##VIDEO ID:yUFyWkgjBVc## the Lake Como Council will go into Workshop session we have one item on our agenda and that is the discussion of stones and gravel in The Verge this is a topic that was brought up at planning board and the planning board asked me to pass along to the council to have this discussion about possibly looking into an ordinance um reflecting restrictions on what can be placed in The Verge the def definition of a Verge is the area between the sidewalk and the curb um the planting area I guess you could say if we if you look at different towns and different code books it's defined in different ways but for the purpose of our discussion The Verge is the area of pervious surface that is between or what should be perious surface the grass strip between the sidewalk and the curb uh this has been a topic of discussion in the town um I know that we probably haven't talked about it as a council in maybe 15 years but the planning board has discussed it over and over and they asked us to to mul over the idea um as of right now we I've asked uh Viva Graham our secretary to the planning board to pull some examples which were shared with you of different ordinances for different towns and what they allow hour if they even have code that addresses this issue uh and if you look at some of the things that that were shared with you I believe you received examples from Allen Hurst and Avon and Belmar and as far away as East Brunswick um sorry that's fine uh currently the barrel of leom he's going the barel of leomo does not have anything other than other than what is part of the uniform code which does not allow plantings over a certain height uh and and in the sight triangle so if we want to look at possibly extending that or expanding on that the idea coming from the planning board is that they think that it's a bad idea to have at least it's a bad idea to at least have stones in the area uh and that has been the topic of discussion to to remove the possibility of allowing homeowners to put stones in the area of The Verge um because of the fact that they become very dangerous when you're mowing lawns or the street sweeper comes by and they start flinging stones and breaks windows or car windows or house windows um so that that's one idea we can discuss further if we want to even restrict other plantings and just have grass so if you if you've looked at some of the ideas that were sent to you um and I know that you you may have gotten this late um have got it you should have gotten it you definitely should have gotten an email and it's in it's definitely in your shared folder because I'm looking at it in a shared folder right now worksh are you in the shared folder oh is this a copy of yeah here Nick thank you sorry um so for instance just as an example if you look at what was provided to us from or what was provided to us as an example from Belmore um their ordinance says that if a sidewalk is not paved the full width the space remaining unpaved must be slded and maintained at the same grade as the pavement so that means grass only um and it can only be as high as the pavement or the same grade as the pavement uh I I don't know if the Council Bless you I don't know if the council finds this to be a concern I don't know if this is something that you even want to act upon um that would really be up that's why we're having this discussion mayor that was going to be a a question is has this been a problem Stones so you know I I can also refer to Doug Doug's Doug's probably talked about this more than anybody um being on the planning board and Council for the time that he has been I don't remember talking about it on Council for many years now um so I'm not necessarily sure if it's a huge problem the only thing that was brought up years ago was planning of like flowers and shrubs there that was P up and that was then that's why we went into the maintenance thing because you have flowers there people can't get out of their car open the doors up because they the flowers or or or bushes or they have little fences they were put in around and we all of them that's the only thing that we talked about years ago they were not they talked about Stones is that why trees are not allowed also the car yeah basically yeah people used to put little flowers in it put the little fence around and then and I somebody pull up they can't open the door to get out of the car because you know trees are there so there are there are some areas where trees are grandfathered um I know in 17th Avenue they're grandfathered in there are definitely places where people have put trees where they probably weren't supposed to at certain points well I think it's a good idea to band Stones you know uh like you said go they get into the street we're plowing or sweeters or you know in general you know they're they're not good would that also include brick well I think brick could be okay maintaining the same level right as the uh sidewalk right it's not lose correct it wouldn't break wet yeah so I can see the issue when I bought when we pought our house we have stones on our front lawn but not in the bir area right behind it and that's a constant battle for us on our driveway of the stones going on the driveway and all that kind of stuff so there was I think there was I'm sorry to interrupt you but there was a discussion at the time to for Banning Stones up to a certain distance away from the street right fourt 5et I can see I can see the issue and um you know just because my sidewalk goes to the street I don't have a a break right what you call a Verge I don't have a Verge so I can see the issue but like just now I just walked my dog down 17th and there's a house there with a large Frontage that has large Stones the new house so something like that uh I wouldn't see as an issue you know I can see the little Stones kicking up and so on and so forth but those stones Holly you know what I'm talking about right yeah they're pretty large so and they look good you know they the big white ones loose they so I don't you know I don't know what how oh they can they probably can and they're probably more dangerous if they do if they do but you it's kind any of the thoughts questions does anybody have a desire to move on something like this I think we should yeah okay and you want to limit that to Stone well I think they would should band Stone Val and get and plants shrubs and fences only index should be there which should be pave pave or pavers that keeps the same level as the sidewalk grass grass or grass or grass yes would that include the larger Stones I would say no I think they should be it's my opinion because you know also you get out and you step on a stone you did easier one the stones higher there you actually pain your ankles trip on it just my opinion but guys I just so I'm I'm sorry if I miss this but can you say again why the environmental I'm sorry the planning board wants to I know other towns it looks like other towns have an ordinance and other towns don't and we don't know of any issues that have come up so far so what is there so and and I say the planning board but we have to remember that it's a planning board zoning board so they're they're worried about zoning they're worried about code um they're worried about what people do with their house when they come before the board things like that uh it has been the topic of discussion one of those items that have been repeatedly discussed um over and over again over the years as you know members of our zoning board are residents right so they they get feedback from their neighbors and they get feedback over time from what's going on with them um that this has been an issue in the past uh loose Stone um being I guess tossed around and it's messy right so it's messy too and and they they get a lot of feedback on that part that there's Stone all over the place whether it be on the sidewalk or in the street and then it just becomes it just becomes a danger um so that's really where the feed that comes from if if it wasn't brought up at a zoning board meeting I probably wouldn't have brought it to the council um this was just a something that they asked me to bring uh something they've been talking about for a long time and um it's really where we're at withar Stones if they wanted put them in cement cement in there that I would be okay with that but but you're saying you wanted it to be even so then that yeah well you can are we going to have to absorb the cost of this a lot of infuriated res right would we be grandfathering in people that already have trees bushes and stones or we everybody ask all of that app so my belief is if you're making if you're making the or you're creating the orins for a reason then you would have to give residents a certain amount of time to remove whatever stones that they have in that area and trees and bushes whatever whatever whatever your ordinance says right right right trees um and then I have a question what about those I mean I know we're talking about The Verge but would that then lead itself to people who have Pebble driveways because that leads right up to the sidewalk as well so like I said there have been conversations in the past about an ordinance can say something to the effect this is just an example you cannot use loose Stone 4T from the curb right and you could say something like that side right or or no I mean even four feet from the street it have to be it couldn't be the sidewalk is then the driveway would be in right you could say 5T you could say 10 ft what however you want to right um however you want to speak about it um depending on how many feet you would do would include your driveing and that was been brought up by the planning board many times or you can just save The Verge or you could just save The Verge which covers everything from the sidewalk to the curve so that wouldn't include four or five ft in it would not include anything on the other side of the sidewalk but that has been discussed so I don't know if you want um everybody want to think about it and to the next and then we can talk about it again anybody can think about it um at this time I'll open to the public if there's nothing else from the council I'll open to the public for any comments they have on the workshop item um one second anyone wishing to speak to the workshop item discussion on stones and gravels in The Verge can come to the mic and do so now your name and address please Steven Peto 312 18th Avenue full disclosure you're on the zoning board not a fan of the stone I agree with Doug uh I think it's a hazard but but more importantly I think it's an iore because I have yet to see a Verge wood stone that isn't in the street it's always in the street and I think it is dangerous and then when you get into snow removal the plows are going to pick it up I I think it's I think limiting it to just grass could be hard on the resident but I think certainly keep it something that's flat that's at Great the large Stone I spent 30 years working in the utility our Transformers always were surrounded with a larger stone for oil absorption and fires and it was known as ankle Busters it was a workman comp nightmare it's a large Stone your twist your ankle so I don't think that's a good idea I think you keep it flat aers grass something low like you said some people don't trip getting out of the car I think it works implementing it I leave it up to you guys it's going to be tough but maybe maybe you do it on a CO basis so as a home is soul that get coed they have to flip yes and to build on that you could do it for um CEOs for renting as well yeah you can do it twice a year this may be an OD question but does it if they put pavers down instead of grass does that have anything do it or or pave it does that have anything to do with coverage lot coverage or any issue like that yeah absolutely so in the in the burrow um we count pavers as 50% of impervious service if they were to pave it or I actually have a neighbor that black topped it uh that would count against their impervious coverage or their impervious coverage imperious coverage thank you um so that's definitely something that you would have to take into account as well another full disclosure Alison kill 1825 Bradley terce I'm also a member of the zoning Bo obviously this is comeing small town right is obviously it's come up for us and I'm a little bit on the other side as far as um requiring residents to have grass in that area you know there may be other options obviously there's issues with the stone but in my mind if you don't water that grass you have dogs obviously are going to the bathroom on the grass creating dead spots I I'd say that probably doesn't look good either you know an area of dead grass or kind of spotted areas so you know there's a lot of different pros and cons but I think on that end to require something like grass or pavers which is going to take away from your your uh lot coverage then you're sort of pigeon ho holding residence into something that is not necessarily going to solve the entire problem thank you Alison we could put any the order that it doesn't affect your [Music] coverage I think we can do think we can do that as well which might be important because I think a lot of people have it right down to the square footage when they exactly what kind of coverage to have the ver doesn't affects your coverage and I think that would allow for water to seep through unlike than just Paving over it I would rather see moisture be able to get in and out of it yes sir Steve hernick 1820 green with terce we just rebuilt our house and we went through the whole planning and everything we purposely did not put grass there we didn't put stone or anything I understand not wanting Stone we did pavers then we did clovers between low-lying stuff so it doesn't go too high it doesn't break any of the height ordinances but we put in brand new grass a year and a half prior to rebuilding half of it was dead and we have sprinklers because people Park on it people dump their stuff when they were emptying their coolers at the end of the day coming back from the beach and we're all the way up on Greenwood and not to mention dogs and everything like that so I mean I'm all for no rocks that's fine but open it up to something more just grass cuz I think you're really going to create a problem that way great thank you appreciate it W1 1825 Bradley terce if you do ask the ordinance or the list what you can put there awesome thank you no one else I will close the open portion of the workshop meeting um we have some notes that will um put together we'll bring back for further discussion from the council thank you all thank you for the everybody from the public as well um at this time I will call the regular meeting of the Leake Home Bar Council to order please rise for a salute to the flag and a moment of Silent reflection IED Alle to the flag of the United States of America to the indivis please remain standing for a moment of Silent reflection thank you sunshine law please resil of January 2024 which resolution the time agenda and regular meetings coming with January or setop of and on the bul roll call please here herec member tomorrow here entri here here thank you can I have a motion to approve the minutes of the September 3rd Workshop meeting second all in favor I opposed extensions the minutes are approved can I have a motion to approve the September 17th regular meeting minutes all in favor I opposed abstain thank you at this time we will move to reports of committee starting with councilwoman albala Doyle thank you mayor uh I have no reports of committee but I would like to send out a few congratulations um late Como day the 100th anniversary late Como day was a huge success it's my microphone Pi you up still on PE um it was a huge success I don't need the microphone you can hear me um I just wanted to send a few thank yous out councilwoman skull and to council president Woody it was an amazing amazing event with the joint efforts of the two of you um the addition of the 5K and the fishing contest were amazing you know police you did an excellent job Chief with everything um and like I said councilwoman skull out outstanding um Amy and Drew you guys were here from the beginning to the end and all the DPW guys and it was a bang up job by everybody thank you thank you other than that all matters are in order thank you Council ventrice thank you mayor uh I uh share those accolades for everyone it was a fantastic lakeo day um I loved it everyone I spoke to loved it also um from the environmental commission uh actually the environmental commission had a a pretty involved stand themselves if you look in the uh lobby area in Bur Hall over there they have the posters up that they had um on their table um this Saturday is the fall late cleanup uh meeting at the Kazo from 9: to 11 The Academy Charter High School students are looking forward to it again uh one thing I wanted to pass on from the environmental commission was um on September 13th uh Scott young passed away from uh ALS he was uh Vice chair of the environmental commission was before my time probably about 10 years ago um and as I understand it he and his wife were very instrumental in starting the uh butterfly garden so if um if that's going to be maintained the butterfly garden uh the environmental commission was uh proposing that uh named in his honor the Scott Young Memorial butterfly garden other than that all uh matters are in order thank you um in tomorrow well my I Echo everything that both of my colleagues said about Lake homeo day was fabulous um really impressive the thing you know being someone who runs a lot of events uh all the time all over the country with fireworks people don't realize this the the real good part of a firework is actually cakes and most fireworks displays around the country cannot use cakes because it's too load to the ground Everyone is always looking in the air but running into cake the cakes that you guys had on the on the lake were incredible it's the low stuff that kind of goes like this you don't usually see that in a normal County or state fireworks as far so being able to do that in a small little town like this is really something special so please pass that on next year to anyone you want to invite to like comeo that that's something that's you don't see more so that uh thank you very much for that it was a treat also uh Chief anything going on in the PD uh nothing going on in the PD but the friendly sons of the shalele will be having their annual run this uh October 7th beginning at 9:00 a.m. this weekend so expect some delays right uh Drew anything with the uh first aid I know there's some stuff that people are public no I have nothing further mayor thank you councilwoman skull oh thank you mayor um so I have a little report tonight so just bear with me um I want to first thank a list of people for Lake H I agree I thought it was the the best Lake H that I've ever been to um and I've been to many and I thought it was very incredible um so I want to thank Drew Heisman um Sean ryome Joe Kelly John cusk and Justin Brun from Lake Como DPW of course they do so much heavy lifting literally figuratively um we could not do it without them director of Code Enforcement Frank sell he he stepped up and he was so helpful um directing vendors and just being really part of organizing that day um mayor and Council of course thank you all for your support and um helping out at the T-shirt table as well um Kevin Lyn L he also helped us at the T-shirt table and um was really just stepped in an important moment for Amy um Fire Marshall Ed UMC chip Kavanaugh for his hot dog stand and making the donations to us I think he sold 300 hot dogs that day um Bob FY Joe's Sur Shack employees and the entire FY restaurant group of course Frankie and Tony Jones who do such a great job organizing um and helping at the the Beer Garden and they are our residents of the year as well um Little Dog Brewery for Brewing the 100th anniversary beer for us this year um we have a little Lake homeo Day committee and they are fantastic Heather Council Al valado Doyle is so helpful with the kids stuff so thank you so much for um helping out with that it's really really um I'm grateful for you for that um and then last but never least is Amy bony who really just brings it she does it all I mean she really really is instrumental in this day and the succcess of it all so thank you thank you thank you Amy you are the most wonderful partner in crime I just love working with you so um I hope I oh and then of course our sponsors and vendors I won't list them all out but they'll be getting um some special thankies from us so um uh I and then I'm G to let um council president witty talk about the fishing tournament and the 5K and thank those folks but um I did do the I I led the 5K it was uh it was great um oh mother nature of course the weather was fantastic like I really think we could not have had a more perfect day okay I'll move on so um the Belmar Elementary School asked me to announce this event that they're um hosting for parents of the Belmar Elementary School it's called converation um addressing digital dependency and mental health um it's taking place at the school on Thursday October 17th from 6:00 to 7 p.m. parents are invited to participate and gain valuable strategies to support healthy digital habits and mental health at home um so this they this sounds like a really important event they wanted me to promote it so um I'll put this on our Facebook page and um we can share it from there it's being hosted by someone named Kathy B bed husen who's a mom teacher author coach and co-creator okay then um I know it's only October 1st and we just finished Lake Como day but we do have our Lake comoo Christmas tree lighting and small business Saturday event or just tree lighting I should call it 100th anniversary Christmas tree lighting uh November 30th save the date 3: to 8:00 p.m. we'll have vendors crafts for kids um light Refreshments live music carolling and more we usually have a special guest attend um and then Chief would you like me to announce about this yeah okay then um on Monday December 16th is the Santa gift delivery around town so we'll share details about that when we have a little bit more ring dates on Tuesday December 17th um I think you probably have a flyer I can post and share around to um and then that's it for now thank you thank you very good council president wiy thank you Mr Mayor okay I guess we start out now 2024 was the H anniversary of the town and throughout the year we had many events we had a kcla where we had at Joe sha Shack where we introduced the 19 24 beer that was made by little dog and then we had the special meeting on June 3rd which is 100 years to the first meeting of the Council of South B at that time and then we had the the mayor bad where we also celebrate the anniversary and then we had Lake Como day as part of Lake Como day I had Vision to have the run which was put together by Jersey Shore running club and I want to thank them for doing an outstanding job and it was a great success doing the rhyme also we had a fishing tournament for the kids which was sponsored by Belmore PD Chief you want to give any comments regarding that um it was a really good time um it's something that we're looking forward to doing again um on an annual basis uh the kids had fun the parents had fun the officers had a great time um we ended up giving out I believe 12 prizes um there's a first second third in each age group for the largest fish CL and then a first place in each age group for most fish CL I think the um heaviest fish was about a pound but it was a great day we had a lot of fun and uh we look forward to doing it again next year when I was a kid I guess probably around 12 13 years old South Belmore at that time had a fishing contest they had it for one year was in the contest but they never they canell it after the one year they never had it again until this year uh also uh I've been under the weather with he the reason for the last two months so I want to thank the mayor for filling in and running the some of the events that I could not attend I appreciate know you doing all the work for me other than that matters in order thank you um so the best part about Le comod day is why around as the mayor and having everyone tell me that I did such a great job with Lake comod de you can put it on the record that I do very little for Lake KO day um it is you've heard it here tonight you've heard all of the people that come together and make it such a wonderful day the good news is that we probably had the best L Como day in the history of Lake Como the bad news is we're going to have to try to do better next year uh I think the weather was a big factor in how successful it was we got a lot of good feedback about the 5K um Chief I want to just give a shout out to your department um and all of the volunteers that work on all of the 5Ks that go through the town we are a very small town uh we have a lot of runs that go through go around go in between everywhere in the town and it can be tough sometimes on residents and people driving around we made changes over the past couple of years to alleviate a lot of that pressure um for the traffic and for our residents moving in and out of town um and since we've done that I've gotten a lot of compliments from the residents about how they're not shut in or shut out when there's a 5K in town so um we do a very good job with that Chief thank you very much um for all of the work on that and then um we had our fishing tournament which was a was very successful I think we'll work on getting some bigger fish next year um but I think we're going to have to keep doing these things I think this is going to be part of L Como day in the future whether it be another 5K in another fishing tournament um but they were very successful and and I look forward to duplicating that success in the future I want to thank everybody that had a hand in this I want to thank everybody that showed up there was a lot more people there than there have ever been in the past I want a special shout out to our residents on North bu Boulevard we commandeer their road for the entire day uh and they enjoy the day just as much as everybody else but I know that it's somewhat of an inconvenience to them so thank you very much to them uh for allowing them allowing us to to be in their front yards um other than that I have nothing to to report uh I will say as part of my report that um for those of you that are here wishing to comment on um the street ordinance that we've been talking about one ways and parking uh it is under new business and you can comment at the first open public meeting we did have uh some response last meeting about some of the one ways on Greenwood and Bradley um since that time I've met with Council woman uh abala Doyle who um in her wisdom suggested that we change what we were thinking about to seasonal one ways on all of the streets so if you do read uh if you look at the current ordinance you will see that the discussion that we had last week that those one ways change to seasonal one ways for the summer only and not year round um so I just wanted to bring that up at this point before we open the public session so you can ask any questions or um have any comments on that um I have have nothing else so with that I will take a motion to open for public comments on new business and consent agenda move second all in favor I I opposed so anyone from the public wishing to comment on any resolution or ordinance listed under the consent agenda or new business can come to the microphone and do so now sorry guys that's all right just need your name and address again C 3121 18th Avenue just for clarity I think we were hoping to not have the change on Greenwood but if it's going to be done can we still keep that left turn would seem like Bradley coming out of Bradley yes that's part of the that's part of the idea if it stays that way I guess it's do yes the other thing I like to say is um I I'm I'm a little skeptical with all this Ming I haven't come to a lot of meetings I started getting more involved I'm a little busy I was reading through budgets quite a bit spoke with Andrew a lot and I know we we go out for these bonds and there's some incentives because we're getting grants I just hope everyone's realizing it's a credit card and the taxpayers of the town are on the do for those payments and I just say I'm I'm 100% behind the at the council I think you guys are doing a tremendous job I think I've been here over 50 years in this town it's a world of difference from what it used to be I'm a full-time resident now proudly build a new home going to build another one um and I think the town really is starting to look good I just I I get cautious when it comes to spending because I always think governments don't spend like homeowners do we're at a time where the I'd say the economy is still up in the air there hasn't been a soft Landing it may be a crash landing we don't know yet I think people potentially could be hurting a month two months maybe after the election and I think when we start doing things like pickle ball courts and it sounds great on paper but we have a pickle ball court six blocks down in Spring Lake that we could play for free we have one in bmar that we could go play for free and you're talking about three4 of a million dollars and when you attack the interest on top of that 3/4 of a million it's going to break a million and then we're going to move this building across the street we're going to spend a couple more million and and I think I'd like to see more development before we throw our hat in the ring and move this building and and we're talking about Millions we're not talking about 100, or 200 we're talking Millions I do construction for a living and I know what it takes to build something and it's never what it appears to be um I think we have a good building here I wasn't keen on the idea my fault for not getting more involved I try to step back and I think you guys have been handling it well I just get cautious when it comes to heavy spending you know we just had a meeting two meetings ago about taxes and you saw the reaction my taxes went up 50% I did some construction so I just pay it and say hey I geted more house I have to pay more tax I get it but the rates is where I get concerned you know when it comes to looking through the budget the medical for the town went up $100,000 last year we paid $100,000 in interest payments last year you know it's not chunk change it's it's starting to get real you know the town's four five million in debt I was I had multiple homes in Belmar it were 30 million in De you know it got scary after for a while and water went through the roof I sold everything I'm wholeheartedly a lake comoo guy always was always preach Lake comoo it's got a a great feel here and Lake com day was part of that I said Andrew right I you know Andrew it's like one of them small town America movies it was a great feel at that Lake watching all the residents and the kids smiling and I hate to see those Smiles turn into frowns when taxes go up again next year or if this soft Landing is a crash landing and then people are really hurting and then you hit them with another 10% 20% you know something has to give for a lot of people you know there's big new homes that are in the millions I get it but there's also a bunch of residents that own their homes for 30 years when they paid $39,000 for those homes and they don't have the means like some people complained about on North Boulevard so I just say use it with caution I know everyone up here is smart and intelligent but just really feel it think about it before you spend it and it's it's attractive when the state floats a uh an incentive in front of you but the other two3 come out of us so that's all I have to say I guess thanks Steve Alison krilla 1825 Bradley Terrace I just want to say thank you guys very much for listening to the concerns of the residents um on Bradley Terrace on Greenwood in that whole area regarding the oneway streets and I really appreciate even if it's just seasonal let's see how it goes or if it's seasonally permanently um that it's a step in the right direction and to me it makes sense so thank you thank you Al Jean Gardner 1811 Greenwood I am not on the planning board but I listen to Steve all the time um first I would like to say I loved the fireworks those things on the bottom they were they were amazing so good job my dog did not but I love them so he'll deal with it um the one ways and most of us on Greenwood do not want it but we understand and we hope that you will look at what happens next year seasonally and if it doesn't really accomplish what we need that we can go back the other way but at least thank you for listening to that part of it with respect to the the the bonds and numbers I have to agree with Steve I am concerned about that I think about it more from the perspective of I'm I'm you know I'm 65 years old I've got my house I'm fine I have four kids I've seen them struggle to get their own houses this is a community that they can't move into and and as taxes go up and the prices and the values go up where really boxing out a lot of people and a lot of those small homes are getting boxed out with the tax ta is they can't come here I it's I just want you to think about it just like Steve did I think that you have to think about what's really important for the town and again I don't know the pickle B courts are it I'm not saying they are or aren't but I I went bike riding with a friend of mine the other day and she just pointed at every pickle B court she had no idea that I was talking about this she doesn't live in this town and she's like you have so many pickle bable courts around here this is great so do we need that money so please just think about it for the purpose of young people that we really want to move into the town if we're going to move into the next step thank you thank you James horrus 1821 Bradley teris I would love to see the one-way uh strategy tried just uh you know having moved back here built a larger house which now being assessed for 3 years after it was built um but I parked my car in the street one night and because I had company coming and I don't want to have them get hit because I know my brother right down the street has had the same thing happen you know friend comes stops by car gets hit and I know I've been hit my neighbors have been hit and and it sounds like something worth a shot thank you seeing no one else I'll take a motion to close the public portion move second all in favor uh we have one resolution under the consent agenda can I have a motion to approve all in favor opposed abent itions under new business we have ordinance [Music] 2024-25 75,000 uh which includes the mammoth County space Grant in the amount of $200,000 and authorizing the issuance of $261,500 in bonds and notes for the burrow and this was for uh including but not limited to the construction and installation of the dog park and the pickable courts the aformentioned pickable courts I have a motion this is a this is a second reading so this there is a public hearing if anybody would like to come to the mic and be heard on this specific ordinance you can do so [Music] now I have a question sure I asked this last meeting I don't know I got the direct answer but based on what the residents were saying tonight what is the cost for the bond what is it going to come out to the average homeown um we do have our CFO with us tonight I'm not sure if there's an answer to that specific question that you have um so with this these we're looking at 260 $260,000 worth of debt that we can authorize um for this project currently um we can handle that so I'm looking to not necessarily issue any kind of notes or bonds so we can avoid paying interest on that we can self fund them over the next 5 to 10 years so I'm looking to maybe increase or appropriate 25 to $30,000 a year in the budget to accommodate this um next five to 10 years so at this cve rate that's about a third of a penny on the tax rate so it wouldn't affect anything good answer thank you okay no more questions I'll close the public portion and ask for a second a second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes thank you the ordinance passes we have ordinance 202 24-1 one offered by council president witty so they come on ordance 20241 the bond order providing for the Improvement and repaired to Marginal Avenue in the amount of 310,000 with a grant of $288,800 one so the bond issuing will be for $2,000 850 thank you this is also a second hearing so if any anyone would like to be heard on this specific ordinance can come to the mic now see n I'll take them um I'll take a second second roll call please yes yes yes andri yes yes thank you ordinance 202 24-9 this is the first reading and introduction amending parking and oneway Street ordinance offered by councilwoman skull thank you mayor so offered ordinance 20249 ordinance amending chapter 7 traffic of the buau code VI ordained by The Bureau Council of The Bu of lake comoo in the county of Monmouth and state of New Jersey let the code of the Buu of Lake comoo be and is hereby amended as follows um I'm thinking I'm just going to summarize this um if that's okay so this is um prohibiting parking on the south side of 18th AV from Main Street to New Bedford um it's prohibiting parking on the east side of Newman between 16th Avenue and 17th Avenue um and then the other changes would be to Greenwood Terrace uh it would be South with parking okay Greenwood Terrace uh would be southbound oneway Street yep One Way southbound Bradley Terrace would be one way street Northbound um and 18th Avenue would be one way East between B Street and Bradley Terrace and this those would be seasonal from May 15th to September 15th inclusive I just want to add addition to that this would eliminate the um the 18th Avenue summer parking restrictions the weekend restrictions that are currently in effect would be removed from the ordinance because there would be no parking on that street at all times can we just CL I clarify a point on that sure just clarifying that when you are on Greenwood this would allow you to still turn if you're heading southbound left or right onto 19th and if you are on Bradley heading Northbound you will be able to turn left or right onto 18th so we have a motion would anybody like to add anything I'd like to ask the engineer a couple questions or can you come um to the mic please and just excuse me of course thank you all for tonight I don't think I have to tell anybody that parking is a Hot Topic especially in a a community such as the Como but can offer any insight I can I'll be happy to help yes my my my only question is is that I think we're trying to we have a problem obviously we're small town small streets and limited parking and tight and there's tight when you walk you start going with two way streets I I I understand my my question is do you have any townwide I'm not looking at any specific area at this point Town wise any suggestions uh on what you've seen in other towns is go all one way or go two ways and you know enter and exit a town you know what what's the ru th absolutely so the burrow is is unique in the sense that a lot of the roads are inadequate of width to handle two-way traffic and parking on both sides of the street that's the reason in my opinion why you see the accidents as some of the residen of said tonight so with that being said we really only have three options one of which really is an option we can go to oneway parking I'm Excuse me oneway travel with two side parking two-way traffic and one side parking or you could widen the roads which we wouldn't be doing that um so to your point or I almost give you almost a cop out you want say I can't answer the question because it's really up to the governing body it would be what do you uh look at of more value the parking which is clearly a big commodity or the flow of traffic so to your question most municipalities that would do oneway like a grid system are almost aligned like a grid um you think of portions of Asbury Park they're going east west north and south now not that Lake comoo isn't but a lot of the roads do kind of meander so you're almost in a loop you almost get stuck in a loop um so I think trying to do seasonal with the alterations of doing certain allowances of two-way I think help I think it would be a nice thing to see parking is fluid and travel is fluid it's all no I I understand there's no answer yeah I you know I've been B in my head about this but now specifically I live on Newman okay and and when it was a two-way streak my truck was hit okay so it went to one way and it's been fine but I also respect and understand that it's probably better off being a two-way street however now you lose six five or six parking spaces sure sure just just on your portion I I I agree um I looked into it you do lose those spaces there's no Advan buts and that that gets back to it's it's really um take recommendations or Insight or anything from myself or any professional it would be up to you know no I I understand the other the other question I have is not if it's so important this is where I'm having a little difficulty with if it's so important that Bradley stays a two-way street during the winter and then to a oneway in the summer then why aren't we doing the same thing on Newman with the same issue so something like that I think in this instance on Newman specifically I believe more so to the point of Summer traffic would be on 17th Avenue there's a lot of backup so what that'll allow or even just if you look at the winter time what that'll allow is if you're going Westerly you now be able to get out on North to Belmore you go 15th or 13th go west or you would still be allowed to go south to 18th and go to the travel that's that was there a no win situation that's honestly that's why I wanted I just wanted to get on record that it wasn't just me voting or Council voting that it was on the record from an engineer so app course no and like to your point it's just it's very fluid and there's not I don't want to say there's never a right answer because obviously there circumstances where there aren't but in this case with the insufficient width um and being such a community that's mainly residential that some of the municip some of the residents don't to have driveways they use on street parking I I get it I do um we're putting a pickle trying to figure out to I don't no thank you very much course and I think it goes back to what we've you know we've talked about this as a council for years um and we workshopped this a couple of meetings ago where um that is that is really the end game right you're either one way or you're parking on one side um for most of the streets in town and I think what we've done over the years is try things try it see if it works we've heard that tonight um and you even when we talked about this in in committee level um those are some of the things that we talked about and I don't think there's I don't think there's a an overwhelming harm in trying something to see if it works uh and if it doesn't we're you know we're malleable and we can we can flex and we can we can go back to the way it was or or make other changes based on those discussions um but I think that's where we're at right now with a certain point we're at that point with certain places in in our town um and I and I don't think this is going to be an ending conversation right this is something that we're going to talk about for for months and years unsolvable I mean I hate to say it's UNS thank you very much appreciate it um any other questions from the council I have a motion do I have a second second roll call please council member Wy yes SC yes no VRI yes yes thank you the ordinance passes um we have now that ordinance passed the first reading excuse me resolution 20241 129 offered by councilman deor while you're pulling it up I would just like to say for the record the Mets won the first game of their series just got an alert very happy where did they play playing in uh Milwaukee no I meant where did the today play City Field I thought the Yankees were no uh resolution 224-229 be resolved by mayor and Council of the Burrow Lake home for the proper offices is directed and authorized to make payments for following accounts current account water sewer tourism AC wire payments $260,000 30 260 367,000 thank you motion to have a second second roll call please W yes SC yes yes V yes yes thank you resolution 2024 130 offered by councilman ventri thank you mayor so offer resolution 2024 130 be resolved by the mayor and councel of the B of Lake Pomo that the proper officers be directed and authorized to make payment from the following account the current account New Jersey natural gas company $94 87 thank you um roll roll call please uh first do I have a second second roll call please yes yes yes MRI yes Al yes thank you resolution 202 24-31 offered by Council in balad thank you mayor so offering resolution 20243 which is a resolution authorizing the burough engineer services for the improvements to bman park project um authorizes uh lean bakian Associates to perform Engineering Services for the improvements as I said to the park in the amount not to exceed $668,000 thank you a motion over a second roll call please yes SC yes yes yes yes thank you resolution 202 24-32 offered by council president witty so of resolution 20 24132 resolution authorizing baral engineering service for the Improvement of margin Avenue Phase 2 project back to $49,000 thank you motion second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes resolution 2024 133 also known as councilman ventrice thank you mayor wait do you have to look at so for resolution 224-1330 subjects are within the exceptions of the open public meetings act and are permitted to be discussed a session presenta 10 4-12 B7 uh these are matters that involve uh legal advice in the attorney plan privilege um the L session will not be more than 30 minutes after which the council will reconvene and actually may I have a motion have a second second roll call please yes yes yes yes yes you know if you're ever absent from meeting we will not be able to go into SE um at this time I'll take a motion to open for public comments move second all in favor I opposed anyone wishing to uh make public comment for the mayor and councel can come to the mic and do so now any public comment whatsoever seeing none I'll take a motion to close second all in favor I opposed at this time the mayor and Council will go into executive session we will use this chamber to go into executive session we shouldn't be more than 30