've had first off uh like I said we wanted to get a a wholesale View and how many we wanted to include as many people as possible so our first uh committee we have is a business partners and this committee is uh aimed at looking at how we can pull businesses into the in the town into the celebration how can they take part coming up with ideas as well as us Pro helping them promote those ideas so the the town has a committee that is made up of different business owners in town and they are working diligently to come up with some ideas about how the business Community can help out uh we have an Employee Appreciation committee that is aimed at uh celebrating Town employee both past and present so they're looking at retirees and other events that we can do to uh celebrate all of our employees U moving on we obviously have a history committee you can't talk about a 100 Years of Jupiter without looking at the rich history of the town and so we've got a committee that's aimed at uh finding different events and programs that will just feature the history of the town uh we're working very closely with the Jupiter Lighthouse in that regard and their uh Chief historian Josh Liller um obviously with Jupiter we talk a lot about our natural environment we're very pleased with our natural environment people love being outdoors in Jupiter so we have a committee that's aimed at uh natural environment and how we can celebrate that environment during the hundred uh a lot of good ideas um coming out of that one it's being led up by Barr Cruz and our environmental uh task force will be very involved with that committee and then two more we have our neighborhood Partners this is looking at how we can get our neighborhoods and town involved D with the celebration and encouraging uh celebrations uh within their neighborhoods and then also our nonprofit Partners uh the nonprofits obviously do a lot in town and we want to include them just like we include everybody else so again looking at a lot of our different constituencies in town and pulling as many as possible in to help celebrate 100 Years of Jupiter just real quick looking ahead uh so in the middle of this month uh we will have a planning book that each of you will be receiving this book will show uh ideas that have been submitted by the different committees it will also include a calendar of events uh I will note uh that this calendar for events is going to be a living document so while you'll see something uh at the middle of June that is a document that we do think uh items will be added to programs and events will be added to as those ideas come up uh by October we will have our planning and procurement uh completed for the first quarter of next year so January through M March everything that needs to be uh planned and purchased for that by December we'll have the second quarter done and then as we get into January 25 I've already said that's when the celebration will uh begin um I will note uh if you remember at the beginning I said that uh February 9th 2025 is the actual 100th anniversary that is a Sunday and so what we've planned for next year is Jupiter Jubilee which is normally the first Saturday in February of each month we're going to move it to the next uh the second Saturday next year so it is the actual day before the 100th anniversary uh it will be a true birthday celebration for the town uh with that being said we are still looking for any comments and suggestions that people may have uh feel free to email myself my email is Sean s wnr jupiter.fl us we're happy to take any suggestions people may have we do uh we are looking at everything and and um I will just leave it with our new logo that we're very proud of and ask if you have any questions I don't have any questions but I just really want to express my uh gratitude appreciation to staff was always being very proactive and how thorough um you pursued trying to get uh the various constituency group consistency groups involved thank you very much it's going to be a real celebration so appreciate it thank you I was going to say the same thing I'm just uh very thankful for staff involving the residents and business owners and stakeholders of the town and putting all the work um I didn't realize you guys have been working on this for so long so I'm really looking forward to it it's going to be going to be a fun year I I think it will be thank you thanks a lot I agree with those comments and I just um I had one question I wanted to ask uh in Jupiter Jubilee we typically have lot of food vendors and a lot of different activities for families could one of those food vendors be Chick-fil-A so I just want to put that on the record I will bring that up to that planning committee definitely wonderful thank you and I will say with Jubilee we are uh planning on adding to it it's always a great event but obviously you only turn 100 one time so we are going to add to that next year thank you so much for all that you do love the logo by the [Music] way so next we have a uh ebike safety campaign initiative uh presentation again I believe our police chief down seems easy enough again good evening mayor Vice and Council excuse me um so I've been asked tonight to give an update as far as our ebik campaign uh before I do that I just want to sort of go over some specific terminology so everybody's on the same page as far as um these vehicles are concerned because they're significantly different uh in nature uh first of all an e bicycle uh otherwise known as an ebike as pictured above uh is basically the same size as a a typical bicycle um specifically they have pedals and that's important because for it to be an ebike it has to have the means of human propulsion uh there's three technical classifications within bikes ebikes and they really have to do with the type of propulsion in the means of either propelling while in motion or from a stop um I can tell you that the uh Florida Statutes do Define what an ebike is but they do not govern it meaning there's no specific laws as far as its operation that just describes it uh as far as what exactly it is um be very brief on a very complicated topic the safest rule to say is that if an ebike is being pedal uh on a sidewalk that's completely legal but if it's under battery power it needs to be in the street you're not supposed to be riding an ebike under electric power on the road and specifically these ebikes have Governors on them that prevent them from going over a certain speed and depending on which classification uh that you may be talking about uh that speed is either 20 or 28 M an hour now I point that out because there's some confusion with what an eoto is now an eoto is basically an electric motorcycle so it's pitched above uh that you see motorcycles are powered strictly by another electric battery uh and that's in place typically A combustible engine they do not have pedals so there's no way to actually Propel the bike by anything other than the electric battery uh they do not I'm sorry the batteries typically have about 750 watts and what that equates to is typically speeds greater than 28 M an hour uh they are considered unregistered motor vehicles and I point that out because e motorcycles are not allowed to be operated either on a sidewalk or on a street just the mere operation of them in those areas is a criminal violation it's just like driving a car or a motorcycle without a registration so just the mere fact of seeing some of the on them is reason for an officer to stop them so moving into the Florida Statutes um there are currently 24 separate Florida Statutes that govern bicycles uh that goes anywhere from having to wear a helmet within a certain age to how bicycles are to be typically operated um it does not differentiate between whether it as electric power or it's a pedal power so there's a lot of statutes that already govern the operations of them um there's also other numerous Florida Statutes that govern how they're specifically operated when they're in the roadway meaning and the typical way we describe that is is that if you operate bicycle in the roadway you need to follow all the rules of the road that means not riding too a breast that means not running stop signs or red lights not driving on the wrong or operating on the wrong side of the road opposite of the directions of travel um anybody who does such would be subject to your typical non-moving or moving or criminal violation with a typical uniform traffic citation uh associated with that depending on whether it's points going to Driving School paying the F through the court system that court system that we currently have for traffic laws is the governing um body of which infant individual were to get a ticket they would seek relief through uh for their due process so here's one of the issues that we experienced and I think a lot of people here U experienced this also typically ebikes out of the box from the manufacturer they have Governors on them that prevent them from going again above that 20 or 28 miles an hour and then the E motorcycles out of the bikes typically or out of the box typically go about 40 miles an hour well you can go on YouTube or other areas on the internet and you can find ways to defeat specific portions of the bicycle or of the bike that govern its speed um there's there's mechanical features there's electronic features that count the rotations of the tire or measure the speed in some way but you can go on YouTube you can find out how to easily uh defeat that and then thus taking the governor out and it'll go as fast as the battery will allow to go or as fast as the motor will go in addition you can go into the aftermarket world for electric bikes and electric motorcycles and you can replace the batteries with higher voltage batteries or with larger Motors now what this does is this takes the typical bike that goes from 28 miles an hour into the 30s now these ebikes can go up to 40 miles an hour in addition the E motorcycles which typically go about 40 miles an hour you can see those going 50 and 60 miles an hour so this is um although these modifications are not illegal they do highly increase the probability that an individual sometimes in I should say the majority of time young people um violate traffic laws or operate these bikes in an unsafe manner so from the officer uh perspective uh several year or excuse me several months ago we started seeing a large amount of violations on bikes specifically down in the Abacoa area and most of the violations are associated with uh Young young adults Middle School age students who were either going to or from school uh or down in Abacoa at food trucks on the weekends on Fridays and Saturdays it seems to be a a proliferation of uh ebikes from Christmas and whatnot that the KE kids are are receiving um so we decided that we needed to do some sort of educational campaign the first thing I want to do is I want to point out uh we had two officers who prior to us even having these conversations started taking the initiative to educating themselves as far as the laws associated with ebikes and e-motors cycles and they were doing things on their platoon to educate the officers as well as give them um the tools in which to go out there and enforce these laws and have the opportunity to stop individuals and educate them so I do want to take the opportunity to recognize officer John O'Keefe from one of our day platoons and officer shanon sha uh from the night Splatoon so once we started the campaign this uh started around April uh we are doing a educational campaign and that's our main focus but there will be at some point um an enforcement campaign so specifically our campaign is directed towards parents and youth because we find that the majority of these individuals who are operating these UNS safer kids um I believe that the parents are buying these bikes not understanding their capabilities not understanding that modification can be made and the children are likely operating them in an unsafe manner uh we also created a town website page uh specifically towards um ebikes and E motorcycles and we have some flyers here here next couple slides I'll show you that we're putting out on our town website uh we have done a social media campaign both in print and in media um I I do want to say a couple thank yous also uh Joel Lopez from WPTV 5 did a a really nice article on the uh TV uh regarding the educational campaign and the problems and use a lot of Statistics um and Maya wasburn from the Palm Beach Post wrote a nice article also uh that we read um I had a lot of comments from the public that they did see this and they hear and they understand that they have a lot of the same concerns that we have regarding our kids and operating these these bikes in an unsafe manner um both of them did a fantastic job and I mean I don't think I could write the story more accurately myself as far as the speaking points uh we are having our district captains uh prior to school going out of session they went in and they're talking to both public and private schools so we're taking opportunity to get information into the schools uh to pass along to the kids we are currently in the summer break but we'll pick that initiative up again in August to make sure we take that opportunity uh when we go to our typical Homeowner Association meetings uh we have had questions and we're going to continue to educate the public um as far as the parents that are at these meetings uh so that they understand what the problem is and what they can do to address it when we go to public events uh as we've had here before we set up a tent we bring folks out we bring out a bike and spers conversations uh with people in attendance uh we're doing selective enforcement campaigns uh like I mentioned a moment ago we know there's large events specifically down the Abaco area where kids typically congregate so we're going to put our police officers on our bicycles out there uh having an opportunity to stop kids talk to them educate them get them Flyers when appropriate uh we may reach out to their parents if the actions are so egregious we feel that that's the appropriate way to go um typically they're going to be receiving warnings at first uh but if we encounter an individual over and over that we're conducting the same educational moment with them uh we will go into an enforcement mode uh we've been networking with other law enforcement agencies uh specifically all the agencies in the palom uh Chiefs of Police Association uh we also have a North County Association where we meet with Jupiter Juno toqua juper Inlet Colony we've shared this information with them they're experiencing some similar issues we've shared our Flyers with them you're going to see here in a minute some of theirs are very very similar to ours uh We've also SP spoken with rep Snyder uh discussing some of the issues that we've been experiencing and seeing what may be able to be done on the legislative side uh I do believe of all the Florida Statutes that we have we are able to address it but as I said the Florida statute that describes ebikes just describes it really has no governance over it whatsoever so a lot of these modifications are completely legal although dangerous um with young children driving them so the last slide I have uh I'm sorry last slide I have so up here you see one of the flyers from the juper police department on the left you see a flyer from Thea Police Department uh in the middle you see a flyer from the uh pomes County Sheriff's Office on the right uh we found them to be extremely good partners uh they've I said experiencing the exact same problems that we are uh they have the same mentality where we're really trying to educate uh individuals for safe operations of these ebikes and having no e motorcycles on the road whatsoever um and they they've been very good partners so that is the well let me also add in closing that uh we are collecting data associated with our efforts um to date we've had about 32 traffic stops involving e bikes uh all of them except for I believe two were educational opportunities and two of them warranted traffic tickets but anytime an individual is stopped whether it's an adult or a child on an ebik uh they're walking away with either a warning or a citation associated with it so we are documenting all of our efforts we believe we're making a difference um it's anecdotal at this point but we're going to continue to collect the data for the next several months going into this and then again through the um first part of the school year and we'll be able to determine or at least measure some sort of impact that this campaign is having so having said that may answer any questions just um I'm interested on the otos you referred to them it's interesting you know I had a partial road dirt bike as many youth when I was growing up but they were gas powered they had Governors to actually to ride them on the road there was such a thing as Governors back then but you still since they were Road able you had to be at least 15 to be driving them with the five brake horsepower so they don't even I know I can do the conversion but I guess there's no such breake horsepower anymore now it's right so otos are basically motorcycles and they would be required to be registered uh these motorcycles are not registerable as they do not have vehicle identification numbers but they are classified by Florida statute as a motor vehicle so they are not allowed on the streets or roads at all it's an immediate ability for an officer to stop them and have a have the point I was going to make about that is you know I remember you know when I first moved to Jupiter we had had a number of areas where you know dirt bikers could actually go there's nothing left that I know that would they should ever be allowed on because pretty much they can't go on or should not be on preserves and what have you and we're fairly well built out so have you seen e motos uh around at all so equally so when I was growing up here there was a lot of undeveloped land and uh we used to go onto un develop for for reasons like that um there are no in Jupiter a areas that are allowed to operate them unless it's on a person's private property let's say you add an acre and a half and corporate area other Farms or something like that you ride around your your yard all the day you ride around your um house or whatnot uh but we do not have any uh tracks associated with that now if you go up to Martin County there are some tracks up there that I know of that uh people get you know trailer their bikes up there drive them around and most of them are combustible engines but you'd be able to take an ebike up there also but the reason I brought it up is because you say that there they're prohibited from being on the road likewise they're prohibited from being off the road in Jupiter because we don't have any places they could go they're intended to be a recreational vehicle they're not meant to be a primary means of transportation understand so yes but we wouldn't want kids tearing up reserves and whatever so uh if that were to become a problem I would hope we're informed about that and I'm sure then the police would take action correct any questions sir this is just uh I've had a couple close run-ins with these things on the road so I'm just glad you're doing this and it's very proactive and um just so 32 citations you said 32 traffic stops stops 30 of them were warnings two of more citations and what time period what time period was it 30 days okay mid April to miday good it's making a difference so thank you yes sir Chief I want to thank you and the Jupiter police for all the work that you've done on this there was a request from this Council to to look into ebikes and you have done so much work to be so visible in this community I saw your interviews I see you on social I see you everywhere and I love I love that I love how visible it is I'm also grateful to learn so much about the Florida Statutes and see that we are looking at legislative options we had talked about you know potential ordinances here it seems that we the book the rules on the books are sufficient just needing that enforcement and that education and so I I was grateful to see you at connect with Council I know a number of residents came and spoke to you um at that event and again just thank you for everything you've done yes ma'am thank you all very sir is there just one last question is there any rules governing two wheels should be on the ground when they're driving it so there is a Florida statute that said a vehicle on the roadway doing a wheelie is against the law it's actually one of the most expensive citations the State of Florida has it's a $1,000 ticket regardless of whether it is a motorcycle or an eoto thank you for putting that on the record I've seen a lot I've seen a lot of that both with motorcycles and uh ebikes we we have and we're trying to get the message out that that is extremely dangerous and someone's going to get hurt regardless of whether it's the individual on the E motorcycle the ebike a pedestrian other vehicle um so we're we're we're pushing this very hard thank you again thank you for you and your entire staff for being so proactive on this and getting out in front of it and educating and everything the way you're handling it thank you I will pass it along thank you mayor I have a public comment for this item Adam Paulson good evening my name is Adam Paulson uh I'm born and raised here in Florida from palmach Gardens the last 15 years I've lived in Jupiter specifically in the heights of Jupiter uh this is about the ebikes um there was an event a police event report that I have uh back in uh March the end of March March 30th uh it was called in by someone else in the neighborhood at 2006 hours so what is that 806 in the evening so it's pretty much dusk or dark at that point uh the notes from this other caller is that the 37s which I imagine are subjects were doing wheelies on the bikes five or six bikes uh last scene headed towards Heights Boulevard 37s were on ebikes so I encountered the same individuals on Heights Boulevard uh talked about it was definitely the most motos otos uh I don't know if you've seen it on the Facebook reels Etc but there's something called e stunting where these individuals will surround Vehicles do wheelies touch the car mess with their mirror do certain things to elicit a response uh I pulled over on Heights Boulevard and Frederick Smalls to call the police and give the description I was approached by the four individuals um they had made threats of oh it's because I did get out of my vehicle to identify them they made some comment of uh oh it's four versus one I kind of laughed uh because of their size um at that point uh words were exchanged said hey you know I I wish I had these ebikes when I was younger I actually like them but there's a time and a place for this and they were be straight they were eliciting a response and they got it uh so as I'm outside of the vehicle they threatened four versus one I was ready to oblige them uh one of the individuals then put on a bandan over a blue bandana over his face went to the other side of my vehicle and smashed the mirror uh at that point they fled the scene into Abacoa uh I went to my residence in the Heights and called the police there's a report here I could read and read it if you'd like but I believe I only have three minutes uh I gave my statement uh since then I have that evening as a matter of fact I put a picture of my smash mirror and posted on on our neighborhood Facebook page uh the last I saw was up to 45 comments uh actually several mothers concerned mothers reached out to me via messenger asked me to describe the individual I described him they confirmed that's definitely him I've heard him talking to my kid he's actually threatened my kid he's threatened this that and the other um so essentially I have identified this individual he's 15 years old adolescent that lives in Abacoa uh since then I've called Jupiter police department and contacted the original responding officer and I'm yet to get a response today when I saw that uh in my neighborhood Facebook that ebikes was on the council agenda I came up to Jupiter Police Department to the public records to uh acquire some of the documentation and I actually spoke with a major here in the police department uh he has assured me he's he's going to look into the situation um so that's in regards to the ebikes um however I have about probably over 20 other police incident reports where I feel like I have been misrepresented uh denied legal representation from Jupiter Police Department um the majority of these are with an altercation that's been going on for over two years with my neighbor um when when she calls and makes egregious uh claims against me uh also against my dog she's told the police it's in the report that she is going to shoot my dog he is always on a leash he's the police have always also met him and said he listened to his commands Etc uh so when she calls like I said I've got probably up to close to 20 reports she makes a report from Jupiter Police Department they'll write a novel about her and her complaints I called the police department to talk about her running me off the road while I'm out with my dog when I'm working on my motorcycle in my driveway she will say I cannot wait to see you out on the road I believe that's a threat uh she's destroyed one of my vehicles by putting something in the gas tank which I actually don't have documentation but I have since put up cameras she has called the police saying that I have cameras up to watch her and her child the police have put the word pedophile in mulle reports with my name with no justification know anything I've called the police to talk to her them about me being run off the road Etc the police write my name in the report which is misspelled in the number 45 45 is simply code for contact made I feel extremely dismissed I believe that there is either a gender bias behind it or I spoke with the major I believe that there is actually a deeper uh blacklisting of me because of an incident that I had with a Jupiter Police Department Officer at dos beer garden over two years ago again regarding my dog um and I just implore a major the officer that I spoke to to investigate this as he indicated he would um I'm also going to be following up with uh captain I captain spini told me he's out of town for the next week and a half but when I saw that there was something on the agenda tonight about ebikes and you know I'm actually very worked up over this obviously um being falsely accused of something especially so egregious of the PW and I've tried to contact legal aid I don't have I do construction um so hiring a lawyer you know as my neighbor has even said when I told her I'm a sewer for liable and slander because she's posted on our neighborhood Facebook that I'm a felon police have looked into it it says no z00 scene no felony scene you I've had to become a a a code reader of all these codes and all this um I just wanted to bring it to the attention of the town of Jupiter that uh you know there's there's a new thing called Karens I don't know if you've seen it this is the worst thing in the world to be subjected to living next to a Karen that is able to slander me in this way um I hope that the major looks into it and I'm sure my three minutes is up um this was very hard for me to do I actually suffer from very bad anxiety but I appreciate your time thank you thank you and I'm sure you know our police will follow up with you thank you thank [Music] you okay um moving on to Citizen comments this is time for non-agenda items limited to 3 minutes and anyone wishing to speak is asked to State his or her name for the record prior to dressing Town Council do we have H citizen comments yes we have three first is Linda mcder then Carol Watson good evening Linda mcdermit 107 Chadwick Drive um I'd like to address something that happened over Memorial Day um and this is uh see something say something rang loud and clear when a hero named Travis reported a dog named Dango being abused of her earns Park he immediately called police along with others he shared photos reached out to the community for support on the next door app got attention from the KVJ radio show local news and all flooded Jupiter police to get an action and finally get this man arrested um the dog went under under the care of Palm Beach County Animal Care and Control this incident brought over 500 Community comments within two days and an outpouring of care and concern and is a great example of unity within our community and speaking up for those who need us as their voice that includes those animals social media and online engagement allowed immediate information sharing which ultim Ely resulted in the outcome the community expected I hope to see that this town recognizes Travis I didn't want to say his last name for respect um the town has is investigating they know the names and um the others and um I truly appreciate those people who I live near um additionally um I I love that Jupiter Police Department initiated so much education the initial campaign for the Jupiter ebikes in our County they really stepped up the council allow to ordinance thank you all for doing everything that you can that is great barl Watson and then Eric witz good evening Council Carol Watson 6500 Chas Drive last Thursday in Palm Beach Post which I'm a dinosaur yes I still get a paper delivered to my door there was an article in the local section headline West Palm Commissioners to vote on raises and I thought to myself when was the last time the Jupiter Council people got a raise now I know several months ago when there was discussion about the fire department Wayne pner came on up here and he was talking about a few different subjects and one of them was the raises for the council people and he used to sit on the council so I asked Laura kill over there she's worked for the town a long time she doesn't remember the council getting any raises I've been coming here to to to meetings since October of 2014 I don't remember any raises ever happening for the Jupiter Council people it's been a long long long long long long long long time it's been too long and with the cost of living with the cost of you know trying to look good for for the constituents of Jupiter I mean let's remember we live in that zip code 33458 so we have to look good as well and they are giving themselves well not giving themselves the obviously the town pays for 32% raise and the last raise that they got the West Palm Commissioners was in 2016 so it's been eight years eight years for them to get a raise I don't know how many years it it's been for the Jupiter Council people to get a raise but what what you earn is a is a is it's really sad and it's pitiful and I think it's like $24,000 I'm not positive about that but you guys do a lot of work we've got this beautiful Town Hall we've got a new police station soon to be a new fire station all this stuff just doesn't happen I know you do a lot of work behind the scenes and I truly believe that it's time either to do a study with with all the other municipalities in in in this County maybe sister cities in the state to find out you know for a a a town of our size 60 to 70,000 people it's time for you to be making what everybody else has been making thank you last is Eric Eric good evening uh Eric weiter from Jupiter ocean Grand 230 ocean Grand Boulevard Jupiter uh thank you for doing your jobs here in volunteering um the uh want to talk about the uh A1A that's where I live and I cross A1A a couple times every day and we have these new uh lights for crossing and um a lot of people because they're yellow and this is Florida people just drive right through the yellow light and and uh I don't think we can change that but that's an issue but what I complained about too I brought it up to the township here uh to the county I was told that sooner or later they're going to take the excess signs down because if you drive down A1A this is our Premiere road we've got we've got uh signs big yellow sign uh light ahead uh 100 ft when you look down A1A it's just nothing but yellow signs up and down this is our premiere Road in the township and uh whatever you can do to work with the county to clean that up the county told me they had that the federal government paid for that stuff and they had to wait for them to clear out of here and then they're going to try to work on the signs but if you can talk to them uh uh work on that another thought uh along the way here of on A1A speeding cars speed up and down I think if people want to speed they can go on Route One uh what Juno Beach does they take a couple old police cars and they Park them all over the place they keep moving around and nothing that scares people and maybe that slows them down I'm sure we recycle the police cars here and get new ones maybe take some older ones and just park them here park them there and uh hopefully they'll get people to slow down thank you the um main issue I sent you a note on the firehouses I wish I would have known about this uh beforehand um I understand you want to transition to your own firehouses and rescue I don't have a problem with I think that's a good idea especially if you're going to save money but the thing that bugs me and I wish I would have known about it beforehand on Route One as an example you got a firehouse and you want to build another Firehouse across the street because the county doesn't want to give up the firehouse so I hope the community here some of you hear that uh one way or another over the years we paid for those firehouses as in our taxes and it's absolutely ridiculous that we're going to build a firehouse and have another one across the street now we may be getting kind of late in this subject here but it's never too late I don't think the ground has been broken yet and you can do all the engineering work and the drawings and so on right but I think we got to fire up the community to call up our County Commissioners uh and that's what I want to do um tomorrow I'm going to try to give him some more calls but this is our money and I think it's just Reckless to go and spend for two more firehouses when you have when we have the facilities here that should have been paid off uh a long time ago thank Youk you was it okay uh we have before us the minutes of the May 21st Town council meeting I don't see any Corrections on the Das if if there are none I take do mayor if I may I um we don't have a quorum tonight so uh ra a quorum oh okay sorry I thought I uh I thought the town code required a majority not uh never mind then um page 10 paragraph 4 uh let's see the last sentence um situation by providing a contract in excess of a quarter of a billion dollars it says a year I said over 10 years one change to that okay okay I have one as well sorry about that um also page 10 paragraph 7 um Park taken away should be dog park taken away okay take a motion with those two Corrections motion to approve is amended second Motion in second all in favor signify by saying I I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to the consent agenda um trust there's no members of the public that want to pull the consent agenda no mayor none on the Das take a motion and a second on approving the consent agenda so moved second Motion in the second all in favor signify by saying I I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to reports Town attorney um none for me or Mr be Town manager thank you mayor just a quick couple of quick things uh vice mayor I did note Chick-fil-A is going to be on my number one for the Jupiter Jubilee if we can get it done I do want to take a minute uh again to congratulate officer Kevin schwebs on a remarkable career uh I know it's a little emotional on your retirement day and um but he has really done a tremendous job for us so congratulations to him and when we were acknowledging I always find this very interesting by the way so we're acknowledging uh code compliance officer rodic and officer Lewis roacha and the chief is telling the story about how Brave they are and they take a picture and as they're taking the picture the mayor's looking at him like do you want to say anything and I see the officer look over to the code compliance officer he goes I'm not saying anything you want to say something these guys will risk their lives but you ask them to public speak or speak in public they just will not do it I it was just uh really interesting and then um also for the jpd on the uh to the chief on taking the initiative with the ebikes uh once again the Jupiter Police Department is setting the pace on that as well and we've been getting a lot of great feedback from the community I want to thank everybody involved in the Memorial Day ceremony I thought that was really quite remarkable and um and at the request of the vice mayor um we now including local traffic information available on our Town's website for anybody that uh that may need that and so thank you to Sean and team for putting that up there that's my report mayor I just want to add that um it's interesting because we had uh were're able to appropriately honor uh officer swbs on his retirement um and recognizing him for having hav been part of the original honor guard and then we were able to and I I spoke to both individuals before but none the less publicly you know honor them for saving a life and uh so as mayor of the town I just want to emphasize and we heard the officer say just another day on the job and I hope he heard me say it's not just another day on the job so I understand that officers and staff may be reluctant to step up here but thank you for coming out I ask I I thank you um Mr kitro and and our police chief for having them here so we're not deprived of the opportunity to appropriately recognize them so thank you very much that's an ask right that you know do that please do that because whether they think it's important we think it's important you know for the members of the public that the meeting to know about it as well as the members of the public that watch online it's it is an important part of local government so thank you very much anything you want to vice mayor anything comments um I do want to say you know I remember my my first employee picnic and I spoke with a police officer there casually and I said oh how's your day going he said it started with a death and it just goes to remind remind you that their days are not like our days um many of their days are not and it and that goes for all of our fire rescue personnel as well and so I just want to extend my gratitude to all of you for the work that you do um recognizing you is certainly a wonderful part of this job and we should do it more often um with regards to Memorial Day I also want to say I was so grateful for that ceremony um I'm also grateful for sunglasses for when we get te eyed as we all do um but you know I think what I loved about it was the congressman making it about others and inviting others to come and give the names of those that they were remembering that day and that is the spirit of the day and so I was very grateful to see that um and give my voice I think that'll be all for tonight just want to sort of pile on to what uh my colleague said um officer Ric and roach the um and we had had a conversation with our town manager in a meeting a couple weeks ago and it's just amazing to me how the offices can go pretty much from you know sort of you know like a zero just you know normal you know driving the car or getting a call and to just spring into action run up to railroad tracks with an oncoming train those trains are on you so quickly you can't gauge how quickly they're coming but they just throw caution aside grab grab the man and get them off the tracks like that they all could have been killed so that's just it's remarkable courage and I think we all had show great gratitude to our the wonderful public servants we have in our town so I just want to personally thank everybody involved and um that works in our Public Safety thank you thank you the time is now 8:00 pm and we'll adjin the meeting e yeah C states that requ oh no e e e e e e e e e