##VIDEO ID:7## local planning Agency on August 5th uh Eva please call the role Dustin Woods yes a here Jack edgman Donald Clark Dr oxer Gary Freeman here Chris Duncan here Alex Ramos here all right just to clarify those of you guys because I know there's a uh at least one new face this little butt but on your microphone needs to be green for you to speak but if you're not speaking certainly click that button again so it's off um let's move into the consent agenda and then after that I'll provide some updates before we start our meeting uh I'll wait to entertain a motion a motion to accept turn it back on I motion to accept it move from Mr Freeman second second any further discussion hearing none Eva please call a roll I think you're gonna have second does he does he have to vote um Gary Freeman yes Chris Duncan yes Dustin Woods yes Alex Ramos yes just a couple of updates before we start the business of the evening um update number one if you are here tonight for the grand Isles discussion uh the developer of grand Isles has asked to table that until September uh there's a few development things he needs wants to work on and so he asked that it be taken off the agenda for tonight so that'll is slated at this point to be on September's agenda pending any changes and y'all know how that goes so just wanted to update you on that our business tonight will be as listed on the agenda and we have one item that popped up today that we'll need to discuss briefly um with that said another update that we have uh related to the local planning agency and board of adjustments is uh a bit of a change of the Guard um typically this would have been brought before us for recommendation but Town Council fielded the request exclusive ly on this particular uh change and you'll notice on the roll call uh hos Compton's not on there hos Compton has stepped down from his role as a regular board member uh that's uh now Gary Freeman has moved from an alternate role into a regular board member position and we have an additional Alternate which is over here to my left Alejandro Ramos uh would you like to go by Alejandro for the record or Alex Alex just makes it easier for everyone all right uh just for the sake of uh our uh Town staff and any community members that are interested Alex um just very briefly a little bit of your background professionally what do you do for living and how long have you lived in Lake plid uh so I've been a lake plid resident for my entire life except for whenever I left for college um and I'm currently the U Marketing Manager for fertilizer manufacturer that's based out of Israel um yeah all right thank you um any questions from the board related to um the board roles just for the record how to work you'll notice some of them are listed as regular board members and two are alternate members and the absence of a board so everyone will participate in the discussions and the absence of a board member Chris Duncan will be the first alternate to become a regular voting member an absence of two board members like what I'm expecting tonight like we've had thus far Alex you'll also vote on the discussion but please weigh in and I would like for you guys to be attending the meetings weighing in on the meetings because if in the event of something as complex as Grand is for example I would not want you to just come in when you were needed and be lost in the discussion I'd love for you guys to have already weighed in we know your thoughts on it you've done your own research and we're able to answer all your ask ask all your questions and so on so forth so thank you guys for your continued service to our community with that said uh let me turn it over to town planner Dana ryell for uh this meeting's discussion thank you as you mentioned my name is Dana Rell I'm the town planner our first item for tonight for our voting pleasure will be for an amendment and restatement of a development agreement that we've seen before for Dollar General the package is included I'm sorry um the item is included in your package for tonight so hopefully you've had the opportunity to review it the changes are extremely minor what had happened was when this came before the local planning agency the first time we were all okay with the development agreement but when it got to Town Council an additional requirement was added for lighting and that requirement named a specific measurement in foot C and after working with the site Dollar General was able to able to produce a plan that would have complied with that foot candle measurement but from a planning standpoint and probably Dollar General standpoint it still wasn't necessarily the safest lighting plan and in speaking with the council member who had initiated this change the intent was for there to be more of a uniform lighting across the site and it should be a low measurement of foot candles so that and the reason for that is so that your eyes don't have to spend too much time adjusting when you're in a public area so if you're in a parking lot and there's a really bright light over here and 10 ft away is very very dark your eyes are spending a lot of time adjusting which can impact your ability to see visualize or be able to witness anything that might be occurring in your surroundings so if someone is lurking in the corner for safety reasons you you don't want your ey spending that time adjusting um so that's the reason for the low number when it comes to foot candles and also that it should have been uniform so like I said Dollar General was able to provide a plan that complied with the original requirement but but from multiple standpoints it wasn't necessarily the best option for the site so I'm going to go to the agreement and I'm just going to point out the exact changes when it comes to a development agreement it's not necessarily like an ordinance where you just strike out the changes and underline them and then it gets updated in a book um the underlined language and the stricken through language is what we are essentially approving but we have to do this in what's called an amended and restated development agreement so that's where some of these changes are just a little housekeeping here making sure we change the title of the document we yes okay we add a letter acknowledging that this is or sorry a paragraph acknowledging that this is an amendment and statement of the development agreement and then the actual changes themselves occur right here and I'll go down to the lighting plan for us to look at in just a moment but originally it didn't have this text here it just said that no streetlights shall be uh positioned in such a way where they Shine On Any Residential Properties the new lighting plan still does not propose Shining on Residential Properties but we wanted to really strengthen this language because we're basically saying there there's going to be an access easement in the rear of Dollar General let me go ahead and look at it real quick there's an access easement in the rear of Dollar General and you can see these lights here they need to shine on this cross access easement to provide lighting because essentially this is going to turn into a backage road that will connect all the adjacent developments in this area so we want that to be lighted but the parcel's pretty narrow so they couldn't fit Lighting on the South Side in addition to the easement so what we're doing with that change that we were just looking at is essentially saying lighting can point that direction but you have to use a full cut off light which basically means when the light shines it shines straight down it doesn't shine out or up in any way so when someone's standing in the back of that subdivision that's there on Lake Henry Drive they shouldn't be able to see the light because it'll be pointing down like they might see it pointing down but they're not going to see the light itself it's not going to be creating light pollution so that's where we were getting at with that change and then our next change was simply reducing the foot candles from five foot candles to I'm sorry increasing to 6.6 foot candles and again if you look at this the plan this is how you can evaluate the site so you see the actual lighting instrument is right here this one's only shining at 3.7 so that complies with the limit of 6.6 foot candles they have one I think there's just one in here and I can't see it right now but there's only one measurement that shines at 6.6 but you'll see throughout this lighting plan you can see a pretty even amount of lighting like we have 333 um as we get closer to this other light it goes up to 04 but the goal is that we don't have a major variation in the numbers okay so yeah here we have 6.2 that's like a higher number there um so ultimately originally it was 5 foot candles so this lighting would not have been allowed because it exceeds that that might be five right there or a higher number so it's just those two lines that they're asking for and I'll get you back up to my staff report so you can look at the options for recommendations any questions from the board for Miss ryel we also have uh the engineer present Mr Medina if you have any questions for him if there are no questions or comments from the board uh this being a public hearing is there any commentary or questions from the public hearing none bring it back to the board uh the recommended uh Miss Rell uh I'm assuming naturally that the recommended action is one that you and the staff are in agreement on correct as staff I recommending to forward the proposed development agreement to the Town Council with a recommendation of approval okay I'll wait to entertain a motion I'll motion to accept it second would you like the exact language are we you good with that all right Motion in a second any further discussion hearing none Eva please call the role Gary Freeman yes Chris Duncan yes Dustin Woods yes Alex Ray yes Miss Rell I know we have a couple of items of business one be in the fdap grant discussion and one being in the interactive map tutorial I'll defer to you what You' like to approach first well let's see if we could do the fer app Grant application first so maybe some of the staff that are here staying late can go home if necessary all right thank you and and thank you Mr Medina for being here for the meeting tonight um so I'm walking on an agenda item today we were we were app we are applying for a fap Florida Recreation development assistant program Grant to um install basically replace and install one of the uh playgrounds at Lake June ballfields and we want to put in Ada accessible uh playground in there the fer out grants are done on a point basis and so we're trying to get addition points and one of the things you get points for is to go before a recreational Advisory Board and we don't have a recreational Advisory board but in L of a recreational Advisory Board we can come to the LPA we're happy to advise on Recreation so um I appreciate that so uh you have a map the project location if you're familiar with Lake June ballfields which probably most of you are there's a there's a uh a playground there it used to have a uh big climbing rope that we had to remove for safety items those playgrounds are aging out and uh so that's the project location so I wanted to bring it for any discussion and um so we have that discussion we can log in the minutes and get our points for the application and if anybody has any comments or wants to any know about anything else there's actually we we didn't bring it last year but we did a f out Grant last year for pickle ball courts you may have heard about that that's been approved we're going to the rpac meeting in two weeks to request um some money for them that will build a set of pickle ball courts uh a little to the east and south of that playground and then do some road paving and parking areas along by the boat ramps and Pavilions and then up to that playground and where the pickle ball courts are so there's this is a second second second application that we're doing so uh well thank you guys for putting the effort into improving Recreation particularly being able to offer something that's ADA Compliant for kids in our community um we actually have more than we realize of kids that would benefit from that and so I'm I'm grateful for that okay U as it relates to the board are there any questions or comments for Mr McCarthy or Miss Ridell do you need any head nod from us or anything in the record to say that we had this discussion I think it's going to be in the minutes so going to be in the mine you want do you want to because it's got to go to Town Council too next maybe they can do a recommendation I guess you do a recommendation for approval to Camp Town Council yeah I I move to recommend approval of seeking out this fdap grant for ADA Compliant playground at Lake June Park ball fields to Town Council I'll second any further discussion certainly want want to give the community an opportunity to respond any questions or comments hearing none Eva please call the rooll Dustin Woods yes coun uh Chris Duncan yes Gary Freeman yes Alex Ramos yes all right uh the last part of the discussion tonight um you'll notice is called the interactive map resource walkthrough this is something that is and has been available to us and frankly I believe anyone in the community that would like to look at um but it's I think a resource that often times gets overlooked as valuable as it is so miss Rell is just going to give us a quick crash course on what it is and how to use it because this can be particularly helpful for this board uh in being able to forecast and understanding the ramifications of our decision Etc so miss Rell thank you as stated my name is Dana Rell I'm the town planner uh as you all know I've been here for some period of time over a year I think I calculated a year and a half earlier when I was talking to Gary and in that time I've stepped on a couple new boards and one of those boards I just showed up because I needed to figure out what I was supposed to do there and how I could be of assistance and after attending a certain number of these meetings uh me and another member raised our hand and we said you know we're not really sure what's supposed to happen here how we obtain this information how these resources all come to fruition can you help us and and they said well we used to have a really good staff that you can meet with but um I guess not anymore so here's a 600 page book for you to read and hopefully that helps and I realized I thought about my local planning agency and I thought man I I think I might have done the same thing to them like I've I've pointed you all toward mun code you've been able to see that document I talk about our comprehensive plan which is hundreds of pages long I talk about this property is z this and this is Zone that and we have this future land use but I don't think we've ever just peeled it back to the Bare Basics of some of the things that I do on a daily basis and how I start with evaluating any property that is up for consideration and this is something that as a board you all should be able to do and have available at your fingertips so I have the map up that I'm going to show you that this is it this is called our Highlands County interactive map but if you're like me you're never going to remember this URL here just forget it right so I'm going to show you ways to get to the map and how we can use it so anytime you're on a computer you can open up up your Internet Explorer any any internet explorer that you want to use we prefer to use Chrome here and sometimes the Property Appraiser's office will give a disclaimer on certain platforms they want you to use what you'll just Google is Highlands County interactive GIS map GIS stands for geograph right there geographic information systems it's a particular type of map that is used let's make sure okay so basically I just clicked on the first link what I'm the website that I'm on right now this website is the Highlands County Board of County Commissioners the people who do our mapping for us are the Highlands County Board of County Commissioners if zoning changes on a property I notify Highlands County and they update their maps for me so you would just go to you know whatever website this looks like an old page because that person is no longer in charge so let's just make sure this works okay this isn't what we're looking for so in that case I would have you go to the Highlands County Board of County Commissioners website it's always really hard to describe this over the phone but the moment you see it you see right there it says interactive map that's where we're going Highlands fl.gov is the Highlands County Board of County Commissioners website what I just showed you is like a dead page so I'm sorry please ignore that so we go to the interactive map we continue on it's telling us that we're going to a different web page there's going to be a disclaimer right here that pops up this disclaimer is basically saying take everything here with a grain of salt before you believe what you read call the planning office that's me so it'll immediately take you to the Highlands County area and like I said this map is available to not only us and me as Town planner it's available to anyone in the public and I see this shaded area I know this is like plaed I do find it interesting I don't know why they have certain area shaded because you would think this would be like the town limits or something but then you have plased lakes out here and that's shaded so I don't know the Rhyme or Reason for that but there's certain things that we can look at that are really important so let's just take a look at Royal Plaza this is going to be Royal Plaza right here you know we have Tractor Supply we have do- it Best Hardware Cowboy Taco all the good stuff right in here right and this little box will come up you can hit this Arrow oh boy okay the formatting here is definitely different and it it's just the computer the computer settings whatever we have it set to it has something to do with how big the screen is is what's going on but this is page one of one usually this will pop up as like a little call out box so you could still see the property and you could still glean this information at the same time it's not usually in either or you'll get both pieces of information at the same time it'll tell you who the property owner is huge disclaimer here everyone huge disclaimer for some reason for maybe about a year year and a half the owner information has not been updating like it should be other things are up everything else is up to date owner information is not always accurate so if you do want the most up-to-date owner information you have to go to the Property Appraiser's website and you have that link right here available to you but you see this is one of one so it's telling me one page of information has turned up well I want more information I want to know what the zoning of this property is so I come over here on the left hand side and you see all these layers I have all these to choose from mine are easy peasy because right up on the top is zoning and future land use honestly it doesn't matter which one you pick because they both are going to give you the same information but it does matter if you're a visual person so let me show you so I turn future land use on now I have colors on my map now when I click on that same property instead of getting one page of information I'm going to get two okay okay so in this case again the settings on this computer are different the owner information turned up on page two but on page one you see where it says Zone lpc1 Flume lpcg so the zoning is not LP I want you to know that LP means Lake Placid because every municipality has a different set of regulations I have people call all the time it's totally normal assumption to make but people will call and they'll say well what's B3 in the City of Lake Placid they'll say City to instead of town and I say I'm sorry but there is no direct comparison Highlands County their commercial zoning districts are B1 B2 B3 B4 in the town of Lake plaid our commercial zoning districts are C1 C2 and our light manufacturing and Commercial district is C3 they are not the same so sometimes though Lake plid we have a zoning called R1 or r1a but so does Highlands County they have a zoning called R1 and r1a but in the town of Lake plid our zoning regulations in that R1 and r1a District are different than Highlands County because every jurisdiction makes their own rules they might assign the same zoning like R1 r1a R3 R2 like the same abbreviation but they are not the same so always keep that in mind so in this case the information that I can get here is it's in the town of Lake Placid that's what LP means and if there is no LP in front that means it's in the unincorporated Highlands County if there's an S it means Sebring if there's an A or it might be AP that means Aon Park so in this case we know that this property is Zone C1 and CG well what does that mean to find out what's allowed in C1 or any zoning district and I'm thinking maybe I should save some of this for a different day but you can Google and I promise Google will work this time town of Lake Placid uni code you do have to be careful because we have a Lake plid New York so take a good look when you open Muni code you see our symbol up there that's how you know you've landed in the right place you're in the town of Lake Placid so Muni code Muni code is a database that a lot of municipalities and jurisdictions use to keep their regulations on file I can do the same thing for Highlands County Muni code let me make sure this is Highlands County Forida yep right there high County Florida we don't want Ohio so what can I do in this C1 District well I have my whole code book up here electronically I can look up c-1 okay now this tells me everything I'm allowed to do in the C1 District minimum lot space or sometimes if a residential use is allowed a living area setbacks 25 ft 20 in the rear lock coverage requirements it would be really cool if I had a website that I could just click on the property and know all this information right off the bat but we are actually light years ahead with having everything on rgis like we're doing really good in Highland County so this is this is good for where we're at all right so I go back to my map I know my property is own C1 and CG is the future land use well what does that mean I go to town of Lake Placid I think and we can go over this a different way you all can let me know some suggestions or if you need me to write anything down I can do that as well um but this is I'm just trying to show you how to get there from certain locations if you're like me sometimes you can like start somewhere and then find your way from there so if we go to the town of Lake Placid website and we go to departments development services oh my gosh beautiful beautiful web page especially right there laugh with me folks okay and then yeah yeah a lot in like the year and a half that I've been here um all the way down at the bottom right there we have the town of Lake Placid comprehensive plan and we've disc discussed this before we know that every property has two designations they have a zoning designation and a future land use designation if the zoning and future land use are inconsistent the property cannot be developed without one of them being fixed so I do Control G or C control F I'm sorry and let's see it's not going to find it that way sometimes you have to know the abbreviation so this is where it gets a little frustrating you have have to know where the dashes are oh and it might not even come up for me that way okay hold on it's in the future land use element so anytime you're looking up a future land use classification you'll find it in the future land use element and this is what I'm looking for right here commercial General yeah it looks like our code doesn't have it a lot of codes will have the abbreviation in there too for you to be able to search so you can see high density residential we even adopted some of Highland's counties futur uses okay commercial General so it says predominant uses in commercial general areas are those which provide specialty or convenience goods for retail sale and medical and Professional Services this land use shall have a substantial non-residential component with a supporting residential component so I think that's kind of like the town's way of saying yeah we want commercial but we also want walkability so if we allow some residential in there it's okay but the primary purpose of this district is to be commercial and so it sets some standards again we go back to the future land use is the vision so you see like when it tells us the future land use we're getting I don't know what is that like six sentences so that's not enough for us to be able to regulate a property and to determine what the rules are and should should be for that property and how to best develop it and design it so that's why every property has two designations this this designation is telling us this area is poised for commercial growth and there is some Frameworks some very loose boundaries when we get into our code of ordinances and we get into the C1 that's where they say well this kind of commercial these are the kinds of things that are okay and these are the kinds of setbacks we want to see and this is the kind of lot size that should accommodate this type of development provide standards okay so I X out of there and there's other fun tools so remember how I said it doesn't really matter which one you use because you saw when I pulled up that page it showed me both the zoning and the future land use but if you're a visual person it still might matter so I'm going to turn this future land use off and I'm going to turn zoning on you see the colors are slightly different but a lot of times that's really helpful in determining um if it's consistent or inconsistent so I'm going to click on this property again it's going to take me to these pages and this same information shows up no matter whether it's zoning or future land use it's telling me the zoning and future land use either way no matter what layer I click on but the visual does change something else that's really helpful if you click these three dots and you select show labels and you have to turn the layer back on if you don't turn the layer on it's not going to work boom now you can see lpcg so it's labeled all these properties the reason there's so many labels in this area is because it's labeling every single storefront also there's site address labels up so what's interesting you see right here this is this layer's on I can turn it off and then I won't know anyone's address but I could turn it back on and I know that every person in this Plaza has a different address which also might come in handy because sometimes someone will give you an address and you're like no I'm putting it in the Property Appraiser's website right now that address is not coming up for me oops I'm going to the hcpa o.org okay back down to Royal Plaza when I click here the only address that comes up is 70 Plaza a so if in the property appraiser I look for any of these other address addresses like 170 150 138 even though that is a valid address for 911 addressing or GIS addressing it is not going to be the address I need in order to find the parcel on the Property Appraiser's website because this whole parcel has one address assigned to it for the property appraiser and for n uh yeah for the property appraiser tax tax purposes basically so don't get frustrated someone's like no this is definitely the address and you're like I I can't find it it's probably part of a strip um okay other cool layers include I'll zoom out also layers change depending on how much you zoom in and zoom out so actually let me go back here you see how I have the labels on here if I zoom out far enough Okay I lied this making it's making a liar out of me today but there's some layers that kind of like disappear and you have to zoom in in order to see them like right here site addresses they have disappeared you see how it grayed out it's gray because I'm too far out but if I zoom in addresses voila okay so other cool layers like I was showing I'm going to take zoning off and we often have discussions about the LPR RP right that's the Lake plid Regional planning area some of it is in our town limits and some of it is not so first of all we have our Municipal boundary anything is green is are things that we have indeed annexed they are in our town limits they either started that way when the town began or we have annexed them I like this layer because sometimes I can get other good information off of it like I need to know exact dates of annexation sometimes when it comes to our ass sign ordinance so if I zoom in on the property click here so the first page it's showing me owner information second page is showing me the municipal boundary ler right here 2019 785 that is the ordinance that annexed this property and then it provides owner information again yes the date of the ordinance sometimes the dates of ordinances can be a little misleading sometimes they start in 2019 and they don't get finalized till 2020 so sometimes you're looking for like a real 2020 date but what's interesting here because I I'm looking and I'm thinking oh snap there's two owners shown here and it's how information is grouped I'm really giving you a crash session right now it's how information is grouped so right now because I am in the layer of Municipal boundary and it's saying these properties were annexed at this time this is showing me all properties that were annexed under that ordinance so I have this property owned by the Hayward Davis Trust and then I have this other property owned by Carol Davis and they're both showing up at the same time because they were both annexed at the same time right under this annexation ordinance but getting back to the LPR so that's our Municipal layer right we have our LPR RP here this is everything that's supposed to be in the long range the town of Lake plid long range planning area you can see some parcels weren't Incorporated in that area because they elected not to be included from my understanding anyone that's part of it provided information um approval but then we have like a neighborhood like tamoka heights who although technically in the LPR people to my knowledge never Annex into the town because of some water agreements that they have but they're still subject to the LPR and for residential properties that are already developed it really doesn't mean much but if you are a new residential development outside of this brown area you are limited to three dwelling units per acre if additionally there's certain areas you'd have to look at this plus the annexation boundary certain areas have different sign regulations so it should be anything in here in the brown area um is considered the historic developed town and in these areas you can get up to a maximum of 12 dwelling units per acre and then we know that with the LPR plan development zoning is triggered when you do a zoning change future land use change or plat so in some of this in most of this brown area I have to look again and compare my maps but it should be this brown area um Parcels under two and a half acres can be considered exempt from the PD requirement and that's at the discre of the Planning and Zoning official so that's me but I generally require a PD unless it's something very very very low intensity like Redevelopment of some kind was something that was already there so I think these are the key layers I don't want to keep you here all night I know we've had some crazy weather today um but I wanted to at least open this up for discussion conversation I hope you go back and explore and maybe someone asks you a question and you're able to answer it there is one more thing I want to dispel I want you to be very very very very very very very careful so now we're back on the property appraisers website okay all the way down at the very bottom you could figure you can find out what zoning is actually this might be a really good example this is a great example okay but there is a disclaimer the zoning information contained in this record is not guaranteed when a zoning change happens nobody notifies the property appraiser office we notify addressing um the documents are officially recorded into the record but nobody specifically reaches out to the Property Appraiser's office for them to update their zoning so we're looking at town hall right now this is the property we're sitting in right now and it's actually zoned plan development but the property appraisers office still has it listed as Au which is Highlands County agricultural District that's a zoning District that existed before we ever annexed it we annexed it and we have rezoned it since then so this is a prime example of where sometimes government institutions face silos and we get as much information out as we possibly can but we're all juggling a lot of balls and handling a lot of different plates and so this is where information sometimes falls through and the Property Appraiser's office I think they do their best to to try to stay up to date and they provide that information as a courtesy to some degree it's it can be helpful but just really be careful so just always call if you have any question any doubt any anything please call me and if it's in the unincorporated Highlands County call them or if it's another town or anything like that um there's so many hands in the pot it's so hard to keep all the information straight all the time Mr chairman I got a question please I got a question go ahead why wouldn't you change this location can't you do that you do that through the lawyer wouldn't you the town attorney change the zoning shouldn't it be yeah you just said it's agricultural so why wouldn't it get changed at some point so the issue is that it actually did get changed but the Property Appraiser's office didn't update their website oh so it is it has been changed okay yeah so they're showing an old agricultural zoning okay thank you no problem and it doesn't really amount to any one person's faults or anything like that like I said it's a lot of hands in the pot um I think we've come a long way in our coordination with the Property Appraiser's office over the years and nowadays I'm being notified of lot splits combinations things that I was never notified about before so it's just going to be a continued coordination between the municipalities and the Property Appraiser's office to to continually fi continuously find ways to get that sorted and also to answer that question Gary I'm even coming back with a change to our PD very soon so that we can get the um police station bill but is this too much is this an information dump or what are you gentlemen okay uh I think it was a good crash course I would probably probably need uh to play with it a little bit to have a better handle on it but this is a good resource so that some of this stuff coming down the line we'll know how to do a little research on our own even before we get the packet or in between packets yeah absolutely good I just want to make sure you have that available and if any of this seemed like a lot or I went over anything and you just forget and you just remember a little snippet like I said I'm I'm one of those people too that start somewhere and if I can start in that one spot that's where I launch off from so if I can launch any of you gentlemen off off in any way let me know and I'm happy to follow up with any of this information yeah now thank you for prioritizing this because I know this is important for some of the a lot of the things that we get an opportunity to look at so thank you Miss Rodell any questions for her all right hearing none I do not believe we have any citizens not on the agenda am I correct in saying that I don't have anything all right with that said motion to adjourn thank you wh C oh we have a citizen not on the agenda all right sorry I didn't know if you were making an exit no PM Pinterest just a Community member for this map I would state that it's about 18 months out of date with who owns what land what you need to do is just play around with it there's some cool Parts on that railroad lines trans uh utility lines so and what um also of interest when people come in they're looking for the Zoning for the industrial or business so there's ways that you can manipulate it when you go to print these different maps with the different color codes that's important too like if you zoomed out put in the The Flume the future land use part of it and the zoning and then you'll have 30 different color codes well then you need to be able to go to the layers and then it'll tell you like at the bottom when you print out these Maps this is be yellow means residential light yellow means low density residential bright yellow means High whatever you got red means commercial so but in the Lake Plaza Regional plan the colors mean different things than the county colors yeah so it's just something you play with I walked somebody through it last week that were looking for stuff I'd like to see the county doesn't do central sewer uh utilities so therefore they don't have a little check box for that I think that comes in highly um handy when you're looking at where can development go and then our my family's property is not in the Lake plasted Regional pan we fought 15 years ago to stay out that's the colorcoded I'm on one of them that she's showing but when people come to developing Lake plasta because I think that the the regulations are so stringent in the lake pla Regional plan what they're doing is going south of State Road 70 like the private golf course they're going uh north of town east and west so there's the grand ey s that's y'all seen a couple of times or's trying to get past and there's been another one that might potentially come up but I think you're just going to have more urban sprawl as people do single family homes Leisure Lakes pled Lakes Sun Lakes South and Highlands Park so there's going to continue to be more people that move to Lake plid the greater Lake plet area but they're really not going to contribute it contribute to the amenities in Lake plasta they're not going to pay Town Lake of Lake pled taxes they're not going to build your Parks they're not going to a lot of the the infrastructure costs they're building a single family house out in Leisure Lakes they're not going to pay for versus being in the town of Lake plast or the lake plast of regional plan and a development so I think there's a lot of things to discuss with that and then if are we done with that because I do have other comments okay uh as thank you just let me just make sure Madame councilwoman did you have other commentary on the map while we're on the subject on the gis please I couldn't see exactly the on that I've used in the past have some really cool little tools on the top where you can do measuring and you can block out areas and and get acreage just things to play with I mean you can even see what your trash day is thank you yeah you can actually see when your trash day is but you know what that's a good point um um Pam and Miss eard did bring up some good points so I did just kind of show you how to print real quick if you print something this is the legend Pam was talking about at the bottom where you can match up the colors with what's on the the screen and then miss Eberhart brings up a great point that it has this awesome tool you can measure distance or area change it from miles to feet I'm always doing feet this is how you would do um area so there's a lot of different things you can also do well I used to be able to do buffer Maps I don't know what's going on with that anymore got to check the box I got to check a box check a box in the left side I have to have you show me but yes okay so that was it for the map sorry about that but it's cool that's why I do the area and you can do the feet like how many where's your hund foot where's your so and so and so you just click on it it just it's purely playing with it and just till you get used to it it s to me I would been totally lost had I not been using this website in the past I mean just not because You' did anything wrong it's just like it's it's information overload but once you do it you're like duh then you don't have to ever learn that again so just play with that thank you any other commentary related to the maps any questions while we're having a quick training session all right Miss Fest you had some matters of other business I every couple months I come before y'all and ask you for the vision of the greater Lake plid Area besides the Lake plid Regional plan or the town of Lake plid then I kind of ask why there's not more growth and the economic development um where are our employment centers where high paying wages and whether it's this responsibility of this board or not um in the past we've talked about it but it seems like months go by year years go by and we find ourselves basically talking about the exact same things without doing a whole lot just in my opinion I don't mean to I'm not trying to well place blame or anything but but it just seems like we we know we do something minor here or there and to me going down Highway 27 things look worse off now than they were a couple years ago and you read the paper and you read the different articles and Florida's booming and pole County's booming and this one's booming everybody's booming everywhere sebrings and Avon Parks just the growth the economy and everything I don't see it happen in Lake Placid and I understand we don't want to be a Sebring I mean the town council's made that clear over decades I think that people they want to keep Lake plaid unique and a lot of stuff but the Florida Citrus industry which I'm a citrus grower as youve heard me say before we're not what what we used to be and it's definitely on the decline our Grove is pushed pulled burned a lot of groves if you as you ride around you'll see them they're no longer standing so uh a lot of stuff on Twitty road going um south of State Road 66 uh they're commercial zoning now Sebring is moving this way sewer is in south of State Road 66 so you've got the city of sebr they're expanding to different areas they're they've come south of State Road 6 my fear is that Lake Placid and maybe you don't want to have that kind of growth um we're never really going to grow because people are going to keep on moving here but they're going to move Leisure Lakes plased Lakes sun and lakes Highlands Park um we've talked in the past y'all talked in the past St State Road 70 the propane the natural gas line you even passed a resolution to send to the Town Council that ask for legislative request um for legislative funding that was over a year ago I don't know even more than that Town Council they decided to do something different but Ray Royce came here over a year ago and talked about the Duke Energy Readiness site and gave a presentation on that but we we don't seem to follow up on that like we're I recently had people contact me for our property but also the business part they need a commercial large commercial area talking over 100,000 square feet um you there's not many opportunities that for people that want to invest in Lake Placid um to invest in and that goes to do with the zoning so I don't know if you think about how you can be proactive or do you not want to be proactive in it the changing um of our future it it seems like we we don't really do enough in that I know I'm kind of rambling but well I know that's been a concern of yours and we certainly sharing that and I every time I hear update on the Citrus industry I cringe I mean our family has deep roots in that as well and I'm sorry that that continues to be kind of an unraveling part of your family story as well um I don't I don't know I don't have any material response to what you said but I do know that uh well I mean you and I were sitting in the same meeting we're talking about this golf development that's going to be coming in South that's going to end up bringing some interesting industry opportunities for us because people from around the world that have lots of money because those are the members at places like that are going to see this pristine piece of Florida that's perfectly located and has an airport and a railroad track and all the good and the beach and Disney World right down the street I think we're going to have some interesting conversations coming on the pipe over the next 5 to 10 years in addition to that I have been meeting with uh some of the uh Economic Development Council leadership as well just learning about some of the things that are sniffing around and um I've been invited to just sit in in a meeting here in a couple weeks to just kind of speak on behalf of um our my hopes for the future of Lake Placid or a particular industry that's looking about planting here so like I said that's not a material answer that may not result in anything but there are a few things working in the background that is potentially as aggravating as the last 20 years of a slow Citrus Decline and not any industry to fill in the vacuum I get the sense that we're probably within years of starting to really see some electricity from there and I think Duke Readiness survey is going to really be helpful I mean shoot they tried to sell they sold Lake Placid to the world quite well I thought um with that video or whatever that they put together and so I I would suspect that we should start uh having more meaningful conversations in the days to come I certainly hope so and um and I'm I'm committed to be having those conversations behind the scenes with County officials Economic Development folks to learn about what we can do and how we can be best prepared obviously a lot of that it lands on council's desk but how we can be best prepared to at least accommodate well the possibility of new business and industry here I I want us to be in a place as a town and I'm grateful that you know we have new councilwoman present with us I I want us to be in the driver's seat with new industry coming in I want us to be able to say no when we want want to say no but not not belabor the process so diff make it so difficult that they tap out I want to be the ones that make that choice I don't want them to just weary of trying to do business with Lake Placid so I share your grief and um appreciate that I go to the Highland Economic Development meetings now miss Dana's there as well just trying to find out what's happening what's gone what's the plan what are y'all doing I look at Hardy County Economic Development to SoDo so and so and it's just a lot of other places and I and again you want reasonable growth or light industrial green industrial I'm not trying to get us to be you know y'all town the town has never wanted build boards or I mean a lot of different stuff but the term I use is Boutique industrial that that's we want to tell you how small we want your facilities be but are there higher paying wages yeah a rising tide lifts All Ships the education public education system is directly tied to the economic viability I believe of the county yeah so and well the good news is even with the grand Isles surveys and stuff regardless of whether that goes through we did learn that we have room in our Lake plid schools for growth so I mean we've you know we we plenty of opportunity for us on a commercial standpoint and even a we need to get some residential development going whether it's Grand Isles or not because that's going to attract families too but um but thank you for always being so involved in the needs of community Miss Fentress I wish you would actually get on one of the boards that you sit in because you could really help us out Jack in here yeah I get it as every that's right that's right hey put in I've asked multiple EDC if any member if any seats come open on the EDC I've told them I want to be on it representing the faith industry which is massive in Highlands County and um and so like I want to be a part of kind of opening the Gateway for opportunities in our community I meet with Sarah Beth Rogers a couple times talking about some of that stuff so I know that we we want to see some good growth but we also want to our website says that we want to preserve the charm of Lake pla too let's let sebr be sein we don't want that mess down here but I would like for people to have meaningful jobs close to home I think that's important for us so anyway thank you guys for joining us for the meeting tonight is there any further discussion any other citizen not on the agenda now that we've poked a few Lions all right seeing none if there's nothing else from the board I'll wait to entertain a motion to adjourn so so moved second vote by standing up all right thank you guys second thank you gentlemen