##VIDEO ID:T0xz4XnGybc## [Music] I am making this notice in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 laws of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting a copy on the bulletin board at Burrow Hall forwarding a copy to the local Source store Ledger and the home News Tribune and is posted on the bulletin board uh and the barl website at least 48 hours prior to the meeting this meeting was contained on a list of meetings set by resolution on January 3rd 2024 and as amended by resolution 2024-25 accordingly the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied in regard to this meeting please stand for the salute to the flag to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all mayor carich here councilman Bo here Council fin here councilwoman deero councilman Mor here councilman here councilman Zimmerman here is there a motion to accept and approve the following minutes executive session of September 4th 2024 motion roll call oh it's the the DAT the same oh I'm sorry um it's ex executive session from September 4th 2024a and also um session B motion second roll call Council Bo yes councilman Pella yes sorry councilman Mor here councilman scarice yes councilman Zimmerman yes okay I have a couple things uh this evening I received a really nice letter from a resident and I wanted to read it um says Dear mayor carage in June of 2024 my daughter en attended the kennworth police department youth Police Academy that was operated and coordinated by members of the kennworth police department I would like to inform you that they all did an excellent job in organizing and executing the entire week-long training I am certain that the Personnel from the kennworth police dep Department had to conduct this training in addition to all of their assigned tasks for the time period leading up to during and after the training program and they should be commended for their efforts this is such a unique and beneficial way for the korth police Department to interact with citizens and provide them a different perspective it is my understanding that the following indivi individuals put in a great deal of effort and should be acknowledged for hosting a great week of training Chief Fred Seuss retired Chief Paul Campanelli detective Sergeant Bryant Pickton detective Brett Byron detective Leo Filipe patrolman Ray fashino patrolman Anthony scarice Sergeant Joseph Oro and patrolman Robert Ruger along with all of the members of the Kenworth Police Department thank you mayor Carlovich for supporting this program and the efforts of the kennworth police department sincerely Mr Steven binski thank you very much I thought it was really nice great job and you you the police department as always does an amazing job on on that youth Police Academy I remember when Angelina went she loved it and I also have a proclamation um and we we have someone here a resident that is donating a chip reader to the police department um and what this will do is it allows if we have a missing pet in the Barrow it allows our Police Department to be able to run this chip reader along the pet and and they get a a number and they can call a central database and hopefully reunite their pets sooner uh back home where they belong and this is being um donated in in memory and in honor of a resident of kennworth Fran Moore who I'm going to read a proclamation for who really um loved animals and did a lot uh specifically for um feral cat colonies living in Kenworth um personally um paying to spay and neuter over a hundred cats in Kenworth um making sure they had inoculations and they were being fed um so anyway she uh loved animals dogs as well and uh she was really a great person I'd like to read this um Fran Moore was born on April 1st 1952 in Canada and she passed away on April 9 2024 leaving behind a legacy of compassion and dedication that touched the lives of many France spent her formative years in Springfield and dedicated 25 years to the community of Rosel Park before establishing her beloved home in kennworth 4 years ago FR was renowned for her love of baking which was exemplified by the the dream kitchen she built in her korth home she generously shared her Bak Goods with friends and businesses demonstrating their kindness and generosity fr's profound love for Animals was evident in her tireless efforts to support both dogs and cats her passion extended to crochet where she lovingly made hats for everyone she knew Fran held the bachelor's degree and made significant contrib butions through her career at Cene while also dedicating her personal time to support Animal Welfare Fran made an indelible mark on our community through her work and with trap neuter and return the TNR program volunteering with numerous rescue groups and supporting countless fundraising efforts to Aid animals friend took on the vital responsibility of caring for several cat colonies in our burrow ensuring their Continued Care and support Beyond her time with us in recognition of her her enduring Legacy a donation of a chip Raider has been made to the kennworth police department in Fran's name this donation will Aid in reuniting lost pets with their families more swiftly continuing Fran's mission to support animals in need Fran Moore's selfish dedication and love for Animals serves as an inspiration to all who knew her now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and Council of the bur of kennworth County of Union in state of New Jersey do hereby honor and celebrate the life and achievements of Fran Moore we express our deepest gratitude for her extra extraordinary contributions and unwavering commitment to our community and its fairy residents in witness hereof I mayor Linda carage here unto sign my name officially and cause to steal the bur of kenart to be affixed this 18th day of September 2024 so we're going to come up thank you we have demonstration and we're g to present the chip reader okay I'm not familiar with this so you can oh thank you said you should get a heavier because it drops it well she's gonna demonstrate it's all right and number com this in their database will be able to yes okay very good thank you so much it does and it does a bunch of this is like one of the best the hero because it covers a lot of different yes thank you so much we do uh cover a lot of lot ofs is Everything full thank you so much very thank you so much man thank you so much okay Finance report uh councilman finesta uh thank you Mar um there's really nothing to report okay thank you councilman uh Department of Public Works councilman Bole so uh truck number 28 is on the road the new dump truck um DPW recently received a revenue check for $1,700 for recycled car board they received a revenue check for $377 for recycled electronics and both pickup is set for the week of September 30th for the north side and south side is October 7th and great you want me to bring out B wanted me to say something about what are the little orange I mean lime green things are putting down crosswalk oh okay that I just was going to bring it up just wondering what they were um we have a place several different cones and the lators in the roadway to try to help uh slow the traffic down as people trying to Across The Boulevard and other areas of cworth uh recently we've had several complaints especially over by the U is it Trail rails for Trails over by U East Coast Greenway across this 14th Street so uh along with the county we uh I spoke with other County Traffic officers and along with our County Traffic Sergeant Sergeant gry uh we come up with several plans the be actually had a very good idea or something in Providence that we're implementing here is trying to give people an opportunity to see the crosswalk with those uh those tall stanions um so as a person is walking towards the crosswalk you're more than likely going to see the color cone stanion and then the person standing nearby so hopefully people will slow down a little bit better and we're just working on the traffic flow and that seems to be a working they seem to narrow they they make the road feel more narrow because you have to drive through through these two so we're working on it the boulevard is a wide Road we're doing weend that's one of the things that we're implementing we're working we're doing traffic studies also help of that so thank you thank you Chief thank you councilman Department of Public Safety councilman Zimmerman thank you mayor um not a lot to report um I Know Chief campelli told me we're still having some uh catalog converter thefts in town not a lot you can do to prevent it they come in at late late at night or early in the morning to uh steal catalytic converters off of cars but if anybody hears with the nicer weather your your windows are open some some kind of cutting or clanging when they're removing these catalytic converters please uh call the police department if you're going to work early or coming home late and you see something like that that looks out of place maybe it's I know in other towns they've had Vans and trucks and cars it's it's unfortunately it's like a 2-minute or deal for them to take a catalytic converter off a car but they're hard to buy find and they're they're taking the Platinum chip out of the catalytic converter because it's worth more than the converter itself I know Hondas Acuras are the two biggest uh types of cars or makes and models that they're they're stealing them from so I know park it in your driveway if you can back it in if you can and if you do see or anything out of place please call the police department so that they can check it that's it thank you councilman Planning and Zoning councilman Morrow all right thank you mayor um hello everyone I will start with the planning board where last week on September 11th there was a meeting of note at that meeting a s unit apartment building was approved in town over on Michigan and the boulevard as well as the drive-through Dunkin Donuts there excuse me the Dunkin Donuts there to be converted into a driveth through Dunkin Donuts with limited seating uh actually no seating and limited service so so um that happened last week we actually have about six more applications going back and forth with professional review a few of those applications are at the end of the review so they'll be going for planning board consideration next uh more to come on that as the planning board agendas are assembled with respect to zoning and enforcement uh to date in September halfway through the month we're only looking at a few uh complaints all for zoning uh one of the complaints relates to the storage of a vehicle another for a fence placement and another for a Pao not meeting setback requirements uh all of which are being addressed by the department in addition we've received a few zoning applications for an hbac redo at home uh new businesses looking at kennworth and a Home Remodeling application so those are good things the department because of some of the the nature of the zoning violations that happened in the last month they just want to remind everybody that if you're putting up a fence a new deck a patio a walkway a shed kindly contact the office we'll talk to you about zoning application needs and requirements and we can avoid any violation scenarios going forward um before I move off the report mayor I'd like to take the opportunity to talk about uh the ordinance number 202 2420 which is the one related to fire prevention uh I'm going to ask a motion I guess I just want to explain why I'm going to do this uh to the rest of the governing body here I don't think this is ready when I read this ordinance I agree with half of it I don't agree with the other half of it the half I agree with is I I think we do need to be proactive and do something about dense smoke about garbage being burned about pre-treated and other types of lumber and construction material being burned uh what I don't agree with is some of the other requirements that go into this ordinance such as needing a metal mesh over your fire pit or your chera that's where you put the firewood in my mind that becomes a bodily injury Hazard so remove the mesh add firewood there's other Provisions in here about the sticks that we burn cannot be under 2 and 1/2 in in diameter I just don't think it's practical to you want to make a motion to I'm going to make a motion I have one more point that I need to make about this the ordinance currently the way it's worded sets out penalties for violation of the ordinance now violation of the ordinance includes not having a mesh over it or burning a 2-in twig the violation could be a monetary up to $2,000 violation it could be community service or up to 90 days in the county jail I think that's extreme I don't think that this creates the right balance if we're going to try to stop dense smoke and other types of things that we have a problem with in town I'm for that but I think this goes too far so in good conscious I can't vote for it I'm going to actually motion to have it pulled so we can work on this one and and strike that balance um is there a motion to um did someone table this ordinance for I would like to make that motion to table the ordinance and work on it with the uh fire inspector Council second you'll second it okay so motion uh ordinance 2024 has been tabled motion made by councilman moral seconded by councilman boo so then um I guess we have a meeting Mark yeah we'll put together a meeting with uh the two of you as well as the Mr Jord I believe yeah you sure and we'll go through uh what your concerns are and see what his position is and try to draft some language that uh safies I agree and and you know Chimas don't have mesh I have one so they don't have a mesh that come goes on top of it or in the front of it so I do agree that um that ordinance needs a little bit of tweaking so good should we do a roll call yoll um councilman Bo yes councilman finr yes councilman Mora yes councilman yes Council Zimmerman okay did you have any more to add to your report councilman no I don't thank you okay thank you C okay Recreation and fire councilman's Grace thank you mayor um I have no reports were provided uh I have some other comments but I saved them at the end uh says Workshop items okay I mean if you want it you can you can address them now if you'd like can I okay y sure um few things uh I saw emails about the the gyar EV charging stations uh was that just solicitation pretty much okay I wouldn't want to see that um basically it's U like rich person parking only yeah you know I don't think that would be good for yeah designated spot getting those emails for years yeah it's not a free it's not a free either so you know if somebody a private gas station wants to do it like they did the I think it's a a Wan North Avenue they can do that we don't need to I don't think okay I just want to make sure I wouldn't be favor that um the other thing was we talked about uh onx property and uh they're going to do pharmaceutical research were we against uh researching cannabis I mean I know I would be against we said research for cannabis was okay okay yes manufactur distribution and sale right correct how do you manufacture Canabis that need growing it do we have a problem growing it for research I wouldn't want to have someone turn down the site oh well we wanted to do that too well manufacturing is is and research are very different they don't have to manufacture it to research it yeah I don't know if they might want to that's the room they want well right now it's banned right right now it's banned and if there were was something that they wanted to do they can ask for change the plan and then we could address it at that time I didn't want them to lose uh potential there's also when um change Mark you might know the answer to this I'm um but more important I spoke to their attorney they're trying to get out issue yeah they okay I just know there's a when when we opted out of the manufacturing distribution and sale of marijuana there was a certain amount of time distribution there certain amount of time that and I don't remember what that time frame is 5 years that the Barrow couldn't even have the conversation for well it was done in what year was that 200 it's it's probably two years into 5 years right so it could it wouldn't it couldn't be addressed anyway until 2020 till that five years is up so that was a law in the state if you we did B right exactly time if if would come up again and you didn't it then you would not be permitted to ban it for the next 5 years right you always to backtrack it okay and and again their attorney didn't Express a concern with it if it is a concern they can bring it to us and then we try to navigate it okay um one last thing um some people were asking it's actually um they had deceased relatives and I guess when let you coming up they want to know how you would remove them from the voter roles they can call the county just through the county not through us right correct we don't that provide any documentation you know call the clerk I would call the county clerk yeah uh thank you may that was all I I had to mention thank you okay thank you uh Education Health and Human Services councilwoman gardano pno is absent I do have a report from her um the health department the health fair is uh scheduled for September 28th it'll be held at St Teresa School from 9 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. uh for the library they are uh Heritage Month celebration which is happening tomorrow Thursday uh September 19th from 7: to 8:00 p.m. along with many other events at the library you can call 98276 2451 for the full list of the events they have there and also there'll be a fall winter lunch and learn at the senior center that is Tuesday September 24th from 11:30 to 12:45 there's also a lot of uh other activities at the senior center as well um You can call sh Shirley at 98276 1716 for more details on happenings at the senior center that's all I have for that uh burrow engineer thank you mayor um I just have some updates on some of the capital projects um the uh two 2023 roads which were U awarded to croia Contracting uh they includeed Maple Maplewood Oakwood and Monroe uh between Michigan and 22nd um Maplewood and Oakwood are done uh few items have got to be cleaned up uh Monroe are just getting started on if you remember Monroe is going to be like in uh phes right we can't do the whole thing in one year so try to do each a section until we get the whole the whole thing done um the 2024 roads were awarded to s brothers uh they're going to pick up from on Monroe from 22nd to 17th and their contract includes a portion if it two uh as you come off Bloomingdale there's a piece that where half the world was done by the water company the other half is kind of beat up so we're going to kind of finish that off um and get that get that cleaned up um the um contract was ordered to personel Paving for the fire department parking lot and the portion of the DPW Yard uh another contract was awarded to AA Burns for the uh next round of handicap ramps and those are being done under cdbg money so that's not any money put out by the burrow uh the drainage improvements at Willshire and brasser that kind of got the rail make some field changes uh we got that back on track we're trying to get them remobilized next week week uh we have that kind of tally scheduled for next week to get the contractor back out there get that restarted um the sidewalk replacement out here in front of the front of the municipal building is being advertised September 22 um September 26 uh and that'll be uh advertised for two weeks then we'll take bids and uh hopefully we get you know get a good bid that we can award and then lastly the uh the walking paths that go from tulip to Commonwealth and then Commonwealth dep Park to the boulevard all been uh completed they look nice really nice they did they did come out really nice um and you know the concrete will hold up last you know last way longer than the than the pav PS and also that little swell that R from Comm well to two was also uh cleaned up and and and stayed alive so that that work has been completed um that's all I have okay thank you Tony I just wanted to let everybody know uh something we discussed that I just talked with most of you about not all of you so I'll tell you all now uh Tony and I did a walk through uh behind the senior center the parking lot back there and there were some complaints last year through Darlene about seniors not being able to park there we were going through the parking lot we're losing about eight or nine spots to dumpsters and then painting over of lines and appearances of Reserve spots that may not that may be on burrow property so Tony's going to uh work with his firm to almost draw the lock give a sketch that's very sensitive to the business needs for the dumpster sensitive to the handicap parking needs we have for the senior center as well as opening up some of those eight spots that have been blocked down so I wanted to let everybody know that's happening we have been getting some complaints there I'm not sure if uh Shirley's been getting the same ones Darlene has but which spaces are blocked out we have some uh we have some dumpsters that are blocking act well I know there's the one dumpster for Ava and then there's or I think that's aa's dumpster and then one for yeah but they have a that's their driveway that's their rightaway so we know go back there you can see we actually have a section out piece for the driveway oh we do we do and then the dumpster taking an actual parot so we and look we're sensitive to it that they access points but I think that an engineer can design something that'll work right um so Tony's going to take a take a look at that and see what we can do yeah we see if we can utilize the space more efficiently maybe condens it is it is hard to park back there there's no question about about that no it's been like that as long as I can me too are stried out some of the business owners have stri to get to the back of their buildings uh but it is property so they really don't have actually right to do that to strike that out but I think it's just been kind of been there for years we're going to see if we can way to condense things and maybe instead of losing eight maybe we lose six or something like that got to pick up whatever we can so we'll see see how it works out okay great just have two things for you Tony um in front of PN see that sidewalk there is that Brer responsibility or is that the land owner uh the land owners are responsible for the the sidewalks um I think the only reason why the burrow was been replacing the the pavers is because that was a burrow project so those were put in years ago by Theo and Council decided I think it was five years ago that because those were that was a project was done by the B the B would fix those they were becoming a hazard but typically a responsible responsibility of the property owner to maintain and repair can you take a look in front of PNC I know there's a lot of missing papers there and uh somebody came to my attention with it that they were they tripped so I just don't want the borrow to be liable if somebody takes a a spill there and if it is PNC's responsibility we can send some type of uh notification to them to remediate it so nobody does get hurt those P I don't remember those are papers those are pavers yeah pink pavers but there's there's p intermittently missing that are nonexistent so there's divots if you're not watching where you're walking especially if you know a little older or you're not paying attention you're definitely going to take a spill yeah what we can do is when we pull the papers up in front of here we can save some and then something needs papers to fix make idea eventually is to replace all papers you know project by project but that could be a couple years down the road but we can certainly keep some papers um and the fix St and just one other thing I know your counterpart was here at the last meeting Baner the gas main jackhammered that whole area in front of the uh the food market there to replace gas lines so it's a disaster if they just fix it the whole board uh the whole I'm sorry that whole that whole area has been jackhammered and and it's black top again instead of concrete after we just remediated all that so yeah that's the defect on that if you can keep that on the radar just to stay on top of them to uh make sure that they fix that yeah we're battling with them on a few issues in town so that's thank you okay T I have one last thing um I brought up a couple probably over a month ago Red Maple Lane there's a water course behind there eroding there's actually trees residents are saying are tilted over you ever get a chance to go investigate that um you know we didn't get a complaint on that but I'll put that on the list yeah yeah I mentioned a couple times okay yeah I was I'll take a look at it um do we know is that um on what property is that on the red maple um you went down the street it would be on your left hand side um they said Department of Transportation fixed uh South Michigan and Trenton area they dredged it and I guess maybe they put it in cement but that's like they haven't done anything with that part but he was saying it was it eroded under the trees now the trees are leaning um so not in that open space here mean that's not yeah it's in between the back of the house it's not in front be behind the house okay just just you you know the the little that portion of the ditch TR comes off of uh Michigan we we we've through some research we found out that that there's an easement that the do has to maintain that but it's only that one portion not one that easement doesn't extend and it's interesting it goes all the way back to when the parkway was built supposed to be temporary I believe was never so do a responsibility that came out fix but beyond that there there's no's that we know um I don't know if there's anything at least uh take a look at it we can see you know um most of these ditches in stream are actually on private property I mean they don't really belong to the but I'll take yeah and then we could at least let inform the resident you know what what they can or can't do [Music] also the sidewalks by the the parkway that's off our plate that's the Parkways property I know we were uh under the parkway even it's um is that Vernon yeah Vernon Avenue I actually actually I um the last meeting I'm just sure I know there was some issue like is it is it ours or theirs I'm I'm claiming it's theirs and I've actually requested that they it's in really and I actually went and checked it out it's in really bad shap I sent those pictures to them a while back and I it would reest it that they replace it they were basically I'm claiming it's theirs I mean they haven't they Haven responded one way or another so they haven't told us it's not theirs or they're not claiming responsibility um but they haven't said they're going to do it so we're going to keep on top of that plan last week or two weeks ago Mark were uh we were going to get a letter from you maybe I think it was to the do to inform this liability we were compiling the information uh and the letter didn't go out yet because it was taking a lot of compiling information I think I got it all in yesterday so we'll get that letter out with the next day all great yeah I think that's probably our best yeah and we'll we'll follow up and we're going to you know just you know again that takes that's a process when you're dealing with the uh you know the U CH Authority um it took you know it took two years just to get do out there to fix that ditch um so so you know it's it takes time but we'll stay on it we're forget about it okay okay thank you thank you thank you thank you okay burrow CFO thank you mayor uh really not much going on right now thank God but uh tax bills are printed and they're being worked on so they should go out not by the end of this week by definitely next week so it'll be your fourth quarter final bill for their 2024 the first half 25 okay thank you bur attorney mayor I don't have anything particularly uh to report uh as I had indicated to the grp from the council we were compiling information uh so that we could get something specific out to the parkway uh we did finally compile what it was that we were able to uh so now I have the basis for a comprehensive letter which ITI going up with the next 24 hours Great other than that nothing okay thank you very much uh bur administrator uh nothing I'll just remind people that tonight is election night for the special congressional election um and I just want to thank everyone we hosted the early voting and we did so thank you Christen and the rec center uh Greg for your help in opening and closing and um yeah so that was successful and today's election I guess there was some confusion so I just want to point out the election location the vot the voting location has not changed with uh so it's in the same gym at rarly um the entrance you know with the construction we did get some calls and some confusion about where to enter it's the same today it's the same as it was at the um uh July yeah the primary um and it will be the same in November so I just W people to know um you just enter on the side near the baseball field the doors are open there's a big flag outside so um it hasn't changed I just want people to I just want to reiterate that so everyone's aware just go it's the same room you just enter from a different side okay is there who's responsible for signage uh that County one or County well the county provides they didn't have any signs even last time and people were even calling me I was like I did you know I a sign out there was a there was a sign at the left yeah um I did get a call this afternoon I did print out some a few extra small you know arrows and brought them over but I will say they had a nice bit when I you know it was a little confusing when the buses were there and the kids were getting out uh because I happened to get over there at that time once they left it is pretty clear they have a nice big flag right outside the open doors um if I think it's clear if anyone is not sure then they should definitely call but it is just keep looking it is the same room that it's always been in and you just enter on the side and there's three sets of doors on that side it's right across from the baseball F okay Angel question um actually I think right you told about it last year the lights outside bar Hall can we fix those they're they're on the they're on the list ordering something a while back we were trying to find Angela and I been working together on that trying to find a light that fits perfectly with like going with the same kind of style we have now and the same size without getting something too big or too small so it's a process like special order this like we have can we replace both of them then we yeah and then one but then we didn't want to get one that wasn't necessarily going to hold up and so and then it was an I saw at the 911 ceremon there in the back and they don't work too so it's a double double whammy we're on thees so we can have the green lights so Target the accolades to Greg uh thank thank you for uh changing the lock on my door wel okay is there a motion to accept an approved Barrow reports motion second motion made by councilman Zimmerman seconded by councilman fenestral all favor I I okay we have three ordinances for final adoption ordinance 2024-25 ordinance and amending and supplementing chapter 170 streets and sidewalks Article 4 openings section 170-20 repair deposits to include more specific restoration standards and requirements is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 202 24-13 motion second motion made by councilman Zimmerman seconded by councilman finella all in favor I I does anyone have anything to say on this ordinance and this or only please come forward and state your name and address okay seeing no one is there a motion to close the public uh the public hearing and adopt ordinance 2024-25 24-13 has been adopted ordinance 202 24-14 introduced on August 21st 2024 an ordinance of the burrow of kennworth amending chapter 120 land use part four storm waterer control article 34 storm water control standards of the code of the burrow of kennworth County of union state of New Jersey there a motion to open the floor for public hearing on ordinance second motion made by councilman vestral is seconded by councilman Zimmerman all in favor does anyone have anything to say on this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward state your name and address okay seeing no one is there a motion to close the public hearing and adopt ordinance 202 4-14 moot second motion made by councilman fenella seconded by councilman scarice roll call Bo yes councilman fin yes councilman Mor yes councilman yes councilman Zimmerman yes ordinance 20244 has been adopted okay on tonight's agenda is the final adoption of the Redevelopment plan for 2000 Galloping Hill Road the former MC property at this time the Burrow's Redevelopment Council and Redevelopment planner will be presenting the Redevelopment plan to the public the public will be given an opport opportunity to be heard at the public hearing for the ordinance which will be shortly after the presentation I'd like to uh um welcome Fran Nelson and Fran Fran rer to uh present the uh presentation mayor members of the council good evening uh FR Riner from DMR professional planner and partner with firm I'm here on behalf of you this evening the governing body uh to give you a brief presentation uh regarding the 2000 Galloping Hill gping Hill Road Redevelopment plan which is block 181 lot one I believe that Angela had provided you with hard copies and she had made copies is there any way we could put this up here so is that possible yeah it might take a couple of minutes but we can do that just so this way it's um on video and the public can see it and I can move out of the way oh oh no we'll figure it out excellent [Music] to turn yeah I just need to turn it on Do's a light on duplicate should be working try to turn that on making once again okay great okay all right so good evening uh again Fran rer with DMR uh this evening I'm here to present to you u a present PowerPoint presentation of the 2000 U Galloping Hill Road Redevelopment plan which is block 181 lot one uh you have the full report I am going to provide Angela with a copy of this presentation tomorrow morning so that it can be placed on the on the Burrows website so as uh was indicated uh this is this is the three-step process and we are uh in the second step of this process the first step in the process was an investigation study to uh designate the property uh the planning board provided recommendation to the mayor and councel to designate the property as an area in needed redevelop without condemnation that was done earlier this year uh the Second Step which is what we are here this evening for is in regard to the velopment plan uh the Redevelopment plan uh the mayor and Council refer the uh the Redevelopment plan to the planning board so on September four this mayor and Council uh had a first reading and sent it over and referred it over to the planning board I then presented this plan to the planning board on September 11th uh the planning board's responsibility as a part of the Redevelopment process is to determine whether or not the plan is consistent with the Burrow's master plan and then they provide a recommendation back to the mayor and Council so we presented the plan to them on September 11th they provided a letter indicating that they agreed that the Redevelopment plan was consistent with the uh the bur's master plan uh and then the third step in this is is the mayor and Council can adopt the Redevelopment plan at a second reading which is tonight uh which is a public hearing and allows the public to provide input and comments it's important to note that after this read about plan is approved it represents new Zoning for the property and that that zoning would supersede the underlying zoning of the property uh it's also important to note that that nothing uh is is imminent in terms of happening on the property uh the developer would then have to submit as a part of step three a site plan application that would be submitted to the planning board and actually the Redevelopment plan requires that that any site plan application go back to the mayor and Council first to determine that it is consistent with uh the Redevelopment Plan before it gets referred over to the planning board for site plan review which is typical of what happens at a planning board which is a site plan review to make sure that it meets the underlying zoning um the the Redevelopment plan does allow for C variances uh does not allow for D variances C variances are commonly referred to as bulk uh uh requirements so they can come in as a part of a site plan application and request bulk uh deviations but they cannot uh request what is commonly referred to as height and use uh variations uh if they were to come in with a use or a height it would actually the the Redevelopment plan would actually have to be amended by the mayor and counsel in order for that process to move forward so I I just walked through all of this on this on this slide so uh I'll I'll go to the to the next slide in terms of the uh permitted uses uh that are within the read vment plan the list of permitted uses include research and development Laboratories including Life Sciences light industrial uh offices both uh General Medical and business offices veterinarian facilities data centers warehouses Self Storage retail and service uses uh re um public and uh private school universities student housing public and private utility facilities hotels age restrict housing and assisted living uh no other residential other than the age restricted and assisted living in terms of the bulk area requirements this property is approximately 107 acres in size in order for uh an a site plan application to come before the planning board the minimum track uh size would have to be 10 acres uh that's important because it it means that there's a significant uh um uh proposal project uh so the 10 acre minimum would be would be required as a part of the uh of a site plan application this project uh this property can be developed in multiple phases and the minimum size of a phase would have to be 10 acres and the minimum lot area would have to be 10,000 squ foot so if a site plan application came in with a 10 acre minimum site and they and they broke it into multiple Lots each lot at minimum would have to be 10,000 ft that's what that means maximum build height is 100 ft although I will tell you that there are specific uh requirements to that 100 ft I'll walk through in the next uh in the next slide uh as well but the maximum Building height is 100 ft which uh by the way is is approximately what what the highest building is currently the maximum building coverage is 55% the maximum impervious coverage is 85% it's important to note that uh that the storm water management njd requirements would have to be met so although the maximum perious coverage is 85% all the storm water management requirements that the state has uh which have gotten more and more U constraint constrained will have to be met as a part of this R development plan maximum floor ER ratio for the project is 1.25 the Redevelopment plan says that any uh application has to meet that requirement so in other words the first project that uh potentially comes in would still have to meet the 1.25 FL area ratio minimum landscape open space is 15% the minimum front yard setback along Galloping Hill Road would be 40 ft minimum side yards would be 10 and minimum rear yard would be 15 in in regards to building Heights I had indicated that the maximum Building height is 100 ft however there are specific requirements to certain uses uh the maximum height for a warehouse use would be 60 ft the maximum height for a data processing center would be 40 ft if it was one story and it could be up to 100 ft if it was more than one story further uh we have place in the Redevelopment plan a 40ft minimum setback from gon Hill Road at 40t the maximum height of building can be is 60 ft in height at at a 50ft setback along Galloping Hill Road the maximum height of building could be is 60 to 80 ft and at 60 foot set back from Galloping Hill Road the maximum of the building height would be is 100 uh the area at the front of property which used to be a large U uh industrial building uh of somewhere in the ballpark of a million sare foot the Redevelopment plan requires a maximum building square foot area of of 800 580,000 ft which is significantly less than what was there prior in addition it requires an enhanced landscape buer along gin Hill Road including a landscape for trees and shrubs in the event that there's any uh parking areas uh along that uh Frontage and it is it does not allow for loading docks or service areas uh to be frontting Galloping Hill roads so buildings have to face uh and cannot have a rear of those of those properties U there is also uh a requirement for the U age restricted and for the assisted living that those residential uses have to be within 2,000 ft of Galloping Hill Road for everybody's understanding that really that line is just about where the uh the the largest uh building in the rear is that forward would allow for residential in those areas we have placed parking requirements uh for each one of the permitted uses which is listed here I will say that uh that there we have a list of a number of these uses have the exact same parking requirements that your current zoning has uh some of them are a little bit less then and I think when you have a sight of 107 Acres uh it is very common place to have some of those uses have less parking requirements this particular site is not located in an area where um where uh if there wasn't enough parking they would be uh overflowing onto residential streets so it's really at the at the uh advantage of the developer to make sure they have enough parking and with 107 Acre Site we we often see that some of the parking ratios for each individual use are slightly relaxed we believe that we're uh in the in the right uh we have the right requirements for each one of those users finally uh We've placed in substantial landscape design standards uh for uh surface parking screening we require evergreen shrubs to screen uh any surface parking uh with a minimum 3ft shrub we have perimeter trees along those parking areas required a 30 on Center we also have interior landscape planting uh requirements for surface parking over 40 spaces um and with one tree for every 12 spaces and that would be within the parking area itself as well as one tree for every 20 spaces in a row so you couldn't have more than 20 spaces before you had an island with a tree uh located we have requirements for screening in terms of for dumpsters recycling containers solid waste all uh with the notion of trying to um make sure that the site is Vis visibly uh appropriate from any public streets uh we have service entrances utility structures have to be screened loading docks uh and loading spaces have to be screened as well as utility HB equipment and any outdoor storage so uh we have a street tree requirement of one uh one tree for every 50t along heill caling Hill Road and again as I mentioned uh the pro project can be completed in phases over time the goal of the Redevelopment plan is to allow for the repurposing of an old uh predominantly vacant uh facility into a uh mixed use facility that uh has flexibility uh to deal with Market conditions over time so that's why the uses are permitted that we have listed um at the same time we put in a lot of insurances to make sure that the site is developed uh in an appropriate manner for bur and then our last thing I'll say is as I mentioned we presented the plan to the planning board and found it consistent with the uh the buroughs master plan for the following reasons the Redevelopment plan encourages and facilitates the transformation of an obsolete corporate office campus into a mixed use development that helps the Redevelopment are play a vital role in the commercial growth and activity of Kenworth and then um it also allows for mixed use Redevelopment as permitted in the Redevelopment plan which provide zoning that could transform the dated obsolete office corporate office complex into a vibrant mixed use commercial industrial and Retail development and with that I'd be happy to answer any question thank you very much I have questions you want me to turn this off you questions I think we can turn that take it off so the questions right now would be from the governing body um and then if the member of the public it's okay wants to speak they can come up at the public portion of the meeting it's blinding thank you Hey listen I'm pretty impressed that you could reach that a question there was possibly cutting a road into property access is that still a thought G Hill Road yes um I not aware if there if that is or isn't um there's nothing within the Redevelopment plan that prevents that necessarily if they wanted to add a second access point but nobody has has provided that type of information is a part of our process now we had a tour there and and the gentleman was thinking up some plans might to make it more incorporated as part of the borrow but now it's like a Forbidden City like nobody I don't think that's the plan that's their plan to keep it that way yeah it's going to be part of the community Comm people can go in there there's going to be no Fortress or security gate or anything like that or at least that's not in their plan that I'm aware of when the site plans start going to the board we'll start seeing what that will look like but yeah I did when we did our work through they want a restaurant there for the public they want a hotel so you're going to make it more comforting I think that eight building that looked like an eight they wanted to take that down they got plans uh last time we met I mentioned uh is there a way they're going to remedy the situation where currently the town wouldn't be able to handle rescue fire and rescue um I'll speak to that so um Redevelopment plan would not have that as a requirement as part of a Redevelopment plan uh in order to be able to move forward uh the Redevelopment plan requires that a redeveloper be designated and then a Redevelopment agreement be put in place as a part of a Redevelopment agre agreement it would be uh that's when the burrow could negotiate for uh that specific issue which is how to deal with fire rescue uh whether or not uh there's an existing building that used to be fire there so all of those types of specifics regarding whether or not the Bro has the equipment and and whether or not they'll will be part of a Redevelopment agreement with uh with the designated development and I have Brian Nelson here if I if I miss speak I'm sure he stand let me know so we'll have an opportunity to negotiate that pilot or whatever that was an excellent presentation thank you for doing that just nice having it uh a PowerPoint like this so that people at home can see that also just so everyone knows um we do plan to put this Redevelopment uh plan on our bar website and this this YouTube V YouTube video will also be available and will be available on our bar website so the public can see what's going on they can see the plan um at any time thank you uh ordinance 20255 introduced on September 4th 2024 ordinance adopting the 2000 Galloping Hill Road Redevelopment plan consisting of block 181 lot okay is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 202 24-15 motion second motion made by councilman scarice seconded by councilman marrow all in favor does anyone have anything to say on this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward and state your name and address okay seeing no one is there a motion to close the public hearing and adopt ordinance second motion made by councilman Zimmerman seconded by councilman fella roll call councilman Bo yes councilman finella yes councilman Morrow yes councilman yes councilman Zimmer yes ordinance 20245 has been adopted okay next for Council consideration is the Cent agenda is there a motion to approve motion second motion made by councilman Zimmerman second by Council minice consent agenda consists of resolutions 20241 198 through 2024 209 these resolutions will be approved by one motion all items will be recorded individually in full in the minutes councilman Bo yes councilman finella yes councilman moral yes councilman scarice yes councilman Zimmerman yes uh we have four ordinances oh sorry one was sorry three ordinances for introduction tonight ordinance 20247 ordinance adopting amendments to chapter 142 pce and good order to include article four C is there a motion to approve ordinance 20247 for introduction motion second motion made by Council Miss scur seconded by councilman Morrow roll call councilman Boy Yes councilman fin yes councilman Moore yes councilman scarice yes councilman Zimmerman yes we have hereby resolve ordinance 20247 here to for introduced does now pass on first reading and that said ordinance be further considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on October 16th 20124 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the burrow Council and that at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and that the burrow clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish said ordinance according to law ordinance 20248 ordinance adopting amendments to chapter 150 Property Maintenance of the municipal code of the burrow of kenward to establish article 6 privately owned salt storage of chapter 150 of the municipal code of the bur of kenor is there a motion to approve ordinance 2024 for introduction motion second motion made by councilman Zimmerman seconded by councilman Bo on that one right roll call councilman Bo yes councilman finella yes councilman moral yes councilman scarice yes councilman Zimmerman yes we had hereby resolve that ordinance 20248 here to for introduced now pass on first reading and that said ordinance be further considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on October 16th 2024 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the burrow Council and that at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and that the burough clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law ordinance 2024 -9 ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 37 Personnel policies part two policies and procedures of the code of the bur of C is there a motion to approve ordinance 20249 for introduction motion second motion made by councilman Zimmerman seconded by councilman fistral roll call councilman Bo councilman finr yes councilman Mor yes councilman scarice yes councilman Zimmerman yes he had hereby resolved that ordinance 20249 here to cour introduced is now passed on first reading and that said ordinance be further considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on October 16 2024 at 6:00 p.m or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the burrow Council and that at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and that the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law okay is there a motion to open the floor to the public motion second motion made by councilman Zimmerman seconded by councilman Morrow all in favor does any anyone have anything to say for the good and wellbeing of kennworth please come forward and state your name and address I see Steve yes you can St dun 32 of Court a couple things I I want to First say thank you to the mayor and prief for putting the easy grab air Post in the crosswalks around town I think it's a big Improvement for safety although seem a challenge so far to keep you from moov but I think it's a big Improvement so thank you for that also want to say thank you for the new cast that we put in on to coure to Comm in the boulevard um it's already kind of been a big to Neighborhood a whole bunch of kids are coming by scootering it's really nice to see and Just sh for a personal story my grandmother lived on T court for 7 years and um over seven years and the last couple years of her life we used to walk her around the wheelchair and we couldn't go down those PA so it means a lot to personally that they finally that's great and uh speaking of that you know we talked about pedestrian scho safety those are the people that affects the most kids and the elderly to share another story you might know the hangers who are here in town the grandfather Ron passed away this past year and I used talked to him at baseball games and he used to tell me he Park and he crossed the boulevard to go to dunp donuts and he was taking his life In His Hands every time he did I think if you've traveled on a Boulevard you know it's pretty dangerous um I've almost been hit several times there's lots of crashes and I think we have a real opportunity to improve the boulevard enhanced quality life here in ker and the way we can do that is something called a road diet I can give you a whole presentation on it but I'll keep it really short um and I talked to a lot of people about this so so I'm trying to keep all my notes quick and short um so the Federal Highway Administration in 2022 says the data is the average daily traffic is about 9,870 vehicles that pass by and it's projected by 2042 to go up to 11,966 uh there's a lot of information out about Road dive so what they do I'm sorry I'm sking ahead Road dive what it would do is take four lanes of traffic two going one way and two going the other way and reduce it to three so you would have one in One Direction and one in the other and the turn l in the middle and um rather I guess go through all the benefits verb I can just send it so you can see it and if you think about the boulevard already if you go from Michigan a 21st Street it's already one lean and then when you get down past lab it's already one lean and what happens is it kind of encourages um bad driving habits speeding uh rear run crashes so just a couple quick Statics for you uh four lane to three lane road diet has a 19 to 47% reduction in total crashes um and the Federal Highway Administration says that if you have less than 10,000 average daily Vehicles travel per day it's really a great candidate for Road diets in most instances and capacity most likely not be affected if you have 10 to 15,000 average day traffic per day and that's the range that might be in in in 20 years still under it's still a good candidate for Road diets in many instances could cond could conduct intersection analysis and consider signal R time in conjunction with impation and there was a couple more things I just wanted to share I know these come up how will affect businesses Road die can improve economic vitility by changing the corridor from a place people drive through to one that they drive to and I think that's really the big thing for C we kind of change this down town District by making it a more desirable place it's already a pretty desirable place but if you ever sit on Boulevard with car it's not that Pleasant and this would calm traffic maintain the flow while ring Vehicles e Us increasing safety um and so just finish this replaceing vehicle train so won't reduce parking with these improved facilities Motors nor can park walk around shop enjoy the setting for example how Road diets have positively affected surrounding businesses check out the fire again I can kind of send all stuff to see how great it is and just experience with this there's a there was a Road dive done on state 439 Elizabeth which reduced 2 each way to one each with the turn SLE with turn lean what road is that uh State 439 North and it goes like and that's where they did it there's a couple more examples around the state and a lot of studies kind of done but this my personal experience from the driver of one of the biggest emergency vehicles in the State uh it's much easier through there um want to change and so it's actually a lot of studies that show enhances emergency response um yeah so I mean for me I just wanted to kind of introduce this officially I know I talked to a bunch of people about it and U if you don't know I'm the alternate representative in County transportation advisor board for Kor so I talk to the County engineer I talked to the uh County planner I talked to our engineer our planner I mentioned to the mayor and talked to the chief about it so I think it's discussion and I guess why important now the boulevard is being torn up and we have confirmation from the county that is supposed to be repaved from curve to curve so you know if this is something the community wants to do which I do and I I think there a lot of good arguments to do it um Now's the Time it can be on very cheap pretty much going to be paid for by utility because they have um and I think the biggest thing is really going to enhance the overall quality life town I if you walk your kids along the boulevard you know time and this is the way to yes I sound a lot better in my head was planning but but again if there I can do BU more detailed presentation on it if you would like I will definitely I think email all this information I found I think the data that is available publicly like I said the counts and vehicles it supports it and you think about why the boulevard is the way it is we get into this house has name basically he came to Germany and like the wide right away to support people in the roads and over the years we kind of built more lanes because uh because it was that black it doesn't really there's no doubt of support that The Bard needs to to tra in each Direction and yeah so I just want to introduce that to the council you know this would have to come from the governing body something they want to do so the governing body would request the county to do road diet is that what what how it works I think that's what an involved process yeah well so the process I've seen so far and I think you were part of there's the county and and burrow it seems to be a deflection of who takes the Le sometimes um so the county says it has to come from the town to that they want it I mean so that's the discussion that need that we had and we probably have you know a year or two to to decide I done but but it's not going to you know they're going to have to rep it so at this point again I've done a lot of research on have can you send that research that you have out to the governing body to myself please so we can see what you're seeing and look at uh the statistics and things like that so we can have conversation about um it's something we wanted address with the county and obviously our traffic department our chief of police would be involved in all those conversations as well so that would be great actually you know what if you could send it to the clerk that would be easier right thank you she'll distribute it thank you it's very interesting not just I'd like to read it I really am interested in reading it thank you thank you very much I can't tell you how much I appreciate the the sidewalk and when you're that's great good stuff thank you just want to uh real quick uh Leo do you does he need to come up I know we had a a language barrier last time I asked detective Philip to come up on behalf of this gentleman yes so thetive here okay good he wants to come up and speak yeah I know last time he kind of missed everything because of the language barrier so I didn't want him to be overlooked I'm speaking on behalf of Mr Gan D Villa he wrote a letter here to the burn Council um and I'm going to read it to you guys in English um long story short he's from vene and he's looking to gain he's looking to gain some sort of employment in the burrow only a couple hours Monday Wednesday Friday if it's possible uh he's trying to obtain his chaplain license um and he's looking for some sort of employment within the burrow so I'm going to read the letter that we have here written by uh Mr Billa de Mrs Angela Zar I'm writing to you to present myself G Anda Jose 80y Venezuela I have the honor to inform you that I left Venezuela in October 2021 with my passport Visa granted for 10 years my virtue of a very critical situation from my country I moved to New Jersey United States North America I came to visit my daughter Anna Maria Gan D Martinez my daughter Anna Maria has been living here in the US for 20 years and is a religious woman she is a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church I have been resigning with my daughter for 2 years my my daughter's husband qua passed away two years ago with two minor children my daughter is now required to work to support her children and I her father by virtue it is my wish Mrs Angel lazari to inform you that g Andia have a diploma and credentials as a chap therefore my desire is to render you my services and to make myself useful for example police work fireman work or as a crossing guard for school pedestrian service that would include children adults and seniors within this area Kor New Jersey near my residents I sincerely hope and wait your help and support so that you can sponsor me so that I may help my daughter financially may God bless you and keep you today tomorrow and always amen sincerely um he does not have any um citizenship in the country all he has is a pass it's all he has he's looking for sort of employment within the B thank you thank you so he doesn't have a green card I'm sorry he doesn't have a green card he is he legally permitted to work what no okay okay thank you thank you very much thank you very thank you of course of course anyone else good evening mayor council my name is John Z I live at 26 nor 7th Street hi John and my question is um the September 11th planning board meeting now there was a discussion on uh rerouting uh traffic through the Dunkin Donuts uh drivethru and a question came up last time by other citizens of Kenworth as to what plan was going to be I was hoping there would be somebody here tonight from the planning board who could tell us what the situation is is there any anything are you able so that that did pass the ENT uh specifically for the drive-thru um and uh Mr scary if I'm getting this wrong let me know we're going in from the boulevard it's going to loop around into two lanes and then come back out to the boulevard so IM it's going to have to keep the traffic sort of actually I don't know how you get in this way and then you turn around and then you're going to come back out maybe you drive around the building you'll only go towards the parkway when you come out of it um that's the drivethru um it's going to shrink the building though so you can fit the two lanes around it and then there'll be no seating inside okay oh it's going to shrink that I think there's Q for 16 cars on the property am my is it 12 cars 12 cars in q over okay okay so what about the building on the boulevard to the left of Duncan Donuts is that going to be made smaller to to make it so that cars can that building I believe is going to be removed right there's going to be seven one-bedroom units built there with parking underneath oh it's sixing okay seven units total six one bedroom and one affordable unit okay so the Asian restaurant will be gone and all those buildings right up to where doesn't that furniture store is different property right yeah it's that strip mall the little strip mall anyone know when the next planning board when I'm sorry you would know third Thursday of every month that was a special one move to day right so it's it's so that's been approved and passed by U Council well the Council of the planning board can't that's not responsibility so if you want you can if you have questions regarding the application obviously Mr uh councilman Morrow is here and can help answer them but you can also attend the planning board meeting as well and get more details thank you you're welcome kale Snider 27 South Michigan um speaking of the planning board approving the apartment building it's not the proper thing but everybody should know about it um being that there was a variance done to change it from commercial to a residential building completely not having stores underneath or anything like that is that something that is going to apply to say the next building or the next people that want to develop on next door to that or down the bevard well each application is is individual they have to change the variants then right because they did change it for this one what are you going to tell the next guy oh well you can't do that you know so next we're going to have just a block of apartment buildings you know uh I don't NE know that that's true um however again also your these conversations should be going to the planning board I think it's legate concern our planning board is structured it's actually combination of a planning board and a board of adjustment and that gives it the I guess ability to Grant these variances for use and then start talking about the site plan about what goes up so that's our borrow it wasn't always like that I don't know how long ago there was the combination of so com that's the current structure um there is a way to separate the powers if you will of use variances and the planning for so it doesn't have to be that way I guess may it is somewhat the council's issue as well yeah I mean it's a conversation that you know shouldn't the town know about it I mean as far as uh all the council and the public besides just having to look at a planning board meeting video after after it's taken or it was advertised it was advertised um yeah like this much well yeah I'm just looking at the next meeting actually just try to get the you should go to the next planning board meeting I I do go to them and it doesn't seem to make any difference you can bring it up as much as you want the people that did get notice about this development were the 200 ft from the building which is only Kingston I live on South Michigan which is Cy corner from there and I didn't know anything about it until I ran into somebody and they mentioned it and also that that it was two buildings two complete separate buildings although they different Lots but you had donuts and youve had a commercial building being built you know they should have been separated you know one sh was dependent upon the other one which are completely different and my other question was about it um is there a pilot tax situation on that no there isn't on that one because there's only one it's only seven units it's only seven units it's not a big apartment building it's it's not a Redevelopment project it's a private and towering over honestly right now someone could build a three-story office building there and there's nothing the planning board can do about it because it's written in our plan in our code that they're allowed so that could happen just so you know the the the height could anyone could build that there I mean they came because there was a change of use but that would would have been allowed which would have also created a visual height traffic those people would need to park somewhere um all those issues which still exist so that's going to have an office building is a lot different than a residential building you know as far as use use goes and everything I don't know I think more people might be in a a a three story office building than three stories three it's allowed there and on that in that area but again I I I just thought that it would be noteworthy that this board can't direct those boards what to do that that that joint board is automous and they cannot control or influence their decisions uh I'm under the Imp that you're unhappy with that you're trying to speak to this board about what they did but they can't influence that decision I just want you to be aware of that yes I understand that I I just too I I'm mentioning it more so that the public you know if they do watch the videos of this council meeting that they are aware of what's what did happen that they didn't have to go to the planning board meeting or because they didn't know anything about it to begin with can I you know I just so far as notice to the public is concerned that's regulated by Statute and a governing body like this some towns have tried to do it was ruled illegal you can't require enhanced notice to the public so the way that the ml is written is that a mailed notice goes out to people within 200 ft which is what you hadly noted uh but then also has to be published in the newsp so if people are concerned about land use applications they should keep their eye out in the newspaper because publication for what's going to take place at this board has to be published in the newspaper at least 10 days in advance they have to know ahead of time keep your eye out something I just that those meetings are all posted on the website on the calendar portion so you can see where they are we put them in once the year's scout calendar schedule comes out they are all on there the next one is October 10th um and as Mark said we do also post the agendas get posted on the website now on by the time it gets there that's requirement is 48 hours ahead it is also but you can always call and if they have an agenda ahead of time you can ask what's coming up if they know if it's prepared ahead they'll share it with you you can also sign up to get the agenda correct yeah I get a text message as when they come and those meetings that are recorded are also um the link to all the recorded meetings is on the website and that includes the governing body as well as the planning board right that's to the YouTube so we do try to put stuff on there as Mark said it's you know the requirement is the requirement and we follow that it may not be as early as you want but yeah it's just the the public doesn't know a lot of the information you know what's going on in your own town and I I feel that you know it's kind of unfair that all these changes are happening to our community and you know you you find out after the fact that's all been s a good idea to come to the meetings I wish more people from the public would come and go on and look at the agendas and go on the website because we put that information there for you um so check and get involved and that's great you know all right thank you thank you actually you made a good point and um if you sign up for notifications when the agenda gets posted you'll get an email notice or text notice saying an agenda's been posted yep and you can just get it from your phone or we want the public to access this information and that's Angela works really hard to uh get it all in there for everyone are we allowed to repost that say on social media just saying that why not right oh yeah it's public notice it's public anyone else good evening mayor and good evening Council people good evening been a while since been up here still a little nervous every time I come up don't be nervous I know it's just one little thing I've been U you know want to find out about it's uh we have a I don't know I guess it's like a couple tennis courts on the school property which I imagine is school property um adjacent to the ball field it's always locked up is there any possibility of the residents being able to utilize it you have to go to the board of education to out the W oh the W the W has the key for after hours oh for after hours there you go I learned I just learned something yeah so you can reach out anyone that wants to use the tennis courts after hours can reach out to the recreation department and they have a key okay well problem's up there we go whatever maybe we'll play tennis together you just speak your name for the oh I apologize Robert po North 17 Street yeah I think Mr Po I think the reason that it's locked is I know people were uh skateboarding and and it was ruining the surface so that's why they kind of keep it like wrapped up like that just for specific uh I no there's a lot of other locations including County parks that they do have U you know tennis Sports uh available you know I've gone down to reville park in Edison and you know I'm not you know tennis pro or anything but just to get a little exercise and I think it' be good you know for you know the residents that may want to get together and especially even nowadays they do a pick a bow you know is a big thing amongst older people so I just figured it was available you take really son years old running around more than he was maybe you'll play again now all right thank you thank you thanks a lot for your anyone else seeing no one is there a mo uh motion to close the floor for public discussion motion second motion made by councilman Zimmerman second J by councilman Bo all in favor I okay is anyone else have anything to say for the good and Welfare of the Barrow uh I have a couple things may um so on tonight's res excuse me consent agenda we did pass a resolution to permanently put two fine officers on our Police Department one of them is actually in the back so I just wanted to shout them out there uh Phil young I hear wonderful things about the job you're doing the chief tells us all your colleagues tell us so thank you for everything you're doing and the rest of the department as well um i' also last time president Trump had an assassin attempt on his life I said something and unfortunately about a month and a half later I'm here again with the same message uh this political violence needs to stop God bless Donald Trump and I hope to never have to say something like this again post an assassination attemp on a former president and campaign her right now so thank you thank you anyone else very yeah thank you actually um I would just like to ask that we have a brief uh closed session m yeah I'm getting to that on that okay um at this time there is need to go into executive s session to discuss the following matters pursuant to njsa 10 col 4-12 and the uh executive session is for I'm going to have the B client privileg contract negotiations okay do I have a motion to go into executive session motion second motion made by councilman Morrow seconded by councilman Fest all in favor um I just want to make a note that no formal action will be taken after we exit executive session good night everybody night [Music] [Music]