we're going to get started with the kenalan Board of Education regular meeting for July 23rd 2024 the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the kenon board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in the Suburban Trends on January 21st 2024 posted in the public library and filed with the bur clerk Miss Francisco will you call the board please Mr eisener Mrs Leonard here Mr Meyers Mrs Pella here Mrs pman here Mr Petrelli here Mrs Donaldson here we have no closed session tonight so we will rise for the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with Liber and justice for all okay first up is routine matters approval of the minutes we have the the June 11th regular meeting June 11th executive meeting June 25th regular meeting and the June 25th executive session motion appr motion and second second okay um discussion anyone about nothing okay seeing none could you pull the board Please Mr eisa minger yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Meyers yes Mrs Pella yes Mrs Portman yes Mr Petrelli yes Mrs Donaldson yes no student update date superintendent thank you Mrs president welcome everybody happy July uh we don't have much tonight on the docket outside of what we typically discuss at this time with our two roof projects underway at Keel and Stonybrook uh we are almost done with our KHS surveillance at the high school and at that point then we will uh move forward with PRM in our fields in the back parking lot we're also putting in swipes within the board office in Cisco and then also at PRM next week uh we look for our Tech infrastructure upgrade to commence in early August so that's quite a bit uh we our next CAC meeting meeting uh with citizens advisory is on August 27th prior to but I do intend to have a communication out to the community and at the same time the um communication that went out last week for Stony Brook School and cleanup and Remediation and mold we monitor that we're on that uh in in tandem with Mr mcginness and uh serf pro at this time so a lot happening even though it's summer but it's good stuff positive stuff for the opening and we also have our under the bsection under Personnel for recommend Mr Burrows who is the successful candidate here tonight with us for buildings and ground so uh unofficial I'm superstitious but hello I'm here I'm glad you're here until we have the vote and uh at this time Mrs president I could call up Mr shivas for his annual ssds report that'll be followed by Mrs Thomas for her NJ GPA report which will both be brief hello everybody I'm Vinnie Chivas I'm the supervisor of special projects and as Mr mango said I am reporting tonight on the school safety data system uh the school safety data system it is basically a collection of information that reports on two types of data from the school year the first category is violence vandalism substances the second is anything to do with HIV is founded unfounded and any trainings the school or the district had for their uh staff the report is done publicly so to make sure all the data is accurate and to make sure the Board of Education and all of the community members has access to it the report is submitted twice a year to the state the first report is done in at the end of the calendar year December 31st and that will cover to September 1st through December 31st so the four the first four months of the school year and the second report will be done at the end of the school year so that would cover the remaining six months of the school year what you see on this slide which you might not be able to see because it is awful small I'm sure but this is the report of the school safety data system from last year the 2022 2023 school year I included this just as a point of reference so you can compare 2022 to 23 to this past year that ended uh in June it will be uh posted online so you can get a better view of it if you're interested in all the data but I do have a slide at the end that compares them side by side and hopefully it's a little larger and you should be able to get some information from that this is the same slide but this is for the the past school year 23 24 and again we're just going to compare the two uh two school years and see where we stand so if you look at this it it has uh total number of incidents that reported to the state and then it breaks it down by violence vandalism substance weapons hivs that were founded and hivs that were not founded um if you look straight across at the high school there was 20 incidents in 2022 2023 we dropped one to 20 from to 19 from 23 24 that's a good thing but looking across you can see in violence we went from five acts of violence in 2223 down to two that's obviously a trend we'd like to continue vandalism went from six to zero again that's a positive uh where there is a concern would be substance substance went from two incidents in 2222 2223 excuse me to 12 in 2324 uh many different reasons for that would could be the new change in laws it could be the Edibles and the ease of access that people have to get them but that's something we're going to look into and we're going to hope to make improvements on in the future I'm looking to meet with all the counselors and uh student assistant counselors or sack counselors as well come September so we can discuss different Avenues we can go in which we can keep that number uh get that number way down um just going across our hibs for the school were down and uh even the ones that were not founded were also down so that's that's a huge thing uh Keel it's K through two prek k through two actually there is not much happening as far as violence vandalism substance and no schools so they're pretty much even right across the board PRM is the uh other school other than high school where there were some significant movements so you can see total incidence in PRM went from 6 to 8 18 that that jump in 12 different incidents is all based off of the hibs um if you look at the HIV category which is towards the right side of your screen here they went from 6 and 2223 all the way up to 18 and 23 24 looking at this data you can see that uh there is a category that the kids all seem to uh they were gravitating towards that we're going to focus on when again once September comes back and we can talk to the counselors and uh get some possible training in for the uh students but it's not as bad as it looks because we had multiple students at PRM that had multiple hivs that could be good and bad but it wasn't like 18 students 18 different students doing 18 different things wrong so the number of students involved is not as high as 18 but that's definitely an area of concern and it's the area we're going to look at um Stony Brook again being three through five is similar to ke there's not a lot of action as far as violence vandalism substance going on there our hibs confirmed did go down by one which is a you know 50% drop which is huge um and the hibs that were not founded there W weren't any so hiv's total went down in that school looking across the bottom row you can see the total incidents went up by 11 that the vast majority if not all of that is because of the uh hivs at PRM the violence dropped vandalism dropped substance went up and that was because of the I spoke about earlier with the high school and then uh what else caused the increase was the hibs confirmed in the middle school so that is the report once again that will be posted probably by the end of this week online if you'd like to go delve into it a little deeper and look at the uh previous two slides where the information is probably too small to see yes just for the benefit because before I was on the board of vet I had no idea what an HIV was um was can would you help us you know just Define an Hib it stands for harassment intimidation and bullying um it's has to have three different classifications in which it has to meet in order for it to be an HIV HIV is a a violation of code of conduct and it gets reported to the state with very minimal amount of data we're not giv anybody's names or anything of that nature but the state keeps track of them and tallies them up um but if something an HIV is alleged and is unfounded it still can be a violation of school uh policy and we can still issue consequences at that time and it would be in general terms it would be a student engaging in something yes yeah 99% of the time it's a student to student um and it can be it can be uh brought to our attention by a parent by a teacher or by a fellow student or even an email for that matter and then once it's reported what are the responsibilities of the of the school the district the the principal gets the information passes it along to the Hib uh investigator they investigate it within 10 days they put find uh report their findings to the principal and then that the principal then puts it on to Mr mango and then on to the board and they get approved or disapproved at uh the next board meeting I just I just had one so you for I I don't remember exactly what you said about PRM that like an area you want to address but just maybe for the the benefit of everybody do do you have kind of a plan right now going in or is that to be determined we looking at it most of them were bias in nature race religion gender that type stuff so that's something where we're going to focus on getting uh extra training in and bringing an outside resources possibly to speak to the kids and and try to teach them what is appropriate what's not appropriate okay and uh moveing forward and we we also a lot of these sometimes stem outside of school so we think it's very important to engage our parents so whether that be by professional development holding sessions for them holding a forum for them specifically with our hope that we get as many as we possibly can to attend or perhaps watch virtually or both but um I also believe parents have a very big part when it comes to harassment intimidation and bullying especially when we're talking about social media and the phones and computers that aren't on school grounds that are at their homes that are paid for by parents and then all of a sudden and something's reported a week later in school so um and even if it's not to Mr iser's Point even if it's not founded the district is still responsible to use Manpower of our staff to investigate so it's it's a um I understand the spirit of Hib in 2011 I called on the state myself in 2022 to start a coalition of superintendents and school districts uh to engage the the state department about possibly revising some of this and give districts the freedom to kind of operate as it as we used to um and that was turned down so and it just seems that more and more responsibilities are placed on us and so um we have to get the parents involved so so is that so does that limit our ability to get parents involved or is that I think it puts more of the onus on parents to be involved so so then I guess maybe going back to to Vinnie um sounds like we're we're doing some stuff with the teachers and kind of prepping teachers and staff members and stuff St like that do we have anything in the hopper for parents or nothing concrete but that's that's what we've been discussing on how different ways we can attack this problem to make sure it is heard by everybody okay this brings up um something I was going to save for policy but since we're on it you know when I did some looking into the NJ doe guidance that I shared with everybody that was published in December 2011 interestingly enough three of the hibs that we're approving today they were all happened off campus student to student on their phones so it kind of goes back to some education as to when is it the jurisdiction of the school district to actually use our resources to deal with these and when is it really stay with the parents as it's a parental issue and and it's very clear that it has to create a Nexus in the school environment which is a link a connection that interferes with the instructional period And if that is not there's no Nexus there even though they're saying they believe it's HIV it's not the jurisdiction of the school district it's it stays with the parents but I I think that there to Mr Mango's Point there's probably some education on that for everybody involved just not necessarily to take away from the support of the community but just also to know when is it the the jurisdiction of the school to utilize its resources and then file and do consequences for kids if it has no impact on on the instructional period are we really you know should we be giving detention to kids now that said if it has any impact in the district then of course it it goes through the the normal process so that's something that actually Jonathan brought up when we were talking about different hibs that we have seen being uh brought to our attention and when does it fall under the jurisdiction of the school to deal with so those are something I think we're going to start looking into in a future discussion and I think for training purposes this may all tie into sort of the cell phone use and devices um and now with the Advent of AI just all of those things that will probably come to aead and as Mike has Mr petracelli has mentioned it's it's really beholding in to us to stay ahead of these things as best we can anticipate so um I did just want to bring I had that to discuss during policy but this is actually a great segue so thank you very much Vinnie for that information appreciate it I'm glad it'll be on the the public so they can see too and while that slide is up could you leave that slide for a second Mr shus I just want to give a little bit of credit to our um to our student body in the high school and Mr suda and the staff because while I'm not happy about at all the substances but I do think as Mr shivas touched on that that might have something to do with the changing of laws and accessibility which everybody has their own opinion but I I think that's the other side of the coin and the con quence to see the decreases that we had especially in Hib and even the year before seven to four7 for a high school in today's day and age that's really that's a big compliment to our kids to our student body to our staff to the educational piece in in explaining the severity of things so I just wanted to say that publicly while those numbers are up PRM we have some work to do I I won't trust Str there will be work done there this year okay thanks Lord oh Mrs Thomas sorry no that's fine I was waiting to get on the mic to chime in so before I talk about test results um we do have to piggy back on this Hib conversation towards um the end of the year I forget what month it was but the guidance counselors at PRM and Mr buer and I met to discuss this all of the incidents and because like Mr Shiva said that it does seem to be a certain category so bias it seems to be happening and occurring around certain times when they're exposed to certain topics within social studies maybe so if they're talking about the Holocaust then that's where they see an uptick in the use of certain language and derogatory terms and so we are looking into any sort of curriculum out there that we could bring into the classrooms um I haven't found one yet that we can use across the board but I've reached out to the curriculum directors and Mars County um I believe botin somebody from botin reached out to me and they sent me some resources so I'm going to look into that but we want to bring in any sort of resources we can to continue these conversations it shouldn't just be a oneand done you shouldn't say this and here's the reason why these have to be consistent lessons that we're building in and they're constantly hearing it and they're constantly receiving it so another approach we also have which we will send out an alert as we get closer I think we did towards the end of last year but we do have a tech Symposium coming up in September that's on the 23rd so and to Jean's point it's all about screen time and social media so that'll be a great parent presentation that we welcome parents to attend and we're hoping with all of these approaches we'll address these issues so I did want to mention that all right I I do promise to be brief so I am here because I am Lauren Thomas the director of curriculum instruction and assessment I am here to report our NJ GPA test results once we take any state assessment so you'll see me back again in probably September when we have our njsla test results uh we are bound to report them within 60 days so what is the NJ GPA that is the graduation proficiency assessment so this involved juniors in high school in the spring they sat for the assess M now Juniors who did not reach Proficiency in any one area they as seniors will have an opportunity to retake the assessment in the fall if they didn't make the cutof score so every junior in high school was required to take this assessment um it tests Ela and math so Ela they base it on grade level 10 and the math skills that they assess are Algebra 1 and geometry what's required is at least the 725 in ela and math so scores were sent home they were mailed home to all of the parents um with the student score as we have to do I also followed up in an email to some people who have maybe had to reach Proficiency in a different pathway which I'll discuss in another slide um but basically it's 7:25 in ela and 725 in math the second pathway we found um there are other assessments that if they did not reach a 725 in either math and or Ela you may use scores from alternate assessments so typically our students achieved a second pathway through their sat or PSAT scores and we found that there were several students that were proficient and we were able to count those scores if they did not reach the 725 the third pathway is after all of those options they sit for the NJ GPA their junior year maybe they didn't make the score we look back at PSAT scores and SAT scores maybe they didn't make the score on either of those assessments either there's still other options it's not it's not okay whoops sorry there's always an option so the third pathway was built in and this is basically a portfolio assessment so these are for students who don't don't have those test scores um in order to meet those those standards so the portfolio assessment is basically a collection of work that they're doing there are constructed response tasks that they work on in school Under the direction of a teacher and we compile that along with their student transcripts and we put that all together in a portfolio we grade the assessment we're giving the constructed response tasks we grade it in the school and then we submit that score to the state and we vouch that those students are proficient and graduation ready so these are our results compared to the state this is similar to what I do for the njsla as well I always like to show how we have done in District compared to the state and in both areas we have surpassed the state as we do in many areas all across the grade levels on the njsla as well so I do want to point out that we did increase since last year um from last year we were 90% passing in the ELA this year 96.4% passing which is amazing in math we passed at 78.8% last year we were at 75% so still well above the state average which is great we also have to report on our subgroups these are three subgroups that have passed and are graduation proficient from the NJ GPA a lot of our other sub subg groups it's too small of a c category if you remember from my presentation last year in the njsla certain subgroups are too small of a category so we can't report on those because it would really single out those students so these are the three subgroups we can report on so out of pathway two um remember from that last slide we had about 20% um who were found not graduation ready in math so figure about out of 29 students we were able to get 11 out of those Stu 11 out of those 29 students they were found graduation ready through using their PSAT or rsat scores so now you're left with about 18 students um that will get an opportunity to retake the assessment in the fall we also have another option which you can use as a second pathway called the accuplacer test we have purchased those assessments that's an online test and assesses the same skills but just not at the level of difficulty as the njpa so we will offer that as well to students and looking at a lot of the scores in both Ela and math if they maybe didn't make that 725 the retake option is a great option for them because there's some students they were a point off or two points off so they're right there so we do feel that speaking to them and reviewing some of those skills and a retake test Andor the acup Placer that we will be graduation ready those students and then in ela there's about four students identified as not graduation ready from the GPA one of those students were found to be graduation ready through either the PSAT or SAT scores so that leaves us with a very small number of students to have those retest opportunities which I think is a great number I guess that was it I thought I had more um unless it's frozen so that was our assessment results for this um I will update as I said once we get our njsla scores um and as I mentioned before parents of incoming seniors all of the information was sent home you should have received a hard copy in the mail of your students NJ GPA scores if your student was below the 725 you should have already received an email from stating that they either passed through the second pathway or that there will be a retake opportunity for them in the fall if you are in that situation you'll receive another updated message from me as we prepare for the fall assessment window so you will know exactly when they will take the test and what time and you'll have all that information but if anybody is unsure if they're confused by the messages they received or they just don't understand the letter please reach out to me I'm in the office you can contact me at the curriculum department or feel free to email me as well Lauren was this the first year what was the first year that this was required last year last year yes so we don't know now so the the Mandate was through the graduation year of 2025 we don't know what's going to happen after this um so we're waiting to hear guidance from the state but as soon as we receive guidance I'll inform you right away and I'll let the parents so thanks L thanks okay we have committee reports we did meet last week um I can brief out on finance uh we talked about as Mr mango mentioned we have uh they're doing the surveill they're installing all the new cameras at the high school um those are on ongoing by the 1 I think August 1st V that's what I had wrote down that you thought it would be finished yeah oh okay okay great and you guys are still on schedule for early August to for the training okay so they're going to turn K it to um Mr shivas and uh Mr Caputo who's the SRO at the high school to go over the new cameras and monitoring system that kind of piggy back a little bit with the infrastructure update because they we have sine waves doing the switch boxes for us for those cameras and the Press Box and then we also have the up the infrastructure upgrades at Cisco Keel and Stonybrook and uh those will be probably the week of uh August 12th was when that'll be happening um was brought to our attention that the there wasn't very good standard operating procedures for the handbook for bus drivers so uh Mr shivas and Bar worked on that and Mr shivas created an sop and they updated the driver handbook which is on U recommended for approval by the committee um we are asking uh for assistance from Genie to come back and help Sharon do some uh training on the scheduling for buses since we Rift that position that did the bus scheduling um we've also recommending an increase in salaries for drivers uh based on what the standard is across the county and Bar also brought to our attention we don't actually have a salary guide for them so that's something that we'll be working on this year we've also realized that uh we need to look at accident insurance for coverage in the district um we'll be reviewing some of those quotes and then we're going to track um the number of incidents and accidents to see from a data perspective do we want to even extend it to Athletics or what kind of coverage we may want to either increase upon or just maintain but we're going to use data over the next year to determine that um we are closing out the school year things look good we don't have a deficit as of now um and then under new business you'll see refunding of the current debt um at a we could probably save some money so I'll bring that up under new business and I'll let Barbara speak to that too and then we do recommend increasing our substitute nurse we couldn't fill the part-time position uh nursers are kind of hard to get right now and that position was we used as substitutes and lunch breaks most of the nursing substitutes is based on field trips when nurses are required to go so Dena has been working with the nursing staff to determine more efficient use of that and um she was recommending we used about 75 hours so to be competitive in Morris County we think we should go up to 250 so that we can get substitute nurses when we need them um working with Barbara they said that we could cover the the increase on the budget uh based on around that hour so we are recommending that increase and everything else uh Mr buroughs we interviewed we um he was our finalist so we are REM recommending we approve Mr burough as new buildings and ground supervisor and the rest of the stuff was stuff we shared with committee wise okay Mike okay um for the Personnel committee we talked about kind of what you see on the agenda so we talked about the district new hires we talked about the district vacancies uh we talked a little bit about the gifted and talented program and David sent an update email I think I just saw a little bit earlier today so you'll see that U we also talked about the substitute nurse rate to to kind of follow up on that and then we kind of capped off by um talking about the uh the upcoming negotiations um not going to meet in the summer it's hard to get people together during the summer so we're going to look to set up the first meeting um in the fall um and the negotiations committee is going to get together with the current agreement and look at some of DA's recommendations and the administration's recommendations and we'll go from there as far as that goes so it was a pretty pretty straightforward I think that was it thanks Spike Kelly so the education and Student Activities meeting uh committee met La we had a meeting last Wednesday night on 7:17 um we talked about how this past year we yep can you hear me better now we talked about how this past year our softball numbers at the high school were low so we were able to create a Cooperative agreement with Lakeland Regional High School um and now that we're at the end of the season we were just discussing the feedback and overall it was just really good feedback from their school from our school so we are looking to carve something out for the next two years officially with them um our athletic director will be meeting with their schools uh shortly um and that will be set up for the fall um we also talked about how we have amazing kids at our high school that always want to add new clubs um and we we really want to pre create that opportunity for them to do it but we just feel like we need a better way to capture like what clubs are really working what's giving our students the most value who's actually getting together who's not so um again uh Andrew our athletic director was able to streamline things and kind of create a Google form that will really get a way for us to capture that data um and make sure like what clubs are the most effective so that we can continue adding to the list that we have um there's a lot of curriculum revisions going on right now uh we approved a new textbook called you and the law um this is going to be available in the spring semester as an elective and it's part of our Civics curriculum um we actually were really impressed by the textbook and we thought it was a great really great elective to be able to offer to our students there's no prerequisites to take it it's just kids that are interested in criminal justice the legal system or just want to have a better working understanding of like our legal system um it was a great textbook if I was in high school I definitely would have wanted to take that class um we also got an update on our Zen Den which we're really excited about it's just going to provide um certain students the opportunity to have a little time outside the classroom to decompress and just get extra support that they need if they need it um we talked about a great handwriting curriculum pilot that's going on this year so this is going to be at ke School in our Co talk classrooms and it's going to going to be a curriculum um that's going to specifically work on grip and handwriting with our younger students to kind of support them better in that area um we talked about some District vacancies that we have right now we have a KHS industrial Arts a bcba um a part-time nurse uh we did agree to raise that rate and we do believe that that will help and a PRM French teacher so if anybody knows anybody interested in those positions that would be great it was a good meeting thanks Kelly Jonathan policy I'm sorry I didn't get my notes out until uh lunchtime today because the it was rep my laptop was wrapped up in the whole Microsoft um outage and and I was away so I couldn't even deal with it but I'm sorry about that I was intending to get it out before um so we did have another uh energetic meeting um you'll see on the agenda alert 233 uh which is which was forwarded from Strauss Esme with recommendations for um updating the policy book um that's on for first reading and the whole point of first reading is for the whole board to review it and make comments we've already gotten some comments about changes and questions about that so please you know at your leisure take a look because it's going to be on next month as well most of them are housekeeping but sometimes you know words fall out or words get added or other things so please do that and thank you for reading it nicely um we also reviewed policy 8760 which Gan referred to before with the accident Insurance um on our books we are actually you know in our policy we are uh required to have accident insurance and we're not sure how long it's been that we have not had accident insurance as as a rider on our um insurance policy so it's not just for buses um it's for just general accidents that could happen um but as Jean said you know rather than just rush out and pay a ton of money for Global acent Insurance we want to see you know what you know to be uh judicious with our our District's money you know we want to see what we really need you know and then what's available out there and um and to take a good hard look at that so in terms of policy we didn't update the policy we're simply you know recommending that we comply with our our own policy uh we had a lot of discussion about um artificial intelligence and student devices and hibs um that you may have if anybody's listening either in the room or online or at a later date um you know a lot of the conversation that we've already had you know related to the presentation um was generated you know started St ing you know at the policy committee meeting in terms of hey you know we see these Trends they may not be you know over 10 or 15 years but just in the last year or two and you see that number you know tripling at PRM in terms of hibs and that's harassment intimidation bullying um and also noticing that has a lot to do with these things here um I'm using mine to read my notes but uh you know there's no Hib violation there you know the the Hib would really have to do you know use your imagination but harassment intimidation or bullying with of of students by students you know or in the in the sense of artificial intelligence using that artificial intelligence to you know participate in activities that could be deemed Hib so we talked a lot about that uh that's a conversation we're going to be having going forward um because it didn't really exist a year or two ago um this is New Territory for all of us um but it's as far as the committee was concerned you know it's a more Global conversation that needs to be had not just the Board of Education or even building Administration um but including a whole bunch of stakeholders so talking about having you know sessions with students about um using technology you know in their personal life in their academic life um having in services with staff you know about can we use these things in the classroom in what ways um and also you know engaging parents in ways that are possible to say Hey you know we all spend money you know my 12-year-old cannot afford this um and yet at PRM if you noticed you know that number is you know a bunch of 12 and 13 year olds um I'm not breaking any confidentiality I'm just saying that that's how old they are at PRM um so you know this is something that we as a district you know are not you know isolated you know it's going on all over the place we did review um we did review a policy that's been in the news at Middletown Township um is you know these devices need to be off and away for the day that's the title of their policy I'm not saying that that's our policy I'm just saying that that's what we viewed um and if you've been reading the newspapers or seeing TV that's happening all over Los Angeles New York City they're out in front of that those are the largest districts in the nation um um and I'm not saying we're playing catchup but you know our resources are a little smaller than those big guys that can afford lots of lawyers and stuff to think through this so we're being judicious we're going to continue talking about it um if you see examples or ideas out there please send them our way because you know we're not going to wait a lot longer in terms of you know hey we have to put something together here to say going forward these are our expectations that's what a policy is you this is what we expect in our community um and it has a lot to do with I'm not going to say reacting to but seeing what happens you know and then saying what do we need to do to better you know encourage better Behavior or prevent bad behavior um so yeah so that's how hibs are involved in that discussion we also looked at um the draft board mission statement the draft um district and board goals for the coming year um and also looking at some other items that are just kind of keeping in terms of um yeah sorry yeah thanks just making it bigger um the comprehensive Equity plan um that's also on the agenda I saw um not under policy though um but just that hey you know this is a thing that we have to approve continuously but we're also always improving and adapting so um yeah it was a a full meeting thanks Jonathan so delegates does anybody have anything to report Mike yeah I'm just going to just do a quick um New Jersey school boards if I don't know if everybody I know summertime the emails tend to kind of fly by you but there's an email last week from New Jersey school boards and I might get John out of his legislative update today because if you didn't see it there's a legislative update tomorrow at 10: am. so if you're interested in signing up for that so if you want to defer to that John you can send everybody to that meeting that's that's 10: a.m. and then they have one for policy development also talking about policies um on August 7th and August 14th there's one on mastering School Finance so for the finance committee if that's something you're interested in they're all at 10: a.m. in the morning I don't know how convenient that is for people but um I think they do record them if I remember correctly and you can watch so you can go back and watch it yeah so it couldn't hurt to register for it so just thought I'd Point those out because they do offer some stuff in the summer thanks Mike uh Morris County anything Dena going on I don't think anything new just the last meeting they had were the explanation and the vote and approval of their updated bylaws so it wasn't anything legislative anything I was going to mention that there is that session tomorrow at 10 um I do think you have to register but it's free I think they just want to make sure that they know who you are um and as a followup to that remember if one of our district goals or one of our board goals is to be what are we wanting to do like be certified or something yeah we're board certifi yeah so everybody make sure that you're up to date on your personal training so if it's your first year your second year your third year or your year um fourth year right gotcha also um the State Board of Education is in the process of turning over so there have been a number of appointments and confirmations and also some appointments that have not yet been confirmed um so by the Fall it may be a whole different state board of education um Educational Services anything K the next meeting is in September okay and community relations you guys didn't meet did you we meet next in August okay um all right K cares anything from there no all right and okay okay petition and hearings of citizens on agenda items if anybody has anything they'd like to say about agenda items they welcome to come up is there anything online Jay any questions no okay all right and now we go to agenda items um Finance facilities and security Carl okay all right agenda items 1 through 15 represents the finance facilities and security committee's recommendation they'll be voted on as a group uh just to quickly go through these um number one is a Treasures report two is a secretary report uh number three is a budget transfer uh four is the board certification uh budgetary line items uh some things are listed there uh five is a bill list um there's one thing I wanted to point out on this in section B the cafeteria account fund is not there's nothing listed there I don't want to make sure if that's a typo or not or there was a check oh okay all right all right um uh number six is the emergency drill report from July uh number seven is uh the uh as mentioned bus driver handbook uh number eight is the list of bus stops for the 2425 school year number nine is the commission for the blind visually impaired um for additional Services there uh number 10 is the kit education Consulting for additional um special services number 11 is the Dual use of educational spaces you can see see the rooms listed there for ke Stony Brook and the Glen Cisco Building uh number 12 is the uh approval of appointments of class three special Law Enforcement Officers 13 is the esa Consolidated Grant application for 2425 uh 14 is the Ida uh Grant application for the same year and then 15 is the disposal of a piano at Keel and that is all can I have a motion to motion second question all right discussion yeah I have two questions and I don't know who to ask the question of but what's happening the piano like where's it going what's happening with what the piano that when I don't know oh okay just number 15 the obsolete piano from Keel old old in time for it to be moved out right I was just I was wondering if it was getting donated somewhere or somebody was buying it or no okay um and second question number 12 those are the class three law enforcement officers and do they do they report to us or they report to the police chief they report to the chief okay they work for us but in that shared agreement that we have and we're now entering year two of a three-year shired Services agreement so at June June 30th of 2026 that's Sunset so we'll be able to review the terms again y thank you okay any other discussion yes no um Mr Myers brought up the fact that there was an empty space on the cafeteria account dispersements is $ 28,1 19526 thank you thanks Barbara okay uh could you pull the board Please Mr Eis manger yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Myers yes Mrs Pella yes Mrs Portman yes Mr petracelli yes Mrs donalson yes Personnel uh agenda items number one through eight represent the Personnel negotiation committee's recommendations we're going to vote on those as a group as well number one is the substitute nurse um rate that we talked about number two two are the resignations and leaves that you or actually resignations and retirements this uh for this one it's um listed there number three is the appointments of of Staff bus drivers that you'll see in attachment a um number four is appointments of Staff members in the table that you'll see that goes on to page six so you'll see those appointments there there's nine of them uh number five is uh payment to the staff members and then that's going to go on to the following page too that goes on to page seven uh number six is the revised summer curriculum writers number seven is the substitutes uh for the 2425 school year um that's a substitute custodian under number seven number eight is the KHS and PRM coaches and volunteers for the fall that's another Personnel attachment and I'm sorry there was just eight did I say eight or nine eight okay can I have a motion motion wait what you need to walk on in a river no I just have to revise under on the B section Mr pet just read under four number one the uh staff member for appointment Elena Santoro that the school is not PRM it's KHS okay hi Mr Santoro and Mr Santoro baby Santoro so that's KHS okay so the minutes will refle reflect KHS not PRN okay got it sorry about that no no that's you that's us that's typo that was the original plan and just to uh if I may while we're on the section uh before we close it out Mrs uh parella brought it up earlier and Mr pelli as well with industrial Arts you'll notice we have a resignation that certification is extremely hard to find so the flip side the high school has been well aware of this the entire month of July so far um we're trying to actively recruit as best we can if we fall short in the next few weeks what will happen is that the parents of the students who are signed up uh for Mr McDonald's classes will have a Revis schedule and we will utilize the first six months of the school year to poll the students in conjunction with the board since the we already have the finances the money is there the salar has been budgeted all of that stuff um as to other programs do we want to keep industrial Arts do we want to bring in culinary arts do we want to talk about Mrs uh Thomas's teacher Cadet program do we want to bring in a PRM KHS drama program I mean there's a lot to consider that we could engage our student body with with the funds that we have uh we're going to keep our fingers crossed that we could find somebody but if we can't you know we can't wait until the August 27th meeting to make a decision about schedules so uh that is out there okay did we second the motion second okay all right any other discussion anyone NOP okay Barbara could you pull the board Please Mr Eisen manger yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Meyers yes Mrs Pella yes Mrs Portman yes Mr pelli yes Mrs Donaldson yes Kelly education sure education and Student Activities Committee the agenda items number one through five represent our recommendations and they will be voted upon as a group number one the field trips for the 202 24 2025 year um both a KHS number two the revised comprehensive Equity plan for 2024 2025 that's outlined in attachment B the kelan virtual remote instruction plan for the 2024 2025 year that's outlined in attachment c um number four there is an independent study in advanced creative writing number five there is a language learning Network that will be providing French instruction for us at Stony Brook and pearl Miller for next year I have a motion motion I just wanted to say um I was looking for the attachments and I don't see them here I don't know if they're online or like I didn't see the education attachments pretty sure they're do you have the attachments online are right in the link yeah they are in the links they're right on so they're just not here but they're okay all right so people can reference them if they need to and again if we can before we close out French um Mrs sapio and Mrs Thomas worked extensively from between the end of the school year into this board meeting about um the bringing back French for PRM which was a task um so Mr sapio does have experience with this company we were able to secure a deal which was you know Equitable for all to provide those services to our students of PRM and then when we branched out with the new schedules to Stonybrook in fifth grade at the same time I think think since we do realize that our numbers in the high school historically with French with the French program decline rapidly Mr suda has that data I think this is another opportunity during the upcoming budget process for 2526 to engage our student councils in the middle and the high school and talk about do we want to look at another language there's options American Sign Language Mandarin German Italian the list is endless so it's just another opportunity to PLL our students through student council and then the student body uh in their separate student council and grade level meetings to talk about it during the budget process we already have the finances there is this a language we want to continue on Beyond so it's just an option this is a gap right now to fill for purposes with a certified teacher and instructor and they'll become part of our PRM family for the year I just wanted to put that out there that that like industrial arts and everything else is on the table okay any other discussion on education no no other question okay M Francisco can you pull the board oh sorry Mr Eisen manger yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Meyers yes Mrs Pella yes Mrs Portman yes Mr Petrelli yes Mrs Donaldson yes Jonathan policy yeah agenda items one through three represent the policy committee recommendation and we'll vote on them as a group uh number one are three Hib reports or the Hib report uh through June 14th uh these three were tabled from the June meeting for further discussion at the committee level and then also if the board wants to discuss dis um circumspectly uh number two is the student safety data system report which Mr shivas has already shared with us and uh number three is policy alert 233 um which is on for first reading um you'll note that there's you know a dozen different policies and regulations some of them are being revised some abolished um they all I was going to say they all appear mandatory there's except for the volunteer athletic coach and co-curricular activity adviser um the rest them at one point or another were M which meant that it was uh Strauss esme's um assessment that they were mandatory in order to comply with um state law motion to approve motion second any other discussion I would note there this is first reading as I said during policy uh committee report that you know please take a look read them and shoot any uh additional comments or concerns my way I will okay right yeah yeah so the the the one of the reasons we postponed the first reading of these Hib the hibs was that they were all offsite and um actually all on cell phones so and they were at the very end of the school year so the Nexus of influence or in involving the school district was really not determinant um but however since they were reported to the district and we did conduct the investigation uh the policy committee's decision was to put it back on for a vote with the the board and moving forward as we discussed earlier we will engage with the admin administrative staff through Mr mango to discuss you know when is it the jurisdiction of the district to determine that uh the Hib is required for our attention um and then that will go further into what I'll discuss under new business with cell phones so anybody have anything else no okay P the board Please Mr eisinger yes Mrs Leonard Mr Myers yes Mrs Pella yes Mrs Portman yes Mr Petrelli yes Mrs Donaldson yes all right Committee of the whole anything for committee of the whole no um unfinished business anybody have any unfinished business none okay new business um on we have Debt Service refund do you want to just briefly discuss that Barbara um okay uh when I first um got here in January I received an email from um Mr salamini who was your bond counsel in 2014 the last time you refunded bonds and he alerted us to an opportunity to um be able to save some interest costs by refunding the bonds again um but there's a window of opportunity and uh it wasn't until later on in this year I saw him in June was I when I was at my workshop and I mentioned to him that I'd like to get a proposal to now that the time was closer and uh talk to the board about it you have an opportunity to save interest um be and hopefully by the time the bonds are actually sold if you decide to do this it might actually go down a little bit more so there might be some more savings but um I reached out to the Auditors um and Mr will willats uh reviewed everything and he said it would be a good opportunity normally the state forces you to refund after if you have a 3% margin and our margin could be 6% so you have an opportunity over the next few years to save about $750,000 um there might it might be a little bit different because of the expenses that you're going to incur with professionals that you need in order to do the bond sale and the notifications but it's an opportunity for you to um minimize your debt over the next few years you recently had a de you actually had two debt issues and they refunded this one um so that you could pay down the first one that one uh concluded uh in February of 24 so this is your your the balance of your debt for the high school project and it might be a good opportunity to uh save some money and help you uh think about the direction that you're going to be going in depending on when you decide to do another referendum if you choose to then you might actually be able to dovetail or refinance at that time the balance so it's up to you um if you want me to move forward I could um talk to them about getting actual costs um what the timeline would be it could very well be that they need to start now because the bond sale would have to be October November there is advertisements that have to be done but I can get all those particular details and we could discuss them at the um I could I could put them out in an email once I have that information so that great then we can put it on the August agenda okay okay so just to be clear so Barbara is going to get that information for us so that we can talk about it and then make a decision at the August meeting okay thanks Barbara thank you for that work and then also under new business is the idea of that Jonathan brought up that we've been discussing kind of offline about restricting cell phone use or devices in the district um to better serve our students both our their mental health and also their instructional time um there's been a lot going on uh in New Jersey school boards I've I don't know if everybody's seen them there's there been quite a few articles on it um as Jonathan mentioned both New York and La who are the first and second largest school districts in the country have banned them now what that actually looks like they've left the administrators of the district to determine um and again so that would be kind of what we are looking to engage our citizen advisory committee our commune members stakeholders and students to some degree students but really our stakeholders and our community members um during the next citizens advisory committee about what does that look like um what are the pros and cons I know I there was even just an article in the last St uh njsba about the problem that it causes teachers in the classroom just them trying to keep kids off the phone and how hard it is for them to sort of police it so lots of different there are various options there are pouches you can buy you can put them on the wall you can just not have them at out at all um there's a diff there different options and those are things that we're going to be looking to engage the community and and discuss those and then at some point you know create a timeline over the next few months to come up with a solution anybody have any discussion about that Mike so I thought about this after we had the meeting last week so I know we were going to try to do the citizens advisory committee and we said we're going to do the next one I think yeah but is the next one Dave was the next one going to be August I I was just wondering if people are still going to be on August 27 August 27 I was wondering if people are still going to be on vacation then if it might be better to do the September one versus the August one well I'm also going to uh early next week put out a a communication to Citizens advisory okay and then in my welcome back I'm also going to reiterate that just a few weeks later so before we get to our that's a great point before we get to our August meeting our public meeting at the end of the month there'll be two Communications that go out that puts everybody kind of on notice and you know we say parents need to parents so whether we're talking about Hib or we're talking about cell phone the thing that I'll say to the parents that are online or those that are going to watch or for our board members or even for me when I'm in stoping shop when you get questioned um basically your children are in good hands within the confines of the building this is supposed to be their safe place so if you need them or something is happening kind of old school like when I went to school in the 80s your parent would call the school or better yet come to the school so I think that is the easy piece the more challenging piece and and students always find a way but is something that I think Mrs Portman brought up during committee which is what happens at the end of the day what happens when things are happening during the day and parents need to get in touch and now parents are part of it as much as our kids because it's hey you know work's running late or I need you to pick up your sibling or whatever the situation is we understand that too so I think that'll be the challenge and the first piece is that our parents actually work with us if we're going to move in this direction because kids are kids and to Mr Petra's Point kids always find a way so that's never going away um but kind of like the spirit of HIV in 2011 in the legislature um when cell phones really started to hit us and social media in the early 2000s and the flip phones were in an article was was put out in 2005 listen to the natives and it was about adapting meaning schools and how do we engage our students and as this as the phones developed you saw school districts develop and adopt and create bring your own device policies but now the cell phones are so out of whack and things that are happening online are so quick and students are so quick to respond and it really just has a whole new meeting that I think you know what I'm not too worried about everywhere else I'm worried about kelon what can we do and how do we feel about it so and my only point was that that week is the week right before Labor Day weekend I have a feeling a lot of parents may be away there's going to be a lot of people on vacation and stuff like that so just maybe having multiple opportunities oh yeah I think this this will be the first engagement it's not going to be decided in one meeting by any means I think this requires kind of a working at you know continue to look at it from different perspectives and definitely bring it up but we have to have everybody's it's a collective problem so it needs a collective solution and we have to have Buy in from everybody so I think that's the plan moving forward from now anybody have anything add to else to add on that no okay um correspondents do we have any correspondents or emails Jay anything virtually no okay nothing petitions and hearings of citizens for non agena items anybody board member comments who wants to go first G to go Jen oh good no all right Jen um hadn't really thought about it um no just good meeting um I was excited to hear about the um handwriting curriculum and the Civics elective being brought on I think those both sound uh really great and positive and needed um and that's it I hope everybody's having a good summer and I appreciate all the work that's being done you know by Administration and staff behind the scenes they don't get a lot of credit for the work they do in the summer but I appreciate it thanks thanks Jen Kelly before you go thank you so much for coming welcome you to the district we were going to say welcome so yeah you need to go we got it thank you for coming thank you for coming congratulations welcome to Kon okay um I just wanted to say welcome to Mrs burough um who's going to be teaching Algebra 1 at KHS um and I had the opportunity to talk to her earlier and she was talking about um just the enthusiasm she has for math which I'm excited about I you know that's contagious I said a lot of kids come in with math phobia and I think she actually has a strong personality that's really friendly and that is really warm and can overcome that um and I also wanted to than uh welcome and thank Mr burrows for coming um we're really excited for you to kind of help invigorate our buildings and kind of put a fresh set of eyes and just make everything safe and beautiful for our students so thank you so much for coming and for accepting um and I just wanted to thank our staff you know I know the students aren't here right now but I know there's so so so many staff that are just working on upgrading all of our classes and making sure that we have the curriculum that we need and we're doing major roof upgrades right now and just making sure that everything is safe and absolutely the best for our students come September so um thank you to all of our staff and have a good night Jonathan you're good Carl all right Dana just welcome welcome to Mr Burrows and I hope that everyone is having a restful summer I know the uh a lot of the administration is working really hard but I hope everybody gets some time to rest and be with their families so that's it thank you uh Mike I'm gonna say welcome to Mr burrow so welcome GL glad to have you on board and welcome to Mrs Santoro or wherever you wherever you went to uh thank you to Mr shivas and Mrs Thomas for your presentations today appreciate that it was very helpful thank you to Mrs trombetta for the um computer science update that was that was very good update so thank you for sending that um and I'll Echo what everybody else said thank you to all the people who are doing hard work over the summer to get us ready for the new year so have a good night okay Melissa Ralph welcome to kenon and um I did do the real time it worked for Kelly so when I get JJs I'll link them so looks really good so I think that's going to roll out really nicely so I just want to give you that feedback um so we are moving forward with real time that's already done and um she asked a few of us just to try it and it worked so that's good news for you um and then that's it have a great summer for everybody I know I'm enjoying it every day in the Sun that I can so I hope you all get some rest and we'll see you guys in a month or so all right um lastly we before you go to go yeah sorry I just want to yesterday Mrs uh francisoc we we have a very fun professional relationship and you know she she made a point to let me know she speaks very Frank you know sometimes I just have to cool my Jets I'll put that in quotes but um I know I move at a rapid pace and whether we have a crowd housee here or we don't like we do like tonight but for anybody who ever sees it I just want to take a minute and thank our central office thff that's here tonight and also those that who aren't um because we have been doing a lot as well as you as the board because it's a thankless job as board members it's non-stop I'm nonstop the place is Non-Stop and for the majority of people that are out there they don't know and then folks want to just show up to a meeting because of something or whatever it is bottom line is we're working nonstop right through the summer that's the nature of the Beast and I recognize that I also recognize that I'm a lot I can't promise anybody I'll cool my Jets Till I Retire but thank you I appreciate everybody because it takes all of us to do it if it wasn't all of us this wouldn't happen so I just wanted to put that out there and um committies are on the 21st to 22nd of August but you know between now and then I don't know how many times I'm going to contact you so so I'm glad we have that new phrase now cool your jets so we have a new phrase we can use yeah that's the phrase from Mrs francisa that's a good one okay there's no executive sessions so can I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all in favor I I