##VIDEO ID:jjQhKSiApRQ## spe okay okay we're going to go ahead and get started the Kenan Board of Education regular meeting for October 15 2024 the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies excuse me at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provision of the act the kenalan board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in the Suburban Trends on January 21st 2024 and posted in the public library and filed with the bur CL burrow clerk Miss Francisco will you call the board Please Mr eisener Mrs Leonard here Mr Myers here Mrs Pella here Mrs Portman Mr Petrelli here Mrs Donaldson here here okay there's no closed session needed please rise for the Pledge of [Music] Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all routine matters approval of the minutes for September 24th regular meeting and September 24th executive session can I have a motion to approve motion second any discussion I'm good okay seeing none Miss Francisco will you pull the board please Mrs Leonard yes Mr Myers yes Mrs Pella yes Mrs Portman yes Mr petrell yes Mrs Donaldson yes Salone student hi all I'd just like to share the accomplishments of the students from the halls of kinan public schools so starting off with K Cisco K Cisco School celebrated our love of reading with Pete the Cat Day on September 30th thank you Kesha for a super fun and yummy ice cream social on Friday October 4th the ice cream truck was a huge hit we celebrated school custodian Appreciation Day on October 1 thank you to ke's Mr Glenn Mr Tyler Miss TJ and Mr Craig for always always taking such great care of us in our beautiful school last week we recognized a week of respect with important themed days to remind us of our full values and always living by our Great Character all K Cisco students learned how to make apple cider naturally last week using an apple cider press it was a great Hands-On lesson in history and science thank you to the kelan fire department and kinan burrow officials and representatives for facilitating a fire safety and prevention visit at Kil go school this past Friday October 11th it was an amazing experience for all of our students especially as they tour the fire trucks the rest of October is sure to be a busy and exciting month we are also expecting our family of bunnies to arrive at K school tomorrow they will be with us for 3 weeks as each class will be scheduled to care for them on different days we will also incorporate the bunnies into teaching our science-based lessons on animal babies and parents caring for their young lastly we will celebrate Halloween on October 31st with our Halloween par parade weather permitting at 10:00 a.m. and the class parties will follow that afternoon next uh we have Stony Brook so thank you to Kesha and to all of our families that attended our ice cream social it was a great evening thank you to Kesha for sponsoring our reading rocks assembly for all students that handed in their summer reading logs sty Brook School also held its first evacuation reunification drill thank you to our staff and students students for doing a wonderful job throughout this drill thank you to the KPD Mr mango and Mr shivas for their assistance and Guidance with our drill next Stony Stonybrook staff and students recognize the week of respect during the week of October 7th the week began with a wonderful assembly from a former pro NFL player the assembly focused on determination respect and perseverance the week included pajama day crazy sock day grade level color day and team jersey day to show that we are united as a school Community thank you to Mrs Tanga for putting together a great week next our first family engineering design night will be held on October 16th thank you to Kesha for sponsoring this wonderful event our Stony Brook student council meetings have begun and they will hold their annual pumpkin design content this month all Pumpkin will be on display for our school Community to see and lastly our Stonybrook Halloween parade will be held on October 31st at 11:15 a.m. we'll move on to PRM now we observe the week of respect last week students participated in a variety of discussions and activities focused on respect and building a positive School culture the students in our public speaking course prepared and read respect themed announcements throughout the week we had a successful off-site evacuation joural last Thursday we thank the Kon Police Department Mr shivas and Mr mango for their support and guidance in preparing these procedures and supporting us in their implementation our eighth grade students will be attending the pep rally at KHS this Friday we thank the Administration staff and students at KHS for w welcoming us to this exciting event lastly for Stony Brook the PRM uh last year for PRM the prm's principal forum is rescheduled for Wednesday October 23rd at 6:30 p.m. parents can attend in person or online and a recording will be posted afterwards lastly we of KHS we'd like to congratulate the following students for being named National Merit Scholars based on their scores on the 2023 PSAT Griffin bur and Marie Levi were named semi-finalists scoring among the top 1% of the nation's graduating seniors terang Pond Jin who Kim Dominic Petrelli Miranda dce and hope serenes are in the honor of commended students for placing among the top 50,000 students who enter the 2025 competition next senior T poundi presented his research paper titled a hybrid approach for drug interaction prediction using knowledge graphs and gradient classifiers at the IE MIT undergraduate research technology conference 2024 on the MIT campus last weekend terang was one of a select few high school students invited to this National Conference senior girls soccer player Alesia culo set a new career record for goal scored she scored her 79th goal against St Elizabeth's in a Morris County tournament match breaking Grace staker's record of 78 set in 2020 KS KHS had 53 students qualify as AP Scholars for their scores on AP tests additionally PSATs will be next week on October 23rd lastly there will there will be an activities and Club Fair event during unit lunch thank you thanks a lot of great information thank you superintendent's update right thank you Mrs president welcome everybody thank you salani okay I promise this will be quick and I want to start by saying hello and I hope that everybody had a enjoyable Christopher Columbus holiday weekend I know I did and uh I know our Yankees are on in a little bit so I'll be brief just a few updates that I know we don't have a a packed house here tonight but for those watching virtually or that will watch in the coming days I hope that you know they recognize number one that our board of education has been recognized by school boards njsba as a board certified Board of Education that means there's a requirements and studies and hours um that goes into this and not every Board of I've worked for a lot of boards of Education this is the first one that actually achieve this certification and this recognition so again uh outside of all the time that they place off hours aside from board meetings where they're working behind the scenes um our community is actually very lucky and fortunate to have this group body together like this so uh big congratulations to our board the feasibility study with booten Township took place on Monday September 30th Mr fakar or Dr fakar Who is a retired superintendent met with Mr suda Mr witor myself in central office as we did a tour of kenalan high school we then provided additional information by way of email just questions about our high school and demographics and such uh I have reached out to Dr ficara but there is no information available at this time about where the booten Township Board stands or doesn't stand so I'd anticipate probably in the next coming months we'll have some more information on that uh the reunification report you heard in um salon's updates at each of our schools I know the high school is set for next Thursday have conducted successfully reunification drills you've heard me speak about it for the last two years um a lot of work and time and coordination has taken place Mr shivas steers this from central office and there from there he coordinates with each of the buildings in KPD and all uh stakeholders and for right now our first three drills were were runoff without hitch um we do find areas that we can improve uh along the way but that's why we practice the drill because there's a big difference when you're not conducting any drills to this level then to the next level actually go through with it with muscle memory and memory effect and then God forbid we'd hope we'd never be put under any circumstance where we'd have to reunify the entire school but if we have to we know we have a plan in place to move successfully um so just a big thanks again to Mr shivas and also all of our admin because for our parents uh and again watching and from here on out that every want to get involved and talk security with us the bottom line in is that things happen in the most inopportune times I know we all know that like a root canal or a bedar accident or God forbid a heart attack or a stroke you're not it just happens so the lead Point people in the buildings and this is why I stress it are our principles and our staff so I'd like to say to all of you in kinan we're in good hands because they know what is expected of them so that's a compliment to each building compliment to Mr shivas and the board and support and I would be remiss if uh Mrs utel I know we don't have a big crowd but would you please mind standing up for a moment and and you know I know we don't have anybody from the association here tonight but I know our group's here I don't um I don't give out fours or 100s you know in undergrad I I had a professor that I thought in an open-ended midterm exam that I should have had a 100 and he gave me a 99 and I I won't say what he said to me after hours about that uh in a discussion but I have to tell you I want to compliment you and your staff in all my years doing reunification which dates back to 2008 so long before it was in Vogue that was the best drill I have ever seen anywhere any County any group any person any building best best drill so I want to commend you on that 99 Mrs utel 99% you are welcome and then last but not least in November we're going to we will place out a cell phone survey as you know it's one of our board's goals to become a cell phone free school environment we will engage our staff in the next coming weeks we're going to engage our stakeholders um and then we'll roll with that by let's say the Thanksgiving Day holiday so more information is forthcoming it's been a fantastic year so far and um I just want to thank everybody who's here tonight and uh you know for a great opening and continuation and let's go Yankees in a little bit that concludes my report Mrs president thanks Dave with dates to remember okay committee reports Finance facilities and security calll yep so we did meet on the8th um for a little bit talked about a number of things some of which are up for approval on the agenda tonight which we'll go over later uh so just to briefly recap um we did talk about uh the fence quote between Cisco ke PRM just sort of exra security discuss the perimeter things like that um we did discuss a a swipe entrance quote which is on committee for The Snack Shack this is just a monitor you know who kind of comes in and out of the Snack Shack and uh you know access can be added or removed um electronically so it's not like you have to have a specific pass so that's that's actually a pretty good update there uh roofed update I guess ke's complete Stony book uh supposed to be finished by the end of the week which was last week so I'm assuming it's done good to go all right pending final approval and walk through and all that stuff yeah the walk yeah the walk through um we discussed the 2025 2026 budget development that's just only bringing up that's starting to be drafted sometime in November and December so that's uh starting to come uh comprehensive maintenance plan which is again uh on the approval for on the agend for approval and it covers uh just general maintenance to buildings that doesn't include capex but just basic cost Heating and that kind of thing um and then lastly we talked about plan connect TPA services so this is I guess is a third party that covers I guess some of the retirement contributions between different funds and that's also on the agenda for approval and this does not cost anything so that's about it from us thanks Carl Mike um so ours will be short as well so other than what you see on the agenda today for the approvals that you'll you'll see we talked about that very briefly most of the time was talk we spent talking about negotiations this was a negotiations heavy meeting of personnel negotiations so again I we talked about that you know we had our first meeting um with the Kaa uh which was very positive uh and I was not able to make that meeting so thank you to uh Gan and Dana for covering that and of course Dave and and Jeff um so again if you guys have questions let us know obviously can't speak about that in public but if you have questions you can always let us know thanks Mike education Student Activities Kelly yeah I'm going to Echo we we had a succinct meeting this this uh time we really didn't have that much on the agenda but um I I'll go over what we did talk about um last year following the Tricky Tray Kesha realized that they had an abundance of funds that they wanted to get feedback from the community to see how they wanted them to spend it and after getting that feedback they um worked with our Administration in our buildings and what was confirmed was that that we're going to have after school enrichment programs at both Keel and Stony Brook um Keel will have theater and art and Stonybrook will have theater art and chess um and so we're going to be able to provide that in the fall in the spring um and we thank Kesha for that for organizing that and working with Administration um we were able our athletic director at administration were able to find a new assistant wrestling coach which was uh he came with a lot of wrestling experience and we're excited to have him join right before the season um we got a amazing accomplishment this year we got the AP School honor role recognition so we talked about that and what that means for our school thanks Kelly okay policy did not meet uh any delegates information School boards uh I'll just point out one thing just because everything in at New Jersey school boards is kind of pointed towards Workshop now coming up but I don't know if you had a chance to look at those clips but they've been promoting something so I'll just call it out is they have a new page on topical School law resources so if you want to look at that and it was in I don't think in the last daily Clips but in in the couple before that I think they advertise it a couple of times I took a quick look at it it's pretty good they have you know kind of index of different resources that you can use so if that's something you're interested in I'd recommend checking it out thanks Mike yeah I think they mentioned something at the meeting about that changing being yeah briefly yeah um Morris County School boards Dina we went to the last meeting want to so I was unable to make that but several board members were in attendance to receive the recognition for being as Dave mentioned um for being board certified and there was information also on um which you know we we've spoken about mental health in regard to uh cell phone policies and things we can do but that was one of the topics for everyone right they actually um pointed out our cult connect and said how we've done a really good job showing our goals and then how we have um a whole metric for checking on the status of goals and how people you know um how we can do it it's very easy to use and so she actually pointed uh Charlene mentioned that in her uh remarks about our board so cudos to our admin and central office for seeing our our goal and our idea bringing it to life so it it is being recognized um by the county and and uh by njsba um John anything from nope um Morris County ed services Kelly anything the next meeting is in January it's not until January okay okay and um you guys aren't meeting Jen until November right okay all right uh K cares anything Carl no okay and KF is sort of on hold all right at the moment we have petitions and hearings of citizens for agenda items if anyone has anything they want to bring up is there anything online J no okay not seeing anything all right we're moving to the agenda items a through d uh request a motion for a block vote on agenda items a through D motion to pass a through D second okay discussion anybody take a look at them have any questions U most of like what we've already talked about was briefed in committee and then recommended for approval uh there's one um it looks like a a type I want to check so we'll have to um approve as corrected in the agenda for item a a um check NC 930 2438 other than that I don't have anything anybody have anything no I'm okay all right um Miss Francisco will you pull the board Please Mr Eisen manger yes Mrs Leonard yes Mr Myers yes Mrs Pella yes Mrs Portman yes and Iain on D1 D1 Mr Petra Elli yes Mrs Donaldson yes okay Committee of the whole nothing for committee of the whole unfinished business does anybody have any unfinished business no no new business any new business no correspondents do we have any correspondence any other emails nothing nothing okay all right petitions and hearings of citizens for non- aggenda items if you have anything you want to bring to the board nope okay board member comments you can actually comment it's really quick johathan you want to start um I was told that the first pitch was 7:38 so no thank you Kelly anything sure you know I always have things things I want to talk about um I just wanted to say and I know I've said this before but I think it Bears repeating um we have such a small little town but we have such impressive kids um terang Panda to be able to write this research paper and be able to go to MIT and present it it phenomenal like I was speechless when I read that I'm so impressed by this kid I would love to meet him um and Alesia culo to be able to get her 79th goal are doing 77 last season like that's phenomenal our Merit Scholars and we had many of them um it's just I'm I'm very impressed I I think that we have a phenomenal student representative here um and we just have very impressive students um and that speaks volumes to their families it speaks volumes to our teaching staff our our administrative staff um so I just wanted to say that um I think everybody's easing into the fall really well and I think our students are shining so that just makes makes me happy I'm glad you're happy Jen um I Echo what Kelly's saying about all the Student Success it's wonderful to hear and um I want to say thank you to Kesha for providing all those funds for those extracurricular activities that's wonderful and thank you to the administration for all your work in the reunification and you know keeping our schools running so well thank you Carl I'll suck in Jonathan's comments Mike I'll make a quick two I'll just say thank you to everybody who's here and and all the teachers I think it's nice to have a quick meeting every once in a while and I think it's always great that when things are going well I don't think you always remember to thank the people who keep things going well so I think Jen said that as well so thank you to all the administrators all the teachers who may not be here tonight but if you're listening thank you for all you do okay uh congratulations to Dominic Mike that's great um I'm uh I was in our initial meeting with the Kaa it was just a very positive meeting and I I know that's just a lot to what the board's been doing and how collaborative we are with the administration and with the Kaa and so I want the public and everybody here to know that you just have a really great group of people right now that are kind of working together to do the best for our students and I'm I'm just it's it's actually kind of fun and it's really I feel like we just um are getting a lot done and and I'm really proud of it and I'm thankful for those people um and congratulations to all our Merit Scholars to Alesia I was there when she scored her 79th goal in fact I helped my daughter make the three posters cuz we forgot about it at the last minute so we made those posters for her um and Mr mango do you have anything kind of in in line with what everybody said just a big thank you to everybody that has done all this hard work and I you know while I'm always somebody who looks through uh the front windshield and not in the rear viw mirror I do believe that all this hard work that we've done for the last two and a half years plus um and everybody involved in all the moments that when this is all over you're from now you realize how crucial everybody at this table all of our admin our staff that collaboration with the Kaa and building relationships and foundation for the future how important it is for our community we're in a good place and um I'm just glad to be part of it so thank you okay there is no executive session can I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn