##VIDEO ID:_FDa4i4wOVI## [Music] I'm making this notice in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 laws of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting a copy on the bulletin board at Burl Hall forwarding a copy to the local Source store Ledger in the home news Tribune and is posted on the burough website at least 48 hours prior to the meeting this meeting was contained on a list of meetings set by resolution on January 3rd 2024 and as amended by resolution 2024-25 accordingly the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied in regard to this meeting please stand for the salute to the flag I pleas to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands Nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call Mayor carich here Council Boyle here councilman finella here councilwoman J here councilman moral here councilman scarice here councilman Zimmerman is there a motion to accept and approve the following minutes of council meeting of August 21st 2024 motion second motion made by councilman Morrow seconded by councilwoman gardano pno roll call councilman Bo yes councilman F yes councilwoman jto yes councilman moral yes councilman SC yes okay I have a proclamation uh to read this evening for the Ark of Union County I don't know if there's anyone here from the ark a great welcome whereas the Ark of Union County was founded in 1949 by Visionary parents of children with disabilities who sought to create a dedicated place that would serve an advocate for their children and for 75 years the Ark of Union County has profoundly impacted our community by providing invaluable support and services to families ensuring that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities can lead fulfilling lives whereas the Ark of Union County is a distinguished nonprofit 501c3 organization headquartered in Springfield New Jersey dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities serving more than a thousand adults and children throughout Union in the surrounding counties whereas the mission of the AR of Union County is to empower and support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families by engaging them along with public and private entities to ensure all those associated with the organization can realize a full productive and enhance life and whereas the vision of the Arc of Union County is to foster a socially just accessible and inclusive environment where the human rights with and diversity of all individuals with disabilities are recognized respected and celebrated for their achievements whereas the Arc of Union County operates under a set of core values that include accountability competence affection courtesy flexibility service transparency and professionalism epitomizing the highest standard of integrity and compassion in the services to the community now therefore be it resolved that the mayor and Council of The Bu of kenor County of union state of New Jersey to hereby recognize the remarkable Legacy and ongoing dedication of the Ark of Union County and ask that the residents of korth join in in celebrating 75 years un of unwavering service advocacy and impact on our community we commend the Ark of Union County for its efforts to empower individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families embodying the principles of compassion inclusion inclusion and respect for all and witness hereof I mayor Linda Carlovich have here unto sign my name officially and cause a seal of the bar of K to be affixed the second day of October congratulations on your 75th year anniversary [Applause] [Applause] congratulations thank you so thank you all okay at this time uh the council uh has need uh to go into executive session um uh to discuss the following matters pursuant to njsa 10 4-12 B attorney client privilege uh contract negotiations did you want to add to that that attorney client Communication in addition to that Jud okay great thank you do I have a motion to go into executive session second motion made by councilman Morrow seconded by councilman pH EST all in favor Finance report councilman finesta thank you mayor um really not much to discuss by now including myself I'm sure everyone received the tax bill with the uh explanation of the breakdown of the increase I must say that uh the burrow share of um the increase um if you minus out the tax appeal from Merc was only an increase of $190 so i' have to say that uh the budget with the finance committee uh headed by our chief CFO Ken and Angela helped out and also uh Bill and saino did an excellent job on on that budget there um uh also we also went through the PBA contract and uh that should be uh settled soon um and that's about it that's all I have to say thank you councilman Department of Public Works councilman Bo thank you uh the second sanitation truck has arrived and will be in service soon truck 29 uh truck 28 has been in service for a few weeks now the gpw fleet has been fully outfitted with GPS tracking and the sanitation Vehicles will soon have cameras installed DPW has been planting trees on burrow property and the parks which were purchased through a green a greening Grant you may have noticed that bulk pickup is currently going on nor side was this week and the southide is next week that's all I thank you councilman I noticed some uh someone put a whole deck they took a deck I guess replaced their deck and the entire old Jack is currently in the street on 20th Street like assembled unassembled unassembled it's taken apart but the entire and we don't pick up construction material so just so everyone knows no construction material um for the uh bul pickup okay thank you uh Department of Public Safety does anyone have a report for councilman Zimmerman yes you want do you have something on yes so thank you Mar um uh for the month of September korth Police Department responded to 1132 calls for service and there were 1999 911 calls there were a total of 230 hours of overtime for the month primarily for scheduled Patrol OT and dispatch OT 164 Patrol 42 hours dispatch KB KPD completed 140 hours of training for the month which includes a rise Firearms user various classes con orthopedia also issued 210 traffic summonses there were 11 six six days used two occurrences um two occurrence hours there were zero oji days on job injuries the month of September kind of police department received 395 flock hits these cameras are in various locations at a barrow these hits are based on license plates having various violations for the registered owner the system continues to assist officers to help deter actors from committing motor vehicle blur burgies car thefts and attempts KPD units responded to 20 high priority flock alerts units were able to intercept the suspects before they were able to victimize korth Residents KPD had nine total arrests for the month of September KPD also provided security for the police fireworks display on September 3rd and happy to report no major issues reported during the event the burrow held its annual 911 remembered ceremony on 911 thank you all for attending uh message from the chief uh number one the schools are back in session School drop off Lanes locations are to be used for drop off only we're asking everyone to please Do not sit in your vehicle longer than needed and please do not leave your vehicle parked unattended in these zones officers will be out at these locations ensuring your children are raling the school safely please give yourself extra time in the mornings as there are always delays with school drop offs in the beginning of the school year once again cic converters thefts are contining to be a huge problem across the state it takes less than a minute or two to steal one from a v if you see something that doesn't look right call K Police Department as soon as possible DPW and police department are working together to paint the yellow curve blinds in town parking in one of our major parking is one of our major complaints please be curious to your neighbors and Park C correctly officers are out enforcing illegal parking throughout the bar we continue remind our residents to lock their vehicles do not leave any key fobs or any values visible in your car vehicle that may attempt theft we encourage our residents to call KPD ASAP with any criminal or suspicious Behavior no matter how minor it may seem that's all I have to say U anything from the chief no thank you very much thank you councilman Planning and Zoning councilman Mo thank you mayor uh I'll be brief tonight and I'll start with the planning board where there's an up meeting in this room next Thursday the 10th the agenda should be out in the coming days um as of now for the planning board we've got about nine projects on the radar six of them are currently going back and forth with our town professionals one of them is about ready for the planning board and two items that were previously approved by the board at the September 11th meeting are coming back to be memorialized uh so it might be a light meeting the next one we'll see uh for zoning and code enforcement September was a quiet month and I think we like quiet months in zoning and code enforcement uh regarding zoning we logged in about 12 applications this is the good stuff uh for home addition small exterior Remodeling and some businesses with signs that they want to have uh put up with respect to zoning complaints we've logged six complaints and issued five notice of violations as a result uh the notice of violations were issued for work that was being done with no permit uh as well as an illegal apartment in town all of them have been addressed in regard to the code enforcement area we received one complaint for September related to a property maintenance issue also addressed that's all for the report tonight mayor thank you councilman uh Recreation and fire councilman scarice thank you mayor start Recreation uh The Homework Club registration is still available via the community path site for anyone that would be interested uh they would also be craft held on Sunday October 13th you can register via community path Halloween spook tacular will be held on Saturday October 26th from 6 to 8:00 p.m. 6 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Halloween house decorating contest will be judged on Sunday October 27 Bo on Boulevard will be held on Halloween from 12:30 p.m. to 400 p.m. moving on to fire department uh the fire department responded during the month of September to the following 30 calls one GRE uh brush mulch fire one car fire one elevator alarm nine fire alarm three first responder three medical assist lift assist seven motor vehicle accidents one mutual Aid response to uh oo Park one Power telephone cable line one smoke condition one training one water flow alarm during these incidents uh fire department travel 113 miles and utilize 120 man hours Rescue Squad members uh not re received at the time this report additional hours utilized during the month of September administrative 262 moral service 18 cphon 1302 total calls for the month 37 total mil travel 113 total hours uh 1702 and it's lot the important thank you councilman Education Health and Human Services councilwoman jardo pno thank you mayor our next uh Library meeting will be um October 10th but one of the things that I was enlightened about at our last meeting was there is a system called Stella it's an acronym and I didn't realize that there is a Consortium of libraries that are part of this group and you could go on to this app either on your computer or on your phone and if you see books or um discs whatever in another Library within this group they will either bring it to your library which is ours in kenor or you can go to any Library within that group and use your korth card and have access to all of their services so I was really um excited to learn that evidently it's been it's been a while since I used my library card um and I thought that was a great resource because many times you might be visiting a relative or want to share something with someone in another town and you could easily access all of the resources in all of these uh different libraries um the other thing we also have at the library aside from the traditional programs that are offered for the adults with the yarnies and the children with various day and evening programs there are programs for learning English uh on Tuesdays and they're going to try to implement it on Saturdays as well we're expecting parents um and right now I believe it's only once a month um and different uh artists that come either for musical concerts or displaying their artwork as far as paintings and such so there's a lot more going on in the library um I was pleasantly surprised as I delved into more and more and I'm hoping everyone in town um utilizes all the resources the uh School Board uh the mayor and I met with our new superintendent Mr Davies and and he was a very um he was a breath of fresh air very transparent asking what we thought the residents and the students would like to see from both brle and Harding what's going on with the construction projects his idea to bring positivity and um more growth as far as academics with our children and um he's very very open to any ideas and is encouraging anybody to come to the school board meetings and the next one will be October 16th and we also touched on when Harding is done he's thinking of planning like an open house and I thought that would be great for people that went there and know what it used to look like and to see all of the uh modifications and Renovations that have been done so when that happens I'll make sure that's um it's open to everybody and I share the date and the times and all of that uh the next health department meeting is the 17th I know we just had our um flu and and um I think that was last week the 28th I was not here so I apologize and we have a free rabies clinic coming up um I don't have the date on me right now but I would get that and share that so we can post it looking at October 19 I thought it was 19 um and that's all I have thank you councilwoman okay barl engineer okay thank you mayor uh just following up on some uh some of the updates from last meeting um the uh road work on Monroe as you know was split into two sections uh kroa will be uh looking to Mill and pave this Friday between Michigan and uh 22nd uh I wouldn't count on it probably more realistically next week uh s brothers was handling the section between 202nd and 17th and a portion of for two and they're looking to Mill and pave in about two weeks uh SNL Paving is handling the uh the work at the DPW building uh that's moving along pretty good uh once they finish there then they're going to move over to the fire department parking lot uh the the drainage project at Willshire uh we're still trying to get that scheduled um hopefully next week that's just you know it's ready to go it just needs we just need need to get a start date uh bids for the sidewalks out in front of the municipal building are due next Thursday uh and um we are getting a pretty good response uh people are taking out the bidding documents so we we'll see how that goes and then lastly last meeting um there's a question about the uh stream that runs between between the properties uh between Cranford Avenue and red maple um you know that's a stream that starts at the Parkway goes across Trenton um it goes across Michigan runs along Trenton uh actually that section of ditch that's owned by the dot we finally got them out there to do the work to clean it out and they're actually doing that right now they're going back and re cleaning it so you know it takes a while with them you know they move in slow motion so you know it takes a year but they finally they did come out and that work's going on now uh but particularly that that stretch that runs from fud along uh the back of the properties and then ends up in Cranford that's actually a a mapped stream on the FEMA Maps it's known as Branch 1024 of the rway river um besides being on the FEMA map being a FEMA flood zone it's also a regulated stream as we've talked about in the past you know D has the jurisdiction there they limit what we can do uh we can't just go out there and just dredge and and widen and and do that work we can do cleaning we can go out and take sill debris branches things like that I did look at it it's pretty clear there is some work that can be done we can add that you know onto the maintenance list um but there is something that the residents themselves can do um which doesn't require DP approval doesn't require Township approval there's a lot of fences and a lot of sheds right along the bank of the stream those certainly are not helping the situation those are definitely blocking flow uh when there's a large storm now I know they're all grandfathered I mean theyve probably been there for a long time so we can't go out there and tell to remove the sheds yeah sheds and fences that are right up to the bank of the Stream So when there's a a large large storm under your storm that that water is topping the banks and now it's being blocked the flow is being blocked by sheds fences and all other things um and pretty much every property has either a shed or a fence um they could they could be removed I mean they have to be removed voluntarily we can't force them to remove it but if there's a concern and the residents do have a concern about that flooding that's something they could do that would certainly help that flooding situation doesn't wouldn't require D approval wouldn't even require a Township approval you don't you don't need a permit to take a fence down you can do that you know without without any approval and certainly the P um doesn't regulate taking fences down only putting them up so I'm just throwing it out there I mean that's something we could look at talk to the residents if if they're willing to do that it would certainly would help the situation but really other than that there's not much we can do again these are regulated DP very restrictive uh on things that could be done other than short of just going in and doing some cleaning like we did on the stream along braser there's really really not much we can do um it's a flood zone I mean it floods it's flood um but yeah some things that can be done would certainly help the situation and uh again something we we could look into and we'd have to talk to the residents and see if um if they're willing to do that but you know if they are complaining they're looking for something to do that's something they can do themselves that would need any any approval no did we have any uh I know Mark might uh know the answer to this any movement on that sidewalk on Vernon that's allegedly owned by by the parkway so yeah I I do have an update okay great um thanks Angela was in TCH with mccusker over at njd um I had drafted the letter that Mr katzner uh had so to address the issue that Mr ker had told us then I got Miss Miss huser's letter which kind of changed the dynamic of the letter so I had to revamp and I rep Li to her uh NJ Do's position is uh and it's appropriate it may not but I don't think that's necessarily comprehensive their position is a subordinate form of government can't find a superior form of government and and that's correct our ordinance cannot control what they do that doesn't mean however that they're not liable for not maintaining their property um and at this point it's not clear to me if it's their property or not they provided a map the map does not uh show exactly what it is it's a little drawing that they provided showing that they're right away ends before the sidewalk and claims that the rest of the property is out our tax map shows a boundary line but doesn't her right away so I had written uh to Angela and I had asked for clarification to see if we have any Maps internally uh to asked Tony if he has it I'm not sure if they spoke yet because that email I think went out just a day ago um and I also had a question was with regard to the photographs that Mr crer had given me most of the sidewalks are completely unaddressed but there's one ass patch and I don't know if we did that or could have been done by a utility company too yeah who knows if they some may just had extra as and just threw it down yeah sometimes they do a they do a temporary patch with the intention coming back and then they never come back that's definely wasn't a trench patch no this was there's like patches of cement that are there and this was just a that was Elizabeth gas they they fixed a gas shut off valve oh okay yeah that was early early 23 it's typically what happens and they we're always chasing them to come back and like fix things that they they they forget I mean it's not that they don't want to do it they just neglect to come back I think it would be kind of hard for us to tell them it probably didn't break any concrete making we we also contacted the turnike authority and we've been you know uh I do have some maps when this issue came up about the ditch along Trenton uh which is right there we have like some RightWay Maps the question is it's like overlapping RightWay because you have Michigan Avenue and then you have the parkway crossers so it's like who has the responsibility of what's on the ground right it's so can you just show me what your what Your maps are and then we'll discuss it and try to see absolutely um do you think there's a jurisdictional map as well or no yeah it's the it's the it's the right like parcel Maps yeah so just show what parcels and these are parcel maps that go back to like the 50s when they were obtaining right away to build actually build the parkway um so I did ask her to show me what map she transpose this configuration because it may have been done selectively I I don't know I can get it to you I I I I have a contact there so he kind of did me a favor a couple years ago and gave me all these maps I mean they're public information anyway but you said you know they could be selected on what they give you what are you going to do you know don't know what they have and don't have so I got a lot of information from him just because a kind of a friendly relationship with him so you I I'll I'll send you what I have and I app I I couldn't look I it's hard to figure out it looks to me like it is a turn F right here like they have a right away I guess I know how it works with they have a right to cross it I mean you know it's get sticky right yeah I I can't it's hard I would trust your judgment more than mine and and you're probably going to do more explaining to me than vice versa but I would like to to discuss it the long and short of it is if it turns out to be that case and it's kind of like my hunch it is to we can't make them do it we don't have the authority to tell the state what to do no more than we have the authority to tell the United States of America what to do um but my letter in not a threatening way makes it clear that we think this is a danger condition and now they're on notice of a dangerous condition that's about the extent of what we can do okay Mark are we able to make an agreement with them where we volunteer to pave the two blocks of cement and ask them if you do have this as your right away can we have permission to PVE it and we'll just pay the expense ourselves you undoubtedly they would say yes to something like that but that will create a liability exposure for you uh with you you constructed it uh there's an argument that you should be maintaining it and if it was constructed negligently you certainly could be exposed now there are exceptions I mean I could give you a dissertation and and I know some familiar with this if it's an engineered designed sidewalk in accordance with blueprints that an engineer sealed then you're supposed to have immunity but you're going to get sued that's the bottom line can't we get Su anyway I sayp you're probably going to get Su anyway doesn't mean that there's any liability there but you know you have a Target on your head and if you wanted to go out and you wanted to fix it and you had the money to do it you could and we send them the bill I you can send them anything you want I'm surprised responded to the email Angel s so we could have a backup plan though yes you could yes you could and you don't want to get them fixed we just have to fix out how to get it done it's it's complicated said it's got to kind of sort this out so I'll talk to you talk to you next week okay that that would be great and yeah the greatest likelihood of get the voluntarily do is probably Tony pull [Music] those Tony I have four questions for you they're going to be short sure actually great Chief you're here um the paving project you mentioned from uh Michigan to 22nd Street on Monroe we're going to land loock that's the wrong word we're going to lock in the residents from 24th Street through 22nd Street between Monroe and Center because the only exit is Monroe for that M kind of a street while they're Paving while they're Paving yeah so could we phase that to leave 22nd maybe open so the folks from 23rd and 24th can get out of their homes cuz they're going to be they're going to be trapped we could phas it I mean you normally don't that whole thing is lay when they come around there's no way out they go all the way through that whole that b 22nd Street has one of those barriers at that barrier yeah so that it's not going to think that long I mean it's you know they don't do that half a day well if we have somebody that's has an emergency on one of those streets any second is a delay that we shouldn't have so if we could just have the engineers or the the Paving Company leave one block do that second phase maybe or maybe we do half half with and then Le if you were able if I if you're able to do half the roadway at a time you''ll be able to have access to it this way you know if you do one bill and paid one side the other side and they come back to it and another time they'll have access uh to come you know and our officers that will be out there will do everything they can to get them uh you know to to that probably makes the most sense for half half with thank you both of you thank you um will how are we doing on trying to get that scheduled um you know we have the contractor on notice we want to back out there so it's just we're just work one them to get a date we wanted them this year we told them absolutely like this year like like this month you know not now yeah we just got to we just got to pin them down pin them down to a date thank you thank you U I know we talked about redrawing the senior lot any progress on that yeah no I have to look at that so I just haven't got I'll bu you again next time resolution 212 we have on the agenda tonight it's uh I believe Hardware applies for this every year it's the curb and ramp Improvement Grant and these are those bubble plates that are down on the floor we were chatting last year we kind of didn't have any ramp need ramp needs we didn't have any sidewalks that needed them but we're doing it again and it's about a $30,000 fee so why are we doing this no there's one this is like the last round I think after this round we're going to be we're going to be out of ramps so we did have like this is probably the last go around um from Rams uh because we just kind of running out so we did have we do have some left but this is probably like the end um so when you say some left we have streets that still need that yeah there they're Replacements so the ones that are out of conformance right cuz a lot of them are old and they have to be brought up to standard like curent standard so some are there they just have to be replaced some aren't there they just need to be to be installed um we're trying I don't know how accessible we're going to be to see if we can get get them to let us use that money for some other type of ADA type projects not necessarily ramps but maybe areas where we have like sidewalks that are Ada you know part of ADA accessibility that yeah exactly we got them to do it at the library we have the you know the entrance of the elevator on the side of the library that it was a big tree was picking up the sidewalk and you couldn't get a wheelchair and it was impossible so we actually were able to let them uh let us use that money to take the tree down fix the sidewalk and get that entrance cleaned up to the elevator so it wasn't Tech you know it wasn't a handicapped ramp but we did that was we did you know get them to allow us to do it they they're reluctant they wanted use it for ramps so we're trying to see if we can use that money somewhere else because if there's no of ramps left we don't get the money anymore you know so I think like this is it like after this year we we say we don't get the money but we have to spend money to get the money it's not a complete and if we don't really have a need for this I'd rather not spend it it's pretty much how I shop on Amazon everything comes out I need and I went I wasted the money um it's good product but I just don't need it I guess I I'll be looking out for this one next year as well yeah we we're going to look into that we know we're aware of that but you do want your ramps to be up to speed because again it's a liability issue your ramp's not up to speed some handicap person trips on it it's not current code now you're you're you know we just talked about now you're in a lawsuit so you know we really want them up up the code but yeah we are we've done so many of them over the years we just kind of got them all done which is good make sure whoever does it this time that we vot for takes the plastic wrapping off of that yeah right yeah that was done by a private actually private company they they did that themselves but yeah um so yeah we'll you know we're going to see what we can do with the money if we can do something else with the money next year that we because there are things we can do I mean there are there are needs the the the fixed areas that are are handicap access you know part of the handicap accessibility not necessarily a ramp itself so no makes sense yeah we'll see what we can go thanks thanks that's all I have thank you Tom oh you know what you can announce the bid is out for the sidewalks out front yes yeah we'll have that next next week yeah but it's the bid is open it's open yeah yeah we're getting a lot of response great good we'll see how that goes okay thank you bar CFO thank you mayor uh nothing new to report tonight so [Music] uh um a lot of people were trying to they think that the school bond kicked in this year no as far as I know it kicks in in 2025 okay there was some some of it is is part in this year it might be in their regular operating budget but I believe that that service kicks in in 2025 okay okay thank bar attorney mayor the only update I had was on that side issu so great thank you bar administrator um I I don't have anything but I will just note for people that resolution 219 was amended since the uh agenda was put out there were copies in the back everyone cop yep I will no okay thank you is there a motion to accept and approve Barrow reports second all in favor motion made by councilman fenestella seconded by councilman boil right the other way around the other way okay um sorry we have um one for a final adoption tonight it's ordinance 2024-25 an ordinance amending chapter 91 fees and licenses article 3 Recreation programs section 91 -8.1 uh cancellation SL refunds to further clarify refund eligibility is there a motion to open the floor for public hearing on ordinance motion by Council fin seconded by Council mice all in favor I does anyone have anything to say on this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward and state your name and address okay seeing no one is there a motion to close the public hearing and adopt ordinance 20246 motion second motion uh made by councilman gordano cerno seconded by councilman Moro roll call oh so I'm sorry Council it's hard see sorry about that yes yes Council Bo councilman finella yes councilwoman Gan pno yes councilman mororo yes councilman yes a ordinance 20246 has been adoped okay okay is there a motion to pull resolution 2024-25 217 and 202 24-28 from the consent agenda motion motion made by councilwoman gardano pno seconded by councilman Morrow 220 agenda right right okay okay so 220 220 is the roof yeah okay you want that for separate consideration we want completely but I'm I'm going to get to the uh and the vote the other two will be voted on separately correct right okay so the motion was to remove remove them from the consent agenda okay it's doing all three at once yeah I just had I was removing all three so I yeah yeah okay that's fine councilman boy s I'm sorry we do a roll call to make yes have them pulled yeah yeah no that's what I'm sorry did you say yes I didn't hear you sorry but no I didn't oh c fin yes councilwoman jern yes councilman Mora yes councilman SC yes okay is there a motion to approve the consent agenda excluding resolution 2024-25 d217 and 204-218 motion second motion made by councilman K seconded by councilman fenestral okay so the consent agenda consists of res resolutions 204-211 through 202-223-1911 um to approve uh resolution 20247 217 I'm sorry Mo second motion made by councilman Moro seconded by councilman janno counc Bo sorry councilman fin yes councilman J councilwoman Jer yes councilman boy um moral yes councilman scarice okay okay is there a motion to approve resolution to uh 2024 D 218 motion second second okay motion made by councilman gice seconded finish councilman yes councilman fin yes councilwoman jerna yes councilman Mo yes councilman GRE okay we're done with that we have two ordinances for introduction ordinance 20242 ordinance amending chapter 94 fire prevention of the municipal code of the burough of kennworth to adopt rules and regulations for recreational fires in the bur is there a motion to approve ordinance 202 24-20 for introduction motion second motion made by coun councilman scarice seconded by councilman Mara councilman Bo yes councilman pestrella yes councilwoman J PTO yes councilman Mor yes councilman scarice yes we hereby resolve that ordinance 2024 -20 here to for introduced is now pass on first reading and that said ordinance be further considered for final passage at the meeting to be held on November 6 2024 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the B Council and that at such time in place all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and that the burrow clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish said ordinance according to law ordinance 20242 ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 39 Police Department Section 8 selection of Chief and section nine appointment of new officers to the municipal code of the burrow of Cal sir a motion to approve ordinance 202 24-21 for introduction motion second motion made by councilman fenest seconded by councilman Mar rall councilman Bo yes councilman finella yes councilwoman pno yes councilman moral yes councilman scarice uh be it hereby resolved that ordinance 202 24-21 here to4 introduced does now pass on first reading and that said ordinance be further considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on October 16 2024 at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at a reg meeting place of the burrow Council and that at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and that the burrow clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish said ordinance according to law he is there a motion to open the floor to the public Mo second motion made by councilman Bole segmented by councilman fistral all in favor I does anyone have anything to say for the good and wellbeing of korth please come forward and state your name and address okay seeing no one is there a motion uh to close the floor for public discussion motion second motion made by councilwoman J orano cerno and seconded by councilman finella all in favor I I does anyone have anything else to say for the good and Welfare of the Barrow I would like to just say uh thank you to Chief scary to councilman scarice to our attorneys Morano and uh Carmen gardano our fire inspector that fire ordinance that we voted on tonight had gone back and forth I think a few times we hashed it out in a half hour phone call and I really like where we landed um this created the balance I think we were looking for so I just wanted to say thank you to the group thank you I'd like to make U mention not R now we're in the month of October and October being the Italian Heritage Month uh this o October 14th is Columbus Day me many of you almost might know this also being indigenous day but whatever you call it it may be um being of strong Italian Heritage uh belief I wrote down a few notable individuals like Frank Sinatra Geraldine Ferraro Jo de magio maruzo leoka Amer good BPI Giovanni verzano Domenico gielli James gini Jr Tony sgusa and I have a list here of Paton uh Mayors Anthony grippo 1936 to 1939 Olio manino 1976 to 1987 Joe Rigo 1990 to 1995 Michael trippidy 1996 to 2003 Kathy fiamingo first female mayor 200824 Fred py 2014 2015 and last Anthony DeLuca 2016 2019 L of Italian Mayors my name won't be on that list I wish everyone a happy and joyful Italian herriage month and colus day August October 14th thank you very much thank you thank you okay can I have a motion to ajour motion motion made by councilwoman jardno seconded by councilman moral all in favor good night everyone thank you [Music] [Music]