##VIDEO ID:IbGcxu3IqFM## no adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meeting act pursuant to the public laws of 1975 said notice was advertised in the asbery Park Press the beacon and was posted on the Bolton board showing the time and place of this meeting please stand for salute the flag and a moment of silence I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all before I thought if we could just take a minute in our own little heads and say a um gratefulness and prayers down to Florida South Carolina North Carolina Tennessee and Georgia make sure we all keep them in our prayers okay first reading of ordinance 2024-25 amending chapter 43 of the Township Code entitled Fire Department volunteer so as to remove the Bamber Lakes fire company as a designated Fire Company ordinance to the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 180 of the Township Code of the township of lacy entitled fire prevention so as to delete reference to the Bamber Lakes volunteer fire department move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr n yes Deputy Mayor Kera yes mayor Julian yes first reading of ordinance 2024 d24 amending chapter 180 of the Township Code entitled The Fire Prevention so as to delete reference to the bar Bamber Lakes Fire Company ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 43 of the Township Code of the Township in Lacy entitled fire department volunteers so as to remove the Bamber Lakes Volunteer Fire Company number one at a designated fire company within the township of lacy move it second Deputy Mayor KOLO yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 opposing the New Jersey D proposed land resource protection rules under the New Jersey pack initiative resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey opposing the New Jersey Department of Environmental protection's proposed land resource protection roles under the NJ pact initiative um these rules that they're looking to put in place would devalue land that is east of rout n move it second Deputy Mayor Caro yes Mr Kennon yes Mr D yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing an agreement with the county of ocean recycling center use resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the execution of an agreement with the county of ocean for recycling center use and revenue sharing agreement this is a two-year agreement um just so that we can continue to use the facilities move it second Deputy Mayor KIRO yes Mr Kennon yes mrov yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing an agreement with the county of ocean for leaf and vegetative waste composing program resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the execution of an interlocal service agreement with the county of ocean for the Ocean County leaf and vegetative waste composting program this is a biannual agreement that we do to continue to participate in the composting program move it second Deputy Mayor Caro yes Mr Kennon yes Mr D yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing an agreement with the Ocean County prosecutor's office for their drug recognition call out program resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the execution of an interlocal service agreement with the county of ocean for police services for the drug recognition expert call out program this is an annual resolution and agreement um that we do with the Ocean County prosecutor's office move it second Deputy Mayor KOLO yes Mr Kenneth yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing an agreement with the Ocean County prosecutor's office for driving while intoxicated enforcement program resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the execution of an interlocal service agreement with the county of ocean for Police Service services for the driving while intoxicated enforcement program same thing this is with Ocean County prosecutor's office and we are compensated for these types of calls from them through funding that they've received from the state move it second Deputy Mayor KOLO yes Mr kenon yes Mr D yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the township to enter into Cooperative purchasing agreement to purchase fuel resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the township of lacy to enter into a Cooperative purchasing agreement with the lead agency County of Somerset for the purchase of work materials and supplies pursuant to njsa 4A 11-15 this is for the purchase of diesel fuel move it second Deputy Mayor KERO yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D yes may Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 awarding contracts for the purchase of bulk I couldn't binus material resolution at the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey awarding contracts for the purchase of B bituminous material we are um entering into contracts with two vendors our primary vendor is brick wall and our secondary vendor is Earl and this is a one-year agreement move it second Deputy Mayor KERO yes Mr kenis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 awarding a contract for the rental of the John Deer loaders resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to Jesco for for the rental of three John Deere 624k loaders with jrb quick disconnect coupler 2023 or newer for the fall 2024 leaf collection and the 2024 2025 snow season move it move it second Deputy Mayor Caro yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 County of ocean state of New Jersey amending a contract with dassi and Sager incorporated as public defender to add Brandon E de Jesus and Daman mjusi as additional public defenders move it second Deputy Mayor KERO yes Mr Kenneth yes Mr dof yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024-25 can I can I have the our new employee stand stand up for a quick moment just to congratulate them congratulations congratulations welcome aboard go ahead I know uh Deputy Mayor CA yes Mr canis yes Mr D yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024 282 authorizing the tax collected to hold an electronic tax sale resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the tax collector to hold an electronic tax sale move it second Deputy Mayor Kuro yes Mr kenon yes Mr D yes mayor Julian yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the refund of a fee collected for a lead based paint inspection resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the release of monies charged for a lead based paint inspection this resident accidentally double paid by paying once to the township directly and once to the company that we're contracted with to perform the inspection move it second Deputy Mayor KOLO yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor julana yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the refund of a building department fee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the refund of a building department fee issued by the Lacy Township Building Department the resident uh decided not to move forward with the project move it second Deputy Mayor KERO yes Mr kenis yes Mr D yes mayor jul Ed yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the refund of deposit monies resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the refund of deposits held for the use of Municipal facilities move it second Deputy Mayor KIRO yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the payment of Township bills resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the payment of Township bills this is in the amount of 6,541 359.06 Municipal Court for the month of August collected receipts in the amount of $2,729 treasures um public works department report for Road opening permits uh $2,835 for September recycling commodity in the amount of $1,395 truck parking in the amount of $668 and also Municipal docks in the amount of 870 for the month of August Community Development for the month of September was 2024 move it second abstain Mr Kennis yes Deputy Mayor curo yes Mr diov abstain mayor Juliana yes okay um why I did okay comments from the committee Deputy Mayor thank you so much mayor couple of short comments tonight um since we have two Senior Communities in our neighborhood I was on a zoom the other day um you know that I'm in in the healthc care field take a look and take a deep dive into your uh Medicare it seems to change every year it becomes more expensive and there are less benefits uh one of the comments on on the zoom the other day was that uh these monies are being funneled away from Medicare little by little uh whether it's stealthy or not uh and given to other groups and I think that's wrong uh because these are our seniors that have been paying into this uh all their working lives and that's that as far as I'm concerned that's their money I hope it's there for me I'm 56 I have doubts that it will be um in some iteration but it should be which leads me into what uh the mayor opened the meeting with um when we talk about the southern states to actually hear our vice president uh say that uh FEMA has run short of funds when we have probably seven or eight states and we've all seen the pictures I know it's going to sound political but it's not political so bumper sticker I've seen recently everything I needed to know about life I learned in a sandbox in kindergarten that was true the other thing was my grandmother told me before she died in '95 and she and she said Peter you can like who you want you can take care of everybody but remember charity starts at home when I look at home I think of this country we give 24.6 billion bucks abroad just to Ukraine I was in a meeting the other the other night with a senator who is a great friend to Lacy Township Senator M and he said all the people in the South uh should it was meant as a joke but and everyone laughed until we caught it and it registered in our brains and he said everyone in the South should uh identify as Ukrainian so it sounded funny until it it hit you and it sunk in through your gray matter and then it nauseated you because it is awful charity should start at home is your tax money those people need help they paid into the system in the soup and they should get it try to end on a good note before the blood pressure goes up Lacy Day this Sunday please bring the kids out bring the families out it's good it's free it's wonderful it's everything that's good about Lacy Township and now I will address in closing comments forkid rumor very a guy told me a long time ago to my left he said Peter forkid rumor and I never forgot it so there is a there is a rumor going around that there's going to be a certain witch doctor at theal Halloween scarefest and a certain committee member's house has turned into uh I guess more or less uh a Hollywood building ground for all kinds of uh props and what have you for the scarefest so so my wife will be acting in it I tried to get last time I did it a few years ago I was the covid virus I didn't have a voice for several weeks so she loves Halloween she's doing it I applaud her for it please take your kids out we had, 1500 people people last year uh it it it's great for the town it's great for the kids we started it as a drive-thru during Co because we wanted our kids to have a Halloween uh and they did and we just kept it so we my wife and I have done less than 0% for it the the comments and and the Kudos go to DPW Recreation all the volunteers the kids from the high school uh all the actors they're working really hard on this uh it was really entertaining it's not too bad not too gory it's really well done it's age appropriate for everybody please try to get out if you can and uh remember our veterans are coming up Veterans Day will be here 1111 at 11: in Bicentennial Park mayor we'll say some words because we love those men and women very very much sorry I'm longwinded mayor that's it that's fine Deputy May no problem it's dieon just my prayers for all those affected by the two recent hurricanes in southeast and pray that they don't get hit again as um the season hasn't ended that's all I have mayor thank you thank you Mr Mr Kennis thank you mayor tonight we um passed a resolution opposing the new d uh land use protection rules um we do this uh on occasion it doesn't usually do uh do very much but we try and give it the old College try and send out our opposition resolutions to the to Trenton when we when he when we feel the need to um the uh new land land use rules on the water um the public comment period is is around November 1st which is why we we're sending this resolution now but I sat in on a webinar with Veronica this past Thursday and um they're always making the rules harder and harder but in particular if you own property on the water they're looking they're looking to make any new um houses built along the water an additional 5T um on your base flood so that would put the first floor an additional 5T on on on top of the pilings which causes all sorts of other problems um but anyway uh I just wanted to let everybody know that if you do have uh property on the water or have existing house on the water to go out and get your permits now before uh the next summer when these rules are supposed to go in effect my great thanks Mr Ken appreciate it okay I'm just going to give you a couple reminders Saturday we have the wingfest for the um B works at uh caties from 12: to 5: of course Lacy Day on Sunday um just keep sharing this so that people remember the date on Tuesday November 19th uh we are having a business expo down at the um Community Center and it's from 5: to 9: then also I was asked to also just remind you about our um December 14th for the wreath placement over in our Cemetery good luck Cemetery there and uh and just wanted to mention that we had someone come in and um bring up the number that we needed cuz because we were a little short and a business came in um they'd rather not be mentioned but they wanted us we wanted them to know that we are thankful for them for coming out uh the the ladies who handle this uh whole wreath Across America Jennifer and her daughter Vanessa and the whole group of volunteers they they're just phenomenal they do a phenomenal job and we should be very proud to have them as part of our um Township other than that I'm opening up the floor to the public any anybody okay okay um good evening mayor and committee and Lacy citizens um I wasn't going to actually have an address tonight but on my walk um I was stopped by one of our residents and they just reiterated certain things to me and then I thought about what they said and I I felt that I needed to make some comments like this and so first of all I wanted to thank our mayor for the compliment that she gave me at the last meeting when she said I was exhausting this tells me that I'm doing a good job because you should be exhausted and the public should be here and questioning every move that you are making two I think you should take a friendly hint and take some lessons on how to address your constituents from our very professional police department they know how to treat the township citizens with respect and kindness not with disdain and rudeness which we have all witnessed time and time again at these meetings at the last meeting mayor Giuliano you asked me why do I live here quite frankly that is an absurd question and totally out of line for you the mayor to be asking any taxpayer of this town such a question but to answer it quite frankly it's none of your business it is my right as a taxpayer to criticize things that I am not being done correctly or with the taxpayer's best interest in mind after all I pay taxes along with all the other citizens in this town and that allows that allows this town to operate and we the people should be treated with utter respect and nothing less after all you would not exist if it wasn't for all of us us which brings me to this question do you ever watch yourselves on YouTube and see how you come off to the public it's really quite embarrassing at times and so uncalled for it doesn't help that you make your snide comments which quite frankly no one is interested in you are paid by the taxpayers who elected you into the position and we the people are not accountable to you please always remember that also when I'm speaking and other citizens in this town are addressing this body please do not interrupt us without permission for instance at the last meeting you called out someone from the audience for speaking up and your response and tone and attitude were appalling that is a real discouragement for our citizens who take the time to come to these meetings to be seen and be heard about their issues people some sometimes get emotional about the things that they are passionate about and you need to keep that in mind again changing the times of these meetings for your own convenience only proves the point that you're not interested in the electorate or their concerns and this is a serious problem it's bad enough that there is an obvious disconnect with this body and the electorate that you serve things really need to change and I have to ask ask you this question why are you the mayor if you can't control your obvious dislike of the citizens who you are elected to serve the only time you seem to all give a rat's ass is when it's time for your reelection otherwise it's business as usual this is a large part of why politicians in general are held in such contempt by the general public thank you thank you for your comment anyone else from the audience that would like to speak Steve Boral fora River uh good evening mayor and committee I just want to make a comment before I start at the uh the very few people that showed up at the meeting today and I talked to uh people all the time being I'm around and I'm retired and I I I just want to repeat comments from people they don't want me to use their name but they attended the uh the meeting uh zoning board meeting over the uh the legality of putting the um gas station and a quick check there and like me we sat here for three three and a half hours brought up a lot of really good points that really weren't addressed it almost seemed like we're going to take a timeout look at what the people were saying and then return two weeks later or whatever with some solid answers but instead at 10:05 one of the members made a decision pushed everything aside and said I'm going to approve it and the rest of the committee felt like pigeons and all agreed with that individual and that is a very good example about the poor attendance that you get at these meetings because the comments they made to me was we were there we came up with good points and the township didn't have any answers but appeared to say that we're going to look at it and then get back to you and then reverse course at 10 o' uh I just want to make that comment because I see the the attendance even tonight is rather poor and I just hope there's a lot of people watching this on TV uh I do want to talk about quickly um and to remind the committee and the mayor that I'm a spokesperson for a lot of people in this town I'm also a member of the Lacy historical society which I'm very proud of even though I'm kind of ticked off at them because they're not really putting a big pushup on what's happening with the the old Community Center and the Wharton house and I believe one of our core duties as members of the historical society is the preservation of everything that we can preserve within this Township and we just feel that I feel that the historical committee like a lot of other people are intimidated and they don't want to speak out there's a lot of people in this world who think things but don't say them I happen to be one of the people that do think it and do say it so anyways I come here I promote both my concerns and the concerns of important issues that affect us all when I come in front of the committee therefore we the people and this is not only what Richard said but it's comments I hear on the outside too about when tough questions come in front of the committee sometimes not always there's personal attacks at the speaker and I just want to remind you that we the people do not believe it is the purpose of this Township committee to respond to our questions in such a way that is belittling and critical of the disposition of any speaker that when acting in the official Capac capacity as our elected leaders this com this committee should focus more on the issues at hand and less on the personal attacks put in another way this committee must set aside the personal spite intended to offend and intimidate instead a more honest transparent approach would be a positive start to mend the relationship and restore trust in our elected leaders after all this is the committee that bypassed the people and secretly secretly negotiated a financial disaster with Johnson Controls costing the township hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money and some of you up there not all of you almost arrogantly claim that it was a good idea unbelievably I will say that Peggy Su she was a mayor at the time but she publicly admitted that the committee may have gone about the township new building which I call the hundred million building in the wrong way so I do commend her that she was the only one that had probably thought and said the right thing I also want to take a turn in the past of what happened with the U Township doc there was the threat to go out out they were selling it people ran to other places to dock their boats I know people down there I go out of boats down at that Township Dock and what I hear from those people is that because of the threat was there there were at least uh 30 to 40 vacant slips that allegedly I didn't confirm it cost the township $30,000 in Revenue then but instead of instead of writing the ship this committee moved to ignore the Charles Smith deed and the will of the People by selling the property belonging to the citizens of lacy Township this committee Justified this action by moving a Charles Smith name to the Knights of Columbus building claiming that it satisfied the will that it didn't matter as long as they put that name on any building that had Justified the deed and the will of the people we could even have put it on in an on an ouse in Bamber and made that to Charles Smith building if that was the case and then when we bring it to this committee about the legality of what they did that the transaction of selling that property was solely the responsibility of the title company and that the committee was innocent of any wrongdoing let it be known that we come here in peace and we only want harmony with our elected leaders this is can only be achieved by our leaders putting us first and not desires that financially our Township and its citizens thank you thank you anyone else from the audience that'd like to speak hi um I I had a poem to write my name is Alisa Waller I'm from uh Crestwood Drive lace at forkin River is this on yeah okay very l so I had a poem about the town but I just got out of work late and so I just want to say that the poem was name was named uh it used to be so there used to be a a stoping a shopping bag where the WWA is there used to be a uh Lake that we could swim on on Crestwood Drive there used to be a community center that we could have my 16-year-old daughter's 16th birthday at you know there used to be so many things in Lacy that are gone there used to be a two-lane road on Lacy road now it's four lanes um and my son is still here my daughter moved out I've been here since 1990 I've lived in Beachwood before that my dad built tons of houses in this town and I don't understand why our Township here is getting rid of a community center that was left to our community for the community and I know Peggy that you mentioned at one of your meetings that the community is the most important thing I remember that you said that and I feel like that there's we're forgetting our community we need that community house we need the warden house that gentleman left that to our town and to just get rid of it it's like saying we don't care about the past so the past is being erased right now by uh just making these decisions so I just wanted to show support for keeping the community building keeping our town small keeping it special and stop building building building because the money isn't coming to us it's coming somewhere else I feel like our attack we built a Home Depot there used to be no Home Depot and we had a Kohl's we have uh what else do we have we have the Aldi now we have all these stores that apparently in 19 when it became built and there was this big fight about the rail trail and Home Depot it was all about ratables let's try to get some ratables back where are the ratables where are all those benefits you know like what's happening with all those ratables that we're making and now we're still destroying and rebuilding new stuff and we're not even helping our schools so I just wanted to show support for that part of our uh whatever you guys are going to decide I don't agree with destroying anything in this town I agree with keeping it small so I just wanted to show it thank you you appreciate it all right my name is Andy molic from 1706 benle for River here I got one question and hope you got a simple answer it's about the fora River Beach jungle it is a uh October isn't it for Beach what I called it the jungle cuz that's what it looks like right now cuz they haven't cut the grass yet and the park it's it's supposed to be cut now my question October 15th is the date it's not October 1st and today's only the 10th I got you so it doesn't say that this says October to June okay just to let you know so is it scheduled to be cut it's May to public works I don't have that answer to thank you is anyone else from the audience would like to speak [Music] ahead my name is David Doan I'm from loka Harbor some of you might have seen my signs outside um I'm coming back from a previous meeting talking about walkable streets I forgot the exact name of it complete streets complete streets thank you uh that Lacy has on to uh now the protest before from you guys was that you couldn't do anything due to or you were but slowly uh due to the roads uh that were connected to the schools were owned by the county or state now um I would like to follow that up with uh what have you done in regards to reaching out to either the county or the state to progress the progression of completing these streets into complete streets we meet with the County engineer every year it is County Roads with the ex um that all of our schools are on we meet annually with the County engineer that's a given we do meet whenever other times are necessary uh you know we've met quite a bit with them based on the construction that they're doing at the corner at the traffic light on Western and Manchester we've made some design changes along for that the town actually had put uh had LED lights put in there to make it brighter for the Walkers like earlier in the morning and stuff like that because we've had a lot of accidents there we meet and we talk to the county probably on a week not meet with the county probably talk to the county on a weekly basis with regards to streets and Roads and different things there and again part of that project is not to put in any additional sidewalks for that area they feel the sidewalks are all there while they may be missing on certain sides sidewalks sorry the last two times we contacted uh d uh do which is Dro n um they wanted us to pay for the engineering study to change the lights at a at a tailor Lane in addition to that we Tred to put a crosswalk in at the inter was intersection of Beach Boulevard and they said it did not warrant a crosswalk really we can't do it because it's their road so we do the point is we do contact all these agencies um regularly all right just you check thank you thank you Barry Hey Barry Harry Bender I would even say it um different subject because I want to address something that the deputy mayor mentioned um there's money going to various places not just to Ukraine that's right and we're funding what I consider genocide in the Middle East okay and the the military budget is approaching a trillion dollars so if you took a tiny tiny little piece of that imagine what we could do down here in Ocean County as far as mass transportation instead of having one bus at run up and down Route n because right now if you're a senior citizen and you live down here and you don't have family and you don't have friends and they tell you you can't drive anymore you starve and that's something that needs to be addressed just wanted to put that forward thank you very much thank you bar anyone else from the audience like to speak before we close the floor seeing none motion to close the floor second all in favor I resolution 2024 d287 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the convening of an executive session in accordance with the open public meetings act to discuss pending anticipated litigation and matters of real estate move it move it second Deputy Mayor Caro yes Mr Ken yes Mr D yes mayor julo yes motion to adjourn move it move it there will be no further decision all favor I I no further business just