##VIDEO ID:nzX53h9BA98## i' would like to call the meeting to order start off with the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all adequate notice of this meeting was advertised in a park press in the beacon January 11 2024 by posting the notice in the Fork River and L Harbor Post Office and by filing a copy of the notice in the Lacy cont clerk I'm sorry L Harbor Post Office and by filing a copy of the notice with police Township Clerk as required by the open public meeting act roll call please Mr Bell here Mrs armado here Mr conned here Mrs Walker here Mr armado here Mrs Claus here and Mr Peters pres okay we're going to go into executive session be it resolved that itive session be convened for the purpose of discussing discussing confidential student matters including but not limited to harassment intimidation and bullying confidential legal matters including but not limiting limited to current case load and confidential personal matters Personnel matters the subject matter of these discussions will be disclosed to the public when the reason for confidentiality subsides the length of the executive session is estimated to be approximately 60 minutes after which the board shall reconvene and proceed with business at 7 p.m. action may be taken motion motion Peters second all in favor I thank you let's call me back to order and start off with the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all I'd like to uh introduce the uh student representative but prior to doing that I'd like to make a quick announcement um we are moving forward with a new superintendent search we've had uh numerous candidates myself Miss CLA and Mr Amato are on that committee right now we're going to start interviewing uh in about a week or two we've went through the uh pile of candidates and we're going to start the interview process to uh work down for superintendent and then uh just so you know we'd like to thank the public uh there was a survey online that everyone could submit questions to for the committee to review to ask and look at new expectations for our superintendent uh that deadline will be closed January 1st so you can continue to uh submit questions on that questionnaire just want to make that announcement before uh anybody left later for the meeting okay and I'd like to start off with our uh representative please and Merry Christmas everyone sgaa met on December 2nd the Junior's um volleyball fundraiser has been postponed until the spring a new date should be announced soon the seniors are currently working on their senior t-shirts and their prom themes the executive board is planning a grades 9 through 12 um winter semiformal which will be held in January and our major um school spirit event of the Year Battle of the classes is taking place this week the the next um SGA meeting will take place on January 6th thank you Kayla now I'd like to recognize the December UNG hero Holly Armstrong are you here you can come down all right for the month of December the student government Association of lacy Township High School would like to recognize Holly Armstrong as the unsung hero Holly is very involved in our school and does many sports and clubs she's a part of Surf Rider Club interact club and adaa as well as these Holly is on our girls field hockey and lacrosse teams additionally Holly is a very high achieving student and takes multiple honors classes throughout the school year for these reasons Holly Armstrong has been chosen as the Lacy Township High School unsung hero for the month of [Applause] December okay thank you very much like to report to uh move on to report of the superintendent please uh thank you board president Peters um thank you for your year of service you're coming up on that um I just want to note um you know as as Acting Superintendent right now uh the level of commitment of the board members um the president uh definitely has a next level of commitment how many times he's got to talk to me uh over the course of the week uh so thank you for the short time we spent together and uh you know we'll see what happens in January um as the board elects a new president or the same president um so thank you um thank you uh Kayla and Eric uh for your report uh I'd like to bring principal King who is going to introduce our uh two seniors of the month this month for December thank [Applause] you thank you Mr zinsky good evening everyone it is my pleasure to introduce December senior seniors of the month our first senior of the month is MIA MIA nman MIA come on down Round of Applause for our family and friends we're all here as well I'm schol congratulations Mia on being recognized for December senior of the month we're all very proud of you and look forward to seeing your success flourish in the future the sports activities I've been involved in are vars football and basketball National Honor Society in she's very involved with NS she's an active member of The Sur Rider club and I think that community based and and obviously being a a lifeguard here in town as well she's very devoted to her town and I think that's really important and inspires other people to be the best versions of themselves outside of school I like to spend time with family friends and volunteer currently I working in ADV education helping kids with their homework and in the Summers I lifeguard for the link at the creation she's very compassionate she's always kind to her classmates teachers very respectful to everyone in the building my favorite High School memories are cheering on the varsity sideline at FR night lights and being awarded fall senior upset M on behalf of all the teachers here at least country High School wanted to wish you all the best of success in your future my future plans after high school are to further my education by going to college in New Jersey and pursuing my JY special education teacher [Applause] [Music] conat congratulations nice job awesome all right our next December senior of the month is Mel Moore m Round of Applause for his family and his teammates who up CP there as [Applause] well hello my name is m Mo and I'm so happy to be December senior of the month want to congratulate M Mo for being selected the senior of the month you could have selected better their the things I do around the school are uh I do football winter track uh I'm a part of the TV studio crew uh I sing in select choir for chorus uh and I'm a part of the anime club M has a tremendous character he's he's a very personable young man that enjoys um people he enjoys family he enjoyed his teammates uh through and through I I've watched him perform as an actor as a singer as well as being just a tremendous role model as a as a leader on our football team I like playing video games I like hanging out with my my friends that's pretty fun like uh editing sometimes I use a a c cut video I also like make music sometimes you know most of it's like matchups of other different songs uh I haven't really uploaded any of them in like years but still do it I find M to be a very unique individual in that he has such a great personality that goes along with his great physique has been one of the most outstanding young man that has done a tremendous job both on the field and off the field what I plan on doing after high school um I probably plan on uh continuing to pursue Coral singing and TV production obviously I'm going to continue playing football I have a lot of fun playing football he has a genuine genuinely big heart and he he cares to see people grow and and uh do good things for the school system we want to wish him the very very [Applause] best you want do something a little different this time I want to shake your hand congratulations bring your crew down stand up behind them let all get a shot why don't you sing something for [Music] us stand right behind [Music] see right perfect I'm okay with that are we good wait a minute we got we're good okay no no you don't want me congratulations [Applause] all right Mr zinsky that concludes my portion of the evening merry Christmas happy holidays and a blessed 2025 right thank you principal [Applause] Kan so welcome to the December Board of Education meeting as we prepare for the holiday break um we have a lot to celebrate uh December is a great month um it's an academic month it's also uh really a celebration of the Arts month uh you know Micah is a good example and a lot of our Coral Arrangements a lot of our band Arrangements a lot of our kids participate in you know uh a lot of silly happy things along with their academics um highlights I mean packed house 6th 7th and eighth grade chorus and ban I mean we I haven't seen the AIT tourament feel like that in a long time over 600 people were in there uh not to be outdone um you know each of them had a singal along which is really fun uh I didn't make the high school one but I got a report from Miss Walker and Mr conned that that was really great uh the transitions were really quick and they performed a ton of Music at the high school one all the elementaries I saw ukuleles did you see the line for I just saw the line for foran River yeah you're really missing outway yeah yeah you're missing I saw forkin River during the day that was great you know that's just the chorus um you know the fifth grade element that we have in our elementary buildings now has really um made that very exciting uh where we have a lot of our kids participating in there um we were notified uh I think it was last week um she actually got a formal letter and I followed it up I believe loka Harbor has one line out there somewhere too that Cedar Creek and loka harbor schools are considered by the US News and World Report uh they are considered the best elementary schools they give it a label as best uh the top 40% in the state which makes them have that label so that's our own Cedar Creek yes STP yes you know how I love the US News and World Report so uh those are great um and we'll look at that um I think they let us buy a banner maybe we'll buy one I don't know um winter sports season underway bowling basketball winter track swimming wrestling the hockey teams winner and competitive cheer is out there all co-ed teams for the most part they boys or girls or they are co-ed uh we have um female members of our hockey team and our wrestling team I believe we have one coming up maybe uh this year um and uh you know we um you know really have a fun uh December we're looking forward to the winter season looking forward to January um I also want to thank um all the parents and um staff members and students who I've met with over the last month uh we've had some really robust conversations some of them are Mr King's office thank you Mr King for hosting us um you know and I always encourage the public as always to call me um I make sure my secretary makes sure uh that I respond uh to everybody and I always invite you in to come and have some conversation with me you know the ones that we had uh here at the high school with many of our students was uh uh enlightening for both of us so I really encourage that um you know before um when you have any kind of an issue please any interest that concerns you um so that's it for now I turn it back over to you for oh M Walker what I miss oh Eric right here is all what are you all South Jersey B that's pretty big that's great all South Jersey congratulations our own very cool and and that just you know the awards are everywhere uh among our students uh you know our teachers do a great job our students do a great job and of course our parents do a great job as well and uh you know the collaboration that we feel especially this time of year we feel a lot of collaboration if you walk down the hall way past all the for River parents uh you'd be more than impressed so um we move on board president Peters thank you Mr wsky next we have a public comment an audience member wishing to make a comment will raise his or her hand when called upon State their name address affiliation and intention to make a statement if you are a student please do not give out your address to say I'm a student your name and your student hang on one second I need to finish right what's that yes give me one second I have to finish the statement okay comments will be address to me the board president comments we made on one issue at a time comments will be limited to 5 minutes no audience member shall be recognized twice until all who have wished to comment have been recognized the portion of this meeting is for public comments only there will be no questions answered the purpose of this board meeting is to perform our business in public everyone is entitled to a public comment if there is a question for the board there's an established chain of command to follow do I have anyone for a public comment go ahead yep go to the and if you're a student just say your name uh name and student name and student okay um my name is Morgan deisa and I am a student thank you I have a thing written down I'm sorry sure take your time hello my name is Morgan Nisa and I one of your many queer students that go to the school it has come to my intention that the upcoming band on Pride flags for teachers in the classroom which I cannot comprehend it is not have the flag is interrupting our education You Preach at the school is a safe space for all yet you ban something that most people take pride in what message does that show when your own School ban something that I am the school ban takes away from what this school stands for when students when students come to the school you want them to feel safe to know the teachers that are safe with and what they can confine in to know where we are welcome and accept it them for who we are or what they are your job is to help us to keep us safe to have a guiding hand in all four years of our high school but I think you're losing focus you're focusing on things that are not as important as putting a pride flag in a teacher's room it's not something we should be focusing on as a community we should be focusing our attention elsewhere we should be focusing on the positive of our school to make this a better and safer environment for all not just a few Banning Pride Flags you think will be a meaningless that everything will just go on with life but I can assure you it will not it will cause more damage take it from someone who goes to this high school for our four years and I'm about to graduate you will we will not be okay with this you're separating two groups of people you are creating an US versus them I'm not saying anything bad against anybody I'm just worried for the future of our community and I want everyone to be accepted thank you thank you for your comments anyone else public comments yes go ahead hello I am Virgil grassic I am a student um I've recognized one giant issue within the district itself and that would be its support towards the community of lgbtq plus uh and queer Community within the district constantly day by day I am watching the pride of my closest friends wither away due to how unstable the support is here but this has taken it a step over the line for years decades even people of the lgbtq plus Community have fought constantly just to gain the right of samex marriage only a few years ago October 21st 2013 have heterosexual marriages well while heterosexual marriages have been normalized by Society since the beginning the question everyone within the community of lgbtq is still standing around why should it matter to somebody else what you identify as or who you like it was never answered why should it be necessary to matter to someone even though it is our life why should someone of heterosexuality be able to show their pride while we people of the lgbtq community are left shunned and silenced for no apparent reason students of this community here are left fearing for their safety due to this and I know I'm not the only one if you want to if you want students to have a safe school it doesn't only need bodyguards but needs support coming from the ones that they see every single day thank you thank you for your comment anyone else for public comment yes sir [Music] congratulations you said you want my address too yes please your name and address Lucas bernaldo 311 Paradise pointway Fork River New Jersey good evening board members uh and thank you for the opportunity to speak tonight my name is Lucas bernaldo and I have two kids here in the district I come before you today to address the proposed conflict of interest policies 3214 and 4214 and specifically how they pertain to the removal of Pride flags and other symbols of inclusion from our classrooms while I understand it is the board's intention to enforce quote age appropriate and content neutral classroom Decor I am deeply concerned that this proposal violates fundamental constitutional right the first amendment and that its impact in enforcement will unfairly silence certain groups particularly those that already marginalized and left on the fringes the first amendment guarantees the freedom of speech and expression to all and that includes the rights of students and teachers within our schools the Supreme Court has upheld that students and more importantly teachers don't shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate our schools are not just places of learning there are places where ideas are exchanged where young people learn to think critically and the values of freedom of expression should be upheld where we restrict symbols when we restrict symbols like Pride Flags we are effectively saying that some voices are not welcome we are removing the ability of Educators and staff to express their beliefs and identities freely in the classroom it is also troubling to see that board members have openly offered to assist from my understanding a former Lacy School District student in pursuing a petition to ban Pride Flags demonstrating an obvious bias in this process when a member of the the board or members of the boards are actively helping to push forward such a petition it raises serious questions about the objectivity of this decision-making process the board should be not be an instrument for personal beliefs or political agendas it should be a place that ensures fairness to all students and teachers regardless of their backgrounds or identities bias and hatred have no place in our school's policies this ban on Pride flags and potentially other symbols of inclusivity does more than just res restricts Free Speech it places undue burden and fear of on our teachers teachers should be free to create environments where all students feel respected and safe this policy creates an atmosphere where teachers must second guess every decision they make about classroom Decor creating a chilling effect on their ability to Foster inclusivity and respect in their classrooms furthermore you're adding another task to already overwork teachers and staff to have to make sure their quote content neutral Decor on the walls is academically current what are they supposed to do change the entire classroom between units how is that going to be enforced is the board going to walk around month to month and pull things off the wall by limiting the classroom Decor to being quote content neutral and gerain of topic or gerine to the topic of course or academic content at the time being taught you are censoring and stripping a teacher of their identity students look to how a teacher's classroom is decorated and what hangs on the walls for a clue of how the teacher operates and who they are what values they enshrine or maybe a sense of comfort by choosing to regulate what's on the walls you're simultaneously saying that the decor is important by also stripping the school of that which is so critical and personal I don't want my children going to a school in a gray purely academic cell what's more we need to consider the consequences what the consequences will be for students who rely on symbols of support the reality is that symbols like the pride flag St not only represent represent lgbtq plus identities they represent the values of respect kindness and acceptance values that are essential to the education of every student the act of removing them is in fact as well sending a harmful message in and of itself the the message that the Lacy Township Board of Education believes it is not okay to be different or gay or queer or an ally and that some voices and identities don't matter and don't belong in these halls I understand the desire for neutrality but neutrality can not be an excuse for silencing marginalized voices to ignore the very real effects that such a ban has on students who are already vulnerable is to ignore the core values that should be instilled in our schools respect for diversity the freedom to express oneself and the ability to think critically about the world around us aside from the pride flag this policy also attacks anything on the walls or in the classroom that is not academically related so the business teacher can't hang up a Yankees pennant because she's a Yankees fan or the math teacher can't put up a thorough quote because he doesn't teach poetry can we only have anti-bullying material up during the anti-bullying campaigns we're only displaying respect posters during respect week where do we draw the line as members of the board I urge you to ask yourselves whether this policy is truly necessary is it worth passing a policy that creates an unnecessary burden on our Educators and students and staff is it worth undermining the core American value of free speech just to create an arbitrary rule that limits expression without justification my call to action tonight is simple do not pass this unnecessary and harmful policy do not put our teachers and staff in a position where they fear reprehend for simply trying to Foster an inclusive environment and do not send a message to our students that their voices their beliefs and their identity do not matter we have excuse me how much longer do you have sir I just have two more sentences okay thank you thank you we have an opportunity here to protect the rights of every student and teacher to uphold the principle of fairness and inclusion and to ensure that our schools remain places of freedom and expression you have an opportunity here to speak to the marginalized students the ones who believe that you don't value them and think their lives don't matter or don't exist or belong here to speak to them and stand up for free speech and stand up for our Educators and stand up for the school environment where all students feel valued and protected and heard I hope you think long and hard about this decision and decide what side you want to be on thank thank you for your comments [Applause] anyone else public comment yes hi I am Mackenzie Taylor and a current student at Ley townser High School I wish to speak to all tonight about a topic that concerns many identities in our school I'm talking about Pride Flats though it is a controversial controversial topic they shouldn't be banned or taken down Pride floods represent acceptance and inclusion taking them down would not only show that being a part of the lgbtq plus Community should be kept undisclosed but also that this is not a safe space where they can be accepted Flags show a community people who have been shunned and despite that are proud with the arguments I've heard at the last Board of Education meeting according to the logic used there should be no decorations that don't relate to education but who would want that a bland sterile school with no life is a school nobody looks forward to attending just like the rest of the decorations in our school pride flood should stay thank you and happy holidays thank you for your coming Mr Senza Regina descends a Sunset Drive Sunrise Beach very sad that the children had to bring this topic forward the students I'm so sad by by what happens in this District at times really so one of the things I want to talk about tonight is that this district has been doing a very poor job publicizing the $92 million referendum when the district lists on the information sessions on the website calendar it just says information session it doesn't say $92 million referendum information session and I think it should many people in this town still don't know that the in that the $92 million referendum is taking place the info sessions have been very poorly attended since August since they hold them at the dinner hour 5:00 p.m. none of them have been taped or recorded the public has not seen anything unless I talk about it only three people attended the information session tonight there's 28,000 people or more in this community when is this District going to make an allout effort in writing to the public at large you can't do it the day before the election people that are out of town or the Florida snowbirds need to know in advance to prepare to get an absentee ballot they cannot get it the day before I would like to ask now that you soon give the public at large at least 30 days written notice and we need more detailed information than what you've been giving out although the PowerPoint tonight was a bit improved please hold an information session at a reasonable date and time and at least tonight it was announced that hold the date January 28th a Tuesday there is going to be a bigger meeting in the auditorium I am begging the public to please come out on January 28th and hear about this $92 million plan for your school district that is not a high achieving district and that just took a 99.9% property tax increase from you this year thank [Applause] you thank you for your comment Mr SOS for public comment just hi my name is Jen Bentley I live at Riverview Road I'm a third grade teacher at lenoa Harbor school and I'm also the vice president of the LTA on behalf of the LTA we would like to share some good news with you and the public today the month of December has been very busy in all of our schools there were lovely holiday concerts and performances at all their buildings many have been recorded and you could see them on the lths YouTube channel thank you to the crew for taping everything some of our little ones enjoyed a Polar Express day Pajama Day Grinch day and reindeer day and we greatly appreciate all the support of the parents and the grandparents with these activities our intergenerational Club hosted their second annual paint party with senior members of the community at Pheasant Run we enjoyed painting sharing Christmas traditions and playing trivia a group of fifth grade intergenerational Club students as well as many high school athletes and club members participated in re Across America on Saturday December 14th it was a beautiful day to honor our local veterans by placing wreath on their graves the student council at the middle school did a socks for Santa Drive which was a collection of new and colorful cozy socks for children currently going through Cancer Treatments The Collection was very successful and 100 pairs of socks were collected the National Junior Honor Society ran their annual toys for ttch Drive in conjunction with the US Marine corpse dozens of new unused toys have been collected for children in need donations can still be made up until tomorrow Friday December 20th until 10:00 a.m. at the high at the middle school sorry the students at all levels are working hard to complete their ISL snapshots and are working on collecting ribbons once skills are mastered in both Ela and math we are very proud of the efforts of all of our students we would like to give a shout out to our transportation department and Santa who drove the bus participating in the Lacy Christmas Day Parade it was a great Community event that the LTA was proud to be a part of again I thank you and on behalf of the LTA we appreciate your continued support of all our events and we look forward to seeing you in the new year thank you [Applause] thank anyone else public comments Yes Man hello I'm Denise viaro I live on M C you give me a great favor you spend that microphone down a little bit closer can hear sure thank you so much man sorry you're okay can you hear me now much better okay I'm Denise barrol I live on Daytona Road in foret River I just want to say that I understand uh Regina's pain that I'm not really sure why and how we're not getting information about this proposal that's such a large amount of money um I was told which again I was told that the students got this information through a flyer but there's thousands of taxpayers out there that should be knowing what's going on with your information whether it be good bad what you want to do what you don't want to do um the time obviously is issue for a lot of people um unfortunately what are we going to do about that I hope that gets rectified um and there's other questions so when we come to January is there more detail because I can't find it on the website so how do I how do I like get answers to some questions do I have to call you personally or do I have to wait for the next January meeting this is the only question I really have just guide me just guide me so just just make your commentary and I I'll take a couple notes and I'll be able to address it in my comments okay and that's that's basically it because everything else is question after question but I just want you to realize that we're all taxpayers and just because I don't have a child in school doesn't mean I'm not concerned sure so we need to have this advertised enough time and the time has to be definitely notified and we have signs for every everything in this world why can't we have a little flyer or signs for outside so after public comment then we're going to have board member comment and then we'll have superintendent comment and Mr zinski will comment on your question okay thank you so much for your time I appreciate it [Applause] anyone else for a public comment closing the floor we're move on to board member committee reports Miss CLA how are we doing with money oh doing okay today I'll set her up maybe not next month Che okay so we had our finance committee it was myself Mr arato Mr conned Mr zalinsky and Miss warnsby uh we talked about the prek project update Miss Orby led a discussion on the status of the prek project at milpond the project is mostly complete the punch list items are to be completed uh the referendum we briefly discussed the referendum um uh we talked about some questions that we had and they um the referendum questions are actually on the resolution tonight so you'll see that in the agenda uh Finance we talked about land survey Miss Orby LED uh updated the board on the land survey quotes for mil Pond school forid River School and no Harbor School discussion followed 2025 26 budget Miss Orby LED uh Mr zalinsky and Mr zalinsky led a discussion on the 2526 budget discussion followed off-duty police agreement uh Miss Orby led a discussion on the off-duty police agreement with the township the agreement uh will be subject of a resolution on the December agenda Human Resources uh assistant head custodian Middle School search Miss Orby led a disc discussion on the applicants discussion followed the successful applicant will be on uh the agenda tonight transportation coordinator search Miss orens be led the discussion on the applicants discussion followed the successful applicant is on the agenda tonight uh we also talked briefly about the super uh intendent search uh we have a committee um and that is going well um president Peters uh mentioned that before um so that's still ongoing security bulletproof vest uh the district um will purchase vests for the ssos and they will be wearing them daily um we are coordinating with the police department vendor for the purchase um of these vests and discussions followed and that's all we had was about an hour meeting so it was pretty good that's it oh thank you so much okay M Walker how we doing curriculum we did not have a meeting in December okay Christmas break great we'll meet and Mr conedy for we had a brief uh meeting on Thursday the 12th of December myself Mr Bell m b and uh Mr zinsky um has had preview conversation in regards to uh policy 3214 4214 no action was taken and how is it thank you m Linsky superintendent report please sure um just a a foot know um the agenda we're not going to print agendas anymore for our public meeting we'll have a QR code here so anybody who likes to come to our meetings bring a device and you'll be able to scan it uh and do that now we're going to save money and not print as much as we've done there kind of like a little bit of footnote there um again I was remind people call my office um and uh I love talking to all of our community out there um let's talk about the referendum for a minute the the work that we've done that I've done uh specifically with our 5:00 the much malign 5:00 meetings that we have is really above and ab uh uh above the normal um the referendum is March 11th uh the uh group that works closely with us says that really you don't do any work to get your referendum word out there until it's all approved by the state of New Jersey because you don't want to put misinformation out there you don't want to put misinformation on prices on the projects because you want to make sure that the projects are a certain way you want to make sure that it's going to be the reimbursement from the state a certain way and you don't want to start talking about those projects until you're sure all that comes out so there's a time frame so the time frame that the group gives us is about two months out from a referendum which would be about uh January 11th so um we are going to do a lot come the New Year we will include mailings it's going to include a big meeting in the auditorium uh at a time that's convenient for all uh you will see a very specific website link that will come up the work that we've done so far is a little bit above and beyond it's work that I volunteered to do uh that the board allowed me to do uh to meet with concerned people so that there isn't misinformation out there so if you're feeling like you don't have enough weight I think you're going to get a lot you're going to get stuff at home there'll be rooc calls there'll be a lot more work done because obviously the vote matters okay the only way to access state money which 95% of the product that just got approved by the state by the way last week Miss Ormsby two weeks about two weeks now it just got approved that they'll they'll reimburse us 40% for 95% of all the projects that we proposed that's a really important piece of the puzzle for everybody whether you like referendums don't like referendums or don't know about them yet but that's a really important piece come January you're going to get a lot more so I apologize if you felt like you're in the dark uh but certainly it's not on purpose um and the work that we've done so far is just to keep people thinking about it so to speak but now all the details are done let holidays happen come January that's the timing of things so that's the referendum speak uh for now uh and again hope everyone has a great holiday season uh and uh you know Merry Christmas and happy New Year and all those fun things congratulations to our seniors of the month congratulations to our student Representatives especially one just won an award for uh uh all all all all South Jersey band all Jersey all South Jersey B thank you I'll get it right maybe we'll talk more about that in January right thank you Mr thank you Mr zinsky next one to be want the board member comment Mr conedy hey you just have uh oh first all congratulations M Micah and Holly um Eric shroy um have been seeing in regards to uh HJ PCA school OT regionalization Grant um some host conversations and his or please correct me if I'm wrong here but in order to apply for that we need to have neighboring districts that are in agreeance we can't just file and say we want to regionalize with ourselves um so from my understanding herley Township is already hooking at some and wear toown ocean um they're not interested at this moment so it's not as easy as just putting uh application for the grant um as some people think so uh how is that happy holidays Merry Christmas and see everybody next year Mr model yeah uh congratulations to everyone that was recognized tonight mik I've been sitting here since you walked in tonight I said I I remember that name I remember that name and I remember yelling out M Moore at the basketball allstar game my God you make me feel really old right now oh my God congratulations for all your accomplishments it's uh pretty impressive um you wowed me tonight uh reading reading your profile um I know you got some little brothers right that are still playing ball there um so they got a great role model to follow youve done a wonderful job your parents great job and uh you know maybe I'll call socks and tell me hey look he did a little something good got to check out Michael Mo's profile on uh on student of the month so congratulations to you Merry Christmas happy holidays to everyone Miss Walker um I'm going to be a little redundant I just want to congratulate our students of the month and our unsung hero of the month um I want to congratulate um our chorus members and our band uh the high school concert last night was phenomenal um I actually recorded one of the songs and I'm listening to it on my way home I'm like wow they are so good um so congratulations and Eric congratulations for those not in music um this is quite an accomplishment and his mom's right over here um quite an accomplishment to make all South Jersey band and now NE is it next weekend you're going to try out for a few weekends from there few weekends what's the next level All State All State all okay all state so um congratulations it's a big accomplishment your daughter our first winner yeah well your daughter's our first winner of all band she's on the wall she's the first winner we ever had back in the uh day yeah y yeah in fact she works there I I just saw that now yeah um but yeah congratulations and um um Jen where is she oh there thanks for the update on telling us everything that's going on because sometimes when we sit up here you know we don't come into the schools to very often to see like things like that so the update was really good so thank you keep it coming like that okay and everyone have a very happy holiday and a healthy and oh gosh I hope 2025 is great it better be better be it better be thank you m yeah yeah uh again same as what everybody else is saying but congratulations to all the students who uh had their achievement awards tonight um and I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas have a great holiday and uh we'll see you all next year thank you m Mar okay stinks when you go last because you're repeating what everybody else says but same thing congratulations to all who were awarded tonight and merry Christmas and happy holidays Mr Bell I'm not going to repeat it no I my wife and I went to the concert on Tuesday night and it was outstanding uh just phenomenal she was in band in high school and so when Eric was recognized uh she was impressed and I said I get to sit next to him so I felt like that kid in class it's not that important but I know somebody um but congratulations on your accomplishments and uh coming to this Christmas season I do want to wish wish everybody a Merry Christmas they sang a song at the concert no room no room uh and the reference was to the baby Jesus and I want to just encourage everybody on a personal level um take some time this season just examine that little gift that was sent by God uh and what it can mean for you as an individual and hopefully this will be the best Christmas you've ever had and I look forward to serving again uh in 2025 you get an autograph right on take home for the wife well it's been a year uh board President we have our elections come up the sth I believe six our new six I going to thank you all the board members for the support uh it's been a long year cutting it done with Mr vinsky would like to thank my other uh work wife over here that we talk two or three times a day I was texting on last night at quarter of 8 the lights on onal har School what's going on you know so but anyway um thank you everyone for your support I want to wish everyone uh happy holiday and Merry Christmas be safe enjoy the time with the fam and uh let's move on to resolutions are we ready yeah y there here we go um page two meeting minutes A1 can I have a motion motion second second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes Mrs Walker I have to abstain on number one thank you Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes thank you page two list of bills H2 e e A2 I'm sorry can I have a motion please motion second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr Kady yes but I need to obain on 955 136 955 339 95046 289 299 and 283 300 please thank you uh Mrs Walker uh I'll vote Yes but I have to abstain on four bills 953 518 950 927 953 843 and 95480 thank you Mr Amato yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes but I need to recuse from A2 ocvts 21210 please thank you page two transfers s 171 A3 through A4 can I please have a motion motion second rule call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conedy yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes Pages 3 through six Finance facilities A5 through a15 can I have a motion please motion second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conedy yes Mrs Walker uh yes I have to abstain though on A10 ratification of MOA yep thank you uh Mr armato yes Mrs Claus yes but I have to recuse myself on Lacy grid iron football office okay thank you and Mr Peters yeah yes page six you have to recuse yourself oh I'm sorry on okay Side Bar agreement yes no on Thea what's that on the M MOA oh a810 okay recruits on A10 please thank you okay student tuition Pages six and seven a16 through a18 can I have a motion please motion second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armato yes Mr conned yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armato yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes thank you page 78 a19 and a20 mo Mo second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr Aron yes uh Mrs Walker yes Mr rato yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes page eight policies and regulations a21 can I have a motion please motion second rule call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conedy yes Mrs yes Mr arm yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes page eight hibs a22 and a23 can I have a motion please motion second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conedy yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters [Applause] yes page eight donate ations can I have a motion please motion second okay roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs AR Mrs armado yes Mr ConEd yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes page 8 C programs SL curriculum can I have a motion please motion second can I have a roll call please Mr B yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned yes Mrs Walker yes um but under professional days I believe I have to abstain on mallerie yes uh it's not on my list but I believe I missed that no you're you don't have to obain on mallerie she's not supervised she's not oh I'm good then I'm yes uh Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes and Mr Peters yes you're thinking of Margaret Malloy yeah thank you page eight C programs and curriculums that's all we just did oh I'm sorry my apologies got the EXO off page nine professional days Workshop travel can I have a motion please motion second roll call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conedy yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armad yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes Pages 9- 12 certif certified Personnel E1 through e13 can I have a motion please I'll make it Peters second rule call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conedy yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes Pages 12- 15 noncertified Personnel F1 through F12 motion Peters move oh second can I have a rule call please Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conedy yes Mrs Walker yes Mr armado yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes Pages 16 through 19 bond proposal for March 25 can I have a motion please motion second for motto and and aot uh can I have a motion Please Mr I got it roll call uh Mr Bell I'm sorry roll call yes Mrs armado yes Mr Mr conned yes Mrs Walker yes Mr Amato yes Mrs Claus yes Mr Peters yes we have a walk- on for a resolution for a sidebar agreement okay we have ratification of a sidebar agreement with the ltaa move that the Lacy Township School District Board of Education ratify the sidebar agreement by and between the board and the Lacy Township Education Association dated December 19th 2024 and covering the period from December 19th 2024 through June 30th 2025 the cybar agreement has already been ratified by the LTE motion motion second Mr Bell yes Mrs armado yes Mr conned recuse please thank you Mrs Walker abstain recuse uh Mr Rado yes Mrs Claus yes please and Mr Peters I have to recru from that one also please thank you motion passes any motion to adjourn motion second second Merry Christmas thank you everyone have a very merry Christmas happy holiday and Merry Christmas