##VIDEO ID:8dQsfVGwLQA## SS for the wells okay the time is 7:30 I'm going to call the workshop meeting of the lake KO barel Council to order tonight we have one item for discussion on our agenda and that is a continued discussion from last meeting about stones and gravel in The Verge for those of our residents that were not here at the last meeting there was a discussion under the workshop items um talking about stones that were in The Verge The Verge is the area between the sidewalk and the um the street and the curb so that little grass area this was a topic that was brought to our attention from the planning board they would like us to have a discussion about looking at the possibility of coming up with ideas or an ordinance of some kind that would either ban rocks in that area or look at the possibility of defining what is allowed in that area um we had a brief discussion about it at the last meeting uh just as a recap I think it was discussed that it Banning rocks in that Verge area was a good idea for safety um because of street cleaning issues because of uh lawnmower issues um but we wanted to stop short of saying that you could only do certain things from not certain things so we asked the council to kind of do a little research on their own um we did have examples from different towns and what they did um so I would open up the discussion once again I know Doug that you wanted to carry this over for a little more conversation um you can have your own mic there since Nick isn't here I know Belmar has uh just allows two things uh grass and F they don't anything else in belmire yeah so I think you know we should probably follow suit since sort of like what they have I would gu say uh cat and grass simple easy so not pavers I guess we good explow in papers along they maintain the same level as the sidewalk but other than that I would say nothing else so would you I would sorry would you then recommend ripping out trees and bushes that are already there or well trees I don't know we should rip out the trees bushes I would say yes trees I that would be a tough task to do especially mature trees trees might have been there before the sidewalks were even there correct so we have existing code we have existing construction code we have existing code state code that does not allow with over a certain um like uh existing trees can be grandfathered in but I think if you were looking at a specific ordinance for the T that you would have to uh reestablish what that height that height barrier is Council ventri I'm sorry you had some yeah thank you mayor um I I I actually drove around and looked at a lot of the streets um and I have a completely different opinion um I don't think that we should go ahead with this ban let me explain my reasoning um I did not see gravel and Stones all over the street and on the sidewalks um very few areas had it as far as I could tell uh I'm not aware of any situations where any claims have been brought against the burrow for people tripping on them um and I think we're trying to fix a problem that really doesn't exist or exists very minimally where in contrast I think there would be um more of a cost and a burden to homeowners that I don't think we should really be imposing on our residents because a lot of people spend a lot of money on their Landscaping um and a lot of people have it down to almost a square inch as to what's perious and what's impervious if we're going to say you could pave it well that's going to change it so now that's going to be a problem in terms of that ratio but um to require our residents to remove the stones and either have it paved or put down grass grass we had some people speak last time who who mentioned that you know I put down grass the year before it's all dead then it turns to dirt then it turns to Mud uh and um I I just think you know when you're considering any kind of ban like that you should look at well what's the benefit compared to what the burden and the cost is and I think a lot of our residents are going to be pretty unhappy if now we're going to tell them well now you got to go pay for um brass or mulch or whatever we're going to allow them to do when there's really not much of a problem that I've seen I guess there's a potential for a problem but I don't know that a cost justifies correcting potential for a problem this was brought up by the uh planning board they're the one who wanted it to be uh an or created so they have I guess jurisdiction in make a decision regarding that that area when they when a new house is being built or something like that and they're the ones who wanted it well I mean they asked us to discuss it right they asked us to discuss it that planning board meeting they also brought it up I told we were working on it and they they said that this is what they wanted they wanted to get grass and basically papers or cement that's what they wanted we could also make suggestions as opposed to a band for instance you know I know for example being leaz on to the environmental commission they have brought things up like this before and I'm sure they'd be willing to come forward with a lot of alternatives to Stones uh but to make it a ban I think is a step we don't need to take did they did the commission talk about this at all did you bring this up with the commission at all or we no we not formally uh but but well they actually brought up asking about um being permitted to plant trees and I you know I Rel that not really something that we probably consider because of the car doors opening and hanging trees and things like that but um they they have brought up in the past that uh there there are a lot of options for um plants and things that are lower than 10 Ines which is what I think thean says um that could be placed there as opposed to stones but again I think the proposal will be kind of leaving up to the residents as to just imposing a band saying grass or pavement okay understand well that area is not included in and lot coverage what's that when that that area diver is you only use that in the calculation for lot coverage lot coverage goes from the sidewalk to the backyard not included in calculating the lock coverage any other thoughts that was my question if it would be lock coverage it's is it goes from the sidewalk to the rear of the building the property uh any last thoughts so I think councilman ventrice brings up a very good point uh and Doug to your point as well if the planning board is asking us to review this and asking the council to come up with some type of legislation maybe we ask the planning board to provide us instances or information about when these issues were occurring um this as you know as I know that this has been a discussion with the planning board for many years um and it stopped being a discussion for many years and it kind of just came about over the last couple of months so maybe they could give more information to the council then to make a more informed decision on specific I'll go back to the next and and so I we there might even be a way to to require them to put some kind of boundary that would prevent the rocks from going onto the street if they're small rocks in this you can probably put something that that would still be nice Landscaping like a curve yeah well I'm thinking like a box sort of thing but because it's a small area well then you people can't get out of the cars no it would it would it would be below the car door I'm thinking I mean these things are very low these rocks right so you're talking about something that would be you know like this just the size of yeah I mean they're looking at the the rocks that scatter right the you would need something that would serious all right we'll bring that back to board awesome um since there's nothing else on the agenda and there's no further comments from the council anyone from the public wishing to add to that conversation of the workshop item you can come to the mic and do so now freely seeing none I'll close the public portion and with that uh I will call the regular meeting of the lake comoo mayor and councel to order please rise for a salute to the flag in a moment of Silent reflection to flag United States ofice all please remain standing for a moment of Silent reflection thank you sunshine laate noce this meting proved by the adoption of a resolution by the mayor and Council the second day of January 2024 resolution the time and place of agenda and regular meetings with January 2nd were set forth notice was delivered to the par press the coar and tap into and a copy of the notice is posted on the B website and on the bulletin board and B Hall all meetings are open to the public roll call please council member Wy here SC hereo here Council not here tonight council member ventri here alad here thank you and I have a motion to approve the minutes from the October first council meeting so move all in favor opposed extensions okay seeing none we do have a special event that we're adding to um adding to the agenda that is not listed we have Dan from Jersey Shore Runners Club who uh wants to come up and make a presentation stemming from our 100th anniversary 5K the one and maybe not only 100th anniversary 5K so uh on behalf of the red club we were able to raise 5,724 from the 5K we had about 300 Runners we had tremendous support from the uh sponsors and uh the town's people we had about uh 100 U Lake com and Belmar residents have participated and we Havey to present you with this check for the Lake Como youth recreation so you're not going to get away that quickly because you missed the last meeting when everybody sang your Praises all right so um so we we talked very briefly about L KO day it wasn't brief but we talked a lot about Lake Como day uh and we talked about how special it was this year um we had a lot of ideas and a lot of energy put forth by council president witty and a lot of that had to do with a 5k which was the first ever 5K on Lake comoo day Le KO day has become a day or became a day this year and it was a it was a Monumental day and a lot of that had to go towards your efforts um I'm going to be honest with you when we started talking about doing a 5k I said to Doug yeah you know he talked to you he said Dan's going to take care of it well it's not as easy I thought as I thought it was going to be right a 5k questions but a 5k I I thought it was just going to be like hey let's get a bar and we'll go for a run right it's it's not that the the intricacies that are needed for that day and and the effort that you put forward and and your people your staff your group put forward um not only on that day but almost every weekend right there's a run out there you just had one this weekend I um is just tremendous and the work that you do not just a $5,000 check for uh the field or a wreck but every year you give back to The Giving Tree here in Lake comoo um you do a lot of races here in Lake homo which is a great partnership um so not only thank you for the $5,700 but thank you for everything that you do Dan um if uh you know if what you do for this town and the community around us is just tremendous you don't get paid for it right you do this um as part of your life and uh we really appreciate it um and I speak I think I could speak for the council when we say thank you to you and everything that you do um but in the face right now yeah well that that's why that's why I you weren't here last week so I got to get you now um however you know this is a photo opportunity so we're going to take a photo with you if you don't mind with with the check um I'll I'll I'll just ask Doug maybe Doug and I can take a picture with you um because yep because um of everything that he did unless you got you know what no let's have the whole just not just that let's have the council take a picture you right sure he maybe any of you can take a picture I hope it helps I appreciate it thanks for thank you than you see you next okay with that we'll move to reports of committee we will start with councilwoman Al balad Doyle thank you mayor all matters are in order thank you councilman ventrice thank you mayor all matters are in order all right councilman danan thank you mayor all matters are in order I got to get my my report up then I thought it was uh councilwoman skull uh thank you mayor I'll just remind everyone about our small business Saturday andry lading event on November 30th um Amy are we still do we still need vendors okay great so we are um still taking vendors for that and I believe the application is probably online um so please save the date and if you know of anyone you think might um want to participate as a vender please let them know other than that all matters are an order thank you council president in order all right thank you um I have a brief report today I've been asked by the council at our last closed session to report out to the community um some of the things that we've been discussing in Clos session having to do with the ADP tax program for Mammoth County uh the council has asked me to give a brief brief update on the status of Lake KO within the county ABP program uh at this time we are in a wait and see position it is clear that the only way to challenge the county ADP program is through some type of legal action currently there is one town in litigation with the county and we believe that there will be others in the near future we know that the towns who are not in the program have been ordered back into the program by the County Tax Board the outcome of those orders and the current litigation will further inform this Council on the route they are going to take at this time the council can take no action until we see the outcome of that litigation if there is a situation where other litigation forms and we have the ability to join that litigation it will be up to the council to decide whether we are going to do so or not so as of right now the status of the ADP program is that we are going to wait for um the towns that have been ordered back to see what their response is and if there is litigation to come out of that we will decide whether the town would like to join that litigation or not but I don't have an answer to that at this point so that's all we have right now on our status I'm sure there will be questions in um the public session for that and we will be able to answer them to the best of our ability other than that coffee with the mayor has changed sorry um but coffee with the mayor will not be this Saturday it will be the following Saturday October 26th and that's all I have at this time oh sorry thank you Mr Lynch we have Mr Lynch a rep for smura who is here to give us an update and a report sure good evening everyone Uh Kevin Lynch 1823 Parkway and South Mammoth Regional sewage Authority uh last week we did smura did pass their budget uh for the proposed for 2025 um and in front of you are the flows and remember that the budget for the follow for the upcoming year is uh dictated on the flows from October to October so you have a full year um ahead of us here so our percent share uh as a lake homo did go up from 6.14% to 6.33 um thank goodness for good weather in the past four months haha um and then the increased budget for smura uh for all the towns is 2.79 % and uh going back to you know some of these flows I did I go back September of 20123 which was like those big storms um about 14 in of rain which actually flows into uh this this particular year so a drier the season the lower the percentage um obviously we're cleaning and all towns are doing this if you look at certain towns like sear going up a certain percent because uh most likely people you know are are pumping their uh the basements water into the sewer which is illegal so um that's all I have to report um anyone any questions I just wanted to at least give you I I do have two questions um actually I just have one question right now I we know that with ini what the what the issues are with ini right with infiltration um and technically when you have a better system with less infiltration your rates your percentages should go down right um when when the flow is so low right and I'm not rhyming on purpose but when we have a flow we have less rain we have less water over the past four months um it doesn't necessarily mean it's cheaper for the town correct there is a process in which you may or may not know this is maybe this may be a technical issue not an accounting issue but there is a process that the um the sewage company has to go through to almost chemically cover the water that's not there am I am I saying that correctly maybe okay you know what I'm talking about no okay so many many years ago I had a question where you know we had very low rate we had very low amount of flow and the the prices and the and the numbers kind of didn't drop dramatically uh the answer that I received was that there was because there was such low amount of water more had to be used more chemicals had to be used to Stave off whatever correct smells or bacterias or whatever corre so I I have this I have this discussion a lot in my own household where when you're wasting water right you're you know all of that stuff if you're if you're not using water we're using more chemicals to counteract the water that we're not using is that correct it's fair I think the chemical cost I don't have in front of you but it's it's it's not significant where change the budget that much okay um I mean I I think most importantly is the groundwater groundwater is the essence of inii think of the pipe here and groundw here and if there's a little leaks most of the leaks are normally at the uh um the connections and uh you know and gremler goes down you know less water goes in you know because of you know because there's no leaks going in there so I think the idea is that we high water table really affects certain towns and we're just not one of them there's many towns that are affected by that um you know obviously W Township has brand new systems it does help for them so um that's our that's our effort is to understand where our issues are I know we work with Jew all the time with figuring out you know with cameras you know it went we we did that project in 2004 the inii should we do another project something like that we talk about so yeah chems is not that big of a was compared to okay that all right but uh just want to pray for Ray Ian pray not pray for so any other questions for Mr Lynch all right keev thank you very much appreciate it okay uh we have uh no one finished business so at this time I'll open for for public comments on new business and consent agenda items only I'll move second all favor so at this time anyone wishing to talk to anything listed under the consent agenda or new business may do so um for the record you will also have an opportunity to come up and talk about uh the first ordinance at a second public hearing as well seeing none I'll take a motion to close so move second all in favor I I'll take a motion to approve the consent agenda move second all in favor I I abstain um object under new business we have ordinance um so offered burrow of ordinance 20249 ordinance amending chapter 7 traffic of the burough code VI ordained by the buau Council of the bur of Lake Como in the county of Monmouth and state of New Jersey that the code of the buau of Lake Como B and is hereby amended as follows section 713 of the code of the bough Lake comoo entitled parking prohibited at all times on certain streets is amended to read as follows and like I did last time just go through these changes um so this would include um 18th Avenue the south side of the street from Main Street to New Bedford Road parking would be prohibited um Newman Street on the east side between 16th Avenue and 17th Avenue parking would be prohibited and that would be year round um then SE section sorry we're removing um the parking um restrictions on 18th Avenue since we' be changing that to year round on the south side and then section 718 of the code of the bur Lake com entitled oneway streets um is amended to read as follows so Newman Street would be changed from going Southbound only to be both sides uh direction would be both sides between 17 and 185 no I'm sorry so that new stre was already there the changes are as that's that's thank you all right so the the changes pardon me our Greenwood Terrace would be southbound the entire length with parking permitted on both sides this is seasonal from May 15th to September 15th Bradley Terrace would be Northbound the entire length both with parking permitted on both sides again seasonal 18th Avenue um East between B Street and Bradley Terrace with parking permitted on both sides again seasonal I that nope that was fine but I do want to add to comment from our last meeting just so everyone knows um what those seasonal one ways coming out of both Greenwood and Bradley terce she would be able to turn left or right um so that they you wouldn't be affected by that one way on 18th um we have the motion if anyone from the public wishes to speak specifically to this ordinance you can come to the mic and do so now seeing none I will take a second second roll call please council member witty yes SC yes anano yes VRI yes Al yes thank you resolution 2024 135 offered by councilman Danto thank you mayor so offered resolution 20241 35 is a resolution authorizing mayor and Council to declare Halloween curfew be resolved by the mayor and Council of the B Blake comoo that curfew is declared on the use of streets and highways in all of the burrow between the hours of 8:00 in the evening and 6:00 in the morning each day beginning at 8:00 pm on October 29th and ending at 6: a.m. on November 1st during such hours no person under the age of 18 shall remain in or upon any public Street Highway or place except those accompanied by a parent or guardian and except those who are going directly between their home and place of work or school I have a second second R call please counc wity yes SC yes an yes VRI yes yes thank you resolution 2024-25 offered by council president witty so offer resolution 2024 d136 it resoles authorizing the refund of overpayment of taxes on property of 405 16th Avenue block one Lot 29 in the amount of $2,234 have a second second roll call please ready yes call yes yes yes alal Doyle yes thank you resolution 20243 7 offered by councilwoman albala Doyle thank you mayor so offering resolution 2024-25 be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the burough of lake comoo that the proper officers be directed and authorized to make payment from the following accounts the current account $36,800 Water and Sewer account $1,812 24 the general Capital fund $ 28,69596 the tourism account $636 and a wire payments of $ 69,420 64 for a total of $487,000 61 have a second second roll call please yes yeso yes R yes yes thank you resolution 20243 offered by Council Adventures thank you mayor so offer resolution 2024 138 resolution of the B of Lake Como Council executive sessions whereas the B Council of the B of Lake Como must discuss matters not appropriate for discussion a public meeting whereas these subjects are within the exceptions of the open public meetings act and are permitted to be dis discussed in post 10 JSA 10 4-12 B7 uh these are matters uh covered by legal advice and the uh attorney client privilege um the the session is estimated not to exceed 30 minutes after which the public meeting of the council shall reconvene and action may be taken thank you do I have a second second V call please counc member yes SC yes an yes andri yes yes thank you at this time I'll take a motion to open for public comment move second all in favor I I thank you at this time anyone wishing to speak um and make comment to the council can do so now please come to the mic I need your name and address and speak as clearly as clearly as possible into the mic James B Canon 528 North Boulevard Mr Deano I allowed to talk to him no that's interesting because they're the people that if I but I'm running the meeting I can open it up to him but you have to direct it to me first okay and I'm not allowed to approach right unless I have a $55,000 check oh I'll take a 5,000 um just wondering if uh Mr Clark ever got back to us with a 40 to 60% uh tax increase anywhere else but North Boulevard that's an excellent question get back to you first I we did not get back to me no so when you ask a really good question and people don't answer it loop around something's wrong just wanted to say that yep thank you [Music] good evening good evening my name is Marcus kersin bom West Belmar several years ago he did tax appeal for a friend of mine and uh when he did a petition of appeal it's good for three years unfortunately he ate a stroke I got sick petition appeal the next year they raised his property assessment and they did so every year afterwards from 2023 to 2024 he his property went up $645,000 in one year all the people on North Boulevard have gone up now I've looked at a lot of properties in town nobody else has gone up as much what's really at these properties the houses went up $3 to $10,000 the property went up hundreds of thousands on land that in Sandy in 2012 flooded it's now a flood zone most of the properties got destroyed my friend was in his house for 3 days and the boat came by to pick him up cuz K Lake went through its first floor the house still isn't right but he was valued at 74,900 which is what I got the petition of appeal done the next year they raised him and they raised him every year after that when was the petition of appeal what year 2016 it's good for 3 years now when a person goes to follow Petition of appeal so was the was the appeal settled yes it was settled it was approved in favor of the home owner favor of the home owner but since he got sick I got sick tax possessor we both met with just raised it and did not file the papers okay so far his property is valued from 2017 to 2024 it went up 1 million and $19,200 when you f a petition of appeal the people in town get one year you go back to October 1st of the previous year they Matt Clark changed the law Mama County you can go back the town and him can go back three years I went and asked him could he make the people 3 years or make it one year don't TI the people's hands behind their back he refused to me walked out the room we don't get along uh when and everybody every time you do we you know they got this program off of some at the county which 20% of the town was done every year up to the fifth year and that's what this program was supposed to be all of a sudden they change it every year if you're a homeowner on a pension Social Security even if you have a job your property goes up $700,000 in assess value in one year how do you budget it's unfair also several towns have dropped out of this program and no inspections are done when they raise these they don't come to your house and say I want to look at your property they go buy the computer you don't know if there's functional obsolet if there's been depreciation excuse me there are a lot of things to look at when you look at property you just can't go in a computer and say oh yeah we're going to raise them 700,000 this year and you only raise the land land and the house have to stand together you can't look at just one and if that land flooded in the past 12 years and the homes were destroyed how do you raise the property a million dollar nobody else in this town had been like that I looked at all your properties None Of You' gone up like that trust me you know when Matthew clerk started this program I'm I'm just going to stop I'm stop you right now okay we understand the issues with ADP we really do we've we've we've listened to everybody on North Boulevard we've sat down with our residents on North Boulevard we know that there's questions that we need to get answered we know that there's things that we go back and forth with the county we've been looking into this for weeks and months we've had Council advice there is nothing we're going to do to change the ADP program the only thing that we can do is down is decide whether we're going to get out of it through a lawsuit or not that's where we're at you could now you can stay here for the next hour and tell us what's wrong with ADP but we already know what those things are instead of going to the m County Tax Board and ask them if you could drop out why didn't you get to go to the state tax office tell them what the problem is and ask to drop out so the we're we're also in the process of looking into that possibility the problem problem is the response that towns are already getting from the state is that you're going to have to go to the county so we're getting we're getting that's why we know that the only way we're going to be able to do anything is through legal means and we can't we're not going to make that decision right now because there's already towns that have been in litigation for years with the county so we know I and I'm not I'm I'm not trying to I'm not trying to patronize you we know we do the mmed County assessment demonstration program is a scam I'll bet my life on it I know it I've been doing petition appeal since 1992 I used to be in real estate I've had fights with mat Clark Governor chrisy few other people nobody cares can I ask instead of taxing these people which you have to agree that is highly unfair could set aside that you tax them at the lower rate and not at the higher assessed value until it's straightened out I cannot do that the town cannot do that we have absolutely no Authority or power to do one thing or the other with any assessment zero okay thank you for listening to me I saw on the paper and no I appreciate you coming and I and I know that you haven't been here and and listened to a lot of the testimony that we've had over the past couple of months and the way that the laws are written it's specifically designed to take those responsibilities out of the hands of the governing body of the the municipality Matt Clark had the laws changed when he implemented his program the tax Assist work for him not for the town correct he put down that any assessor that did not go or Implement his program he wanted to be able to desertify them or suspend them the uh the court didn't go with that he has extreme power over every assessor in the county thank you thank you for listening to me y appreciate it Mr Frank i l o agree with the past two gentlemen my taxes have gone up over $2,000 a year because of this program uh that's not what I really intend so just just can you tell us your address for the record please 22nd Avenue 761 thank you are we still a sanctuary Barrow so this the answer you're going to get is the same answer that yes the last three times so so we are a s there is a sanctuary State there is an order from the governor that is a sanctuary what's mcy if town if towns wanted to um the to there are certain towns that did Town ordinances that disagreed with the the governor we did not do one of those ordinances so that's the so we are a sanctuary we are part of a sanctuary State yes our little tiny Lake coma right is a Sanctuary sure I'm sure the police department don't agree with it and I'm sure if I know what's going on you all know at mamath airport between 2 and 3:00 in the morning the PLS land and the illegals disembark I've never heard that oh okay well it happens it happens because I know someone who witnessed it they disembark with a vanilla envelope telling them how to answer questions if if they are questioned by law enforcement they are given a cell phone and a credit card to call Uber and the credit card to pay for Uber so and we're paying for all of this so at MTH airport uh with the of getting into I know this this further discussion MH to your original point right your original point about a sanctuary yeah State Sanctuary City Wall Township passed I believe one of those ordinances to create a nons sanctuary town they did do you know where the airport is you know where the airport is it's in Wall Township so to your original Point whether a town is creating legislation that is going to say they're not a sanctuary City or not a sanctuary State the rules are applying the same everywhere in the state if there is an issue then it's going to be the state's responsibility whether it's Wall Township Lake Como Belmar Spring Lake Spring Lake Heights so in every state in every city or every municipality if there is a situation in that town that needs to be addressed by the state we can call the state so if there's an issue in wal Township where there are legals coming in when they're not supposed to then Wall Township should call the state if that's happening you all listen to the news don't you I do okay so they're here okay they're here mhm okay is that it well I I I think you could do more I really do okay I really do and U I'm going to protect myself I know that I'd like to ask another question what determines a s suspicious vehicle and a suspicious person is there a def is there a definition for that LT for a suspicious yeah okay so what would determine would be something that would be out of the ordinary um something that doesn't necessarily um not fit the standard but uh piqu your curiosity over something so vehicle that's on the street that has three flat tires would kind of be suspicious to me um not moving for a long period of time well not moving for a long period of time W doesn't really Elevate the suspicious only because if you go on vacation for 3 weeks your car may be there uh it could be your secondary car and you don't use it a lot so we can sit there for a while um so you know a vehicle that has three flat tires and has a moov on one time a uh uh a vehicle that has black plastic bag taped up over all the windows that would be suspicious so it's it's indiv it's a unique situation to each individual um each each particular situation would would be considered suspicious you're used to be a a local law that a vehicle had to be moved after 4 days of being parked in one place is that still a law or so the way that it's you used to have local ordinances which were deemed not uh appropriate by the state and it goes by the state statute the vehicle is unregistered for 48 hours on the street that could be it could be um towed but if it's registered on the street it could stay there oh okay it could stay there okay all what about a suspicious person again it's it's Unique to each individual situation what would create that suspicion of it let see I live on 22nd right near the park okay so when you see something that you think is suspicious call the police department and we'll come and take a look simple as that I have I have yeah and I have no complaints okay no good but if you it's frightening it is so if like I said if you if you feel if you feel that something suspicious if you feel that uh you know anything is is threatening in nature certainly give us a call we'll respond we'll take a look and see what's going on very well um a lot of times you may it may be that you see somebody um you think it's suspicious and we'll pull up and we may recognize him from four streets over that he's just you know hanging out enjoying the street light or something like that so um not NE there was someone recently in the park that had a knife that would after someone else so I think the the the moral right moral of the story is if you have a concern or you think something is suspicious all the cops right I do wish that you would not be Sanctuary thank you seeing no one else I'll take a motion to close I just have oh Y come on up my name is Michelle Davis 313 North Boulevard I just have a question of these motorized bicycles with they're electric and what's the ruling on that cuz I have seen them going around the lake um sometimes there's two people on them and they're going very fast and there's multiple there was a group of people the other day like I I'd say about 10 young men on them and these motorized bikes were extremely loud and it was frightening because they were in the middle of the street flying down North Boulevard towards the beach and is there any ruling on that or you know so um there's definitely ordinances for vehicles that have Motors um for these electric bikes um and the electric vehicles uh I'm sorry the electric bikes there is no legislation on it yet I know the state is uh coming up with guidance but there I can tell you that we have small Coalition of Mayors like South Mammoth County mayors that are getting together to um discuss what kind of joint legislation we can come up with throughout our towns to regulate these um these different electric type of bikes um but if it has a motor of it on it of of certain size it has to be registered it has to have a license plate um and there are some that do um but there are others that are those electric bikes that are unregulated at this time they they're real hats of I think because they come out of nowhere sometimes and they're very you know it's dangerous I'm noticing and then there's more and more of them and then they're young either teenagers or young adults and they don't wear you know helmets on and you know you don't even see step out in the street to get your there they are yeah we we um we have we have issues with it we actually don't have as bad of issues as other towns that are around us um some towns that are even more congested in the summer uh but there there actually getting it's very dangerous they're getting into accidents and getting significantly injured more and the other day when there was like 10 of them it was a little bit frightening because they were speeding I mean I mean 40 miles whatever y you know not good and my other question is is you were bringing up the stone issue yep you know um well this past winter um there were some tow truck not tow trucks um snow snow trucks and they plowed into the curb broke the curb and there was Pebbles all over the street for a long time and I did repord it but nothing was done about it and those Pebbles were in the street and that was the complaint that you were making that you know I guess if the street cleaners go by there's the Pebbles there but it was it was made as a complaint and nothing was ever done okay those Pebbles are not there anymore but the curb is broken and nothing was ever done and I mean I witnessed you know these plows going into the curb and it was a big and it wasn't my curb you know at that time they had done it before to my curb but this is somebody else's and I was concerned for that person so I know the specific that you were talking about um we can look into it a little further but I think at the time we had looked into the situation and we found what we what we knew of as the curb that was broken we actually had pictures of that curb from years or two years previous that was the same exact curb so it might be a different place so we can look into it again no it but whatever I have photos too yeah we can take a look at it again right there and I heard the crash and then I go out and I see this mess and you know it's it's sad and the owner doesn't know about it um she's elderly and you I kind of like watch over her place and but I did report it and I didn't like the way I was spoken to at that time so I just want to make you aware of that um I was spoken down to like I don't know what I'm talking about no and you and I you brought this up I know that you've you mentioned this before Y and I'm bringing it up now because you mentioned about the Pebbles yep you know that like like whoever was saying there's I think it was you that people it's not that not that many people have those stones in their on their curvs so I don't know what the big deal is and then you're creating stones in the street for yourselves and then you're complaining about that homeowners have Stones doesn't make any sense thank you see no one else I'll take a motion to close all in favor thank you next meeting please oh that's right we are going into executive session so at this time we will be going into executive session for legal ma matters we will be using this chamber for that executive session if we have anything to report we will come back and Report afterwards I do not uh for