##VIDEO ID:WBrX4C8l5qo## to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provision of the act the Kenan board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in Suburban Trends on January 21st 2024 posted on the Kenan Public Library filed with the Burl cler and posted on the district website Mr Francisco we uh take roll call please sure Mr Eisen manger here Mrs Leonard here Mr Myers here Mrs Pella here Mrs Portman here Mr Petrelli here Mrs Donaldson here close session we will have one after not before please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all routine matters approval of the minutes for the July 23rd regular meeting can I have a motion to motion any discussion on the minutes no good all right seeing none um Mr Francis can we pull the board please sure Mr Eisen minger yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Myers yes Mrs Pella yes Mrs Portman yes Mr Petrelli yes Mrs Donaldson yes we do not have a student representative at this time Mr mango do you want to update thank you Mrs president and welcome everybody do we have have anybody in live stream Jay okay all right well that's good well welcome folks in live stream and those that are here um as you saw yesterday from my welcome back there's quite a bit that's been happening throughout the district all summer long um starting with all of our projects from roofs to surveillance to security to infrastructure and then of course we have the air quality that we continue on with we're waiting for those results tomorrow from RK environmental in room 321 uh at Stonybrook and then there's some more air scrubbing that'll be taking place here in the high school with the art room and one of the storage rooms so we have that under control what we're what we found and we discussed this in citizens advisory so I don't mean to bore our folks from citizens advisory that're still here um is that the systems are really not talking to each other and we found that with our Architects review last fall and that's that's the major issue the HVAC the other things opening of Windows shutting doors we know that we have to moderate um and manage the the daily uh air conditioning rate at 76 and at night we have to raise it to 80 we have to be mold conscious we have to keep the rooms clean all that's said and done the system itself is old and needs to be replaced so um our Good Fortune the members of the uh finance committee of the burrow councilman maybe councilman churo and councilman Harris reached out about a possible EIP project or audit uh so we do have a joint committee meeting with them tomorrow night to discuss a little bit further um esip is more or less Energy savings Mrs Francisco has experience back in her prior District as DUI and it's just a good overall assessment aside from what would be able to save and move forward with so uh we have that in play we have our architect assessment we have our Capital reserves we're going to continue to look at our facilities because that's a major component um while we continue to move forward with our instructional program so we do have some new schedules that are going on this school year you have departmentalization for the first time thank you Mrs utel at Stonybrook for grades three and four and uh we have a new schedule over at the middle school of PRM allowing for some more flexibility so um we do have District goals uh up for approval tonight with our board goals that I will I'll go to the podium and pull them you want me to no I well if I go over there Jay am I still on screen or am I am I off screen okay you tell me we're good okay so our mission statement every school district should have a mission statement and uh that came out derived out of strategic planning so we're going to revise we're going to take out really more or less that that roll on in the beginning the mission of the the kenalan school district is to cultivate an environment we're going to go right to Inspire to inspire students to achieve high levels of achievement as well as strive for self-sufficiency become critical thinkers and develop into productive and contributing citizens of society so I think that's wow Mrs Thomas these glasses really make my eyes open um yes and I hear Mr buer even though he's not here I'm sorry I'm coming out of character Mr buer had a message about me wearing glasses and what I should or shouldn't do he comical so I um but I do need them just to see a little bit better so I think this is pretty self-sufficient right to the point this is what we're looking for no big fancy terms no big fancy words let's move away from certain stuff we'll leave that at stuff and let's get down to the grind and that's what we're about so for our mission statement that's who we are we move on to District goals and District goals are what superintendents are evaluated on and I have to tell you that board goals will be next and that's the goals that the board creates and they evaluate themselves so for Citizens and community members that vote every November um you should know that you voted well because in all my travels I've never seen goals and not that I I shy away from hard work or multitasking but we've had a lot of goals and we go after them and it never stops and you could ask the admin team that's here you could ask those in central office it just never ends so we try to cover the gamut and so the first one is financial stewardship and this one is all about condensing and um combining Transportation we're going to do that study and we're going to look into it to see what it really really looks like between PRM and KHS for next school year so we'll take the whole year we'll engage parents we'll engage students we'll engage staff and then the um sub subgoal there is to develop a streamlined approach for the use of facilities and maintenance of KHS Snack Shack because we did have to close down That Snack Shack this past spring we're not happy about that Board of Health um we've had meetings with the wreck department here in town we've had meetings in District we're going to change procedures we're going to change our protocol checks and balances for whoever is in there and not um we're going to ensure that we have some type of custodial staff we're working all those out right now as the season actually starts here at the high school on Friday um for sports for football with with Big Time use of it but um that's a goal and that will continue throughout the year the second one student achievement looking to uh develop a rubric for assessment and effectiveness of we have new K5 Ila and math resources this school year so that'll fall on curriculum and instruction and um uh mathematics then we're looking to align science and math curricular and course offerings between PRM and KHS we talked a little bit about that at the end of last school year and that was put into the Strategic plan and then revising the start and end times kind of coincides with the first goal in the transportation at um PRM and KHS so when I say that it's more or less the high school starts 723 725 moving the high school and there's actually there's there's counties and there's school districts that are actually doing this in in play just to see as a pilot moving it back closer at 8:00 and now where PRM is I believe 8:15 or8 820 mov them back so it's like move the high school up move PRM back collapse it what does that look like so now if we have students grade six through 11 on our our buses they could Loop to the high school come up to PRM drop off boom so it's it's going to take some work but nothing is impossible and I think if it can afford our students and our staff better opportunities and more flexibility on top of saving us financials which look that's going to be a year-over-year it never goes away the cost of our budget um I'm all for it so uh that that's another goal so those I I would say for student achievement pretty big then when we look at student experience and retention because every year you know I I heard it before I was superintendent here and of course now I live it we do lose students and everybody loses students but you your goal is to always maintain as many as you can um so for whatever those reasons we want to change some EXP experiences so that started a year and a half ago with Mr suda when we changed the format of the eighth grade openhouse and moved it up in November to be more competitive but now this year you'll see a little bit different we want to look to create a Freshman Academy for next school year here in the high school we want to implement this year an eighth grade Shadow day at KHS during spirit week and we also want to look to develop an eighth grade week for observation of course offerings function of the day Showcase of sports and clubs and operating build build pro procedure so our eighth graders have multiple opportunities to engage here and see with their own eyes during the course of the day what that looks like and one thing's for sure the demographic study showed us we have the space in this building so space isn't an issue because we only have 130 in the eth grade class or 125 I'm sorry so with roughly 515 in the high school 9 through 12 and 125 in the eighth grade class more than enough room than 775 and that's what we will do and I I know Mrs sapio is not here tonight but I've already discussed with her too she'll have a role in that in bridging that transition back and forth so more to come there pretty excited and then uh communication we want to continue to expand community outreach so tomorrow night as well and it'll go into the fall Mr shivas will be part of that with uh Mrs Witwer um and buildings and grounds Mr Burrows who starts partnering with the rec department and connecting K12 Sports and engagement and educational opportunities between the programs and then the second one is we want to utilize we offer literally I know um it's it's you know I'm I'm putting it out there like a million but we offer a lot of clubs here okay and all that information is operable because it's in the contract it's in the CBA so anybody could go online on our district website and see all the clubs and the activities that we offer here that our staff takes on and that we pay for I'd like to see more interaction with the community from these clubs now a lot of them or some of them really do engage as it is but I think there's always ample opportunity to do more from those stipended positions so that's what we're looking for we want to have those interactive engagements the newsletters the invitations to school events Mrs ala told the kindergarten parents today about in November she's bringing in bunnies and you know for the little ones that's a great opportunity for us to partner um with with Cedar Crest or any of the surrounding you know folks here that want to get out that want to engage with our little with our young ones see something new be outside when it's not I'm just throwing that out there as an opportunity but there's plenty of them much more than just the intergenerational prom so we have the Varsity Club here Honor Society multiple honor societies we we we will engage so and that's community outreach so those goals are pretty cumbersome to grade on come June so that's that's how I am evaluated aside from everything else now the board they have theirs now while I am the non-voting member I still participate but the board evaluates themselves I do not evaluate them um on their goals so again this is important for the community to know so the first one is a um a special executive session meeting it's not a you know at first we were playing with the word retreat but we didn't want anyone to have the wrong idea like we're going to take a big weekend on taxpayer money that's not what we're going to do so we'll be in the board office on a Saturday blah um and really what the board will do is just review the self-evaluation at the end of last school year and look to how can we improve because one thing about this board and I'm not saying it because they're sitting here but it's fact they don't stop working they're as invested as me and anybody else trust me so that's a big one so that Retreat will happen on a Saturday now it's just a matter of like the eight of us well nine when you count Mrs Francisco it's kind of like hurting cats between your personal lives and your real life and this and that how do we get together and find a Saturday where we were all could sit together in the same room but it'll happen so that's that goal uh the second one is a uh dissemination of information to parents about a plan vision for return to play based on childhood practices you know Mrs ala shared something last week with us in our we had an administrative cabinet meeting and we brought in our attorney and it's just something we do every August as a refresher and she talked you know we were talking about technology which we'll get into that's number four but regardless it's all connected and about these tags right those those tracker tags air tags and like I understand certain things I guess I'm a little because of my age I'm a little too old but like we need to have our children play we need to let them get back to being children I think it starts in the primary building for sure um definitely on the playground and in other area and events but I mean there needs to be learning by failure sometimes you know and entrusting Us in school so um I know that won't be easy I know there'll be more to it than just that but cell phones and technology and tracking and having to have access and being afraid every time of who's going to fall and who what it I really believe and so does the board we have to we have to gain back what we lost just a little this century and it's been a progressive loss over time I could tell you that with my own eyes from my experience in school so that's one more will come from there um the third one obviously big one is look back on the 2023 feasibility assessment and are we going to go for a referendum and how does it tie into that esip that we spoke about earlier because eips take time so if we're committed to the esip and having the audit and then wanting to refund and have Bond you know go out for bonds and funding to pay for that um because you'll have a cost savings to offset and boilers are part of that well then what about our HVAC what about other sections of roof what about upgrades internally to the building what about science labs and I will tell you that between the Years 2012 and Mrs Francisco you could correct me if I'm wrong um but between the Years 2012 or maybe even 2011 um to 17 the SDA was pretty giving in these grants School Development Authority for the rod grants which we were successful with the two roof Replacements in that 60/40 split on taxpayer money in the district you know it's what under the bridge but we missed a lot of boats and that's why now I know folks are tired of hearing me talk about facilities but sooner or later our facilities is going to catch us and not only is it going to cost us three times as much we're going to have misplaced students and staff so we have to get a hold on our facilities before things really go sideways and that's why we don't want to leave any Rock unturn from esip opportunities if that means a jointure with the with the burrow or we both do it separately but at least we're on the same page and we agree if we have to go to a referendum is there a chance you'll see tonight uh under new business there is a resolution to refund the bond debt that we do have that will save us or should save us over time I don't know what's that 50,000 a year million overall I'll take a half a million dollars it's a half a million dollars I'll take it as a taxpayer and super absolutely so we're it's not like we're being very smart we're also being Frugal but we have to look ahead so um that's why you hear it so much and then the last one is uh cell phone free school environment you hear it you see it you see other school districts doing it or portions of it last year here in a high school we shut down the Wi-Fi we heard parents we heard our students we gave Wi-Fi back during lunch that was it and you know and I'm a parent too but you know what if somebody if I need to contact if something happens in life what happened to go to the school as a parent or you call the main office and we will go get your child so that was the biggest kind of conversation that we engaged in the throughout our community from parents with the high school last year when you're in school you're not supposed to be on the phone it's just that simple and really we've seen this Go full circle because there was an article that came out in 2005 called listen to the the natives and it was really when the flip phones first came out and it was like um what was the other thing wasn't in obviously wasn't Instagram or Facebook Myspace or whatever that nonsense was and you you know and I was already an assistant principal in 2005 so it really makes me feel old and you saw that invading school then we're not supposed to be a 24-hour 7-Day a week entity we have parents and cell phones in school if they're not used for a lesson shouldn't be going off and parents certainly shouldn't be the ones calling that's I'm sorry that's just how I see it so it's something that we see as a board with a goal that we want to engage and especially at the younger levels so I know Mr mongan is going to um require that all the lockers this year because there's a lot that goes on when students leave lockers unlocked in locker rooms and in hallways and so those lockers are locked and cell phones be in the lockers okay unless needed somewhere else I know Mrs o and and uh Mrs utel are going to be engaging about cell phones and apple watches and it's time for us to just go back to school and when children are in school entrust the Educators as best you can I know they're precious my daughter to me too but you got to have a little bit of trust and that's what we're looking to have a little bit of common sense Thomas Payne said it a million years ago 1776 and um doesn't mean we're going to be totally cell phone free but it just means we need some some barriers because the other side to this is the mental health is the stress on students is the Eating Disorders is bulimia is suicide is school violence is workplace violence all you have to do is look to social media and not that I'm being on a soap box but I will I'll have I'm glad to have that conversation with anybody anywhere anytime um just something that I believe in the board wanted to go after it I said sure I'll support it of course so there you have it you're board in action so uh lot to be happy about a lot of work to do so with that I'm going to end my report I can't wait for staff to come tomorrow we have a great presentation for them and we kick it off because it's been kind of too quiet you wanted to say something Mrs utel are you sure about that oh okay good no me too I can't wait it's so you know after 4th of July Summer's over that's just you know it's kind of especially with all these heat waves but uh that concludes my report Mrs president and I'm sorry to be a haunt all summer long I will apologize to my central office people here tomorrow in front of the whole staff because I know I've been a haunt but we've had a lot of work and uh good stuff okay we're going to hit committee reports Mr Myers Finance fa facilities and security yep okay so uh yeah we did meet on August 21st talked about a number of items I'll just briefly touch on them uh we talked over the 2024 summer projects we viwed quite an extensive list of what happened and uh uh how much how many things have actually been how many things have actually been uh successful uh we talked about uh surveillance across all the schools about how many cameras were installed how many cameras are coming uh great progress there um this is just fun to say we talked about geese police um on whether or not uh we should continue with that what the so that's just under discussions right now um as you saw on some of the goals we did discuss the Fieldhouse and The Snack Shack um some type of system to put in place to keep that uh under Renovations or who's actually in charge of those things um we talked about some Financial closing posos grant money remaining funds Etc just briefly touched on that um we discussed an energy audit and some Bond refunding uh we did discuss the roof update which I believe should be completed just after Labor Day is that correct very good uh and then we reviewed the goals and mission statements that uh everyone just saw that's about it thanks Carl Personnel negotiations Mike uh so we we also met on well I don't think it was the 21st it was the 22nd actually um yeah the 22nd uh and we talked about the the new summer District hires including our new super advisor of Athletics so welcome we're happy to have you um and a couple of the parent professionals that were hired we talked about the district vacancies um so I know you were T touching a little bit on that Dave and the and the commun citizens Advisory Group um so I don't do do we want to get into that a little bit now or or yeah um so do you want to talk about the industrial Arts where we are with that sure well indust we had a designation in industrial Arts at the end of June and um we immediately posted but that certification is really like a unicorn in a fade so it's hard to find people qualified I know that we Mr suda batted down some doors I made some phone calls we couldn't find anybody uh I did have the Good Fortune of speaking to somebody who was a master Woods wood uh woodcrafter um who had a teaching sht information that was shared with me through the county going alternate route and I don't want to bore anybody with alternate route and what all that means but there's opportunities for for folks to go alternate route with programs with colleges and universities while they're teaching and gain that certification there I was relayed one answer Mrs uh Thomas was given another one uh recently mine was in July so now it's late Mr suda's letter already went out to the students so we think right now rather than enforce something we're going to hit the breaks and we're going to just reschedule those students in those classes we're going to engage our middle school and high school students and our staff of course bring all that information back to the board and decide because the money's budgeted for for the position what do we want to do do we want to move forward and if we do my vision for industrial Arts would be industrial Arts how does it apply because not everybody goes to college or maybe some folks do but they want to do something else and anybody out there that knows if you're PL your electricity uh anything any kind of craftsmanship in your house forget it so um I would like to see a traditional wood shop if we maintained it wood shop one through four with an advanced section and offer that even to our eighth graders in PRM to come come down and come across as part of their schedule so but if not if students want to go in a different direction we can but that's really where we were with industrial Arts everything else we seem we're moving right along in filling so um you know a lot of work so in addition to that then we talked about some of the other vacancies that are available Mrs truma did a nice job covering what the uh coverage for the math leave replacement was going to be and our uh progress towards a computer science certification so she talked about that a little bit so that that was all detailed in the minutes um so you can kind of go through that a little bit more um and then we kind of wrapped up really talking about our our negotiations coming up so we're meeting again and Mr mango I don't remember the date October 2 we're meeting with the Kaa on October 2nd I know the committee is meeting again before that I don't remember what the I don't it's in September I don't remember if it was the week of the 11th or the week of the 18th 11 so hold on one second so so Dave is GNA put together some information for us so we can look at the existing agreement we're going to talk about how we want to go into that first meeting with the Kaa which is typically how we would do it so so then my last ask of the board is if there's anything in particular that you guys are thinking let members of the committee know so that as we go into that prep meeting we know what you guys are thinking as well so that was the last piece of it anything else on that Dave yeah that's go go ahead okay um just because just because I just looked at the email and added it to my Google calendar October 2nd is when we're we're invited as a board to the Morris County School boards to get our certific certification no it was a couple weeks ago but that's the date that's Wednesday October 2nd what time is that night it's like six to seven okay thanks good call thanks Mike yep education Student Activities so education and Student Activities met on 8:22 at 6:45 um we have a very talented senior she was her name is Addie Midler and she was able to write a book uh that was published so we are going to have copies available in both ke and Stony Brook this year we're really happy to support her and um I had the opportunity to read it myself it's fantastic book it's got amazing illustrations um we also talked about the extension of the softball program that was so successful this year and we did solidify things with the contract so we're looking forward to being able to offer that program to our high schoolers to be able to continue playing softball if they want um we have had a mentoring teacher plan but this year thanks to Mrs Thomas we kind of had an overhaul over the whole system and there's going to be a lot of training for the mentors so that the mentees and the mentors get a lot more out of it so we're really excited for all the teachers that are participating in that thank you so much Mrs Thomas um also we have a very cool research opportunity we're pairing with McGraw Hill to get a math app that will help create um um like shapes and fractions to be able to come become 3D using you know this is this is a case where technology is a really good thing right the kids can download the app and then use it for math class um so we're also going to have an ISL pilot this year to kind of replace our Everyday Math uh work that we've been doing in math classes K5 um and the worksheets that we've been doing we just feel like this pairs better with the classroom lessons um we this is this is probably the thing I'm most excited about this year um I don't want to steal anybody's Thunder because more to come on this but um we're going to have Varsity Tutors available for our kids this year so on their um Chromebooks that are going to be issued to them if they're home and they're struggling with homework and they don't understand something um there's just a going to be like a text box available to them in the bottom where they can ask questions if it's math class it'll be you know the screen that they'll have will be a dry race board where they'll have a live interactive person kind of helping them and guiding them with their homework um it'll either be text or like I said dry erase whiteboard for math so our kids can get help um just at whatever time they need it which another great reason why technolog is fantastic um we're really excited about the parent Tech Symposium um it's going to talk about the exact things that we've been talking about tonight like the impacts intended and unintended of technology and phones um on our students it's going to be on Monday September 23rd at 7 p.m. you can come and attend live or you can view it you know via the internet we're going to have a live screen of it um so Lauren Morello from the well-being Therapy Center in Montville will be here she's absolutely fantastic we've had her come and speak a number of times and the parents just really really love her so hopefully you'll be able to watch that either here or at home if you can all right that was pretty much it um were we going to do the Varsity Tutors part of that or that that may be part of it excellent so the VAR tutors will actually be at the syposium to show us how it's going to be interactive so again like I mentioned before during the citizens advisory committee um the Symposium for the the tech Symposium we're encouraging all the parents to come bring their device their laptop um or an iPad and just walk through the real time presentation the website The Varsity Tutors and then we'll have this guest speaker so we really encourage everybody to mark that date and come because you're going to learn a a lot so thanks thank you Kelly John policy yeah so we did have a policy committee meeting um and I just as I kick off on the policy committee I just wanted to um Echo what has been said around the table already and just highlight for anybody that's listening live or you know online that you know we're all parents you know we all have kids that are of school age of some kind and we get elected to the board to represent our our neighbors and as things as concerns happen and they get raised to you know to us individually or as a group or through other channels you know we come and we talk about it and then you you just heard you know how hey you know cell phones technology school kids like this is a big concern out in the world and this is like democracy and action so you know we talk about it you know we talk about it with administrative staff you know they find ways to meet the needs and concerns and you know this is just you know it's it's an amazing mechanism of you know how this works so I just want to say hey like it's working um then we G get to talk about policies so um there's a policy alert from St Esme um it was on last time for first reading and we' um recommend uh approving it on second reading uh we also uh reviewed policy 876 z uh which says that the school district is supposed to have pupil accident insurance which it was identified we we haven't had that writer so we're um working on getting that added to the in insurance policy that the school district carries um policy committee also reviews hibs before they get to the board and we don't really talk about that um publicly unless we are required to or there things we can share most of the time that we spend in policy committee meeting last week had to do with artificial intelligence and student devices cell phones um both hot topics and both things that are being addressed in various ways you know in in other areas of the board and uh School District Strauss Esme provided a policy guide um which is different than their you know policy stuff that they send they're usually prepackaged already um drafted language that says hey this is what we recommend um because AI is so new there isn't really any model out there yet there are no laws at least in New Jersey that require or you know structure what is a school district supposed to do so Strauss Esme kind of listed various options and various uh topic areas that could have something to do with artificial intelligence and said you know it's probably recommended that you add something thing about plagiarism but the language is up to you you know so there's nothing to go with other than yeah we kind of knew that um but we did talk about it and as we kicked it around we identified you know two different ways that we need to address one has to do with the use of artificial intelligence in the teaching curriculum and in the classroom um we are very interested in you know continuing that discussion and getting input from staff and and from curriculum writers and from folks to say you know how do you integrate you know artificial intelligence in the classroom um not throwing the baby out with the bath water and saying we weren't going to do that because there could be very good uses of it um and as a committee you know there were there were experiences from our own workplaces that say yeah we use that in our in our jobs to do X Y and Z so um so that's an ongoing discussion that we'd like to have especially through the fall in committee you know so there's an invitation out there to um participate that second has to do with um just inappropriate use of artificial intelligence without defining inappropriate use you know Supreme Court said that about pornography you know we know it when we see it um inappropriate is inappropriate and we're not going to Define that at the moment but just to say hey we need to address that um so we kind of you know strongly encouraged to include the artificial intelligence or AI designator in existing student code of conduct so that we can kind of get in you know get it in there right now to say hey if you use artificial intelligence in a way that's already kind of you know designated in the code of conduct we have a catchall for that not to say we're not going to pursue that but to say like hey we need to do something quick so that we can take time to put in place a better um policy as going forward same thing with a cell phone conversation obviously we're not here to recommend we're Banning cell phones in school or we're you know going to do this or that but we did identify and the and the committee report shows how we did that that you know there's a spectrum you can see it in the news about how different districts are doing it right now this very minute um some are saying we don't want cell phones in schools but it's up to each school to figure out how to do that um some are as we did last year you know saying no cell phones during you know the school day except in designated areas and times like lunch or you know after school you know those kind of things um or just saying oh we don't care use your cell phones um that really is you know and the committee was feeling and I think as the board kind of feels you know that that is going to take some Buy in and some conversation from the community and Mr mango already started that conversation you know from the podium just a second ago to say Hey you know this affects parents it affects teachers it affects the students um so you know as as we're approaching cell phone use you know those are obviously the the issues that are you know already well flushed out but we need to have a conversation a CommunityWide conversation about that before just simply legislate like this is how we're going to do that um so you know come find us you know in Stop and Shop I mean uh no um you know in the bus line you know at the on the sideline of at the sporting events and other things but also come to meetings you know send emails and and say like hey we think this is a good idea um also just in the news like last week or maybe two weeks ago you know Montclair had set up Montclair neighbors to the southeast um had set up to um ban cell phones from the school district um and they actually walked that back and said oh we're going to study that some more um so you know I I think we do need to do something I think talking about it especially at the beginning to you know prepare folks to hey we're going to change something here we need to make sure that everybody's with us on this um and that's where we're headed so thanks for listening thanks Jonathan all right petitions and oh wait uh community relations you guys did meet so we met um August 19th um community relations meets uh quarterly with Administration um members of the Home School Association people from the buau and members certain members of the board and we were giving each other updates on each other's you know realms um we talked about typically the next meeting is the first Monday of October but we had said that seems a little early for like the beginning of school so we talked about moving it um I'm going to throw around the date for the first Monday of November but I have to check with the members um that that actually will work and then um I was bringing up with some members perhaps changing the format of community relations uh I want to get input about that um to me it seems like we share a lot of great information but I think all those people are sharing that same great information in other places so I don't want to um you know like have Administration and everything doing double time um we might be able to kind of bring the community together and share information in a more uh practical way that we're not having kind of like meet the same meetings almost more than once um so I think that's a topic I'll bring up at the next one to see what everyone thinks and and go from there and I I think that actually um what Jonathan just said about cell phon stes nicely with our number four goal and this I think really looks at our number one goal because there was a lot that people said in the self-evaluation about Outreach with the community and participation from the community and how do we get the community more involved with you know just some of our discussion items that came up again and again I I think there were like four comments from board members on that and um I think that part that you're talking about maybe we do reorganize and that's something when we meet and look at those comments because there were some really great ideas that all the board members had put that we look at that and because I agree that I don't want to tie up the administrator's time for multiple meetings that certainly not meeting for meeting sake the idea is to get community together get decision makers maybe council members or rec department and there might be a better way to do that um maybe we just invite them at the citizens advisory committee or something so yeah I saw that email I think that's great yeah so we'll definitely incorporate that in our own discussion good okay um K cares anything yeah there was a meeting uh on July 29th uh so we did talk for a while about a number of different topics I actually sent both of you an email on some of the programs they were asking about um I apologize if it was like kind of misleading in any way because I wasn't sure where really how those different programs connected um so I did connect back with them and say you know we'll get back to them the one thing that I did forget to ask is they had asked if the school archives old yearbooks do we do that at all hard copy okay so I can get back to them on that that was just another question they had looking back at historical points and things okay okay all right cool very good uh there was no meeting this month though okay thanks Carl um KF there's is there anything no okay all right we're to petitions and hearings of citizens for agenda items if anybody has anything they would like like to discuss um on items that are on the agenda you're welcome to come up now anything online you can come up if you have something yeah uh Katie prw 14 Beachwood Lan I just had a couple quick little questions from items in the agenda um I saw like some stip in positions for the extra block coverages I didn't know if that was full year or just September through November I think it said something about a November date some of them areer I'm sorry Mrs pra some of them areer leaves and then some of them were discussed between central office and staff and if they want you know what we thought was best for this current set of circumstances in school year so some are the year some are just for Replacements like shorter term and they're all um certified for that subject area that they're covering or yes okay um the K5 new program update is that have to do with the mcra hill is that part of that same part do you know what programs it is for language arts and math oh for language arts we're using HH resources called into reading and for math we using take off okay so we have for Diagnostic assessments and they recently bu a curriculum right okay um my other question was about the supervisor of Special Projects sharing or something in Bloomingdale good question so um the superintendent of Bloomingdale contacted my office and they're are neighbors and asked um if we would be willing to share our Mr shivas the name Mr sh you're not rice but this has nothing to do with your performance um if we'd be willing because the training that was just held in August for somebody else in his district who would be the SSS to be certified they they had a personal thing that they couldn't do it so more or less Mr shivas and I will get I'll get the call from the superintendent Mr shivas and I will drive over to Bloomingdale Mr shivas will treat me to samua and Mr shivas will run the drill and it's that's why it's very specific to September 1st to September 30th and then it's done because then that person so just given a hand no cost I'm not charging anybody we're not charging anybody yeah it's just to be a good neighbor that's nice yeah um okay the last question I had was about the uh in the it was in the PD plan I don't know if I can ask that it wasn't on the agenda or is that part of it in the in the PD plan um it said like about some changes to the RTI program with students being re-evaluated and I just was wondering if that was going to affect the layout of the guided study program as it was you know last year no we want to keep the guided study as is still keep the guided study the elementary level mid School level we want to keep it at the high school level um we found that and we are we're implementing this year study so we're implementing that this year so that's new because we felt like we need to offer more for students at the high school level okay which is why we were excited about the Varsity Tutors app too because now that's free support for students too there's other options if we want to explore down the road paid options where there's even more services available but we wanted to try this first okay um so we just want to be able to offer more in terms of response to intervention okay that's all thank you proced never done this oh hi hi Regina scalla um parent educator and occasional employee of the district um I just wanted to come up and say that I'm been trying to get more active and involved specifically with the conversations with the technology that's something I'm pretty passionate about so I'm excited to hear that there's discussions happening um I've already made it very clear I think to handfuls of Administrators I love to be part of the conversation and there's a growing group of us that have been having really great discussions about the importance of this and we love to be involved so at any P point when parents can be involved we'd love that early on not just like hey this is the policy we came up with what do you think like I'd love to get us in early and say you know what do you think early on can you do me a favor can you email me at my board email address sure and because that's one of our goals yes so as we work towards that in um our different committees um somebody if you're the point of contact for those parents like again this goes out to the whole public to the more people that come that email us that give us their input the more information that we have like Jonathan said to represent you and I really prefer if you just reach out to us and post on Facebook I mean you're welcome to post on Facebook but really I'd like the point of contact where I can have conversation or the board or whatever committee takes us on um so I love that you're up here talking about it and my it's Donaldson J at kinel on.org okay I'll find it it's spelled D o n d s it's super easy to spell Google don't don't do student because my don't go to students because that'll go to my 12-year-old and he will delete it okay if he even reads it but yeah so I would really appreciate that and if you can get those parents together like I would love to have a lot of people in here and we can break us into different groups like yeah it would be awesome yeah there was so I had this idea I just joined citizens advisory committee the end of the year last year and I I guess one of my questions would be and it doesn't have to be this format but offline it can be I thought that the format of that was more of a Roundtable sort of discussion where we have a topic or two that's important that's happening and you can come prepare to talk so I didn't know it was more just listening in but more detail and so I would love for those kind of opportunities to become available if there's ever anything where you or any other member of the citizens advisory want to have something on the agenda there's always opportunity like I know uh Mrs bloomen stick will send out reminders as because everybody has a life so she'll send out reminders and it's like hey we're putting the agenda together and it's if you have anything bring it on and we'll talk about that's why I had emailed you I sent some resources well no separately about the um the digital citizenship oh that's right information and I knew that I thought originally I thought it was going to be on the agenda today totally fine because I can see the work is happening so I'm excited yeah and and we can and if that's feedback for that committee like we can change it and it doesn't have to be driven by the agenda at all it really is a moment for you guys to come down it was just initially there were no one was really talking so we started started with an agenda but it's meant to be I'll get some people more like i' rather not talk as much yeah you know I I have to put out an agenda but I'd really rather not talk as much I'd rather hear from the members of our community and then figure out as a group all of us how do you know what we want to do now I think what you're what you proposed is good and I'll just say in my own experiences and it wasn't about um cell phones at the time let's just say uniforms one thing I think like we would only need a a a a portion of the board so we could do like a committee we could do like a meeting where I could send out an alert and we go and like right now I'm working with one of the wck coaches but who's basically steering a lot of the wck coaches for the winter leagues and then in October we're have a meeting with Mr shivas and Miss wh were about facility use so whether it's wreck whether it's this so long as we're all like kind of coming together it's not like a 5050 it's like this is the issue what do we agree on what could we live with what do we like to tolerate how do we think we want to move something forward what are the definite NOS like that's how I'm thinking of it so as you're putting out there to people you gain your your group and we can do that for sure sure absolutely and then on a similar note I think goal two is very much related to goal four and it's another thing I'm extremely passionate about and I am so excited to see it on the goals sheet and I think those two go hand inand together and it's another topic that I would love to be a part of absolutely you got it email me yes and we will definitely be um I I'm with you I've just been doing a lot of research on this about bringing childhood back to our kids and um and but you know I am just one perspective I I have a lot of uh what I would say collaboration by the people I interact with but that is my limited world so I would like I love having Devil's Advocate and other other viewpoints too for sure but um the board we we're here to represent you guys so please come and let's let's get this let's make our school district amazing for everybody all the kids okay I'll email thank you is there anybody online Jay has anything no okay okay so we're going to do um agenda items I'd like to make a motion for roll uh for a block roll call for agenda items a through D A through D I have motion to for Block vote second okay anybody all right so we'll go ahead and discuss anybody have anything they want to discuss on any of the agenda items a through D I think we covered the uh the shared services thing which I was everybody everybody get a chance to read that me with um with Vinnie with Vinnie yeah everybody had a chance to read that and I know on Personnel there's like 10 different attachments so if you have a chance to look at all those they're all pretty straightforward though there's nothing like crazy there I had a question and it may be better I'm sorry because you're you're right there were like a whole bunch of attachments with different you know co-curriculars but it's like how do how do people get selected for some of the like the clubs and co-curricular I mean I I have no idea how it works but so yeah you're talking about like kind of the like the club advisers and things like that um so I think they're a lot of them are kind of standing they're you know they they continue year to year and they advise that club but typically when a club gets formed the students form the club and then they look for a teacher who's willing to be the adviser to the club so so that's kind of how it how it works um but is that what you're asking or is that I mean they're non- tenur positions we have to post them and advertise them mannually um some folks who do a tremendous job building principles will decide to keep them in or or Athletics when it comes to Athletics in particulars in the High School uh from the athletic office sometimes we look to go in a different direction and sometimes we have to recruit folks that we need to fill spots and sometimes we can't even get that far yeah so sometimes it goes year to year but then sometimes somebody steps away from it and then you need to find somebody else or if we lose student interest and it's just still there like so kind of like in some of the sidebars we had previously did I answer I had a question too um I was looking at the um I think it was Winter uh coaches there's there's a couple names that are listed like more than once like I think maybe like a high school wrestling coach and a PRM wrestling coach and then like a PRM basketball coach who's also a PRM volley I think I might have the sports wrong but it's definitely winter so I'm like just wondering like volleyball before before you were on the board and before I came I guess there was a move and Mr mang and you correct me if I'm wrong where volleyball season like kind of stayed in that third season which was like covid like during covid we went to Four Seasons athletically the njsa and I guess PRM volleyball stayed there and that's why you see basketball in the winter at the high school and then that season ends and it's kind of coming up and Coach volleyball at the middle school right after it's over is BAS is PRM basketball season different than the PRM volleyball SE no so coach Fink does basketball and then basketball ends kind of earlier for PRM there's a bigger Gap and then they stuck in a a volleyball season which was they they did it during covid and it for the Middle School it stayed and that was just they they play other middle school so I know on Long Island Middle School has four seasons um I went when I went to middle school and my family still has it and that's what they've done for the middle school they they have four seasons of sports so that's why coach Fink is there um yeah is that the one you're talking about yeah there was another one that I think it's wrestling I don't I don't have it oh is it in here um that it's there there might be like a PRM coach and a high school coach yeah see yeah Coach Jones coaches both the high school and assists with middle school as long as it's feily possible like it's that it's actually you know doable assistant coaches I think it usually is I think head coaches is usually you know less feasible to do something like that but assistant coaches usually they can you know they're not they're not the lead right so somebody else is taking the lead they can go over and the high school coach takes the lead now and I can go over and help a PRM or the PRM coach that takes the lead I can go out help over at the high school so did did M did Coach Jones do that last year he was assisting both the high school and the middle school comptition where assistant coach coach yeah I saw last year came over to help yeah yeah I Noti there's also I notic there's also a vacancy on that so we're still looking for another assistant so yeah okay um anybody else have any questions on the uh Bond refunding I mean we talked about that pretty extensively in committee do you yeah and I I like the way I can't remember who said it but during committee the refund fing is like um like refinancing a mortgage right barbar M Francisco said that I get I'm not going to steal that from her I have a a question Jean regarding um just to double check with we it's a a topic that came up in education Committee just to check with um security that I don't see it as a vote but it was when we talked about the identification lanyards in K through like the younger ages K through five that's not being voted on that's something that's just being implemented but not not necessarily going to I guess we're R to get well that's that's on the interior of the function of it's lanyards so we've we've had them for we've had them for middle school and high school so now it's going at the lower level but going easy with it being inhouse okay and then they leave them in school it's yeah so that's that's the teacher's responsibility I guess my question is like if there's certain students might tolerate it and ignore it or be able to sort of you know deal with that better than others what will be the like what will be the um the measurement by which like they stay in place in the I I understand on school field trips and things like that but like in the classroom in their way physically like distraction I think each teacher is going to mitigate that and and we're going to find out I mean I I didn't in my my previous districts I didn't there wasn't an issue with it they had they wore them at that age yeah and that that wasn't early on we were same way it was middle school high school and then that tragic accident happened in pamis and um we need to know and if students are going to move up into middle school and then now they're required as part of the code of conduct or anything else they should have in this day and age when parents are following them on cell phon and everything else school officials we should have some form of ID go for bid if they're separated or anywhere no I understand the need for on a field trip I I do I just on a day-to-day basis that's my in one of my previous districts people were upset that on field trips they thought their children would be kidnapped if they had an IDE on which that was that that blew my mind but that's just and if there's and if there's any issues with it it's something we could always talk about right so that was my it's not a vote it's not not this that's not a policy that's just no so it's not yeah it's not a vote it's a a it's an administration of the district for the security but I mean if parents if the public has questions or concerns about uh K through five wearing lanyards or really anything with your kids you should reach out to Mr mango and bring up those questions is there um like this is like a trial is there a like a assessment date to gather the input from teachers or I'm not looking at it that way because I'm in favor of it my thought is if there's an issue we'll deal with it if there is multiple issues then you have to definitely like any kind of um not that I'm putting a lanyard on a K5 building uh equivalent to a code of conduct rule or like what Mr mong's implementing with cell phones being required in the lockers um but if there's multiple concerns that staff brings to to Mrs ala or Mrs utel if it's just a parental we agree to disagree that's fine but if there are issues like legitimate issues that disrupt the function of the classroom more than you know like multiple times then it's something we could talk about I'm going to ask his question for him while he's looking is there already a on the books on this it just hasn't been applied to the younger kids or did you say policy yeah yeah yes we did that we did oh we did put it in policy last year we just didn't Implement policy last year for K5 ah okay okay and then the only thing I wanted to just uh discuss real quickly just for the public is that um the uh math department uh we had a leave replacement for a very high level of math it's um what's it Amanda what's that called calculus it's like the third level of calculus so it's calc 3 multivariable calculus and our teacher is on maternity leave and because of the high level of math um it was really really hard to find the leave replacement for two months it just really hard to find someone to come in for the first two months of school so our math department has done a really great job figuring out how to do which I think was part of one of the questions earlier from a Community member about while all those stiens and the math department teachers are backfilling each other so that we can cover that for two months and Miss trombetta is also going to be working with the students very closely to make sure that they stay up to speed um till we can get our math teacher back from maternity leave so it's been a lot for just a two-month period period but because of the high level of this course it was very hard to find a leave replacement and I I really appreciate that so that might be something that comes up in discussion I just want to let everybody know that we're on it and um it's actually a very high level math we decided to offer because of our jump start kids so anybody have anything else no and this is the first time we're doing that course right yep they were taking it virtually before yeah so now we're not doing it virtually we're having it actually taught okay that's great okay any other questions no all right you pull the board please sure Mr eisa manger yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Meyers yes Mrs Pella yes Mrs Portman yes Mr Petrelli yes Mrs Donaldson yes okay so now we have Committee of the whole uh to approve our mission statement Board of Education goals and District goals can I have a motion to approve motion and any discussion we've talked about these a lot we presented no no I'm good okay I think I think it's great okay can you pull board for approval Mr Eisen minger yes this is Leonard Mr Meyers yes Mrs Pella yes Mrs Portman yes Mr yes Mrs Donaldson yes okay unfinished business does anybody have any unfinished business no no new business um this is the first reading for the bond refunding um it's quite extensive I'm not going to go through it all it's here on the agenda um and as we previously discussed it's a um it's like refinancing the mortgage so our the interest rates are lower than when we first bonded or created the bond and we want to save about a half million dollars on that so do you any does anybody have any questions on the resolution okay so can I have a motion to approve the resolution motion second all right can you pull the board Please Mr Eisen manger yes Mrs Leonard Mr Meyers yes Mrs Pella Mrs Portman yes Mr petracelli yes Mrs Donaldson yes um do we have any question respondence anything written correspondence nothing online right Jay okay uh petitions and hearings of citizens for non-agenda items does anybody have anything all right board member comments Kelly you want to go first absolutely um I just wanted to welcome Miss whitward thank you so much for being here tonight and welcome to the community um it's a wonderful place I'm sure everybody will embrace you so thank you for for joining um and I just wanted to say um I drove past the schools the last couple days and I saw um a lot of teachers in the parking lot just getting I know they're getting their classrooms ready and I just wanted to thank them all of our teachers and all of our staff for their enthusiasm because I know that extends to the students and out to our community um it's just a wonderful time of year it's actually my favorite time of year there's so much hope and excitement about all the wonderful things to come this year um and we've done a lot of work so I know that the students really should be excited about all the wonderful things that are going to happen this year so enjoy the long weekend have a good night nothing Jen um welcome to miss is it Whitmer whitw whitw sorry thank you um we're excited to have you um thank you to the staff who've worked so hard over the summer to get everything ready up and rolling um it's always exciting to enter a a new school year I'm trying to think um I'm excited about this Varsity Tutors um opportunity I think that's a nice additive to um just for my own son but you know for everybody I'm excited to hear more about it and oh I just wanted to highlight too that all the work that's been done to remove the mold that we've had um you know it's a lot of work and it's not you know it's not inexpensive um but I think it's important to recognize like the impact mold has on I mean the illness that it can cause the disruption in learning it can cause to our staff to our students everything so I'm very grateful that we've been um you know Mr mango and staff have been so thorough in removing it because I think in the long run it's going to um make us so much healthier and really save money because you won't be sick as often and and that kind of thing so I do appreciate that and um I'm grateful that it's been so thoroughly investigated and removed and I just wish everybody a great beginning of the year thanks Jen Dan I just wish everyone the last weekend of summer is uh is wonderful for them and their for their families and just the list of um co-curriculars there there are so many opportunities here I just look at this year as a year of opportunities and I know is you know there are changes and things like that we were talking about in the education Committee just a year of just you know looking at all of these options and moving ahead with some things and there's so much here to start with so just I wish everybody a great school year this year kick off Carl um so I just wish again everybody uh good last week of the summer great start of the year and then I'll just end with uh personally my daughter had a great time at the kindergarten open house today so thanks Mrs o and all the staff there that was really fun for me and now I have two kids out of daycare so there we go now it really goes fast Carl Mike I'll just say welcome again to Mrs whitler uh thank you for joining us we're excited to have you and then thank you to everybody here all the administrative staff everything for all the hard work over the summer and getting ready for the new school year you know just really appreciative of all the hard work you got guys do to to make it all happen and hope you guys get to enjoy your Labor Day weekend as well welcome the S we're looking forward to um interacting with you on the sidelines and go Colts um and I know everybody's been working hard uh the administration and certainly the board over the summer so I'd like to thank our board members for all the work you've done all summer and Miss Francisco who also wants to be a go grandmother uh Mr mango and all our Administration and staff and also our custodial staff and buildings and grounds um I know they were busy this summer doing a lot of work in our our facilities and I think they got some I know they bought a lot of paint that's what I heard we had a big paint purchase all right well thanks everybody for your comments we're going to um uh go into executive session whereas the open public meetings act permits a public body to meet and close session to discuss certain matters that said Law requires the board to adopt the resolution of public meeting for Ken before be therefore resolved that the kinan Board of Education determine is necessary to meet and Clos session today August 27th and be it further resolve that the kinan Board of Education reserves the right to discuss other matters uh be it further resolved that the minutes of this close session be made public when the need for confidential confidentiality no longer exist I have a motion to go into executive session motion to go into close second okay uh all in favor I okay all right that concludes our public meting