##VIDEO ID:OVm-GIgIGZM## please stand for the [Applause] invocation father thank you for the this beautiful day and for giving us the opportunity to do good for our town please bless all that are here and give us the wisdom to make good decisions for our town amen amen pleas me toed I pled pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you can we have the roll call please mayor Holbrook council member Hayes here council member Worley here council member Charles council member eart yes um board member Frank Hartzel and board member Ken La Blanc here okay I'm going to we can vote on the consent agenda yes okay um I'm going to entertain a motion to approve the consent agenda anything from the audience bring it back for rooll who was who second did that pardon who's who did the second I didn't here one or the other of us between the two of us we did it at the same time yeah um council member everheart yes Council me uh board member LeBlanc yes council member Hayes yes council member Worley you can vote it's a CRA meeting I can yes oh you are part of the CRA board governed differently yes council meeting okay and then um before we get started I think that um Our Town Administrator has a note to tell us all just so we go through the meeting and understand what's going on so at our last CRA meeting we were tasked with meeting um with ke Lake classed beautiful and also with the CRA so that we could discuss some of the the different objectives that we had we had the meeting and it was a very good meeting um we talked about that I actually at the end of it said it was very robust I believe we got a lot of feedback it was very productive the um only thing that I wanted to caveat is that this meeting we're not supposed to vote on anything because we're supposed to go back to keep Lake Placid beautiful and to have that meeting to discuss whatever it is we come up with here today and that meeting is scheduled for December 19th at 8:00 a.m. um in order for us to be able to publicly notice the meeting properly and for us to be able to put it out to the public and ensure that we're meeting the requirements for the sunshine it's been requested that we hold that meeting here opposed to the chamber office um I will put a notice into Mr Brantley the chair for keep Lake classid beautiful and also notify Miss jennifer with the chamber so that they're aware that will allow us to be able to make the notice properly and for it to be recorded and for it to all be able to be televised so that the public will be able to participate did I miss anything so we can't vote on anything today we can't vote on anything today based off of our last meeting that we were going to discuss everything and then take it back to keep Lake pla beautiful I don't remember that but that we were circumventing ourselves to uh get back to them okay so on the 19th then we'll be able to make will we vote at that meeting no we wouldn't we wouldn't vote at that meeting it would be our January meeting that we would vote at okay so we're really pushing back the ability to do anything um because we're relegating it back to them and so I mean things that we want to do that there are things that keep like plastic beautiful are going to work on right I mean downtown in Lake you know they're really Landscaping so we talked about all of that but there's other things that they're not involved in they're not involved the signage they're not invol no that's correct you're correct so I mean we should be able to vote on that and and they weren't involved in anything on Main Street um Rel Landscaping of the the crosswalk on Main Street there was no discussion with them about them being involved in that at all that's something that came up and we realized that there was no Landscaping well there's mulch in bead was all that was planned correct so can we vote on things that have to do with that that are outside the scope of what we were talking with them about I would have to defer to our our Council to make that decision I just wanted to bring forward that anything regarding keep Lake pla beautiful's perview that we've typically had them involved in as far as plant selection and things of that nature that we had agreed that we were going to make those decisions with them at the table yeah I mean I I don't expect it you know we're doing anything to do with Interlake Landscaping on the ground all that stuff they're they're in the middle of and and I understand I mean that the next meeting that's coming up with them but when it comes to Interlake where we're just talking about other things you know I I don't think that we should have to wait for them in order to be able to accomplish anything well it's all like PL both of the streets are lake plet so keep Lake plid beautiful would be would would to me be the oversight but you want me to call counsel and see what he says I I was under the understanding I thought he was going to be here um however I know that I'm not sure um Bill Brantley because things things that are in the purview of the CRA and is recorded as a CRA project we should be able to vote on that correct things that are keep like pled beautiful's area of course we can't mess with that without without them yes' but if it's in our CRA packet or C budget a question already um shall I maybe shall I put him on speaker let me just let me put you on speaker a minute or he is that um do you want him here he can come is is that Mr Harris yeah mean either way do you want do you want your speaker you want we can is that appropriate if he identifies himself I don't know he would know that yeah can all right let me put down speaker okay you're on speaker good afternoon good afternoon good afternoon hey so who you have here is councilman uh everol and City administrator Rodriguez and acting mayor uh deor Worley and kenle Blanc and myself and our question was we wanted to clarify um Mr Harris for the record that we were not making any um votes today in regards to any of the plants I can't understand one word pass it Down musical PHS hi there how are you I'm well we are in conversation because it was the understanding from our previous meeting that we would not be voting on anything regarding anything that would fall under keep Lake pla beautiful's purview any plant selections and things of that nature and that was the discussion right now is that anything else that falls under the CRA that would not be for that purpose we would be able to except for anything that we would need to be Consulting with keep Lake pla beautiful that we're supposed to come back to the keep Lake pla beautiful meeting on December 19th at 8: a.m is that your recollection that is my recollection of what we agreed to do but the CRA has the authority to vote on whatever they want to whenever they want I mean they don't have to wait on C that's their decision right okay okay about but that's their decision it's at their at their discretion yes ma'am it is okay all right thank you okay all right thank you Mr Harris thank you call me anytime thank you just say yeah thank you now we know all said apprciate okay so you're going to guide us through this um yes well I'm going to try to my screen's blue oh did you get it you see this one I can you got it or I got it I I'll I'll drive by looking at De okay here no you're good I can see I can see I have my mouse if you get stop I don't know why mine does work so our first item we're going to let nope that's the minutes oh I'm like scroll down keep going okay okay let me you want me to scroll you want me to scroll sure right so next we're going to discuss number two CRA uh 2425 project updates and a project list included for reference on a would be Main Street beautification presented by Ken Leblon yes okay thank you yeah all right so um it came to our attention that the um the crosswalk did not have any real Landscaping planned or scheduled I mean it's mulch in behzad um so not the look that we're looking for you know in our downtown so I went there with twq and we took a look at it and talked about what things we think would be ideal to have there at the crosswalk specifically um and let me ask um Charlotte did you find out if there's any funds left over from that project that could go towards land zero okay all right so what we came up with and can you show the uh the rendering that I marked up so there's a drawing the the drawing for the crosswalk which I marked up showing what me and Alex from twq came up with as far as landscaping and if anybody wants to look at the hard copy you can but this is it here so looking at this picture in front of you um if you look in the upper left and you see the green area what I did was I Drew pavers on there so what we would like to do is put pavers in that area and then we'd look like to put three pots um three pots having um irrigation so there'd be self-watering flowers and stuff down below it what we did is we put papers around the perimeter of that one that one is a retention Pond but not the entire thing is retention pond so the flat top area we looked at putting pavers and then at the bottom flat part put a boulder and then put river rock in the bottom to just roll with the theme that it's retention and then the the hor the angled sides we would put a a grass that flowers what do you call thatass woly Grass bully grass um mu muly sorry muly grass um which is a um which is something that you use in Retention Ponds on the side sometimes like that and I think that would be a nice look for that then if you cross the street you'll see the area I've got three pots there and we put papers in that area right and then below it um we would Rel landscape that there's a few um Hedges that we would pull out and we do a two- layer planting there making sure that the plants aren't getting higher than 3 feet because we know people are approaching the crosswalk there so we'd make sure that we kept those lower and um so um so that's what we had come up with to do here then twq gave a quote to put these papers in then to do the landscaping and to do the irrigation for those areas now his price did not his price is requiring that irrigation be at the planter and then he'll take the IR the plant the irrigation at that point and he'll bring it through so I don't believe there's Irrigation in the left side yet because um um somebody was going to get a boring underneath the road so it could be connected from the center median to there so he's looking for that bore to go through there and be connected and then just stubbed up with a cap and then he'll tie into that and uh and there's already a sleeve across the sidewalk from bottom to top on the left side so he would take care of the irrigation with that on the right side um he'd tie into the existing irrigation that I believe is there in that island and um and then he do an irrigation box underneath the pots so the irrigation would come into there and then he'd whip out of those into each individual pot so the now his price is not in glued to pots so I went to three 3 and 1 half hours from here there a place in Bakersville Barbersville that sells all these pots and so I chose uh working with the owner there two sets of three pots each and um and so that's what you see down here and so like the one on the left we go on the left side and the one on the right I believe we go on the right side um Alex and I brought the pots out there put them in place kind of work them to see what color schem team would look best in which areas and so we kind then we took pictures of it and the pictures are included in this um presentation somewhere can we show those yeah find yeah they're going to show those and then so what I'm doing is my parents agreed that they would donate three of these pots and my mother-in-law agreed that she would donate three of these pots um so I'd like to just put a little label on probably the big pot there that says donated by just like we do on the park benches on each um side of the street the other thing we have that we have to address is if we hire twq for their price to do this crosswalk work then um they're going to put the flowers in so their price includes putting dirt putting flowers inside these pots right what we don't have covered is maintaining them so um until next year's budget comes along when we can then budget in hiring some the town can budget in hiring somebody going forward so so I'm volunteering myself to maintain all the pots that we're talking about here and in the future ones we're going to talk about down Maine um it would not be me personally my flower guy who maintains all the flowers in the joural plaza I would be paying him to maintain all these flowers right so it to be done through me you guys won't have to pay anything so next budget cycle then that'll drop off so um I think you know so if we agree with the cost of doing this then hiring twq um then that we just need to make sure the town supplies the irrigation to that one Island and the rest would be covered um and uh and I think maybe before we look at the numbers talk about the next section so the next section is um the brown boxes that I think Harry had built um in Main Street we would like to um do something different there and upgrade that what we have in mind is take those boxes off and those boxes are still good shape so they can go to Parks or something somewhere um so we priced out doing at first about a 4 and 1/2 cir foot circle of pavers at each of those locations with an irrigation box in the middle and then putting three pots like these but tall they'll start with a taller pot um at six locations now when Alex and I went out there with these pots we set them in the middle and we realized that 4 and A2 would not be a big enough Circle we have to go to at least a 5ft circle Circle if we want we can go to a 6ft Circle so he's repriced it with a 6ft Circle so this picture here you see the big red pot there that's this pot here but we need a pot taller than the red pot in order to be in scale with what we're doing in the island and um and so I don't have a taller pot so I had them hold the pot up to show that we'd have three pots you know a taller one one the size of the red one and then one the medium size so we would have six locations of three pots each all planted with flowers so twq has also priced out doing the P Circle um putting the irrigation box in um setting the pots with dirt and flowers and getting them all ready so he's got a separate price for that also down by um in Lake in Maine we noticed that the flag pole has landscaping around it and so we've included a price to put a curb around that planter area so it' be a hard curb of Pap type material yeah yeah yeah Stone Edge with a cap above it so okay so a stone edge with a cap above it can we have your name for the record Alex from twq yeah um so we'd have a ring and then he would add some Landscaping in there there's two rose bushes he'd add two more rose bushes and there's some blue days in there so we'd finish off blue days on the rest of it so um so as we do that you know we would dress that up too so these two bids if we were to go with these two bids then we would effectively take care of everything on Maine um that I see us taking care of for you know for the next year at least you know um there are some other areas like at the crosswalk on the right side there's bigger landscape areas and stuff I don't think we have to do everything all at one time in one year so I think this is enough to take care of Maine you know for the year and Interlake is is more work um I mean they're fixing sidewalks they're fixing curbs they're fixing asphalt so um so that's like the next animal that's harder to handle than what Main Street is so Main Street you know we're I'm asking you to approve some things on Main Street first only because it's easy it's fast and these things could be done by the end of December right um and in Lake is going to take more effort uh we got irrigation issues we're trying to get you know figured out and stuff like that but I I totally you know in the month of January's meeting I'm hoping that you know keep Lake Plaza beautiful working with t WQ or other contractors um can um can put some numbers together and we can start talking numbers and hopefully in January be able to approve something so that uh Interlake is getting Rel landscaped so I'm still working on this deadline of March in home and garden television you know being on TV in March so I want to see if we can get this accomplished now um you know in this case we have one bid from twq for two different projects we don't have three bids from three subcontractors but this is how we got everything done quickly and I think his prices are really good for what he's doing and accomplishing um when we get to Interlake um you know I understand it's a bigger job we probably need to get three bids you know and stuff like that right because it's going to be a more expensive project and probably get over a threshold for that requirement um last thing the pots on Maine down the the street those three pots that you see the picture there they're not selected now so I would suggest that if we do approve going forward with this that me Charlotte maybe one other person do a field trip somewhere to buy the pots that we need now I just realized today yeah sorry just check Robin's Nursery has Mexican pots that you guys can also look at and select they have bigger pots than the big one here yeah could you you get P yes okay so I I found that the place you know the gem mining place on the right hand side of 27 on the way to 98 somebody told me that they have these decorative pots so I I drove up there every time I go there I've gone there twice they've been closed so I haven't been able to get back in the yard and look at them but I can see them through the fence so yeah these two smaller ones they've got all kinds of pots like that so I'm sure we could find um some pots but we need bigger pots I don't think they've got pots as big as the big one and they don't have bigger pots than that I don't think so um if we can buy some locally maybe we will but but we'll have to go somewhere that has the size pots we need and I think it's going to take a field trip of probably three people um now if we go back to Barbersville I'm not saying we have to go to Barbersville there's a few other places I'm being told that you could look um and um you know it's like three and a half hours away but the owner there is in schedule with him and he we'll meet him at a certain day and a certain time and he'll you know what he did with me we pulled pots down we kept checking you know moving pots no this doesn't look good trying to get the right color schemes he would work with us to get our six color schemes and then um we could have him deliver it and uh and he also on the tall pots he would be willing to paint the pots a different color if we needed them painted right so we don't have everything being all the same colors and stuff so so that's my kind of whole explanation of everything and um so beyond that you know any questions you guys got I'll try and answer several several you talk fast but I write faster so I got you okay these are all the things that I I that I would like to know first of all I I understand you're trying to get things done quickly but we still cannot spend taxpayer money quickly without going through the the proper steps I I don't know what the threshold is for when we have to have more than one bid but this is an $11,000 project I also know that you can't divide a project into smaller amounts so that you don't have to go to bids if this is past our our point where we have to go to other bids we're going to have to get at least one more bid if not two and I appreciate the fact that trq is doing all this at Cost but there are other vendors and local vendors that may also want to bid at cost and we I think we owe it to our constituents to go to these people and make sure that they either choose not to bid or we go out you know farther yet to find other bids but to make sure that we're doing the best that we can with with with these taxpayer dollars because uh we we can't just in an essence of time just go out and and spend okay but I still have a list no I was going to comment on what you're saying though you want me to stop you next time you're going oh okay okay you can make notes too I send buy you a pen here yeah okay um now in here you have you have put pavers on on the corner where you where we're building the new crosswalk I was never under the impression that there were going to be pavers at that corner I was always thinking that th those Corners those little triangles were going to match with what was going in down Interlake that they would be Mulch and I understand you want to do pavers down the center of of uh of main well okay that's another question but um and papers are nice but to fill that whole area with pavers what's that going to do when it rains and and where does the water go where does it flow does it P does it flow through the pavers does it go back into the street are you referring to that picture right there no I'm referring to the triangles the crosswalk the triangles at the crosswalk it it was never my impression that those that those triangles would look any different than these right here because these are all nicely done and they have p and they have they have Mulch and see I thought all that was going to be Mulch and and I figured flowers because there's mulch there and there would be water I didn't think there would be pots there I just I think that's you know I don't know maybe it would be better in flowers but anyway um but my concern is with pavers do they drain and and how do they drain and are they going to drain well enough so they don't fill up that that corner and spill over into the street and then what happens for the first car that jumps that corner and breaks those pots who replac them okay does that go to the insurance of the person that broke the pots you know or what what is it if we put flow there it's a whole lot cheaper to replace it than it as pots now the pots that go down the center of Maine that's fine they have they have uh grass on both sides they have some time if somebody were to lose control they could decelerate before they cracked into the pots but these are right on the corner okay so that was that was number two um and number three you purchase the pots out of town um I I know that ianz has pots I know that Robins has pots and if they if they have pots then they could probably get more pots and get them bigger than we need to and I think it's very important that we keep our money in town or at least local vendors Robins is not in town but ianz is and and he does have pots and uh has spoken to Lake CLA beautiful in the past about pots so um I'm quite concerned that these are coming from out of town and I realize that we have doners that are that are paying for the pots in this case but how much are these Pots if we do try to match them how much are they and then um and the pavers versus m the drainage versus of M I wrote that down twice okay okay your turn Okay um um yeah I mean if somebody would have jumped the curb and hit it the insurance on the car would be responsible to pay for it I'm not too worried about that I don't really expect anybody to to jump the curb um especially at a crosswalk itself because a crosswalk naturally slows Vehicles down even if nobody's in the crosswalk um because theoretically they slow down to look U and make sure they don't hit somebody to crosswalk so uh I'm not too worried about it um you know if a pot breaks yeah a new pot will have to be bought um by the um you know person who damages the pot or a worst case scenario uh we don't know who did it then yeah we're going to have to buy another pot um but I don't think that that's a reason to not do a project um uh drainage you know on this picture here on the left side there's a drainage grate you know so the water goes straight into the drainage grate this area if it goes to the right side it goes into the retention pond on the right landscaping area um you know I um as far as where to get the pots I went to robins and they didn't have any pots like that would have worked in this case um I went to Jose ianz he didn't have any pots that would work he just you know said check out a website and something like that you can get pots from a website but it it's not the same trying to get something online is going there in person pulling this pot trying no that color doesn't work grabbing another pot I mean this place I went to had had a thousand pots I mean it was crazy how many pots they had so we spent hours you know trying to get the right pots to to work you know how much are the pots um these pots cost $913 total for all six pots for all six all six yeah um and and the tall pot that they would have and I'm not saying we we need to go there but the tall pot that they had there was much less expensive um you know it was it was like I think $150 and this big red pot was $20 and something dollars there's a price tag on it so um so there are some pots that are even less expensive but but again I don't really care where we go to get the pots you know um and as far as mulch I mean I think that's a horrible idea to have that area just mulched and if you got flowers on the ground we run into that same problem on Interlake where who's going to weed the ground right it's a lot easier to maintain flowers in a pot than it is to maintain that whole area of um flowers on the ground where weeds are constantly coming through everywhere and and how do you get into it without stepping on flowers to pull the weeds and everything else so this makes it you know a lot easier um you know to accomplish that as far as um the yeah bits not exceeding um Eva or Charlotte what is the limit you can't $10,000 okay I remembered it was $10,000 so it's it's $110,000 when you got to go up for three votes three quotes yeah okay then uh then the two of if we were to do both of these you know today that would be over $10,000 it's 11 yeah it'd be 11,000 if it were me I'd say you know if we can only do one let's do the crosswalk and let's put the other one out to bid and get some more bids and come back with it right the one down M the center of main um you put that one out to bid right um but I'd like to see this um as soon as possible meaning we're right in High season um you know landscaped much nicer than the um Bea grass and the mulch that went in there today right and um so that's just my take on it did I answer all your questions um but now I've got rebuttle there because um the grass will go will also grow through the pavers I have pavers in my house yeah my guy will will grow through the pavers and um you're still going to have somebody that's going to have to maintain the flowers and the pots well they would be maintaining the whole area so um you you know we we've got to think about um what's going to look consistent around the town and and I I love the pots I mean they're great I love pots but they and those are beautiful but I just don't know that that's quite the right place for them it seems like all of our little triangles in the whole town are Mulch and and FL flowers and we can have Mulch and flowers there without pots and and maintain them like we're going to maintain the rest of it all the way through town and you don't have to worry about you know who's going to walk through it because you know you would put down you put down the the black visqueen or whatever you call that and then you put the mulch and then you spray it make sure you know that that the weeds don't come through just like you do anywhere else yeah so and then you have the plants in the middle so my guy who would take care of these flowers for the next year he would spray herbicide on the pavers if he ever sees grass coming through the pavers you know that's just part of what he does herbicide on mules as well I think Joy has yeah I want to put in my two cents worth I like the idea of pots rather than plants in the ground and mulch mulch deteriorates fast and it looks really bad pavers it's easy to spray the weeds and I I like the idea of the pavers and the pots and just because we don't have that on Interlake who knows maybe we're going to follow this theme on Interlake so just because they don't match right now doesn't mean anything to me my concern is establishing a theme for the town um I had envisioned uh classic tall uh not modern but uh plain pots where then the plants would really pop off the top but I'm with this I the flowers I think are going to get lost in with all the patterning but that's just my opinion what I want to get back to is that we should agree on have those citizens and whoever agree on a theme for the town because once we start with this we're going to be stuck with this yeah well so we need to do we want uh classic subtle uh what is that Magnolia wake Texas style or do we want flowery Hispanic Style and and the reason I chose these was because um because of the art theme we have going through town with the murals with all the garbage cans that are painted and um and you know the journal Plaza I think the reason why it's so successful is because of the psychology that went through everything that we did there so it was very purposeful the way we designed that project in in many different aspects and ways so as I was thinking about how to landscape this but how to get people out of their cars and how to get them to feel are downtown that's where I thought these would come in in this spot and down down the center of uh Maine however when we get to Inter Lake um you know CU when we get to Inter Lake I'm not sure that I don't I wasn't thinking these I was thinking they would be more plain just single color because we really want people to see the buildings you know and we want them we do want the flowers but we want people to see the buildings you know and pots will be right in front of the buildings you know over here they're not so much in front of the buildings like they're going to be on inner lake so this is where I thought we could try and catch a theme and try and evoke some emotion from people you know and hopefully get them out of their cars and um yeah so that's the theory behind why I chose these specific pots for here and I was thinking for Interlake to do it and you know we we have a lot of Hispanic you know around here because of we're we're a farming town you know and so I don't think it's bad to pull some you know the Mexican pot idea into this thing too and um I don't think it's a bad thing you know I think it's just part of our culture in this area and has been for probably a hundred years you know with the agriculture I agree with joy I like the plain pots I I the same thing about the um I couldn't put a word to it but now that you've mentioned it it's that it's that that kind of that Mexican culture thing and and yeah it's pretty I like it but I don't think it's where our town belongs and I mean the the flowers across the street and your Plaza are gorgeous and I think these are going to clash with that um I and you you got a flowery pot now you got flowers on the top of it it just it's too much flowers yeah yeah well my my guess my conclusion is I would like to have input from other people before we settle on a particular theme yeah we need to as Ken's always saying we need to have a workshop since she's not here I'll speak for her we need a workshop maybe so I can use all these pots at the journal Plaza you know I have other places I could put these pots all day long um while I donate these pots I'm not going to donate a whole second round of pots you know so but the other pots you're talking about are much less expensive than these pots right those are are not not in this price range at all so um so I I really honestly don't care all said and done what the pots look like so much as that we get something done there that is not Mulch and is not flower beds that that are nightmare to get weeded and everything else right so and and while I will you know um if we do do pots I will maintain those pots you know until next budget year um if you do flowers in the ground I'm not paying to maintain flowers in the ground I mean that's a nightmare you know that I don't want to get involved in right so if we're talking about planting flowers in the entire bed and everything we'll have to find some some way to get it maintained for the year right you know because that's it's a whole another level of Maintenance right yeah I definitely like the idea of pots and PS mhm yeah it's just a question of the design of the pots yeah yeah yeah understood yeah yeah I can I can live with the pots I just don't think I can live with those pots okay okay anything else from you okay so um I like the papers and I live with the ugly from I'm saying I'm sorry there's no nothing out there but two trees now and there hasn't been for a long time we've lost our sponsorships I like the idea pavers and the maintenance will be no problem because they have to go up and down the sidewalks and spray you know weeds in the sidewalks that grow up in the in the sidewalks sometimes so they already do that I watch them do it so I don't think that's going to be a problem I like the idea of the papers I love the idea of the pots I think when you put the flowers down on the ground you lose sight of them I mean they're not like it's just beautiful to see the flowers up higher where you can really see them and they don't do well I don't know if it's because we're on the ridge or what it is I think that it's much better to have them off the ground so uh that's my comment um did you have another comment Alex I saw you standing up there I was just I was just going to say the papers were going to be sealed as well so that would help to you know I'm not saying you're not going to get weeds coming up down the road but it would help prevent that and like like Debbie said you know people downtown when they're spraying the beds or the concrete cracks they can easily you know touch up those those those paper areas okay I I'm I'm good with that it's just I'm I'm envisioning because there's the area is quite large for the amount of I mean we're putting a lot of pavers there and to me it it loses the it loses the grass the landscape idea of it and you're going to concrete if you will versus grass and so I'm more of a I mean imagine that I'm a golf bro but I I'm more I'm more for grass than I am for concrete so I think the papers will give it a clean appeal very very clean and the pap also give it color with decorative concrete's clean grass is pretty yeah and then the the PS with the flowers we're also be adding you know quality top soil that's going to benefit the flowers and you we're going to have uh flowers and stuff they're kind of draping down it's going to have some green in it with some color which offset some of the high bright colors of the Mexican pots so having the Mexican pots with some green will definitely make it pop not you know not just clash with the with the colors yeah the idea is that there's Vines green Vines growing down the sides of the pots you know down onto the papers and stuff so you know I've seen these uh I've seen pots in downtowns and probably half a dozen downtowns in the last year just through traveling that I've done and that seems to be the theme in a lot of these small towns is above ground pots with flowers now whether the pots what they look like doesn't matter um it's just the idea of that um you know I would also throw out there you know yeah trying to move quickly but you know we got we're trying to to you know meet an artificially set deadline of March to get stuff actually done here we are in the middle of the season um you know if if we do go ahead and do the pavers and we do the flower pots and everything if we I don't know when we would get the other pots you know that you would want if you want to get them locally here um you can get them at Robins you can maybe get those pots at ibenz um um uh but you could probably you definitely get them at Robins you know at the minimum um so if if you know the C can fund buying those pots and getting them out there to get planted I mean if we hired twq this would be done by the end of December right um the pavers in the pots planted and everything else if we um um so we either you know if we prove it set it up and get the pots you know meaning Charlotte you know you and me and somebody else or whoever can go to robins and just pick the pots um if that's going to take a long time longer time to accomplish meaning you know we need more time or more votes or whatever uh if you wanted to just plant these pots temporarily and when you find the pots you want my flower guy could just replant everything into the new pots and I'll pull the pots away um no question about that that's just because I do want to get things done quickly just because we're in the season and uh and we're trying to trying to knock things off the list to get to the bigger thing which is in Lake Boulevard you know which is a much bigger project right and so maybe that would solve the problem do you think that if he went ahead and did it and then people just went U then they would be replaced with something yeah or we could start with getting the papers down and then pots to be the last item anyway yeah true so at least get that the foundation down I can go I can go with that because I mean you guys are going to you guys are going to convince me on the papers but um but you're I'm sorry you're not going to convince me on these pots that's fine I have no problem with that um and um oh but if we vote on this then maybe we can vote to say that Charlotte can go buy the pots you know or something so that we don't have a quote we don't know what the pots are going to cost but you know uh give her the ability to buy the pots right um without having to come back and get a vote on the cost of those pots right how many pots do we need Al together six down I'm sorry all down Main and 24 total 24 total pots but we're just talking right now I think about getting this done for the holidays is part of it done for sure well because we can't do both because it it's over 10,000 so we could approve the crosswalk now get that done um but then we're going to have to go out and get another quote or two to then compare so the next time we meet we could approve down Main Street right I think it's important to get the crosswalk because at our event the other night at the chamber the kids were playing in those crosswalks like they were sandboxes and you know I'm like oh there goes the sand we're going to have to bring that in again you know but yes I think that that would be good just for Public Safety but I don't think that we should put pots out there like these pots now and then take them up because then we have we've told people we're doing this and then we're backing off from that let's do no pots I I agreed not put these out there and then replace them CU people are going to say well now you're spending more money not realizing that you're taking them back right yeah right or that he donated them or yeah they just wouldn't realize that it was donated yeah and then yeah I think we need something on there though I mean you if you if you fill that in with pavers it's going to people are going to be falling down I can tell you I watch it outside my office all the time um you g we need to put something there so people see it's an island and it's you know it gets dark at night and I'm just saying if you took those pots away and this is this raised area right here people are going to be falling so I don't think they'll call anymore with the pots and without the pots because it's a the papers are going to be flushed with the top of the concrete correct so they're not going to fall in that well see like at uh in front of like um the store where Ken is it's a small little triangle um but there's a light pole in it okay now you take the light pole away yeah and now it's just a it's just a little step there that i' I don't know I just I've seen people fall in like ples so much so so you're you're almost admitting right now that if we put papers in there people are going to fall no if you don't put well there's a light there so maybe maybe that'll be fine there's a light pole there no that's so people will see okay yeah that's the crosswalk pole there same thing on the other side for the for the light you know that flashes when you push the button and the P you know the curb is white and the papers are going to be a reddish color so there's a color differentiation and and if it wasn't safe the do wouldn't have designed it that way right correct right yeah yeah but I I think um if if we could go ahead with the we could go ahead with the papers there and um then that would you know that wouldn't be a big expense and then we can put everything else into another bid and put it out for other bids because like I say you can't you can't take a bid like this and split it in an effort to avoid going through the proper channels it's not that's not legal to do that no with that um so can we pull up the bid for the crosswalk and look at that I mean is does everyone like the idea of the Main Street the pots with the circular pots I I'm okay with that I'm okay with that but not those pots just getting another there's a different pot again I don't mind you guys going off for a bit at all I just my my goal is to help you know get things moving pot and beautify this town so if it does help I'm I'm willing to donate the the difference so we can keep it under 10,000 both jobs if if that helps oh to do both jobs for if that helps just to speed things up oh and uh if the crosswalk I can't promise the main street but if the crosswalk gets approved my goal is to try to get it done before Christmas right yeah right um so that way that's you know looks nice for for Christmas time in New the crosswalk on Maine is not um isn't is that a County Road do we have to get any permission to do that from the county in order to put those papers in we do and um Dennis had filled out a the application already I have that on my my notes to to look at but yes um JD was not opposed to it but we did have to fill out the permits for everything okay so um well let's look at and and this I'm sorry the time frame it is depending on water obviously yeah right water needs to be at each location yeah so um so are you saying that we can't just do the pavers um well we'd have to do irrigation too wouldn't we before we did the pavers well yes because before I lay the pavers down I have to make sure there's water in the middle so to feed the the pots sure um but are you saying that that your quote is not going to be good if we just pull out these parts I'm sorry are you saying that this $111,000 total you can't hold to that because we're pulling out Parts you have to rebid on the other parts pulling out Parts I don't well we're we're not going to do the whole 11,000 because we can't without more bids no no I'm saying that I will donate the remainder the the extra th000 he'll drop his price I'll drop the price to keep it under 10,000 threshold so he'll take a th000 a th000 something off get down to the 10,000 if we want to approve both projects he'll just donate the rest of if if you guys want to so that we can so we can get through into the threshold yeah is that legal it's within our spending limits but i' call negotiation and it's in our CRA plan so it's it covers it yeah okay yeah well if he agrees to go down to 10,000 is it 10,000 or 99,999 98 98 I remember voting on that it's 10 might be a little over a th000 you're dropping it because it might be 11,000 in change so let's go over the each of these quotes real quick so in this one which is the crosswalk one which one are you looking at the number on the quot what's the number on the quote top right 493 thank you um so at the top it's aod budget for Disturbed area of the crosswalk um um they've put in some Bea grass like today he would pull the Baya grass out and he would do floor T um floor T I mean listen those Islands you know are Wheats but it's more floram than it is Bea you know and flam's going to look better I think they were originally planted with flam and they've gone to weeds so he's going to pull that up and he's going to put um a pallet worth of this sod um then the silver Buttonwood Bush that's on the left side of the crosswalk in the center and then the sunshine Mimosa goes around that right that's at the right bottom of the picture we had looked at before um The Mulch uh for designate okay that would be other areas um you know which is not actually going to happen now so um because they mulched it already right so that basically can come out but he's dropping his price anyways so Way Beyond that um then irrigation budget so budget to adjust irrigation for new materials so he needs the irrigation in each island um which they all have well two of them have irrigation now one of them you got to bring over with a boring under the road and then he can take that and do the other two areas right um and you're going to put under the flower box location you'll do like a round irrigation box or a rectangular one something for the pots to go on right um then the decorative pavers for the islands um you know if we approve this then I would say you know maybe me Charlotte somebody else get together and pick the paper itself right he might even have the a chart here that we could look at today maybe we all select it together um okay the the creek Pebble for the dry retention so that's the um the stuff to go at the bottom of the dry retention Pond you also at the very bottom here has a boulder to go in the middle of it and surrounded by this um this uh you know 3 to 5 in rock and uh the cloth uh the immunity grass now the M mu grass that's going on around the uh angled portion of the retention Pond and uh and then he's got the materials for the flowers for the flower pots and installing all of those into flower pots right let me tell you that that you you I can't say that wordie that funky grass yeah people are not going to walk through that cuz we've put that on our Golf Course to put people where we want them to go and it does great they do not walk through that okay so this this is the is everything for the um the crosswalk and and I put six but once we do it if four looks good I'm just going to put four you know just I want to you know once it's all out and laid out depending on how it looks I'll put six to four um and it will'll also be um putting silicone under the papers I mean the the pots to to yeah to glue the pots down basically so people don't just walk off with them okay all right you want to go to the next one for the center yeah somebody walks off with those pots I want that guy working for me he's strong guy yeah all right so The Hardscape so this is six locations $450 each now this is the 4 and2 foot circle though we were talking about doing a 5ft circle so um they would actually be a 5 foot circle so in the approved one it would be for five foot circles um irrigation each one of those boxes have Irrigation in them now so he's going to utilize that irrigation to go into the FL uh the flower pots um The Stone Edge okay around the flag pole so that would be a stone edge around the flag pole so that it's not just going from dirt to Grass um and plant budget for the flag pole we talked about adding a little bit more plantings there um okay then uh let's see flower budget for pots so these are the flowers that are going into the pots and then the labor to set it all up and glue it down and all that stuff so so the two of these together add up to I don't know 11,300 $400 something like that so you he's agreeing to drop it to 10,000 if we want to approve these two two things okay we haven't asked for the audience pots still I'm sorry so we got to buy all the pots so while we approve him for 10 grand we've got to have a budget so that Charlotte you know can buy the pots for all of these things so it's 24 total pots yeah so we need to know that if you know if we do this he'll he can go ahead and get the papers going and everything while we're finding the pots to buy and and Charlotte you know writes the check to buy them so if we approve this we should roll into another motion to approve Charlotte buying pots right for the locations so that's going to be 36 about $3,600 for the pots yeah we don't have a motion yet but I want to hear anything from the audience anything from our directors uh Alan ke for Public Works director I would caution against uh the diameter of the circle you don't want it too large five and a half might be fine with the three pots in there but you don't want to encourage people to walk and stand around them unless you give them a safe path to and from it uh and also you don't want them just standing in the middle of a roadway either yeah the size the reason we did the size was we were trying to make sure the lawn mowers didn't hit the pots so at 4 and2 ft we felt that the pots would be too close to the edge of the pavers that's why we decide to increase it to five so that the lawn mowers can do a circle around it with their you know um the deck going just over the edge of it but having enough room that it wouldn't accidentally hit a that was a thinking could you hand the mic over did you have something here um the other thing uh the Garden Club is the one that always maintains the rose bushes and mulch around the flag pole on Main Street so you may want to talk to them before altering anything in that area I mean it's probably ultimately our decision but yeah we're just going to add to what they did we're beening design which is up you know make it yeah you you don't want to upset the Garden Club we're adding the same material we were just adding what they already had adding the same filling it in with what they already had so but we can talk to them and I wasn't planning on taking care of those you know I was taking care of all the the pots but not that so that would still be for them to maintain yeah I think they they kind of have I I think they feel ownership of that don't you fellas uh they've taken care of it for the 20 years I've right that's what I'm thinking yeah but I mean yeah we'll talk to them but we are just enhancing what they're doing yeah uh the the last thing is probably uh timing um a lot of vacations are happening this month uh as well as all next week we're prepping for the Christmas parade uh being able to get the irrigation from the center Island over to the crosswalk uh whatever you want to call it Peninsula Island uh that might be an issue to be done before Christmas is there a boore schedule to go in there it's it's already there it's already there oh so all you have to do is tie the pipe in at the center to and slide it through there just need to find the main line and push it through Alex maybe you would just do that it's told you we know where the line is and he knows where the boore is so if he shows you the boore would you be able to make the tie and Slide the pipe over and then you'd have your water have to look at it but yeah if it's something that we can do yeah I was told it has to be polypipe uh it can't just be PVC probably like what the water department uses the blue poier because it's going under the road mhm poly pipe under the road the the blue po not not the but you don't think utilities department would be able to slide that in between now and near the end of the month they might donate the parts they wouldn't do it for us uh who who would donate the parts the water department might the utilities department lake plet so they'll give you the parts but they won't do the connection right okay so that yeah Alan if you were able to give us a a timeline that you feel as feasible with the Staffing and the things that you've pointed out when would you think that would be possible your professional guess I don't have anyone in my crew that would be able to just go out and do it um I will be back uh after right after Christmas well if if you guys donated the parts could you guys take the polypipe and do all the connections what what do you uh think it's going to entail as far as labor I mean how many men how many days uh I haven't been out there to see what it is or if the mainline is already uncovered if it's not we would have to dig it up and find it it shouldn't take more than a few hours but it's just a matter of so a few hours one or two guys any equipment that you need to specific equipment needed okay so if I go maybe meet you out there with my team we can kind of go over if something we can do I mean can can we take care of that is that something you think we can handle yeah yeah physically I have no doubt that you're capable of it I just don't know that we are allowed to do it without hiring anyone can they can they work on Town infrastructure okay so um anything from the public yeah I mean if you're estimating should only take a few hours um and you guys are supplying the parts I don't see a problem with that but then like I will have to look at it yeah okay Mark Schneider chief of police for the record just a a quick question and a couple observations just for safety one thing that I would like to know is exactly how tall the the larger pots are going to be if you're going to put them in that area and with the plants going in these pots have we looked at the heights they grow up to be to ensure that there is not going to be any obstruction of any of the traffic control devices also if we are putting a boulder um into the retention Pond you may want to be very careful with that I I appreciate that you don't believe that crashes will occur there but they will large rocks like that we've had them in our Parks before and cars have hit them which causes liability for the town because we chose to put those large non-movable objects in there and they are on the RightWay just something that the town the CRA and the town may want to think about prior to moving forward okay yeah that while it's called a boulder it's not really going to be a big boulder um it's and it's recessed into the ground so that retention pond drops down so it's going to go from the lower level up and it's it's probably we're talking like this big you know appreciate that the one that we had before was is no more than 2 and 1/2t high yeah but it still stopped a vehicle dead in its tracks and caused considerable damage and injury to the vehicle to people in it so it's something that we have to look at from a safety aspect well I think if somebody hit it it would be they go over the first island that has the pavers they'd go through the pots over the crosswalk down into the ditch because I would hope so but I am not going to rule out someone driving north in the southbound Lanes it happens quite frequently down there yeah okay all right I mean I'm just no I get it I get it and then as far as how high the pots are going to be I would expect that the biggest pot won't be higher than that one right there and the flowers would just come up and go over the sides but the total the total from the top of flowers to the ground can't be over 3 feet is that right on a over three feet is is what we shoot for yes three feet um that is a line of sight issue yeah that you want to maintain you want to maintain good line of sight to ensure that you can see children and people when they're stepping out right yeah so the whole thing in in it in its completion the the pot plus the flowers can't be more than 3 feet from the ground yeah three feet high okay and I think our Town Administrator would like to I was just going to make a comment that I will get with Rachel Osborne and we can confirm also with our risk management just to make sure for safety aspect yeah I understand I understand the Aesthetics of having the rock the boulder in the middle but if we don't can we just not do it and say $500 I don't think it was $500 in the bid but um um but and he's already come down over I think $1,400 but why why is the boulder in there just for Aesthetics just for a look you know maybe can we just like she said just do without the boulder we could because that would that would eliminate the the liability there yeah yeah I could do that one more thing I meant to ask uh what what type of subbase was going to go underneath of the P circles because we have an issue right now in Stewart Park where the roots are just upheaving everything and wreaking havoc uh because it's all it has is a border on the outside and sand underneath of it so if it would have some kind of solid yeah we usually use Shell Rock and and and uh um what is it called the the screening the screen the screen material and we we pack it in as well okay you pull sand out the roots stay in the pots right the flower the roots of the flowers stay in the pots yeah I think he was referring to the live oaks oh okay okay sorry the yeah the papers themselves yeah yes yeah I I think there's going to be some coordination here and we have a great Town Administrator that maybe we all going to have to work together on this every step of the way just you know yeah I think that everybody knows that I think we all want the same thing we want it to look nice we want a need look for our town I think it's all Progressive I think it's good so I think everybody in this room wants to work together and make our town look better so I think we can do it I think we can do it do I hear a motion do we have a quorum can we vote yeah yes we have we do have a form okay four and seven okay Mr Anderson your name for the Anderson with Merchants Association in New To You Furniture Emporium when I was doing a little bit of research that was one of the questions that I was thinking especially on Interlake where there's such a confined area to work with for the pots they do make them that look well they're a little more I think I think they're more like what we're looking for that are made out of vinyl so it'll hold the plan and you know you can certainly irrigate it I don't know if the vinyl will the paint will hold up as long there would be more research but if any if everybody's interested in safety and I especially think on Interlake we might want to look into the plastic ones $99 for one that's 3T tall that is the look I think we're looking for MH so can does it say on there the longevity because that was one of the questions that I've been asked about in regards to the pots is how long they're going to last if you'd like I'll take a minute to try to find that out I was just curious just for the grp and we can't have a three foot three foot tall pot if the total can't be any higher than 3 ft so it has to be like a twoot tall pot yeah at the crosswalk at the crosswalk not the ones in the middle of the island um I mean there the ground's already going down oh yeah and then we're going to talking about Inter Lake yeah there's no's oh on yeah yeah you show it to miss Haze K yeah I saw yeah oh yeah yeah see that's more what I'm talking about something something calmer and I'm complet completely okay with that did you see I did yeah he showed me first yeah all right so we've um we've kind of got we've got um 2 a and 2 B on waiting for um no I guess 2B Not Just 2 a so could I he a motion so can I make a motion to approve twq to do the crosswalk work um I think as quoted and to do the uh round paer areas down Main Street the second quote in 5 foot diameter circles um you know scope complete um but what we would approve is a total cost of $110,000 um and on the crosswalk there's a few things where you know um we're not going to do the boulder right um and um yeah I think that was it that I think was the only change did you need clarification yeah in the mulch we're not going you're not going to do the mulch and you're not going to do the boulder um and you're going to lower your price to $10,000 for both of these quotes collectively right and then uh and then you'll work with um the town to try and get that irrigation to the center Ireland since the boring is already there right yeah CL you yes I do need clarification on the motion are you going to include that Our Town Administrator look for the pots at a certain dollar amount or should I do that in this motion you do motion so originally let's start let start over you're going to approve twq for the crosswalk as quoted um but I think I guess we should we should not say as quoted because we're taking the Boulder and the mulch out how about approve twq for a total of $10,000 yeah yes okay and and then let's and then approve yeah the crosswalk the the um the crosswalk without the boulder or the mulch so if we could include that as discussed as discussed move items as that were discussed yeah and 5 foot diameter circles on the six um um Island areas on Maine and other than that it's all per the quote and uh and then if we could furthermore approved Charlotte to buy purchase the pots 24 pots for this scope of project and I would say you know give her a budget of like you know not to exceed $5,000 if you think it's probably 3,600 that gets a little eway for tax and stuff but but hold on a minute I I think you you need to do that in two separate motions because otherwise you're going to go over the 10,000 for that one and I know it's it's it's doesn't it's not going to look right if you don't do it in two separate motions um the only reason I'm saying that because twq is not quoting for the pots no that's true but still um I still think that should be two separate motions CU it's going to be two different areas of money where we pull that money from we have to determine where in the CRA budget that we're going to pull the money for the pots out of here okay so i' I'd like to look at that a little bit so that I mean not not to put it off to another week but just give me a minute to look at where we're going to pull it out of this budget so I have um council member Hayes right at the bottom of that it says here recommended motion of course you're going to change that from to to beu deducted from the 2024 2025 by budget line items downtown flyer pots so that would be what um our our um administrator would be approved for out of that line item and then the rest would be streetscaping um other line item and that's in the recommended motion so you could you could intertwine them if you wanted to or separate them but refer to those different line items where where is the line item for the flower pot oh I see it now never mind says a motion I got it yeah we've got money for the FL PS so you could do two separate motions one approving T TD I'm sorry twq for the 10,000 right with removing discussed items to be deducted from the 2024 2025 budget line items downtown flower pot I'm sorry streetscaping because the downtown flower pots are going to be under um the Town Administrator okay so we have one we have just one motion right now we have another one we're going to come in a minute right so if we if we say the motion for Ken appre approve tww key for $10,000 removing items discussed um to be deducted from the 2024 2025 budget line item streetscaping that would be the that motion that make sense and streetscaping that how much money's budgeted in Street scaping where is the streetscaping yeah streetscaping is on let me see I can flower pots there's flower pots there's your flower pot okay it his flower pots $30,000 right so that's going to be one eyed item other okay so it's all it's all under the same um It's all under the same budget thing but it's two different sections yeah same one of say Street scaping where is that one okay okay gotcha there's a street scaping street scaping yep I can't findet is that how much is that budget for that it's 20,000,000 andt we have for 30,000 okay okay so Street okay okay okay yes ma'am Okay so um do you want to withdraw your motion and make a make the one that was suggested yeah I I'll withdraw my motion and and we'll restate the motion as per uh what you just said Eva Town clerks town clerk yeah I hear a second second anything else from the audience okay I'll call for the vote please uh board member lean yes council member eart yes counc yes council member Hayes yes and then if you want your second okay so we need to do the second motion for the pots yeah so can I so um Ken Block just so moved what the clerk said for the pot motion that doesn't sound good does it flower pot motion don't get me started yeah so do I hear a second yeah real quick is I hard to hear what you were saying okay so on the restate the motion this so the the new motion that you're going to I mean that somebody's going to do is to approve the Town Administrator to go out to purchase the flower pots 24 up to 24 24 of them right utilizing local vendors if utilizing local vendors utilizing if possible when possible yeah if possible if possible for is there a dollar amount you want to put on it I think we need to have at least 5,000,000 $5,000 5,000 okay from from the 2024 budget line item uh flower PS downtown if just just a question if we if we designate local vendors as a preferred vendor that means that we could purchase from them even though there was a lower bid somewhere else if we designated them as preferred vendors because they're local I think it's like a like when you when you give uh a contract to a minority business they're a preferred business so they don't have to be the lowest one they're preferred I would like to do that with this that we would prefer we would we would designate local vendors as a preferred vendor so we could buy from them even if they are not the lowest bidder and on this particular one you're not meeting the $5,000 the $10,000 threshold for quotes so you wouldn't have to go out for quotes yes but in your motion you could say preferred local if possible or if you say preferred local we'll just leave it like that if we say preferred local that way that way if they're not the lowest bidder we can still go the with the local people because I think we need to do that and it's a $5,000 thing so it doesn't come doesn't have to have more bids but you're I know you're going to call for more than one place it would be silly not to so so do you amend your motion to include the pref pref if possible preferred local vendors I don't want if possible I want preferred local so approve the Town Administrator purchased 24 pots utilizing local B preferred local businesses $5,000 from the 2024 2025 budget line item downtown I can't we say designated local vendors as preferred designated local vendors I I don't I don't know the only person in town I would be Do It Best it would be Jose ianz but Jose ianz doesn't have the selection of pots but he can get them he can order them I bet you and and also I mean local would still be H County okay you can go to Robbins if you need to Robbins has pots yeah okay all right if they have Pots if they use pots in their business they deal with a pot vendor so they would get other pot yeah yeah I think we just probably want to put our hands on pots and see them before we decide what to buy I don't think we want to order them from a catalog and then get them here and say well that's not what I thought it would be so that's my only take on that so your order one they come in you look at it you see I like it I don't whatever yeah okay okay um but I like that you said it's countywide we're talking about yeah the local yeah okay so let's amend the motion to include um preferred vendor County in County preferred vendor right yeah approve the Town Administrator to purchase 24 flow plant flow pots utilizing designated local businesses up to $5,000 from the 2024 2025 budget line item downtown flers do I hear a second second anything from the audience the directors call vote board member of Leon yes council member art yes council member Hayes yes council member Worley yes okay so um our presenter for 2B is Our Town Administrator and it is for wayf finding s signs Eva is that in here I'm going she's driving for me thank you so just to go ahead and start our town planner Miss Dana Rell has been collaborating with Mr LeBlanc and also with Miss deer on proposed way finding signs and any Associated recommendations um once the proposal is received it will be reviewed against the current code to identify any necessary changes however due to the time constraints the necessary um the designs were not finalized in time for this meeting and we will be presenting it at the January meeting the way finding plan includes a visual guide for the signed placement our um Town engineer Dennis he is here and so he has prepared a RightWay use permit for the county as discussed with the County engineer who is also now the assistant County Administrator James D Langford he goes by JD um we had a call on November 20th the county requested the inclusion of wayfinding landscaping and pervious pavement designs in the permit and they have been submitted for the County's review and approval additionally Miss Dana redell Our Town planner has advised that a town initiated code review can take a minimum this is a minimum of four months because we have to look at everything and entirety um during this period uh the proposal was reviewed by the development Review Committee which includes representatives from the lake pla Police Department the lake pla Public Works our utilities department the Florida Department of Environmental Health The Highlands County Fire Marshal Highlands County Natural Resources Highlands County engineering Highlands County flood plane management and fdot I note that because that kind of highlights a little bit on everybody that has to come to the table for us to be able to do such a review process Highland um county is uh they're excited to work with us however we want to make sure that we're doing it in conjunction with them and not jumping ahead so the the process also includes preparing and Publishing the legal ads that are required in accordance with the specific guidelines now with that um Miss Rell has said that if we need to FastTrack it we could but it's still going to be a minimum of four months she anticipated that in us trying to get this done be by the time HGTV is supposed to air attentively in March with what we're being told it may be April before we could actually get this through so her suggestion and she couldn't be here today because she is attending um an all day meeting that is in like I mean in um Sebring today but she said that we could maybe make some small changes just depends on what is brought to the table because we don't know what the designs are going to look like because we don't know exactly what that's going to until we can't really give feedback yet however there is a map in here that we would like to be able to show that our town engineer put together with some of the feedback on the placement of where the wayfinding signs would be so that we could at least look at them and they are on the screen I don't know if you can see them and then some of the other conversations that we've had is has been what will the signs look like you that's it yes ma'am that's it y That's it so I know it's hard to see but um I'll try and you know over here it's to hover hover over it but in the areas you will see where um Dennis put them together based off of some of the feedback we did a walk through the town on looking at where the the placement would be it was a very it was very good fi trip and being able to look at where they would be best suited but again there's this is really for information purposes so that you have a little bit of information to look at there will be more to come because after um Miss Rell receives the information she will compare it to our code and then we'll know what it looks like as far as what changes may need to be made if it's extensive she has given her recommendation that it may not be something that we can do unless we do the full Hall in that case we would propose bringing on just because of some of the other timelines that she has and the other items that are already on the table that we would engage with Central Florida Regional planning which we've already asked them what that might look like to have them come on and assist us with that so that we could get it done quicker opposed to later but again we're still going to look at it possibly falling into the April time frame if it is a big overhaul the sign code is new to me however what I have heard as far as for Signs and Banners from the county is that they like our sign code it makes Lake plid look a lot cleaner however they do understand um the way finding and just depending on what that looks like it could be very beneficial especially if it ties into the Aesthetics that we have with the town and making it still look crisp and clean and where it accentuates the the small Hometown fill of who we are so there'll be more to come on that um Miss deer is the one that is heading that up so we're waiting for some of that information back from her so again this is more informational and to provide you with some of the um locations where it's proposed for us to have the wayfinding signs and then for you to be prepared with questions to be able to bring back to us in January at our January meeting yes ma'am question already um a couple of them I looked at this map um extensively and I can't find like one two three four and five are they cut off of the map or something when it's in here uh I see six but I don't see any number lower than six so I don't know where those five signs are stated to be those those are Dennis do you yeah I know have a microphone I'm going to I'm going to call on our town engineer yes that's half the plan um Dennis is going to try to explain Our Town engineer thank you yes that's half the plan the other plan goes further east this was the majority of the wayf finding and signs that was discussed in the walkthr so this is the majority of the methodology for the signs um it's hard to see if we we're to try to zoom in we've got some of the existing like flags on the light poles so this plan kind of highlights if we have an existing flag these signs would be on the opposite side of those and then the numbers we're just trying to quantify you know how many of them but ultimately this plan identifies the location and then the style of flag that we're proposing and then also the wave finding placements and then a slight example of what that might look like okay um and the reason there are so many on Main Street and so few on Interlake is that there are more light poles on Main Street yes ma'am okay okay um so um I don't think we're going to do a motion on this unless i' like to make a comment about this if I can um Dennis the location for a can you p the map up some so we could like see Main Street uh zoom out main Street's down at the bottom sorry my eyes aren't working all right that's good you want is yeah okay there stop stop okay yeah these way finding signs they're they're they're more for the people walking on the sidewalks than they are for the cars driving down the street right so the a would only be seen by cars driving down the street so a we had envisioned that going at the crosswalk um either um the bottom side of main or the top side of main one of those two um but we figured like maybe where the pavers are going you know it could go in the P area and stick out of there or somewhere in that region but you know if you had it there you had businesses to the left you had businesses to the right you had businesses up so three sides of that um wave finding system could be basically fully used right so we suspected that the best place to put it would be at the W sorry at the crosswalk probably at the bottom side of the crosswalk because if you went on the top side over uh Glenda side of the road you'd only be pointing to the right is there really be nothing to the left except the park uh retention Pond and you can par you can cross uh point across the street so don't really agree with where a is located um because all you would do is I guess point to the right and point down um but it wouldn't really get people to business locations very clearly right so um so a we just uh don't really agree with that uh B yeah I mean I think uh either where it's at to the right or to the left works fine if we looked up at the top can can you scroll that down so I could see the police station oops wrong wrong Mouse hold on here little further further further okay right there um when we walk this with Margaret you see the the sign to the right words saying you know Key West this far and this that and all that that was something that was envisioned where C is located and we kind of thought that the sign that's located at C would go to the right where that is so they're they're kind of backwards from where we envisioned them um and whether we do the one to the right is is you know you know it's up to debate um the reason Margaret thought it was a good idea was because it's all about evoking emotion in people right otherwise they just fly right by and they never look at anything so it gives them something creative to look at and if they're walking on the sidewalk you know it gives them something to u to look at it kind of ties in we have murals everywhere and and this could be an artistic Ty type of thing so so that sign there you know we had evasion on the uh left side and the other sign to the right now the reason they the wave finding sign we envisioned to the right was because there's really up and down that street there's a lot of businesses on the right side of the street and to the left side of the street there's very few businesses right you got John's Park you've got the police station you know of course you could point from here to the Chamber of Commerce and stuff police station as well but anyways we just saw those as being opposite of the way you showed them right that was it so so let me real quick so we know bees down blows somewhere so you would say switch C and D I think that well the one on the right that I think this is D no it's not because because there's another there's another wave finding sign up high that's not on this map and I don't know that the other map is show is here do we have the other map on to show or no okay D is up top the one on the right is not an ABCD or anything it's just an item by itself um and the the D is is so you know where haril is the road from Inner Lake and the road right before heartzels we envision that being just on that intersection on the right side and um that's Magnolia okay at Magnolia and inner Lake on the uh west southwest corner is where we envision um the number D wave finding sign system and uh so and and we also Envision maybe asking for a crosswalk there in the future so like if we did another crosswalk it wouldn't be as big or as expensive as the one we just did but um there's people are crossing that street constantly and there's no crosswalk there where where is that um it's not on the mapia it's the map that's missing oh so it's uh it's up by haril magnon Interlake in can say the southwest corner and that's right across from the home Way Way Cafe home run Cafe and um and at the corn of harzel and um Harel is to the uh east of that intersection true and then the run home run cafes across the street yeah so some in the future I'd like to to look into the possibility of a crosswalk maybe gets into next year's budget or something but um we can talk about that another day if I may I was just going to ask Council to look at what would be aesthetically pleasing what you feel like no different than our flower pots um as we gauge this conversation and we come back to the table in January um we will ask Miss Margaret deer to be able to provide some pictures and some examples but in the interim if you could send ideas so that we can feed that back to her so that she knows what council is feeling um I believe that that may help as well if it helps also in her experience she was a previous owner in um signs and also with with creating things of this nature so I think that she does definitely have the expertise but we also want to make sure that it meets the needs of our community and what council you you all represent our residents and so so you're talking the way finding signage system yes yeah General yes the the sign on the right in this little display I know it's just an example yeah but that's horrible well there would be I would not put more than six um agreed two four there's eight there's eight on that one there's eight would be a total Max I would not put more than six on the sign yeah the um the examples you brought back was it we first started with the CRA and I was like a a metal um was I think they were black tied in with existing light poles again that's something that I would see not this busy busy right um yeah I mean the wave finding sign is to the left the one to the right is not a wave finding sign that's just a decorative creative something something different but the way finding sign that shows eight total on it yeah that's the W finding system yeah and um but yeah we um we have a proposal from one company already so we can get proposals from multiple companies if we can find them and and what the systems look like they have them in sebr I wonder who did them in sebr but that was quite some time ago I'm sorry was it city of cing in the city so I would assume the city of sing did not the count I don't know whether they might be on County Roads that run through the city but they're right around the circle M um but they they were done a long time ago but I'm sure they know who did it and they look and just so for the general public U Miss Margaret deer is um she hangs out a lot at the Historical Depot at the our historical Depot if anybody wants to know where she's at and how she got involved in this she's very involved with everything so isn't she kind of in charge of the depot I think so she is I think she has a role there yeah so Charlotte in regards to this is there anything we need to do or you're just on it and working on it it's moving forward okay you'll come to us at some point and say these are the design options you know let's pick between a b and c style-wise we we really want to work with um with Margaret on what she wants to present what she comfortable with but it would help to be able to have some of that information from Council so that we can collaborate and then also we'll be working with our town planner so that we could vet out what this is going to look like yeah without a true picture of what it is we can't compare it to code to find out whether it's comply you know if it complies or not so we could help her task of re of redefining a code if she knew what to write the code to correct all right so what you're saying is you need to know exactly what the signs are going to look like in the end that then um review it against our code and see if it complies with our existing code or in no case does it comply with their existing code either way because we have a very strict code so right now with the very strict code if we make very major changes it we're not going to be in compliance and then we it would take a total rehaul all right so you you'll review that with Margaret and then in the end you'll say Margaret this doesn't comply with it or Margaret this does comply if it does comply it's a faster easier process correct we don't have to do the four-month process if it complies okay so maybe we try and make it compli so that we don't have to do the hard work you know I'm sure you guys are already burdened with stuff um but we also don't want signs that are like this big you know no no we want to we want to get our the most bang for our bu we're going to invest in it so what does that look like yeah okay and then uh you know in regards to where these are located in town I think it's important that we finalize those locations also and I think now that the crosswalk is built maybe we could rewalk down there by the crosswalk and say okay now that we see it physically here you know what where can we put it like if for instance we were to put the wave finding sign um on that end of town in the actual PA area you know then a footer would need to be poured you know in the ground right um when he does the pavers pour a footer for this thing to get attached to um so that ought to be poured at that time otherwise we're going to pull papers up dig it out or footer and put the papers back so if we can figure things out fast enough maybe we could uh but maybe we don't want it into p area you know that's that's what we that's what we need to we need to determine those so maybe next week I can walk with you and you know we can just kind of you know and Denis or whoever is involved and wants to be involved making that decision and figure out what the best place is for it because if you're applying um for a permit through the county the locations need to be in the right places or it's not going to work right so I don't mind meeting with you there next next week to try and finalize these locations and get the things switched that were wrong and stuff like that and get the plan you know in compliance yeah yeah I see this kind of a two-part listen thing that we we need to do location is one issue and the way they look is another issue and that all needs to combine together to make the county and everybody Happ yeah correct okay and location's fast and easy that's you know just walking town and just making sure that they're in the right places now now you know since we all can't go downtown and walk together you know I'm thinking I'll walk with Charlotte and we'll try and finalize it with in Mar uh Margaret Deer U trying and finalize those locations and then you could talk individually to the CRA people and show it and they could tell you if they have any comments or meet downtown themselves I know Dennis is busy but since he has engineering background for the roads that maybe you could if you can squeeze in some time to walk with them so you can give your input for as far as the engineering side of the rideways and things like that yeah yeah and with the count you know the CRA people I'd like you guys to start thinking about that possibility of doing a future crosswalk over on in Lake I think you want to involve your police chief as well because he has a lot of experience in that as well a lot of knowledge with that okay if I may next week my schedule is very booked um it would likely fall into the following week for me personally I may be able to coordinate for police chief Dennis and Dana to be able to attend but um I have train next week from Tuesday to Friday okay yeah just you tell me what day and time works so we can work that out just so that everybody's aware that it not that's fine okay and if we're done with the way finding can I diverge over to banners or do you have do you have more on the way finding no on because we had talked about we had talked about banners and I think we already have some banners so if they comply with the c we could jump ahead and do the banners the banners don't comply they I they don't they don't and so that is part of that's part of our code and where we have to revisit it so we already know that we're going to have to we just needed to know once we are able to identify this portion it will help us know how quickly we need to speed it up and it will allow us to be able to firm up some of the things that we're currently outside of so so the the banners and the vein Circle right now don't comply you're saying we're not allowed to have those up um I will tell you what our t planner has told me is that whenever remember she's been on about a year and a half February will be two years that um we are not in compliant with our our our code so she's not here to comment on that but what she's educated me on is that we need to revisit it for that reason is that a four-month process to you know re review that and try and change the sign code and you might want to consider that's a six month because if she says it's four it's going to be six try building a police station I can tell you yeah yeah yeah yeah all right so we just need to start working through that process once we can get those items it may be something depending again on what it involves it may be something that we can bring to Town Council and Council can go ahead and put something in but the big part of it is is that it opens up it opens up a lot of other areas that we have to look at because if we do it for one we have to do it for all and so we have to have Fair be fair and consistent to ensure that we're all adhering so that's why we've got to we're going to have to look at it regardless we have to look at it okay and Margaret's going to work with you and Dana is the thinking on banners and okay correct thank you are there any other questions from the directors from the audience there is no audience we lost our audience okay well let's just go ahead and move on then to Toc landscaping and irrigation ready so Dennis Our Town engineer has provided a plan that Maps out the existing Landscaping conditions and it provides us a clear picture of the current state of our streetcape and it will also serve as a foundation for our future improvements I would like to recognize our staff because they've been tirelessly working our public works department the facilities streets and parks they've been working to identify the locations of all of the irrigation lines um Alan and Harry are here so I'd like to say thank you very much to them and also to Dennis because we've pulled some things off that would typically take quite a while but they have been very diligent in trying to meet the demands the process has slowed down a little bit because of the long holiday weekend however I do have some good news we were discussing in our mutual meeting about the redesign of the islands and whether there would be any money there for us to replant and we do have $155,000 that has been identified for that so who is the Wii in this picture the the town the CRA or keep Lake plet beautiful who's the Wii no it will actually because it's part of the pipe bursting project where the the plants that were damaged or had to be removed so this is the money that will come out of that for us to replace them that was one of the questions from our mutual meeting with the CRA and keep Lake pla beautiful that we held we wanted to know if there was any money available well there is it's $15,000 um we need to move quickly on that though so we need for keep Lake pla beautiful and um the CRA to identify what plants are going to go back in there um because if there are any changes that we want to make we need to do that now I did ask keep Lake plaed beautiful for I need for just for me to have a better understanding I wanted to be able to see their bylaws I want to know what is required of our merchants and also of our residents who fall under this keep Lake pla beautiful umbrella just to give me a better understanding because I've been asked for transparency purposes what gives keep Lake pled beautiful the right to tell Merchants who um are running this what they can and cannot plant or homeowners what gives them the right if they're not falling under the the town's purview and they're not under our jurisdiction so to speak so not to negate their efforts because I know that what they have done has been extensive and and we need them just like we need the Garden Club but it does pose good questions because we need to understand the clear parameters so I'm waiting to get some of that information back I know they just had the um the parade and so Jennifer did say she was going to get that information to me with that being said we need to come up with what those plants are going to look like what we want to put back in there because the money is there so that we can move quickly with getting them in can I can I ask you a question you know one of the the problems we have is how is this Landscaping going to be maintained uh talking with keep Lake Plaza beautiful I I think um we all kind of agree it's time to hire a contractor to maintain stuff um you the stuff that we plant um but and we I think we figured it was going to be about $155,000 a year to maintain it if I remember right um but nobody has the funds you know to do it um is it possible that um that 15,000 could go towards maintenance if CRA still has $30,000 you know that we can throw towards um Landscaping if we wanted to right on inner Lake not all of it maybe but but much of it um keep Lake plasa beautiful I think they have some funds um so is it possible that if we can find the funds through keep Lake plastic beautiful and CRA to plant in Lake that that 15,000 could be used by the town for maintenance or wrong category because because this is for replacement of plants it's not for maintenance so that's fine so if if that 15,000 goes to keep Lake Plaza beautiful um I don't know if it would or but goes to pay for plantings and stuff CRA pays for plantings and stuff then um can I I guess I guess all we can do with that money is pay for actual hard work and all we can do is C money pay for actual hard work but we can't give too much money that would then be allowed to be used for maintenance could we we're not allowed anything for M you're through the CRA we have we can't use maintenance at all yeah and um because this is part of the PIP bursting and typically it's replaced with like okay so that's part of the thing and and we would also need to ensure that we discuss with our um our staff because they they are the ones that are helping up with the upkeep of everything making sure that it is taken care of and that the plant selection is one that's not going to be burdensome on the up no I get that so then next question if CRA funds and the $15,000 funds can cover the cost of putting the plantings in then maybe um uh keep Lake plasa beautiful has funds that they could pay for maintenance next year um we're talking about the next year budget once we plan it in the next couple of months you know uh how we're going to maintain it until your next year budget comes up and in that budget hopefully you can find money annually now you know to pay for maintenance of this stuff because the volunteerism thing hasn't been working you know and um I do think though that um you know it's kind of like I I say like in front front of your house say that you are your home and the T the county has a rideway or the town has a rideway you maintain that because you want your house to look nice but what if you were said oh no you can't do anything on the rideway and it might look horrible in front of your house but you don't get to touch it because it's not your property and you can't maintain it my thought was is this if we have a plan and it might be an educational process but if I'm willing to take care of in front of mine and bug hairy to death how do I do it so how do I do that and how do and I'm responsible for replacing plants if they die I mean I'd be willing to do that because it's front of my office but I've never been allowed to touch it I mean it it I'm not allowed to touch it we get I get permission to even water without the irrigation I got had to get permission to even keep plants alive so I'm saying I think and I'm not sure this will work but I know how I feel I would like to BL in front of my and I think if Ken Anderson was here any everybody wants to look nice some people won't do it but I think that most people would I think they would want to look better and and but we need a plan we have to know what to do I don't want to try to figure it out I just want to be told what I'm supposed to do so I was say I was I was going to continue because then I I have some information on the plan if that but I don't want to cut you sure anybody okay so um we would we have our next Mutual meeting between keep Lake plid beautiful and our CRA which will be notifying them that we need to have that here so that it can be properly noticed and also be recorded in minutes taken and that will be on December 19th at 8 A.M the the goal was to be able to have had everybody had a conversation together on what plant selection we will have to be able to cover the median areas or these areas where we have the damaged or destroyed plants and then have the money available to be able to take care of that um we plan to have more definitive answers when we have our January meeting but speaking about um the plans and we've been trying to explore actively exploring lowcost options for a to create a detailed and long-term streetscaping plan um once the existing conditions plan is completed we will be ready to move into the next phage phase so what does that look like we want to engage the community and we want all Stak holders to be involved that means all of our Merchants that means anyone who falls within the town of lake plid that they believe that this this pertains to them so I spoke with um Jennifer Cotto Salsbury with Central Florida Regional planning and I asked her how um because I previously worked in Bowling Green and we have this beautiful plan that I'm going to send out to everybody um in it's called a Downtown Vision and action plan I wanted to know how they were able to obtain this now they did obtain it through a grant however for us us we already have it in our CR CRA plan to be able to develop a strategic plan it's already in our initiatives it would require us coming back before the board and with us um voting to be able to revisit our our fiveyear plan and to have this placed in there so it's already in our umbrella and because they are a government entity we do not have to go out for an RFP so that means that if we accept we get it moved over we say yes we can go ahead and get them to start start working on this um I think that that would be very beneficial let me tell you just a few things that we've discussed here that they would have taken and been able to alleviate a lot of the stress just off of one of these they would have looked at our sidewalks and whether we needed to widen them they would look at our street trees and the the legal parameters and for the safety they would also look at pedestrian lighting to make sure what that entails building um closest to the sidewalk so that we know the sidewalk um proximity how we have connectivity to other areas to make it a walkable space um they also look at the Main Street amenities we've talked in the last meeting about the the benches and things of that nature they take all of that into account they look at the visual interest through windows and also through the murals so they tie it all in then they also look at the height of the tree they look at where our banners would be located in in proximity to it they basically do all of the work for us yes they do all your work they also alleviate my the stress off of my team and they're professionals so this is what they do and they give you ideas on where to look at other um downtown areas that are very comparable to what we are looking at across not just in Florida but across the globe um now when they put this plan together it was a couple years ago it was actually um in 2023 and it was $30,000 um Jennifer said that it it's probably gone up just a little bit but not very much so she plans to discuss this in our council meeting on Monday she's going to be here so we're asking anybody who is in interested I would spread the word to our Merchants make sure everybody is aware to come and listen to her because she's going to have other um information that's going to be very helpful not only for our CRA but also for the town overall in planning because there are other planning initiatives where if things if the stars align and everything works out the way that that I'm hoping it does we will actually end up with possibly four plans that will end up overlapping each other and we would be able to have them coming forth by 2027 so we've been asking for really robust plans the difference um between tell me who Spring Lake they use the Catalyst isn't that okay so they use the Catalyst but Jennifer explained it to me that the difference es is the Catalyst and Central Florida Regional planning are like apples to oranges in the sense of they produce way more so if you look at the Catalyst plan for Spring Lake it's not as detailed as this this is a very thick document and again I'll email it out so that everybody can get an idea of what it looks like but they also reference grant opportunities if you look at the Catalyst plan it doesn't offer that because Central Florida Regional planning is a government in and so they work for government they work for us that's what they do so I would say if in my um suggestion for the council to consider that we focus on the areas that we're already focusing on I know that we already have our fiveyear plan and we have items on our agenda for the 2526 budget year but if we could focus on doing our banners we could focus on looking at the way finding we could look at the some of the street scaping that's already identified and items from the 23 24 budget but maybe not tap into the other money until we have a true plan so that we're not just picking things and trying to make it happen I think with a plan it gives us a guide and this process does take about six to nine months so it's not a quick process but they come to the table they have all of the the community workshops that are needed that's not typically held here they will go into the community they will visit the merchant groups they will go to the chamber keep Lake pla beautiful meetings they will they will come to all of those and they they hold those meetings for us so now it's an outside entity that's able to to do the leg work for us and then come back with a professional plan that we can this that we can use as our guide and it's a living breathing document so they ideally say that every four to five years you should revisit it and update as needed the other really amazing thing about this for our town planner is that they look at our current codes they look at our Land Development codes that is all built into this plan so that it alleviates it from all all angles because that's what they do so it's a downtown Redevelopment guide book Bas it's a vision and action plan so they help do the vision casting they ask what people want to see and they keep it with our small who would pay for that and they cost $440,000 it it could be anywhere between 30 to $40,000 but our CRA monies right now can pay for this and so but the Catalyst plan which was less intensive was 40,000 so this is actually getting more for the money right yeah and would this include also a master plan for our Parks so the this does not include the master plan because this one focuses solely on the downtown area however that's right c yeah it's it's the CRA but we do have more to discuss um that that's to come at our council meeting so I I I almost want to do a drum roll in our meeting so don't be surprised if I don't do that just because I think that we do have that in the works I miss who you said does CRA pay for this or Town Council CRA can pay for this it's already built into our CRA plan we just need to make a vote budget yes well it's not in our budget so we would have to do a budget adjustment so we can pull out of maybe Bicentennial Park or something funds and put towards so it's in our Charter it's in our scope of work it's in our scope of work yes ma'am it's an our great idea I think it's a great idea what does it take to approve that um you're talking to Town Council and then do you come back to see your Town Council in January we could make the vote in in January you you all could make the vote so Jennifer will be here on Monday and when she's here on Monday she's going to discuss this plan along with a few other plans that we believe are going to be very beneficial for us and then we will come back to our January CRA meeting and then at that meeting you we would need to look at the budget so start looking at the budget if that's what you're thinking you want to do Iden where we're going to reallocate the money because we would have to pull it off of another line item and put it into this plan and she um she has provided some more documentation that we will have for our council meeting we didn't have it ready for this meeting but we will have it in council meeting to discuss and then to be able to bring it back also for January and then if I understand from what I hear that okay so they have Grant suggestions that am I correct that if you go for a grant and you have have backup documentation you have a much better chance of getting the grant yes ma'am yes you do absolutely absolutely it sets us up at a much better place and then so when you envision all of the different plans what the way they see it is that we have invested we've put our time in we've got some skin in the game and so now we have more that we bring to the table when we're asking for Grant dollars and we know where we're going and we know where we're going we don't have all these detours like we've had in the past six months correct yeah correct yeah I think it's a great idea yeah yeah cool it engages everyone and it takes um it takes the town staff a little outside of it so that this is what they do when they come from outside to be able to look at our community But Central Florida Regional planning they are they handle the Heartland and so that's what they do that's what they do yeah that's exactly what they do so further justification if it really staff man labor it there probably a a tradeoff on their labor versus this labor correct correct yeah so more to come you don't vote we don't get to vote on it but it's exciting I was very excited when she called me and she was excited because we've been having a lot of different conversations on how we can do this and um keep in mind because they are a government entity this being able to use them works the same way with any other plan that we use we don't have to go out for bid we don't have to go out for an RFP or anything of that nature um and um she'll have the exact amount at Monday's meeting to tell the council how much it'll cost okay oh great idea yeah I think I'm excited definitely yeah I think it was in I I've read the packet for Monday already I think it's in the packet at 40 Grand yes it's in there yeah okay um if we're done with that can I ask about this drawing here um I don't think I see anything on it as far as irrigation but is irrigation on here or is it getting added to here we're we're still working on the irrigation fece because of the long holiday weekend or the long holiday week they were off and um and Harry and Allan have been trying to catch back up with them I I did go downtown earlier today to try to see what kind of movement was happening there I know that there was we were backed up on certain areas have they fixed all the irrigation problems no they're still doing that and sidewalk going to say it's not even close Harry and Allan do you want to make any comments yeah okay yeah so it's been it's been a slow process yeah okay and now in regards to the planting you you were talking about who is keep Lake plasa beautiful actively working on what that plant list is who's working on the plant list I I asked keep Lake classed beautiful for their plant list and because I know that they said that they were going to have some revisions okay again I have not received that back yet I anticipate it should be soon because of the parade they were you said meeting was on December what yes 19th 19th 88: a.m. 8 in the morning okay 8 in the morning at the chamber yeah so at that meeting you expect that they're going to have a written plant list of all the plants to discuss with everybody at keep leg pla beautiful okay yeah and then I haven't seen I want to come too so it'll be a notice meeting and we can all and then everybody can participate that's the ideas because we want to be able to have everybody um be able to be here the 19th isn't going to be here right 19th we're asking them to here we're asking them to hold it here because we need to properly notice it and we need to and we need to be able to televise it and just like a a normal meeting yes ma'am all right that's awesome cool you and I would be sitting at the chamber and everybody else would be here yeah right right exactly glad we clarified that yeah me too we're asking them to Move It I I don't believe that they would have any disagreement I doubt it I think that'll be fine yeah yeah okay all right well there's a lot of progress being made so excited excited I am too um I and I say again that when we had the mutual meeting I you know three of us were there or four of us were there um actually there were quite a few of us there that were here and just that I believe that it was very beneficial everybody came to the table everybody respectfully discussed their concerns and then came up with a way to be able to move things forward I think if we can continue in that momentum that Lake pl's going to just continue to Exel no I agree I agree y yeah I think it's all good we're we're moving in the right direction yeah and I appreciate the collaboration between everybody so you know I don't care that it's not these pots I just want pots you know yeah so well can I I would like to say thank you for your dedication because you have been very dedicated yeah I'm kind of pushy yeah you are but it's but some of us push back I just I go like passion you say you're passionate pushy not pushy passion um he's pushy too what typically takes um what could take a year in the private world will take a minimum to three to five years in the government world so if we're able to have quicker momentum we're doing really well yeah yeah yeah yeah cool but thank you everyone okay well that concludes our agenda um I'd like to know is there anything from staff that she wanted to discuss no okay so um m Hayes I'm done I'm good thank you Mr Lon I'm done okay anything from Our Town Administrator well I think we've had a great meeting thanks everybody Joy she said she's good okay all right I'll call the meeting over at 412