##VIDEO ID:T## hard Lou louder louder hello everyone you might they might already know who the person is adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to Public Law 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press and the beacon and was posted on the bulleon board showing the time and place of the meeting please rise for the salute of the flag I to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all like I'd like to invite my chief up if please yes please thank you no problem i' like to thank everybody for coming out today this very important very crucial the motion uh of Officer Scott Keefe to the rank of police Sergeant uh the is crucial supervision is is super important to you know pretty much any company but especially in law enforcement so we have a very young Department um things change rapidly the laws you know expected by the public from us so it's not you know I always say enforcing the laws only a partial fraction of what we do there's so much more enforement 24 hours a day days a week 365 days a year we answer the phone response Notting people they need you know us and we help out there's a lot of different that we do enforcement he needs a mic going to mic just point it to that one no no speak you're good okay coming up you're not coming up on the microphone to repeat everything no no no we're good we're good repeat everything supervision is is super important and it's only fair you know to the officers that need that supervision uh to you know the upper ealon that you know we really rely on the supervisor to make sure everything is being done properly and that the young officers are getting the guidance they need this also fair to the citizens of lacy Township all right and I always tell everybody that's what we do this for we're in public service it's not hey what can I get you know as the chief of police or what's the town giving me or you know what's owed to me it really is what we can do for the township and the residents and it's is not possible without you uh I can say this as a lifelong resident of lacy Township been here my whole life um yeah and very proud to be part of this department super proud to leave this department uh as you can see by the response you know of all the officers who showed up today uh yeah it's important it's very important and you know it it says a lot so officers thank you so much for you know your support supporting you know your fellow officer in this promotion and you know someday I feel the most I'm going to be gone so you know this is important support each other and you know just you know be proud be proud of this time and let's understand and I want to thank the committee for their support so truly thank you you know all the committee members we have tremendous support from the committee uh we have a plan in place you know to get us to a certain level to get you know the amount of Staffing we need the amount of supervision we need and they have not reneged they've just been you know complete Advocates and supporters of the police department and I can't say enough and I want to thank each and everyone personally Veronica Ray as well thank you so much for your support of the police department um that being said the man of the hour got key front and center please all right so I I know most of this but I don't want to forget any of it so officer Scott Keith is a lifelong resident of glazy Township he graduated from Lac Town White School in 2005 he also graduated from Kane college with a Bachelor's in criminal justice uh he began his career in law enforcement with the Seaside Heights Police Department he came over to Lacy took the test came over to Lacy 2013 and was hired by US in 2013 so he's an 11e veteran of the police department uh during that time he's established himself as a you know one of the one of the things I find very important a field training officer and why that's so important because he's the one responsible for molding the young minds and developing these young officers to become you know the good officers that they're going to become in their careers it's crucial we don't put it in the hands of just anybody it's got to be somebody who's dedicated somebody who wants to do that job and who does it well and Scott does so you know I really I'm really impressed with that no complaints uh he does a really good job with that on top of that he's a drug recognition expert takes a lot of schooling and a lot of patience what that means he goes out and somebody who's under the influence of Narcotics or other drugs he has to sit with that person um and determine you know by giving them test talking to them and determining if you know what they're under the influence of takes a lot of patience uh a lot of determination and Scott does it well so not a lot of people want to do that and Scott can do that um a couple other things he's a crash investigator so for our serious accidents they go out not every accident requires a diagram and and uh you know uh marking the scene so it's it's a it's a science and it requires a lot of skill competence and ability Which Scott has um he's also an ATV operator uh he's helped me out in a situation we had a uh a missing Endangered Person in the woods out off of 539 we were out there with the sheriff's department they couldn't find him with a drone for like over two hours Scott keyth found him in 15 minutes on an ATV probably less than 15 minutes so I mean helped me out greatly so you know I don't forget thank you Scott for that any other thing he represents us well as part of the honor guard he always out there during our our parades uh never complains and does his job and he looks good he stays in shape he looks good and he lets break in uniform which important so I'm going get on to some of his Awards I have to read those so Scott takes DWI enforcement very very seriously he's won uh the Mothers Against Drunk Driving award four times he uh Jason Marl DWI Award winner that was Jason Marl is an officer I went to the police academy with uh at the end of his shift one day I forget what year it was he was on his way home and he was killed uh by a drunk driver on the Garden State Park way so it means a lot to me he was my classmate he was a very good a good man yeah um and he's also two time nominee for the Kimberly Smith G uh DWI Award so wonderful what I say when I say what Scott you know to those you know to the doers you know come the rewards and the spoils so you have that part down and I respect that there's a lot of good candidates that we interviewed and you know behind you know on the list is well um Scott has not failed in anything we've asked him to do so if you're a good officer continue that you know Mentor the new guys don't let up now you have another you know task you have to reach and that is leadership and supervision you have to you have to lead these officers you have to supervise these officers a different skill level you've not failed us and I don't believe you're going to fail us at all I think you're going to do a wonderful job keep it up keep your foot on the gas keep moving forward count you know on your officers you don't know everything I don't know everything rely on your fellow sergeants listen to your lieutenants you know your captain your Chief but rely you were a great senior officer rely on your senior officers as well fantastic without further ado just want me to acknowledge his parents James and Mary sister and brother-in-law Erica and Christian his niece and nephew Haley and Carter extended family members in the audience and friends and fellow officers very nice very nice [Applause] Okay resolution 202 24-23 gr resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey promoting Scott R Keith to the position of police Sergeant for the Lacy Township Police Department motion move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes did I call yes mayor Juliana yes now we will swear him into his position to make it official come over here and anybody from the family you want to come up she she told me she was gonna pin him that's for sure you're fine don't brush she's good that we come here bud come hold it you were hold that we probably after Mark I Scott AR I Scott arke do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of police Sergeant perform all the duties of police Sergeant according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and to the government established in the unit States and to the government ests in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people so help me God under the authority of the people so help me God congratulations thank you don't poke them well if you have to only chance you get got it Tri ready how nice all right great job oh so usual what I like to look at first of all how many other professions do you have where your these many of your fellow workers or you know camaraderie Brothers come out to support you even even we have some retired ones too back there but what I really like to look at is the family and the pride on their faces they as they look upon you because you know the the quality I've been here for 20 years now it's amazing the quality of of the officers we have are just amazing just you know I I tell people all the time and and not to bring up a negative but you you hear about things happening in other states and I I I you know I I attribute that to lack of training maybe um and not being able to get the cream of the crop and we've been very lucky in ly Township to get the cream the crop and and time after time when we we have a hire or we have a promotion and the chief or Captain come up and they speak of of that person I'm just blown away by their their history their education um everything that goes with it Scott I know you're going to do a great job I I know that all the things that the chief said are true and he he believes in you as they all believe in you otherwise I don't think they will be here and that's I think that's what what it means you all believe in each other um and I wish you all the best of luck thank you very much Scott thank you kenis yeah congratulations Scott you should be very proud of your of your accomplishments um we always say how important it is to have such an intimate knowledge of the townships um you know considering how long you've been here you like you know where all the the hiding spots are and um I played baseball with Scott for a number of years and and he could hit a baseball better than I can which isn't saying much but it's something so congratulations this McDonald thank you you know I D Hil up with these two gentlemen um one of the things that's always amaze me is that nobody none of our officers leave to go to another town and that says a lot you get here I've always said this is the best police force in the state of New Jersey and nobody leaves but when we have an opening guess what we got a lot of applications from people out of town I think the chief will will verify that and that means they want to come here why because we're good you're good and this is an example Scott Lacy res I love it because he knows where the teenagers are going to be making trouble it's as simple as that because he was probably doing it a little so with that Scott I congratulate you and I hope you're going to lead us in the right direction thank you I just want to say congratulations and it's wonderful joining up the ranks there um we're so fortunate what our captain and our chief and the rest of our Force has done in the last year and a half we have just we have moved forward and we're just doing a wonderful job and I'm so proud and I say we meaning you not me you we've we've you've really put the effort in as just seen and it's we we're just so proud of all of you and when this happens when when a promotion happens it just it makes us feel even that much better so I'm just grateful thankful and thank you all of you blue here and green back there on that shirt I see you um congratulations thank you done yes that's it your guys are good to go got to go home well excuse any of the family or anybody that wants to go thank you so so we don't need any drones right no no Dr conratulations congratulations you so much thank you I appreciate it thank you thank you gentlemen and family thank you recess the family and the police offices are welcome to right you guys can uh go about your business go ahead I won't make you stay won't hold you here any longer want me to pause the tape for excuse me CH what do you pause the tape for a minute pausing the tape you thank you Captain Captain how are you good to see you good to see you see you later you let me know Steve when it's back oh no I forgot recording I totally forgot I had it hit I failed on my job already they're going to fire me my job okay special use permit turn the town real for ovarian cancer in September uh turn the town teal is a national campaign to create awareness for ovarian cancer we have a resident um reach out to us at this time every year um to honor her mother-in-law who lost her battle with ovarian cancer so she will post the ribbons across town and the ribbons will be um accompanied by a um just a card that exp the symptoms card sorry um that will explain awareness and um they she will put them up on September 1st and she'll remove them on September 30th second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenon yes Mr D yes yes that's it that's all I have that's all we have motion toour move it second all in favor okay okay adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to the public laws of 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press in the beacon and was posted on the Bolton board showing the time and place of the meeting please rise for the salute to the flag and a moment of silence I pledge alleg to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with li justice for all okay first reading of ordinates 2024-the the sale of block 10112 L 168 to adjoining property owners ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey authorizing the sale of block 101.2 lot 168 on the municipal tax map to Scott Minter and Elizabeth a Griggs and Philip Willer in accordance with provisions of njsa 40a 12-13 B this is um the sale of an undersized lot to the adjoining property owner uh the fair market value of $17,500 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr yes mayor jul yes first reading of ordinance 2024 D20 authorizing the sale of block 1,201 and lot 101 to the county of ocean coordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the sale of block 10201 lot 1.01 to the county of ocean in accordance with njsa 4A 12-3 B this is to authorize the sale of the Triangular lot in the business park to the county of Ocean and the sale amount is $150,000 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes second reading of ordinance 2024-the an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey amending chapter 313 entitled trees second reading open the floor public comment seeing none make a motion to close it second all in favor I motion on the ordinance move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennon yes Mr bov yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 23 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey in opposition to propose legislation bypassing local Zoning for homebased businesses uh if this legislation um would pass it would essentially override any local land use ordinances and classify certain um businesses as permitted accessory uses um so they refer to it as the homebased jobs creation act move it second second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D yes mayor jul yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the appointment of full-time laborers for a Department of Public Works resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the employment of John soav veto kho and Joseph admission as full-time laborers for the Department of Public Works move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliana yes and I would like to bring attention to Joe Mission here who is with us tonight who will be starting in the near future with [Applause] us resolution 202 24-22 authorizing the appointment of a full-time dispatcher trainee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Cassidy L May as full-time Public Safety telecommunicator traine for the township of lacy Police Department second Mr McDonald yes Mr kennet yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes Chief or Captain do you want to say anything because I see our new dispatcher is present tonight I don't I don't have much for par cassid she's 24 years old she went to college in Florida Cassidy could you stand up so we could see you she tall she's tall like her parents oh my God 24 years old graduated from Lacy um I now her her father probably doesn't remember me but was a little kid but they've they've been in Lacy forever so I go back for the story like before F and run was built so maybe we should leave that out the dune buggies back there remember I remember so yeah my brother Mike remembers you and You' always you always been good you know to to to me and my brother and uh I know you you corrections as well yes so um so Cassy comes from a good family Lacy resident lifelong uh attending college in Florida received a uh bachelor's in psychology and now currently works at cath Zin and has her certification for dispatch and can't wait to have her join our that's wonderful we're so happy for you congratulations [Applause] congratulations thank you Chief resolution 2024-25 appointing a regular member to the environmental commission resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Carrie Jennings as a regular member to the environmental commission for the township of lacy move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D yes may Juliana yes resolution 2024 D 228 awarding a contract for painting services for the loka harbor EMS building move it second jumed it again resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to Ernesto's painting contractor LLC for painting services for the loka harbor EMS building this is uh as approved in the 2024 Municipal budget um the contract amount is $5,000 because Ernesto is donating the paint very nice very nice Mo Mr Mr kenis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes may jul yes and thank you for to the nestos resolution 2024 229 awarding a contract for roof Renovations for the Lacy Food Bank building resolution at the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to LR Watson Sun Roofing and Construction for roof Renovations for the Lacy Township Food Bank building at 102 Station Drive as you may be aware we did a resolution for this back in June I believe it was um but unfortunately that agreement did not account for prevailing wage so the new contract amount is $39,600 moving second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennon yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 202 24-230 authorizing a refund of Municipal truck parking fees resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the release of monies charged for municipal truck parking move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024 231 authorizing the refund of deposit monies resolution in the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the refund of deposits held for the use of Municipal facilities move second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kenneth yes mrov yes mayor Julian yes resolution 202 24-23 authorizing the payment of Township bills resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the payment of Township bills this is in the amount of 11,349 73940 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliana yes motion to approve the caucus minute meetings from July 11th 2024 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr Dain mayor Juliana yes motion to approve Township minute meetings from July 11th 2024 second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr abstained Mayor Juliano yes motion to approve executive session minute meetings from July 11th 2024 move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof abstain mayor Juliana yes motion to approve membership in the for of of a Volunteer Fire Company for Trent Columbo move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kenn yes Mr yes mayor Juliana yes motion to approve an ex exol excuse me ex member in the lenoa harbor Volunteer Fire Company for rosalene biano second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes that's it comments from the committee Mr dof so uh real brief first of all congratulations to our new sergeant and congratulations to Welcome to our new employees um it's so nice to see you come here it's such a great town to come work for as you probably know you know Mr Flynn U some others you make a career out of it um and it's a good career um it's got it ups and downs but I can tell you that um it it will will serve you all in life if you serve it and then the other thing I wanted to talk about I guess unsung heroes so I guess I go back many many years ago and we were fighting to get the seab brege community approved and there was some push back but we were finally able to get it done and and we knew it would change the complexion of the township but little did we know how much this this this community would do to us so recently they had a a a function called Stuff the bus it's an annual function and I didn't know about it until I guess you've done it but thank you so much it's such a wonderful wonderful thing they did and they collected and then you put it on they put all the packs on a bus and took pictures so stuffed the bus who came up with that you you came up with stuff the bus chair that stuff us but the whole team you know put together the school district was wonderful they provided the bus and so we were able to have a very successful day so then we donate everything to the school well thank you so much it's it's it's well appreciated I'm sure thank you Mr D that was great to bring that up and I just want to add to it just because we're talking about them right now um they help with our food bank tremendously along with a lot of other people don't misunderstand me but they're also very good they've been a good neighbor to us it's as simple as that they've been a really good neighbor to us here in members of boards they they really do a nice job thank you very much and you're here and would Mr kenis couldn't decide what to talk about tonight so I have no comments okay Welly that's a surprise Mr McDonald calling in from Italy or what no no no he's enjoying himself um couple things I was at the concert last night um it was pretty good um it took me back because it was all outon John and Billy Joel music so it took me back to well it took me back let's just your younger days yes let's just leave it at that we had a we had a good turnout um you know what that's all I got that's all you have okay okay well um again I just want to congratulate everybody that got promoted and in a job position and glad to have all of you welcome to the what I call the neighborhood you know it's our it's our little town of neighborhood and we're glad to have all of you here thank you for joining us that's for sure um I'm just trying to think what else I want to say I do have one little thing Walmart is having what's called a wellness day 2024 it's Saturday August 3rd from 10: to 2: and while you're over there having your s checked out at Wellness day you could stop by the new car wash they're having their grand opening on Sat um excuse me tomorrow Friday they'll be grand opening at 11:00 so if anybody's available to stop by they're welcome to stop by and I think that's all I have too just glad to see all you here it's nice to see a lot of faces so I'll open up the floor to the public come on Heather come on up Heather you can take the microphone and bring it back for um Tom's going to be moving it I see it and you guys that excuse me for one minute Heather if anybody wants to go you are welcome to leave now if you don't want to stay for all the uh other stuff you're welcome yeah so you can go too Joe Joe if you want to head out you can buddy I'll see you next week go right ahead Heather Heather scandin and tonight I'm representing the municipal Alliance and you can probably as you can see greatt great shirt and uh it's that time of the year when I like to come and talk about our 5K race and most of you may be aware or may not be aware but this is our 24th race I can't imagine when we first did this in 2001 that we'd still be doing this in 2024 a lot of races kind of dwindled down after a while the director gets tired and you know whatever but we're still at it you know we started it then because as a fundraiser to raise extra money for our towards our programs now it becomes necessary because as you know we have been cut 70% since covid from our grant money so this this race allows us to supplement the Grant and still do our programs so and it really has become a community event because we have a lot of parts that anybody can participate I always invite all of you to come and if you don't want to do the 5K race there's always the one mile Fun Run haven't you done that I've done McDonald yes yes I know and uh so I I welcome you to try to do that and if not we have the kitty dashes so there's a little bit of something for everybody uh I will say we and we have a lot of Team challenges and if you remember Dave mayor Mo Dave Mo who was mayor one year he sto started a challenge to the police department that he would wash up and and polish a police car if five members of the police department could beat him well it was nip and Tuck because he beat four of them so it was the a well maybe the three of them but anyway he washed and and Polished the the police so we have the mayor's trophy Ed would you bring that up a second so we every year we award what's called the mayor's trophy so the fastest team of five members so we started it in 2009 so you're welcome to try and compete for this there's five committee people correct yes I don't know Heather I do believe the Lacy cross country team has won that the last what 10 years uh I was just going to say that cross country team blah blah blah we we actually had to go to another side and 2023 is on here so you know it's a great event because I don't know if a lot of people out there realize but it it involves everybody it's not just the municipal Alliance it is also our school uh there's plenty of students that come over from the high school there's just you know just regular people lot of people from out of town come in to run this race so it is a huge undertaking our Police Department helps out a lot and uh it's a huge undertaken and we appreciate all the work you do Heather well we appreciate the support from the township as well this year we have a little glitch in our course uh the police department has asked us to go back to one of our previous courses which is not a problem we have it certified and everything however due to the construction at the intersection of Manchester and Hanes the traffic light will be moved and a telephone pole right now has been moved right in the middle of the path so we have to do a little slight detour which uh we're gonna meet public works next week hopefully and see what we can manage and communicate that to our Runners fantastic but we do appreciate the the support of the township for the event um want to mention also that we have a lot of volunteer opportunities this is not just for runners but this is for volunteers as well we have probably 35 to 40 volunteers but it's a it's a big undertaking because there three events in in one short time and look you get a shirt and you can bring wear it every year from then on so we welcome people to uh they can call recreation department and leave your name and number and you can volunteer all you have to do is stand around and look nice look pretty at very early hours of the morning yes we won we don't mention that when we looking for help right they don't all have to get there again is that August 24th it's always the fourth Saturday of the month and again I cannot stress and thank also that the sponsors of our race because if it wasn't for them we would not do as well as we usually do and it really is volunteers what time would you like them to depends on what they're if they're course Marshals we usually ask them to get there about 8:15 okay some of us get there at 6 yeah she didn't want to announce that you see well those are when we're cutting up the bagels and the oranges and everything else so yes that's why we get there so we have a setup for we call it our a kitchen area and everything and we get T some of the vendors this the bagel places donate bagels and we have bananas and all that stuff so anyway we love to see people out thank you Heather Heather what's the oldest the oldest man he's from White what how old is he that he brought in um he's I just actually spoke with his wife today because they hadn't registered so I believe he's going to be 93 is he not running this year if I'm under well is he ran with his wife and she's 87 this year uh she now has congestive heart failure so she can't run so they walk he won't run without her okay so they are coming I don't know that they're going to run but I think I'll have them we named I just spoke with them last weekend myself on the yeah I was at a 80th birthday party with them for somebody and they weren't sure what they were doing any no I I I beg them to I said you don't have to run or or walk you can come anyway maybe he'll hand out the award because we did name the 90 and above award yes in the name of paperman and his wife's name is Dolores and they're lovely people they live in Whiting and they've been doing this race for many years we have a uh we have quite we have two people over 85 males that are running as well wow uh female over 80 uh Helen Delacruz is one she always does good for her so you guys you know you have to live up to these other people no I don't thank you thank you heather appreciate who who's who else would like to come up anyone else from the audience that'd like to speak seeing none n motion did [Music] he good evening is this on is it working okay uh good evening mayor Township committee members um like to draw attention to an article that was in the Lacy patch gas station could replace historic Lacy property the property housing the warden house and former Community Center has been sold and a convenience store gas station is proposed for it a hearing is set before the zoning board at 6:30 p.m. on August the 5th in the Lacy Township Municipal Building okay so this article was posted and there was a lot of comments made by our local individuals who live here in the town on how they feel about this and I just took out a few of them because I want the township committee to um understand how a lot of people do not approve of what you're doing okay so shayanne KO absolutely not George gumbos we are fast becoming Bricktown South Sheila Anderson so sad Donald Ferguson every commercial Venture seems to easily get a variance what are zoning regulations for Good Question apparently just written to support land use lawyers and extort variance fees look at the traffic disaster Dunkin Donut Lacy road is a kindergarten student could see that doesn't belong can't wait to see traffic pattern at Lacy Road in Route 9 Courtney Valentine well no one should support whatever business they put there I'm all in favor of that let it be known before they tear it down it's really a shame something like this can happen to a part of our history Linda anrank the local government should be ashamed of themselves the town has gotten to be so congested when we moved here 16 years ago it was wonderful now you can't even go out anymore on the weekends Jeff jerich good luck I vote these guys out every year and the same ones keep on winning it's a losing battle for 50 years the town has gone to Debbie Franza disgusting Dominus Maximus why are we erasing history we definitely don't need another gas station especially at that site Mike KY just sad KS sick wasn't it only like 7,200 people that voted at the last election more people need to show up Greg s if you contact back to Historical Society they might be able to stop it from being demolished I doubt that Lacy doesn't need any more gas stations Nick veter this is just what the town needs we definitely have a shortage of gas stations Melody prior there has to be a way if there are enough citizens to stop this we have no history left I was once proud to live here now it's time to leave Jennifer Bentley we do not need any more development on Our Town especially on Route 9 we are not able to handle the traffic now let alone it at that corner of Route 9 in Lacy road is tur to a gas station it is my understanding that a variance is required to accommodate parking Our Town zoning committee needs to vote no Jaclyn deie disgraceful Patty fouser Barrel ridiculous to tear down Lacy history for more congestion shame on the committee Francis proos our local government should be ashamed that property has given to us on the condition it would never be sold they know it but did it anyway Karen Fitzpatrick we have no need for another gas station or strip mall enough already Lindsay Lou worst place for gas station Diana D Forte sad if it goes down gets torn down Pamela zusa this town is really effed up and now we're living in a Manhattan so sad what they did here might as well just let all the people from Lakewood move here now Richard bidnick I am without words obviously our elected Town officials do not care how the people of this town feel and that is quite obvious by all of their actions the selling of this property which to many is somewhat illegal is appalling their policies of allowing overdevelopment have caused all this traffic now they're going to put another crummy store that we don't need and have two historic buildings that have significance for our Town torn down I think it's time that we replace the people who are elected to serve us with individuals who actually care about this town and who are actually going to listen to the people they are responsible to that being the taxpayers of lacy Township Pete Petty field Houser outrageous Kate deasy this is pretty awful Francis prios the property has given to Lacy Township your time is up Mr bidnick you didn't cut them off when they were speaking she was over five minutes was over five minutes Heather was not over five minutes we have she had a little bit less than a minute to go Heather all right I'll come back up again nobody else come Carol did you want did you have something you wanted to get come up how are you um I need some help or assistance I called before regarding the environmental Commission I called Amy back in April there you gave me the number and basically this was because we were talking about the geese and Cedar Creek and things like that I wanted I would like to join the commission so you gave me a name of Catherine yes is Catherine the chair yes okay so Catherine wrote me back in April and said uh there'll be a meeting in May and she's delighted to have me on the commission well so you have to sub so typically submit your resume and then we review it and then we vote on it if there's an opening on the board she invited me and said I'm Ines she that and I've written to her three times no I just need help because yeah so you have to submit your resume the township committee what resume a letter of interest and your resume that's typically how any position that's open uh any of the board positions who do I write that letter to now that town not on the cl to the CL to the court so if I fumble this next step can you assist in any way to try and tell me whether I am or I am not CU I've been emailing her and she just keeps writing back next we've been trying to coordinate meetings with her and she keeps I'm trying to help you with that I would that's why we appointed Mr Jennings tonight because he was the first person to establish the environmental commission here in the township of lacy he's very well known was somebody a couple months ago that got added to the commission I don't think so you announced we re um Catherine and another member that were currently on there there was something like two or three months ago yeah those were the ones with the expired terms was she had told us she want to start a meeting it's just very frustrating that there's no process and that I wasn't well the process there is a I wasn't advised of the process when I called you and you said that I had to contact Catherine and I did and then I'm just waiting for Catherine to get back no just you submitted you submit a letter like that so I thank you for your for clarifying whether it's the planning board or zoning board or any board it's the same thing you submit your resume but there's nothing anywhere to teach a resident how to Citizen Service Act that's what it is it's a New Jersey Law citizen service act explains it all to you okay thanks all right thank you anyone else that would like to come up and speak nothing no okay Mr bidnick would you like to come back and finish by the way I also like um Carol had reach reached out to this individual and she also said to me the same thing to come and join at a meeting and it's you know it's kind of sad that we don't seem the people who were supposedly in charge do not really know the protocol or how things are supposed to go so very well aware of how things are supposed to go well then why is the Comm the person who's in charge of the committee not explaining that she does not communicate well with us we try to communicate with her guess I guess all right all right so to continue Kate deasi this is pretty awful Francis Pros the property was given to Lacy Township on the condition it never be sold I'm angry but relieved that it's not going to be more affordable housing or tow houses shame on the politicians for having damaged our quality of life with greedy overbuilding bernardet Maneri well you can only hope that there's karma from the grave by those who donated the properties h Carol Shaw keep the original structure for the store Lyn Marie don't want to say the words but WTF what is wrong with this town it's definitely not like what it used to be so my question is this um what happened with Mr de George now this property was listed twice right and there's that fee 60,000 so did he have to pay the fee twice 60,000 I hope he had to well why why would he have to pay it because um well there were two separate sales and he he bid on the first one and because of a mistake that was made the first sale was null and void null and void so it just but what about the fee that goes to it was a refundable fee because the first sale was null on void oh okay all right um so all right so that answers that question um anyways I just wanted to say there's a lot of people in this town who don't agree with what you're doing and you know it's true what that one person said about the number of people who vote there are 22,000 registered voters I think the mayor got 3,900 which is like 15% of the registered voters in this town to say that you may have even some sort of a mandate or whatever is is just not real and not true and I have explained this to you before why people don't vote because exactly what I'm saying you don't listen to the people who you are elected to serve I mean unfortunately in politics today in America politicians just think that they can do whatever they want and get away with it it's like in Washington it's going on in our own State and it's happening here in our own town and the only way for us to make a change with doing this is to change the government or the people who are repres presenting us to people who actually listen to our needs I mean I've been coming up here and speaking and so has many other people and we're just not happy I mean the town used to be a great place with all the overdevelopment that has happened you've changed it forever and we can't really go back and the traffic on Route 9 is real and there's more housing that's going up there and you know what some of us would appreciate that you actually spend money fighting these that want to break every variance that they can to build these I'm talking about commercial structures in our town make them stick within the guidelines of our laws and if we're not going to do that why do we even have any I mean at this point it's true why do why are we even going to have any if we're not going to stick to them so the issue is I know you don't want to hear this because you think you can get away with doing this forever but the people in the country and not only in Lacy Township are fed up with their government because they don't don't listen to what the people have to say and I do care about the town I care about our schools I care about what we're doing here and how we can make it better and the quality of life that's basically for me is about the quality of life and if our quality of life is really being changed in a negative way then you people need to take notice of this now I know um our mayor stated when she was running for re-election again about progress you know and all this building you know we just have to deal with it no we don't have to to deal with it we can take our you know we're in charge of Our Own Destiny and you have the power to enforce and stop these things from happening so I'm hoping when we have the meeting on the 5th the uh at the planning board that they don't allow this project to go through a gas station that is the corner of our town that is like the most significant part of our community Route 9 and Lac Road a gas station please we don't need that thank you very much thank you thank you for your [Music] comments is there anyone else from the floor that would like to speak Mr bener com yeah I'll be brief um you know I'm against what Richard what he's talking about the said I've been here for 38 years and I have lots of memories in that Community Hall and I feel very very badly for the families who've been here for probably decades if not century and the memories that they have in those buildings and I think it's a really sad thing and I'm very sad over what's going on um I did my best to try and stop it uh we couldn't do it um I feel bad that we couldn't do it but it's going to be a sad day when they not I don't know what if we're going to be able to move the warden house or not I'm hoping that uh someone sticks to the word that he mentioned sometime back but as far as Community Hall there's so many people in this town that have memories of things that they've done in that Community Hall and I find it very sad that for dollars that those memories are going to be gone it's my point thanks very much thank you Mr Bend because my heart is pounding I want to thank General Flynn for giving me courage Trump telling me to fight fight fight I just found a document today with my grandfather's name on it I saw him I believe it was in 1972 on his deathbed I just graduated second grade and I don't exactly remember what he told me but he told me someday I would be needed and he would always be with me his name is out front you took the name and put it on Franklin Wilbert's field I know he would hate that Franklin Wilbert his name's on the thing with them Franklin was a good friend of mine um my parents didn't like him but I had a friendship with him through my neighbors and you know he believed in the Trust Company there was a lawsuit the estate lost or the daughter sister lost excuse me so many generations of my family have fought for that building I don't know what else to use my two generations a generation after my daughter are Native Americans so I need to get the Native Americans somebody's got to save the building save the property we don't need a gas station what about Bridge Creek all your Maps your stuff you paid thousands and thousands of dollars to Engineers for they show they're from 2017 I saw them online they show Bridge Creek stops at the G uh behind the library it doesn't it goes there's a tunnel are you trafficking children what's going on under the elementary school why is there a tra a tunnel under there it's a 72 in drainage pipe from cranberry Hill it's a 72 in drainage pipe which is drainage basin number one coming from cranber Hill at the same time my grandfather told me about this you know you you put it through and I I remember there's a a manhole right at the home plate at the ball field why that's scary that has always scared me I have seen sublimi messages in 1976 when I was in sixth grade on the school what's going on in the town is it the Freemasons the Illuminati you know you took something that you say was worth $300,000 and you gave us something for $750,000 and told us is shut up you know there's is there some kind of insurance fraud going on what's going on with the Trust Company do we have to sue the Trust Company what about the money that's still in the estate I have no idea what you're talking about here some of the numbers you're throwing out I have no idea what you're talking about right here I'm talking for my heart okay my heart's pounding through my chest what you're doing is is sickening you didn't make a clerical error you knew what you were doing and you're disgusting yes Carol all right Charles Smith died in 1918 I've done tons of re I was actually born on his birthday do anybody here know who Charles Smith was multi-millionaire from Manhattan Sportsman came down here his father owned property he bought more property he brought bought the estate that was known by the Carmen family Carmen hired Pharaoh the architect's name as the schoolhouse to build this giant hotel and then he died when he died he was friends with Smith Charles A Smith from Manhattan friends with the carnegies all from the Gilded Age he's probably in his 50s came down here hunting and fishing all the time had a giant Schooner he turned it into the Riverside house he worked it as the Riverside house he finally sold it to the Enos of which the daughter-in-law Harry Eno the son daughter-in-law Katie Eno she was a warden she became the hostess he then went back to New York he married a woman she ended up getting very very sick 10 years later he put her in a nursing home and he came back down here and he bought the entire estate of where we now know as the game farm before it was the game farm he owned 500 Acres the entire corner of forkid river anyway make a long story short he sold it to the game farm we brought in all these people from Scotland to manage all the birds is it still Charles Smith doing all this he was friends with Ernest Napier PS Ernest Napier married ktie Eno later on it's a love story for Lacy for the history when he died his estate had over $300,000 in cash money he gave a lot of money to the township he had tons of real estate holdings everything it never got dispersed because his wife was still alive nobody knew his wife was alive but the Trust Company never gave up all the money which is why the town the Community Hall was built for 10,000 maybe $11,000 not 15 which was given it then went to it was owned by a guy named George were rude George held the deed George died he he trust was founded for George rude and then George's wife said you know what I've had enough of this let's form a committee for the Charles A Smith Memorial Association which included judge Minter and I don't know if you guys know the Finn estate up on water Road that's Judge minter's house that's the judge that was on the committee he's friends with Charles Smith he wrote all these contracts him Grant there was so we had an Eno on the committee I've I've shown the who the committee is at any rate the Community Hall gets done they they don't have any money because they can't get the rest of the money out of the estate cuz the wife's still alive letters go back and forth this is why I think Joan was mad the estate still exists today in Ocean County Charles Smith estate still exists whether we knew it or not when his wife finally died in 1957 there was a check written to this Township and I don't know how they got away with it at least he was not a beneficiary that gave the balance of the $155,000 to the Township in 1957 if you keep following the paperwork apparently Charles Smith made I think her name was Sophie she got five grand back when he died she died didn't have any beneficiar her money is now rolled up and still in the state of New Jersey so what Joanne is saying is his estate is still open beneficiar are still on the list we know this so I just wanted to clear up if you never knew who Charles Smith was he was an amazing human being he changed the face of this town he brought in all the people from Scotland which were all the the the entire game farm was him the enos's captains in that's all Charles Smith so if we want to forget him we can forget him by selling his stuff and moving his name and whatever but I'd like to celebrate somebody that actually changed the face of this town so I think that's why Jo-Ann's upset because her grandfather was on that committee and her great-grandfather was on her the committee the postman in town the the tax collector Cornel IUS Updike school teacher you're right with the name also on the committee meaning these were all Township people that believed in what Charles Smith wanted to do so when you know the history and as Mr McDonald knows his wife is part of the Historical Society your mother's part of the Historical Society I'm part of the historical soci I like this I'm a history buff from way back when love it love it love it but all I have to say is if it's going to go bye-bye I would like to establish something bigger than the Community Hall to remember Charles Smith I'd like that entire federal land to be the Charles Smith Environmental Center so we would have someplace for our kids to go because those 500 acres are still not available to anybody in this Township and those are the most valuable acreage of the entire Township on the waterfront and we're not allowed to go in there so it's owned by the feds now if I'm not mistaken and it's going over to the federal fishing game right but I'm just saying I think we have a say in trying to remember Charles Smith so I just wanted you to know this story and what Joanne was trying to express but appreciate you thanks for sharing thank you is there anyone else from the public that would like to speak seeing none come on no Linda Linda I'm sorry Linda Miller foret River um I just want to say that listening to all this there are a lot of people in the town that don't realize what the longtime people living here are really asking for but my my only comment right now sometimes progress is not progress thank you thank you again I'll say is there anybody else from the audience that like to comment seeing none motion to close the floor second all in favor I resolution 2024 d234 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the convening of an executive session in accordance with the open public meetings act move it second Mr McDonald sorry Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr D yes mayor julana yes motion toour move it second all in favor I no further business