##VIDEO ID:0rETNapD5O4## yes thank you we still have the Pledge of Allegiance please pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting was advertised in E Park Press and the beacon on January 11th 2024 and by posting this notice in the forid river and L Harbor Post Offices and by filing a cop the notice with the Lacy Township Clerk as required by the open public meeting act roll call please Mr Bell here Mrs armado here Mr conned here Mrs Walker absent Mr armado here Mrs Claus here and Mr Peters pres all right we're going to go into executive session be it resolved that an executive session be convened for the purpose of discussing confidential student matters including but not limited to harassment intimidation and bullying confidential legal matters including but not limited to the current case load and confidential Personnel matters the subject matter of these discussions will be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality subsides the length of the executive session is estimated to be approximately 60 minutes after which the board shall reconvene and proceed with business at 7: p.m. action may be taken motion motion Peters second all in favor like to resume the meeting start off with the pledge please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation indivisible liy and Justice startes turn over the microphone to Mr zinsky please thank you board president Peters you're welcome bless my glasses all right and I'll turn it over to our student body president calea Fitz Patrick and Eric St so welcome we're always so happy to have our student Representatives good evening everyone tonight I'm going to start us off with some news from um the student government Association sgaa met on November 11th the Junior's um volleyball fundraiser has been postponed until the spring a new date will be announced shortly the um executive board is currently working on a grades 9 through 12 Winter Dance which will be held in January and and um the battle of the classes um committee is currently working on our events which will be held in December and lastly the next um sgaa meeting will take place on December 2nd thank you Kayla now I would like to announce our November unsung hero Daniel NE Pasqua you may come up to [Applause] voting say stay up for I'll say a little bit about her so the Matthew Blum unsung hero award is awarded to a person who has exemplified unselfish acts within his or her community the recipient for the month of November is someone who has been able to go above and beyond for the Lacy Community she has been a member of the varsity girls soccer team for the past 3 years playing as Center defense in the spring season she has shown her Athletics while being on our varsity girls track team her teammates have described her as being positive uplifting and ambitious in her academics she's been a member of the STEM Academy as well she has consistently been in the top few of her class academically and has received high honor role throughout her High School career this person has challenged herself with some of the hardest courses Lacy can offer and succeeded in all of them not only this she's an incredibly caring person who has been there for appears throughout her past three years at lths she has an attitude that can lighten up a classroom and can brightens everyone's day for these reasons SJ is proud to announce that the November unsung hero is Danielle Pasqual congratulations Danielle and keep up the great work [Applause] are you guys done yes yes oh awesome congratulations Danielle you're you are you're like everyone who's ever won that award I can tell you you don't want to be here because you're that unsung so congratulations it's kind of a prestigious award Lacy so you're just you're absolutely great um so I'm going to yield the floor to our principal of the High School Mr uh Jason King who's going to present our seniors of the month thank you Mr zinsky Board of Education members people in the audience everyone watching it is my pleasure to introduce to this month's November seniors of the month uh we have three very very special students that have earned this right to to be awarded and we are happy to start off with Caleb Fitzpatrick Caleb come on out [Applause] my name is Kayla Fitzpatrick and I'm proud to be named November's senior of the month congratulations Kayla for winning senior of the month for November you are truly truly deserving of this honor and I'm so happy that you've earned it here at lths I am in the STEM Academy I am the sgaa um executive board president the interact president and I'm also a member of NHS Kayla you are an amazing student not only in the classroom but outside of it I've been lucky enough to have you as a student student in honors chem stem chem and then also as our Student Government president you are an exceptional person to look up to and I'm very honored to be your advisor outside of school i' like to practice yoga do some reading and hang out with my dog blue as an APM student I was so lucky to have you in class be a director of our conversations and keep people on task and light-hearted while still getting stuff done as Student Government president Kayla you are an exceptional leader and we truly appreciate it because you are a good example for others to follow your communication with others your enjoyment of doing things for your school and Community is definitely seen by how hard you work my favorite memory here at lths is painting my senior parking spot doing um the dead chemist birthday party in AP Chemistry and going on some fun field trips moving forward Kayla I know you'll do awesome things and we're so excited to see you do them once a lion always a lion stay in touch in the future I plan to attend um a four-year college and major in something that I'm passionate about [Applause] basically after the AP Chemistry test we did like a dead chemist research project and then for the party we brought in like aul Round of Applause and her fam here well congratulations all right congratulations our next sen of the month is Eric stry Eric come on over Round of Applause here as well Applause family Eric I'm Eric and I'm proud to be named November senior of the month at Lacy toship high school Eric strin congratulations on being named senior of the month at Lacy Township High School I am a member of multiple clubs and organizations I am a part of the concert band where I'm concert Master a part of the marching band where I am drum major and a part of the Jazz Band also I'm a member of the Lacy Township High School choir and select Ensemble additionally I am currently class president for the class of 2025 at lths and I'm co- manager for WL sv21 also I a member of National Honor Society Eric when it comes to you all I can think of is the hard work dedication determination and everything that you do and you know what you always have a smile on your face you always have a great attitude and you're the perfect person for this honor some of my favorite memories at lths include filming for our holiday show where we get to go all around town filing at different locations and just hanging out with my friends and having a great time I also have very fond memories of band camp where we have the whole band together for a week and it's a lot of fun when it comes to you there's so many so many things that uh We've experienced together over the years because you've been in marcha band since 7th grade but one thing that um definitely comes to mind is your character and the fact that no matter what's going on in your life or around you you've always got a positive attitude you've always got a smile on your face and you're always doing what's best for the group instead of individually so for that I can't thank you enough outside of school I like to play my instruments and work on short films with my friends I also am a member of the Tom chess club where I'm their advisory officer and social media manager also I'm a member of the New Jersey state Chess Federation where I'm on their executive board additionally I perform in the South Jersey region band win Ensemble Orchestra and shamer ensembles I also perform in the New Jersey All State band Eric all I could say is best of luck even though I know you're going to be super successful at anything you choose to do and any college that you go to is going to be so lucky to have you on their student body congratulations [Applause] [Applause] and our November vocational senior of the month is Maya Jenkins Maya come on down Round of Applause for family up [Applause] there hello I'm Maya Jenkins and I'm proud to we named November senior of the month congratulations Maya on being named the November senior of the month I've been an active part of lacy Township High Schools uh clubs and programs for years as well as their vocational school program I'm very thankful for every single opportunity they allow me to have here I had Maya back when she was a freshman in my ninth grade honors English class you know while freshman year for many students is a bit of a challenge she was always able to hold her own um and she did the best she could at every assignment that I asked her for my time with the ocean Academy vocational technical school was really shaped to I become as a person I really felt lost before I went there and searched for what I needed but going to that program doing when I did finding out that I really loved hbac that that's my passion in life and that's the career I want to take it's G me it's given me a type of purpose that I've never had before anywhere else she was definitely someone who moved to her own beat um she definitely uh was more of a leader she was not a follower and she always asserted herself um she was also extremely conscientious and it was shortly after the covid phenomenon occurred while all the kids were wearing masks and partially obscured and very very shy Maya was not that type of student I got to know her very quickly very easily regardless of that mask she always made her voice heard um she definitely participated in class uh adding lots of interesting comments and remarks that contributed to our success she also was one of those students who um took every project to the ultimate level um even something as simple as decorating the room for the holidays I've always felt connected to All Things mechanical even bleeding into my social life I've just always been thankful the opportunities I've been given and really I think the path I'm going to W being an hbac technician it's the right path for me [Applause] [Applause] congratulations all right before I I turn over the microphone back to Pinsky I would be remiss if I did not invite everyone out to come see Peter and the star catcher uh tonight they're playing at 7 o'clock so everyone wants to sneak out right now you can go catch most of the show um you also tomorrow night 7 o'clock Saturday night 7 o'clock and then Sunday at 2 o'clock again kids have put a lot of time and effort into the show and they'd love to see you out there all right Mr zunski thank you Mr King principal King all right um so welcome to the November board meeting uh we're certainly in the swing with classes and activities across all six of our schools um since the last board meeting we've been focusing on our on our njsla scores from last year we've been diving deep in all of our curriculums across all of our tested grade levels um on a different slightly different note we receive silver status from the College Board uh which is based on the large percentage of students who took five or more AP classes by their senior year and took at least one exam in their fresh year so I felt that was a pretty good distinction for us as a um as a high school um last year last school year we are part of the three-year cohort under goes a qac review which is our state review um by the county superintendent office um the letter is part of our attachments uh that we received um we received a score in um five different areas uh from our qac review um you can look at that letter um instruction and program 78% fiscal management 92% governance 94% operations 97% and Personnel uh we received a score of 100% so we were perfect as far as our Personnel review um what this means is we passed all the areas except for the exception of instruction and program which we missed by two points largely because of our njsla scores um we are we have filed a district Improvement plan uh with the county um and work that's already begun curriculum work that's already begun to improve our njsla scores it's one of our focuses this year it's going to be one of our uh district and uh goals that will pass in the December meeting but we've already done that work now um I'd like to note that our district along with many others are dealing with large attendance issues uh we're also doing a district Improvement plan for attendance um believe it or not um these attendance issues began with the pandemic and we've really never recovered um our good attendance rates that we had prior uh I want to remind parents and we're going to start doing a push probably December if not January that how much attendance matters for all of our levels of students students uh because to be here if you're not here you're really missing out and you're not getting the instruction you need to improve our njsla scores uh and we want to make sure that we're all uh rowing in the same direction uh on a different note we had some fun uh we had Halloween and there's over a thousand people that circled through our trunk Retreat celebration if you were there it was quite the community event uh that is sponsored by our Cedar Creek Elementary School uh that was in our high school parking lot in October uh November 11th um we celebrated Veterans Day with all of our students we were in school that day all of our buildings uh celebrated that day um we capped it off with a big celebration at the lenoa harbor school I think Jackie's here somewhere Jackie subsy she runs that program um at lenoa we had 75 veterans this year I believe uh a guest speaker uh she spoke about a book A book that she wrote she was not a veteran herself but she was married to a veteran about a book that she wrote about children of veterans and how they move around um the most poignant thing that she said is when a kid is friends with one of those other kids you're supporting a veteran I thought that was really really poignant uh with what she had said uh additionally uh you'll see in uh the board minutes you'll see a long list of donations this month I can never thank our communities and businesses enough uh for all they've done uh Walmart gave us $4,000 for trunk Retreat uh with two pallets of candy so they really provided most of the candy that we passed out that day that was very generous to them uh and uh just a note also the milpond PTA uh donated $33,000 for uh pawsome citizen t-shirts so they're promoting citizenship even among our youngest Learners uh co-curricular front Mr King already said it uh Peter and the star catcher you can catch it tomorrow night and Saturday day tomorrow night Saturday night and Sunday afternoon and Sunday is the ma all right very good um and I've heard uh very good reviews already um and that'll be it and I'll make my final comments uh later on back to you president Peters go back to uh start public comment any audience audience member wishing to make a comment will raise his or her hand and when called upon State their name address and or affiliation and attention to make a statement if you're a student I want you to say student not your address please comments will be addressed to the board president comments will be made on one issue at a time comments will be limited to 5 minutes no audience member shall be recognized twice until all who have wished to comment have been recognized the portion of this meeting meeting is for public comments only and there'll be only no questions answered the purpose of this board meeting is to perform our business in public everyone is entitled to a public comment if there is a question of the board there's an established chain of command to follow do have any for public comment Mr Sen this was made for a taller person Regina descends a Sunset Drive Sunrise Beach um I was paying particular attention to the superintendent report tonight the student enrollment for October it really hit me hard that we're 94% four schools I hope everyone is looking at these numbers I did see that uh Mr zinski um mentioned it um can you tell us a little more about the district Improvement plan anything specific that off the top of your head that you could do or is it just within each school um so Mr s it's your public comment so certainly you can call me in my office okay I will eventually be in um but can anyone break down the prek enrollment out of this could there be another line added to the um enrollment listings like under mil Pond and then put milk on prek is that possible again just call my office when if you're looking for something Mr Senza this is your public comment period all right I was also very disappointed last month when the meeting date was changed suddenly from Thursday October 17th to Tuesday October 15th because I couldn't make it so tonight I saw another not so well attended information session about the $92 million referendum 40 to 50 people out of 20,000 and this was session number five are the meetings still unrecorded and untelevised no one's doing the 5 to 6:00 meeting I've been asking for months that that be known to the public I have still been talking to many people in town that are not even aware that there's a March $92 million referendum and I can't tell you how many more people are disappointed that this is coming after a 99.9% property tax hike so another question I have has the district applied for the DCA School regionalization Grants if not why not conduct the feasibility study and find out do whatever you can to save this District money and try and close the budget Gap also I was at the planning board meeting a few weeks ago it was presented with a potent um the turf field was at the planning board meeting and it was presented with a potential lifespan of 8 to 12 years if I heard correctly and it would also need to be refluffed or whatever after each use with special equipment is that a prudent use of $6 million I don't think think so because it's going to require another piece of equipment and someone to maintain that and have you figured out yet how you will pay for the energy that you will trash when the solar panels that aren't even paid for yet are thrown in the garbage I'm still looking for that answer too Mr zinsky thank you thank you for your comment everybody else for public comment please yes ma' hi Jen Bentley uh Riverview Road in for River I'm a third grade teacher at l no Harbor school and I'm also the second VP of the LTA so hello everyone tonight I'm here to share with you the Board of Ed and the township some of the great things that are happening in our school thank you the staff members at every school are working hard daily to meet the academic social and emotional needs of all of our students in addition our staff members have devoted additional time to plan special events for the students and our community as well Mr zinsky beat me to the chase on a few things so pardon if I repeat myself last week the lenoa harbor proud pause Club hosted a beautiful Veteran Day breakfast and presentation students invited veterans to join in the celebration under the leadership of Mrs suby her proud pause club and her committee consisting of laj Staff members we were blessed to have over 50 veterans in attendance and we even had a 97-year-old veteran Mrs Becky Brewer's grandf father who was served in World War II the veterans received flowers and a beautiful display case showcase their pictures and their accomplishments our event was topped off with a bag Piper and a parade through our hallways in which all the students waved American flags proudly that were donated by the LTE just today our first graders celebrated their 50th day of school that's right 130 to go the students dressed in their best 50 attires and worked on fun math activities students in the third grade classes are working on letter writing skills with their pen pals from Fork River School we'll be writing monthly and look forward to meeting in person at the end of the year for our annual icy party that's sponsored by Tom and Dae in addition my class also wrote letters to Veterans at tallwoods to say thank them for their service students yesterday in our intergenerational club which is grades 5 through 12 got A Sneak Peek yesterday at the lth fall production of Peter and the star catcher we also got to have a meet and greet with the cast which the students thoroughly enjoyed kud us to the cast and crew on a job well done in addition to all these wonderful events each school is participating with the Lacy food bank this month to donate items for families for their Thanksgiving care packages intergenerational Club is holding its annual paper drive and we plan on delivering our donations and helping stock the shelves next week on behalf of all of the schools we would like to give a shout out and say thank you to all of our parent teacher organizations for all that they do for our students and staff whether it's sponsoring an event like a Color Run buying plaum citizen t-shirts providing the staff with a breakfast or monthly treats or donating supplies we are truly grateful for all that you do as well so again thank you for your time and I hope to share some more great news with you guys in December thank you thank [Applause] you anyone else for board comment public comment U members of the board good evening my name is Dan toner um I'm the current chairman of the Ocean County High School Republicans and a former student here at Lacy Township over the C past couple of years we've witnessed the education establishment push a woke and leftist agenda throughout our school systems through um excuse me sorry about that um and many of these policies we have seen here at home we've witnessed the promotion of transgender classes throughout our health curriculums while at the same time time allowing teachers staff members and counselors to put Pride Flags in their classrooms I'm here tonight to tell you that the policy of which was read tonight the ban Pride Flags here in our school we overwhelmingly support you guys we hope you do it um next month when it comes to a vote um we really hope you guys put this through because here in Lacy Township we believe in Common Sense sanity and that's exactly what we have to do and we have to bring it back here here in our district you see all across the state and all across this country students my age are dealing with these issues and many many students of which I know have left our school system because of it and it's up to us and it's up to you guys the ones who are in charge and the ones that we vote in to do these things now we have a very very good board here I know a lot of you guys personally and I know you guys are doing a fantastic job and um you know for me telling you guys this you know I think it's really important and you know just a really big issue that uh that we have to get done as someone who sat through a full year of classes here at Lacy I can say it's absolutely ludicrous what the state continues to push whether it's about climate change or the climate cult or whether it's about transgenderism it doesn't seem to stop and the unfortunate thing is our teachers don't have a choice these are the true heroes in this world these are the true here as many of which I know here and um they're the ones who really go to work every day and they have to teach these things they're forced to and if they don't the answer is pack your bags you're fired and it's unfortunate but and it's the unfortunate reality let's make something very clear unless you are teaching a language like French Spanish German the only flag that should be hung in school is the almighty American flag that is the way how it should be and that is the way it always has been now in in in school right now we have kids who want to go to Vocational School learn how to do construction autoshop wood shop the jobs and trades that make this world go around and the unfortunate thing is all these resources are being pushed and taught to us when at the same time we should be redirecting them to helping these programs it's the it's the reality it's what we should be doing and uh together we will do just that together we will restore Common Sense sanity to our classrooms once again and with your help next month we will get this done let's do just that I want to thank you all for your time may God bless you all and may God bless the United States of America thank you very much anyone else public comment close the floor and public comment please board committee reports start you like to start sure I'll do the finance report um it was myself uh Mr Peters filled in for uh Mr armato Jack conned and Mr zalinsky and Miss Orby uh was present we talked about the synergistics update it was very brief um we talked about it more in depth the month before so it was just kind of of a follow-up uh prek uh project update Miss Orby led a discussion on the status of the prek project at mil Pond the the project is almost complete with a few minor tasks to be completed referendum it was again a brief discussion we have a referendum committee so I'm sure there will be more discussion with that um new truck Miss ornsby led a discussion on the need for a new truck for the facilities Department um it is on the agenda tonight for a resolution the truck that we're replacing um is from 2003 or 2005 so it's old it's needs to be replaced it also has a plow so we need that as well um Lawn Service Miss orens be led a discussion on Outsourcing lawn maintenance discussion followed parking lights uh myself and Mr Peters expressed concern about the parking lights um the parking lot lights being shut off during recent events uh we spoke to Mr John Smith and developed a plan to check the timers for the lights prior to any evening events tennis court project Miss ornsby let a discussion on the quotes received for the tennis court project which is fully funded uh by the 2024 local Recreation Improvement Grant discussion followed the quote will be subject of on the resolution for tonight's agenda Hanah mechanical credit change order Miss Orby reviewed the credit change order that the district received for the HVAC project at the high school discussion followed the credit will be subject tonight on the res on the agenda Cedar Creek Water Heater Miss ornsby reviewed the quotes and received for replacement for a leaking water heater discussion followed the quote is subject to the resolution on tonight's agenda Rod Grant finally got the rod Grant Miss Orby led the discussion on the status of the rod Grant the uh district will begin soliciting bids for the HVAC at the middle school and the roof at the high school solar field discussion Miss orens be led a discussion on the future of the solar for the district um so we're going to keep looking into this but we're going to see how the referendum plays out um but we're looking into um possibly doing um another solar field bit on the on the ground so we need to see if we have the space um so we're going to postpone that till probably March Finance uh policy find update there are no no updates land survey Miss Orby um and Mr zalinsky led a discussion on getting land surveys is completed for milpond forkid River and lenoa harbor school and this will tie in nice for the solar field if we choose to do that um go in that direction um ltms boosters uh PTC requests Miss ornsby and Mr linsk led a discussion about an email requesting the district to financially assist with the purchase of curtains at the middle school discussion followed uh we table the budget calendar conversation um grants update Miss Orby led a discussion on grants the district will be applying for the 2025 local Recreation Improvement Grant to improve the baseball field at the high school discussions followed um preschool playground at milpond Miss Orby l a discussion on quotes received discuss discussions followed the quote will be the subject on tonight's on on tonight's agenda naming rights um Miss Orby led a discussion for the naming rights proposal we did a few months ago uh we did not get any bids so we lowered um the we reissued the request um and lowered our minimum so hopefully we'll get some people that would like to do that help us out a little bit for some reoccurring Revenue otpt speech costs Miss Orby led a discussion on costs for otpt bcba rbts and speech services discussion followed we're actually going to follow up on that next month as well uh Food Services Outsource uh Miss orens be l a discussion on the pros and cons of Outsourcing Our Food Services Cedar Creek Walkin freezer Miss ornsby led a discussion on quotes received for Cedar Creek freezer that is currently broken the freezer will be subject of a resolution tonight uh nothing to report in curriculum Human Resources uh our assistant uh principal search for the high school uh that person is on the agenda for tonight superintendent search Miss Orby led a discussion to the committee about the superintendent search purchasing coordinator search Miss Orby led a discussion on the applicants discussions followed the successful applicant will be on the um for tonight's agenda for security we discussed um actually we Ted the discussion for vet bulletproof vests a long meeting technology the promethium boards uh for lunoa Harbor Miss Orby led a discussion on the quote received for the board uh the boards for lenoa Harbor discussion followed the quote is subject to tonight's resolution uh sorry subject of a resolution on tonight's agenda um transportation contracted bus driver Miss ornsby led a discussion on the need for a contracted bus driver due to the increase of students uh that go to mil Pond and Let's see we had a board a workshop yesterday that was also a part of the discussion it was actually went very well um are we presenting that tonight our go no okay so it'll be on it'll be on for next month um and then we also briefly talked about the geordano uh sensor which will be read tonight and that is it our next meeting is Monday December 9th thank you Mr Cony poliy I wasn't here at policy so if I skip over something or if somebody could uh fill in on it um was his Cloud Mr Bell Mr Peters and Mr zalinski um had a discussion how Hy 5337 on on service animals um help beond FR II read tonight um policy 2365 um had her working on a policy in regards to artificial intelligence AI um discuss this uh cell phone policy um Mr sininsky spoke on a uh further success of the cell phone ban and will continue to wait for a policy from Strauss Esme um policy 53 37.1 therapy dog um had the policy has updated to um reflect Insurance uh requirements had be for tonight for first uh read um school and facility names um I just discussion to place uh policy on for first read tonight um and that it does not interfere with the naming rights that are sought by the district due to the fite timelines um and then policy 324 and 4214 um had a discussion on the policy which will be placed on for first re tonight and that's the uh uh conflict of interest um policy uh co-curricular Partnerships to fund curricular programs um that's going to be tabled for next month or uh January and then Safety and Security um inform cast application has been extended to all certified staff and then prly spoke about p uh histri goals sebres questions to workshop last night and the cheer downo Center and regionalization discussion uh next meeting it says January 8th but it should be December 9th I believe it is sometimes you skip to December that's why it's January yeah okay that is it thank you and U Mr Bell will be filling in for Miss Walker tonight with curriculum please all right uh curriculum it was Mrs Walker myself and Mr zalinski uh talking about Lacy Township par professional handbook U Mr zinsky discussed the creation of the handbook that will be distributed to all par Professionals in the district it will serve as a guide book for the roles that are filled by the district par professionals um November 19th 20th District data Dives uh a closer look at student with scores uh on the bubble of the njl SLA and strategies to close gaps and help them achieve proficiency Mr zalinsky described the data Dives that each school is conducting on a quarterly basis the concentration uh is on identifying the students that can move up in their njsla achievement levels these Dives will concentrate on the specific interventions that will benefit these students and ultimately improve their achievement on the standardized test uh November 20th Elementary supervisors attending professional development in Lavalette on math fluency Mr zolinski spoke on the workshop of the workshop that all the elementary supervisors will be attending uh that will concentrate on the ability to recall basic math facts uh for addition subtraction multiplication and division this skill is important because it frees up brain power uh for more complex math work feel like I should have attended that PD planning for February 14th uh 2024 committee meetings weekly looking for a keynote speaker uh Mr zolinski described the preparations for the upcoming February PD day which will be the fourth PD day of the Series this year special education uh again Mr zinski spoke about the pray professional handbook because the largest portion of the PA Professionals in the district intersects with a special education population technology uh Mr zinsky spoke about the fishing emails uh that are constantly being sent to the district uh referendum communication requirements Mr zalinsky spoke about the website in the upcoming referendum uh informacast pushed to all certified staff Mr zalinsky spoke uh describe the AL alert system that is available to all certified staff replac three access points that failed without disruption uh in MRA uh for no cost a district again Mr zinski spoke about the constant need uh to keep upgrading and replacing broken access points College Board sharing agreement uh in need of review Mr zinsky updated the committee on how we share information with the College Board student web application uh form in use Mr zalinsky uh explained the process by which we adopt student web application which is through an application and approval process community relations uh Veterans Day ceremony uh on the 11th attended by lths or sgaa Veterans Day breakfast uh by proud paw again thank you uh LHS on 11524 then uh discuss the intergenerational trips on November 18th to the 22nd uh collections for the Food Bank uh then November 21st uh Peter and the star catcher a dress rehearsal and then uh delivered or November 26th delivered collected items to the food bank uh December 4th paint party uh at Pheasant Run Clubhouse December 15th waths Across America January 10th holiday luncheon January 13th the 17th snow day at Pheasant Run Clubhouse February 12th uh sweetheart luncheon at Pheasant Run Clubhouse March 26th Adams Family dress rehearsal at Lacy Township High School Personnel uh discussed a cooking teacher um and then a Spanish uh biology guidance counselor assistance facility manager uh purchasing coordinator uh assistant principal and then others uh Board District goals seab breze referendum questions uh the board Workshop that we uh participated in yester yesterday and then the G Janel sensor and then discussion of re regionalization uh the next meeting is scheduled for January 7th uh I believe that may be December 8th U at 330 [Music] 2:30 we skip this we skipping December just going January so then sometimes we do just like with policy so if it says January that's accurate okay there a need we'll have okay you good Mr yes sir all right next we're going to move on to superintendent comment uh so my final comments of the night um you know just reporting out some things that occur uh to any District um and this is something that comes to us um you know annually um you know and some of us like to follow these things um US News and World Report ranking uh whenever we gain places I like to announce that uh the Middle School gained 40 places in the ranking this year uh Cedar Creek gained 179 places in the ranking if you can believe it and then uh L no Harbor gained a whopping 227 places in the rank so again their ranking is proprietary we don't know the formula that they use but we will certainly celebrate when we do better so congratulations to three of our schools and of course we're working on the other three uh and miline doesn't quite count uh well they keep ranking them on fifth and sixth grade count they they they keep ranking them on fifth and sixth grade they have to cycle through two years and then they'll probably look at them for their preschool K population that they have now so that's my kind of my final comments uh these reports are always interest interesting to us uh we don't put huge amount of stock in them all the time but it's worth reporting so those are my final comments and have a good uh Thanksgiving everybody Mr conedy for board member comments uh brief congratulations to Kayla Eric Maya Danielle um have a safe holiday and uh thank you very much short break nice and easy Mr uh congratulations everyone recognized tonight and U Happy Thanksgiving Mr Bell same congratulations everyone recognized uh for a great year and then uh Happy Thanksgiving missal I don't want to say the same thing but Happy Thanksgiving congratulations to all and thank you all for public comments tonight yeah uh same but um I just hope everyone comes out and supports the Arts tonight uh at this weekend uh they worked really hard and um I know it's going to be a great show and I'm so excited that our ranking is going up even though it's three not all but we're doing an amazing job and I'm just so proud of that so so thank you for everyone that's been doing the hard work thank you Mr lle if you can hear me could you bring that picture up please possibly he he's coming take a look at this all right positive things that happen in the district this is an employee I don't want to mention any names that was out sick for a while came back and this is what Lacy's all about Lacy Pride the employees came together um is there another picture there also all right employees all came together and um rooted for just positive positive positive things regarding this District thank you very much Mr L for doing that another thing I'd like to congratulate is uh Mr Amato we had a tough campaign this year against each other huh really tough I I never worked so hard out uh doing fundraising whatnot for that but um Mrs uh Claus is not happy about the outcome so but anyway long story short no no I she had the most votes ever this year I did so he be me by 100 and it was a presidential election and he ran against nobody so I'm still going to take credit we've been busting each other for that every night shooting text messages back and forth and just listen have a great Thanksgiving enjoy time your family enjoy it and um that's about it we're going to move on to resolutions you ready children you can leave now it's going to get a little bit boring a little bit boring congratulations congratulations you didn't hold it [Laughter] up ready yeah okay like to start off with um page two meaning minute A1 can I have a motion please motion second roll call Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes uh Mr armato yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes page two list of bills A2 roll call please we need a motion oh can I have a motion I'm sorry motion second can I have roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes he too recuse is that the new word yes it is yes you got it we learn 136 9299 2833 and 95046 uh Mr Armada yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters I would like to recuse recru I like one new Cruz on uh 211 210 please and yes thank you page two transfers [Music] s1701 A3 and A4 can I have a motion please motion second roll call Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes finance and Facilities Pages 3 through 8 section A5 through A7 17 can I have a motion please a motion second can I have a roll call please Mr B yes Mrs armado yes Mr conedy yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes page eight correct right page eight yeah yeah page eight student tuition transportation a18 to a19 can I have a motion please motion second it was Miss alato and Mr con roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes page nine other a20 through a28 can I have a motion please motion second roll call Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conedy yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes Pages 9 and 10 policies and regulations a29 and a30 can I have a motion motion second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes Mr armato yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes page 10 a31 to a32 can I have a motion please motion second roll calls please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conedy yes on 31 but abstain on number 32 I wasn't in that meeting thank you uh Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes page 10 B donations motion Peters and thank you very much thank you thank you very much second roll call please Mr B yes and thank you Mrs armado yes and thank you Mr conned absolutely Mr armado uh yes and thank you Mrs Claus yes thank you Mr Peters yes motion passes page 11 C programs and C curriculum can I have a motion please motion second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes page 11 programs and curriculum move no we just said that oh I'm sorry my apologize wrong one forgot to check page 11 the professional work days workshops SL travel can I have a motion please all motion second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes but hate to reuse on Mr zinsky please thank you Mr armato yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes Pages 11- 15 certified Personnel E1 to e14 and we have an addendum on um number one uh the date for uh Sandra lar harrian changed from 8125 to 7125 motion can I have a second please as amended second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes Mrs England congratulations and please our new vice principal at the high school congratulations you're welcome big shoes to fill the one who have that position is behind you to your right and in front of you so surround you're surrounded by a good crew welcome home and support at home also hope there it is don't hit it when you walk in the door all right uh Pages 19 to 20 resolution of a sensor G1 read aloud please no F yeah you're going well did my apologies I'm ski them all over the place Pages 15 through 19 non-certified Personnel F1 through f11 I'll move second Peters roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr con yes but on F9 like to excuse myself and on F10 on Miss Sylvia please thank you Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes thank you page 1920 yes okay so it's a little long sorry uh we have a resolution of censure that we have to read into the minutes um in the matter of Shan gardano Lacy Township Board of Education Ocean County whereas the above motioned matter arises from a complaint that was filed with the school ethics Commission on January 13th 2020 by Regina C danenza complainant alleging that sha gordano respondent violated multiple provisions of the school ethics act and whereas at its meeting on July 21st 2020 the commission adopted a decision finding probable cause for the alleged violations of njsa 18a 12-24 b njsa 18a 12-24 do1 c njsa 18a 12-24 1e n njsa 18a 12- 241f and transmitting the above caption matter to the office of the administrative law for a plenary hearing and whereas the administrative law judge issued an initial decision dated April 27th 2023 concluding that respondent violated njsa 18a 12-24 B njsa 18a col 12-24 do1e and njsa 18a 12-24 1f but did not violate njsa njsa 18a col 12-24 1C and recommending a penalty of reprimand and whereas respondent filed exceptions to the initial decision and petitioner did not file a reply there too and whereas at its meeting on July 25th 2023 and after thoroughly reviewing and considering the full record the commission voted to adopt the alj's findings of fact and legal conclusions that respondent violated njsa 18a 12-24 B njsa 18a 12-24 do1e and njsa 18a col 12241 F but did not violate njsa 18a col 12241 C and voted to modify the recommended penalty of reprimand in favor of a centure and whereas pursuant to njsa 18a colon 12- 29c the commission's decision was forwarded to the commissioner of education for final determination on the recommended penalty and whereas respondent filed an appeal with the commissioner of Education of the commission's finding of a violation of the Act and the recommended penalty of censure and whereas the commissioner of Education issued a final decision on May 15 2024 concurring with the commission's determination that respondent violated the Act and the recommended penalty of censure and whereas njac 6A colon 20 A- 28- 9.11 D provides that for a penalty of censure suspension or removal a resolution shall be adopted at the commission's next meeting following the commissioner imposition of the sanction and the resolution shall be read at the board's next public meeting following adoption by the commission shall be posted in such places as the board posts its Public Notices for no less than 30 days shall be published online on the district's website if available for no less than 30 days and the reading of the resolution shall be memorialized in the board's meeting minutes and once approved a copy of the minut shall be forwarded to the commission and now therefore be it resolved that the commission adopts a resolution stating the respondent is hereby censored as a penalty for having violated the act as set forth herein and be a further resolve that the board is ordered to read the resolution at its next regularly scheduled public meeting to post in such places as the board posts its public not notices for a period of no less than 30 days and to publish it online on the district's website if available for no less than 30 days and be a further resolve that the board shall provide the commission with the minutes once adopted from the meeting at which it reads the within resolution motion we journ motion second all in favor I I have a good evening thank you thank you