here okay this is the kenon Board of Education regular public meeting for January 23rd 2024 the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the kelan board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in the Suburban Trends Suburban Trends on January 21st 2024 posted on the kelon public posted in the Kenan Public Library filed with burough clerk posted on the district website M uh Francisco will you call the vard Please Mr Eisen Miker here Mrs Leonard here Mr Meyers here Mrs Pella here miss Portman here Mr Petrelli M Donaldson not here Don here are we gonna We have session we going to do the close session Okay so all right so for the closed session I need a motion to um move this to the end of the meeting can I have a motion please motion second okay and all in favor I I okay so please uh record that the closed session will be moved to the end of the meeting right please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under indivisible liy and justice for all okay the first item this routine matters is the approval of the minutes for December 12th 2023 can I have a motion to approve motion second any discussion on the minutes okay nope seeing none could you pull the board please M Mr eisa minger yes Miss Leonard yes M Mr Myers yes Miss Pella yes Miss Portman yes Miss pretelli is absent and Miss Donaldson yes Sarah student upd hello okay this is working um hello everyone my name is Sarah gar and I'm the student representative uh first off I'll begin with keio so ke Cisco kicked off the new year with a funfilled Spirit Week January 8th to 12th we are very excited about our upcoming Kisha K family fun night which has been rescheduled for this Saturday evening January 27th K Cisco will commemorate the 100th day of the 2023 to 2024 school year on February 8th additionally they will also celebrate heart week February 12th to 15th which will include special activity and visits from the K J Pier leaders during heart week Kisco will also continue our long-standing tradition of K School cares which is a food drive benefiting the kinan food pantry on to Stony Brook hi Happy New Year to all our Stony Brook families our first fifth grade Peak parent meeting was held to share information about their trip in June thank you to the curriculum department for hosting a wonderful and informative Ed Camp PD for our staff on January 15th and to the K Kea for our wonderful lunch one our school spirit week began on January 22nd with a schoolwide assembly and will close on Friday with our fifth grade staff versus student volleyball game our fifth grade snowflake Suare will be held on Fe February 2nd from 6:00 to 8 thank you Kesha for putting this event together the Stony Brook Business Club will be visiting KS on February 2nd the Stony Brook student council will be holding a Valentine's Day Bagel sale and finally our newly formed kindness crew will be surprising their classmates on Valentine's Day with acts of kindness to celebrate the Day on to PRM we had our first spirit week of the school year during the week of January 15th students participated in daily daily themes to earn cold Cup points for their grade levels the sixth grade teen canteen was moved to Friday March 15th we are looking forward to the 7th grade teen canteen on February 9th and and the eighth grade teen can on March 8th the seventh and eighth grade Winter Dance will take place this Friday we thank the student council and the class committees for organizing this event congratulations to Pam students JoJo caniato Richard Cho John fusa Alex Maddie and Emily Sun for participating in the north Jersey area band this is a prestigious honor available to very skilled student Miss musicians and finally stem night is coming up on Tuesday February 6th information for signing up is available under School notices on our website and lastly KS last week the ks student council attended the njasc winter conference at the College of New Jersey the conference marked the end of Jordan dod's term as the njasc 2023 State president Riley dington received the njasc student leader of the Year award this is the first time a Kon high school student received this award the ks student council won a top 10 project award for Holiday Gams congratulations to senior basketball player Nick Canary Auto who scored his a thousandth Career Point against Panic high school on Wednesday in doing so Nick joins a small and Elite group of kelan high school basketball players who have achieved this Milestone please join us in congratulating our 2024 nominees for the prestigious New Jersey governor school program this program provides Juniors with the potential for immersive summer research and networking opportunities Statewide only a select group of students will be chosen as finalists congratulations to Sonia hner who has nominated to attend Governor School in The Sciences at Drew University and Trang Pond who will who is nominated to attend Governor's School in engineering and Technology at Ruckers University congratulations to the KHS DEA students on their great success at last week's competition at rapo College the following students have qualified for the NJ state competition Sarah gar soney myth Andrew mik Michael Michael aex Derek Smith Cole prior Jack Gallagher Jason Osman Olivia Lee Rebecca Kim Allison Jones and Haley Knox congratulations to Luca anelo fiorina and Michael Picolo for being selected for the north Jersey school music association region one honors band they were among 500 auditioning students from every High School in northern New Jersey they also now qualify to audition for New Jersey All State band on January 20th congratulations to journalism students Christina havlin Nichol Nicholas Maxim off and Jake Picola all who have had articles featured in this week's issues of suburban Trends and lastly Cole Chronicle newspaper is a recipient of the 2023 2024 International Scholastic journalism award thank you and happy new year thanks sir superintendent update thank you Sarah thank you Mrs president and before we kick off I just want to welcome officially one more time because it was at reorg a few weeks back Mrs Francisco is our interim ba BS for the remainder of the school year so welcome Mrs Francisco good to have you um here at the table with us so before I turn it over to our audit and um following presentations just on the heels of what Sarah shared just an update and I shared a lot of this information in the citizens advisory committee if you if you remember last week an email alert was sent to parents and staff to join us for our strategic plan meeting number three even if you didn't participate in one and two you could always go online all the information is available take a look read up on it tell your neighbors get involved because truthfully what will happen in the next coming years and budget Cycles is that that uh plan and that model and the action plan that follows that the board will approve this coming June actually steers the district it's a vehicle to steer the district so then when questions are asked by the public or the community whether you have children or not doesn't matter why are you making a decision or how did you come to that conclusion it comes back to the strategic plan because it's the voice of the people it's the voice of the community so if you it's never too late get involved it's Thursday night it's here it's in the new cafeteria if I'm saying that right or the yes the new I was calling it the auxiliary cafeteria the new cafeteria upstairs at 7 pm and I promise it won't be painful so that's strategic planning um next up on the docket on leap day because it's leap year you'll receive an alert our our staff and parents um from my office and with that directing you to the website with a link and all of our winter forums will be available you'll have the Keel Stonybrook combo principal Forum you'll have the PRM Forum you'll have the high school Forum you'll have special education security and then you'll also have curriculum instruction and Ed Tech uh all informational and you know take your time it'll be like a library that's exactly what we're doing and I'll speak to uh cult connect uh shortly and a few presentations that are forthcoming um but that that's the future for us and having a library a video library for our community that at any given time you want information you can turn to it and move towards it so that'll be on Leap Day on February 29th the PRM KHS student council yesterday actually we had a meeting here in the high school with Mrs sapio Mr suda Mr buer and our students from both buildings um we confirmed that we will be hosting an intergenerational prom here for the first time since Co and it'll be small everything that I'm going to share right now is on a very small scale because it's in the early stages and you it takes time to put together but it will grow with time so we'll have an intergenerational prom come spring we're looking at um having a special education field day which will be more or less an impromptu and that's the ability awareness Club but our student councils will also assist us um come late spring and I'm trying to make that a tri burrow event with Dr Johnson from Butler and Dr nicasia from Bloomingdale so kind of return to the old days and bringing all the communities together and that'll be a a Prelude to uh Special Olympics and Unified sports for our school district so that's in the spring a multicultural event a few months ago I talked about hosting a multicultural night where all of our students our staff our parents anybody in the community you want to be involved we'll host it here in the high school again small steps we could start with tables doesn't matter your background whatever your culture is you want to bring in some food you want to have Maps you want to have music clothing whatever it is and we talk about it because at the end of the day we're all people and actually some of our student council members wanted to to start a multicultural Club so on the heels of that um we talked about and Mrs sappio put the information out a survey to the middle school and the high school students about boys volleyball and girls field hockey so there's a lot out there my Mantra is to have our students involved at all course I want them off phones off computers off the street all that other stuff that exists that we know as parents and adults was always there but not like today not with not with cell phones and social media so um you know more information to come the least we could do is just ask so a lot coming from that so thank you to the parents of all of our students who are doing the work because it is a lot of work and uh God bless them because when I was their age I wasn't thinking like that so um Kudos and then we have our our big one is the preliminary budget presentation so last year it was on March 7th you could still see that information on the district website if you're not sure of what a preliminary budget presentation looks like or what it's about I I encourage you to please just go view it read through it it's all transparent all the information is there because then the following week the board has to make a decision to pass a resolution to adopt the preliminary budget for the 24 25 year and then that kind of flows and rolls into the Public Presentation and Adoption of the budget in April so it's a consistent flow we are in those stages right now actually the admin team we have a uh a second budget meeting this Thursday afternoon should be interesting so um that's where we are as far as information um I know I'm going to get booed by Mrs president to my right but let's hope for 50 degrees and no snow and you know dare I say no skiing for just a little a couple more weeks last week was enough no no sorry anyway um with that I'm going to call up Mr Mooney from n our district auditor uh we have our auditing uh presentation it should be brief and then we're going to move on to Transportation oh wait and before you go Mr Mooney for for everybody at home and everybody here this is a new setup I want to thank Mr janelli and Mr Miller I want to thank the board for giving us the opportunity to spend the funds it's new technology here that you see with the camera behind and the setup to the right that I know folks can't see at home um this was our option one to change the level of volume we still can't fix this above the Acoustics but I do have the architect coming in on Thursday because I don't know I'm not an architect I'm not an engineer but possibly maybe a flatter roof a flatter ceiling would limit the echo I'm not sure So for anybody that has to still stand in the middle you will Echo that's that's the issue that's why you see us with all new mics and new information here so Mr Moy floor is yours Mr mango thank you very much um I'm going to keep it brief I know you have a bunch of to presentations here tonight so I'll get right into it um we had issued the audit last month uh it's dated December 4th so it was on time even according to the state deadlines we had a big problem with the state of New Jersey this year uh they had pushed back the deadline for the past several years for covid and this year without any you know preliminary telling us that they were going back to the original budget date or the deadline date they moved it back to December and it's been being kicked around the Senate and the state right now just to try to move the deadline back a little further but yours was done well in advance of the deadline so it was delivered and in the district so you have no problems no issues whatsoever does have to be put up to the repository so that's the only thing I'll say on that but with that uh most boards want to know two things one is how did we end the year financially and were there any recommendations that we have to fix going forward one of the things we like as Auditors we like consistency and you are very consistent from one year to the next next as far as fund balance goes last year you ended the year with 7.4 million this year you ended it with 7.38 million you were about $225,000 below where you were in the prior year um fraction of a percentage you know small percentage decrease nothing to worry about whatsoever you're unassigned fund balance your fund balance is broken out into different sections not to get too technical but what you have left over at the end of the day is called un assigned your undersigned went down significantly and the reason it did we knew it was going to get cut in half because state of New Jersey allowed you to maintain 4% uh for 2021 and 2022 and then they reverted back to 2% in 2023 so that got cut in half but you were able to put money up into capital reserve so you can fund future projects without having to go back to the taxpayer and ask for those dollars all over again so your fund B your capital reserve went up about a half a million your encumbrances went up about 600,000 which is just a natural occurrence you have o Open orders at the end of the year that have not yet been paid those sit in their own bucket and they're part of your fund balance but that fluctuates wildly year to year depending upon how much you've paid out so far so those two items those three items with the unassigned that's where the money shifted to and from uh nothing to be concerned of whatsoever you had no capital projects going on in 2023 and as far as your debt service you had two Bond outstand or two bonds outstanding they were both refunding bonds one of them was paid off entirely I believe in October of 2024 so you are done with that one completely uh you have one remaining and that is around 12 point well it's 12 million a little over 122 million that you'll be paying over the next several years the last payment on that is in the 2034 school year so that one's good to go it's a structured payment that gets paid every year one principle two interest the nice part about that is you are now what's called in the money as far as refunding these bonds yet again they've been refunded once and they can be refunded one more time uh we had gotten a call from Bond Council letting us know that you are in the money so you can refund these bonds as long as you represent a 3% Savings in interest over the life of the remainder of the bonds right now you sit at about a 5% savings if we were to start doing this today uh we we had a call it was cancelled we turned around and we're going to reschedule or if we have rescheduled I don't know Barbara if we have a date on that uh I know we're going to get together talk to bond counsel even Mr mango if you want to be involved in that conversation just to get a feel for the process and what goes on with that but it's a great opportunity to save interest over the life of the next 10 years your capital reserve account account you are at $3.8 million and and I it's it's a big number it's a healthy number but you know as I always say you have several schools and they do not get younger right they only age over time and and we have problems so and that's as of June 30th 23 23 correct right and and you you did appropriate some for 23 24 and that's not reflected in that correct correct this is strictly as of June 30th 2023 we we took out 1.6 two other funds that well just along those lines of The Debt Service conversation um in talking to bond Council that day uh one of the things that we do want to bring up on Council wanted to bring it up is if you are saving if you have savings on interest they didn't know if there were any outstanding projects that you were looking to do that would need to be bonded so if you you're having a savings where money's coming off could potentially be a time to go out for New bonding to take th those savings and put them into a new Bond uh we call it wraparound debt and that's what you'd be looking at uh and there are ways to structure it so that you're only paying so much principle over the next 10 years until this issue is paid off and then you could take this money and pay off the old the new debt that you'd be putting on but again it's a conversation for another day it's just an option that's out there uh the two other funds I just wanted to talk about briefly Food Service fund you had approximately $30,000 of an increase to the Surplus there you are currently around $330,000 in fund balance in that account uh one thing I will caution you on is that it is over the three months of operating expenses the state allows you to keep three months of operating expenses on hand as fund balance you're about $65,000 over that at this point prior to co they'd send out letters and let you know that either you need to do something with that money or you need to reduce prices for Food Service uh I'd like to see you put a plan in place just to do a couple upgrades you know couple new things new items in the kitchen get things going trays tables whatnot whatever you can realistically say is a cafeteria expense uh use that money to to improve the cafeteria your enrichment program hasn't really moved you are still around 8 $2,000 I think you're just gaining interest in that so that one's sitting there finally uh you know when we come in to do the audit we we have a lot of information that we dig through and you know working with Carrie over the last few years has been amazing Carrie's always gotten us the stuff she doesn't like us in the building she wants us out and the one way to get us out is to get us what we need get us out the door and move on as little disruption as possible so there's always that tug of-war with kry about how much time we needed to be here and what we had to do but working with krie was excellent again this year there were no recommendations in the report nothing Rose to the recommendation level there were a couple of ticky tacky things where they were isolated incidents that we decided to not put them in the audit because one out of 70 one out of 30 you know it doesn't rise to the level of it's inherent within the district so you have a very clean audit again this year and uh if Carrie was here tonight I'd say thank you to her for all that she has done uh we've had a long-standing relationship with Kenan Board of Education and we've seen you through some really hard times but the last several years have been really good so I commend you for that and staying on track and again with thank you to Mr mango and his staff as well there were a few things I needed at the end again everybody takes care of what we need so that we can get done and we can get our job done you can get the audit I look forward to the same relationship with Barbara I wish her nothing but the best of luck and she can reach out to us at any time and we have already and we'll be back and forth so with that do you have any questions yeah I if I could ask I had two or three separate questions okay um one just came up because I I was going through this and I heard out of the corner of my ear sorry um the money left over in food service was like 30,000 it was 30,000 more than it was was in the prior year you're at 330,000 of fund balance okay in Food Service gotcha you're allowed to maintain about 60,000 less than that so that's what I'm saying you you should be spending that before the state turns around and says okay here's the letter that says you need to do something with it they weren't B bothering um districts during covid because you were getting in this went up significantly during covid because they were providing you with what was called the seamless summer option and you were just getting money in the door money in the door and they knew that you everybody was going to be over so rather than take the time and expense of the postage they just said all right we'll forget about it for a couple years but you might start seeing that come back into play gotcha so we were we were that far over as of June 30th uh the 330 is combined of both fixed assets uh the net depreciation depreciated fixed assets and uh Surplus I'll just flip to it real quick I believe you were your unrestricted was about 260,000 okay so that needed to be about 190 okay that's what we're looking at all right you said you had two or three so I do here I'm not trying to be like you know 20 Questions no go for it um so I was just flipping through very quickly and I understand there big numbers and their big account balances and and that stuff so where would like payroll liabilities fall in especially kind of um you know payroll tax liabilities and where would they get accounted payroll is all part of the general fund so you'll see it throughout the C's the C schedules are the general fund or at least the C1 that's a detail of your expenditures for the year revenue and expenditures um you don't see it specifically but you do see salary and wage line items throughout that document that page uh and B1 schedule B1 is a recap of all your funds on a gap basis of accounting there's several bases of accounting throughout this report this used to be such an easy report to read through now you have budgetary basis Gap basis districtwide B I mean it just goes on and on it's I don't know how many people write them it's hard enough to read through them and make sure that they wrote them correctly but yeah it's there's a lot there and I was just I was flying as fast as I could and it's tough because you go from you know portrait to landscape portrait um so this time last year we were so again this is 2223 um we were notified that there was like a quarter million dollars that we owed to the IRS or I mean payroll how does that show up our firm dealt with that had that abated so we were good with that yeah we we get in touch with the IRS on your behalf um I wish I could tell you the details of that I really can't because that's my tax partner but I just do know that he was in touch with Kerrie they worked it out with the IRS and uh there was no penalties no fees with that associated with it so it was a 941 issue it was a filing issue uh it was corrected in a subsequent quarter great thank you sure thank you Mr Wy thank you very much have a great night everybody thank you have a good night congrats again okay so at this time I'm GNA call up somebody who most folks in the in the district only know if they have a bus issue or Transportation issue I know many parents don't know but uh Mrs Sharon Woodruff steers and heads our busing and our transportation and oversight of our um our bus drivers and uh she's very valuable to the district been here since 2006 so she has unlimited knowledge and resource of the district and over the summer the board decided to make one of our goals to be um to have Mrs Woodruff come up with a presentation about the idea can we handle our own transportation in District and if we wanted to so what does that look like and on top of what do we currently pay what currently is involved so on and so forth so she has a lot she's worked real hard for months on this presentation so um it'll be there it'll be up on the website tomorrow so if anybody wants to process it and kind of you know in real time and then take a look at it tomorrow I encourage you to do that but um Mrs Woodruff the floor is yours to come on up we're going to go take a seat out there and good luck thank you Mr mango good evening thank you for the opportunity to speak with you this evening about our transportation department and where we stand as of now and to share some of our thoughts and our hopes for the years ahead in the 20062 2007 school year the kenon school district purchased 2 54 passenger buses and two 24 passenger vans with the thought of saving on two of the longer van routes at the time and covering two Athletics a day there are several reasons we are now at a place where we would like to keep Transportation within the district one of the most important is knowing who our drivers are along with having cameras on all of the buses being able to communicate with all the buses in case of an emergency we have had situations where we are unable to reach someone in the first student office and in order for um in order for them to radio their drivers and the first student drivers are coming out of two different locations and their radios do not connect so it's difficult at times to get information out or to get answers we need in a timely manner currently Kenan has 13 vehicles for transportation four 24 passenger vans 115 passenger used for special services for daytime trips and eight fullsize 54 passenger buses we currently have seven drivers and myself to cover routes field trips and Athletics one of our maintenance employees also covers Athletics for us when he's available um and he's been working like every day for us our routes are tiered so our drivers run three routes in the morning and three in the afternoon we are down two drivers since September so we're currently covering two to three Athletics a day instead of four to five a day as we were in the beginning of the year we are continually looking for new applicants kelan covers six routes at the Kon high school and pearl AR Miller school for student covers four routes at the high school and 10 at the pear AR Miller school and Kon covers fewer routes at the elementary schools as there's a 10-minute difference between starting and dismissal times kelon covers three routes at Stonybrook and at ke school first student covers nine at the Stonybrook school and eight at the KE school and Jordan Transportation covers one at the Stony Brook School for the 2022 and 23 school year kelon Transportation including the driver's salary which is a minimum of seven hours a day overtime which includes field trips and Athletics at the end of the day and weekends as required um benefits the insurance maintenance fuel inspections on the buses was about 1, 126,000 737 in comparison to first student at 1,1 12736 and as with most districts the bulk of our costs is salary and benefits which amounts to Approximately 80% of our transportation costs if we were to expand to full ownership of our school routes as they run now we would need to purchase eight full-size buses and three more 24 passenger vans the actual need to purchase would depend upon school start times and purchasing would need to be implemented over a number of years the current prices are listed above 47,2 24 for a full-size 54 passenger bus and uh to receive in our lot we've started with showing you what phase one two and three could look like in the draft plan keeping in mind that included in phase one is the replacement of two of our older full-size buses with higher mileage that we need to sell and that would offset some of the cost of our new Replacements and the addition of two van and two drivers for a total of five drivers that would be needed for the next school year with each phase two buses and two drivers were added of course no matter how many buses we own or may own there is always going to be some challenges uh with rising cost of buses Parts labor cost there's not always funding for upgrades as Fleet ages most districts or companies I've have spoken to are dealing with driver shortages and as I mentioned before currently we are down to drivers and we have a third retiring in June if we add buses is West Milford going to be able to continue to maintain our Fleet as they have a shortage of mechanics and drivers which puts them on the road instead of in the garage and we also need to find an area in the district to park a growing Fleet our advantages as a district is the fact that we would obtain complete oversight over daily operations and transportation procedures who we hire knowing our drivers and how they are trained personal contact with drivers and radio communication as well as adding stops or combining a route without significant cost as we move forward we would need to plan year Toe with the consideration of how the department is running and see what we would be able to consider for the next school year does anyone have any questions yes we share the responsibility for transporting our our students so first student and Jordan um transport and so do our own buses I'm sorry I'm having a hard time hearing our office does so between the coordinator and myself there are so we are me get my number so you figure at the high school we have 10 routes because we're covering six and first students covering four and then at the Pearl Miller School we're covering six and they are cover uh for students covering 10 and then we have um we're covering three at the elementary schools where first students covering nine at Stony Brook and eight at Keel and Jordan Transportation does cover one at Stony Brook also that yes many yeah many of the high school students not take the bus it's factored in um that's true yes yes okay thank you again for the opportunity to [Applause] share okay so thank you Mrs Woodruff you did a great job with that and for the board and for the public and for everybody that's employed here that kind of I know that we had uh an unfortunate incident hit our community a few years back preco you know on the buses and there was a lot of chatter in our community I you know although I wasn't sitting in the seat you know I was here um so the question always loomed as to well if we have half we have our own buses you have another you know we're we're renting out we're beholding to them uh meaning first student or any of the the vendors and their increases which are in their own hands even if it wasn't a cost Savings in the end it might be one of those areas and avenues that we may just want to go down the road and do so it's something for consideration for the board uh it's not something that has to happen tomorrow but at least we have a framework and a plan uh going forward so I want to thank you again so now this um this presentation now is the midyear review now I wish we had more folks here physically uh with us but uh how many do we have on in in Virtual Mr Jenis Elli okay so I'll take it so my hope is that for the folks that are here and obviously our administrative team have heard this information at Noam um and for the folks that are in Virtual hopefully you share this information the information will be up on the uh the district website and um I can't emphasize enough uh if you've ever read the book who Moved My Cheese that's this and now if we thought that we moved when I say we I mean the board myself the administrative team the Staff All of Us fast last year when I uh officially arrived in October wait till you see this so um as you all know if you put on any channel on TV you know it's the primaries and um every year folks will say in local districts like this all across the state well what what are they doing those board members or what is that superintendent doing or the de building principle's lazy he or she BL okay this is how you grade up us so superintendents are evaluated annually by June 30th it's the responsibility of the Board of Education who are elected so superintendents are are evaluated on the accomplishment and and uh objectives in the district goals Boards of Education well I'm a non-voting member I'm still a member of the board are evaluated or they self-evaluate on board goals and that's why you vote for them every November so um you know being involved with boards education since 2005 and that really makes me feel old I have to tell you that this board and it's been consistent since I came um we work every day all day seven days it never ends and your admin team is doing the same and so is the staff and I see Mrs suin here who is the head of the uh Teachers Association and I'm sure at this point 15 months into my tenure she's probably tired of a few of the phone calls when I call into her class room because I know her extension in my sleep so um I want to thank everybody before I get started and I I promise that I won't read every single line but it's important for our community to see and hear accomplishments objective accomplishments so I'll get started so here is the 207 day report it began on July 1 so the board approved uh district and board goals at our August public meeting and I think that date was August 24th I could be wrong or 25th um so basically the summer went by and yes in the summer we're working so um that that's where this derived and also why it's so important for our community to be involved in strategic planning so you have some knowledge because there will be times and I admit um you know if we have a a meeting and folks are asking certain questions especially when it circles around budget and decisions that are made of the board uh I'll say well you know did you attend that meeting were you there because you had a chance to have a voice in that so this is where we are so I always open the door for everybody so here is our 207 day report in District goal one for student achievement and what you'll notice in our district goals and again this is what I am evaluated on my office every superintendent by Boards of Ed is that our goals are pretty cumbersome they're not just you know a a subject of goal these are goals lots of them so uh by the end of the 23 24 school year district will complete the following steps to improve student achievement across our schools into following areas and then we broke them down uh mathematics and science English language arts Civic awareness and citizenship and special education so in math and science and again I'm not going to roll through each and every one but I will say a special thanks to uh Mrs trombetta and uh Mrs Travi and also those departments because when I referenced who moveed my cheese this is a lot So within the framework of schools even though we encourage change of our students sometimes us the adults and we all know this when we're at home with our own parents and our grandparents and that Uncle or that Aunt and the people that come to our holiday parties once a year or once every six months they don't change change becomes increasingly challenging as you age we all know that so try it in a school system where sometimes Trenton throws out change every six months and nothing sticks so to have that Bond and to have that sell you have to sell your staff and and ourselves so Mrs trombetta and Mrs Travi and then also you throw in Mrs Thomas from curriculum really steered this when it comes to math the math benchmarks the ISL takeoff and the implementation when you're looking at mathematics when you're looking at science you know our science benchmarks the unit benchmarks and the revised District science benchmarks so we're hitting all Scopes all buildings nobody's left out that's a lot of work a lot of undertaking in 207 days now we're not done we still have to go to June 30 and I will report out on June 30 but we're already there we are trending this is the progress and I think it speaks volumes to itself when you look at Ela kind of falls back on to last school year and uh some folks out of the Middle School PRM staff came to see me in central office that led into a meeting with the education Student Activities Committee in phonics and just really steer change and Mrs todros has a big piece in that this year in her Department share along with Mrs jeo and Mrs Thomas when you're looking K12 so in the K2 we have the implementation of the heger you um 35 95% group for daily phonics instruction we we saw the losses during covid and you know look uh quite honestly as well we were utilizing Teachers College for a very long time here that conversation or those conversations with the PRM staff specifically really helped cultivate change and quick um and we're in a different we're trending in a different direction so Uhl to obtain diagnostic data when you're looking at 68 in Grammar and Writing let's bring back some core Basics even Trenton is saying that now ironic and then in 912 utilization of red Inc an online tool for grammar writing instruction so we're doing a lot some might call it old school but there's nothing wrong with some old school methods old school can go into new school so again I want to thank those Department chairs and Mrs Thomas and the board and that committee because um all of our committees spend hours unlimited and the education committee for whatever the reason I don't know if it's because some folks in the education committee like to talk a lot or the guests we have but like last week we had an education committee meeting it was three hours and 15 minutes and I say that with a laugh and a smile but one thing again I I can't emphasize enough that every one of our board members have children and multiple children at that they have jobs they have spouses everybody works and then they have to hear me go on and on and then our staff and these meetings and the texts and the emails so it's a lot of work but that's why you selected them every November see building Civic awareness and citizenship so through K5 um Mrs Travi and Mrs Thomas um really steered this with Mrs tdos you see all of that right there in our along with Mrs ala and Mrs utel in Stonybrook and over in ke school and then 612 was the big one that was more of the the focus and Mr Royo and his background as a history teacher and a former Department share history in KHS really started to steer some some of this information so the Civics between PRM and S and8 the curriculum realignment and then we continue to propose curriculum realignment and we're looking at a halfe elective grades 102 view in the law now that hasn't come through the education committee yet but this is progress this is what's happening on top of the daily occurrences you know and things that that happen inside of a school building and the big one I know there's a lot of buzz in Special Ed I get it I said that last year's public uh meeting in April that we would be taking a really streamlined approach into special education and Mrs davidman has has done a tremendous job and you know for our special ed members our staff members districtwide and then also our child study team members there's been some change we've cultivated some change in philosophy and thought and um worlds came together and you know we reorganized the CST and um you know we and now all of our staff is is trained and handled with care the support data system when you're looking at mental health we refine the risk assessment procedure for dist and aligning it to District policy we were trained in the Columbia risk assessment for all Suicide preven Prevention um Mrs davan brought in the Beam Team the behavior and mental health assistance team in each school and every month they review all the tiered behavior and mental health cases which kind of falls into um RTI wh which is what U Mrs Thomas had talked about last year upon her arrival and PRM introduced a six we executive function groups and then throughout special education and later tonight you'll see a resolution that the board will be voting on and even though it wasn't a board or District goal we went forward with it which is inclusive prek so we'll start with the two classes we already have we're just revising the programs and we'll let them build from there um and they'll speak for themselves um you have the K2 Warton Gillingham training piloted for resource teachers in 2425 we have the 38 then we have 912 and then we're um continuing to build our transition program here at KHS and 18 and 21 Beyond so a lot in 207 days and a lot to be proud of now I say that I don't say it lightly it doesn't mean everybody receives an A+ um because I don't believe in a pluses but it just means for 207 days we've been consistent and that's what you want as a community District goal to technology here's a big one and so last May Mrs trombetta held a presentation in public and then she had another presentation in August and then in September the board adopted a new job description and she'll be handling that um come July one on top of maintaining her six through 12 mathematic uh duties for another year at least just to continue to cultivate change in the mathematic department and PRM in the high school so what we did was we developed a onetoone digital learning environment and guideline handbook upgrades and enhan enced our technology access you know we did have the infrastructure Phase One Last Summer into the fall salute we have phase two which will be Keel Cisco and Stony Brook this coming summer it'll be a budget uh a budget item and then we have clever integration so thank you Mrs Trum better there here is the new position created the big one is realtime student information system we're transitioning from encourse that'll be full effect July 1 we have core planning which began this past December transfers and training have been set up through March and then of course the new District website which I touched on under um the citizens advisory for cult connect and let me get back to it that's where we'll have that that new District website we're in that process District goal Three Financial stewardship cost benefit analysis between Transportation compared to the district and owned Mrs Woodruff just presented that so we have that information now readily available and then to develop a plan to accept tuition-based students so we're always open to that but we need to have more conversations about that because that's one of those areas that could get a little bit gray get a little bit sticky and we always as board members and myself you know what sounds real good in theory sometimes we have to put on an attorney hat and we have to think that way to protect the district so uh we're still having those conversations it's not something that every school district does but um it's something that we're definitely going to to explore as we go further and then communication and transpar transparency here's the C connect a publicly available District dashboard that tracks District initiatives here you have it and this is going to be inter um this will be interactive for our community and all our stakeholders you'll have six areas of focus as you see up on that logo and it'll launch in a late spring on our new website so as far as District goals that is what your board of education evaluates me on that's what steers each of the buildings and developmental goals and evaluations of our District administration from my office and filters into everywhere else throughout the building okay that's the Mantra that's how that model works now board goals are a little different because it's really self-reflection and self-evaluation and as community members you have the right to say well what did you accomplish that goal because we approve them in public well here we have it board goal one by June 3024 the kelon Board of Ed will develop a five-year strategic action plan for implementation well we've had two meetings there are the dates September 27th and November second we had pretty good output and and folks join us and now we have meeting number three this Thursday night and thank God we don't have to reschedule it with the weather so um come on out and from there we're going to develop a five-year action plan that action plan will be open to the public it'll be a public document um and it'll be fluid it'll ever it'll be ever changing but you'll see goals and objectives and timelines within that plan and how we steer and move forward that'll be presented in June board goal to that the board will have completed a demographic study for Comm Community review we've already done that and again here comes that responsibility when you're talking about costs and taxpayer cost dollars and cents cost 7,800 with statistical forecasting that was approved publicly in November at our November public meeting before Thanksgiving and the anti ipated date because of the time frame uh is is March so once we have that information once the demographic uh study is completed we'll discuss it in public and we'll have that information up on the website I think it's probably a safe bet we're going to Flatline because our numbers have been pretty steady between and especially now that we balanced out um with full day kindergart and that that small short realignment between Stony Brook and Keel middle PRM is always just under 400 and the high school is around 530 or so so we're pretty consistent and then board goal number three have completed a facility assessment project with a priority list well la this goes back to last year at the April 25 25th public meeting we authorized the Cara Rabino our architect of record to do that assessment the assessment was completed throughout the summer in early fall of 23 those findings uh Mrs Allison Soka from darara Rabino she did present we have that information up on the website at the no public meeting and uh the discussions you know with the stakeholders are ongoing and I do think that's a big piece of what we're talking about as we go into the future because all of it is connected when you're looking at your facilities when you're looking at your technology infrastructure when you're looking at your security when you're looking at your educational technology when you're looking at all of it it's connected in one now our architect estimated when you look districtwide now this includes Cisco Building upwards near 70 mli million doll I can tell you as I'm standing here I don't think we need to go to that extreme I think the board has a job to do as far as capital projects and facility upgrades ourselves which we will do okay we've already been doing we have an idea of small projects that we should be handling like bathroom upgrades whether it be a PRM in the high school a faculty room upgrade we're talking in this room about maybe ceilings who knows but I mean there's a lot of things that the board needs to in my office as well as a group budgeting for year over-year and projected that hey this no matter who falls in board members come and go Bas come and go superintendents come and go admins come and go right but what doesn't come and go your upgrades no different than our homes so we have to put that long range facility plan into place because you haven't had a capital project here since 2008 that's a long time now I know I sound like a broken record but we're trending that way right now regardless that we have Mrs Francisco in the role as inter room the band moves on so that's what we're doing and that's what will be start starting to happen in the budget but when you're talking roofs when you're talking HVAC when you're talking uh certain security upgrades if you're talking a PRM Media Center overhaul because when you walk in there you feel like you're lost in time right when you're talking the auditorium here that doesn't even hold our entire high school at like to go back and have a conversation with the then superintendent and ba and board and the architect on what they were thinking when they built this room including the cafeteria including the PRM cafeteria so I mean we could go on and on and all the things that we need to do maybe that number comes down a bit but those conversations are starting and I just don't want anybody to have sticker shock because remember there is a definite distinction between property values and your schools no doubt about it no matter where you go so um it's time that we show a little bit of attention and love to our schools in that case we have a great staff we have great programs I'm not worried there but our buildings our security our sustainability those are things that definitely concern me so that's really it as far as district and board goals under 207 days it was that and everything else that's occurred and happened you know um as much as I love football weightlifting and and hunting I love professional boxing and you know although Fighters don't fight as much as they used to Muhammad Ali for it all the time and if you remember those days if you Google it you'll see him fight usually three or four times so you're going to take a few punches you're going to give a few punches but as long as we do it together we help each other up we'll tackle the wave and we'll move forward and that all starts now right now going into this budget nobody here not one person not one program not one building put a motion to the side is bigger than the district and board goals that's where the line is drawn and that's what we have to do so I want to thank the board I want to thank our team thank our folks in cyber that listened and uh Mrs suin if you could take it back to all the buildings I know I'm not easy because Mrs bloomen stick who's here tonight which I tried to encourage her not to come she knows that better than anybody so that's it any questions to the board anything anybody have anything no okay I'm done talking thanks Dave thank you okay so we're on to committee reports uh Finance facilities and security we did meet we had a pretty long meeting as well regarding a lot of these issues as already discussed um because Mr shus is a talker right um so a lot of the items that are on the finance section of the agenda we discussed and the committee is recommending for approval or authorization um those include the real-time platform the Food Services RFP um looking for an RFP to go out for New Auditors um we figured uh it's maybe time to just look at see other options and maybe get another a different look at our budget um the roof replacement bidding process which includes all construction costs and uh management so it's it's a pretty big number but we are recommending approval for that um the um tutoring Grant to accept that that we got that's excellent that'll be briefed under Kelly's Ed committee minutes and then um the audit which we just heard a briefing on we recommend approval of that we did also just touch on um some of the security just where we are with that and our continued upgrades um um which will be factored into the um next year's budget and then some of our known costs that we're looking at as we start developing the budget and that was pretty much it was a long meeting but we talked about a lot of stuff and most of it's on the agenda for approval um since Mr Petra is not here tonight I will also just give the Personnel committee update that as well that was a bit quicker meeting um most of the items on the agenda for approval we discussed uh the one issue that we had to realize was the substitutes rate as we looked at the pum rate um for the number of hours worked was actually less than minimum wage because uh minimum wage went up so we have to increase the um Subs uh The Substitute revise the substitute rates and that's also on the agenda for approval and then uh they just some minor um tweaks to some um uh different appointments as far as co-curriculars and stuff they're just minor amendments and that was pretty much all we discussed at Personnel next up is is Ed yes we had an education M uh committee meeting on today night uh it was a long one um we talked about the pros and cons we hashed out you know the benefits and the challenges of syncing up PRM and KHS schedule again um we we had a lot of uh staff there to kind of support the conversation and provide different insights um we talked about the KHS program of studies and some classes that are be working on being added um we went over the district website template possibilities um there was a baseball donation softball donation and a basketball donation which was really exciting so we talked about that um in response to Mr mango meeting with the student council uh Representatives through lunch meetings um we found out that the students really wanted the winter sports pep rally so that the first one's going to be on uh February 1st um we went over minutes from the last uh student council meeting um we talked about a Stony Brook um guest speaker it's going to be a holocaust uh Survivor so we're really excited about the kids having that guest speaker come uh we talked about grammar workbooks at the high school woohoo very exciting um we also talked about two different books that we approved for whole class novel reading that are in the agenda um we talked Al about some you know Stony Brook ail and a PRM stem night that are coming up and um who we're going to collaborate with to kind of get the ideas for that um something came up with the Seal of by literacy which was uh pretty exciting um we offer seal of biliteracy to our KHS students however some of our students come to us studying outside languages whether they're family does it or it's just something that they're part of um so senior sapio thank you so much uh research searched how to get the Seal of biliteracy for some of our students that are bilingual in a language that we don't teach here just helping them get the test helping facilitate that for them because it is a really nice thing for them to add to college applications um it's just a really nice feather in their cap um we also talked about um the dodgebow tournament coming up and the PRM after school homework club which again was something that came from that student council meeting that we thought was a great idea and we want to support the kids in their ideas um and then Lauren Thomas applied for a phonic Grant woohoo we got a lot of money it was very exciting we talked about the phonic Grant and everybody that's part of the education committee is extremely Pro phonic so that was a really exciting time for all of us so thank you Mrs Tomas we appreciate that policy hi uh our meeting was about 10 minutes um and it was great um I think it took longer to make the coffee at the cage but that's why I didn't send out any um notes from the committee meeting because it was that short um in addition to just the housekeeping stuff we've been working for several months with Mr suda can I can I just ask you one question sure are you disappointed that it was 10 minutes that was that was like a blessing at that point I was on for three meetings that night so by then it was like gotta yeah um um but I just want to thank Mr suda for um working consistently for several months on some of the substance abuse um policies doing a lot of homework and research on that and ultimately coming back to us to say hey our current policies can handle everything that needs to get done um but uh you know just because we didn't have to put a policy together doesn't mean that work wasn't done that was important and uh we look forward to the updates you know that are going to come for next year so thanks Mr Sun okay delegates since we really just um actually I should have mentioned that we did do a little bit of a reassignment for committees so there are different chairs um and that is posted on the website and obviously on our agenda um I know it's a new month New Jersey school boards Association uh there's actually a meeting Saturday for presidents and vice presidents I plan on attending actually is that moris County no that's njsb so I am planning on attending that I don't know Mike can go uh Morris County School boards Dana did you guys meet um we had committee meetings that night and I believe I think you were going but I didn't go to that meeting this month so I'll I can look up yeah sometimes they conflict with our own meetings uh legislative rep did you get anything Jonathan on that yeah because the uh the legislature turned over um so at the end of the last session which was two weeks ago the governor signed like a million bills um two of them the most uh education related have to do with requirements one is that we're now required to teach grief coping methods in curriculum um that's number one and number two a requirement for graduation in New Jersey is now filling out the FAFSA in addition to passing courses and testing and that kind of stuff but that's now a requirement um so students filling out the FAFSA and there are certain waivers that you can apply for such as if you're going into you know you're not pursuing you know further education you can get a waiver for not filling out the FAFSA but that's one of the things he signed thanks for that information lovely Morris County Educational Services did you have anything from that they had a rework meeting on January 10th um just a lot of housekeeping um new superintendent contract new transport contract um two nurses retired and some people they took on Just For yorg Stuff okay uh Dave this is actually Jen Portman now right here under community relations Jen okay so Jen do you know when you guys will be meeting for community relations early February I don't have the exact day I and then K cares and K F I Know Carl you we the three of us need to meet so we we'll do that after this meeting so we can touch base on that stuff either after this meeting or up sometime soon I'll we'll set that up okay petitions and hearings of citizens for agenda items if anybody has anything they want to come up and address or questions for agenda items you're welcome to come up now okay seeing none do we have any online do I heard you mention um something about um grammar books in the high school what is that about and thank God I agree and the phonics I think is great news too my son's a junior I mean when are those what grades is that going to impact was there anything online Jay okay all right moving on to agenda items um first section is finance facilities and security meeting we have um one two three four five six are the excuse me the monthly um Treasures report secretary's reports bills list for for board approval number seven is the resolution um regarding uh reimbursement for teaching staff job expenses in attachment a we have the emergency drill report in attachment B uh nine is the resolution to um approve real-time Information Technology as discussed previously in attachment c number 10 is the audit number 11 is to accept a donation for a bottle bottle refilling station and fountain at Keel which is awesome 12 is um the uh to hire the attorneys for the proposal for the bids for both 10 or sorry 12 is uh Keel no Stonybrook and 13 is Keel 14 is the grant to uh accept the grant for the um tutoring and phonics 15 is is the um to revise our authorized signatures for payroll 16 is the uh request for proposal for Food Services uh I did forget to mention that we are going to go out for that that is a lengthy process where we have to start that now and there's a lot of checks in the box so this gives Barbara the authorization to start that process for US 17 is the donation for a batting cage um for the high school which which is really exciting it's um going to be in the old gym I believe 18 is the um the basket shooting machines for basketball uh which have they've been using them and apparently they love them 19 is to um authorize the in school preschool inclusion program for the 2425 school year and the for the tuition as indicated and number 20 is to um the Morris County Education uh Department what's that what is 20 just anything that that my office has to execute to the Mars County Office oh right okay so this um allows the superintendent to execute and submit to the Morris County uh Office of Education on the bo board's behalf number eight um sorry so the may I have a motion to approve motion second okay any discussion on any of these um I have a question question with regard to items just 12 and 13 um are there conversations around around like changing roof line of the schools or pitch no is it no no so this seem these are just for proposals it's for and it's I understand it's doc looking at the I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said forgive me what was that I was asking proposals come closer the proposals for the roof um items 12 and 13 I was just asking if it's just a re roof or if there were more technical documents that need to be designed by The Architects this is for them to get this is their cost for permits rolling oversight acting more or less you know as that construction liais on for us as the board right so one is just significantly more than like Sony Brook compared with was two sections of and it was flat which is always a higher cost and much more work right even though Keel is right but those would be the construction costs this this isn't the construction cost no no no this is their cost as the architect firm who's handling all of that oversight management the bid process the in between okay yep any other questions from the board okay seeing none Miss sorry barara pull the board Please Mr enzen Meer yes Miss Leonard yes Mr Mayor yes Miss Pella yes Miss Portman yes Miss Donaldson yes okay B is Personnel negotiations items 1 through 11 represent the Personnel negotiation committee's recommendation will be voted upon as a group one is the substitute revised substitute rates as I previously briefed uh two is the um recommendations for the approving the following staff members as indicated in the agenda and it's the highlighted revised versions three is the appointments as indicated in the agenda and then four is the additional assignments and these and with the rates for those assignments five is revised uh KHS and PRM coaches and volunteers and that's in the attachment and again those are just the revisions to those six is the revised um for volunteers seven is the co-curricular for Stonybrook clinical interns is number eight nine is the high school co-curricular and then 10 is revised Pearl Miller co-curricular 11 is substitutes part C oh so that's it for Me 1 through 11 okay can I have motion to approve any discussions any discussion on no I'll ask some questions and if I need to come in public at the next time okay all right okay can I have a motion to sorry can you pull the board Mr Isen minger yes Miss Leonard yes Mr Meyers yes Miss Pella yes Miss Portman yes Miss Donaldson yes k sorry here I am um number one through six will be voted upon as a group for the education and Student Activities Committee number one we approve the out of District placements that are attached in attachment a uh number two we approve the new textbooks to be used at KHS and PRM number three um we approve the recommendation for the KHS just revised program of studies number four the um revised extended school year program um there was just a little bit of change in the hours and the time so we approved that um number five we approve the transition class field trips number six we approve the um field trips for the 2023 2024 school year can I have a motion motion second any discussion on this okay seeing none can you pull the board Please Mr Isam manger yes Miss Leonard yes Mr Myers yes Miss Pella yes Miss Portman yes Mrs Donaldson yes policy so we have agenda items one two and three um and number one is the student system student safety data system report for July 1st through December 31st um the second are the Hib reports I'll note that all are a second reading except for the last one um which was just after the December meeting um and finally the policies that are uh listed are all on second reading and adoption um so they were up before and this is just to um ratify them I have a motion second okay any discussion okay seeing none PA board Please Mr E am anger yes Miss Leonard yes Mr Myers yes Miss Pella yes Miss Portman yes Miss zson yes all right unfinished business does anybody have any unfinished business a new business um so I did want to just bring up the Dave's um email about block voting since we do a lot of discussion about what we talk about in committees and then that is what we recommend in the voting section um I don't know I wanted just have that kind of discussion in public and um just get a sense of where any of you are on that does it matter does anybody have an attachment to just reading through all of them and then voting on each section individually or we could just block vote on them and Dave can you explain that maybe a little bit better sure um it would it would work a if if the board agreed that they wanted to go down this road after we do you know public comment on agenda items the student uh report my report committee reports we would have um uh Mrs Donaldson would make a motion to open the a through D SE dsection as amended or revised somebody'd say second then it's on the floor questions and if anybody had any questions or anything came up with any of the items through the agenda that would be the time and then when it's done or if not then it's roll block vote a through D is revised I mean it's just that simple I just you know I only recommended it because we do so much I think you know after a while you could you know kind of that's just me it's up to you I could go either way so anyway I just wanted you to think about it let me know what you guys want to do you can just email me or text me and then we can bring that up at the next meeting so basically in essence you still talk about whatever you want to but no one's reading each line and I did I have one question um as in the past if there is a conversation about one in particular and we decide to let's say table that that can be removed and the revised block is what absolutely so you we would just make a motion to table the one item which would only be really we wouldn't table it we would postpone the vote because tabling moves it back to the late end of the meeting but since we're going to block vote we would just actually postpone the vote and then readdress it or refer it back to committee okay thank you okay sound good okay so just think about it let me know what you guys think and and we can ask Mike too I'll bring that up I I'll actually reach out to Mike separately all right um anything else any other new business all right correspondents do we have any correspondence this month or anything recently anything online nothing okay great all right now we have petitions and hearings from citizens for anything non agenda anything okay nothing see anybody board member comments all right Carl since you weren't here you can go first I think I said I was going to go first last time anyway um so I'll just I'll keep it short um I do really appreciate all the work that Mr mango has done to further the district I think that's a lot of great progress the one thing I actually want to call out is and it was seconded by the um someone in the audience is the grammar um I'm in The Sciences so You' think it'd be all about the science uh advancement but really uh Grammar and Writing is a critical tool for absolutely every field um I had an adviser once that told me you get famous science for two reasons one you discover something great and two explain it to other people so you have to be able to write you have to be able to communicate and that's absolutely critical so I love that that was there I actually circled the where is it here the workbook which I think is really great so that's awesome uh last I'll say is my kids had a lot of fun with the snow days so I'm with you Jean we gotta still there's more snow they'd be happy so that's all I'll say and happy New Year and that's the last time I'll say that this year okay Dana you want to say anything happy New Year all right okay Jen I second the grammar and phonics um improvements I think that's great thank you to um the Grandy family and the spirro family for the donations those sound great and then as always I'm always impressed by all the accomplishments the musicians the athletes um and then our hard work by our Administration and our staff and teachers it's very appreciated Kelly I know it's late and everyone's start but I did just want to say um thank you so much to the Grandy family for that really nice donation and the thing I love about it is that the boys and the girls basketball have been using it equally it's it's really for um both of them which is fantastic um and thank you to the spirro family which is like the family that just keeps on giving um and I I love it that it's in memory of of um Rob loen K kite sorry um Robbie and Liz I probably butchered your name um but I I just think that's a very special family and they've lived in town for a long time so I think that's really really special and I know that family especially loves uh baseball so I think that's really great um I just wanted to say uh as returning to education chair this year I'm so grateful I love education we had a three-hour meeting this week and I I could have stayed it's just just riveting to me I love everything that happens in the Education meeting um and I just wanted to say um I had sent Mr mango an email uh earlier this week and I just said you know I had sent him an email about some things that I wanted to roll over from last year to this year in education and you know we had a meeting like two days later and he' already researched everything and observed classes and was talking to staff and had feedback for me and um you know a lot of the staff that had attended the meeting had done the same things and it's just like amazing to work on a team like that like that's just so into the kids and so wants things to be the best that they could be and you ask a question and you get an answer and um just the hard work and dedication of everybody and the transparency and um on the education committee to talk about things like a year ago that like Mr mango is presenting is like we've already implemented and it's to the kids betterment I mean it's like I get tears in my eyes like I'm so excited like a wonderful things are happening in our district and uh I'm just happy to be part of it so thanks have a good night thanks Kelly um I will just kind of echo everybody's the the donations are great just really appreciate that for our students and they are actually I know from the basketball side they love them and they're using it so it's been really huge um I would like to say that the the board sat down with a lot of in in committee with a lot of the administrators and staff and we came up with the goals because we recognized that things were not happening that we wanted to happen for our students and and we worked as a team and we even did it with Tina stuffen and the and the Kaa and we all were a team and we came up with these goals and we kind of hashed them out and how to make them achievable and through that and then in collaboration with what the administrators have done with Mr mango we're getting him done so I just want our community to know that if if you have issues just reach out come out to the citizens advisory committee come join us talk to us what are you noticing let us know reach out to Mr mango and and um we'll incorporate them into the goals and Wednesday we have uh Wednesday Thursday strategic planning come out um help us plan the next five years of our district because uh your voice counts and we're here to listen to you and um it's really important that we get all ideas because we're just seven people plus Mr mango so there's really a lot of great IDE I mean even the student council meetings are coming up with amazing ideas and the Ed camp that the teachers did where they collaborated together and then what the administrators and their feedback to our to the board as well helps us come up with better ideas it's really the way Society works so um it is working in your community and I encourage everybody to get involved all right um we have to go into an executive session so um the uh regular meeting is now over motion to go to Executive session motion to go to EXA second okay