##VIDEO ID:v4t_Ur2x9wo## time is 7:30 I will call the reorganization meeting of the mayor and Council of the barl lake com of order please rise for a salute to the flag and moment of Silent reflection Al to the flag the United States of America the stands Nation indivisible andice for all please remain standing for a moment of Silent reflection thank youshine pleaseed by the adoption of resolution by the mayor and Council on second of January 2024 which resolution the time of agenda and regular meetings coming with January was set for tap into and a copy of was post on the BBS and on the me roll call please uh no we'll do of office okay um so to uh certify the election from November of 2024 where council members Christopher andano and Heather abala Doyle won re-election to their seat we'll commence with the oath of office starting with councilwoman Al balad Doyle you want to join me up front um you can bring your family up if you wish sure you wish to do so that's better the other side you switch you want switch you think it's better to switch you're you're the expert at this okay um raise your right hand you're going to repeat after me I Heather a balad Doyle i p Al balad Doyle do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people and under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the position of councilwoman all the duties of the position of councilwoman according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations okay perfect and C Beau repeat after me I Christopher Danto I Christopher Dano do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Saint and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the position of counsilman all the duties of the position of counsil according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations true thank you roll call please counc here Council here counc counc is Council here Council here thank you at this time I'll take a nomination for council president I'd like to nominate uh Doug Moody second second All In favor I opposed no one dare oppose congratulations council president wiy once again um at this time I uh believe is this in the packet is the assignments in the packet okay so in the packet you should have um Council assignments you remember from is in your shared folder assignments for 2025 uh not much has changed we have a couple of changes to assignments um in the tourism commission um this year councilwoman Al Al balad doya will be taking over chair of that commission after a very long tenure rule um by councilwoman uh skull uh holy thank you for all the work that you've done and re revolutionizing that uh commission you really did a great job thank you very much I know Heather will amazing job following your footsteps thank you councilwoman of valad Doyle too um and in light of that aspect councilwoman skull will be taking over uh the chair of the Board of Education and Recreation committee um that uh has been chaired by councilwoman of bad Doyle over the next the last couple of years including the revitalization of our bman park so thank you for all the work that you've done in that committee as well um the other committees will stay the same Emergency Services Comm committee will be chaired by councilman dearo Public Works committee will be chaired by councilman Anana finance will be chaired by council president witty and environmental will be counseled by councilman VRI um we also have our planning board liaison will be council president witty our smura liaison will be Mr Kevin Lynch um our alternate liaison to the Community Development block grant will continue to be uh councilwoman Heather Abal doy SP the name there apologize um and our parade committee liaison will be mayor Meritus Michael R um we have no Communications and we will go to reports of committee starting with councilwoman Al balad Doyle thank you mayor all matters are in order thank you councilman ventrice thank you mayor uh congratulations to uh councilwoman B doy D than that matters thank you councilman danan thank you may matters are order councilwoman scull thank you mayor congratulations councilwoman Al valad Doyle councilman Umano and I just wanted to say that um it's been a pleasure to serve on the tourism commission for the past four and a half years um they are a great group to work with um there's so much that they have done we have done together and accomplished and I know that it's just going to continue to grow um Amy is such an important part of that and she um I know will will continue to be and good luck to councilwoman Al valo I know you'll do great um and I'm not going anywhere so need a you know some advice anyway that's uh all matters thank you council president wiy thank you Mr Mayor I like to congratulate Heather and Chris on their sitting again on the council I look forward to working with you guys again for another year and I want thank you member of the council for making me the council president again thank you thank you um I just want to thank everybody congratulations to our new newly elected Council people uh I want to thank everybody for their hard work over the past year um with the 100th anniversary uh and this meeting starts the next Century of Lake coma um so we have uh a lot of work to do this year um we have a lot of projects that we are finishing up throughout the town and a couple of new things coming up so I'm looking forward to uh working with all of you over the next year um I do want to recognize and thank for joining us tonight our assemblyman uh abish chal who uh came in thank you very much and I just want to let you know that in my time as the mayor and council person you're the First Assembly person to come and visit our uh our council meeting um especially during a reor meeting so thank you for joining us tonight I really appreciate it um um yep in a second um uh we have no unfinished business so at this time I will uh make a motion to open for public comments on new business in the consent agenda second all in favor anyone wishing to make a comment on everything listed under the consent agenda which is all of the resolutions for appointments for the new year uh or listed under new business which we have three resolutions there as well you come to the mic and do so now seeing none I'll take a motion to close so move second all in favor opposed at this time I'll take a motion to approve the consent agenda so off second can I have a roll call please on this counc yes counc yes counc yes counc yes yes thank you we have under new business resolution 202- 29 offered by council president Wy so off resolution 2025 d29 resolution authorizing execution of an agreement with Mama County sbca starting from January 1st of 2025 ending December 31st 2025 do I have a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes uh your new business we have resolution 20253 offered by Council scel thank you mayor so offered a resolution sorry resolution 20253 a resolution authorizing execution of an agreement with the dental services organization um be it resolved by the mayor and Council of The Bu of lake comoo that the buau clerk administrator is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with the dental services Organization for term of February 1st 2025 ending January 31st 2026 um this is the one of the dental insurance plans the burough offers as employees um and they require an annual contract for these policies have a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes thank you next we have resolution 2025 d34 offered by councilman ventri thank you Mary so offer resolution 2025 d34 resolution of the B of lakeo council executive sessions whereas the bur Council of the bur of Lake com must discuss matters which are not appropriate for discussion in a public meeting and where as these subjects are within the exceptions to the open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed in Clos session njs say 10 4-12 B7 uh there are matters that involve attorning client confidentiality um the session is not expected to last more than 30 minutes after we will uh return and advise of anything that thank you do have a second second call please yes yes yes VRI yes yes thank you at this time I'll take a uh motion to open for public comments so second all in favor I opposed anyone wishing to speak at all uh for public comments for the mayor and Council may do so now you can come to the mic please uh give your name and address and you can address the councel good even AI 16 meow Lane lak New Jersey I just wanted to cup to wish congratulations it's a good night and to introduce myself formerly for those that I have not had the privilege of meeting my name is AI schn and I have the privilege of representing the 30th District in the New Jersey State Assembly which to my benefit represents and includes Lake comoo my office is available we're here and looking forward to doing great things together please reach out and I look forward to lots of collaboration between my office and the burrow of Lake homo good evening thank you Mike Ryan 1706 East Street Lake comoo I'd just like to reach out and say thank you to the mayor and Council for the last for shepherding us through this uh last part of the 100 year anniversary it was a great time it was a great year I'd like to also congratulate Heather and Chris job well done and I know that thank you goes out to Holly for her she's been on the council now 10 years but the last four with the tourism commission is really tough and Doug witty I remember him when he was a party uh affiliation many many many years ago but Doug is now on his 33rd year on the council here in Lake Colo so congratulations to all of you and I'd like to thank Obby for coming down I know that the mayor and I have met with Obby before regarding issues here in Lake com and he extended his uh office to us for any of our needs because he's our resource where we need our help that's where we should be going so we will use OB where we can but thank you have a great year we'll be talking to you soon bye bye seeing no one else I'll take a motion to close so move second all in favor hi hi um at this time the business portion of our meeting is concluded we are going to retire into close session we're going to go somewhere else for the close session I know there's some family members here that may want to wait um for after so we're going to go retire into another room for Clos session we shouldn't be too long we will come back and if there's anything to report out of that closed session um I will do so in public at that time I do not anticipate that I will be doing anything uh reporting anything out at that time um so when we come back if you're here great we'll see you if not thank you for coming have a happy New Year and and um and enjoy the uh the wonderful weather