##VIDEO ID:eiOqlJQEtm0## all right so we're rolling um and I'll try once in okay I am making this notice in compliance with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 laws of the state of New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting a copy on the Bolton board at barel Hall forwarding a copy to the local Source store Ledger and the home News Tribune and has posted on the burrow website at least 48 hours prior to this meeting this meeting is contained on a list of meetings set by resolution on January 3rd 2024 and as amended by resolution 2024-25 accordingly the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied in regard to this meeting please stand for the salute to the flag i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay welc call uh mayor carich here councilman Bo here councilman finella here councilwoman jerno here councilman moral here councilman SC here councilman Zimmerman okay we are uh pulling from the uh agenda the council meeting minutes for September 4th 2024 is there a motion to accept and approve the following minutes from the Clos session of September 18 2024 and October 2nd 2024 motion second roll call councilman councilman F yes councilman geod pno yes councilman moral yes coun sorry councilman yes okay this evening I have a proclamation for uh veterans uh for Greenlight whereas the residents of the bur of Kenworth have great respect admiration and the utmost gratitude for all the men and women who have selflessly served our country and this community in the armed forces whereas the contributions and sacrifices of the those who served in the armed forces have been vital in maintaining the freedoms and way of life enjoyed by our citizens and the bur of kenor seeks to honor individuals who have made countless sacrifices for Freedom by placing themselves In Harm's Way for the good of all whereas veterans continue to serve our community in the American Legion Veterans of farm war wars religious groups Civic service Civil Service I apologize and by functioning as veteran service officers ERS in 29 states to help fellow former service members access more than 52 billion in federal health disability and compensation benefits each year and approximately 200,000 service members transition to civilian communities annually and an estimated 20% increase of service members will transition to Silver civilian life in the near future wellas studies indicate that 44 to 72% of service members exper high levels of stress during transition from military to civilian life active military service members transitioning from military service are at high risk for suicide during their first year after military service whereas the National Association of counties encourages All Counties parishes and bus to recognize operation green light for veterans and The Bu of Kenworth appreciates the sacrifices of our United States military personnel and believe specific recognition should be granted now therefore be it resolved The Bu of Kenworth hereby declares from November 4th through Veterans Day November 11 2024 a time to salute and honor the service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform transitioning from active service therefore be it further be resolved that in observance of operation Greenlight the Bureau of cworth encourages its citizens in patriotic tradition to recognize the importance of honoring all those who have made immeasurable sacrifices to preserve Freedom by displaying green lights in the window of their place of business or residence from November 4th through November 11 2024 in witness hereof I mayor Linda covich have here onto signed my name and officially caused the Seal of the bur of kenor to be fixed this 16th day of October okay I just want to remind everyone that um car it out korth will be at barow Hall in the parking lot on uh October 27th at 5:00 p.m. it should be a lot of fun uh I hope everyone can come out and it's with mixed emotions uh that I stand here today to uh officially accept the resignation of our burrow clerk Angela lazari Angela has been a dedicated public servant playing an essential role in keeping the operations of our town running smoothly and efficiently her commitment to this office in a short time that she has been here has left a lasting positive impact on our burrow and for that we owe her our deepest gratitude the role of bur clerk is often one that operates behind the scenes and ensuring that the gears of local government turn without interruption from keeping accurate records to facilitating meetings and making sure that our residents are well served Angela has executed these responsibilities with professionalism and Excellence while I'm sadden to see Angela leave I respect her decision and extend my heartfelt thanks for her service I wish her all the best in her future endeavors knowing that where she will excel wherever she goes please joining me join me in expressing our Collective appreciation for her hard work and dedication to our burrow thank you very much we wish you the best we cry thank you so much thank you for everything that you have done for us we appreciate thank you okay I'm going to move on to the finance report uh councilman fenestral uh thank you mayor uh it's not much to report uh the finance committee met last Tuesday the 8th and um we discussed several uh shared service agreements uh to um Kick around and save the town some money um besides that uh October 31st is the uh last day to file for the senior freeze so anyone that meets the criteria to freeze their taxes I believe it's 65 and all or something like that um and a certain income range um and also on November 30th uh 2020 four I me is Anchor the anchor uh deadline so make sure you get the uh anchor um into or either call or go online uh you should have gotten a notice in the mail about a month ago and um if you didn't I I guess call the state um that's that's all I have mayor thank you councilman Department of Public Works councilman Bo I don't have a lot either I'm going to keep it short uh the new truck number 29 has arrived and is in service we pickup begins on October 28th on the North side and November 4th on the South Side several several trees have been planted at the parks thanks to a county Grant and the handicapped ramp has been installed at the DPW office um to make it easily accessible and I just wanted to thank Frank I saw the streets painted the curbs and that's all I have okay thank you councilman Planning and Zoning councilman Morrow thank you uh I'll start with the planing board where we recently had a meeting on October 10th at the meeting the board memorialized a few dealings that happened at the meeting or two before and there wasn't new any uh excuse me there wasn't any new business at the time to discuss so that's it there next meeting will be on November 14th right here uh for zoning and code enforcement October is shaping up to actually be a very busy month uh last month or at the prior meeting I was able to talk about September where we had about four uh zoning complaints and uh at this point in October we've seen four zoning complaints turn into notice of violation so we're off to a very bad start I'd say um we've had notices so far issued for illegal housing in town uh one for non-permitted business operations operating out of a single family dwelling in a residential neighborhood uh one for a refusal to uh move an RV that's been parked in a driveway for several weeks and one a sidewalk issue on the third time showing up so uh just everybody realize code enforcement is out there they take some of a passive attitude around things and don't really come down our residents too hard but when the complaints start coming in they have to respond uh I did not like looking at the list so far this month uh in October uh but as far as code enforcement goes we've actually only had three complaints sent in two were handled accordingly very minor issues and one is still constantly under investigation I'll have more about that the next meeting but that's all I have for today mayor thank you councilman Recreation and fire Council East thank you mayor um Recreation Homer Club registrations are available and uh they're looking for candy donations obviously Halloween's coming up uh for seasonal crafts we have 18 people registered so far that be cred for November and December looking at um holl spectacular look as you mentioned um October 26th and a lot of vendors and stuff and even U paintball didn't put that together basketball um registrations are also open and looking for more uh our young people to sign up for that and um so everything's through Community pass except for carbon out which may previously mentioned that you can just show up December 21st 6 and 8 um trying to put together the um ice skating night I War Park and also looking at some nights I know are those set or they just is Set Roll escate is set they're all set all right so we have December 26th set for roll es skating uh there'll be two hours uh dedicated to that that will be down in facility Woodbridge and obviously all information will be available on the website for details and that's all I have mayor this time thank you uh Education Health and Human Services Council giodo pno thank you mayor uh I'll start with the school board we had our meeting uh last night and uh we met the new principal who actually his first day was yesterday um John pillo 30 years of education experience so I'm glad to see that um he's here in the beginning of this year and um everybody's excited about his uh new ideas that may be coming to brely and uh moving forward uh superintendent Davies um announced a tech-free Friday which is October 25th all the teachers and students um are operating tech-free teachers have to go Old School Blackboard chalk um he's trying to Institute something like that um very often uh being mindful of how kids are growing up today being Tech dependent building their social skills and uh teachers really getting back to or I shouldn't say getting back to but interacting in a different way with the kids um so I think that'll be a learning experience for all involved so that's the first day and he was encouraging the parents to maybe bring that home um if not for just that day maybe the whole weekend so that's Friday October 25th um the new slab was poured for the addition so that is moving forward nicely and all the renovations at rarely and at the field are like 99% complete down to punch list items um so that was good to hear the library has a multitude of events going on in in October they have cursive writing for kids on October 22nd and 29th uh still a available and then they have uh again November 5th and 12th uh there's Italian American Heritage celebration tomorrow night between 700 and 8 and a Halloween show on October 24th between 7 and 8 along with all their traditional um activities that they have but and I'm sure a lot of people see it in the kennworth Life almost the whole page is with all of the October activities and they have every month for uh the library and I I hope everybody keeps a copy of this because it's so much more than I could report on on a council meeting and there's a lot of diversity with day classes evening classes adults kids so I encourage everybody to go on their website or keep this this um article that comes out in the kennworth Life paper or stop in and get a copy of what's going on um as far as the seniors they have the health nurse will be there Monday October 28th between 10 and 12 to do free blood pressure and sugar screening of course they have uh the lunch and learns continuing arts and crafts and um 3 days a week is free lunch at the center and they will provide transportation um so you could also go on their site or stop in the center and get a printed copy of everything going on every month um the health department I have a meeting tomorrow at 7 o' so I won't have a report until the next uh meeting and that's all I have thank you councilwoman councilwoman I because I was chatting with Angel about it before I had a resident ask about the rabies vaccinations I believe they're happening on Saturday right is that the day 19th they didn't have that on their and I even checked for that so I thought it was last Saturday I find out it is the 19th we original I will say this I I no I think that was a c um it wasn't on our website originally because I had asked them to recheck the date to be honest the fact that it is on maybe I discussed this already but when it's on the 19th of October if it's a vaccination uh if if a dog gets vaccinated at the clinic and it's a one-year vacc ination come January we can't register the dog so there is a little yeah it's because of the laan well it depends on it depends on which Saturday they can get renewed on January 1st no no that's what I'm saying it's because the state so I I did talk to um the Board of Health and just asked them to kind of next year when they plan for it to schedule if you have a dog that is on a three-year vaccination you don't worry about it this you're fine you can license your dog on that third year because the state's laws you cannot license a dog unless the rabies is good for 10 months of the year of that current year so it has to go up till Halloween so that's why I asked them so yes so I had we didn't put it on originally we should really be doing doing this in January out or a little bit well anytime after November yeah January's fine too but but um this year was yeah and I did mention it already to Marone and to Chris that we had a a department meeting um it was just too late by that time for them to reschedule with the yeah that's smart sorry so yeah that's why I wasn't on there originally we were hoping to change it and then we forgot to put it on and I'll I'll just reiterate it's um October 19th from 9 to 12 at Harding School uh 426 Boulevard right here thank you speak dates I just want to remember Chief confirm I was looking through my calendar um next Wednesday the 23rd 1 p.m. is call feed with a cop at the senior center is that correct that is correct um we U having all program that several years ago as uh we go to certain locations and speak the public um you know about all the things that are happening around us right now uh we're look we tend to go through Senior Center get straight in the center of town we advise the seniors of the types of scams that are uh affecting the elderly community and uh this is something I haven't done in a while so I was looking forward to bring it back um shley max Bo is uh hosting it with us so looking forward to having you so yes this the 23rd at 1:00 great thank you thank you can can I ask something too I saw on uh Facebook that there's a food collection but specific items for for Thanksgiving dinner and I thought it was November 2nd that is a PBA function coinciding with unic correct me does that sound right yes elaborate a little bit more it but uh yes we're going to be uh doing all this I believe right here in our Park yep okay yes okay it's November 2 all right yep all right thank you lots of good stuff going on we be busy the next few weeks okay any else burrow engineer thank you mayor um a lot of construction projects are finishing up uh the 2023 roads um are complete except for some punch list items and some um striping that is for Maplewood Ashwood and uh the first three streets of uh Monroe off of North Michigan uh 2024 roads uh the and the rest and five more intersections of Monroe uh the will be paved on Friday and Monroe will be paved uh next week great this in two days we're going to do the Russ Monroe five no Monro next next next Friday next Monday next Monday we're going to start Paving on theow at 22nd to like 17th oh go all the way to the school yes oh aome you say next Monday you're talking about the 21st or the 28th 21st okay so this coming monay this okay and I'm sorry when did you say the striping was going to be done we're try we're still trying to get them do it after you got the rest of well it's two different it's two different contractors so you know the first contractor has to get there and do we're going to have first contractor draw lines that go three blocks and then we're have another contractor com to go five more most unfortunately yes I believe uh one of the sidewalk is on the agenda for time to be approved um we are going to be working with the the bidder I believe is a burms to to try to get an estimate to fix the um the sidewalk that was messed up by the gas company and try to get from them to see how much it cost to fix that anding they're they're still continuing right we know okay but so we address we have to address them according to the job yeah so we're just addressing right now the the the one job and then we'll address it yes it's going to Beal and uh lastly uh the DPW is uh complete and are going to be moving on to the uh fire department uh parking lot and uh uh repap that repap that uh lot great that's it thank you one question um a lot of people complaining about the sidewalk on Monroe we're doing a construction that is completely closed was there any way that could have been left open there just no way uh cuz it forces people like across the street and they got to cross again instead of just staying on that side of the street um I mean is that is that the part where there's only like sidewalk on on one side school project talking yeah I don't know 14 yeah the Corner 14 yeah that's that that's not that's that's the uh they uh they actually just pay for all the new sidewalks for that project great so should be opening some like people should be able to walk on it soon yeah okay good great stars are aligning really I don't I don't know if this would be you I don't think it would be Chris or Greg but rich and I were at in front of the new Fruit Place on Sunday and somebody must have taken a sign out and they put concrete like a little ribbon along the curbing but they left the stub of the of the sign the metal that you could trip over it I'll contact the County it's probably a sign that should still be there and if not I'll have them remove the like you know a kid or an elderly person like Billy if he walking over any um yeah it's only up about 6 in um so whatever they took down to do that now it's a dark gray ribbon of concrete along the curving they never put the sign back or cut that off yeah I'll I'll double check with the Google Maps as to what sign was there years ago yeah and then I'll call the county and ask Place CU that's their perview great okay yeah it's right there what block is it on right in front of the new Fruit Place okay yeah they have a couple little right a couple of tables are there we were sitting at the table and we noticed it sting up thank you okay thank you okay B CFO Mr Blum thank you mayor uh nothing to report on my end I just want to wish Angela all the best it's been a pleasure working with you we still got a lot to get done before you get here right so not we're not letting not getting all out but you will be missed and appreciate all your hard work feeling is mut okay burrow attorney uh I just have one short item also dealing with sidewalks uh I know there was a correspondence uh that the B received from the ter PL Authority regarding us South Michigan and Vernon Avenue um really reiterating their point that that's not their sidewalk it's not their perview and I think it dub Tails into the gas company's work um but so the authority and I know the letter was circulated circulated I did read it um so that's really all I have thank you bar administrator um I just have about three or four items um just one note we um adopted a new ordinance that this past year on limo licenses which Chang the changed the process um so um all of our limo companies their licenses don't expire till January but we did send out letters to all of them letting them know with a copy of the new ordinance and the application so they have a heads up that it's a different process coming January um so those letters went out this month um dog licensing uh we did a postcard mailing last year went out and just after the new year uh we're going to do the same thing so we've reached out to the uh printing company again it's going to be a similar uh Post Guard just letting reminding people that their licenses need to be renewed um so those will be going out excuse me um we have a bid opening next week uh which um Christian and I think Tony is running this one but for the roof replacement project here that bid opening is next Tuesday so we did schedule with the anticipation of awarding that bid um we did schedule a special meeting for next Wednesday it's at 5:00 via Zoom it has been added to the calendar on the website uh and the um information on logging in is also on the bulletin board so if people want just to give them a heads up um so hopefully we can get moving on that project and Angela that was Grant fund that is gr money it's nothing out of our budget it is not correct it's um the infrastructure well it's a matching Grant so I don't want to totally say but we did uh budget for it it is um the infrastructure Grant which has to be used this year which we got some delays for one reason or another we were hoping to use a different contractor out to bid so that's kind of our crunch uh time constraint now um but yes and then hopefully if they come in low enough we'll be ble to do a few other projects in Bur Hall with that money with if there's money left over so um and then the only other thing I'm just a reminder who doesn't know but the election is November 5th um so prior to our next formal meeting um registration deadline did just pass this week um but if anyone needs a mail and ballot we do have uh applications in the office people are coming in a lot um they can also get it on the website or on the County website so just a reminder okay thank you very much is there a motion to accept and approve Barrow reports motion second motion made by councilman fistral seconded by councilman Bo all in favor I okay uh we have four uh ordinances for final adoption tonight there's ordinance 20247 which was introduced on September number 18th uh 2024 ordinance adopting amendments to chapter 142 peace in good order to Article 4 camping is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 20247 motion second motion made by councilman scur seconded by councilman fenestral was that right all in favor I does anyone have anything to say on this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward and state your name and address okay seeing no one is there a motion to close the public hearing and adopt ordinance 202 24-17 motion second motion made by councilman finesta seconded by councilman Morrow roll call councilman boo yes councilman finr yes councilwoman J Downer no uh councilman Mora yes councilman SC yes uh ordinance 20247 has been adopted ordinance 2024-25 ordinance adopting amendments to chapter 150 Property Maintenance of the municipal code of the buau of kennor to establish article 6 privately owned salt storage of chapter 150 of the municipal code of the burrow of Kor is there a motion to open the public hearing ing on ordinance 20248 second motion made by councilman marrow seconded by councilman scarice all in favor I I does anyone have anything to say on this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward and state your name and address okay seeing no one is there a motion to close the public hearing and adopt ordinance 2024 d18 motion second motion made by councilman marrow seconded by councilman vote call councilman Boy Yes councilman fin yes councilwoman G pno yes councilman Mora yes councilman scarice yes ordinance 20248 has been adopted ordinance 2024-25 ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 37 Personnel policies part two policies and procedures of the code of the burrow of kenor is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 20249 motion second motion made by councilwoman G orano pno seconded by councilman Morrow all in favor anyone have anything to say on this ordinance this ordinance only please come forward and state your name and address okay seeing no one is there a motion to close the public hearing and adopt ordinance 20249 motion second motion made by councilman Moro seconded by councilman fenestral roll call councilman Boyle yes councilman finella yes councilwoman gardana pno yes councilman moral yes councilman scarice yes uh ordinance 20249 has been adopted um ordinance 2024 D21 introduced on October 2nd 2024 ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 3 9 Police Department Section 8 selection of Chief and section N9 appointment of new officers to the municipal code of The Bu of Kenworth is there a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 2024-25 okay seeing no one is there a motion to close the public hearing and adopt ordinance 202 24-21 motion roll call uh councilman Boyle yes councilman finr yes councilwoman Gard pno yes councilman moral yes councilman scarice yes ordinance 20124 D21 has been adopted Okay resolution 2024 202 220 authorizing the roof restoration project at B Hall pursuant to New Jersey state cor I think I have a they us say such nice things that gets sorry the section right below this one so for not to win this this resolution okay is there a motion to approve the consent agenda excluding resol sorry oh what happened here can I go back to 21 for a second yeah oh yeah sorry if if Savino had to abstain on the last introduction why wouldn't he have to for this one good question and we all look to you 21 was the um police same for the last one why wouldn't he do it now otherwise I just don't know reason first so I don't know if that would be a problem on the introduction yeah I think that's well you can you can abstain it doesn't have to be separate separate so all you have to do is follow to what you did the last time now how do you am the vot can we just change on the record that he uh is abstaining from that vote yeah just so there's no just make it just I would say do it make your make the comment on the record now councilman if you don't mind that you are um what the number that 24-21 um I to change my vote on coordinates 20 24-21 to exstension okay so it's here I'm going to note is there a motion to approve the consent agenda motion second motion made by councilman Bole seconded by councilwoman gardano pno uh the consent agenda consists of resolutions 2024-25 through 2024-25 these resolutions will be approved by one motion all items will be reported individually in full of the minutes councilman Bo yes councilman pestrella yes councilwoman G pno yes councilman moral yes councilman G yes is there a motion to adopt resolution two 2024-25 authorizing the agreement with Point C for health reimbursement AR arangement Services motion second motion made by councilman fenesta seconded by councilwoman jardo pno roll call councilman Bole yes councilman pestrella yes councilwoman Gano pno yes councilman Mora yes councilman scarice yes is there a motion to open the floor to the public motion second motion made by councilwoman councilman Festa second by councilwoman gardano pno all in favor does anyone have anything to say for the good and wellbeing of counter word please come forward and state your name and address good evening everyone Rich pno 241 f 2 Avenue I just came up tonight primarily to wish Angela a great farewell and uh good luck on your new journey and thank you for everything you've done in helping our planning board and Council here uh through your time here so I wish you uh a great journey much thank you very much thank you anyone else okay seeing no one I'd like a motion to close uh the public portion of the meeting second motion made by councilman moral seconded by councilwoman jardo pno all in favor hi okay I just wanted to um discuss the uh the letter I don't know if everyone had a chance to look at that letter um from the turnpike but I think we should move to have that sidewalk fixed it's really in bad shape we're aware of it um I'm not sure you know if when funds become available we could put that on the list um I think everyone is everyone in agreement with that are there any emerc funds cuz if it's it's it's in bad shape we're all unnoticed right it's in really bad shape there much does it cost to put down three P I don't know I can't it's not my wheelhouse line out of your plate up there Chris Chris what do you think it I can I can try to price it out give us an estimate to fix that sidewalk over there it is only about three squares I think there's three on one side and three on the other six squares six squares how is it possible our DPW can't that's not something we can do is it sorry I'll take that as a no I would yes me personally I would have to see if any of my guys because it's never been a topic of conversation so I have to see if any of my guys had any of that experience in that field would it's possibility well is it the kind and I don't with all due respect like if you're worried about any liability have a company who's got that insurance I forget I asked thanks that's only concern because even liability of taking it out moving so we'll get an estimate for uh just to replace it and see if we can fit it in the budget somewhere not having looked at your insurance I mean I would assume if it's something in the normal Court the Insurance been covered but to your point hiring a contractor that 100% has all of the insurance in place is probably more Pro right okay where exactly are we talking I look at it and I walk with the I'll show you we can't do it ourselves well we don't have to insur licensed individual here yeah but where I just walked it and it's not cracked I'll tell you what crack after but now we're going to own it after Parkway it's cracked on that right side it's a mess it's a bad yeah we need permission from the is it the park we all needs permission basically if you read the letter they're pretty much saying like you know have at it like we're not do it you know if you want to do it go ahead have F the all right I would um is there anything else that anyone else would like to discuss sure um my Venture through the town I frequent the the convenience store all kind of work The Fresh Market which is now going to be the cting market it's coming along rather nicely they they redid the whole interior it's gorgeous all new shelves it's just amazing what they did I stopped in there last night on my way back from the school board meeting I me they're getting ready to put down a new floor but the products are fresh a lot of organic stuff and I I've heard scuttlebut about it being it's more expensive but the quality is night and day I would definitely go there and shop for more things um you can't compare it to what it was it's almost like a mini Whole Foods kind of look and I think it's great yeah the meets that's great they even have an ATM machine so yeah I actually think the prices went down with the new management so yeah they're doing something to the back I think yeah I mean it was impeccable and they're open from 7 to n great and I also noticed just today on the corner 21st on the boulevard used to be L de Vu is going to be a cigar sh shop that's right that's not ventilation well I don't know if they're going to smoke them in there they might just be selling them it's like thing yeah Cigar Lounge so there's a lot of diversity we got a juice place we got the cigar that's a great we we had Sunday the fruit bowl was delicious the fish pet fish store in the corner your Dunkin' Donuts yeah starting to get really diversifying it's a pet fish pet what did he say it's not a fish market everybody go look there's no dinner you're not getting dinner there all right well with that note I'd like to wish everyone a happy and safe Halloween just everybody has been saying it I want to say it too Angela thank you for the last year 10 years now you've coached me on so many things behind theen like Linda was saying nobody knows what's going on there's so much I learned from you over the last year and 10 months and I feel like there was just so much more I could have gotten out of you I'm glad to have been sitting with you for this long and I think Ken said it perfectly you're not done with us yet there's still a lot to do but I agree with 100% of what mayor carich had noted at the beginning and just thank you for everything Sam here I Concur and on that note I I do plan on nominate I did spend all day yesterday with uh Angela interviewing um and I do hope to put a nomination on the agenda for uh our next meeting which I think is the 23rd yeah the special yeah Wednesday that was great yeah and I want to say I mean I've only been back in the fold since January but I just want to You' been very helpful knowledgeable accessible and all I could say is it's great to travel but it's great to go home isn't it so I wish you well and um I'm sure we'll cross paths again thank you thank you all thank you for what you did for kennworth thank yes we all know was a tumultuous time and you kind of stayed the course and we appreciate it y absolutely thank you I mean there's nothing much more to say except I really appreciate it thank you for the opportunity honestly um I feel like I've grown over the past 2 years significantly I've learned a lot of new things from a lot of different people I really appreciate um the passion everyone feels I said it and I mean it honestly for their Community people born and bread we all feel that way about where we are from and and I think that's the heart of this community and it's nice and it's great to see that passion people care um so I hope that um it's true that I've done something good and left it a little better when I got here and I I feel that I'm better than when I got here so thank you thank you all um yeah excellent thank you I just want to remind everyone that our meeting next week will be over Zoom at 5:00 p.m. so everyone's aware okay uh I'd like a motion to adjourn motion second motion made by councilman fish seconded by councilwoman Jano pno all in favor hi hi we go and L spurts you two then you two once in a while Pat jumps in is