##VIDEO ID:7XILY-8_Lvw## I'll Now call to order Lake class Community re Redevelopment agency the CNE United States Amica clerk would you please call the RO here here one I'll make a motion to approve the the minutes from the last CRA meeting yes yes appr right right number two is c242 e going e e just to be safe just thek part of when we had the workshop we included parking as a line item and being cons here as sum all right I'll make a motion to approve the CRA budget um just adding the one word um to that $100,000 line item that it also incl parking I'll second it I have a motion in a second any other comments from the podium seeing them we'll go to the audience bring it back counil please yes yes yes all right next we have the CRA Capital Improvement plan FY 24-25 Town CIP and this is the capital Improvement plan that you all looked at and approved during the budget workshops sidewalk mov up and Sh of of thek quick question about the flower pots is it possible that because we say flower po say we want to use some of that money to do landscaping in land have I'll second yes yes yes is there any other bus to come aob I believe there's a new law that beginning october24 e I got a quick question I know you guys want to get on to the other meeting so I won't but um you know um now that the budget for the year is done um I personally am anxious to see things happen downtown and I can't talk to any of these people except at this meeting so my question is how do we now move forward with this stuff to try and start uh you know making this stuff happen and I know it's not getting funded till March but you know by the time March comes I'd love to see some things done with current funding but also be ready to to do things so uh what is the game plan how does that work and I know the staff is very busy with you know4 million construction project and stuff just looking for some information as to how that's have okay and I think we talked about it' be nice to get a few groups together which has some residents and some people you know um involved like a committee that has to do with the downtown flowers and stuff like that maybe one that has to do with downtown signage maybe getting a few groups of um stakeholders involved and opposed to everything being on staff and then staff brings everything up' be nice if some stakeholders had a had a group that could get together and then bring some stuff to you guys and maybe make your lives easier so I think we've discussed the possibility of doing that so my question is how do those groups get formed because I'd love to see those groups get formed shortly and start working on this stuff and then start you know bringing stuff maybe to staff to see or Council or C board or something um so is that does Town Council have to vote to put out there a request from people to put in applications if they want to be part of boards very similar to the discussion that they had Association Council Adis groupa other grp is there a simpler way to do that I mean keep Lake plas beautiful have to do all the Sunshine Law stuff do not so just like the merchants are getting together on their own and they're coming here to these meetings so I could get together a group of people outside of town Council outside of CR not representing CRA but get the group together we can communicate about the things we'd like to see happen in regards to signage and all that kind of stuff and then we would have to bring it to a town meeting or something like this to you know submit what we would like to see or something like okay so I could just run with this on my own like that just handle it that way it's up to us to start okay but just adding to that because the CRA only meets quarterly so we've approving a budget we've got a lot great things um for the town I'm interested in going fast too and I know staff is like loaded up right like the sidewalk to Park Street right so maybe there's things that are outside of the Inner Lake you know um height bursting project that how do we get started on those and at the same time you know Dennis probably has three quarters of the things uh to work on so how do we help with a priority of what the top five whatever we handle would be so that by the next quarterly meeting here's where we are and you know maybe we can get some things done fast of some of those K are we as C board members allowed to call you up and have a meeting with you outside of this board to get information about what's going on with certain things and I would like you know meetings are going to you know make keep make things go faster so I'm I'm open to having meeting once a month and once every other month or something however you know the absence of that maybe meeting every once in a while with you to get the update on what's going on with things in between and then you're acting as Town Administrator now right so somebody's going to become New Town Administrator so then you'll be talked to in regards to utilities but new and if there's a group of people that I'm meeting with like Merchant people Advisory Group and we're talking through these things down town you know I can come see you about that you know outside of this pod to talk to or town coun okay thank you that clarifies a lot in so I would suggest that maybe we plan to have CRA meetings like five five monthly maybe to start with see what everybody else thinks you guys want quarterly meetings you want five five mon so every two months or V to every month but maybe we don't need to go to Every mon right now mon we need to meet in between call Workshop having just this place now there's a lot of leg work that's know needs to happen but that probably needs to happen outside here and then we start think does anybody else want to meet more often quarterly right now all right I'll make a motion to have this uh SI meetings by monthly so every other month I'll second it second the audience yeah it's it's hard can't even hear you and I'm right here we'll bring it back pull the councel yes and for the record Frank Cel made now is there any other business to come before the CRA before I start the uh regular meeting of the Town Council I got a letter here I had a had a friend of mine that stopped me in Publix and wanted to know when we started soliciting money for the police department I have a letter here from the National Police Association that says Lake blet City Council Members need to hear from you and they're asking citizens for money now friend of mine sent him a $25 check but we are not affiliated with these people we do not sponsor them I'm going to turn this over to the police chief and I I noticed John was here from the newspaper so I want to make sure that he understands after we get it out to the public these people basically lost $25 that we will never see that money I don't think anybody in Florida will see that money because it goes to it goes to Texas so it's it's buy or beware you get something in the mail like this throw it away it has nothing to do with the lake Blast Of Town Council or anything that uh we're associated with with our Police Department had and the order go ahead here okay consent Agenda One is approval of all the Agenda One is a through G okay I I have a I have a question director reports where are they in I have a couple things I need agenda I before but the updates were bued Within i' like we have a motion this second any further discussion the audience yes yes yes have am so you have on your PL sheet is um Police Department cooling cob change order number three I just received this on last Thursday um so I did not I just saw it today but we didn't have a chance to get it on the agenda this is a change order we have shifted the proposed location just Slightly North um to line up with sidewalks and trying to make Ada accessibility and then we need some other minor change orders um that tie in so we going to be putting in a a um grinder system to tie in and they'll tie over into our LIF station on Vista we also want to be able to include in that the removal of our two septic tanks on site we have to locate those lines and those items and and then we also want to Loop the water line so we have an improved fire flow because it comes around to the back of the building and stops it doesn't loop around back over to where the police department is total of those change orders is 19,6 46 um I'm requesting the council approve that change order and authorized toor sign I make a motion to approve that change order ation any other discussion from the podium I have a question [Music] we are we have shft the building location that re building to be res surveyed and the plans Rewritten and all of that nothing nothing with the plans just the modification that we need some additional survey points we're literally shifting at about 30 ft and it will align better with what we were looking at so they do need some additional survey points because they have to survey part of the parking lot we're trying to connect the buildings for Ada accessibility that was not in the original discussion or plans that something our engineer brought up and said we ought to connect those and so that's why so it does require some additional survey points to go in with that and that's part of the change order doesn't change the plans of the station doesn't change where the station will be located no you're literally when you're looking front from the original place it just aligns it between more aligns it between the two palm trees in those islands so we're not shifting it significantly it's just a little bit for alignment purposes okay so we're not moving it overs or anything like that no we're actually trying to reduce the amount of that the uh preliminary design you saw had a pretty long sidewalk that came down and over and it was about 30 feet back so this shifts a little closer makes less sidewalk a little more direct entry into the police station and reduces the amount of Paving that's done on the North side for the for the driveway and includ GE ex yes yes yes number of people Donald we'll bring you up at got another agenda item homecoming for fre Police Services fee waver I believe we have done this every year but it's just something that has to come up tonight because we won't have another meeting before the the parade and I believe you all have a copy of it so I give that to you for your I make the motion that we approve the homecoming parade which will be on this that I will tell you it's going to be September 27th and hum coming dance will be the 28th and this is to approve feaver request a motion a second discussion I just have a question I support it but um fiscal impact 2300 is that something we build in the budget every time we see these fisc impact or is this over and above the budget so we have built into the budget what we have typically waved every year so you'll have matter of um about six different events ladium Festival um Country Fair homecoming parade to 5Ks there's two three five I yes and this that are all built into the budget you have you have done them historically so they're all built into the budget for what you're waiting we just want to make you aware of what the fiscal impact is so appreciate that if you need a breakdown we can always ask the chief to get that to oh no I'm fine just I want to make sure that you know because different requests come in and always ask for something to be W just need to make that what's in the budget that we've already included or something additional um we had also talked our budget meeting about making a of those and then impact on the town and then about doing that and our police chief I believe do have a draft of a list but things like this I didn't know if we do it or not if we do approve certain things that happen every year the Christmas is going to be the second Saturday DEC if we approve in the budet we not go of you know um our police chief Schneider did go ahead you have to closures days Ahad of time element we can do that coun that will actually be on your October agenda meeting it was going to be on tonight's agenda meeting but it's slated to be a very long agenda so we move that Lally off of this agenda and it will be on the oct October agenda ties in with the fees and so that we' talked about briefly at the agenda meeting so it kind of ties into where we're at with those and the waiver waiver so that will be on the October agenda any other comments audience yes I'll it over thank you thank you Mr Mayor members of council my primary reason I wanted to come is I want to thank Kevin I remember many years ago Phil Willams and I intered to ities director thinking time is Kevin serve administrat I think we allate govern so you all the next s months I presume hire administrator some of the it's aiv I Kevin glad P first still Ming forward I you hopefully that's the opp to Landscaping years to congratulate the town recently allc brief conversation at the County Commission meeting about how how that intersection thanks to the council Kevin Mr Harris and others you all got multiple grants for the Wastewater project implementation where it won't cost EUR customers stakeholders you know much of anything to hook up so I appreciate the efforts of there going all the way willed Mr obviously you know Kevin you know you all now receiving basically half million doll fromy State en Lake I mean it's investment in our alls very quickly one of the roles I have in the community is I'm the current chair of the high County Economic Development commission there are several projects in lass L think obvious the llion invest iny our are that you know small percent how do imp there's a couple new jobs from theer L are they'll be put in infrastructure that will be again en that Z issue forward I think tonight you're going to take on grandles several years ago me with the folks bring to youest folks are of people in our I think what always how do how do improve invest for our Ty of people that hopefully you all will look that there I can tell you there areals that are kind in the beginning stage I'm not discuss but I'm very excited poal of things happen on EMS station they are forward hope'll alliss mece those commiss you,re assist fromy they now talking ofri cut am Happy C invest iind you the hardest thing of all this is build main how do how do recruit employe employes maintain so I like to say that as your constient now I would encourage you get bailing owner Tower I know well we got save the tower that is not invests of thousand priv seor not inv our taay doll okay now go to number three public hearings we go to first read ordinance 20249 adoption of the final Ling ofum taxes for the fisc year 2425 I'll read the ordinance ordinance number 20249 an ordinance of the Town Council comma Florida comma adopting the final leveling of adum taxes for comma Florida for FIS year 2022 second got a motion second F discussion 20249 for year 20422 the operating I'll second right any other comments from the take the audience counc member council member Charles yes counc member Hayes yes next is ordinance number 202-10 an ordinance of the Town Council of the town of Lake comma FL comma adopting the final budget for the FIS year 2024-25 semicolon allowing for line item adjusts during needed semicolon and I make a motion to approve ordinance 2024 d10 his first reading got a motion a second any comments from up here yes May that's what next M what time 530 530 so next Monday 530 all right next is ordinance 24-33 clarify the duties of the vice mayor and this is Norman Lake in ch three of the town code by deleting the requirement for a second regular monthly meeting semicolon clarifying the duty of the vice mayor when providings of the mayor providing for effective second got a motion a second while rental texted me the question several days ago told her I did not think it was a conflict I checked with the Florida Commission on ethics this is not a nepotism issue nor is it doing business with one's agency issue there is no conflict and thank you by the way for bringing it up Council membery council member Charles yes Council memberes yes counc member yes okay okay there it is close I can't that for the record represent Robert Marshall on the to vacate um I know last time they was back and forc Mr Les not here we were able to an agreement everybody's happy he actually asked that's better maybe okay good um I don't know what you caught but the parties I know Mr lesby had some objections to the vacation at the alley and in the month that y'all gave us to sit down and visit we were able to come up with a resolution that are happy with um and actually Donald asked me to sorry Mr lesie asked me to let yall know that he's going to actually V the rest of the Alle provision for the rest so I don't if you have questions for us regarding vacating the portion that we have noticed which is up yes the parties have reached the sh so it'll be just so you don't have the map up there do you the little little angles and then it'll be the little angle and then the POR that's right in front of Mr motion that we ADT on24 coordinates 2024 LV let me read the ordinance into into the record as it's written ordinance number 20248 and ordinance of the town of Lake BL Florida comma comma pertaining to the vacation of the rway comma as particularly to described here in comma and as requested by Robert Marshall semicolon providing for legislative finding in semicolon providing for ownership semicolon providing for the vacation of rideway semicolon providing for the recreation semicolon providing for the implementation of administrative action semicolon providing a savings Clause semicolon providing for scribers error semicolon providing for conflict semicolon providing for severability semicolon and providing and providing for an effective dat okay so we have a motion in a second so my question was kind of a simple one I thought but that's fine so the 50 feet up there that isn't in red that has to be a whole another meeting a whole separate that can't just corre yeah we right we did not ask the utilities um departments and to to locate that would be in there I'm assuming there's probably we have OPP Mr Les would then actually have to ex these inor of them to the audience yes yes and thank you for working on that this went a lot faster than the last thanks Dana Mr Harrison thank you council members thank you next this was put on the agenda by our plan uh item number and title number do lptc 24.7 da amended and restated develop an agreement for Dollar General they've been on hold for a while and I think Dan's got some language here that maybe get that correct yes very good thank you um so as the mayor stated my name is Dana Rell I'm the town planner can everyone hear me well all right tonight we're here to discuss some very minor updates to the development agreement that was issued to Dollar General uh when we initially put together their development agreement we added a condition at the hearing regarding how bright the lights could be and in discussing what the intention was behind that uh we understand that it's safer when there's continuous lighting so when your eyes don't have to adjust from Bright Lights to low lights and that was I think a major goal when we added that language into the development agreement but the language that we used didn't necessarily capture that and the specific language basically said that they needed to provide lighting that was under five foot candles and they could do that and they could have provided a plan that would have complied with that lighting requirement but I think the engineer myself other Town staff and Town Council is you saw the the plan that could have gone into place might agree well yeah they certainly met foot candles but they didn't really address the different lighting um brightness levels so in order to do that and accomplish that and because of the stringent language that we used where we didn't necessarily say would be an average of five foot candles um we we said it could not exceed five foot candles period they were able to come up with a plan that had a more e and continuous site but the highest foot candle on that site plan would have been 6.6 foot candles instead of five and so you take a Qui look and so and so you see here as well in terms of the language so any language that was added is underlined any language that is removed has a strike through uh when you do a development agreement it's not an ordinance it is a legitimate agreement that is signed by both parties so what we're doing is amending and restating the development agreement which is basically saying uh we're taking everything from the original development agreement we're confirming it to be true with a couple of amendments so here we added some language to address they doing an amended development agreement so we'll look at this the plan in just a moment but the way that this was written when I'm in my planner brain and I'm looking at things black and white said all street lights shall be shielded so to not shine on the Southwest or any Residential Properties and just simply because we had the light oriented in that direction I wanted to clarify the language to specifically say or full Cut Off fixt full cut off fixtures with no uplight output shall be utilized without any overspill onto residential property like complicated language but we did get with the lighting specialist who used these terms in this language uh so like a full cut off fixture the intent of that is if I have a full cut off fixture on my property and I walk down the street I shouldn't be able to see the light shining because it doesn't maybe Andy can do a better job of explaining this the engineer who's here as part of the record um but it's basically like saying from a distance you can't see that light bul shining and also no overspill onto resal property so I'm going to show you in the S there's a little tiny bit of over but it's really inconsequential and it's onal property that us and and then's resal property so it's not there's no light being put on to theor properties Residential Properties and so this is my clean copy I showed you earlier my Redline version so you know exactly what items being changed and then we have aan copy mayor to sign appr we kept all the drawings the same from the original agreement but here is the newest lighting plan that if town coun changes in the development agreement this would be the plan that they would utilize these blue symbols symbolize the like lighting poles and where the lights will be and the circles show how far out they'll shine so when we're talking about over spill we're lines little is a strip of commercial land so the only thing we might put there in the future is maybe like a side something for conne really summarizes it it's those two sentences of changes I'll scroll back up there I'm here for any questions as well as may get y my motion okay and also yes just so you know the local planning agency voted unanimously to forward the proposed development agreement to Town Council with a recommendation of approval and my recommended we got a motion second com audence yes yes yes all right next is 3F expedited State review comprehensive plan Amendment from low State residential okay ordinance number 20242 an ordinance of the town of Lake comma quter comma amended the future land use map of the town of Lake blet 2030 comprehensive plan for properties located at 100 Sunset Point Boulevard comma 21 catfish Creek Road and 51 catfish Creek Road comma in Lake comma Florida and section 36a Township 36 South comma range 29 East comma Highland County comma Florida comma comma from low estate residential to low density residential with site specific conditions sem providing for legislative finding and intent providing for future land use element amendments to policy 7.8 semicolon providing foral use designation change and future land use map Amendment semic providing for the implementation of administrative action semicolon providing a savings Clause semicolon providing for the non cific and service ER semicolon providing for conflict semicolon providing for severability and providing for effective thank you so again my name is Dana Rell I'm the town planner for the record I'll go ahead and open up the PowerPoint um just to do a little housekeeping maybe to begin I'll go ahead and state that we are going to be talking about hearings right now this particular hearing that we're focused on is only for the future land again it's only for the future land use and the next agenda item will be for zoning two different two particular case which is lpcp 001 LS under ordinance 20242 this particular case has gone before the local planning agency and received a recommendation this is also considered a legislative hearing instead of a quasi judicial so I will be asking for exp communication on the next hearing for zoning change but I will not be requesting it now at this time so to go ahead and launch into a little bit more about the property and the request on the table tonight the property is currently owned by Brady real estate which is under the care of Eugene Brady the applicant which is the person requesting the change is Fusion biotech USA Court under the care of Raphael's Omega Ben and his agent is Brandon Craig who here tonight the addresses for these properties is 100 Sunset Point Boulevard 21 catfish Creek Road and 51 catfish Creek Road the applicant is requesting a change to the Future land use map for the subject property described above in the previous slide from low estate residential with site specific conditions to low density residential despite specific conditions this request amend tocy 7. of future land use element of the of comprehensive that information is important because since we are amending text that already exists in the comprehensive plan this is considered a the retired phrase is large scale so you you might hear that word thrown around but it's considered expedited State review which is also why there will be a 40-day review period after heing if there is a vote for approval because it will get routed to the state and other agencies and departments during that review period so we have here on the future land use map just as a visual that the property has a low estate resal future land use it's surrounded by low density resal density resal and that is a little bit more the proposed future land use would be low density resal the maor differences between those two categories is Lowe resal only allows up to onewell unit per acre and low Den resal allows ofwell units per acre but advis there's also conditions that are incorporated as part of this future land use ordinance that would Li theity so we liit theity future land use and in the zoning coordinates okay so these slides are going to go over these specific changes so just as we talked about before underlines mean we're adding new language strike throughs mean we're removing language so when they had their original f CH back in 2006 2007 they agreed that the developer shall enter into a capacity agreement with the town for the surrender of certain water rights to the town the provision by the town of pable water and wastewater service the development and the developers payment of the system development the agreement shall be secured by Bond or certificate of deposit approved by the town attorney there are no proposed changes to that condition they were also requir fish right away Along catfish Creek Road to Total a minimum of 100 of right away but to contribute only their half their side of the road unless the road designation has been reduced prior to the preliminary right now it is a collector road so they added that language in case they reduced it lower than a collector it wouldn't have to be as wide but as far as I know it should stay aor now until a very long we see it being reduced so originally the development was limited to 55 dwelling units but they have proposed an increase to 97 units they are also required to provide external Park and Recreation level of service and the community park level of service should be outside the development boundaries developer can offer in to the town for construction of the community park to satisfy commun Park and Recreation level of service requirements this is something we still try to do as part of PBS but years earlier I don't want to say back in the day it was only like 15 years ago maybe 20 years ago that we used to specifically require that when you build a neighborhood you build recreational facilities specifically within your neighborhood but also build facilities outside of your neighborhood and that's exactly what this is saying too that you are going to need to even if you want your recreational amenities internal to the neighborhood you will still have to make a contribution to the town as a whole whether you buy the land and build it yourself or you pay a fee into a fund so that the town can make those improvs um but it's saying that you need to you know contribute to exterior Park requirements because even if someone lives in that neighborhood they're still going to park there there was just some tweaking in the language for letter D where it says install central Wastewater connection linesin the project site at the time of development from existing lines and agre to hook up one available that language would have given them the ability to be on septic for a period of time hooking up that they will not forward constructional the Zoning for this project will be a PD overlay and then said and we be made part of this comprehensive plan this I just that language totally I so we'll go ahead and do start delving into here in terms of density I went ahead and I included an analysis from the zoning map Amendment and the future land use map Amendment even though we're not talking about zoning right now I know that there's been a lot of talk and a lot of potential confusion about what the real request is what they're currently allowed to do what this all really means so let's just get into it um on table two we'll start there because we're on future land use right now they're currently allowed to dwelling they're requesting 97 so that would be an increase of 42 dwelling Z incist zoning future use that has an inconsistency as a result of things that have happened in the past um so we know that they've had a future landage change in the past but they weren't able to proceed with a zoning change at that time so because they don't have a consistent zoning with their future land use technically right now they cannot build anything zoning in future land use must be consistent in order to construct even one home but if we were going based strictly off zoning it would seem like there would be a potential increase of 72 dwelling units so sometimes when people pull things up online they're only seeing the zoning and they're saying you can only do you know it's for AC or in our I don't have there I think it yeah so in our case the Z they already had entitlement keep in that future land use is your entitl and we' had this disc but Z are the rules for that en we'll we'll get into that further but basically right now their entitlement allows 55 units and right now they're asking for 97 which would be ultimate increase 42 when we look at rezoning and future land use changes and items like this from a planning perspective we're looking at compatibility so we're looking at the future land use and Zoning designations on the surrounding properties as well as what's actually there and what's constructed so in the surrounding area we have all residential future land uses with the exception of one downtown mied use future land use designation cat cor but residential uses if we just start there are compatible with the proposed use of more residential uses and the question would be are density levels compatible so to the north and Northwest those properties can have up to two to six dwelling units per acre to the Southwest we have Lake June in Winter to the South we have medium density resal other I couldn't identify the actual so from the southeast East I originally thought that it was 3.5 units per acre until I did a deeper dive in surrounding properties and realized that they own a lot more land and it has multiple designations and there wasn't a very clear plan for what areas would have what units and I couldn't in good Fai tell you for sure that those properties to the east easteast definitely be built to 3.5 units per acre because it's going to depend on the exact developer who comes in and creates it based on they probably will have to amend their so we know that residential is consistent with residential we have our department comments there weren't any major substantial comments no comment from utilities director Lake Police Chief I think his com Ed with any residential development there's always the opportunity for more calls to be generated the town of Lake Classic Public Works director um we had a little back and forth and there might be additional coordination required at the time of development on like pickup spots and where they collect free and brush and things like that but ultimately we will be able to service them Highland County Fire Services did not have any comments and they had the maybe technical assistance comment where they just said this could potentially increase the number of calls in the area and anytime we approve something like this we should always take into account EMS and police and what we could do to support those the Highland County engineering department acknowledged the 100 foot RightWay requirement for catfish Creek Road and they also asked for turning Lanes into the neighborhood in of sidewalks so when it comes time for the commercial review process that will be worked out with the appland County Natural Resources said Yep looks good but make sure they're not on septic Florida Department of Health said well we don't have a problem because they're proposing inal water Florida Department of Transportation um they had some comments about the width of the because we have asked them to instead of building a sidewalk contribute to a across the street for the multi-use trail which will be part of the zoning change more than it is part of the future land use change and they made comments about the width of the trail and the separate plans and that the county only requires 10 foot but the Coler to P Regional Trail requires 12 foot Etc things like that so that's something we'll work on at the time of development we have to analyze our public services so we have potable water and sanitary sewer capacity available for this development Solid Waste capacity is available the Highland County landfill is not nearing capacity at this time the transportation and traffic analysis um they provided a small traffic impact analysis but we have Highlands County do our traffic anal us and they said a more intense traffic analysis will be required at the time of development but as of right now they didn't have enough concern to require a fullblown analysis at the time of zoning Highlands County School Board acknowledged sufficient capacity uh we currently do meet our level of service requirements for our Recreation and open space But as noted previously the developer would be required to provide neighborhood parks and Community parks and as noted in terms of trails and paths we are asking for contribution toward the multiuse path that will come down C road now I know you guys are working really hard to stay awake so I am going to just kind of um skip over these slides like I just want you to see it's all part of the staff report you could read it in depth I've copied and included every goal objective policy that this meets particular development and it goes through a couple slides I pulled from multiple elements of our comprehensive plan to confirm that it's meeting standards which is what my analysis is based on and good number of our goals so on May 6 2024 the local planning agency voted unanimously to recommend that Town Council approve hearing number lpcp 24.1 LS which is ordinance Town counil upon first to Thea department ofce for expedited State there's also motion options available on the screen including my reced motion which is to approve the propos development future use change at this time I will turn it back over to the mayor but we do have the agent brand Craig available for any questions and I'm also available for any questions she over to you it to us back to us for comments um I just have questions um and I appreciate the very comprehensive that you gave us so you're saying in 2006 the comp plan was changed to change this from to its current which is low estate correct and what was it previous agricultural correct so 2006 this 55 Acres was changed from agricultural to low estate and I think because there was a plan development at that time right of correct plan development my understanding is it did not get approved at that time so the future land use became effective but zoning did not so they don't go hand in hand okay and then um I think you said Lake June uh so the Lake June point right is and on the one chart you're showing it's currently low density but now it's 20 some years and are the houses their low density or are they more is the now the developed subdivision low density or low estate so I have to evaluate based theis of lity it does not change based on how it's built out because the only way to change the future land use is through a public hearing like we're having tonight I did I do believe I had someone inquired about potentially doing that in the Point subdivision but as of right now I have no applications also I should have mentioned that there were further changes at one point in time our low density resal allowed up towelling units per acre and now it only allows up to so that's why on this chart that we're looking where it says two to six BL units per acre and I just don't want you to get confused and find it inconsistent because back at the time it was assigned it did allow that and your grandfa into that it still allows two to unit for Dev compatibility that we're comparing to the surrounding is based on how it's Z where it's been developed what it looks like today there is a component to that that should be taken into consider existing development as as the future land use des and then just a second it's just a minor is um so on the traffic uh where it says to create a right turn lane into the subdivision is ever a discussion of Now traffic going the opposite way of a passing on the shoulder lane because then you get the where you have people stop make left lane and they do that how does that that hadn't been part of our discussion with the county it will really end up being more of a county decision because that's County main road so and they're the ones who traffic so they will be making that request a lot of times when you something like that there's a certain threshold you have toy or state depending on what is Will to allow you impr that's the class likes people coming into town on the right should which we don't want for theel service contribution do you have a monetary already so we could have included monetary amounts as part of the zoning ordinance which we'll discuss next because it's talk about a little bit more in there um I have some numbers in mind like for instance we paid the smoke $60,000 an acre um in the PD section I also have broken down the number of the amount of the acreage that's required so I think it was and a half I could be more precise on that but um it would come out to maybe like 75,000 for that and then I would have left it up to council to determine what how we want to go about charging for the play but I wrote Into the PD ordinance that they would have to come back they would have to come back to council um for a resolution to be approved and Council and the applicant will have to agree together on an exact dollar amount before the project could move forward I'm trying to get a feel for the the magnitude of you know we're saying we need we need playgrounds and all that so I'm trying to get a feel for how much would be contributed for that effort doll even like a range of ballpark estimate is it 10,000 do it right iot Dana is the calculation as EAS Park use here is taking the total acreage of our total Park system dividing it by our population saying don't our current num 000 okay so our standard for Community Parks is acres for every if I have hom I read through the whole do that you referenc searching I'll keep talking they did meet or exceed requirements for no so on andun 1.9 Acres beim 47,4 requ size of the community park so if Council agrees that we would go based off i000 for $65,000 400 just for the land and then I think we would be taking the numbers of maybe some of the new Park equipment that we're looking at purchasing and I would again leave it up to council I don't know if we would want to ask them for a full 300,000 like we're doing for the full 8 part um the part that they would be required is only about 1.09 Acres that might be more equivalent to our Centennial part and that type of equipment and we could look at the quotes we have for building thatround if both parties agree and I'm looking at the agent because I want to make sure I I don't know if I want to get too far down that rabbit hole right now but we can but think well once again I don't want to pin you down to making a promise I'm just looking for a range brand Dana I just have one more question for clarification so back in 2006 this was zoned to agricultural a proposal came through to change it to the low estate and it came through with a development plan so the comp plan was changed but then the development plan was not correct fast forward here we are with another change that we change it to a low density and if the plan isn't changed then we're kind of stuck with the I'm sorry the development the PD isn't approved then the comp plan has been changed again so that's it's always so I know you don't tie them hand in hand but it's always so confusing you keep changing the comp plan and then something else comes through and wants to change it again so I don't know that just doesn't a lot of sense to me it's usually you do a comp and you stick with it unless there's some compelling reason to change it versus something fell through and here we are changing again so I would say that our Land Development regulations and our comprehensive plan are both living and breathing documents our future land use map is a part of our comprehensive plan so that is also living breathing document um future land use is US creating policy so I wasn't there in 2006 2007 but from what I understand right like the things that didn't let them cross the finish line were very regulatory in nature meaning we were regulating what hours they could play music um what particular it was like above and beyond from what I I understand it's above and beyond it was like the regulation that they wanted certain kinds of structures like tee cuts and they were looking for certain aesthetic requirements and I know that there will be members of the community who were here at that time that can probably speak to this um so yes future are supposed to go hand in hand that's why this both of these applications are coming to us together jointly but it is possible to find that well yes 55 homes could go on this property but I don't want to regulate It That Way come back again you know we'll allow the future land use change because we believe that that those 55 homes to the area but based on all the discussion regarding the nuances of how those homes will be built we need to to Circle back and come back to that I'm flying really high in my my planner seat here um but it's it's it just is a possibility that future land use could get approved and Zoning might not get approved and the same could even happen or with any other case in the future which then lands them in a terrible predicament because nobody wants to not be able to develop their land one way or the other you have the discretion to requ ordinances proceed at the thank you B r so I'm just flashing my recommended motion on the screen real quick but I'm going to get over to our um our motion option so you take a look at that I'm really just showing off all the work I did look at me go here we but then on what you said because this has to go for the state to do a review and that wouldn't be an issue to them but this is tied to a PD approval which may not come another or so language is important yes okay so good question since this is a large scale technically there's three hearings and this is not it's first reading and a hearing correct so we have one more this is the first hearing before Council but we do transmit between these two right after know so is this a hearing or LPA approved it this is council's first hearing off it goes to and while they're doing and how and then we'll have our second hearing after we get correct 30 days and I have 10 days to and then theing last and so in here based on what you said earlier you could make ation it basal of said they could go in which gets back to my we keep changing plan keep changing plan the reason we're changiz not to say that's the case it's just trying to get a structure in place now just to add to that and maybe Bert is able to conjur up the language that we would need but so that you know the is always dependent on the future land use but not necessarily vice versa so in our zoning ordinance the way that it's written now zoning cannot be approved unless this future land use change is approved but when we come back to Second hearing and now I'm asking bir a question are you saying that we should add language into the ordinance specifically that says we this is not approved without this particular zoning change or a zoning change I have a but we'll get to it behind yeah when we get there I would just oh I'm sorry I would just ask that when we do open for public comment um I didn't do a good job of stating this at the local planning agency meeting so that if there are comments for particular hearing it we will not discuss elements of the site plan so where lots are located where Recreation is located how roads are built the details of of this development are not on the table at this time the question that Council has to answer with this boat is is 97 single family resal homes compatible with the surrounding area and consistent so you do make a a comment um please allow it to be on that topic because we will discuss the site plan and things of that nature on the next heing in a few minutes oh has a different opin I would yes that's a better way of framing it I mean the worst and this gets back to 2006 red it agult estate so now it build lows that's not think the only reason changing because did you that's what low density versus low estate correct low estate allows upell insir but this the question is because of the way that the ordinance is written and it limits it specifically to 97 homes the question to me would be is 97 homes acceptable not necessarily a density of two dwelling units per acre three dwelling units per acre is that 97 on AC and we tie them together then it won't flip flop because if the other one doesn't go through we don't change it to 97 so tonight's hearing it doesn't change it to 97 but in the next when we come back for second reading we have to hear the future land use before The zoning change but what we could do B correct me if I'm wrong we could open go through our public hearing go through everything we could put this if we're still unsure at that time we put this hearing to the side then open the for the zoning talk about that put that back aside make our vote on the future land use change and then make our vote on the zoning change I don't get that do we want to do that tonight you want Tove forward I would she dotion trying to stumble instead of trying to stumble through it let Dana create the motion we just talked about where there seems to be a consensus and we'll work through that the words yes move as what Dana said I sometimes do that with bir what bir said so we can do that let me just want I have to write it down to think I'm sorry we didn't hear you down here isn't that really just modifying two to add but then she doesn't need to rewrite itah was I'm okay with number one but I think I do have language that might get toward Deb's point if we want to I'll just say it um so number two could be our alternative which would be move to approve hearing number lpcp 24 1 LS ordinance 20242 and transmit to the Florida Department of Commerce for expedited State review with changes as follows which are the zoning hearing will be opened before the future land use hearing at second reading and traditionally but we were talking about we don't have to so then I would agree that number one will get us through the process for now second okay we have a motion in a second other comments from the podium we'll open it up now to the public thank you Mr Mayor thank you members of council to miss Charles's question let's go back to 2006 Mr Compton was a chair of the LPA I think I was serving on LPA at the time very brief history lesson 2003 2004 concept called Hometown democracy was getting started around but in the state and that would have required that the public not the governmental bodies but the public voted on every single zoning change every single land use change those efforts were ramping up in 2005 2006 ultimately that did not become the law of the State of Florida but you're going to see many properties in our town in our area that got land use and Zoning changes at that time out of the fear of Hometown democracy and this is a prime example of this in 2006 was an absolutely beautiful Orange Grove that a guy bought and tore down way before it time because they they wanted to get some stuff but there was never any PD to the especially to the degree that you're seeing this applicant make that said this is what we want to do this this was they were seeking an entitlement because they were concerned that they would not be able to get such in the future so you're going to see again and again a whole series of comp plan changes whole there was wholescale comp plan changes for our town for County in that kind of 2006 through 2008 period for that very reason there never was a development Rush here there was just an entitlement Rush that then again to continue the little bit of the history lesson that then why we started the lake plastic Regional plan committee and did two years of work in trying to plan things out and at the time we did not the town I keep saying we the town did not require process for all the zon the beautiful tool that you all have now is this PD process that allows you a tremendous amount of specificity in requiring exactly what happened there because historically you would have said I got three units per acre I got one unit per acre and you basically had cart Blan to do whatever you wanted once you had that you know after you went to a development review you all now have the ability to say you're going to have br and pink front doors if that's what you want so that is the beauty of the PD but to to answer what Miss Charles was asking why did they change it or why should we consider changing it if that's part of the comp plan there was wholesale and I mean I know Miss Worley was involved at the time I think maybe but there was wholesale changes going on at that time and that's what happened in this parcel thank you for your time [Music] Mar barer I just want to clarify a couple of points um back previously it was 45 homes that was approved and the town was 4 45 can you hear that now um previous development on the 55 Acres back in that time frame was for 45 homes and then 2008 hit and the whole thing died um and I do want to make a couple comments about um the land use because that's what his portion is about and I first of all want to compliment the developer and the attorney because Lake Jun pointed asked for some changes to be made they did those changes we have a couple more items on that but land use wise it's it's supposed to be three homes per acre the issue with that however might be somewhat concerning and it is to people it's actually because of the way they're clustering homes it's actually 3.66 homes per acre for let me see I think it's 68 of the homes are actually 3.66 and four homes are actually 3.46 so that's not in true three homes per acre also at one of the meetings we talked about they said that each homeowner would have to dig his or her own well that means you could have 3.66 wells per acre I'm not sure if that's going to be in line with some County ordinance the other issue is within Lake Juno I did the measurements of the three phases and they're 15820 acres and 176 buildable Lots you and I have talked about this before that's 1.1 homes per acre so we may come forth hopefully um to do a land use request for that Community because it we talk about it being in harmony with things around I also measured all the homes along catfish Creek Road that are within the town and going up um North Inner Lake and those we don't have anything less than half an acre so if we have 3.66 homes on one acre that's not necessarily in harmony with what we have in the local area so we should be considering that and then I'm not saying that although someone earlier had said oh this is for taxes well something's going to get developed there the the question is how many so the taxes are going to come to the town we ought not be making decisions based solely on taxes coming to the town would it be making decisions on developments that are going be in the best interest to preserve the quality of the surrounding homes and the quality of the values of the surrounding homes and I'm certainly not saying that anything that you build there is not going to be equality I'm not implying that I just wanted to clarify that those two points and I think every some of the other things I want to talk about will come over under zoning but I did want to mention all of you got a letter from Mr Bumpus who owns the property on adjacent to the waterfront property he has the waterfront property at the very end of late June point and I think there are some important points in that that I think a council member ought to read into the record and it should be a council member rather than me reading it the letter to you and I can give you a copy of the letter if someone wants to read it into the record is there an interest in doing that you have something to read into the record you should certainly do that or submit the copy well the copies you all have already received the copies and I think that doesn't mean it's in the record if I know it should be put in the record but whose responsibility is it then legally when you get typically I know in the past if you've had letters coming in Kevin has read them and are we not doing that this time Kevin you're welcome to hand to the cler I'll do that I'll hand it to the clerk because I think it should be right into the record not the whole thing but at least EV to do or I can do it whichever and and I guess do it after I finish your Eva or I have the whole letter letter here but I think where I marked the paragraph at the end [Music] INE that's the rest so you're saying that's not legal it's by email he can't he lives in Ohio so do you want me to have him he email it to the cler he did he EMA clerk has the copy of it well Thomas Bumpus passed it to you and then you mailed it out to the council members email no it's been a while okay does any council member remember getting a copy of it from yes the mayor was asking this has to do tonight well I think there are some issues in there that he's talking about on the second page we'll do it tomorrow night you got you got one thing you got one paragraph here is that the one you're worried about it us yeah he sent this and Eva sent it to all of us basically June 28 she received the letter and I'll have Mr Bumpus send a signed letter Through official mail just read interested we are gratified to learn that a revised site plan has recently been submitted to support of the application which would result in the reduction of several of those Recreation facilities in the center proposed development they took them off the lot Waterfront line and moved them to the C and so they're thinking for that nonetheless we remain quite concerned about the noise level and is that Dana would that be under zoning or that under this okay okay so nonetheless remain quite concerned about the noise that will be created by the pool which apparently still sits would be located along the southern border and it's going to be adjacent to the Waterfront prop right on the water we know from personal experience how much noise can be created by a pool filled with children and adults we continue to hope and respectfully request that the pool be relocated to the center area of the grand Isles of Lake doomo along with other Recreation facilities or find a better location for it we finally finally we understand that some changes have been made in the new site plan which respect to the proposed Dock and voting facilities however we are not clear as to exactly what facilities will remain I think that's been clarified and maybe you can clarify that tonight we know from personal experience how boat docks and boting Facilities can be can be become party central sites and we have several people living in Lake Juno who have personal experience with that and so that's what he's talking about here of his own experience especially may this be the case when the hundreds of residents of the 97 planned homes in the grand OLS of Lake June and their guests will have access to the boting facilities furthermore voters from other locations on the lake May well be attracted to the site we know that is to be true because of other sites we have people who can testify to that we have read the laudable commitment of fusion biotech to Mother Nature by the creation of fusin land which would enhance the focus of its visitors on the rebalancing of their emotional well buing billing being and relaxation Lake Dune point is no Fusion land but it is the place that we and many residents have long regarded as the place that has been and reportedly will remain a place that does much to enhance emotional well-being and relaxation finally we understand there are other issues of significant importance concerning the application including traffic sewer systems the density of housing proposed and other land use issues these issues are beyond the scope of this already lengthy letter thank you very much for your careful consideration of this letter if you would like me to have them send you a copy that is signed and you can put that into the record I wouldn't do that oh I do have one comment on zoning and it's a technical issue I'm confused why we're talking about zoning tonight for a first reading when the local planning agency has not even discussed the zoning it's never been before them so if you're talking about a first reading and you're going to send it to Tallahassee how can you do that when the local planning agency has never discussed zoning so we will definitely approach the topic of um meeting sequence and advertisement requirements a little bit more in depth as we move on to the next hearing but when we do a future land use change the zoning ordinance is not Incorporated and sent to the state so we might be using zoning tonight to help with our decision which Florida statute allows us to use planning I'm sorry zoning as an element of our decision making when it comes to Future land use but it will not be included in our transmission to the state [Music] um this has gone before the local planning agency and for both future land use and Zoning the local planning agency voted to table the request to give the applicants additional time to coordinate with the surrounding property owners and make any necessary adjustments based off of uh feedback that they receive and to get even more in depth this is where it can get really confusing and maybe I'm oversharing tonight when we talk about future land use the number of hearings whether or not they're called first second reading public hearing all of that is very convoluted when it comes to Future land use so you kind of have to take away what we just talked about because when it comes to zoning we don't send it to the state and and there is no requirement for the order in which we take the hearings and there is no requirement at all to advertise whatsoever for first reading but we do as an act of transparency ber what am I forgetting no I think just a lot of people go through land use completely first before they try Zone and that's fine but a lot of folks toed process paths that's fine personally I prefer to see theall because I think you guys ought to know what um and I agree a lot of the things marene talked about not address density they addressed what youal and that Lo and um I'll probably give a little bit more of a rundown when we get to the zoning of what kind of happened with ad and why we can still run our hearing tonight for zoning but I will Reserve that for the next agenda item so the conclusion is that what we're doing by possibly sending it on to the state is perfectly in order correct and yeah more in order than anything else because when we took it to the local planning the first time for the future land use they did vote on this future land use and they gave a recommendation of approval um and also I think I had heard mention earlier where there was confusion that if you table a hearing or you're told no by the local planning agency that the buck stops there but it doesn't so they could have even gotten a recommendation of no from the local planning agency but would ultimately be up to Town Council does Highland County need to weigh in in any manner because it's part of the county comprehensive plan wor it's part of ours yeah it's originally an ours they don't the only time they weigh in is when they have property within there's unincorporated property within 300 feet of the LPR RP which in this case it was not so they weighed in in terms of engineering and Roads and things like that okay we have a motion in a second okay P are we good now P interest I live outside Town limits um just to give you some perspective back in 2006 and I can't believe I remember this stuff here at these meetings but it was a tiki Huts the applicant wanted 11 Tiki Huts the Town Council only wanted to give them one they couldn't play the radio before 11: a.m not after 5:00 pm no DARS barking allow I mean it was and it was Ray Roy stole M the thunder on Hometown democracy it was a big push all land owners that had land went in for um zoning application changes at that time because they were in fear of the Constitutional Amendment you would never get any change again forever um late classet has this late classid Regional plan it's very very restrictive in my opinion it's cost prohibitive anybody's coming in at two units per acre should I in my opinion should be applauded I think the town needs to decide you want growth or not if you don't just put it on the record and say we don't want any growth we don't want economic diversity we don't want that development's going to go to the north and south of the Lake poset Regional plan they're going to continue to go into the old four subdivisions clet Lakes Leisure Lakes hland Park Center Lake South and that's it'll be one house at a time will be built so you're still going to have the traffic you're have the congestion you're not going to have 70,000 for recreation for the parks that everybody uses you're not going to have I mean there's a lot of different things occur the Citrus industry in 2021 20 between 2021 2024 in Highland County alone we lost 16,000 Acres of citrus and I'm not sure if people where I know it's scary when you see Groves being pushed I'm a citus scroller we pushed 300 acres two well they it died two years ago this past year pushed it's a citrus graining disease we've been fighting it for 18 years a whole state we used to Florida used to produce 244 million boxes of citrus this past year 18 million boxes we're fighting we Citrus Growers Farmers want to farm Citrus Growers want to grow Citrus but we're businessmen and women and we can't afford to grow majority of people cannot afford to grow citus right now so I think you're going to see continue to see uh land come in for zoning changes so I think you just kind of need to figure out do we want growth and I understand you don't want unbridled growth five story buildings and this and that but I read the plan back in April and May and June and I keep on waiting for it you know to come up and I'm glad it's here now it seems very reasonable and it seems like they've been over backwards they met with the Lake June Point Homer Association you want changes of where to put pickle all courts where to do this and that it like they've been very responsive and trying to work with you um I'm in favor of it I think at least it'll go on the tax rolls it will help with economic development and U I think it's a good plan thank you Drive speak the mic please oh my name is Chad Heath I live at 588 Sunset Point Drive and I have just a simple question I see in the definition of the boundaries of this property that it's bounded on the North Side by Sunset Point bouevard but I don't see anything in the plans that shows that it goes up there it goes up to the backyards of homes that are on Sunset Point Boulevard but it doesn't go up onto the boulevard the concern is that it now becomes a security problem if their roadway goes there so um i' like some clarification on that as to how they Define that boundary I think that's the address because I was curious on that because it and I don't know who can answer that question because it says 100 Sunset Point Boulevard but the boulevard is the entrance to Lake June point and there's a smoke 3 Acre parcel that buts up against Boulevard so I I I concluded to myself and answering that question right or wrong and maybe hay knows it's however that was um laid out that somehow that property a portion of it got a 100 Sunset Point Boulevard address I'd like to request do do does anybody know I mean that's just how I concluded myself because because Lake June Point entrance way is the Boulevard in the 3 Acre smoke property right at the corner of that entryway and catfish Creek is smoke property so it wasn't clear to me how this property ended up with because it's hogo Drive is where it starts which there is noveo drive so I just concluded in my own mind that somehow the address years ago became part of that it's just misleading because this property does not even touch Sunset Point Boulevard so maybe it's just an error to be corrected it's an addressing problem and it does not connect address that is not correct catfish Creek address I don't know if you want to correct that or not but it that's it does not it can't doesn't connect to that Boulevard so I don't see I can possibly have a 911 address for this you run across this in the county in real estate I run across this all the time so you have to call the cons the property appraiser and get it corrected and then they correct that with 911 it's important for 911 of parcel but still it's important because if somebody got hurt down there on that property they would not know where to go so from a planning perspective the address is the address until the address is no longer the address so that means that is the address that is assigned to the property and we roll with it until someone initiates the change as of right now whether or not it really makes sense that is the official address I worry about changing an address in our title the owner needs to correct that just for 911 addressing issues remember when I went through the process of buying a lot and I tried to get a house number on that lot until a post office agrees thank my is take it off I don't have okay I got it my name is Rosemary Heath and I 5 drive and I have points to make first of all the address that leads to um like point was done when it was orange gropes it wasn't done when the properties were divided out it was part of the addressed when it was all one parate so it should not be the address now because it's incorrect other um I have the 2030 comprehensive plan for future development Lake PL and um it states here this plans for the promotion of orderly growth and development to ensure that the character um magnitude and location of land use for forers a balanced natural social and economic environment It also says that the future land use categories in map are on the next page and these categor outline the character type and intensity of land uses permitted by the town I'm looking at thisty don't see compatibility I don't see consistency I don't see support for the residential area that they want to put this monstrosity um how do you go from rural landscape to low estate residential to low Ser residential to low residential I mean you're talking three different levels how can you go from one to the other it's okay this is a small town now let's go have McDonald's and and well you have the McDonald's already let's get the Walmarts and Sam's Clubs let's just make this town all blow up I don't understand why we have a zoning why we have comprehensive plans well no one's no one's paying attention to this this is wrong all right we've got a motion in a second on the floor let's bring it back to council yes yes yes yes as long as what we've talked about earlier that the PD you know ties to it and if that doesn't get apped this doesn't whatever the appropriate hearings for that are but I thought you said we couldn't we shouldn't do that I don't want to keep going backwards again but so be it he said yeah what he said all right so you have a four you have four votes for that right yeah okay and then she just made a new motion appr who made the motion I did oh okay all right so we got a motion in a second any other discussion not not only just the same but one okay is that an amendment to the motion to be added to it would you amend your Motion in second we don't need to do that that's what the motion's saying on the yes and then yes and then I make this motion okay we have a motion in a second take it to the audience bring it back counil counc member Charles yes counc M yesc Moun ever yes all right we're we're two and a half hours into this do we need to maybe take a 10 minute all right T Test testing testing testing testing testing e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e that's not but sure tingting can you hear me now my knew okay everybody back together I just had a I just had a thing come across me here that that said somebody in the audience is getting married tonight is that a true story and you came to a council meeting on your wedding night all right well we're GNA in lie of that I'm going to go ahead and move 5 A1 onto the table right now so that I don't hold up her wedding night a few months ago as you know Phil Williams resigned and and Kevin stepped in and decided to take the Town Administrator over for us on a temporary basis and he has done an outstanding job I have been very pleased to but with utility work that's going on and everything else that's starting to happen it's it's just starting to wear on him a little bit and it got to be too much so we started the process of looking in for a Town Administrator uh we went through the process Eva how many did we applicants did we have yeah there was there was a number of them so we went through the applicants we graded them down and we got down to the final two that that we really thought we'd be interested in and they will rob shell and Charlotte G gain g g gain so we went through the process we had an interview with them and then I believe the Town Council all had the opportunity to to meet with them and interview them and I will say I wish we had positions for both of them they were both very very well qualified in different respects so it it it comes down to excuse me I'm sorry I something in my T it comes down to who we think is going to fit our needs at this time uh Rob his his credentials were great in this area Charlotte's in this area uh we just had to figure out which one we think would best suit Le PL at this time with what we have going on and my recommendation is based on the fact that Kevin is still here and will be the I guess the the strong pole behind either one of them to to give them the strength and U whatever his expertise and all of that so anyway that being said they come down I'm going to recommend to the council at this time that we give the position of Town Administrator to Shar and I'll turn it over to council for their their thoughts I support that wholeheartedly I felt that and again both candidates were good and ways but I felt with Charlotte's leadership skills um her working with people her familiarity on not just GRS but even County um you know there's software that can be used I think that can help in a lot of these Town meetings so I um I didn't ask the same questions I think the others I kind of went off a different Manner and um and also her financial um background she she even talked per statements which I think is important so I support that I don't know if you need a motion on that how do you want to well I'm I'm make can you make a motion no I can so I I'll make a motion that we um extend a offer to Charlotte Charlotte ganis to be the Town Administrator pending uh background and drug screening um successful test no the ordinance I I could make the selection but it's with your approval we have a motion comments I AG I agree and the uh your presentation your the preparation that you did um SCH volumes is to assume you as you appointed Heaven remember several pages and it lays out the powers and authority of the administrator and the does not have a administrator form of government it's done by agre counil May the mayates you May that's probably going to you want to step forward let's go ahead and finish the motion we have a motion a second's well that's I think all stuff we probably need to discuss I don't know if we need to do that tonight but so I'd like to get her on her way but uh to her marriage yeah we can we can meet Kevin we we did discuss we did discuss salary I think we have a range in mind uh but let's go ahead and do this first we have a motion second any other comments any comments from the audience all right bring it back counil yes yes yes yes would you come up here please congratulations number one congratulations getting married you should have told me that at first I got earlier thank you it's an honor to be here thank you are you willing to accept the position yes I do okay we we'll have to get together and I don't know how much notice you want to give at least two weeks notice two weeks yes sir and then we out starting out a starting date with you and get thank you it's a pleasure to be here it'll be a pleasure to serve you thank you got any questions no questions all right got anything H double congratulations practice that thank you yes go get married okay thank you so much brought him here I would have married you oh that would have been nice thank you everyone I look forward to being here [Applause] congratulations yeah all right now we're going to ordinance number yeah ordinance number 202 24-3 here we go and ordance of Town Lake blast amending the zoning classification of properties comma located there again we get the address changed 100 Sunset Point comma 21 catfish Creek Road and 51 catfish Creek Road comma being in Lake pla comma Florida and all lying section 36 comma Township 36 South comma range 29 East comma Highland County comma foron from town of Lake pla A-1 agricultural district and Highlands County Au agricultural District to town of Lake plet R-1 PD single family dwelling plan development District to allow for a single family subdivision with amenities semicolon providing for legislation findings and semicolon providing for approval of all zoning modification semicolon providing for General conditions semicolon restrictions comma and limitations semicolon providing for approval of adding section 160- 19 of the code of town of Lake blet entitled Grand ises of Lake June plan development ordinance providing the providing the for implementation of administrative action semicolon providing a savings cause semicolon providing prescribers error semicolon providing for conflict semicolon providing for severability semicolon providing for Effective AG semicolon and providing for documents Incorporated here to period it's all yours thank you I'm on a new mic can everyone hear me well seems like it my name is Dana Rell I am the town planner and and we'll go ahead and jump into this hearing we'll try to make it on the quicker side since we know what the bulk of this analysis is before we get started uh can we go ahead and maybe start with Miss Ard and work our way down or Miss Charles I know she's prepared uh with your list of expar communication so we'll be asking and just the general nature of the conversation doesn't need to be too detailed inch also in uh may I talked to Ken L Blanc and Chad Clausen just general conversation actually I listened and they talked um and uh again then I attended Lake June point the meeting that was called specifically with the developer and Lake June Point um I deliberately arrived early and arrived late and left early so I wouldn't be caught in any conversations um on uh May 25th I talked to Chad Heath um he sent me a text with his thoughts and um I explained to Chad I wasn't going to respond and so forth um then on in had a meeting uh oneon-one with the developer and his agent another listening conversation with Whittingham Gordon of Lake Jude point he shared his opinions art DAV of Lake June Point shared his opinions at a memorial party for a friend from the neighborhood countless people uh Gail Bane Zoe Rose Heath Marlene guer shared their opinions on July one um Mr H Compton was generous to give me time to tour me around town and of course this came up um on July 22nd there was the second meeting with um Mr Zinga and D MCA and Ken Blanc August 30th and Saints also D Lake June point I listened um September 2 Carolyn Morrison of Lake June Point thank you I didn't do my homework obviously I've talked to Dana about it um I've talked to had went to a meeting with the developer and um the owners and Debbie the EST and um I've talked to my friend pimp pin who I bounc a lot of things off and a few people just in general that I wouldn't be able to remember that just asked me about it but um that's about it thank you councilwoman Worley we can move on to councilwoman Hayes I think the only conversation I've heard about this whole process was when I attended the meeting quite a bit ago now um I don't have occasion or access to those particular Social Circles so since I don't live in like June point so I have not had any connection with any of the others thank you councilwoman Hayes and councilwoman Charles um I do live in Lake Juno as everybody knows although I live on the far north end so I'm not in close proximity to this um development but I am also on the board of directors so um and I'm walk a lot in the neighborhood so um of course as the meetings took place originally I would get a lot of contact and and in all cases I basically said go to the planning meetings and have your questions addressed but I did make a list you want me to read you the whole list here I'm hoping I C captured it and and and again 90% of the list our different residents in Lake June Point um and then of course when your social settings outside you know it comes up oh there's going to be plan development or the condos going by you and you know all of the Orange Groves are being developed so um you just try to characterize it as it's a plan development on the 55 Acres it's going in front of the Planning Commission um so if you have questions that's a place to address it but I can either hand it to you or I can start reading them for the benefit the developer if he wants to hear everyone he can if he wants the record we will'll simply file the paper okay it was going to start with my husband of course okay thank you counc right so we will delve into the hearing as it has been requested this is hearing number lptc 4.3 RZ um in relation to ordinance 20243 same owner as the previous case which is Brady real estate care of Eugene Brady the applicant is Fusion biotech USA Corp under the care of rapael Zuma and the agent for the case is Brandon Craig who is here today to answer any questions the addresses on the property are 100 Sunset Point Boulevard 21 Creek Road and 51 catfish Creek Road the applicant is requesting make sure the applicant is requesting a rezoning for the subject property described on the previous slide from town of Lake Placid A1 agricultural district and Highlands County Au agricultural District to R1 PD single family dwelling planned development District to allow a single family subdivision with amenities and add section 16-9 of the code of the town of lakeid entitled Grand Isles of excuse me of Lake June planned development ordinance I don't know if I've mentioned this before but when we do zoning changes we incorporate into our Land Development regulations I don't know any other municipality that does that I'm pretty sure that's those to Mr Harris up here but um that's what some of that language is when we say we're creating new section because we will always as members of the public members of Staff the applicant will always be able to go back in and reference exactly what was passed if they could just open up our Land Development regulations which is to me I believe um very just very transparent so we'll go ahead and look at the existing zoning which there's two zoning designations one is County zoning these properties were annexed um for some reason that little nod or Notch nodule still retains County zoning but they're both agricultural in nature Highlands County has a lower density threshold for agriculture than we do they're proposing a zoning of our one PB and we've been over the density But ultimately at this time they cannot construct anything on the property if the future land use is appr they would be entitled for 55 dwelling units and Zoning would need to be approved in order for them to actually construct those units so if we're just looking at zoning technically that's an increase of 72 dwelling units but if we're looking at real entitlement it's an increase of 42 dwelling units so we've talked about the surrounding area it's residential in nature or in terms of actual developed uses there is abandoned or um at this point I think most of the Groves are pushed in the area but there are some active Groves also in the area as well as residential homes in terms of Department comments there wasn't anything substantial there were no comments of opposition and there were no major concerns in terms of public facilities and services they will be required connect to poble water and sanitary sewer and the town has acknowledged capacity for both as well as Highlands County landfill has not had any capacity concerns and the Highlands County engineering department has signed off on this application for compliance with any traffic analysis that's required at this stage of the application Highland County school board has acknowledged sufficient capacity for proposed development and the town does meet their level of service standard for recreation but additional Recreation will be required both on and off the property or with the payment in Lua since catfish Creek is a collector road we would usually require a multi-use path there is one being built on in the vicinity so we're asking for a payment in Luv uh to contribute toward that path that will be constructed in that same area but across the street so you have the conditions in your packet I trust Council has read through them but I wanted to pull out I'm not going to read through all these but I just want to maybe point out a couple that have come up in the course of conversations and I want to put it out there in case Council feels like they have been sufficiently addressed or not sufficiently addressed so this will obviously run with the land have just these General conditions so here we State construction of the development's infrastructure and amenities subject to this ordinance shall commence within 48 months after the effective date of this ordinance and be completed within 72 months after the effective date of this ordinance the town of lake plid is pretty good about putting deadlines completion dates on their zoning and future land use changes we do this for a reason it's on purpose it bothers me terribly because as planner when something expires I have to run it through again but it's for the best it's for everyone's best interest because we don't know what the economy is going to look like in two years or three years and or even five years so we don't want to give people open-ended unlimited approvals necessarily that they can run with despite any change in economic or social status of the area or property so there is an intentional completion date and if all of these conditions have been agreed to by the applicant the underlying Zoning for the property would be R1 they meet and exceed all requirements for the R1 District so they're only doing a PD because it ired primary uses include single family dwelling units and then we go ahead and allow accessory uses accessory to the subdivision so that includes you know playgrounds playfields Parks a clubhouse facility parking associated with those facilities accessory structures are allowed we're going for standard setbacks we actually uh a little more stringent than would usually be required in the R1 District because R1 only requires a s and a half sidey yard setback they are proposing nine which is one foot away from the r1a district which requires 10 they have applied setbacks to the various other buildings that they plan to construct what you don't see here right that you might have seen if you came to the local planning agency meeting is any mention of a boat ramp that has been removed from the site plan and then move from discussion it is no longer proposed as part of the development I know at one point there was talk of a change in um minimum living space but if they've kept right now at this point it appears to be 21 2, I really wanted to point out that there is a Lakeshore Park proposed it's considered a Lakeshore Park because it's a park on the lake even though it'll be used just for the residents who live there the language in this ordinance specifically States under letter M on waterer boat storage and the rental sale of boat slips is prohibited so that language Ed to mean someone during the day can come hook up their boat to the dock and pick up their children or drop off family members for them to return to their homes but they can't leave their boat there they can't leave it there with a sail sign or try to sell it or uh no one can permanently put their boat in any of those slips for overnight reasons it's only for just a pit stop when you're there uh we require homeowners association and we go further into detail with the homeowners association and what they're responsible for regulating and that's going to come up in just a moment so Recreation and open space more information a minimum of eight Acres of private Parks including passive and active Recreation areas and a Fitness trail shall be provided an additional minimum of five acres open be provided through retention areas a minimum of six acres of open space shall be provided throughout the individually ploted Lots in total approximately 19 Acres of recreation and open space shall be provided amounting to a minimum of 35% of the proposed development so we built in some strong language as to exactly how much acreage of each they will have to provide Ted about the multi-use path we've talked about utilities being available they are going if utilities do not come to them or are extended to them within their time frame of development and they want to develop they will have to extend the lines themselves and the cost of that falls on them as we more about Parks so the development must meet the lake plastic Parks and Recreation Lev service standard and we did the math looking at that chart that I had pulled up earlier saying how much acreage per how many thousand people live here uh so this actually breaks out the math and how much is required for each of those Parks I want it to be very explicit in the ordinance we even included language about turn lanes and they they have to meet Highlands County standards we talk about the trail on the perimeter of the property which is a 15 foot landscape buffer and Fitness trail um as noted during the local planning agency meeting there is zero buffer required or Landscaping required between any two residential developments unless they multif family and maybe like a single family but two single family IAL developments do not require any buffering they are proposing some golf carts letter H so they do want to be a golf cart Community this would be so that they could these are the regulations and the safeguards that would be put in place they align with the Florida statute requirements for golf cart regulation and as I said earlier we require an HOA so further in the ordinance which is this language here is where we begin to talk about what kind of conditions will be imposed upon the HOA in agreement with the applicant of course so they'll be responsible for common area storm water maintenance Roads Irrigation and Landscaping everything will need to be maintained to a very good standard and we're pretty good about iring that maintenance as a component of our zoning and also following up if we have site plans on file with Landscaping we will enforce boat enforcement uh RV and Boat parking the association shall require no outdoor parking of recreational vehicles travel trailers or any other type of trailer within the development with the exception of daylight only parking of like a maintenance trailer and any they or boat trailer it can be parked inside just not for everyone to see the association will also be responsible for the clubhouse in those common areas we have the site plan here on the screen for discussion in case we do need to come back to it on May 6 2024 the local planning agency voted to continue the hearing to allow for updates to the application based on public feedback at the hearing now there were a couple uh delays the applicant asked to continue to push the hearing so that they might continue their coordination with the surrounding property owners and there we were able to comply with that request I do have motion options up on the screen um my recommendation at this time is to approve hearing number lptc 4.3 RZ ordinance 20243 upon first reading there's a typo there it's not supposed to say to Town Council um and before I pass it off back to the mayor I did want to Circle back on the advertising so you may be aware that the local planning agency meeting was advertised correctly by both mail and newspaper however there was an issue with the advertisement with the poster posted on property it advertised for the holiday instead of the new LPA hearing date because of the holiday I want to explain what first reading is and what the pter statute requirement is for the local planning agency input so the local planning agency does provide their input because our Land Development regulations have set them up in such a way where we request their recommendation um nowhere in fora statute or local regulations does it require that local planning agency get their recommendation before first reading seems a little unorthodox but also I would just keep in mind that first reading is not considered a public hearing first reading does not require any form of advertisement in the newspaper in mail outs or via posters what we do for transparency the purpose of first reading is to introduce an ordinance sometimes like in Highland County for example if they approve something by resolution instead of by ordinance they will set a hearing or they will set a resolution to let you know that a resolution is coming but because we are approving this by ordinance we don't need a resolution to tell you what's coming that's the purpose of first reading it's basically an acknowledgement that this will come before you for final vote and decision there are some municipalities in the State of Florida that don't allow their planner to go through a presentation like this during first reading because all that's really required is to read the title into the record so that you know that it's coming so tonight's hearing or first reading is still important and it's still very vital it's important to the public to the counil that the applicants make their desires known um and that they've submitted a request for this the plan for this particular series of events is to hopefully get through tonight with first reading come back to the local planning agenc before second reading so that you will not make a decision without the lpa's recommendation I hope that clarifies I don't think there's anything left that I want to touch on that but please feel free to ask me any questions so then tonight other than in addition to the formality is this the opportunity to make suggestions for LPA to address or the developer for the developer to address developer it's a great opportunity so you just said you hope that the LPA would review it before second reading oh they will okay that's I was going to say sorry if I misos it should be yeah we need their input right before we make a final decision we should have their input before we make a final decision so the timing is a little confusing but if it works for the attorney and that's fine I think I was just saying I hope we you know I hope if we get through tonight meeing it you all vote no then there might not be a reason to go to L but at this time I will to our mayor I noticed on here now it's up to 2100 square feet under air but I think the last map I last layout I got was back was at 18800 Mr Craig want to pull that up I think it was it was in the packet I think it was 1800 with me I think this battery's dying I know my Brandon Craig for the record I know my clients had numerous meetings with um members of Lake June point and that could have been one of the topics they discussed since I met I have it on my PowerPoint but I'm hoping this one is a little bit more so that certainly needs to be addressed before second and Dana can we eventually get a bigger copy of that because I could not read any of the small print on it before second reading yeah Direction s at this time Direction either are you sure which one they were looking to do I'm not certain I'm just gonna stick with the S plan it be so much better if it really was a 2100 square feet because if you compare the homes in Lake Jun Point there's oh I don't have the chart with me but in fact I think we were going to amend it to 2800 minimum based on what's actually there 25 the HOA was going to increase their minimum living area yeah to 2800 25 25 oh thank you what is the square footage of the smallest home it was um according to the original documents the minimum was 1,800 there was one home at 1800 01 okay and you know and they go up to 10,000 Plus and then um my other question is there had been discussion about a wall on the at least on the part of the perimeter um I don't know how that stands it goes both ways some people want a wall some people don't want a wall because of ventilation the the last um revision to the site plan has a wall near the pool to ensure that the concerns of the pool would be buffered by a wall in addition to the heavy landscape but the actual wall itself is limited to to the the dimensions of the pool oh and then one last thing in your ho in your uh HOA documents or bylaws if there could be a provision that there uh the homes must be built no no prefab type that's no problem I can look um I was going to say that there was a fora statute that recently passed that doesn't allow us to regulate uh the architectural standards for single family homes but I think Building Material we can regulate but the applicant just agreed to it but let the record clearly reflects yes site bu he's agreeing with that correct that's correct thank you I just have a couple questions please um on on the wall um I know that you know down south as um subdivisions are being placed next to other subdivisions there is a little sound or um call it landscape sound barrier so your plan is what type of wall are you putting between the two subdivisions because this is probably one of our first one where we're going to have a plan development next to an established plan development right next to it so in in Prior meetings the largest concern has been the noise level of the pool and the clubhouse so near by the pool it's going to be a six to eight foot tall wall in order to extremely dampen the any sound and if you look at how heavy the landscape buffer is that's that's an additional sound barrier through natural Landscaping okay then so that's just going to be just right there so the houses that can you give us the whole yeah yeah I mean the whole subdivision so the houses but up against I don't yeah not the wreck area the further up the houses have but up against this development that will just have there all of those and especially the ones on the boulevard that will have what type of separation between the two subdivisions so you have a a nature and walking trail between with a natural landscape buffer there's a 15 foot landscape buffer and a 27 foot drainage retention buffer so 42 yeah you're about 42 feet apart what's that there's no there's no wall there did any of that come out in your homeowners meeting which I did not attend there there was uh there were people that were asking for a wall around the entire subdivision but that that's not normal there there's no other subdivision in Lake plasta that's been required I know lakea because it's probably one of the first plan development next to a subdivision I wouldn't go that far okay but that that's not the normal and the the cost to build a wall around that Community would be cost prohibitive for the entire project and then um can you go there's going to Gates these are going to be a gated subdivision it is going to be can you pull up by the gates where that area is so my question is do you have an idea where the gates will go and the reason I say that is um talking from experience of like view point right the gate is way in and there are times you get quite a bit of a backup because the first person trying to access it service provider whatever they're not getting through and so my concern would be where your gates are located so that you don't have backup on cap stre right the the actual loccation of the gate would be coordinated with do and when we have to pull all the permits to do that um as far as how back far back into proper in compliance with everything that's required and then what distance is this Northern gate from the corner do you know I mean is it quar mile or because I I think that's always the other concern and I know you said the do I think it's a two-year-old study that they've done they have to do one but you know it can get pretty congested at that corner nowadays at certain times of the day just G gauging off of the site plan it looks to be about 300 so 300 feet from this Northern gate to the stop sign that's kind of where at at the intersection I can't speak to the intersection okay yeah and then I mean just looking at it it is so it's 97 home so the ls wide right one of the inut the neighbors was the width of the Lots so the entire site plan has been reconfigured to make the Lots as wide as and do you feel that you've satisfied all of the concerns that came you're you're grinning the concerns because I know you had you said public meeting or you had meetings with the homeowners we've been over backwards to the point that if we if we said yes to every concern we couldn't do the project we we have modified the site plan numerous times and done everything we can possibly do to appease the neighbors but we we can't move the club to the middle that's that's where it has to go in order to make this project viable um we've moved all of the amenities not only at the first change was to move them to the center of the community this new site plan CH puts them up against catfish Creek Road to make them as far as possible from the community um we've changed the the width of the lot sizes we've reconfigured the entire uh development we've done everything we can to the noise down by the clubhouse in the pool we've deleted the boat ramp um we've minimized the dock as much as we can we've done everything we can possibly do to appease the neighbors and usually a PD is a give and a take and in this case it's it's been take take take and we have given given given so that this is this is it so we make a motion to proceed as number second one quick question on this a couple of things I'll work with the LPA um the latest diagram that we were given shows the 8 foot masonry wall adjacent to the two lots in Lake June point that are adjacent to it that 8 foot wall is running along both those lots not just at the pool area but the entire line so if you look at the two lots on Lake June Point okay so you would look at what what we have what here what says here is an 8ot goes along both of those from the water all the way up to the start of the dry land in Grand Isles of Lake June I've said it here on the map J it would be helpful if you could show us where it's not on this one this is different than what we were given here this is the thing we were given where did you find that Miss Barker pardon where did you get the site plan that you're holding in your hand from the last meeting that was here and what was presented at that time so the applicant went and amended their site plan based on this feedback from the surround correct neighbors correct it's expected there to the site plan since then correct okay so the Y put wall is going away except just next to the pool whose site plan are we that's a site plan we never saw in leg J Point that's never been presented to us and I understand that this is you're they changing I get that but the question is the people of Lake Jun Point were told one thing so the question is what happened to just putting a wall next to the pool area doesn't solve the problem of the noise just going to say that so you all need to consider that you clarify the where the Wall's going on this one saying my understanding is you see this pool tell me if I'm but this area here it's like a it's like an acoustical wall of some kind correct it's it's basically like a like a fake rock wall that's 6 to8 foot tall and it's to keep the Acoustics from going that way from going towards Lin point the largest concern in the neighbor with the with the the neighbors expressed were people swimming in the pool so the the sound barrier is basically to ensure that it doesn't travel to point so it's just this one here there's aack correct the wall and then there's another lot on the other side for the wall and then you have the na natural vegetative buffer very heavy buffer to also stop help me so is what would the you're going down the cuac in Lake June Point what would you see the one wall just go right up to can you hit a cursor there so so the people in Lake June point will see a 15 foot wall is that what the a land of 15 foot landscape buffer so they're going to see natural vegetation they're not going to see the wall will be on the inside and then there'll be landscape that's what I'm trying to say where will the wall be and where will the landscape so after the last meeting with with the neighbors this site plan was created to address concerns over the pool so the wall is along the pool the natur there's a natural vegetative land State buffer that's to create not only sound but visual looking at you're looking at trees instead of a oh Goa so the wall is only next to the pool area not the subdivision ex okay that wasn't clear thank and have it back when you're done yeah um Ken LeBlanc um when it comes to concrete wall I'd say be careful what you wish for you know because concrete walls typically go between neighborhoods and highways and roadways and not between um neighborhoods and neighborhoods landscape buffers are what typically go there um you know if it were me and I had any of those two lots there the last thing I'd want to see is a concrete wall it's not going to look pretty um i' much probably see a landscape offer that lets Breeze go through it then a concrete wall that stops the breeze and uh you know when that you put the concrete wall nothing's going to go through it you know so it's going to have to go over it and once you know you block wind you know it takes a couple times the height of the block before the wind will come back down to the ground you know so it'll have a real effect on the breezes in The Yards next to the concrete wall um and U and you know um the only other thing I would say I wish that they didn't have as high a air condition square footage as 2100 nowadays when people are looking for smaller houses they can't afford to buy bigger houses anymore I think 1,800 minimum square footage would be better than 2100 you know we can't all have big houses we can't all afford big houses and we need to accommodate everybody you know in our communities not just the wealthy people right and um so um that's it it says 17 right here on the last docum I receiv I'm sorry it says 17 right here on the last document I got this from here can you show it to them please this for okay I'm ready to close this up now all right we have a motion a second on the floor Let's uh can we just ask what and and this plan is what work yes this plan has changed from something before but this is the plan that we're discussing correct and that is the intention of allowing them to table something so that they can amend their plan um I did take some notes so if we do want to make a motion that specifically about the inconsistency in that living area you might want to make a recommendation one way or another or your condition could be that um like move to approve hearing number lptc 243 RZ ordinance 20243 upon first reading with the following changes and then you can ask that the minimum living space be whatever number you feel and the applicant has to agree as well um or you can say that upon second reading they return with a consistent number for them to come back at second reading and work it out but I at least wanted to put that on the table that there is that in consistency we can address it now or later well it was stated at one time in in the presentation it was 21 I don't know if I have so can we amend it then to option two and amended with changes that the square footage will to be determined whether 1800 or 2100 yes we can fo to Beed I'm in my second thank you I think that's helpful because that gets to the compatibility with the surrounding subdivision that's you know this is one where there's an established subdivision with large homes large lots and this is going to be considerably less so how do we make sure that it's compatible that it you know so we have yes yes I guess so I'm not really sure what the what the final motion was and where the LPA fit in I understand it to be the motion is to move to approve hearing number lptc 24.3 RZ ordinance 20243 upon first reading with the square footage the minimum living square footage to be decided before second reading I can that yes and and that's the only I mean again where does the LPA fit in this is just a hearing to move it forward the LPA will review it and then second hearing corre will be after LPA correct no so next month is October so the planning I'm sorry the zoning change will go before the local planning agency in October and the second reading for both of these should come back to us in November if I can get through that 40-day cycle okay and that would have then the lpa's and if there isn't a recommendation that it doesn't come back or it could still come back to us to override them okay correct yes if we'll have lpa's recommendation and if they don't make a recommendation it still comes to you all for final decision and the date of LPA is when October 4th or 5th it's set it's all advertised everything's good we won't keep we have to read advertise for the LPA hearing that one does require it is a hearing and it does require advertisement so you will in the mail for that as well as second reading hasn't been advertised for this yet because uh our holiday schedule hasn't been approved yet we weren't sure what was going on in November but the local planning agency will meet on October 7 to vote on the zoning okay then yes thank thank you I know y'all are happy to see me go now I take so long a lot to go get it next is for a resolution 20244 adopting a n non Borum assessment [Music] resolution 202 24-24 the lake CL Town Council establishing a ten a tenative assessment rate in connection with non-ad Borum assessments for residential Solid Waste what is it today is it 225 what is it today isn't isn't there an ad that so it's an unchange it's carry okay I think that's helpful and clarifying that this is just a renal I'll go ahead and make the motion I I'll make a motion that we adopt um resolution 20244 adopting the non addor assment second have ation second discussion a yes yes yes yes next is 5 D1 Lake June par master and location of amenities roads and Parks okay council members at the you've already got my report as far as the uh rpac meeting the County Commission me meeting County Commission met just for your information and approve the funding request for the ARA to the pickleball courts and the amount requested um I did tell you I was going to be back at councilwoman Charles's request you see before you a plan that would show the pickle ball courts on the west side of the park um and just as a note as I stated the June 6 meeting you lose about half of the parking that's on that side of the park that is an option for you to consider where you wanted to have a majority motion um to place them where they're at in case yall wanted to change your mind there was also a option brought up by a resident at the last meeting about moving the U the um playground as part of the AR the PARTA request that's that goes in next week for in two weeks um if you decide to relocate that to anywhere this area it changes the parking plan so that's why it's before you tonight so we can make a final decision if you want to leave it there if you want to move it um then I need to know that so we can work on design of the park so I'll leave that for your discussion and see where you want to go with it thank you um so just over to the by the between the ball fields you're able to put the eight pickle ball courts is that what this is showing Kevin yes this is moving these in a single line yep there is no way to do it in a double line but does it do it in a single line okay and basically yes so as I stated that takes this was and let me pull up real quick so you see the original master plan where this had parking running all the way down to here for to serve the miracle leag and ball fields those will take most of this two rows of parking so you're losing approximately 40 plus or minus well 40 plus parking spots so that's this is this is the area on the master original master plan just so you see it and uh and this is to put it into scale um what you don't see here is the drainage structure that's in here the rest of this uh Pond that cuts in across here you see it on the master it does exist and U but that just shows you what you what what happens if you move it to the west side of the and then you're showing parking down below the ball field up to the football field there this parking is part of the original original plan okay but it's not what's there now I it's not there now so if you look here you have parking that would go in down there eventually when we get a next phase or another Grant well you won't get grant for that road that'll be our that'll be out of our pocket and then that frees up to keep the Green Space over there by moving the pickle balls over there you move the pickle ball courts through here then they're not right there and there's also a lot of overflow parking on the side of Jackson Road to the challenge is for the parking over on Lake it's all the curs there's no overflow parking at all not Tangerine you can't even park on the side of the road Cur and then also this leaves we just had the the boat races you know and the fireworks parking it leaves that green space which becomes event parking when we do have events down there at the at the um the water or like I said the fireworks yes just as a comment you we have this this is where the hill comes up for the second soccer ball court this does not affect this part of the Green Space just so you know just so you understand where that's at um as a quick update on the uh boat races you had approximately 400 cars um parked there this this weekend there were 100 plus boats on Saturday 400 plus cars um that parked down there you still room in the green space for probably another 100 115 cars there were no no cars parked on this side there are during baseball season a substantial number of cars that Park on this side of the park and and the side of the park so it's a combination during baseball season so see can't he you he said that they so yes marag has some requests that they're going to be coming for based on the next fap cycle to see what they could add up in up in this area primarily good evening Charlie Wilson for the record 76 63 Sunset Point Drive it would be my recommendation as it has been in the past to keep the pick and ball ports where they were proposed in the first place there's very limited activity in there there's plenty of green space for anyone picknic this has been litigated and relitigated till you're Green in face it's um the parking over there is critical during baseball season my kids went and play baseball down there and there's even more now that's where the majority of the People Park during baseball season in Miracle League for sure because of handicapped accessibility you're going to reduce half the parking in that area by doing that and where it is now it's not interfering with anything you were uh you had asked at the last meeting to move it south for the line of sight and everything else and then the rest of the council agreed and you still voted against it so I suggest no action be taken let's go ahead and get this thing being let for construction that's the problem the longer these things go the more construction costs that are added and everything and it seems to me this would be a relatively slam dunk deal and I really can't believe that this much in all the time that we started this in 2021 uh Council former councilman Royce is here here when we were here we had un unanimous consent to go forward with this project it was announced to the public we had public meetings on it people came and spoke about it the location was disclosed and discussed at that time we went to F or to rpac they said they would not fund it the amount of money that we were doing because we didn't have the match that to go with it they said you if we did what we did and applied for a fur app Grant got it they would fund it which we've done we've done all this you're we're trying to reinvent the wheel here let's just get it going and authorize the Town Administrator to let the contracts and let's get it built thank you I would like to respond to that though I I'm sorry I have I have since retired but I was a high school and college baseball softball official I did Little League Dixie Youth spent half of my life down at this park and I'm going to tell you I'm against moving it to the west side because I know the parking that's required for all the tournaments and stuff that we have that that's going to be a disaster there my my personal opinion is leave it where we've got it and that way we keep the the parking down there we're not interfering with the youth the base soall they can have their tournaments they'll have plenty of parking and that's just my personal opinion and that's if I get to BU that's the way it's going to be may I say about parking now now that the Groves are being pushed down is there anything that precludes us from buying a little car route piece and making that a parking lot no can can the town buy a small chunk of the The Grove that is now pushed over and make that into a parking lot for the Miracle League and so forth so so if we did that that would resolve the parking dilemma that doesn't help the situation we got do this we have to do this now why because we have the money yeah so so and I appreciate because I've said all along it's the whole plan that needs be done where will parking go and everything because as the fall as the whole 40 acres I'll call it that has been used over the years it's it's a good thing because a lot of people use it for a lot of different things and the feedback continues to be the location of the pickle ball and and again we could have said oh let's put pickle ball in a ball field and the ball field people said no no no we use that well let's put it in the football field no we use that too let's put it in the soccer courts nope we use that so rather than impact somebody had to be impacted right and it's it's the children and I appreciate moving it a little but I don't know if the public is really aware 120 by 160 foot is going to go right there where the families play when they pic so I'll just leave it like that that I just think I think it's and and again as this was done I get it a survey was done at the pickle Ballers and they all said yes since then some of them come to me and said not at this price or where it's located um so you know I'll continue to get feedback from the public uh now that they know the details of what it is and where it's going they're not opposed to pickle ball of course those with a different interest are saying why can't we have this but you know we've got the money and I would like to see where it can go because last time we were told you know it had to be in that lot I think people were confused about site and that and then other people said well if you give it up you can't get one for two to three years which is not not accurate but you know parking is a problem and um and the location and again somebody had to be and it was the ease of well there's Green Space let's move it there so I'll just leave it like that again my name is Rosemarie Heath um I canvased with um joy and Colleen and I spoke to hundreds of people in front of Publix and the community for Citizens want family activities they told me that over and over and over again I'm abandon of them and if I'm going to sit there and just say this is wonderful I also went around and I spoke to 501 people probably more and I have all their signatures right here they want you to relocate the pickle bow courts it says right there the petition is not against the construction of pickle B the signatures below want the pts relocated this is what your citizens this is why they voted you in why are you ignoring the citizens why are you ignoring the families we're not a bunch of old people here anymore you've got families here they want a place to bring their children the voters where are the boers going to park you're at least giving them 11 spaces for the boers to park their trailer you're kidding me there's like 22 trailers out there where are you going to put them you've paved that area from the to the other fence what about the Pavilion there's you're knocking more Pavilions you already got rid of four now you're going to get rid of another three I you're taken away from the citizens are you not here for the citizens 51 signatures and I can get you more hello my name is Josephine cley I'm just a little confused on this with the location and the reason is and Kevin maybe you can help me out over the weekend when we had the drag races you had an area all taped off which appeared to me to be the new pickle ball location now is that correct that whole well when you that all those cars that were parked this weekend they were parked right where the pickle ball court was going to be okay if you're asking whether we marked out the location where the pickleball courts are it's incorrect we marked out everything south of the Pavilion the large Pavilion for cars to park so yes over the weekend you had 400 cars parked there in the open space we did not use all of the open space but we did use over half of the open space okay so my concern is that a good portion of it appeared from the map that that look most of it looked like it was going to be for the area the pickle ball so you're saying it's not I mean I I look right at it I'm standing there and thinking okay this is the pickle ball court now a lot of these cars are in here I'm looking where what happens with the future drag races how much space is there going to be it just seems like it's just in the way there and again for the voters that come for weekend that come and bring their families we're pushing them out and that's a concern I have only because I understand all the other sports I don't I don't disagree because I'm a sports person but I don't see why we just can't move the pickle bille court so all the boaters can stretch out and not be hovered under these little overheads that they families are sitting on top of each other so why do we have to congest it in one little pot you know I mean that's my thought I mean I just want everybody to be happy because I I think the idea is great having pickle ball courts why would it cost us anymore to move it where again I understand the other sports that you have but do you see it it's a water it's water activity there so it why should it have to be so close to the the boers I mean that's should have been thought of a long time ago there's had to be another explanation so that's what I'm suggesting not suggesting not to have it I just think of the voters I go over there frequently I look on weekends and see how crowded it is and I think oh boy you know and so you know I'm hoping that you just kind of think about that that that's just my thought I mean I understand where you're coming from Mr Mayor I understand but I want it to be there for everybody okay thank you for listening i' just like to read the but a couple things there we we do have another facility on the other side of the lake that has more boating launches and parking actually it's got as good or better swimming conditions over there as well on the beach so some of these people that are speaking tonight were at the orac meeting and represented I don't know why they were bringing up these issues but were representing that the pickle ball courts were on the waterfront which is absolutely not true yeah so there there are other boating options and everything you you you've got a very very small that these constituents you keep talking about how come none of them ever show up I've never seen any I just hear the same people and anyone can manufacture something and go out there and tell them something how do you know that what's being said and how it's being said this is the place for people to be heard with their elected officials and it's been done and now we need to just take action that's I'm humbly asking that we just move on with this and be done with it thank you so so when I I just can I respond to that real quick when Mr Wilson When I uh went down around and door knocked during running for election a lot of people told us that they they question the location of pickle ball they question the cost of it so when because this meeting was never noticed as a public meeting to talk about pickle ball and maybe that's something that needs to be done is have a special meeting maybe to have a special meeting where we do talk about and allow the public to come yeah Ken La Blanc um I think pick a ball is a great thing I mean I've played twice in my life this summer almost broke my ankle one time but it was awesome I mean there was just so much socializing going on between the people and inviting people to play and everything and I was just blown away by how and and anybody can play it maybe not me but um I I think this is a great project I think it should get built I think it should should get built here the one you have on the left I think that would take away from the parking for baseball because I've been to that ball field many times parking all the way down where where they're shown there I I'm wondering if you could take that straight line concept put it up here like underneath the playground going straight down or maybe at an angle across the curve there and and not put it where it is because yeah man I saw a lot of cars parked there for the Boating thing event this weekend and where you going to park all those cars you might be better off to use more of the space on the left which is you know dead space that's not going to be usable and then leave access you know out of the parking lot onto the grass to park cars just straight down um so you can keep having this voting event because you know I'm afraid that you know you're not really going to have good Park ability in that you know weird shape there you can't come off the circle to go into there so you know I just think it's going to be complicated to park people but if you can come down to the left under the playground I think maybe you leave the right side fully accessible you know for family and kids and stuff to use and and you know play ball and and stuff but also for cars to park in events long term and I I think the playground is in a good place now I don't think bringing the playground anywhere near the water is a good idea you know I mean I've had a lot of kids playing in playgrounds and I wouldn't want them anywhere near the water um playground wi or near all those cars and everything else so I think the playground location is fine um but I think that maybe you know you can move look at moving it over but I definitely think you should pick a plan go with it and build it as quick as you can you know I think this community will love it and uh it'll get well used once you figure out Austin seagull so I'm probably one of the only people in here that have kids that play baseball on those fields currently um I'm there all the time I can tell you and I'll preface what I'm going to say with I could care less about pickle ball I don't care if you put that pickle ball court on the moon um but where the proposed pickle ball court is on the west side parking doesn't come past that I've never seen cars pass that especi even on opening day just put that out there I again could care less about pickle ball the where it's at currently on the right side um the East Side uh that's probably going to interfere kids playing things like that what I did come up here to talk about is the lack of money that is going into the baseball field which I understand we have $200,000 going into a pickle ball you know pickle ball courts and I doubt there's SP $200,000 put into that baseball field in the past 15 years it's horrible the grass is nothing but Thorns there's pitching machines there that have been there since I was a kid that have not been maintained it's awful we have kids leaving in Exodus going to seamin to play we need to fix that and pickle ball it's more than likely a fad it's going to go away I would say um I appreciate people's enthusiasm about it but we have something there that's not maintained at all the parents the volunteers they do the best they can but we have major issues at the baseball field that we need to address and but we're proposing $200,000 per pickle ball of the town's money I think we need to reevaluate that I understand we've already kind of allocated those funds but you guys are doing the the kids a disservice by not addressing that that is my biggest concern where you put these pickle ball courts I could care less but we need to address the baseball fields and get those fixed currently how the parking is yeah it's a mess but this parking lot on the right the East Side you have 11 spots for boats that's ridiculous Bishop Park is at Max Capacity almost every week weekend I mean this really needs to be redesigned I don't know who did this but uh it looks like something my two-year-old Drew I mean this is just completely ridiculous um you know maybe reduce it to four pickle ball courts I understand people want eight not sure you're going to have enough people out there to play on eight pickle ball courts and if we keep up with them like we do the baseball fields then they're probably going to be you know defunct in very short order so that's ahead um I'd like I was out there this weekend for the the boat races and I did take a good long walk around the baseball facilities they definitely have to go to the top of the list for maintenance for allocating money for them they're in sad sad shape um and did I hear you right that you do not see a parking problem for the baseball if we put it on our left the parking lot is paved it's taken all the Green Space the boats used to park at one end and all concrete The Pavilions were on the other end with parent the parent those Pavilions are used all the time the three that you decided to get rid of the two ones by the pickle bable courts the four that are on the um Waterway and they need repair someone's going to get hurt but besides that that is not sufficient 12 parking spaces for four Pavilion for the beach is not enough and you can't expect parents with children to park at the other area and walk their children on that black top to the beach that's wrong and those children would run from the beach area to the playground area and the parents would sit in those Pavilions that you want to knock down and watch the children run and play they play ball with a pick ball um um is allocated right now you have many many families and children and teenagers playing ball there and they use that area that entire are they they running throw the football how how far space do you need for football you're taking all that area away and it's not what the citizens want and where are the boers going to go 11 parking spaces for 11 Boat Trailers there's 22 there some we and there's more than 11 there every weekend you're doing your community disservice and you're supposed to be here for the community you're supposed to be here for the citizens you've got to think about the citizens of this town you've got to think about the children of this town you're destroying an area what you need to do is add more Pavilions fix the ones that are there make it more more for the families so they can have more people people come to those P Pavilions that you want to knock down during the week they eat there they come because they just want to get away and they sit at the Pavilion and they have their lunch you're going to knock them down you knocked four down already there's four Pavilions already gone now you're going to take another three away I don't understand I don't understand can you explain this to me why you would want to take that area away it's a beach it's for p families it's for boers it's for children it's for teenagers The Pavilion can be full of teenagers ready to go out in their boats and when they come back they're playing ball out there the whole entire area is being used for the pickle bow courts are and Pavements being used and you're taking all that away it's just wrong it's really wrong and I have 501 signatures that want the pickle ball relocate and they're the citizens of your community as well thank you Mr Mayor members of the council Ray Royce C Lake clet citizen again I think what's important to remember is that the proposed location is part of an overall plan that's been discussed for four or five years now and former administrator Williams worked on it Mr McCarthy's worked on it we've had it with the Consulting Engineers they've worked on it we're creating this plan creates new parking places that are adjacent to The Pavilions and the restrooms um the parking lot is you know improvements and so this was a comprehensive idea how to improve that entire area I've heard people mention well there's not room you know for no boat parking undoubtedly there's probably not but we don't park boats in that area where the pickle ball Port courts are proposed for there's no Boat Trailers ever parked there where is plenty of in that lower I think Mr McCarthy referred to it that lower tier area U south of the pickle ball court area there's plenty of room there for pickup football tossing you know those kinds of things this is an area this is a part of a plan that was put in to place to improve this entire beachfront area we added several years ago the second Pavilion we redid the bathrooms there the idea was to continue to enhance this area we're making again as I said earlier very slow progress in this regard and so I would encourage you I mean what impresses me is we've gone through this process and we've garnered basically a half a million dollars of state and County funding to move forward with this project and I would hope that you all would move forward with this project and that we not not do something because perhaps once a year we have an event that requires some parking I still think there'll be plenty of parking frankly the new paveed parking lot by the pickle ball courts will make that area area more accessible for overflow parking um thank you hi good evening my name is Carolyn Morrison and I'm the president of lake ples and I also threw my name in the Hat to be on the r Pac so this uh topic tonight which I think it was listed on the agenda as Lake June Park master plan and location of amenities roads and parking but I think we've got real hung up on on just pickle ball and I can tell there's a lot of passion in the room about pickle ball I love pickle ball I want to play pickle ball I want to get better at it um but I think a lot of I and I've spoke with several council members about this I'm actually one one of the people who brought up why couldn't we look at other areas in the park do are we really stuck on that location because every time I drive by I think gosh is that really the best place for it and a lot of people brought up a lot of good points uh and I definitely think we need to move forward with this project but I think Mr LeBron brought up a good point of why couldn't we do it you know in a little bit different location coming straight you know South um this doesn't look like this picture does not look like a master plan for a park to me and I understand that we spent years of this being in the making but Mr Roy just brought up a good point we're spending over $600,000 on this and I thought the gentleman in the back brought up a lot of good points about the baseball fields um we can't focus in on one specific element of the master park or the Lake June Park master plan I think we do need to look at other things so maybe we do need to have a public meeting like Miss Charles just mentioned to address this and and bring in all parties that you know we've got baseball interest and we've got boating interest and we've got parking interest and we've got you know every other part of the interest because I when miss uh eart brought up the point of why don't we buy a little bit of acreage and make a parking lot there I thought wow that sounds like a great idea there's a lot of great ideas but I think it's been so fragmented over the years and now people are just so emotional about it we're just literally spinning and spinning and spinning so I would ask that the council take into consideration a serious master plan and look at collectively all the different agencies that use Lake June Park and what the impact will be on them whether it's baseball whether it's boating and whether it's pickle ball all of us have an vested interest in making this the best possible park for Lake uh Lake plet thank you human beings have been swimming and boating since Cleopatra had a bar it's a natural I would like to see it expanded there's only three picnic areas right next to the water when I was out there watching the the boats this weekend all the children were playing in front and their parents were right behind it in in those Cabanas whatever you call them it was safe play it's the way people naturally are if you're going to build a a a brochure about Lake plet would you show its waterfront would you show the people having a good time would you show the Boating certainly would because I see a lot of boats out in that Lake in the weekend they come from somewhere so and myself I got a doc I live in the water I don't you know really I don't care I don't play pickall either but how about the people who can't afford that stuff how about the people in this town that the beach is the only place they've got to go I don't see anybody thinking about them so that's my 25 cents thank you no we're done twice no more I just to um you know I've thought a lot of course we've all thought a lot about this we've heard a lot about it I'm gonna let you all decide I'm gonna let you all decide the location but I I got to thinking about our town and our demographics and who do we represent okay so Kevin help me pull up the Census records and we don't have anything and I know everybody just jumps up and down when I say elderly but this started off pickle ball started off as an elderly sport it's the one few sports that really older people seem to be able to get out and play and really recreate so the statistics back then showed 65 and older not 60 and over not 55 and older but 65 and older 24.5% of our town population is in that age bracket and we have nothing for them to recreate I mean they could go in the lake and swim or something but you know we don't have to we we don't even have well we tenants court so I'm just saying I do see this pickle ball as something we can offer the elderly and I'm not discounting that we need to look at the ball fields we need to make sure and um Mr Roy said it we put this stuff in we are a tiny town I don't know if you know we're probably like maybe 2500 people and we're doing these we do all these projects we get this stuff in then we have to take care of it so we have to keep our eye on the with that for the maintenance absolutely but we've got the money for this it does serve the population that we really need to have something for so I see it as a good thing and something that rounds out our Recreation for all of our population Marlene Barger and again I just want to add that this isn't about whether whether you want pickle ball courts or not this is really about where you put pickle ball courts nobody's against pickle ball courts and quite frankly wherever you put the pickle ball courts courts they ought to be painted for both tennis and pickle ball because people still play tennis the point that was just made about children and families this is the only place this is the town's only waterfront property right on the water it makes no sense whatsoever to just say well let's put pickle ball courts there and pave it over oh and you only have 11 spaces for trailers I go down there on weekends and I find 22 24 boats and trailers I'm not even sure an architect drew that line if you consider Trucks towing boats if they can even maneuver in there with everything that's paved over we need to think about the people of the town the children of the Town grandparents want to take their kids down there parents want to take their kids down there and it's fine for those of us that live on the water but it's not fine for people who don't live on the water and don't have access to the water they want to go down there and enjoy it so all we're saying is relocate them you still get to keep the grant you're just relocating it to another location in the park and that way all of you who are supposed to be serving the families and the residents of Lake plastic can do that by saying we've got pickle ball courts over here we're going to maintain this weekend was amazing how many cars were there they were parked all over the place you can have events like that more often TDC we have people on TDC that will be thinking more creatively about what we can bring to town let's not lose our Prime waterfront property no one ever sold it that we're going to put pickle ball pts on Waterfront you may have sever but on the beach most people have no idea what they were talking where that was going to go when they talk about we've been talking with this for years and years the first time I ever first of all I was accused of going and attending all of the Town Council meetings for the last four years that's not true I didn't attend in this hallway a meeting until last August my first time here attending a meeting at this location more importantly if you go back and look at the notes I think it wasn't until December of 2022 pickleball courts actually we had a diagram of something that came before The Town Council in May of 2023 another plan and it was at 400,000 then by the summer of 203 I think summer of 23 in July if I'm correct it was like 400 some thousand for the pickle ball courts by the time we got to May of this year was $800,000 $700,000 and taking up all the diagram was totally different than what had been seen before it was suggested earlier that there should be a special town hall meeting a special town hall meeting was never held for discussion of this and it's not say people are not going to come and say we don't want pick a bar courts they're going to come and say let's put it in a location that's amable so everybody walks away satisfied you got pickall courts here you got paring over here and you've got access to the beach you shouldn't have to send people from the town of Lake plet over to Bishop Park to have a waterfront vacation better to do it right in Lake June right in Lake classid thank you sir we got to cut this off we're going be here I just wanted to address what Miss Worley said I appreciate your comments on you elderly focusing something to do um but whenever you look at who's going to that field Who's down there kids there's not elderly down there unless they're there to watch their kids play baseball so I appreciate that I'm not arguing the pickle ball courts not arguing you know anything like that but I think you just need to take into consideration there's not elderly folks down there playing soccer they're not down there you know playing baseball they may be putting their bass boat in or something like that but we just need to take that into consideration I appreciate the time thank you and appreciate anything the town can do to you make that baseball field better all right I have one more thing I've been so good tonight I haven't said much at all but I'm going to blow it right now um I take offense to the fact that you come up here and you say that we don't have anything for the children because we do we have just sat here and talked about six different parks in our town and how the different amenities that we're going to have on those don't don't shake your head at me I got it in the minutes okay the amenities are coming they're not here now they're in the minutes they're in the budget if they're not in the town budget they're in the CRA budget and she still shakes her head at me I don't sit up here to lie okay I don't get paid to sit up here and I don't get paid to sit up here and get called a liar this is what is going on in our town right now from the time I came on this Council I thought once something was was duly done and discussed I thought once something was duly done and discussed in a council meeting it was in the books and we went forward well I found out that's not the case so we've started over again with the police department we're about 6 or eight months behind now in the police department and the money keeps going up what Miss bargar said is absolutely right about the pickle ball courts when we started them they were a whole lot less than they are now and now you want to start them all over again by golly folks if you really want to move on in this County at some point you just have to say I did it give it my best shot and this is where we are okay and the more times you come to that counter that that that microphone up there and you say the same thing over and over and over again it's still not going to make it any more right and I'm still saying that we keep the pickle ball courts right where they are we've had all this discussion two years ago it was duly vetted leave them right where they are you don't want to take pickle ball and me mess with it over with the baseball and I agree we need to do more with baseball but we got to do one thing at a time and we got to get off dead center appr add but now I'd like to make a motion regarding location [Music] of all motion K repeat I appreciate your guys all the work you put in I've I've seen the application for the grant what went into it um but I'm trying to get to a resolution everybody is happy so my motion is that we move the the pickle ball courts to the leftand side and if we find there is not enough parking or beforehand we ask for either to buy or donate a chunk of land for extra parking and let's and let's get on with it this my motion to move it to the left side to the note take it away from the original site move it to the left hand side to the to the West South West to um uh Jacobs to Jackson Road area that satisfies the people who want the green space then there's no more discussion about noise impact and it they still leaves I that's my motion move the the pickle ball court to the Jackson Road location I I'll second that I mean we've got the [Music] money and if it fits there then we can move on with that and then separately we need to have discussions on the ballparks and just a a lot of you know there's a lot of comments that are being made on Facebook so the good news is the town is now participating in what they want and the activities they want and the master plan however we got to where we are that's where we are we've got the money approved and if it fits over in that location I think that solves the concern that I had and that has been provided to me from when we did our door knocking before elections a lot of people are opposed to pickle ball courts altoe because of the lack of other youth activities and that but so I'll Second That Emotion that second that sounds like a song doesn't I'll second that motion few quick comments and personally I don't care where you build it just so I make that perfectly appear my job here is provide information I'll provide pros and cons but my first comment is to you from baseball over six months ago I met with the the president of your board and asked for all the concerns that the baseball league might have so that we could address them for the baseball league I got no response back we had a sit down meeting I had no response so that is baseball's fault that we have no input from baseball it takes communication this takes communication from your board you had your time let me give you mine I met with the president of your board happy to meet we have a new Town Administrator but I'm still happy to meet any time with the board I've been on the Dixie I've been on the Dixie league board little leag board in Clon served my time I'm all about the kids and all about boards my son's on that board now in coleston so I'm very familiar with baseball boards and what goes on batting machines are responsibility of the board so if they need to be replaced that's a board raise that's why you have the concession stand and raise money so get involved happy to have a meeting we can resolve issues at baseball but it takes communication so on that subject that's all I have to on that one um one side of the other doesn't matter to me Jackson Road you may get a plan the uh to buy more property the smokes have been very generous in in accommodating that so I don't have if you have a plan they had a plan to develop that I don't know where it's at doesn't matter to me um Mr LeBlanc had a uh suggestion to move them on that or close to the same site but just shift it over so you other parking or cleared part of that space again not a problem if you wanted to add extend Heartland Boulevard straight across and open up um a curb cut here you could park in all of this screen space if you wanted to again the there was a motion there was a second there was a vote to place the pickle ball courts where they are in the middle metal motion you have a motion to move and that's fine primary concern I still have which you still have to address is we have to move forward in design we have to do um so when you decide if you want to move the playground to anywhere other than it is I still need you to make that decision so we can design parking that is a conceptual design talk about eight 11 slips that was what originally planned in 2006 this has not changed in 18 years master plan since 2006 with voting there provides 86 spots if y'all go on a baseball night and count like I did I've been down there multiple times for baseball nights you'll find that there's about 80 cars parked on that side and there's 40 to 50 parked on the other side on an even night at baseball so count the cars look at the parking we have we did a full month of car counts and boat counts on the big weekends July 4th Labor Day weekend Memorial Day weekend that Park is packed there's no delineated parking so they take up space where you can put four boats if you have a delated space you'll get one or two because they don't park next to each other they split up so parking can certainly be changed the configuration can be changed but we do need to move on and so yall make a decision where you want the pickle ball courts make a decision please where you want the playground that um so we can move forward with design and start working towards a solution okay moot in a second yes yes Kevin would it make sense if we have a I mean we've got a good lot of good input here but a workshop also for um the parking and that I mean I do like the comment that was made about a master plan and I get it 18 years ago there was a plan but that plan didn't have pavement down at the water so there was a lot of things that have changed and you know the best laid plan I don't want to go I don't want to fight on the 18-year-old plan versus now but I really like the idea of having an open special meeting a workshop for the public to bring their ideas and that so that we can then you know start listening and openly getting some feedback so that we can design a master plan or if it needs to go get more land Mr Wilson mentioned that last time maybe we need no there's bathrooms there there's bathrooms right there they be unlocked for public use yeah I mean it literally brings up the whole question of are we going to charge fees no they're going to be lighted what about bathrooms are the bathrooms going to be open 24 hours then because it's not like with the baseball they have clubs that have the keys to the bathroom but that's the question who gets the keys because these are individuals playing on any of the bathrooms I mean there's a whole bunch of administrative questions you know on the overall usage of the pickle ball as we're going into evening hours of um the restrooms right because the difference is the ball fields have the keys to the restrooms and so they lock up when they're done this isn't clubs these are individuals that'll be coming in play and so there's going to be a lot of administrative questions because social use than organized Sports use I I'm just wondering and I just the feed not to my knowledge there's pickle ball there but the but this is going to be open for recreation for anybody so I have a question how can I how can I be assured that what we just voted on is going to really go because what I next Mon and say I've got 6000 signatures of people that want to move the we can here minutes mingle and how come what Assurance do I have right now we lbody l comes in and says we want to move these over here now the very move over here what if now we say we have this worksh and people pickle players come and say I think could we move on to the playground because I think we need to know we you know we need to make some decisions about just about the playground too where is it gonna go um I don't know if we need to do that tonight because Kevin just mentioned if we're going to restart reconfiguring things but um let's just talk next about the fight okay we we voted on the pickle ball let's let's just go to playr we can move on to that and we can revisit the other yes so that was that was the question on the playground if you want to leave it in the same place if you're planning on moving it if you're going to reconfigure this entire part um then I guess that's another you can Workshop anything you want this commission this councel decision and we'll just put everything on hold somebody's going to have to you want to do a workshop I don't know what you want for presentations when you talk about Paving by the water you complain about potholes up there and boat trailers and if you're going to have Paving you have to have boat traffic if you look at boat Ranch anywhere around the state we happen to have a very large one in Clon because we do 400 boat Fass tournaments you need boat circulation this is designed for boat circulation if you want to do something different then you're going to need to get somebody in there I don't know if you want six or eight 10 different plans I don't know how you arrive at that um to where you get situation I guess if y'all want a a plan with 20 votes I think we've talked about that a while back if you want a 20 vote plan then we need a 20 vote plan if you want a 40 vote plan the council needs to come to some decisions and say I want a 20 vot plan or I want a 40 vot plan or I want a 50 vote plan or the councils for the last 18 years have said I want an 11 vote plan so this Council needs to make a decision about what they're going to do because staff cannot keep redoing plans and have any hope of moving forward on any of this clerk um what was the last motion the last motion no no then it said then I said does it make sense to have a um a workshop on the the the um the paving right because the the parking keeps coming up and then broaden that of the master plan not the pickup all they set but you know um there's somebody also who's starting some activity and Survey of other amenities that they would like in that part so me it's always good get the public input get what you want and let's determine where would it be that park or many parks and that so you know so it was just a pickle ball set pickle ball set yeah but if we come in here with a master plan and master Dees exactly it's included in it the public to come out let's get the public let's not just fill this room Point let's get the that's all I'm I don't think her 500 signatures she had was Lake June point I heard all no the signatures that she just turned in heard all so back to the playground this well no I think Kevin needed a decision did you are you're good to go on the playground no you haven't made any decision on the playground but if you want to redesign it then we will we'll apply for the grant with it where it's at and if we get the grant you got time you'll just what we will not to start is design on any of it including your pickle ball courts unless you're going to put Paving over there on the pickle ball side so you're until you make final decisions we're hampered doing thing on this design because the and I'm sorry to say it but the entire premise of your survey is based on a lie there was a master plan there's been a master plan for 18 years there um there is parking and there's Green Space parking on on that piece of it we are tearing down two of The Pavilions there's four four Pavilions by the lake not three there's four Pavilion by the lake those are still there the other two Pavilions are still there they're shown in the square and we were building a new one as part of the parking plan so you're going to have to redesign and decide what you want for parking which was part of the grant pickle ball courts are not 700,000 800,000 they never have been 800,000 and they keep putting that out to the public that it is is a lie pickleball courts are still the 450,000 that was originally proposed by Phil this two years ago the quote to build the pickle ball courts without lighting is $250,000 and you have $200,000 Grant the other piece of it is you're going to have to build a retention Pond when you build pickle ball courts so I will say that I don't care if you go pickle ball courts don't pickle ball courts I am offended that the public will continue to lie and do surveys that are based on a lie so the survey is based on a lie you the real answers and the real statements and do it on that but you cannot move forward on the project until you decide what the project is so you completely changed the presentation that was done on the project once you decide that then the project willward that it's going to I'm confused about why they're less desirable it's because there are no Pavilion or because and okay so okay now there's a concession stand there and there are bathrooms but they're exclusively for the baseball people I was I was just down there on Saturday they're over here right but is what's over here tiny little tiny little concession St there's nothing there this is all just dirt guys we've been hours we I don't know what we're moving on to the [Music] do you think that we could move two and interal service boundary and theater ass man to we have a meeting on Monday these two have been advertised and okay it's already on our calendars those are the last three items right two three four so I'll go in real quick um you can get to the right sorry I don't have it on agenda item the interlocal service agreement boundary service agreement um real quick so y'all can make a decision I don't know what that timeline is but I know we're on a timeline that we have to answer the county if we want to enter into a uh good evening the uh town of aan Park City of aan Park asked the county to negotiate an interlocal service boundary agreement which addresses annexation um it will ultimately include road maintenance it will address Utility Services the county said and mainly with between the county the Sebring and and aan park the county said bring in Lake plid as well so we got invited into the discussion we'll not impact us regarding the boundary between Sebring and aan Park which is kind of the hot issue but it may and most likely will impact us when it comes to local road maintenance within our community uh we also need to have that discussion with the county regarding sewer lines we're building a plant the plan as you know was to run the sewer lines out around the town that I'm sorry around the Lakes that's in County territory we've already gotten a resolution from the county saying yes they'll cooperate yes they want us to do that um we've proceeded but we still an interlocal agreement regarding the lines themselves and how that will be administered by the town in the county so those are the three things we need to address I would recommend that you adopt the resolution approving uh going forward with these discussions the Count's invited I think it would be in inappropriate to say no we don't even want to go to the table and talk so you've got two resolutions one says yes one says no behind them you got the law That's the basis of these discussions it sets out the time L line you actually have 60 days to reply you could delay your response until next month I won't be here to answer questions then um we'll talk about that next uh in addition I've also attached to this the interlocal agreements that exist today regarding our acquisition of the uh Highway Park and to mocha Water Systems to create the lake pla Regional utility the interlocal agreement regarding fire protection we're the only c town that does not have a fire department um because we rely on the county via interlocal agreement so I'm showing you all the stuff we have done in the past um there's a little more to do but we're in in my opinion in pretty good shape with the county I recommend approval of the one saying let's go to the table I make a motion that we approve this resolution and and you can withdraw it anytime I I'll say with the idea that we can withdraw with any time and while I've got the m just as my second I just want to say I think that we got in the middle of AV Park and Sebring fight because we cannot understand I said I think we got in the middle of a park and sebrings fight because they're running together and they've got to make some decisions with themselves and the county um but I still I have only had this since Friday and this is a major major decision what we're doing here so I'm seconding it to move forward but I haven't really digested this at all and I'm if Mr Roy has anything to say about this I don't know if he has any clue but I didn't invite his comment just a quick comment if I may this just enters us into the negotiations just to the conversation there's no nothing bad about it Mr Mayor since Miss Worley asked this is definitely something you all should approved this is something that the Town Administrator the town attorney need to be fully engaged in as Mr McCarthy said this is just allowing your staff to go start to have these conversations and you do not want to not be part of this thank you very very much yes yes yes yes now the Wastewater Asset Management plan we can put off till next month that's fine no problem issues on that we are on a timeline but next month it's fine so and why don't you go ahead and do that unless somebody's got questions that's just says you're going to maintain your Wastewater system there's been an analysis of the condition of each of the widgets and it puts you on a timeline to do so change does it change your rates it does not there is no requirement for rate change there is a requirement for us to pass this by D or you will not qualify for any grants uh Florida Royal Water prepared this for us on our behalf it doesn't bind us to anything accept a plan not rate changes not that we're going to spend x a number of dollars it makes recommendations so it doesn't bind us to anything other than if we want Grant funds from be um and we do I'm gonna make a motion that we approve the Wastewater Asset Management plan I just want to say I noticed that everybody really had to do a lot of hard work on this and I appreciate rur water for coming in and helping us out so so is Staff in our town attorney recommending absolutely have to yes yes yes and the last thing on the agenda was the rack committee remember we postpone this we have one applicant and we heard from her earlier tonight so uh that's we were looking for a motion to approve the um arack recommendation for Council appoint cint the arac recommendation if I understand it correctly is that Dana as the alternate again thinki and we've it again she is the only one that come the applic and she FKS or lake lake Jun point is within Lake CL but lake is more than Lake Jun and the only I would request is that anybody that is taking any position look at the enre Town the entire town a lot of people anybody else but I will make motion to approve second can can we read what the motion is member and Dana as the alternate okay yes yes I am mindful that the council does not like last minute additions but I've got one I hope you find it appropriate a year ago we objected to some of the construction on 27 by do at the two traffic lights they are converting those sections to concrete that will be a major reconstruction we'll lose Landscaping I went to whining around about losing Landscaping found out a week ago they're coming back with a million five budget for landscaping that will renovate the Landscaping up and down 27 in a couple of ways one when we put it in 30 years ago 25 power long de remembers the rules were different now we've got certain things in the center of that road that do not fit um that are not qualified there was a car wre in I want to say Fort waterdale where a highway patrolman was chasing Somebody went dead into a tree and died and Fort Lauderdale wrote a check so they will be updating so we comply in Fort Lauderdale they did not and that's the reason they had to pay for example The perus Palms that's uh paletas that look like 20 no longer legal in the middle they come out in that location ironically some of the oak trees get to stay I don't understand it it's witchcraft but it's following their rules and their writing the check in life is really good I I would ask you to authorize the mayor to sign the letter proposed by the fdot staff so that the fdot staff can prepare the appropriate plans and bring them back to you for approval so so moved what B said second thank pess somehow in this Kevin you were talking while ago about oh misinformation on social media The public's going to hear that the town has a million dollars for landscaping then there'll be a Feeding Frenzy over here they have a million dollars for trees and landcap aping and we can't get a splash pad a dog part somehow component has to be tied together with with facts I mean straight on fact so I would just add I that was a ice tea Grant I mean there's so many things that are tied the Landscaping on 27 that was a federal ice te Grant but anyway moving forward how does it get so it doesn't lies aren't spread I was at Publix and rosemary approached me to sign the petition I'll let her speak I said and I I said I don't think it's that way she kept on the thing she told me was not I sit here all the time I read the packet it was not true so how do I don't know how you get move forward how do you combat it when when things get like go viral or it's some sensation and and facts aren't listed to go along with a dollar amount and the budget isn't included who's going to pay for it sorry I'm yelling not yelling but I'm just saying these are the things you got somehow this Council has to it's a component of it would it be fair to say you support the motion but but want us to do a better job of telling the Public Communication the communication source of the money which is the Department of Transportation right we've talked about communication and him and I have talked about that we need to do better job of better job of communication but we don't know what that means that's for another but I'm glad you brought it up yes else down here got anything I'm good I'm good Z Where We Are dep are com went to the drag races they love L class they like to come back we have some issues with some of the county rules and regulations but it was a fabulous couple days no anybody else have anything com before Council hello everyone I'm Margaret deer and unfortunately here I'm at the end of another contentious meeting I really appreciate the service that everybody has up there but I watched a fellow citizen be chastised by a member of staff I heard a council person has a serious prejudice against other Citizens We're Here to try to get along let's stop and think Kevin I understand your frustration with what's going on about the pickle ball but at no point does anyone correct anybody and say hey no it's only $450,000 for pickle ball the rest is for parking that distinction is not made and that onus cannot only be on citizens so I'm just asking please can we do a better job of understanding and communicating I mean it was like a Dagon circus of people walking up here unacknowledged and it's uncomfortable and it's it's uncomfortable for us who those of us who are dedicated to trying to help our cause I want to work with all of you I think the world of all of you and I am incredibly grateful for your service but I think if we all watched the meeting we'd think maybe we could have done things a little bit differently thanks let's go home thank you there's nothing else Council