##VIDEO ID:wdYa8L6i2PE## good evening everyone adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to public laws 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press the beacon and was posted on the bulletin board showing the time and place of the meeting please rise for the salute to the flag I pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty Justice first thing on the agenda we have a special use permit for Cobra business expo on 11:19 2024 um locally here we are putting together a uh with the O Central Ocean Business Association which is cooba and they're going to have a a health department is going to be there for flu and vaccine um Co vaccine shot we're going to have a blood mobile there and uh we're looking if anybody's interested it's on Tuesday November 19th 5 to9 at the community center here in Lacy Township thank you can I have a motion to approve it move it second all in favor I special user permit Murray Grove trunk or treat and car show on 10 1124 M gr Retreat Center is seeking permission to host a um Trunk or Treat in a car show on Friday October 11th from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. uh right there on their grounds they'll have lighting towers and a DJ can I have a motion to approve it move it second all in favor I special use permit Murray Grove car and truck show on 11104 Murray Grove is seeking to do another car show event on Sunday November 10th this one will be from 9:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. right there on the open grassfields and they will have miscellaneous vendors and a DJ move it second all in favor I that is all I have motion to Second all in favor I I adequate notice of this meeting has been given in accordance with the open public meetings act pursuant to the public laws of 1975 said notice was advertised in the Asbury Park Press the beacon and was posted on the Bolton board showing the time and place of the meeting please rise for the salute to the flag and a moment of silence I pled to the flag of the United States of America and to theic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all [Music] okay first reading of ordinance 2024-25 this is um the CWA union agreement and is a twoyear contract move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr KOLO yes Mr D yes mayor Julian yes first reading of ordinance 202 24-22 amending chapter 79 of the township code book so to create the position of police investigator an ordinance of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey amending and supplementing chapter 79 of the Township Code entitled officers and employees so as to create the position of investigator for the police department this will be a position within the CWA union second Mr C yes Mr Kennon yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing amendments to the personel policies and procedure manual resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing amendments to the local government Personnel policies and procedures manual and the employee handbook for the township of lacy these changes um are to outline sick leave um and vacation time for special class three officers moving second Mr CA yes Mr Kenneth yes Mr diov yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 certifying qualified participants of the lowp benefits for the year of 2023 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey certifying the list of volunteer firefighters and emergency service Squad members who have qualified for the length of service award program benefits for the year 2023 this is an annual resolution and this provides tax deferred income benefits for members active members of our fire fire companies and emergency service quads move it second Mr KIRO yes Mr Kennon yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 authorized an extension to the leave of absence resolution of the township FY County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing an extension to the Le absence for Kimberly basion move it second Mr Kennis yes Mr P yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 accepting the resignation of an employee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey accepting the resignation of an employee this is in the Department of Public Works move it second Mr CA yes Mr kenis yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 if I'm sorry effectuating and confirming the termination of an employee resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey effectuating and confirming the termination of an employee this is also in the Department of Public Works move it second Mr cero yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the rejection of bids bulk bidm material resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state Jersey rejecting all bids for the purchase of bulk bituminous material and authorizing the receipt of new bids prove it second Mr Kennis yes Mr cero yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing a chapter 159 in the municipal budget drunk driving enforcement fund resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey providing for the insertion of a special item of Revenue and appropriation in the 2024 Municipal budget of the township Lacy pursuant to njsa 40a 487 this is in the amount of $674 320 for the state of New Jersey drunk driving enforcement fund move it second Mr Kera yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing a chapter 159 the municipal budget National opioid settlement 2024 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey providing for the Insurgent of a special item of Revenue and appropriation in the 2024 Municipal budget of the township of lacy pursuant to njsa 4A 487 this is in the amount of $79,800 for the national opioid settlement move it second Mr Kira yes Mr kenis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 cancelling taxes due for properties acquired by the township of lacy resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the tax collector to cancel taxes due for properties acquired by Lacy Township move it second Mr Ciro yes Mr Kennis yes Mr daon yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 3 cancelling taxes due to disabled veterans exemption resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the tax collector to cancel 2024 taxes due on properties granted the 100% disabled veteran exemption and refund the resulting credit balance move it second Mr KIRO yes Mr canis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 for authorizing the refund of tax overpayment resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the tax collector to refund a tax overpayment this is for the Elks lot move it second Mr KIRO yes Mr Kennis yes Mr diov yes mayor juli yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the placement of Le on block 420 lot 17- 01 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey accepting the certification of the director of Public Works concerning costs incurred in the removal of debris and the cleaning up of a property located at block 420 lot 17.01 and authorizing the placement of a lean against said property for said costs this is in the amount of $25.85 C move it second Mr Kuro yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the placement of a lean on block 16 16402 Lot 12 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey accepting the certification of the director of Public Works concerning costs incurred in the removal of debris and the cleaning up of the property located at block 16402 Lot 12 and authorizing the placement of a lean against said property for said costs this is in the amount of $171 188 move it second Mr yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 7 authorizing the placement of alen on block 134 lot 114 resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey accepting the certification of the director of Public Works concerning the costs incurred in the removal of debris and the cleaning up of property located at block 134 lot4 and authorizing the placement of a lean against said property for said costs this is in the amount of $188 96 move it second Mr Ciro yes Mr Kenn yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 2024 d258 authorizing the refund of monies charged for a recreation program resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the release of monies charged for a recreation program this child was um injured before Camp started but after there she was registered um so she could not participate move it second Mr KIRO yes Mr Kennis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliana yes resolution 2024-25 authorizing the refund of deposit monies resolution of the township of lacy County of ocean state of New Jersey authorizing the refund of deposits held for the use of Municipal facilities move move it second Mr KOLO yes Mr Kennis yes Mr D yes mayor Juliano yes resolution 202 24-26 authorizing the payment of Township bills resolution of the township of lacy County oan state of New Jersey authorizing the payment of Township bills this is in the amount of 7,541 25972 move it second Mr K yes Mr Kenne yes Mr D yes may Juliana yes monthly reports thank you um for the month of hold on here June the Municipal Courts office reported receipts the amount of $ 23,34 46 for the month of June Municipal docks were reported in the amount of $747 Community Development for the month of July reported receipts the amount of 12526 to Municipal clerk's office for the month of July uh reported receipts the amount of $573 187 municipal court for the month of July was $16,784.23 $271 for the month of August clone Community Development collector receipts the amount of $687 Municipal clerk's office $778 Road opening permits in the amount of $445 recycling Commodities in the amount of $1,595 for the month of August and that is it motion to reports is read move it second all in favor I motion to approve Township minute meetings from August 20th 24 move it second Mr Kuro yes Mr Kenn yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes motion to approve junior membership in the loka harbor fire company for Shane O'Neal and Owen conned move it second Mr Kennis yes yes Mr Mr K yes Mr D yes mayor Julian yes motion to approve membership in the lenoa harbor fire company for Nicholas sesar move it s s second Mr canis yes Mr CA yes Mr D yes mayor Juliana yes motion to do transfer membership from Bamber Lakes company to the Fork River fire company for multiple individuals this is for Carrie Cornelius Robert jusco Efron Miguel Melendez Amy chuning Michael Spang Efron Melendez Tim Cornelius and Adam Napp move it second Mr uh Mr KOLO yes Mr kenis yes Mr dof yes mayor Juliana yes okay comments from the committee Deputy Mayor thank you mayor um just want to make an announcement to all of our um veterans out there on uh Tuesday uh September 24th at 5:00 p.m the building right behind this one that we're in in our recreation building we have a veterans meeting if you're a veteran of any War uh please come by uh and and be part of our veterans commission we have a robust group of individuals that meets there uh I am a civilian and I just try to to um offer whatever comfort and support uh I can I can't do it without mayor Juliano and my colleagues up here so I support them that's just where I come out in things um we all support them there's no eye up here uh I spoke with uh one of our um individuals uh down in Community Development and he informed me that uh from January through July we had over 20 new businesses open I know that mayor Julian uh year to date mayor Juliano has been out there as I have and all of us have cutting some ribbons and welcoming these good people to do business in Lacy Township we make this a destination uh and we don't just accept money and stuff under uh an application under a 2-in thick bulletproof glass we sit there we'll talk to a prospective Merchant that wants to do business in our boundaries and we try to make it um as as amiable as possible and we want them to do business here so welcome to all of those new businesses uh our Recreation director has informed me that $12,990 what is what was taken in uh from the above water water park otherwise known as the wibbit that's just that particular situation it's not Beach sales uh and that's just 1,800 less than last year so if we sold more Beach badges probably even more than last year lastly I want to remember and recall um that it was 9/11 and people that know me know I don't mince words murdering murderers took our people that day and I don't forget it and this County and Monmouth County and all of our towns suffered great tremendous traumatic loss so say it on we see it on bumper stickers don't forget we don't forget and I know there's a just God down there up up there somewhere looking down and I hope that those people I saw a show some of those children are college now College age and graduated so I hope peace for those families and uh mayor I'll conclude my comments with that thank you thank you Mr Teo sir I'll start my comments with that so of course um M 11 and whether you talk to someone whether you go on social media uh the recurring theme is do you remember where you were and uh it's like it was yesterday remember exactly where I was I remember the things that happened my wife calling me my wife telling me a plane just hit the World Trade Center I my immediately immediate thought was I think back when a plane hit the Empire stap think oh it's a small plane and then while we were talking on the phone the second plane hit um and then the other interesting Dynamic is it was 23 years ago so um of course I remember my wife remembers my older daughter who's 34 remembers but my younger daughter who's 27 she was 4 years old doesn't remember but everyone else I know we've got some members Bob ritar in town uh and of course many more I've spoken to him numerous times where he actually worked down at Ground Zero um so it was it was a sad time in history we can never forget I hope that those in power make sure that nothing like this happens again another another kind of sad but I try and remember it with and him with with a smile we lost a great man recently in this town a man who without we would not have this town John C Parker John kbby Parker so John had the foresight in this town and I don't ever want to disparage any other municipality but if you go north you go south Lacy Township is a beacon it shines we have that and I don't know I don't know the best way to put it but those towns are envious of what we have here whether it's the convenience of stores restaurants beautiful homes um a layout you know I remember when I when I first came down here my wife and I um looking for a place to move and we were looking at Bricktown and we looked um Tom's River I and I was working down here um doing construction and I remember coming off of Route of the parkway onto onto the Lacy Road and I was doing a job behind the 7-Eleven and I said this is different this this is this is this is different this is something else and you know there were a lot of people who made it happen but were it not for John Parker and his vision of you know and the funny thing is you know back then they thought they called him crazy a lot of times when the power plant came here we don't want a nuclear power plant what are you crazy fast forward 20 years and I remember wtown being mad because they had the opportunity to get the nuclear power plant and they didn't get it build Western Boulevard the roads of nowhere build Western Boulevard all the beautiful homes that are along Western Boulevard um of course something that's still controversial is the river right away Riv Avenue uh I happen to use it every day and so do many others and the the interesting part on you know I look at that because I live in Sunrise Beach and I remember before raar Avenue was built and before the Home Depot was built and before thanks to the Home Depot and the dot they required them to expand uh route n there and and turn make the Turning Lanes there that totally opened up that portion um and then of course the RAR RightWay and the reconfiguration of lacy road to Bert n that right there until you cross over southbound so all the things that John Parker and and that's just just the tip of the iceberg um the other interesting part about John Parker and and he was a mentor of mine is that John could talk to anyone I've seen him talk to Governors I've seen him talk to presidents then I've seen him talk to the average Public Works guy at the diner in the morning um he can talk to anyone you would not believe what who and what this man was um member of the board of directions of a bank um of course chairman of the Ocean County Utilities Authority and the list goes on um there will never be another John Parker uh you know that might be good I always agree with John right right Barona but I but I'm not I can almost say I never totally disagree with him because he would say things he had a way of of foresight and he would say things and you would listen and then eventually you would say hm you know don't discount him but again we lost a great man John rest in peace thank you very much thank you m Mr Ken thank you mayor yeah I also want to touch briefly on John um yeah true icon in Lacy Township I don't think people do realize how foresighted he was in a lot of the economic development in the township he um the precursor to the economic development commission was the Industrial Commission and um that had a lot to do with bu um getting the power plant here um and having the foresight to to to lay out the plans for uh the uh Lacy Business Park the plans were much larger than what ultimately came to pass but um John uh you know like Mark said um The Home Depot the Walmart uh John really cared and and was always thinking about making sure the town grew and and making sure the town uh it was economically well off um and U again he will be missed um just a brief Township business I want to touch on um the state has been uh we've been getting a lot of emails and uh newsletters about the new round of affordable housing so our are preliminary they're fast tracking it um this is a you know the across the country housing has become a major issue and uh but their fast tracking are our fourth round of affordable housing obligation and our preliminary number was around 325 units we should be getting another number sometime in end of October we will like we did the last time we will do our best to negotiate that number down um but they are FASTT tracking it and trying to get it uh our Our obligation in in place for I say January 1st or thereabouts right January 1st January 30th we have January 30 our resolution by so the window that the state is giving us his very tight window because it's it's not e that's you know it's the opposite of what John Parker did actually I mean it takes a lot of planning to plan uh you know the development in town and land use and uh the state does this stuff and they they you know you're forced to react to it so those are my comments thank you thank you Mr kace um just on a note of Mr Parker he always called me little girl so um that's that's how I he I knew he knew me because that's what he called me was little girl um my mom was his treasurer for years and um we had an ongoing up and down relationship but what I will pass on is that I I my sympathies go to his family because it's it's it's not easy to uh live without your parents that's for damn sure so on that note um just wanted to let you know that we had 46 fire calls um this between uh the end of August and the beginning of September we've had 46 calls already we're very fortunate again to always have volunteer volunteer firemen and women so we could not do it without them so anytime you see them appreciate them I know they uh over the Labor Day weekend were out there with their little buckets and uh God bless them that they stood there and did all that um again I'll just remind you about our Ocean County business expo that's going to be at the um Community Hall Tuesday November 19th from 5: to 9: they're going to have um the health department be there with a clinic for flu and Co covid vaccines and there'll be a blood mobile there and last what we're asking a lot of the people is to come in and show what they do in their business because we have a lot of business not just here in Lacy they're welcome to come from all over the county um and we hope we have a good turnout and that's it and I'm going to open up the floor to the public come on ton before you start Tony I'm just going to say one thing I would appreciate that no one in the audience is talking while someone else is up on the mic that's what I'd like to say thank you go ahead Tony Tony was always sun right speech okay I came here then I went to the zoning board then I went to the planning board I talked about the same subject and now I'm going to come back here but my question is kind of really way the heck out of the box all right but it's on the same matter Lacy Road yes route nine the high commercial property Frontage that we have in this town yes we allow nonprofit organizations state run organizations Municipal complex fire department VFW um Parks uh Community Center uh schools uh all on Lacy Road and Route n we don't collect a dime not a dime is is there any way we could stop the bleeding is there any way that this body could take some kind of legal action to cause to cause to the taxpayer as an undue hardship that we can't collect taxes on the highest property value taxes in the town is there any way we could look at it put an ordinance in now when I was at the planning board there's a group that's going to come into town and I'll say the same thing to you I said to them I welcomed them they were they were church I welcom them to the town I don't welcome him to Lacy road because they're not going to pay taxes we've got 48 square miles of Township with I don't know how many hundreds of miles of Roads how many hundreds of Acres of open space and they got to build their own property where we can't collect a dime see I'm not saying no to them to the nonprofits or the schools or the fire department or the community center the police department and all these other things we don't collect but does it have to be on those two rows is there a way legally for us to go forward and say it's an undue hardship against the rest of the taxpayers in town if there is a way to do it and it's really outside the box okay please look into it for the future of the town and the taxpayers to stop the bleeding thanks for your time thank you Tony appreciate it anybody else cuz come on Sir come on up just state your name please absolutely well excuse me good evening my name's Bernard Johnson and I live at 320 Cedar AV Lanoka with myself and my family five and that's front of Hebrew Park which I'm sure you're all familiar with that because I've hear some stories about being here for 23 years my wife's family's been here since probably the conception of it so um I'm sure you're you're familiar with where I live I'm here today because of concerning matter that I would like to have on record for sure I think it's very important what I'm here to speak about with you is if it's okay I'd like to um give each give give each of you a copy of so when I read it you'll understand sure but that's okay I apologize take your time watch on TV take your time um there was only three or four John Parker was one so I apologize I want to five all right give that well the governing body is five members so if you give me one for Mr mine cuz I'm going to read mine when I'm done yeah that's fine and I can always make copies of one of theirs it's no big deal her and I will share it it's fine thank you and I'm going to keep my hand so I'm going to read you this letter that I sent to to Senator M if you don't mind no go right ahead so I hope this letter finds you well I'm writing to seek your assistance regarding a concerning issue with the transport AR arrangements for my daughter who has just begun sixth grade at Lacy Township CU we know it's all new now um this year we were informed by transportation department my daughter would no longer be eligible for a bus due to the residence in of a County Road our home is situated on sarav which I discussed which is a part of a busy thorough fell it's great that you mentioned what you did before about the RightWay and where does every where does the traffic go goes on my block now at this point we our block I shouldn't even say mine it's everybody's block on South Street in Manchester tra specifically our location in front of Hebrew Park and my daughter expected to walk the distance of nearly 2 miles Crossing multiple streets to reach the middle school I attached a map in case we weren't familiar with the road given the safety concerns associated with this route particularly as our street is a major artery with a speed limit of 45 I find it troubling that she's expected to walk the distance especially Cons considering her age furthermore there is only one Crossing guard that's on Evans it's on the map I know it's a little dark cuz I printed what I what I sent which takes about 36 minutes to get and will be P it'll be practically hazardous during the morning hours and inclement weather for over 20 years we've lived in this community and have always relied on school busing as our child's safety my wife who works as a surgical nurse leaves the house before 5: and myself I I'm required to be had of state A Lot therefore the lack of bus service posed a significant challenge for our family we were informed that a flyer which we did not receive mentioned the possibility of securing bus service as at a fee of 11 $1,100 this amount seems excessive particularly when considering the safety of our children should be a priority additionally as daylight savings time approaches it will be darker during the earlier hours increasing safety concerns our family has a history of utilizing school bus services as evident by our oldest child who rece who received a bus from the start of kindergarten at lenoa Harbor Elementary School it is disheartening to see that the the long outstanding practice is not being extended to our youngest now this is our youngest child we're discussing especially when the school buses passes our home continually during the day it picks up and drops off right through my street sorry if I seem passionate but I'm a little upset you're you're fine we are deeply concerned that our family is being penalized for residing on a County Road um that we believe the situation warrants further Attention our property tax has been consistently increased yet the quality of service seems to be declining we respectfully request your support in addressing these issues to ensure that all families receive the transportation services necessary to guarantee the safety and wellbeing of of our children your assistance in advocating for this matter would be greatly appreciated thank you for your time and consideration with my signature information and where I live an email address so I also if it's okay I have a few bullet points that I'd like to discuss with you and also kind of add to what I just mentioned that I sent to Senator M I would just I would just like to say to you yes I appreciate everything you're saying um I I understand I agree we all we all hear you and feel it okay okay but we have no control over this absolutely the township and the border of Ed have we have no control over what they do okay can I ask you a question who's responsible if there's an accident or speeding on my road police department and that's not the county that's not the county though right because the County Police you police it but okay but you're also policing the buses you're policing the traffic you police everything that goes through there correct you're absolutely 100% right and also I I I say this because as somebody who obviously has a County Street Road and sidewalk you know I don't see anybody plow on the streets I don't see them plow on the roads on the sidewalk I don't see any of that I mean I see there's a conflict and I understand that and this is what I keep getting told everybody puts their hands up and says go to somebody else I I'm not I'm not asking you to go to somebody else I'm giving you the right to speak so it can be heard out there because it's important for parents to speak up but there is nothing that we can do on our end except extend to them what we've heard okay and that's why I'm here because that was the priority of me being here cuz as I just gave Senator a m of that I also left a message from Mr Quinn who also sat on this board as well so I'm going through and I've been listening and watching 23 years and it and and I get chills cuz 23 years ago is when I got married and I know where I was on 911 right and that's when I moved here so it also has a lot of memory for me too M and I think the most important thing and if you can help me as a collective body get this further because I don't know if I'm I'm I'm this big in a in a in a world that's this much bigger and I don't know if I'm going to get a response from from Mr Demmer which is where it's the letter that you have behind what I just I wrote out to Mr uh Senator rato what he was going to do and forward it to somebody else you know I I find it troubling I got penalized for moving to a busy road and unknown to unbeknownst to me I'm paying the penalty and now my child is last year it was $200 this year is at $1,100 this is absurd my taxes and our taxes go 80% of them go to the school district and the transportation the bus passes through my street I was taking videos the gentleman who's on Evans he can't see around the block that turned from the EMS building the the closest he you saw how foggy it was this morning yes is he going to be able to see my daughter and I didn't want to say this to you and I think I'm going to bring it up because I find it very important besides not being able to see in 45 miles hours and you don't know this besides the fact you've may have heard about it my daughter who also is in high school and plays soccer and doing pretty well this season actually for Lacy okay and they've been in this room before with everybody when they win championships she's also a track star or not a star a track runner and she's done very well that too she was running the summer and she got chased by somebody in a vehicle who was getting ready to grab her and take her away which we've all been here in Atlantic City that's where they're all taking kids now that being said it also brought another good point to me is that if that can happen to somebody who's older what could happen to my daughter when there's Woods on that side somebody can't see 45 man hour Zone who's going to protect her right so I'm asking this body from what what I'm saying and what I'm handing you this evening to help me figure this problem out and find out that we can do this for my not just my kids my kids are going and in 3 years she won't need a bus but I'm also hearing there's other kids and other families are having the same problem and they may have been here to tell everybody here the same problem that I'm having I just haven't watched like they used to because it was easier to put on channel 34 or whatever it was I can't even find the channel on TV now so I'm asking you and and and I'm hoping that you can help me and help us and help these families I will pass this along to them I will I will tell you that we have uh so we have Liaisons that um communicate with the schools we have one coming up on September 25th part of the conversation is transportation crossing guards uh some other matters that um we wish to speak with that they did generate the meeting they're the ones requesting it so this is one of the topics of conversation that's on my list so um and I did I did Senator did um copy me on his response back to you that would be great thank you so I'm aware of this and I know that we're meeting with them yeah we're meeting with them it is a big concern we hear it from a lot of residents about the busing I mean again I was a k through 12 here and I I lived on South Street which is right down the road for you I was fortunate I had a bus all my life I was very fortunate my father was the bus driver so I just hopped on in the driveway you know so I was very fortunate but yeah yeah that's a big concern and yeah that that radius is seems very large it was one mile now it'll be two and a half depending on the age why who picks mileages who says okay we go from it's in the state law it's unfortunately in the state law okay cuz it wasn't that what originally it expanded to yes they did expand it to yes yes so that but it is one of the topics um that we're looking to discuss I appreciate your time thank you for your help and support you're welcome is your number on your phone numbers on here all right good so then I'm I'm a yes it is I see it great I I will be able to all right good and then I'm able yeah because you have yours on the computer still yes yes great more notes but this was perfect thank you so much again no thank you very good thank you anyone else from the public oh we got one right here hi um I'm David Dolan um I am a longtime Place resident I wasn't born here unfortunately I don't think you can be um but uh I I do think that um yeah he brings up a very interesting question about how uh the roads work and that's originally why I brought uh why I came here but um the actual way to fix the roads and I mean the busing would be the State issue I do work for the state I work for assembly we are trying to reduce the mileage so hopefully get that done this session who knows uh there are some issues with funding I don't know if you heard about funding issues uh but part of what he was talking about was the speed of Manchester at South South Street um which is 45 I think it turns into 40 45 35 um now back in 2012 uh Township I don't know if any of you will hear I pass a resolution uh 2012 223 which uh recognized that you wanted to participate in the complete Street uh Association complete streets yeah or yeah uh but I believe it's a process so you build out a body you plan and you redevelop streets to make them safer to walk on is basically the idea um I don't know exactly what you've been doing about it uh because I do believe like you said there's still definitely streets out there especially by the schools are still too dangerous to walk to and concerning we have this issue about mileage it might be important to invest into improving Street safety all of those streets are County Roads where the schools are they're not Township Road the only one that is is Street that's it Western Manchester and Lacy Road are all County Roads mhm Manchester yes it is ma Manchester from Lacy road to South Street is a county road that took place around 1980 it got uh taken over by the County and in addition um during our budget season which is anywhere from February to April we have a list of uh Street projects to do and improvements and we do a lot every year and when we aren't physically doing the concrete or the black top we're doing the engineering we meaning the professional yeah so typically what we do is engineer a project one year and then and then uh do the improvements to following year but there's a never-ending list of Street improvements and uh you know they got Manchester there's doesn't end that's a county project that's a county Pro that's a county project yes of course of course um how about that but our projects are never ending and I'm sure the counties are as well but they do get done okay well I guess that was all my question I just wanted to make sure that you were proactive and because I I do believe especially in you know newer generation that walkability you know bicycles is how expensive cars are uh that it would they'll be more and more of it exactly we really do need to invest and I I do believe Lacy is a great uh spot to improve on the walkability of the Town how condens it is the river thank you thank you for your comments somebody oh yes sir good evening good evening just state your name please my name is Steve Gans hi St and I live at 450 pen Avenue North yes it's right behind the rail trail and Railroad Avenue which I've heard tonight all already spoken about I'm here tonight because I want to ask for um engagement some priority some more oversight on speed of Railroad Avenue living right behind it is about I don't know probably along the road 7 12 maybe 14 houses there are times on a Sunday afternoon you can't have a conversation in the backyard because of the drag strip that opens up I've spoken to the police dispatched several times I've spoken to the lieutenant in charge of the Patrol Division I jokingly call Railroad Avenue that's the new English town Raceway Park Raceway starts at 400 p.m. with Peak race times between 5: and 7:30 and you can hear that occasionally throughout the night up to 11: 1:00 in the morning but that is the peak time I asked the police please please come and observe the road in force the 25 Zone not to interrupt you if I may I have been in touch since I had a meeting at the library and I have had offices out there I've had them surveying the situation I even spoke to the chief today just to kind of keep ahead of the game to know what's going on and what they found and you know because they do you know obviously they can't be there 24 hours a day but they can spend more time there yes for sure peak times where this does occur so that is what we're asking nobody's complaining about the road okay but the speed limit has to be enforced yes is it like kids like going to drag or is it just people trying to get from one end of town to the next you know I don't mind well I and I shouldn't say kids but kids I understand what you mean yeah I don't mind if okay it's 25 I don't care it's 35 I if it's 35 I don't is it 25 okay I can't remember that's fine it's the ones that you can hear in my backyard I can hear all the way down to CAF I can hear the race car coming turning up Lacy Road and turning down the road and then the guy Slams on that gas and goes ripping right through I talked to dispatch once I said I heard it I was just waiting for the crash and then the call 911 I was just waiting for it to happen just looking for that extra um en engagement in the town and the police the other thing one funny thing I did talk to the police about very clearly posted around that road and all on U musket coming right past the post office no trucks yes no trucks no trucks no trucks MH yet track the trailer is going by dump trucks going by I talked to the police guess what they told me they're not sure they have the authority to enforce that rule they're investigating it how long's that railroad uh Road been there how many years well the the no truck thing isn't even a DOT thing it is a cafer permit rule that none of those types of trucks were allowed to use that road because they were going over the gas line so it has typically nothing to do with uh title 39 so so along long r lines I remember seeing it I I live in sumai speed so I take that and I'm not one of the people who speed but any rate um uh watch for you but I saw uh you know tractor trailer and I had our Cod enforcement go talk to the Home Depot manager and and we'll have it have that happen again just toate that's that's mostly where they're from you know them the warnings but you know how they Thrive Now GPS that's it it tell you that's it I'm surprised you don't have them come from the front of your house too possibly better sign coming off a lacy road we are working on that with the county okay one solution I would like to propose what's the speed PPS I know the town doesn't want them not about us it's not about us not wanting them they're not we're not allowed to well you know what then I would encourage you to talk to Neptune Township there's a road jumping book Road it connects 33 to 66 it's got multiple speed bumps because of the speeding it's been in place over 20 years do you know the noise you're going to hear in your backyard then those noise is loud now put them down at the ends and such but Township's responsible for damage of the vehicle too well okay that's but there are solutions so if you need help you can reach out to me I'll be willing to help you reach out to my neighbors I'm sure they would love to too would all love just a little quieter that's all thank you I appreciate it thank you thank you anyone else sh I'm Bill stem I live at East Lacy Road and it's probably too late and I'm not even sure that this is the correct body to speak about this but I'm really opposed to the Quick Check development it's right a block away from my house the traffic is abysmal to begin with and it's going to be worse with cars slowing down to and uh in order to pull into the quick check and then pulling out of the quick check uh if there's anything that can done to stop that I would love to see it happen it's in the hands of somebody following a lawsuit that's what it would be if you wanted to stop it nothing this body can do because the zoning board approved it okay that's that's what I was afraid of but I wanted to voice my my opinion on that anyway uh the other thing is I'm also uh confused because in the Lacy patch article that talked about the quick check it said that the warden house and the uh Community uh Hall were uh found by developers to have uh burst pipes in black mold uh did anybody from the building department check that out or are we just taking the word where's this aty P article said that the Warton house and the old Community Hall were uh had burst pipes and black wall so the pipes in the warden house did burst in January because when vetworks left they turned everything off so there was no heat generating so yes they did burst and again there is mold um and there is no standard in the state of New Jersey for mold so whoever told you black mold unless they had it tested there is no standard in New Jersey um but it is it does have mold I personally have gone in there see it Mr Kennis went in there to see it but there is mold on those walls in there and in other areas Community Hall is perfectly fine there was no burst pipes in Community Hall or anything like that okay is there anything that can be done to save those buildings like house I mean like move them if need be Wen house was moved once before right well Mr de George who is purchasing the property did um attempt several times with several um different organizations to tried to move that and nobody is interested in um having it put on their property or the value of the historic the historic value is not there because it's not all that original because there's been so much changes to it he had no success in trying to find somebody to take that try thank you thank you go right ahead Barry Bender Township um to follow up on that conversation um some time ago after meeting I had inquired because I did file to get the Wharton house registered as a historic site and they needed more information and I had inquired a number of meetings back about the ability to get in there and take pictures and I'm asking for the record can I get into the warden house and get pictures taken so that we could move the application along we could move the application along that raises several complications yes the property is under contract um probably have to get the permission of contract purchaser and owner but it hasn't closed correct correct and if you were to determine that it was or did get it registered as a historic site then that creates complication for the buyer so he's not likely to let you that s but he has the power over the site at this point even though it still belongs to the township standpoint that we still do until until we close however it is under contract okay so that means I can't can what well but if you were determined it to be an historic site if it was get to get registered and it hasn't been up to this point right what is the outcome of that I'm just asking right now the application is stalled because of my inability to get into the building and I'm asking for permission to get into the building complication number one is if you were to get into the building and an application was filed and it was DET application is filed okay you said it stalled because you haven't been a stalled because you haven't been able to get into the building yet so the main the application F assuming if you get into the building the application might be able to proceed depending upon what you saw or did not see right they're asking certain questions right and if it if it were to be determined as a historic site what will be the outcome of that well it takes time before that application will go all the way through but I want to move it forward I understand that but what I'm telling you is if it becomes a historic site then that would have a significant issue with regard to the buyer right but the way the the second complexity is we've already been told it has mold okay and I don't think the town wants individuals in there please don't talk from the audience you know if if there's a situation where there may be a health hazard so so the answer is no that would would be my recommendation to the government okay it's up to them all right figured i' I'd ask but I you know the idea was to move it along I've heard that it takes somewhere upwards of a year and a half to two years to get the application through but I still had the desire to move it move it forward and I had mentioned some time back thank you very muchina we're being frozen out of here tonight Regina descends of Sunset Drive Sunrise Beach um since there was a simultaneous school board and Township committee special meetings on Tuesday August 20th I had to watch the previous meeting on YouTube thank you for proving to us that there is no communication between the schools in the township even though I heard the committee picked their date first in spite of telling us that through the summer months you would only hold one meeting per month anyway I did hear Mr bidnick ask if the bill for Johnson Controls had been received or paid yet I also believe some months ago Mr Steve B also asked the same question and both times Miss Laray replied no so I decided to op some records and look into the matter myself my conclusion was very fast and easy some interesting emails with attachments were recently exchanged between Mr Christopher Mullen of Johnson Controls and Miss lay I got the email logs and then I requested the content of those emails and I was denied stating they were deliberative or contractual Bingo the reason the township hadn't received a bill yet from Johnson Controls is because they are still in consultation with them my guess is a rec center with solar power being explored any comment save it for later I want to finish my comments now viewing the bill list just now that was posted on the wall outside the $243,600 was paid on September 10th from the preconstruction contract with Johnson Controls and the committee called it quits in January so now this raises new questions is there a new contract with Mr mullen's Department are you adding to the existing billing responsibility or are they included including all the additional exploratory plans with the original agreement now the bill list shows that $377,000 was paid to Johnson Controls on September 10th Mr bidnick will ask for the explanation because I don't care to hear it right now I have other things to ask you did any committee person attend any Boe information session on the $92 million referendum don't all answer at once okay are you all aware of the three questions and all of the issues on each of the three questions the next referendum information session will be next Thursday at 5:00 p.m. September 19th in the high school lecture hall before their public meeting please note none of these sessions have been recorded or taped and the public has not received anything in writing about the $92 million the Boe is asking for on March 11th 2025 not even a brochure or a flyer and they have hired a public relations firm to help them push this issue also is the committee aware that the Boe intends to trash the solar panels on all six school buildings before they are even paid for the solar bond is payable through 2029 for several million dollars still the Boe has no intention of reinstalling the solar panels on the new roofs and have no idea how they will pay for all the energy generation they are going to throw away and it's thousands of dollars never mind the 11.7 million those solar panels cost and this information came directly from Mr zalinski he said we haven't figured it out yet when I asked him how they plan to pay the full cost of all the electric bills to jcpnl to me that news was very disconcerting this entire Fiasco is irresponsible due to the main maintenance neglect and now the Boe expects the public to bail them out feel free to comment any way you wish but next Thursday I hope at least one person from this committee attends those sessions unless you can recite all the information in their PowerPoint to me anyone else from the audience that like to speak come on the young ladies coming up first Mr bidnick young ladies hi my name is Cheryl Carney our resident here in Lacy um what your last name I'm sorry ma'am your last name sorry your last name oh Carney thank you k a are okay thank okay so I don't know if anybody is under the impression here that um I'm here to attack anybody like the soccer club or um anybody else but I never said that I was never I think that this has been blown out of proportion for no reason needlessly let me just I had to write stuff down because I have a tendency to go off so um I have a list of what I think are facts and then I have a list of things that are my opinion um as regards the Lacy Township skating complex over at Gilly park for eight months I have visited and called various departments inquiries offers to help and I've been shut down every single time I watched a couple of meetings and people were braiding and um admonished for not attending meetings and not volunteering and not getting involved eight months eight months I tried but it wasn't the Township's agenda um I feel like this has been the soccer thing has been in the works for a while pretty sure I was there when the deal went down I skate a lot I don't care there's two rings my beef is not even beef I just why waste something that's millions of dollars to replace I understand that nobody's using it but nobody promotes it either I mean it's locked with Rusty chains um all right I'm sorry there's 60,000 residents 10,000 household about the 60,000 residents we don't have 60,000 residents we have less than 30 oh okay I was just going by.org I was on um the website that offers hockey too Council offers hockey I didn't know that um they're not playing it at the rank the high school has a hockey league but not Recreation doesn't Recreation League we have tried to get it back together where do they play the high school plays up in Tom's River because they because it's ice hockey well but we don't have an ice rank here I know that we don't but don't they play roller hockey practice no no no they all go to but again we've tried to get the league back I did stop the timer for her we did try to get the league back together we've been trying for two years and it they it's hasn't been successful understand I understand there's nobody coaching um I get that um it still is is very expensive and it could be used for the community that was I was never go it was never about me but about promoting skating in the community only because I think that um really economically it's really hard I mean you take a family of four and you take them out to dinner and you know or you go to the movies or something it's a fortune and that's something that people can do for free and everybody can do it not everybody can commit to a team not everybody plays on a team not everybody plays Sports there should be things I feel like all the attention effort money is spent on Sports for for kids that team sport sports are going to get you the accolades um the attention the efforts of of volunteers and I feel that that sends a message and creates um like outliers um I'm not referring to the skaters at all I'm just saying that that's maybe part of the bigger problem that is really a horrible occurrence um and I don't think it would ever happen but I don't think those people did either um I just don't want to see anybody excluded from anything um I just want you to know that the excuses I was giving they were inquiries I just wanted to know hey I was skating in wtown you know cuz it was locked I thought it was locked but it wasn't I don't think I I'm just sorry to interrupt you for a quick moment I mean I spoke to you many times and I had you in touch with our uh Recreation director a couple times I don't think you were just given excuses I think we were given you the truth and it wasn't what you wanted to hear you know what I'm saying I realize that can I tell you what they are because they're allot because you had a skating event like I was told vandalism that they do vandalism who is they whole group of juveniles and there's a couple of them going before the courts right now quite the story of every Township there's yes you are correct okay um I was told that the skating service is too damaged to skate I was told that there's no insurance I was told there's no money and I was told that the league is responsible so then there was a skating event so I believe you were behind getting that skating event off with Mr w i do it was cancelled because there was a chance of rain and um the people that came on the other day there just wasn't a lot of people that showed up I think they planned for the 25th and it ended up on the 28th um I honestly didn't know if I had anything to do with that at all I thought it was just you know coincidence but the fact that we were on it and also you know I don't know how this um government works I really don't I had some questions I'm not sure well so what's your questions okay my questions are who is the township like this committee are you an entity you know of like one thing you understand what I'm saying like I don't want to individually address anybody do I address the township is do you act as the township yes yes well I'm the mayor and this is our Township committee right right and so we who reps me who everybody else like who um is acting on my behalf or everybody the residents we are okay all of us let me just we are a weak mayor strong Council so we all have equal votes year we um nominate a chair a mayor so so so mayor Juliana runs the meetings um but basically we're all equal so we represent the township portion of the township the roads um Recreation you know those departments we do not represent the schools or or have anything to do as far as um policing the schools for lack of a better term so we're all Representatives okay and you act on our behalf yes can right yes okay I just I don't know I know it's a town form Town Hall form government committee Township committee I don't I looked for information trying to cram for this exam but um the only thing I could find was what I wasn't allowed to do I couldn't find anything what the committee was doing you know I I just couldn't find anything did you go on our website we have a whole website a little blurb about the township committee form of government I think I did I just didn't find anything that was relevant to what I was looking for and believe me I never I've been in business a multiple business owner in town and a resident I don't I've been in business for 30 years I've never had to come before the meeting I think if I was a big mouth Troublemaker you'd know it before now um and yet I honestly feel as though um and when I say Township I assume the Departments are under you right yeah okay all right so I feel as though intentional disingenuousness really I feel as though it was purpose purposely what was purpose eight months I was there nobody could mention that something was going on with the rink I don't feel you're obligated to but for someone who um you know yells at people for not being involved so all right yeah so I see you're confused I don't know I don't know what's yeah so so I'm not familiar with anything you're talking about other than I know at the with the last couple meetings I think we voted to to for lack of a better word give the soccer club the ranks or one rank one ring so all right so again uh we have liaz on S Rec Department I think Tim is one I don't really the other I have so so typically it works the same way that it goes through the wreck it was recommended either through or Rec director or the Liaisons you know they sat down at the Lacy soccer club to to to do what you know to do this and so it they were agreeable so I don't know after that what you're talking about I I have no idea understand perfectly and I don't I don't have any problem with it at all and I never said or did anything to the contrary so I'm so well I'm not following are you complaining I asked continuously I went there and I said what's up with the rink what are you asking for what's going on with the rink why is it why has it been allowed to fall into back in June because we had no active participation from the league that we built it for why does a league we built it for the roller hockey league they had requested it back in the '90s when they first built the park Champs I remember so so to be fair to your point if if I'm not familiar with the rinks I never use the rinks so if they're uh I don't know why they're locked if so you say I don't know so I don't know if they're in disrepair I don't know I don't know anything about it so there's probably reasons I don't know all those reasons but these are all questions whether you should have asked or or should still be asking and it's uh you should direct these to both direct director and L on it's not if it's you're not getting satisfactory answers then it would be up to the Liaisons to have a further meeting with the with the recor at all what I'm questioning is the way that it was handled I feel that the township I was deliberately disingenuous I don't know what they thought I was going to do but if I'm if I'm talking to you I volunteer for the skating event I'm there with you you know I want to do something to promote Ro skating wouldn't you tell me well that the conversation came up may I just went back to look at my schedule and it was May when they came to us we did not make a decision with them until the end of July if not yeah the end of July so when you said eight months I I don't know what it hasn't been going on for eight months okay but even still so was one it's one one rank one one rank that the soccer club paint the rink and so the other rink so so you have you want to know why the other rink is not operable no not really I want to know why I feel as though the tou was less than transparent and there was no reason to be I I I just don't understand I don't know where we were trans not transparent it happened in May okay may they came to us was July 28th okay so just a minute they came to us in May suggested this we approved it in the end of July right so and we it got discussed here what was going on what was happening I mean it wasn't did I did I miss something cuz I did look at the meeting and it was never said it was going over the rank we awarded don't we awarded a contract for a contractor to come in and the soccer club paid for it all it's not I understand it was a donation I would never take that money away from the kids I understand about budget cuts I understand I just don't understand why nobody said anything why would I it's all in the course of doing Daily Business though some of this didn't touch with them since then I can't answer why Mr w did not tell you that it was being converted to a turfield once the decision was made I can't answer for him okay yeah typically they I mean it works the same way you're doing right here the soccer I mean again I wasn't part of these meetings it's that's it was through the wreck if the soccer club like any organization approaches the rec director hey can we put new lights up or something like that it's usually their decision first and they'll negotiate whatever they're trying what's that only a sports League well if you're asking it s are you asking that it would be nice to have the other rink open yeah okay so F so we'll look into it I have don't know why it's not open I'm sure there's a reason but uh that's a fair uh uh question to ask that why if the other rink is not open and we'll get a better answer for you it is open it's open on the far side next to the woods which really invites if it's open J fences if it's open then cuz it doesn't look like it is to the township it has Rusty chains on it but if you pull on it opens I really don't want to I know so this is again these are details that I'm not familiar with I just honestly feel as though it was purposely kept from me it doesn't make any sense I was there when the contract was there when the people were talking about it I just wish that someone had said something I could have turned I was coming to the meeting with ideas for a skating complex and maybe an outdoor um like a dog obstacle course 5,000 we're looking at a dog park we are it's it's just it's quite expensive because there's certain you have to have an area for big dogs you have to have an area for little dogs you have to have wood run you have to have shelters for the people that bring their dogs there you've got to make then you have to have it manned so it's not cheap so I wasn't talking like a park I thought it would be a community project you can't because of insurance purposes I can't because of insurance purposes I can't like all these people in the room could love to come and let's build an obstacle course for a dog can't do it unless you're a licensed contractor with a Public Works licensed to operate in the state of New Jersey I I can't because yes because of insurance purposes because it's Township yeah because it's public land yeah it's it's unfortunate it's unfortunate like we buy a widget you might buy a widget at home that's five bucks I have to pay 20 bucks for the widget it's just because it's the way it goes it is very stupid yeah the money the prices and the estimates I got for a dog park are ridiculous because of what you have to have you know I I really don't want to take I visualize Lacy as a leader as doing Innovative things and I thought that it would be great if we could do that from recycled things and contractors donating you know whatever left over whatever it's not a big deal it's not hard to build in your own backyard but not in our yard because we represent the public and we get you can get sued yeah I know it's stupid I agree with you all right so if we could just open it and make it you know like I'd like to organize um like a I speak to our our uh Recreation director tomorrow and I'll see what I can do to get it cleaned up a little bit if I could possibly well I I have no problem doing it I can't let you do that you can't let me power wash a rank no I can't all okay all right thank you on a happy note I'd just like to while the office in a minute Mr bidnick I just want to if since he's here I'd like to read this if I may this was from um people in the town here that sent me a thank you and they wanted me to read it out loud so I'm going to take a minute while he's standing in the back of the room I want to take a moment to recognize the courtesy and professionalism of lacy Township Police Department my wife and I are residents of seab breze at Lacy and hosted a cake party for our 10-year-old granddaughter's birthday Friday evening the August 16th my wife's sister stayed over that night and her car was parked on the street in front of our property on Saturday morning we discovered that someone had used a rock to break one of the vehicle's windows I called the police department and the dispatcher unfortunately I did not get her name the dispatcher was courteous polite and I hung up feeling that she genuinely cared about the community and my problem as well officer Kevin trans badge number 129 responded in a short time he was also courteous professional and conducted a thorough investigation we felt we were in good hands we are grateful for the township Administration and the police department for the quality of life they that we have here please extend our thank thank you to them at their officer [Applause] that now mind you he didn't know that I was going to read this because he just showed up to do his duty at the door so it's kind of fun that he showed up but the next person Mr [Music] bidnick good evening mayor and Township committee and Lacy citizens okay so Mr stemble Right yes I'm glad to hear you speak that you were against the selling of the property the two historic properties that are being sold it's nice to know and you're running for Township committee am I correct it's nice to know that there's somebody in the political realm who's actually running who cares about protecting our historic sites um as Regina had stated she had emailed um the the Township concerning the questions that I asked at the last meeting about bills being paid to Johnson Controls well I have the bill list here and I do have a couple of questions I notice on here there are all these legal charges $1,400 $46,000 $5,000 $2,868 all of this under Johnson Control payments for a total of $37 1,868 now why are we paying for attorney's fees for Johnson Controls my Township administrator would you please answer him on this question that that is part of the um the invoice that I received with regards to the their out-of-pocket costs that we were obligated to um pay for so the total cost was 300 $ 7,868 67 and we have absolutely nothing to show for it I wouldn't say that well I do as a taxpayer um who's paying the bills like all the other people here we don't have anything to show for it you have some plans and some designs and stuff but we don't have anything to show for it and we have you know people in we were just hearing gentlemen speaking about the Safe Streets for the kids we're not doing this we don't have the money for that I mean again this is money that was should never have been spent on this project it was a pipe dream from the beginning and a waste of our um taxpayer monies and um it's something that was not needed in fact that $317,000 could have been used to produce stuff with this building that needs to be updated uh such as new windows etc etc so all that money is just wasted wasted taxpayer money I mean it's just unconscionable to me especially with all the tax increases that we just had right now and the way people are struggling with high inflation in this country and stuff is there anybody that's really looking out for us but I do have to ask a question I expect this government body as our elected a body that we're paying you a salary to do this to be doing everything in your power to lower our taxes I didn't hear any of you speak out against the 10% tax increase that the school pushed on all of us when you could have used your influence to try to Tamper that down and you didn't do anything about it so now we're all suffering with that I mean I moved here because this was supposedly a Conservative Republican Community but it really isn't because I've been here 20 years I've never seen my taxes ever go down and you know what I'm like a fiscal Hawk and I believe something isn't absolutely imperatively needed and I was going to take the money from somebody else and I know that they're struggling we have people in the town who can be are working two and three jobs to put food on the table for their families and we have these pipe dream ideas of spending 80 to1 million on a new Municipal complex during a time of you know Financial Strife for the people in our community it's heartless as far as I'm concerned it's it's it's it's heartless and it seems that you're being very in unconcerned with the issues that are at hand and I want to know what you people are doing about cutting expenses I see all the new people that were hiring and those are fixed costs that just keep going up every year health insurance costs pension costs salaries Etc and now we have I Mr U Kennis was saying 325 of the lowincome housing I want people to understand that all this development that we've had with more people coming here it's all based on a per capita the more people that come here the more housing that we're going to have to build for these low-income housing and they don't pay anything to the schools so when their kids go to our schools the rest of us are all paying for all of these people that come here this is part of the reason why I've been speaking out against the overdevelopment in the community it's like um it we're going to be paying for all of this and it's it's just really not right and I I really expect you people to do better and when this budget comes up this year I think you should really look at everything and just realize that a lot of people are not able to stay here I keep seeing more and more houses going up for sale I heard people talk at the Schoolboard meetings that they're going to have to sell their house with that 10% increase that went through they can't stay here they can't afford it and I'm asking you as our elected officials to really this year when you're doing your budget to do everything you can to cut and to make sure that every penny is spent appropriately thank you very much thank you for your comments thank you anyone else like to speak okay my name is pero I live in Sunrise Beach uh I'd like to follow up on Mr Bender's request um so so it's clear what he is asking is for permission to have a group of people enter Warden house to do a survey which would then be submitted to the state of New Jersey as part of an application which has been submitted to have that building listed as a historic site and there are supporting documents that would provide for that now you want to take an action yes or no you can't do that by just looking at one another and ignoring him someone has to make ignoring him ignor so so you didn't do anything because we were represented by our attorney who suggests it's not a good idea okay so therefore if you want if you if you want to say no I think someone has to make a motion and you have to vote so it on the record I make a motion the answer is no okay so fine so you want to vote So It Goes On The Record because then if someone wants to have an order to show cause why the public can't get access to that building there's an a fundamental action that can be contested so let's have the vote sir it's in the process of being sold that it doesn't matter what it's a public piece of property at this moment so the question is yes or no the the question was answered already no no you have to answer it with a vote okay no I don't have to answer but here's what I take the advice of my attorney my attorney says they would need to take action to allow him to go okay okay so if the answer is no you don't want to take that action okay I take the advice of my attorney you can't not you can't negatively just of not take an action of course we can yes we can I've given my don't agree with it then you can file your legal suit and so it shall be okay thank you I have comments close one minute before let me see if there's anybody else is there anybody else that would like to cut up and speak Carol I'm sorry hello um Carol Township Middle St actually um I was listening to Mr Dolan and I've done lots of researches regarding complete streets I've been active in it for over two or three years now and I just wanted to share some information and if any anybody wants to jump on board with the research that I've been doing I'd be happy to share when a street is 25 miles an hour it is eligible for traffic calming traffic calming is could be parking could be bike Lanes could be raised intersection raised crosswalks when we talk 25 mes hour the way that they're designing 25 mph zones that have traffic caling in them is if you were to hit a I'm not saying hit as in boom but when you enter into the raised area table they call it a traffic table yes they do you know you're I know it okay so here we go so when you go to a raise table in a 25 the rais table is supposed to not impede anything no bumps no noises no nothing you go at 25 you continue at 25 and you kind of just feel a nice rise if you hit it at 30 35 40 and so on then it becomes more of an aggressive situation so I disagree across the board because that's what's on the record within complete streets and you guys are part of that is traffic calming in a 25 you can do a lot of really creative things that that are beautiful that have good ideas logic and so on so I'd like to help if I could in educating on what traffic calming really is and where we could value from it and it would protect kids it would increase the quality of life in Lacy and that's really what I'm interested in so thank you than one more second oh I'm sorry is there anybody else before the two gentlemen get back up to talk do you want does gent do you want to speak sir anybody oh Tony okay Tony go ahead I apologize I wanted to ask this question when I was up before uh number 24 motion to transfer membership from Bamber Lakes company to the forkid river fire department for multiple individuals what is the reason for the transfer okay so just I'll explain it to you no problem we've um basically done away with Bamber they didn't have any members out there to answer calls they did not have enough you have to have a certain amount on the truck a certain amount attending they did not have enough so what we did is it's going to be like a substation now for River all right we're going to change the name yes stay on the tax records the same way yes as Bamber and not pay taxes is that property going to go up for sale no no we have to have a firehouse we have to have that substation still have to have the firehouse oh yes it has to be there and there'll be two trucks there too okay um I've seen this before in the original town I came from in South planfield was railroad tracks the train came through you couldn't get to the south side of town but they always had the auxiliary fire department there so it's not not a new thing to me but again I go back to if it ever does go up for sale let it be a taxable company we got 20 new companies coming in you said right okay they're all going to pay taxes right are any of them on Lacy Road or or uh no let let me let me tell you something right now though if I could I I mean the our most expensive pars on Lacy road to me is where that housing is due to go up the state forces us to put it there we say let's put Let Us put it somewhere else they say no it has to be accessible by public transportation and then a lot of other Hoops we have to jump through I I don't appreciate it I think they come in and Strongarm us and we do need the revenue so people say Hey look it's somebody came up here and said 46 square miles it's 86 square miles most of it we can't build on it's protected pin lands that I would like to have built on and the state is stopping us from doing that so also with cutting our school budget and everything else they we that little uh Rose in our our Christmas stocking if you will um so it is frustrating I feel your frustration I don't like it okay so I disagree I I I respectfully disagree the most valuable piece of property in Lacy road is the property we're sitting on and to to Mr Kennis and and other members here we had an initiative to try and sell this property and move this complex out back Mr Kennis has been navigating and I'm not not the hang hanging on your head that this property will be much better suited as commercial I I understand what you're saying you know my problem with what you said is what happens if another church comes in and wants to buy the property you that's what I'm against but you can't out Zone the stuff Z them out that's why I said is I know it's way out of the box but is there some kind of a hardship to answer that something new no no no no no you're sure the answer is no absolutely certain no guts no glory it would you know oh that you want to you want to come out against churches good luck it's not necessarily churches but you know any non- taxable any non taxable you know if there's any kind of a way to do it no I I I get it Tony okay I get it thanks okay I think you had something else you want to speak Mr St hi Bill stemo again uh speaking about the wooden house one final time uh I'm not sure that I understand uh what your position is on this I understand that Mr Bender asked if he could have access to the uh house to take some uh pictures and do some studies this is a a critical part of lacy Township's history and I I get that the township attorney has suggested that it would be a complication for him to be permitted to do that but I think it' also be a complication for a part of Lacy's history to just be demolished without knowing if it is part of Lacy's history You' out to know what's gone on but since we started that whole process there it has been known that that would be sold a a b we reached out us here reached out to the county to see if they were willing to extend an open piece of property that they have to move it to no I mean we did our research we did our due diligence in trying to secure a situation and it just it it didn't it didn't happen anywhere nobody was willing to touch it I understand that I mean do you understand it's not like you know it's not like we got up one day and decided oh let's just knock that building down you know no I I get that but no that's not what we did I just and please do not call out from the audience okay if you have something to say come to the microphone and speak but we did not do that I I understand it's not a historic site okay once that building got moved in 1982 it lost its historic value the building itself lost its historic yes yes once you move something from the place it was originally at it no longer has that historical value and and interestingly enough people so just well you know what I'm if I'm going to you know if you want to stir the pots as they say um you should all that are so concerned with historical sites everybody should check into our historical building the historical site of our building it has never been put on the Reg star so everybody that's concerned about historic sites should check into that Mr bendy you should start that now really you really should you know maybe years I told people months ago about it oh the School House Museum yes schol museum has never been put on a historic yes it has never been put on and yet everybody no it up okay but there's you know I have comments I was going to wait till the end may I go for it Mr Kennis did you want to speak wait did Barry want to speak again did you want to say something yes let them go I'll go at the end hi back hi Historic Society now um I volunteered at a Historic Society meeting and I there they're afraid they're afraid because they don't know that you invited us to do that research so when I said I'll volunteer to do it the ladies that were present there's a and Pete's there also and they they were like oh no no the Township's going to get mad at us so we've been asking we've been asking them for months to do this could I ask get a favor yes sorry go could somebody just please put it in writing real quick so we invite you to do that and I can proceed with the bottom line is we just need to see it get eligible I have to talk to Tim Hart up in County to see if we can get an inspection eligible been trying and that's all it's one step at a time the warden house was eligible for over 20 years when in 2005 when they made it eligible when darthy oo from the state historic and why was nothing done about it ask the people that were there well that's what I'm saying you can't blame everybody wants to blame us here it's people no but people have been there forever okay I mean knowing about it okay what I'm saying is there are afraid that there will be push back from the committee so I would love to have an invitation so that we could proceed it it can it's easy once it gets registered as you know there's other doors that open up for grant money registered it's a huge long process register it could take two years but they should do it and if there's an inspection and they charge for an in historic inspection can be expensive that's why I'm going to try and go and ask Tim if he has ACT resources I'll go down to the James the the James still location they've done it I've G to Stockton University I can ask Mr Mr sh to help us I don't know of a historic inspector that can get it eligible so that's where we are so that's the first process and then once it's elal then you can put in an application you cannot do it before yeah I'll have them write up a letter tomorrow they need help with finances to get an inspection would you be willing to help us with that we can't answer that I know that so I'm just saying so I know the process but I'm just letting you know that there was it was oh we can't cause any waves because maybe we'll they'll get mad at us about the house and they'll not you know the mayor has been asking them for months and months write a letter Don I know but I've been asking it's not like I've ignored this go ahead Mr Bender doesn't make sense that the owner of the property would file the request to make it a historic site the owner that's Oh you mean Schoolhouse is owned by the town by the township of La yes wouldn't that make sense um well it could be work together right but I'm saying the building is not owned by the Historic Society the building is owned by by lazy Township that's just the point I'm making point and I'll leave it at that thank you anyone else I have somebody coming up um Lynn I'll take one second good evening my name's Thomas Fallon uh I was just curious uh for the 101 North Main Street why was that property chosen to be sold by the township because when we purchased the um Knights of Columbus building we had decided at that point this is before I was here but I was well aware of it um we had decided at that point we would sell that property so that we could pay for what we paid for the Knights of Columbus to clear our bill on that okay so the township decided to sell the property yes okay um you know I was at the zoning meeting uh several weeks ago I spoke out in opposition of the lofty um variances that were granted on that property uh spoke out in opposition to the demolition of the warden house um you know with the development of that site I spoke out in opposition in reference to the environmental hazards to the local community to the waterways right there to safety concerns to only two entrances one being on lcy road right at a major intersection and the other one on a residential road which is a 25 M M hour own so you're going to have a main entrance for trucks and cars going onto Lacy Road and Jones Road additionally I I spoke up in regards to my opposition to the development of the property because it was a 247 establishment right next to a residential Community um the township decided to sell this property yes this isn't me coming in the 9th hour trying to stop some that I decided to do it's me coming in the 9th hour to stand up and say let's stop for a second re-evaluate this is this what's correct for the residents yes it may be correct for your budget it it's not even just about the budget Tom um the truth of the matter is is and again um maybe you could look at it this way and this is no saying it other than saying it this way this has been going on for a while okay and um it's not like this just happened three months ago okay you know this which I totally agree but Ju Just because it's the 9th hour doesn't mean no it doesn't take anything away from you thinking the way you do it doesn't right but it also doesn't prohibit us from saying hold on a second let's stop and re-evaluate if we shouldn't continue with a poor decision but we're already in a deal with the it deal to sell a piece of property that was gifted to the people the town long as he means so it took two sales two sales it wasn't gifted it it we made the mistake twice selling the property that was deeded to the people of the township and sell it to a commercial developer it's now that's you know that was property that was given to the people and you guys decided to sell it for the development of a quick check and the only concern I had I heard out of the zoning board was where to position the welcome to Lacy sign underneath the massive Quick Check sign so essentially there other concerns issued by the in the audience that night lots of concerns and and I I really you know I don't know who's talking from the back but you can't be speaking while we're speaking I understand there were some concerns raised um I most notably I I was really curious when several members of the public brought up environmental concerns there was any f follow up from the zoning board for them to say well was there an environmental study done and there was none nor did they request one nor did they hold any standards to the developer to provide one the only traffic studies that were done were the ones that were provided by the Builder and I understand this building's under contract you still loan it if people want to get into the warden site and you're concerned about mold have them sign a waiver to hold you free of liability wasn't my only concern it's one concern that you raised so we could eliminate that by then have sign in that it's not registered is in Historic Site the township could step up and register it it's your property okay or is the interest to develop the site or is it to protect the interest of the Public's land that was gifted to the residents of this town you have an opinion with it's not an opinion it's on the title sir okay it was given to so what you're saying is Township is without authority to do what it's doing is that your position yes absolutely then you file lawsuit I think that's unfortunately where we're going to get okay you know because at at this point you know we've aired some concerns whether or not they were um heard by the zoning board or well represented by the zoning board is questionable but at the end of the day that property was given to the people and quite honestly a quick check is not in the people's best interest it was the Mr Smith left that property for the community center to be developed there it was developed there and somewhere along the line everyone said hey we can sell this property and you know make a few dollars is that in the people's best interest I don't think so there was a point where as part of the master plan that was supposed to be developed as a historic site somewhere along the lines someone said forget that we're going to put a quick check there is that in the people's best [Music] interest I don't think so so you know as far as if this property is under contract why hasn't it closed yet are we waiting for the memorialization of the of the variances before it closes there is certain due diligence period that they're allowed to go through so is the sale conention on the approval of the variances I don't believe it's contingent it's just that they're allowed so when is it scheduled to close I don't we call time okay I appreciate your time thank you so much thank you M for River um the topic I have is the same topic I had the last meeting that I spoke um it's about the meeting time um and I think it's important that this an easy fix maybe you can make the meetings at 6 6:30 instead of 6:00 uh it gives the people that live in this town but work somewhere else the opportunity to come here maybe these this big issue about the property um that a lot of the people don't want developed would have been able to come to the meeting and maybe some of this could been resolved in a different way so my thing is this meeting time 6:00 is not conducive for the citizens working out of town teachers and Township workers are working until 4: the general public are working until 5 the last time I spoke about this meeting time I was informed that some citizens work at night a lame excuse for not accommodating general public it's plain to see you have no intention on making the meeting time conducent for the majority of the Lacy taxpayers it has been made public that your decisions for our town are happening behind closed doors just like most elected officials you are all about raising taxes for your pet projects projects that are not wanted or needed particularly what we just spoke about especially in this declining economic climate now I received an invitation for the annual Lacy go picnic which is this did anyone probably all the Republicans I have a comment it's a disgusting picture and it displays exactly what you are doing to our community oving our tax money it is a self depiction of yourselves wow thank you very much thank you I do have com public closing the public portion yes one okay I'm just do I'm doing this for everybody's education because I work on fact not on like youright so we have a lacy Township 2017 Community visioning report and new are familiar with that assuming and we have the ly Township 2018 reexamination report master plan ST Master so I keep reading this over and over again in this one and I'm going to skip to it all this stuff's available online historic preservation begin the process of supporting historic preservation through the inventory of existing historic buildings and properties this is in your paperwork and I don't understand why we're so far away from it but I'm just reading fact here based on the result of the inventory they want you to develop a historic master plan element and regarding Transportation provide more bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure create additional crossings that assist pedestrians Crossing Route 9 which I would love um new bike and pedestrian paths along Route 9 bypass etc etc so we already talk about saving our history safe infrastructure bicycle lanes and traffic caling and in the master plan uh historic preservation goals and objectives adopt a historic preservation element that would identify historic areas containing historic structures promote the adaptation of development regulations that would encourage preservation and encourage the use of architectural design consistent with the residential and historical characteristics of the township historic preservation recommendations there's a need to prepare and adapt a historic preservation element that would identify historic areas containing historic structures promote the adaptation and development of regulations that would encourage their preservation and encourage the use and Architectural design so there's a lot more to this I know it's all on the e360 site I I want to know why we're we're in such opposition to how do we adopt this and what kind of you know Kudos do we get as a Township to have this on our master plan when we're actually kind of doing the opposite and I it's frustrating for me it's very very frustrating for me because I know that you know I know that you know I know that you go to the meetings I know that people are involved in this and then why is nothing done and I know that you guys want to do I think it's it's a you want to create a center of town and somewhere in here i w i I read that it's going to be walkable I I know what a walkable Community is like I said studied this stuff for years I would love to help you with it and help you with your historic elements historic tourism is the number one tourism that's in the state of New Jersey promoted by the state and feds historic tourism you have tons of resources here it's not too late but you really could step up and I would love to help with some of that and I know there's lots of people here that would help with that and I think it would help our community and I think it would help the quality of all of our Lives to have safer streets and beautiful places to visit and talk about our history thanks thank you motion to close the floor second I wait Mr lay wanted to speak oh I'm sorry I'm sorry Bob oh sorry my own little world that bobay Lacy Township life long resident is most know uh actually I'm going to try to make this quick so finish up here tonight a lot of subjects got hit but I got to go all the way back to that first gentleman that talked that lived on Cedar Avenue and I know as well as you do we're it's two separate entities between the town and the school board but that is something that really pulled out my heartstrings one if I didn't just downsize a couple years ago and move I would have been in the same situation as this gentlemen and it is a very unsafe deplorable situation and we got to do whatever we can to support whatever fix can be done I don't know who the lay on is on the committee to the school board but I would think when they meet uh next month or the end of this month right that they really handle this home because I even asked a gentleman myself for a copy of that letter cuz I want to follow up on it too because did he give you one and no I have an EXT I have an extra but uh I think this is something we really got to stay on top of for multiple reasons um the other thing uh another thing uh we do know it's crazy season it's election time uh I do want to thank Mr stemo for coming and I guess it was David as the other person in front Mr bidnick last month introduced me as a candidate so we all know that there's three plus Mr McDonald but those that do know me there's a lot of talk tonight about his historic sites and I commend everybody and uh where they're coming from with the historic sites but I also believe in the history of this town we're 6 Generations we're here I know there's some people T that I noticed back here have been in town even longer than our family but there's only a few I care about the history of the town too so as much as other people get thanked for being involved in it I've had discussions a few minor discussions with Mr bender and Carol I have a great deal of respect for the historic sites in this town we grew up in a house that's still standing built in 1873 there's a you on that street I would hate to ever see anything happen to me so that's where I am on on that but one of the things I wanted to hit on because a lot of stuff came up tonight is one of the problems I got with social media I'm not one that reads it okay puts a lot of Merit to it and the reason is is because we know opinions we all have opinions but there's a lot of Truth and untruths in it not everything's factual one of the best things you can do and there's a handful of people in here I got to really commend that show up at other meetings Tony tonight brought up some uh good reasoning he shows up to the meetings he goes one of the biggest things you got taxes is is always a huge thing on all our plates I downsize to try to get my taxes down I don't want to see them go back up but one of the things people don't realiz is how important land juice is in this town it's probably the second biggest thing besides taxes is how the town's laid out used and different things like that we have our planning board meetings and even this issue that sort of got touched on tonight there was a couple hours of debate but nobody would know that it got tabled for another month all over social media you'll hear opinions and things get spread I think it's time that people start coming to the meetings and learning the facts before they start publicizing I want to commend Mrs dza for bringing up the Schoolboard meeting next Thursday because I know myself I'm going to make sure I attend it and I think anybody that's got any concerns has got to start attending these meetings that they have issues with because the correct information is the best information and that's the best way we can all support everybody um cuz the one thing good about this town unless there's a big issue everybody's on the same same page for the most part but there is one issue I want to address that came up last month because I watched you guys getting featered to death for not caring about Lacy Township I did a little math and it's come up again tonight about your guys's salary one thing I'm running on is transparency and I don't think most people realize our town is run this committee you get all their salaries together there's no benefits plus this town $51,000 less than what most people make the mayor gets $1,000 more than the rest of these committee people so they get paid $110,000 a year divided by 52 is $192 30 a week take out the taxes and all the other stuff that uh gets pulled out of the check you're down to about 13 $8 a week they put in approximately about 20 part-time hours a week into this position so anybody that thinks they're not up here for caring for this town is crazy because when you break it down is about $9.60 an hour they get paid to put up with all the Guff that gets thrown at they care this committee's made up if you look at those little and why they're here they're not here for the the glory of moving up to a bigger position they get elected they put the heart into it and they stay here why because they love the town I know the town has changed I grew up in when I was little this town only had about 4,000 people we're getting up close to 30 it's a good place to live Mr dof brought it up earlier with Mr Parker's Visions look north of us look south of us people are envious of this town and yes it's got its fault it always will world's not perfect but we got to always work together and the biggest thing is respect each other and that's the best way we can get things done thank you thank you B appreciate it motion any motion to close the floor second I have comments go ahead I made some of these points before but they bear repeating our current zoning went into effect in 1974 since the town since then the town has experienced growth of both the residential and Commercial sections that was probably not anticipated the master zoning schedule has not changed much since much since 1974 and as such the land use decisions we are making are still based on that schedule Route 9 has always been zoned for commercial use and for whatever reason the township has never embraced the concept of an historic zone or Village type Zone there were a couple of opportunities over the years to create a historic village area primarily behind the area of for of Fork River fire station and along the area of Bay Avenue and Captain's in this should have been planned 30 40 50 years ago but it is likely that those options are long gone as for the Northbound side of Route 9 what might have been the basis for historic center of town the forkid riverhouse the Methodist Church and the forkid river freezer were all torn down as well as the current location of spirits all torn down many years ago specifically as to the old Community Hall it has served its purpose and has outlived its usefulness the new Community Hall which is the former Knights of Columbus building is a better building by any metric modern construction of materials newer interior finishes a modern larger kitchen less overall maintenance to the facility as for the warden house that was controversially moved to its current location in the 80s it has been called historic very very little remains historic not its location its foundation the vinyl windows the replacement porch posts or porch rail or the Timberline roof not the vinyl flooring the carpet the kitchen cabinets or modern fixtures not the modern toilet tile or Masonite doors and trim not the sheetrock or the paint finally I've repeated this many times it is our responsibility to maintain a Township budget as best we can and that means maximizing our resources as best we can and this is especially true considering the budget problems in our school district we are doing the schools a disservice and the taxpayers disservice by not maximizing our Revenue when we can those are my comments thank you job Mr thank you Mr kis thank you more resolution resolution 202 24-21 resolution of the C Lacy County of ocean state New Jersey authorizing the convening of an executive session in accordance with the open public meetings act to discuss matters of personnel pening anticipated litigation of matters of real estate move it second Mr kenis yes Mr CA yes Mr de yes mayor Juliana yes motion to move it second all in favor I we will not tonight