##VIDEO ID:gXDorgN91_o## I'm going to call this regular meeting of the lake comoo mayor and Council to order please rise for a salute to the flag in a moment of Silent IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ stand Nation God indivisible withy and justice for all please remain standing for a moment of Silent reflection as you stand please keeping your thoughts the family of Charlie witty who uh was an engineer for h2m who worked for Lake KO and the planning board also the brother of our council president Doug Woody who lost um lost his life last week thank you sunshine law please provided by the adoption of a resolution by the mayor council on the second day of January 2024 resu time place of agenda and regular meeting January 2nd were set forth was delivered to the a Park Press the co-star and tap into and a copy of the not posted on the B website and on the bulle board in B Hall all meetings are open to the public roll call please is not here tonight M scull here here Mor here here here thank you um uh we have a question about the September 3rd minutes were the workshop minutes on there or were not just the regular the regular begin it's the workshop minutes will come the next meeting correct okay so at this time I'll take approval of the minutes for the regular meeting of September 3rd 2024 second all in favor I opposed extensions okay seeing none we'll move on to reports of committee starting with um Council councilwoman alal doyo thank you m thank you mayor all matters are in order thank you councilman ventri thank you mayor all matters are in order thank you councilman dear uh thank you mayor Chief anything going on su's over the guys and girls are looking forward to the fishing tournament this so um 11 is registration 12:00 starts fishing uh 12 to two three different age categories prizes for each and hope good day great Drew anything with the first aid working as it should all else is in order mayor thank you uh councilman dantana thank you mayor all matters are in order councilwoman skull thank you mayor just reminding our friends and residents that this weekend is Lake homo day best day of the year we look forward to it every year um it's taking place at the lake it's also our 100th anniversary celebration so it's going to be our biggest and best Lake home day yet um it is from 4: to 9 we have live music we have lots of food vendors craft vendors lots of things for the kids um a beer and wine tent and well sort of area and uh fireworks um there's also a 5K in the morning at 9 I believe it's 9:00 a.m. Council uh president Woody I think would have given us better details than I can but I believe it's at 9:00 a.m and it's from um M and you can still sign up on 5K locally so um feel free to spend a whole day with us 5K fishing tournament Lake com great so other than that all matters are remember thank you and and I know the weather keeps changing minute by minute it's going to be it's going to be great thank you um thank you uh I have a report I have a lengthy report and uh Amy don't worry I have it written down so I'll I'll send it to you uh I want to thank everyone who attended our lengthy workshop at the last meeting uh on the assessment demonstration program the council asked pertinent questions as did the members of the public who were in attendance and after the meeting I received a followup from residents with additional questions and I did my best to answer those questions via email my overall thoughts on this program and the mayor and council's role in this process are simple we have to find an answer to the question is the current tax assessment program the best for the burrow of Lake coma we have heard much about what the law and the Constitution say but none of that describes what the ADP program is and if it is required ired as a program the mammoth County Tax Board decided to enter into this program over a decade ago for all municipalities in the county currently the topic is being discussed in close session with the council because we are seeking advice from our attorney if and when a decision is made about our relationship with ADP we will bring that decision to a vote for public discussion I must agree that something does not seem right about this situation we are currently in I do not agree with what the County tax assessor said I do not think our burrow tax assessor I'm sorry I'm I'm reading that wrong um I do not necessarily disagree with what the County tax assessor has said I do not think our burrow tax assessor has done anything he was not supposed to do however in my opinion the burrow is being told we must do something that other counties and state municipalities do not have to do including many municipalities ities in our area I think ADP has been good for the buau but it may be time to look at other Alternatives this is not just a problem on North Boulevard it will also be an issue in other neighborhoods especially in situations in town when someone purchases a property well over the asking price just to use it as an Airbnb for the summer I go back to a discussion we had in 2020 when we were talking about parking in one ways over Zoom during the co pandemic the respon responsibility of this council is to make the town safe and inviting for those visiting but protect those that live here once the council receives advice from our attorney we can make public statements about our intentions moving forward thank you second I met with two different committees last night about traffic patterns and parking reg regulations in two specific areas of Lake Kom the first committee consisting of councilman deoro and councilman skull discuss the area of Newman Street there was great discussion about the needs for the community as far as accessing a road to be able to drive out of town two recommendations were on the table one recommendation was to remove the parking from east side of the street and create a two-way roadway the second was to leave the parking and flip the entire stretch of Newman Street oneway Direction Northbound instead of southbound as a result of the meeting the resolution will be presented next meeting that will reflect the first option removing parking and making the two-way street the option was chosen due to the fact that it was the original option discussed by the council during the workshop meeting in August also if this option proves proves unhelpful we can always move to option two by reversing the one ways the second committee to meet was councilman dearo and councilwoman albala Doyle to discuss the area of Greenwood and Bradley Terrace there is a recommendation from our buo engineer to stipulate both Greenwood and Bradley be switched to one-way streets due to the inability of vehicles to drive through the streets in opposite directions this opinion has been supported by our fire representative um I don't know if it was supported by the chief of police but I think it was and our Ems official uh as being an issue of safety for the town with the change these two roadways with the change in these two roadways 18th Avenue will continue to be a seasonal oneway but we will begin but will begin at the Eastern side of Bradley Terrace intersection therefore 18th Avenue between New Bedford Road and Bradley Terrace will be a two-way street cars exiting from Bradley can turn left or right out of that street finally the ordinance will also have the stipulation to remove parking on the south side of 18th Avenue at all times year round between M Main Street and Bradley uh Main Street and New Bedford this actually seems to be the least controversial aspect of the discussion residents who wish to comment on these upcoming parking and one regulations can do so tonight during the public comment period of the agenda and again at the next meeting prior to the council voting and I know there will be discussion from the council at that time not at this time okay just did I not say Greenwood discuss the area of Greenwood and Bradley Terrace I didn't say that you said that Bradley would be coming and you can make a left right you didn't which way oh I didn't say which way the directions would be so right so I'm sorry the uh in the discussion Greenwood Terrace would be a uh oneway going Southbound gr Terrace would be a oneway going northbound and then you would be able to turn on to 18th Avenue either way out of ter so I didn't specifically say that but it will be in the ordinance next week that they can discuss but yes the two-way would be between 16th and 17th a um finally my third part of my report is uh is pales in comparison to the first two um I've been asked by the planning board to bring a topic to the council for discussion and consideration um to consider an ordinance prohibiting stones or loose gravel to be used within the road Verge which is the area between the roadway and the sidewalk this has been a topic of discussion for many years and with the increased street cleaning the amount of stone in the road is causing concern of property damage for our residents we can put this on a workshop meeting for the next meeting to discuss the issue as I asked Council and our town clerk to do some research on other municipalities who may have this restriction for the residents for the use um to use as a reference during our Workshop meeting at the next meeting um I'm sorry if I skipped some specifics there um but we can clarify any questions that people will have during our public session today um and then again next meeting um other than that I have no other business I'll take a motion to open open for public comment on new business and consent agenda all in favor opposed anyone wishing to speak to anything listed on our agenda tonight under the consent agenda or new business can come to the mic and do so now seeing none this is just for the agenda there'll be another open session for other items for any item actually um seeing that I'll take a motion to close second all in favor I I have one um we have one item under the consent agenda I'll take a motion to approve the consent agenda second all in favor uh roll call please yes yes yes yes like um under new business we have ordinance 24-10 offered by councilwoman Al bad Doyle thank you mayor so offering burrow of Lake homo Bond ordinance 20 24-10 this is a bond ordinance providing for the various improvements to bman park uh through the burrow and for $475,000 including a mammoth County open space Grant in the amount of $200,000 and authorizing the issuance of $261,500 in bonds or notes uh of the burrow to finance part of the cost this is for improvements like I said to bman park uh including but not limited to the construction and installation of the doll Park and pickle ball corpse um this includes all engineering and design work surveying construction planning preparation of plans and specifications permits bid documents construction inspection and contract Administration environmental testing and remediation if necessary and also all work materials equipment labor and apparatuses as necessary therefore or incidental there too you have a second second R qu please have a question sure as someone who takes their family who takes their dog there every single night this is really something great for the community my only question is is what's the tax position so the the it would be a portion of the budget to pay off the notes over what's the note do we know the note is it 20 or 30 years so it would be over 20 or 30 I forget what the the note is but that would be the ramification and we got a gr it's a matching gr roll call please M call yes yes yes please yes how about yes thank you we have ordinance 202 24-11 offered by councilman danan thank you mayor so offered Bond ordinance 20241 is a bond ordinance providing for improvements and repairs to various roads throughout the burrow um in the county uh in the burrow of Lake com the county of Mammoth appropriating $310,000 therefore including a New Jersey Department of Transportation Grant in the amount of $28,155 and authorizing the issuing of $2,850 in bonds RS any questions on this one second second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 2024-25 offered by councilwoman skull thank you mayor offering resolution 2024-25 beat resolved by the mayor and Council of the Bly Como that the proper officers be directed and authorized to make payment from the following accounts current account $534,000 2410 Water and Sewer account 56678 333 General Capital fund $8,700 tourism account $3,496 53 100th anniversary account $11,995 a wire payments 45 $550 59 for a grand total of is agreement for utilization of our code enement uh Team here at uh Lake comoo it's for $15,000 a year paid quarterly um and seems like a good opportunity just to add to it it will not take away any time of our code enforcement for the Barrow of Lake KO this is in addition to what he does here at Lake Como um any other questions or comments from the council second please second roll call please call yes yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 202 24-1 127 offered by councilman ventrice thank you mayor so offer resolution 2024-25 resolution of the B Lake Como Council executive sessions whereas the B Council of the B Lake Como must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in a public meeting and whereas these subjects are within the exceptions of the open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed in closed session pursuant to njsa 10 colum 4-12 B7 intends to discuss matters that are covered by the attorney privilege and legal advice this session does not expect last 30 minutes andk um do I have a second second roll call please yes yes yes thank you at this time I'll take a motion open for public comments so moved second all in favor I I opposed all right at this time anyone wishing to um address the council comments please come to the mic now name address and um address the council 18 just reminder that a week from Sunday 29 there's a New Jersey Run for the Fallen they're going to be running through Belmar on Ocean Avenue approximately 9:00 a.m. um they start down in Cape May it's a group of Runners and they run in different pairs and they run for 4 days up until the up to the art center the global war on turet and they stop each mile to honor someone that has been killed during that work so it's a great event um it's a quick event so I say get there maybe 8:45 it could be 15 minutes early 15 minutes late and it's and it's over within five minutes so but it's so meaningful to the family to see everyone there and North Boulevard and Ocean Avenue Carlos Gonzalez will be honored there and down at fth Avenue um Campbell McKennon will be honored there what's the date again I'm sorry the 29 thank you thank you St pedo 312 18th Avenue to talk about the road race uh I want to share a little excitement this week I was able to pull out of my driveway and enter 18th aveny without driving six blocks out of my way and stopping at four different stop sides to do so um my understanding that Greenwood would Greenwood potentially be a southbound roadway and then Bradley would be a Northbound roadway is that permanent or a seasonal change so the um the discussion would be a permanent change okay and then my next question would be when we take 18th to a seasonal oneway why can't we open Bradley to the left turn so that we could get out of our neighborhood without going to Schneider or North Boulevard it's it's a simple solution for all of us that live there so we that that is part of the the plan so Bradley would be open to a left turn coming out of Bradley fantastic that made me a little excited yeah it really is I I think you sit up here and I think the guys really try to do a good job try to keep the road safe and we all know when the summer comes we have to make concessions but by the end of the summer it is so ridiculous how we have to get out of that pattern now and for two years Kevin I've been asking you open that turn and it solves all the problems I think it's the win-win because there are a lot of opposing ideas I was one of them who said just leave it I've been doing this for 55 years I can navigate without hitting the car mirror but I understand my neighbors had some damage to their car so we just do it but opening that left turn I think solves it it lets us out of this little Loop that we have and I have been noticing that when it turns to one way the speeding does increase and you see a frustration from beach goers that get to Bradley they want to make the left and then they make the right they just hit the gas so thank you thanks Stephen Jean Jean Gardner 1811 Greenwood Terrace so we have a whole bunch of us from Greenwood Terrace um who would really like to talk about this because we we most of us are residents I've been down here 11 years now when I came down I think there were three houses that were filled during the winter now there's 10 or 12 of us and we're all here and we love being there we don't see the reason to change our street into a one way other than 20 25 days the whole entire year we never have a problem on the street everybody can go up and down in the summer we feel it's going to get worse because there's more more if we're only going one way so we really don't understand the reason for having to do that so I think I I don't know who any anybody else on St but that's what we're concerned about we're fine this way now we're going to have to go down to 19th come all the way up around the lake come up down Main Street try to make turns to get up to 18th Avenue we can't get in and out of our streets we already have the problems that we have now during the summer and now it's going to do all year long so we are very concerned about that we think that it's not making our lives very easy and it's making sa and I say this acknowledging that my car was hit I was I've been Swip sideswiped it cost me $1,600 CU my car was on the street I still don't want it to not be one thank you thank you thank you hi everyone my name is Chelsea Bo 1817 Greenwood um I'm a new resident of lakea actually uh and you know I heard the council earlier state that from the perspective of having Greenwood be a one way it's a security concern or a safety concern um I think having recorded the entire summer on all of our cameras at our house and witnessed a lot of these accidents and helped our neighbors kind of come to resolution it's you know the one way and the traffic ends up being it's about the speed right it's also about the fact that when we're boxed in people end up making K turns in the middle of the street at the bottom of the street they get stuck they're trying to come around the other way especially folks that don't live here all year round like we do um so when we're thinking about you know the data that supports whether or not this is a viable option that helps in public safety it would be helpful to under like share that with us from our perspective all the data that we have right has like two incidents of our car being car is being hit by residents that are trying to turn around or Sumer folks that are trying to turn around um so in our view right um I think that's something that would be better considered is the speed um or even a seasonal reality that's fine right the 18th back and forth and the random uh one ways does Pro to have inefficient traffic patterns um and it takes us a good 10 minutes to Circle all the way around the block and get back to Main Street where it's 3 Minutes tonight so you know that adds up for residents that are here all the time and impacts our accessibility to our homes so if we're thinking about that would be helpful as residents for you guys to think about it holistically when it comes from the perspective of public safet thank you with Caris just to Echo my neighbors U we've been here for a number of years um I understand seasonal need for changing 18th Avenue as Mr said um but I droke down both blocks for the last week both Bradley and Greenwood uh Greenwood had five cars on it um Bradley might have had seven and that's pretty much year round so my I actually don't have an issue during the season but full-time big issue because it's a it's a major inconvenience to the people that live there that said um so I'll leave it at that I'm going to come back I want to hear more about the bond deal but I'll I'll let the other thank you I'm I'm going to stop you for a second Ron sir before you leave you can't come back up so if you want to continue talking about something I'll do you that favor we'll call a timeout Ron thank you this is more of a question I I heard a couple of different numbers being um discussed about the new Bond um so just a question I I mayor I think you mentioned that um the is going to be born over the next 20 or 30 years it doesn't sound like the bond has been negotiated yet uh so I guess it would be helpful to understand what the total amount is of of the bonds and the notes that are being issued it sounds like the grants are going to be very helpful you know to get everything done but there's always a cost um to get the bonds issued I'm just wondering how if if that's going to be public so that we can look at in in uh previous residen is uh bonds like that usually get voted on is that the intent here or is it just going to be passed so that that that's what was voted on tonight I meant sorry sorry in a general election oh no no that's no that doesn't get vote that's not getting voted on in the general election no is there going to be any kind of publication that gives us more detail sure we can get that for you okay yeah thank you thank you good evening 397 North Boulevard and I'm here tonight uh just to ask about any additional followup from Mama County on tax program how how we can taxes not increasing so we um I did report out of that in you were late Ron so you're getting you're getting a detention um I did report out that we are um still seeking advice from our attorney uh so we can't make any public comments on that yet I gave an opinion about uh I think it's it's definitely something we need to investigate about making a change moving away from ADP um but we can't make a decision or a public comment as a council until we get more advice from iur in close session okay um I would just ask because you know obviously thinking about this some of us are thinking about it more than others because we've been impacted um when we do move forward the residents and Property Owners on Mo for have been significantly impacted and if there's a change we don't want we don't feel that it's reasonable for us to carry that burden uh into future years meaning that if we op out of the ADP RSS values are here everybody they remain that way the Injustice is I against so you know just more thought around how do we tax Properties or assess properties going forward not just residential but commercial properties and then if we do opt out of ADP that the residents and property owners in should not bear the the of that tax increase over the past years okay I'm I'm just I'm still processing what you think what you're what you're talking about but okay all right and um while I have the mic and then I'm sit down um I I strongly oppose Building New Town Hall especially with the tax issues that deal I I'm not convinced that it's going a whole lot more money um my house being one of the highest assess properties in the community I I thank you Jim Canon 528 northard council did Matt Clark give you the information on each Area Properties that experien 60% increase in home values yet no I haven't received information back Mr Clark yeah um I'm I'm just going to say one more time you got to direct your questions to me okay I'm sorry about that I didn't know that was all the time that's all the time yeah you got to direct your questions to me I can open it up to the council ask oh okay that's yes yeah okay Chris you can answer his question did you ask you got my email did you get his email Chris you could you can answer uh so I want to thank you Mar for answering um some of those questions that we had um but two of them I wanted to follow up on sure um are there limits on New Jersey tax increases so when I read your response you said that there are limits on rate increases but not assessment increases I don't know if any changes to the funding changes to the funding limits the limit is 2% on the rate but it can go higher than that if a town saves it's unused percentages from previous years which is called a cap Bank a good answer it's not it's not it's not easy and I'm I'm impressed that I answered that correctly I'm I'm not making a joke of it but it is it's true right so that I've never heard of a c bank and right so there's a lot of things that I I have a little bit more of experience with it because it's a big deal more with school budgets than it is with Town budgets so you're allowed a 2% increase inre on your rate right so you you can the town can say we're going to increase the rate by 2% if we don't increase that rate by 2% we get to put that 2% in our pocket so if you go 5 years and you don't increase the rate in year six you can increase it by 10% because you put all of those 2% in your pocket for 5 years you know how many we used we haven't used one in a very long time no how many give how many how many percentages we haven't we haven't raised we haven't raised the rate correct we we didn't raise the we haven't raised the rate I'm going to say 15 years we haven't raise the rate so you could raise R there's a limit on the bank I don't know what the limit is but no I couldn't ra I don't think I can raise a 30% all right cuz oh somebody raised mine 6 no they raised your assessment not your rate okay so there's no limit on the assessment I got um so the next question and uh and notice they said they not us they raised your assessment yeah okay that's just a math formula you a numerator and a denominator and it is what it is and I I would love to be able to sit with people and really discuss like what what's a good way to just pay taxes without all this nonsense right all right um so I asked this in that in that meeting or Workshop the other day and complete silence because it didn't make sense it was the lake comoo versus spring Spring Lake both participating in AGP um but we paid 20,000 on our side and aka1 14 on theirs and you sir are the only one that's even to answer that question so congratulations thank you um so here's my question when you say rates this is you your response do you mean the municipal budget rate spring lak's rate is lower because they have more properties at a higher value example non- exact figures an increase of one penny in Lake Como Municipal tax rate creates about $75,000 in Revenue to the municipality an increase of one penny to Spring L generates 63 3,000 each municipality has its own rate and I wanted to make clear that I was not talking about percentages rates right I'm looking at real dollars okay um so the real dollars that I was referring to is the fact that we're paying 20 while they're paying 14 and then I wonder if Spring Lake only had like a th houses would they be paying higher taxes probably okay if they had a th000 houses that were each worth3 to5 million they'd be their rate would be lower right uh this question doesn't have to be answered now I'm just wondering always looking to get my money's working um so I look at our budget right here this thing right and I look at this is what it is it's the general tax rate certification schedule and it looks like we're paying like 1.6 million for um County taxes so I'm wondering like what does that cover you know to tell me that um I think we asked that question last meeting too right yeah but so y I agree as as I I agree with your thinking and you didn't even say that I just want to say that as I ask questions and get answers those answers create more detailed questions um so did everybody get that last report that we put out there I sent it out I think this afternoon this morning I've read you read it okay so you get a chance sent an email this morning um I think I sent it out around yeah it was like 11 o00 yeah was around 11 11 oh I did see I did not read it yet all right that's an interesting one um so our tax assessment analysis that was sent to you today shows two things the data from 2021 to 2023 assessments seem to track zillow's data and shows a valid comparison there's charts in there you can see the Zillow data for 2024 does not show a 40 to 60% jump and does not track the assessors assessment jumping rates did not occur on related streets such as 19th B B Street and r El Lane easan access that would be considered in the same assessment Group which shows that North Boulevard has been singled out to pay an increased tax distribution percentage from 20203 to 2024 if you'd like I could meet with you and really like think that out paying we're paying that I think we're paying for the new build so I wanted to say this um if we do consider to opt out of the ADP program Ron brought up a good point um we need to do so with careful consideration because if our tax if our tax rates are going to freeze up here and then we got to go whatever we create or whatever we decide or you decide um I don't want to get people don't want to get locked in at that rate when it's when it's unfair the assessment yeah you can say all you want but the things that I have uncovered just don't make sense especially the land value and from what I understand from someone that has already um challenged their assessment as soon as they mentioned land the five people that were going to vote on it shut them down and said you can't you can't use land you have to you have to argue that the whole thing is is not worth what it's worth the land values that's which I pointed out in the last meeting went from like $80 to $350 or whatever it was but there's no Rhyme or Reason to land values one guy's paying a lot over here and his neighbor's not doesn't make sense so that we don't know what the details are you know and I think about I'm not asking you a question um I think about the question that we asked we asked for a response and he said that there were those records and we don't know that yet so I'm thinking maybe there isn't maybe we were targeted for whatever reason there are properties that are very close to the beach and to the lake that were not affected at all they fell right into the north you see um the outliers they're they're um they're the blue lines I I told uh one of the people that that helped me create that to to put a bar chart in there so they could see and those houses with the blue the high blue bars that's North bullar and it just doesn't make sense so op out the ABP program should be conducted with careful consideration there's a lot of th000 people on North Boulevard that are digging deep into the data and it takes time I don't think there's anything that we can do right now about the extreme um 2024 North Boulevard incident but I'm sure that more datadriven information will be generated and the picture will become clearer and clearer as we move forward I would also recommend and I know that you talked about that what if we just took care of it ourselves like the town just took care of it and didn't get anybody else involved because ultimately it comes down to this we got to pay M County for whatever and we got to pay for um our town so those two we got to figure out how to collect those funds fairly so that everybody's not um taken advantage of or some people will be taken advantage of we have to figure out how that works and every time I ask the tax assessor and I've been asking the our our tax assessor since 2015 I I dug up some emails from 2015 where I was asking the same questions and didn't get an answer and now it seems like we're not getting answers still so that's been almost 10 years eight years later still no answer and the devil's going to be in the details so what are those details that they don't want us to know about are they grouping we grouped on that last um form that we sent to you that information we grouped because it made sense 19th a block away from the beach uh be Street close to the to the ocean so why were they treated like they've always been treated fairly but we we took a major hit because are two homes which are beautiful by the way and my house is not that beautiful but I'm worth as much as those it does not make sense something's wrong and I have some information for you that I would like to meet with you personally um so that I could show you some of the place that I been okay does anybody have any questions for me no okay thank you I Janice beer 1823 you can turn that mic down a little bit uh Janice deer 1823 Greenwood Terrace part of the whole Greenwood gang here um I have three quick things first if I heard correctly included in the traffic plan is not allowing any parking the south side of 18th south side of 18th between Main Street and New Bedford yes and New Bedford permanent no parking that's wonderful and thank you for putting that in place that's something that many of us have been asking for and talking about for quite a while so thank you for that um on making Greenwood and Bradley uh one way um as my neighbors have already told you we certainly um understand that it's been trafficky um and a problem in the summer but since we 18 Way East it really has not been a problem for us at all in the summer um I think I heard at the beginning part of the concern is for emergency vehicles coming down Greenwood Terrace and I'm a little embarrassed to admit we experimented with that the first uh Christmas we were here fulltime I was making soup with nice little croutons on Christmas Eve and um set my oven on fire and we had a very very large Hook and Ladder fire truck for our little tiny house and fire engine and there were a lot of cars on our street at that point but there really weren't any issues with that and maybe we have newer fire vehicles and certainly that's a concern but even with my experiment with the firefighting in town and we had a very responsive fire department um there was not an issue there so I don't know how serious that issue is and if we can relook at that it certainly would be concern drugs really don't fit um if we do have to go Brad green we one way in the summer the traffic is much lighter now if we have to do it in the summer that's one thing but in the winter there is really so little traffic there and if we're already making a change I would understand we made a decision that we will not have any seasonal roots in town but we seem to have committed to that with 18th and with a couple of the other streets and if we have to have um if we have to do it seasonally and experiment with that that would be perhaps a reasonable start as opposed to right she making it to it um the last part is a question that I have if I can um ask um officer St chief chief I'm sorry I'm not very good with um and this may become a point but I know in the past when people parked on the wrong side of the street I don't if I'm saying that correctly they were ticketed or in some cases Toby is that still in effect because we a lot of that this summer with visitors parking on the wrong side of the street and nothing nothing happened with that so is a violation um I can't say why they weren't written um okay so those of us that it's a little hard to do K turns on the little street with lots of things but if we're doing it because we need to that's great if we don't need to we take that and if there if you ever see a violation like that you can give us a call um can send somebody over thank you thank thank you very much Rob McKenzie 49 pleas of course it's the oneway streets that I've been fighting for 25 years if we did There's roughly 100 homes in that little corner and when the traffic survey changed 18th Avenue one way it ended the traffic situation we have no through traffic all this is starting cuz some lady had trouble backing at of the driveway at that letter that was written I wrote a letter I hope you all read it I think we're overreacting I mean if they're going to change it then we should have a survey done in the summertime in July of those two streets there's a 100 homes there you know it only affects those hundred if we go one way 50 houses on one street now have to drive on the other Street to get home and vice versa we're doubling the traffic in front of our homes doubling everybody that lives on Bradley will have to drive down Greenwood everybody that lives on Greenwood I'll have to drive down Brad that doesn't exist I live there there's hardly any c it's the lowest volume two streets in the entire town even on the 4th of July it's all people looking to par and it's residents nobody's cutting through not a landscaper anybody that makes St coming up from the feat of DJs get sent right back down 18 and never cuts through again we're arguing about you're trying to make Chang and we don't need them and if we do we should go through a professional survey like they did before because their results made the town Nic greatly improved that section of 100 homes traffic class streets are small the houses are small but that's because of the beach those little 100 homes are closer to the beats in the rest of the town and the value is based on to and from Ocean Avenue not two and from Main Street they buy there so you can go to the beach and come home thanks for listening thanks see no one else to take a motion to close mve second all in favor I opposed and I am trying to kill time to get my agenda back up excuse me get up and ask some questions while you're no um at this time um at this time the mayor and Council will go into executive session and we will use this room to go into executive session um we will be returning for the purposes of adjournment only unless we have something to report out to