you ready yes sir like to call the council meeting b l come the order it is now 734 on July 2nd 2024 uh please stand for S of the flag in a [Music] moment flages Li and Justice Sunshine Law adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by adoption of resolution by the mayor and Council on the second day of January 2024 in which all resolutions at the time in place of the agenda of regular meeting commencing on Jan AR 2nd 2024 were set forth not that the same was delivered to the ASB Park Press the co-star and tap into and a copy of the notice is posted on the bur website and Buon and the B Buon Board of bur Hall all meetings are open to the public roll call umg White here call here Chris bana here Nick deoro here here vatrice here yeah the mayor is on vacation in Canada so I'll be ready to meet toight okay I have the approval for the minutes of U June 18th 2024 some second all those in favor I hose I abstain carried uh we have any Communications no Communications uh reports of committee Council uh thank you all matters are in order councilman pantries thank you all matters are in order Council all matters are in order Council will Skull thank you all matters are in order councilman all matters are in order uh under my report uh the change the subject uh tonight we'll be talking about the we have a public hearing on the budget for 20 24 uh also uh on Saturday myself and councilwoman of Doo attended the grand opening of the circle of friend cafet Cafe across the street it was very nice turnout it was very nice Affair and I highly recommend that people uh for breakfast and lunch go to the uh that Cafe other than that matters in order unish business n uh I need motion no for public comments on new business in the agenda second second all those in favor I I oppose Carri I need a motion to approve the consented agenda which is uh refunds on two Street openings 3271 16th Avenue and 7091 17th Avenue some second anybody have any comments from the audience now any motion to close so move second now any motion to approve so move second all those in favor I I oppose Carri under new business we have resolution 20124 D105 offered payment of Bill offered by councilwoman skull thank you so offered resolution 202 24-105 be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the buau of lake comoo that the proper officers be directed and authorized payment from the following accounts current account $43,750 Water and Sewer account $681 General Capital account $428 Grant fund account $4,840 tourism account [Music] $369536 AC wire payments $1,100 for a grand total of13 $33,135 43 do I have a second second all those in favor i i v call please councilman Woody yes councilman skull yes Council D was yes Council D Mo yes councilman vatrice yes councilman of doy Alaba Doyle excuse me yes next we have uh resolution 2024 d106 uh payment of NJ NG Bill offered by councilwoman Abal Dole thank you so offered resolution 202 24-16 be it resolved by the mayor and Council of the bough of Lomo that the proper proper officers be directed and authorized to make payment from the following account which is the New Jersey natural gas company account for $114 10 cents do I have a second second roll call counc Woody yes yes councilman Deano obain Council Mor agreed councilman vatrice yes councilman alala doy yes next we have resolution 2024 d107 offered by councilman ventes thank thank you uh so offer resolution 2024 107 governing body certification of compliance with the United States equal employment opportunity commissions enforcement guidance on the consideration of arrest and conviction records in employment decisions under title 7 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 whereas njsa 48 4-5 as amended requires the governing body of each municipality and County to certify that their local units hiring practices complies with the United States equal employment opportunity Comm enforcement guidance on the consideration of arrest and conviction records in employment decisions under title seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended before submitting its approval its approved annual budget to the division of local government services and the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs uh so with this resolution he resolved that the mayor and Council of the bar Lake Como hereby states that is complied with njsa 40a call 4-5 has amended by certifying that the local units hiring practices comply with the above referenced enforcement guidance and hereby directs the clerk to cause to be maintained and available for inspection certified copy of this resolution and the required affidavit to show evidence of set compliance do I have a second second roll call counc Woody yes councilman scull yes councilman diano yes councilman uh D Maro yes councilman vatrice yes council alal do yes next we have resolution 24 224-18 dedication of ryer off by councilman thank you so offered resolution 2024 108 is a resolution requesting permission for the dedication by Ryder for Unemployment Compensation Insurance do I have a second second roll call please Council m yes councilman SK yes councilman D yes councilman yes counc yes councilman alal do yes next we have resolution 2024-25 authored by Council woman skull thank you so offered resolution 2024 109 approval to submit a Grant application and execute a grant contract with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the improvements to Walling Avenue Belmont Avenue and Melrose Avenue I have a second second all those uh will call please Council Woody yes councilman skull yes councilman Deano yes councilman deoro yes councilman vatrice yes councilman I follow do yes and then we have resolution 202 24-10 off by councilman ran so thank you so for P 110 resolution of the bur of Lake comoo Council executive sessions whereas the burough Council of the bur of Lake Como must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in a public meeting and whereas these subjects are within the exceptions to the open open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed in closed session pursuing 10 JSA 10 4 12 whereas the buau of council intends to discuss matters that are covered by the attorney Cent privilege the line for the Clos session is estimated to be 30 minutes after which the public meeting of the B Council shall reconvened and action may be taken I have a second second call Council Woody yes councilman skull yes Council Dean yes councilman deor yes councilman vatrice yes councilman alal yes right next we have the public hearing on the 2024 uh Municipal budget uh get to go into detail this year's budget we're looking at the tax rate we're going from last year it was uh 453 and this year is going to be 37 we cut the amount of money to ra by taxes by 79,000 uh and that's our budget for this year going forward I need a motion to open it up for public comments on the budget move all those in favor hi oppos Carri anybody who wants to come forward and ask question regarding the budget now is the time and nobody come for I need a motion to close the public hearing so second all those in favor I now we're going to table the approval of the budget until next meeting because we're waiting for the state to come back and give us the final approval for the budget then we will be able to um make resolution to approve it at the next meeting so uh I need somebody to make a motion to table I'll make a motion to table second second all those in favor I oppose Carri and now we have uh any a motion to open up for public comments on any subject sove second all those are favor I I oppos Carri anybody wants to come forward and have any comments read forward state your name and address and my name is Barbara Frank I live on 22nd Avenue I read in the co-star last week where you all voted to build a new burrow Hall I have one question why well there's I guess this one has some issues that need to be repaired plus we're looking to redevelop Main Street we're going to get rid of the firehouse the police station and this property here to R develop it and make more rables for the town and the town owns the old first aid property so that's where we're going to move the bur Hall over there and hopefully when the contractor comes in we're looking for it when the contractor comes in in to buy this property he's going to be able to do the bar New barel Hall for us at no cost that's what we're hoping for no cost no cost that's what we're hoping for to the taxpayers to the taxpayers that's what we're trying to do we can I just ask a question nobody comes to the meetings anymore I yeah I can't control that but yeah I mean years ago there'd be a lot of people here you know that yes yeah you like tell me say yeah I I think that's a vision we have but nothing has been no no that's I said that's what we're hoping for we're not sure how it's going to all come to life but that's what we're trying to do and that's what we're hoping for you I'm hoping we're trying to do it without any impacts on the taxpayer that's what we're trying to do and this is like the third time I've asked the same question question you all voted to make make Kobo uh a a non a sanctuary burrow again why why why um councilman this is a comment time answer that question we've already answered a couple of times the motivation underlying a particular vote by a particular council member is not something that that they're you're entitled to know a sanctuary thank you for your com means you're inviting criminals that's your opinion thank you for your comment thank you it is that's what it means well yeah that's your your feelings yeah so it's not your feelings that's scary well thank you we're take in consideration your comments and the park is very nice the playground equipment but I think you need one more uh garbage disposal there's one at the beginning of 22nd and one off the uh Park the parking lot off 18 and then there's one by the playground equipment but I think there's may need one more regular garbage pil somewhere we'll take a look into that in the middle Drew we look into it yeah so I just recently added the one by playground yeah and I understand when you garbage cans um where that's part of the the future grants that we're doing for benches and garbage cans um but that's we put one out there because we had one yeah so um but it is part of the overall plan oh okay okay I walk in there every morning um right now there's a group of men playing soccer in the park they will not use the garbage pills they throw their cups paper food containers and plastic containers on the ground is there any way I mean last year I said something to them and they answered me back in their language and I'm sure it was not have a good day but that's who's doing it there's about five or six cars parked on 22nd they go in to play soccer every night garbage of the ground we'll look we'll look into that see what we can do I'll report the issue you're going to have cameras eventually right enforcement um very soon hope so very soon okay thank you your turn uh I am Zack Clifton I live on 317 on 16th Avenue and last time I was here I discussed the the eagle plaque correct so I went into my computer AED design program and I designed one and I just wanted to show you what it looked like before we sent it to the trophy maker B can we yeah come on out when I was a police officer 40 years ago the only thing community policing they did was when there was a new Eagle Scout they wrote a proclamation and a presentation at our police station and uh it was always a special accomplishment so congratulations thank you this is great oh looks great does good you got our approval go for it thank you thank you thank you does any have a copy of that oh jeny if we can touch base this week and we can get it made yeah do we can go well Bas with you we can go over to Keepers or we can do it for you whatever I tell it looks great looks real good good job thank you I'll just um pop up for comment J clion through 17 16th Avenue if you all just said you're lowering the tax rate I'd like to high five you thank anybody else and not any a motion to close the public hearing no move second all those in favor I all right we're going to go into executive section uh and come back for to Jour the regular meeting not going take action of