e good evening we'd like to call the meeting to order and welcome everyone this meeting is being held in accordance with the schedule of meetings adopted at the organizational meeting held on January 3rd 2024 adequate notice of this regular meeting of the korth board of education has been provided to the home News Tribune the kenor uh The Star Ledger a local Source on January 11th 2024 copy has been filed of the korth BR clerk posted in the board office in the korth B Hall breing and Harding schools as is provided by the open public meetings act thank you Mr Canal please rise and join us in a salute to the flag i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Mr gano can you please have a roll call berer here David here Drogan here Ferrara here pther here L here panichi here tear here Zimmerman here all present thank you so much at this time uh superintendent reports and presentations we have anything or do we want to Circle back uh we'll Circle back on that okay um so then we will let see hang on so at this time we will move on we can Circle back and we'll move on to report of committees uh board resolution and board discussion Finance the facilities up first Miss Mr Le okay I'm just going to briefly touch on the resolutions um resolution one is transfer to reserves um two is the insurance package and we covered everything could possibly have for insurance for the school district um three is student accident Insurance four is security drills five is um lead testing water testing and Nance and I Vince were just talking about we were way ahead of everybody in New Jersey on this years and years ago we started testing our water and changing our water fountain so Kudos I guess Vince kind of start at that um six is the class 3 um law enforcement officer agreement seven is the school resource officer agreement eight is um New Jersey stride um I know some people have some questions on that resolution nine is um supplement stabilization Aid and that's it so field any questions you may have um Vince what what's the transfer Reserve transfer amounts so in June every year this is a stand I know what it is what what are the amounts that won't be finals into the audit so because there's a whole bunch of the extraordinary Aid comes into place miscellaneous revenues come into play so we give our sex give ourselves flexibility to allow the maximum amount of transfers um so it's it's it's going to be a decent number this year um so hopefully we'll be able to replenish some of the um free balance because at least go up to the maximum 2% because we're really low on that so uh give us some more flexibility um it's a strategies that we'll talk to the Auditors at the time uh whether we want to actually put in a little excess to allow it to go into excess free balance so we have to appropriate it um which will gives us some flexibility um because remember we appropriated $1.7 million for free balance so we have to try to make up that difference so maintenance Reserve I'm not that concerned about maintenance Reserve or or capital reserve because we are making the interest on the bond proceeds we're still you know picking up about $100,000 a month in interest from the bond proceeds we'll probably do that for another six six six months or so until the construction on the addition is really up to full speed um uh so my concern is really the free balance and trying to stabilize that so next year when we're developing The Bu budget we're not in a situation where we don't have any money to appropriates you know I use the term kicking the can down the road we're still kicking the can down the road uh one more year is one more year um so uh you know we keep doing that but uh would be nice to have the financial stability of not having to do that but it is what it is with the with the state aid the way it is okay what resoltion was that you were talking about excuse me that's number one the transfer amounts to reserves um resolution six do we do we have someone here now doing that both buildings we have one in paring in addition to this Sr s so we have three no I know that I've known that I just didn't I don't hang around at school much during the day I didn't know I mean if fig so there's two that we've hired and have been fine all this time yes okay so all right part has had a SLO for maybe four years now I'm sorry Harding has had the sleo for four years the SRO is here um but a lot of times the SRO isn't always in the building um they have to do training they have to do um go up to PD to do various things so last year if you recall when we got the additional state aid that's what we decided to do was put the CIO here so that person's here every day basically so they've been here and their professional police retired police officers retired korth police right okay there you go thank both both of Mark can retired korth please okay because it doesn't say course I really maybe it's not the time but I had a little issue with the the cost the it was 2% now we're doing $2 and there was no really discussion about that it was just no it wasn't there wasn't I had proposed 2% to the Chief and like I said my email to the full board that um you know we're well below what other communities are paying their Slavs but they're not leaving and they're good I'm I don't know if they will leave if we don't give them a good rate they could go to any other District they've had 2% what I'm saying is I just didn't like the way it was done it was done between two people and not with the personel so I did I did inform the full board so it's not like I did it in isolation I have an issue with just r that it was a decision that was going to be on this resolution tonight there was no and you did mention it to the finance committee also well Personnel okay that's all I'm saying and also um resolution nine professional development like some of the stuff was cut and some of it wasn't can you explain that a little bit more yeah yeah so this is this is what we talked about last week on um June 10th um the First Column amount cut represents what we cut back in March to get the budget to to to level uh and the amount restored is where we restored the areas it's a these particular and this is just not just for me the particular choices to give back is what what was based on that it's what we reviewed last week you want me to review it again just yeah okay I I'll pull I'm just saying steing it was so some of the Staffing went back MH but there's still a lot missing correct so there a lot of people are because we only got $633,000 so I couldn't put if if everything if we got $1.5 million back we have considered adding additional programs Staffing so there's no professional development correct well there's still professional development but that we're not restoring any professional development to what was cut all right that's good thank you okay yes anyone else any questions for Mr latti okay let me just Trail on negotiations yeah yeah just so um no questions about anything he's talked about so I'm pleased to report that on June 13th a tenative member of a memorandum of agreement was reached between the board and the association following the settlement the board and the association will collaborate on drafting of the salary guides once the salary guides are reviewed and approved by the negotiation committees ratification of the memorandum of agreement salary guides will be placed on the agenda for approval until the agreement is fully ratified specific terms shall remain confidential I you know this was probably one of the best smoothest um negotiations that we' that I've had and I've been been on here since for 15 years now um I think it's all part of the Union the union reps um with the you know the committee poette John and Ryan um in the hard work of Vince being here every night we're here for a lot of nights um so I think we got it done I think was successful um conclusion to to negotiations so that's all I want to say anybody else questions comments thank you very much okay we'll now move on to personel man Mr thank you there's there were 18 resolutions on the doct tonight but number 15 has been uh removed because the person who had accepted the position backed out at the last minute so your 17 uh resolution 10 are changes to secretarial staff uh resolution 11 is a resignation resolution 12 is uh transfers and reassignments resolutions 13- 14 are new hires one being an element great you teacher and the other being a student assistant counselor uh resolutions 16 through 18 are 2024 2025 stipend positions resolutions 19 through 23 are summer uh summer 2024 program Staffing resolution 24 is the approval of Mr gan's contract um resolution 15 are uh coaching Training Services and that is all for personnel okay anyone questions from Mr H resolution 12 but probably Kyle should be here for this or maybe someone else could answer it um it said these changes in staff number 12 it was not voluntary so I guess the question is are they upset about it is that I think we could really talk about personel sorry it's also not relevant to yeah what's someone wants them where student needs them so we can talk about it okay thank you um just one one question because I know some people may ask what's the difference between a Student Assistance counselor and a guidance counselor you want to answer Jeremy you want to take that one yeah I mean I can I can from a uneducated position but uh students counselor deals a lot with substance abuse use um also just crisis so a guidance counselor has an assigned Cas Lo assist coun does not have a case but deals with um issues that arise throughout the school day or guidance councel might be having a junior meeting with a parent and a student talking about post secondary planning and one of their other students comes in in crisis they can't pop out of that meeting they go to the Student Assistance counsel but that Student Assistance councel also is developing programs um districtwide for you know anti- antiana use and educating students so that would be their only role dealing with students in times of Crisis and setting up like you said programs for Red Ribbon Week um all those events that happen throughout the school year they have a key role in that U we also have assigned them like we have new students um the sa does new student orientations new student mixers and so works with our populations of students any population that may be deemed as fragile additional assistance and who has handled those duties like you said red ribbon reek which has been going on for decades now so we had a we a last years so that's so this is a new person replacing someone who's left I have a question piggy back so they work with this SRO the police officer they do yeah go to the municip meetings okay thank you anybody else any questions for Mr Miss curriculum instruction uh there's one resolution tonight resolution 26 and that is the approval of the mckenny mckenny vento collaborative Grant application any questions from M on that resolution Mr do you want to go with other resolutions would youate them or uh yeah I mean the other resolutions are um good news um we uh originally our plan was to um approve the superintendent for the superintendent's contract our new superintendent's contract tomorrow night uh but the executive uh County Superintendent um worked diligently and got us the uh agreement back and approved um for consideration this evening so we felt it wasn't necessary for us to come out to another hot night um and we could consolidate it into tonight so this contract is to appoint uh and approve the superintendent's contract for um a 4-year uh agreement starting July 1st 2024 ending June 30th 2022 uh along with those responsibilities of superintendent the superintendent also uh is The Treasure of school monies um and something I don't even know if you knew was was was on the road but uh I'm going to have to give him a crash course on how to be a treasur of school monies um but um that will also be effect of July 1st um for the remainder of the organizational year any questions regarding that no he'll just be working till 2028 you said 2022 the oh 242 it's to 28 28 28 28 yes yes okay questions Mr G this this time we'll move on to Old business you want to go back to oh do you want yes to Super do you want to go back Mr that before we goiz dealing with an issue good evening everybody evening yeah that's my graduation speech this is my Jeremy speech uh I've had the pleasure of hiring several effective School leaders during my tenure here in kennworth Chief among them is Jeremy babies at Jeremy has led berley middle high school with Integrity passion and personal commitment always centering the needs of the young people our schools serve he has brought a fresh Innovative perspective to kennworth by introducing new course selections helping to imagine new physical classroom spaces and prioritizing College and Career Readiness equally impressive are the high expectations he has set for his students his teachers and himself while he lead with focus and a bit of levity never taking himself too seriously he does take up teaching and learning as serious work moving us forward with a sense of urgency and vision Mr Davy's principal interview process was a bizarre one given it was in the midst of the pandemic however even during his series of Zoom interviews he shown as the Right leader at the right time for Brewery after his principal principal interview with a panel of teachers one teacher wrote to me and said said Kyle this guy was a Class Act can you bypass the other steps and just offer him the job already I'm only half kidding a few other teachers on the panel were equally bold in applying about applying a healthy amount of pressure on me one even going so far as to say you better close the deal and get this guy here uh luckily we did from those initial meetings to today Mr Davies has proven to be a person of his word after one of his interviews in 2020 he followed up an email uh by indicating to me and the other administrators with whom he met that Day quote I don't always have all the answers but what I can promise you is that in those moments of not knowing I will work tirelessly to bring a team together to discover answers that's my wheelhouse listening to people who experience things from an alternate perspective analyzing and synthesizing information devising a shared solution to a problem or an answer to a question moving collectively time and time again Mr Davies has proven that the abilities he previewed for us in that follow-up email were not obligatory platitudes that reflect the real abilities and talents he has for solving complex problems and building Community I know he will bring these leadership mindsets and moves to the position of superintendent and lead with vision integrity and a student first approach Jeremy I'm proud of you and excited to learn about all of the great things I know you will accomplish in Ro congratulations say it deserves a response did I really write that for your a little gift for you I have is the teacher who told me I better get it done the email I appreciate that and your uh response um thank you uh Kyle thank you so much for those kind uh words I very much appreciate all of your leadership uh during these past four years uh learned and grown so much underneath you uh and your leadership has helped me really expand and grow and I believe make me ready for this next position to the board I just want to say thank you uh for um entrusting uh The District in in my hands um when I think over the last few weeks I've had a lot of um really wonderful emotions as I've thought about closing out one chapter of my career here as principle of David brle and moving on to the next chapter and the words that come to mind are honored um committed and privileged um when I think about honored I feel like I'm honored by you and your trust in me so I I feel really honored to be coming the next superintendent of kennor public school so thank you um I really am honored um committed because I truly am committed to this District um like I've been committed to this school uh I want to see us grow I want to see us improve I want to see us change for the better we have great teachers we have great students we have great families here um and putting that all together uh is going to give me No Greater Joy uh so I look forward to that and I'm committed to doing that that work it's going to be hard work I know that uh my wife knows that my daughter knows that um they weren't able to be here tonight um but I look forward to them meeting you um at some point in the future um and the third idea that I've been thinking about is just the privilege I I believe that it is a privilege to serve as a superintendent just like I believe that it's always a privilege to be an educator no matter what level I've been at um so I truly believe that it is a privilege to serve um the community of kentworth um so I hope also that you can come to graduation tonight um I've catered my graduation speech to kind of those thoughts as well um as I've been navigating this transition so um I'm honored I'm priv I feel privileged and I'm committed to you uh so thank you so much for entrusting uh the district's future uh in me thank you very much [Applause] congratulations that conclude presentation does checking okay at this time we'll now move on to Old business is there any old business at this time I uh just thank everybody for all the hard work and Kyle for what he's been to all of us I believe um you'll be missed and we will work so hard and Greg and Ryan I fin remember your name all of us I just want to thank thank you all for all the hard work you do and Vince please take a vacation that's all I have to say congratulations okay um any new business okay um at this time we will now open up the meeting to the public for comment is there a motion to open up the meeting to the public motion to open second second okay motion made by Mr David seconded by Mr frero all those in favor of opening the meeting to the public please say I I oppos okay eyes have it motion carry Mr ganal yes public comment will now be accepted the Board of Education sets the limit for the public to speak at the board meeting to 5 minutes per person unless um prior permission has been granted by the Board of Education in EXT take time pursuing to uh Kenworth Board of Education bylaw uh 0167 uh if you approach the uh Podium please leave your name and uh um your address for prior to making your comment is there any public that would like to make a comment at this time no okay make a motion to close the public portion of the meeting okay motion made by Mr David seconded by Mrs tears all those in favor of closing the meeting to the public please say I I oppose I have it motion carry meeting is now closed to the public Mr ganella can we have a roll call of resolutions please yes there 28 resolutions on the uh agenda number 15 is been has been removed from board consideration so this is for Resolutions 1- 28 Minus number 15 any others need to be voted on separately number we're not we don't have closed session before we're voting on number 27 no that wasn't on the I I I misunderstood the the message then from Kyle about the other uh situation I had a couple of questions about that that I had wanted to ask before voting on number 27 but uh if you make a motion to table until the close session and second it we can move it there all all right I'll make a motion to table number 27 okay and I would like to remove resolution six wait wait wait sorry there's a motion to table it needs a second resolution table number 27 until after close session is there a second second motion made by Mrs Zimmerman seconded by Mrs jogen all those in favor of I'll do roll call okay biner yes David yes Drogan yes yes Ferrara yes hather the vote is to I'm sorry the vote is to table to go to close session ather um abstain l no tears I'm sorry I'm very so they want to take 27 off move into close session before we vote on anything oh no Zimmerman uh yes panichi no okay motion carries it will go into we will uh table that motion to go into close session you want to go into close or vote on the other ones and then go into close so go back resolution this is for Resolutions wait but I think pette still had some other question she was trying to I'm assuming I'm assuming that includes number we need to have motion table number 28 to or is that okay they're kind of going tand well yeah I guess you would have to number 27 so what's what's the purpose of moving it h you'd have to ask Mrs Nancy has some questions that's something I had a couple couple of questions that I wanted to discuss but they have to be discussed in Clos session okay approved so we have to move about 28 is there a motion for 28 if that's what you'd like yeah table that one too okay is there a second can you make that motion for yes is there a second to table number 28 discuss in close session you can't do one without the other yeah I mean said to yeah because the other position they're technically two separate resolutions so I would make a motion just to keep it clean on the second one is there there's a motion for 28 is there a second no second second so we have no second F I go on the first one so I can't we don't have a second to take can we revote on the first technically no no no but you could approve them as you could approve them as a treasur school Mony doesn't matter we don't have a second so we need one we need one so okay um okay so this is for Resolutions 1 through 28 on the agenda minus number 15 and minus number 27 and six everyone clear and six what about six you want to vote it on separately yes and number six okay and now question can number 28 B without number 27 yes okay okay um resolutions number 1 through 2 on agenda excluding number 15 which was removed from consideration number 27 which will be discussed after Clos session and resolution number six which will be voted on separately everyone clear yes sir yes okay biner yes David yes Drogan yes Ferrara yes ather yes yes badi yes tear yes Zimmerman yes Kenichi yes motions carry unanimously this is for resolution number six on the agenda biner yes David yes Drogan abstain Ferrara yes hather yes Madi yes tear yes Zimmerman yes panichi yes motion carries okay can I have a motion at this time please to go and to close executive session second second motion made by Mrs Drogan seconded by Mr hath all those in favor of going to close session please say I I opposed okay eyes have it motion carry Mr ganella okay uh be resolved by the Board of Education the Board of Education meet from in private session um from which the public shall be excluded to discuss the topics of personnel the superintendent's annual evaluation the superintendent's annual contract and Kaa negotiations which private discussions being held pursuant to section 7B and 8 of the open public meetings act matters under discussion will be disclosed to the public as soon as final decisions are made and voted upon biner yes David yes Drogan yes Ferrara yes hather yes LTI yes tears yes zerman yes panichi yes we are now in close session thank you everyone for joining good evening see your graduation bye e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e resolution number 27 on the agenda which is the appointment of of Mr Davies as the superintendent of schools Mr biner yes David yes Drogan yes Ferrara yes hather yes ad yes tears yes Zimmerman no panichi yes motion carries 8 to one excellent thank you very much can we please have a motion to go back into the Clos session motion second SEC uh motion made by Mrs te uh I believe congratulations second it by Mrs dren all those in favor of going to close session please say I iose I to read again to go back into CL again mran do you need to read the statement again go back into Clos or no okay we're now in close session Bruno