##VIDEO ID:QwXjiTY2Ybk## hey Scott congratulations man he didn't do anything oh is this my job beginning huh rad know I'm afterward come on in and sit down there's plenty of spots come on in go ahead family like okay never mind huh cousins okay I I said I'm looking at him I'm looking at him I'm going uh you don't oh no we see it you don't see it okay hey look at this guy commissioner Frank that's a long time huh long time evening commissioner come on up front here maybe come on up front Frank you want to Frank one ready 6 o00 I'm ready recording good evening adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to the public laws of 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press in the beacon and was posted on the bolon board showing the time and place of the meeting please rise to the salute of the flag and a moment of silence I PL algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one na God indivisible andice for all okay number one second reading of ordinance 2024 d19 authorizing the sale of block 10112 lot 168 to ad joining Property Owners ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the sale of block 10112 lot 168 on the municipal tax map to Scott Minter and Elizabeth a Griggs and Philip Weller in accordance with provisions of njsa 4A 12-13 B this is second reading open the floor to public comment none close the floor second all in favor I motion on the ordinance second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes mrov yesy mayor ter yes mayor jul yes second reading of ordinance 2024 D20 authorizing the sale of block 102.0 lot 101 to the county of ocean ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the sale of block 102.1 lot 1.01 to the county of ocean in accordance with njsa 4A 1213b second reading open the floor to public comment saying none make a motion to close the four second all in favor I motion on the ordance second Mr mcdonnald yes Mr Kenne yes mrov yes Deputy Mayor Kira yes mayor Juliana yes here's what we're here for resolution 2024-25 appointing police officers resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean saving New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Ryan B zacho and John E terella as full-time police officers with the township of lacy move it move it second Mr McDonald yes Deputy Mayor car yes Mr Ken yes Mr yes mayor juli yes I'd like to call Chief Kenny up and give some backgrounds on these two new Young gentlemen thank you yes do I need a microphone your voice carries it talk loud so I want to thank everybody for coming out um you know friends family fell officers this is a increase our agency up to 50 officers so I really this is a plan in place that's to get us to to us I can tell you a very efficient and effective there's no money being wasted position fors am off streets protected neighborhoods are protected and provide best getting us up to certain you know to a level ofate personel is import to the officers it gives them reassurance that they're not going to be overstressed overed that they perform their jobs knowing that they have enough backup they have enough training they have enough supervision but it's also fair to families that worry about the officers and the residents and community of lazy Township what I mean by that is you're going to have a welled know reduc stress officer that's will respond the of people call issue professional well rested well trained uh you know officer that's going to respond and provide the best possible service are not extra positions defitely our La ta La La's here it's iate support 100% always and this happens the citizens you know res of Township so thank you so much for your support as always we can always say always all of our officers know that we have the support of the community it's not a doubt there's no doubt so for that that being I'm I'm going to introduce the first officer Captain Captain officer just these two officers get the trying to the position of police officer isn't easy anymore uh the job's not in demand like used to there's a lot ofr out there United States it to La enforcement it's a 25 or 30 year investment that we're that we're asking of these officers it's unlike other you know jobs and careers where you might work somewhere for two years five years 10 years here is a 25 or 30 investment it takes about we talked about itge and I over Fu training as well it's about s years to get a round to that level of experience so it's a big investment you just don't want Tri it may I w't um we want somebody's dedicated to the township and I know these two gentl so as I always say they're the best people the job that's what we're looking for not looking for best male female the best person in job and I can guarantee you the amount of time and effort that backgrounds backgr investigators protective bus ands looking into this we put them interv process here these two officers come trained they fulltime officers other jurisdictions right now to sure go right ahead ran 25 years old La resent graduated from Lacy Township High School in 2016 went to Ocean County College associates in science then went to un stockt University it's changed now everything's changing degree in Business studies bachelor in science and business studies 2020 so he you know well educated he started his career in Spring Blake as a class one officer then went to officer there for a while brief a brief time seeking as a class trying to seek a fulltime position can tell know a couple other you know good things about his Heart and souls here he interviewed with us for three times first for a special position second for a time position thir do a interview it's not where we just put you under stress to yell at you we give you some some factual information that a lot of people don't want to hear they want to know their truth not the real truth and we can say that R took that information to his own Super gu isely guy started and that's due to you know he young officer he's got his confidence and came back intervie us away wants to be here enforcement and so happy to have one last thing I can say in law enfor grandfather is a retired Captain couldn't be here today but I know he's extremely extremely happy that's [Applause] wonderful if the family wants to come up and stand by I'm GNA swear them in repeat after me thank you I Ryan I Ryan do solemnly swear do Solly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of police officer perform all the duties of police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I will support the Constitution of the United States that supports the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey the Constitution the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same I bear true Faith allegiance to the same and to the government established in the United States to the government established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people so help me God the authority of the people so help me God [Applause] congratulations congratulations congratulations congratulations welcome to the [Laughter] family um John Jack terella I've known I've known Jack here since uh since he's been about four years old um this is this is important for us and we we thank you very much for the opportunity to stand here today and do this getting us up to 50 is a huge number for the organization it's the most we've ever had and uh it's definitely needed and necessary so thank you uh without your guys support we wouldn't be able to do this um so tradition in law enforcement is always tradition right so um it's I'm happy to stand up here and and in introduce Jack here John I'll call him his proper name as six police officer in Lacy Township whose father also worked here um so just when the town thought they were going to get rid of the andas and flynns in the last two years we added a trans and we've added a terella now the next 25 to 30 years town is going to is g to uh stand stand watched by by these gentlemen and we couldn't be more proud proud to have them um so as the chief said about the interview process the morning of the interview I had I I decided to go one of two different ways I I really thought about what Jack's dad did to me I really wanted to crush him interview and I gave him one good thing and then I was like you know what he's doing such a nice job and he's he he's actually a genuine genuine uh young man we're happy to have you an ultimate professional you handled it as smooth as I've ever seen it I said all right I'll stop because I do have to work with him for unlike his dad who didn't stop 24 years ago so all joking aside we're very happy to have you here today so John terella 24 years old he is a uh resident of Lecy Township has been his entire life graduated from La Township High School in 2018 with uh and at that point went on to stock University graduated 2022 with a criminal justice degree Eagle Scout has been a representative of the township for a long time with the eagle scout program started career with Ship Bottom I get these two confused Ship Bottom went to class one and class two in Ship Bottom New Jersey and then got hired full-time with the Harvey Cedar police department and you worked until yesterday we welcome you we're excited to keep this tradition going going and I assure you that maybe you'll well I hope that one time maybe you'll see one of these grandkids here of the names previously mentioned so that'll probably be on your time that won't be on my time so uh congratulations to you and the family um thank goodness we you know we we I'm happy to have you we're happy that you were able to you know this list you worked out for everybody and uh we're looking forward to this continuing on and this you know this tradition continuing on so as his dad retired lieutenant Scott terella is in the audience today and has been influence on all of our lives here we thank you and we you know we're looking forward to this this opportunity for you [Applause] thanks joining us I John I Johnny Ella do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully and partially and justly and justly perform all the duties of police officer perform all the duties of police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I will bear I'm sorry and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the government established in the United States and to the government established in the United States and in this St and in the state under the authority of the people so help me God under the authority of the people so help me God [Applause] congratulations congratulations welcome to the family comments Deputy Mayor would you like to comment I would mayor and thank you for the kind words for all of our new officers and people uh lot's been said tonight about lineage and family history um fathers past lieutenants captains um things like that I hope that the our captain here tonight wasn't just telling you to go have have a few babies tonight keep that line you guys are young guys you got some time yet it's a lot of work I love my daughter it's a lot of work a lot of money too but she she she's worth it but uh you know one of the families I know really well tonight and one I don't know but for um Ryan and our new officers here you know for you to have a captain in your in your midst and uh to be coming from from another department it's not only great hire here and that that this is a gentleman that's trained already went through an academy when I tell you when we this was my 12th 11th year here and to see this room filled with blue I love it and and I say the same thing this for both of you guys and I'll address terella family I hope God walks with you every step of the way I've seen some of these gentlemen come up um it's been heartfelt and it feels like family we have skin in this game cuz they protect my family and my daughter too and they ride by my house so I'm very very grateful and I'm going to be a supportive as I always have as far as Terell go um I just have such high respect uh for Scott terella I met him uh several years ago I served with him on our uh board here internally you know and when when he talked he he he has a way that he jokes but he imparts a lot of wisdom I always appreciated it so I was quiet I learned some really good stories I learned some great stuff about the town I I think he should write a book One Day always always use use a pen name always always respectful always respectful to everyone and when I I saw the name here on our agenda tonight I'm just really happy and to to come from a lineage of of police officers it means a lot there's skin in the game so I just say to you guys you know without getting choked up God bless you I love you and I'm I'm so proud of you every single one of you to our new guys guy gave me a good advice many many years ago try to keep your mouth shut a little and your ears open every one of these gentlemen and those that aren't here tonight those are out on the road you have a wonderful Command Staff listen to the words and the wisdom you're you're going to be well served thank you and God bless you thank you Mr so a lot of things first of all I'm going to address um Captain Sullivan and chief KY um I've been here 20 years and over the 20 years we tried to get the Department up to where we knew it need to be and and a lot of things contributed to that retirements budgets things like that so it's fortunate that we're at this point in time and it all started with these two gentlemen who came before us um and presented a plan um and it was it was an amazing plan and we as a committee have tried to to see that through so um you thank us but we thank you too um so I listened to Chief Kenny and he said this is a job unlike any other and to put it mildly how many jobs do you have where your fellow officers show up how many jobs you have where your family comes and and participates in you're hiring and then the other thing that I always uh like to see is I love to look at the families and of course I know the Terell and now I know um sao's Family his cousin who looks just like him um and I like to see the pride in that but I like to see the pride in all the people who come the family who come to see you get hired um I know you'll do great it's amazing and and again for 20 years I've watched you know us hire people and while the the pool has gotten smaller the quality has gotten just amazing I you know I listen to to the history and the experience and I'm just I'm just utterly amazed we've got a fantastic Department you're joining a great Department with great leadership I wish you the best in the world thank you for your families for giving it and one thing Mr Terell has recently got engaged congratulations on that [Applause] Mr kenis thank you yeah I would like to welcome you both to the lak Township Police Department um uh you both uh I always say that it's great to have um the built-in knowledge base for uh have locals that that grown up here and went to the schools here they always say that they know where all the hiding spots are and uh you since you both have a backg your your parents have backgrounds in law enforcement you couldn't ask for a better knowledge base and to rely on them for uh any guidance you may have so I wish you both the best of luck and stay safe thank you [Applause] you guys are on the hot seat commissioner sedi is here watch the swear no seriously I I with ctis I like municipalities to have local boys come up because they know where all the problems are going to be where they're going to go drinking and all that other good stuff let's be honest they probably did it themselves so but you guys are join joining in my opinion you hear this Mr joining the best police force in the state of New Jersey and I have talked to the the chief about this nobody leaves they don't go to another place they stay here and that says something about the force itself Veronica been saying welcome to the family it is a family it's a Brotherhood and you guys are going to watch over us and you're going to keep us safe and I thank you for you're welcome well I I'm I'm a true blue believer I always have been as in family so I'm so honored to have you both here but I'm also so proud of the rest of the blue in this room too because we're we are a family and and we're grateful that Chief Kenny Captain Sullivan came to us and made this plan and it we kept with it and it's just it's it's built us to where we have to be and and continue We are continuing with it it's not done yet we'll get it done though um and I'm just so just so proud it's a proud moment for the families obviously it's always it's that's their time to look at their sons and be so proud of them to to take on this position and and thanks for being here we we grow good stuff here in Lacy so we're very happy to have you [Applause] congratulations I'm just going to read one other we'll do the appointment so that the chief is here to hear it and then we'll go from there okay resolution um 2024 d236 appointing a special class one police officer resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Melanie Cruz as a class one special law enforcement officer move it second Mr kenis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Deputy Mayor K yes mayor Juliana yes of course Chief I don't believe the young person is here right okay all right no problem all right recess we're going to take a recess of five minutes so we can let the family all that other good stuff congratulations congratulations conratulations [Music] yeah we're getting there congratulations be here Manchester go [Music] there nice don't know [Music] you got a great good dude he's a good dude [Music] no [Music] [Laughter] hobby hobby Bobby Bob when they shut the door when they're done you shut the door can you shut the door you a't SE nothing yet that was a long [Music] doing [Music] right um I was down in February probably October I made I made and the week three trips to square gr love that Lobster ma Chee oh it is between that and zy oh yeah I don't care it's a Tuesday yeah that's it dude it's nice how we do it here well you know I was having a conversation with someone today um you know about them you know some like O City doesn't you know it's so great that you can do that you know and that that wasn't exactly we we have the wereth H and we have the the applicants very cool very [Laughter] girlfriend got more of theer of his mother well I know tough yeah oh yeah yeah kills me too just when I think slouching down you have to say that if you're a lady it's 2024 you have to say I'm not being weird take care guys I know you see it take care he just like Jack I I was going to say something about that ition one kid I was to say you know thank God but oh my God okay it really is I wouldn't made a baby comment if I didn't know here Captain everybody ready that's great ready you going be upset it's funny resuming resolution 2024-25 appointing a part-time clerk resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Michelle heler to the part-time position of clerk for the township of lacy this is for a position that is um open in the Department of Public Works move it um m Mr KIRO yes Mr kenis yes Mr D yes Mr M yes mayor J yes resolution 20 24- 238 accepting a resignation resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey accepting the resignation of an employee in the municipal court office second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr daos yes Deputy Mayor Kera yes mayor Julian yes resolution 20 block 1522 lot 7 resolution in the township of lacy County of ocean St New Jersey accepting the certification of the director Public Works concerning costs incurred in the removal of debris and the cleaning up of property located at block 1522 lot 7 and authorizing the placement of a lean against set property for said costs this is in the amount of $237 45 second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr yes Deputy Mayor Kera yes mayor juli yes resolution 24-240 authorizing the placement of lean on block 16332 lot five resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey accepting the certification of the director of Public Works concerning costs incurred in the removal of debris and the cleaning up of property located at block 16 3302 lot 5 and authorizing the placement of a lean against said property for said costs this is in the amount of $18.96 second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr Duty mayor yes mayor julana yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the refund of deposit monies resolution of the Town chy County of ocean state New Jersey authorizing the refund of deposits held for the use of Municipal facilities second Mr McDonald yes Mr Ten yes mrov yes Deputy Mayor K yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 224-2427 this is in the amount of 2,581 38455 second Mr McDonald yes Mr Canon yes Mr dof yes Deputy Mayor Kira yes mayor Juliano yes motion to approve caucus minute meetings from August 1st 20124 move it second Mr diov yes Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Deputy Mayor K yes abstain mayor Julian yes motion to approve town minute meetings from August 1st 2024 move it second Mr dof yes Mr McDonald yes Mr Ken yes mayor yes abstain mayor Juliano yes motion to approve executive SE I'm sorry did I say motion to approve executive session minute meetings from August 1st 2024 second Mr McDonald yes Mr Ken yes Mr yes abstain abstain mayor jul yes before you Mo on I need to abstain on t35 bills please and then I have an add-on yes resolution 20242 43 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey ackn acknowledging the dissolution of the Bamber Lakes fire company and coverage continuation by the forkid river Fire Company due to lack of man power and for economy and efficiency purposes move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes Deputy Mayor car yes mayor jul yes that is all I have okay comments from the committee Deputy Mayor thank you mayor a couple of short comments tonight and uh certainly want to welcome our two police officers like we did earlier formally um like I said I hope God walks with them and I hope they have long and and prosperous careers here here in Lacy Township um I also want to uh recognize um Vanessa our superintendent who after 20 years has uh decided to retire um I've worked very well with uh Vanessa over the years and uh I I wish her well and her her next venture so I appreciate her service and her partnership I also wanted to mention that uh Deputy excuse me mayor Juliano and I uh were at uh Every Blooming Thing we like to welcome new businesses into the town especially um mayor Juliano has been way above board with this and not really missing any of them uh so uh this isn't a new business this is a business that expanded from 900 feet to 3600 feet um and of course Miss Laray was there too that day it's really you know not only are we proud to make Lacy a business destination but to see this business grow right at the corner of Route n and Lacy Road um they're fine organization they're fine business and certainly uh and with the mayor's approval uh if you if you have a new business here in town come into the microphone and talk about it for two two minutes during our caucus and uh let's give you uh a kickoff the right way we want to extend the Olive Branch uh we just want to be there to support our business closing comments tonight about the uh ninth legislative district the anchor benefit this for our seniors and we have many uh the state's anchor property tax relief benefit will begin mailing letters to New Jersey homeowners and renters this week to confirm their automatic eligibility and to provide information to those who may be applying at the time if you have questions and you need to talk with the with the uh the hotline 609 826 4282 I want to thank publicly uh Senator rato assemblyman rump and assemblyman Meyer you talk for hours about their advocacy but this is something that's big um for our seniors and other families and we're grateful for their advocacy right here on Lacy Road and for Riv thank you mayor you're welcome Mr D no comments thank you thank you Mr kis thank you mayor um yes I just want to also wish uh our former superintendent the best of luck um she was always easy to talk to I found and was always answers answer the phone when I called her so I appreciate her her time here and um the amount of help she gave us when we when we asked um the uh traffic signal at the corner of hannes and and Manchester Avenue is currently being reconstructed there was supposed to be done prior to the start of the school year but I don't think that's going to happen and so I just want to let everybody know I think the next time we meet the school's going to be in session is that correct hard to believe so just leave it's probably arguably one of the busiest intersections in town if not the busiest especially during school hours so make sure you leave plenty of time because it's been backing up um I live near there so it backs up a lot now they get they have it down to like one or you know one lane in each Direction so leave plenty of time in the mornings and afternoons if you're you're in that area town and um the DP is also uh they're they're proposing new rules to increase the heights of building Heights on houses on the water um they're taking public comment on it now um I'll have maybe some additional thoughts and comments on it at a later date but it's just to let everybody know that they are talking about increasing the height of building structures on the water again so those are my comments thank you Mr K Mr McDonald thank you mayor um I too also want to thank Vanessa for all she's done I think she's done a good job um and I wish her nothing but the best of luck in her next role um and today is a little bit of a sad day as we close up Bamber lace fire uh I don't know how long anybody know long time and this isn't because we're unhappy with them this is because they don't have enough volunteers and by law we have to do this this is a sad day and a lot of this and we talk to some of the firemen about this the requisit that they have to do is like 340 hours of training before they can get on a truck think about that if you're a guy you're near 30s family couple kids 340 hours of training it's your weekends for like 10 weeks straight that's a lot to ask and they they're doing this on purpose because they want us to go to pay and trust me that'll be very very expensive for us so this is a sad day that it's a shot across our bow that we that we got to get some Volunteers in here so mayor that's all I have thank you Mr um I just want to report that we had uh 76 calls from both of our fire companies in the last month um they do a fantastic job they're on top of everything and though the police are not here right now I also want to commend them on handling of a uh a no electricity situation at our Spring Oaks facility here in town on uh Saturday they they jumped on it they pulled in from the county and they didn't waste a minute to get the electric company out there and get things working and and figured out and God bless them they took care of things the way they're supposed to so it was it's it's a wonderful thing and we're very fortunate to have all them working for us um that's all I have and now I'll open the floor to the public anybody see none motion to close the floor second all in favor I well nobody raise their hand I raise I mean you're G raise your I listen with the motion a second I don't we should let him talk talk let him talk should let him he can do it thank you very much appreciate it um good evening uh mayor and committee members um tonight there's also at the same exact time a a meeting at the school uh which is actually important because they're talking about the referendum and they're having school board meeting I ask that in the future before you plan any of these meetings the special meetings like this that you coordinate with the other body because right now there's a lot going on in this town and some of us can't be in two places at one time their meeting started at 5 o' it's still going on I know so right so you knew that in advance right no we didn't weed oured our before they planned theirs okay so you guys need to talk with one another and clear with each other that there isn't this is I appreciate your effort in telling us what we need to do all the time Mr bidnick but um I'm letting you know that we set our plan and if they chose to do it at the same time as us that's not our fault so maybe you tell them that okay okay I will good don't worry about it okay two was the cancellation fee paid to Johnson Controls not yet and why is that I haven't gotten a final info to now why would they have allowed this to go on for eight months unless you really just put this on a pause and you're planning on moving forward with this at another time they haven't sent me an invoice they have not sent us an invoice yet no kidding okay maybe I'll call them and find out why okay so two three the zoning board meeting was a total disgrace I really don't want members of this Township committee to ever say that you actually care about this town and its residents because you don't the puppets on the zoning board did your bidding actions speak louder than words if you cared about the Citi of this town and the quality of the lives you would be fighting along with the citizens to not allow this quick check gas station to be built there the people on Jones Way are going to be severely impacted by allowing this project to move forward the lights and noise and distractions that will occur in that neighborhood are going to be disastrous for those people living over there where is the caring where is the empathy there isn't any so please don't ever get up here and say that you care about Lacy Township the only people you care about are yourselves and those that are connected to you and the rest of us taxpayers and the citizens of this town well we could all go to help it's really despicable and disgraceful so at least be honest with yourselves and stop being phonies on another note selling a gifted property that was given to the residents of lacy Township with the understanding that it was to be kept is another example of this current body's lack of moral stature this is another prime example of your clear lack of caring concern for the people you are elected to serve no one wants another gas station there our history cannot be replaced what you consider progress others see as destruction at the last meeting I was cut off by the mayor when I was trying to make my public comments the person before me who is a connected person to this committee and who works for the town spoke for 6 minutes and 28 seconds she was not cut off I actually watched the video and timed it I would appreciate that you never do anything like that to me or any other taxpaying citizen ever again I know for a fact that if that ever happens to me I'll be filing a First Amendment civil rights lawsuit if you're going to break the rules for one you're going to have to break the rules for all my suggestion is that you just get rid of the five minute rule which was directed by the mayor Juliano and we won't ever have this problem again can the nepotism in Lacy Township be ever more obvious the what is happening right now I discussed this 12 years ago in front of the township committee I actually presented a nepotism policy it's actually gotten a lot worse since then for example it doesn't help the town administrator's husband sitting on the zoning committee and now her half brother is running for Township Committee just the appearance of this leads to the possibilities of indiv be individuals being compromised or conflicted Mr Lori will not be able to vote that's lay by the way get the name correct please Mr Laray thank you will not be able to vote on the job performance or any raises for the most important person who works for this town if he is elected why vote for someone who is so obviously conflicted it just all get gets looks really bad and maybe the township Committee just doesn't care but you can't claim that everything in this town is squeaky clean and Rosy when this type of stuff is happening right in front of our eyes it just smells from here to high heaven and it isn't meant to be personal it's just obvious observations whether you like it or not I don't know any of you personally so I'm speaking as a citizen and a taxpayer I don't know you personally do I mayor Juliano no all right so it can't be made personal these are my political observations in our community you're welcome right and many people feel this way so I'm just saying out loud what a lot of people won't say thank you thank you thank you for your comments would anyone else like to speak from the audience before we Mr Bender come on up Parry Bender somewhere in Ocean Ocean County I'm saying Ocean County gez um I attended the uh uh Board of adjustment meeting was Board of adjustment right that's who I was at I get them confused uh and a lot of people were angry with that and and please don't take any of this personally but my feeling is with the situation um at the corner of Route 9 in Lacy Road was a lack of planning uh because there are homes there um and you know my deep feeling is that I feel that that property never should have been sold that it should have been kept by the town there's lots of properties we can sell and that one has a a very deep meaning to many many citizens in this Township and I don't blame the the board of adjustment I blame the township committee for the sale of that so I'll just leave it at that thank you much anyone else from the public that would like to speak Mr I wasn't going to but uh well first of all like Barry he's somewhere in Lacy Township me too lifelong in Lacy Township but first first I want to thank Mr bisik for announcing to the town that I am running for Township committee I want to thank you for that second of all if somebody's going to come up here and use my name they better know me I've been involved in boards in this town for over 44 years I've never seen this gentleman in front of any board or attending any meeting I've ever been at I sit here respectfully learn from the committee and comments and I've actually commented to him many of times on the recent research he does because I respect him for that if he knew me number one whether my sister is the administrator or not he would know there's no issue there number two one of the biggest things people complain about is why isn't this the small town it always is Lacy's still got that small town feel whether it's a school board Public Works whatever you're going to run into people you know or whatever good example of this is is just what's going on with our schools right now which the committee has nothing to do but we sit here we come up and we Badger and we bring up things that a lot of times may be truthful Maybe not maybe need to be but you have a situation nobody wants to run for these positions I'm 68 years old I've been asked many of times to run for this position I've turned it down constantly I'm retired I have grandkids and I love this town I respect this town yes everything changes and needs work but when you have a small town whether it went from 5,000 to 30,000 when you come up here and speak no matter who you are you do not speak for everybody that's right because if there was as many problems as it's portrayed to be at these meetings these meetings would be a lot better attended because it really floes me to know even with our school board right now there's a lot of controversy and yet everybody's throwing stones and sometimes maybe rightly but the school board members are running unopposed so there's no excuse for that no there is why am I running there aren't many people that want to do this you know what you're sitting up there getting beat up for basically a token more than a volunteer because you don't get paid much for being up there but again I want to thank you for announcing that I'm running and you know what people that know me I'm not here to convince anybody to vote for me either like me or you don't you got your beliefs or you don't have your beliefs but I want to thank everybody whether it's on that side of the uh Das or this side for the comments and their input thank you thank you for your comment is there anyone else that would like to speak come on up please forgot to off going hello Miller good Fork River um I wanted to know when will this um when will you meet the next time a second as of September we meet the 2 and fourth Thursday of the month okay September 12th September 12th is the date okay all right well we have a fabulous website I don't see a lot of people don't seem to use it it has every information you need to know is on our website or call I mean any any question you have be free to call I mean 693 11100 it's a pretty easy phone number that question for reason okay this meeting is always supposed to take place on a Thursday evening two times in a month right very odd to have it on a Monday night except for the summer where we have one M today it's Tuesday I mean Tuesday yeah we had some scheduling conflicts with um getting normally in the summer we don't have two meetings a month we only have one meeting a month right but due to certain bills that needed to be paid tonight and due to scheduling conflicts with getting those bills ready to get out the person's on vacation we needed to back it up to Tuesday for this month and this is just considered us yeah we scheduled it as a special meeting and then we needed to get these gentlemen um on as well because I do need to spend some time at field training and stuff um by a certain date with the with the um police training commission okay but we've had plenty of advertisement about this it's not like it wasn't advertised I understand all that but I go by the calendar that you hand out every year yeah yes and this this meeting was not in the calendar and either was a Thursday meeting for the fourth Thursday of the month I think it stats when every uh all the different uh groups meet it's on on one of the pages and it's the second the second and fourth fourth yes Thursday of the month so what I'm saying is and the other meeting you had last month with it at a different time too I mean it it it does get confusing and it also says that it's supposed to start at 6:30 so um and you changed the time after the printing of the calendar went out yes that's correct okay it's just that it's it does become very confusing and and now we and now we know that the school board is having a meeting and the same time this was and you said you decided on your time first but it it's just confusing so it would be nice if you could really stick to what you say you're doing I mean you you should be the ones to decide and and it's written down maybe the other you should be checking to find out that they're not scheduling can't be responsible for what they do I can only be responsible for what we do and we did post this first they chose to grab the same day I don't know why and it's not you know it's not my place to know why okay I don't know what to say okay thank you thank Youk you anyone else from the audience that would like to speak one my name is Neil Pio I live at 835 Tiller Drive I'd like to ask if anyone knows if there are any plans or any requests have been made either of the municipal government or eventually the state government to make another alteration at the intersection of lacy Road and Route 9 do you know of s own that road so it's not and that the state has not reached out to us to make any indication that there's making any changes besides the county going to pave Lacy Road from the intersection of Route 9 all the way to the parkway my question really and you know it applies to the people who are developing that property do you know of any intent on their part to make any alter that was asked at the zoning board meeting um I don't think you stayed around long enough to hear that that was asked at the zoning board meeting there are no entrances or exits on Route 9 there were residents that did ask about um a possible I'm going to say right turn lane onto Jones Road I think I'm right about that right bar well right turn from the south left turn from the north right going north they wanted like um a turn lane so that a lane there but there's no application and the do took um no interest in the application to have them make any improvements at that intersection because they're not changing the frontage at all very good okay so I'd like to just make one comment to the mayor sure the way you sound it's as if the board of education is some foreign country it's it's not it's just that I don't get to say anything to them so I don't I don't I I'm not saying you have any control yes but I could hardly believe that if you communicate with the superintendent that you two can't work out or even the Acting Superintendent work out some kind of a let me interrupt you because we had the same situation when I was mayor and we had a meeting and they scheduled a meeting you know I've been here 20 years I can probably count on one hand the amount of times that we've had to have a special meeting or so basically you know some people have made it sound concerned let me you're asking a question so let me explain okay it's more the attitude between the municipal government and the Board of Education all I'm saying is so this is interesting it's a family no okay it's interesting that you're saying this because at the last meeting I got told that I should not be interfering in anything that goes on at the Board of Education you know better okay you know better okay and it's because I tried to help them I'm a problem but now because I'm saying I can't make decisions for them I'm I'm being it's an attitude right okay I'm all I'm trying to say is uh it sounds as if they're a foreign country I'm telling you that I think the general public would be better served if there was Harmony okay so there is harmony we have we have no problems you all are making a fuss over one incident tonight being that the meeting is there if that meeting was so important that I don't care over there I'm really talking about how you talk about your relationship with the board of it and it just sounds strange that's all okay thank you for your comments is there anyone else from the audience that would like to speak seeing none motion to close the floor second thank you all in favor motion to adjourn move it thank you Mr I no further business