like to call the meeting to order and start off the Pledge of Allegiance pleaseed Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting was advertised in as press and the beacon on January 11th 2024 by posting the notice in the forkid river and Leno Harbor Post Office and by following a copy of the notice in the Lecy tant of clerk as required by the open public meeting act roll call please Mr Bell here Mrs armado here Mr conned here Mrs Walker absent Mr armado here Mrs Claus here and Mr Peters present we're going to go into executive session be it resolved that an executive session be convened for the purpose of discussing confidential student matters including but not limited to harassment intimidation and bullying confidential legal matters uh including but not limited to the current case load and confidential Personnel matters the subject matter the subject matter of these discussions will be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality subsides the length of the executive session is estimated to be approximately 60 minutes after which the board shall reconvene and proceed with business at 7 p.m. action may be taken motion motion Peter just be noted Mrs Walker just walked in thank you you're welcome I'll second okay all in favor I I okay thank you okay we're going to bring the meeting back to order we're going to start off with reports and presentations from the superintendent um don't have any um presentations tonight but couple of comments so uh first as I always do at our July meeting just want to uh congratulate our class of uh 2024 and the Middle School uh class future class of 2028 we had great weather uh excellent graduations little sadness to go with it um but success all around so I just wanted to wish all our graduates another um round of congratulations last week we kicked off our summer enrichment program for the fourth year oh Mr ssky fourth year for summer enr right fourth year yes yeah so nice attendance there uh we also open the doors for our extended school year uh also going very well um the seab breze community is once again having their second annual stuff the bus event uh last year unfortunately it rained for them but hopefully uh they'll have better weather it's on July 28th uh so anyone who is looking to donate some School items uh the bus is going to be parked in the seab breze parking lot and um the once the items are collected then we'll distribute them to um age appropriately to our students so uh we do thank the seab breze community for their uh ongoing partnership with this it's adorable um the flyer is located on our uh website uh the other thing I wanted to comment on tonight is we have fielded quite a few phone calls regarding courtesy in so I just want to talk a little bit about where we are with that um I do want to say that the conversation about the elimination of courtesy busing is not new we've been talking about that since January um in fact slides five and six of the tentative budget that we presented on March 19th outline the reductions include courtesy busing and then on slide seven when we presented the final Budget on June 11th that also was included in some of the painful reductions that we've had to make and as you've heard us say many times the budget build for the following school year which H starts on July 1st and we're already that was 17 days ago we've already started to look at the 2025 2026 uh budget and unfortunately that budget already presents us with a very dismal look and assuming nothing changes nothing and we're hoping some changes is coming uh we're looking at another round of painful reductions and we are more than likely going to be talking about pay to participate um reduction of more programs reductions of more of reduction of more staff so I don't want to you know be the the downer here for our July board meeting but that is unfortunately uh where we are and so you know when when we talk about reducing things that our parents are accustomed to we know it's hard and and courtesy busing is something that we've always been able to offer and we're just not in a place where we can do that now with all of that said and as a result of the inquiries that we received and some of the comments that were made last month we were asked to analyze the courtesy bus busing situation and find out what it would cost parents who wish to pay for subscription courtesy busing subscrip subscription busing is a program that we have been able to implement however the prices that we were charging did not fully cover the cost of the run so right now that cost is sitting at about $1,100 per student we know that that's a lot of money um but that is what a full route would cost to fill that bus 52 seats on a school bus so we are still analyzing um that number we're going to see um Mr zilinsky and I are going to meet with Transportation along with Miss Ry next week um we're going to meet with Transportation we're going to see if we can reduce that number um and to see if we have some uh wiggle room on June 27th we sent a survey to the families who were impacted by the elimination of courtesy busing um to try to get an idea of who would be willing to pay so of the approximate 400 surveys that were sent we received 111 responses of those only five families responded Yes so that speaks volumes um but like I said we are still exploring the cost um and we are also exploring some solutions to afford families uh a place where they perhaps can drop off their uh students earlier than the school day starts um so we're calling it uh perhaps a before school supervision um so at least that could be a potential option um so more to come on that that um and as soon as you know we're able to release some information about it uh we absolutely will so that concludes my comments um thank you that's it okay next we're going to move on to public comment an audience member wishing to make comment or raise his or hand when called upon State their name address affiliation attention to make a statement coms will be addressed to the board presidents comments will be made on one issue at a time commment will be limited for 5 minutes no audience member shall be recognized twice and to all I've wish to comment it will be recognized the portion of this meeting is for public comment only there'll be no questions answered the purpose of this board meeting is perform business in public everyone is entitled to a public comment if there is a question for the board there is established handed command to follow anybody for public comment yes sir you can y you go to the microphone please thank you please state your name and address James Flores 16 hwood Boulevard Riv for years Super um my reason here is in support of the co I feel terminated Sports I just feel like deserves based on his record and integrity uh as a coach for 18 years plus his winning record and one three years ago state state offer UL terminated um as a CI as a taxpayer too I have concerns with how it was done that to other issues as well my opinion I'm not an expert I'm not a lawyer either but at the end of the day I just feel like it was wrongly terminated um the girls uh voic their uh 90% of the Varity girls went up to the athletic director uh today told her um was told that was going to come in um have design whatever um but they wouldn't be here they would be here they were told that they didn't need to be here I wanted to be here just to make sure that this was you know to stay my case here in front of you guys but in my life you know when I analyze and make decisions on people and performance it's both you know Integrity character and obviously performance this guy has one records since I don't think he's had losing record prob three four years as I mentioned in one States I'm not looking for answ obviously this just more for my to share with you guys I will look very closely I I can get petition public in a few days if you want to get something in writing for the girls and the parents that support this guy uh he's done a tremendous job and good character person as well um you question for me thank you for your comment Mr Flores anybody else please state your name and address evening I live Aton Avenue and my daughter is going into sixth grade next year so what I came for was really the Cy blessing discussion and I just want to see my sure I bought this house in 2005 I was a single lady and I've been there for a long long time so now I have a child I'm now a single mom I work at re high school I'm a supervisor I'm an education just like you I work my work hours are 7: a.m. to 300 p.m. I cannot go to school later than that I can't come home ear than that that my hour and you know you understand ucation as so it's just me just my to have her walk to school on Lacy Road for 27 minutes sir to have her walk the back roads to is also it scares me it's just her and it's been the past two years for unfortunately for her since she was n having to stand outside the bus by herself she gets herself up in the morning she makes herself breakfast she for lunch she comes home from school she does her homework the poor kid a couple times she's like trying to run to get the bus falls down SC KN it's just like when it's incl weather she's going to be by herself that stinks PS my heart quit my job so that my kid can get to school that's ridiculous and I shouldn't have to pay her to go to private school so that she gets busing that it just breaks my heart and then my other question is so if there's not going to be courtesy busing hey I didn't get the re I never got a survey my neighbor sent it to me that's number one I never got a survey I know a lot of people who didn't get that survey so not everyone who was in that that zone who was affected received a survey number one number two I did answer the survey so to hear that 400 surveys went out and only 125 people answer answer is also kind of disheartening too because I know a lot of people are upset also what kind of Transportation would you allow or kids going to be driving golf carts to school because they need to have a a covering because it can't just be I'm not the only person in the whole entire town who is a single mom whose kid has to walk to school so how are these kids going to get to school if they can't walk if it's going to be raining is there a plan in place for if onethird of the school does not get onethird of the students do not attend school because of inclimate weather let's say it's raining and the kids who are who are busted to school can attend the students who are not busted cannot attend will there be virtual learning do they sit home and miss a day are they going to be over their absences because there's going to be 20 or so rainy days where they can't get to school I just that's those are my questions and I do appreciate that there will be something maybe in place for early learning or like an early before care or after care which is awesome and fantastic but is that going to be open at 5:45 so I can drop her off to get to work on time probably not this is the these are the things these are the concerns of a citizen who's been there here for 20s something years I just expect more from this town it's a good school system my daughter loves your school like I just I don't want to have to think about private school when this is a great school system I want her to be with her friends she should be able to go to school and one of the one of the c BIC questions should have been a question how much are you willing to pay I think that most people would be willing to pay $500 $600 the people that I've spok new said hey cut it in half yeah we'll pay that $1,100 is a little bit absurd but 500 600 okay that's feasible just letting you know those are those are my opinions thank you very much have a good evening thank you for your comment anyone else yes sir just be careful so there's a ramp that goes up to that Podium you still walk build pretty good Jim Hughes Luna Avenue forkid River um I just should beat the buzzer I'm here to address the comments I heard at the last meeting the first was from a teacher who apologized for saying the taxpayers didn't care about the students I would like to commend that woman it takes a lot of heart and strength of character to say I said something I didn't truly mean In the Heat of the Moment it was a lesson for kids to show so we can all own our own mistakes instead of blaming others for them you need teachers like her in our schools I wish I could say the same about two other teachers who spoke at the last meeting but it was the opposite I saw from them after several residents spoke including an 81y old man who will likely need to return to a full-time job or the woman who told of how her mother has to get by on just 11 Grand a year will now face a 10% tax increase the next one up to the microphone was was a music teacher who went on about the old days in Tom's river and going to a Billy Joel show a teacher who mentioned a few definitions from his Webster dictionary to Enlighten us my definition of that tonee reply is the word apathy which is also the opposite of empathy I also found that from those in the back who seemed indifferent to people describing the hardship as they scrolled on their phones and laptops I learned a meaning of apathy over 20 years ago on a daily basis every morning in the months after 911 I would walk out of the subway and the first thing I saw every day were the hundreds of photos of those missing people from those Towers along with the stuffed animals and teddy bears attached to the iron fence of St Paul's Church then I would walk another block and see the tourists including Americans smiling for selfies and giving the thumbs up as they stood in front of that pit which was still a vast graveyard at the time I am speaking as a 40-year Union member of the IBEW Electrical Workers I learned early in my career that keeping a union strong involve more than just everyone wearing the same t-shirts imagine being at your job when a group called The Coalition arrives and four school buses carrying a 100 men holding bats clubs knives and more who are there to shut down your job and then you find yourself in a street with a 100 electricians plumbers carpenters and what looks like a scene from Braveheart the reason the reason I bring that up is because at one point in the last meeting that same teacher addressed Mr bidnick and basically said Mr bidnick I heard you and others were able to stop a very expensive Municipal Building from being built so why don't you and your friends go to Trenton and fight our fight for us I couldn't believe I heard a union member telling a resident to go fight a fight on the Union's behalf imagine if instead he had said we the teachers are organizing a trip to Trenton so why don't you join forces with us a lot of residents would have then joined your ranks but why bother fighting City Hall when you can simply place the burden onto the taxpayers instead the teachers who came years before you fought for the benefit you now enjoy so why won't you fight for us who are the people of this town another teacher seemed annoyed that the resident showed up saying this is not a town meeting why don't you go over there with your complaints the answer to that is the residents have gone to the town meeting and we're told that it's an issue for the school board to address and not us have any of you gone to Trenton with picket signs my friends who are teachers in North Jersey have I have one of those signs at home as a matter of fact but I've never heard of any march on Trenton or anything else and I'm sure the residents would if invited join you and stay you know fight this this this budget that whatever we got to do to fight it we will and pretty Prett much that's what I have to say thank you thank you for your comments sir anybody else for public comment Mr s please state your name and address yeah I don't want to play Beat the Clock so I'm going to have two comments okay okay um my first comment concerns money I've recently looked into the cost of the ethics cases that were launched by the actions of sha giano he launched his investigation of Gavin rousi and Sonia marello long before he went after me these legal costs have now reached astronomical proportions and worse yet the cash register on this political Witch Hunt is still ringing as it reach is close to A4 million I had a tally of 157,000 for the four ethics cases but M Ormsby recently provided payment information to me totaling 163,000 I might have missed a bill or two I guess 100,000 was covered by njsig insurance and the remainder has since been paid by the district this whole Fiasco should have cost nothing because these matters should have been discussed in public shame on the five of you that did this Mr Peters Mrs Walker Mr geordano Mr mirandy and Mrs McAvoy not for one fleeting moment did you think about the cost to the students for this ridiculous political maneuver it back fired on all of you 100% And the cash register continues to ring as you all tried to defend Mr giodo and he continues his appeal to the public centure this was never about the students it was about politics and there's no room for politics in education that's why board members are supposed to be nonpartisan but that certainly isn't the case here in Lacy I apologize now to Mr and Mrs Amato Mr Bell Mr conned and Mrs Claus as the five of you were not part of this action but you and the students all now suffer the financial consequence I bet the taxpayers wonder why this was never discussed in public for free I can tell you why the five of those people wanted to be vindictive I would hope that this scenario will never repeat itself in this District what a costly lesson all have learned and don't pin the expense on me because this Saga began months before Mr GI odano came after me and the person with the most bored experience should have known better Mrs Walker could have diffused the entire situation but she went along with whatever Mr giodo suggested thank you thank you for your comment anybody else public comment yes ma' Lisa edworth Hilltop Drive loka Harbor um I just wanted to follow up on the Varity letters for Performing Arts and just again state that both jazz band and choir should be receiving them because they do compete there shouldn't be a question there and that's something that needs to take place um relatively immediately and as far as drama you know I submitted the the stuff um the information that was asked so I just wanted to follow up and touch base and see what we can do because our rope at you know graduation that's one thing but being honored for your work and being proud to be able to wear of our city letter that's completely different that's all I have thank you thank you for your comment Mr bidik please state your name and address Richard bidnick Lake Barn Drive Fork River my comments tonight are reflective of the June 21st budget adoption meeting I watched portions of the meeting online to refresh my memory okay Mr Kady you stated for the children and the children alone was the reason you voted yes for the 9.9 tax increase now let's be real this was not about the children it's about the adults the employees and has always been otherwise the five of you who voted for this budget would have voted no without serious reforms attached as I said before it's like throwing money down the toilet something the school district has been great at and has a long history of instead of doing the hard work that is required the board takes the easy way out much unlike the Toms River School District which at actually did the hard work and the entire board voted down a 9.9 tax increase Tom's River will make the necessary adjustments which are needed instead of pulling putting that financial burden onto the public Miss Claus your comment saying that I should not call out board members referring to yourself of course for their actions which affect all of us is ridiculous it's not appropriate you said really I will tell you what is not appropriate voting for a 9.9 tax increase and putting that burden on the taxpayers that is what is not appropriate and using Scare Tactics to achieve your goals five people should never ever have that kind of power you have stated you care about student achievement well you've been on this board for several years and what have you done about it and where are the results but oh on another note I want to remind you I don't take my marching orders from you Miss Claus but I can tell you this you are a public servant a servant of the people and do you do take your marching Waters from us if this board had been doing its job we would not be in this position in the first place I will say this again and again without serious reforms the school district is going nowhere and deserves no tax increases I heard so many cries about classrooms with 40 plus kids in it all hogwash and more Scare Tactics from The Establishment who is to blame for the mess the school district's in it's not the state's fault that our student achievement ratings are so low but listening to the gaslighting I heard from many teachers at the last meeting was outrageous I am all about accountability so why is it with all the technology and expense we pay for Education today why is it so poor teachers were not paid what they are paid today when I went to school but the education system was so much better and we did not have all this technological advancement so if you are in education for the money maybe you need to find another profession because I don't know of any other where you have a 9-month contract sumers off tenure great health benefits a terrific pension system etc etc without performance evaluation which are attached to student achievement nothing is ever going to change a good teacher is able to inspire the students to Aspire to a higher level I agree with Mr armado when he said strong discipline in our schools and respect needs to be conducted when you are in within the confines of these buildings as a student it's up to the teachers and the administration to enforce that so the majority voted a t huge tax increase to protect a few jobs at the expense of everyone else this is called selective empathy selective empathy for those and yourselves and the friends and family and no one else let's be clear what I'm saying is the cold hard truth how do many members of this board look at yourself in the mirror in the morning if you bothered to look at the reflection staring back at you one would realize you are the problem I can tell you how many parents have spoken to me and are very concerned about the education of their children in our schools and are afraid to speak out because their children might be retaliated against one has to ask oneself what kind of a district are we thank you thank you for your comment anybody else from public comment yes sir Christopher I'm on Ocean Street in forky River this is my first board meeting um I just want to highlight the good work that the middle school has done uh under Mr Brandis coach stello uh coach bones coach Hala those three gentlemen put so much time and effort into the wrestling program and some of the things that the gentleman before me spoke about you cannot qualitative actually do this for a student um but discipline and integrity not only when they're wrestling but off the mat so what those three gentlemen do is is uh exceptional um I hope that you all can come out to the wrestling uh tournaments throughout the year and just see how these kids progress if you take a second right now and think about a a teacher a coach that impacted you that speaks volumes and a lot of the the wrestling coaches they do this for zero doar I mean it's truly it it's an incredible sport that takes a ton of discipline and those those coaches have it and they're able to push that on the kids and the kids wholeheartedly do that weightlifting wrestling it's really uh they're doing a great job and I hope you all get to see that and thank you Mr Brandis for what you do so thank you like to add your comment sir um the new light that's coming out are you aware of that that they had a fundraiser and they they raised uh a ton a ton of money for a new light that's actually going to light up come down on the map with the leash line on it they they had fundraisers for that I didn't know that but if anyone gets a chance go to a wrestling it's such an intense sport um my wife's a special education teacher as well and the Middle School teachers really set up my son for high school so thank than for your comment really appreciate it thank you for anyone else for public comment anyone else Mr senel oh I'm sorry ma'am I didn't see you over there just be careful on that ramp Jesus Linda Miller 1933 Glen of d um I have a couple of uh I have a couple of questions no we're not supposed to ask questions but I'm hoping can answer this someone um the total of n the total number of the employees of the school system it's about 800 excuse me it's about 800 about 800 okay and how many of them were teachers three do we know 395 these are all approximate numbers man we don't have these numbers directly right in front of us approximate is fine he said 395 okay thank you all right um since our school since our school district will be hiring a new superintendent I think this is an appropriate time to mention that we really should have the students of the month and lazy moments done at a more appropriate venue instead of the business meeting of the school board maybe a monthly Gathering of all the students while they are in school would be much more cond conducive here the students can celebrate the achievements of their peers these meetings sometimes go on so long because because of this and it's really not fair to the students making them have to come at night when they should be home doing their schoolwork the board really needs to get down to business at hand because our district has so many issues and problems this is my honest recommendation as I have been coming to these meetings regularly over the past year and moving toward this would be very help helpful I'm hoping maybe you could consider this thank you thank you for your comment man' anyone else for a public comment Mr Senate do you want to go back up rega descends of Sunset Drive Sunrise Beach um just based on what Mrs Miller just said I have had many people approach me and ask why the business meeting can't strictly be a business meeting and the students should have their own assembly or whatever as she said to celebrate with their peers because sometimes it does run the meetings pretty late and and some of the elderly don't want to come out that late at night I have a couple of questions you don't have to answer them at this moment but I was just wondering did the 2024 superintendent valuation get completed on time or is it still pending it's usually due around July 1st it was completed on time it's done okay good and um did the commissioner of Education have to approve the severance of the contract was that done the what did the commissioner of Education approved the severance of the contract superintendent contract is that done is that normally done no because it's a retirement we don't have to do that oh it's not it's not in okay gotcha all right um then I think the rest of my comment might be moved but let me just double check here okay um for the next meeting or if you know it now um was there an acral of vacation personal and sick days on the super intending contract or should I do an opra request for that information I would like the public to know the sick day and vacation payout on the separate contract or the retired contract whatever you call it is there a number should I open it um I would suggest reaching out to the business office tomorrow make a request in writing okay thank you do it that's for now thank you for your comment anyone else for public comment public comment is now closed we're going to move on to uh superintendent comment I don't have any we're going to move on to board member comments Mr con are we doing committee reports or are we skipping over them report oh my apology committee reports first thank you a start with the policy that's fine we met on on Wednesday the 10th of July it was myself Clause Mr Peters Dr Pereira um discussion in regards to the performing art students um had a discussion led by Dr Pereira um had the implementation um and that we're still looking into this it's not done and over with so we're still working on it um discussion on cell phones um the committee discussed a policy to eliminate the student use of cell phones at the middle school and high school um discussion followed on that as well uh policy regulations um I will discuss where the grading system uh revised it to include standard based report cards class rank revised for the same um honoring student achievement was revised to include grade six at uh middle school and to re who the name of a uh staff member uh I was on there uh policy regulation for use of uh school facilities was advised to remove the fees that work listed and replaced to State as board approved annually uh policy 2260 equity and school and classroom practices um rions uh or to align the recent revisions of the comprehensive Equity plan um regulation for that was the same um to provide additional guidance for a person fing a complaint as well uh policy 5750 e Equitable Educational Opportunity um referred to the Amistad commission curriculum and the commission of Holocaust Education curriculum has been removed from policy 57 50 as the criteria or heeren policy 2260 um policy 5755 has been abolished as all the information within that is addressed elsewhere um policy 5841 secret societies uh revised um have removed the list of protected categories and replaces list the expanded list as defined in njac 6A col 7- 1.1a uh policy 5842 equal access of student organizations um has [Music] moved rised to remove H three the list and to address staff involvement um in your organizations um and under co-curricular uh hak Pereira uh Hadis us at the administrative team is working on updating the uh curricular clubs and activities for the 2014 25 school year to align the budget um there was one typo under uh discussion um H school and high school instead of house school besides that questions right anybody have any questions for Mr KH M class would you like to apy or um Finance sorry okay so we had a three-hour meeting um on July 11th it was myself Mr armado Mr conedy Dr Pereira and Miss orens B um we had we started out our meeting with synergistics representative came in um and Robert uh Romano who's our employee for synergistics um they pretty much just gave us an update of where we are we're not on track for their projected um but we are still making gains so um it's good news and they're coming up with um like a plan of how to save us more money um in the summer um we talked about the rod Grant uh Miss orens be let it disc discussion on the progress of the rod Grant uh we're going to go move forward with the two HVAC guid in two HVAC systems in the high school one in guidance one in the main office and then we're also going to do the uh part of the high school uh roof where it's leaking the most um there's also HVAC project that's going on um at the high school it was supposed to be started a while ago but the uh units will not be installed until mid August uh we talked about the prek project update Miss Orby led the discussion on the status of the prek project at milpond the demolition has been completed and the plumbing is Plumbing rough um has been completed first inspection will be completed on 716 discussion followed uh we talked about the new prek facility Grant expansion funds Miss ornsby led a discussion on that uh we talked about the referendum uh Miss ornsby led a discussion on the progress of the referendum committee the next meeting is scheduled for July 19th um and then we will be scheduling a special meeting to discuss the final questions determined by the committee um we talked about the blinking lights you'll see these blinking lights um in front of Cedar Creek and the board office those lights are controlled by the county so we don't have any control over those um and we really don't know how to shut them off or else we would so are we going to write a letter Kim to them or encourage them because that's a safety issue yeah we're going to ask the Lacy police to work with us yeah CU that's M and they are solar U run so it's not costing any money but yes it's on 247 um okay we talked about for finance policy finder update Miss ornsby led a discussion in the committee on the status of the policy finder contract the compan still working to find coverage for the district we also talked about yanders these are the pouches for the cell phones um so we're considering the high school and the Middle School uh we're talking about we talked about a few grants to cover it it's about 45,000 to do both schools um we did have someone since that meeting uh confirmed that they will be uh letting us use a $20,000 donation uh towards the Yonder so we're still looking for donations um but we'll probably start with the high school non- align raises we discussed uh the raises and they will be on um there'll be a resolution in July this month um Grant updates Miss Orby l a discussion on our current grants of the district and what we have applied for and what we're looking into Microsoft renewal Miss orens be led a discussion on the Microsoft renewal the quote will be subject of a resolution this month Google renewal um Miss orens be led the discussion on the Google renewal it's also on the agenda same with the server um quotes on the agenda this month teaching strategies quote Miss Orby led a discussion on the teaching strategies um and that is also on the agenda October conference uh we had a discussion on the need for the district to pay for attendance for the October njsba conference discussion followed we are also going to be charging $10 for diplomas uh for the extra diplomas if someone comes in they want a copy um okay so the next uh topic we spent quite a bit of time on um it was a plan for revenue for the future the first thing we talked about was legislation um we're going to be going after these bills uh hopefully with a letter campaign um to recoup some special ed funding needs uh we also talked about naming rights um so we're moving forward with naming the high school and middle school sports complex so the what we're looking to do is saying um I don't know you name a company athletic complex and that'll be for the high school we're looking for 75,000 and for the Middle School 75,000 we're looking for threeyear contract 75,000 a year um we're also looking into naming rights for the Middle School gym that would be 5,000 and the um cafetorium would be 3,000 the high school we're looking uh for naming rights for our gym for 20,000 and the auditorium 10,000 so again we're just trying to um bring in some Revenue we also talked about um our ID Department Our IT department is looking into um going on the I guess the portal um kind of locking out the portal when um the parents are signing the kids up for school um to fill out the free and reduced uh lunch form uh let's see what else okay we're also having a meeting on August 14th we had an S2 um advisory committee group it was pretty large group maybe 20 people were in the group um so uh that group is renamed for to be called the budget Advisory Group so we'll be meeting with them to come up with a plan and then hopefully we can start our letter campaigns again and get it out to the public after that and start attacking um to see if some of these bills can be passed start working with the Senators um okay we also talked about the superintendent search just the process on how we're going to be going about that curriculum renewals Miss Orby led a discussion on curriculum renewals um they will be on this agenda we talked about the new cafeteria lead um she is also on this agenda and the biocurity plan Miss orens we led a discussion on the biocurity plan created by the district and that is also on this agenda subscription busing uh we talked about the results of the survey um we also are looking into like Dr PR said um like a morning care or after care from Champions um we can look into times though if we send out a survey maybe of just uh what time people would need 5 maybe 5:30 um 540 5 years yeah so um maybe we can go to the public and ask like what what the needs are of the public um and then the kids don't have to walk to school if you're not comfortable having them walk so we are looking into that and we've talked about use of facilities professional development and that is it any questions yes Miss CL first I like to thank you Mr omato and Mr Connie I know those meetings are super super long three three and a half hour sometimes but also could you comment to the public and explain more about the Yonder bags how they operate and what what they actually do so from what I understand it's it's a pouch and the cell phones are going to get locked in um in the pouch when they walk in school and then they will carry the pouch on them so we don't take their phones and then at the end of the day they get unlocked so there's no uh texting surfing on the internet um we're hoping the kids are more engaged in school uh our it should help our scores it should help with hibs it should help with bullying um um just increase learning and uh mental illness is tied a lot to um cell phon so we're trying to improve that so that's our goal hopefully September one if we don't have the yanders we're still going to enforce our um policy for cell phones but there's more to come so there is a meeting uh two weeks Vanessa I believe yes okay so we'll get more information next week Wednesday oh yeah and there will be medical exemptions and if they're in their I and they need their cell phones of course um they'll be able to have access okay see we have a fan in the stance poor kids and that's it thank you okay uh board member comments Mr conedy would you like to start really uh nothing tonight um congratulations to the class of 24 uh sorry I wasn't here at for graduation or the meeting um have a safe and enjoyable summer and uh that's it Mr mod yeah um if I may I'd like to address the woman for busing um you know I apologize I I should know the routes a little bit better and when you said that your child has to walk from behind the parkway all the way to the middle school I was like wow um not only just the circle there by Rothman but then Crossing be ahead into the middle school so no they don't are we able to I don't know with crossing guard help with chaperon help with uh maybe talking to that company that does the the busing for the senior community help um police presence help I'm just trying to just spitball because when you it was like a big aha moment when I'm always focused about this side of the the road where everybody has to go to school and we're concerned about Crossing and hannes never once have I thought about the kids that cross Lacy Road not no crosses La Crossing Lacy Road well she her kid will have to no they're not they're Crossing Manchester no Crossing Manchester Lacy Road still you still got to get how do you get to Manchester without Crossing Lacy Road do the back way essentially we're asking young kids to go take back roads I don't disagree I don't disagree I'm just yeah that's 45 minutes from my house back rooms I run it I run it every day running it not a running it Le be 31 minutes walking it you can imagine so I think I don't know I I'm I'm not allowed to do this um to solicit but I think the one idea that maybe that that volunteer busing I don't know if they charge the senior community for that bus but maybe we can get them involved the one that drives them to TJ Maxx and Shop Right you always see it in the shoppr pl R you're talking H ocean ride ocean ride thank you I could was trying to figure out the name on the side of the bus there but maybe that's that's a solution uh um you know maybe our students as chaperons um at least for fifth and sixth grade you know help them walk you know just so they don't feel so scared and then community volunteers um I I know if my mother-in-law could she probably would love to get up and take a walk with somebody um and just say hey now I I I got you to school safe um and and I think that's critical and when you talk about crossing guards I don't know I don't know if that's going to stop your kid from getting wet and rain I know it's not going stop him from getting wet and rain I know it's not going to stop them from getting really cold when it's snowing out but it's it's it's an idea that I didn't think about before until you brought up that area so um if you want to you know spearhead this I'd be more than happy to support you on it and uh anything I could do to help you get this sort of thing going so everybody's safe in the community uh be more happy to do that thanks for bringing that up that was a big aha moment for me that's it Miss Walker uh just I want to congratulate all the graduates wish them lots of luck in their future endeavors and have a wonderful summer and don't forget to read do ma do math also yes Dan um I really don't have a comment but uh I'm I'm assuming you're the new VP we're going to announce that just like to congratulate him if if that's you on the agenda yes congratulations that's it oh want to congratulate the class of 2024 and I just want to say to um Mrs Miller and to Regina um I actually think that's a great idea to have an assembly for recognition in front of their peers um I don't even know if the other kids know they're getting recognized so I I don't know maybe do they know that do they do they have a I've already asked that question during her actual comment I did speak with Dr prayer regarding is that announced on the um intercom and I did not want to make a statement unless I knew the truth yeah so I'm going to look into that if announ daily announcement that they were announced maybe Mr brand is help us out real quick I don't know or students announc okay I didn't know that ma'am or not if they did that so I did not want to announce that because I didn't I don't want to speak of something I'm not sure of so I just confirmed it the middle school doesn't but we will look into POS and every school does it a little different yeah and I do agree the meetings get very lengthy at times and it is late it's late for me I go to bed at 8:30 so I don't have to be a senior to to say that's late I get up very early so um assembly I think would be a wonderful idea um I remember going to assemblies when I was a kid and I thought they were great um Mr bidnick and Mr Hughes um I agree that raising taxes I was one of the people that voted no I do feel that's the path of lease resistance um I do agree with Tom's River going after Trenton and not going after the taxpayers and I hope that we can all work together as a board so it doesn't happen again next year when we're sitting here with a big deficit so that's something that we're going to work on together as a board sure absolutely um and Mr Flores um I Heard J in clear regarding the soccer coach he may have an opportunity to apply again there's no head coach that's that's being announced tonight right um and what else is there and Lea that they're working on the the letters I just want to let everyone know your voices are heard sometimes you ask questions or speak at the mic and we can't answer but we hear you all we write it down and we do bring it up in private session so just everyone's everyone's heard and that's it and just one other thing I'm not going to be at the meeting in August so Dr Pereira I just want to say congratulations on your retirement I'm going to miss you personally and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors congratulations that's it you have anything I don't have anything tonight you're all good I'm y okay have a good night um thank you everybody for your comments up there um cell phones we found it's a it's a problem it's an issue not only here uh other states uh other towns are also Banning it and following it and we as a board feel that that would make a dramatic difference uh on the cellone aspect so just FYI September 1st correct can be implementation of cell phones if you look at your uh local handbook it's in there already so all right okay that's it for comments for myself all right are we ready calling for Resolutions page two meting meetings through one can I have a motion please motion second both mod first and second rule call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes on the special meeting on June 11th I need to abstain on the uh regular and executive on the 17th and yes on the 21st thank you Mrs Walker uh yes on the special meetings both on June 11th and June 21st and um I'm abstaining on the regular meeting on June 17th thank you Mr armato yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes Pages two and three um A2 and A3 list of bills ratification final list of bills for the 2324 school year can I have a motion please motion second you good yep roll call please Mr Bell yes M Mrs Arad yes Mr conned yes but I need to abstain for 82 High employer 28330 95 5136 95 3814 95450 95460 83 289 299 95314 95450 and 950 460 thank you jeez Mrs Walker okay I'm going to abstain 82 um almost the same as Jack um 95 3814 95045 95460 453 843 and Bill number 95927 and A3 I'm abstaining on 955 337 95314 9 95450 and lastly 95046 thank you Mr armado oh yes thank you Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes thank you next page three transfers A4 and A5 can I have a motion please four and five all move second Mrs Walker Mr con roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes thank you Pages 3 through 12 Finance facilities A5 through a33 can I have a motion please I'll make that motion second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs Armada yes Mr conedy just confirming a 5- 33 correct A6 through a33 yes thank you Mrs Walker um just let me check yes M um Mr Armada still looking and yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes thank you motion passes can I have Pages 12 and 13 tuition a34 to A36 and I have a motion please motion second Mrs CLA and Mrs Walker roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Armada yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes page 13837 a38 can I have a motion please motion second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conedy yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs M sorry yes Mr armado he said yes yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes sorry okay page 133 a 39 motion second rule call please Mr B yes Mrs armado yes Mr conedy yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes page 13 A40 and a41 hips can I have a motion please motion second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes on number 40 have stand on 41 I was absent Mrs Walker uh 40 yes 41 abstain Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes page 14 donations can I have a motion please move second I'll second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes and thank you Mrs Walker yes thank you Mr armato yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes and thank you very much for the donations page 14 programs curriculum C motion second rule call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes Pages 15 through 18 I'm sorry I'm my apologies page 14 professional days and workshops D can I have a motion please motion second roll call please Mr which one are we doing I'm sorry I'm sorry page 14 okay professional days workshops and travel d letter d okay Mr Bell yes Mrs Armada yes Mr conned yes but I need to abstain on Mr zalinsky please thank you Mrs Walker yes um abstaining on Mrs amus Mr Dow and Mr zalinsky please thank you Mr rato yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes thank you now we can do this Pages 15- 16 certified Personnel E1 E15 we have an IND Denman um page 16 seven co-curricular athletic stiens and number eight can I have a motion please I have a question sure um I'm confused I see Stephanie La resigned and then was rehired oh Elizabeth law I'm sorry my mistake okay I get my glasses fixed but you have the green paper for the addendum correct yeah can I have a motion please motion second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conedy yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes and I would like to recognize someone in the crowd Brian Chesley is our new VP at Lacy Middle School please [Applause] stand welcome to the district what the public know we had 82 applicants for this position and uh Mr Brandis and his team over there went through all of them and presented three of the candidates to us in a special meeting and uh Brian was our choice so good luck and welcome to the district so thank you good Christine's here too I'm sorry Christine's here left Hi how are you she's our guidance counselor for the high school there you go our new guidance counselor hi new guidance counselor for the high school guidance coun okay I'm sorry anybody else is here that we missed anyone else I need some guidance okay next we have Pages uh 18- 2 F1 through F16 can I have a motion please motion second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes but I need to abstain on Mr R please thank you Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes and a motion to adjourn move second have a good night everybody thank you for coming all in favor all in favor oh all in favor