##VIDEO ID:TTq-PDncvAI## ladies and gentlemen good job Amy do that good afternoon and happy New Year everybody Welcome to the 2025 reorganization meeting we're going to begin the meeting with our regular statement uh salute to the flag and a moment of silence sorry adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meeting act pursuant to public laws of 19 75 set notice was advertised in the asbar Park Press in the beacon was posted on the Baltimore during the time place of the meeting I pled to the of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation God this with libery and justice for all please be seated uh at this time I would like to invite former assemblyman Jack Chelli up to the front as well as committeeman McDonald and whomever he would like up there to hold the Bible for his oath of office your wife please left only I I Timothy m s i faithful but I will faithful partially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of Township committee all the according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and I bear true faith and Allegiance allegiance to the Saint to the Saint and to the governments established to the governments of s in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God congratul Che you're a veteran next item okay and at this time I would like to invite administrator lay to the microphone to perform the oath of office for committee lay as well as anybody he would like to join him at the microphone come on guys whatever whatever instructions you give me hopefully I can pronounce the last name no actually think Miami Miami has to lose here I Robert lay I Robert lay do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of Township committeemen perform all the duties of Township committeemen according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I will support the Constitution of the United States and I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the states New Jersey the constitution of state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the government established in the United States and to the government established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people so help me God under the authority of the people so help me God [Music] phot this is only there's only three of the five at sick this time of the year and what makes me more proud is most of these are grew up in Lacy and through our school system even if they move that guys didn't discuss that no I know ready agenda item number three I'm going to ask for a nomination for mayor I'll nominate Peter qu second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennon yes Mrs Juliana yes Mr lay yes mayor of caro yes okay and before that oath um I would like to do a nomination for Deputy Mayor I nominate stepen Mr Steven Kennis I'll second it Mr McDonald yes Mr R yes Mrs Juliano yes Mr Kennis yes may Caro yes okay and at this time to perform the oath of office once again former assemblyman Jack Chelli or mayor KIRO and if Mr Kira's family could join [Music] not doing toar the Del the duties of the office the duties of the office to which I have been appointed to which I have been appointed and which and which I'm about to assume I'm about to assume I do Solly swear I do solemly swear to support the Constitution to support the Constitution of New Jersey of New Jersey and the United States and the United States and to Faithfully perform to Faithfully perform the duties of the office of Mayor the duties of the office of Mayor [Applause] okay we got to see if you can talk F I'll try I'll never succeed she got us in that like 45 minutes one time so no pressure yeah no pressure see if I can listen faster up here than I can do item number six resolution 2025-the enforcement and building department is Mrs and Mr lay for Community Social Services which includes Board of Health and local assistance board Mr KOLO and Mr McDonald for long Public Safety which includes Emergency Services Municipal Court Police Department Mrs Juliano and Mr Kennis for the Department of Public Works Mr lay and Mr McDonald for recreation which includes Senior Services Mr KIRO and Mr McDonald and our liaison for the bation committee is Mr KIRO Mr Kennis board of education is Mr lay and Mr McDonald ping commission is Mr Kennis Environmental commission which includes a legal dumping task force and Lake management is Mr Kennis library is Mr McDonald Municipal Utilities Authority Mrs Juliano and Mr McDonald shade tree advisory committee is Mr Kennis Municipal Alliance committee Mrs Juliano and Mr KOLO American Disability Act committee is Mr KOLO and Mr McDonald Solid Waste advisory is Mr McDonald and Mr Ciro veterans commission Mr Ciro and Mr McDonald and Lacy 2030 Mr KIRO and Mr McDonald I'll make the motion second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kenne yes Mr Fano yes Mr lay yes mayor Ciro yes I'd like to uh deviate for one minute before we get on to item number seven we have a very special guest here today who has been many many years um not only to swear several of us in my third time here uh but a staunch advocate for Lacy Township um he owns property here in Ocean County he is there to pick up the phone he's there not only in days like today uh but he's here when people don't know us uh he is a confidant and someone who I have personally received great counsel from that has benefited us here at Lacy Township I would like to uh recognize uh Mr Jack chiarelli I will support Jack uh to be forthright uh to be the next governor and I know that he will achieve that um New Jersey need you Jack and God bless you um and personally and professionally there's many other towns you could be at today you choose is here again for more times than I can recall and that counts that resonates with me and all of us so thank you and God bless you floor is yours what just happened here not that we expected anything less Lacy because these people are all a Class Act and they're all confident and dedicated to one thing and that's improving the quality of life and is great down but what just happened is happening more than 10,000 times across the United States during the first we January peaceful transition of power between all the municipalities and counties uh but of course today is all about Lacy Township and I know these group of professionals and dedicated citizens are all about preserving the quality of life that you all become accustomed to here at La I'm honored just to be part of the ceremony so thank you very very much Tim for the honor to swear you in thank you fellow C Paul pirates for the opportunity to swear you in as mayor um Peggy thank you magnificently for your year of service uh Peggy SU uh serving as mayor um you guys one year after the next whoever it is that takes over just continues to footsteps to the predecessor and doing a fantastic job beh on behalf of the people here and of course your your Township attorney Chris Connor my longtime associate from the legislature he's retired now and is proving my theory that most people look better after they left politics he said I don't know how I look they feel better feel so guys it's great to be with all of you again the happiest of New Year successful year as we say in politics there is no Republican or Democratic way to fill a pothole keep the community safe so congratulations in advance for the year thank you Jack bless thank you [Applause] Jack item number seven resolution 2025-the the appointment of a Township attorney resolution of the township of lacy County ofan state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Christopher Connors of the firm Dy McGuckin McNichols Connors Anthony and Buckley as legal counsel for the township of lacy move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenon yes Mr Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor C yes item number you're welcome item number eight resolution 20253 authorizing the appointment of a conflict Township attorney resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Christopher Dy of Dy and Stager as conflict legal council for the township of lacy move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kenne yes Mrs Juliano yes l r yes mayor C yes I'm Number Nine resolution 2025-the the appointment of special legal councel affordable housing resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of jeene ciani of the firm Rosy mandal strong Helm and ciani as special legal counsel for the township of lacy second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr Juliano yes Mr lay yes Mr K yes I'm Number 10 resolution 20255 authorizing the appointment of special legal council code book resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Lawrence Seer of the firm Dash Seager as special legal counsel for the township of lacy Mo second Mr McDonald yes Mr kis yes M Juliano yes Mr L yes mayor K yes M number 11 resolution 2025 d06 authorizing the appointment of Labor Council resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of jeene cian of Rosy Mandel Hal and Cen and arm ricko as labor Council for the township of lacy second Mr mcdal yes Mr Kenn yes Mrs Juliana yes Mr lay yes mayor K yes IEM number 12 resolution 202 5-07 authorizing the appointment of attorney for tax appeals resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Andrea Wyatt for the firm Rossy Mandel Strom Halm and saen as tax appeal attorney move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mrs Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor K yes I'm Number 13 resolution 20258 authorizing the appointment of a Township engineer resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Millis Looney of vanle Engineering Associates LLC as Township engineer move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Ken yes Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor CA yes item number 14 resolution 20 25-9 authorizing the appointment of a prosecutor resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Steven zarski as Township prosecutor and Barry ayber and Robert Adams as alternate Township prosecutors move second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mrs Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor here to yes M number 15 resolution 2025-the the appointment of a conflict Township prosecutor resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Bonnie Peterson as conflict prosecutor for the township of lacy move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mrs Juliana yes Mr lay yes mayor kir Colo yes I'm number 16 resolution 2025-the the appointment of a special conflict Township Pro prosecutor resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Kelsey mcgucken Anthony Martin Buckley Timothy McNichols Gregory McGuckin and Patrick Varga of the firm dassy McGuckin McNichols Connors Anthony and Buckley as special compx prosecutors for the township of lacy moveing second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mrs Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor K yes item number 17 resolution 2025-the the appointment of a public defender resolution of the township of lacy County of oan state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Christopher J dasy of Dy and Stager as public defender and Jeffrey Cheney Brandon Jesus and William oxley's alternate public defenders for the township of lacy move it second Mr mcdal yes Mr Ken yes Mrs julan yes Mr lay yes mayor K yes M number 18 resolution 20253 authorizing the appointment of a conflict public defender resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of debor Deborah rump of the law office of rump law as conflict public defender for the township of lacy move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kenn yes Mrs Juliano yes Mr Lor yes mayor K abstain item number 19 resolution 2025-the the appointment of a Township auditor resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Jerry conned of the firm homman frenan Allison as Township auditor for the township of lazyy move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mrs Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor ter yes it number 20 resolution 202-1550 L second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor Tia yes M number 21 resolution 2025-the the appointment of bond Council resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the execution of an agreement with Megan an Bennett of Dorth PA and LLP as Bond Council for the township of lacy second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennon yes Mrs Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor Tero yes I'm Number 2 to resolution 2025-the the appointment of a Township physician resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing City MD as the township physician for the township of lacy second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor K yes item number 23 resolution 2025-the the appointment of a tax map maintenance engineer resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding a contract to East Coast engineering for tax map maintenance second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kenn yes Mr yes Mr lay yes mayor K yes M number 24 resolution 2025-the the appointment of special project Engineers resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey appointing special project Engineers for the township of lacy for the year 2025 this includes Colliers engineering and design Theo group Remington and bernick CME Morgan engineering graat Consulting Group tnm Associates act engineers and French and pillo Associates move it Mrs Juliana second second Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald stain Mr CA yes I apologize Mr lay yes thank you item number 26 resolution 2025-the the appointment of Township Architects resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment did you skip planner skip planner skip item number 25 resolution 2025-the the appointment of a Township planner resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean St New Jersey authorizing the appointment of John hes of C Associates as a Township planner for the township of La move second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennon yes Juliano yes mray yes mayor K yes now we'll have item number 26 resolution 202 5-21 authorizing the appointment of Township Architects resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the appointment of Leno architector LLC and DMR Architects as Township Architects second Mrs Juliana yes Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes mray yes mayor yes item number 27 resolution 2025 d22 authorizing the appointment of a title search company resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean New Jersey awarding a contract to Midstate Abra company for title work for the township of lacy second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mrs Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor K yes item number 28 resolution 2025-the the appointment of appraisal companies resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey awarding contracts to integral realy resources Henry J Mancini and Associates an Associated appraisal group for appraisal work for the township of lacy move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennon yes uh Mrs Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor KIRO abstain number 29 29 29 resolution 2025-the the appointment of Public Works director resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Robert crasa as director of public works for the township of lacy move it second Mr lay say yes yes Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mrs Juliana yes mayor KIRO yes item number 30 resolution 202- 25 authorizing the appointment of director of Community Development resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Christopher Reed as director of Community Development to the township of lacy Mo second Mr lay yes Mr Kenne yes Mr McDonnell yes M Juliana yes mayor yes item number 31 resolution 2025-the the appointment of a recreation director resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing James mland as Recreation director for the township of lacy second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenon yes Mrs Juliana yes Mr lay yes mayor Kira yes item 32 resolution 2025-the the appointment of a municipal utility Municipal Alliance coordinator resolution of the township of LA County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the reappointment of Heather scanland as the municip municipal Alliance coordinator for the township of lacy Mo this jul yes Mr lay yes Mr Kenneth yes Mr McDonald yes mayor K yes item 33 resolution 2025-the yes Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr yes mayor K yes item 34 resolution 202- 29 appointing class one special officers resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing class one special Law Enforcement Officers move it second Mrs Juliana yes Mr Kenn yes Mr L yes Mr McDonald yes may yes and 35 resolution of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing class three special Law Enforcement Officers move it second Mrs Juliano yes Mr lorine yes Mr Ken yes Mr McDonald yes may CA yes item 36 resolution 2025-the 37 resolution 2025 32 appointing a safety coordinator and an alternate resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Kimberly bassioni as the township safety coordinator and Robert crasa as the alternate safety coordinator for the township of lacy second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mrs Juliana yes Mr lay yes mayor K yes item 38 resolution 2025-the County of ocean state of New Jersey appoint oin ing Veronica lay as the Township's representative and Linda cavello as the Township's alternate representative to the Ocean County Municipal joint Insurance Fund and the municipal excess liability joint Insurance Fund moving second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr Juliana yes Mr lay stain uh mayor K yes item 39 resolution 2025-the resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Linda cavello as the township representative and Veronica lay as the alternate representative to the Community Development block rank committee second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kenne yes M Juliana yes Mr lay abstained mayor C yes item number 40 resolution 2025-the County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Steven Kennis as the mayor's designate on the Lacy Township planning board move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr lay yes Mr Kennis yes m Juliana yes mayor K yes item 41 resolution 202-362-3220 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Robert Laray as the class three member to the Lacy Township planning board second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mrs Juliano yes Mr lay me yes resounding yes item 43 resolution 2025 d38 appointing a class for a member to the planning board resolution in the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey app Gary Quinn Karen MacArthur and James latelier as class four members to the Lacy Township planning board Mo second Mr lay yes Mr Kennon yes Mr McDonald yes Mrs Juliana yes mayor K yes item number 44 resolution 2025-the board resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Joseph gransport as alternate number one and Stacy Krauss is alternate number two to the Lacy Township planning board move it so I Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor Kira yes item number 45 resolution 2025 D40 appointing members to the Zoning Board of adjustment resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean St New Jersey appointing Kathleen Decker and John Downing as regular members to the zoning Board of adjustment second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mrs Juliana yes M Mr lay yes mayor K yes it number 46 resolution 2025-the alternate member number one to the zoning Board of adjustment resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Michael dos Santos as alternate number one on the Lacy Township Zoning Board of adjustment move second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes julo yes Mr lay yes yes M number 47 resolution 2025-the appointing Michael Dalton and Keir garolo as regular members to the environmental commission for the township La move it check it Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mrs Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor KIRO yes it number 48 resolution 2025-the County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing Kim wiland and Donna calderero as regular members to the board of he for the township of lacy it second Mrs Juliano yes Mr Kennis yes McDonald yes Mr lay yes mayor Kera yes ad number 49 resolution 2025 -44 appointing members to the Ada committee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing members to the American with Disabilities Act Advisory Board of the township of lacy mov second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr Juliano yes Mr L yes mayor K yes M number 50 resolution 2025-the resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing members to the solid waste advisory committee second thanks Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr Juliano yes Mr L yes mayor C yes item 51 resolution 2025 46 appointing members to the Lacy Township beautification committee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state New Jersey appointing members to the beautification committee second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mr Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor K yes I number 52 resolution members to the senior citizen Recreation committee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing members to the senior citizen Recreation committee second Mr rck yes Mr Kennis yes Mrs Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor K yes item 53 resolution 2025-the yes Mrs Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor K yes item number 54 resolution 2025-the appointing members to the veterans commission move it second Mr Kenne yes Mr McDonald yes Mrs Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor kollo yes item number 55 resolution 2025-the resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey appointing members to the the municipal lines Committee of the township of lacy move it second Mrs Juliano yes Mr Kennis yes Mr McDonald yes Mr lay yes mayor Kira yes item number 56 resolution 2025-the a temporary budget for 2025 oh I'm sorry resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean St New Jersey providing for the 2025 temporary operating budget second Mr McDonald yes Mr Penis yes Mrs Juliana yes Mr yes mayor K yes item number 57 resolution 2025-the the deposit of public funds in New Jersey Banks resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the treasurer to deposit public monies in any Bank savings and loan or trust company having its place of business in the state of New Jersey and which is organized under the laws of the United States or the state of New Jersey this includes Ocean First TD Bank State of New Jersey Cash management fund nbia first Home Savings pen Federal Shore Community bank Wells Fargo Carney Federal Bank of America PNC MNT sander and Chase and lak L Bay move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr Kennis yes Mrs Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor K yes item 58 resolution 2025-the County of ocean state of New Jersey fixing the rate of interest to be charged on delinquent taxes or assessments move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr kenis yes Mr Juliano yes Mr lay yes mayor yes I'm number 59 resolution 2025-the ands will take place on the 2nd and fourth Thursday of every month at 6m with the exception of June July and August where we'll only meet on the second Thursday of the month and then in November and December there are two holiday so those meetings the fourth meeting of the month sorry the last meeting of the month will take place on the fourth Tuesday um before that holiday our official newspapers are the beacon Asbury Park Press and the Atlantic City Press move it second Mr McDonald yes Mr pis yes Mr Juliano yes Mr lay uh before I make my vote on this one as many know I would have preferred to see the time change a little bit but it's nice thing about our government we can discuss things come to a consensus and the decision was to keep it at 6:00 so in respect for with my other committee people I vote Yes on this okay mayor car thank you I number 60 Resolution 2025 55 authorizing the payment of Township bills resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean St New Jersey authorizing the payment of Township bills this is in the amount of $866,000 198 move second Mr McDonald yes and I'll stay on tm0031 I think it is Amy yes Mrs Julian yes um Mr ctis yes yes mayor mayor K yes that's it that's it like with nothing further I'd like to open the floor to our public if anyone has anything to say Please Mr send it welcome we can pull that back a little bit thank [Music] hello happy new year with all due respect I still think six o'clock is too early for a meeting that you expect 28,000 people to attempt to attend maybe you could serve a buffet dinner and more people will come thank you any other comments from the public yes please happy New Year happy New Year Carol Carol I want to read a poem only because it's the new year and sometimes we start off with good stuff so this is a poem that's really near and dear to me and it was written by George Bernar shaa Carol get closer to the microphone I don't want okay um this is the true joy in life the being a the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself is a mighty one the being a force of nature instead of a ferish selfish little CLA ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live it's it is my privilege to do whatever I can for it I want to thoroughly be used up when I die for the harder I work the more I live I rejoice in life for its own sake life is no brief candle for me it is sort of a splendid torch which I have got a hold of for a moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to Future Generations so thank you and happy happy new year happy New Year yes sir it's all yours Mr Bender Barry Bender southern end of lacy Township how's that sound just want to congratulate the reelected and newly elected committee members and hope this year that we can remember the history and Heritage of lacy Township thank you very much than Barry thank you Happy New Year any other members from our from our public seeing none motion to close the floor second all in favor I comments from the committee Deputy Mayor kis switching have to get ready now go second um um first I just like to thank our for uh future Governor Jack Chelli for coming down today I like I just want to um uh just acknowledge um Gary uh former commissioner and and council member Gary Quinn is here with us today and former councilman Ed scan is with us today so I just want to thank you guys for coming and supporting us I want to thank everybody for supporting us that's here today um I want to acknowledge Peggy the job that she did as mayor last year she did a phenomenal job she represented the town well um she worked hard and uh really want to thank you for all the time you put into it congratulate Bob and Tim on on their re and Bob welcome to the council and Pete you've done a great job as mayor in the past and I'm looking forward to this C uh this year ahead so those are my comments thank you thank you very nice thank thank you Stephen committee woman Juliano oh can't you go finish on your respect okay I had a terrible fear me for it's just that I'm going to be long winded I'm sure um first I just like to say to Stephen um not everybody knows that but Stephen was the one who in not only encouraged me allowed me to have the mayorship last year so that my mom could see me as mayor you didn't have to twist my arm too hard p no you didn't but I will always always be indebted to you for that was my pleasure thank you so very very much having Jack here he's good friend and I support him 100% and he knows that thank you for being here again appreciate it to um the gentleman on the board thank you for your support thanks for you know listening to me when I might have raised my voice a couple times too so I appreciate that to our wonderful lawyer who just couple times had to tap me on the arm because I'm telling other people to calm down he's telling me to calm down I appreciate that very much um congratulations to Bob and of course to Tim and congratulations to Peter okay to the two ladies here they just work so very hard and um sometimes I don't think they get enough respect they really put in 100% And it's it's not an easy job and anybody that thinks they can do it I welcome you to try because they really take a lot do a lot and I'm grateful for both of them to be honest with you both personally and professionally here so thank you ladies very much Amy and Veronica um just want to say we've got the best police department in the state of New Jersey and I don't care who doesn't like me saying that because that is the truth we these guys are on everything and anything that goes on in our town and support us and all of our endeavors to 100% so I'm very appreciative to them too um to our Volunteers in this town mostly our fire departments God bless them I'll tell you what they leave their families to do a lot for us and we would be lost without them that's for sure and on just a personal note to my children who I told not to be here today because they've been doing this since 2014 and I said you know what you can take a break it's okay you can stay home if you've gone out but they didn't they both home so that's okay but I told them to stay home because I said they need a break too they've had to deal with a lot and it's time for them to move on with their lives I'm so honored to be here and I just want you to know that I really am and thank you to everybody that supported me thank you mayor you're here thank you for those words commandment McDonald thank you mayor um they say you get to know the character of a man when you golf with him and I've had the distinct pleasure over the years of golfing with the next governor of the state of New Jersey and Jack Shelli and I can tell you it is when he's under pressure and he's got to make that five foot putt because there's $1,000 on the line he blows it no sorry he he i' I've had the pleasure of knowing Jack for a long time and he's going to be a great great Governor I just I just know and it's kind of funny because he called me the other day and he asked me a question and I said why did you even call me and he's like well I said you don't ever have to call me about something like that and that was the endorsement and beyond happy to endorse you thank my father once told me the greatest compliment you can pay somebody is to say thank you and thank you for the job that you did thank you Tim appreciate that Amy and Veronica let me talk about them before I talk to the rest of the commit if you think they make this look easy they really do Veronica's always I mean it could be she could be down in Myrtle Beach she could be somewhere and Texas are going back and forth why she's on vacation Amy is learning but she's doing an outstanding job and the two of those make this job look very very easy and neither of them are going anywhere for a long period of time and to my running don't even think about it B you're not going anywhere and to my running M Bob welcome um as you can see as his statement said about the times he he's he's going to speak his mind as he should and we're happy for that and I can't wait to see what goes on in the back room now because it's going to be wild uh with some of the stuff that goes we have to decide I already got Tim to raise his voice what's that I already got you to raise your voice did you yeah oh yeah okay that's kind of easy ask my wife yeah that's what makes it fun and last but not least since my family is here um and my grandson Dean if you probably heard him talk a few times um he's he's just unbelievable de you gonna say hi you GNA say [Laughter] hi uh they've supported me through this I don't know how many more times I'm going to run but they have supported me through this um and I'm very very thankful and very blessed to have them there that's all I have thank you committeeman wonderful comments our newest committeeman Mr Laray okay I knew this was coming as my wife says I'm better off the cup even though I did prepare a few things today cuz being my first time sitting here I'm going to pay for this first comment there's a young lady here from the newspaper that came up and was talking talking to me and Veronica and she asked us who was older that made my day it really did this has been a long running joke from years back but the first thing I want to do is I really want to wish everybody a happy and healthy New Year and thank everyone for taking the time out to be here today with us on our uh reorganization meeting Jack I want to thank you for coming I would have had you swear me in but I had somebody a little more important to me than yourself but uh yeah we go back a little longer than you do Gary I want to thank you for coming today you're not only uh been so instrumental in everything in this town from the school board the township committee mayor and as our Freeholder SL commissioner between sitting on boards but the one thing me and Gary also have going back to the mid 70s is we also have a friendship and a lot of times that means more than the political side of things but most importantly I want to give special thanks to my wife Wendy for her unwavering support and love because without her we would not be moving into this chapter of our lives so that's the most important and also I want to give thanks to my family uh some of my grandkids came down from Lake a pacon to be here today there is a couple more than showed up today but as we know toddlers get sick so there is two more and to my friends that's come I have one here that goes back to uh grade school kindergarten and most importantly especially in this room is I want to give thanks for all the support and the important people that are here and part part of this great Community because there's one thing in my heart I do believe we are the Envy of not Ocean County but most of the state most towns their problem is they want to be Lacy Township they can't figure it out they don't have people that live here to provide such a great Community I don't know how many more words I can say especially being on that side of the Das up until today but I definitely want to thank Peggy Sue for a year as mayor she had only served the town well but very proud and there's like I think Tim said it best the only thing we can say is thank you thank you Pete I want to congratulate you on being the mayor I know you've done in the past done an excellent job I'm looking forward to working with you as along with the rest of the committee and uh it's going to be different uh Mr Kennis has told me many a times because I've sat on many of things many of boards the one thing I always did know is when you get on something new there's also a lot to learn so and he keeps drumming that into my head but I'm hearing him even though I don't let them know it but I am honored to be sworn in today as your new committee person and my mom's here today but the one thing I do know is my Dad because our our family goes back to 1938 in this town but our dad was a very proud Lacy person he drove a lot of people in this room and around this community on a school bus for over 29 years and I know right now he is looking down upon us with a huge proud smile not only seeing me sit here but I'm also sitting here with I guess she would be considered my little sister that's the only time I'm going to get away with that but being new up here the one thing I do realize that I see is land use traffic and taxes are some of the biggest issues before this committee land use because we got to deal with so many things that the state are mandating and the Public's not even aware of choices we got to make and things we got to do just to meet State mandates we don't like them but the rules sometimes supersede what we like and don't like the traffic we all know route n We complain about it we live it the state of New Jersey controls Route 9 we make decisions they don't agree with us they have this idea that they do traffic studies and we don't know what we're talking about at times but that's some of the stuff we got to deal with and the one thing that's probably really hit home with me this year sitting in the audience and really looking at my tax bill is the stabil stabilization of the taxes and I know how hard this committee Works to try to keep the taxes in this town stabilized and only getting bannered by uh a resident of community one night on a ride home from the airport just got is where do my taxes go and there's one thing I figured out this year we always knew that the bulk of our taxes went to the school system but what I didn't realize is everything that this town committee here controls and gives you in Services is all is done on only 20% of the taxes you pay so think of that if you pay $6,000 a year in property taxes if you got a smaller home that's $1,200 a year you pay for all the services and everything this Township has to offer which is $100 a month so put that in perspective M 60% goes to the school system and the other 20% goes to the county so even when you look at the county look at what they do and what they offer on 20% but that's one thing when I did run I said when I said transparency it's not only transparency it's education because people do not realize that that's how it breaks down 20 cents on a dollar is all this committee up here really has control over so just keep that in mind as we move forward but how I want to finish is 2025 I just want everybody to try to be positive let's work together and let's proceed forward and the most important thing is after this meeting everybody join us down at the Captain's in for a brunch thank you [Applause] it's uh some pretty big shoes to fill with these uh comments and uh you got a score there too what no okay I don't kick off yet I'll get you in there for kickoff I promise you I I I just want to start um first off I know committee M McDonald thanked um former assemblyman Chelli for being here as I will but I'd be remiss if I didn't thank my wife and my daughter my wife is the brains of the operation nurse pra she's wonderful I'm so proud of my little girl I miss when she was little now she's an adult pretty independent doesn't need me as much but it's great to have them here I can't do any of this without them um so I want to again reiterate my thanks and my support for Jack I've known Jack over 10 years and the things that people don't see is they call him on some innocuous Tuesday and he'll pick up uh and then he'll be here on a Saturday and then he's been here three times to swear me in to swear Us in this is a state with 9 A2 million people uh but he's here and he's been here again and again and again so I'm going to reiterate publicly what I've said privately so I don't want there to be any mistake believe in Jack I like him I know him I know he can fix New Jersey he has a business background I'm going to be there to the foot of the cross to support him whether he went to seat in hall or not you're getting a little choked up Jack but I do love you like a brother to me and no matter what happens I'm going to be there to support you and you call me we'll pick up that phone and uh because I know you've been here for us I want the people of lacy Township to know what they have and Jack Chelli because he's a friend to each and every one of us Gary Quinn I'm not sitting up here without Gary Gary took me under his arm there is no I'm an educated man there is no major for doing and learning something like this without a mentor that man was Gary Quinn um he took me under uh his his advisement he helped me time and time again um I I really appreciate uh being his friend first and foremost and then all the other professional titles we've both held over the years um to our police our Command Staff in the back guys look I've said it a million times I got a daughter and a wife that drive and live here shop here uh I know that you're all out there and that makes me feel good so I appreciate all of our professionals Chris Reed our Engineers our attorneys I want to say something about pegy Su and what's not been said is something that resonates with me as a as a girl dad I don't have a son so that's my love right there a little Elanor um but the the example Peggy Sue set for girls in our town of every age the you know being there for the Girl Scouts and the the brownies at the schools um helping out in the classroom um going to public venues each and every one of them barely missing as a deputy mayor I think I got one or two phone calls in 365 days Pete can you do this because she did it um you know my job is to support her um but I didn't need to do that that much because she did it and so I want all the girls to know I we're always honoring our Eagle Scouts and that's a wonderful thing um so we honor the girls now with the Gold Award when they come up here um a lot of that had a lot to do with Peggy Sue um of course Veronica and Amy I'll get texts all hours of the night some of them aren't too Pleasant from Veronica not because we argue but because sometimes there's a uh thank you for clarifying sometimes there's a fatality out in the western part of our town and a head-on and an MVA and somebody's taking a Jersey Shore so that but that's part of it so we wake up early and we do that type of work um and we accept that responsibility so here's what I'm going to make I'm going to make a pledge to everybody people know it a lot of people in this room and outside of it have my cell phone number and what I'll say is um I speak my mind I don't put on any airs I have prepared comments I'm going to leave a lot out because it's better when it comes from the heart I don't lay down too well there's not going to be any Mis from Monmouth or any Ms from Montclair is going to step in front of me or our committee when they're advocating for Lacy Township for scarce goods for grants for were resources from Trenton I'm going to stand up and I'm going to fight I'm eloquent I'm educated I know how to handle business and I'm going to do that um because we live here Lacy Township matters to have a friend in the State House inject Chelli that will matter to us because that's going to be a phone call and we're going to be able to get through all of that nonsense and bureaucracy so um what are some of the things I want to work on there's two things that Merritt mentioned and we can eat a captain's in I I'm I'm a civilian Lea on to our veterans commission um not a soldier a civilian I care about our veterans when you touch veterans most of the time you touch seniors as well so I will tell you I'm going to work with the County veterans association and Phil Zimmerman our director I'm going to bring those resources to Bear down here to Lacy Township I will also want to I I I always look at the Parkway and I see people zooming by exit 74 up and down and picture this in your mind I said this at our last meeting I'm going to try to make it materialized God bless you I'm going to try to make it materialize and become reality so many hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars are on that Parkway they're on their way down to Atlantic City they're on their way up to spend a tourism Buck at Seaside Heights Point Pleasant they're in Long Beach Island I want some of those people getting off over here at exit 74 our businesses deserve it our residents deserve it I want some tourism dollars to come in here we have a we have aggr tourism we have Farms we have a nuclear plant there there is opportunities uh for people uh State colleagues of mine on the tourism commission to uh maybe shoot some film some some commercials here and then just to bring those those funds in here uh I don't think that's a heavy lift many other towns do it and it's been very lucrative for them so I care about that lastly to Echo Mr Laray taxes my mom had four kids she uh was divorced she didn't have much money at all when I'm making decisions up here I'm thinking about that single mom of four kids and uh her not being able to afford something at a grocery store so I give you my word I'm going to be thinking about that when I'm moving forward here with strength and passion uh with morality dignity uh and knowledge we're going to be doing this together standing shoulder toosh shoulder so I want to thank Our Town folk here these are friends and confidants I wish you all well you're going to get 100% the best of me take care and God speed and God bless thank you all [Applause] to to adjourn second all in favor I no further business then captain inin captain in