##VIDEO ID:OGl_fCCrD5M## you always come back to it yeah yeah we have to we'll come back to it on December 4th I'm making this announcement in compliance with the open public meeting act being chapter 231 Public Law of the uh 1975 laws of the state of New Jersey the planning board secretary has prepared a schedule of the meetings of the planning board of the burough of Kenworth for year 2024 and has posted a true copy of this schedule on the bulletin board located in the front entrance of B Hall and has mailed true copies of this schedule to the local source and the star ler and is maintaining a copy of this schedule in Bur Hall accordingly the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied in regards to this meeting can we St for the pledge of lead pledge of lead the United States of America to the repblic for which it stands one na indivisible Li and Justice call please mrno here Mr David here Mr Clen here Mr Mao here Mr Lei here and Mr scary here okay there a motion for the approval of the minutes of October 10th so move move by Mr Clemy seconded by Mr mazio all in favor I any Communications um uh Kathy um yes chairman uh we received a resignation uh email from Steven Dunn he was a planning board alternate three member and we also received a letter from Mr Randall Peach resending Cy plan application [Music] 23-4 which is 470 Boulevard okay I have to ask two questions to the uh uh to our attorney do we need a motion accepting the resignation from Mr dun or is it just a letter of resignation he he's resigned we can say we're sorry to see him go but we don't need a formal okay application on item number two uh the letter from Randall Peach earlier in the work session uh we talked about going into closed session I am going to remove that from my thought process I'd rather not do that at this time if you'd like to read the letter you can um uh so I think because this is a forum where we should read the letter go right ahead okay what is it no no no this was addressed to you on the board I don't know if we have to read the whole thing out loud but it's it's up to you well we asked earlier and Kevin said it could be read out loud because it is a public document at this point am I incorrect he said no I said don't read it you said don't read it he it doesn't happen to no I I was asking Mr chairman whether I stand correctly yeah whether we should because I I wanted to know what it said so at the time I was like okay if we're not going to get copies of it then let's read it so that everyone can hear it then we learn that we could all get copies of it and that we wouldn't read it out loud so that's kind of I think at some point this needs to be the issue needs to be discussed the issues raised needs to be discussed probably in Clos session given the ten or the letter and secondly if they're not moving ahead with it we just shouldn't let it sit we should um uh tonight make a motion that this be dismissed without prejudice just so uh he said they're going to withdraw it at this time or some some language like that this should we we should have it we should uh dismiss it with without prejudice that stops all the time uh and it's not sitting on a shelf someplace waiting to surprises we're going to dismiss it they want to come back they come back well then maybe we should read it I read it well I'm going to do this we have a planning board attorney that is supposed to advise us in the best interest whether we think it should be read or not should be read would then become a personal issue I would take the legal advice on whether you think they should be read at the moment no no I don't not not uh not at the moment okay so it's not going to be read and uh again I am going to reserve the right uh right now I don't think we should go into close I think it should be posted as far as our minutes concerned and do it the right way uh even though you're telling me that we can go into close but I'd rather not do that at this okay we discuss it in in Workshop yeah okay uh regards to Mr dun chairman if I may uh it's been passed practice of this board to either by resolution or letter thank members for their service to the board and the burrow and the board may wish to consider having our attorney draft such a resolution if you pardon me what have we done with other we have never done that never done it I never it doesn't mean we shouldn't do ites mean we should should do it I'm just saying we have never done it it's been done in the past um you know you've been here a couple of years seven yeah so it's been done okay could well it sounds like a very good practice to do um is there a value to that Mr I think it's just a no not a value in spirit a value in cash no no so you would send out the letter we wouldn't see a bill for it because if that's the case I could also have Kathy send out a letter from the board stating that's probably the way to do it yeah I don't want it to come from me I want to come from the board Rich can sign it on behalf of the board I absolutely uh think that maybe it's a great advice but rather than uh you not getting paid for that no I would charge have Kathy write the letter who's already being paid hopefully every month what' you say okay yeah okay let's talk about um do we need to do anything else with Mr peacher's letter no and we also uh we that motion to uh I think I think we should um uh agree to um a motion and a second to dismiss this the r application without prejudice and um and I I can do a resolution to that effect I just want it acknowledged on the record for them to say we're just going to pull at this time and leave it like that is to it's uh shouldn't be done that way you know we need to take an action saying fine you're not going to proceed we'll have it dismissed you can come back when when if you're ready okay something like that and if you would like we could I don't know if this is the time for it but we could put on our agenda for the next meeting that we could go into close session for that as well okay should we make a motion tonight for this who does anybody want to follow up on I'll make the motion ask for what he said motion made by Mr Ma second second by Mr Clemente roll call mRNA yes Mr David yes Mr kenti yes Mr maio yes Mr L yes Mr scary yes I'll have a basic resolution for next meeting basically dismissing it without Bridges thank you Mr Rego okay next item is the resolution application 23-3 uh n ATC Donuts Mr Rego you put a resolution together I see yes I put a resolution together um fored it to Kathy also a copy went to Joe paparo the applicant's attorney Joe I receiv received today from Joe some very minor modifications to my resolution he sent those those revisions to me and to Cathy and he also provided us with my resolution clean copy with his um uh Corrections included so we have a clean copy that I wrote 99% Joe's comments are in here so if the board sees fit we will adopt the the resolution that came to the board from me through Joe carel is that the one we holding in our hands or do you have something different let me see this is the one this is the one it should in the caption it should have minor sub Vision approval in the caption I had lot line adjustment Joe and the heaviest thing Joe did was put minor subdivision approval everything else is uh either a typo or word out of place but but you have the final final resolution um that I did that joke tweet so there's no as or no highlight on this but I have I think I se I asked Cathy to send both so you can see but this the one I'm holding if up top if it's clean and if it say minor subdivision approval this is the one that we're acting on that's one yes okay and it's it's if if you read mine this is 99.99% the same thing so I see the one you have in your left hand looks like it has some blue yeah stuff in it would the board like to see or hear the corrections that was made by Mr paparo that they agreed on because we haven't seen that yes okay can you just run down it if it's if it's the instead of HE I don't care about we don't care what do you have in potatoes okay what do you have in your hand that's the clean document from Mr you guys don't have you want this going read it right well let me just read okay in my resolution I'll M and then in my original resolution up top I had use variance site plan approval dimensional variances and line adjustment Joe Joe deleted lot he kept lot line adjustment but he had put minor subdivision which means the lot line adjustment so he put minor minor subdivision up top and and minor subdivision he put it in in the second line of the resolution where where I said lot L of uh uh um um application has been filed he added minor subdivision approval as well you know to so that's the only thing on page one page okay the second page he added again minor subdivision approval okay um third page when I talked about the walkup window he added vestibule which is fine I why vestibule I walk up window doing vestibule is two different things I I link that to a church but but um or I had a walk up window I think he wanted it to mean that it's there's a little enclosure that you go into I don't know but he said vestle whatever's on the plans it wasn't a walk up window it was you can go in so it's almost like a bank where you go in and you that's the best yeah that that's which which is fine with me had a plan yes y um I talked about pervious pavers being provided along the edge the southerly portion of the donuts build Duncan building he said it was a multif family uh building the pavers um does that make sense to you Chris yeah okay so that's what we did there um also on page three I I listed the the variances that he needed one of which was a use variance for the I had residential use on the first floor of the apartment building he changed that to use variance for the multif family building which is which is fine I mean it's either way um he had minor site plan minor subdivision approval language on that page page four I had the site as 0.476 acres in size Joe said it's 0.46 acres in size it's what did you evidence 0.476 Joe had 0.46 okay that's what we're talking about um on the apartment uh property I had I thought the testimony was two driveways Joe had there one one two-way driveway coming in and then rights going out so I think that's the way the plans for the for Dunkin Donuts or for the uh apartment buildingart it yeah it was was that's right uh nothing on that page uh on page six I had Duncan drive-throughs Joe put a dash between drive and through so you didn't need to mention that well I just wanted you to um again he mentions minor subdivision approval on page seven on page seven he he had that he had that uh I had in paragraph 13 right turn only I had exists and Joe changed the exits which is was my fault so it's it's exits okay um what's Down Below in blue the applicants oh subdivision approval yeah okay uh with the drive through vestibule on page eight he adds that language on page nine minor subdivision he adds that twice and that's it so it's basically my subdivision vestibule those the only changes there's nothing involving our conditions which I always feel with something like this if they start changing conditions then um then I start to look a little bit closer but there's nothing changing the conditions and that's it anybody have a problem with that no well I don't have a problem with it but um if we have complicated um resolutions like this maybe it would be better if we sent it to the you sent it to the attorney like a week or a week and a half ahead of the meeting well I sent it to you the other one fine I sent you my one I just got today yeah I I just got to yeah but that that's what I'm saying if it the process could be started a week earlier so that there's yeah well I had so that everybody you got a clean well I always I always send it to the client first via chairman via and I always send it to you any resolution you reach first earlier in case there's changes like this okay and that's it okay I'll make a motion to approve the resolution motion B by Mr Danio second by second everybody else out there Mr Ladi roll call [Music] please um Mr yes Mr David yes Mr Ki yes Mr mazio yes Mr Lei yes and Mr scary yes okay anyone did a good job on that uh comments for the wi the board anyone um I a meeting today with the fire department with the Onyx with the developer for cor weed we the the new person that's coming in does everybody know who he's talking about no you want to explain it May 11 is becom data center okay um so they wanted to go over access roads they're putting in they're putting in like 30 generators uh chillers all that work um it's it really is a terrorist Target at this point because it's a major it's 285,000 ft of fer so when everybody wonders where the cloud is it's now hand um so that is a terrorist Target uh they called the fire department to go over access roads things like that they never really called the police department for certain things so just giving it to the police department uh we had a little bit of a discussion and I think when we have if we can send the police police chief or agenda also this way he can see things if there's something he wants to be present at uh fire department as well but obviously it's me so I see it anyway uh just because there's things like dunk Don application we hearing it there might be some police involed with traffic or this and that so I thought I would ask the board if that's even I know that was like standard practice that all all of our professionals have access to they're online the cases the agenda okay well then I understand send it to him okay we can't s no no I can send it if that's proper to do but I would bring up the meeting uh cuz he wants to be involved if there's if there's other you know he's around now so there something he want to come to yeah again all all the all the appropriate code officials should including the chief and fire chief should should have access to any applications that we get there's only one problem uh and and I believe that all the code officials should know what's going on in our town um one time we had a situation that we have to be careful what comments they may make prior to hearing the case because that can really be a deterrent or you know we have to be careful with the nomenclature that comes back typical to what happened at the Dunkin Donuts on an opinion of what should happen so maybe there should be some kind of dialogue my well B there remember what happened there with the um but this may be a different thing chair and that you're just sharing the agenda asking for com okay but we have to be careful that they don't they have it if they have something maybe they could come up and that could be a closed session or something because it does it's all AI over there correct and that's it is interesting they're listening they're listening just some very unique challenges with the fire I bet yeah I think that's that's good mik sure and chairman uh all the department heads are asked for comment at the application stage of every application for development okay then it's a good thing well that doesn't never comes to the fire unfortunately well it goes we we don't get on the jeap I I never get anything as the fire it probably goes to the Fire subcode official yeah which has nothing to do with the fire department that's construction only it should go to yeah it should are you talking about the agenda no the um applications oh the applications I've never I've been going on my third year as fire chief and I've never I mean I get it from here so it's I've never seen anything and I gets he get some some plans of traffic and stuff but he I don't know if he gets everything or not okay so you mean when the applications come into building department you should be on that I don't know how other towns do it but other towns do get plans they do you know I see him outside the building department walking plans down handing them to police she when I work at Mountain Side I don't know that mountain side gets it to the fire department I don't know how many departments are there that would need it yes sir when an application is deemed complete and scheduled for a date the applicant comes in with 21 copies so youve got x amount for the board and then the rest of them are supposed to be dispersed to police fire construction building yeah whatever sub code is appropriate there is a list somewhere that did they do I don't know if building was that I know in a couple of mon I I don't know now if they do it or not um there is a list you find out do you think they so why don't we just make that part of what we do going forward because that makes sense I thought that they were getting that information early on I do know that um I didn't know how many departments get it but I thought you were definitely getting it I thought the police Department we're getting it and the uh Board of Health we getting it who will be responsible for getting those plans to the different department I the administrator yeah the administrator yeah and I work with boards where as part of the applications and the memos that we see the board members see are four memos fire department Board of Health if necessary um construction official police and they have comments most them remember you we don't a problem but sometimes a fire truck a fire truck needs to get access and this and that but so we do see those so Kevin you just sent the construction official the Board of Health the police and the fire department is the fire sub code or the plumber or the there is there's a list in the ordinance I'm looking it up you have an environmental commissioner or no I don't think so we don't have an environmental commissioner right no we do not I'll share that with you K so you can can you share that with me too Kevin please absolutely okay can we move on yeah we just one more the good of the sure the board I guess and it's basically just to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving since we won't be meeting again until December okay Happy Thanksgiving and all thank you very much [Music] that's nice okay um is there a motion open a meeting for the public so move second by Mr David go by Mr scary in favor I I anyone want to move to close the meeting to the public seeing no one in the audience I'll make a motion to close the public portion Clos by Mr David second by Mr Maia all in favor I motion to adjourn motion made by Mr David second by Mr all in favor I okay have a good night and a very Thanksgiving to all thank you did a good job over there