##VIDEO ID:QrBwon8vgY0## e e e e e e e okay Bruno ready good evening I'd like to call the meeting to order and welcome everyone this meeting is being held in accordance with the schedule of meetings adopted at the organizational meeting held on January 3 2024 adequate notice of this regular meeting of the K board education has been provided to the home News Tribune The Star Ledger the local Source on January 11th 2024 a copy has been filed with the Kenworth bur clerk posted in the board office Kenworth bur Hall breely and Harding schools as is provided by the open public meetings act thank you Mr Gala please rise and join us in a salute to the flag I pledge alce to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all [Applause] okay Mr Gala can we please have roll call yes biner here David here Drogan here farara hather here Madi here kichi here tear here Zimmerman here we have Corum thank you at this time we will now have the receiving of the minutes and committee notes of the secretary the regular Boe meeting minutes from the secretary from August 12th 2024 and August 26 2024 and the Personnel committee meeting notes from August 5th 2024 and the curriculum and instruction from August 28 2024 can I please have a motion to receive the Boe minutes and committee notes of the secretary please second second motion made by Mr hather seconded by Mrs TS all those in favor please say I I opposed okay eyes have it motions carry at this time Mr Gala do we have any reading um of monthly correspondence we do not okay thank you very much at this point we will now move on to superintendent reports and presentations superintendent Davies thank you Dr Pichi uh Mr canel is going to be presenting on the referendum project update uh as he's getting prepared just a couple notes about the start of the school year uh we had an very uh energizing and exciting start to the school year uh I want to publicly thank our custodians and secretaries for readying the buildings for our staff to return also want to thank the leadership team for their work in creating a dynamic set of professional development days for our teachers and finally thank the teachers of kennworth they came in energized they eagerly engaged with our professional development and they greeted their students with open arms on Thursday of last week it was a really great start to the school year also just wanted to thank the burough of kennworth uh for the wonderful fireworks display to kick off the new school year um I know it wasn't for the new school year but but it seemed like it was and we enjoyed it uh so what a great way to kick off the school year um I would vote for that to happen every year uh when we welcome kids back but it was a really um great fireworks display so thank you to the burrow and Mr ganel is going to report on the referendum projects good evening everyone uh this is my monthly update uh um providing you a progress report on our various uh projects that we have uh in place uh fortunately a couple of them are uh rap up very nicely hbac upgrades um uh all all univ ventilator installations have been complete uh and they're just basically doing some punchless thing uh items and some of the large equipment items um nothing to report the contract uh went pretty smooth uh throughout the entire Pro uh progress process uh a lot of that had to do with the accommodations that the teachers made from January to June and giving up some of their classroom space so we could get in there and get get a jump on that otherwise this would have been a very very hectic summer uh so I appreciate their assistance in in in in accommodating us with that uh field progress the field is uh you know about 95% uh done with the pro uh punchless items um um obviously it's in use uh we've all seen it looks good uh new scoreboard was uh installed just prior to uh the day of the uh first game uh is up and operational uh the additions project uh the underground asset store uh asset line was complete um for the new addition that is one of the change orders that you will see uh on this evening's agenda underground utilities are almost complete uh the lob the lobby footings and Foundations are complete and we're expecting the steel to be um arriving very soon uh hopefully early next week Auditorium framing in both the Harding and uh brle are is complete uh the HVAC installation in brle and Harding is almost 80% completion those are couple of Big Air Handlers I was talking about earlier uh the multi-purpose room and the NPR which is the back gym which is going to be the Middle School multi-purpose room it's going to be the cafeteria the gymnasium um and probably sometimes Auditorium uh area um that uh uh wall has been complete completed uh way ahead of schedule actually that was supposed to be done next summer but the contractors wanted to get ahead of it so we allowed them to do that um electrical in the lobby is in progress um and uh we have two change orders on this evening's agenda to to approve one as I said earlier uh was regarding the um the uh asset wasteline venting U this was as per the municipal inspector um uh and then the other one was to Rel Rel relocate the electric conduit um uh for the Transformer um for the new addition so here are some pictures of the HCC project this is probably one of the last times I'll be reporting this out since not much will be going on uh visually at least you have some classrooms you have some of the rooftop units uh in the second picture you see the gym uh work being done in the third picture and then some additional classrooms in the fourth and the fifth pictures uh field upgrades um you can see um' probably all been out there everything go is going pretty smoothly with that we're work with we're working currently with the insurance company to recuperate um uh the uh the contaminated soil uh disposal um and um hopefully that claim will come through soon uh and there's a picture of uh the athletic field uh the night of the fireworks uh the additions and alterations uh you can see here uh the first pictures of of the lobby um uh second picture is some univ ventilator work in the auditorium of Harding third is the Brey uh Auditorium uh the fourth one is the multi-purpose room wall going up uh in the that's the back gym and the third the fifth um fourth and the fifth are the foundation of the addition uh you can see it's it's getting to a point where it's nice and level uh the pad will soon be poured uh once all inspections are complete uh the uh the pad can be uh poured so um couple weeks ago or last month uh Mr Ferrar asked for a cost breakdown of the projects um so this is basically what the cost breakdown is is you can see here the field uh improvements is about 15% of the project the the mechanical portion uh is about 22% and the addition makes up the rest of that um the addition in the auditorium science and the uh art rooms um uh so you can see there the awarded amount um and then the uh contracted uh change um uh or as the uh changes uh to date so far for the uh alterations hopefully in Project number one a good portion of that $700,000 will be returned to us via the insurance claim and these costs do not include the design cost the construction management fees or other Associated costs these are just the hard contract costs with the contractors um yes suggesting that we're almost a million dollars over uh well no because we build in contingency so we have built-in contingencies um be a little little nervous if we don't get some of that $700,000 back I'll be a little little nervous uh but don't forget we have a whole another phase of preschool uh to do that is also part of that money too that hasn't even been awarded yet so um if we get back that $700,000 will'll be in good shape do you have an idea of how much you think we're going to are we going I don't want to um you want to put it out on the universe yeah well because it's it's negotiations gotcha okay okay um so these are some of the projects that we're doing outside of the referendum scope um utilizing some of the not only our operating funds but also some of the uh uh funds for the interest uh on the bond uh um Bond um proceeds uh you can see there the clocks and the PA systems and the security and the camera systems those are are both are being awarded this evening uh those are not part of referendum Bond proceeds but will be awarded separately as part of our budget uh the lighting and sound system we awarded that last month um for $776,000 for the auditorium project and then some of the miscellaneous site work that we've completed uh on the fence on 14th street the sidewalk on 14th Street um long cover and pole vault pit the W board field scoreboard uh baseball bleacher contract p uh concrete pad for the the bleachers uh that is actually on this evening's agenda as well and then the storage units that you see uh scattered around the campus uh still some of the project that we still plan on awarding um outside of the scope of the referendum are gym equipment uh for the multi-purpose room basically new backboards uh in the gym um uh cafeteria tables um and serving area and equipment and refrigerators we're going to be using cafeteria funds for that uh Harding and um Harding uh playground the main playground and the prek playground um and Mr Ladi will be giving you some information regarding the financing of that piece uh during his report um so are there any questions did yeah regarding the resolution 7 with the the change orders is that 135 additional or is that what the price is now that's additional so it's 135 additional yeah okay yeah um maybe you same thing with resolution 8 um clock phones cator what is this we're not even on resolution yet are we no Okay Okay resolution number what are they what is it yeah security cameras okay paging clocks phones category voice call this is all like extra like for taxpayers you just seems like we keep going over well people do need phones and clocks in classrooms paull so that's what this is for and it's not going over it's not going over this was always the plan to use these funds to do this we pulled these certain projects out of the referendum to bring down the the remember it was $35 million we wanted to bring it down because we knew we were going to be able to do some of these projects this way the interesting just wondering what is there a bot line here it's a new office it's a new school building we can't we cannot award projects if there's no money I understand that saying like when wondering like we took a bond out for certain funds but it's everything's over budget seems like it's not I'm I'm going to dispute that terminology it's not over budget it's exactly what we anticipated okay and a different line at it's still okay yeah it's but it's just a different bucket okay if you look at back go back and you look at the original original scope of work it was a lot larger than that so we said how can we scale down that original scope of work and not have to go out and bond going out and bonding another $2 to3 million would have been an added expense to the community if we could do it within Capital Cap with our capital reserve money or the the bond proceed interest from the bond proceeds that's how the board wanted to proceed to bring down that cost to the long-term cost to the taxpayers okay so this like an example this concrete pad was that was that in the original site work for the site work for the baseball field was was was there yes so and that includes resolution number 11 as well okay same thing with the 10 10 and 11 sorry 10 and 11 softball and baseball okay okay any other questions Mr okay not at this point Thank you to Mr canel for their report uh I'm just going to switch over to our last report of the day um I just wanted to present the goals District goals for the upcoming school year current school year I should say so this throughout the summer um the administrative team met um and we specifically had our Retreat where we looked at our previous school goals our district goals and um looked to see where we could Sunset some of our goals where we could improve and grow further um so we came up with our 2024 2025 District goals at our Retreat uh and these have also been shared with our full staff um our first and foremost goal is academic achievement we are a school district this is key and we've seen good growth so far our academic achievement is growing and we need to do more so we want to continue to Foster engaging instruction while building meaningful curricular connections to the home and the Greater kenor Community to advance skill development in all subjects um we have new Ela standards uh we're working on k to8 math Pilots we talk to our faculty about shared responsibility so that our academic achievement is not just on the backs of Math teachers or English teachers but it's shared throughout all of our different disciplines and specifically what I'm excited about for this year is working with parents and with a greater Community um providing what parents can do at home to help us Educators inside the classroom to do greater work with our students so whether it's tips or workshops finding ways to engage with our parent community and the larger Community to help focus on academic achievement um so that is goal number one excuse me I have developed oh God pardon me our second goal excuse me is our referendum projects o sorry it's okay need need a bigger cough we got to get that drop yeah you need a cough drop maybe forgive me good catch thank back to school sorry um so so our second goal is obviously the referendum and construction projects we want to follow through with all the referendum projects develop an Implement a successful sixth grade transition plan and design a budget for early childhood education um so you see there as Mr canel um is showing the progress these are exciting things for our district exciting things to help student achievement um so we want to make sure that all these projects are done successfully and we transition um um into our sixth grade and our early childhood education very well also we have the new Auditorium spaces which we want to celebrate as well so we're excited for that goal number three is motivation student academic motivation so how can we teach through Hands-On experiential lessons and support Creative Learning experiences for enhanced student engagement we want to tap into what makes students tick why they connect to school and how we can make their engagement within the school community that much greater to again go back to academic achievement we've developed an engagement toolkit over the years we want to enhance that and continue using that with our teachers we focus on our data team meetings with our our teachers making sure that we're using our data to enhance our student engagement and also continue with our robust professional development bringing in outside side experts using the internal experts that we have to make sure that we're focused on how do we make sure that our students are engaged in their classrooms and the fourth goal is student voice and vision we want to amplify and celebrate student voices to develop stronger student self- advocacy and Leadership facilitate experiences that enable students to Envision their Futures this also taps into a little bit of motivation here but making sure that our students can see themselves in their Futures they can realize what's going to be down the road for them and we need to be able to do things to help support that providing them career exploration opportunities in the form of career fairs College fairs trades fairs those types of activities we also have a transition coordinator that we're approving tonight hopefully um and that person's direct job is to help make connections to the outside world to help our students transition from school to the Real World experience and of course continue our school celebrations that we've started to make sure kids feel like they belong they have a voice and they can help us move forward so those are our four goals um for the uh upcoming school year pardon my throat forgive me about that um what questions do you have about any of our school goals for for the upcoming school year not a a question so much as well just with the new Ela standards and goal one by that you mean the state standards that were changed that all the English teachers are doing throughout the state correct not making sure that they're implemented correctly and and our teachers are supported in that is the transition coordinator is that going to be a longterm full time Ro or is that yes permanent position permanent position okay you okay good thank you very much thank you thank you oh yeah um that does basically conclude my report however um because it was the summer there's no hivs and the month of August so there's no hi report but in the back of your packet is the attendance report the enrollment report so you can see where our card enrollment is at the start of the school year we have 1,434 students enrolled in our district so I'll that's my usual question this F do you have any like late Walkins into the school district and do we do our due diligence on residency on them we do our due diligence and yes we have late Watkins we were registering students on the first day of school um today yeah um I don't know why people wait so long but they do sometimes wait I'm just always a little nervous about that making sure you know the kids that belong here we pay we don't mind paying for but you know kids that don't belong here we should not have to our taxpayers pay for those kids so yeah as long as we do our do diligence on that I'm okay we are yes good thank you Dr Pichi thank you so at this time we'll have report of committees review of resolutions and board discussion up first is Mr L with uh Finance facilities and negotiations okay so as Mr Dy said um the buildings are open to the students and thank the maintenance and custodial staff for getting that done um transportation has started off smoothly and all the routes are secured the cafeteria operation is up and running um just real quick on the negotiations committee we're meeting tomorrow at 5:30 so um hopefully we'll get and that's for the custodians maintenance secretaries and clerks um Vince mentioned the grant um for the Harding School Playgrounds um we received a $250,000 state aid grant for Capital Improvements will be used to update and enhance Harding schools playgrounds the funding was secured through discussions with Senator cryan's office in May and June of 24 the committee or the finance committee will be reviewing the options with Mr ganella and the building Administration on how to proceed um Mr gal just went into all the work that was done over the summer and a status on the referendum projects um I guess we did mention as the as for Resolutions um one two and three are the standards that that are in our packet every month um I reviewed the financials all the financial reports including billing they're all in order um to the best of my ability I should say um for was a large line item transfer um Mr Canelo mentioned that and that's going to be going to um 8 n and 10 um resolutions 8910 and 11 um it's for um AR architectural services that were not needed which will allow us to expand some of the projects um 12 is necessary for additional section of the kindergarten which was open for an increase and that's a a bathroom facility um enhancement um six is payment to the contractors I'm sorry five is Resolute on workshops six are payments to contractors I took a look at each and all appear to be in order so inar to construction change orders I think Mr hather mentioned that um eight again or necessary items for the new Middle School you know pagers clocks phones security cameras Etc um 891 again like we mentioned um and 13 is the univers Kane University social affiliation or social work affiliation agreement and that's all I have so I'll take any any questions just one quick one sure playgrounds what's the the life expectancy on these things I'm just just curious thinking in terms of it it's not that terribly long ago that we did the newer playground at Harding now yeah um well we're looking at possibly expanding the playground not necessarily replacing the entire thing um so making it bigger bigger adding and certain certain pieces I know the teenagers hang out on they're kind of broken so so so you know we have our our our annual inspection or insurance company comes out and inspects it so some of those components are are not say age but I mean if there were if age appropriate kids played on it it probably would last another five years right but AG appropriate kids are playing out you know so so that does have a certain certain wear and tear on it so yeah so so I have a question for maybe me or you so um I know it's like you know I was always a fan of you know maybe watching out at night over our property whether it's the football field or or the Harding equipment the other I don't know what our signage is on the new field in the area but I saw like two kids riding bikes on the field the other night on the field on the field itself so I don't know how we could police that but well it is sign it we have signage up there that specifically says bikes are not allowed on the track or the field um you know um I'm just I know can't you can't be there 247 with a guard on it but um I don't know maybe we could put some cameras up and snap some pictures up of kids and then post them or whatever if you can do that I know we're we're looking at some of those [Music] options we are and then even you know on on Harding School like you said maybe teenagers on the on the playground equipment at night or during day maybe we could get something there some security on that to watch that equipment also so the playground equipment isn't allowed anybody on it I thought it was open for the public after talk about yeah but teen talk about teenagers hanging out and you know it's made for kids little kids it's not made for 18-year-old kids to be hanging out on this on a slide how quickly you forget your teenager and out I never vandalized anything I'm just saying we got to have some type of I'm just saying are they hurting any are they well yes actually because Vincent just said some of the equipment is broken as a result of what these kids are doing I didn't hear that yeah so just something just something we can look into just you have a certain certain pieces are designed for certain weight weight limits so you know I have a question I'd like this explain toilet room facility for early inter intervention what are we saying okay so we opened up the additional fifth grade fifth kindergarten class kindergartens are required to have bathrooms within their their rooms in their rooms okay okay this class room doesn't so we have to put in a for a waiver to the county office the Department of Education that says how we are going to um accommodate their bathroom needs and in this particular particular case we're going to have an aid walk the children down to the nearest bathroom and that's how we deal with that that's a state thing hm that's a state thing it's a state thing yeah we've done that or else you have to have an aid walk a child down so it's like one other Tye of accommodation yes okay just curious so there are some in some of the rooms but not this new one correct so they you walking down to we have seven rooms we have seven rooms with bathrooms okay four kindergarten rooms and then three of our preschool groms all have bathrooms this would be an eighth requiring it now hopefully when we the sixth grade moves out we're going to be looking at that and expanding that so we have eight nine or 10 classrooms with bathroom facilities that's our goal okay thank you it was a terminology I didn't quite yeah it's early intervention that's the name of the form that's that's the form where just kindergarten okay thank you anyone else any questions for Mr okay thank you very much up next personnel and management Mr H uh excuse me sorry it's contagious 11 resolutions tonight um 14 and 15 are uh the acceptance of resignations um did I say 11 resignations resolutions resolutions resolution resignation uh resolution 16 is the approval of the aforementioned transition coordinator resolution 17 is uh am lunchroom AIDS and Par professional aids for the 2024 2025 School Year resolution 18 is a change of a salary resolution 19 is changeed to8 hours resolution 20 is the uh revision of a maternity leave absence request resolution 21 is the approval of a maternity leave absence request resolution 22 is approval of co-curricular stien positions for the 2425 School Year resolution 23 is approval of unused six days the payment payment of unused six days and resolution 24 is the approval of s SOA par professional staff for the 2425 school year questions from [Music] just one with the resolution 16 um hiring starting on Step 11 Masters how many uh with our contract the way it's set up now how many steps are there below Step 11 Masters I know it would seem like logic people would say 10 but I know our numbers don't necessarily work that way or at least they didn't at one time 10 they do now so it would literally be the 11th step correct so we're hiring this person at the 11th step because they have that much experience or you know that it just seems like a big jump for somebody coming into the district brand new yeah this is um we've been attempting to fill this position for a while now we've had several candidates who um we couldn't match their salary requests um so this one we found what we feel would be the right person for this position because it's a unique position so we want to make sure we find the right person um and they had you know several years of experience as an educator so we felt it was appropriate for the Step 11 okay any else questions from Mr okay we'll now move on to curricul curriculum and instruction Mrs tears she's good sorry is there a uh personel committee notes for him to read out you read that last month that was yeah okay I thought it was I thought it was a policy because you were holding that well it said your committee notes on here so it was um we just have one resolution tonight resolution 25 is the approval of the hit report from July 2024 and um my curriculum and instruction committee notes uh we met on August 28th at PM in here uh Miss hyle discuss the summer curriculum writing guides and the summer programming which included the successful outcomes of new staff orientation and the teacher leadership program and plans to further enhance these programs Mr Davies and Miss hle then shared the state test testing score results which will be presented to the public at the October board meeting they also discuss the opening day schedule and the professional learning programming for the school year Miss hyle also provided a update on the a AI practices for the district and Mr Davies shared the positive work and plans that were generated from the administrator's summer Retreat Mr Davies then spoke about his plans for Community engagement for the school year the committee members discussed options to customize the parent engagement programs and lastly the committee members discuss Staffing as well as the class sizes and the most recent numbers of enrollment any questions resolution 26 under policy which was mentioned um they resolved that the Kenworth Board of Education in accordance with policies 1400 mandated and for 111 approves the following new job description as recommended by the superintendent for the transition coordinator at this time we'll now move on to Old business does anyone have any old business two item I just wanted to say that the fireworks were wonderful and I'm thank thankful that they're back with April long okay uh two things that are old business um now that school's back in swing the Friday folders and information are being sent out by Mr Davies please make sure that you're checking and looking for updates even on our website and another um item under old business possibly The Residency committee meeting again before the end of the year to discuss any updates because residency came up again that could be something possibly do okay anyone else under old business okay um new business um I just want to make a make a statement that the uh game on Friday was fantastic um it wasn't a fantastic result but um it was great to see so many members of the community out there um the student body was Dawning Their Stars and Stripes um but uh it was uh it was a great example of the hard work that we're putting into the uh into the town into the field L great and it's good time so hopefully more WIS to come thank you so we want to take the opportunity to welcome everyone back students family and staff and we want to thank everyone leadership teams all the team members that help to prepare a school for the opening of schools we know it takes a village we also want to thank all the PTO at both schools that really help to have some welcome back initiatives and things for the parents and the students we want to wish the students good luck with academics and sports and we're off to a really good start so far two additional items um under new business uh for uni County Educational Services Commission I attend the monthly meeting there's nothing to report other than you know some Transportation contract and Personnel items but there's nothing that would impact our school and one last item um 911 is in fact this week so we would like to just acknowledge that um very um significant time in our history so we can take a moment just to acknowledge that event it would be great do you have a time on that event it's Wednesday I'm not quite sure no I'm just saying to take a moment now to acknowledge 911 as a country no no no there there are some Community things but just for us to acknowledge what a significant event it is um for okay so Mr berer can you say that again for anybody I think it's 5 o' b Hall this Wednesday pretty sure they mentioned it last last week's council meeting yeah I I heard thank you thank you so much does anyone else have anything they'd like to add under new business okay we'll Now open up the meeting to the public is there a motion to open up the meeting to the public motion to open second okay motion made by Mrs Drogan seconded by Mr David all those in favor of opening the meeting to the public please say I I I oppose eyes have it motions carry Mr ganella yes uh public comment has now be accepted the Board of Education sets a limit uh for the public to speak at the board meeting to 5 minutes per person unless prior permission has been granted by the board for extended time pursuing to kboe policy bylaw 0167 when you approach the podium please include your name and address prior to making your comments conning public at this time that would like to make a comment okay please step up hi Joey Grimaldi 34 North 14 Street uh um this past I believe um the maintenance guy was uh running some machine over the uh the brand new field as per its uh regular maintenance or whatever and um I had I had my my truck parked across the street I usually have it in my driveway but I put it across the street he he he ran this machine back and forth over the whole thing as if he was mowing the lawn but it's you know it's artificial surface um when I went over there across the street to bring my truck in my driveway I noticed on the ground um there's there's all of these orange and black uh pellets and stuff and there's um white and green fake grass stuff on that side of the street and on on my side of the street and I brought my truck in in into the driveway I noticed a few little uh rubber pellets and things on my on my uh hood hood of the truck thankfully and fortunately there was no scratches but when I went over there before I looked on the other side I I expected to see all of this rubber stuff pelted against my truck because I saw it all on on this side of the street and on my side of the street I I spoke to Chris and I asked him I said um you know look look at all of this stuff who's going to clean it up he said it's the town's responsibility and he had mentioned something about um they were supposed to clean up after the night of fireworks but the town didn't and then he did it that next morning and all of that stuff is is on on Bry side of the street and my side of the street now had I had I mowed the lawn and had all all of the lawn in in the street someone would have come by and said hey you have to pick this up this all of this rubber stuff is still is still on both sides of the street now he said the town was supposed to do it um I don't know I I didn't speak to anyone in the town but like someone has to clean it up and is this going to happen every time he runs that machine cross the whole field you know and I I had complained to to uh the board after the fact about the uh about the uh field now you you know that That's History it looks beautiful I did walk on the track it's really nice and cushy and it's beautiful and I hope we get many championships out of it but this stuff I if this is going to be a routine thing this is wrong and someone has to has to clean it up not make it go in the streets and and now I I ride a motorcycle now motorcycles are are very um uh I can't think of the word susceptible to gravel on the road and stuff all right now most Riders me included always look out for that stuff well this is like you know this is may may cause some kind of the accident too because there's motorcycles that go up and down the street there's a lot of cars and trucks but anyhow thank you for your time I hope I hope this gets addressed and and you know cuz it's wrong to have that that stuff all over the place thank you Mr galdi for your comment thank you any other public at this time like to make any comments no see no one I make a motion to close the public portion of the meeting okay motion made by Mr David seconded by Mrs teers all those in favor of closing the meeting to the public please say I I opposed okay eyes have it motion is carried at this time Mr Gala can we have a roll call of resolution yes just one quick just in curiosity out of sort of a followup to what Mr galdi was asking about with these pellets um I find it a a little amazing myself to think that if we've got some kind of machine operating on the field that these things are winding up out on the sidewalk and street level and would worry about people slipping on them I mean he's talking about motorcy do we want two stories do you want this you want my theory on it I have to confirm it I don't think what the the green field maintenance had anything to do with the the the thing I think it was after the fireworks DPW came and blew the entire facility oh um oh to get the all the firework debris off and they probably and don't forget this is a new field so there were pellets and brown P black pellets all over the place and I think they they did a great job I'm not blaming the DPW they did a great job cleaning our facility so I'm not complaining about that but I think they might have blown it on to onto 14th Street Asos to the machine that Mr Park ma Mach shouldn't be do shouldn't do that but I'll confirm that double check it and if that's the case I'll have uh Mr Connelly contact the DPW they just they'll just run the uh street cleaner up 14th Street to take care of Cu like you're saying you know besid motorcycles they probably didn't even realize what they didn't even probably realize what they were blowing off cuz they were they were more focusing on mral they were more focusing on the actual fireworks chunks offf the chunks of plast the chunks of little pieces of plastic card the cardboard pieces that's what they were focusing on but all right that makes that makes sense Mr ganal can you just give us an update next meeting sure thank you that would be wonderful okay anyone else thank you comment anyone else okay U Mr ganal the roll call of resolution this is resolutions 1 through 26 on the agenda do any need to be voted on separately no okay 1 through 26 biner yes David yes Drogan yes Ferrara oh sorry hather yes adad te yes Zimmerman and panichi yes motions carry unanimously is there a need to go into close executive session there is not okay can I ask for motion to adjourn please second okay motion made by Mr David seconded by Mr hather all those in favor of adjourning please say I I opposed eyes Havoc motion care we are now journ thank you everyone for coming thank you Mr galdi