##VIDEO ID:20wbhVc1oFk## e e e e e e e e e 1975 open public meetings act this me meeting is called to order to discuss regular board business please be advised that adequate notice of this meeting was provided to the Jersey journal and the Star Ledger notice of the meeting was filed with the office of the Town Clerk and posted on the district website roll call Dr boy here Mr here Mr car here miss Linda feler here Mr M here Mrs pedig here Mr Suarez here Mr viscuso here president pass here Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all approval of the minutes I need a motion to approve the minutes for the regular meeting and Clos session from August 26 20 24 so move second discussion roll call not the boy yes Mr bur yes Mr Carrie yes Miss Linda feler yes Mr Mna not voting because I was absent Mrs pedig yes Mr Suarez yes Mr MSO yes president Paris yes move on to committee reports Athletics and Student Activities Mr viscuso everybody had a copy of their athletic meeting uh this month we do not have uh student uh of the month boys or girls because there wasn't enough time we'll have the next mon okay thank you next up curriculum and instruction Dr Boyd we met on September 12th and there were several topics um one is book break which it in integrates four author talks per school year two in the fall two in the spring for K students actually talking to authors encourages reading and academics and since books are available these books are available in the school libraries teachers can even take picture walks with them Lincoln Middle School is establishing a National Junior Honor Society IT addresses several needs within the community would recognize High academic achievement and incentivize further accomplishments there was structured opportunities in school and community service activities students develop and use leadership skills they would complete 10 hours of service this chapter promotes community service projects benefiting school and Community participation in the njhs forers ethical Behavior Integrity responsibility students demonstrate good character in citizenship National Standard Ser as admission guidelines and they're applying for this and in may they will be the swearing in there's a collaborative calendar that features professional development topics suggested by new teachers examples are Genesis training lesson planning fa and communication special services overview and Ela program Review Committee is reviewing other programs to select best choices for our students and a Cory School District Preschool program video shows daily activities in preschool upbeat and welcoming it allays parental concerns um I'd also like to thank and praise Karen and all of the directors who make the curriculum possible and who' made it possible for me to write such detailed reports which gets the message out and Mr brino this is a short one didn't seem that short Dr okay thank you next up facilities Mr sorz so as you see tonight we have a lot of the bills for the minor projects at the schools garville Franklin and washing project is starting now for the HC and IO roofs are getting done they should be completed by the end of this week and just the bridges have to be done at the High School culinary labs and bathrooms have been started and so hopefully we can get them done rather quickly so get those B back open also on permits tonight I went through uh Athletics with zivy and we have the uh hockey Clinic which will be running running from November 24th to March 2nd so that's that's fully funded by the money they rais so that's a good thing so that's on perit and that's all I have thank you finance Mrs Burke to Mr Finance met on Thursday uh for tonight's B report there's just a few Transportation routes uh the district will be renewing its contract for the school position with uh bnab um we have a few adjustments for the federal fund of teachers and just that the 2324 audit has started uh once the Auditors are done they will present the audit to the board uh during later months with all the with the audit findings and that's all we have thank you next up negotiations Labor Relations and Personnel M Lynden feler um there's no report for negotiations and Labor Relations for Personnel everything's on the agenda but we do want to recognize one retirement Lisa kruck teacher of business after 25 years of service to Carney Public Schools no further report thank you policy Mr McKenna uh yes we did meet this month um all everything is covered under the agenda we had a few revisions and some new mandates that are covered under the agenda and just to highlight the state is now allowing and we've are now adopting for the first reading here that the state is adopting excused absences for civic events um so we hope to see a lot of our students out in the community helping which is great thanks thank you okay presentation all right uh I would ask the board to give their attention to Courtney McShan who is our Student Assistance counselor anti-bullying coordinator for the district and she will be presenting the 23 24 Hib grade report based on our district self assessment go behind there and do it yeah wherever you are whatever you want to back what do you want to do figure I should be next to the yeah you want to come out or no we just like oh look I got an audience showing her Gams make sure this is on okay uh good evening everyone my name is Courtney McShan um I'm the anti-bullying coordinator for the district um and tonight I'm going to present the 20222 20 23 district and school hi grade report so every year we're always going to be a year behind because that's just when the state puts out the final uh grades for the schools so next year I would be reporting for the 2023 24 school year so sometimes when I do this everybody sees the date and they're confused but that's just how it works with hip and the state okay um so every year we complete a uh self assessment and the self assessment is used to give not only the school a grade but also the district gets an overall grade um and this self assessment um is done at every school with the administration um in they it's the school antibullying specialist the administration and the school climate team um and this was developed in response to meet the requirement for the anti-bullying Rights Act which is what guides us and what our policy is for hip um it was created in consultation with two advisory groups and various offices from the Department of uh education and it's intended to help schools and school districts to evaluate efforts in implementing the ABR so that's the most important part of this is that we use what we see in this to implement in the following year to improve things so we've been doing this now since I've been here about 10 years each year we pick something out so we improve on hopefully that increases our grade um we met today and we have a plan to for next year so that's what this is used for um and this is what I was saying before it's completed by the anti-bullying specialist the school climate team or safety team and the administrator um and what happens is at the school level they complete it they enter the data it's then sent to the district level which is uh myself I'll look through it make sure everything looks correct if there's any changes I send it back um and then after it's all confirmed and everything looks good I send it to the um super intendent and it's approved or at least it's um reviewed the self assessment at the a Board of Education meeting once it's approved there it goes to the superintendent who then sends it into the state um and that's kind of the procedure we go through every year so in the self assessment there's a couple of categories um one of them is hid programs approaches or other initiatives um and at the end you'll see the max score that we can get each School gets a Max score and then the district also has a max score um training on the board of ed approv hip policy other staff instruction and training programs curriculum and instruction on hi related information and skills hip Personnel School level hip incident reporting procedures hip investigative procedures and hi reporting so the total Max score you can get as you can see is 78 this is a comparison chart of the last what is it 1 2 3 four 5 years um so as you can see when I first first start out here we were actually in the 50s um and we solely have implemented something every year so there's a nice increase it's gradual and right now we're at a point where the highest score as you could see is 78 so we're going to be in a gradual climb it's not going to be um as big as it was in the past when we were implementing a lot of stuff to make sure we're in compliance okay and again this is just what it looks like 76 out of 78 was our score which which is pretty good I'm pretty proud of that um and these are some of the strengths so while completing the self assessment we learned that um our school district has demonstrated strengths in the areas of core element number two which is training on the board of ed policy um and this is something that we now have the administration at any school they meet with the staff we go over the board policy they go over it with their students the staff and we also have um we use safe schools which has helped a lot with our training um so that was a big part of it too and then in addition to that we also um we bought a program called hipster which is something that a lot of schools in the state are using and it's in compliance with almost everything so that's also helped our score go up so with the school level hip incident reporting all the reporting is through hipster so we have a perfect score in these two categories and then again this is through hipster too so this helps us keep our deadlines um the Hib investigation procedure procure we have a perfect score and the hip reporting again we have a a perfect score these are some areas that I thought were worthy of making note of because we did have a significant Improvement um hit programs approaches and other initiatives so these are the things that the schools um that the kids are going to are doing the different um activities they have curriculums um and programs that we've been implementing so each year we're always you know coming up with different thing the counselors are great they're The anti- bilding Specialist they deserve a lot of praise for these grades they're the ones who Implement a lot of this at their school and the principles so as you can see we slowly have gone up um and I think this is a really good grade for us to have it's a big Improvement and that was one of our um Corrections that we made back then the other additional strength is training on the board of ed approved hit policy which we spoke about so as you can see we kept going up and now again we've received a perfect score and this is an area of improvement um again I think our scores are very good but you have to find something you can improve on because we we're aiming for Perfection so it's other instruction and training programs so the total was a 105 we've slowly gone up um from an 89 to a 94 and we were a 97 um and we do have a plan of action to you know get that score up to hopefully 105 next year so this is our action plan plan each year we have to come up with an action plan after we look at the self assessment and and pick out what we're going to improve on so we're going to continue to address staff training on Hib um continue to include safe schools training for all staff on the anti-bullying Rights Act in addition hipster training sessions have been attended and I'll continue to offer them to the administration there's refresher courses that we offer all the administrators and everybody each year um and this will continue through the next school year um continued inservice training on the role of the school climate team that was one of the things that we did last year we trained a couple of them we want to continue to train them and this is the one that we're we're really focusing on this year because that will improve that score to hopefully be 105 in N 97 um and that's training from a licensed health care professional with training and mental health issues on the top of hi and suicide so um we do training on suicide prevention because that's a mandate by the state and we we also do training on Hib because that's another Mandate of the state this is an additional one that the Hib related information has to also be related to suicide and hip so um and it has to be done by a licensed mental health professional so somebody who is a licensed clinical social worker so it's a little harder to get this going and this is something we're focusing on this year and lastly we're just going to continue to coordinate District inservice trainings on all hip topics so that is our presentation here's my contact information if you have any questions um feel free to give me a call or email me and I have no problem explaining anything thank you for your time keep it up Ken you keep it up you sent it to the whole board did you I am I don't know why okay okay next up report of the superintendent Mrs incarn sou thank you president Paris at this time I request uh that the board approve part one Personnel items a through I second discussion roll call Dr boy yes Mr B yes Mr Cary yes yes M yes Mrs Mr yes yes president P yes I also request approval of part two non-personnel items a through F so move second discussion roll call Dr boy yes Mr B yes Mr Cary yes M Lind Felson yes Mr M yes Mr P yes Mr Suarez yes Mr V president Paris yes that concludes my report thank you president Paris thank you next up report of the business administrator board secretary Mr FAS Lin thank you for Part One Finance look for motion to approve a through e and G and H so move second discussion roll call boy yes Mr B yes Mr car yes m yes Mr M yes Mr pedig yes Mr Suarez yes Mr ruso yes president par yes Finance motion to approve payment of bills so move second discussion roll call Dr Boy Yes Mrs bur yes Mr Carrie yes Miss Linden feler yes with the exception of check number one 19870 to Ken Linden feler due to a conflict of interest Mr M Yes except for any check made out to the Comcast Corporation as I have confle P yes with the exception of anything Happ to do with little friends take here Mr yes mrus yes yes with the exception any check written to little friends as I have a conflict for part two facilities look for motion to approve request of move second discussion roll call yes yes Mr yes M Lind yes Mr M yes Mrs pedig yes Mr Suarez yes Mr ruso yes president yes yes for part three non-personnel looking for motion to approve from a to I so move second discussion roll call Dr Boy Yes Mrs Burg yes Mr Carrie yes Miss Linden feler yes Mr mcam yes Mrs pedig yes Mr Suarez yes Mr yes president pass yes thank you next up report of the board attorney Mr lynen feler I'd like a resolution to authorize the payment uh not to exceed $300 uh for a administrative ticket issued to one of our school buses second discussion roll call Dr boy yes Mr bur yes Mr Carrie yes Miss Linda fer yes Mr Mna yes Mrs pedig yes Mr Suarez yes Mr viscuso yes president Paris yes I'll get you the information for that one tomorrow um that's all I have everything else wasn't closed thank you anyone have any new business I should have brought it up under Athletics out the hallway the schedules our there okay for this season and also on October the 4th Friday night the Hall of Fame is having their dinner up at the fiesta oh okay they'll be honoring individuals this year nice um anyone else have any new business are there any observers who would like to speak did you you have question anything just our first time okay motion to adjourn so moved second second all in favor