##VIDEO ID:qWkUluauvbo## this announcement in compliance with the open public meeting act being chapter 231 public laws 1975 the laws of the state of New Jersey the planning board secretary has prepared a schedule of the meeting of the planning board of the burrow of kennworth for the year 2024 and has posted a true copy of this schedule on the bulletin board located at the front entrance of borrow Hall and has mailed true copies of this schedule to the local source The Star Ledger and is maintaining a copy of schedule in B Hall accordingly the notice of requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied in regards regards to this meeting can we stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call please Mr Cerna here Mr Mora here Mr David here Mr D here Mr penti here Mr pantina here Mr scer here and Mr DeLuca here okay any Communications Kathy no chair seeing none is someone like to make a motion for the uh September 11th minutes approval motion made by Mr clementy seconded by Mr scary all in favor I Okay resolution 24-5 uh the Tui group L Lop yeah we uh at our last meeting approved u a minor sight plan for the parking lot that they're proposing across the boulevard it was a fairly straightforward application uh it was a permitted uh use of that property uh and I have our normal uh conditions that we put in all all of our approvals in addition there were some specifics about the crosswalks enhanced landscaping and Lighting replacing the um asphalt parking the asphalt the sidewalk in front and at the parking lots for the sole use of the restaurant um and that's what this says okay is there any anyone like to comment on that is there a motion to approve uh this uh resolution motion B by Mr de second by Mr scary uh roll call uh Mr cerno yes Mr David yes Mr K yes Mr D yes Mr scer yes and Mr DeLuca yes okay thank you with respect to the next application 23003 n Tech Donuts we don't have that resolution prepared and ready tonight for a few reasons a very difficult uh resolution to prepare so that um we not we um Mr uh Rego spoke to Mr buaro Mr vapo um yeah it's no problem accepted the fact that he said that there was that's no problem um and if it's ready for our next meeting that would be fine um we're going to move that to our next meeting next is the resolution uh recommendation to the burough Council regarding the adoption of the uh Redevelopment plan 200 g Hill Road Kenworth Mr Rego yes uh at our September meeting uh both Kevin and Francis Riner who um was instrumental in both were instrumental in preparing the Redevelopment plan ComEd testified as the plan in general they offered their opinion that it was consistent with the uh with the um the Burrow's master plan and what we were required to do as a planning board is listen to them um agree that that was the way it was going to go and recommending to the burough Council that um they should um um adopt the Redevelopment plan as it was as it was drafted uh this is after the fact I assume it's been moving ahead that plan and this is just a written documentation that we're we're on board with it and we're recommending that the council move ahead okay is any questions first of all see men is there a motion to um move the resolution for the uh Redevelopment plan 2000 galin Hill Road moved by Mr dundo seconded by Mr clementy roll call please Mr pno yes Mr David yes Mr kenti yes Mr D yes Mr scary yes and Mr DeLuca yes Mr Mar if I may if I may ask that they are going to have the second reading or of the re you know I think we did have a second reading of the what this plan was by Mr r i no I think you had I think you they came to us twice you did you did they did I can't remember was just for a presentation to the council if you want me to check through emails I can yeah it's not necessary but I just kind of remember that we had our meeting on September 11th and I think the following day or the same day you had that meeting I thought that was the first one but if not then that had to be the second because I think this one is the second who knows but it's in there and it's getting moved Bri I really can't remember because I uh I remember watching the same presentation two times and I wasn't here the for the one for the planning board so I must have seen it twice but I can't tell you we voted the first night okay thankk you just call yeah you're welcome yeah I'm I'm losing it too I think um okay any new business mrri oh I'm sorry Kevin I didn't see you there pardon me um concerning the first and second readings for Council yes there's a 35-day waiting period for Council between the first and second readings after which if they do not receive a report from you they they may M okay thank you Kevin uh with that being said I item seven is there any new business no no new business Mr Kevin if if I may sure yes uh one never wants to talk about this but unfortun if you're going to talk about it would you speak up so I could hear you thank you very much thank you uh but unfortunately I have to do this in public session [Music] um none of your Prof professionals have been paid for the Redevelopment work from back in April uh I have a I'm small firm money like that does come in handy and since I have not been paid after 6 months now um I have got to take the step of stopping all un escrow work for the board until I do get paid uh so anything concerning an escrow I'll continue on because that money is guaranteed it's actually guaranteed by Statute but nonetheless the bur has to take action so uh I've better hold off on the master plan until this gets sorted out interesting so you're telling me tonight that anything that you're required to do by escrow you're going to continue doing but because you and I guess the attorney and uh the engineer have not been paid for anything I'm on thew but I can I'd have a check okay so so basically what's happening all right you're talking about the Redevelopment money that was negotiated um okay so that's correct so so here's what I know and this is and I will follow up with this as soon as I leave here tonight here's what I know there was a meeting with the town attorney and uh all of us were sitting at the same table inside and we were talking about what window are you professionals being paid from because there was no separate Esco es escro put in place and he said well there wouldn't be a separate escrow put in place because this was after the fact but it would be paid out of the existing escrow they informed me to send all those bill I which I informed Kathy to send all those bills to Angela Angela would then to Angela and Mark uh samero and they would review those bills and have them paid and he used the term forth with so that was way back y so uh you were at the table and I can't explain why you weren't paid but I could understand why you don't want to move forward and that's a blow to this board so um I'm hoping it's just caught up in paperwork because I know for a fact that uh you are going to be paid and you will be paid uh because this is what was told to us in that room so Kathy if you could please follow up with this immediately send a letter of this statement we cannot afford to have our professionals not being paid um small firm big firm you do the work you need to be paid and uh I apologize and advance to all you guys um I you know I didn't know this I do know that in the beginning there was um I remember like in May maybe even up to June when the bills were coming in we had we didn't know where to send them we didn't know Mr David if you remember you could support me in this that we didn't know if we were paying it out of the planning board escrow account and then they would be reimbursed but then when we found out later that wasn't the way it was going it was coming out of the Redevelopment escrow for 2000 Galloping Hill and that's the way it should be I promise you I will get on this as soon as I get out of here tonight right it's the best I can do thank you in the future if you see this happening again please come to the chair of the vice chair and um tell us what's going on tell me what's going on and I know that you're great ious and you do a lot of things for us all the time a lot of which you don't bill but when you do Bill you should be paid okay and I I will give it every effort to make sure that that is taken care of immediately if not soon okay it's the best I could do sorry about that I hate that kind of stuff to tell you the truth yeah one regrets even as a business being in your own business bringing it up with your favorite client yeah my private clients I would have cut off a long long time ago well I appreciate it uh Kevin again I apologize and if I may I'm going to move on was that under the new business or that was under the resolution of the master plan I think that was right after we spoke about the resolution right it was kind of after new business or part of new business yeah so I guess that's um new ugly business yeah I was say hopefully it's not comments for the good of the board because there that's not for the good of the okay so comments F go to board that was wonderful okay is there a motion to open the meeting to the public so moved moved by Mr David second by Mr dund all in favor hi anyone from the public wishing to speak there's a gang of you out there come on up I don't see anyone so I'll make a motion to close public portion meting motion closed by Mr D David second by Mr Mundo all in favor hi okay is there a motion to adjourn there is and I will make it motion made by Mr David second by Mr dundo um and all in favor all right thank you very much folks