##VIDEO ID:jA_XqWS5FUI## all right got n Pages huh no no no this part is I had 10 pages might here yep I got I got you guys copies have two here is it what was the board P yeah I've got it online you want a hard copy there's a couple I got here so uh as I had indicated earlier um one doesn't seem very all uh the process today is to and this should actually go pretty fast uh you see the table of conf uh contents but you can go right to the second page where it talks about the purpose and um if you if you had a chance to review this before we got here today that will help be even more helpful um but we we take a look at these Roman numeral one go through the different um letters that follow it and if they're good to go the way they're at we just circle it so um meaning that everybody is in 100% agreement if anybody and I have notes on on uh this and we're not going to do this formally if somebody wants to talk unless we get an arguments I know we won't be doing this but for example and I'm just jumping ahead a little bit under Roman numeral 2 I put a note in there so if anybody has any notes or any concerns about any paragraph We just move on and we say that one and for when uh everybody's present including the administrator so uh Roger can I say something and then I am G to leave but um I I just want you guys all to know this has nothing to do with me liking you or disliking you guys is is members and it has nothing to do with with that at all and I don't have a real problem with the policy I guess my biggest thing and I told Roger this on our break but I wanted it to be said in front of everybody the problem I have is I guess the respect thing for Kelsey and maybe I'm wrong and that and that's fine if I am but that's how I feel right now that she should be involved in things like this and and for that reason is the only reason that I am G going to not stay but I don't have a problem with anybody as board members don't at all and I I hope nobody feels that way by me wanting to for me leaving has nothing to do with that and it has nothing to do with this I have no problem with this I've read through this I think there's things that definitely will have to be looked at I have no problem with that but my big thing and and I'm going to St with my heart is that Kelsey should be involved in this and I understand from talking to Roger why he wants to do this but that's just where I'm at and that's why I'm not going to stay so I appreciate everybody's respect for that and and and that that's where I'm going to leave it so so I I do need to respond to the respect because this has nothing to do with disrespect no I don't say I'm speaking um when when I first brought this up to Kelsey following the district 6 meeting her initial reaction was well that's a board document that's for you guys to do and she didn't have any issues well something changed and then I assured her we and I sh her last meeting we're not going to cover anything that isn't boilerplate covered by Statute uh if there's any question we move on and so she will have uh she will be respected in and we do want her uh her input in this but there are some things that don't require any discussion whatsoever and those are the ones we want to tick off so that we don't have to spend more time on on the next so I again I'm going to ask you to reconsider and stay but if you wish to leave um by I am going to leave but I guess I don't even care if it's about this I'm just saying in a working session in general I I I'm not even pointing out this document I'm just saying in a work session in general Kelsey should be in the room because she is the administrator and that's just the way I feel that's why I said it has nothing to do with this document I have problem with that but and we made a lot of efforts to try to get this going but because the schedules it just didn't work and this was an opportunistic time for us to get some of this minutia out of the way so and I I Mr chair if I re reply to I I feel no disrespect to Kelsey in doing this and I've talked to Kelsey about this I know she wants to be here and would like us to postpone it this seems like a good time to do it and I feel real comfortable that we can just discuss some of the things with this is a board document and even though administrator be very important that the administrator be part of work sessions I I but again each work session is different and this is matter of the four of five of us ideally could sit down and talk about this even though she can't be here just to kind of go through some of this so we have uh we don't have to take up more of your time later on by not being here now and you're leaving you're going to miss out on it so we'll have to bring you up to speed too probably at the next meeting but I just wish you could we just move forward and and try to keep everybody informed this is just reviewing a document that's we're doing is reviewing a document and we may or may not adopt and I don't feel that we need to show our loyalty to the administrator uh because there's no intent of disrespect here and I know you feel real that you think that you have to leave because of her but uh she's an administrator she's an important person to our community and an important person to the Bor and and we do need her we are just talking about reviewing a a document together and not make any decisions and we can't make any decisions and not get into the weeds and anybody says oh wait I want to say that for later okay you know just trying to save some time as a board and unfortunately the intent and good feeling I had going into US was is going to be pulling the board together even more that we can sit down and go through this and I still think we can do this and we can work as a team and as a board and that we can just review this together and not if you person doesn't want to make a comment they don't have to and then uh you know Kelsey will be able to resume this or go back and see this and and we'll get together and and we'll go over it with her then so yes I would like her there and and I wish but I don't think that it it's this whole thing is kind of almost getting blown up of pora you know we just I just want to look at some this document that we talked about doing and we all kind of agreed upon so yeah I'm not thank you very much all right see you later by now all right is everybody clear on the process here okay so I will'll just start with the overview uh under ran numer one letter A I have no notes I have no um reason to change the purpose and the statements in those three paragraphs in the uh in the in the purpose for these guidelines does anybody else have a reason to uh amand or uh save this for another uh time of discussion well um I would Mr chair I appreciate if you just went over this to some degree that since it is been recorded recorded and the public can see what we're doing and the importance of this and this is what this is all about why we're doing this is that U do you want to you want me to read read verbatim okay so the purpose of the keno County Board of Commissioners is the body charged by law with developing policies which guide the Affairs of kway County the County Board operates as a deliberative and legislative assembly meeting to discuss and determine the direction and politics of the county within the confines of state and federal law that's important the County Board functions within the statutory framework of Minnesota law General duties powers and responsibilities are found in Minnesota state statutes especially but not exclusively chapter 370 373 and 375 Minnesota statutes supersede all bylaws rules and policies established by the board the the operating rules and guidelines of kenoi County Board of Commissioners are intended to facilitate the transaction of Business by the County Board and its committees the following principles shall guide the County Board in its interpretation and application of the rules so I guess I would ask having read that is there any reason that would have to be Revisited at any other time in our opinions that the people here or the three of us oh looks like it really describes our responsibility so what I would do if if D agrees well I'm okay I mean I we're not Bing on this but yeah you have any questions go yeah and and they may but or they can go through it on their own for those of us who met here today uh I had asked the notetaker to Circle 1A as done and dust okay for those that are here okay uh B statement of principles the operating rules intend to strike a procedural balance that considers all principles and enunciates a specific process by which these principles interact and work the rules are representative of the organizations vision mission and core values Cano county has implemented a comprehensive statement of organizational principles the seven essential components of these principles include governing Kenai County elected officials work in tandem with a strong professionally managed Workforce to accomplish the goals and objectives of the county two to commit to our customers uh commitment to our customers keny County government will provide fiscally prudent risk risk sensitive costeffective Solutions with the objective uh being to serve those who use our services to the best of our ability number three commitment to staff County Cano County government is committed to providing a positive and healthy work environment we're committed to Preparing and educating our workers to provide quality services number four expectations of each other we expect honesty integrity and commitment to the values of our organization without regard for position or title number five leading County government our goal is to create an organizational culture which Fosters creativity responsibility and willingness to take reasonable risks with an accept with an acceptance of responsibility accountability and Authority number six measuring government performance we will monitor key performance indicators in an effort to continuously improve our services to our citizens open government number seven the County Board in kenoi County will will be recognized as an organization with a high standard of Excellence we will accomplish this through engaging the citizens and local government agencies by being as transparent as the LA allows us using all media types to present easy to understand documents any anything go ahead uh do you know where this came from this this uh area B how these were developed this is going to be a little speculation on my for some reason no's County came up we went over to Noble's County and looked and that looked very similar what they have we may be looking at a very similar or the same document part I don't know that for sure but for some reason um because I remember when we did the uh uh remote meetings during Co no col came up that time um if I may um I I'm wondering any additions to that I can't think of any right now but we certainly could look at this but I think it's a good document Ming forward that we're looking at transparency our roles of electric official so so do you want to change anything now park it or Circle oh I think we Circle it with the idea that uh maybe a footnote that we could add to number eight or number nine have a discussion if there's further because you said there's a couple people missing and they may think of something that else should be in there that that were that should have been included um so then I'm going to suggest that we do not Circle this one because for the very reason said there might be more added to it later and you know transparency if somebody wants to talk about additions let's do it later so we won't Circle be in my opinion okay you guys okay with that doesn't matter to me but yeah I'm okay with it I just can't think everything right off off hand letter c effective date Le rules and guidelines should become effective upon passes of the County Board that's good once we pass it so we can Circle see however underc under the Amendments I have some notes so I would say if anybody has any notes or any concerns you want me to continue to read them even though yeah would you mind I don't mind I think it just being really really transparent that way think amendments to the operating rules any member of the County Board May initiate action to amend the operating rules amendments to the operating rules may also be initiated by the County Administrator during the statutory meeting that's our first meeting of the year um the County Board shall review and amend if necessary and adopt the operating rules for the year and I put a note in here and I won't read my comments at any time throughout the year the County Board May amend or suspend the operating Rules by an affirmative vote of the members changes shall be effective immediately upon passage the stat statute references references included in the text are current as the adop as of the adoption of the operating rules any changes in statute or law affecting the rules are effective immediately and will be reflected in the next adopted adopted update rules all right so we won't Circle that one because I had some footnotes or you just don't want to okay go ahead as a matter of like is a matter of like under B do you want me to put like square or something to Future like as long as we know the designation between what these three Commissioners have uh decided is doesn't need any further discussion or any what would be the third thing we going to like approve what you like we're good the other one would be for discussion is is there a thir I think it was more as I brought up is just if anybody else had something to add to it but I'm comfortable I think there's only two this body's either done with it or we want to have further discussion down okay so we don't Circle it the default as it comes back to another work so then I I probably would just not just leave it alone and then I'm just GNA make a note of that based on the letter Circle are discuss and there might be others too because even the ones we Circle the two missing members chose not to come today might want to have a discussion uh Roman numeral three County Board organization under letter a membership the Board of Commissioners consists of five members uh elected from single member districts Pro uh a portion on the basis of population as provided by law nothing we can do about that you can Circle that one safely uh I don't have are you missing that yeah there a couple probably didn't feed through the document Feer then you're going to have to read through them all well actually I can pull it up on live too oh from the AMC all right so I will read them uh as you get but the first one is basically statutorily Define you know how how the five Commissioners are made so we should build Circle A it's including the procedures to follow in the event that a redistricting is needed are established pursuant to uh pursuant to Minnesota State statue 371.50 we have no control over that so we should be able to Circle that one correct okay which one did you just um Roman numeral 3 hang on hang on you miss page two page you want to oh yeah you need to complete set don't you here what are you gonna use Shan what are you just run and copied uh page two no what she did is all the odd all the even numbers are not copied really well we're going to need I know I have you don't want that one is that onean just go ask her to the even pages I don't know why she done that these are uh well need cirle we'll get back so we can keep moving here we'll tell you which ones we pages right because this stuff is almost all do you guys have your even numbered Pages I'm looking through the board package okay yeah that's where I got it okay so we can keep moving here because terms of office the terms of letter C terms of office the terms of each board member is four years except as otherwise establish purs pursuant to 375.000 three statutorily defined good there uh d a vacancy in the office of county commissioner is filled in one of two ways pursuant to Minnesota State Statute um 37511 a vacancy May vacancy may be filled at a special election to be held not fewer than 30 nor nor more than 90 days after the vacancy occurs the special primary or special election may be held on the same day as a regular primary a regular election but the special election shall be held held not fewer than 14 days after the special primary the person elected in the special election shall take office immediately after receip of the certificate uh of election and upon filing the bond uh fil filing the bond and taking the oath of office and Shall Serve the remainder of the unexpired term if the vacancy occurs fewer than 60 days before the general election preceding the end of the term the vacancy shall be filled by the person elected at the general election for the ensuing term that person shall take office immediately after receiving the certificate of election filing the bond and taking the off of office a vac a vacate vacancy may be filled by board appointment at a regular or special meeting the appointment shall be evidenced by resolution entered into the minutes and shall continue until an election is held all elections to fill vacancies shall be for unexpired terms if the vacancy occurs before the first Daye to file affidavits of candidacy for the next County general election and more than two years remain on unexpired term a special election shall be held in conjunction with the county general election the appointed person Shall Serve until the qualifications of the successor elected to fill the unexpired part of the term at the special election if the vacancy occurs on or after the first a to file affidavits of candidacy for the county general election or when less than two years remain in the unexpired term there shall be no special election to fill a vacancy and the appointed person Shall Serve the remainder of the unexpired term and until a successor is elected and qualifies at the county general election a statutorily defined um unit whatever the statute says well that's based based on the majority vote of the the board then right it's following stash yeah when that time comes up we dig into the weeds and look at the shells and may curious yeah on the officers um the County board at its statutory meeting the first Tuesday after the first Monday of each year elects from its members a chair and vice chair the chair presides at the County board meetings decides on questions of order subject to the vote of the County Board and signs all documents requiring a signat requiring signature on the bo board's behalf the chair's signature attested by the County Administrator is binding as the signature of the County Board the County Board elects from its membership a vice chair at the same time and place and in the same manner is provided for the election of the chair the vice chair performs the duties of the chair when the chair is unable to perform those duties if the chair and the vice chair are absent from any meeting the members present shall choose one of their members as a temporary chair and all documents requiring the signature of the County Board shall be signed up by a majority of it and attested to by the County Administrator in say statute 3753 at the statutory meeting and if applicable during the year the chair of the County Board shall have the authority to recommend committee chairs appointments of members of the County Board to standing uh committees and other County Board member appointed committees organization and group subject to uh board approval now I did make some notes here so um I don't think we should Circle three uh I just want to stop here for a second if a County Board and Shane can correct this if he wants but if a if a County Board adopts Robert's Rules of or as their operating procedure and you'll see that later in here then Robert Rules of Order if if we adopt a policy we can supersede a Robert's Rules is that correct sh yes okay so this part of why I made a here um regarding and I think there might have been some editorializing or some changes that might have been made um by the previous administrator so anyway I I I don't want to uh do e because I think it merits more conversation letter F yeah no I think it just Le us said is I know informally electing the chair and the vice chair you know there's kind of an informal procedure we go through but this lays it out that that is the election process yeah so letter F compensation County board members receive as compensation for services and annual salary set as set by resolution of the County Board the salary must be established prior to the end of the preceding year and effec of January 1st of the New Year the resolution shall contain um statement of the new salary as defined on an annual basis and must be published in the official County newspaper and one other newspaper of the county in State Statute 3755 or 055 prior to the effective date of the new salary each County Board member shall have the option to accept or reject any salary increase in writing in a form prescribed by the County Board the County board members shall also receive a pum for attendance at the assigned committee meetings the perdum rate must be established prior to the end of the preceding year and it's effective and is effective January 1 of the new year a copy of the per DM eligible commissioner duties shall be established annually by the board at its organizational meeting and kept on file in the county administrator's office P DM shall not be paid for regular scheduled board meeting so um that's what gave me the idea of when this document uh might have taken place because we haven't had for call for what three years yeah so that last paragraph doesn't apply anymore but I don't think we Circle it because we want to point that out well and but there also a couple committees that do have and there's some language to that effect the board pass that those committees whoever serves on them can still take that pry in addition and that's a distinction between our out of so that wouldn't have to be in here they'll probably disappear in time W oh you're you're United Community Action I think there's several exactly anyway we gotta talk about that I think the workfor thing so M we did not circle e and we will not Circle F the work one you're on I think they have a pretty and you can choose the take's let's not even discuss options yeah I know okay see how much fun you lost uh letter G County Board budget the County Board has allocated is allocated an annual budget which includes salary per DM benefits conferences conferences meetings and related expenses uh example telephone office supplies I think we uh should have some discussion on uh and this is the budget for the board itself um so I I I I don't want to Circle letter G and like I said anybody doesn't want to Circle we don't Circle County board meetings general policies a we're on Roman numeral 4 letter A the following general policies apply to all meetings of the County Board cell phon shall be put on silent not vibrate or ring business casual attire or better shall be required uh at all for all staff uh and board meetings um uh you can go on you can go on the internet and you can get that but um it gets complicated you want to talk about it then we won't Circle yeah let's talk about okay very good so we won Circle what was the last um maybe just I'm up to speed can you just tell me which ones from page two you'll go back yeah while you left this okay effective date that's I uh we circled uh a b membership and C on the overview R numeral one statement of principles no that's one you said you wanted to add to oh that's one there okay thank you yeah you're right you did see and then then I and then Amendment to the operating rules Roman numeral two under Roman numeral 2 um there was some notes in there so so Roman numeral 2 we should not have a circle and then you went to Roman Roman numeral 3 County Board organization can Circle AB b c and d a c on E officers do not circle on F compensation do not Circle and cter board budget have we talked about that one yes do not Circle G do not Circle Roman uh Roman numeral 4 a do not oh that's right for that that's where we are yeah and so now we're we're ready to proceed at uh letter B regular meetings so so our our rule of $25 fine if our cell phone goes off then there's not talk about it no no I don't want to put that in there nobody's ever paid it going you know if you go into a they'll say what do well actually we covered it in all fairness I should be announcing uh that please I wonder how we should address so that it's clear it should be part of my greeting almost that and I forget about it anyway um Roman numeral 4 B regular meetings at the annual organizational meeting the County Board shall adopt a a a schedule of regular board meetings for the upcoming year the schedule will be included uh the schedule will include the location date and time time of the meetings during the year is schedule may be amended by vote of the County Board such as we're doing next month unless otherwise stated all regular meetings of the County Board will be held in the commissioner uh commissioner's boardroom at the health and human services building at 2200 23rd Street Northeast Wilmer Minnesota our regular meetings of the County Board are open to the public so that was B any any reasons to have more discussion about that pretty straight forward we can Circle be statutory meeting out of curiosity so what you're saying is that this is what this gr but other people can just bring up uh when we re meet again if if they have a reason why they want to we're not decisions no we're not making decisions so if they want to address something in here they can y the count the County Board meets in the Board of Commissioners room and the ji County Government Center uh for the transaction of business on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in January the County Board transacts organ organizational business during this during this meeting including administrative administration of the oath if required election of officers appointment of board committee positions appointments to serve on inter agency boards appointment to serve on in County boards appointments to serve as liaison appointments of citizens to serve on advisory committees select the Lo legal newspaper the schedule of the regular meetings and any other business as necessary all other duties to be assigned is that last statement I have a question uh if required taking the oath of office is that required or not it is when you have an election so this year will be next year won't be oh there won't be an election oh so then we wouldn't do okay I that's otherwise I thought we could just delete that no no okay or if there's an appointment in year then you would have to do it on another year yes or it'll happen at the next meeting are we good to go there on C my question is that a work session or is that a we make decisions at that Mee if it's noted you know what let's UNC Circle it then because um that we can clarify that and that's the reason we're doing this is is if there's uncertainty and there's a couple of places where it's like this isn't really clear so do that me you're going no where it says me where you meet at oh so it's for B not uh not C so for it doign oh all regulars will be Holdings unless so it's covered so just or just I think we're good to as Dwayne points out unless otherwise St so see yeah okay and we have moved downstairs I think on occasion so good on um BNC excuse me next one is uh letter D open meeting law all meetings of the can County Board uh committees are subject to the open meeting law Minnesota State statue yada y yada uh a meeting governed by Minnesota State statues may be conducted by interactive television as long as the following conditions are met according to Minnesota State Statute 13 d02 all Commissioners participating in the meeting can see and hear one another all testimon being presented and all discussions at any location where a member is present number two members of the public pre present at each Lo present at each location can see and hear all discussions testimony and votes of the Commissioners um I'm going to come back to two at least one commissioner is physically present at the regular meeting each location where a member is present is open and accessible to the public if interactive television is used to conduct a meeting members of the public shall be allowed to monitor the meeting electronically from a remote location to the extent possible uh persons choosing to monitor a meeting electronically may be required to pay fees incurred for additional connections does that mean all the new I mean there's been some changes stat about Zoom meetings uh this meets that those requirements then Shane would you people yeah I have a question about my next planning Z going to be in room B of the Intercontinental Hotel what if you're for me it's like a security for my and then you say well I'm down here florid to me it's like inviting people let's not Circle lets maybe Shane can update us next next meeting not necessary now but make sure we get it no I believe it the idea was whatever the law said see that's so the situation I'm going to have in December is I'm going to be at the EMC conference and we have Planning and Zoning meeting that we carried over an item that had a lot of discussion and Eric would like me to call in well according to number two here it says members of the public present at each location let's say somebody wants to join me for this meeting in my room or whatever and have to be able to see and hear all discussions I don't would the YouTube and I don't think our zoning meetings are on YouTube and I don't see cameras in here anymore so that if somebody's looking over my shoulder in my room wanting to participate in that they aren't going to be able to see the ru I don't think I can will you check that one out for me because I don't think I can participate in that one uh based on on can you can watch it but I can't particip I can't vote I think as a citizen can I don't know if citizens the public hearing is done I some of the Committees I'm on board leave that one open and appreciate that in fact you maybe get to me back to me before con yeah and it's Guided by Statute so and and Kelsey my ask some good input on that too uh letter e Clos meetings the County Board May hold closed meetings as authorized by the Minnesota state statute 13d .03 and 13 d05 business which may be considered in closed session is in accordance with the attorney client privilege to consider strategy for labor negotiations to review the performance of the County administrator or as otherwise required or permitted by the Minnesota open meeting law before closing a meeting the County Board will state on the record the specific grounds permitting the meeting to be closed and described the subject to be discussed that's pretty straightforward do that address for Clos meeting if if the person does not is fine with it being open it can be open correct yeah that's that's cover so we can Circle that special emergency meetings procedures to schedule special or emergency meeting shall be in accordance with Minnesota State statue 13 d04 emergency meetings may be called and a good faith effort to provide notice of the meeting shall be made by telephone or a written message special meeting shall be preceded by three days notice including a posting of the meeting notice and either one mailed and delivered to uh notice to persons who have requested such notice or two publication of the notice in the official newspaper adjourned or reconvened meetings may be held at any specific time date and place the board May adopt without additional notice however the time however the time date and place must be publicly specified by the board prior to adjourning and me and adjourning the meeting members of the County Board are entitled to 10 days notice of uh board meetings a meeting cannot be held without such notice unless each member has consented to holding a special meeting in the say statute 375.70 the County Board May schedule work sessions Retreats forums or additional meetings at such times and concerning such such subjects as may be established through board resolution or motion the schedule of such meetings shall be maintained in the County Administration office work sessions and other informal meeting of the board not regularly held should be subject to the same notice requirements of the open meeting lot a joint meeting with the Ken County Board and and any other political subdivision may be held within boundaries of either subdivisions as will be specified in and I underlined some things about work sessions so I we wouldn't Circle F uh letter G public hearings from time to time the County Board conducts formal public hearings in addition to those required by the law the County Board May hold public hearings on matters of business when it decides that such hearings are in the best interest of the general public or ISS or issues under consideration the order of business for public hearings generally follows this procedure the presiding officer opens the hearing and states the purpose brief description of the uh of issue by County staff or other appropriate persons presentation if applicable by affected or interested persons open comments by members of the general public reading of the written comment submitted public hearings closed by resolution and motion discussion by the County Board decision of the County board at any time during the process the county board May address any questions as deemed appropriate County Board chair May alter the public hearing procedure as needed to assure that the hearings are conducted in an orderly orderly fair and expeditious manner including establishing reasonable time limits of three to five minutes for speakers uh individually or in on each side of the issue uh before the board additional time to speak can be approved by consensus of the board rules adopted for public hearing procedures are intended to promote an orderly discussion to give every person an opportunity to be heard and to ensure that no individual is embarrassed by exercising the right to free speech individuals making comments shall first give their first name and address this is required for an official record uh of the public here and I made some notes there so I don't know that um we shouldn't be circling that one letter H audience participation at board meeting it is the intention of these rules to support the interest of general public in following board business during the meetings in an effort to encourage efficiency and early resolution of issues the County Board recommends that Citizens First Contact staff to try to resolve matters before coming formally to the county board meeting in addition the County Board recommends that new items of business or concerns be first considered by the appropriate committees and then the board uh chair may allow audience participation under other individual agenda items if he or she determines it is necessary to help facilitate the board's discussions on the item can I stop there for just a second um I think that means that if we're considering something from the EDC and there's an EDC person out there that we can call them up for clarification is that how you understand that yeah I I actually I'm understand from that point of view that the chair has the authority to uh allow somebody to speak or not and even though we generally don't do that there might be certain circumstances and we have some flexibility Shane would that work yeah that's what that say yeah yeah and so then um the last paragraph questions directed to the board during audience questions directed to the board during audience participation will not be answered immediately however all appropriate questions will be responded to in a timely and effective manner by the board Andor County staff I had no objections to that one anybody else we can Circle H so this doesn't address then okay this is part of the agenda is it's not like a public income talk okay well and that would be Chang my mind if Shane says I'm going to use an example here the board chair may allow audience participation under other individual items so when we leave our Planning and Zoning meeting um the applicants are told that that the final decision is made by the County Board and they can attend that meeting but they can't speak at it but if they are in attendance and the County Board has a question of something then I the chair would have the ability to say you know can you give clarification to that is that am I understanding it that way okay then I'm still good with it all right if you guys are all right quum a quorum is necessary for the transaction of business the majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum and no business shall be transacted unless approved by a majority three votes uh of the whole County Board less than majority of members May convene a meeting but no business may be transa transacted each member participating in in the meeting by interactive television shall be considered present at the meeting for the purposes of determin of determining a quarum I'm assuming that's if we follow all the guidelines regarding uh interactive TV any County Board member who for any reason anticipates or plans an absence at any regular or special meeting is encouraged to contact the County Administrator to indicate his or her planned absence um I would have an addition to that so I ask that we don't Circle I um role of the presiding officer the presiding officer of the meeting is the chair in absence of the chair the presiding officer will be the vice chair the duties and powers of the presiding officer include the following preside at all meetings of the County Board preserve order and decide questions raised by members subject to appeal subject to appeal to the to the board to votee all questions regularly moved and to announce the result serve as a representative of the board the execution of contracts orders resolutions determinations and minutes of the board the chair of the board may make a motion and has the same voting rights and responsibilities as the other members any anybody want to not Circle J oh it looks fine now I'm not sure that would come into this uh some some areas have the chair vot last to break any possible ties would that be part of this or or you know is that up to the chair or do we need I would think you I mean because this is a political body yeah you'd be depriving the chair of a vote essentially if you're left but I think what you're saying the vote last oh or that just oh that that's a different I think that's actually that's the yeah I think that's okay so we can that's okay here for either call The Voice v if there's a tally then they name the commissioner then they addressing the chair formal protocol is used when speaking to the County Board the County Board chair is addressed as uh Mr or Madam chair members of the County Board are addressed as commissioner and then their last name any member of the County Board St for members of the public may speak on any matter before the County Board when recognized by the chair and within established procedures as outlined in the rules when they say the rules are we meaning either uh Robert's Rules or uh policy amendments that we make to Robert's Robert's Rules you know Shane can you tell from this either way we have the rules it's either Robert's Rules or something that we modified with a policy rule right so I think we can Circle l right County administ County I'm just thinking maybe we should just set this aside we can read to it but yeah L yeah I mean this directly involves the administrator so no M or M oh yeah you want me to read it though first I agree yeah exactly County Administrator County Administrator design shall attend all meetings of the County Board the County Board the County Administrator um represents this and and this is one that uh well yeah I'll State my opinion uh when we revisit uh the County Administrator represents the staff at the meetings the county administrative May participate in the discussion or recommend a resolution or action to the County Board member of the board may call on the County Administrator to participate in the discussion or provide a verbal recommendation on any subject ping before the board County Administrator designate shall prepare a written agenda uh for all regular and special meetings of the County Board the County administrator or designate also number one record records the vote of each member on any question submitted to the board two preserves and files all business acted upon by the board three certifies under seal of the county copies of any and all resolutions or Decisions by the board four perform perform such F further duties as designated by the board and five leads collaborative efforts across the county departments County agency and across cross county lines and there's some notes there so we'll c not circulate um letter r numeral five conduct of debate letter A principles the rule of parliamentary practice embodied in Robert Rules of Order shall govern the board in all cases applicable except as Modified by the rules herein and applicable by minnesot state States and I would like to have some discussion on that so I wouldn't a parliamentarian Rules of Order governing County board meeting shall be referred to the County Board chair for interpretation and enforcement the County Board chair May consult with board members Andor the county attorney in interpretating and deciding upon rules of question of order I'm good with that I think we do that Shane does that sound okay with you cir yeah role of the chair the chair shall preside over the debate ensureing equality and fairness and discussion if necessary the chair May restate or ask the County administrator or designate to restate the motion who made the motion and who seconded the motion or to announce the role of the vote I'm okay suspension of the rules any member of the board may move yes sorry um letter D suspension of the rules any member of the board may move for a suspension of the rules at any time during the debate and in order if in order and duly seconded the board will votee on the request um if there is General consensus the board May suspend the rules without the formality of a motion such action may occur at any time I'm going to just uh ask you Shane if we should talk about that one it's a little confusing to me isn't that just following Robert's Rules of Order it doesn't say well I think earlier it says we follow on earlier page we said we follow Robert's Rules unless we decide otherwise um I think at the bottom of the previous page is that the one we put aside for yeah letter A should should that say what version whatever the latest version is probably what we should say in there but that that was one for discussion for next time right okay yeah because we didn't all right so we just went back Circle or non Circle um you have more discussion well my only question is and uh Shane this is probably in Robert rules and maybe you know or maybe you don't there are a few votes that require a two-thirds vote not a majority vote is it possible this is one of them to suspend the rules I think it's just majority but we could leave it as uh I mean maybe don't Circle it we could just clarify it as uh as in Robert rules unless we modify it's something we don't use out them but maybe we should you know if we get a better understanding and feeling more comfortable let's not Circle the uh letter e may motion the main motion shall be considered by the board a member may make only one motion at a time the board member or members may present an initial motion on the resolution and subsequently debate the question or the board member may call upon staff for additional information prior to introduction of the motion the introduction of the main or substitute motion is out of order while another main motion is pending while the question is under debate no other motion shall be received or entertained except for the procedural motions permitted in the rules pretty much straight out of Robert rules right Shane c y uh a second letter F second required all motions before the board shall be seconded prior to consideration by the board the second may occur after a brief and formal discussion subsequent to the mo the second of the motion formal debate May ensue between the members of the board prior to the formal vote being called um I don't want to Circle that one because there's uh some question about in small bodies whether a second uh is required for uh to initiate debate um letter G amended motion any motion may be amended at any time before it's adopted the amended motion shall have precedence over an existing motion and may be discussed prior to being voted upon if the amendment moot if the amended motion fails the main motion May proceed for consideration if the amended motion passes the amended motion becomes the main motion and may proceed for consideration once an amended motion is voted upon a second amended motion maybe I straight otter Roberts good to Circle G division of the question upon the request of any board member a resolution and debate may be divided and separated into more than one action provided the chair rules that the resolution will allow such a division each of the each of the resulting resolutions must be complete to allow independent consideration an action how the hell does the chair know whether or not uh the resolu it allows Division I know you've had some issues before where it's like say two items I don't know if it's in the same resolution they're asking for basically same thing you want to approve both this project or that project issue the question then is do we do this on one motion two right it's giving it gives the shair the option say know we're going to do one at a time we divide say some let's do one he said no I think we should make the record clear is this I remember a few times in the Pasto when I was a chair okay Shan do you think is this straight out of Roberts yeah okay okay as a chair I would you know the only thing I would add to that if is in the interest being safe divide the question yeah so you so you know we could allow that we could make a policy that says in the interest of of so don't maybe we should well I think we are I don't know let's talk about it okay it seems fine with me withdrawal of a motion after motion has been stated by the chair it is deemed to be in possession of the board but may be withdrawn by the member introducing the motion at any time before a vote the chair must accept or reject a withdrawal request motion cannot be debated or amended if the motion is withdrawn the effect is the same as has never been made straight out of Roberts right person that second the as long as we haven't voted yet the the r discussion procedures letter J uh the following operating rules show guide debate number one and I think in here um do we want to circle the because there's one subset we're going on into one two three and four do we want to Circle those letters that are okay sure let's let's go through okay discussion procedure uh any number one any commissioners Desiring to speak shall address the chair and not proceed until being recognized when two or more members address the chair at the same time the chair shall designate the order of the speaking that's that's good and that's something that's got to work on upon recognition of the chair the board member making the motion has precedence to address the board first with the except with the option of explaining the reasons why the motion is made subsequently the floor is open to any member of the board there is no time limit for comments from indiv idual board I actually did that today didn't I on yeah you did yeah I I explained I made the motion for uh the uh ordinance change and I explained why so that there's an example I I'm good to Circle Dwayne are you cir to J2 member once recognized shall not be interrupted when speaking unless it is is to call that member to order no member shall interrupt another in debate with or without without his or her consent to obtain such consent he or she shall first address the chair okay straight out of Robert's Rules and that might mean that we could have cired J now don't I just Circ J yeah yep yep no now we went through it I think that might be our one of our few times we had anything under the letters under letter k a motion uh resolution shall be adopted approved by the majority of the Board Circle that you have a question about death or that's per statute so you're good at majority okay yeah it's Guided by Statute procedural Motion in addition to the substantive motions the following procedural motion shall be in order this is a partial list of those motions from Robert rules that are most often used it is not intended to be a complete list these motions shall be considered in the following order of Precedence as taken from Robert's Rules of Order motion to adjourn motion to recess motion to suspend uh the rules and then I had the question whether or not that's debatable motion but Roberts would say motion for division of the question motion to defer motion lay on table call of the previous question uh motion to postpone to a certain time or date motion to refer to committee motion motion to amend motion to reconsider I think I would leave that one uncir because I think we've used some wrong terminology in the past we've say we've said uh I'd like to table this till the December 3rd meeting and that should be I'd like to postpone this any table motion to come back at at the same meeting that you're at so just uh let's leave that one uh letter M voting it is the duty of every member to vote voting shall be called by the chair as those in favor signify by saying I uh vote and oppose use the same sign the chair May request a roll call vote on any motion voting records are recorded as with all voting in favor when un when a unanimous vote occurs and in favor against or abstain for issues not unanimous by the County administrator or design and duly noted in the minutes it sounds like a run-on question or sentence to me but essentially saying that you know again by Roberts allows abstention but do we need a reason so that's why you know well and also I was wondering the roll call a request a roll call vote can be made by the chair uh but can that be requested by any of the Commissioners as well because in the past that's happened let's not Circle it then we'll ask that question okay another note for Shane to maybe check on or we can change it with our own policy uh types of board action resolution County Board takes formal action by resolution in associate statute in action since it is the basic motion for the transaction of business only one subject may be considered at a time and the main motion may be proposed only when no other motion is before the County Board c section 5 reference to uh board action in the meeting minutes being made with a motion shall be considered uh the same time as uh if the action was made by resolution good with that y so we can Circle A getting dry the County Board may take formal action by ordinance Minnesota State Statute 375.000 also by a motion in ordinance is a legislative act prescribing General uniform and permanent rules of conduct relating to the Affairs of the County County Board action shall be taken by ordinance when required by law to prescribe permanent rules of conduct which continue enforce until repealed or where such conduct is enforced by penalty and we just kind of did that today we amended U but you could also repeal an ordinance Circle that we're good at that General consensus County Board provides informal Direction by consensus the informal direction is most often used to provide staff with preliminary board perspective on a matter which will require future formal action by resolution or ordinance informal Direction is also used to provide additional insight into formal actions previously taken informal directions standing alone does not establish board policy that's pretty straightforward you a consensus is just an opinion essentially a group opinion right yep you do that haven't adopted anything and bridges yeah exactly yeah so we Circle C I know I don't think so I you don't Circle it oh yeah we're okay sorry letter D policy Development Authority for the development of policies in keni county is granted to the County Board through Minnesota state chapter uh statute chapter 373 counties Powers duties and privileges Minnesota statute 375 County boards and then other statutes with the powers granted Within These statutes the County Board May delegate certain Authority as appropriate through board resolutions these delegations of authority may be rescinded at any time by the board uh pretty clear it's not that clear to me I don't know if that's what you say we authorize the Public Works director to sign on behalf or if it's uh a changing policy I say let's not let's not that one notice of board action letter e any members of the board May introduce an item for consideration and action pursuant to general rules and operating procedure a copy should be provided to the County Administrator Des or design with as much advanced notice as reasonable and practical the introduction of board action during the board meeting occurs by motion and second as a more fully set forth in section uh five board action included on the printed board agenda is referred to the board by the appropriate board committee or County staff unless they are included within one of the following categories whereupon they may be considered by the board without ref referral resolutions of commendation resolutions which no member objects to being considered resolutions on a matter of urgent nature or of some consequences or crisis uh will uh will result due to inaction at the meeting uh in all cases the items above considered without referral should be added to the agenda during the approval of the agenda the County Board May at any time refer an item a resolution to the appropriate committee or staff for further review and deliberation I I think we should have a little discussion over that about um but how we bring uh agenda items to or items we want placed on the agenda it's it's covered by Roberts but we can change it through policy County board agenda prepar uh here we'll goor preparation and distribution the county administr or designation shall cause preparation of the agenda and supporting material for each regular and special meeting members of the board May request an item to be placed at the agenda by the in by informing the County administrator or design prior to Thursday of the week prior to the meeting additions to the agenda that are routine administrative items time sensitive or inform informational may be added by the County Administrator prior to the meeting these additions should be emailed to the board as soon as possible in advance of the meeting copies of the agenda and supporting material board uh board packet are made available to County staff public and media as appropriate a distribution list is maintained in the County Administration office members of the public who are interested in following issues considered by the board May register their name and addresses uh and email addresses if available with County Administration to be placed on the agenda distribution list board packets will be provided to County Board and staff electronically only board packets will generally be distributed by by the Friday before regular meeting County board members are strongly encouraged to read board packets review bills and ask questions of Staff before the board meeting occurred occurs the agenda and minutes are available on the cany County website I think there's plenty to discuss in there well the administrator is in we all want so we we won't Circle that one yeah I don't know yeah we do yeah no I don't newspaper we right yeah they're listed in there but there's agenda up but I mean if uh janall from League of League of Women Voters says Hey I want to be on a permanent list to receive the packet then we have to do that yeah okay but they can just go online too get it right just like anybody else right I mean there watch do groups that do that yeah all right okay so we're not circling I was looking at the watch what time is it yeah so we I think some of these went really fast at the very end but um we just stop done order of business and we will stop at 20 minutes after so somebody helps me watch the clock okay um order of business order of business for each regular meeting of of the County Board should be as follows call to order Pledge of Allegiance approval of last board minutes consent agenda public appearances uh that's a little bit different than the way we do it really like public appearances public hearing if necessary yeah yeah yeah that part so that I don't think we should Circle at um sure only items with content of the sixth CL that's we're going to discuss it anyway so maybe maybe in the interest of time course Dwayne hasn't uh made notes official records the County administrator or design shall cause preparation of the official minutes of each meeting board meeting minutes shall be kept in accordance with all provisions of Statute in order to provide an accurate uh record of the county actions the board is not intended to be a Verbatim transcript of all discussions uh and debate the record is primarily a a compilation of the official action the minutes of the County board meeting shall be prepared and submitted for approval at the next succeeding County board meeting a summary of the official seedings of the County board meeting shall be published in the official County newspaper in associate SE 37512 the official board proceedings are also distributed to interested parties and available on the County website official public record of the board meeting is available in the County Administration office I'm good to Circle it yep same here let me do this uh when I get to one where I have put notes we'll just not even talk about it okay yeah in interest of time and unless somebody else ask unless somebody else you put a note on it same thing and and uh of course Dwayne you uh Roman numeral 8 technology technology will be a primary means of providing information to the County Board All County board members are encouraged to to use a county issued email address use a county issued computer or similar device to conduct All County Business All County board members are required to maintain personal internet service not use technology to respond or engage in dialogue with the Quorum of the County Board unless it is done was allowed by the open meeting I I actually asked some questions about that I since I use my own computer yeah that's not and yep so I I I know I'm at risk of doing that somebody could you know want to go through my emails but advisory Roman numeral uh nine uh under letter a policy the County Administrator maintains complete list of all committees including information on member terms and applicable term limits County Board appoints individuals to various boards committees or commissions here and after referred to as committees which have been established by the County board or pursuant to Minnesota state statutes Authority for establishment of the Committees is prescribed to the Minnesota statutes in a board policy the County administrator will maintain a complete list and their underlying source of creation current list of all committees is available at the County Administrator I think that's okay and I would guess Circle A administrator can call it code of ethics I have some things in here so we don't even I encourage you to read them but uh I would we won't go through them now uh Public Communication uh let's see Roman numeral nine or 11 Public Communication individual citizen operators the County Board believes members of the public have the right to be informed of the board's process and decision board meetings are open to the public board committee agendas are emailed to interested parties County Board encourages the residents canway County to participate in all aspects of the board business including citizen committees and advisory groups um continues on the next next page my next page says uh video recording broadcasting meetings I'm not getting the connection here no you're you just Public Communication a yeah yeah then video record oh yeah still part of our public Outreach got it yep um that's okay I I'm okay I had no notes on that you want me to keep reading I'm up at video recording broadcasting meetings in an effort to encourage transparency provide information to the public canway county will video record County board meetings and any other meeting it deems appropriate V video recordings will be available for viewing on the County website public hearings the County Board is interested in securing optimal public input on matters of business in addition to hearings required by law public hearings and open forms may be conducted at the discretion of the Board website and social media canu ion uses its website social media uh sites and primary tools to convey information I'm good to cir I confused myself I got a note at the bottom but it's from a previous thing uh you'll say when you're not okay letter B responding to correspondents uh inquiries complaints from citizens County board members and staff are committed to customer service and will endeavor to provide timely and efficient responsive Communications to the C um I I want to have a little bit of discussion over that one so let's not Circle B um Roman numeral 12 staff Rose County Administrator uh the County Board has adopted the County Administrator former government I think we shouldn't Circle that one then yeah let's just leave that yeah I got notes anyway so leave a county attorney is an elected uh County attorney the County Attorney is an elected position it is desired uh the county attorney or designation to attend all boarding says desired say requireed prise um during the board meetings the County Attorney may offer advice that may be useful to the board in its deliberations pertaining to the laws and statutes uh governing works on the County board board members may also call upon the County Attorney to participate in the discussions and issues being considered I think it's been that way that as the you know it's desired that they do but I think in in the past I remember in way back that that's up to the County Attorney office but we've been really lucky that the county attorney's done it every time so so can we Circle B because we want to remain if maybe Shane might want to comment because we could change desire required yeah but maybe that's what I'm thinking he probably would like an option left over he might have some major cases going on and they just can't get here let see um I've got a in there so we won't Circle it um Roman numeral 13 County employee handbook policies um I've got a note for that one that brings us to the end all right so why don't I just and it to all yes maybe send it to the administrator for desination and with the intent you know that hopefully that everybody will get a chance to read through it and they'll they'll understand where we came from and then they can make that decision that do they want to add more to discussion we get back and then we don't have to have another meeting to go over this whole thing I just just give this original doc yeah not yeah we can do it that way so you don't have to scan it in yeah and hopefully and we can have this conversation hope hopefully those that aren't here today will be able to go so we don't have to UNC Circle a whole fnch um but which would have and if they want someone Circle that you know that's fine that's in order to be completely transparent that option is available all right guys now you going over to yeah oil and water Mee yeah you're welcome Island there's a I don't know if is there lunch I think there is is than you we'll see what than for --------- ##VIDEO ID:BOm8IOsv4-0## e is over Mel come on you were planning aist we reconvene the can County Board of Commissioners meeting thank you for your patience uh we had a little technical difficulty that seems to have been worked out so um we will call Mark Bashan back up to the uh Podium for EDC Broadband committee report all right thank you morning good morning thank you Mr chair Commissioners Mark fan chair EDC Broadband committee here today just to give you an update on uh what we've done in the past three plus years um with with the money uh that you entrusted with us uh and also um to give back what what we weren't able to spend um just a reminder in 2021 uh you authorized 75% of the County's arpa dollars the American Rescue plan funding for Broadband activities um which was about $6.3 million uh we were able to secure projects uh that served 2,612 locations within the county this brought Investments of over $221 million into the county from outside sources which includes $15.7 million of state grants uh candy White County was awarded for Broadband projects um we did had funding we funded projects in all or part of 18 cities and townships within the county try to spread out um those uh projects we had four internet providers that participated and uh in over 13 projects uh we current have three projects under construction to be the northwest side which is Lake Andrew kfax Norway Lake a little bit in St John's and then also candy ohigh and Jesy townships and those two candy oh and Jesy were just awarded uh grants from the state uh just a few months ago maybe a month ago um so ultimately you know we've we've had really appreciate great partners with the County Board Broadband committee members the EDC Township and City officials residents and internet providers overall um with that knowing that the arpa funding needs to be allocated by the end of the year um we are returning 2000 uh sorry 262,525 44 back to you and in return we are asking for amount like this to be considered for future Broadband projects with that that summarizes the two documents in in the board packet and I am open for questions so is there a resolution I am a little bit um at a loss here because I haven't been able to open email for nearly a week we it hasn't figured that out yet um and I don't have the report for so what is the staff recommendation we have included a letter of support um that we're asking the County Board to sign for uh taking noting the $ 262,525 44 that was dedicated to broadband to be used for future Broadband projects knowing that this amount now needs to be be spent from the arpa funds I so basically like we just discussed at the Broadband committee meeting this dollar amount would go back into the county board's hands to authorize if it you want to allocate it for Broadband if you want to allocate it towards it it's a little bit broader that's something that the County Board will discuss at the December 3rd meeting but really this is just to authorize the Broadband committee giving that $262,000 back unallocated so then the count board our next meeting can then choose how you want to allocate that the ARP dollars have to be allocated by December 31st 2024 um so that's why the Broadband committee is before us today go ahead uh question for administrative Baker that's my understanding am I correct then too that the rules have change with arpa dollars or or the the interpretation of that we can take those dollars in and use them in the general fund if we wanted to right so what we're doing is legal I mean I'm assuming it is right yes but they still have to be allocated whether you allocate them for payroll going into the general fund yep they still have to be allocated so in reality we roughly have around 35,000 unallocated so that this 262,000 will be additional to that 35 so then I was planning to bring to the board at the December third meeting that correct um dollar amount so then the board can have the option to allocate it so we get that done in time okay Mr chair I will move a motion that we accept the letter as stated to uh accept the Surplus at this point of 200 where was the numbers 62,5 okay thank you and 44 cents thank you so you're a motion on accept the unallocated money from the EDC Broadband committee to be returned to the uh General fun I'll second that Mr chair commiss the motion was made by commissioner Berg the second by commissioner Dwayne Anderson's questions or comments mine my comment would be just that I hope in the future if we do if we are able to come up with some projects that we can hopefully as a County Board we'll be able to uh remember this and hopefully uh help out the EDC board for Broadband board for uh our committee uh in the future so that we can keep moving forward with our high-speed internet countywide thank you and I was thinking along the same lines myself thank you Mr chair uh that uh I believe there would be one or two previous Commissioners that are no longer on the board initially made made that commitment of the $6 million and I would very well be assured that I'm sure they would like to see that continue to happen as well we want to get this to work D did you have something well I I just my biggest concern I just met with it with with a Township meeting the the other day and and their big concern and I know it's probably everybody's concern is let's not forget about Broadband now when it when this arpa money dries up because that's that's the fear out there of the people that are still unserved is that this is just going to go away and it's never going to happen so I'm hoping the legislature or somebody comes up with some money so we keep this going correct and and serving on the Broadband committee I know it was the spirit of the intent that we follow the Law return the funding because it's unallocated uh but the but um have in place a mechanism to have the money refunded from Levy dollars down the road uh if it goes into the general whatever fund it goes into all right any other comments or questions hearing none all in favor signify by saying I I I same sign motion carries thank you Mark thank you up next Corey Smith was a resolution good morning Mr chair members of the board Cory Smith the director of glacial lakes sanitary sewer and water district I'm here before you today for resolution 2024-25 and that is for consideration of Assessments pertaining to glacial lakes delinquent Water and Sewer use um this year there are four delinquent accounts that consider for assessments they are laid out in the attached uh resolution and I'll just go over them real quick the first property with parcel ID ending in 0010 is for $1,559 58 second property ending in 0160 for $441 111 the third is partial ID ending in 0030 for $2,111 and 91 and the last parcel n in 1400 for $264 um couple other items in addition to the monthly bills letters are mailed out notified the residents each month of their uh delinquent accounts then prior to this the district also sends letters let them know that we will be taking this to the glacial lakes commission and once they recommended it to this board we let them know that it's going to be going to the County Board as well um on October 28th 2024 the glacial lakes commission reviewed the delinquent accounts and approv forward in the resolution to the county board for assessment consideration so with that it is staff and the glacial lakes commission recommendation to adopt resolution 36 how do you wish to proceed Mr chair I'll move resolution 202 24-36 commissioner Gardner moves on 202 24-36 do I hear a second a second any questions or comments commissioner Dwayne uh Dale Anderson second sorry commissioner Dwayne Anderson thanks Mr chair so is there um what's the reason on 0030 I just for clarification for me your understanding um the late fee is higher than what the meter and usage fee is it really out a long time outstanding or what what's going on there yeah if you go back and poll PLL year after year um there there's a few on here that are they don't pay all year till the end thank you I had a question very similar to that looking at all these what is a typical late fee and how late are they what's the what's the range roughly right usually the late fee is 10% of of of the Bill if it's a month late um yeah like like you was saying you can see some of the late fees are actually more than what the usage fee would be so I I mean have they been late you know one month 10 months or there's one on here that's 12 months and the shortest one was well so when they some of them do like if they would make a partial payment at the end of the month that goes towards the late fee so that's why some may be lower than the others it doesn't go towards the bill goes towards a late fee first that gets paid off then it goes towards the monthly bill and and do these individuals have follow it's a CH uh a chance to uh negotiate like you said or talk to the to the board uh about like we said we've send letters every month and then also the commissions or the glacial lakes sends letters New City New London does are billing for us so they get the monthly statement the customer does and they get a letter from City in London then they also get letters from the district as well all right thank you any other comments or questions and this has not this policy hasn't changed um I've been on that commission probably for 12 years now and it hasn't changed appreciably over the past 12 years has correct that's names change once in a while but um not always so sometimes it may be a conscious decision to just do it this way for whatever reason all in favor of the motion for resolution um update on where candy County's at with the redetermination of benefits um currently we have 14 systems and a group redetermination of benefits with candy or candy ey County chipo County and Renville County so um can you guys pull up to your maps in front of you is that possible you put it thank you that way you have a general idea where these are at as I talked um is there a way to get to the board packet or oh I'm sorry sorry I sorry I thought you were going to pull it on your that computer sure I got it that the second half of what I'm doing I will anyway we have 14 systems in candy County and and 18 systems total the four and chipa these include jd7 jd3 County ditch 7 so these are multip multiple joint drainage authorities County to S would be the candyi County Drainage Authority um let her pull up the map there so you guys can take a look at that this is a the map shows the area of where the where the new uh um watersheds will be for these systems so this process started in 2022 when jd7 was um appointed or uh joint board initiated redetermination benefits for that um and then April 4th 20123 County d 7 and jd3 were also initiated redetermination benefits and at that time there was an order to consolidate all systems into one system after all 14 of these systems are redetermined or 18 sorry so that Watershed you see there is all the separate watersheds for each system we have to individually redetermined into one one major system and we will have to come up with a name at that time but that order to consolidate it's already been approved by all the joint boards so again all these the viewers have been working on this since 2022 like I said they are uh over 90% finished with all of it they're they're wrapping up the out fees for all the contributing systems so there's over 36 different systems that tie into these systems they all get a an outlet fee assessed um so right now we're sitting at an estimated cost of about 300,000 so if you go back to the first page now Kelsey that shows the breakdown for all the systems and that the increases so the current benefits are listed there and then the new redetermination benefit acres are listed there so 300,000 is the estimated cost so far that's a little over three $3 an acre for this redetermination cost that's a pretty good price we've got so far the the viewers we have appointed are listed there um they are paid per hour um I also list if buffers have been paid or buffer easements have been paid for the each system the ones that haven't will be in their initial redetermination and then like I said they'll all be Consolidated into one after all the buffers are B uh you can see the the total benefit increase there as well so there's some significant changes you know um when these systems were established you know generally that that these systems haven't been redetermined since then so that was the original cost to dig the ditch or tile and now we have that increase that we can work with as the county so um let's see so any questions on the current ones we have right now commission thank you Mr chair there's a question about the map then explain the map a little bit more is the yellow basically hot Creek then yep so yellow is is jd7 main ditch and that that includes hot Creek and chuma Creek okay and then when you get down into chipo there's a stretch of public Waters that that isn't included as a ditch system but but after redetermination everybody in the wed help that's right thought I I don't I didn't have a way to map what the original Watershed was and show you on the map what the new one is just it's not but generally the the original benefited Acres were only the people that touched the ditch system so now it increased the water shed so like if can you scroll up just a little bit on that map so you see up on up in do Township and uh mamry right south of panck we have County ditch 7 we have just a few miles of County ditch 7 but the Watershed extends Way north of Wilmer now before the Ben before the The Watershed was only 320 Acres according to that yeah 320 Acres so so that that that brings in everybody in the water should help pay for any repairs of Maintenance very interesting thank you any questions any other questions on these current systems so I also have 29 other systems in the county that need to be done yet soon as the viewers are done with these 14 we'll appoint you know a group of five or five or 10 we'll see what um majority of those are up in the Northwest for open ditches we also have multiple joint ditches with all four surrounding counties that need to be done we'll have to work with the joint boards on those and then there's a few um small tile systems on the east side of the county that need to be done all right did you have anything more to report and I would just make note um in case anybody's wondering we are not meeting as the the ditch Authority today because this informational only any decisions that are made on any of these ditches would be would result in a a convening of the joint uh ditch Authority or of the ditch Authority whether it's the joint Authority or or just in with inside the county y y commissioner B thank you Mr chair um so as all the land owners received this information at this point yet or no no this is coming up right so you haven't had any feedback that so once we get all the we're we're 90% there once once we do the parcel splits I got to get that GIS um information over to them then they they include that in the parcel or they they add the parcel layer so I should explain this a little bit for redetermination the viewers they there's three dis insurances viewers that are appointed and this case we have five but they work in a team of three so that in case nobody's not available they look at every 40 acre quarter quarter within the Watershed line that they draw so first they start with the Watershed they look at every 40 40 or every 40 quarter quarter and then they sign a a benefit dollar to each one of those um to each 40 based on elevation and proxim to the ditch so and then after that we add the parcel lines that's the last step and then that gets that's what is in the report that gets sent to the auditor's office for tax tax issues so that make sense pretty much so thank you and I would just note that this is taking place all over the state of Minnesota and perhaps uh long overdue uh some of these systems are many many years old and the same people have been paying for the maintenance of the ditch uh regardless of how much drainage has been added to the to the system so um it is probably long overdue and and takes time to get through them all yep yep thank you for that update I also have an update on the gis layer on the public website so switch it so the easiest way to get to this would be just go to the candy County website so you can go KC mn. us all right the easiest way to get there would be go from the main website go to departments you can either go to GI geographic information system GIS or Public Works we're going to go to Public Works down on the bottom left we have drainage from there this gets you to my drainage website and it just gives you a little um little detail on my my department um 53 7 miles open ditch 312 miles of County tile so over here on the left we have a link to the to the gis layer click that from here it gives us a kind of a step by step on how to turn this layer on in the public GIS so right here's the link the map link we'll click that in a second but I kind of give you a step by step so once you open that link you would go to the three boxes that's the layer tab and we go to public drainage system you che check that it's going to turn on all the open ditch County tile Mains on the gis website can I interrupt you for a second if you were really trying to drill down into the drainage system would would you'd be better off turning off like transportation and some of the other uh layers that so that you no not necessarily because you you can use those roads to help you fight figure out where you're at and it'll show you the section number and stuff I I'll log into that here in one second but so these lines are going to be based on um original asil plans overlaid onto today's imagery and they're not going to be survey accurate they're like I said they were they were all tweaked by me this winter um after we after I updated it's here so we go to this website you got agree to the terms again you come up here to the three boxes that's the layers tab turn on public Drainage Systems you can open this it'll give you a little bit of a legend should be able to make that smaller but but anyway that shows that that'll end up showing all of the open ditches and County tile Ms so we have Jud joint ditches and we have one state ditch as well so if you zoom in on us a tile line it'll show this County 31 Branch six L Branch six lateral six it's a 14inch tile so if you if you have land in CYO County and you want to know if you have any County tile or an open ditch through your property this is a great great way same thing with the utility companies are using it now my contractors are using it so any questions on this Austin I have a question about watersheds in general okay um recently there was some uh consternation if you will about Middle Fork Watershed district and whether or not the entire County helps deal with things so one thing I think most people understand is that any expense within the ditch system is just those people in the Watershed but the question is that if you have lake property you're in the Watershed you may be you're in a wed correct and you will be assessed correct yep yep yep explain that a little bit because uh Lake Property Owners kind of wonder about that sure so let's just go up to a lake up in this area here that's a good one let's go by Wilmer here so we have foot Lake and Swan Lake is up in there anyway after redetermination after 1980 or 1990 we we after redetermination then it includes the whole water shed anybody with water coming in again like I said earlier the viewers look at proximity from the ditch so the farther away you get from the ditch the less you're going to pay once you get so far away it just becomes a base rate most of the time when you get this far away from the ditch into the Lakes it's a base flat rate that the viewers I shouldn't say flat rate a flat benefit to the ditch system and that that benefit is how you would calculate your percentage you would pay for any repair and maintenance that we Levy um let's so like County dis 10 is right here foot Lake drains into that these other leges drain into into that and even Eagle Lake all the way up would have a drainage benefit to County ditch 10 what if a county ditch drains into a lake so we have that that up here too as well for like County District 27 County dist 27 comes into Norway Lake Norway Lake land owners do not pay anything to County District 27 they don't benefit from County D 27 but Norway Lake drains over into Lake Andrew down to Lake Florida into jd8 where it goes outside the west of the county they would all have a drainage benefit to jd8 and have an assessment even way up that's many many miles away from jd8 is right here just forif thank you yeah other questions or comments commission doing any yeah thanks Mr chair I I just want to thank Austin he's done a great job at updating our GIS system and putting in all these ditches and tile lines getting everything updated so thank you yeah I would agree all right do you have anything more NOP that should be it well thank you for that informative presentation thank you up next Planning Commission recommendation thank you Mr chair members of the board Eric ven County zoning administrator here today with a single action item request the Planning Commission met on November 12th um a Tuesday after um after Veterans Day and there were two items on the agenda one of them uh is held over until December so that um item was um pending further information the one item that they did um make a recommendation on they held a public hearing on a a request to amend the zoning ordinance in relation to the road setback for structures off of um principal arterial roads for can County those would be um highways 12 23 and 71 would be the roads that fall under that classification the current um setback is 150 ft from the center line of the road all of our setbacks from roads are typically measured from Center Line and um that has been that's been the way that way as long as As could dig back and find um it's been um at 150 ft now we did have some applicants that were particularly interested in how that um how that application of that setback applied to their property so they requested an amendment of The ordinance but of course it applies to their property but it applies countywide so we don't want to just look at that situation we want to think about how that is appli appable um wherever these roads are found so in thinking through that a little bit my main concerns were the um feedback of various Road authorities those who have knowledge of and concern and care for our roads and Road rways um so in to that extent I had a chance to speak with our Public Works director Mel Odin and also with menot staff to solicit input from them and I was not um presented with any um significant concerns over the change the change would be proposed to drop 20 feet from 150 feet to 130 feet um the applicants actually did about as good a job as as I've seen in supporting their requests they did do a fair amount of homework and researching other counties what what's found typically with these things there is no there is no magic number 150 ft isn't isn't something magical um nor is 130 feet or any of the numbers we pick there you try to pick numbers that are prudent and and wise um and so in it up being the recommendation of of staff that the U request be exceeded to and the Planning Commission did um make a recommendation to that extent so the recommendation before you today is to amend the zoning ordinance to uh change the setback for structures from Principal arterial roads from 150 ft to 130 feet from Road center lane so you've heard staff recommendation on the amendment of The ordinance regarding setbacks for material roads uh how do you wish to proceed I am on the Planning Commission and uh as uh well I I'll move to uh approve the recommendation from staff I'll second that M Dwayne Anderson s the reason I I moved to approve that is um uh zoning administrator van dyen uh indicated that the applicants who brought this forward uh had done a fairly significant job of of researching uh what's going on in other areas of nearby us and I think they found virtually every County that touches us uh did have the 130 foot setback um and in that particular case um it allowed for some safety improvements because of their location on a hill and people wanting to um make leftand turns into their into their newly acquired business and um so there was some safety elements involved there too so that uh this can be seen a little easier as you were approaching it from either direction any other commissioner uh Dale no first okay um so that 130 ft that's just where they can start building a structure they have to be that far for a structure is that that's that's correct correct yeah okay that's what I thought it was so I guess my question is when you go closer no matter what that magic number is like you say there is no magic number but what what's the snow concern I guess is my biggest thing is you know people push these parking lots out and push that snow out in the front of their place you know whatever that business is does that get to be an issue for the road or for the visibility part I guess that's my only really big ass well your um your Public Works director would probably be able to answer that question um quicker than than I would as I've observed geography and vegetation are by far your biggest challenges for um for for snow catch it seems to me um we don't necessarily see a lot of places where structures themselves are built close enough that they end up being um a significant concern um mot did not bring that a concern to me when Mot when I spoke with mot their General generally what as it relates to structures their primary concern is if and when they need to acquire right away or they have a project what is what does that mean for their project as far as financial burden and and other other considerations as far as you know encroachment if things are too close so um Public Works director Odin I would invite you to comment if you wish so as far as the setback goes are they able to pay right up to the the current rway line because the rway line's probably 75 ft here and so as far as storing St in the RightWay of of the state you know you're quite a ways away from but I don't know is the parking lot able to pave up to the RightWay line yeah we don't have a setback um for for Paving for a parking lot this would be structured only then yep y yeah um no I mean like as far as throwing snow off the highway or piling it um you are quite a ways away from the the structure is going to be 130 feet and the RightWay line I believe is is like 75 so there's quite a distance there but I I think the the snow pile would um it could be a concern but me that also has action authority to correct that if they need to other questions or comments hearing none all in favor of the motion signify by saying I I both same sign motion carries thank you Eric and I didn't see uh signature page in here do signat page all right that brings us to the end of our regular uh agenda items and brings us up to administrative updates and I'm going to call on administrative Baker first because of um uh your need to hit the road um we're I just ran uh we're finalizing the budget uh for the December 3rd TNT meeting which will be held at uh December 3rd at 6 pm I'll do a short presentation so that the board has enough information to approve the final Levy at the December 17th meeting um and that would probably be the main update that I would have um we're we're still working on the space study staff are still being interviewed um for the three buildings we're not quite completed with that once we're completed with that we'll bring back the steering committee uh to review the information um and hear wal's options okay and we'll U well I'll do that at the V there's some uh dates here that for all of our uh um edification all right uh commissioner Dale Anders um I listened in on the prime West meeting for a little bit that Cory attended in person on the 7th um I had a meeting with the Norway Lake uh Town board um this week and had some concerns that I brought to mail about some roads that they had and that was kind of their only thing that they were concerned about for the county um appreciated people answering questions when they get asked they said that that's a big thing that they really did appreciate that if they had any questions they got answers right away uh chipo Watershed just keeps plugging along to try and get their um their thing for the uh Watershed completed and it's quite a process and and just keep on working on that every month so them are the big things I guess I want to say one thing before I finish my report outs and and as far as the operating guidelines I guess I don't know that we need to have a working session for that um my big things and I'll just say what I wrote down you know operating guidelines are to me being respectful use common sense let everyone be heard and respect and the administrator and let them lead I mean them them are the guiding principles I don't know why we need a working session and I guess I'm with Steve I'm not going to attend because Kelsey should be at our working sessions that's a respect thing so that's just how I feel about it thank you commissioner uh Gardner thank you Mr chair uh Wednesday the 6th uh attended the uh uh candy County uh Housing and Redevelopment Authority strategic planning uh session we had a group from Minnesota housing uh that took us through a uh uh a lot of work and uh hopefully we'll uh we'll see some good benefits out of that a good participation by that board uh the 12th Tuesday was the candy oh high Renville Community Health Board uh meeting down in uh Olivia and we yeah Olivia and uh uh we had uh had some robust discussion uh uh there uh and and there was some comment made about the uh uh work being done around the state on the uh cannabis or ordinances uh uh everything that I've seen uh still indicates uh that we need to have something done before the end of the year and we are certainly on track to do that uh so I'm looking uh looking forward to uh uh seeing that work product uh when it comes for us next month um Housing and Redevelopment Authority uh regular meeting and then on the 13th that evening I attended on behalf of the uh uh candy ohigh County Economic Development uh the southwest Minnesota housing Partnerships uh annual meeting um that was at the golf course down in uh mon videoo uh made some good connections had a nice conversation with representative elect van binsbergen uh out of that uh district 16a and uh uh he is looking forward to uh uh uh getting in uh in front of us and having some uh some conversations and hopefully we can uh uh we can accomodate him not necessarily uh uh you know at a public hearing public meeting or anything like that but uh uh maybe we have the opportunity to have some a little more intimate conversation with uh with our Representatives uh the U sha uh whoops what does that say sha executive committee meeting uh was a WebEx on uh uh Thursday the 14th and uh yesterday uh participated in the uh uh AMC uh uh policy committee uh uh conference where we're setting uh jurisdiction for each of the uh uh different legislative uh priorities amendments and uh uh new initiatives that that were proposed there were nine of those uh several of them will come to my general government committee uh others will be at uh uh Public Health uh and uh uh Transportation as well um and uh finally I want to go back to uh this idea of the U board session uh uh afterwards uh in regards to the board operating guidelines you know this matter was first brought up uh by the chair back around March um commissioner Dale Anderson and I had already been in discussions about bringing this forward and having us work on this um you know we had all spring summer and fall to bring this matter forward uh and now all of a sudden for some reason time is of the essence and our administrator is uh essentially unwelcome at this uh at this session you know this is not the most important thing that this board should be taking up today you know we've got the largest budget in our uh County's history uh under consideration we have a cannabis ordinance that needs to be brought to completion by Year's End as a matter of good public health and overall public policy we have our AMC legislative conference UPC coming in December uh that'll help assist in determining various legislative prior priorities uh for All Counties including candy ohigh County we're awaiting the results of the space study uh and that's going to look at current and future needs and inform the board and staff on potential Partnerships and efficiencies that may be available to us and may allow our valued County Workforce to do their jobs better and allow us to be even better stewards of the taxpayer Levy there's there's nothing that demands that we start or complete work on Border operating guidelines before the end of the year um given the chair's dismissiveness of the administrator and the junior members of this board it seems best if we put this matter off until January or February when a new board chair can collaborate with all parties and consensus can be uh worked towards and that's my report on thank you commissioner Burke uh thank you Mr chair uh I had several meetings uh this past uh uh couple weeks and including the hot Creek project and the hot Creek one Watershed plan and they are really two different programs and two different boards uh and really nothing much to report on that other than we did approve several uh uh projects to uh help uh in the one Watershed plan and is going forward well also had several meetings with pack four for family meeting individually about the budget coming up we had our annual meeting where I uh I chaired and approved the bud for the year coming forward as well as planning and discussion attendance of the Pack 4 for fam's brain conference that was held last week and that was a very good conference at the high school and this has been something that's been going on annually for many years already and it's a good program um and we also had a regular pack for for family meeting with the five counties uh uh the day before that um I also uh had the the first 18 County M Health Consortium that uh that we had worked through the joint Powers agreements and the bylaws and I probably kind of like to think of them kind of like a county operation guidelines that moving forward we do things and uh it took a lot of time together and we reviewed these together and uh Sometimes some people were able to show up some didn't but it was important thing that we kept Communication open and that everybody have input and uh that's gone well and we had our first meeting and and we elected a temporary chair until the first of the year we figured we'd try to get on the first calendar year of of electing the regular chairs and so at this point uh Paul Johnson from Miker County as a chair uh as the acting chair and I think we're heading in the right direction or not we not that we weren't in the right direction it's been operating really well but just to review and restructure it because after you know 20 years or so things change a lot with County Commissioners and way uh things are handled uh commissioner DNE Anderson myself uh served on the canvasing board and uh we had quite a discussion and a lot of questions went well and everything was approved and uh it was a big day and uh we I'm I'm sure DNE will probably want to comment too but staff did a fantastic job with the election and and our community and I think it was a very safe very honest very fair election um I had also a EDC joint Ops meeting on the 14th uh and a good meeting we got some uh people to replace on that board coming up and I think we'll be talking in the future about who will those people will be um and also not part of this but just for information too I I'm part part of the focus group for the city of Wilmer looking at their mission and vision and so forth and we had a meeting on that went really well kind of interesting and looking at uh their vision and I'm just thinking that we've talked about ours I was looking at the operation guidelines and and our mission statement and so forth might be a good idea to relook at some of that as administrator Baker talked about doing down the road um and that went well I believe we have one more meeting and that's going to be a presentation to the city council but it was just and they appreciated my my input since it my district is in the city of Wilmer and I and they're clear that I wasn't representing the candy County board but they want really to have some communication with the cand county board so that's why I was asked to serve on that and probably missed a few things too it's been a busy couple weeks so I do want to address a couple of the comments about uh not meeting I'm really disappointed it I know we all got a lot on our plate and we big decisions to make but it really so happens if we have two hours until our next meeting and I think this would be a good time to spend those two hours that we just sit down just like we to sit down with the joint powers or bylaws that to go over and I I believe it was last spring and and I go guess I yes there's no urgency but I think we should move we don't I don't like making decisions that as a board we wanted to have this in place and not just say it's common sense and and if you have a chance to look at it uh it is you know common sense I guess is what everybody thinks what common sense is but I think it's good that we felt we needed those because we work together in moving forward and this probably is a good example let's just sit down and talk about these and just go through these and not make any decisions at all and that this would be the start of the process and I think it's really important that the County Administrator is important as input into this but this is not about the County Administrator this is really the board's operating guidelines that we sit down and we talk together and work together as a team and I think it's important that we move forward and I really would enjoy uh uh every commissioner at this meeting since it is set up already and and the timing is perfect and I will not be a happy camper because if we going to wait until next year and schedule another meeting and when we got other things going on as well we have a time we can get it started let's move and we're going to have probably have at least one more meeting after this if not even more but I think it's just good that the the board sits down in in a work session and do this and also the media and the Press is uh invited and welcome to stay there as well as anybody else who want to be part of that but I just think just to go over that not make any decisions not make any comments and and that we have to be careful of open meeting laws that we don't talk about anything else but these guidelines that you all have copies up and and just read through each paragraph together and I'm not sure how you plan to do this Mr chair but I'm assuming that's what you're moving forward and just highlight as we go through because I I have a feeling that 90% of and I'm just want to number on uh you know it's just really uh things that we would all absolutely this is let's have it in writing for and we're thinking about the future not just our board but the future of our board that we have operating guidelines and many counties have operating guidelines already and uh we have some examples available that we could make it even more complicated than we have but we do have is we do have one that was meant for candy County and we talked about going through it it was never brought to the board uh uh but it was put together a few years ago by the uh uh by the board and in administ and administrator at that time but was never voted on officially and this what we're talking about just going through that so really I would really hope that as a board that we can sit down and and just read through some stuff together and then move on and then uh have another followup meeting and have the administrator in view uh aware of that I think as a board we're very capable to do that I think the board uh uh I think it' be good for the board to work together in doing this and I'm not sure why uh it needs to be put off until we get another chair next year I I wonder about that so let's work as a as a board and I hope everybody can St and I'm done thank you commissioner Dwayne Anderson yeah so I just attended uh three basic meetings in the last couple weeks uh it was pretty light for me uh on H November 11th I went to a v Veterans Day uh well it was Veterans Day uh on the 11th of November I went to Atwater where they had a ceremony for their new Veterans Memorial Park uh and it was kind of nice to see that and see some people and some great veterans that were there and family members and just people in the in the public that were interested in uh you know celebrating Veterans St um afterwards they had coffee and cake which was kind of nice to talk to some people there um another one that I went to what really wasn't official for me but uh I there's a lot of interest in the Diamond Lake area and so the middle Fort Crow River Watershed District uh one of the committee members asked me to attend so I went to it and that was on on the 12th of November and they had a public hearing and and they got a Diamond Lake is coming with a proposed uh they're they're trying to come with something uh it's a in Lake water quality project and so there's a lot of interest in it and there's both both for it and against it and it'll be coming before the County Board here if if it ever comes about because they would like to put it in the park so uh so I think it's time that we start paying attention to it and so I thought I better attend and and I went there and uh you learn a lot it's about the third time I've heard the presentation but um they they want to put in like a nano bubbler it's going to be quite expensive so I I don't know I I I'm going to stay neutral at this time because I don't really know if it's going to be a good thing or bad thing I I I'm all for uh improving water quality though so I think hopefully they can come with up with something that will work um and then also on the 12th i i attended the County canvasing Board and I and I thank commissioner Berg for reminding me that it was that day I was late I was about a half hour late so I it was a nice day and I was trying to get things done at home but uh anyway I attended that and I I was actually looking forward to it I just totally forgot about the day that it was on and um anyway so it was good uh our County Auditors they do a great job the election board does a great job of uh making sure that we have uh good good elections that our elections run smoothly and that we don't have weeks of counting ballots and all that kind of stuff it it really went well and and and uh after attending that I I have a lot of confidence in the county that uh that they run a very smooth operation that's all I have go ahead man just follow comment I just want to add that um we all as we talked about we all miss can miss meetings we got so much going on so but I just also want to add that uh csing board uh uh commissioner Anderson came up to speed very fast and and we had time and we had a lot of discussion and and uh yeah good input as well thank you thank you and I I'll start my report by um piggybacking on what commissioner Dwayne Anderson said regarding the election process and the staff and one of our employees it is or was a firsttime election judge I think her responsibility was counting absente key ballots and she had very very uh positive things to say about our staff down in the county office building and how uh helpful and informative and Cooperative they were throughout the whole process making it very easy not only for her to learn how to to do the work that she was expected to do but also um just generally available to answer questions when questions came up so um on the 6th of November I had a North Fork Middle Middle Fork uh policy advisory committee meeting in Lichfield um and then as I drove home from that I actually had had to leave a little bit earlier I had Association of Minnesota County's Premier partnership um uh planning session and uh on the 7eventh I had a prairiewoods environmental Learning Center strategic planning interview with the um person that has been hired to to uh make some changes there in the afternoon I had a Microsoft teams meeting I forget what that was oh again um about some upgrades on the on the Crow River and on the 8th of November we had a I had a Planning and Zoning viewing of of a property uh for a cup application that will come forth probably at the December meeting on the 11th um nothing on the 11th um our Planning and Zoning meeting was on the on Tuesday of this month because we um because of Veterans Day instead of the Monday and so we had that um um ni rural uh rural caucus rural action Caucus meeting via uh teams was held on the 13th and then that evening uh there was a a party at a private residence a party of Celebration regarding the uh finalization of Highway 23 um completion of four lanes between New London and and uh I94 um last Friday on the or Thursday on the 14th I attended a Minnesota Transportation Alliance meeting in um in uh Brooklyn Park and then from there I went to the association Minnesota Count's Futures meeting which uh started on Thursday and ended on um Friday and then that brings us up to date um and I would to um share some comments about the um the work session that we are about to embark on um you know we when we had almost every County County as as commissioner Berg has said has a board operating guidelines I think every joint Powers uh that we belong to has it might be called policy and some they might be called bylaws and others but every joint Powers we have has those um this is drafted by all all I can figure out this this guideline was drafted about three years ago ever adopted um I don't think I ever saw it uh I think the previous administrator um borrowed something and then developed it much of what's in here is Guided by Statute and so it's very um we can't change it if we wanted to um and when we had our I wasn't aware that commissioner Gardner commissioner Dale Anderson had a conversation last March about doing uh guidelines but uh had I known I would would have supported it and when we had our um County Board uh workshop with Dave unach on August 13th the number one recommendation coming out of that from Mr unach was to adopt board operating guidelines and I have I have been trying to I think Mr U Garder shaking his head I saw the email was addressed to administrator Baker and I in which he made that recommendation and I um uh I've tried to get this on the board our schedules have been difficult and I saw this as an opportunity as commission Berg said we have a luncheon with the Soil and Water Conservation District in about two hours so it gives us the time to get some of this minutia that's in this document out of the way and uh there is nothing um contrary to what was said there is nothing here there is no attempt to be dismissed of of the administrator I assured her and I will assure you that if there's any question on any one of these items I think there's 10 11 Roman numerals and a bunch of letters in there that if there's any question on any of them we we put them in the parking lot and we address them when the administrator can be there but there's many of them that will have we won't even have a decision on them we could just check them out so I would uh ask uh commissioner U Garder commissioner Dale Anderson to reconsider at least until you see the process of what we would try to do uh reconsider uh attending this work session uh if at that point you feel like uh you still want to leave then by all means leave but I think you'll be assured that there is nothing nefarious there's nothing it's just a lot of it's boilet PR and be nice to get that out of the way so we have the next meeting uh we can get into the weeds a little bit so that's all I have and I will uh people want to go around the room second time I see some hands go up I just wanted to this year too I did talk to administrator Baker about this as well and I suggested to her that if she's feeling uncomfortable about