[Music] we I making this announcement in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 laws of the state of New Jersey the bur clerk has prepared to schedule the meetings of the governing body of the burrow of kennworth for the year 2024 the burrow clerk has posted a true copy of the schedule on the Bolton board located at the front entrance of burrow Hall and is mail true copies of this schedule to the local Source the store Ledger and the home news tribun and is maintaining a copy of this schedule in her office during the year 2024 accordingly the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied in regard to this meeting please stand for the salute to the flag to the flag United States of America to the repblic for it stands goce for all [Music] roll call Madam clerk mayor Carlovich present councilman Bo here councilman finr here councilwoman jod pno here councilman moral here councilman scarice here councilman Zimmerman here is there a motion to accept and approve the following minutes council meeting December 27 2023 January 3rd 2024 and January 17 2024 a motion second roll call councilman Bo yes councilman finella yes councilman J councilwoman G PNA yes councilman moral yes councilman SC yes councilman Zimmerman yes okay great uh I just have a few uh announcements um St Teresa's food pantry is always looking for food D donations if anyone would like to drop food off there they can use it or gift cards specifically in the form of $25 they like to give them out uh there's also going to be free tax preparation for veterans and seniors February 20th uh from 9: to 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the uh Juliet crur U Michigan Avenue I believe it's 19 Michigan Avenue uh please call 9908 361 0255 to make an appointment there'll be free hot chocolate and coffee uh this event is sponsored by the Lewis dond civic association and there's parking in the rear of the building also the senior club is looking to extend their me extend their membership uh I was there today and I had a conversation um so if anyone would likes to get involved they meet the first Wednesday of every month at 1: p.m. at the senior center um the next meeting for that senior Club is Wednesday March 6th um and that's all I have I'd like to just wish everyone uh also a Happy Valentine's Day and I hope you uh enjoy our wonderful restaurants in korth and take your special someone out uh for a nice dinner um I'd like to move on to the uh Finance report uh councilman um I'm sorry vestrella thank you man everyone changed uh basically there's not much to say except for our CFO um Joel and is working with also our CFO Ken on the budget um they'd like to sit down with the finance meeting with the next within the next two weeks we nailed down a date already so we're going to sit down and go through some of the finance numbers um the taxes are due for uh this quarter February 1st uh grace period ends on February 12th unless Joel or Ken has anything else to say that that's it okay thank you councilman uh Department of Public Works councilman Bole thank you mayor um the DPW responded to two on call sewer emergencies for 8 hours uh 11 staff members were deployed for approximately 7 hours of overtime for the three snow and ice events the department used 130 tons of road salt and the burrow has replenished it through the Union County uh Co-op purchasing agreement 2024 DPW information guide have been mailed out to all Kenworth homes um the next cardboard will be picked up on Tuesday February 13th cans and bottles on February 20th and the burrow wide brush pickups will be on Thursdays Thursdays right yeah it's always on Thursday that's it okay thank you councilman uh Department of Public Safety councilman Zimmerman thank you mayor for the month of January the C Police Department responded to 87 calls for service and there were 106 911 calls which were the total for the month there were a total of 78 hours of overtime for the month primarily for scheduled Patrol overtime which was 36 hours dispatch overtime which was 36 hours and detective Bure over time which was 6 hours of Investigations and follow-ups the C Police Department completed 86 hours of training for the month which included rifle instructor training CJ CIS training SWAT user arrive training and the police department ALS also issued 135 traffic summonses for the month there was one sick day use for the month and one sick occurrence which was for six hours there were also no on the job injuries reported for the month of January Chief Seuss along with the Public Safety Committee conducted interviews last week to fill three vacancies created when Captain Sims Lieutenant Cox and sergeant sandal retired effective February 1st we were very pleased with the quality of the candidates and are pleased to announce that we have selected three highly qualified individuals from North Police Department Jersey City police department and East orens Police Department to join the Kenworth Force the three officers are currently going through the their psychological and medical evaluations and an intensive background check pending successful completion of those checks the officer should be right to be sworn at in at the upcoming special council meeting on February 28th Chief Seuss and the Public Safety Committee again have interviews scheduled next week beginning this Saturday and next Tuesday to fill the above vacancies which were just uh discussed we again have a highly qualified pool of candidates and we expect those slots and be filled at the special council meeting on February 28th as well January was a very busy month for the C police department they responded to four shopliftings at the Acme several several car burglaries which are still occurring a half a dozen Pursuits due to flock alerts several CDs arrests which are drug arrests a missing person report and a suicide investigation at the canorth end the most serious incident was on January 29th when three suspects pred open a locked window on a Jefferson Avenue residence and broke into that residence the actors then found the key fob for the residence BMW X7 which was parked locked in the driveway and fled the scene the residents unfortunately were home at the time and they were shaken by the incident but luckily unheard this type of incident is becoming more common lately in the surrounding suburbs and residents and all our in town to please contact the C Police Department if they observe any suspicious activity at any time of the night we're currently decoding and have decent ring footage of the suspects and the investigation is still [Music] ongoing that's all I have thank you councilman scary huh very okay Planning and Zoning um councilman moral all right thank you Mayor John always leaves us on a high note or Al loone note or this time now a scared note but thank you chief for everything you do and the fine men and women of our Police Department it's amazing all right so my report uh for planning I'll start there we have a planning board meeting tomorrow Workshop starts at 6:30 we do not have popcorn or coffee but it's always still exciting so feel free to come by same place here in ball uh we have three applications right now in the works uh at different levels uh one of those will be actually tomorrow and the others are working their way over to the board uh we had a few variance applications requested uh since the last time I gave a report so we expect those to come back and then we'll start filling up the schedule for the planning board for the rest of I guess shortterm meetings uh so that's it on the planning board front for zoning and coding and code enforcement we had a slow month I'd say from past months that we've talked about things only two complaints came in for uh code enforcement over the month of uh January I can tell you already in February it's getting a little higher uh but of januaries we saw abandoned car behind Mike's place over in the north end of town and a resident was pumping water out of their basement causing ice to form in neighboring driveways so uh both items were addressed accordingly and uh we didn't see any kind of repeat on the zoning front I love this part of the report and I might need some help from people on the the council to help me uh pronounce a word here um we have a new business locating from Union to kennworth second one in the last few months I might add this is good stuff to see uh we're bag it for good things uh a smoothie and an aai a you had it right the first time so that's that's what's coming to town it's coming off the Boulevard and around 21st Street there so where is it coming 21st perfect so good things to see um the department here took advantage of some of the slow time over the month of January uh and did some cleanup on the website uh they're enjoying making updates to it I hope you're seeing the benefits of having the forms and everything going up there trying to be a One-Stop shop any comments we'll be glad to take them um and they started getting uh sort of leg up on some administrative work for renewals and letters that need to be sent out in 2024 so slow month overall uh but all good things and ready for a busy spring and that's it mayor thank you thank you councilman uh Recreation and fire councilman scarice thank you mayor uh we'll start with the recreation department um the basketball is uh halfway through point in this part of the season and has been going very well um they're migrating away from the community pass to new program called W desk Rec desk will have the same looking Fields the new burough website uh Christian has been training and building out the programs for rec desk Communications will be sent out once we are ready to have the community uh registered for rec Des uh townwide Easter GRE Hunt is scheduled for Sunday March 24th starting at 10: a.m. the rain date will be Saturday March 30th at 10:00 a.m. it will be held at De Mario park this event is for residents only age range is from Toddlers which basically walking age to fourth grade uh Middle School basketball trials will be held Monday February 12th for six 6th 7th and eth graders trials will be held at Gamers um Baseball Academy from 3:15 to 4:30 registrations through Community passs are required full dat details will be posted on the recreation Department's Facebook the B website and flyers will be sent out through the school middle school track and field Spring season is currently being worked out more details to come um K fire department for the month of January um the fire department responded to the following 38 calls there were two arson investigations uh one car fire five carbon monoxide alarms one exterior generator fire uh seven regular fire alarms uh one good attemp public assist one medical assist a lift assist 11 motor vehicle accidents four mutual Aid responses two to Elizabeth one to Rosell Park and one I guess at juny County standby uh there was order of gas one Power telephone cable line and three smoke conditions during these incidents the fire department traveled 200 77 mies and utilize 248 hours the fire department rescue squad responded to 46 calls traveling 245 miles and utiliz 93 hours uh additional hours utilized during the month of January included the following uh administrative 236 stien 1426 fire training 58.5 RS training 50.5 so the total calls in summary for the month 84 total miles travel 520 2 total hours 2112 and that's all I have M thank you councilman Education Health and Human Services uh councilwoman gardano [Music] pasero did she hear us oh Tony was good hi sorry there um thank you I will start with our senior Sen the director position on Friday January 26 the interview committee met and interviewed um all applicants and as you can see through the resolution today we unanimously um felt that surely boy and Maxwell would be a wonderful addition as the new senior director she is very well known in Kenworth of course lifelong resident president of the Historical Society but has countless contacts with the county and um I'm sure to be able to bring other programs grant opportunities uh to the senior center and to grow the amount of residents we have partaking at the of the senior center um activities and different programs to preco numbers when there were several hundred attending so we're excited about um that getting underway the school board um the only news they have is that the referendum projects are in Full Construction mode moving along nicely um no delays and no problems um so that's great to to note our health department didn't have anything to note as of um today and the library had extensive children's programs being offered for the next uh month both during the day and evening however they strongly recommend registering because space is limited on all their programs the adult programs are typically in the evening so I suggest that everyone go to the website for the library it's www. Kenworth library.org or or call 908 276 2451 or you can get the specific activities the days and the times because they're very VAR and that's all I have thank you councilwoman is there a mo is there a motion to accept and approve committee reports motion second all in favor I I next for Council consideration is a consent agenda is there a motion to approve motion second the consent agenda consists of resolutions 2024 d65 through 20247 these resolutions will be approved by one motion all items will be recorded individually in full in the minutes councilman Bole yes councilman finella yes councilwoman Gard down aernal yes councilman moral yes councilman SC yes councilman Zimmerman yes we have two ordinances for introduction ordinance 20242 an ordinance amending ordinance number 2021-topcon Whitworth and repealing ordinance number 2023-24 D2 for introduction motion second roll call councilman Bo yes councilman finella yes councilwoman gardana pno yes councilman moral yes councilman scarice yes councilman Zimmerman yes be had hereby resolved that ordinance 20242 here to4 introduced does now pass on first reading and that said ordinance be further considered for final adoption passage at the meeting to be held on February 21st 2024 at 7 11:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the burrow Council and that at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and that the burrow clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish said ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when and where said ordinance will be further considered for final Passage ordinance 2024-25 streets and sidewalks Article 1 snow and ice removal section 170-45 parking restrictions prohibited conduct of the municipal code of the buau of kenel is there a motion to approve ordinance [Music] Estella yes councilwoman gordano pno yes councilman Morrow yes councilman scarice yes councilman Zimmerman yes he had hereby resolve that ordinance 20243 here to4 introduced does now pass on first reading and that said ordinance be further considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on February 24th 21st 2024 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the burrow Council and that at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and that the burrow clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish said ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when and where said ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you is there a motion to open the floor to the public Mo second all in favor does anyone have anything to say for the good and Welfare of kennworth please come forward and state your name and [Music] address um good evening good even come you come right up you can come right to the microphone there just you know what you can speak microphone can hear about thank you um uh I am a new Resident well I'm not living here yet here at can can you just tell us your name and address please yeah thank you it's okay Diana hio 277 Boulevard mhm and um so we purchase a property and we're in the process we have the permits we're in the process of renewing the property however um we've been at this almost 6 months and budget is running a little tight and we need to vacate the property uh the rental property where we are and we're trying to move in with that being said the kitchen is not done and I am trying to inquire what are the requirements or what is what I need to have in order to move in as my kitchen is not done yet I so can I make a suggestion um so right at the end of the hall there is the building office and if you come tomorrow and speak with a woman named Cindy she'll be able to help you out and tell you exactly what you need to do and what would need to get finish at a minimum and inspected so you can move in so we've been here and they told me that that um they cannot advise of anything so I requested to have maybe the building inspector reach out to us since they recommended me um us to speak to I have a question the burrow does not uh require a CO um so I'm not understanding why she wouldn't be able to move in even if her kitchen wasn't finished people renovate their kitchens and don't have kitchens in their house being that we don't require a CO I don't know that there's anything preventing you from moving into your house I don't know what the situation is on the property but you're absolutely correct we don't require the but maybe there was a reason why I couldn't go in um I mean you know I don't is there anything that you can weigh in on this I mean we don't require a CO there's people that renovate kitchens and they're living in their home and that's a good point uh usually uh the there are many towns that require a see right and uh if you couldn't get that uh for closing then I can understand why you couldn't move in did anyone tell you that you could not move in yes they told me that at the moment um Department the building department offline let me have your telephone number and then I'll I'll I'll this doesn't sound right okay thank you thank you welcome to town thank you yes welcome to T Mark if we want to talk with the building department too if something comes up let me know we I I can't imagine that you can't move into your home right but we're going to right so right might have something to do with the closing but she's already closed on the property cor did you close on it yes she's just doing some Renovations so um Mark you'll you'll take care of this tomorrow yes please before you give me a call okay thank you anyone else [Music] evening mayor even Council people good evening uh I understand um first of all name Gerard po live in North 17th Street my understanding is to State L for uh parking uh at or near intersections is 25 ft but uh 50 not within 25 ft of an intersection or 50 ft of a stop sign uh there's one intersection I'm concerned about which I find difficult to navigate is on cross street where it intersects with Union Avenue I don't know who's parking here but you know when traffic is coming the other way of um mon becomes a little bit of you know a squeeze there so I'm just wondering you know if there's something that needs to be done or addressed or it just seems like a little tight spot so just wanted to bring it to us I think we can have our traffic uh take a look at that not that I'm looking to create a problem for anybody you know that's you know bu if they were violating but you know like I know the curbs are usually painted yellow you know to indicate where there's no parking but I know I've changed my route you know going to my house because of that interception AC cross street seems like a little narrow when there cars parked on both Sid it's way near the intersection so I just fig bring to attention thank you and yeah it could have been yellow and it could have time just chipped away or or with you know with salt and plowing Chief did you have the uh the uh traffic department look at this uh Cross Street in Union Avenue um talk to my lieutenant on the way out we'll take care of it I don't want anybody to really get in trouble if they're in no no one's going to get in trouble but just difficult to navigate thank you some of the street some of the streets are for tra going both ways especially if they Park on both sides of the street okay so that's one I just want to bring up yeah thank you we appreciate working oh terrific good fin work on I thought it wasix oh no we did we did get Wi-Fi I'm sorry you fny you brought that up it meant to not downstairs yeah we we did so we'll um when did you do it yeah just recently in January yeah give me a call tomorrow or I'll the senior center has Wi-Fi I you have to enter a password I had the password from the existing one there might be connect up to it but no we had it installed let me talk to you I'll talk to you after we'll double check yeah no we had and tested I'm glad you mentioned that I forgot to Carol 31 North 21st Street hi Carol um I just would like you to know how a PO drug owner has stepped in and taken care of making sure that we the lunch program continues it's um you know it's important to us as senior citizens living on Social Security not only that but I don't happen I happen to be single and just have two cats and I need the social part of it too so I want to just make make sure that um poette gets cor y she does a great job I agree thank you thank you anyone else one of my favorite people coming up to the microphone shley Maxwell 38 South 24th Street hi shley I want to thank you all for the wonderful opportunity to serve the burrow as senior program director I'm really looking forward to this exciting new Venture and I promise to fulfill the role to the very best of my ability so thank congratulations we're very happy that you're you're on board thank you very happy to you thank you anyone else ex hi Joey Grimaldi 34 North 14th Street uh across from the uh big hopefully not master boond but the uh of course the street from the new football stadium and and mega school that that we're building um I I didn't I didn't I didn't vote for it or against it I I missed that vote when the Board of Education had referendum um but after the fact after the the project got started um I went up to the board of uh the Board of Education meeting and I spoke my piece and I gave them all my objections and uh opinions um but thankfully I think the the monster dump trucks that would park on on the street like sometimes 4:30 5:00 in the morning they'd be out there lined up on the wrong side of the street and then at sometimes about4 to 7 they they'd start a little early before 7:00 because it's as far as I understand you're not supposed to be doing things like that until 7:00 if I'm correct but anyhow so we're we're done with all with all of the dump trucks but why why they had to come in and out on 14th Street I don't think that should should have happened I think they should have come in from the pardon my pointing I think they should to come in from Monroe and come through the back way to the field to the project and then go out um the way the the students and teachers exit and then um you know go back out on Monroe instead of putting all of that heavy heavy traffic on on the street and those heavy trucks and you know I don't know how many new cracks we have in the street or not but the other thing is um a couple of those couple of times some of those machines um this one in particular with the big steel um rolling pin in front of it when that when that was in use the house shook my house shook and you know it's a little scary it's there's there's some little um cracks and and stuff in the ceiling I don't know if it's just the paint I hope it's not structural [Music] but had I got to the vote to vote for the bo for for or against it at the proper time I would have said no but now in hindsight I would say doubly no I mean I hope it winds up to be a good great project that the field and and um the the school is going to be expanded right I think correct um and and that too I don't even know if we do we are we going to have such an influx of students that we need you know a second floor on the school or or expand cuz you know the the last the last five five six years you know I I watched I watched the uh graduation the the class size has been getting smaller and smaller I can't speak for the Board of Education and I think a lot of your questions really are directed uh to the Board of Education I'm not really sure why the truck pattern is what it is and what dump trucks are there AR field they couldn't go over the baseball or the softball field it's coming up in spr yes can I speak please yes Mr galdi I don't know if you could hear me yes yes I can okay um being in a construction field I I will say that whenever a project of this magnitude is in the organization and planning stages they actually do traffic studies and the best way to bring large trucks or machinery in and out and especially a project like that where you had a lot of uh soil that had to be removed and then Stone and some under other underlayment that has to come in there are specific reasons why they choose certain streets at certain times it is definitely not random um and as far as you know God forbid any damage to the street or aide walk or someone's personal property the contractor is obligated and covered by their insurance to remediate any Bonafide damage so um I would I would say that if you felt that there was something that you wanted to address I would go to the Board of Education meeting now the next one is Monday night on February 12th so if you have questions like this that's the best place to bring your questions and I'm sure they'll be able to address every one of them for you well they start the meeting starts at 7 o'clock on Monday the 12th yes well as I said I had spoke to them after the fact and I I politely vented and I let them know how I felt but just as I let the C know how I felt with this whole construction project um that that that's it I mean I I I should have been more uh more tuned in and I should have paid attention to the school project but I don't know I I I have no kids and and you know I know it's still uh an important part of the town the school but my understanding maybe maybe if I were was at the meeting they would have told the residents uh that we would have been L slightly um imposed upon with all of the heavy traffic but it it's I think it's all done I haven't seen a a big dump truck or at least not in that that volume so thank you for hearing me thank you um part of the issue is that there's no trucks AOW in that section there's a weight limit and they grossly exceeded that and I don't know um why is there a weight limit is there something with uh any damage Subterranean is there s I don't know why weight limit I don't think there's a weight limit I think it's because the kids were hit when we were little n there says gr nuic weight I'm pretty sure roads roadway limits are determined by the thickness of the road so when they're engineering the roads initially if they want a restricted weight traffic they'll make them a certain de um I know like on roads where they can accept trucks that heavy the asphalt is anywhere from 12 to 18 in thick but on a standard residental Street you might get anywhere from 4 to 6 in do you know on 14th Street um the thickness I I know typically that a lot of trucks do go down that road without without digging it up I would have if we didn't want to dig it up to like do a test hole that's only way to do it they make special drill beds for test holes they're like 3 in wide um and it doesn't interfere with the structural Integrity of the road that's one way finding out or going to the original plans of the road I'm wondering we have that they can't go straight to the boulevard you got to make the left right but that way it wasn't always that way though wasn't always that 30 years that long for 30 years it's been a long time excuse me if I may jump back and again there is there is two brand new shiny nice signs saying no trucks over 4 tons and those those dump trucks empty already exceed that so okay thank you okay anyone [Music] else may Council um councilman councilwoman my name is Dave Robin U my family Liv at BR 662 Richville Avenue I'm here tonight unfortunately because I concern um on July 11th 2023 I received a phone call from councilman Zimmerman's wife informing me that he and my wife were having an affair of a long of over six seven years um I spoke to him this happened on July 11th at 142 I spoke to him on July 13th um we both agreed that he would leave my wife alone and not speak to him anymore he agreed uh 2 months later November 21st I find out again that he's supposed to speaking my wife uh I called him try to talk to him again he said I said why are you still talking to my wife ask your wife so that obviously didn't go over too well so again I get a text from his wife on January 22nd that they're texting still so I'm here so you guys can maybe help find his moral compass because I'm trying to this as a gentleman but to me this is a concern unfortunately he's done this again because this has happened in the past cuz you remember Shannon right J you remember Shannon 10 years ago when the husband came to your house right than you to stop mayor I don't think counil no this is a concern this is a concern because there's children involved so Mr robman you're you're intitled to your opinions no it's not opinion it's fact John your op I have everything right here on my phone you're entitled to your opinions but this is op I want you to stay away from my family I'm trying to do this the right way John johle to your opinions title of my opinions do you want to come back next time with the press your attention John um attorney interject here please this is because he did why he was the police chief he did this why he was counsil so really we should investigate this I understand so I I completely understand that you're upset however I don't believe that this is the right for not when he's under counil councilman but this that's that's a personal that's not don't know that this didn't transpire or anything no no no I'm saying that this forum is bar phoh business and the situation that you're having is a personal situation that you might be having with is not the the for where would I like to go sir where should I go should I go to ethics board where should I go I'm here for your help he lost his moral compass I'm trying to help you find him this does not deal with his role as a councilman it doesn't no he used sources from the bur in the means of this affair while he was Chief and or councilman that constitute that can I remind you sir that court right there we have the mayor and and police chief under criminal inment so doesn't happen in 2024 sir that wasn't the mayor in cter by the way that was the mayor that's I I see you guys do nothing that's fine that's fine John John just know now I'm just going to go all the blue organizations cuz from one fellow blue retire blue and I work with your brother your sister-in-law had a chance to meet in 21 thank you sir Ernie [Music] thank you thank you have a good night this is this is what you vot for have a good night me too okay is there anyone else from the public that would like to uh speak I'll that drogen 215 f 2 Avenue kind of living at this year uh I just want to say Paulette before you got here there was a very nice compliment paid to you um by a resident that is enjoying uh the lunches and everything that you're doing um for the seniors so I just wanted to tell you that CU I I heard that it was a really nice compliment and you came in right after so I want to make sure you heard that okay every time she sees me she thans me but I really don't have anything to do with the lunch program that will always go on even if I'm not there so I don't want to be credit for that thank you car I think she left that's I just have a couple of questions well before I go I'm seeing here I'm looking if people are getting raises and it's about time counsel about some kind of an increase that's what I'm reading prop no we're not getting any just a salary range we're not taking inre ranges in to 50 years you got to more than 00 so I thought youting no we're not the other thing say time um senior program director was crossed out like is is that full time and then another place it says senior program director and it has an hourly range so I don't this I just picked it up let got it the ordinance made some corrections with respect to titles and that made some adjustments with respect to what the ranges need to be high and low to make sure that people are being compensated within those two limits position I appreciate that this out that's okay your specific example with the senior uh director it allowed us to get more flexibility you'll notice the range from the past one it starts there and now it goes higher so we have to go fulltime so it allows us to have flexibility next time we need to do something I just wonder we is full time or is it just nothing changes just now range is established so so it's CR okay and then the last thing I going just say public works oh wait a minute and most the crossing guards they were getting 3 days of personal time two are they not getting that anymore was crossed out this was something change well yeah there there were Personnel policy information in the salary ordinance which didn't belong in there so so we if you notice we took out several references to Personnel policies they are in the covered in the handbook they really shouldn't have been here they were covered in the hands so we're still letting a few personal days happen for some people ask um they policies for yeah for crossing guards is likely to change in the next season so that'll be communicated um with them next year right we'll talk about that with them when we hire so nothing is changing for this year but next year when they hire there may be some changes to their thing is I just want to say being at the senior center more than I thought I would be I can't thank the Public Works Dominic he opens he closes he's there he'll come in a check make sure everybody He is wonderful so um he's always been wonderful as long as I worked here he's been that man is really he's he'll he'll help anybody anytime with anything I just want to kudos to him We're fortunate I agree thank you thank you okay is there anyone anyone else from the public that would like to speak okay seeing no one I'd like a motion to close the floor for public discussion motion second all in favor all right I'd like to wish everyone a uh very happy um Valentine's Day and uh like I said before I hope you enjoy some of uh the wonderful restaurants take your special someone out or your family uh we have great great places in town we have a florist and a lot of nice uh places to get some gifts so I hope everyone uh patronizes our businesses here in kennworth um and that's all um does anyone else have anything else to add just wish everyone a happy and hey uh Valentine's Day I'm sorry Tony I just want to thank Angela for facilitating me being able to participate and not miss a council meeting it really means a lot to me and I really want to thank you I know you went out of your way to make this happen oh you're welcome we're glad you were you're here you're you're in a better place where it's sunny and warm yes so I hope it's warm yeah okay uh can I have a motion to adj ajour please all in favor I all right good night everyone good [Music] night [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music]