##VIDEO ID:hOyxu-2yRB0## meeting to order um all board members are present with the exception of Danny krisy is absent tonight uh 3.0 is the open Forum we do not receive any requests to speak this evening uh 4.0 is the agenda is there anything to add subtract change on the agenda he none I'll take a motion to approve as presented so move okay motion by Scott second by Eric all those in favor I oppos 5.0 is the approval of the minutes from the previous meeting are there any changes to those minutes none I'll take a motion to approve as presented I'll make motion motion by Matt second second by Shannon any discussion on minutes none all those in favor I post motion carries 6.0 student council do we have student council here tonight we'll move on 7.0 is honors and recognitions for December they're up to you um okay so something was supposed to be posted and nothing was posted um okay so so far there has we are doing a service project for blankets for the nursing home those were done today and will be delivered um concessions went well and we earned [Music] $900 from that and um yeah it's been going good all right than all right 7.0 honors and recognitions for December okay do we have uh Landon Weber Elias Alonso and Helen CR present if so please come on up yeah is not okay um so uh for honors and recognitions here um submitted for us are the these three gentlemen to who were present um and it's because they were selected as academic all district Southwest District um with a GPA of 3.75 or higher for the football season and so congratulations gentlemen yeah and appreciate you uh representing our school district well both on the on the field of play but also off the court as well so thank you good job uh the live update for December is Tony Smith all righty you want me up there back here we good front center front center you're not getting off easy all right there you go so um in our live update for mmn it's been a uh right now we're currently fight fighting influenza A in the building um but as far as some highlights one is the Veterans Day program we had the uh Appleton mland students the M students and then the community was over in the building very well represented um very fun to see uh something else the holiday program here we had last week Tuesday night um it was well attended in the afternoon very well attended in the evening um fast Bridge training during our staff development time the teachers have been doing a very good job of working with each other asking each other questions Talking across the district as far as what's working how they're doing certain things and uh so they're learning as they go here so they're very very excited about that they're in their winter assessments here after the first of the year um letters training we have five staff in the letters training finishing up this spring math core and reading Corp we have Cassie Nichols who is in her second year as math core and we have uh Jennifer nlot who is in her first year in the reading Corp so we're very excited about that um uh let's see still getting comments as people are coming in for the different activities we have about the upgrades and the way the building looks new people that are coming in grandparents people that are just there for the first time so that's great to hear uh this fall we had our first grandparents breakfast lots of grandparents came through that building that morning which was great uh we might do something a little different next year but we're going to still recognize those grandparents uh the book Fair uh we headed over northfest and then the two conference days we cleared $4,400 in the book fair the previous high was $3,600 um looking forward towards next year just some some numbers there are 24 kids that have been screened um as of October 10th 24 kids screen for preschool and obviously those numbers fluctuate there are 38 kids that are registered for kindergarten through JMC currently um let's see and then we have Countryside Public Health coming in on a variety of different topics to speak to the grade levels brushing your teeth mental health um positive uh actions so a lot of good things from them and then I as uh as I finish up here I just wanted to recognize the the mmn teachers Paras custodial staff daycare preschool uh culinary Specialists as I I found out that term this week culinary specialist That's a good one and then office staff um great to work with a lot of a lot of knowledge a lot of enthusiasm for the kids and so that's uh great to be a part of thank you question any questions for Tony thank you Tony uh we'll go on to 9.0 the resolution to accept the gifts donations and grants for the month I make motion motion by Shannon second second by Scott any further discussion on the donation hearing none all those in favor I post T knows the consent agenda no changes to that so we'll take a motion to approve motion by Shannon seconded by Eric any further discussion car none all those in favor iOS motion carries 11.0 is monthly Financial reports uh big topic this month would be enrollment you see that on page 20 of your agenda packet um from October 31st to November 30th we went from 83 8:15 so that's a decline um overall districtwide of 17 students we did touch on that last month um when we had the budget update and what was included in the budget update was um 820 so we're sitting at 815 right now um budget represents 820 so um hoping now moving forward we can um get in R to stabilize a little bit more majority of those kids that we lost in the month of were um families moving either out of District out of state or out of country so um I think probably 14 out of those believe 14 14 out of the 17 I believe were were movers so um some bigger families in there as well um December January time frame is when we um work on finalizing our fall file that is our student data um the two big things that are tracked in that piece um of of data that gets sent into mde are the free and reduced lunch counts and our December 1st um specialed child count um so both of those pieces have funding tied to them um once we submit to the state which again will be um very soon um hopefully this week yet um those numbers will be final there's no process and that will um be tied to our future funding so for example our three reduced numbers that are reported now will be funding for next school year so 25 26 school year um we talked a lot about that as well as far as where cing reduce counts are um the big change from last or for this funding year to next funding year is um how those free reduces are captured so they're captured now only off of the DHS Department of Human Services list so if they're not on the list um they are not included in the count so they can send in a paper application they those will not be counted they will they're counted in our system but not for purposes of this piece of funding so we know the numbers are going down we have a a preliminary on our population it's um it's declining by probably 40 some 420 um which is kind of what we were thinking could happen because again you have to be on the list to be comforted um that all everybody in the state is seeing that so it isn't just special to us it's it's because you have to be on the list so what we don't know and we're hoping to find out in January is is how the funding will follow um with that decline again because all St all schools within the state are seeing a decline so the state normally we have that number we know about what that number would be by now the state is struggling with that and so they had told us October then they told us November now they're telling us January so um we'll wait and see if if um we can get a number out of them um but again they have to go in and and calculate that Statewide and they have a number that they have to work with and um a new formula so there's kind of a lot involved in that um so we'll wait on that I'll let you know once I hear anything in that regard any questions oh and one other quick comment the reports that you see in the agenda packet reflect the updated budget that the board approved last month so see those numbers change slightly any question question for br okay thank you br uh 12.0 is the payment of bills and claims for the month I'll make a motion to approve the December 2024 bills of $1 67,68 November 2024 manual checks of $2,972 in December 2024 construction bills of [Music] $235,800 for a grand total of$ 46,4 2524 okay I will second that any discussion on the bills and claims for the month he none all those in favor I post motion cares 13.0 is to accept to approve the financial audit for the districts so last meeting we got full audit plus the executive summary audit there's no objections to that audit I'll take a motion to approve make motion motion by [Music] Shannon second by Scotty for the discussion on the audit car none all those in favor motion cares nice job uh 14.0 is to accept and approve the schedule of laar Valley Student Activity Summary statements and that was also within the audit motion motion Scott second by Eric any further discussion he none all those in favor I post 15.0 is student family use of facilities hello um yeah just going to provide a quick update on our facility use um agreement we have with the community and staff um because we Ren every January uh so Scott and I were talking about this this week and um just want to provide quick update with some stats I found and um ask you guys for recommendation on something too so um looking at this past year uh we had 520 scans so these are just kind of how much are facility are getting used for people that have purchased fobs okay so the school out here was scanned 520 times mmn 358 times applon mil 276 times so that's kind of how these buildings are being used uh with people that have these fobs uh currently we charge a $100 a year uh for each family that signs up and then obviously if a family comes in a different time of the year we prate their their rate um so kind of what we wanted to ask talk to you guys about is um we hired Julie asfeld this summer to kind of help be a facility use monitor right um she gets paid monthly um over the course of the entire school year she is being paid about $5,200 and actually it worked out just so happened it worked out that when we did the math of how much money we brought in for this last or last year it was $5,200 so it's about a watch um when we started this uh as I kind of looked into it more kind of the idea was um with these extra money this extra money coming in through this that it would help pay you know those extra utility bills that we're having by having a facilities open at different times um but since now we are paying Julie that money is kind of a wash so kind of what we talked about is is potentially increasing that cost of $100 um so I just wanted to get you your guys' thoughts on that so I guess what I'm asking is would you guys approve uh increase in that yearly membership per family um or just get your thoughts on that so anything to add Scott to what we talked about no I think you articulator just looking for guidance on do we leave it the same um would we want to increase it I don't know gym membership that's eight bucks a month right so that was yeah $833 a month did you have a amount in mind yeah I didn't I'm not I don't want to like double or anything right away we talked you know maybe go up 25 bucks or 50 bucks for this year and you know this next year and see how that goes um but yeah nothing like dramatic but you are right Cory that's one thing we talked about was if you want to think about it's almost a gym membership and we have an entire family you know you know in your household you're paying $8 a month and you can't really find that anywhere so yeah I think I think we're wanting to balance making the facilities available but also knowing that there's wear and tear on things when we make them available just making sure that if something's broken or worn out we there's some money to replace it y well that's the unfortunate part why we had to hire though it's because we were having a lot of abuse of it m yep and and since she's been helping out it's been been pretty good so it's been a good deal to have our monitoring things so yeah I don't think 150 is out question that's I think yeah 150 awesome sounds good thank you thank you guys appreciate it okay 16.0 is to approve the final certification of the 24 taxes payable 25 Levy you see those there this is Max there's no objection or no questions then I'll take a motion to approve I'll make a motion okay motion by Shannon second by Matt any further discussion none all those in favor iOS motion carries 17 is to uh review and adopt propos School excuse me policies yeah basically policies were just like numbers or like a DOT or a word that maybe was replaced so it's not anything major okay so just grammar yeah gramal words Yeah okay or a number that may has changed okay all right I'll take a motion to approve don't move motion by Scott I'll second second by Matt any further discussion car none all those in favor iOS motion carries uh 18 is the world famous cell phone policy sure um I so I can speak to this a little bit we have a a couple slides that we'll share but um the board U will remember that the state has asked schools to adopt formal policy on cell phones by um March 15th I believe it is um and so just in the the process of doing that we submitted a a survey out to our families to our students and to our staff to gather their input and that's what I'll I'll share with you here and then following my part Scott sawatsky principal of the high school will um share uh some uh ideas on a proposed starting place or a draft of that policy for feedack so have stand over here so I can see it so you can go ahead and next slide you and these are just some general uh pieces of data but the the part that we did is the important part I wanted you to see um so one of the questions that we asked all stakeholders is um do you agree that a cell phone policy limiting cell phone use during academic time would improve student achievement um we there's the three groups that we asked you can see that for staff okay so you can see that um the majority of Staff either agreed or agreed strongly that that would have an impact with the nominal number of neutral um families were similar in their feelings about it um you can see students not so much um less than a quarter there um this next question was a statement of I would support guidelines that would prohibit the use of cell phones and other electronic devices during class 10 which would include advisory study hall and you can see again the vast majority of people agreed with that one again that's staff um with about 8% being neutral and if you have questions on any just just shout them out um would this improve student mental health if we if we limited cell phone usage um that one was again you can see well over half of our people and the staff were in favor of that um with about 12% being neutral similar with families and again not quite so much with students understand um and then we asked how would you feel about a class time only policy so only being able to access your cell phone when you're are not in class so that would be like passing periods before after school during lunch um again staff very much in favor parents um pretty supportive as well um and again students would definitely like to have their full on and then we did ask um because some schools have have gone this far um to say would you be in favor of a BTO Bell policy meaning your phone is not out um it has to either be in a locker or in some safe location during the entire school day including lunch and in between classes um here was where um things changed a little bit um staff was still by and large pretty supportive or neutral um students again um not supportive with that one uh families however there was a dip here you can see a little over a quarter of fam supported it but then uh with about 12 half% being neutral but well over half of families were concerned about that that comes up a little bit in the narrative section here in a second um we did ask the question of students have you been a victim of bullying due to cell phone misuse during school yourself we did have 13.4% of our students say that they have um but the vast majority have not which I found encouraging and then we just pulled some of the things that seem to be themes as far as the um the comments because there was a section where all groups could write in just a statement to let us know what they think if we didn't get to it in the questions um this was the staff one and the some of the the concerns that came up multiple times were you know that we it needs to be followed by all regardless of what what the policy is and what do we do if that's not the case um Can the policy include all devices because nowadays earbuds and smart watches um also are kind of an extension of your phone monitoring less supervised areas and com common areas might be difficult to police this is for students um they said how can I how can I call my family if I need something um a lot of it um um a number of students said they're okay with it not during class time but would like to be able to use it during some of the non- constructional times and one uh we did have a couple that asked about health needs or whatever and I would I would be clear about that a student who needs their cell phone for you know let's say for instance a diabetic need or something like that that's not going to be limited that that is a life need we would accommodate regardless of policy was frequent questions um concerns from families included um kind of the theme was how will I be able to contact my student during the day but but more so was what if there's an emergency and I need to know my students okay or get a hold of my student was kind of what main concern was fors and they said how is it different from Chromebook use came up a little bit and so um at this time so based on that data Scott swaty has been working on developing a draft policy um both um I think in a kind of a handbook form as well as the beginnings of a policy that could actually be looked at for the the actual School Board policy as well so I'll turn that over to Scott at this point do they have that copy Mr of what the drafts were have they have you guys seen that copy email yeah yeah okay um so what we what we did I met with our 712 staff um yesterday to talk a little bit about this we had a really nice discussion kind of an in-depth discussion about thoughts um regarding this and to be honest the the policy itself doesn't change a whole lot from what we're used to right now looking at the data looking at the feedback that we got from from parents it is um showing that they're more in favor of what we have going on right now which is technically supposed to be not utilized in the classroom being able to utilize it during passing time breakfast and lunch um the big the big discussion is making sure that we're consistently using it and following it that way among staff ask question doesn't our isn't our policy right now at teacher discretion there there is there is some of that yes yeah there is so which so which which is our policy right now though is it teacher discretion or is it well we have we have the policy that we temporarily tweak changed um at the beginning of this year starting in because that my understanding was when we tweaked it at the beginning of the year was the consequences um not the actual change of policy from teacher discretion I think I think you're probably right on that Scott so there is so at that particular point there is like if there's currently if there's some time in a in a class period where teachers say go ahead and and uh you can use your phones or whatever it's just becoming very difficult it's almost pitting teachers against teachers because some are allowing them to use it while some are are not allowing them to use it and so that that was the the discussion among staff at our meeting that um they don't necessarily feel like that's the way they want to go it it we would like it to be very consistent with that so it actually went to the point of Mr Felton our Music Teacher is one that has um I'm going to call them holders it's like calculator holders within his room and students are required to put their phones in there um of course they don't like it initially but it has worked out very well um there are other teachers that use different different methods where phones just aren't allowed in the rooms and then there are others where um it it maybe is allowed right now I think the big piece here is consistency where if we move forward with this we're asking all of our staff to um not only hold our students accountable and consistent but also as staff members be consistent with not having our phones out um in them during class Etc unless there's an emergency um and and honestly what we've done for the most part here the handbook proposal that we that that we shared with you is the masp and MP I'm saying those acronyms right um the recommendation we the handbook model is is strictly exactly that um the the polic pie based off of the feedback follows certainly the guidelines and models that that we're provided with but also provides your some input based off of uh feedback from our community members so I think based off of our discussion there's a few little staff discussion there's a few little tweaks that we would like to consider again we're looking for for feedback from you what your thoughts are um like one of the one of the language pieces in in our our handbook um portion here it says device storage it is strongly suggested that all electronic devices be kept off and in a locker out of sight during school day I'm getting a little nitpicky but what we've talked about in our meeting is we we prefer our students don't even have them on them in the class like we really would like to Mr Felton's looking into getting what would it cost what could we do so that when you walk into a classroom you put your phone in some sort of a um holding device so that you don't have access to it during the period um and then there's a language piece or two that uh I I think needs to be considered for example the first offense for a student um a staff member has student placed their phone in a designated area within the classroom until the end of the class period the student will pick it up at the end of the day or in agreed upon time the agreed upon time would have to be beyond the end of the day so if they couldn't get to it this language conforms there that I think we need need to navigate through but what are your thoughts on on this I guess I kind of like what phel is doing we have a spot within each classroom where they they got put in so there is an emergency they can still access it they're not having to the to the lockers Etc um classroom and the expectation is that you put it in that thing in every classroom regardless who the teacher is um so they still have access to it um you know the event that just happened the other day at that school it was a second grader that called 911 it wasn't Administration or anyone it was a second grader that had her phone on second grade way too young anyway they had it they called one um so that's kind of changed my perspective on you know we are out the middle absolutely nowhere at least out here um and if there is something like that should they have access to that not only to call for help but to get a hold of their parents that's my thought I didn't take it I mean I agree with Corey on that and I don't think I mean I personally don't have an issue if at the end of the day if there's 5 minutes left in class the teacher saids yeah you guys can go ahead and go on your phone check your email check your text messages or whatever I don't seem to have an issue with that either I mean I do understand that it can be but I know there's some districts that were trying to go hardcore now and they've also gone back to their original policy and I think you just articulated why um we're we are trying to draft the policy in a way that recognizes those concerns that parents raise and kind of like you said obviously that's not what our goal would be that a second grader would do that but parents did raise that concern and we feel like um the the direction the policy is going would be a um I think a good representation of what um parents and staff want we recognize students would probably want to have their phones the entire day um from a a learning standpoint we don't think that that's feasible um but the the main thing and and at the last staff meeting um Mr squaty shared this with the staff that the main goal is whatever we put forward it has to be enforced and I think that's where that last 5 minute part um having that teacher discretion in there sometimes has maybe like Scott said put people in a tough spot where one person really feels like I'm not going to use that and somebody else does now it's kind of pitting teachers against teachers and I guess I you know I I would I would say maybe two if we have time left at the class what can we do from an educational standpoint versus you know our phones but my my personal as I like queries I don't like the fact that you get five minutes cuz that's a slippery slope um they have plenty of time before and after school to look at whatever um their phones text or whatever um some of those comments about um how we get a hold of our child while you can call the office um perfectly acceptable that's what we for secretaries and people you know to answer the phone um and I believe I think too like did they say anything about what the hallways or the teachers do they just do they want the students to have them at lunch and in the hallways in between classes well I'd have to look back at the at the data here but I think the teachers data would show that maybe a a more um a stronger feeling towards not having them from say the start of the day to the end of the day I think is what the data showed if I remember that correctly they're okay with them basically socializing face to face at lunch and okay think that was I think we're at a disadvantage of living all the country where we're at with the school district and saying you can't have a during lunch hour or you know hallways and stuff like that because I think if it's going to come down to it does Michelle actually have enough time to handle phone calls or kids coming down are we going to start bothering teachers like oh hey I got to I got to do this you know or I forgot this or I got to go down and call my parents you know where where are we going to find that fine line then to make time for that stuff too as well um or any emergency that comes up from a family standpoint you know trying to get a hold of people and everything else well I know I sucked for Shell sometimes and a lot of the parents email their that their child is sick or um I'm coming to get and she looks at the email all the time I even done where I'm coming to get my daughter at two 2 o' so I am I don't think the phone's ring off the hook all the time I don't think it'll be as busy as we think I I will I will just advocate for her because I I live it every single day listening to her constant interruptions and it might not be phone calls but it's emails it's people again there is a lot on her on her plate um that she navigates through very well so I I do want to make sure that we're aware that any extras I I mean I mean from a parent standpoint where if you just text your kid hey I'm going to pick you up instead of so and so if they just see that in the hallway or they see it at lunch or whatever it's one less thing you know that but they still have to go to the office to get the note to get out of class no I'm saying like if they can text I text M hey after school instead of me picking you up it's your brother so they know which car they're looking for instead of standing out there going I don't know who's pick me up today you know I don't see Mom and Dad's car or whatever you can eliminate some of the small things I think so I mean if what's the problem we're trying to solve is the problem to keep the students attentive in this classroom that's what we're trying to solve and that's is that focus of getting rid of them in the classroom but if there's stuff in the hallways or at lunch or beginning or end of school that is a problem that we're also trying to solve then okay then we need to go to that but if we don't really have a concern in those other areas then I'm not sure we need to be worried about keeping their phones during those times to the point that we're all making that there's other nice things to have for those kids to have those phones but not in the classroom per se and let's just focus to that and if it grows beyond that we may need to step up our policy and change it at that point but if really the problem is the classroom with teachers and they're not getting their attention then you got to just eliminate them and a question to to staff and and I don't know do Chromebooks cause the same issues because I do know that I mean kids are smart with computers I mean there's things that they can do that you don't know what they're doing when they're sitting there so I mean is that is it any different I guess the difference with the Chromebooks would be they're monitored by the school district software so if there is a bullying issue uh something that they're not supposed to be doing we can hold them accountable for versus their own personal device there's stuff that's blocked am I correct yeah because I've I've even tried on like a computer like a simple one that I would do on my phone and it's just cannot access and not to say that if you do take the phones away students are creative they're going to find ways to communicate that's what I mean you get your Chromebook if I don't want I can't send a text to Johnny sitting in the classroom next to me I'll just send him an email you know what I mean I mean so that's I don't know if just because that's in their pocket if you're completely eliminating the issues and and I think um you know Eric what you said I think kind of articulated where we landed in the end is is that um there seemed to be pretty good agreement across the board that during academic times that that could be an interruption um and I can just say from my own personal experience at the middle school level you know when when there's different things allowed in different rooms um our policy in Minco at the time was that you don't have it during class and I was in a classroom um just being out and about and the student was messing around with their phone and I walked over I said hey remember you know phone's away and and he looked at me our teacher lets us you know and it it just really kind of highlighted to me we can't have have multiple standards because there's nothing to you know it it becomes a communication issue and and so I think our goal was to eliminate distractions from instructional time but not necessarily throw out the ability to have access to your phone for the entire day um my other question is so like if the phone gets taken away in class and the teacher holds on to it the whole time I'm assuming the students going to have to know when they can come back and get it the yeah yeah so like they can't come in at let's say 2:45 and interrupt reel's class so they'll have to know and if they forget it's on them like once the teacher out like it's on it's the responsibility of the child to come back or student to come back and get it correct I will say that any phones that have been brought in typically they that's one thing well I know but you know that it's going probably happen at least once I'm not sure if they learn anything else [Music] um and so we we shared out ahead of time just so the board could see kind of the the direction of the thinking behind the policy if if the board FS were moving in the right direction we we can submit that you know go through any suggested revisions or things to reconsider but then we can submit that to the policy committee we're not developing a new policy so much I don't think as as modifying the existing so I don't know how many readings we'd have to look at that if requires two readings um or just one but regardless we we would then put it before the board to to look at the actual policy I guess to kind of sum this up is you know I think we're probably all agreement it has to go somewhere in the classroom right so it's boxes it's sleeves it's whatever um and that in between the class periods to Eric's point if we're not having any problems with it during that time then we shouldn't address it lunch after school Etc then we shouldn't address it at all it would be just within the the classroom itself what is going to be the um the policy as far as because they the phone they don't need the phones in the classroom um other than if there's an emergency if it's there they can certainly still have to it um but between classes and lunch and all that I think it just travels with them and put it in the next slot in the next class they go to and I think that alleviates I think both the student concern and the parent concern that yeah the phone is there they have access to it so if they need to something really came up they had something happened to them in class got sick or whatever it's there it's not available just right in their pocket to do it plan Devil's that get not actually knowing 100% what our policies are do we have anything on say like staff on a cell phone policy that's a little trickier because there are some ways that that staff use phones as part of their their job um and so but you know what what has been articulated to staff outside of that if it's not something for their job use is that basically same thing uh we asked staff to be present with the students in providing education and in our meeting the other day that was pretty clear that I feel like most of our staff really are on that same page um and so um if you know with the exception we've shared with staff if you know if you have a sick family member if you have one of those unforeseen circumstances where you might potentially have an emergency situation talk to leadership and we're going to accommodate you somehow um but I and I don't know how much it's been a problem in the past it really hasn't we we do have a um for sure one one kiddo that has a medical issue where he will have his phone on him at all times and yeah I know couple of kids they're diabetes if you feel like we're heading in the right direction with what you read um then we'll can kind of continue to clean things up and and uh make sure that it's we can all live with and and follow through on and get ready for probably the the first or final reading whatever and maybe even as early I remember is it even if it's not um even if it's being modified because because it's very similar to what we have and we've talked about this and looking at that cell phone to kit that msba and NPA and and the secondary princi organization provided our policy currently is very much in line with what's already there it's the enforcement piece that we are going to really need to drive home on our end we'll check on and to be fair to staff I don't know that we have really in the past gone to the length of of kind of breaking apart like the last five minutes of class or the you know what I mean I think the policy was the handbook policy was developed and put in place and and then kind of learn what's working and what's not working and I think um but and I would say too if the board is you go home and you think about it or whatever you have you know a piece of feedback let us know and we can address that at the next board meeting too all right good thank you st than all right 19 is the uh School Board working session and uh so that is the um I'm I'm asking the board here uh we had had conversations uh a couple of times now about um the fact that that our strategic plan that was last done was a number of years ago we're um we're I think getting into a good spot with uh a lot of the work that's been done with infrastructure and things to be able to start looking at developing a longterm strategic plan and so what I was going to propose to the board obviously the board would uh be providing leadership and guidance through that and so um I was going to ask if we could or if the board would think it would be appropriate to have a um basically a work session um to be able to talk as a as a board about how do you how what is our timeline um what if any services do we want to use for instance um msba uh mered and other organizations have Services they'll provide some of them cost money some of them don't um um and so the board will be able to consider those things and decide do we want somebody to come in and Lead this for us which can have advantages as well um stakeholders being heard and things like that so um so I was going to propose and if and if we wanted to do this um I know we have a board meeting on January 27th I believe and I was going to throw up there as a suggestion we could beet before that if that was possible um or if the board has a different idea I think we're open to that as well PR yeah I mean if we did January I I know I basketball game till about 5:30 so after that and and to pick up off of you know whether we do it ourselves or we hire somebody I think we had you know last time Karen Jacobson did it with M felt pretty good about you know the outcome and the process that we did with that um I'd be open to using M so mbet is um under new headship um but I have reached out to him and asked if we have a meeting would you be willing to come up this um we could ask him questions and he could tell us what they would be able to provide for us and um the person with msba who does that same thing um also Express willingness to either hook up with us remotely or come in and just kind of share their version of to I think I think the m one since it's local I think makes more me msba at least when we've done superintendent searches it seemed a little disconnected because most of the clients are big city schools all that so I think mbed with that local flare knows what's going on in the area especially part of it would be my preference at the prefer I can just have Dan as his name um come and join us and um you know we can let msba rest for now unless we change our minds okay all right so 5' 5:30 5 okay um so we'll take a motion to approve once again the organizational meeting on the 7th at 7:30 a.m. and then um the working session at 5:30 before the regular January meeting on January 27 2025 take a motion to approve that Move Motion by Scott second second by Shannon any further discussion he none all those in favor I post motion carries uh on the building reports so you can read robins and Tony's Scott anything to highlight here have any questions Mo anything to I do have one quick thing so I'll dra your attention to the programming piece so in September we talked about our comprehensive achievement and Civic Readiness Plan which was previously the world's best Workforce plan I I'm proposing tonight that we add goal number five and the category is preparing all students to be lifelong Learners last month Paul auy did a nice job presenting some CP opportunities that the district is working on providing for students and goal number five for our comprehensive achievement in Civic Readiness Plan for this school here would align nicely with that work that he is doing and that goal is that 70% of Lao Valley students graduating seniors who have been enrolled for at least two full years will complete at least one CTE course during our high school experience and this would allow us to really track the data and focus on giving our students into our CP courses um so that is the proposal that we're putting out there it was linked in the agenda but I noticed that the PDF did not provide an actual link so you weren't able to see that do you have any questions about that addition that seem workable if 70% seems low we needed a baseline to start with obviously we would want more students engaging those opport but we thought we start with that Baseline of 7% at this time so if if there aren't any questions or concerns with that I'll get everything on the website updated and you can go from there good thank you I prob add anything to no um and the superintendent um I just have a a few items the first one um if we can go put that last there this is more just for the sake of open communication so that the board and our our community knows what uh what some of the things are that we're we're doing here um something that we as a leadership team to have some conversations on and I just wanted to bring it out to the board um as well just so that you're in the loop is um we're we're looking at how to add collaborative time um into our schedule in some way shape or form and I'll I'll make it brief but I just kind of want you to see where this is coming from I think we shared with you before that one of the goals we've been working on across all of our buildings has been the development of mtss which stands for multi-tier system of supports and real briefly so understand what what we're after there is um mtss is just simply recognizing we have students with different levels of need and having a plan in place for each of those levels so tier one again is would be core instruction so what do we do for all students um that would be like in an instructional setting the lesson you provide to everybody is your tier one if it's a behavioral um modification it would be what you do for all students it might be you know we have the counselors going and talking all classrooms that' be tier one tier two would be targeted interventions whether academic or behavioral for kids that need a little extra support to be successful and then tier three is um are those more intense interventions or supports that students might need either through special education or through more intensive um academic support and um when we've met with a gentleman named Kurt Slater who has been working with all mbed districts on doing that um one of the things that um he said is he said um to to do this effectively you have to identify you know um how how are you going to pay for it which is always the case with everything we do but the second one is when are you going to do it because it requires time and it requires time that that staff members are available at the same time um sometimes we can create schedules where they're on prep at the same time but often we find we can't because of the Prep schedule and getting everybody in there um sometimes you have one or two teachers who are not on the same Prep schedule so um collaborative time um just why would we want to do that um again teachers need common protected time to meet to review student data with their team members or to make instructional decisions to make assessments to do the work of ntss um some people call that plc's in other districts or professional learning communities but essentially what it comes down to is collaborative time um collaborative time must be long enough for substantial work to occur um the the challenge with doing it is in before school time for instance with half an hour you get deep into a topic and start working and then kids are coming you got to get going and so um and then also allows teachers to make timely instructional decisions when we're having those collaborative meetings we're able to adjust our instruction more effectively and then what happens through that mtss cycle is we start to develop a cycle of intervention um whether Behavioral or or uh in in most Cas cases academic and essentially just means that we do Universal screening to determine what are our kids' needs on an individual level see what what their needs are um try to diagnose what might be causing some of those needs that we identify and then developing instruction to support that and then monitoring and deciding do we need to adjust was this effective do we need to um to try something different and so we um essentially what would it focus on um typically collaborative conversations like that focus on on what we kind of call the big four questions which would be what do we want students to learn that's standards that would be unpacking standards going through them making sure we understand them when I teach summarizing am I teaching it the same way that my colleague teaches it or do we have different expectations for that um how do we know if they've learned it that would be common assessments you know do we when I test my kids on a on a skill and you test your kids on a skill do we make them do the same thing or or is mine really really rigorous and or or is mine really really easy and yours is really rigorous trying to have um unpack that so that that it's kind of predictable what kids are learning and being tested on um what will we do if they don't learn it that's interventions and what will we do if they already know it that would be enrichment or looking at ways to support kids who already um have that or might even be um that that group of uh maybe gifted students and so building in collaborative time options you know there's a number of ways that districts do this and um some of them do SUB outs where you sub out a grade level and they have their collaborative conversation for a couple hours and then you sub on another grade level as you know with um being that we uh with Subs being what they are that's really challenging right now to be able to do it also costs money um some districts have done paid additional time we did that in where we tried um to extend the morning or sorry the afternoon a little longer and um we paid people for the additional time again there there there's costs involved in that um there's aligning schedule so you can get people to be available at the same time again um sometimes you can make that work sometimes you can't just because of scheduling and then the last one and that's why I wanted to talk with you all is um an option that is available too and the number of districts do this um I believe mon video would be one of them is um they have uh I know Alexandria does it as well they have um they build in additional early releases or late starts to be able to have um you know whether it's an hour hour and a half two hours whatever the district decides they do it differently but to have that time where you can have your staff together with a common goal and we're not presenting anything I'm not presenting anything to the board right now that we have a plan and this is what we want you to say yes to CU we don't know that yet but essentially I just want you to know the conversation is happening and for you to be thinking about it and be able to provide us feedback and I'm just asking um essentially I would like to be able to explore uh ways that we could create that common work time um for our staff um through um early releases or late starts um and I'll be honest probably most likely if we were to look at that we'd be looking at late starts because um releases becomes a problem with coaching and things like that get people that can't be at the table a lot of times um and then as we you know look into this and try to figure out if there's a way that we can do this effectively um I think we would want to talk with our constituents as well as we're going through that process we would obviously be reporting to the board on here's here's kind of where we're at it'll just give us some feedback um so very much at the early stages but again I just wanted the conversation to be one that everyone's involved in and and aware of so any questions on that this is once a month right usually um you know different districts do it differently anywhere from once a month to um I've worked in districts where they they PLC every single week um you know I don't know that that's necessarily what we feel we need at this time but um but it's really up to us you know we just have to find what works for our district so Scott is it all staff or is it just staff that have the kids that need more assistance um it would be all all teaching staff would be expected to engage in these um conversations um now something if we were to go down that road we'd have to look at though too is you know we have we have other staff who if the schedule isn't change would be working at that time so how do we accommodate that and those are things that I think we need to look at and talk about and we're not there yet but um I don't know if I answer your question Cory well I'm just K you know because we got a lot of great students so they they don't need probably any of this help but I'm just curious if there's if there's 20 of these kids 30 of these kids is it specific only specific staff that would need to be there to to do this so essentially because we'd be looking at it they go back to here um the the you know one of the things that in mtss that Kurt Slater has talked about is if you're tier one if there's holes in tier one um you're you're going to have a lot more kids in tier 2 and tier three and that's why we would want everybody to have the ability to do this um and obviously there would be some prescription of what we're looking at from from leadership as well I mean we would be um looking going into standards making sure we understand them um you know things like pacing guides often times people develop those during that time there's a lot of different ways that time can be used to improve student learning so for you know for the facilities that are doing some things like this have they already looked at what's the impact of families you know Working Families most type of things especially like late starts I would see that being an issue more than really else y but no I I think that that's a great question that we need to explore more I've had informal conversations with um like mon video superintendent they've been doing it for a number of years um his take on it seemed to be that you know if families have have the communication ahead of time what the expectation is going to be or what the schedule is going to be that and you know he said families are pretty pretty good with it as long as it's just tell us when it's going to be so we can make plans and it's not a last second thing but I think you know to your point it might be good for us to look at what would be easier on C and can we make that work so essentially again nothing to approve I guess I'm just looking for the board to to kind of giveing the thumbs up we think keep keep looking into it to report back to us is kind of what I'm looking for okay thank you um the other couple of things I just want to board to be aware of is I was asked by the Dawson superintendent um do and voyd um they they have as we're and we've been doing this too this year looking at our crisis plans and making sure that those are robust and you know um in the event of heaven forbid anything like that would happen that we have plans not only for what would we do when it happened but what would we do after to reunify everybody safely and so we're working through that so are they and they contacted me the other day to ask just because they have limitations on if they had to evacuate their building um places to go that would be large enough in their opinion so they asked that in the event of the unlikely event that something like that would happen would our board be okay with us accommodating them to be able to come and use our gyms as a relocation site and I said I would bring that before our board to consider um but um I just wanted to put that on your radar if you want to think about it and have it be something you I don't know if if you need it to be something that you vote on or if it's just um you know Scott go ahead and work out the details that's fine too but there was a request that came in and I just want the board to be able to weigh in on it I think we had something like that happen think there's anyone of us that say no you can't come here that's kind of what I thought so okay thank you um and then I just wanted the last thing I just wanted to say is um because this has come up at the board meeting number of times in the past the the child care um you know situation um in in Madison because um that has been something that we've been very um open about the fact that we struggle to keep that within budget I met with a bunch of other superintendents today at at the mbed council meeting and it was um interesting to hear them talk about what they see because they experience the same thing and a colleague tell me that they they they are pretty much $100,000 over budget in child care every year um that has it as well um and um board remember um Eric yki was kind enough to host a meeting over um at the the hospital for us um a group of people from the community to come together and um just wanted to keep the board in the loop on that that it was a really I thought a very positive dialogue um and um really um willing partners that we're we're looking at how can we create like a focus group or a um a group that basically would would work within the community to identify stakeholders we have a lot of people in that Community who utilize the child care as far as businesses and stuff um and to try to work out a way to have um that group seek out the funds to be able to keep that in the black every year so that the district doesn't have to kind of do the you know the fundraising tour every year to get you know get back into the black on that and keep that available to the community and so I really felt like had a good conversation I think we're we're planning to meet again in about a month um and and uh so I'll keep you informed but I was really encouraged by that thank you and also I would say to um the hospital and the Eda in and Madison actually for our two uh 2023 24 both wrote uh checks to to cover it was about a $30,000 shortfall we were still at and they uh I should say they haven't yet but I believe the hospital was is that right I don't want to speak to see how I did that you it was already in the yeah I so yeah um that's it you know just wanted you to know and we'll keep you informed but I think I think it's promising we're going to be able to find way that's all I have anything else for this evening before we adjourn this is Eric's last uh board member meeting um just want to thank you for all the years that you uh uh put your heart and soul into this place um you be missed with your exper and Leadership Eric is a survivor of the site logic disaster he did make it through that um but no uh thank you so much for everything you did and he definitely left us in a better place call it thank you thank you and it's been an honor you know to really ask be able to sit on the board for the last eight years apprciate thank you and on behalf of the district um you know and I I just will say ER I I Haven had has nearly as much time to work with you but I really appreciated the time I've had and I've always found you to be a very willing collaborator and on behalf of the district we just have a little gift for you we'd like to give you and say thank you very much for your service to school appreciate thanks thank you [Applause] everybody all right with that I'll take a motion to address make last I'll make that motion by Eric I'll second second by Scott all those in favor I I oppos we are do thank you than you