##VIDEO ID:GZk4tZOL6K4## all right at 7 o' we'll call the um August 2024 school board meeting to order all board members are present this evening move on to 3.0 we did get a request from Aaron kman to talk about robotics got some questions on the program so Aaron I start go ahead um the previous coach used his personal trailer to haul the robot to every contest and the current coach isn't willing to do that and purchas his own trailer so I found a used trailer for $6,800 and I'm looking to see if the school board will buy the trailer buy part of the trailer loan me the money so I can find sponsors to pay for the trailer it's pretty much what it is um also I am not able to drive long distances at a time so driving is going to be different than what the previous coach was um Brad said he'd be willing to help out coaching or mentoring plus driving so it would be easier to find a a sub for him then fire a driver to drive to gr corks or duth or wherever we contest is so I just want to throw those out there so you knew about them before everything happens that's what it when does robotics start back up again winter whenever he would like to yeah whenever I want to start the program I can start getting the kids ready and organized and signing up for the program so I'd like to start this fall so that I can get start getting donations this fall sometime so it's not so rushed in the spring when robotic session starts in January any thoughts on requests for a trailer I'm just thinking we bought a fancy mower that doesn't need py drive in it can be a $6,800 trailer I mean I know the and and I can speak to this too um Zach is in the process of working on that at least that's what the conversation that he and I have had yeah and so has he talk to you at all about it a little bit he said he was going to get back to me and he hasn't yet so that's why I decided to just come here and let everybody know's going I think he's working on a solution get the the trailer taken care of okay so I would say were to come but I will I'll follow up with him too after this meeting well I've already bought the trailer and so i' kind of like the money back in my account otherwise I'm going to have to parrow money from somebody to make sure all my checks don't bounce cuz I needed a trailer when I went to the Swift County Fair and had a demonstration there and get some fundraising there why I already used the trailer so I kind of need the money that can my account sometime them later so I'll connect with Zach and he will get back with you if he doesn't call me okay sounds good thank you much all right thank you Aon uh 4.0 is the approval of the agenda there any changes uh to what is in front of you none I'll take a motion to approve this presented so Move Motion by Scott second second by Eric any further discussion on the agenda he none all those in favor I I opposed motion carries 5.0 is the approval of the previous minutes this will be from the July 22nd as well as the August 5th which is a special board meeting I'll make a motion by Danny I'll second second by Matt any further discussion on the prior two minutes he n all those in favor I opposed motion carries 6.0 is the gifts and grants and donations for the month you'll see that was on page three the motion to [Music] approve motion by Eric all second second by Shannon any discussion on the gifts grants and donations here none all those in favor I iOS motion carries 7.0 is the new teachers and we got a new superintendent so um we brought the video that was shared with all staff that has the the new teaching staff and then each of the building leaders got up at the uh opening breakast and introduced each of their support staff one by one as well so we'll share that with you now hello I'm Scott lmka new superintendent here at laca parl Valley School District so excited to be here and to be getting to know everybody um some good advice that I received received in education uh many years ago was to remain flexible and that has served me well over the years there um this is an education it doesn't really matter matter what job you do it's uh something that you're constantly changing and adapting and so that that has served me well um so my dream vacation would be to do something up north or in Alaska I'm a jeans and sweatshirt kind of guy um I'll take that over the Caribbean any day so that would be a good dream vacation for me something that nobody knows about me or that somebody might be surprised to know um my in my spare time what I do to kind of recharge my battery is music I play guitar and U do some recording and things like that so I just want to welcome everybody and say uh welcome to a great start to our school year hi I am Sydney gtis I will be teaching uh middle school and business this year um some advice I've gotten is to be prepared but be flexible cuz what you planned might not happen um my dream vacation would be to go to Bora Bora and one thing that students would be surprised to know is I graduated from here in 2020 and I am getting married in September five words that would describe me would be I am organized uh selfless resilient prepared and flexible hi my name is Michelle zapa and I will be teaching special ed in Appleton at the elementary my advice the best advice I've ever been given for education is to not recreate the wheel but always use fresh material my dream vacation would be to Ireland I'm part Irish so I would love to visit the Green Hills of Ireland and something surprising about me is that I have lived in the area most of my life except I was born in Wyoming and resided in Kansas for about 10 years and five words about me would be I'm a great listener um I'm flexible we all need to be flexible in education um I I love to observe versus participate um I think knowing and understanding what's going on is key to education I have two more to go um leadership is very very important and I think it is I am a leader but having leaders lead me also is key and um You're Always Forever a learner you're always learning new things and moving forward hi I'm Ryan I teach special edit appon M Elementary um advice that I've been given is not to take on too much um the vacation that I like to going somewhere warm and tropical um something that might surprise you is that I've been to Finland before um and then five words describe me um friendly adventurous approachable fun and energetic hello my name my name is Josh from manky and I'm your new middle school 7eventh and eighth grade science teacher um so things know if you ever get into education what I learned is take one day at a time it's not a race and just learn from your mistakes um I would have to say my judication have to be say like Hawaii the Caribbean or maybe go out to Iceland that Stu or maybe go on a future hunting or fishing trip um few things are couple things you want to know about me um I'm actually a second generation educator um I'm following My Father's Footsteps and I also a former collegate athlete and five things um about me is that I'm kind determined and I would have to say I'm a very easy going guy and that um I would have to say so I'm determined and I'm definitely a Difference Maker and I'm a leader hi my name is BR Ken I going to be teaching 9th and 10th grade English language arts the best advice I got about teaching is to make connections with every single student my dream vacation is either to Italy or Ireland something that students would be surprised to know about me is that my family has been breeding dogs for over 20 years and so I got to grow up surrounded by dogs and puppies all the time which is really really cool and five words to describe me would be charismatic spunky chatty uh caring and empathetic my name is K Fisher I will be the fifth and sixth grade um English language miners teachers um um one best teacher teaching advice I've received is to stay flexible um sometimes you have to change the plan and that's okay um my dream vacation would be to go to Ireland um something surprising about me is that I studied abroad in Mexico for six weeks and then five words to describe me would be adventurous outgoing caring um organized and a patient hi I'm actually Wy and I am an LL teacher um I am teaching at the high school 7th and e8th grade and at Madison with Elementary um my best teaching advice that I've received was try your best and even if you mess up then it's okay my dream vacation would be probably somewhere warm like a beach I would love to go back out to San Diego um something that the students would be surprised to learn about me would be that I graduated from laar high school and five words to describe me are kind hardworking organized techy and patient [Music] and those are this year's new teaching St all right welcome everyone uh 8.0 is the consent agenda no changes to that I'll take to approve approve by Scott second second by Shannon any further discussion very n all those in favor I post motion Carri 9.0 is the countryside Public Health Minnesota student survey welcome thank you um well thank you for having us I'm heron um Countryside uh Community Health strategist and I'm here with LZ uh Countryside Public Health big stship wall La of parl Swift in yellow medicine County public he thank you we're here to talk about the Minnesota student survey which is a survey that happens every three years um and this is the school year that they will be rolling it out um the mde polls um they'll send out a communication this fall semester and then the survey is taken in the spring semester um and what we heard as we've been a part of some work groups with um School administration but also Public Health across the state um is that there has been a trend of schools declining in participation um and what we at Public Health wanted to do is just come and have a conversation with the schools um the admin teams their health teams as well as your school boards um to hear about how are you using your data what's been helpful where are the barriers or the gaps that exist that maybe you're not participating in the survey um um this this MSS is um one of the longest running surveys that in um the nation actually and it started in 1989 um back in 2013 the survey had changed the grade that they actually um request to participate and so uh the grades the current ones are fifth 8th ninth and 11th graders and as you can see as I looked back at lacap paro's um history in completing the survey you guys have actually completed all five or four grades since 2013 with which is not the case for all of our schools in our five counties so we do want to thank you guys um lockpro County actually has our highest participation so you and D boy are one of the uh two of our 11 school districts who actually actively participate um this just shows just for some number wise how many um students that are in your enrollment um have completed their survey in the 20202 and then um how many didn't and that might be a change of perhaps your numbers from the um for enrollment numbers Changed by the time the spring semester rolled out um it might be that students are absent that day or parents actually can opt out of taking that survey and so it might be a combination of all of those but even still um your numbers are very high for um those who are surveyed versus unsurveyed and I'm going to jump to ahead if you look at lacap Paro County um there's still our numbers are extremely high um for the countywide compared to when we look at all five of our c um and the those that are surveyed the students versus UNS surveyed and why we wanted to come and talk to you guys today is how that actually impacts funding opportunities that come to the school that come back to our counties but also within public health and what we do with that data um so the student survey is one way that we're able to capture the lives of the students within um their own perspective and their own lived experience um it's a survey that's it takes about an hour depending on on um the students capabilities sometimes it might take a little bit more or a little bit less um and it's delivered electronically at this point and so then um it's the teachers would administer the survey and then it goes back to the state they come back and they give you a combination of not very helpful data pieces actually so you have to analyze the data for it to be helpful and create graphs um which is one thing that as we've been having conversations with is asking how can you how would it be helpful if we were to analyze the data and maybe make a one page it for you to say we would like to know X Y and Z about our students so that we could use that for funding we can track Trends over the time um perhaps even one of the biggest things in the last 20122 survey was it was um rolled out after Co um and that there was trending data across our five counties actually that 11th grade females had either seriously attempted or actually attempted suicide and that's across our five but then when you looked at um I went back and read some of the Minnesota like the entire state it was a trend across the entire State and so um we will track that this year of how did that change from the 2022 perhaps until this year I know at Countryside we've actually really done a lot in the last year we had one employee dedicated strictly to mental health um and mental wellbeing and so how could we actively reduce the stigma around mental health while Bridging the gaps of the resour resources that are available in the five counties and then specifically within the school systems as well another thing that we use our data for is we track like physical activity um uh access to food so if we're in a food desert how does that impact our students and how do they proceed it versus the data that we get from like perhaps our Wick clients or adult clients that we're serving um we have implemented uh Diversified evidence-based programs offered within the schools through our school health Team so we have not just one nurse we have is it three nurses at this point who go to all five counties um and they they talk about um a lot of different approaches to help students have a foundation within their toolbox actually so that they can um dig into those versus um other activities um and all of that is the evidence based so perhaps the one that I know that they came last year was the positive action um which used our um opioid settlement money to do that one correctly yeah so I just to touch on that we created a a team to let you know um that will travel and so you'll have one nurse that's predominantly for this area and so there's one that does different topics and your staff get to pick and choose those topics it could be bullying it could be handwashing poison control and then the other one is uh the positive action curriculum that that you guys did agree to do uh it's hot off the press that the opio settlement funds 507 third graders received the curriculum in all 10 of the school districts uh so that positive action curriculum will be done again at fifth grade and at seventh grade and so I just need to just take two seconds to thank you guys for doing it um as we've traveled to all the schools and you're kind of one of our last ones um it's always kind of exciting to see schools that have actually taken the opportunity and really done do the work and for you to then hear from us we are using that data we are taking that we're looking at it we're studying it we know mental health is a problem if you would see the 11th grade female data it would make you it just makes you just tense um to to think of what are they going through at that age and what can we do um in that space to help 11th grade girls not actively wanting to kill themselves and one school in particular that I won't name it was just astronomically high that literally I'm on the phone calling that school and I'm saying to the superintendent we need to have a conversation you need to know your class you need to understand what's going on and so I just think to commend you a and second we are using that data and then third if we can be any technical assistance to make it easier to read you know if it's more readable if you need help with that um that's where Kiona and um the nurses can be of assistance to you so thank you very much for the work you're doing um one of the other things that we use our um data for is compliance checks across all five counties in the Minnesota student survey we've actually notice the trend of decline in alcohol usage but an increase in vaping and tobacco um and I think as um cannabis has been legalized in our state we'll see inrease that within students as well um and then the other piece is we use um the data for increased evidence-based programs within our scope of work so how can we target um the families while their children are younger so that we can have that positive income um outcome as they grow older and we track those data Trends which would be called population health and how do you track it over time um and so heing from their perspective is really important for us so that we can have that um piece of the picture as well uh the other piece that I just want to talk about is I had shared um mde is aware that our rur schools actually are the participation is decreasing across the state and one of the things um we wanted to go and have the conversation with school so that we could go back to them and say this is what we're hearing from our schools as to why they're participating and why they're not participating um and with that we just want to emphasize the point to that that by you guys participating and I would say Dawson as well because Laro is our highest County um with participation levels you are giving the voice of the rural um youth within our our um State back to them so that we can have our voices heard as well because that that this data actually impacts the um curriculum that they roll out later on and it impacts um at the legislative level that they then make decisions for the education base um and so without voices then we would have that tainted voice of the urban areas and so that's why it's super important for us to continue with it um and with that I just wanted to open it up um for some questions if you guys had or comments regarding um what's been working well perhaps maybe where have you seen gaps where would you like further technical assistance if you want further data analysis um pieces of that PR good can I can I just say that the uh that positive action for one that we did last year was very well received and we're excited to have it back again thank you thank you thank you and I I just want to thank you guys for for doing this um and doing the curriculums and the things that are happening with your school I appreciate it you know I go to the state for meetings and and I look at Eric who's a hospital administrator so I know he's going to know when I say this um I'm I'm told at a meeting sometimes will St Cloud's Ru it's like you have no idea and so I look at you as like if they try to tell you that St Cloud's a small hospital or something it's like no no it's not and so your voices get heard when you have your students do this and so black AAR has been The Shining Star for ours and we're working with the other schools we have one school which I I think you need to know we shared we went and met with them they're not doing it and they're not going to do it and they were really clear and you know what that's fine what I really like to hear is that they're actually doing a survey internally with their school and they're willing to visit with us and so if we can just sit down and have those conversations and work with them and work with your staff then we can help if there's things that come up or we find a funding opportunity so it isn't about if you don't do it so if they're not going to do it that's okay but at least now we can have a conversation with them and work with them on other things and that's where school board become so critically important so thank you again for your time we really appreciate it so thanks and our contact information is here I'm assuming you guys get copies of this as well so if there's anything from the Schoolboard perspective or even your communities that you have please don't hesitate to reach out to either of us we have an open door um and we'd love to be in contact with you guys and congratulations on your new job thank you yeah welcome you know leadership it there'll be no headaches I'm positive that's what I'm again there you go thank you for your partnership yeah thank you thank you thank you uh moving on to 10.0 the monthly Financial reports and Scott anything you want to touch on yeah there really wasn't anything um huge to know if you can review um the documents Brenda is not here today well I shouldn't say that Brenda is here today um but Brenda's working feverishly on the audit so um we're giving her a little time to be able to continue to work on that um but if you have any questions um I can make sure that those are are relayed the big things right now are the audit and then the proposed Levy documents um she's also in the process of wrapping those up and submitting to the state and I think we have to do that in the next week um and that's pretty much it unless there's any questions any questions go back to Branda no thanks uh 11.0 is the bills and claims for month I'll go head and make a motion for the August 2024 board bills of $432,500 18 and the August 2024 construction bills of 1,147 cents for a grand total of 2, 5148 $ 3429 and we got a motion by Danny and I will second that motion any further discussion on the bills and claims those on none all those in favor post motion carries 12.0 is the general election this is just for information only so in District three we have Kent olon District Four Shannon and District six is Danny py uh 13.0 is to review the bids of the audio visual improvements for the auditorium theater and I'm here with us tonight VI and all good evening chair members of the board uh present a little hand AO from paper uh like to start off with uh the AV upgrade bid tab along with the budget I handed out kind of go both hand and hand uh on August 15th we open the bids for the AV project uh received two biders uh video Services was the a low parent bid of $97,400 Muska companies was at $450,500 for alternate one which is the addition of some wireless microphones uh video Services was at $2,910 Muska companies was at [Music] [Music] $24,300 th000 uh in that uh we are looking tonight to award video services for the 397 84 $4 uh it's been vetted by the AV Engineers from W uh along with potentially looking at some value options we went through a little exercise to see if we could do anything to pull that number back down uh and I think Scott said it best there was no low hanging fruit that made a lot of sense uh reason I brought the budget if you look at our contingency number so one that's highlighted in yellow across we started off with 250,000 we went through that major exercise on on the track with those soil Corrections there's 66,000 roughly left in that budget we have a Delta with video Services of about 47 but there are other avenues within that budget I'd like to uh potentially look at one is the next line item down 325,000 we were carrying for General conditions uh I think there'll be a fairly decent some money at the end of the day in that line item uh that's typically goes for was O end expenses toilets dumpsters Job trailer and something like this you wouldn't typically see since we have the school next summer to operate out of so some of those expenses go by the wayside uh at the same time continue down into that budget professional fees are there and we get done with some of the owner items um we have that FFN item at the bottom I'd rather not touch that right now uh if all potential cuz I think we have identified about $50 some th000 of U F that could be applied but I think there are savings within that budget where we can make this work for the additional 47 and give the district the system they're looking for so it is our recommendation award video services at the $397 $840 like I said we have 66,000 in the contingency and I think we could pull equally that month out of the general conditions come next summer there's a recommendation also the alternative one on top of that so the9 I would wait on the alternate they're just some wireless microphones they can be added down the line they're more of an off-the-shelf situation uh the other components that are built in the system are more programming and computer components that make this system work that I wouldn't touch just with the technology that's there uh at this point we thought we could get by with theel without the wire the additional wireless microphones and add those at a given time just to flush that a little bit we we looked at some options to get it back down to that 350 number including um downgrading the mixing board a little bit or um taking out the video system so there's a number of video setups in there that will let you transmit images around um backstage and all those kinds of things um and I think in consultation with the district it really just makes sense when you're doing this to get all this done right and Pete has figured out ways that we are pretty sure we've been that on the budget going forward so seems like a good idea to make sure we get those set up and you can obviously add more things to the system as time go on the have any questions so is this for gymnasium or is this for these are compliments to the renovation that will be happening next summer they're also I think they're really the last things being bid out as part of the referendum there's a few more purchases to make for furniture equipment this is the end of the comment from here I guess is it's probably the most neglected piece that we have left um probably been neglected from beginning of time um so I think uh to finally get this piece along with all the other pieces that we've done inside outside Etc uh I think it's time to just do that I'd rather not ni One Diamond either and come back and fight us later so I'll make that motion motion by mayor I'll second second by Scott any further discussion n all those in favor I motion carries change orders actually if we could the board had asked um just for an update on the schedule because there's been changes as we've gone along and so um we prepared to do that as well yep just going to got to walk through our mileston schedule and I left extra copies up here if anybody I apologize for maybe not bringing up for entire audience but this was our Milestone schedule we bid the project out and this is kind of what we're basing our activities on uh we knew going into this project that we had to send the plans off to the state of Minnesota specifically for uh Department of Labor and Industry on the plumbing plan review uh we have storm pipe uh drain tile enters Into the Storm pipe serving the test tennis courts so we couldn't start on the tennis courts until such time as we received the approval from the state so uh happy to say we just got that last week and if you look at our original yellow line and this vertical line is about where we're at we just received that the state has been running somewhere between 13 and 15 weeks on the approval process and it's kind of held true with where we're at in the meantime uh gr and dunck took the opportunity to start on the track project uh with that being said the project plans and specifications allowed for them to use the reclaim material uh as a base so if you saw out there they brought the milling machine in they milled it up over the weekend they actually came and paved the track uh with this blessing now we're proceeding forward trying to get dunck and cray now scheduled to start on the tennis courts which means we'll start with the drain piping the soil fractions underneath the tennis courts with the hopes of just getting it asphalted for this year and as Paul explained in earlier meetings we want that to over winter so the topping or the surfacing has better results at the end so that's our hopes that's kind of where we're going to kind of end the show for the winter let things settle down and then come back in the spring and tackle the majority of the Interior work and the remaining site work which means the ball fields Etc uh you may have saw before you headed into the meeting they donx group were out here again toight they were Paving the pole bolt uh area and with that they're going to come back tomorrow feather off the dirt around the track along at the same time uh American Fence is going to come in and tight the fence back up around the football field so everything should be copasetic for Thursday's activities out there so um do have to tip my hat to Todd CR I thought he's done a nice job scheduling these Crews I know he's been offset a little bit on the paving but some of that had to do with moisture uh that entered into the equation but I think overall uh things have been moving fine making sure that things are ready to go so uh that's kind of where we're at overall so over the winter we'll be able to work on this budget the general conditions sorts out a few of the things that we potentially need to look at so get that track constructed and then let things just kind of rest over the course of the winter make sure we have all the material in hand come June of next year to start especially with the auditor and some of the features that we have going in there coiling doors and things of that nature so with that I'll open up any questions anybody has questions has there been any discussion between you crayons or anybody else in regards to the tiling of that tennis court I think the current plan was 40 ft apart with the tile if we could add since you guys are going to open that up and lay more tile in there if it would be possible to lay another couple runs in there just to be darn sure that we're getting rid of that moisture um we sure could look at that I think we vetted that out uh we are your crack we got a 42t spacing between there I could uh go back to boltman M again cuz I know we had explored that at one point here about a month ago on it um ask them at at that juncture I did bring a little colored map if you want to kind of see where the drain tiles go but as you know we've got basically these greens of the drain tile the Orange is the storm system that's going in so that's kind of where we're sitting with 42 but if there's a desire to to look at a closer spacing we could reexamine that with bolman May well I don't have a piece of paper that says I'm an engineer but I can tell you living on this country for most of my life tile's never hurt anything you know when it comes to us Planting Fields tile saves us nine times out of 10 y so I can't believe that even though an engineer says 42 if we're going to have a hole opened up why not add a couple more for just to be safe tiles cheap that's my opinion I discussed it with the board back in uh a short meeting we had before our Retreat obviously nobody's brought it forward you yet I guess that was my question okay I'm not saying go ahead and do it because obviously I'm only one person but I don't know why we would take the rest I can sure look at that and provide feedback yeah we'll talk anything else instruction okay thank you thank you uh change orders yes so we're going to switch over to the um hpac project at the high school these are change related that project and I'll just do a real high level overview and if there's questions I'd love to answer them um so there's two change for you today number three and number four number three um starts out with uh plan review changes from the state plan review so um we go through the same process that was just talked about with the state um invariably they find some things that they want to see a little bit different and then that results in a change order of the project so you can see that's price there the second one um was after um working in the media center and opening things up a little bit we had originally planned to work through the grid with some things and when they started opening things up uh the pipes weren't really going to fit very well that way so we worked with the contractor to come up with a different routing and uh that changed the route of pipe but it didn't change the value the contract amount so you can see there's no cost change to that one that's just documenting that change in the contract and then many of you may know the contractor had proposed an alternate arrangement for the boiler room um which provides a little bit more access in the future or space in the future should you need it for something um and that resulted in some different piping and layouts for things and so that total at $76,000 which the um the district I think and Adam has thought was a good idea a good investment in the layout for that in the future so that's number three and then number four is just one change um the district also asked to have the indoor concession space added to the project to provide exhaust basically for that and so that came to $122,700 and so that's also recommended forward any questions on either of those change orders so by redoing the boiler room for future stuff what are we looking at for future stuff that could happen in there it just makes the boiler room layout it gives you more floor space than the boiler room so that could future equipment I think it also helps Adam with his equipment now that he has more storage in there for floor scrubbers and things like that so is that where the mo is going to go this winter well then we better have a garage for the more so the concession is that the concession stand yep exhaust yes okay currently has a point gotta kind get so hot there any thoughts questions where are we at with contingency on this one for the rest of the project next um we're in good shape as you remember the project was quite a bit under budget um I did not bring the budget Report with me tonight but I can follow with you certainly have one to this and and I can speak a little bit more to the concession space if there's any questions on that but um my understanding is that originated a conversation with Rick um I don't know months ago but that that concession stand doesn't have any external venting and so when they're like running the pizza oven and the popcorn machine and stuff it gets quite hot in there and it um it it kind of becomes an air quality issue and it's probably quite honestly no longer within code if you were to to try and build it today we would probably be able to build it that way so that was kind of the I think the thought process behind while we're already doing all these hbac upgrades do that too so by adding that we're not going to open po to where we'd have to bring it up to a particular code right we're still grandfathered in if we're adding something like that I don't see it triggering anything else um we haven't we haven't run it we haven't analyzed the rest of the thing against all the other po at this time but I think you'll be allowed to make it better you know you're making it better than it was then the boiler room um I mean they shared details about it but that's we've talked about that one in the past um the changes to the boil room and the addition of it also included the addition of shut off valves so that it could isolate the boiler room and from the arrest of the building if there was repair that needed to happen things like that so that's zone valve right Adam so you put a one on the front and the back you can just pop off the the pump and put it on without having to drain down the system y that just makes sense IO Move Motion by Danny second second by Scott inove discussion very none all those in favor I motion carries thank you thank you all right 15.0 is the the very popular cell phone policy my favorite yes are you leading this discussion principal swaty I certainly can I would love to hear what your idea is perfect well um as you know um legislation has put a mandate out that um by March 15 of 2025 school districts need to have adopted a self-own policy um they've they're working or they've asked the elementary and secondary princip associations to um kind of put a toolbox of best practices together based off of their surveys and and research Etc on what these plans might look like um recently we received this toolbox a toolkit if you will to give us some guidelines on really two different options one is basically 100% elimination of cell phones um the second one is very similar to what we currently have in place right now in terms of um allowing it on school buses lunch breakfast passing time and hallways um and so anyway as we dug into this a little bit once once Scott arrived on on site here we just looked at our current site so just so you know the the blue sheet of paper in front of you as it says is our current language in our handbook which was approved in July so as we got talking about things um there's maybe some this has not been an issue but maybe some concern that some of our practices might not uh be what would hold up in in the court of law if you will in terms of keeping cell phones overnight and keeping them for extended periods of time Etc um and so with that said as we talked a little bit and got some feedback from from minow in particular we have revamped a proposed handbook which is still very very similar excuse me a proposed practice or procedure which is still very similar but it would not have us keeping the phones overnight um and you can see on the back of the white sheet what the consequence change would be um and essentially the first offense instead of me say if the student lost their phone to me today the past practice would be I would have kept it today in my office in a secure location all the way till the end of tomorrow um now it says I would give it back at the end of the day they would need to bring it back to me for the next school day I would keep it for the full school day um the second offense is a parent will come out at an agreed upon time and pick up the phone um so on and so forth until we get to a point of developing a plan um yeah I think uh one of the things that we've talked about Mr Lumin and myself uh as well as some of our other leadership members is just that it would probably be a good idea to get some feedback from our parents from our students from our staff members in the form of a service survey um just gather some data to see what you know if there's an overwhelming piece of consensus um I know that a piece of a survey was shared with me by Mr lka from what minowa did uh and I think their their results were pretty pretty favorable from parents in terms of um maybe not having cell phones in school um so but I would like to see what our community has to say it's it's it's a similar animal in terms of you know minowa is out in the middle of a couple communities we're out in the middle of a couple communities and so um I think that would be a nice first step and really put some thought into a plan that can be carried out and um supported by the majority of our community community members as well as um easy to follow administratively Etc so if I could jump in with that so what Scott is describing is the the changes that he drafted here would be um if approved here tonight would be um in in our handbook from now through the um most of the rest of the year until March 15th that's the deadline by which the state is requiring districts to have a formally adopted policy um my understanding is currently I think we just have it in our handbook so the goal would be after that to have it be something that's actually added to our board policy moving forward um so this this would kind of be the stop gap between now and then and then then we may get to the end of that point and make minor changes um we might make no changes we might make significant changes but we would do it before that deadline and then that would be the moving forward the ongoing policy so has the state granted us immunity to invasion of privacy concerns that would come up with a district grabbing someone's device and holding it do that ever came up in any of the discussions so when we take the device is the device going to be turned off by the student I do ask it to turn it off because I don't like hearing it beep in my office because my concern is if we've got it in our custody and something nefarious comes through that phone um or even non not nefarious but something that somebody shouldn't know about between a parent and a kid or kid and the parent um that that is confidential or it's not public knowledge or it's very personal Etc um that that somehow we then get uh put on the hook for invasion of privacy or or whatever they want to call it I'm just curious if the state has thought of that or if they're put just put it on us and say well school districts are on your own you shouldn't have looked at that phone so and I can speak to that a little bit um some of that is actually why Scott's here tonight because our past practice that it sounds like we never really had issues with was that if there was an issue with the phone it was kept overnight for one to multiple days um and that's that's part of the reason for the the proposed changes that we're sharing with you here tonight is just I think I think we do open ourselves up maybe if we have the phone for an extended period of time and overnight or um heaven forbid the phone went missing or something like that I I think um we reduce those kinds of risks by just keeping it for the the academic day um I have not personally seen anything and then the hand um we we included that cell phone toolkit and I really do encourage you to read that through when you have time because it is actually pretty helpful um to give an idea of what what different schools are are looking at doing but um I haven't heard of a situation yet um that I've been aware of that's been litigated or anything I mean um you know schools uh do have the right um through disciplinary action whether it's a cell phone or a ruler if somebody's using something inappropriately to take it away for a period of time um but that's a great question Cory that will that always be that way I don't know that's a great question well I think parents you know take kid cell phone way and if that that parent is dependent upon having to have nonstop a with their kid um and something goes wrong that's going to be their opportunity to to Spring us um so I just it's nothing that we can solve here I'm just asking the question as whether our our uh faithful and same Paul thought about uh what the consequences are for the school districts versus let's just take the phones away and well I think like I just talking for my daughter like she has it where you have to see the fa her face to unlock it so like not anybody can just go in and get her phone or code or fingerprint or and I I believe it is in our Scott maybe you could speak to this but I believe it is in still in our handbook that parents and and in the toolkit they provide they say the same thing that parents are encouraged that you know we there are numbers you can call if you need to get any message to your child at any time we can do that um you know and then I think that that's also the logic about them being able to have it on the plus and and passing times um because those are times that it's appropriate they can check their messages and respond if they need to so we don't forcefully take the phes away right so we ask and they give them basically and then there's language in here that if if they're going to be defiant about it or insubordinate then there can be suspensions that provided so most of the time they're handing it over and if you shut it off you're reducing your risk to that point pretty good then do you contact the parents if you take it away um I would say not I can't say that we always do that um but we all we always will say do we need to give your folks a call do you need to give them a call before this happens um but I I don't I haven't made a phone call with par I mean I could see that being one way to like keep us from getting a parent getting mad like since it's not that big of an issue it's not like you're making 100 phone calls a day but just making that phone call and saying hey just an FY you're can't get the phone taken away so if you got to contact them call us directly yeah yeah or we just don't allow phones and we don't have to worry about the what is we don't have to worry about being litigated we don't have to worry about people seeing messages we don't have to worry about a kid being defiant no phones allowed period I was just fine in 1992 I went through high school did you have a cell phone when you went to no you did you guys have a tough time making it throughout the day how about you guys you're a little bit younger how about you Shannon did you no I don't think so pH I know SC I if they need something to do in study hall get a book go to the junior high library because I just found out tonight we don't have a high school one so and but get a book or a pad of paper and draw a picture there there I said it it does say Cory in the cell phone to Kit the school is not responsible for and is not required to investigate any loss stolen or Dam electronic devices brought on to school grounds so it sounds like the onus really is on the family that said find i' find that hard to hard to absolutely fight that in court I mean that's a it's going to get liated it's going to something somebody's going to read something they should direct right principal teacher sec I'm not saying it's going to happen here but it's it's going to happen some somewhere it'll happen but for tonight you're just basic all the changes is the consequences we wanted the board to be able to approve what goes in because it wasn't what was approved originally so I'll make that motion okay motion by Scott I'll second second by Shannon any further discussion um when are we planning on doing that survey is there time yet I think I think pretty soon and I was just going to piggyback on that that that you know ideally it wouldn't take until March 15th so I think as soon as as soon as we get the feedback and the data together um we can continue to have these discussions and figure out what the best plan of action is and then in addition to that um if approved by the board um I think communicating this plan out by a parent Square um make sure that the newspapers have it as well so that we can just get it publicized as much as possible the the adjustments and uh we did send uh parents that that have students in school you've probably seen the parents Square message that we would be looking at this tonight and and whatnot so just trying to keep everybody in the loop and informed on on this apparently very large topic so and what of you just asked the question about um what I know of what manasa was doing I um and I think this is the case for a lot of schools to some degree it's just tightening up even if the rule itself doesn't change dramatically it's tighten up how we enforce it I think in in minowa that was what we found too is it's like any rule you establish it if you don't go back and visit it once in a while over time you kind of have people who follow it rigidly and people who kind of sometimes follow it sometimes don't and so um that's my understanding is that there're most of the changes they're making are really to clean up enforcement um and we talked today as policy um committee that like we're focusing too on the teachers so that if it does come down we have to every teacher's got to be on the same board to keep it regulated there in school well and it may come down to that but we we want to do the the survey first and see what everybody else thinks we don't just want to go no I we're we're being diplomatic okay any other questions or pass he none all those in favor I I oppos motion carries uh 16.0 is the first reading of a couple policies 522 and 524 the title 9 and the internet technology and cell phone accept use I those were in 14 we have those 10 main changes you'll see there in 522 and yeah 522 got be done totally based on msp's yeah they just threw it all out right they red Lin threw everything out and just redid it so CH and all of our proposed changes are essentially following the guidance of their ERS all right any questions comments on policies right now we'll move on to 17.0 which is the establish the date for the 2425 budget and the 2425 uh payable Levy uh so the truth and Taxation um meeting uh it's being proposed that we have that on November 25th during the regular 2024 school board meeting for November at 7 o' that's what we've done in previous prev Series so if there's no objections to that I'll take a motion to approve some motion by Scott I'll second second by mat any further discussion very none all those in favor carries 18.0 is our administrative and building leader reports Mar or Scout anything to highlight point out uh I just want to thank whoever was a part of getting some air conditioning floating through the building today um because for the most part the classrooms were very I'd say comfortable maybe a little humid but um comfortable the lunchroom was horrible I mean if the rooms would have been like that it was a miserable 30 minutes for every group that went through there but um the rest of the building so whoever had a part with that I I think we're very grateful for that Mar did you have anything you want to Y just quickly the first topic the testing calendar I did get all of the access testing date so that has been updated on the testing calendar and I know Ted about this but just a reminder all the MCA testing results are still under embargo they come out Thursday morning and ass soon as I have all of that information I'll be able to start working on the striving for the new world's best work force all get all of that updated and then I quickly want to update you you may recall last May the building leader started talking about changing the first day of school in the two Elementary we did like an invitation to parents they would bring their children in there would be a one-on-one assessment with the teacher ability to get to know the student in the oneon-one setting and I was in both buildings today and it was really preliminary feedback has been extremely positive from parents and teachers so I want to thank the board for supporting that new idea that we brought so just want to give a quick update on we don't have wor about keeping them an extra day right that counted no so we have enough the day does not count as a student contact day but our school calendar has enough days built in where it doesn't affect that however when we do work on the school calendar for next year we will make that specific note like if if we do this again that the K4 buildings have 173 days the 512 building has 374 so we will definitely make that note on our academic calendar one of the things I can share that we're excited about with with piloting this this year is that the teachers were by and large able to assess their students while they were there so when they start tomorrow with their actual first day with kids they're already they already have data on where kids are at and can start working on meeting them right where their needs are versus getting the school year started testing them you know after they arrived so and is a rect requirement that we assess students within the first six weeks of school so now we can say we've done that so thank you for that support on that as a parent I would concur it went very well I both my kids there it went very well I mean it was I was filling out paperwork I didn't know my kids were gone doing the assessment and boom they were back out it ran very smoothly mad anything sure um just a couple updates on the construction U the paving is pretty much done on the track um and they just share the fences next and then we should be good to go for Thursday's game um the um that was actually what what Scott brought up was one of the things I was going to share is that we did get chilling turned on and I'm very thankful for that um and essentially they they moved a a compress R tank from the heat system over to the cooling system in order to make that happen um so uh the contractors I know were working right up against that deadline um but it was it was a good first day of school for our kids here um Workshop week was a success um thank you to board member Banky for kicking things off with uh singing the National Anthem and then also addressed our staff welcome them back um and that's where um then during that time was when they were our teachers grades K through six were trained in the fast assessment um and it sounds like did a fantastic job of getting that rolling today and um regarding the the school calendar conversation um for flexible learning year um I just wanted to share with the board I talked with the superintendent um through mved and we're looking at trying to make that approval process of kind of filling out that application happens sooner so that we have more time to then build our our calendars moving forward so they are proposing that we um use our September and October board meetings um to get parent feedback on the the flexible learning year we have to have three meetings with that if you remember from last year and so we would just need to add one more meeting in there somewhere that I could do you know we could pick a day after school or whatever and and do so um and other than that just wanted to share a very successful first day school out here in this building and thank you to all the staff and um um the administration and the cooks and everybody for making it possible any questions for staff okay anything else for this evening very none I'll take a motion toj motion motion by Shannon I'll second second by Matt all those in favor I post motion carries we are adjourned thank you everyone than