##VIDEO ID:PqoJo9jqxiA## hello we're calling the reorganization meeting of the kelon Board of Education to order um the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the kelon board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in the Suburban Trends on January the 24th 21st 2024 posted in the kenalan public library filed with the board of the burough Clerk and posted on the district website um I don't see it here but let's have the salute to the flag oh yeah please alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all at this time I'd like to formally announce the results of the November 5th 2024 election um there were two members which were for three-year terms um Kelly Pella received 2783 votes Frank Pepe received 2,672 votes and there were 145 right in votes at this time I'd like to administer the oath of office to Mrs Pella and Mr Pepe you have to raise your right hand and you have the information to just add your names and please go ahead I I Frank pepy do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and this state under the authority of the people so help me God i Frank pepy do solemnly swear that I possess the qualifications prescribed by law for the office of member of a board of education and that I am not disqualified holding that office due to conviction of a four degree crime and that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of that office according to the best of my ability so help me God great thank you thanks thank you okay um when you have a moment could you just sign that and return it to me um at this time I'd like to take a roll call of the board um Mrs Donaldson here Mr eisener here Mrs Leonard here Mr Myers here Mrs Pell here Mr Pepe here Mrs Portman here okay okay at this time um we need nominations for the um president of the board of education for the 2025 year I nominate Jean Donaldson are there any other nominations off the floor okay um can I have a motion to close motion to close nominations I'd like to do a roll call vote at this time um Mr Isa manger yes Mrs Leonard yes Mrs Mr Myers yes Mrs Pella yes Mr Pepe yes Mrs Portman yes M Mrs Donaldson yes congratulations please be my guest thank you okay next item is nomination and election of a vice president have a motion to nominate John iser for vice president of the kenalan Board of Education anybody second that motion to nominate John second okay any other nominations for vice president okay can I have a motion to close nominations for vice president okay and Mrs Francisco will you please roll call the vote for vice president Mrs Donaldson yes Mr eisa manger yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Myers yes Mrs Pella yes Mr Pepe yes yes Miss Portman yes congratulations okay congratulations joh okay next item is appointment of committees and chairpersons by the president I've spoken to everybody individually and uh I'll be sending out with a follow-up email to have an in writing just to make sure that I've got your requests for committee I'll have that to you um probably by tomorrow and I'd like to get this resolved by the end of the week if that's okay because we do have meetings coming up um but it's pretty much what everybody's already requested so you won't really see any surprises I'll just be doing it to confirm I got it right okay all right uh public comment on agenda items uh nobody's present is there anything online Jay okay agenda items Finance facilities and security um we do have a um one item for uh approving a grant for expanding the access to computer science and High School courses so I'd like a motion to approve that Grant can I have a motion motion second okay any discussion on it I'll take the second no okay looks really great do you did you have a question okay all right could you roll call the the um board Please Mr eisener yes Mrs leard Mr Myers yes M yes Mr Pepe yes M Portman yes M Donaldson yes we have Personnel negotiations we have three items under there um one is the resignation of a part-time assistant and then we have appointments can I have motion to approve personal items one through three motion second disc discussion okay seeing none Mrs Francisco can you roll call the board Please Mr eamer yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Myers yes Mrs Pella yes Mr Pepe yes Mrs Portman yes Mrs Donaldson yes okay the other section 10 is the reorganization agenda items and basically these are all continuing um approval of continuing resolutions so these are things we've already approved but since we're a new board we now just approve it as this board so I'm just going to read them I'm not going to read them all but we have time and place of meetings appointment of the board secretary the treasur of school funds the official newspaper official depositories adoption of the curriculum adoption of actions policies contracts adoption of textbooks the adoption of the evaluation systems purchasing Arrangements Professional Services that we've already approved computer service providers the adoption of parliamentary procedures uniform minimum chart of accounts bonding the standard operating procedures employee tax shelter annuities insurances are all to continue compliance positions are to continue can I have a motion to approve these items motion second discussion I just um I'm aware that the legislature is working on the not public notice of meetings so this is currently what we have to do right and then I just don't know when we have to not do or we don't we ar required to like use a store Ledger that doesn't print anymore right right yeah there is some guidance that's been coming out in the last couple of days so once I get confir that it's going to go into effect I think it's a requirement thats okay do do you need us to give you a different authorization to do whatever to comply or I don't think so okay um morebody Co yeah I mean if they s change something then it'll have to go into effect after that's enacted and then we just have to do another resolution that point if it does change any of our procedures um anybody have anything else to bring up any other questions for re okay um yeah can you roll call the board Mr eisinger yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Myers yes Mrs Pella yes Mr Pepe yes Mrs Portman yes Mr Mrs donalson yes okay under new business we do have the January committee meeting dates posted um um so that's for your information please just note that and make sure you're available for those meetings that's why I will get that email out to you tomorrow about the Committees if you just Roger up as soon as you can then we'll you'll know what dates you have to be available for um and then uh I did discuss with uh Dave Kelly and John that we're going to try to come up with all the committee dates the the committee meeting dates through the rest of the school year so that you have those in conjunction with um our board meetings so that way we can plan ahead because those meetings are really important for us to get worked on okay all right public comment uh no one's here and nothing online no okay all right um we will now need to go into executive session can I have motion to end the public session and go into exec motion second okay public SE public section of this