##VIDEO ID:n7LDTt4XINw## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e what e chran right ha no wrath like a woman scorn e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening the time is now 700 p.m. and I'll call the order the Town council meeting of Tuesday October 15th uh we'll begin with an invocation followed by a moment of silence and then the Pledge of Allegiance um for all those that are able will join me in standing dear God guide us tonight as we seek to do our best to serve others give us the courage and inner strength to be our true selves and the people we represent amen let's have a moment of silence please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of alance toag United States the rep may we have a roll call please mayor kety here vice mayor sunstrom here councelor Delaney here councelor for councelor May here here Town manager Kito here Town attorney be okay we begin tonight we have uh two proclamations uh this first one is a special one um I'm going to be presenting it to uh our town manager Frank Kito I wish they really call this Florida town government week but it's known as appr proclamation of the town of Jupiter Florida declaring the week of October 21st 1 through 27th as Florida city government week whereas city government is the government closest to most citizens and the one with the most daily impact on its residents and whereas city government is ministered for and by its citizens and is dependent upon public commitment to an understanding of its many responsibilities and whereas city government officials and employees share the responsibility to pass along their understanding of public services and their benefits and whereas Florida city government weak is a very important time to recognize the important role played by city government and its contributions to the quality of our lives and whereas this week offers an important opportunity to spread the word to all the citizens of Florida who can make cities great places to live that they can shape and influence this branch of government which is closer to the people and whereas the Florida League of cities and its member cities have joined together to teach students and other citizens about mun municipal government through a variety of special projects and information whereas Florida city government week offers an important opportunity to convey to all citizens of Florida that they can shape and influence government through their civic involvement and whereas the town of Jupiter does encourage all citizens city government officials and employees to do everything possible to ensure that this week is recognized and celebrated accordingly and whereas the town of Jupiter does encourage educational partnership between city government and our schools and whereas the town of Jupiter does support and encourage All City governments to actively promote and sponsor Florida city government week now therefore I Jim kety mayor of the town of Jupiter to hereby Proclaim this week the week of October 21st through 2 7th as Florida city government week in the town of Jupiter and encourage all citizens to support the celebration and coresponding activities and I'm going to be presenting it uh to our town manager and I think his staff is going to join yes can I have all the town staff come down and receive the proclamation as well please you want me come back there with you let's get you you got to direct everybody [Applause] this Mr kit if you'll Shar some words thank you mayor um thank you for the proclamation and for recognizing the work of all of our town employees um and I tell you I'm really proud of this group of people and I don't think most people understand the fact that everything that goes on from the lights to this building to the agenda the storm water the fire rescue to finance to parks to Recreation water police all of it happens every day seamlessly and the amount of work that goes on here is just incredible you talk about a a very professional group of people who you know who drive this town and who care very greatly and I'm proud to lead them and I accept this on behalf of all of them thank you and uh I'm going to say a couple words and let my colleagues join in if they'd like um very grateful this is special week um that week um and I want to express uh gratitude I think last week I saw the most phenomenal teamwork had the opportunity to see the preparations Advanced preparations for um the potential of uh of hurricane Milton uh hitting the town uh participating in the new emergency Operation Center that gets set up it was a beehive of activity it was just it was just so satisfying to see how well prepared our staff had gotten our town uh should we have uh you know receive the Brun of a hurricane so I'm really grateful for that but I only use that as a point of reference because the teamwork that has been existing uh in the town among staff for in recent times has just been extraordinary and we're grateful for that I'll just quickly add um I agree it's Florida town government week let's rename it here um or you know Village or all the other things but um just having uh worked recently with the league of cities uh you guys may not know but there's something like 410 411 different towns Villages cities in the state of Florida and over half the population of Florida actually lives in one of these and they do because um because of the services the unique Services they provide and how they kind of customize to that population to that group and so it's just kind of it's a wonderful thing and it's something to celebrate um I also got to see the emergency Operation Center and buzzing with action and um it's just been you know it's been a really wonderful experience getting to know all of you and the work that you do um so thank you yeah I agree I just the the amount of work that goes into keeping this town functioning on a day-to-day basis is uh is remarkable that this town does so effortlessly um you know anytime there's an issue we get pointed in Direction and any Department director staff member is going to be there to you know explain what they what you need or what you're looking for so that you can get the answers to the residents um so it's it's very much appreciated how hard working our staff is um and like you guys said just last week is a prime example of how well things can can go when we have a good team and uh you know I apologize for not being able to come over to the EOC I was on duty and was very busy so but um you know just that example of how uh well everybody comes together for a common goal is is amazing so i' really thank all the the town employees for making our town such a a wonderful place to live I just want to add to the uh the uh storm preparation the the Outreach with the um all the videos you know depicting what the different departments were doing and just sharing with the with the population the citizens of just you know how the town's sort of taking charge of things and getting information out so it's very helpful so I really appreciate that okay moving on second item I have we have is a proclamation U which I will be presenting to Travis Sanders customer service and billing manager in Angela Carpentier on behalf of the building support specialist with the customer service Proclamation week so if you'll uh come to the podium and I'll be presenting it a proclamation of the town of Jupiter Florida declaring the week of October 7th through 11th 2024 is customer service week whereas customer service Serv week is an international celebration and whereas in 1992 the US Congress proclaimed that customer service week is celebrated nationally during the first full week of October and whereas in Jupiter Florida on an annual basis thousands of residents businesses and water customers inquire about and access services and programs offered by the town of Jupiter and whereas the town of Jupiter's utility customer service and field representatives and building support Specialists are often The public's first point of contact with the town communicating on a daily basis by the means of phone email walk-in services at town hall or field visits to homes and businesses and whereas the town's customer service and field representatives and building support Specialists routinely demonstrate commitment to providing exceptional service and assistance to town residents water customers businesses and others day in and day out and whereas the town of Jupiter's customer service and field representatives and building support Specialists will join thousands of government agencies and businesses worldwide to celebrate customer service week recognizing employees who go above and beyond the theme of this year's customer service week assisting customers answering questions listening sharing information building trust in highlighting the importance of customer service as a critical component of organizational success and whereas the town of Jupiter recently celebrated customer service week October 7th through 11th 2024 by recognizing those employees who are primarily engaged in customer service with certificates of appreciation and shwing them with a week of special activities in food and where as the town of Jupiter's utility customer service and field representatives and building support Specialists are essential to fostering and maintaining positive relationships with residents customers and businesses and should be recognized for their commitment to taking care of the town's residents customers and businesses with Excellence now therefore I Jim kety mayor of the town of Jupiter on behalf of the Town Council to hereby designate October 7th through 11th 2024's customer service week in the town of Jupiter and extend our gratitude to the men and women working in utilities customer service as field represent Ives and as building support specialist for a job well done in serving the citizens businesses and water customers of our community [Applause] thank you mayor and Town Council for recognizing October 7th through the 11th as customer service week your acknowledgement means a great deal to all of us who are dedicated to providing exceptional service on a daily basis last year our building customer service team issued more than 8,000 permits guiding residents and contractors with inquiries related to construction permitting and building regulations with care every step of the way our our utilities customer service team is equally committed serving more than 95,000 customers across Jupiter Palm Beach and Martin counties and are always ready and available to assist whenever needed customer service is about building relationships fostering trust and making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve your support reinforces the value of this work and we are grateful for the opportunity to be recognized thank you thank [Applause] you next on the agenda uh Town Council is excited to get this update presentation on the US One Bridge Project um by the Florida Department of Transportation um I just want to as as I turn it over to you I just want to extend the Gratitude on behalf of the town of Jupiter for all the work that's been done thus far on the new us one Bridge we're thrilled with the design the collaboration with fot with the town um and other uh agencies to make ensure that we're all satisfied with the with the end product had a chance to uh uh get a inspection of the bridge uh the week before last most grateful for that it's been an extraordinary project I was pleased with the high quality of work that I saw was grateful that uh at least as of last the week before last there had been no ocean recordable events so it's been done very safely we're grateful for that and at the time of that inspection uh we thought mutually uh the town in fot that it'd be beneficial to get a uh status update on the bridge for the benefit of us and in the general public so I turn it over to you thank you thank you Mr Mayor uh fellow council members uh ladies and gentlemen uh we're pleased to present here tonight um I know it's been um it's been a while uh since we last met I think it was a prior to the detour um went into effect uh so a lots been going on uh since then um I prepared a short little uh video here so you can kind of see the construction process from the time that the detour went into into place until uh here recently so I hope you enjoy it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right um as you can see a lot of work's been done uh in the past uh year and a half uh in demoing the existing bridge and building uh the new bridge uh in its place uh a lot of people don't you know realize that the majority of the bridge uh and the construction has been done in this past year and a half first year that we've been here uh which was back in October of 21 uh that whole first year was all for the detour you know all the intersection improvements uh the A1A Bridge repairs that we had to do in preparation to safeguard that structure so that bridge the extra traffic on that bridge could could take it uh all the its uh communication uh devices cameras and all that for the traffic uh for traffic monitoring uh that was installed all that was done in that first year and then uh once we started with the detour the majority of this work uh we basically have demoed the existing bridge and put back a new one in the past year and a half and it's not just a bridge it's a bridge with two four-story buildings that uh go to it with all the mechanical and electrical you know equipment so it's a lot of work uh that has been uh put into place and we're almost there um you know some of the key successes you know I wanted to point out you know there there's a lot of them um but some of the things just to bring to to people's attention you know that we could celebrate here um you know all the again all the repairs that we did on the A1A Bridge uh all the the permanent um improvements that we did with uh the its communication that's all the traffic monitoring devices with the cameras uh and and what have you um um that go into the signalization cabinets um for all that trael all that's permanent improvements permanent safety improvements uh The Detour that we uh put in place for this past year and a half has gone very well uh has actually uh uh done a lot better than um what was initially anticipated um we've been able to keep traffic flows uh flowing for the most part you do have you know some backups you know from time to time uh during certain peak hours but we've been you know pretty good at trying to keep those flowing uh we've had great Partnerships you know with Palm Beach County and uh traffic operations where their traffic Management Center and uh doing all the signal timing adjustments you know when appropriate um so that's a big success you know in in keeping the project moving keeping the the residents uh you know moving from point A to point B um one of the other things the vibration monitoring ing that we had to do uh for the project you know we had to bring in another consultant uh on top of the vibration monitoring that we were doing to uh help Safeguard uh the historical uh buildings and uh the lighthouse um so all that was not just measuring the uh vibration effects at ground level but it was also measuring the amplitude that uh went up into the buildings to help make sure we were within the limits so that the historical structures were were safeguarded and all that was done uh with close coordination with the BLM for the lighthouse uh an historical preservation Society um and we were able to unwrap the the lens from the lighthouse last uh last December by the end of December right before New Year's um so all that went good um the foundation installations you know a lot of people with the found you know don't realize but with the foundation install ations that we did these were very complicated um it wasn't a simple pile that you drove in the ground you know and put your substructure on this is it was a special type of installation where we had to preform down to a an elevation auger all that material out put it on a barge stick the pile in drive the pile fill that material back into the hole pull the casing out the pile again to consolidate all that material and you're doing all this on the water in barges right so all that work for 300 piles that we had to put in the ground was a lot of work and at the end of the day our foundation on any Bridge that's your biggest risk right you don't know what's underneath there you know so that's you know a lot of unknowns so to get through that uh successfully uh without major impacts you know to the project was was a big feat and we finished that last year so that was a a huge uh Milestone um since uh the project we we've been looking at doing different uh design techniques so we were able to uh take the bascu pier face as you saw in the video and you'll see another uh picture here where the faces of the bascu pier walls they've got this architectural imprint on the face um um the original plans had that being poured vertically and to be honest being in construction as long as I have there was no way we were going to do that vertically and maintain that three-dimensional architectural feature without having to point and Patch forever and the joints wouldn't match I mean you're talking a lot of work so we were able to do a different technique where we could pre-cast the face of of the wall on the barge standed up and set them in place that way it maintained all the joints it maintained that three-dimensional look that the architectural design was was asked for and it helped expedite uh some of the construction process uh during that time so that was a big uh feat to do that um another thing was uh the utilities that we had on the project we had FPL we had several utilities but the big ones with FPL and FG GT uh they had the uh sub aquous uh lines that were going through the channel that they had to be relocated um those those lines got out of there but FPL took a while and our contractor and the project team we had to mitigate that by you know working shifting our schedules around working advancing work elsewhere um while FPL was doing their work so we were able to m miate that process while FPL was relocating their their underground work um and we're able to do that plus all the FPL taps with all the Transformers for all the devices and the uh the service points uh throughout the job we were able to to work around that and and get done so that was a big feat to to get all that coordination done and uh lastly I wanted to bring up U since our last meeting we talked talk about um safety improvements uh we have a a big safety Improvement that was added to the project since our last meeting and that was the inclusion of Light art uh Light Art detection which is a pedestrian detection on the bridge so when the bridge opens or when the um the operator is pressing the button to open the bridge if we have light R detection system where uh we have cameras there looking at the bridge we are hooked up with sensors to the control panel where if it detects movement on the bridge it will prevent the bridge from opening so it's a safeguard uh for the controller if he can't see if it's something that is out of his blind spot that he can't see with somebody moving down below that will pick up the movement and will physically stop the bridge from opening this was a do a state uh mandate to put these systems in on all existing movable Bridge structures and new movable Bridge structures as a safety feature uh for both existing and future projects and this is the first new project that it's been installed on so that was a a very good Improvement um so you know with that you know let's talk about uh the schedule you know when we started we as I told you before we've been on this project since um October of 2021 like I said that first year was doing all the intersection improvements for The Detour and all the repairs to the existing A1A Bridge um then we started the um uh The Detour in March of last year um and then all that work to demo the existing bridge and put the new one back our goal is to have one lane open in each Direction um that's the first thing phase of this um right now we're targeting early 2025 uh to be completed uh with that we're trying to just so everybody knows we're trying to get this done before uh Christmas um which we're on track for that but it's still hurricane season there's still storms out there we want to make sure that's why we're put in early 25 right now because it's the wh if scenarios that uh we can't uh predict right now until we get out of of this season but um uh right now again we're trying to get done before Christmas but we got a early 25 at at the latest um and then we don't want to lose sight of the Northbound opening uh so a lot of people you what you don't see or you can see from the photos but you can't see you know uh around uh the area is that we're building the Northbound section as we're building the South bound section so the southbound is what we're opening first the West half of the bridge um but you'll see that the majority of the north uh bound section is being built as well so as soon as we open the South the north bound will open shortly there after that's why you know spring of 25 is when we're looking to open that um and then final completion is early 26 um that's where our allowable contract time takes us out to we're obviously trying trying to finish much you know ahead of that um but that's that's where our contract time goes out to um so with that um I wanted to take more of a deep dive with the the progress photos this is the South approach uh you can see where our msse wall uh is built we've actually already started painting it and you can see uh us installing the decorative ped railing um along the MC wall um and on top of the MSE wall we're final grading that and we're scheduled to pave that uh next week is when our pavers are coming in up to start Paving South approach um the approach spans for U the bridge the spans one and two are uh fully complete we're actually putting traffic railing and ped railing uh on those approaches this this is the basket piered this is the front face so you can see those decorative uh panels uh that we're talking about they're three-dimensional uh in there so um that's why I said it was very uh it was a great design change where we could uh pre-cast that front section and stand them up um so it Safeguard the Integrity you know of the architectural look um again the size of these peers you know for reference if everybody remembers the old peers you could literally fit both of those old peers in one of these that's how big this is uh and it's four stories tall um this is uh the inside um I know uh Mr Mayor Frank I know you guys uh you know in the tour that we did a couple of weeks ago you guys got to see the inside and saw how how massive that was um again four stories uh tall you can see the inside uh this is prior to us uh finishing out and starting to set the uh the vascular steel components in which you can see uh over to the right of that inside the pier uh also within the pier itself you know this thing operates on mechanical you know components mechanical and electrical so the first picture is the trunion so the trunion if you picture the trunion is it's a pin nothing more than a stainless steel pin that the leaf rotates on okay so it's just acting as as an arm for the the basul leaf to open and lower on what you have underneath that on the level below you have this one piece that's um bolted to the bottom of the basc steel member that has a bunch of machine teeth on it right it's in a half moon uh piece underneath that is what we call the pinion and the pinion is not nothing more than a motor right it's a motor with the teeth on it that engages that frame that you see sitting on top of it um and then the motor is hooked to the picture to the right which is the hydraulic power unit right so if you picture this in your mind when I'm at the control U house and I press a button the button sends a signal down to the hpu unit which then turns on the motor which then starts to uh turn the the rack frame that's bolted onto the to the baskal steel member and that the leaf starts to raise and it rotates on that trunion that's how the whole thing is is integrated together um all of that you need in order to operate all that you need all the electrical that goes in it right so the next slide here you can see all the cabinets that go in and all the electrical infrastructure and then you can see some of the uh controls in the control house um and there's a lot more of that that goes in but like these pictures in the in the basket peers here for the electrical all these cabinets this is one room right one room of several that are in these peers and you can see all the electrical components that go in all the infrastructure that goes in and all that runs back into the control control house uh where it's connected to all the the panels and the buttons um that are there um so it's a lot of um integral work that goes into this the bascu steel members you know here these are U this is your your writing surface here so we haven't poured the concrete yet but you can see all the steel components have been assembled and bolted together uh you can see the top four form work this is our exoderm decking um it's just the deck you know that the form workk for the the concrete surface we're in the process of finalizing all that and hopefully you know get uh one of these uh poured within the next couple of weeks um here's our control house we see the outside um you know uh coming to life here we got the Decorative Stone uh being installed on it with a seating area or pre-cast bench um that it's been out there the inside of the control house you see it's got a 360 view of the inside for the operator um and then all the control panels you know that will uh sit inside there you know this is just one of several uh that go in um but you can see how that's taking shape on the inside um this is the north approach um so you can see this is uh what we call span five this is the north approach uh to the bridge um so if you take a look if you just look down that line that's the half that we're opening you know so this span five then you see the bridge you know and then you see the the South approach on the other side that that's the half that we're opening um this span right here uh we're set to pour that actually all the rebar and everything's in on this span already um that's been updated over the the last few days um and we're set to pour that uh this weekend or Monday Sunday night maybe uh into Monday and this is the uh North approach from the bridge down to uh Jupiter Cove Drive um this uh it's pretty much built all the msse walls complete there the moment slabs are done which is nothing but the sidewalk you know in between the barrier wall and the outside of the wall um this is all ready uh to go we need a final grade it one more time but um we have to complete span five and do the approach laab then we can final grade and pave that um which we're looking to probably be at that point uh mid November um the section from Jupiter Cove Drive back to uh Beach Road or alternate A1A um that one should be paved as soon as we pave the South approach which is next week um they will mob over here and we will pave a Jupiter Cove Drive back to uh um alternate A1A uh so that should be in the next couple of weeks when we do that all right um so that's kind of where we're at um just want to go over some quick Milestones what's left to open the bridge right um so these are some of the big ones you know so people understand you obviously we talked about in the the deck at span five right so that's on the North side that's the span between uh the road and and the bridge so we're looking at pouring that uh this weekend or or beginning part of next week um the concrete deck on the bascu bridge when you think about it I got to get the deck on the bascule span board and I need one of the spans to open and put in the up upright position why do I need that cuz the boat traffic is in Span three which is the gap that you see out there and that's why there's nothing you know being built out there yet because that's where all the boats are going through so as soon as my bascu span I get one of them up I have to maintain traffic the boat traffic in half of the channel so as soon as I get one open I can move the boat traffic in there then I can start setting beams and then pour the deck on on span three right and that's our last span um then obviously uh Paving the approaches finishing those out with all the asphalt um and then once uh span three is done um and the remainder of all the electrical uh work is complete we can do the final inspections on the bridge and uh functional check it make sure everything works and then open it up the traffic that's it those are the major milestones in a nutshell um and then just going through so you can see the status update there this is span five um again all the rebars in looking to pour that uh this weekend beginning of next week again you saw the picture of the basal Steel in the decking um it's a lot more advanced within the last couple of days here we've done a lot of work there we're set to pour one of those um in about two weeks will be our first pour and then here's the the Gap that we were talking about so that's span three that's that Gap so again you can see if I can get one of the fual leaves open and that boat traffic will shift into the main Channel and then I can start setting the beams up the top there and then obviously the uh the approaches which I said we're going to start Paving the South approach U next week and then um that nor this North approach probably be mid uh November uh but the stent from Jupiter Cod back to alternate A1A should be in a couple of weeks now we don't want to lose sight of the other Milestones that we have right so once the the one half of the bridge is open we got the other half all right so we mentioned that before spring at 25 that's when we're targeting to open up the the other half now it'll be all lanes open uh to traffic um and then you know don't want to lose sight of the Riverwalk uh so the PED bridge that goes over goes under spans one and two and the boardwalk you know for the Riverwalk that connects 1,000 North to utiki looking to complete all that and have that open by summer of uh next year and then final completion that's with everything painted vender system you know everything um and it's uh final condition uh we have until uh spring of uh well actually early 26 um but we're looking to finish that a lot sooner but that's where our allowable contract time goes out to so um that um you know I appreciate the presentation I threw a picture up here Mr Mayor of our little uh tour group that we had you know a couple of weeks ago so enjoyed that enjoyed having you guys out there um you love to have you guys back out there anytime you want to come out so again appreciate it thank you thank you I'll turn to my colleagues if you have any questions just a couple comments the um I was very um impressed and pleasantly surprised about the detours they really I had nightmares overthinking about that and they they really worked out very well I know there's some backups here and that's that's to be expected but that was that was great work on that so oh was great it was a great team effort um and not just uh with Palm Beach County with the town with everybody you know the public Outreach that uh we've done with you guys and and the the communities that we've had um and our efforts too with do you know having um our coffee with the project teams that we've had you know we're engaged the communities to come out you know tried to address everyone's concerns um you know adjusted signal timings when we had to um took everybody's concern turns into account um it's really been a team effort and um yeah I couldn't be happy I mean it really went went very well great thank you appreciate it just um just to wrap up um again thank you very much um for this update um and all the good work thus far we I just want to confirm expectations here uh so the my colleagues uh in the count in this public knows um the Milestones were shared with detailed so we the public can see progress being made and uh there's such anticipation about the opening of this bridge um and we want it to be right before it gets open but um we're going to have Milestone dates for each of those Milestones so here on out we're going to be able to Trend how we doing against the schedule are we trending that's that was the commitment correct yeah I actually sent uh the first I understand it I just want to make sure my colleagues know that's why and I appreciate the pictures and the good definition because we can then see you know there's been a great job in showing progress nobody knew really how we were doing per schedule so here on now those milest that he showed and described with pictures are going to have a date associated with them and they're in order so we'll know how we trending you know to the updated uh schedule yep yeah and we'll provide uh progress photos with each one of them so you can see you know the stage that we're at right now so like you you talk I talked about span five you know you see span five with just the decking on it you know that was in the last update you know the next one you'll probably see a port you know and when it was completed so I'll have that on there you know what we had anticipated and where we actually completed it and you can see that progress both visually and you know based on the dates as so as a uh several decade project manager understand the reluctance normally to share that kind of information but I do we do appreciate that after not realizing how important this is to the public that they committed to define the milestones and I'm here to the to the balance of the project to be trending us or sharing how we trending plus or minus from the from the schedule now that we've heard so we're we're grateful for that commitment and the understanding that that needs to happen y so I thank you very much appreciate it Mr Mayor mayor I do have a citizen comment for this item okay chrisy penelo hi so my name is Christy penelo I am the owner and the manager of Jupiter and lit booat rentals which is located a uh brief about 10 ft away from your Bridge construction M and um well I'd like to say you guys are building a beautiful Bridge you're taking along doing very good work the problem I have is your disregard for the damage you're doing while you're doing that and when that is brought to your attention your a dismissal of it and specifically uh certain instances where I have then now for the last nine months tried to approach your office and people directly to handle it amicably and I've been dismissed so I have no other option really that I feel except to approach this here tonight let me give you an example in January of this year your uh one of your Bridge construction barges smashed into the front of three of our boats to show you to explain how close you know your bridge is to our boats um in pretty much every slide you showed you can see our boats there right so middle of the day you're a bridge construction barge smashed in the front of three of boats I understand it accidents happen you know we have had this boat rental company there for 25 years I understand this during the day we came down everybody acknowledged it whenever it turned out that the person driving the barge was not supposed to be driving the barge the project manager wasn't there that person I later found out was uh deported because he lost a job because he was fired because he wasn't supposed to be driving the barge that's all here to say the main point being that we took pictures along with your company and we got an estimate from a very reputable boat repair man for $11,000 in damage this was in January submitted the estimates R said to be fine it is now November and I still cannot get your company to pay me the the amount of money that I need to repair my boats you have sent me multiple contracts yeah one thing I am not the contractor okay okay so so I'm so I apologize for directing this to you okay but this is this is the problem with the the bridge company so then I have gotten some of the contractors paid and as recently as October 2nd um and I go over there to their office they're just not they're not cooperating that's that's that's one example there there are many other examples that stand back longer before that that influence the locks out at your River and all the pollution there's barricades that are up there and there is the the sand and the the pollution from like that going off there uh pile driving the the big huge uh metal things into there uh shoots you know uh shoots kind of oil leaden dust all over the place we've tried to have people that my main point being that is while you guys are building a beautiful bridge that the town needs and you guys are taking along very effectively you are trampling over other people who have a problem with this and me for example and I'm not the only one and when I bring this up to you I have gotten turned away from your office multiple times I have been I have been made the the subject of many rude comments going to the office there and and I this your treatment of how you trample over people to build this bridge needs to absolutely change that's that's that's the end of my comments then and you know I thank you this is a public meeting so you had the right to come up here share now we're aware of that as a gentleman indicated he's not the the contractor but he's a representative for fot so uh you know I I trust he'll follow up well please share that with Johnson Brothers if you get a chance thank you thank you okay did you want to or you're done thank you yeah no I've got um no comments I mean um I'll I'll address you know some of this for um you know any I know you submitted complaints to Johnson Brothers and all that did you ever go through the do was that with Andy or was that uh and um I got to ask you by the way you know you could if you could uh sure yeah I don't want to waste move to the back of the room or whatever yeah can we back yeah thank you so we we'll take care of that right any other uh no thank you very much all right thank you Mr thank you thank you appreciate okay uh moving on to uh regular citizen comments this is the time for non-agenda items and are limited to 3 minutes anyone wishing to speak is asked to State his or her name and address for the record prior to addressing Town Council generally Council does not discuss these items during the meeting or during the regular agenda portion of the meeting and issues are typically referred to staff for investiga a and we get we get reports back to us and citizens will be contacted so with that do we have any citizen comments yes mayor first we have myy josa hi um my name is Morley josa I live at 24 Shady Lane I've lived in Jupiter for 24 years I'm also the executive director of Temple Judea which is a synagogue located in Palm Beach Gardens we have 800 households members and many of them live in Jupiter um I've never attended one of these meetings it was lovely to hear what the town is doing and all the people that work here but I have to say this past week I would hope as much as you shared pride in the preparations for Hurricane Milton that you also share some disgust at what happened at the boat parade and that wasn't shared by you at the beginning of this meeting and I'm really disappointed um I here tonight as a concerned resident an American and a Jewish person I am really embarrassed by our town and its lack of response to the important flags that were flown during this week's Trump Bo parade in 1942 our country went to war and over 400,000 Americans died they were fighting against the ideology that was displayed by that flag the swastika is a symbol of Nazi Germany and it promotes hatred and it's not just hatred against Jews it's hatred against anyone that they didn't deem Aryan I cannot imagine that this town doesn't have some kind of organization for boat prades you have amazing parades at Christmas and other holidays that my kids participated in through JTA for years so so shame on whoever organized this boat parade they allowed people to participate with symbols of hatred and they should have had permits shame on our boat police that didn't show up and stop their boats all around that boat and make sure it didn't continue we have people out on the water all the time I'm a proud boat owner that could have easily blocked in that boat and not allowed it to continue where were they shame on anyone who's pointing fingers and focusing on who that boat was on who was on that boat versus denouncing the flag and the symbols and the hateful speech that was spewed we are fortunate to live in a country that promotes Freedom we should not lose our morality to not know when we stand up for a stranger and we shout enough is enough and that certain behaviors words and beliefs and actions will not be tolerated not in our home not in this city and not in our country in Leviticus 1918 we are told love your neighbors you love yourself and I hope our town will settle for nothing less I ask this Council to put processes in place to make sure that this never happens again Linda mcdermit Linda mcdermit 107 Chadwick Drive I'd like to thank the staff in the town you've always been responsive anytime I've needed anything so I thank you also um Council um I know that you believe that there was a win-win situation with the court document that the judge ruled that the ballot question was not valid to put on the fire department on a or a vote while the ballot question may not have been what it should have been I'm disappointed that the town did not come up and write their own it could have been done a year ago um again the people should have had a choice and if the choice was to keep keep this fire department then I would say that you have a success because you've allowed these fire trucks to be bought EMS to be bought everything to be done in quite a fast amount of time so I applaud you for that but there are other capital projects that may have gotten to the Wayside while this got accelerated and you didn't allow the people the choice home will allows you to make that decision but I would have hoped that you would like to know what over 5,000 of your citizen voters wanted to say and either have a survey even if you didn't want to vote on a ballot you could have had a survey uh letter went out postage was paid for the fire chief to send out a letter to convince the town people that the fire department is the right thing why was that necessary to convince us you could have spent that money on other things okay you could have spent it on a survey okay now we've gone we've taken away Parks a lot of people are upset about that those are people who didn't even vote in over thousand people who voted and said they didn't want it so again I don't see this as a win or a Lo it's a lose for both because unfortunately there are three members who feel the power over the people and I'm disappointed again don't misunderstand this is this situation and the sunny Sands is is one that I just cannot seem to get over and a lot of my faith on those things are gone I don't lose faith in a town this is a wonderful town I think you've made a lot of good decisions but again this may be the last time I speak on the fire department because the decision was made not to bring it to the vote but on future things please this is too big of an issue and it's not just about Finance this is my health and Public Safety I'll pay an extra $100 a year to keep Palm Beach County fire rescue it was not too late we could have done it thank you Eric whites good evening Town Council uh Eric Weiss 230 ocean Grand Boulevard Jupiter Florida 33477 um I want to say something thankful to our community to the residents um we had storms we had hurricanes in the rest of Florida that were horrendous death destruction south of us and Palm Beach uh Gardens north of us uh uh people died and perished uh I I guess I was safe in my home I go walking on the U Beach Walk U on the ocean twice a day in the morning and the evening and uh last Friday afternoon Friday evening I go out uh in my usual walk and I go out onto the uh access walk and I couldn't believe it I was ready to cry when I saw the beach the beach from the uh time share as far as I can see and from what I understand it went way down to Juno Beach and way up to uh up north it's all the debris that got washed down last Friday uh from Northern Florida and covered the beach I would normally take a picture but I was so distraught when I saw this uh this mess this absolute mess on the beach construction debris so I I uh I went home the next morning about 11:00 I'm doing the same thing walking a dog and I go walking out lo and behold there wasn't a scrap of anything on the beach everything was cleaned up and uh I was just amazed and uh I wanted to to thank the people in Jupiter and I tried to get a hold of figured out how this worked uh we have a big surfing community that goes out north of the uh time share on the beach and uh it sounds like they got together and went on Facebook and Instagram and some other and uh with a note Saturday morning 8:00 meet on the beach we got 500 garbage bags and these people went to town and they cleaned the beach it was just unbelievable when I saw this at 11:00 Saturday morning it was clean and apparently I don't know how this work I heard that the garbage uh was also picked up there uh hundreds and hundreds of bags there were dozens and well probably over 100 people out there um not just in Jupiter but just went all the way South uh Juno Beach uh people did the same thing so so this is a shout out to the community to thank the uh the Surfers whoever started this it was absolutely amazing for people to come out and do this wonderful job and clean the beach without any input without any Machinery uh because when I saw it the first time I said does nobody does we've got the turtles there in the beach nobody's going to come along with a machine to rake that stuff away so this was a fantastic solution to come with people to pick up the uh the garbage and haul it away uh I I don't have U there were 100 of PE way over 100 people I heard just in our beach just some of the names I just want to read them off apparently Blue Line Surf and paddle company has a bunch of employees uh Jamie uh jamy vain mathas fretz there's an Eric I don't have a last name Sarah laier David Fielding John Sullivan Shelby Hunsinger and Ethan from Golden Juicery it is just amazing uh the people that we have in the town and the more than likely leaders are young people they came out and they cleaned up the beach and I just want to thank thank you to everybody thank you we appreciate uh both your emails sharing that and speaking tonight we we the Council in the town and general public are most grateful for those cleanup efforts thank you Michael cassatly thank you for the opportunity um Michael Cassat live on Riverside Drive in Jupiter I'm here to talk about so many wonderful things happened in this town recognizing the town employees recognizing cleaning up the beach and that hateful demon rtion that went on this past Sunday on our on the on the water uh on Riverside on the W River on inter Coastal should not have happened it's a the Optics of that for the town of Jupiter are awful we are a town with heart with a good culture and to have that shown and invites further hate to happen here I believe I don't think there's anyone here that in the Town Council in the town that I've met over the last uh 35 years of working and living here that have displayed any hate in their hearts to me and I think we can all agree that that demonstration was not Jupiter and unfortunately it is Jupiter in the eyes of the world it's all over social media it is all over the the news Services I think the town I would ask the town counsil on behalf of everyone in the town of Jupiter to make some kind of statement uh to let people know that that is not something that we condone so we don't get known as that um this could turn into a Charlottesville in the future if that happens and we start to attract more outsiders with hate and with the Nazi symbols I remember when my kids were playing jtaa um there was some adult violence against some of the coaches and when that happened Jupiter was noted for that nationally and what do we do we reacted the Optics were very good next year if you were going to have your child play in jtaa you had to take a a a class a video on adult you know violence and what you look how you appear on the sidelines during the game I I know nothing can happen like that with hate violence here but the Optics were great juper then was in a good light we're not in a good light now at all so that would be my first request the second request is is there any means that we can do legally to make them register for a bullet parade I know Mr Barrett we may not have the jurisdiction over the river in the waterways but perhaps we can do that with other agencies or there's some means that we can do so that we can prevent that from happening in the future thank you Jerry goodmark hi my name is Jerry goodmark I live at 8 East Riverside Drive I've lived in Jupiter since 1989 um I'm here to reiterate what Michael my neighbor has just said about the awul boat parade and the political statement that was being made and what we want or what we would like is for the town that we love to issue a statement or some kind of a proclamation condemning that kind of display of swas tias and Nazi paraphernalia I know we have free speech I'm a lawyer but this is hate speech and this can't go on I was raised in West Palm Beach and as a child they used to burn crosses on on Military Trail the kuks can clan I went to law school and came back was lucky enough to be able to buy a house in Jupiter in 1989 and when I wanted to move here my mom said oh you can't move there they don't allow Jews there I said no Mom that's not true I've lived here for 35 years and I'm proud of this city and I would love this city to take a stand against this kind of hatred and bigotry that's not Jupiter that's not us Howard iox Mr Mayor member of the council my name is Howard Fox um I live on equit Landing here in jup um every year on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving the two churches in the synagogue that share a corner of Central Boulevard come together for a joint service it is a testimony to our joint Humanity it's a celebration of all of the things that bind us not the things that separate us across religions Creeds race and so forth what happened last Sunday on the water is the opposite of that it is the worst of what of who we are it's not who we are that celebration on that Wednesday before Thanksgiving that is who we are but unfortunately um the national media social media and so forth that's the vision that they have now of Jupiter it is so unfortunate it doesn't represent myself who we are I don't think it represents this Council and so I endorse the previous speakers who employ for you the issue a statement on behalf of this community about who we are that we are not we do not condone hate speech that we do believe in equality for all this is not a political statement it matters not who you support politically but hate speech is of another a whole another matter and so I ask the council to issue a statement condemning such spe speech and in support of our joint Humanity thank you constant Holmes I just want to be careful I don't go over time look right up there I know but I'm too nervous there uh so good evening good evening um my name is constant Holmes I live at 2053 Street and I came to you this evening to promote um a lovely dinner over at the Civic Center on a Sunday evening um let's see prepared by little Moors cooked by little Moors and that for $50 ticket you can come over and have an ocean front dinner and and support our um soccer program our lowcost soccer program in Jupiter and that's uh great opportunity I wanted to make sure that you all were aware of it and uh I've never done a fundraiser before so if you can help me to promote it in some way I would appreciate that ra okay thank you that was the last one okay um I'm GNA Le just speak U on the topic that most uh speakers brought up um you know I personally did not witness uh the event um I know that um it's always been the case that uh the town has never condoned hateful actions I know of situations where we have U taken action to uh proc include them I U I think it was the last speaker or second last speaker that spoke about uh Thanksgiving Eve service I've attended every one of those for 20s something years um that is Jupiter as the speaker indicated um I'm going to ask our town manager uh to U get back with us as a council um to uh have convers ation about what could be done in the future to avoid that give us this if if I trust we had um probably Representatives that um staff that felt that they could not take action under the moment but let's do a lesson learned on that and see what what could be done because we're being asked on that um obviously Our Town attorney may need to weigh in on that but but could you get back with us um so we can respond accordingly I just quickly want to add too I want to thank you all for coming tonight and speaking I think it's important to talk about it and I certainly don't support it and you know I know that these aren't the values that Jupiter holds so I know that we're going to look at options with staff for what we can do I'm not fully aware of all the details surrounding it I'm going to make sure I'm fully aware these details so thank you and I too just be on the record you know I I do not condone any sort of speech any sort of displays of anti-Semitic anything in this town um from what I was shared these were bad actors not from here that came here to cause an issue it's not going to be supported and I will work with my colleagues if we want to get together and make a joint statement condoning this I will absolutely do so I'll say it here publicly I've said it in several emails back to people that I do not condone this it's disgusting and it won't will not be accepted in this town um I know that the parade organizers it wasn't sanctioned through the town of Jupiter it was nothing that the town of Jupiter put on it was done privately um as with the Waterway regulations it's pretty much their right to do they've done several this is the first time I've seen this type of display uh in those parades and it's again not acceptable I know that it was not well received during the parade I was shown videos of how those those individuals were treated when they tried to enter into the parade lineup um they were you know essentially prop washed with very large boats and their boat was sent into a bridge because they did not want them there so I know that the people participating in the parade did not accept it at all but going forward as the mayor said we will work on figuring out if there's something that can be done from the town level to prevent this from happening in the future so again I'm sorry that this happened um and going forward hopefully it's understood that it will not be accepted or uh done in the town ever [Music] again I agree with all my colleagues I I just saw a couple short video clips first of the boat with the you know the SWAT stickers and the the Nazi emblems or whatever and I thought to myself where did these idiots come from so I I know that's not the the motif of the I don't know who the organizers of the parade are it's not Town sanctioned but then I also saw the prop washing and I I then realizing is this AI it was just so ridiculous the whole thing you know but you know obviously that is not what Jupiter is and I I'm in favor of all us getting together and and working out something and seeing what we can do legally to keep that out of the town so um and I'm sure the town attorney would be involved in that also with free speech and all that so but you know the the whole thing was ridiculous but we're going to get on top of it and we appreciate you coming in tonight so thank you I'm sorry uh we can't have dialogue but uh we're going to have conversations uh uh a after our town manager um gathers some of the information and we'll we'll talk internally and uh and take some action that was it on the uh okay uh moving on uh to the minutes we have before us the minutes of the October 1st 2024 Town council meeting I don't see any corrections on the Das if there are none I'll take a motion in a second to approve so moved second Motion in a second uh on the minutes all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to the consent agenda this is items uh five through 14 on the agenda was there any member of the public that wish to pull a consent agenda item no mayor seeing none is there any members on the Das wishing to pull a consent agenda agenda item uh seeing none I'll take a motion in a second on approving the consent agenda motion approve second I have a motion in a second there's uh two ordinances uh I'd ask the uh on the consent agenda I'd ask the town attorney to read the both ordinances on short title ordinance 2324 an ordinance of the Town Council the town of Jupiter relating to membership into the for a retirement system for fire rescue employees providing for conflicts and providing an effective date ordinance 2624 and ordinance of the Town Council town of Jupiter Florida amending article three of chapter 2 of the Jupiter code of ordinances providing for codification providing for the repeal of laws in Conflict providing for severability and providing for an effective date thank you I also just noticed uh agenda item 7 resolution 11524 on the Public Works building was quasi judicial uh does anybody on the council have any quas judicial disclosures I have none none Noone seeing none um have a motion in a second all on the consent agenda uh all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously moving on to regular agenda this is item uh 15 resolution 1024 uh this is also a quas additional item uh does council have any expart disclosures mayor uh I'm going to abstain on this one uh I have a uh the applicant Mr Burger is a customer mind so I've been advised by the town attorney to abstain so okay okay oh um sorry uh I did meet with the applicant and Mr hearing maybe a year ago two years ago two years ago about this item um and that's all I [Music] have I had a brief conversation with the uh our Planning and Zoning director U about parking uh about the conditions in the resolution um and I believe I met with um the applicant as well a couple of years ago and I've met with staff okay uh so um I'd ask those members of staff and the uh and the applicant that will be giving testimony to stand and be sworn in do you solemnly swear that the testimony you're about to give in this hearing is the whole truth and nothing but the truth okay uh I'll turn it to the applicant first the presentation limited to 15 minutes thank you Council uh my name is Zach Cera I'm a land planner with Cotler and hearing in Jupiter I have been sworn in for the record I'm here on behalf of Mr Jim Berg uh the applicant and owner uh to present to you tonight the our project uh Inlet Village Market we've been working on this project for over 3 years now um with your staff staff has really challenged us to think creatively on how to design this very small site the site's only 0.15 Acres um and more importantly to align with the vision of the inlet Village District which we've all seen over the last few months with the regional planning Council working alongside you all um so um before you tonight is a small scale plan unit development and site plan application um what we are proposing is a 3,400 ft mixed use building consisting of a bakery retail use on the first floor and one dwelling unit on the second floor and like I said this site is very small it's 0.15 Acres on the east side of Love Street in the inlet Village district and on that side of the street there's about five single old single family homes currently existing thing there today and then uh the single family home today is uh it was constructed in 1965 it is occupied and all of these homes were built somewhere between 55 and 77 and this really is a unique opportunity tonight um this proposal will be one of the first Redevelopment projects of the existing single family homes in that Corridor and incorporating a bakery retail use to the CRA will complement the current development uh to the north and then to the South is Guanabanas or you know if we're talking about the north it's lucky shuck and Square Grouper and Beacon um it's really it's a daytime use the familyfriendly use we're not proposing any alcohol there's a condition of approval that we're in full agreeance with to make that um you know to put that in writing um and like I said over the last three years we've really worked out all the fine details of this project to um bring forth the best project to you and since it's the first of its kind in this area um you know we're very confident on this project per your staff staff report they're confident in this project and um we uh to get into the details of this proposal um the total square footage is 3,433 we are proposing an outdoor seating area with an active storefront this is very important this is important to capture the walking traffic from these restaurants that I pre previously mentioned like I said complimenting their uh compliment ing their use rather than competing with them the bakery will be open from 6:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. this is in a condition of approval as well which we were in full agreeance with um like I said no alcohol will be served a friend a familyfriendly use for all ages and one residential use on the second floor which will likely be occupied by one of the employees of the bakery and to get into the site plan um we've Incorporated a decorative walkway a speed table which is very important for traffic calming methods there's a lot of traffic on Friday and Saturday nights on Love Street um so calming those and slowing those cars down for bike racks enhancing walkability and bikeability an outdoor seating area a large balcony we have two private parking spaces on site the rest of our required parking is eight spaces which will be we will be requesting approval from the CRA board for U which are on the CRA lot and then of course we have the Lush landscape uh We've accom at for the future alley in the back and then a large open front yard again that's very important for the familyfriendly aspect of this project allowing kids to play slowing those cars down making it safe and then to go into the architecture Mr Rick Gonzalez of reeg Architects he's a project architect um this is his final iteration of the building he did an unbelievable job working alongside staff to um you know um really hone in on the uh on the design and he's proposing a vernacular Coastal style incorporating French doors aluminum shutters you can see the black and white canvas awnings um really enhancing the vertical elements of the building has a wide range of materials on the wall going from the whitewash brick to the baton board wall up to the metal roof uh goose neck lighting which is just traditional uh lighting method of um you know wall signs decorative wall lanterns and white rafter Tails lining the garage area and this is just another view of the elevations here showing how we're consistent on all four sides of the building and how we're aligning with that traditional neighborhood style development to blend seamlessly with the um neighborhood and creating a neighborhood feel so even though we still have a we're proposing a commercial use here it still has a neighborhood feel and you don't have to look far for where we've drawn inspiration from I mean you know we've drawn inspiration from Lucky Shu Beacon and even in historic downtown Town areas the storefronts with the awnings um goose neck lighting lanterns that's all of these all of these elements of historic downtown areas we've incorporated into this design and as I move forward to the public benefit um I believe it's on page seven of the staff report your staff um does acknowledge that we comply with the public benefit criteria of the code and I do want to just read off this code section I think it's important to lead to my next point properties located in this Redevelopment overlay area or the Roa are eligible for waivers as part of a plan unit development provided the development is consistent with the intent of the Redevelopment overlay area your staff agrees that we are consistent with the intent of the Roa therefore we are eligible for waivers per the code and I just want to I think it's important to note because we are asking for six waivers which is my next slide but waivers in this sense and more so for these five Lots here just forget the rest of Jupiter just these five Lots it's almost impossible to redesign or redevelop one of these Lots without asking for a waiver they're they're necessary for redevelopment of any of these five Lots here which is this this is the first project of its kind of course so the waivers that we're asking for are really just setbacks it's it's pretty much setbacks we have the front patio setback the rear setback the side buff the side landscape buffer lock coverage and then uh for a short-term parking lease just to be consistent rather than in perpetuity but my point is is that if we were to be if we were to adhere to the C2 District requirements we would need a 50 foot front setback that's just one of the property development rights that no none of these properties currently meet they're all legally non-conforming lots and we will never be able to meet and that's really why staff has pushed us to be creative and um how to lessen these waivers um as much as possible but create the best possible project and I think we've done that here so um I I will leave it there uh thank you so much for all your feedback like I said we're very excited to be here this has been a long process a long three years um it's been um amazing to work alongside your staff through this and um thank you for all your feedback turn it over to staff good evening Council for the record Peter Meer with staff the application for consideration tonight is a small scale PUD Amendment which involves waivers to reduce building setbacks increase law coverage reduce the landscape buer width and allow short-term offsite parking license in the public parking lot in addition of site plan application to construct a 3400 ft two-story building with 250 ft of retail on a ground floor and 1,200 ft of accessory residential on a second floor the proposes two parking spaces on site for the accessory residential unit and provide nine parking spaces for commercial spaces um in the C CRA par public parking lot um staff notes the requested application are in compliance with the town code intention upon the approval of the requested waivers conditions have been included in resolution 10-24 to address waivers offsite parking Minor Details on the plans and future signage the uh subject property is Zone C2 General commercial and within the in the village Redevelopment overlay area which requires consistency with a detailed in the village sector policies outlined in the comprehensive plan this NE necessitates waivers to be requested to ensure compliance with the comprehensive plan Land Development regulations were adopted in 2010 cre the land in the village Redevelopment overlay area and small scale PUD regulations to provide flexibility through a waiver process to resolve the conflicts with the standards of the C2 District these regulations are required to be used for developments in the in the village sector the in the village Roa supports creating a walkable environment through reduced setbacks requiring minimum build two lines increased lack coverage and reduce landscape buffer requirements staff provided a table on page six of attachment to which provides a comparison between the the proposed way and the end the village Zing District I also want to note that this property is a not conforming property and the front step back is actually less than the 50 ft as required by C2 it's actually like 30 uh 30 some OD feet in the front um because it's not conforming in regards to short-term uh parking waiver uh section 27- 2832 requires off parking to be provided for a unlimited period of time for example as guaranteed in a Perpetual Covenant the applic requesting to secure offset parking a CR parking lot which parking license for a period of 5 years at are not Perpetual covenants a similar short-term parking wave was granted for Guanabanas in 2012 since the required parking for the commercial space is 100% reliant on offset parking the applicant has provided Alternatives if in the future the crra does not renew the parking license one of the options in the statement of USS is to secure offset parking other another location other than a crra parking lot or request shared approval of parking with a nearby property and business owned by um the owner Square Grouper and Castaways in regards to the public benefit the applicant proposes one of the six public benefits listed in a code which is to meet the general planning principles and Land Development regulations of the Redevelopment overlays area designated by the code the subject property is consistent of the town's objectives and policies for the in the village sector and in the village Flex future land juice designations the small scale p is specifically consistent with 1.9.10 and 1.9.12 which refers to small historical Villages and promoting existing scale and character of the area um in regards to the application is also proposing atro seating um they are proposing 183 square feet of aor seating uh however the applicant calculates the calculation of the outdoor seating is measured um does not measure to the edge of the patio and does not include the 4 foot wide walkway between the tables uh the town calculates outdoor seating area differently when outdoor seating is for Standalone building versus a multi tenet trip Center for a standalone building the 4ft walkway is not excluded from the uh not exclud since the pathway is not needed for pedestrians to be able to go in from uh one t bace to another staff has calculated outo seating area to include the 4 foot walkway which brings total square feet to 336 Square F feet and PR to the code restaurants required uh greater than 15500 feet is permitted outdoor seating up to 10% to the gross floor area of the indoor area which re required additional parking that originally um was mentioned that they are providing eight spaces for their commercial actually with this outdo seating require nine spaces for the commercial total of 10 spaces or total of 11 spaces overall two for the residential on site um and I just want to mention that on September 10th the plan zoning commission recommended approval with two modifications to the the conditions one was to modify condition 4 a to um to uh put a maximum amount of distance for the building to shift to the west and the other ones delete condition 4D regarding the pathway be Crush shell um in addition on September 16th the jup historical resources board approved the certificate to to dig it's also there's a condition in the resolution that they would also need to follow that certificate dig as they instruct I to save any matter time for rebuttal thank you okay um Council uh are there any uh questions that you have of staff for the applicant no no just have one for the applicant um I think it's addressed I just would really want to get this on the record um I appreciate you know all the work that's been done to get us to this point so don't interpret my question to mean that I'm not going to support it um it's always concerning when there's a dependency on the town you know for parking uh and don't don't interpret that I'm not going to support it at the CR but we don't know long term so working with staff I just want to I think it's very clear the applicant understands the risk and burden is on them and I just want to read into the record and then you confirm uh page C of the resolution section four does say the approval of the of this uh is subject to the following conditions uh 1D is statement of use which you have in here in on page three of the statement of use uh under parking first paragraph last two sentences it says should the requested parking lease not be renewed by the C upon expiration the applicant will exhaust all other alternatives to regain offsite parking spaces at a different site as well as exploring options to share parking with Square Grouper as as as a daytime use if the applicant is unable to locate additional off-site parking spaces the business will ultimately be forced to close his do so I think it's very clear I appreciate that being very transparently covered um and I'm so I'm seeing nodding of heads yes you agree with that cor cor yep absolutely thank you thank you um with that um I turn to the public are there any public uh comments no mayor okay seeing none um um I will turn to the council for deliberation I think it's a very nice project I watched the Planning and Zoning meetings so I do know a lot of the heavy lifting was done even you know there's a lot of work that comes before it comes to us um and we're able to see a lot of the review I was really grateful for the questions the thorough questioning that planning and zoning had um I like the replacing of shell with the ground rock um you know just to make things more comfortable it's a very walkable pedestrian friendly familyfriendly space um parking is always an issue in this area and so I was curious to see you know how the um how parking would work but that was asked and answered um and and that's really it so thank you yeah um I think it's great I mean I can't believe it's been two years since we talked about it um and uh I like I said at the time I think it's a good fit for the area and um just the the little details like you know removing the crush Rock The Crush shell um I know how messy that can get especially if it rains and stuff like that so I'm glad that we you guys were able to modify that so um and then as far as the parking requirements goes I mean we'll handle that at the CRA but I don't I don't I don't have an issue with it just because of the operating times um you know that you're going to be open and you know hopefully the people that are visiting this establishment will be visiting the other esta ments in the area too so they'd be parking in that parking lot anyways so um yeah I think it's a great project and uh thank you for working hard to get it get it through so yeah and I just want to add to that the CRA plan Amendment through that process we've had public input on this area new public input um and they've really requested you know daytime uses for this area and the residents in this area so um just know that that is something that's being expressed to us and so we are grateful okay I I'll take a motion in a second on resolution 1024 motion to approve second have a motion in a second all in favor signify by saying I I I motion carries unanimously thank you so much and thank you staff as well for everything you've done and the approval tonight as Jupiter resident I'm very excited to uh um you know occupy this space and um I really appreciate all your help thank you and thank you so much and I can't wait to see you guys come by I hope you come by anyway we'll definitely come get some done US Reports Town attorney thank you mayor um as I reported to council last Friday we uh got a ruling from the Circuit Court uh the ruling granted the town's motion for summary judgment um the basis of the Court ruling in favor of the town on that was that the court found that the proposed referendum question to amend the town's Charter which would have prohibited the town from implementing its own fire rescue Department uh did not comply with the Florida Constitution Florida law or the town's Charter um the court did rule uh um in part of its order that the question itself um did fairly inform the public of its true intentions we disagree with that um It's Our intention to file a motion for rehearing on that issue purpose of filing that motion for rehearing is to ensure that if the political committee were to choose to appeal the Court's ruling that we would still be able to argue that point of law also um and so that's uh that motion is is due 15 days from the order which was last Friday I haven't I think that's the 24th but um so where we go from here on that is um that that's the next step in the process the the PAC has the opportunity to respond to the motion for rehearing um once the motion for rehearing is decided then the then a final order will be entered which can be appealed um obviously we won't be appealing it the other action that the court took was to uh deny the political committees motion for leave to amend the complaint that they had initially filed the reason they wanted to amend their complaint is that their original complaint um was determined well we determined that the there were two petitions with different language that were submitted to the court the petition that they actually submitted as part of their their complaint that have did not have enough signatures so they sought to amend their complaint on the day of the hearing on the day of the motion for summary judgement hearing um so that they could include the correct petition but the Court's ruling on the motion for leave to amend was that it would be feudal because the court had already decided that the petition whether it was the correct petition or the incorrect petition that was submitted with their complaint did not comply with the Constitution Florida law or the town's Charter and that's my report thank you Town manager thank you mayor um just a few things for me first of all um I want to acknowledge the work of Chief David England uh this will be his last council meeting as the chief of police and I know Dave is here in the audience with us and just wanted to highlight a couple couple of things in his career um he spent 27 years with the Jupiter Police Department he was a field training instructor a Firearms instructor and I know that because my first day as chief he took me to the range and um and so he was very good at that uh training coordinator he was not only a SWAT member he was a commander he commanded the administrative Services Patrol operations and criminal investigations bureaus he was promoted to Deputy Chief and 2018 and he was appointed to chief of police on February 8th 2021 he also graduated from the FBI National Academy which less than 1% of all law enforcement officers get to go to that uh school and His official retirement is uh October 31st of this month and I want to congratulate him and thank him for job well done thank you chief [Applause] we welcome uh Chief uh you'd like to say a few words or as many words as you want you have three minutes many words I want I've been here many years so no um first I would like to say thank you for this opportunity to serve as the chief of police it's really been the highlight of my career having been born and raised raised here in Jupiter and I've uh appreciated all the working relationships and the friendships I've had with this Das right here um starting with Mr Barett who always answered the phone when I called and and I I appreciated the commentary and the opinions and the legal matters that we dealt with uh to Mr Kito um he came here in his first day he talked about wanting to um implement or build Chiefs and in succession leadership and and career opportunities I'm truly a benefactor of that um and I'm very appreciative of that um I I wish I had longer to work with with counselor for uh the last few months has been very nice he's such a genuine and humble person and i' I've enjoyed his his company and and working with him on issues um councelor Delaney you're just such a genuine person um you you you work with the police department in giving food during Thanksgiving to underprivileged families uh you look at problems such from such a simple boiled down and don't really get caught in all the the hoopla and it's been great working with you also um councelor May you know you're a fellow first responder and you bring such a unique um perspective to to what you do here at the council and I I think that really benefits the town and I know you do that as a sacrifice and I i' I've always appreciated the time that we've talked um councelor sunstrom I I'll say you're I've always wondered what it's like to be the smartest person in the room and I think you know that a lot and not not that I want to embarrass you but you do so much research you you watch videos you you you come to every question with a lot of information um and I've always appreciated your your work in doing that um mayor Jim I know you like to be called Jim um you know you've worked for the town for 20 years and I know you love this place and you equally you know bring research and data and and you're you're you represent Engineers well and I've always gotten along with you because of that um and I think your heart is true in wanting this to be a great organization um Cheryl before you know she was when I was first uh promoted you know she was on the board I enjoyed working with her and she's such a sweet person and and has such a servant heart also um and and Todd also uh it's been it's been an honor to work with all of you I've appreciated your time um your friendship um as well as being a a cohort towards serving the community so thank you all very very much for your for for everything we're we're indebted to your service thank you thank you mayor if I could just a couple of other points um the hurricane Milton response as you know you mentioned earlier the town activated its Emergency Operations Center last week in response to Hurricane Milton uh this was our first activation in a number of years and I was so proud um of how well the staff came together and I was glad to see you there so you could see it firsthand and I know the vice mayor was there as well um for the first time we successfully used jup connect during the storm to provide a different way for people to report issues we had 35 requests submitted and all of those were addressed and closed um employees from a number of Department worked on both Wednesday and Thursday to serve our customers and help Jupiter recover quickly after the storm I don't know if you know this or not but many of those employees stay through the night on Wednesday so that they could um in case they couldn't get in in the morning uh our storm response Personnel included staff from the Jupiter Police Department Jupiter fire rescue Department engineering Public Works utilities storm water utilities parks and wck building Human Resources Finance community relations Office of the Town manager and of course our important leaz on Chief Bill rally who's out there in the audience as well and to our staff who work to prepare the town for the arrival of hurricane Milton and to those who responded in the storm's aftermath I would like to express my gratitude for their diligence in serving our town and then finally mayor um we heard earlier this this evening in citizen comments about uh the beach clean up and it truly was remarkable and as as was so eloquently pointed out a while ago that saw a great deal of trash and debris watching up on the area uh beaches after Hurricane Milton town would like to thank the the residents who started the Grassroots campaign to pick up this debris and staff has reached out to waste management who has agreed to pick up any trash bags left by the trash cans at crossovers meanwhile Palm Beach county is picking up the bags left at their crossovers so residents don't need to worry about hauling all of that off and really just a significant undertaking and that's my report mayor thank you um during the council vice mayor H tonight is I mean what a night um I do want to thank the residents again who came out today and were distressed at what they saw and just kind of reiterate the fact that we are going to work with Council uh or with our management and staff to just look at what options are available to us but those those are not my values and those are not the town's values um and I learned recently that a S A what is it a sand flea rake will work for the small pieces on the beach because it's driving all of us crazy um I think all of us have been out there with trash bags trying to help it's one of the great uniting things about Jupiter right now and it's been a great thing to be online and to see that so if you know what a sand flea rake is they're useful um I just want to clear up a couple of things because we did have a major item come with um the ruling which was another piece of really fantastic news for Jupiter residents and businesses um and it was a great day on Friday um I did post on my vice mayor page on my Facebook page so typically um because of sunshine we can't post about things before votes but after votes you know we can share information post our views so that that's a long time ago um in the rearview window and uh I've been posting trying to share information I've also been sharing sometimes at length in this part of meetings so what I said in that was that you know the Court's ruling in favor of the town is really a victory for its residents and businesses um I just want to Express gratitude for our staff across all departments that have worked so hard on building this new fire department the Jupiter fire rescue citizens committee and all residents who have engaged constructively through this process um your input and kind of the microscope that Jupiter fire rescue has been under this past year has made it better I love the fact that we're getting input into the town and when it's done constructively it's always a good thing I think staff has responded to that so for over a year now we have been building this department for the 2026 launch Our Town council's recent unanimous 5 decisions show our shared commitment to creating a worldclass local fire rescue service and again our deadline is October 1st 2026 the fact from the case if you go and you read the ruling and you read the motions and all of these are posted on the town's website because the town is committed to transparency um is that you know the town has had multiple public meetings it did have multiple public meetings on fire rescue and you know that's been discussed at length but it's just nice to see that that's an Undisputed fact in the town's motion and in the ruling um the court acknowledged also our thorough Financial analysis which went Undisputed even by those opposing our decision so I want to read just quickly from page 12 the Court's ruling for those who may not have read it yet it is Undisputed and this is the court the Court's ruling it is Undisputed that the town council's decision to terminate its agreement with the county was based on a thorough financial analysis this is a point that the pack neither disputed in their papers nor in their oral argument it is also Undisputed that the town ultimately concluded that allocating money toward a fire department would save Town residents and businesses between 5070 million and would give the Town Council not the County Commission control over the town's budgeting for Fire and Rescue Services and that's a direct quote I want to say that it is or has been disappointing that the County Fire Union or PAC which has a clear Financial stake did spend over2 200,000 on political Consultants supplies and people collecting signatures so all of the mailers that went out all the information went out um you know I spoke about my own um experience outside of a library where they told me that all of the stations would be closed unless I signed something that many didn't read That's how these petitions were collected and they were expensive to collect $200,000 so you know that was to push an amendment that now we know the court deemed invalid and unconstitutional their call for a vote only came after not getting their desired outcome revealing a self-serving agenda this selective approach to demanding public votes is deceptive and no municipality in Palm Beach county has ever had a referendum for the express purpose of giving up local control of its fire rescue service to an outside entity so the majority of municipalities don't have Charter language um if you look at 39 municipalities in Palm Beach County only eight have Provisions in their Charters specifying who can provide Fire Rescue Services and five of them actually have Provisions protecting the municipality the local fire services so they specify that fire Services must be provided by the municipality and have protections against Outsourcing only three municipalities specify that fire Services must be provided by Palm Beach County fire rescue all three of those had their Charter Provisions put in place during the creation of the municipality so municipalities that were form later none of these three had a referendum passed specific to the purpose of requiring a municipality to use Palm Beach County for fire rescue services so the remaining municipalities do not restrict or specify any limitations in their home rule powers to perform the municipal function of providing Fire Rescue Services I just wanted to speak to that quickly to those who still have concerns or questions in this process I want you to know that we do hear you and again this microscope makes Jupiter fire rescue better so we want to hear from you and we welcome questions especially with so much discussion and speculation out there I invite you to engage with the town directly or read from the source Itself by visiting our Jupiter fire rescue page we are committed to transparency and we have included all legal documents audits analysis emails and more for your review so if you did not sign up for Town emails but still want to see what we've sent out we've provided that I would not say that the pack has been as trans as transparent it is time for Jupiter to unite and look forward and our energy is best spent ensuring the success of our new fire department I love seeing our new fire chief and our Deputy fire chief in action and I look forward to watching them create a department that reflects our uniquely Jupiter values and needs so I just wanted to share that it is on Facebook um just so you're hearing it in many venues and you're getting the information that you need thank you councel uh councel May um just to touch on the uh couple of things the uh extensive styrofoam Clos cell insulation foam that's been washed up on the beach um it it was popped up Friday I guess and uh I know everyone talks about it but I do want to say um seeing our community come together to clean that up in the time frame that they cleaned it up was insane to go from we need help on Friday to like 10 o'clock Saturday morning and seeing clean beaches at least in the publicly accessible areas um was was amazing and um I know one of one of the residents brought it up but um you know friends of mine that really TR jump out and organize U Matias fretz uh John Sullivan who owns um uh he's a VP of a Guanabanas and um modern juice and uh Ethan from Golden Juicery those guys really stepped up to organize has a huge cleanup and the the Surfers of our community that you know are at the beach every day they instead of going surfing that day they put their boards down and they cleaned up the beach um so it was amazing to see that um I I reached out to our state representative John Snider to give make sure he was aware of it I spoke to county commissioner Marino make sure she was aware of it so that uh pump County IR could look into it to see what actions could be taken it's a tough part of the season right now because we are still in turtle messing season so getting large equipment onto the beach to help clean that up is a is a difficult task so the the cleanup will continue um there's a still a lot of foam on the beaches in the very limited access areas uh I went down to JD MacArthur State Park uh with my kids on Monday to clean up and the park right out in front was great but then you walk a half mile North and from there as far as you could see was just still littered with foam um so we took trash bags with us we cleaned up as much as we could haul back cuz we had still had a good you know 3/4 mile walk back to dump the bag so um we going to try to organize some more and uh figure out how to get uh better access to the areas that still have the foam on them in our areas um but I just wanted to say thank you to everybody that came out and uh participated in that and helped clean up um and again going back to the beginning of the meeting the uh the unfortunate display of swash toas in our town over the weekend was uh deplorable and uh I never want to see it again uh I will do everything in my power work with jpd to uh make sure that never happens here whatever we have to do um you know legally detain that person until you know we can figure out what's going on whatever it may be I'm not going to stand for it uh as a boater seeing something like that on the waterways that I grew up on pisses me off to no end so uh if anyone's listening and you think you're going to come to Jupiter and do that I have another another another thing coming for you it's not going to happen again um that's all I'll just leave it at that [Music] tonight councelor Delany um agreeing with everything said tonight it's remarkable how this town when the situations pop up like what happened at the beach how just organically able to get together and take care of it which is is just it's great you know we always say we live in a great town you know uh another thing uh Town attorney bar thank you for your all your work and your firm's hard work on the getting the approval of the Town summary judgment uh it's a huge win not so much for you know everybody's going to their taxes are going to stay stable we're going to be in control of our fire department also so it's a huge win for Town sovereignty preserving our Charter and home rule and I'm a huge proponent of home rule everything starts here at the local level I want to thank you on that that was a it was a heavy liftting you guys did a fantastic job Chief England when I heard you were leaving I couldn't believe it you're far too young to retire but I wish you all all the best I know you're here for a little bit more so we'll I'll run at you and we'll uh we'll talk about it but I hate to see you go and like you said uh Mr ker I would like to height making Chiefs and bringing them up I love how we everybody ascends up the ladder from within the town in the police department I think that's a great way to go and you were you've had a great career very very well distinguish and I appreciate our relationship and everything we' you know gotten to get together and uh got done for the town you specifically so appreciate it thank you few quick items uh really covering topics that have already been discussed this evening but beginning with the Sunday event um I appreciate uh the fact that two of my colleagues here shared uh perspectives from the video whatever you had seen I'm going to ask um to the agree I've not seen anything and have gotten uh you know several of the emails but had not been able to respond not having any context to it so I appreciate the context provided and uh so my expectation was each those that have information can make sure that our town manager has it so it can be you know shared very encouraged as councelor May indicated that the voters were showing intolerance to that behavior you know I I I'm grateful for that but I have no sense of scale how widespread it was you seem to indicate there was one I don't know it was it was one one maybe like 20 foot vessel um displaying the Swatch that because and three or four members on the boat dressed in what I can only describe as uh the antifa outfit where they cover up their faces cuz they're you know cowards and they can't show their face so that's that's what the The Vessel look like right and anybody listening I'm not making light one is too much I'm just saying I had no sense of what the scale was so uh among other things other than among other things including sharing with us the the totality of what was observed and then trying to formulate you know a plan on what how we could have taken some action you know in the future would be would be appreciated as well as when we have you know a u clear clear understanding of the totality of what was you you know the behavior that was observed you know formulating a statement really that we the council can make you know I support that but again it's got to be founded upon what actually you know was observed um so that's item one I just want to put context Town manager that what they ask was um you know hurricane Milton I I spoke of that earlier really was incredible you know I worked for FPL for 46 years u i uh participated in Dam and assessment teams uh and a lot of recovery but I was duly impressed with the town you know have we've seen the EOC you know Town manager from his vision was probably shared it with all of us and gave us a tour but you know oh my gosh when you see it in action in the teamwork uh it was incredible it's interesting I I uh about since I was there a number of the days you know I got a chance to ask um the leader of the damage assessment team efforts um I was curious about that cuz I I let up damage assessment teams with FPL um and it's incredible I probably needs to be U well they serve the same function that I know that that I did um or the team that I led did um quite frankly it's not just damage assessment it's uh identifying safety risks and getting medicated immediately interest interestingly my daughter and son-in-law who live in the gardens the other two live in Jupiter but they shared with me that uh the next on Friday how impressed they were when they came through um I think it was a Donald Ross Road intersection that was without traffic signals and how there was already you know cones up and and signage um and so I said Gee don't they do that in the gardens and they hadn't seen it but then they didn't there wasn't any lights down but just it was just a firsthand observation and I just say that to reinforce that damage assessment team I mean before anybody got out on the road and quite frankly they were out there in in you know winds that we probably gusting you know tropical storm so you know I couldn't and I'm not trying to just single them out but I'm just using that as a point of perspective and um you know hopefully nothing will come of it but those that may have seen you know there's one forecasted you know heading in our Direction right now it's not uh it's not you know a named storm yet but uh let's let's hope it Fizzles out um but um and then um I wanted to say with regard to Jupiter fire rescue Department I think one of the one of the things that um has been most satisfying to me is the leadership team that's been formed um um you know the incredible Talent of those that are already here and those that we here are arriving and so with a great leadership team you know gives me great confidence that we'll achieve the the goal for Jupiter fire rescue department so I can't overemphasize that um and and with that the time is now 9:05 and we'll adjourn the meeting simple technical comment when you folks talk on the microphones when you talk into the microphone it's