##VIDEO ID:1407OFoupII## to be held in the B middle school media center adequate notice for this meeting has been mailed to the Asbury Park Press called with the municipal clerk of kingburg posted on the district website and posted inside the office of the Kingsburg Board of Education 100 Palmer Place kingsberg New Jersey on January 6 2024 call please Mrs Clayton here Mrs felle M kellar here Mr mowy here Mr kitchen here Mr cook here Mr cisano here Mr Hoff here miss Ferrar here please stand for the pledge to the flag of the United States of America the it stands indivisible and justice for all before we get the presentations we'll go to student representative reports so actually they oh they're going in there oh perfect yeah the exits uh behind to the side we have exits in case of emergency presentation to start off today we're gonna have Miss P come up and m f is going to do a student recognition for njsla good evening everyone um I was super excited this year to announce that we had um three students get a perfect score on the njla test very big accomplishment so the first award is ran o Conor [Applause] all right the second award is for English language arts and it goes to Emily Rivera r [Applause] [Applause] and our final perfect scorer goes to Jessica Lami [Applause] [Applause] and next up we were going to so next up we're going to do the state of the schools and we're going to start with Kingsburg High School right no no oh no unless you want me to do my we always start the high school me one I'm always we always say the best for laugh right I just give me we're going Meg to be by the mic uh you you ra October at Kingsburg high school has been filled with non-stop Spirit our spirit we kicked off with the dress like a pirate day and finished with one of the best homecoming dances we've ever had Thursday night of Spirit Week all of the grade levels came together and met at the high school to compete in our annual bleacher decoration contest between all of the grade levels there were over 50 students present hoping to earn the bragging rights of holding the Titan battle it's great I love it after a month of hard work everyone agreed that all fourth grade levels presented some of the best decorations we've seen at KHS at our pep rally on Friday the students were roaring with excitement after all of the sports teams were announced the seniors after 3 years of second place finally got to claim their victory during the announcement of the ble bleacher decoration following the announcement all four grades competed in our annual tug award competition which concluded by the winning grade levels competing against the teachers though the senior boys fell short against the male teachers the sophomore girls conquered the female teachers for the first time in years on Saturday our Titan football team fought hard against Asbury Park but unfortunately fell short however the spirits were lifted as the homecoming Court was announced and theor athletes who were honored during the senior day our evening concluded with with all of our Titans dressed in their F finest at the homecoming dance great food great DJs and great company we wanted to thank student council and all of the administrators staff that made this week an incredible one [Applause] I apologize I should have this a couple years ago you want you want to use uho latef Perfect all right hi everybody I'm Char broy principal of Kingsburg high school that was Megan our class president that was just one week at the high school last week it's an exciting week um kids bring a lot of really good energy and that's a lot of what our goals have to be um not have to be are at the high schools just to get students involved and having some fun so that they can lead into a wonderful senior year which hopefully will lead into some great College so some of the things I was going to say are where some of our graduation from last year landed at for two or four year schools some of those are Brookdale Community College middle sex Community College Florida Institute of Technology Rowan University Springfield College Monroe College Penn State Monclair William Patterson Keen uh TCNJ Delaware Valley University and Ruckers all the New Jersey ones I guess I just have to say with one one word right be nor rockers um also something that that I noticed last year with graduation and it's very relevant for a lot of our graduates as just an Avenue towards their future is we had a lot of students going to the armed services so we were represented with some of our graduates in the Air Force Marines Coast Guard and the Army Reserves last year uh another thing that I do want to point out um I look over my shoulders if it's going to be there is is the uh is our graduation our gradu graduation rate so that's something myself Mr bird our te teachers and students we're constantly working on we're a small school you know our we graduate with about 100 Kids give or take every year so you know when we compare ourselves to other students in other high schools in a graduation rate two years ago we graduated 82 we'll call it 83% of our our class and that's it's not where we want it to be but it's it's not a bad number considering you know coming out of covid um getting students where they where they need to be and making school that priority I think I think we we're working hard in the right direction the state does we are a year behind so the numbers for for this past graduation um group coort is not yet out um here are our goals so we are a comprehensive two school with the state we do have state Le on who who meet with me and and Mr bird and Miss P about once a month Dr Jackson comes in uh we review some of our our goals so this year we're looking to increase our Proficiency in math and language arts versus hopefully we get um a couple of perfect scores like these three wonderful individuals here tonight that' be extremely helpful um very nice job guys that's awesome uh 100% of High School staff will be trained in trauma informed practices the goal of um just just becoming aware of what our students need and where they're coming from and ways to kind of help them get to uh be successful and the last one is increase the graduation rate Again by 10% reduce the number of students failing course subjects by 10% and ensure that at least 75% of students participating in credit recovery programs successfully recover those credits and that's when students fail at class finding ways for them to to earn it back new course offerings so the first bullet last year we offered 17 new courses again we're a small school small staff uh we we're trying to broaden at least the course catalog to offer different things for students outside of just their their requirements so we did offer 17 new courses last year and then this year we we also brought in AP seminar AP US History and weight training 2 because weight training one was a was a huge success actually uh our CLE program I know m r worked hard with our with our two instructors Chief w m Ferraro that they work with the m County Sheriff's Office so that um the students involved can come out with the certification to be a dispatcher which is a a great highlight for that program this year supports beyond our teachers so we have our credit recovery program school-based youth service is is a staple at our school um is very well widely used and it's it's a necessity guidance CST integrated care Concepts is something we brought in this year they go hand inand with our trauma informed learning so they're doing our PD for the staff this year and they're also working with some of our identified most you know needed students um to kind of help help work through through different issues that arise throughout the course of the year a lot of flexibility with them which is great math help daily uh we went to a one lunch at the high school so that opened up a significant amount of opportunities for clubs to meet uh math extra help for this example and other other different clubs and activities for students to get involved because I know that's not always the easiest thing after school so it's actually opened us up to a bunch of different um you know opportunities which is nice and we also an after school study hall so that came out of some students who were looking for a place to get some work done because they can't always do it in home or they don't necess want to do at home they'd rather just roll their day right into something else finish their work catch up on some things so that's something that we were able to offer this year and and we actually started that last year continued in this year um I'm frozen no you're not was I no so this um one of our Traditions know Megan hit hard on this past week it's an exciting it's homecoming week it's exciting the um but this is a nice uh tradition that we started last year with the Early Learning Center the football team comes uh for the first three or four days to school and helps our little ones get to school it's you know sometimes it's a little bit Nic to be walk to class by a a high school student you probably look up to versus just an adult who's trying to Usher you through a building so they've been there they've got their jerseys on it's it's a nice Community Building event and a great way to start off our school year so something that that we really look forward to each year go ahead I'm I'm going to turn over to Mr bird now he's going just take us through some other happen and highlights of the Year all right so we've uh continuously over the last couple of years tried to add things to school that would hopefully build the climate and culture um we think it's it's really working in that our attendance numbers are up our discipline numbers are down we think you know on a day-to-day basis we have more and more kids that say they want to school um want to be coming want to participate in different things um so as Mr Bry mentioned we have the KE Law Enforcement Academy um now going to try and think there on their fifth class um that's just up the top of my head I'm not sure if that's correct um again we have our class officers advisors uh class representative for each class as well as uh overall student council that we brought back last year um they're doing some exciting things the the main one coming up um having just finished with homecoming and and all those activities is uh student council is bring back the Titan 5K um please consider running consider registering um we consistently have colleges and the military coming in seeing in the cafeteria uh giving our students a preview of possible post graduation plans last week we finished our uh PSAT testing for our um 10th and 11th graders and during that time we also had jumping slide a guest speaker come in uh as Megan mentioned our homecoming dance on the 23rd uh more recently we became a member of the uh tiger stola Foundation it is a anti-drug anti-bullying Foundation based at County uh they having a kickoff down at caly on the 23rd that we're going to bring a bus of students down um here at they have to say there's a special guest speaker and such um on the right side we as I said we did add a bunch of new CS activities games and such um the new ones this year is GSA and environmental Club was uh actually the end of last year and then we're going to continue with uh Esports the Key Club our dramas and our musicals art um world cultures Big Brothers Big Sisters and a bunch of other things that we try to put out there for our students to have something to do outside of just their academics so our fall Sports Seasons are wrapping up um again for the first time we had soccer uh combined with the Keyport we had our second season of field hockey to with Keyport and then our traditional fall Sports of tennis cross country cheerleading and football uh we just had our Senor day our guest speaker uh which I just spoke of Nate Evans is a uh National speaker he came in last Thursday to speak to students about mental health um and building themselves up our winter sports seasons are coming up which is wrestling boys and girls basketball boys and girls and bowling boys and girls um we're looking forward to celebrating our uh First Market period Scholars and attendance Award winners uh with a dinner that we had started doing uh two years ago two years ago and then uh again we decreased chronic absenteeism the numbers aren't officially in but having been up to about 40% coming out of Co we're down um below 30% possibly even down below 25% which is almost to the state average uh based on last year and then lastly um you know thanks to the hard work of a lot of people in this room the school has all new furniture we have a new HVAC system which actually the heat kicked on this morning you smell it um and then if you visit a football game we have a a brand new scoreboard which is uh state of the art it's it's so cool so you know we're trying to approve the facilities as much as we can the offerings for students um and I think a lot of uh positive things are happening be close to that that's it thank [Applause] you good evening welcome I'm Joel Rock principal buer Middle School uh Ryan Lois the vice principal of BU Middle School I want to introduce our student Representatives uh just gamy and Lin folks uh they're going to give us a breakdown of the Stars okay so the cross country team had a big turnout of students who wanted to participate and has been doing a good job this season Guided by their coaches Miss Le Antonio and there is an opportunity for any eighth grade student who is interested in attending an out ofd District High School next year to visit the open houses for that particular school if interested they can go to B's guidance counselor and Miss ker will give them more information Mr D held an interest meeting for any student who would like to participate in the fitness club and wait room the rules terms and conditions were explained to them and the students can't wait to begin it will be available to them Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays other clubs and extracurricular activities that students can participate in at buer or the drama club the earbook club and the student council to name a few those e grade students who are interested in becoming this year's class officers have signed up and have preparing have been preparing their speeches to present to the entire 8th grade class in the coming week the school picture day at buer will be Monday October 28th 2024 we have a new school store this year there's a wide variety of affordable items that students can purchase during all the lunchtime seem to enjoy seeing what's available for them to buy for themselves or for others from October 7th through October 11th was the week of respect each day was Des was designated with a theme where students could wear particular fun clothing or colors to to corespond with the theme of the day thank you thank [Applause] you am I H you so starting off the year similar to the high school uh buer was outfitted completely uh with new furniture um it was pretty amazing to see the kids come into to school and the excitement on their face over Furniture things that we take for granted um that you know I wouldn't even think the kids would notice but uh they were ecstatic um there's another picture coming up we're walking in the cafeteria and seeing the new signage and stuff in the cafeteria uh our new art lab uh science labs are still on construction uh but will be completed soon uh can just go back one slide um so the first here is some flexible seating that we have in some of our our special ed rooms um they they really like sitting on the different uh the different chairs um teachers use them as rewards and stuff so so they're getting a big kick out of out of the flexible seating um and then uh that um we got some signage in the cafeteria throughout the building home of the Titans is new goes along well with the thece have Mator tables with the kts on them I just think we're kind of branding the whole KT and uh like I said the kids the kids love it um so TI for the community we've been pretty active for the first few weeks of school uh we took a trip over to Dixie Lee where the kids made cupcakes um brought them back and they they had they had a blast over at Dixie L we had fire department come and give a presentation uh to a group of our students uh they got to participate where the gear and get the full uh fire department experience I bit of fire uh alarm malfunction on I think so we're well prepared we had the fire department here and there was a malfunction so uh we got the whole G fire saf um so extra cc is off in way Mr yes so uh as the young ladies mentioned our cross country team had a great turnout this year um and did an excellent job um in this missley do a fabulous job with with that team that's the only uh fall sport that we have here um drama club's underway way um obviously our Junior National Honor Society student council is meeting on a regular basis our yearbook committee is constantly around looking for pictures asking for quotes um and we are starting like we said the fitness club with Mr danau um and the kids love that the turnout for that I mean this room was packed the entire room was packed over here to um be in the wait room for an hour two days a week uh which is which is awesome for all of our um all of our extracurricular activities our Sports um and it's a good feeder for our high school programs as well um as far as our student services we try to offer as much as we possibly can for them um I know that U Mr broy had mentioned the uh the bottom on the IC um that helps with a lot of our struggling students um and uh offers a helping hand um to our guidance counselors to our CST um as well we have the wife Tri program that's that's through the YMCA um obviously our our guidance uh Department here goes above and beyond on a daily basis and is always there for our students that do a tremendous job we do have additional YMCA counselors that come in weekly um and our big brothers and big sisters uh program meets each week um as far as our climate culture we're huge on classic culture we want the students to feel safe we want the students uh to come here to have fun um and to allow them to get the education that they deserve um we have uh Miss D is our dean of climate and culture along with our sixth grade guidance counselor um and she's looking to do constant programs bringing um different different assemblies for the students so that that way uh they can get unique opportunities um like I said we do have an increase of um counseling for the students um and and we're trying to offer them as much as we possibly can we want to get the community involved we want them and as involved with the community as possible uh like we saw we brought the fire department in they were so awesome to come here and work with the kids they had an absolute blast and uh like Mr rocker mentioned it was a good thing they were here that day no yeah that's that that's what we have we do have a new schedule this year um in place um there's six periods they don't meet they meet every day it's not like our a andv schedule from last year um I really think that the new schedule's done a tremendous job for our students um because they don't have to sit for as long um we were in 78 minute blocks they're now 60 Minute blocks um and we've seen a decrease in in certain behaviors um and we've seen them move about the Halls better this year and we're we're real excited with the way that school has start uh started um as far as behaviors that we're seeing and the way that students uh are moving about the building um and we've been able to get uh more bodies into the hallway which has really helped and and the students are are doing a better job this year thank you good evening I'm Sean I'm the vice princi cuso let the boss introduce yourself when she takes the Le and I'm just going to say um I'm feeling a little left out with some new furniture so Furniture Tock that furniture out so just that out but Sean's going to actually that's quick we off to a great start at cuso this year um what was your magic thing had you make currently we have 601 tiny titans in our school we're in year one of our new Savas Ela program which is going great we've had a lot of support we're getting very positive reviews we've completed our first Benchmark um We are continuing our academic law support as well as our reading Intervention Program uh we currently have 21 students test into our gifted and talented program we just rewarded and we'll show you pictures of some of this we just rewarded our students who completed their summer reading assignment with a movie and popcorn in our very fancy movie theater and our media center um picture day and back for school night were a huge success last week we had an interactive Family Feud assembly which was a big hit with the kids I know our staff even probably talked about wanting to play down the road so um that was a big hit and then we also have our Caruso zenen which is a Comming room where we're using both as rewards and a place to kind of an intervention to get our kids calmed down when they're starting ask believe this is a picture from our popcorn and movie Celebration if anyone hasn't been in our media center uh are again kind of a great resource for our kids to go in and watch movies um go and then this was a picture from our family feud assembly again we got a lot of kids involved it was it was a very positive thing it was a very heated thing I think my team beat Mrs McMahon's so not that we're keeping track a lot I had good kids I had good kids so uh again it was another positive thing that our kids really bought into the woman who ran it brought a ton of energy I think we had a headache for a couple days after but again another great night or great day excuse me all right so um yes family Fe we did talk about today actually bringing for staff development um this is these are just a couple of pictures of our we we're calling it as zenden if anybody has another name that they would like to suggest we we're open to that um it is a really caling space there's just some flexible seating in there giant rocker which is really comfortable we have tested that out um and just you know some art supplies um it's basically no lights are on um we do have bright windows but it is a very chill spot um we're working through how to use it right now um so not everybody has had the opportunity to be in there um but the students who have do love it so we're working on that um works out of that room two days a week is from ICC I know you've heard it uh from both of the other schools we have an art therapist since we have the younger kids that is the specialist that we have assigned to our building uh Miss Erica works with us on Wednesdays and Thursdays with um some of us are our most needy students but also just kind of anybody who's just having a moment um and she's been really helpful the kids like going they don't like leaving that's the problem we have right now they're like going with her and being in the room and then when your time is up a little bit of a challenge so we're working through that we're really happy to partner with them this year uh some highlights uh last year we we did go up quite a bit in so Ela highlights on average uh students improved three reading levels of course this year we're not using reading levels but they did improve the reading levels um 90 students were able to participate I'm sorry 90 students achieved the link incentive um improving for from 20 points from link a which is in September to link which is at the end of the year um students have improved eight points on their remaining benchmark assessments and 14 on their writing um and many staff members have completed a 30-hour Orton Gillingham phonics training which is multisensor approach to phonics um we see a lot of people using all of those strategies in the classroom and it's working out really well right now and then we have some math highlights uh students support an average of eight points higher from their third to fourth grade um from third to fourth grade of the ma por of SLA so we follow that same cohort of students um and it was an8 Point increase and a four point increase from for to fth grade from Ling Benchmark on previous years uh and just some things to celebrate um We are continuing our Titans every week we started that last year last year we picked one every Friday this year we are picking two every Friday um students receive a Golden Ticket somebody has to nominate them and they have to write on there what they've done above and beyond just doing their job um then they go into a raffle and two names get picked every Friday so that student gets a coin and they get to get a book from our book machine U they get their picture on the wall and they get a Gem's gift card so we look forward to Friday mornings Halloween parade is coming up 9:30 on October 31st uh we just honor our first group of students of the month uh we just completed our week of respect also so we like said we did have spirit week uh each day was different thing one of Michael's Favorite Things Micha to put you on the spot what do we do in the cafeteria when we have those spirit days um fashion we do a fashion show for um so we have a lot of fun with that Michael's usually the leader um and then each trimester we are going to continue with our nighttime events where students are invited to attend for an award that they don't know that they're getting uh there are different categories um our first one is on December 5th at 6:00 was very very well attended standing room only um and it's just a positive night of recognition we probably give out 200 awards that night um and we have three of those every year so our first one if You' like to come is December 5th at 6:00 good evening everybody I'm [Music] thank you um yes was to the place a little bit um Fridays Miss Gonzalez has been kind enough um we have fun fridays so miss Gonzalez puts music on at curbside in the morning and the kids all can all dance into class so we Mi a little fun in there to get the SCH a little bit um our current 161 students there are 12 inclusion classes which means that every one of our quotquot education classes has um students with special needs integrated into them we have two self-contained special education classes and we just calculated our multil language Learners which is up to 20% which was about 13 last year so we're up from 13 20% so we've seen an increase in that population um current initiatives um we are still working with tools of the mind they are going to be um they have already started to come in uh to work with our teachers in Paris to uh this year is called refine so they're refining uh classroom implementation and knowledge of best practices uh during the school year um two classes are actually going to be piloting uh the seed assessment which is brand new um and that focuses on literacy and self-regulation we were fortunate enough that those two teachers actually got um iPads additional for their classrooms to be able to do those assessments um so we will we are hoping that we can integrate more of the tools assessment once it's you know practiced um into our classroom right now we are still using the TS data uh assessment which is um part of our multiple measures to gain information for family reports which we know we have to do report cards right most of us will call them um and also the state requires us still to do a child outcome summary so they are asking us to take um data specifically development for our students with special needs that's positive social emotional SK uh positive social emotional skills acquisition um and the use of language and skills and use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs so um the state is really wants us to look at um how are we supporting those students in our um both in our inclusion classes and also in our self classes in those areas um a little bit different this year near usually comes in March April or May to do our classroom level assessments they actually wrapped up last year's classroom level assessments this September so we did have representatives from the state in our classroom so the scores that we had last year are not um obviously completed so we don't really have that dat I know the other schools presented that we don't have that data yet um we also conducted a classroom observation um for the ca which is the classroom assessment of supports for acquisition um which leads us to um the B so our district was selected to participate in the building Early Learning latine uh CK not everybody that applied in the State uh was selected myself and Mrs George are working throughout this school year to learn the best practices um to support that 20% of students that we have now that are MultiLing Learners um through the use of a coaching tool called CA um which so the ca is a coaching tool we would use in the school the ca is the tool that n uses to observe Us in and that's where our state tour is coming from um so this takes the LA the last 20 years of best practice in in early literacy education and puts it into practice and teaches us how to to know it and to coach it so that we both have teacher leaders and obviously myself and we're going to rope the coaching that too thanks back um so that um all of our classroom teachers you know get the benefit of being part of that c um it also provides an opportunity for networking and Leadership training which is is pretty cool um some highlights we have um talked about it football team was here they love it um we know we have a lot of either siblings or cousins and things like that so sometimes it is much easier for them to go into class with somebody that they know as opposed to us because they don't quite know SC so that's always awesome um preschool orientation and back to school night invited over 90 families um we had fun fun fun um that there is actually a picture up there of um I forced all of our families to um do uh finger play and dance with us so if you were there I hope you enjoy um we did have our Titan fundraiser um so we had enough swag for respect we celebrated the same we else we did multiple activities including Titan FR day you'll see one of our little students withe um and we also put the ey in kind nice little photo opportunity for our students they were able to talk about why it's important to and uh tomorrow we will be having the fire uh prevention week so we will do all the fun things with the exception of hopefully not the fire situation that uh um the kids are excited about that um we've spent some week talking about uh fire trucks and fire safety and they'll get um we so they'll all get to be able to fight in the fire truck and get a nice photo off tomorrow that'll be good um families are invited for our pumpkin painting on the 24th so they pick up pumpkin during the school day and then we will hold those pumpkins for any of our RBP families come back at night and they paint their pumpkin with their families at night it was very well attended last year um so we're looking forward to that on 24th tender Smiles will do their Dental screenings on 25th um Halloween parade will be at 10:30 on Halloween um we also have uh B Cy uh Resource Network doing a resource Fair on November 18th so they are lining up a whole host of Community Resources to water room so if you know anybody who might want to be a part of that please let us know um we're excited about that and we are also offering six we parenting class um in collaboration with the B Resource Network starting in July we have a lot going on in [Applause] beauti good evening I'm Tyra Smith the supervisor of special ed so our department has the child study team our psychologists our ldtc our social workers our related service providers our occupational therapists our physical therapists and our speech and language therapists our nurses and our par professionals so our current um District enrollment for our special ed population is 28% we have 26 students that are in ad District placements which is down from last year in our preschool we have the two self-contained classes we have an Autism class in our pres school with students with disabilities and our 12 general education includ classrooms ouro building has 11 self-contained classrooms we did add an additional autism classroom last year I attended a state Workshop series and they talked about in the state of New Jersey since 2000 we've increase of 16% each year um of students with autism so we're definitely seeing that here in in Kingsburg we continue to have our behavioral disabilities program our lldd classrooms our inclass support our resource and we have some students with special needs in our general education placements uh Boulder we continue to have our self-c contains our MD class our lld our behavi abilities our in-class support and resource classes at high school we were excited to bring back our behavioral program there um thank you to everyone involved it took a lot of Planning by everyone to get them back there but it seems to be working out well we continue to have our inclass support our resource and also some general education placements for those students we continue to work with the YMCA for for Caruso folder and the high school and then we have on the next slide which this should have gone out with your beginning of your paperwork in case anyone didn't get it it'll also be posted when we post this of your contacts for who to reach out to if you would like your child to get YMCA Services um every year the special department has to do what's called the Dynamic learning Maps assessment for students with um severe special needs um it's supposed to be they say 1% of the population we were slightly over as well as the majority of M County so they look at English language arts Math and Science and we had 10 students last year that participated we will be scheduling our first uh special education parent Advisory Group are Titan friends of diverse Learners so this is their mission statement their email address and Facebook page so be on the lookout as we will be scheduling um in the next month thank you oh yes yes here here is the fun part so um we started off the evening with um celebrating our three students that scored uh perfectly on the NJ huge accomplishment so again congratulations um now I'm going to present to you um how the entire get and as well as a comparison to U the rest of the state do you want can I click or do you no okay just let know do my best to keep up all right all right so our first slide here it just shows the comparison of the 20 23 scores and the 2024 scores um from for English language arts so I want you guys to focus on the more so the change um column so obviously the last two columns um on the right hand side you'll see the change in levels one 2 and three from 23 we want to see negative numbers in those columns because those are the not meeting expectations the approaching expectations and then we want to see plus signs over on the change in the level four and five so four and five are um meeting uh grade level expectations on on this assessment and then um level five would be exceeding grade level expectations so you'll see that grade three uh did a tremendous J in growth there with um almost 11% increase in level 4 and five and then 11% decrease in levels 1 2 and three um you also see you highlight down below you'll see grade six um as well did almost 11% increase and almost 11% decrease um in other areas as well as grade um so again we want to see pluses on the far right and then um we want to see those negative signs uh in the change in one two and right over to math um math historically uh is an area that we've been kind of working on and and you'll see when we compare to the state um historically the Fe also uh is a bit of a challenge as well in the area of you will another increase in uh grade three and then you'll see um a huge increase in out one Middle School uh this particular school year what we did is we had uh 20 students participate in algebra one as a middle school student um so that was an increase just number-wise in what we've had in in the past so that helps support um an increase there science all right so again historically science um the scores here across the state have always you know not has been as great as uh language arts and math we can see that um you know the increase here just didn't happen for us um in grad it's only taken in grades five 8 and 11 so only three grade levels take um science um um so when I talked about the state department you'll see this is on levels one two and three and you'll see the changes so if you look uh down to the second to last column uh where it says kebur you'll see in some areas we actually exceeded uh the SE expectations so grade three while we increased almost 11% the entire seat only increased about 6% you'll see that again um with grade six and then again uh with grade eight actually the the rest of the state department went down uh at 2.4 in grade eight and we increased by almost 11% go on the map all right see here uh we exceeded the state in grade three with um 99.5% increase uh where only um the CATE increased 1.6 and then um this is the AL one that I have listed here is a combination of both um middle school and high school there so you'll see that we exceeded at 22 22% where the state only increased at 4.6 but that's looking both at the uh middle school and the high school numbers were um were there so um like I said earlier there was not much increase with the state um for the change in levels three and four here so um for science so again across the state um this particular Science assessment has um been a challenge so this just shows the number of students that were so um our levels fluctuate so in this particular case we had a less number of students so we had 80 we only had 82 students where we saw that was one area where we saw a large increase um with our with our percentage in levels um four and five but are the numers of students that took um each test and it's just a difference of you know um the numbers that was for language arts and then for math the same thing um we had you know an increase in some of the numbers and then deas in some of the students and that's just a fluctuation between uh the levels and these are theud the science test um this is again a comparison of the state in particular levels so again you'll see the comparison of how the state did at level one um and then how we did um at level one and again at level two and this is for English language go to the next side you'll see the difference these are the level five you'll thec of what the state how the state did um in level five in comparison to how the district did was level five for English language okay again we're going to look at the math data and you'll see that um like I said grade eight um had some students that took algebra one so in this particular one you'll see that they're they are combined um we didn't the algebra 2 uh we did have some nin GRS take geometry because they took algebra one in middle school and then when um grade nine they took geometry uh when they got to the high school so that's why we only have like a few um students that Tak the geometry test right again you'll see the comparison between level one and level two with the state and the [Music] district and and then you'll see the comparison but level four and level three between the state and the district and then level five okay this is the same with science level one and level two the comparison and then level three and level four with the state and the district all this will be online for you guys if you want to really dig into it um but I'll give you the highlight at the end all right so here are the highlights so as I mentioned earlier you'll see that third grade ELA increased in the meeting and exceeding scores by 10.9% where if we were to compare it with the state department they only increase by 1.6% so um I do see that as a huge accomplishment for third grade student um sixth grade as well they increased meeting in scores by 10.5% compared to the state where they only increased by 4.2% um 8th grade 10.9 compared to the statea 2.4 and then third grade math meaning exceeding scores um by 99.5% where the state only had a 1 6% increase and then obviously our algebra one increase uh was pretty tremendous due to the fact that we had multiple St uh a larger population take it at the middle school um which enhanced that number at 10.9% some of the interventions in place um is I I know it was mentioned earlier that we um just we rewrote our Ela and Ma curriculums rather the dist uh there were new standards that were um in place for New Jersey so weed those PR documents um we have ell training in a new program called savath that the elementary school is using and then common lit is with the high school and the middle school is I'm utilizing to enhance their first Almost 100% of the Elementary staff is certified in Orton Gillingham I know Miss McMahon did speak about that that it's just a multisensory approach to teaching um prods andic awareness uh we are to provide after school support in Wilson uh Miss McMahon and I spoke just the other day uh we figured that we were going to open it up to possibly providing um some or in toring sessions after school for some of our students our younger students Wilson's with our third and fourth and fifth grade students or would be for our Kate k students um we are just waiting for the Continuum of the high impact GR so we will get a little extra more funding than we had last year that would be morning tutoring for our third and fourth grade student um we're just waiting for that to come in and then uh we will be able to provide some morning tutoring sessions uh for those students at the high school we have some extra support and credit recovery for um for after school and during the day and that's it does anyone have any questions in particular about any of the scores no again um Dean will put this online if you have any questions after you kind of dig into it feel free to email me at any time all right thank you just want to thank the building Administration and the student representatives for all their hard work do we have any committee reports seeing none we'll move on we're going to open it to the public for comments and questions relating board agenda items only anyone from the public wants to speak on the agenda seeing none we'll close that section no executive session you have a motion for the approval of minutes thank you Mr cook have a second Mr farar say call M Karan yes Mr magowski yes Mr Kitchen yes Mr cook yes Mr s uh yes however I abstain on the uh October 1 meeting Mr Hoff yes Miss Ferrar yes yeah superintendent of schools recommends positive action on the following items under Personnel one nonprofessional employment two salary correction professional employment three leave of absence medical four leave of absence maternity Child Care five leave of absence maternity Child Care revision six substitute teachers and pray Professionals for the district seven advisor coaching positions Kingsburg High School resending eight coaching positions Joseph R buer nine coaching positions kingberg High School 10 volun your position keensburg High School 11 keensburg after school program for the District 12 extended during school day for recovery for the high school 13 professional development costing $150 or above do I have a motion for the approval of personnel thank you have a second Mr cook any questions comments concerns report from fellow board members see non roll call Mr Clay yes M Karan yes Mr yes Mr kchen yes Mr cook yes Mr cisano yes Mr Hof yes but on number nine I fourth name down thank you m f number n under policy and regulation number 14 policy first reading alert 233 and number 15 regulation first reading alert 233 do I have a motion for the approval of policy and regulation thank you Brook we have a second second thank you Mike any questions comments for fellow board members yes Mr Mr can you go back actually to number seven I was approved but that mean the is coming back I'm sorry it off that's the opposite that's the recent okay so is it going to go back out can we post that if it's beinged by our teacher can we post it it's being rescinded for lack of student involvement there wasn't any student signed up is just for just the high school there is at buer thank you any others see roll call please Mrs Clayton yes M Kell Moran yes Mr Mani yes Mr Kitchen yes Mr cook yes Mr cisano yes Mr Hoff yes Miss Ferrar yes under General number 16 instate class trips revision 17 annual preschool operation plan the preschool and Roman projections is not now so we're going to cross out that part it's just the annual preschool operations plan number 18 kingburg High School graduation requirements 19 disposable of unusable outdated broen furniture and Equipment 20 acceptance of a donation to kingburg Early Learning Center 21 acceptance of a donation to Joseph arer Middle School 22 out of school class trip for Joseph AR buer Middle School motion for the approval of General thank you Mr a second second any questions comments concerns from fellow board members Mr yes um 20 21 good yes thank there any other questions or comments see none roll call please Mrs Clayton yes M Kellan yes Mr manowski yes thank you for 20 and 21 Mr Kitchen yes Mr cook yes and thank you to all the donations Mr cisiano yes Mr Hoff yes Miss Ferrara yes School business administrator board secretary report board secretary's monthly certification certifies that no LW item has been overexpanded and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's Financial Obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year parrel certifications for September 13th and September 30th the superintendent of schools recommends positive action on the following items one receip and acceptance of August board secretary's report two approve appropriation transfers three approve Sal list four approve add District tuition five approve the submission of NJ do health and safety evaluation school buildings checklist six approve the acceptance of the 21st century Community Learning Center program Grant seven approve the energy one presentations eight approve the evaluation contract for 21st century C program nine approval of budget calendar for 25.6 school year 10 approve increment withholding 11 approve change ORD 7R and N I have a motion for the approval of BS Report Mr cook thank you have a second second any questions comments concerns from fellow board members uh yeah can I get a little more context to number seven oh yes so the beat energy presentation is going to be part of our staff Wellness day and it's um actually a young adults living with autism who comes and does motivational speaking for staff members okay thank you any others none roll call please Mrs Clayton yes M K Mor yes Mr manast yes Mr Kitchen yes Mr cook yes Mr cisano yes Mr H uh yes but we're going to have a k for number seven too right present miss moving on we'll now open the meeting to the public for comments and questions any other concerns anybody from the public like to speak so if I'm speaking for public I speaking up there Mr Bennett or from from here say what I'm speaking public yes as a parent okay stay here or go up there technically you should go up there name my work [Music] address um I'm speaking on behalf of kind of both so elections are coming up there has been some concerns about the high school having polling locations within the schools as a parent I'm concerned I will say that we did petition I want to make sure that everyone is aware that the board did petition on behalf of the school district and ask that the polling locations be changed they are on not changing them as a concerned parent I did reach out to the Govern governor's office and say that I'm not comfortable with it and I don't know that my children will attend school that day so it is just the high school that's being used the way that they eased my mind and it helped a little bit but I'm still unsure of what I'm going to do as a parent is that they told us that we can use Town um security along with our school security so that is going to be there but just I didn't even tell these guys I was going to do this but as a parent I'm not comfortable but I need you to know too that they tried very much like I was a part of that too they tried I was told that it will be changed following this election so never again will our high school be used as a calling location but it will be for the November elections and I wanted to say thatly that's thank you thank you any other members from the public seeing none we'll close the public portion we'll move on to old new Communications Mr Hof you have anything I do thank you president Mr pres we spoke last meeting um in reference to a couple things did you look into them yes I spoke with the superintendent do you want an answer for each individual one do you want me to answer just remind me so um the one about the one way on you that is not our property so that is something that we would have to petition the to so we and then for the school board uh for the scoreboard at the high school um that's still that's the uh alumni Alumni Association that's doing that yes yeah and I'm not going to lie the um I know you have some information about the the body cams from the police officers I don't I would have to talk to them to find out but I know that when we had initially said they said that there was a distinction between a police officer and a special one and once that they become special one the body cam is not used but we can ask and say I can ask and then there was one yes Mr off um which one uh I know because she spoke about the voting awesome thank you yeah that was say I thought that was the last question no one more I'd love giving out Awards to our students it really frightens my day and but what about our teachers for five year 10 year 15 can we do that in this spring that's my fault Mr H I actually forgot to ask her about that the spring and the spring strike that the fall and theing they can come get a nice certificate sure and recognize their accomplishments too because without them and a nice thing to recognize too is when when teachers gain tenure which means that they spent enough time here to be vested within our system and I did just write a letter for I know for one teacher who um is 5 have a couple things Mr President um I guess to ref is putting scarecrows uh the Board of Ed is going have a scarecrow the main come in yet and once it comes in I will tell you the location is $25 if anybody's interested for their own thank you for the update on the elections and then we're going to have Security even after school atone okay uh there will be a curfew for Halloween and M night uh that's going to be I believe it may be on the town website if not I'll make sure it's on the town website tomorrow you can all be aware of the Scarecrow most of my stuff was covered in uh School and that's outstanding how we're doing as fall Sports come to an end and our first semester comes to an end so for a senior you know starting to starting to get real the Titan 5K is coming so my team has 10 people already I don't know who's going to beat my team but I there someone put more 10 people the bur is working with jpnl there's a couple lights out in town so I believe that might be a light out here on the corner I caught my eye I will make sure that gets on the list but if anybody has a light um this goes in on my next Segway keur got they don't have a 0600 anymore for an emergency there's an emergency about 911 for police and fire but the 0600 numberers still you would speak to an administrator in reference to report a ligh out that's all I have thank you Mr thank you Mr Mr you have anything yeah I just like to say I'm happy to see all the things that are going on in our schools which really nice to see and I'm really glad that you're really pushing phonics my kids were school they did away with phonic and it was wasn't thank you all for coming and have a happy Halloween thank you Mr for Mr mowy do you have anything I just want to thank all the administrators for their presentations today all the hard work um Central Administration as well as all the building staff it's great to see all the progress that's there I mean that's that's how we can measure what we do we can't measure ourselves against everybody else but we can see year toe progress and change all the improvements in town whether it's a pave parking lot a new Schoolboard an HVAC system new furniture whatever it is and it's great to see I think when you come through the doors now and you see the panty KT whether it's on a brand new carpet whether it's on a wall or Not The Branding the climate the culture I know there's a lount of effort that goes into that so again just want to say thank you um Mr Hoff I may have more than 10 people coming for the 10 do five but I'll do the 5 I think you saw me sweating this morning just give we'll be there but uh I encourage as many people to come run it it really is for a great cause tunnel's a tower and if you honestly if you have not done the actual tunnels of tower run through from Red Hook into B Manhattan it just happened at the end of September it's an amazing run and certainly reminds you why you do it so thank you thank you Mr M Mrs clay you have anything um speaking of the SCH Sports full the fall Sports coming to an end I believe tomorrow's cross country is it's home and I think it's their last meet and they love to have everybody not support them um it's usually 3:45 on the trail between thank you Mr Mr have anything thank you Mr President I just want to say again congratulations to the students that came out today and received their Awards their achievements are mirrored only by the beautiful increasing stats that we saw today in the state of the schools it really does come full circle when you see the stuff that comes before us and you know we yes or we say no sometimes it really does come full circle where those achievements those that progress comes forward it's nice to see it kind of come to fruition in something tangible and it also just goes beyond that it also goes into State's levels as well um again congratulations to them congratulations to the fall Sports they're doing fantastic uh love that scoreboard as everybody else says I also like the sentiment that Mr hwk mentioned about having the teacher recognition that it would be nice to see in the future and happy Halloween to everyone thank you Mr Mar and I'd like to say mimic what Mr mcy said about the presentations tonight they're phenomenal and we talk about Titan pride and what you see the enhancements that we made between the buildings and making the kids feel good they're walking through town the town looks beautiful with the Scarecrow we're always trying to make it festive that they feel good um what's near and dear to my heart is about the suspensions we just started school in September um the high school great job I mean we had kid I mean that's an improvement right there on Boulder we had nine but this is where we need some help with the parents and the Guardians we talk about CA we have 601 students we have babies in that school from grade one to five but yet we had 21 suspensions and they're not easy suspensions they're behavior issues so sometimes our staff they might get kick punch bitten and stuff and these aggressive behaviors need to be contained and we have resources to help the if they're experiencing this don't be afraid to raise your hand and say you know what I'm having problems with my child what can you do to help that's what we're here for we care about all kids we want them to enjoy going to school but not to disrupt the classrooms of the students that are there that want to learn so I want to say thank you to all of our administrators our teachers our support staff for loving these kids in kingsb thank you thank you Mr Marin uh Mr suan you have anything yeah um thank you I vote that we move the board meetings to the zenen um yeah so I mean if you just look at our progress you compare the district to where it was just three years ago I mean leaps in bounds I think the team the administration is doing an amazing job you guys um you kill it every single year and you can just see the the incremental progress as everyone has said better than I can so um thank you for all you do thank you Mr I just want to thank everybody comment thank everybody for all their hard work and uh do we have a motion to adjourn I'll make that motion Mr have a second all favor for