##VIDEO ID:Z_b8uySitOw## uh board members board members are presid except for Eric this evening uh moving on to 3.0 the open Forum we do not get a request for public comments tonight uh 4.0 is the agenda we got a couple of uh changes there so under the consent agenda um Miss Samantha Medina um should be listed as a special ed per and uh L par and then we'll add uh 8.1 uh which is uh [Applause] to release or recycle a van that we have so the board approval to uh remove those assets so 8.1 will be the damaged van anything else for tonight n I'll take a motion to approve post two changes so by Scott second by Danny any discussion on the agenda carry none all those in favor oppos motion carries 5.0 is the minutes from previous meeting are there any changes to the August 26th the meeting minutes take a motion to to approve as presented I'll make a motion okay motion by Matt second second by Shannon any further discussion on the minutes car none all those in favor I I oppos motion carries uh 6.0 is School Board member recognition month yes I can speak to that one um the so this month to our understanding used to be in February but they moved it this year to September and so we want to uh just take a moment to recognize our school board uh the school board's Association um uh also recognize the vital function of school boards as elected members in our community um the Lac Valley joins and other public school districts across the state of Minnesota to celebrate School Board recognition week and so for that there's also press release farther in the back there that just talks about the work our boards do but being the person who probably is the one most of the time calling you with things I know how often you get involved in conversations and and decisions regarding our school district and sometimes at all hours of the night so just as a community we want to say thank you very much so um I have a certificate for each of the board members just as a a thank you for the work that you do on behalf of our school and the certificate is um from the Minnesota school boards Association and then I believe we have some representatives from our student council is that correct yep um and I think you are the next item on the agenda so that's all right we can let them come up okay we just have thank to all you guys to yeah I'll take thank you thank you very much thank you and then uh do you want to tell who you are um I'm Taylor Wood and I'm a senior this year I'm and I'm J kler and I'm a Senor thank you very much girls um we uh one of the things I wanted to put before the board is just um I'd like to give consideration to adding something to our future board meetings for honors and recognitions just to um whether it's a student or staff member somebody who's either uh you know had a a noteworthy achievement or maybe it's something in sports or activities um that they are recognized for that we could uh recognize them at board meetings in the future also just to kind of tell our story a little bit so uh they are here today and then we also have in the board um addendums you'll also notice that there is a list of all the students who were voted into positions within student council this year there's a lot of them and they couldn't all be present so um the ladies were here to represent them here tonight so thank you very much thank you guys all right we on 8.0 is the consent agenda again there's a change to say a motion to approve make motion motion by Scott second by Matt any further discussion on the consent none all those in favor oppos motion carries 9.0 is the uh acceptance of the gifts donations and grants what's that oh 8.1 Mar P all right so 8.1 so we have a van that's struck a deer right Scot yes I can provide a little background so we have a a van that is it's a 2010 so it's it's an older van um it was kind of nearing the end of its life but it was struck by a deer um in the I believe it's the driver's side there's damage to the driver's side door and front quarter panel now the door on that side of the car doesn't open up all the way um the vehicle has 220 plus, miles on it so it's uh it's its value is is has gone down significantly so we put it up to bid we did get one bidder um to purchase the vehicle um as an asset that we could release um and their their bid was for $200 but um I would ask the board to factor in also there's um there's probably $1,500 worth of damage that would have to be fixed and things to if we um if we went that rout so this would be sing questions comments take a motion to release that asset okay motion by Scott second second by Shannon any further discussion he none all those in favor I motion carries get rid of that all right now 9.0 the gifts and grants and donations for the month so thank you to those uh individuals and clubs listed there take a motion to approve motion okay motion by Shannon I'll second seconded by Matt any further discussion on the donation Grant any none all those in favor I oppos motion carries 10.0 is the monthly Financial reports let's look at enrollment real quick um you'll see that on page 17 um so this is mid Monon so this would be as of last Wednesday the 18th you see on the far right is uh our enrollments will be each class forward at 100% and that's what we use for our projection for the budget last spring um so those are main numbers uh we did put in um an estimate for kindergarten um we knew that we put in a very conservative estimate however um there's been many years where we've kind of um uh overestimated um because all those students didn't come in this year uh all of them came in and then some so you can see kindergarten came in very very strong uh looking at what we had projected as the total enrollment K12 808 and we are currently at 836 K12 okay so again that's as of last Wednesday um don't have any comments of the budget to actuals that are in there that'll be be as of August 31st so not a lot of activity um you should have a handout in front of you U fund balances um these are preliminaries and the maners are still working through some things um we still are waiting for them to they have um for sure one if not two more levels of reviews to happen so I do not have general fund in there we only have I do have all of the other funds um we are hoping to have general fund next month in October so even though um the audit is still going on um and we're still waiting for some of those reviews and additional coms comments um I don't know of anything that will affect the rest of the funds so that's why I would like to stay on track I want to review them with you if there are any changes that happen um in the next month I'll just um simply talk about those um in October and we can update you then and I'll have a final print out um so if you want to pull that worksheet out and look at the F service fund um first uh that fund has two line items there the first line item there is nonspendable that is simply our nonspendable inventory it changes and varies from year to year depending on where our inventory sits at the end of the year um the next line item is our restricted and our restricted for food service so that encompasses everything else within the Food Service fund uh this fund is extremely strong still um participation in both breakfast and lunch has been very strong I'm assuming that's because we now have meals for all students um so our funding from both the state and the federal government is has increased um and of course Revenue that we receive is based off of um every meal that serves so it's based off of participation enrollment and then um the meals that are served uh food costs have also went up very dramatically however it looks like the rates that the state and the feds have put out there are are taking that into account and also in 23 24 school year we they did give us one more which I assume will be the last um piece of federal funding for um supply chain assistance and that is what that is meant for um increasing cost um related to food the shortages um post pandemic and and whatnot um that was about 24,000 so that was um additional funding we did not have to incur additional costs to receive those funds um the intent for 9 23 24 was actually for us to have a shortfall and you can see that did not happen um we we did not spend all of our equipment budget that we had to spend this past year so we'll be working on that again in 2425 so we'll be looking again at our kitchen seeing what needs to be updated and satisfy those needs and then um brand new this past legislative session um the they approved lunchroom tables we've never been able to purchase those out of this fund we've always had to use our Capital fund so that will be next thing we'll be looking at and we'll want to get on that very very quickly because I'm sure all school districts are going to be looking at that so I believe Madison has all new tables so we want to look at the high school in applon and um get those ordered as soon as possible and um satisfy those needs as well but but again this fund is very very strong um um no concerns at all financially for this uh so we're we're very um in very good shape there Community Ed you'll see that has four separate funding area line items that were required to um um track and first line there is community ed that's just general Community Ed that is the line item that encompasses most all of what happens in community ed um you'll see that went down slightly went down I shouldn't say slightly went down about $32,000 majority of that decline um the legals daycare is in this line majority of that line um is due to Legal State care their their shortfall for the 23 24 school year was um about $30,000 so majority of that was was related to that so once our audit is complete we have final numbers and um their firm we will then um Zach and Mr Luna and Miranda will be meeting with those partners and um um requesting that that short call be um uh reimburse to us so that meeting will more than likely happen um probably in November I think is what the plan is um ecfp uh also a very strong program you see that increased um and also the last year other community ed um that's basically preschool screening and and a few other small items that go through that that also is is remaining pretty strong um School Readiness is the third line item there that has gradually declined over the last several years uh we did decline pretty significantly this past year it went down about 109,000 um Zach is aware of it um Mr Lum is aware of it and they will be working with C five to see what we can do to um correct that situation that this is a this line item is just preschool it's that's the only thing that's in that line item and we are in a a collaborative um sharing partnership with C five for those programs and that's at all Sites Chon Madison three and four-year-old programs so that is kind of a work in progress we will have to address that in this next school year to try to C um uh may get back on track Turn the Page [Music] construction this fund accounts for both of our construction projects both our hbac and our site building project one that was approved by our taxpayers this past November um so this 23 24 school year uh we sold bonds they were um combined Bond effort in our sale for both the second half of the hbac and then our single Bond sale for our site project our bond um our bond referendum Improvement project so both of those are accounted for here the first line there you see the restricted reserved last year was zero this year is 7.1 million that is our site project so that be the theater the tenis courts the track the um sidewalks all the growing room all of those projects will all be um encompassed in that first line item second one you see it says restrict Reserve ltfm that's our HB so that's our HB project out here so you see we did have a fund balance last year that was um Bond sale their first Bond sale and then any costs that were incurred through last June now the year end number for this past June is 8.3 million and that um that is where we're sitting after Bond sale after interest earnings and after expenditures so this fund will remain active um through um 25 26 school year because we will have um project um happening next summer which is the start of the 25 26 school year so we will have this reming um open for another couple years and um we're sitting at the end of that this SCH year Debt Service um this fund accounts for all of our bond payments so um Levy dollars come in um Bond payments go out both principle and interest and some um um immaterial costs associated with those Bonds in making those payments um our fund balance there you see increased and um the the whole um fund funding fund balance here has grown um over the last couple years and that's because of the size of our debt that we have right now we're required to hold um and to Levy an additional 5% so that there's not any point in time that we would have be at risk for not making our bond payment because if we don't make our bond payment the state of Minnesota has to step in because our bonds are backed by the state of Minnesota so anyway the state does um track this very very closely you'll see it increased here we'll have one more year of increase and a correction um that correction comes through our Levy and it is um basically taxpayer belief when we get to the point when they're tracking it we get to a point where um um it meets the calculations that we have enough on hand then they'll pull it back from us and get us back into the correction so it simply goes up comes back down and um via that that calculation so again they want to make sure that there's no risk that we um if there's delinquent taxes would happen um locally they want to make sure certain that we have enough funds on hand to cover our bond payments um that we have twice a year OPB trust fund that simply accounts for op OPB trust dollars the only thing that comes into that fund is interest the only thing that goes out of that fund is our um opep payment for um that's um calculated on our health insurance cost we're able to send those dollars on over to the general fund and there firm number that's calculated via that Actuarial audit and um the the activity you see here is an increase that's not typical and it's because of interest rates interest rates are so high that they're more than what our payment is to to go back out so typically we be drawing on this trust and it should be going down each year but you'll see the this year and even this next year it go up and that's simply again due to interest rates they're so high they're they're um covering our transfer and then some so basically it's extending the life of our trust fund which is is great for us um all in all so anyway so that's um that's all funds except for the general fund we hope to have and should have the general fund next month in October and if there's any changes on these we'll talk about them next month um big changes in the general fund next month um you know we have our Esser we have some new legislative line items that we'll have to add um in regards to literacy and the react um people support Personnel Aid is a new thing that we'll have to add they um put the money out there nobody's qualified nobody was going to get it and now they're going to get it have to put in fun balance it's it's some new legislation that's out there um and then we too will have to um be looking at at our fund balances and be very thoughtful in in some of the line items that we're setting aside because um one thing that has come um to discussion a little bit is is our risk that we have out there for insurance um we talked a lot about that at the June board meeting Ryan young was here talk with us about it um in the past we've um had just a basic deductible now we have a deductible for wind and hail of 1% of our property valuation so something that we'll be talking about throughout the month as we're trying to finish up with the audit um get questions answered by our Auditors and try to firm everything up and we can talk more about that next month um don't I have any other comments unless there's questions questions [Music] for you I'd just like to add thank you to Brenda a is extremely busy in her world and she's uh been working very hard to get this all done for us and then interrupted constantly with my questions and others so thank thank you very much all right move on to 11.0 the payment of bills and claims for the mon I'll make the motion to approve the September 2024 board bills of 99,8 7389 August 2024 manual checks of 57,200 57 September 2024 construction bills of $892,500 for a grand total of 1,1 149,90 second by Shannon any discussion on the bills of claims n all those in favor oos motion carries 12.0 is the call for bids for snow removal for the two Elementary sites take a motion those request out make motion motion by Shannon I'll second second by mad discussion on the bids hearing none all those in favor I post motion car all right 13.0 is the for 2425 school year have Team here all right um if every year we're required by MD to propose cite goals for each of the four buildings um we met as a nor site committee the three lead teachers along with Marine um we have run these by um both Mr lka and Mr swaty um to make sure that they were appropriate to bring to the board for approval um you're going to notice that many of these uh increases are the same as they were last year 2% 3% um we do feel that these are realistic um and hopefully can help stop or reverse the downward slide we've had in proficiencies since 2019 um when you look at the data that was provided there I did add in 2024 results um that decrease in in proficiency is from 2019 you will see in some areas it has leveled out and even went up slightly um there's a lot of factors that play into this um one of them you know uh poor attendance if kids aren't there it's hard to teach them um we have a significant number of English language Learners that really this test for them um to take it if if they can't read it and they can't understand what's being read to them I mean it makes it difficult for them um I think too um we have a lot of students that are on IEPs that get pulled out of our classrooms to work on um appropriate skill level material but then they are brought back to take this test at the grade level that they haven't been taught at that's not appropriate for them so I think there's a lot of um things that go into planning for this and that 2% or 3% doesn't maybe seem like a lot but in the grand scheme of things it can be um I do want to share with you and and this is going to simply um data that I've collected from the math department but um just to show that there are um gains being made that maybe the general public doesn't see and maybe that you're not even aware of um not seeing any of this other than the the percentage that's proficient so I'm just going to pull sixth grade out I do sixth grade math and last year I wrote an individual growth and development plan and my goal wasn't so much to get x amount of kids proficient at the end of the year but it was to see if I could get kids to jump an achievement level and gradually get to where they're proficient so I had uh 18 kids last year 25% of the sixth grade class that included everybody the English language Learners any kids that were pulled out with an IEP um we had two kids that moved in a month before the test and they were required to take the test um I had 18 kids that jumped an achievement level 15 of those 18 went from a does not meet to a partial meet I had uh eight specifically that did not meet the year before that met uh seven kids that were partially meet or partially met that went to met or to a meets and then I had um uh three kids that met the year before and exceeded so that's the kind of growth and achievement uh that you probably don't see when you're only looking at that percentage so the overall proficiency for sixth grade last year was a 6% increase so the 2% that we had on the cycle one grade level jumped 6% uh Mr kson in eighth grade did the exact same thing last year and he had 18 kids that also increased um their achievement level and he actually increased his overall scores by 10% so we set these site goals 2% 3% whatever it may be but embedded in all that there's there's grade levels that are that are making some pretty big jumps and hopefully getting us back on that upward um swing to try to get our proficiency levels back to where they were in 2019 so um we're proposing uh 2% increase at the middle school 2% increase at the high school we are staying with reading just because we are um at the tail end of our letters uh uh training that that uh the board has graciously gave us a chance to be a part of and and and go that route so um we're going to have a 3% increase in the mmm building and Appleton M was also 2% so we are not required to submit these to MD anymore but we are required to have you um approve them you guys have anything else want to share well I just looked at to some data you know we looked at last year's third grade reading results and we went from the MCAS we had 30 students in third grade last year of those 14 did not meet seven were partial and nine were meet we did our fast Bridge training which is not the same as an MCA but it's our first time doing it and I looked at this year's fourth graders so last year's third graders so 11 of those students so 14 last year now we had 11 that were at high risk nine were some risk we had eight On Target and six are at the 85th percentile so over the summer you know that was kind of nice to see I just looked at the reading scor CU that's kind of our Focus so it's nice to see that some of these kids maybe retained or also not fair they get one chance to take this test and one chance probably isn't the best way to measure their success so looking at this we're going to be using this data to help us track throughout the year so our new Fast brid training which the state is requiring us to go to from Renaissance so that was kind of a nice bonus for looking at our kids in Appleton M from the third to Fourth and then one of the um real eye openers as far as an mm we had our third grades take math math test and it's a group of 21 or 22 kids there's one section um 67% of them met and then 11 exceeded uh within the math uh also with that group 30% in the reading uh met and then 15% exceeded and I really think we're going to start to see with this letters with the fast brid that you all of the other things that have been a part of or now are a part of the elementary schools we're going to continue to see that growth um is it where we want it to be yet no but we're uh we're working progress and uh just kind of a little side notes so Kelly zaruk had those third graders every day last year they walk i' walked down the hallway and they were just reciting math fact after math fact she had up the song she had him in WRA she had him just saying the math facts like it it was a whole thing for her and uh obviously she saw some results kids good attendance um some high functioning students so um it was uh it was fun to see that score come in and her eyes were size of saucers so how fair are these MCA tests as far as if you look at them and you see the questions that they're asking Etc are the is this stuff that our kids should know or is there up or down you think they're too hard too easy Etc are they age appropriate or class appropriate I I can only speak for I was on a panel last year where we did some previewing of questions and are these appropriate how can we make sure they are appropriate and a lot of discussion was around if you don't have any context on what that three paragraph essay is that I need to answer questions on I'm probably not going to do very well and so I think that's a great question Cory that if if you don't have that life experience translate into what you're going to be asked your odds of doing well are are limited so about baseball you don't know and you've never played or seen baseball be very hor is that kind of what you're saying I'd say another thing about that too is having on a computer as you go through kids tired all of a sudden it's real simple to go down see see see just because they see a friend finish up uh they want to be done so unfortun I think the elementary kids are trying really hard but as the kids get older I could see it being something maybe that they don't want to put the emphasis into um on the math side I thought a lot of it was well the nice part about the math part of the MCA the questions are read to you so kids that maybe struggle with the Reading part have that but now the reading um just speaking from the app mind we have a lot of kids that reading is going to be a challenge for some of those kids so asking them Dre a non-fiction story like you said maybe about baseball when they've never even they don't even know what baseball is is going to be a challenge and I would say if you want them to know what 575 time 25 is put that down 575 * 25 not a paragraph with 18 other numbers in it and then they have to figure out that's what you want I mean that's okay to have problem solving but almost every single computation question on that test is a paragraph that you have to read and if you're not and like I said you can listen to it but if you're not a strong reader and you can't pick out what you need out of that I mean for me if I want the kids to multiply I'm going to give them 10 multiplication problems not 30 or 25 10 if you can do it in 10 awesome if you can't we have more work to do on that but it's going to be straightforward and the test it in my opinion is and I did have a question that I wrote down two years ago that that I actually took to Derby who teaches the college level algebra out here and he said that question is not appropriate for sixth grade more appropriate for end of 8th grade and nth grade so there's another to answer your question if it's fair so Marine you said you're on a panel does that get back to the state then that says what are you doing we hope so yes and I believe correctly from is the state in the process of redesigning the test right now so the science MCA will be year for that in this spring 2025 but yes they are working on the only thing that I would add is I mean MCA is designed to be based on state standards for each grade level but it's it's one test it's one measure you know and we've been having conversations about um you know when we're when we're looking at the progress of our students who for instance are um are non-english speaking you know it is that the the measure we should look at or should we look at our access test results that might be a better way to measure progress until they've mastered a certain level so we talked about that earlier today so it's it's useful for what it's useful for it's one measure questions group I'll take a motion to approve Scott second second by Shannon any further discussion 3 none all those in favor thank you everyone I have oh sorry I have the pleasure of providing our now annual rep on the world's best rec which is transition into a new name along with the achieving integration program that you already are aware of I did give you a handy dandy three page chart that will be easy to follow along with it wasn't in the board packet it's um it just distinctly puts everything in front of you so you can follow along using that if you would like or you can use the pages in the board packet so tonight we'll talk about the transition from world's best Workforce to a new name provided by mde striving for comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness um we'll talk about our achievement and integration program one year or the first year review and we'll talk about the updated goals that will be working toward again a new name for the world's best Workforce say it fast fast five times and you'll have it by heart I promise driving for comprehensive achievement in Civic Readiness again it was a change that was mandated during the May 24th legislative session so the world's best Workforce if you remember it used to be five goals now it's down to four goals they took the read act goal from goal number two and condensed the world's best work force to four goals and first goal is just ensuring that all students are prepared for kindergarten the read act goal wants all students reading at grade level starting in Kinder the second goal is ensuring we're closing those racial and economic gaps the third goal all students are um they attain career in college readiness before they graduate and the fourth goal is all students graduate from high school so our update from the 2324 goals and again you can follow along on my handy Dan little chart our goal for number one was to increase the bipo or the Bri diver students in our preschool programming and we are going to do that by adding courses in additional locations primarily M uh we partially met this goal um attendance still or registration and attendance still wasn't as at level where we would like it to be so we will be revising that goal for next year's fund and adding some additional supports the read at goal the percentage of students well I guess oh they're gone uh Pete and Tony and Robin talked about that uh they did a really nice job about explaining test scores and how they may or may not go up or down Pete referenced the math piece mostly but we will be doing something similar with the reading where we break down those strands and really look at where we need that support So partially met because mmn met their goal Appleton mland didn't quite meet their goal so we're still working toward that goal number two again closing that achievement Gap we are still working toward that goal number three by the time students graduate from high school they'll have participated in some kind of job shadow experience and we did meet that goal and goal number four aers graduate from high school and we had 100% graduation through a couple of different means whether it was taking courses in the summer at the alc something like that back was met skip through those any questions about last year's update so moving on to striving for comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness so that is our plan for 2425 so the reason for this change is instead of just looking at test scores and things like that the state wanted to focus on a broader goal of ensuring all students reach high academic standards while also developing civic responsibility not just preparing for the workforce Al They also wanted to make sure that schools are doing this so we are required to make this change again same for goals just a different name so page two of your handy Dany little sheet can follow along this goal will remain roughly the same we want to increase our attendance and registration in our preschool programming but one thing that's key that we are adding is we are providing some pushin uh dual language services from our district y teacher in Appleton Ox Andor uh primarily was in K1 and2 in Appleton last year this year she's providing at least two half days of pushin Services possibly more so hopefully that will assist us in reaching that goal the read that goal the Q comp team really talked about already one thing we are going to focus on is really following one grade which Robin talked about taking that third grade follow them to fourth grade follow them to fifth grade and see that progress you have to really compare that same set of students if you're going to see that growth again similar is that closing that achievement Gap just following that same group of students throughout and hopefully if we start with this third grade class if we follow them until they graduate in 2034 there's potential we won't ever see that achievement that close because we continue to want to see our our students who are on the upper level to grow but hopefully there will be that growth with our lower performing students the third goal again we want all of our students who graduate from high school to have one job shadow experience and goal number four is again we want all of our students to graduate from high school I do want to talk a little bit about that third goal with our push for that CTE coursework we're going to talk a little bit about how we can revise that goal to ensure more students are participating in CTE programming and that follows right along with that um change in the name striving for comprehensive achievement in cfic Readiness we have a very robust CTE program so accessing it will be important any questions before we go on to achievement and integration you've already approved this plan as you recall it achievement integration is a threeyear program last year 23 24 was our first year in our three years and the goal of achievement and integration programs across the state of Minnesota is to pursue racial and economic integration increase student achievement create equal educational opportunities and reduce those disparities on multiple levels we have to have three goals or three types of goals an achievement goal an integration goal and an teacher Equity goal and we tie those goals together with the world's best Workforce Now striving for comprehensive achievement and cess we measure progress through key indicators of progress kits they call them and on your page three in your handout you will see the kits on the right side the first goal again we're working on closing that proficiency Gap again minimal progress new strategies we have implemented the fast Bridge training at both Elementary sites and in our Middle School in both math and reading so that is strategy that we be using to meet this goal second goal is an integration goal our goal is to ensure that our racially diverse students are truly engaged in the academic experience as well as the social experience in our district and we measured I'll skip that first bullet but we talked about looking at fifth and sixth grade band inquir participation as well as s eighth grade at clinic registration um a couple of things that were successes we added Community Ed as a men's volleyball not a it's not a mshsl activity but it's like a club sport I I guess if you will and it was very successful for my understanding and the students were very engaged in that so that's one positive that has come out of this goal so far unfortunately Fifth and grade band inquire enrollment decreased last year and with our racially students and seventh and eighth grade registration in athletics decreased however already this year our Middle School band inquire registration is way up so that's that's one um bonus that I can talk about and the final goal is a teacher Equity goal we wanted our goal as a district was to increase our diverse staff and I can say that we went from 4% of our staff being diverse to last year to now already this year 9% of our staff um oh I'm sorry four to uh 15% so we've already exceeded our expectations one thing we're focusing on with the CTE program is to have a higher uh richly diverse student registration population in the CNA courses so hopefully that will our benefit and then also we do have that grow your own Grant where we will pay for a student well actually three students to attend college to come back to work in our school and we have two students who are very interested two Senior High girls who are very interested in that program so that's exciting that will fall in line right with this schol lot of fun information any questions lots of fun SL but so this year 2425 is our second year of our achievement integration program and then next year will be the last year we don't necessarily need board approval we need an action not to post all of the information on any questions before that okay there's someone in favor this ENT motion make motion Shannon second by Matt any further discussion on whatever we call it now comprehensive Readiness all right sounds good if there isn't all those in favor I thank you uh 15.0 is that so um I talked with the board a while back that we're going to be having um scheduled live updates from our different administrators at the board meetings and this month it is education and activities yeah yeah so uh thank you Scott for asking me to come just give a quick update um just to kind of brief you guys I am just going to go through just some things that are going on right now um kind of similar to our board reports we do um that we're doing in community ed and the activities World some updates on some different things and then kind of just speak a little bit to uh I guess some goals that maybe I have for this year and um observations things like that from now this being year two for me in the position so um I'll try to be as uh respect respectful as your time as I can if you have questions uh feel free to just pop in whenever but I'll start with community activi um fall programming for our community head programs is obviously in in full swing right now um some youth classes that will being offered our youth football which has fantastic numbers I think there's close to 40 to 50 kids that are out there for that um Elementary volleyball had 40 to 50 kids as well um so that was great to see um then we have babysitting classes being offered uh swimming lessons are being offered and then taond do again and then obviously two case time is another program that's for after school and Madison to for kids that need it um different adult classes uh defensive driving courses that's usually a twice a year thing we do that's being offered again um by Larry hastad adult taekwon do so main lessons and then pick the ball those are some ones we usually have every single year so uh not a ton of changes with those that we have going on um but like I said I think it's it's great that our numbers in our youth football and youth volleyball are are are fantastic so that's good to see uh we'll be working on our winter newsletter before we know it which is kind of wild to say because I feel like we literally just started fall stuff but kind of got to get going early on that stuff so we can get out in time uh ECFE have started um one thing that we noticed this year is that um and I learned this talking to our ECF instructors a little bit more is sometimes the attendance right away when school starts isn't as good as it is as the year goes on just because of the back to school craziness for a lot of families har obviously is a factor as well for us um so numbers for the first um date of ucfc classes weren't the best but as always looking back at previous years we expect that to grow as the year goes on in numbers that we are used to see uh Early Childhood screenings that's kind of our big task coming up here um that's October 8th in Appleton and October 10th in Madison um those will be uh full day screenings for us uh myself Andrea our office a lot of other District employees will be helping out with that so we can make sure we get our kids screened and ready to rock the roll uh pool update um kind of when I first got here I started last June um heard a lot of stuff from the public about how we wanted to open up the pool again so we can use it because we have a nice pool out here and it just wasn't getting used I don't recall as to why it wasn't being used for a while um maybe you guys can remember but um what we did is we just kind of worked with community members to try to think how can we get this back open so it can be used more often and as we went through last year we tried having lap Swim open swim being in the mornings and after school um it got difficult obviously as we got to the activity season at being open after school because we use those pool locker rooms for away team uh locker rooms when they come a lot of times some of our programs want to use a pool for exercises and like that workouts um and honestly as we looked at the numbers more people were coming in the morning mornings anyway then after school so kind of we just made a decision this year that we'll be open for open lap swim in the morning 6:30 to 8: uh Tuesday through Friday and it's nice too because I have five lifeguards that are students here that are working every morning too and you know so they're making a little bit of money helping out and um it's been great feedback has been great I know a lot of the community members have reach out to us appreciative of having that open and regular and um so that's been a good thing um if anybody knows anybody else that wants to lifeguard obviously send them my way uh I'd love to get more kids on the schedule so we're at with that um kind of already touched on how we could use more lifeguards to kind of work in the mornings and then obviously to always looking for more teachers or instructors that may want to teach class uh for Community ad for our public um had a couple people to reach out over the past year that I've been here so it's been good numbers are new classes some not so much too so kind of have to watch obviously and and know kind of what's the need and what are some classes that people want to attend so so that's where we're at with that um moving backwards a little bit just a little quick recap on summer uh summer went well again uh we thought um we had good numbers for the most part we had great help by a lot of youth kids that were helping out uh teach different activities we did um one thing that we noticed that maybe wasn't the best was that the numbers overall uh not only by our district but area districts for participation in our summer R game days were way down um and I think talking with some other community aded directors that was because of the many offerings that a lot of different schools and areas offer with traveling uh baseball traveling softball a lot of schools kind of have their own leagues we we participate in some leagues too and it it affected our summer W game days but not as much as schools if that makes sense um so I think some families are maybe just deciding to go that route rather than have their child be in the summer practices and then those game days as well so that's one negative and then also two whether was whether was a buger this summer I mean I felt like every week it was either a heat advisory to have a game day a rain out or it poured for two straight days and all the fields were uh a mess to HST so we she only ended up having I think two game days uh and that's between us mon video and a so it just didn't work out that way and obviously as you guys know Mother Nature is we do that sometimes so and the last thing I just want to add more of a personal thing for me uh Community Ed Wise uh one thing when I was hired here was um for me to work on my getting my community ed license I should have my community ad license by the end of this year so I've been working on classes and all that stuff since I started so that is where we're at with that um and then just some goals that I have for this year uh Community Ed specific um just want to continue to familiarize myself with the programming the district the needs of our our population here as to what uh would be you know effective change and positive change um obviously Brenda talked a little bit about some of the budgetary things that we got to work on this year um we have plans in place to be monitoring very mostly money in Money out for some of those budgets that need um a little more help so that's kind of on my goal this week too this year too um and then you know a lot of my goals last year were to learn right learn the district learn how things are and I'm hoping this year just to with that knowledge I can maybe start to kind of put my you know new flavor on some things I guess a little bit more so that's where we're at with community at any questions on any of that stuff right activities I'm not done yet activities I got to do two I'll promise I'll be FAS all right activities kind of updates uh all of our fall Sports and activities about the halfway point already in their season which is wild to think um section play for girls tennis already starts beginning of October and then obviously rest of our Sports will follow very shortly after that uh we hosted two Cross Country meets this fall uh both were pretty well attended very successful ful had great uh help from staff and other you know public that wanted to help out of those meets um we will host section cross country again next fall so that was a big one this past fall so fall of 25 we'll host again in Madison that's the plan if I hear anything different OB least from from the section we'll make the change and that's always a a big big meat um we're continuing to receive really good feedback from our online ticketing platform goldan um obviously we're more familiar with that year two um but kind of one thing that worked out really well in our favor is I found out over the summer that the region so section 3A and the Minnesota State High School league is moving to using Gan for all of their postseason tickets so everything that our teams participate in will all be using Gan High School league will be all using Gan when you go to the state tournament so I've actually had some people from the section in the region kind of that are working with MP High School leag ask me kind of how it was how it works a lot of other ads have reached out to me asking how how it worked for us and if I recommend them doing it and obviously I've said the Fe we've loved it I know I think Lisa has appreciated kind of all the electronic reports that are done with it um so that's been good and it's it was great I think to see that we were kind of ahead ahead of the game you know what I mean on getting that before the State High School in the section served that too so uh construction update this is the fun stuff um so obviously as you are well aware last year we approved all of our bonds for our outdoor facility upgrades um just a little update on kind of where we're at with this I spoke to Jordan Danielson today on the phone um he's from integrity and uh just provide a little update on some things uh track update uh Monday the 30th we will be they'll be starting the new the not the not the repay but they'll put the kind of that acrylic surfacing on on the track that day or that Monday of that week it needs a kind of like four hours to kind of sit in before you can walk on it and then a week before you can kind of Drive anything on that we do have a football game junior high on the first but it shouldn't affect anything with that because you can have foot traffic on it uh with the track surface um and then the week of October 14th is a plan to paint the Lions on the new track as well um tennis courts I don't know if you guys have been out here uh they started rolling on the tennis courts last week I believe that up right before um a lot of work right now is obviously ground work so tiling uh uh sewer that sort of stuff um they will be Paving those tennis courts by the 28th of October but they're hoping for the 21st of October and then when that happens all the fencing the posts all that stuff will already be in place before they do that so that's kind of where we're at with that uh for the T course um any questions with that stuff okay uh winter activities obviously are starting at the end of October uh I'll be having preseason post postseason meetings with all of our head coaches like I do for all the other Seasons um homecoming is this week is another big thing uh is uh takes a lot of work going into that and a lot of stuff going on for Mr seski and myself um one thing that uh Scott and I talked about is next year moving forward we might we might look at a different uh kind of routine when it comes to homecoming number one because when we get that new track surface on we cannot drive anything on it or it avoids our warranty on the track so when it comes to the halftime parade that sort of stuff we're going have to get creative and then to um just the interest overall we notice this year of the parade in general isn't quite what it was in the past so um we're just kind of maybe looking that direction um lastly just some goals for myself uh I want one thing that I try to strive myself on is I want our programs to be competitive respective and respected in first class so I mean one thing that I I'm really going to try this year and I obviously tried to do it last year too is make sure when we get guests here we treat them first class way um workers treat them in a first class way um I want people to enjoy coming to our events um be happy with the product be happy with our fans Administration all that stuff um want our team to comp every night and I think kind of some things to help keep checks on that are to be having these meetings and checkins with our coaches like I do um and then two making sure our student body is being uh respectful fans are um not saying anything in the student section that might make the front line of the newspaper um so checking in with them I try to do that as well as often as I can go down to lunch talk to them uh do that sort those things as well so um yeah and lastly I'll just say uh I think this is month 16 or so for me on the job um loved it so far I'm very happy about kind of where things are for the most part and um I uh I'm excited for year two obviously year one was a lot of learning um and yeah I'm excited to see what year two break so that's kind of all I got unless you guys have questions I have one I just want to know if I'm I just want to see what the thought is okay so I've seen a lot and I've seen it on the website about volleball girls wearing baby blue t-shirts mhm um I'm just wondering why did baby blue we spent this much money on branding and and it came out to the fans sure so um I heard that it was the senior's pick which I totally understand but when we spend this amount of money and we want our branding to be laar Eagles we're black red gold silver some white t-shirts black um when I see baby blue t-shirt I get the pink because that's cancer I get that one but like when we're selling it out to our um our our staff or community and I just don't think that represents La ofar so I'm just wondering if there's a reason or if it's just not communed to coaches that well or what cuz yeah it's kind of just I love the style of t-shirts I like the name and everything but I was like why is baby blue down yeah my my understanding on that is it is it's been kind of the kids' choice for some of that stuff but which is totally fine I would like it to be in our school color it's and that definitely something that I can communicate better to all our coaches so I'm just yeah y any questions comments yeah thanks guys all right 16.0 is the mered fly application flexible learning year application so each year um we have to set up meetings to discuss this and this allows us to basically bypass the we got to start after Labor Day um provision so this is where we within the mbed school district we all agree to same calendar um and that makes it for uh the availability to do you know out here is is the Melt as well as some other um trainings that are Mand wide um so again we just have to um have three meetings so you'll see that October 28th November 4th and November 12th so we go there is that correct we as a board going um I I will be there you're welcome to be there okay so I understand that you're volunteering is that right I will be there but um if any of the board members would like to you're certainly welcome to join well the plan is always to continue basically prior to Labor Day we're starting a week of school and these dates are proposed um the board feels there's any other dates that are better let us know but well that's what that I got the G of got here last week for M but we're going to stick with this and all the mbed schools were sticking with these dates so I think the meeting should go very easy unless there's some community members out there ready okay and I don't think anything needs to be approved there but we just want the board to be in the loop all right then we have the uh cany meeting so after the elections are done um we need to have a canas meeting a special meeting um that one falls on looks like between the eth and the 15th um so we have to find a date um that works so the eth is the earliest I believe and then the tie two we have to pick yep so typically we've done this in the morning at 7:38 o00 it's 5 minutes long and that's it on the E like Friday the 8 7:30 7:30 okay with that I'll take a motion motion by Scott I'll second seconded by Shannon any further discussion on the canvas special meeting 7:30 7:30 I hear none all those in favor I oppos motion carries 18.0 is to certify the prop proposed 24 payable 25 tax levy um so in this case the max again that would be my recommendation so if everyone is in agreement to LY the max I'll take a motion to approve by Scott second second by Matt any further discussion on hearing none all those in favor I oppos motion Carri 19.0 is the request for approval uh for the uh fundraising and booster clubs to Opera concession stand um so each year I think we have a whole list of not only the concession stand but the fundraisers which are looks like more than enough so if there aren't any objections or questions for that I'll take a motion to approve the request make motion motion by [Music] Shannon second seconded by Matt any further discussion car n all those in favor I oppos motion carries uh second reading is 20.0 uh for the the two policies policy uh 522 and 524 which is in regards to title line and then internet technology acceptable use make motion motion by Shannon second by Scott any discussion on the second read of these policies the only thing I can say is that there's going to be a survey coming out for the phone okay correct October anything else any questions on that agree none all those in favor motion cares uh monthly building reports you can read through all of them Marine do you have anything to highlight got about eight bullet points I wanted to focus on but I will just let you read and if you have questions feel free to reach out or stop in my office at any point here Association anything tol too early in the year we're getting going good enough uh Scott yeah well a couple of these we actually were able to talk about already so um I'll skip over the tennis courts and stuff but going back to Shannon's question uh we do plan to have that survey go out to all three groups student staff and families about cell phone usage in schools and we'll report back to the board when we get the data from that so that we can use that information to plan or policy development um on cell phones so um looking we already talked about honors and recognitions um and then just uh for the board's knowledge we have a mbed professional development day coming up on October 16th and and that will be focusing on mtss or multi-tiered system of supports um will be led by gentleman named Kurt Slater and he is I've seen him present in the past on other topics he's very engaging and um and the mtss work will duvail really nicely with the things that uh that are already in our goals and uh continue those conversations basically to improve how we diagnose and then uh treat when we recognize a student has a need the acemic area and I would say on that mtss I don't know if anybody watched the YouTube video that was pached with year um update but it's only 15 minutes I'd suggest um going on at least watching it pretty informative and interesting so good so my understanding is that if we this is this Kurt slate is going to start with this but it's a 3 to five year program uh so if we buy into it because it's Kurt Slater and and who was the other who was the of the other guy Kurt Slater is kind of the academic guy but anyway long story short it's if we decide to go with this and is it's a up to a three to five year program are you tracking any of that I I wasn't aware of the 5 year commitment um the now that could be through mved if they if mbed were to contract with him to support our school districts maybe that's that might be more what they're looking at mtss really isn't a a curriculum or uh it's basically just a framework for how we we go about it and as you saw in the video if you looked at it he um Kurt talks about that um that with would it is basically it breaks up students into tiers of the support needed and it focuses on tier one is is what you do for everybody and that's just making sure your core instruction is sound tier two is is you know when you have some students that don't get it the first time or some students that already know it what do we do to adjust for them and then tier three is for a small portion of your kids who need more intense support and that's um so it's more of a framework it's nothing you know you can commit to it without having yeah you must you yeah probably I got the I just and I would just add that all the redact work we're doing just aligns right along with what Curtis will talk about the fast Bridge training to identify where students are and the interventions I mean was all timeing together and he I believe is just one more support that will be offered to our districts so basically your position of getting the curriculum one of your tasks getting the curriculum between both our elementary schools on the same level is more or less a tier one that get get a curriculum across the elementaries like we and then tier two would be if a student needs additional help which would be a lot with our elll yep and I think and that's when H Schmidt and her crew comes in and helps out and Tony brought up youly is another is an intervention support that we do have one teacher using it as a classwide but it's typically meant for specific interventions to help students just Target where their needs are and you probably you might recall us talking about he that was another classwide intervention but could be hon down into work specific students and I should point out that that we have teachers who are engaged in multi-tier system of supports already um this is this is just training to kind of make us systemic you know as to how we so then it'd be fair to say a tier three would be offering of a CTE course um NOS it could be an IP and it also can be your kids who are gifted and talented you know how how are we taking care of their needs as well CU um that wouldn't be something that everybody would need but there would be a select group of kids that really could use that support no but I Contest out basically should be in the higher math that we don't even offer tier three C okay Co than and so that's it for for my report anything else for tonight here none I'll take a motion to by second by Matt all those in favor than