##VIDEO ID:_JvRrIk5Q3c## e e e e e e e e e ready okay good evening we would like to call the meeting to order welcome everyone adequate notice of this meeting um this meeting is being held in accordance with the scheduled me in 24 adequate notice of this regular meeting of the Kor board education has been provided to the home News Tribune The Star Ledger the local Source on January 11th 2024 a copy has been filed with the Kenworth Boro clerk posted in the board office The kennworth Boro Hall brely in Harding schools as is provided by the open public meetings act thank you Mr Galo can everyone please rise and join us send this to the flag I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Mr Galo can we please have roll call yes biner here David here Jara here hather here LTI panichi here tears here Zimmerman we have quarm thank you at this time we'll have the receiving of the minutes and committee notes of the secretary we need a motion to accept the regular Boe minutes of the secretary from September 9th 2024 can I please have a motion second motion made by Mr hather seconded by Mr biner all those in favor please say I I opposed eyes have it motion carries Mr ganal do we have any public correspondence we do not okay thank you so at this time we'll move on to the superintendent's reports and presentations superintendent Davies good evening everyone thank you Dr panichi I'm proud to report how exciting things have been in and around both Harding and brely these past few weeks from cultural events that engage with the community like last week's Hispanic heritage night to the Social and emotional work that our school leadership teachers and counselors engage in through assemblies at Harding and the week of respect events at both Bry and Harding the district's heart is pumping strong meanwhile academically we're continuing to build momentum to Target student achievement in our classrooms um teachers are working hard to increase the rigor and they did a great job preparing students for both the PSAT last week and the fall njpa last week here at rly I would like to draw everyone's attention to resolution number eight um this is the resolution to approve the district goals school goals and the vision and mission statements of our district as you may recall uh last meeting I presented the district goals at our meeting um they include academic achievement referendum and construction updates student academic motivation and student vision and voice those goals at the district level are mirrored at the building level at brly I'm pleased to focus on the three goals for David Bley which is strengthening and transitioning from middle school to high school preparing to welcome sixth grade into brewley and also sustaining and enhancing academic achievement at David brewley so those are the three brewley goals you see in resolution number eight and then the Harding goals include supporting students academic and behavioral growth through data using Mt the mtss process as well as increasing family engagement to enhance student learning in the class classroom so those are our two bre sorry two Harding goals um so those make up the Harding and brly goals for our district uh moving on I also want to publicly thank Miss mine pavlech who served as bur's acting principal for the past four months while we transitioned from my leadership to Mr John perillo's leadership Miss pavle not only kept the bre ship afloat during the transition time but she ran a strong ship having improved our programming specifically Miss pavle implemented a new initiative such as the eighth grade electives tasting she called it this was a program whereby current eighth graders spent half of a day experiencing High School electives even at this early point in the school year we thought this was important and Miss pavle thought this was important um to help our eighth graders understand all the great offerings that are here at the high school level um one of our goals is to make sure that we're retaining our top talent um and that's um miss pich's work in that area and the program was met with great success so thank you to miss pav for her work leading David Brey during this time also want to publicly welcome Mr John pillo whose first day of BR uh so congratulations and welcome as you recall Mr pillo went through a rigorous and competitive interview process and became the Clear Choice of teachers students parents and of course our administrative team and and um and the board um so we know that he has the great temperament the intelligence and creativity and determination to take Bry to the next level welcome Mr pillo speaking of success I also want to introduce two of bly's finest at this time we have two student reps with us tonight um Sydney gch and Haley graph are going to present the Brey um and District updates so I'm going to call them to the podium Sydney and Haley are two of our most accomplished seniors they Excel academically they're also highly involved in many different activities to list them would take a long time um know that they are some of U our fins so um please to welcome them tonight for our updates thank you for having us here today to speak on behalf of the berley students we're excited to share some updates in September we kicked off with an activity Fair students visited booths curricular activities at the middle and high school levels we're excited for more student involvement we also had our middle and high school new student mixers where our new students learned about all things brily as well as met other students at the beginning of October our senors had the opportunity to gear up for their Futures in their college application process through our annual college essay conference day last week we had a half day that at Burley that was jam-packed so seventh graders got to participate in community outreach day 8th grade students had engaged in dbhs elective tasting where they got to preview a handful of great electives that they'll be seeing in high school nth graders participated in for high school and Beyond 10th and 11th graders took the PSAT and 11th graders had senior day where they started with a senior sunrise and breakfast by a quick scavenger hunt and a pizza lunch hunt and a pizza lunch all sponsored by the PTO we also had our annual Hispanic heritage night last week there was food student presentations on Hispanic countries professional dancers a band a FL and a flash mob by our Bry dancers coming up this month we have fall Spirit Week College and Career Fair the dbms Spanish conversation um the pep rally the homecoming game and dance and Tech free Friday we're excited for a productive school year to come thank you thank you Haley thank you [Applause] Sydney you guys are free to leave if you want uh Mr ganel is going to take it up with the referendum update thank you good evening everyone um monthly update on our projects um uh the HVAC work is uh coming to its conclusion or in the punch list items um control work and balancing is currently being completed um and um everything seems to be going quite well with that project as with the fields as well we're almost 99% complete there's only a couple of outstanding punch list items that we're are addressing currently uh moving into the additions uh underground utilities are complete for area a or area a is the main the addition to the the the middle school and science Wing Edition uh it was great watching the concrete go down uh last week um uh Jeremy sent out a a pretty cool timelapse uh video of the of the concrete going down it was really amazing to see how quickly that was done um my my uh my uncles my great uncles would have been very impressed as Italian Masons to see that process in in in in full gear um uh the slab as I said is done uh the grading uh is starting to uh take place you'll see the M piles of of dirt are being shifted all throughout the uh the fields um the sidewalk and curb installation a lot of work was done today out there uh for the uh for the uh entrance uh in front of the Middle School um the steel is expected uh there's a little bit of a delay on that it was supposed to be in last week it's now expected to be in on 10:21 one um the steel for the area C which is the lobby uh you could see that was uh installed and that's progressing very nicely the framing and the utilities uh for that area are also uh uh done quite uh nicely the auditorium stage it really has been refinished uh the ceiling grid is uh installed if you take a peak in there you'll see the new ceiling Grid in there uh the floors are in progress of being completed as well um HVAC installation ab brely and Harding is is is for this addition phase uh in the auditoriums is almost complete uh and the electrical in the lobby is also in progress currently so here are some pictures of of the areas the HVAC upgrades uh to the the classrooms and the uh multi-purpose room um and the auditoriums and the gymnasiums um the field upgrades uh this might be the last time I show this uh this one because I think we'll be we' be completely done with that uh by the November meeting um we've been playing games on there pretty consistently and haven't heard too much of a an issue uh hasn't rained but uh thank God because it's artificial so we don't have to worry about rain need need for rain um Auditorium additions you could see there uh the top one is the Auditorium AB brely the second one you can see the uh that's the elevator uh shaft being built the third one there is the concrete slab uh right after it was installed uh the the the fourth one uh the bottom left hand is the lobby uh and then the next all the bottom ones are the lobby um you can see the um the third the last one is the roof of the lobby um some other work that I wanted to note uh if people were concerned about us removing a tree on our property it was dying and decayed it was split um and uh so we had a contractor come out and remove that tree for safety purposes uh softball field which is separate from the um um referendum projects uh has been uh regraded uh the infield this is the infield project and next month are going to be doing the uh infield for the baseball project breakdowns you can see here the cost of each of the projects the change orders to date uh as we noted last month the bulk of the change orders for the uh Field improvements have to do with the contaminated soil which we expect to get approximately 50% of that money back through our insurance claim um um and some some minor um change orders for for the uh alterations projects to date remarkably the HVAC project was which was $5.1 Million did not have a single change order to date so that was that was pretty pretty good on everyone's part the contractors were great to work with uh I think our Engineers did a decent job of Designing it um so that's not very typical for a project of that magnitude to have no change orders um and the auditorium last last three projects are the auditorium seating which is on hold until the um the ceilings are complete in the auditoriums you want to put the seats up because that's hard to really hard to work in the on the ceilings uh and then the science lab equipment will come in and the art room uh equipment and furniture will be um coming towards the hopefully towards May and June of uh 25 so that's that uh any questions no okay thank you thank you mran uh thank you Mr ganella uh next up we're going to have um director of curriculum instruction and Innovation Miss hle and Harding principal Mr bubnowski report out the njsla results from May 2024 uh while Mr ganel gets that presentation ready uh just a um a preview uh the takeaway from these scores is that we're trending positive in many directions um meanwhile we certainly have a few spots remaining um that we need to Target so the news is overall positive and trending in the right direction um especially coming on the heels of Miss H's last presentation in August in which she highlighted the significant growth we've seen in our districts NJ GPA scores as well as our AP scores which we're very proud of um but there's much work to uh while there's much work to celebrate there's work to be done um so we want to make sure that you know that we're not going to be complacent in the least there's significant work to be done in certain areas um those areas some of them remain weak and we're not happy about that um you have my commitment that we won't rest until we tackle these areas uh you have the rest until these areas are addressed and you have the resolve and the team spirit of our teaching staff uh who also work tirelessly to Target those areas and are on board with this as well so I'm happy to say that we have a unified team to address any areas uh that remain but the overall news is positive missle great thank you and um welcome everyone so um as Mr Davey said we're here to present an overview of the NJ SLA scores from the spring of 2024 so again just an overview of quickly what this test is this test is the aims to assess the development of students standing and correspondence to the level of the academic standards um the results help us determine strength and weaknesses across our subject areas uh we there's Ela which is 150 minutes um for grades three and 180 for grades 4 to 8 there is a math section which contains three units a 60 minutes each for a total of 180 and there's also a science section which is administered grades 5 and 8 um for 180 minutes and grades 11 uh for 240 minutes so for ELA on each assessment students read and analyze passages from authentic fiction and non-fiction texts the test can also include multimedia stimuli such as video or audio it also emphasizes the importance of close reading synthesizing ideas within and across texts determining the meaning of words and phrases in context and writing effectively when using and or analyzing sources for math students face a mixture of objective items assessing content and practice and constructed response items requiring the application of grade or course appropriate reasoning and modeling the science standards require students to draw on their understanding of Science and Engineering practices disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting Concepts to make sense of phenomena or to design solutions to problems the shift from an emphasis on measuring their ability to remember facts is to an emphasis on students ability to use their understanding in new situations requires a shift in how students are assessed the njsla results have all been sent home to families in that letter also there are instructions on how a family can review these scores online as well as how they can learn more about the test and preview um a ser series of practice problems and we encourage parents to log on and take a look at at those here is a sample of a score report just so you can see it at a glance um that includes the information of how each child fared in reading and in writing it also Compares each student with the district score as well as a state score so you can really get a full picture of how your child performed we'll now hear from Mr Bowski hello and good evening everyone uh I'm going to lead you through the district's Ela scores uh we'll take a look at them from different perspectives but this slide uh just like the rest of the slides that we're going to be looking at this evening you're going to be looking at things from left to right so if you look at this score uh this slide you look to the far left the red bars represent those students that have not met expectations you go to the extreme right to the dark green bar those are our students that have exceeded expectations and then if you look at the um bar that is most represented that light green bar that is the bar that represents students that are meeting grade level expectations and again this is the entire district from third grade through high school so our njsla scores range from 650 to 850 if you take a look at this slide it Compares our averages across 3 years if you take a look at grades 3 through six you'll see a a little bit of a rise throughout the years and grades 7 through 9 have stayed fairly stable this slide shows the same information but in a chart format again if you look at the chart from left to right you move from not meeting expectations toward towards exceeding expectations uh but what I like to point out in this slide is you take the average of met expectations and exceeded expectations and you compare those averages to the state average I also like to point out that in grades five and six this our average is much higher than the state's average and that is an increase that we haven't seen in in a in a few years so we're we're proud to see that that growth and then lastly for me this is just just um comparing our students to each other just breaking them down from different um different groups looking at race gender and programming and it just compares the students from these different areas on how they performed on the test thank you so I'm going to lead you through almost the same thing but taking a look at our district math and um science scores so same thing looking at these this first slide shows you the entire um District math view but we'll take a look um a little bit closer as we just did for ELA to so again not meeting partially meeting approaching meeting and exceeding here are the average math scores again um across the years same 3 to five has stayed fairly consistent 6 to8 um has gone up and high school has fluctuated a little bit um depending on the subject areas you read this from left to right did not yet meet expectations to exceeds expectations and again the slide also shows the percentage of met and exceeds expectations comparing our district to the state um this slide Compares how our students perform in comparison to each other when looking at race gender and programming um the last test the students take is the njsla science it is only taken in fifth 8th and 11th grade here's a chart of our performance this year as well as across the last three years science is a little different there's only four categories below Prof proficiency near proficiency proficient and advanced proficient if you look at the last column it shows the difference in our scores from the previous years as well which is something new that was added and again this slide Compares how we're students perform um according in comparison to each other when looking at race gender and programming um we do see those big red bars down there in under the programming the bottom one um that's our elll population is really struggling with science as you can see here um looking into that you know scientific language is so precise and often very hard for our students with limited English um we do have a teacher that is working on pushing in to support some of these students and teachers are finding ways to U Iz Google Translate for their class presentations and assignments um very purposefully this year to help with that as always we have spent a lot of time looking at this data um with many different groups of people through different lenses so to tell you a little bit about what we are doing in our next steps for ELA with the grades that are below the state average or and or don't have the results that we want we are reviewing the current curriculum to discover the misalignment with the new njsla standards and the curriculum with the help of a staff developer and our instructional coach we are writing new lessons to ensure this alignment K to8 one of the biggest things we've discovered when diving deeper into the ELA scores is that our reading scores across the grades are much higher than our writing scores we know that writing can be very difficult for kids so this year's focus is specifically on reviewing and building our writing units giving children more exposure and opportunities to write we're also looking at the ways we're preparing the students to take the test ensuring that we're using the state rubrics and spending time reviewing and practicing more samples for math we're taking a very comprehensive approach K to2 as you know we are piloting new math programs K to8 we've had the same program for many years but we're piloting new math programs to ensure that we're building the foundational skills needed in the lower grades for our more complex high school math courses our current math program simply is just not meeting the needs of our students and we are seeing some wonderful um new ways to approach math through our pilot programs we're also taking a look at our high school math courses and ensuring that they are aligned with the new standards best practices around mathematical thinking and problem solving as well as holding our students to high expectations the high school teachers receive new training last year and using their current program as well as how to use the supplemental differentiated program Alex to support their work also to help create individualized Pathways to close some skill gaps this year in science we started a new Middle School curriculum for science last year and we're continuing to grow and learn around that program also with some continued professional development middle school and high school science are also receiving some amazing professional development this year around creating the lessons and units that align more closely with the Next Generation S science standards and the expectations for the ways that students are approaching the scientific thinking and the ways that they're being asked to produce that um those next steps I feel like I kind of you know incorporated into that um but that is our overview of the data and what we are doing to um address it are there any questions for me yeah just what stood out to me was in the eth grade math um proficiencies it seemed like they were higher um there and you just sort of touched on where our meth program is and supporting the students right we're looking at it is it is it the test that's catching them or is it just the program that we have right now or like how because that that stands out to me yeah so honestly when I say like we're taking a whole District view like they get to eighth grade somehow right so even though eth grade at that point like they have are behind and are not doing successful on the test it probably means we also you know need to continue to build up all the prerequisite skills before it because at that point like if they have a lot of holes in math or things that you know we haven't gotten to or addressed as well then the eighth grade test is pretty difficult and it's going to be very clear the kids that understand the mathematical Concepts and the kids that don't um so you know we had looked at four different programs and we are piloting two of the programs this year all of the new math programs do have like individualized student Pathways that we're excited about they also approach math in different ways where they're incorporating in a lot more mathematical thinking a lot more mathematical talk and also the teachers are you know asking for more practice problems practice problems practice problems sometimes the way that math problems ask questions sound very different than the way that the New Jersey test does so we have 100% identified some of the language and vocab ulary that we might ask things that are different in the test because a math program per se is created for like the whole United States right but the test might ask the question in a different way so one of the things we are doing this year is taking more time behind the scenes to analyze a lot of the math and and Ela in science and trying to I I hate to use the word test prep but in that way like prepare our kids for the way that they're going to be asked and draw links between like you know how to do this in class you know here's how they're going to be asking and giving them more um opportunities um we've studied some of the grades that have done um a little better and ask the teachers like what are you doing why is this working um and a lot of the feedback has been they sort of have been filling in that work on their own as well so we're hoping to you know well we are going to be sharing that more districtwide this year and when does that cohort take the test again I think you said it earlier they'll take it in the spring again this year yep Every Spring they'll take it okay mhm thank you Sam I have a question it's similar to what Ryan asked and it you've answered some of it so in comparison to Kenworth and the state of New Jersey in seventh and eth grade math and Ela we were lower than the state of New Jersey so when your team deeps dives into the data and looks at the skills you mentioned vocab is there any other specific when you break down student how many students took the question what the type of question is you mentioned some of them sometimes it's the question that throws them off the familiarity but besides the vocab are there any specific scales maybe like three or four that your team has identified specifically per grade level yes and so every teacher in the beginning of the year received an email um from me with their individual scores with their grade score as well as the identified um standards that when I looked at all the data like what are the standards specifically in your grade in your subject area that we need to be working on this year that will provide time and support around um and so so they do receive that that information as well and this just do the teachers I'm just asking because I'm not sure do they do the individual student meetings where they sit with the students and explain this is your parents but having those student data meetings in the class and saying this was your performance this is what we think you need and this is what we're going to work on and these are the options is that something that's ever been done or so I have I can't say with consistently I have 100% seen teachers incorporate that practice into all of their assessments that they give more broadly as well not just njsla I can't speak if they do it on njsla themselves um but I have seen like teachers you know when they're reviewing tests with student this is the one you know our class really struggled on and let's tackle this again before we move on to the next um the next chapter so I'll also say just to reiterate like when we looked at the ELA um not the math but the ELA it was so interesting to me how we are like so tightly wound around in our reading which is great because we've really been focusing on reading a lot in the past couple years and then our our Gap in reading the e in meeting the expectations for writing in the grades that are doing lower that's where the Gap is so it was like this year pretty clear that that's what we needed to focus on thank you I have a question maybe maybe I'm putting a different way so the fifth and sixth were doing so good that the younger ones were not so good and then afterwards it was down again is it could it be the teachers or what is it that those grades are doing so well and before H but afterwards you know the our Trends are very typical to what most state Trends right like third grade is the first grade that anybody's taking tests so it's usually not like the highest the highest grade in fourth grade we have looked at that across the um the years and fourth grade is also according to the State just the the hardest year for kids to be achieving there's a huge jump in um in standards um we did identify with the new standards specifically as well that there were some holes in our curriculum um to and that we needed to go back and so the first grade the fourth grade team right now is working on ensuring that those are um in and the fifth and sixth grade standards I think were more aligned in their curriculum um as well as um you know a lot of interaction um with our instructional coach with us so we all are receiving professional development around it so you know I think it's it's different groups of kids it's Mak sure the curriculum is aligned it's a little bit of everything um and we're trying to you know support and look at everything from all angles and we're not pushing the children ahead if they're not ready I would hope right because it goes way down after that MH M okay yeah no I mean like I said and I don't hide it like we're our program is not meeting our needs it we need a big change um and I'm you know at towards the end of the year um when we choose our new math program I will do a full presentation for everyone on why we chose it what it looks like how parents can get more involved um I don't know are you going to give a plug for the reading night at Harding later spooky story T parents get involved yes um that was some feedback I I received and um we're excited to um and I saw that's one of Harding's goals as well building goals to um make sure that parents are you know involved and being a part of um our learning especially in the lower grades as well for ELA thank you for the excuse me for geometry how many students actually take geometry so this is in percentages right so a percentage of 7% how many students actually take it I would have to pull that up on Pearson right now how many sections did we have last year there probably there's at least students yeah mhm yeah is a traditionally ninth grade class yeah it's such a different way of thinking geometry like than the other maths as well um but we are um providing targeted professional development this year um in Geometry to our teacher um teachers that are teaching geometry Sam just a thought because you mentioned it when you were talking about check you know selecting a program right so we know programs have to implemented for a long period of time to see if they're successful but if we know that there's different groups of students now right would the team be open to not selecting five programs but does it necessarily have to be one specific program in math if we know there is a low you know uh younger age struggling in this Pro in this area that could use this program like that could be something that maybe your team's open to you don't want to have 25 initiatives going at the same time but if your younger elementary teachers are saying we're focusing on this and your seventh and eth are saying the students are focusing on problem and reasoning would it be something that maybe you can consider you should bring that up you know doing something separate because right you're targeting everything you're saying which we believe too and everyone has been presenting teachers too that were trying to Target right so it may work for 7th 8th but your teaching team may not think so program selection specific could be helpful right not you and and currently our Middle School is piloting a separate program from our elementary school right now um because of the fact that when we looked at what children needed and middle school you know is its own its own time in life where they um need a a little Direction in a different way um and so the teachers had a heavy hand in choosing which programs they were going to Pilot um and they chose a different one as their top two choices than the elementary school did um and that was something last year I'd met with a bunch of curriculum directors with because I was like oh my goodness if I choose this and then we switch a middle everybody said if that's what they need that's what they need right and so like you go with what different groups of children do need the other like great part about all of these Pro that they all have these like individualized Pathways Pathways that the students can be on a lot of them have like um many more opportunities for differentiation or intervention of all different kinds so um you know we're hoping to be able to really address everyone's needs going off of that is there any of them because I know the program we use it's available in Spanish as well so you know we don't have as large as where I teach but at least maybe some of those students who need that can have the workbooks in Spanish while they work with the ESL teacher or you know something that they can bring home and then now their parents can read it and understand it and our current program has that too so our students that ask for some of the Spanish family English version in true um but some of them want the Spanish version also online and Spanish all the way up through the reveal program in high school so we can assign different students languages in math that's a to the math programs yeah the math programs yes anyone else any questions for this okay you guys know you can always ask any questions whenever you'd like so are you going to be reading it spooky story night um I'm going to be um teaching the parents we're working with the parents on uh some so spooky story night is going to be on October 29th it's an initiative by Harding Elementary School um to uh engage with our parent population um we heard from our curriculum committee members um who talked about bringing the students to school in the evening to bring the parents to school in the evening and so kind of like a almost like a free babysitting and a way to get parents that freedom to be able to meet with us as we talk about how parents can support um the good work that's going on in the schools um we wanted to make sure that parents showed up to something and we didn't put a lot of work into you know an audience of 10 people so we expect a big crowd uh at Harding on October 29th um and we're going to have some of our First Responders firemen police officers doing readings with the students in their classrooms reading some spooky stories for Halloween um have some candy have some of the big kids from brierly there having some of our teachers from Harding uh so it'll be a whole community event uh with First Responders reading and then parents are going to be shuffled into the cafeteria where we're going to go through resources tips hints um ways for them to engage at home um that it can be a whole Community event the education of our youngsters um so we're excited for spooky story night October 29th you're invited uh should be a fun night and if any parents are watching please come yeah thanks than thank you um thank you U Miss H thank you m Miss H thank you Mr Bowski for that presentation um last piece of the superintendent's report is regarding HIV um the clicker sorry um happy to report that there were no hibs since the last meeting um so there's no HIV report however um we need to um present our Hib self um assessment scores uh to the public and the board uh every year so uh have that information next up um you'll see there um uh so there's a whole series of criteria that we go through in this self assessment we're looking at our programming our initiatives our trainings our staff instruction the curriculum uh making sure we go through our processes and our procedures all for uh to make sure that we're in compliance with the anti- uh bullying Bill of Rights Act um so you see there on the right hand columns you have Harding Elementary School score of 76 out of 78 that's a fantastic score um that means we are scoring um either proficient or above um so that's a very good score and the same for David Brey we're 76 out of 78 again very good scores going there um this has been a market Improvement um from several years ago and we're trending in in this good direction right now so you'll see historically from 2122 we're at 76 um and 74 and then in 22 23 we're at 76 and 76 and we are again at 76 and 76 um very very very strong scores there for harassment intimidation and Bully any questions about that okay um those other reports are in your packet in terms of enrollment and such uh but that concludes my superintendent report thank you thank you so much up next we'll have finance and facilities are you going to present fin facili um Mr David and I are going to do a little bit of tag team on this one tonight so and Mr lad's absence um so nothing really to report my report regarding the referendum projects um uh stands we did uh start the budget process administratively uh at the November finance and facility committee meeting we'll review the timelines uh and some of the goals with the finance committee at that meeting um I'd like to highlight some of the unique and non-routine resolutions on the agenda their 21 Finance resolution number eight is memorializing the goals that Mr Davies uh outlined earlier this evening specifically the school goals uh number 14 acknowledges the nonpublic security aid for St Teresa's just remember that this uh State um that the state requires our district to coordinate these services with st teresas and use us as a conduit and a flow through for the state aid that is provided uh by uh uh to St Teresa's this isn't taxpayers money not Municipal taxpayers money it's all your money uh but it's not uh directly coming out of the uh Municipal side of of the budget or our budget uh is Dr panich execute the colle execute the collective bargaining colletive bargaining gr between the uh board and the canorth Education Association teacher unit um um and number 16 is approving a a corrective action plan for excess cash in the school cafeteria account uh which we plan on using to uh uh purchase the equipment needed for the uh Middle School kitchen uh which flows into resolution number 7 which outlines those purchases uh resolution number 18 resends a previous resolution which we uh and re approves portions of it um with different parameters at the request of the KA this Pro uh program is for vacation and CLE for S certain uh employees upon retirement uh that really outlines the um unique resolutions on the agenda I'll now turn it over to Mr David who will review the uh policy uh enhancements and revisions this month pertaining to financal facilities okay thank you Mr ganella there's uh two policies and one regulation that fall under Finance this evening the first one is policy 8420 and that is an emergency and crisis situations um policy and this is revised and it is also mandated the updated language that all students and staff shall fully participate in Fire and Security drills and school personnel must work to accommodate students with disabilities and their unique and their unique needs um and the impact is that we already do this um the next one is a combined policy and regulation relating to firearms and weapons this is revised and also mandated um the term firearms has been added to the title of the policy and throughout the weapons policy 8467 is now called firearms and weapons additional details are included about reporting expected individuals to the principal the superintendent and the County prosecutor about removing a student convicted for possession of a firearm or weapon on school grounds for not less than one year and about removing a student who comments on a on an assault using a firearm or weapon on school grounds for not less than one year the impact is that our procedur is already aligned with the updates within this policy that's it thank you anyone have questions for Mr Galo and Mr David for finance and Facilities yes resolution let me get back for that any questions yeah I do I just have to go to where I have my little yeah it was um resolution 16 it's mostly the last page it says members of the principal supervisor Association and nonaligned staff members just clarification on what's nonaligned 16 or 18 it's um it's 19 actually because next is 20 I'm sorry 18 um principles and supervisors you know who they are yes a nonaligned would be myself jerem and non-collective bargaining units people confidential employees and and certain members of the uh it Department okay I didn't know okay that's good you for that clarification that's it any other questions good call that good you um just on 20 uh the evaluation for incoming pre- students at 550 per evaluation um is that just in the beginning of the year or as they come in is there any kind of a number this is as of right now this is for one preschool student okay so but it would be open to anybody that's needed though um I guess we could extend it but this is specifically for one student who needed a bilingual evaluation thank you anyone else questions okay thank you we'll now move on to personnel and management Mr H thank you there are seven resolutions tonight resolution um resolution 22 is the resending of employment uh offer for a child study team member in Harding School uh resolution 23 is the approval of a brly English teacher resolution 24 is the approval of 24 school year 2425 a.m lunchroom AIDS and professional AIDS resolution 25 is the approval of co-curricular stipend positions for the 2425 school year resolution 26 is approval of Athletics St positions for the 2425 school year and resolution 27 is the approval of student teachers and resolution 28 is the approval of substitute staff do you want to read oh right yes we have two policies and two regulations um uh policy and regulation 3160 is a physic physical examination for teaching staff and policy and regulation 4160 is physical examination of support staff it's mandated and revised uh because of the New Jersey Department of Health uh updated their guidance for tuberculosis testing by reducing screening requirements this policy is revised to state that the board will follow the NJ dooh guidance so the policy doesn't need to be updated every time the guidance uh changes and the impact is that nurses now know or know to follow the NJ dooh guidance anyone have any questions for Mr Haber okay thank you very much we'll now have curriculum instruction Mrs TS um there are two resolutions tonight the first one is the curriculum adoption and resolution number 30 is the acceptance of the Hib report from August of 2024 there are also um three policy so p2200 is uh curriculum content mandated which is revised there was a list of uh referencing New Jersey student learning standards and those standards are continually changing this revision removes the list so policy 2200 can avoid becoming non-compliant when standards change also the revision updates any reference to New Jersey Core Curriculum content standard New Jersey student learning standard standards and uh it has no impact on us um R 5200 is the attendance mandated revised New Jersey legislation now allows students in grades 6 to 12 to have one state excused absence to attend a Civic unit uh Civic event means an event sponsored by a government entity a community- based organization or a nonprofit or nonprofit organization that incorporates elements of service learning and there again is No impact and finally P 5337 is the service animals revised the revisions Ure that board policy is consistent with Federal Ada and state statutes if and when a student requires the support of a service animal and there is no impact as well that is it anyone have questions for Mrs te okay we now move on there are three policies for the steering and committee which I'll read one is policy 0141 board member number and term and P 0141 do2 Board member term I'm sorry board member number and term receiving District so the policies are regarding the receiving District they are revised policies board members number and term have been Rewritten for boards and a send receive relationship we are a receiving District but this revision has no impact on us since Winfield makes up less than 10% of br's population the next steering committee policy is p 9181 volunteer athletic coaches and co-curricular activity advisor assistance this policy summary is regarding TB testing volunteer coaches and advisers will follow the N J dooh guidelines also volunteer coaches and advisers are required to participate in all mandated trainings required by the superintendent the impact is none the NJ dooh guidance indic page screening for TB which is not recommended for volunteer coaches and advisers who work with students less than 20 hours per month volunteers already participate in this mandatory training thank you so we'll now move on to any old business does anyone have any old business old or new I don't know I just um maybe it's announcements um I went to the Hispanic heritage night and it was Absol absolutely phenomenal and they I just went to see I didn't even know if we were supposed to go but I thought I would like to take participate place was packed they had music they forced me to eat you can't you got to have this it was I just very proud to be part of that and it's it was wonderful I just want to say that thank you um under old business we want to remind the public that the Friday folder is available we say this every week it has all the information including the website has information about tax and referendum that have been posted there for over two years talks about percentages projects tax impacts all of that's available if anyone ever has any questions they can always reach out to Mr Davies for any kind of clarification but that's under old business that information continues to be there and available on our website and there are some posts also on social media that address those concerns anyone else for old business okay just want to add whoever responsible to paying for all that or something and all the work that went into it it was just amazing so I just wanted to say that so under new business I wanted to say what pette said also thank Mr Mii and the community there was a lot of people that went it was a wonderful event the student presentations were phenomenal they really seemed to have a great time uh we wanted to make some congratulations to seniors um for um senior night and their families it was a big Community event parents were very happy there was a lot of Tears a lot of flowers for senior nights it's a milestone there was so many teachers there and it was a good celebration so we love those things that happen every year we also want to thank the community and Leadership teams for taking the time to recognize there have been some events custodians night um a custodians day there were some things with security so taking the time to recognize those things is important and back to school n also was a huge success and we want to thank not only the leadership teams and the teachers but there were parents student ambassadors there and also the PTO had meetings they had giveaways they had bake sales um and everyone seemed to be uh very excited to be there and learn about their child's classes so it was very successful so we just wanted to you know highlight those efforts anyone else for new business anything that um I do um I wanted to first uh thank all the crossing guards and the um police officers out there every boarding at Harding unfortunately I'm not there for drop off and pick up but from what my husband tells me it's so secure it's so safe everything runs so smoothly so continue that great work and also as far as the new football field goes the kids are loving playing on it I'm enjoying no grass stains on jerseys so they really love it thank you anyone else any new business okay thank you everyone for your comments at this time we'll open up the meeting to the public for comment is there a motion to open up the meeting to the public some second okay motion made by Mr David seconded by Mr Ferrera all those in favor please say I opposed eyes have it motion Carri Mr ganella public comment uh will now be accepted the Board of Education sets a limit for the public to speak at the board meeting to 5 minutes per person unless prior permission has been granted by the board of education for extended time pursued to a k booe board bylaw 0167 for the record when you approach the podium please indicate your name and address prior to making your comments thank you Mr ganella is there any public at the time that would like to comment please step up no okay seeing no public that wants to comment can I please have a motion to close the meeting some Mo second second okay motion made by Mr David seconded by Mrs Drogan all those in favor of closing the meeting to the public please say I I I oppose okay eyes have it motions carry the meeting is now close to the public for comment Mr canalo are you ready to vote on roll call resolutions yes we are thank you okay we have 32 resolutions on this evening's agenda do any need to be voted on separately no thank you um resolution 29 and 31 29 and 31 okay can they be voted on together okay okay so this is for Resolutions one through um 28 30 and 32 all the resolutions on the agenda excluding 29 and 31 okay biner yes they it yes Drogan yes Ferrara yes hather yes tears yes panichi yes motions carry unanimously resolution number 29 and 31 on the agenda Miner yes David yes Drogan abstain Ferrara yes hather yes tears yes Pichi yes motion carries okay excellent do we have a need to go on to close executive session yes we do okay can I please have a motion to go in executive session motion to go second okay motion made by Mrs Drogan seconded by Mrs tears all those in favor of going into Clos executive session please say I I oppose eyes have it motion carry Mr ganella yes be resolved by the Board of Education the Board of Education meet and private private session from which the public shall be uh excluded to discuss the matters of student Personnel uh specifically regarding an Hib determination and a discipline matter uh which private SE discussion is being held pursuing to section 7B and 8 of the open public meetings act the matter is under discussion will be disclosed to the public as soon as final decisions are made and voted upon biner yes David yes Drogan yes Ferrara yes hather yes tears yes panichi yes motions carry unanimously okay thank you this time we're going to move into close session thank you so much for coming thank you see you at spook story night so excited